Journey to Truth

EP 125 - Google Whistleblower: Zach Vorhies - "These Are Not The Results You're Looking For"

Originally aired on 5/20/21
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Zach Vorhies was a Senior Software Engineer at YouTube/Google for 8.5 years. He has been involved with the following software products:
Google Earth, YouTube for PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch.
While working at YouTube in his final years, Zach Vorhies learned that Google was censoring "fake news" and investigated further into the company. Only to find that indeed not only had Google defined fake news to mean actual events that had happened, but also had created an artificial intelligence system to classify all available data to Google Search. The reason Google wanted to classify all the data was so that this could be used by this artificial intelligence system to re-rank the ENTIRE INTERNET according to Google's corporate cultural values.
Things got political in June 2017 when Google deleted "covfefe" out of it's arabic translation dictionary in order to make a Trump tweet become nonsense. This would have been benign if it weren't for the coincidence of the main stream media attempting to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from the presidency, a week later. At this point Zach Vorhies became suspicious that Google might be engaging in a seditious conspiracy to remove the President of the United States. Zach decided that the document cache had to be provided to the appropriate law enforcement agencies (Department of Justice) to disclose the seditious activity, and to the public in order to let them know the full extent of Google's information control abilities.
In June 2019, Zach Vorhies Resigned from Google. He took with him 950+ pages of Google internal documents and delivered them to the Department of Justice and through Project Veritas to inform the public about Google's extensive censorship system.
Zach Vorhies has since been fighting against censorship and will continue to do so through November 2020.

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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As himself, but he came out as a Google whistleblower as far as exposing what they're doing as far as hiding search results. Putting words on a black list that wouldn't even show up if you try to search them, mostly pertaining holistic health, free energy type of stuff. Or anything that had to do with their current election at the time. Some pretty groundbreaking stuff, 950 pages of documents came with that testimony and it really opened some eyes. I remember wanting to get you back on the show way whenever that happened, but it seemed like everybody was snatching you up and things were just, things were pretty hectic for you as far as just in your personal life, the attacks you were receiving and everything. So, we're glad to have you on, thanks for joining us. I'm curious to even know what life has been like for you since you've come forward. I know at first it wasn't very pretty, but have things settled down since then? Yeah, well, Tyler, thank you for having me on the show. Yeah, it got really crazy there for a while, especially when I came out and was about to release all the information to Project Veritas. And appear on their video, they somehow sensed it and escalated all the way to the police and the SWAT and a bomb squad coming to my house. And it pretty much got crazier and crazier until I just came out with everything, and that pretty much got the target off my back. And so, since then, I've become kind of a public figure and for whatever reason, Google has decided to just leave me alone and not pursue anything against me. So, I'm really fortunate for that, I'm really grateful for that. I think that part of the reason is because I've been pretty good with getting the content about and making the focus about Google and what they're doing to each one of you. Like, I'm sure, Tyler, if you guys have a censorship shadow banning. It's everywhere. Oh, yeah. Yes, we have. And in 2019, it was dual conspiracy theory. And now it's like, you know, and that was part of the attacks against me is that I was just like some deranged conspiracy theories. But hey, look at what's happened. It's actually worse than what I said it was going to be, right? Like you went ahead, they did a purge in October 15 of 2020. They got rid of Trump's, you know, supporters, his videographers. Every single video that had me pretty much got purged from the platform. And it all happened right before the election, and we know how that went. And, you know, the disputes that are still boiling over today with the with the election audit. And when we look back, what we see is we see, you know, this network of people running things behind the scenes, but clearly running them. Including collaborating together to cease control of not just the United States, but seems that like they're doing this like something's happening in India right now with all of a sudden, it's like a spike in the death rate and then all of a sudden just like goes away. And so, you know, it's like, there's this this network has exposed themselves. Big time, big time, and they're still up to their dirty tricks. And the censorship is, you know, at all time high, and it's just atrocious. Well, they've exposed themselves, but they're not even remotely trying to hide it anymore. It is like blatantly in your face. Like, I mean, even Google or YouTube is sending out emails to their content creators and telling you exactly what they're doing. I mean, it's, it's no, it's no secret anymore. Like, why don't they just change their name to them to. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And that's part of the lie that they sold it as YouTube as if it's your service rather than their service that they're just going to, like, they wouldn't take down terrorist content because they said that would set a dangerous precedent. And now it's gotten to the point that if you talk about vitamin D or vitamin C and how that can be used to reduce the inflammation and do a better prognosis for COVID-19, like they're going to ban your videos for talking about vitamins. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We've had a video removed from medical misinformation just for talking about a natural cure medical misinformation. Which one, which one? Well, it was Ken, Ken Rola, he was, he's an inventor scientist. And he deals with a lot of free energy technology and natural health, homeopathic stuff. And before we could even get the video up, it was swiped. You know, so it's up on other, it's up on rumble. Well, we were talking about the, the jab. Oh, yeah. So that's probably the main reason they got removed. We're exposing. Yeah, and that job is making a bunch of people sick. I'm actually really surprised at how many people go and get the vaccine and then they're like, oh, I feel like crap. Mm hmm. Well, okay, I was real quick and we'll get back to what you were telling us, but I was just at a eating dinner the other night. And some guy was sitting at the bar, I always go up on the local at this one place I just like their food, but he was like, yeah, I got the second shot today and apparently the next day is the bad day so I'm going to get drunk tonight. I figure if I feel, if I'm going to feel like shit tomorrow anyway, I might as well be hung over. And like, that's the mentality. That was, that's the mentality of these people like they're just assuming like, yeah, this is the way it is so. You got a glimpse into way that they think, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But when I was getting my haircut last, I was listening to this lady talking to the barber, just like how, how crazy of a reaction she had and like how terrible it was. And oh my God, I was going to die. And then, oh, I'm going to go back and get my second shot. Yeah. Like, like, people are so, they're just so far removed from thinking for themselves. Exactly. Like, it's funny how like you can experience something like that. And people don't even question, maybe, is this really a good thing? You know, like, yeah, well, maybe I should look more. No, it's just like, this is what they say. So this is just normal and this is a good thing. So, it's so great. Getting back to the Google stuff, the censorship. So are you still affiliated in any way or do you have connections with, with people at Google as far as do you know what they're up to now, or the, I mean, this. Or you not. I mean, they pretty much like the, some of the bad people that I outed no longer work at the company. Uh, Michelle AI, come over what her last name is, but she was on one of the slides, and she was one of those AI ethicists. And then ironically she broke into the, to her company's computers, Google's computers to try to find evidence that they mistreated one of their AI ethicists who also happened to be one of these like Black Lives Matter critical race theorists like basically. And so the media made a big deal of it. She tried to find evidence the detective that she was breaking in so they, they fired her. And, and I didn't put it together right away when it came out, and I saw that and then I was going through the slides again. I was like, Oh my God, this is the lady that said, you know, people like us can be programmed, which was like, it was like a four step process of how Google can program us. And so, you know, ironically she was fired for unethical behavior. It's a, and, and a lot of the other people around her seem to be leaving or being fired. I think that, you know, there's a festering sickness that happened within Google, like I was really all about Google, like I thought it was the best thing ever. And so I was like, I'm not going to argue with my girlfriend at the time, and she was like from the Soviet Union and she's like, Google's going to be really bad. And I was like, no, it's not. They represent everything that's right in the world. And she was right. And she, you know, was someone who had fled communism so she had a leg up on seeing that Google was going to turn evil but Google absolutely turned evil. You know, don't be evil as their mission statement. And they also said that mission statement is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. And now, they're like, we're going to ban you if you talk about vitamins, like, unfreeking believable that juxtaposition that's happened. And, you know, I'm looking back the last two years that this is all spilled out like it's just like, wow. And hey, you know what, people are awake now and we were starting to realize that there's a network of people that are controlling the media they're controlling academia and now they're trying to do a purge of our society. And the question is, can we stop those people from seizing control of the world before they invent AI drones that will be police and will like, you know, slaughter bots, right, because let's face it. We're coming to the end of the age of mankind, where mankind was in control of pretty soon it's going to be computers driven by a bunch of technocrats that, you know, compose point zero zero one percent of society. And the question is, can we get control back of our society before that network, basically enslaves us in fear, using like a robot army. Yes, and, and actually, unfortunately, for a lot of people who are pro space force, the space force I just read an article is, is researching into the real of the practicality of a future cyborg robot army and what it would take to do this. I'm like, well, why is that the direction they're going, you know, it's, it's totally unnecessary. Unless there's something, I mean, you don't even need cyborgs like why not just have like a little tiny drone with a poison dart on it, and then you've got like millions of these and then you want to like, you know, depopulate an area you just let them go like a swarm of robotic mosquitoes with little vaccine needle faces right and they come in there and they hit you and boom that's it like everyone dies, almost like the plague. And it's like, how do you defend against that like everyone right now that's like, Oh, second amendment, you know, we got to protect our guns or the tyrant because that's what's stopping tyranny. No, those tyrants in the very near future are going to have swarms of, you know, poison, you know, mosquito bots or slaughter bots with like one shot barrel, you know, how, you know, and they're going to make them for like five, you know, five dollars a bot, because manufacturing is just so crazy, like, how do we stop that, right? Well, right now it looks like that the danger that poses to this network is the freedom of speech. And so right now what we have to do is we have to show our friends that are still asleep at the wheel and don't realize any of this stuff is going on that yes, like this, this leftist cult that's in control of globalism is like they're losing control so fast, it's destabilizing for them so much that at this point, they are weaponizing everything. And I think that that, you know, there's a lot of good things that are happening. I like what's happening with crypto. I like what's happening with the, you know, the, the, the blossoming of new social media websites that are coming out, you know, bit shoots like, got exponential trajectory growth. Duck Duck go this, you know, these other all tech sites they've got exponential growth like Duck Duck go release their graph of their user, and their user base. And it's like, it's huge like it's clearly up on this like S curve, where it's filling the marketplace. And the thing is, is that Google ultimately has the answer to their stockholders and right now they're alienating so many of their users because of just their obvious bias in everything that they do. And people are like, I don't want to be censored right like don't get in between me and the information that I'm trying to find. And so, you know, this is what's really happening right now is that we're, you know, humankind is for the first time getting a diversity of services. You know, it's not just like Google search which is dominating is number one it's like also duck duck go it's also like quant that are out there bings a really great search engine right now. And, and also with video platforms they're blasting me out as well and so when we have the next election, you know, these big tech oligarchs are not going to be able to censor us. Because