Journey to Truth

EP 136 - John Desouza - Disclosure Is Upon Us - What To Expect

Originally aired on 7/13/21
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John DeSouza:
John is an author, a retired FBI Special Agent working counter-terrorism and violent crimes for over 20 years; maintaining a top secret security clearance during his time in the U.S. government. He was an attorney and legal advisor for the FBI specialization in criminal law and evidence. After some strange personal experiences , he decided to use his skills to investigate the unexplained. What he calls true life X-Files, written and documented in his books, The Para-Investigators and The Extra-Dimensionals. Agent John DeSouza eventually became known as the X-Man.

Author and Presenter

1h 18m
Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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Sorry, man, sorry. Go ahead. Sorry. I just want to make sure that people can hear us, and then we'll get going. So, yeah, we're getting ready to leave tomorrow morning ahead to East SETI, then we're going to Sedona for their great family light gathering, which apparently you're jealous that we're going to be there. I am so jealous, man. I'm so upset. You wasn't-- Yeah. I'm going to miss my workouts with Troy. That's the main thing. The main thing I want to do out there is Sedona on the Sedona Mountains, Red Reg-- Red Majestic Mountains of Sedona, beautiful. Yeah, guys, tickets are still available for that conference. If you want, the link is below. Grab a ticket, come hang out with us. A lot of great speakers, Kate Waking, Alara, Matthew Mornian, Health Nuts. What's that guy's real name, do you know? Troy. You mean Troy? Troy. So, did you just see-- I just saw on Instagram somebody-- they posted a video of him. There's a monsoon hitting Sedona right now, and he's riding his bike through it on the side of the road. He's crazy. [LAUGHTER] That sounds like Troy Casey, yep. Yeah. So, guys, if you want to grab a ticket, it's not too late. They're going to be available all the way up into the last minute. So, if you have a last-minute change of heart and you want to come, there's room, there's room for you. So, yeah, we're looking forward to that. John. Dude, what is going on in the world right now? This is shit. Tell us what's going on, John. [LAUGHTER] Tell us what's happening. You know, we're in it, man. It's hard because, you know, we're laughing and happy, but, you know, we're standing in the final battle for the existence of mankind, you know, we're in it, man. This is it. This is-- and all the globalists have accelerated all of their plans, everything that they had for like the next 30 years to destroy us and to conclude our existence. They've basically-- because they've been attacked, the globalists, the, you know, whatever you want to call them, the 12 families, the Central Rangers, the cabal, because they've been attacked so hard in the last, you know, four years, five, six years, they have basically just decided to let all the horses go loose and just try to get everything done at one time. Yeah. And it is insane. Yeah. It is insane because everything that we see going on in the world is actually connected to everything else that is going on, and people don't know that. They just see stuff happening, and they're like, oh, yeah, these four African presidents just got assassinated and killed in different African countries. Yeah. I guess I don't know what that's connected to. What a coincidence. What a coincidence that those are the only four countries that have absolutely refused to get the jab. Their presidents have refused to allow the jab to come into their countries and against and be used against their citizens. And now suddenly all four of them, I think it was three a little while ago, now it's up to four, four guys that they just mysteriously all died, unbelievable. At the same time, around the same time, roughly the same time. Yeah. You know what's interesting? You said it's all tied together. And it truly is. I mean, we talk about everything on this show, and I've come to realize that once you understand that it is all tied together, everything from the election to the secret space program and everything in between there, it's all tied together. And even the even the great UFO fear campaign that we see going on now with the both government and black parts of the Pentagon and to the Stars Academy and and many other players that are working this work in this UFO tick tacks are here to destroy to destroy humanity and all that. That is connected to all of this stuff too. And it's just, you know, it's just it's hard to work that out, unless you really look at it with an investigator's eye and really see clues and patterns and things connecting one to the other to the other. Yeah. And it's it's very apparent that, you know, this UFO report and all this stuff, they're basically just trying to figure out a way to do it without blackmailing themselves. Because, you know, they'll be telling themselves, you have all these people in power who don't want to get hung, you know, for for if they go if they come out and say that they've known all this stuff the whole time, well, now the spotlight is going to be on them. These people have blood on their hands quite literally, you know, they had this technology all this time that could have saved millions of lives. Yeah. And they've had it this whole time since Roswell, since, you know, World War II, and they've had it and they've never used it because they they are believers in deep population, just like what's going on now with the death jab that's going around as well. And they had the audacity to throw the weather balloon in the report again. Yeah. And the new report, it's like get out of here with that still doing the weather. Still, so yeah, obviously we're getting like a dog and pony show with this, but what's the chatter anything going on behind the scenes that might not be so apparent to the public as far as the reason this disclosure is being pushed at this time. Yeah, they are what's behind the scenes is this enormous, this enormous psychological operation that involves parts of what I call the black parts of the Pentagon, the black parts of government as well, the deep state and even private corporations as well that are involved in this as well. And, and when I say, and when I say black, I mean compartmentalized above top secret parts of the government parts of the Pentagon that are unaccountable to anybody and they have unlimited money, unlimited resources, and they can do whatever the hell they want. That's the black parts of the Pentagon that are working against against the people basically against everybody. And and they are working in concert with a lot of mainstream media elements too. And that's why you see that's why you see mainstream media, mainstream media that suddenly after 50 years or since Roswell suddenly just has done an about face and now says, oh, all of these tic tacs are are are possibly real are possibly genuine UFOs genuine extraterrestrial vehicles. And they are also proof and then they use that CIA mind control phrase. They're also proof that we may not be alone in the universe, yeah, because they all have these special codewords that they use. And that's how you can recognize them that they're in this operation. And the code word, the code phrases are unknown alien phenomenon, unknown aerial vehicles, unknown aerial phenomena, and unknown aerial threats, UAT, unknown aerial threats. That's their favorite. That's one of their favorites. But also also and they'll always use that that phrase. This is proof that we are possibly not alone. That's a CIA phrase because it doesn't come right out and say directly, Oh, these are these are alien vehicles, you know, but it taps into parts of your brain that automatically assume that well, yeah, it's got to be it's got to be alien vehicles genuine alien vehicles at this point. But they're not, they're absolutely not, they're actually, they're actually pretty much United States super weapons, super weapons. And they are, they are, they are in the US Navy. And that's why the US Navy is suddenly after the after the United States Air Force has been in charge of UFOs for 50 years. Now suddenly the US Navy, for some reason, is in charge of UFOs. What do