Journey to Truth

EP 121 - Abby Lynn - Through The Veil

Originally aired on 4/22/21
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Abby Lynn is a multi-dimensional energy healer, Reiki Master Teacher and intuitive reader. After pursuing a career in television production, writing and broadcast journalism, Abby finally decided to embrace her lifelong gifts of spiritual communication and connection in order to help others by opening and sharing the world beyond the veil.
As an experiencer, Abby has always had a seat at the galactic table. The knowledge of higher self consciousness strengthens her connection to multidimensional beings and guides. Having experienced galactic healing centers, Abby has access to an array of healing modalities. Through her Arcturian, Lyran, and Elvish connections, she channels blue light, golden light, DNA activation and voice frequency healing. Working with Dragons, Abby is aided in elemental healing and clearing work. Her mission is to be a bridge between dimensional beings and source code.
As a Reiki Master, TV Producer and journalist, Abby utilizes multiple mediums to reach people, as both a story teller and teacher. Living on the East Coast, in Charleston, South Carolina, you can find Abby enjoying life with her husband, three children and multiple four-legged friends. Her soul spark is reading, gardening, continuous laughter and doing skywatches by the water.

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

live, okay? Yeah. And we'll do a quick audio test. Hey guys, what is up? Can you give us? Um, I'm gonna mute that. Um, can we get a five five please let us know if we sound okay, Abby, can you say hello to the audience? Hello, everybody listening in hello, Tyler and Aaron, good to see you. Yeah, good to see you. Good to have you on. Good to have you on. Um, if you, those you guys don't know who Abby Lynn is, um, neither do I so we're gonna find out tonight. She actually spoke, she spoke at the Coco Beach conference and I believe it was your first time presenting and it was, you kicked off the conference, you were the first one to go and it was amazing. I mean, you had everyone, you had everyone captivated. And I just, I just remember, uh, thinking, wow, we need to get her on the show. This is amazing. I have, we've been around each other for a while now on social media and we've talked and stuff, but I had never really heard your story. And it was just, I'm like, I'm like, this is like, like next level stuff, next level experience or type of information that needs to get out there. And I think a lot of people are going to resonate with it. And, um, really quick, before we get started, I just want to let everybody know who's listening right now. Um, if you guys watched last week, you know, we had the, uh, Hopewell farm sale, 20% offer for 20 with promo code J T T for 20. That, uh, sale ends after this episode when this episode ends. So if you feel like you still want to get in on that deal and save 20% off any of the CBD products, click the link below and, um, type in promo code J T T for 20, get 20% off, um, before the end of the show, if you want to take advantage of it. As you know, we have promo code CGI Joe for 20% off or no, it's 15% off. We have the best promo codes 15% off our, uh, T spring merchandise. And then obviously, uh, promo code truth in all caps get you 10% off the omnia radiation balancer, which harmonizes any of the negative frequency coming into your phone and balances it into something that actually is proving to have healing benefits to whoever, whatever device it's on. And it's, they're working on some other technology right now. So if you want to get one of those, you feel like you want some protection, uh, that link is also below. Without further ado, Abby Lynn, welcome to the show. Thanks guys. It's good to be here. I actually want to get one of those omnia devices for my phone. My kids were talking about it. Um, so I'm going to be logging on after this and purchasing those. Yeah, they're really great, actually. They're amazing. They're more and more studies. They're, they're finding out right now. It's just, uh, it's key, it keeps proving itself. It's really cool. It's really cool. There's some new results coming out. So we're going to get Tim Sanders back on here in your, in your future to discuss some of that. So. Absolutely. I mean, anything that we can do in regards to, um, you know, protecting ourselves from these Wi-Fi, from these bio fields that are being created. You know, I, all of us, um, the kids and I, we all have, um, the organized pyramids next to our beds and we like that. Yeah. That is almost exactly what mine looks like. I love it. I got it from Christina, didn't you? I did get it from us. I love Christina. He does amazing work. He does amazing work, amazing work. Um, but we traveled and I stayed at a hotel and I didn't really notice what an amazing job those pyramids were doing because I woke up and Mill and I just buzzing, like, you know, because there's so much Wi-Fi being shot through those hotels. Oh, yeah. I do not travel without mine. Well, it's, that's true about the, uh, Wi-Fi in hotels and apartments, condos, whatever. Every room has its own Wi-Fi router. Well, especially department building, but that energy is so chaotic. You have to have protection if you're somewhere like that. Absolutely. Especially if you're sensitive. Um, so Abby, why don't you, well, actually, before we even start, Abby was just telling us about this dream or experience she had. And I stopped her as like, wait, can you tell this on camera? Because I actually have something I want to add to it. And it's really interesting to me. And then we can get in to introducing yourself. Sounds good. Let's just like jump right into the weirdness. Yeah. Um, you know, so sometimes I have dreams that, um, you know, I can remove you. So it feels like I'm remote viewing something. And this dream actually, it felt like I was viewing what would have been or could be a potential timeline that would be derived from what some would call the deep state. Um, but I was in Seattle and I just, I felt almost like the countdown. And I felt strongly that this was being turned on and started in Seattle. And I felt like from Seattle, it would have been like a ripple like we're going to start in Seattle, see how it goes. And then we're going to ripple across the country. And so it's like, I kind of felt like, like a countdown turning it on. And all of a sudden, you know, and people were just walking about in the sidewalks and the street about their day. And it was in the afternoon. And all of a sudden people just started going, like, like grasping like their throat and their chest. And they just, their entire body's just turned into this like ball, like