this time we're going to be, you know, protected by the shield of the market, the market and its competition all forces, and the decentralization that is happening right now. And everything in the computer space is decentralizing, and it's an amazing thing to see. And, you know, it's necessary also if we're going to make any progress. Absolutely. So I'm really big, I'm really bullish on things that are going to be centralized. I get it out of the hands of this, you know, Cabal, I'm a fan of the decentralization is happening with video. I am a fan of the decentralization of money, though. Yeah, and even though I am strong and bullish on crypto. I, I hate Bitcoin. And I'm probably one of the only people that will admit me to hate Bitcoin. For the reason why I didn't get into crypto in 2012. I said, if Bitcoin represents it, Bitcoin represents crypto, then count me out because crypto is a fundamentally broken currency. And, you know, despite all the things that's promised us it's never been able to provide the liquidity due to transactions over the internet. Right. Like I can't go and buy CBD with their website. No one offers it. Why? Because it takes 17 kilowatt hours to be able to do a transaction. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's insane. It's perfect time to let people know that Hopewell Farm CBD has a crypto payment option now. So don't use Bitcoin. Yeah. So we're affiliated with Hopewell Farm CBD and they have some really great stuff, but they just implemented a crypto payment option. Any coin that's on Coinbase, you can purchase CBD with now. Fascinating. Yeah. So it's, I think I'm hoping that we start seeing more. What's the thing? I want to go look it up because this is one of the first places I've seen that does crypto crypto for CBD. Yeah. Hopewell Farm. LCC. They offer. I mean, you can pay with normal money too, but they offer. Yeah. Upon checkout, you'll see the, you'll see the option. I don't know exactly what the updated website looks like, but it's definitely an option. What is it again for our audience that's listening, it's Hopewell Farm. LCC. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Great. That's great that they're offering crypto. I haven't seen that. Oh, LCC. Sorry. Yeah. And the thing was, is that like, I was like, I don't believe in crypto until I see CBD people being able to take money for people that want to buy it. The CBD. And, and the reason why I say that the reason why I hold that as sort of the canary in the coal mine, a fortune is because the FDA and the financial, you know, cartels are cracking down on everyone that's trying to sell this stuff. And so, and the thing is, is that, wait a minute, why do we need to use Stripe? Why do we need to use like visa? Like, why is it so hard to get a payment process? Or why are all these out of country payment processors like scamming people and stealing their money, which is what they're doing? I was like, can we please get a technology solution to this where a person that wants to buy CBD can use crypto to person be that wants to sell it to them and then the transaction goes through and they get their product and everything's great. Yeah. So, this is, this is great that I've seen this. I think this is going to be the trend. I think that it's going to be with these proof of stake coins, like polygon and Cardano. I do AI analytics on what's being said about these cryptos now and the frequency of what people are saying about polygon and out of by the experts is is quite high, even though I don't have time to go and look at all that I just sort of like data mine. The words that they say and those, those seem to be at the top. And so, you know, we had this crash that just happened started two days ago and, and they did some of my, I think, no, I liquidated all positions on that I'm just going to let the market crap. And then when it hits bottom going to buy back in. And I'm going to go with those proof of stake coins and those proof of stake coins are so good that even Ethereum is moving its blockchain from proof of work to proof of stake. You know, and that's really the future and I, and unfortunately that means that Bitcoin, which can't be changed. It's going to burn. I feel it's going to go the way of my space. I think that's going to be really painful to the community of my space. Yeah, this might be a good analogy, actually. And this might be a good time to let people know that you are not a financial advisor. Not a financial advisor. Yeah, I'll be blaming you for liquidating all their assets. Yeah. But anyways, back to censorship. So we're talking about that and uncensurable tools. You know, Google decided that they were going to censor everyone. And it started in 2016 right after Donald Trump won the election. They're like, we got to come back fake news. And I just started trending and then they started like writing these design files of how they were going to change their policy to start filtering all this fake news. And I said to myself like what's going on like this is weird. And the thing about the company is that Eric Schmidt who built the company built it on this policy of a company that's totally open. So anyone can go and see what anyone else is working on. And so when Google started to like shift the writers and the giant ship and start changing momentum. They had they put all their plans out there because that was the way the policy was. And so a lot of people are like oh well did you work in the citadel or something like that no no I had no special access to the company. I was just a regular full time software engineer senior software engineer working on their YouTube product. And I just started getting curious because I love to do research. And so I was just like we're censoring fake news and I just started typing. And I started out Oh yeah, well not only censoring fake news but we're building an entire system and AI learning system to do that. And when I saw the name of that I went. Okay, this is something that these SJWs would name it, because it would be wrapped up in these virtue and these really great terms that make you feel good and if you're against it, then it just sounds bad The crazy or willy name that they use to name their censorship product was called machine learning fairness. And machine learning fairness is basically critical race theory digitized into an AI classifier. So what is an AI classifier and a classifier is a machine learning algorithm that's been created by a machine learning like framework, kind of similar to like TensorFlow, which is a open source project that Google's given up to the community. And basically what it is is that you give this thing training data. So, yeah, a bunch of data like audio, video, news articles, whatever, and a bunch of labels that have been already pre allocated on these, on these on these data sets. If you have a computer and you go look, this is how we've labeled everything and now you need to do the same thing on new input. And at the end of this training cycle, this machine learning fairness generates a classifier and then that classifier is then run on the data that is produced at Google and then they figure out which data to boost and which data to like suppress. For