you think? What do you think that's about? I mean, besides the fact it's because it's because the United States Navy is in charge of legal affairs and high level secrecy for the entire military, for the entire country. That's why. Well, yeah, they were, they were, you know, leading the way for the secret space programs. According to William Tomkins, it was all the Navy, everything was a Navy and the Air Force was more like Project Blue Book and they were focused on the cover up. And you know, there was like two, there was two whole narratives going separate ways, you know. Right. And that's because the US, the US Air Force has always been in charge of UFOs. The word aerial is a dead giveaway in all these titles. It's aerial, it's aerial phenomena. So of course, the Air Force has to be in charge of this stuff. And the fact that they're suddenly not tells you something weird is going on. Something that now the US Navy is in charge of all this stuff, it's like what's going on and what's going on is these things are top secret weapons that the United States has now, but there's a battle going on between the White Hats and the Black Hats in our government to have total control over the tiktaks and all the tiktak vehicles. That's another part of this that's going on. And it's, it's a desperate fight because these things, the capabilities that these things have has was last seen by, by Admiral Robert Berg, who if you see some pictures of him, he has the most haunted face because this guy, this guy saw his entire flotilla destroyed by these, these UFO like tiktaks back in the way that I think was in 1933, which is what happened in 1946, actually was operation in high jump 33. Yeah, he went to he first went to Antarctica in 29 and then he went five times. He went five times after that before he six was high jump. That's the big one. Yeah. But do you think his diary was real, Ben? I would. I think so. I do. I mean, I've read so many other books like the Smokey God and other testimonies of inner earth, hollow earth civilizations that all kind of get, they're written as a true story, but they're put in a science fiction section, another bookstore, you know, it's up to you use your intuition, discernment, whatever I feel that there's something going on there. Yeah, I believe that his diary was real or at least parts of it were actually real from him because he spent his life not being able to talk about what happened. And I think it's very important for us right now to know what happened because it's probably going to get their trend. They're trying to get ready. The cabal is trying to get this UFO fear operation going and they're trying to gin up fear in the area of ophthalology, they're trying to take over ophthalgy, first of all, and they're having a lot of success with that amazing, and they're trying to take over ophthalgy and they're trying to raise up the fear levels around UFOs. What's his name? Renegade came out the other day and he just said, he just said, yeah, name of mama, all right? That's it. That guy. Yeah. That guy. The other day, yeah, this UFO problem looks really real and it's going to lead to a lot of increased defense spending and a lot of a lot of something else, he said some terror, a lot of increased terror on the parts of people and stuff like that. So he's fully aware of this operation and he knows what's going on with it. I believe that entirely. Yeah. It's like Hillary, Hillary also talked about it when she was alive as well. She talked about it and said that, you know, I love how you just said when she was alive. Yeah. Nice. I like how you just put that in there. No, it's so obvious. I've said some, I said stuff like that on mainstream shows out there and man, they are not, they go ballistic. Oh, yeah. They go crazy. You got it. Like they had Hillary on speed dial and they were going to get yelled at, they really got upset. If everything we know is true, they definitely have the technology, the cloning technology, body doubles, deep fakes, all this stuff. And you can even sometimes videos slip through the cracks and we can watch, you know, some of this stuff, how it works and how they pull it off and there's no denying that some of these people are just actors or something else at this point. The black military world and even the white hat military world at the highest levels, they have technology that's like a hundred years ahead of us, ahead of what we have. That's why they've got the jump pads, you know, the jump pads that I know you guys know what those are and those are used for, you know, possibly for off planet travel. You know, people are not, people are not ever going to be traveling anywhere with rockets, you know, when you see, when you see these, these billionaires putting together these rockets and all this stuff that supposedly is for interplanetary traveling, that's never going to happen. Those rockets are dominating, all those rockets and satellites are for dominating the airspace around the earth here because that's where the money is, that's where the power is to. Well, and they have to have, they have to have a fall guy and that's the space, that's NASA, that SpaceX, they have to have a legitimate program that looks like they're dumping millions of dollars into and really that money is getting funneled in the other programs. But some of it goes to that and there's real scientists involved in these programs who don't know any better, who are fully indoctrinated and they think they're working on cutting edge technology, when that's not the case, but you're not just compartmentalize. Yeah. Exactly. So yeah, it's, I don't even know where I was going with that, but I did want to go back to, you kept, you keep saying that, um, these UFOs are ours, right? Like the tic-tac and all this stuff. But that's just it. Like we know there's, there's ET races out there that exist and there's been sightings of that stuff. The ones they choose to show us, they know are from our own black budget programs. That's where this whole sci-op is. Yeah. Well, there's also the issue of, um, there's a lot of, like hybrid creatures that are often showed off by both sides as being aliens, but they're not, they're not really. They're like, uh, these hybrid created creatures that are, are, um, they're difficult to describe, but they're, they're just put together, they're just kind of put together and they could actually, they could actually look like, uh, like aliens on some level, but, uh, they don't have any real, uh, intelligence, uh, they're, they're hybrid creatures. And so that's a, that's a whole nother area to look into as well. If you, if you listen to like any testimony from, uh, whistleblowers from Dulce. Hey everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. Join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW group void. We're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply New Mexico. Apparently that base in particular is where so many of these experiments are taking place. Uh, and with make creating hybrid creatures that, uh, yeah, we would see them as monsters or ETs because we have no reference point for them when we see them. Right. You know, there's a, you know, anybody who knows me knows that I'm a big, uh, movie buff. And, uh, there's just a, there's a, there's a great, and, and also I have the knowledge that Hollywood works hand in hand with the cabal. I mean, just they work like movies, television, they work hand in hand with the call. And that doesn't mean that, you know, some, somebody from the 12th bloodlines is determining every movie that's created. Um, what they do is that Hollywood just does what they do. They create all kinds of movies, all kinds of television shows. But the green lights are given at the highest levels and the red, and the red ball stopping certain projects is also created from the highest levels. And those are the people who, uh, decide, you know, yeah, you know what, we're going to make this thing. And right now there's a movie out called, um, called tomorrow war with Chris cry. I watched that. Yeah. That's a debt. I mean, it's closer. Yeah. Holy crap. Talk about propaganda in that. Oh, yeah. Excellent movie. I recommend everybody sees it, but you got to see it with a little bit of awareness that you're being propagandized because, I mean, this, this movie, I