this plasma, plasma gelatin ball and just dropped to the ground. Very similar to the movie X-Men, you know, when they were doing those experiments on him and he just turned into like this jellyfish. And they turned into these bulbs down on the floor. And what was really interesting was, you know, I was able to, I kind of walked up close. I wasn't walking, but I viewed it up close. And people were coming up to these, but you could still see through this gelatin, their vascular system. So all their veins were still in there. But they had turned like this burnt, like a copper color. And this one individual kind of kicked it a little bit. And when he did the gelatin, it kind of broke away. And the blood, which had now turned into this like a dust, like this rusty dust poofed out, like it popped out. Almost like in the Avengers movie, you know, when they blipped out how they just kind of turned to that, it was that type of a substance that came out of their vascular system. And when the people were close by, when they inhaled this dust, all of a sudden they started changing and they started grasping. So then people started like running, just like running away from everything. And it kind of turned into a pandemonium. And then I just, I just popped out of it. So that was, I did, I had the stream a little over a week ago. Well, I hope that that was a timeline that didn't happen. Because when we had Elena Denon on, she described the exact same thing. She said that there was a device on the ground that when they flipped it on, it would affect everybody who got the vaccine. I can't say that word on YouTube. I mean, whatever. Yeah, it would affect everyone who got the shot. So, but she said, luckily, what she has been shown is that there's certain forces at play that are stopping that they have gotten control of that switch that technology and they're not able to actually carry out their plan like they wanted to, fortunately. But as soon as you said that, that's exactly what she described. She said it was like a switch, they would flip and they would something would happen to everyone who got the shot. And, but whenever you're talking about people breathing it in and then being affected by it, we're hearing stories right now of like people just being near people that got the shot and and and having side effects also. Because they're shedding. I mean, what happens when you get the shot, right? You said like you're shed for a little while afterwards. Yeah. Well, they're actually concerned that that you're constantly getting these protein spikes and what they're almost kind of seeing is that usually because usually after a a shot, you have like a 21 day shed because you're just shedding a live virus. But this is again, this isn't the normal shot. This is I call it gene manipulation. You know, it's being referred to as gene therapy, but what they're almost seeing is that the body is not stopping producing this and that some of these doctors are kind of calling the alarm of it may never like your body may never stop having these protein spikes. I I've only done one session an energy session on somebody who has had two of them. And my whole session was I first spent like the first 25 minutes just in the brain because the whole body was in such an intense fight or flight state that I was, you know, just just talking to the body just to calm it down and just to release it. And then it just it just wouldn't. And the whole body was screaming to me that the lymphatic system was an overdrive. And you know, and as I as I went through the body in my energy session, it was like, you know, sometimes I can feel the energy from the individual cells and they were just like the whole body, they were just zinging everywhere. And there was, you know, and the body was saw me there retaining water in the legs and feet because, you know, this is the body was in such a hyper overdrive. And this would this particular person, it had been almost a month since their last jab. So it was just interesting. I also think that your dream was like, could have been symbolism also for like the people breathing it in and having effects of it, like showing you like you don't necessarily have to get the shot to be affected by it in certain cases. But yeah, I didn't mean to go on a whole talk about this, but it is really important right now. It is I think a lot of people in our community are it is it is a lot of people are looking at it. And, you know, it's I was actually talking to my kids about it today. It's one of those, I don't like putting fear into a lot of baskets because fear doesn't really serve us in any way. So it's one thing to be aware and degree awareness of something. But I also don't want to put fear into it's almost like it flipped like we are first afraid of this shot. And then now it's switched and oh now we're afraid of the after effects of it. So I'm just, you know, I'm just kind of I'm observing I'm observing both of the those those places. But, you know, I don't shut off. That's what I'm not afraid of any of it. So I'm not worried about that. Yeah, that's I mean, you really have to get to a place where it doesn't like the fear is the fear and thoughts control and create everything. So absolutely. If you can get to a place where you honestly just like, okay with it, like this isn't going to affect me. I'm not on that timeline. I know that doesn't resonate with everyone. But that's how I feel about it. Yeah, I agree with you. I mean, I know it's not in my soul contract. This is not, yeah, it's not my soul contract. So, yeah. We didn't all come here to to just get the vaccine or get or to just, you know, die and like immediately be gone, you know, yeah, it doesn't make any sense. And that's not the timeline we're on. There's too much happening there. Like, I just know we're on, we are on a positive timeline. Things are just playing out right now that look scary outwardly because those things have to play out. Absolutely. And you have to be cleared. Yeah. You know, the overriding message that I've gotten during this entire interesting time was, you know, my guides kept saying, get on top of the mountain, get on top of the mountain. And you know, and when they said that it was, oh, you always gave me the image of like a, like a little kid coming up to the edge and grass, you know, how you kind of like sit there with your chin down and it's like you zone in and you're seeing like the cute little ladybug walking on, like, you know, the blade of grass. That was the vision that they gave me. But instead of seeing ladybug, I was looking down into the valley and the valley is, is this experience, this simulation that we're all in right now. And you know, and the message was just observe it. Don't, don't go down and get in the muck. Like, you're not here for that purpose, but you need to just observe it. And so I, I've continued to, to replay that message and I put that image whenever I feel like I'm kind of being, you know, like, drawn down a bit, you know, and sometimes they're like, get on the mountain, you know, and so I protect myself out there and it just, and I observe it. And when you do that, like, Tyler was saying, you know, there's having these fears, it serves us no purpose. It just really isn't. And so just, just to be observant. And you realize how important perspective is on any situation. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Well, well said, beautiful said. Sorry, I gotta say hi. I don't even know why I'm typing as hi, Anita. She said, she said that you can see it. Hey, everybody, thank you mods. Thank you to all of our mods for helping out. Thanks for everybody. Thanks, you're amazing. Thank you guys for being here. And I know some of you guys have no idea who Abby is. So Abby, let's tell us who is Abby Lynn. I am an experiencer since I was three, even though I was tired and I was in the air and I was like, don't actually like the word experiencer. I feel like I've been living a life connected, you know, my whole life. And it's, it's really interesting because when you, when you go through life and you do, you understand that something is much larger and bigger than yourself, it is, it gives you a different perspective when you are looking at any type of a situation. I really think it kind of helped me, you know, through my childhood in my teen years, even though I kept it mostly all to myself. Now I did try when I was in grade school and it was we had to pick a big research project. My research project was the world's greatest mysteries. So, you know, I was there in sixth grade talking about UFOs and Bermuda Triangle and the Loch Ness Monster and, you know, so funny. So Florida was actually my first time that I spoke to a group. But technically, it was the second time I've spoken about extraterrestrials. I was in, I was in speech class in high school and I walked in my friends like, what's your big like 25 minute speech today? And I completely, completely utterly forgotten about it. And I'm like, yeah, let's talk about aliens for 25 minutes. Perfect. And you get graded on it? That's amazing. Yeah. So I just, I just stood up and just, you know, started speaking. So yeah, they've, they've been a part of my life always. I was kind of thinking about it recently. And it kind of made me a little cocky when I started driving my car because I'm not going to lie. There was a couple of times where some invisible forces came in and grabbed my steering wheel and got me out of some, you know, tricky, tricky times. And when you can feel that you're being followed and you can see the craft and you know that that's your family and that you're protecting, you're being watched, you can get a little, you can get a little cocky. Yeah. I mean, wow, what is, what is that like, I guess like we, we titled this through the veil because obviously like what's it like being able to see and communicate with your guides like that in a way like something like most people only like dream of, you know, some people spend their whole awakening trying to even connect with their guides and find out who their guides are. And here they are getting out of car accidents. And you're like, you know, thanks guys. Yeah. You know, to be quite honest, it was always just a part of my life that I don't really know what it's like to not have it. Now, they're not always there. There's absolutely, there's been moments where I've had nothing like large gaps where I just, I don't feel them. And after a while, you know, it does get a little unnerving. But you know, I'm at to the point with my guides. This was about like eight months ago or so nine months ago, and I was out. And I just had not really felt them physically around me for a while. And I was just kind of in a low spot. And so I was, you know, out for my run doing my meditation. And I'm like, can you guys just please just like, just please, like, let me feel that you're around me, even though it's, they're always around us. I mean, it's, it's a little thing that they're not there. But I'm like, can you please just give me something? I really, really need this. And, you know, I'm at the place with my guide where he's very honorary. And so he like slapped me on the butt. And then I would read that, then he flipped my ponytail. So like, you know, it made me laugh. And I'm like, Oh my God, seriously, like that's how you had to come. But yeah, you know, so I'm at the point with that now it wasn't very fun being pregnant with your guides because they ruined it all. You know, he, he told me that I was pregnant. I, you know, saw dreams of my kids before I had each of them. So there was no surprises there at all. So in some way, it's, you know, I didn't have to get to have those moments with my husband and like, Oh, let's go get a test. They'd already told me like I woke up and they just went, you're pregnant. But you know, it's, this is something I didn't cover in Florida through But honestly, Tyler, I, I think, you know, when you don't, when you don't have it, some, I think there's almost a tendency to glamorize it in a way, you know, in some of my sessions, I go into the Akashic records. And I feel like you have to be almost like a spiritual warrior and definitely put on your armor because when you're going into the Akashic and you're, and you're looking at past lives, because you're, you're looking for cycles that might be perpetuating and or, you know, causing an illness or pain in this lifetime. It's not always pretty. You know, it's when I, yeah, when, you know, when I first started getting access into the Akashics, honestly, it was a session and this is when I was working out out of my home at this time. And you know, my client had left, it'd been an hour and I was still upstairs in my room kind of sitting on the floor crying. And my husband came in, he said, what is going on? And I just, I just literally just balled out. We do the most awful things to each other. Why our species is so cruel to one another because you see this. You know, for instance, once I, a client come to me and she was saying that she had went down, she had just bought a home in a different country and she had went down there and she was like cleaning it. And all of a sudden like she, she said literally, she was dusting out one of her rugs. And you know, she was put, you know, the dirt was flying. She's like, she was in, when I saw like this dirt flying up, she went into such a severe panic attack that the whole family went home. I mean, she couldn't even, she couldn't cope and she went almost into like a three month