example, on YouTube, they would, they data mine everything that you say by text or speech to text software. And so after they, they, they create this text version of what everyone says a transcript. And then this transcript is mine do they look for keywords, and then those keywords are run on these classifiers and those classifiers say, they say, Oh, well there's like a zero to 100% chance that something is something so. Right, we knew it's got a metric on that if it's above 80% then you know I'm just making up a number with the 80% but some threshold, it will say it will classify you. And if you go above some threshold for hate speech, then it'll say, Oh, your hate speech or you're swearing so there's like a swearing classifier, there's like a hate speech classifier is the right when you use classifier and they just run it on all your videos. And there's like, when I was working there I saw like 30 different classifiers that were running I was like this crazy matrix and everything you click it in go deeper. This is what they do to all these videos. And so, with all these classifiers that are running they have like knobs that they can turn and depending on how they want to control the narrative they can just figure out like which knobs to turn. And, and then if they want to get very specific, they had these black list that they were able to like it's on. And if you're, if you're video description or your title match these black were these black list them boom you're off of the front search result pages and no one can find it. And a lot of people were like, wait a minute, why can I search for person X and only find videos about how person X is a bad person right. Well, this is like an example of the black list where the actual person topic or channel was being shadow band and then all of their distractors were then as a result of this vacuum able to be the first results. And so, yeah. Well, I mean, it's, I know who you're referencing in this video is probably not going to be allowed in YouTube anyway but that's what happened with Donald Trump. I mean, whenever you tried to search him at the time it was only negative. The negative stuff will come, come through on the search. Yeah, and the reason why that happened was because they actually built the news algorithm out of the fight that Trump had with James Comey. Interesting, interesting. So, what, what system was put in place to remove the word cofefe or was that done manually. Dude, that word. So, it's just to catch up some of your listeners who might have not heard this story. I'm back from Saudi Arabia. He, he said, despite the constant negative press cafe, that turned out to translate into a word from Google's translation engine to say we will stand up so it looked like what he was saying is despite the news we're going to stand up to those people. And so the New York Times wrote an article saying that this wasn't a word. That article then got ingested by someone at Google, a high up director, and they created a design document. Like this isn't a word, and according to the New York Times but we translated so obviously we're an error so we're going to assign this to the Derrida team. And the Derrida team which was a secret censorship team, probably named after Jacques Derrida, the founder of like critical race theory. But the Derrida team, which is their Google censorship team. Like had this like bug report that I copied, and it was like plotting on how to get rid of this word. Oh, we're going to, we're going to replace it with an Easter egg of like an ASCII icon of a guy shrugging and then at the end of it they're just like oh let's just get rid of it. And then they got rid of it but then their AI system was good enough to find a different translation that would still go into translation so they had to do, and this is almost a direct quote, they had to bad the misspelling on the alternative translation which means that they, they, they marked it as bad. And then that cut off the alternative pass so they actually had to get rid of it twice from the dictionary. And then by the next day, Cafe no longer translated from Arabic over to English. They made Trump look like he was crazy and making up words. Yeah, here's the thing I wonder how many people googled it right when he tweeted that saw it because it was first on Google right you would, you would come up. I mean I don't think a lot because because he did it late at night. Okay, do you think they got it pretty quick we're most people didn't. Yeah, before they had a chance to Google it. Okay. Otherwise that would wake people you know the people that would Google it right away and then went back and saw that they had deleted it. I think this one kind of might have slipped under the radar though. I don't know. Because I know everyone was trying to figure out what he was saying it for you know yeah I was like what is he so how many people just go there. Yeah I don't know. Yeah funny and within 24 hours that that that translation had been wiped from Google's history as if it never existed. So we're all saying that well Trump is deranged because he's saying buffet and doesn't make any sense he's obviously mentally incapacitated so let's invoke. The 25th amendment to remove a sitting president from office because due to mental incapacitation and I'm sitting there looking at this. It's like holy mother of God is everything a freaking scyop in our society. And as I just started getting and then and then like the October massacre happened in Las Vegas in 2017 October 1 right. Yep and that was pretty much at the worst experience because I was like waking up and I started to realize that everything's kind of manufactured in the narrative. And then, and then, you know here's a guy that opened fire and a bunch of people at a country music concert from a casino which has like 8,000 cameras and they all they all malfunctioned. Yeah I'm like what a quick. Yeah. Yeah. Just let it slide, tons of ammo and gear with it yeah like he got all that through that casino. If it was only one person, and then you and then you had the crisis actors and the whole false flag. Well there were multiple shooters it wasn't even just him like they're reports of multiple shooters. Why didn't they say that in kind of the assassination. Yeah. Exactly. And then a bunch at a bunch of documentary people started like, or like media people started recording really high quality interviews of like certain people that were like yeah there are multiple shooters and then like it was like boom like that person died and then another like another person like killed his daughter and then himself and then left a suicide note. And then I'm just like of course what a, what a, what a crazy coincidence that all these people talking about multiple shooters keep on dying and then like I start reading the articles and then the articles are like a bunch of conspiracy theorists are coming here thinking that there's a conspiracy there's no conspiracy. Don't exist ever like this is the third survivor that's talked to the media that just died under crazy circumstances. And so I was sitting there I'm just like I'm obviously got schizophrenia. I'm going crazy there's no way that this can happen. What is the whole