can see why they put it forward right now. The whole thing is like a, it's like a commercial for science and scientists, the people who are murdering us right now. And I mean halfway through the movie, Chris Pratt actually says the words only the scientists can save us. Yeah. He goes into the laboratory and starts making up this thing. And which, which by the way, what, what, what actually ends up saving everybody, turns out to be a vaccine that they create. And then they actually take the vaccine, talk about graphic imagery. They take the vaccine. They inject it into the alien creatures, suppose it's a alien creatures and the creatures dissolves, like dissolves into nothing, like right in front of you, it's, it's gross and disgusting, but they're making a statement about these vaccines, they're programming something into us about these vaccines so that we will expect it when we see it. And, and the other point I wanted to make on that movie is that it showed a perfect example that they're thinking the whole time these creatures are the alien creatures, but then half, almost halfway through the movie, they find out that the aliens were actually other creatures that they found inside this ship that had been killed by these hybrid creature monsters that they, apparently the aliens creating for their purposes. Well, hopefully nobody has a guy, spoiler, spoiler, we forgot to say spoiler, no, but it says that spoiler warning, right? At the same time, I'm very considerate. I said it told you guys at the same time, there is tons of propaganda in that movie. There's also tons of disclosure, which, which if you're aware of like, that's usually how it is. Yeah. Yeah. So they're like showing you again, they have to tell you. So they're showing you everything we're capable of time travel, you know, sending, I mean, they perfectly depict what 20 and back would be like, although they, it's only in a seven day span, but they depict it like they're, they're seeding the subconscious mind with these ideas for, you know, obviously, there's like what are they called the continuing, continuing public acclimation program that was signed like in the 50s or something that where they have to like tell you what they're doing and slip, let things slip through the cracks. So it's just part of like, whatever, they have to do it. Yeah. And you know, there was another, there was another movie from a couple of years ago that was also a huge propaganda movie, and it was also with Chris Pratt, with Chris Pratt. And I think it was, it was, I don't, I barely remember the name was like journey or something like that. Oh, you're talking about the one with space travel one with Jennifer Lawrence. Yeah, for Lawrence. Yeah. It was like, yeah, in that movie, when I saw it, it was just, it was just like, Hey, you guys are all going to be going for space travel in the future. And this is how it's going to happen. And it was, and I can tell you guys do not ever go for space travel ever. There's nothing out there. There's nothing out there. And that movie showed it too, showed that there's nothing out there and there's, there's no reason to go out there and just getting locked into that, those stasis, things where you supposedly you go to sleep for like 20 years or so. That's insanity. Yeah. That's absolute insanity. They think that you, they think that we are rats, that we are rats and we're going to subject ourselves to this experimentation again, you know, when you say passenger is that's what that one's called? That's it. Passengers. Yeah. That movie, I told, I told my sons who are, who are not much younger than you guys. I told them, do not ever ever go for space travel under any conditions ever. Well, whenever, when you say there's nothing out there, don't go for space travel. I mean, that's under like the cabal, like under like our modern society. But I mean, there are until the cabal goes away. I mean, basically, we're not saying that there's not life on other planets and there's not other things to other places to visit. But no, I absolutely believe that there's not there's not life on other planets other than what we may have placed there, you know, human life that we may have placed on other planets at this time. But alien, alien races and alien visitors, they don't come from other planets in our system. They come through portals, they come from other levels of reality. They call it in the, in the ancient language, they call it the Vedas, the Vedas, other levels of existence where they use portals, just like it was shown in the, in that movie, they use portals, they come through portals, UFOs also come through portals and they come here. They can be here for a period of time and then they go back, they go back and they don't go into outer space, they don't go to other planets here, they go through the portals to other. I actually, I actually agree with you on that as far as like in our system, you know, maybe what maybe are like our the Milky Way and the nine planets and everything else like that might be yeah, if it's inhabited, it's by us and breakaway civilizations and space programs. But the real ETs, they're the higher density and stuff are coming, like you said from other galaxies or even another universe for all we know and they travel through the cosmic web in the portal system. But locally, I wouldn't imagine that we would find too much. I don't know though, other than our own stuff and then like obviously other like ET races that are already here on earth like reptile. Also there are, there are for instance, there are for instance the ruins of other civilizations and there's things that are left over from when there was another period of existence in our universe when aliens were allowed to be here when they were on in other places in this physical universe. But that was that was not during this matrix that was not. So that's why now there there are no other alien races in our physical density in our solar system, in our galaxy at all. So you're referring to the ancient, well some people call the ancient builder race. Yeah. Yeah. And others as well. Yeah. And they and it makes sense because apparently like they know very little about that civilization. And I think that's what some of these programs are doing within the SSP, you know, there's archeologists out there, geologists, you know, they're trying to discover or they're trying to figure out this race as well. Yeah. And speaking of archeologists, there is, there is another strong possibility that alien races which are not out in space, they're not in our space, but they may actually be within our inner space where hollow earth, actually hollow earth is real. And hollow earth is something that people can go into. And it apparently it leads into, it leads into 5D space where hollow earth is not a bunch of caves. It's not a bunch of caves or tunnels. It's actually leads into other universes, other universes and other other galaxies that are actually in there, not in a physical way, but in a 5D way. I believe that's another strong possibility as well. That lines up with like the smokey god and what it would make sense. It's like how we hear so many different accounts, like different civilizations down there. And like, I get to a point where like, okay, well, what's true because one person claims that this civilization exists on their Mount Shasta, but then you have another person that explains in earth entirely differently. So they might be going to a different dimension or a different density also. Exactly because those things could be absolutely connected. The thing I said about other levels of existence and hollow earth as well, those could be connected right to each other as well. You could be sitting in a jungle right now and you don't even know it because it's just it's in another dimension. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. So, so all of these things could actually exist. But the one thing I don't think really exists is is that I just don't think that there's aliens out there who I'm sorry, who but I said you said the one thing. You don't think exists. I said what Biden? No, Biden's clone does exist. He's out there. Yeah. I see him all the time. CGI. It's a look alike. It's a look alike or something. Yeah. It's a body. It's a lot. What are your thoughts on the on clones and in politics and even in Hollywood and did you ever come across any cases even in the FBI and, you know, that dealt with this type of stuff? Not the dealt with with clones and things like that, but, but there's, but you have to realize between Hollywood and politics, we have there's three types of creatures out there that are pretending to be, and possibly more, but, but three types of creatures. One is is clones that are used, but those have to be used, you know, way ahead of time where you know you're going to need this thing. And so you just start developing it and then you have it ready to take place. The other one is, is lookalikes, sorry, doppelgangers, doppelgangers that are that can be used with science or magic, interestingly enough, doppelgangers can be these sorts of creatures that can be real human beings or something else. And sometimes they use we talked about this technology that's way ahead of ours. They use these living silicone masks that actually have memory in them and have to be kept alive in a solution, some kind of a solution. And then they those masks can be put on the doppelganger and the, but they're usually used with the third kind of person, which are just lookalike actors, lookalike actors that use these masks and that are given put these masks on them to imitate the exact look of the person that they're imitating. And so that's the third kind, which are just actors out of work actors, just lookalikes. There's a big rabbit hole that Jim Carrey is playing Biden right now. He's been, you know, he's been off the scene. And what we know about Jim Carrey, if you've listened to any, watch any behind the scenes or documentaries or make making of movies, people always say that it's scary how he becomes the person that he is like he's, he's like incredibly talented, almost becoming somebody else. And he doesn't break character, even off camera. So if he's that good, he'd be the perfect candidate for somebody like Biden. And then we got disclosure of those masks you're talking about in Mission Impossible II. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. And they, in that movie, they also showed not just a mask, but they showed a little strip that they would put on the vocal cords on your neck and it would change your voice. Oh, wow. You know, we've got, we've got some intel in that the person who's actually, who's actually playing Biden right now is an actor, an out of work actor named Arthur. I'm trying to, I'm trying to find his, his, his information right now. But it's this, it's this actor who is actually wearing one of those masks I just told you about and that he is, and that he's 84 years old. And what they do was what they did like they did this with Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a, had a lookalike that was playing her for a couple of years, she was dead. So they actually have this actor named Arthur, who's a minor, minor actor in Hollywood. And he's 84 years old and they injected him with some, with dementia and some of the same conditions that Biden had. And then they made him look exactly like Biden. And people are saying, there is some intel we have that that's the actual guy that is up there at the Castle Rock studios at the fake White House pretending to be Biden right now. And, and this information has been around. And so I tend to think this, it's very possible that it's actually, it's actually true. Because the Jim Carrey theory, you know, it's, I don't see a successful actor doing one of these jobs, especially because when the role is over, they tend to, they tend to do away with the, the lookalikes. And that's just common sense. So I, as I don't see Jim Carrey doing that for that, just for all of us. Yeah, I mean, yeah, who knows it's just something I've been, I've heard, now, what do you think happened to the original Biden, you think he's dead? I heard rumors that he's been dead for a long time. Yeah, me too. That he's been dead. And again, I also heard rumors that they're keeping him alive in a hospital in Washington, Virginia area, that he had a massive stroke and he's being kept alive at that, at this hospital. And he just, and he like, he won't die, I guess is the problem. And he's just in a coma of some kind, and they just kept him there. You know, when you're dealing with, with Intel, you get a lot of different, different stories, and you have to consider the possibility any one of them could be true until you, until you finally get the reality of what's really happening. Yeah. Well, the biggest thing, I guess that we should be concerned about is that this is the face for our nation right now. You know, this is like, I don't even understand how they're pulling this off or why like people claim it's like a, a white hat operation, or you know, they're like trying to wake us all up, or I don't really understand how this is being allowed at this point. Like, what do you think is, where do you think we're going right now? Well, let me tell you a secret about that real quick, which is that I've been doing a lot of work with Japan. I've been doing this work with Brazil as well, and some other, and some other countries as well, where I do my lectures, my presentations, and other stuff as well. And I'll tell you right now, Russia as well, people in other countries, they don't believe for one second that that Biden is real or that Biden is actually president of the United States. Yeah, I really don't. I don't even. They absolutely do not Mexico, Russia, I mean, you know, Russia had some inter, Putin had some interchange with, and the media doesn't report this, but, but Putin said, who is this guy? This guy is kind of what, what is going on? Why do you have him here? The Mexican president had a, had a meeting with the vice, whoever, the Kamala, the Kamala character. Yeah. And he just said, what, what are you doing here? I'm not going to talk to you. You're not vice president of anything, you know, get the hell out of my office. And he basically threw her out of the office at Brazil and Japan. I mean, those people in that country, they're, they just look at us and they're just astonished. They're just look at us and they, especially because, and India, especially because they're really good with technology and they saw that inauguration that we saw. And they, they knew that was complete, fakery and CGI, CGI and nonsense. Yeah, that was, that was a joke. They're just, they're just amazed. Well, how, like, but here's my question. Why are they, why are they doing that? Why are they point? Why do they have to do that? And what's really happening? Like, is the military in control right now? I believe they are. Yes. I believe that they are in general. They are. And that a decision was made a long time ago that they would allow the cabal to, to supposedly put this guy in, in charge of the US corporation and his, and his circle of people who are really controlling him. And just to, just to kind of put them in symbolically and to let them just go ahead and do their final activities to try to, to make it look like they're winning. Because you know, this isn't just them. This isn't just the little circle of communists and, and globalists that are, that are around this, this actor pretending to be Biden. It's not just them. They have cabal cohorts around the world as well that are looking at them very carefully to know if are these guys coming after us next? And they are being reassured, they are being reassured. And the white hats and the cabal are very happy about this. They're being reassured by seeing, you know, Biden and Kamala in that, in that fake Castle Rock White House that they're using in California and seeing them and seeing CNN in there pretending to, pretending that there's really a, a presidential conference going on. And this really gives them a lot of comfort. So what that does is it lets them stay in place and do their business so that they can continue to gather intel on their activities for when the white hats are ready to go after them. See, so basically this is, this is a question, you know, this is a scenario where everybody wins really. Everybody wins. You guys win because they get to be up there and pretend to be in charge. And they get to, to put out and say, I got another executive order. I'm going to really screw you up now or, you know, I've got, I've got this new initiative. I'm going to, I'm going to kick you out of your house and you guys are all going to have to live in mega cities. There's not going to be any more suburbs, you know, so they get to do all this stuff and threaten and bloviate all this stuff. And I don't think a lot of it, I don't think much of it is ever going to come to anything. That's where we don't need, I don't need it. They're not really in control. They're just being, it's like, you have them on a leash and we're like, okay, you can pretend and they think they are, or maybe most of them think they are. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? 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The white has very happy about this because we don't believe that the general population is ready yet for the revelation of the depth of evil that these people have been doing. They're just general public stillism, but they're just not because we're talking some really, you know, some incredible stuff that they've been doing. And so it's better for them to just go ahead and have the article one courts go forward with what's going on over in Guantanamo and in many other, many other military bases around the world as well. And so I think it's they'd rather have this go on quietly and record everything that's going on though, because later on they're going to have total transparency and they're going to show the public. This is what these guys were doing and here's how we gave them their just desserts. And oh and by the way, they had local doppelgangers and clones that were standing in Congress and in the Senate for like the last three years or the last two years, because that's how they do business, just so you know. And all the laws and everything that they've done is invalidated, invalidated. Well, that's what I said. Like all those executive orders that Biden signed when he first got in, I think all of those are known boy, I don't even think that was real. I don't think that I think that was all part of a show. I mean, it was literally a joke here, the stack of them is tall. You're signing blank sheets of paper and the signature didn't match up. But then like, and then I've heard somebody say that a clone can't sign a bill or an executive order. It has to be the original body. Otherwise it means nothing. There's some type of law there. So just based on that alone. So if that's true, then that would tell you like everything is a show. And like, they just want, they just want to trigger us and get us to emotionally react, man. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. They want that emotional response. They want it to be upset, to be crazy and just be like, Oh my God, we've got to do something about this. This is crazy. We got to stop it. And yeah, his stuff is not really valid. But then, you know, but then I also had people, when I told them this, I told them exactly what you just said, they would, they sent me notices from the federal register, which actually puts into the into the physical body of laws, puts in the executive orders and sends them in so that they're official, official executive orders. And, and so I looked at that and I said, okay, the federal register actually put those in. And they say, yeah, you see, so it's really a law and he's really, he's really the president and all this. And I said, and I said, no, no, that's, you know, understand, you know how easy it is to bribe or get a federal official of the United States to do the wrong thing and to just make some nonsense up. Well, I mean, yeah, yeah, it's happened so much. It's happened. CDC doesn't. It happens so much that it's just ridiculous to say, to say, Oh, while the federal register recorded it and put it in to the federal register, so therefore he really was, he really was his executive orders are good. And that's the problem. And that's what I've been saying for all these people I hear who are calling bullshit on a lot of these theories right now, because they're wanting evidence in a world from a world that's designed to bury the evidence, like, at what point do you have to realize like, you're not going to read this in an article, you're not going to get a document that says this is going on. So it's not really smart to be pointing fingers right now and calling bullshit just because you can't find it on the internet, like it doesn't make any sense. And I know there's infiltrators and we have to be careful because there are people in here trying to muddy the waters, but at the same time, I don't know, I just think it's, yeah, it's important to be careful, but we don't know, you know, absolutely. But you know, we do know what, well, we can know what is real proof, what is real evidence and what really has weight to it when we see it. And for us, that's going to be very different from a normie, what a normie thinks or what a mainstream person thinks, because they have no clue. They think that something they get from CNN is evidence that it means something or from mainstream media or from Fox News, that it means something, you know, and it's absolutely does not, absolutely does not. I find more credible evidence from a guy, a guy on the streets of Washington, D.C., with just a phone who calls himself Richard Citizen, calls himself Richard Citizen and he literally is a citizen and he's just out there with his phone and he's recording stuff and he's showing us. Hey guys, CNN has Biden and Pelosi live in the White House Rose Garden right now and he shows us the television, he shows us television showing that and then he takes his phone and he shows us the Rose Garden, which is right over his shoulder outside the building and he shows, look, it's empty. There's nothing going on there. It's not happening there. They got this giant press conference out in the Rose Garden and Pelosi's there and Biden's there and there's nothing happening there. That is credible evidence with weight to it because he's showing it to us live as the action. That's real, that's authentic and that's something more important. Yeah and I mean basically I've watched that, I've followed that guy and yeah, D.C. is pretty much vacant at this point. All the buildings, all the buildings are shut down and they're abandoned. Yeah. Yes, the government buildings are all shut down. You can anybody that's listening to me can look this up on any public database. They just, they all say, they all say the congressional building, the Capitol building, the White House also really and all the U.S. mint and the FBI headquarters, FBI headquarters is boarded up. It's boarded up and then and then there's in the media, they're just saying, they're just saying, oh, they're having renovations. Yeah. Yeah. How are you going to have renovations at the same time on all the government buildings in Washington? All at the same time. Yeah. You know, you've got to have a bullshit detector at some point. Yeah. You got it. You just can't accept this and I talk to FBI agents who, I tell them and I tell them, do you guys know that your headquarters has been boarded up and it's been FBI agents who are working in other places and they say, and they say to me, we had no idea. No, we didn't know that. It's been boarded up and closed down for weeks, for we, I think it's like a month now. And you guys haven't been told? They have not been told. They didn't know a word about it. Yeah. Wow. And I tell them, and then I tell them, plus a whole bunch of other buildings in Washington DC have been closed down, you know, what do you guys think about that? We, it's renovations, it's renovations and I tell them, guys, you guys have to be investigators at some point. You're in the FBI. Yeah. Yeah. You're in the freaking FBI mindset. Yeah. Got it. At some point, you got to become an investigator, an observer. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think about your own life here? Well, I heard, you know, that's how strong the programming is, is just people don't question. You know, it just reminds me of, it reminds me of when my parents used to buy the off-brand cereal, but put it in the Lucky Charms box to try and trick us. Yeah. Like, that's exactly what they're doing right now. That's the level of deception there. Yeah. Look, it's real. Yeah. This is happening. I saw a theory that said they're vacating DC, so they can, uh... Pull an Independence Day stunt and fly UFO over and blow up the White House like in the movie. Yeah. I could see that happening because there, because the cabal is getting this UFO nonsense ready, just in case the, the, the death jab nonsense falls apart. That's basically, they're basically getting it locked and loaded, because they're, they're experiencing some real problems with this, uh, scandemic that's going on. And it's, they're getting real problems that they've, they've stopped, they've been stopped at like, um, death jabbing about 50%, 50 to 60% of the population. And they can't get beyond that. That's why they're threatening to go door to door. Yeah. They already are. They already are. Just one moment away from going completely coercive and just having, you know, having their troops hold people down and give them the death jab by force. We're, we're just a heartbeat away from that right now. Wow. I... But if the, if the military really, the White Hats and the military are in control, that's never going to happen. It's never going to be allowed to happen, in my opinion. I don't, yeah. The problem, the problem is that I, I absolutely, um, I believe that, um, Trump has run this scenario several times and that every time, and, and, um, you know, and I'm, I'm not sure exactly how to describe what I mean, uh, but he has run this scenario several times. And every time he comes out and he says, and he says, you know, don't, don't, don't take the death jab, you know, the death jab is bad for you. You know, it actually resulted in more death jabs going out to everybody and more people being dead. So what he's doing now, this, in this iteration, reverse psychology, you know, exactly because, because he has said in many other areas that he has to use reverse psychology because he just, if he says anything is good, then, uh, everything goes against it. Everything goes against it. So I think he, they know the government know that the white hats know they're going to lose a lot of people here. We're going to lose a lot of people, but it's the less it's the least horrible option at this point. Yeah. So that's why, well, in my, but it's going to be their choice. It's, to me, it's like, they're leaving it to like, if you choose to get the vaccine, you can do it, but it's not going to be forced upon people like us without our consent. And that's what people are so afraid of right now. I see, you know, oh my God, they're going to force it on everyone. Right. I don't think they're going to be allowed to do that, but you will have the choice to get it. That's, that's your free will. I would advise strongly against that. Yeah. But that is your choice and you will have to face consequences if you do. Yeah. But there are people who don't have a choice, the very old and the very young and the very young and people who don't want to lose their jobs. You will. Yeah. That, but you always have a choice, but there's the consequences. They say, Oh, well, I have to for my job or I have to do for this. Some insurance companies won't even insure you unless you lose things if you don't. Yeah. But now what we're finding out with so many people getting sick and falling deathly ill, we're finding out that now your health insurance does not cover you for taking an experimental drug. Yeah. Yeah. It's not. Yeah. And they're not held accountable for it either. There's no accountability at all. It's all. So you got some people who are going to be going in and out of hospitals and doctors for the rest of their lives really, really sick and their own health insurance is not going to cover them because this actually is an experimental drug and you're not allowed to take it according to their rules. Yeah. So it's like catch 22. It's insane. I agree. I agree. What do you think is going on with this election, this audit, do you think we're going to make any headway with this? Like it actually like get a public victory. I mean, the very fact that the mainstream, like they're trying to call it an audit, a crime tells you everything you need to know. Yeah. They sent Biden's doppelganger over to Pennsylvania to actually in person to try to stop it, try to stop it going on in Pennsylvania. And did you see what their general Flynn, which is his verified telegram account, he said that they're trying to send out somebody on July 15th to go and replace the batteries on all of the voting machines. And like they made this announcement. This is not a joke. And he said, what happens is that he races the history. When you batteries, it's like, this can't be allowed to happen. Like they, if this doesn't like just shout fear, you know, well, absolutely. You know, the audits to answer your question, I believe the audits are going to go forward and they are going to produce plenty of evidence of fraud. They're going to do exactly what is being, what is being, what is being said they will do. They will change the results of the election. And the electoral votes will be taken back by the states. And they will hold on to them until they can determine at the state level, at each state level, what they're going to do with those votes and the votes are going to be, the election is going to be decertified at the state level at each of the states and it's going to happen. But to speak to your other point, I do believe that is going to be successful. It's going to happen, but we are going to lose people and we are going to have sacrifices. That's the problem. I mean, all the way up to and including assassinations and, you know, and other things too. And it is going to happen and, but we're going to have to be determined to push forward and get the result that we need to spike those losses. Well, let's talk about the light, the light at the end of the tunnel, like if the white hats are in control, yeah, there's going to be casualties, but what happens at the end of this? On some level, like how does this play out? Yeah, like on some level, the universe has to be making sure that we're all collectively taken care of or some, for lack of a better term. You know, I'm trying to say, like, what do you think's going? What do you think's happening there? At the end of this, at the audit process, I do believe that the states are going to de-certify and they're going to reallocate their votes, their electoral votes for president and then Trump will be reappointed, he'll be reappointed as president because we already know that the entire Supreme Court is compromised. So they cannot, we can't count on them to be any part of this process and they're not going to be. They're not going to be, as a matter of fact, they're going to be subjected to other processes later on. And yeah, so there really isn't, I don't really believe that there's anything is needed from the Supreme Court, but if something is needed from them, the white hats will be very, they'll be on top of getting whatever they need from the Supreme Court at that time. But I don't think anything is really needed from them because this process, because fraud evisciates everything, it's an old Supreme Court rule and it's always stood. And so the entire supposed Biden election would be completely erased and the votes, the electoral votes would be reallocated and Trump would be, would just need to have his inauguration, which will be a real inauguration. That's how about it. Now, if that plays out, we're going to see, you're going to be able to compare a real inauguration to what we just, to the show we just got. And it's going to just even wake that many more people up once again. I guess what I was talking about as far as the light at the end of the tunnel, like are we going to get to a point where they're not trying to jab us or fake fake and alien invasion or whatever. Like past all that, like in the future, if we're in control somehow or another, we have to not be worried about our fear for our lives anymore. Well, yes and no. And I really need you guys to see my presentation because that's the whole, I did a whole six hour presentation that was basically all dedicated to that exact point that you just said. Yeah, you did that Sunday, right? Yeah, I did it on Sunday. And it was just basically just informing people about. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. What it is that the cabal has going now, what has been their most successful platforms and the most successful jihads against us as humanity. Because for them, this is a crusade to depopulate us, to kill most of us. They have it as a, it's like a religious thing with them because they see us as, they see us really as the virus, the common people, the useless eaters, and they want to eradicate most of us. And I set out point by point exactly what have been their most successful platforms to try to eradicate us and enslave us and imprison us as well. Because they want us as all three, they want us as slaves, they want us as prisoners, and they want us as non-humans. Those are how, that's how they see us and that's what they've been trying to do. And they've accomplished a lot in those areas. I agree. They have. And so in my presentation, I show, I show people how that's done. It was, I gave the presentation, but it's available right now at And it's also, it's available on my website also as well. And people can get it and it's, and have unlimited replay on it because it's a lot of material. It's a lot of material. I kind of, I kind of, David, I keyed out on it. Yeah. Well, yeah. It's six hours. You're crazy. And I just showed a lot of material, a lot of material that people need to see. Because this, this pandemic was planned, detailed by detail in 2010, the year 2010. Oh yeah. I've seen documents. It was planned out. And you can find those doc, you can see, and I actually show people the documents from the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010 called Operation Block Step. Operation Lock Step, which actually showed how the elites would use a scandemic, use a sickness, a virus to spread to humanity, to create lockdown situations, and then go from there and tell people how they need to be protected. They need to be safe by cooperating with all these crazy measures, this six foot distancing, these masks that actually get you sick, get you very, very sick. Things that don't make sense, but you had to just get the, get the medical, the medical world in on this. And then you had to get the scientists in on this. And it's all, it's all there. It's all there. Along with Klaus Schwab's. Oh, look. Now that guy. Yeah. Anti-Christ himself. Yeah. Yeah. Mr. Evil of Germany, who you can, and the guy who's the president of the World Economic Council, who wrote, who also wrote a book called COVID-19, The Great Reset. That's real. He wrote that book. He wrote it in 2010. They like to pretend he wrote it later, but no, but he actually did write it in 2010. And it came out. Basically, the whole blueprint, the whole blueprint of this scam demographic of everything that went on. And at the time, he wrote what people thought was impossible, that they could achieve a worldwide lockdown and a prison planet of the entire earth. And it's all there. It's all there in his book. He talks about getting the useless eaters to cooperate in their own destruction and their own lockdown. Some like 400 billion people or some crazy number that they were going to try and wipe out. Oh, yeah. And the thing to answer your question is that these people will never, ever stop. They will never stop. I mean, think of Hitler and the Nazis in World War II. You know, do you think there was any point, any point where we could have, the Allied forces could have just said to Hitler, you know, just give up. You know, it's over. I can agreement. No. Lay down your, lay down your weapons and you guys can be reintegrated to Germany and just everyone will be okay. No, that was never going to happen. And let me tell you, a lot of the, a lot of the people from the high levels of the cabal are actually about a hundred years old. They were actually there in Nazi Germany when this stuff was happening. That's why they remember all the methods that were used back then. They remember because they were there. Nazis were the, they were a product of the cabal. Oh, yeah. Nazis was just one of the, and that's why you guys need to see a presentation because I go through all of this, all the little baby philosophies that are used by the cabal for their, for their, for taking out their goals and putting their goals into humanity. You know, socialism, Naziism, communism, Bolshevism, as well. You know, these things were things created by them that they finance on both sides. And it's incredible. So you, so you don't think like we're going to see a rest and like a draining of the swamp as they would call it? Yeah. I mean, you. Yeah, we will. Yeah, we will because both of these things are true. We're going to have great victories. We're going to wipe out very large portions of the cabal as well. You know, we are, we're going to eventually drain the swamp at some point and we're going to be able to destroy all these people. You know, I, I actually, I actually have a belief that, well, I might as well just tell you guys and tell your audience. There is a, there is a website that was put together by the US military, by the US military. And it is, it is labeled as parody and satire, okay, parody and satire. And they put that label on their own purpose. Also they don't, they don't advertise. They don't want too many people seeing this, their website. They just not interested in it. They don't want it to happen. And the website is called real raw news, oh yeah, raw news. And they are reporting every detail of the tribunals, article one courts and the tribunals that are going on of cabal members from all over, all over. And they are reporting on trial on trials. And they are reporting on the results of the trials and executions that have been going on apparently for over a year at this point. So okay, this is a good, I'm glad you brought that up because a lot of people call bullshit on real raw news. They think it's like, they think it's a fake site, you know, but you're, you're telling me that you, you actually know that this is a military, there's a military backing this site. Let me tell you the, all the people calling bullshit on this site is exactly what we want. You know, the US military wants that too, because that's exactly why they labeled themselves parody and satire, all right, they, they did that for a reason. And they want it to be known, but, but if you go, if you go read that site and go read, especially the earlier articles, you can tell that they're, they're written by, they're written by military, by the different services, because of the jargon that's used and the, and the lingo that's used throughout these articles. I mean, it's, it's right in there. And you can also tell that this, this is what we call in the intelligence world. It's a trick with inside of another trick, all right. It's like the off brand cereal and the exactly, exactly. It's the off brand cereal and that beautiful, you know, Tony, the tiger box. Yeah, high quality stuff, you know, to me, doing it that way, yeah, within a trip. This is my contention, I believe this is a trick within a trick, because if you look at this site, they're not following any of the patterns of satire sites, they're not trying to put out clickbait. They're not trying to make money. They're not advertising anything at all. And they're not, they're not announcing their stuff anywhere. They're just kind of there and the reason is, the reason is because I believe they have the mandate from the president to record all the details of everything that's going on, because later on, you guys may know, these trials are going to be televised. We're going to have total transparency on everything that went on with these trials. And you know, and even the members of the cabal are starting to realize that this site is probably real and that this is really going on. I know the media knows that it's real because every time one of their people gets executed, they immediately rush on these deep fake interviews or think of the person to show, hey, they're still alive. They're still alive. They're still alive. They're executed. They're right here. Look, they're right here. And they put on these painful, I mean, the one they did of Hillary was so fake, it was so fake and awful looking, but they took her, they took her in the outfit that she had when she was arrested by these people by special forces, when she was taken in, she had on this weird blue purple outfit. And they actually took the deep fake of her in the same clothing just to show