long depression. And as she's describing this to me, I instantly see and it was really interesting because I was seeing it from the perspective of being below the head. I just saw this 14 year old girl being, being literally just thrown down on this slab. And I was suddenly in the, like in the, in a Mayan temple and her heart, her chest is being cut open and her heart's being ripped out. And her parents were there and I actually ended up conversing with both of her parents through this. Like they're the ones who explained me what was what had happened. And it was the chief and he had two daughters. And it was interesting because he was still, when, when I'm in there doing this work, it's playing out like a movie. So it is literally like I'm watching a movie. I can, I can, I can smell. I can feel the emotions of the people around them when we see the clothing. And he looked at me and he said, I had two daughters and we were in a very, very bad famine with her. We had not had rain. And because I had two daughters, I had one to spare. I had to make the ultimate sacrifice for my people to show them this. And the, and the, her mother also showed no remorse for it at all. You know, even from that perspective, it was, this is just what had to be done. Now, what was interesting, what had come through for that was they showed me they had given her this herb because she was like the, the chief's daughter, you know, the rulers, the, the head's daughter, they gave her this herb, which they felt she experienced no pain. But all that it did was, it essentially just paralyzed her muscles. So from the, the girl's perspective, my client's perspective, they felt everything. They felt absolutely everything, but was completely numb. And what they showed me, what had triggered, what had triggered the memory to come back, the panic attack was they had taken her heart and thrown it into the fire. In this, in this smoke rising that was their sacrifice to the gods because of the rise up to the sky. And so what her guides then came in, and they said she needs to, she needs to bury her heart because her, her physical being felt she didn't die complete because they buried her with no heart. And so they said to help heal that find a find a an object, you know, you can buy like amethyst crystals in the shape of a heart or whatever you want to represent, but you need to go home and bury this and, and help to heal and move past that. So like, that's a, for instance, that is one way that I work beyond the veil. But again, like it's not all like beautiful and glamorous. So I had to sit through and watch that ritual happen. And I experienced it from two different perspectives. Yeah, I've had people say like, I've told told stories before, and people are like, Oh my god, it must be so cool would be an experience or a half star. And it's actually, I mean, it is, but there's a lot that goes with it that that is dark and traumatic. And it's not, it can scar you for life if you don't do something about it. Or, you know, so it's not all glamorous, but it is. I mean, I'm, I'm really good at it. It's cool. I mean, I've had Leerins walking in my kitchen and talking to me and I've talked to Mantis and, you know, they're literally just standing in my bathroom. And so I've had beautiful, like the most beautiful messages that you could imagine coming through. And so I do, I get to experience life that is, it's, I'll give you, I'll give another instance where it's really beautiful. And this is actually what happened to my daughter. On Sunday, we went horseback riding. And we went trail riding. So I was, it was just her, myself in the, in the, the lee trail guide. So I was up close to the trail guide. I was talking with her and my horse was acting silly. So, but my daughter was way back behind. And she was just walking really slow. And afterwards, when we were done, she said, mom, there was the most beautiful Native Americans in the wood in, in the tree line. And she said, one of them came out and he was walking alongside the horse with me and he just had his hands like calmly behind his back and we're just looking at my daughter and the horse and just appreciating that moment. And so in that way, it's, it's beautiful because how do you not live beyond the valley would just be your trail ride and you just be a horse and seeing a beautiful, you know, grass and sky. But when you see beyond the veil, you need to have this completely different experience that people around you aren't seeing and feeling. Yeah, exactly. It can be like that. It can be like me last night fighting reptilians. I mean, literally it was crazy. Aren't reptilians awesome? Yeah. Not. No, but yeah, I just think you're right. It is, there is something to like being able to see that. And because it gives you a new perspective, it helps you understand like this isn't, this isn't just it. And that's, and that's where we're seeing this, the split right now because there are people out there who can't see that they can't see anything else. It's not their reality. And it's hard for us going through this to like even fathom like, well, how can somebody be like that? How can they act like that? You know, but they're being shut off from it. And that's the whole, that's the whole plan, right? And so I don't know, like, what do you think like, what do you see happening as far as like the like the split going on? You think like these people are going to start going through this also? Or do you think this is the split here? Well, back in June, you know, I had been hitting social media pretty hard, trying to wake people up. And last June, I just woke up one morning and my guides literally shouted at me, stop trying to wake people up. They said at this point, they're either awake now, they're not going to be. So, you know, they said, get on top of the mountain, stop putting energy into this, they're either awake at this point, or there they aren't. And so I really kind of stepped back from that. And you know, really, when I'm working on social media now, I, I energetically try to put behind my posts, I'm not trying to really wake more people up. It's just more giving reassurance to to my friends out there, you know, like, hey, this is what's going on, you know, this is like a crazy show we're living in right now. But um, almost two years ago, I had a channel come through and it was from, I know who the channel came through. But it was from, it was from a group that a lot of people in the community have been told that nobody would ever speak to them. So when I, you know, asked why, like, why are you coming to me and talking to me? And they said, well, you're, you're in the same lineage of us. So therefore, like, we have this, this lineage connection. And they literally said that the earth is