world gone insane. No it's it's got to be me that's going crazy. But then everyone else was like, was like also pointing out the weird shit that started happening and then. Then like this, that's when I got turned on to 4chan and started seeing like this alternative theory about how this was an assassination attempt. And then there was like some crazy video about it. And, and there was like it turned out that the top of the MGM was actually not the MGM it was like the four seasons hotel and that this four seasons hotel was owned by the Saudi royal family who happened to be there that night. And, and I'm just like oh wow this was like a whole assassination and this assassination tip went wrong. Isis I don't know if you remember this but Isis actually claimed responsibility for this attack and then everyone in the media was like oh no that's actually like you know they're they're faking it. Do you remember that yeah. Yeah and so that was like when I was like okay there. The media is clearly all in collusion, like if they're acting like this and someone, and they're going to take over society unless someone comes and you know out them and I didn't want to live in a world where that sort of network was able to have Victoria power as a technocracy and so I wanted that that was in 2017 I started plotting how I was going to let the public know that Google was becoming a really sinister force and was going to begin a cleansing a political ethnic cleansing that you know ended up materializing you know a year later. And when thank you for doing that obviously I mean there's a huge service you've done. But imagine what so imagine just trying to rewrite history for the last four years, and tell people what actually took place. Just for the past four years, not even going back, you know into our whole nation's history, like it would take a lot of time in a major team of people to really get the facts straight, because everything's been so skewed and if not just made up. And it shows you, like you said you had to go in 4chan to find the real information about what took place in Vegas. So it's just interesting to me like, like how far removed some people are if they're not if they haven't been paying attention, and it's not necessarily their fault but it's actually scary, if you think about it. Yeah it is. And the question I have is if the news is this fake, how fake is history. That's where I'm doing that yeah yeah and how and are the scientists as bought off as the politicians. Yep, they absolutely are. Most of those scientists don't even like they won't even get a grant unless their conclusion matches what they're there I don't know it's it's all screwed up. And then you just put the money where the incentives are and then the group of people reconfigure so that the people that are willing to do whatever to get that money. And I'm coming on top and that means like hey look if you're an ideologue that believes that you know, certain doomsday scenario which is painted by the media is the thing that you're going to receive funding over and over and over again to push that message. Yeah, your results have to fit their agenda otherwise you won't get your grant. Basically. And I know that, and there's real scientists out there doing great work. Unfortunately everything that they're publishing. If it even gets published just get swept under the rug and this goes with everything with news. Yeah, real people that want to be real journalists and report real news. Why can't do that you have to say what they want you to say and you can't say what they don't use. Well if you want a public voice. Yeah. Yeah. And then that's why you know you have to go to alternative news and media to get to even have a hope of getting any truth. But even that is, you know, is infiltrated to a degree. Yeah. And even that you have to like use your discernment and figure out what's real. And yeah it's just that's the world we live in it's just every single institution. Every single thing out there, especially if anything at the mainstream is all 100% controlled by ultimately this cabal or deep state or whatever you want to name you want to call it. This group of people that all they care about is themselves control power and anything anti life. And yeah the rest of us are just worthless cheap to them that can be used or killed off you know really that's what the depopulation did they want to kill off most of us and that's where that is they think there's way too many of us and the rest they want to just and slave as much as possible. Yeah knowledge and as they're just trying to ramp up to that essentially so yeah you're right if we don't stop this like if we don't stand up. You know it's just going to keep heading that way like we have to take a stand. So, I do have a, I do have a question for you. How is Google reading our thoughts. I mean, I mean, you basically leak metadata as you go and you know interact with these computer devices as you go throughout the world like make a payment. Like that's, that's, you know they send that metadata about the transaction who came from who went to the date, you know the amount that that's getting sent to, you know, centralized place. You know the way that you use your your phone the way you swipe the way that you interact where you go when you stop going to social media like you you're leaving data up there and. And these big giant vacuums are, you know, are, are getting that data and right now they're using it to figure out like what ads to serve you right and to figure out like what ads to give you they have to reconstruct your social media profile. And, and that's what like these, these companies like Facebook and, and Google are doing and the thing is is that they're consolidating with these other smaller data silos like you know what's up is a huge data silo I mean it's, you can also think of as users, but you can also think about it as a silo of data about their users and Google's merging that with their other big, you know, data silo and then they just create this huge ecosystem where they basically monitor you throughout the day with all the different products that you use so, you know, with Facebook it's Facebook and then their Instagram that they own right. Yeah. And, and what's up. And so we're about whenever you're like you're you're talking about something. It's listening to you that has to be listening to us because sometimes we're having a conversation about needing a new mattress and then you have an ad for a mattress to pop up but you never physically searched it. Like I'm wondering what's taking place there, like how does that work. I mean it's just there's listening to what you're saying and then using AI to transcribe it and then trying to like serve your ads like it's just really simple and, you know, it's, it's funny that someone did an infrared video of someone holding a iPhone to their face like this, and the infrared camera saw that the phone was continually taking a picture of the person every few seconds. And when they put their hand over the camera. They essentially got a, the camera noticed that it wasn't able to take a picture so start to like retry like over and over and over again like really fast like like a few times