that, you know, here she is, she's not dead at all. And this deep fake is so crappy. I mean, it's so crappy looking so awful MSNBC put it on and they rushed it on the day after she was executed and they had her, she actually is nodding, it's like they put it on a loop and she's nodding like this to the reporter and it just, they went on too long and they let them nodding go on too long, it's like they forgot to turn it off and it just looks ridiculous. And they did the same thing with Podesta the day after he was executed. They pulled out an old, an old interview of him and then they, they CGI in the reporter that was live really real and to make it look like, Hey, this is Podesta, you're totally alive, aren't you? He's like, Yeah, well, because I'm alive. What are you talking about? I'm right here. Can you see me right here? Hey, hey, hey, and it was most ridiculous thing. Anyway, they're going to keep on doing that. So from what I've read, Hillary died in 2016. Is that, does that line up with what you were told? No, no, because what you probably heard about was one of her clones, Hillary was one of the few people in the cabal that had had clones, had doppelgangers and had actresses that were running around with her mass as well. She had so many, she's one of the, she's one of the great supervillains of our age. Well, and so, and so what you heard about was probably one of her clones that died, because when they died a lot, that's, that's what I think you heard about. They malfunctioned a lot too. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like the one that, the one that went nuts on 9/11 Memorial, and then ended up actually dying right there, and then they threw it her into the van and it was bad, real bad. But, but what I was going to tell you about that also was that these clones, sometimes they get mistaken for the original, and there was actually an announcement out of New York City at the time that you, you talked about, that the local news actually reported, Hillary Clinton just died, and they put that out in local news, and it was just because it was one of her clones that just passed away. And I do know that there was a, this is something I was just reading. So there's this girl who looked exactly, it was like a Hillary Clinton lookalike, and she actually had surgeries done to make herself look more like Hillary. And then she was like, basically training, like she was trying to become Hillary, and it was like, and there's pictures of them together, and it's like uncanny, and there's no reason that sometimes what we get is actually this other girl, I think her name's Heather or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I remember that. But the real Hillary, we've gotten some intel in that she was actually executed in April, I think it was towards the end of April, just yes, of this year. And she was executed, and they made sure that it was really her because apparently, and again, this is intel rumor data that we have to look at. They actually had to make sure it was the real her because she has so many freaking doppelgangers out there. And they had to, she actually, the real Hillary has an actual tattoo that has 666 in the tattoo, and it's in on her hip, it's on her hip, right at the bikini one, I don't want to make you think about this. Don't give us that image, please. Just tell me that the real Hillary has Andy on the bottom of her foot like Toy Story. Yeah. Yeah, right. But so one of the things they did was they executed her and then put her body on display naked, so that other members of the cabal as they were arrested, because they all thought, they all thought Hillary outsmarted them, they got one of her clones, they got one of her doppelgangers. They purposefully put her body on display naked, so that they could come in and look and see that tattoo, because they all know about the tattoo also, and they could see that they got the real Hillary when they got her. I wonder, I mean, but they couldn't fake the tattoo, like, or, you know, replicate the tattoo also. I don't know. You have to think about that stuff, you know. But it's really, it's interesting, like, we, like, we have to read between the lines here. We're going to get the full scoop from anywhere, anywhere publicly. We're not going to do it. They're not just going to come out and tell us. So we have to take sources like that. We have to watch it with our own eyes and clearly determine that it's a show and then figure this stuff out, connect the dots, and then that's what I was waiting for. That's it. That's what we have to do. Yeah. Okay. You already, you took my course. It sounds like. Okay. He already did. Yeah. That's what we have to do because you only by, by taking any intel, taking it in, holding it, and then seeing for the connections, the connections to other clues, that's the only way we can validate or invalidate the information. It's the only way. And we have to be open to anything, anything, whether it comes from the physical or sometimes even the spiritual, then you got to take that stuff too. That's just the way it is with real investigation. Absolutely. Well, John, this has been amazing, man. Thank you for coming on and doing this and sharing all this stuff for us. It's been a lot of fun. Before we wrap up, Aaron has an announcement to make. Go ahead. I'll let you get scared. Yeah. Yeah. I'm being married. Yeah. No. So I'm going to be moving to Portland, actually. Very soon, in just over two weeks, joining in Tifa, joining in Tifa. Yeah, I'm joining in Tifa. Sorry, guys. So the podcast is still going to go on, but it's going to be like the old days we're going to be in separate locations. Yep. It's going to be like the old days, but we are not going to miss a beat. We're going to keep going. Aaron and I just won't be on screen together anymore. And he is moving on to the next chapter of his life. And actually, today was your last day of work, so you quit your job, too. Yeah. Technically, last night, I worked overnight into this morning. Congratulations, man. That's awesome. Good for you. Good for you. You're going to turn that place around. I have a feeling. Oh, yeah. I'm going to... You're going to do it. Oh, I'm going to go fighting in Tifa in Portland. Yeah. And then I'm going to turn it around. Yeah. But anyway, as you guys know, we're leaving tomorrow morning for Eseti, then we're going to go on the Sedona. And then after that, we're going to probably have one last show here, together, before he moves, and that'll be a sad moment. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. But guys, grab a ticket for the great father, great, great father, the great family of light gathering in Sedona, July 23rd through to 25th, those tickets are still available. Hang out with us. This is going to be a lot of fun. We're looking forward to it. John, thank you so much for coming on. Do you have any announcements you want to make? Oh, I just want people to go check out the Para Investigator course by John DeSouza at And just check it out. And also check out my books and my website, And check out my stuff, books, discount, 25% discount on my books with code word, code discount word, awaken, awaken, awaken, yes, use some reading material out there in Portland. And go check out his course, his six hour course. If you have six hours, I don't even know how you do all day, man, all day, all day, portal to Ascension. It sounds like it is pretty awesome and you've laid out a lot of good information there. So if you guys feel like doing that, go check it out. I know I don't have time to do that. That's why we just have them on the show instead. Yeah. Excellent. Excellent. Good stuff. T. Weiler A. Ron, thanks you so much. Awesome being on here with you and your audience. It's good stuff, man, guys. Johnny D. Always a pleasure. Thank you. It's average watch time, 15 minutes and 55 seconds five five five five five five. Nice. Anyway, guys, thank you so much for the donations. Thank you for the moderators for being in here. Thank you guys for all the support. We will see you on the road. We might be going live from East SETI and maybe even from Sedona. We don't know how it's going to play out, but just keep an eye out for that. And until then, we will see you next time. Have a great evening. 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