going to split in into two. There's going to be, there's going to be a new earth in this lower dimensional earth. And they said it's, it's going to take a millennia for them. And it's almost like a, like a bell curve, you know, so it's like, we're going to come up here to, to newer, and they're going to keep in corny, like into this 3D. And it's like, it's over 1000 years, they're going to come up and then eventually it's going to become solid. And then Gaia will be like, in this, everything on Gaia will be within the 5D up above. I mean, I, so Gaia said she's definitely, she, she's definitely going to five, but she's actually going to teach her into six. So she's going to be able to, to withhold six 60 year. So you think in this splits more like a different dimension? Are different? Yeah. Well, well, yeah, they said that we're not going to be in knowledge of the lower, we won't know each other exists. So I'm very curious to know or see how that's going to play out. I, I mean, I know, I know, Tyler, I, back in, back in August, I had a really strong channel come in and, but again, I was running, but that's when I meditate, that's my meditation. And I felt all, like all of this pressure come in. And I knew I needed to channel. So I, you know, I opened, I'm like, okay, I'm opening up. And they said a huge massive wave is coming. And they said, it was up so much force. I literally ducked sound in the road, like looking for a tsunami, like an idiot. But, um, but they showed me this, this huge energetic, massive storm that was that, that was coming into our neck of the woods, per se, within the universe. And they said that it is radiating at such a high level. And again, it was like, you know, and then they said, those who have increased their, their vibration, they said animals, plants, and our species who have raised a vibration to this frequency, it's just going to go, and just go right through us, this, this wave. And I said, well, what about the ones who haven't, when they got kind of quiet, and, and again, I saw the image of, um, it flated really, really quickly, but like the blip, you know, that just like that dissipation. But then they immediately said, encapsulation, like they're going to be encapsulated. So I don't know what that means, because I think that they were almost hesitant to give me any more information, how it's going to play out, and then because then the channeling just ended, it, it just went away. But I will tell you this. Um, literally a low over a year ago, I had like, I always kind of know when I'm, when I'm going, when I'm being taken, per se, um, and it's really funny, you know, I've been with my husband for 18 years. And so we're now to the point where like, he knows when I am like, when I'm physically go, because he gets so drugged. So he doesn't wake up because he's a super, super light sleeper. Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. They do have to my dogs. Wow. That's a mean, well, yeah, he, like, he wakes up and he can't wake up and you get, and he'll like be at the edge of the bed. He's like, well, you got taken last night. I know you did. And sometimes, you know, like, if he can't sleep, if he's like working hard and he can't sleep, well, he can't show his brain off. Sometimes he's actually looked at me and said, can you like ask them to take you? I really need some good sleep. Because he goes, I need the good stuff. That's amazing. But, um, so anyway, um, I knew that I had been going up and I was actually taking taking shower and the, like, I moved my leg and the, the light hit it. And I could see very faintly underneath my skin. Like I first saw around my ankle this like gold rim. And I'm like, what is that? And then as I like move my leg, I looked up, I could see under my skin, like this green suit moving up, but it had, you know, you almost see like the copper fit, like it's like, you can see like the, like the lining. There's like a pattern into it. So that was going up into my leg. And then I kind of saw it was all over my body, like it cleansed around my wrists, around my ankles and my body. And so I'm like, what is that? And they said, well, we put a suit underneath the skin to protect your internal, internal organs as these massive energy waves are coming through the planet. And, um, you know, I always knew it whenever I get informations like that, it's not like I'm not special. So I guarantee you tons and tons and tons of us all have these same suits that are on. But it's all about, and I've had two, two different messages from my Galactics about protecting the internal organs as these waves come through. Well, I agree. And I think you are actually being shown this so you can spread that message. And because people are going to be listening to this and like, they're going to have maybe even memories come back, you might trigger something within them, or they're just going to know that's true for them. And that's, that's part of what we're even doing here, why we're even talking about this. I think about that sometimes. I'm like, what are we even doing anymore? You know, what, what are we doing? But, but it's the messages and the feedback of the people who are going through stuff that we had already gone through been there, done that. But we forget about the people just starting to go through this. And even even those of us who are experienced or whatever, there's always new information. So when you share a story like that, it might resonate with somebody and actually give hope to people who, you know, are kind of lost right now. So, well, you know, I mean, anytime that we can give confirmation or validation to each other is, is amazing. And you know, the way I, I finally looked at it because, you know, I've been living this life and I've always kind of called it my secret life. But you, you know, I got to the point where you do realize this isn't for me. Like I, this, this, all this information isn't just for me, I have to be sharing it. And, you know, whenever I am getting, you know, a channel or air information, I'm very much so aware that there's probably 10,000 other people on the globe who are getting the same message. And it's essentially, they're, they're putting this intel down and seeing who's picking it up. You know, and it's almost like, you know, if you want to see where the leaks are in, in a hose, you know, you just send water down, and you know, and you see where, where it comes through. And it's like, oh, you know, and we see one of us who are stepping up and sharing, it's like, oh, we got a live one here. All right, you know, they're willing to talk and share. So let's start giving them more information. So I definitely, you know, that's one of the conversations I've had with them, like, okay, I need to start stepping