every second and then when it released to the picture. The camera. It finally was able to take a picture and went back down to its locations. It's just like no one's ever reported that the iPhone is taking infrared pictures of your face all the time. And, you know, pretty soon we're going to have cameras everywhere and really constructing this panopticon. This all seeing I that can see everything that we do. And, and people are really upset about that and concerned. The way that I see it is that it's a double edged sword. On one hand it's really bad for us. But that's the way that it is going to be but at the same time that's bad for us. It's also bad for the criminals. Okay, I'm talking about the criminals high up like when they do something, what happens is that now we can amplify it on the social media sites and so space because they need to hide in the shadows for them to hide in the shadows and the hiding complexity. Those are the two places where criminals reside. Right. And so if you have more transparency to everything, then it takes away their hiding spaces. And that is the one silver lighting about the surveillance data that we can turn the cameras on the elite as well. And they're finding it very hard to be able to hide from everything anymore. And I think that they're, they're losing their spaces to hide. Beautiful. Yeah. It's true. I mean, the machine is going to consume itself. That's, that's what's going to happen. That has to eventually, you can only be so greedy and so powerful before it consumes you. And technology is consuming everything, the way we vote, the way we read, the way we date, the way we like interact, the way that we were food. Like, it was just a while before it like disrupted the core institutions of our society like money. And then soon voting. That whole thing. I mean, just audit that's taking place right now. I really wonder what's going to, whether the results going to be like we know they found they have already come out and said we have the data we need right. Yeah. But are we going to get like a public victory or we're going to see something happen on the public stage to where they're going to do something about this? Or do you think it's just kind of part of the clown show. I don't know man, like I know what it does right like how, how well do the oligarchs have control and the question is do they have control over this Arizona audit and are there are oligarchs actually leading the Arizona audit. Like, I can't answer the question of who's actually really controlling both the left and the right and is it a legitimate fight. Because if this was a legitimate fight, I would have expected that the DOJ and the federal government would have already acted. And the fact that the letting this go out like Liz Harris, who's the main rebroadcaster of all the info that's coming out. She's doing it from YouTube. And my question is why hasn't YouTube gone out of the way to just like say, Hey, get off, you know, kick her off, and then make her toxic and begin the process of the depersoning that big tech likes to do. And so there's some contracting signals, and I don't know what's going on. And, but I remain, even though a bit skeptic, I remain hopeful that the Arizona audit will show people that conclusively that some bad stuff came to at least to the right. I know the left is so tribal, you know, I'm the right to that they're not going to listen to faction reason at this point. It's, it's all about the network and the tribe that they subscribe to so. But the thing is, is that there's not a lot of swing states that we need to change and secure and lock down their loading. They're voting in order for us to have an election victory in the next election cycle and 2024 in the next three years is going to be extremely critical for us to be able to win. And the thing is, is that we don't need to win all 50 states, we need to like when, you know, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, like those are, those are toss ups that we can get if we lock down the voting. And make it secure and get the voter ID, because the thing is, is that everyone's waking up like, how is it possible that the media is saying that we need vaccine passports. But voter ID is racist, like, it's just such a astounding juxtaposition to have, you know, to say a but not be when a and B are the exact same but, you know, it's just getting so obvious that I think that, you know, a lot of people woken up. Everything that was a conspiracy theory feels like it's like half of them are now like conspiracy facts. And so people are like, you know, there's like this era of people being more open minded we're like, hey, you know, now aliens exist and you know maybe this is the age of Aquarius, you know, in the fourth turning. So I feel that everyone knows that there's something big coming down and that we're, we're heading towards a lot of disruption and the cycles of disruption or getting faster and faster and faster. Yes, I agree. And to go back to what you said about that, the audit really quick. Two things if you're skeptical. One, why were the Democrats against the audit. If they had nothing to hide. Yeah. I mean that's, that's huge right and to dominion wouldn't hand over the passwords needed for the audit. I just think those two things like if this was a legitimate thing and everybody was on board with that there would be no discrepancies and everybody would be working together so. I want to add though that the Democrats there had the ability to stop the process with a million dollar bond, and they kind of come up with a million dollars. I mean, so something weird to come up with, they can't come up with a million likes on a, on an African YouTube video so. Yeah well they got the power of the central bank so it's like how can they not buy in with a million dollars like if I was a deep state I was like oh it's only a million dollars to stop the Arizona recount. Yeah sure there you go we'll we'll we'll we'll funnel it in through George sources BLM you know financial trickery we know that the media will cover for us so that we'll never be held to account. And so they said a million dollars to stop the Arizona thing too high of a price and they let it go. And so that's that's that's the only that's telling that I see that's telling and I'm like huh, why did that happen. That's unexpected maybe maybe they're somehow check made it into allowing the staff and maybe maybe this is a good sign. Yeah maybe maybe they're the show is just playing out now. Where you know but they they're basically done but they have to. Yeah, I'm open to I'm open to I mean I hope, like I'm with you I'm hopeful, but we'll see what happens. And I do think you're right as far as like something something which something changing something big is coming like yeah things look like they're getting really bad on the surface but in a way. Isn't that what we kind of want because things are all be all getting exposed it's better than going back to the norm which was the illusion anyway right people up and it's yeah. People get complacent when things aren't yet you know smooth and you know people need to know what's been going on how bad it really has been and who these people are and everything