up more and being more open because this isn't for me, this isn't, it's much larger than myself, it's for all of us. And, you know, again, like, we're all here just trying to put together the pieces of this very confusing, awesome puzzle. Yeah, and every person has a piece of that puzzle. And like you said earlier, it's not about trying to wake people up, like, stop breaking people, because it's not, I thought at the beginning, it was, and I've learned a hard way that that's not how it works. But it's about presenting the information, sharing your stories, and, and then it's up to them to do what they want with it. And the people that are ready for it, well, it'll kind of take root and then, and they'll, they'll be like, yeah, that's it, you know, and the people that aren't either, they're not. And no matter how you can't like force it down their throat, you can't, you can't make somebody wake up like if they're not ready is what I've definitely learned. In fact, you're just doing more harm than good at that point and you're wasting your own time and energy. You could turn them away from it. Yeah, well, that's you exactly, whereas maybe down the road, they might have started opening up more and now they're digging their heels and even farther because you tried to, you know, that whole thing. Well, you know, the way I look at it too is, you know, sometimes when I was doing research for myself, you know, my background, my professional background was is journalism. And, you know, I was a television producer and working in the news. So, you know, I lasted less than two years because that was just very blatant for me. So it's really interesting because I do have, you know, I've always had this internal drive to research and know more because so much of my life was, you know, people always try to debunk it like that's not real and I couldn't find books on it or much information or people say, Oh, that's not real. But it was the most real thing to me. And so I think that's what drove me to go into journalism was, well, I'm going to actually be the one who like goes out and finds all this information. Then, you know, of course, you you enter into the belly of the beast and you realize, Oh my gosh, this is completely and totally corrupt. I cannot be a part of this. And so, you know, it's like, it's completely controlled too. So no matter what you want to, what you want to be a story or, you know, research and presents, it doesn't matter. It's like, Nope, this is what you're going to, you know, advertisers, advertisers matter. That's pretty much it. Yeah, unless you just go completely independent and create a YouTube channel or do your own thing. Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, you guys are the news. We are the news. You guys are the news because you're willing to talk about this stuff unedited and uncensored. And this is the only way that it's going to get out. And yeah, so I thank you. I thank you guys for your service doing this. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Also, not everybody can just tap into your cash records and I contemplated messing with you guys because I've been on your side of the table so often. And you know, you love interviewing the people that give you like one or two answers. And so a person like, I'm just going to start out and just say, uh-huh. Yes. And just make you guys ask all the questions. Make it really hard. Yeah, really hard. Yeah, it's true. Sometimes it's really easy, depending on the guests. Sometimes it's like, okay, I can see where I'm going to have to carry this or whatever it depends. But it's always, it always ends up being exactly what it's supposed to, which is the beautiful thing. So, you know, I will say there's so, you know, talking with, with some other, you know, amazing star seeds, awakened people, you know, a lot of us are really getting this strong realization. And I, I almost feel like the urge that, okay, like, we're just going to have to create ourselves. It's just, it's just going to have to be us, like, instead of just waiting for it. And, you know, another like Heidi Pop, I love, love, love my dear friend Heidi Pop. And, you know, she and I have been wanting to do some stuff working with these star seed kids, you know, coming in. You know, I'm already just within some of my sessions, I can feel with the adults. I mean, there's some really, really amazing souls coming in here. I'm getting hit right now. I know you're the kids and you and Heidi, that's got to be, that's got to happen. Yup. You know, these, and, and for us, you know, for me just seeing with the adults, us being these old, I've had a couple readings and, you know, I'm, I'm in there with a higher self and I'm, I'm pulling from, you know, their highest form knowledge. And I just like, who are you? Like, where do you come from? I mean, you're talking some D, D pockets of the university solar coming here. And, you know, I actually did a reading. It was beautiful on, on a six month old. Wow. That's the first I've heard of that. It was, I mean, major, major applause for the parents. I mean, oh my gosh, you know, imagine being that aware. And it was the most, one of the most beautiful readings because I instantly was just right there with the higher self. It was just, you know, right there. And they gave important messages as to, you know, the type of environment. They even, you know, the baby even talked about, I really work well in this frequency, like in this number of a frequency. And, you know, it came through that, you know, their initial language, I was actually thinking about this other day with a lot of these kids, like, we need to start making these new forms because light language is actually going to be a pure language. You know, there are all these kids are all bilingual, naturally, because their first language is light language, and then they're going to learn English. But, you know, and they were just talking about the right environment and the right type of food and the type of water and like what their body is going to need to make them the most healthy right now. And just that information just comes through. And it's amazing. These kids are coming here. And, you know, and she's here to bring in, she showed me that she had a couple lives here, working with the land, and almost like a shamanistic, like a Native American type of lifetimes where she kind of fell from the land, what this planet was needing. And then she went on, and then she went out and had all these lifetimes within the universe, gathering the right information that it needed in order to come back. And she's bringing in all this information in order to now heal Gaia. You know, it was just beautiful to see that, you know, she's bringing in all of this co-language and healing