you know and this is. It's getting it's getting crazy but it's what better way to wake people up you know yep then to be literally them experience what's going on right now and them to be living through it. I mean how do you go to someone though and say hey everything that you believe was true is now obsolete and there's like a new way that we're all waking up to and you know it's that involves that like free energy is possible and hey the leads are actually way more corrupt than you thought. And you know the reason why we don't free energy is because they want to keep their oil cartels and hoarding it for decades with the petrol dollar. Well you don't you don't go up to somebody and tell them that you present the information on your platform whatever you're doing you do your work put it out there and the people who are ready to receive that information will find it. The ones that aren't aren't they're not even going to know what's there right at this point it that's where if you're ready for the information somehow the universe will guide you to it. I think. I don't know. Speaking of hacking what are your thoughts on this pipeline hack. And because for one I was reading a New York Times article that came up today. And they went out of their way to say that the pipeline hack has nothing to do with what's going on in Israel. Like, they're just like, why would you go out of your way to say that nobody just exposed nobody asked me that question. And they definitely have something to do with Israel guys I shared this article on telegram and Facebook and even Twitter I think but it really exposes the entire deep state agenda. All beautifully in one article they just like show their hand. And they're trying to, you're trying to say that this is all part of an energy crisis and climate change but on this couple with climate change and what you know it's just. I mean, here's my thoughts I think that it's a multi barbed thing. It's. First of all, the government makes this as bad as they can make it. They've just, there was something where they said they're going to make it illegal for people to pay ransom for like something like this to happen again. So imagine if you're a company and someone says, hey, we want Bitcoin or your pipeline doesn't go back up and you know that if you do pay if you pay that out in the government's going to find you money, because you paid out a ransom. But the end of the day you just want to pay a ransom because people need, you know, heating oil and energy, right, and gasoline to run their cars. And so I think that it's, it's, it's one of these things that the elites are using to destabilize the United States, they want these shocks to happen to our, our supply infrastructure. I think that they're making money off these shocks. I think that they're placing bets. And oftentimes when you see these things and you see really big shifts happen. There's someone, there's some network out there that's absorbing a lot of the value. Like, for example, with Texas in the winter, the, they had a price disruption. And then it turned out that certain, you know, suppliers were selling at like 1000% or 10,000% off normal value for their product. And it's just like, hey, when we try to figure out something that's going wrong. Why don't we investigate the people that are making all the money off of that thing going wrong. Right. And the obvious place to start. Yeah. Right. And so, yeah, always follow the money. Like, that's like, that's like the number one thing of investigative journalism is follow the money and we don't, we don't have that anymore. We just like, they give us like wrong reasons for everything. So I think that it's, it's essentially this point of weight to disrupt the oil pipelines. It kind of goes along with the global warming thing, which is like, hey, fossil fuels are unreliable. They're, they're susceptible to supply strikes. And I think that that's kind of like what we saw here. Yeah, and that's essentially what's going on. And, you know, it's, it's the same thing. Like, why do we have like these BLM and Antifa attacks? It's like to stabilize society and make it suck. And the reason why we need that is that we don't really want to overthrow our society. And we're like, hey, let's overthrow society. So I'm like, no, I love my society. Like, it's great. Like, it's composed of like my friends and my family and it's like, why would we want to overthrow that thing and overturn it. And so then the elites are like, okay, we're going to make it really bad. And once it gets really, really bad, and you hate everything and you're all divided, then you're all going to be like, together like, hey, overthrowing society is the solution to by really getting the education and all the debt that I have, and how everything's unaffordable and how I can't get health care and why I've got this like cavity that I can't take care of and all the other things right like if you make life utterly unbearable for a large percentage of the population, especially those that are poor. And then you give them hands out so that they get the carrot and stick for, you know, being a socialist then you get enough momentum to be able to actually overthrow the entire society. And you made money all the way up until that point, right? Like if you're the health cartel, you're going to make life really sucked by making health care really expensive. And so at the same time that you're that you're causing the gradual overthrow of society you're also making money hand over fist and that's what we see with all these corporations now. All these things like with their monopolies right and even Trump was susceptible to this like he nationalized the Treasury is kind of a story that the media didn't talk about but he nationalized and touch it. They didn't want to talk about it and then but then he gave it to black rock, right, who was like connected with Jared Kushner. And it's just like, sorry I'm just going on a rant right now but we do. Yeah, what do you do like you just got to call it out. And that's the reason why, you know it's really important. And I think it's a perfect segue to talk about a new project that I've got coming up. It's going to launch with my book. And the story is this. You know, four years ago, I was in San Francisco working on the YouTube app. There are a lot of people to connect with their content creators, such as you guys. And then everything went to hell. Google was doing this, this, this whole political purge. And at the end of my disclosure, I ended up in the exact same place in San Francisco, creating a video app. That allows people to connect to their content creators and this time they don't have to go through a middle guy. Right, there's no gatekeeper in the way. And this app is going to launch with my book, which is going to come out in August. The title of the book is called Google leaks. And we're going to have the solution to censorship. And unlike all these other people that are like oh I've got this like you know site whatever and just totally lame like this site is awesome. I can't tell you the name of it because it's secret maybe after I get through with this thing I'll tell you I'll tell you backstage. But it solves the censorship