modality. And it's one of those like, I cannot wait to see this child grow up and see what they do. This is going to be amazing. I mean, and not just them, all these children coming in. And it is, it is up to the parents. Everybody's coming in activated and turned on now. And it's up to the parents at a certain point if they're going to shut them down or not, depending on who the parents are, right? And I know this to be true for somebody I know. And because the mother is going through an awakening and she's getting these messages now like, like, listen, like, your kids are this close to being shut off. It's it unless you do something about it now because they're getting programmed heavily. So luckily, you know, she got the message in time because it can they can be shut off and then be thrown into that matrix. And then they go down. I mean, yeah, it is still part of the soul's voyage. And you do learn lessons and go through a lot eventually, but it's a longer, you know, you can do a lot more if you're being guided by not just your guides, but by an actual physical parent. So I think that's crucial, yeah. You know, and really for these kids, it's about creating the right environment in regards to giving them access to certain, you know, information or, you know, letting these kids listen to light language, letting them listen to frequency, you know, the cellophagy of frequency healing frequencies. You know, my kids, I just took them. I'm a Reiki teacher, so I took them to Reiki one. And there's a reason why everyone should learn how to self heal and heal others, you know, so I'm going to, you know, take them as far as I want to go. And you know, my kids came in pretty weak. I mean, they were probably one of my biggest catalysts in regards to looking at myself like, okay, this is this is so prevalent. How can I be best to shop for them? And it was really interesting because the minute I actually have them, I instantly just knew they weren't mine. Like I don't have ownership over them. I'm essentially their caretaker for 18 years and to provide with them the best environment until they go out and do these really big things that are their own, you know, soul missions. But you know, my oldest daughter, when she was two, she turned to me because she, you know, she'd already was, she was seeing the veil and telepathic, but she looked at me and she said, thank you for my, thank you for my eye and my special eyes. And you know, I kind of smiled. I'm like, what are you talking about? And she said, God and I chose you to be my mother because you would understand my special eyes. And, you know, and then, you know, my son, they're so close in age, when when he was like two and a half and she was three and a half, they would sit there and joke about the fight they had about who was going to come down here first. And you know, so my son at two and a half, he talked to me about the roomful of holes. And it was a roomful of wormholes. And that was when his soul came down to be in here. You know, he said, he goes, but by the time that I got to that room, I was so small that, you know, somebody was guiding me, he goes, and what was really crazy was he did not know my maiden name. There's no, he didn't know my maiden name. And he said, he goes, we got to the wormhole that said, and it was my husband's name, and then my name and my maiden name, he goes, and then they put me into the wormhole. And then I was in the belly and I came out. So he's like two and a half talking about that. Wow, that almost reminds me of the ship that Barry Littleton describes of all the wormholes on. That's just interesting. That's the second time I've heard of like a room with wormholes like that. Man, what does it actually look like? That's so crazy. Like, we hear about like choosing our life and coming down there and picking our parents, but you don't actually think about the room that it takes place. And you're like, okay, like, price is right. You like punch the hole out and see what's inside. Jason Klitt talks about that a little bit. Yeah, he had memory of pre like picking. Oh, he did. Yeah, he said he was like a baby crawling and then he entered like a room and then they showed like, yeah, that's true. His parents. That's true. Yeah, he talks about it. Whenever it's it can't be the same for everybody, there's got to be you because we're coming from it's different. We're coming from different groups and different races, different being. So each one probably has their own room, right? Yeah, yeah. I mean, we're coming from so many different places, but it's really interesting. My son has a lot of a lot of galactic memories, like crazy memories. How are you madam? I know. And he also, I actually have his, his little g force emblem that he drew, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That story, the reason I even did that because of his story, because that story resonated with me so deeply, I'm like, there's something to this. Oh, he, he, yeah, he's crazy. He actually, when I took him to level one, you know, when you're doing a tunement, you know, a lot of times while you're in that attunement, you are having experiences yourself. And his experience, when he was, when I was doing the attunement to open him up, he was in a ship and he actually saw his dad and he felt like it was like back in the galactic war time period, that his dad was the commander of the ship. But when he looked at his dad, he had light blue skin. He had eight eyes. So it was like one, two, three, four, and then like the nose came down with the nose set lower than ours. And then one, two, three, four. And he said he had a bone that was here. And he said what the bone, the longer the bone was that went down into the back of the neck, that's what actually showed your age. So the longer that it recessed down. And he said he had like an ice, like an ice white beard. And he, he knew instantly that they were amazing at combat. And one of the reasons why was because of the eyes, because they could see from all angles. But he knew his dad was the commander of their particular craft. And he goes, it's, he said, it was like, we knew that we are getting ready to die. Like we knew that it was coming. And he said, he goes, my dad turned to me. And he said, son, let go. And then he said, like, then just all this light filled in. So he got pretty emotional, you know, when he was recalling that. But yeah, you know, a lot of these memories come through and it's, you know, they're there to help us heal. But it's so I want to go back in because Peter Slattery mentioned this in your in your last show. And it's something I've heard before. And that is about is reincarnation real, like doing reincarnate. And how does that work? And it's something that, well, he talked about