problem. It's going to be the drug report a video. And it is so awesome. And it's going to be the future. And once everyone sees this they're going to be like why did it take so long for this to happen. So that's coming out really, really soon. Look for it in the launch of August. And, and I believe that this is going to serve an example of how to defeat the censorship which is essentially through aggregation. If you aggregate all this, all the content creators which there's not a lot. There's only around 250 of you guys out there. Like, get them under one public square, broadcast their stuff. It's really as simple as that you don't need like a fancy gamification of everything. It's just everyone wants to be able to see what the people are saying about everything. And you just got to make that interaction as frictionless as possible and that's what I've done. So, that sounds amazing. Can't wait for that. One thing you just said that caught my attention. You said there's only where there's a number of only 250 content creators come from. Is that you just throw that out there? Is that something I've got my finger on the pulse. So I'm looking at everything. That's like nothing. Like I would have imagined it would have been a lot more. Right. It's a 90 20 or the 90 10 rule 80 20 90 10. Like most of the content comes out of the minority of the users. And so if you put a threshold a certain amount like they have to have this many subscribers and they have to have like certain different ways that they do thumbnails then it pretty much eliminates like all the people that aren't really that serious about it. And you get the people that are like posting content like once a week to every day. And those people that are doing that high quality content there's only like 250 of them. There's probably more with it with the lesser people but the way that I've done it is that you don't get on the curated list until I add you on there. So if you're in service, we're going to have like a discourse or some sort of forum so that people can go on and like upvote like the newcomers. Like, Oh, this person's like really good and then like get it and then amplify and because really it's not about like amplifying any particular person. I just want to get all the truth there's together, you know, on a, on a same app so that we have the whole marketplace of ideas that we can sample from right now so we can understand what the truth is happening with this world today. Right, because it's a mystery. Okay, but if we get everyone together, we're going to have a lot more sense. Yeah. Well, that's beautiful man and it's much it's much needed and I know there are people out there attempting the same thing but it's not it's glitchy it's tough. I know in particular one group the foxhole foxhole they did something similar and when they as soon as they got to like 17,000 downloads Apple removed them from the app store. And they, you know, what do you do, you know, so we need as many places like and something like this sounds amazing yeah. Yeah. And you also, you have a new website as well. Yeah, so I, I've got Zach for he's calm. If anyone out there listening wants to see everything that I've disclosed to the general public, I put it all up on my website. At Zach for he's calm check it out. Yeah, my god it's 150 pages there's, you know it's Google in their own words right like you can listen to me talk about like how evil they are but just go to my website and check it out Zach for he's calm. It's got all of their evil diabolical plans out there you can see it for yourself. And then, you know, you're going to join all the thousands of tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people have seen myself by now. You're gonna be able to understand why something like this can never happen again. Yeah, we can never let a totalitarian tech company. I'm a monopoly on public opinion. Yeah, yeah, or let a group of criminals hijack a pipeline for ransom. That's that's just hilarious to me that that's the actual story. That's just your typical Hollywood movie story I mean they didn't even try. Well, well, unfortunately it shows how like, they know they can just come up with any almost any story like that. And most people will just be like, oh yeah, okay. Yeah, those damn criminals. Yeah, you know, not even questioned it. Yeah, they said that's what happened. So that's what happened. What do you think more and more people are waking up, you know, all the time, and not, and questioning the media not trusting me so that's, that's a good part and then because of people like you, you know, are like not trusting things like Google and you know these we're, we're programmed to say, Google it, not search it, not look it up. Yeah, that's like Google it. That's it. They're giving all the colleges and even elementary schools not Chromebooks like Google Chrome. It's not, it's not this. It's not any other company brand. It's, it's Google. And it's there. They are monopolizing the entire planet or they're attempting to. So it starts with us. And we have to diversify our computer services. Yeah. Yeah. And not to mention like decentralized decentralized exactly. And if you, and if you really want to break it down and look at like even Apple and Google, like all of their symbols, their icons are all occultic, very free masonry is Satanist, you know, everything. Yeah, everything has a dual meaning, double meaning behind it all. Yeah, they love to put their symbols out there. That's, that's what they do. So I guess we'll go ahead and start wrapping this up. We've been going for about an hour now I think so. Thanks for coming on man. This was great. I think you so much. I can't wait to get your book when it comes out. Yeah. Yeah. We're looking forward to that. Guys, make sure you go check out his website. If you have not went down the rabbit hole of all this Google of these Google weeks, I recommend doing it. Just skimming through those documents. It takes a while, but I did do that a while back when you came out and it's just like it blows your mind. It's not actually blows your mind. It's like, well, it almost leaves you hopeless, but that's not the case. Look, look at the black lists. Yeah, that's right. That's a special thing. Yeah, that's crazy. That's what I did. I was going through the black list. So it's like, holy shit, like everything that we should. Everything you need to know about is on the back. Yeah, it's so great. Yep. Yeah, guys, the Hopewell farm CBD does have a promo code journey to truth 10 gets you 10% off any of the CBD products on their website. I'm the irradiation balancer device or patch you put on any radiating device. It harmonizes the frequency turns it into something actually beneficial for your body. That is available on the link below with 10% off with promo code truth in all caps. And then the teespring merch, as you guys know, 15% off with promo code CGI Joe. And we will leave it at that. Have a great night, guys. Thanks for coming on during this act. It's been a lot fun. Thank you, man. My pleasure. Thank you for having me on. Yeah, of course. Absolutely. All right, guys. Have a great night and we will see you next time. Bye. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]