more of it being it's, it's not linear, because it's time is an illusion. So how does a reincarnation cycle work? All happening at the same time. It's all happening in the now, basically. Yeah. And it well, and it's so interesting because, you know, when you go into these different lifetimes, you can jump around in them, but yet they feel so real, like you're literally in it. And we know that time, I always tell people, you know, that time is an illusion. And they're like, how can you say that? I'm like, because it can be perceived. Anything that can be perceived isn't real. It's not set. You know, if one person can have a day that felt like it dredged on all day long and where one person is like, oh my god, that day flew. Therefore, you know, that time is a perception. And therefore, you know that then if it's a perception, then it's an illusion. And it's not real. It does not go with an alarm. And, you know, I've noticed that time is just going so much faster. Are you guys nervous that? Yeah, I can. The days, the days are just they, you know, before I used to be like, oh my god, where that week go now, it's where did the last two months go? Like, what, what, how is it's, it's changing? We're, we're quickening. Yeah. And so I, I was, I kind of had a download one morning about time and I still can't even understand it. I think it's one of the things that I don't think we're ever understand in the third dimension time. But that's part of the experience of being here is to experience time, I think. I think, yeah, yeah, I agree with you. But they're, you know, like they were showing that time is, is sick of it. Like it goes in a circle. And that's how time travel works. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, I sometimes, I know that you guys are always saying it's like, for a fleeting moment, I understand all of it. It's like, oh, I get it. And then it just like vanishes that that just vanishes like, oh, I almost had it. So, you know, with what Peter was saying, I do, I find it so interesting because time is not linear. So therefore, how can we have all of these different lifetimes? Because I know that, you know, we discuss our parallel lives, we have knowledge of our parallel selves. So how does that work to each of those parallel lives have multiple lives and we can tap into all those? But when you get really deep and you realize that we all come from the same place that we're all in, that we are all connected, are all these lives not we're just tapping in, you know, like when you're in our view, you can travel and just tap into that soul's experience. That's, that's exactly what I was thinking after that. I was like, so there's really no such thing as a past life progression. You're just tapping in there in a parallel timeline. Something happening simultaneously. Although it may appear to be linear because, see, I don't know because you can experience their death, like you can jump forward and you experience their death. And so therefore, because we think literally, okay, well, that life had a beginning, then it had an ending. So therefore, it must be linear. Yeah, but sometimes you go into a past life and you know, the era was in ancient Egypt, which you know, was in the past. But how does, you know, I have no idea what I'm talking about. It's an illusion. It's really, well, that's the whole thing. It's like in, in, in the illusion of time that we're like perceiving, yes, it wasn't the past. But since time doesn't ultimately exist, we're just perceiving it. The now is all that exists. And that was happening in the now everything, everything that happens is happening in the now. That's all that actually exists. And I really know that's the way it's. And I really do think that's the key to time travel, right? Because they fit, they finally figure this out. It's not linear. It's, it's cyclical, it's circular. It's like a, it's continuous. So you're not trying to jump forward or back, you just have to know which place to go to. And it makes it actually makes it feasible. You can actually like, Oh, now I did it. Yeah. And then there's timelines, which is based on choices, you make. Apparently, we're constantly splitting into different, every time we make a different, a choice and do anything. Like Dolores Cannon talks about, talked about this. You, you're literally constantly splitting off. And there's like millions and millions of versions of you basically in parallel. Yeah, that's a slightly different timeline, like every second, you know, and that's what weirds me out mind boggling. Because that weirds me out, because like she said that if you like decide to make her left or right at the stoplight or something, there's a version of you that went left and eventually, then carries on and eventually just like fizzles out. And I just like, it's so much, right? But, but she would say like the higher self would always say like, but we don't want you to like think it's not important for you to think about that because that trying to understand that and think about all that kind of stuff is just going to overwhelm you. Yeah, like Peter said, we're here for the human experience. We're here for the experience, not trying to not trying to figure out every detail of how everything works and and understand, because we'll literally, and even the law of one says this, like the art, the third density is not the density of understanding. It's not we're not supposed to understand everything. Yeah, we're just supposed to experience it and then just with them the best way. Yeah, well, I had so actually with what you're saying, Erin, a message came through yesterday, actually for a client, and it applies what you're saying is, you know, they're saying to them, stop observing the bird, immerse yourself with the bird and experience, you know, experience a sensation of flight, experience a sensation of independence and freedom. And, you know, so like you're saying, like in three dimensional, we're here to experience it. And, you know, last summer, you know, since it is Earth Day, I'll give some messages that guy was giving me because I was spending so much time just like bouncing out, I call it bounce like I'm gonna bounce. And that's where like, I just go the higher dimensions and bounce out. And I have been doing that a lot lately. And, and for almost like two or three months, Guy kept telling me, just stop and look at how beautiful I am. Look, look at the look at my trees, look at the water, really look at this, take a good look, and then the emotion behind it was, because you're not going to see this again, like, you know, take it all in, don't forget this moment. And, you know, at one point, she was giving message, and I actually did post on social media, you know, she was wanting people to start sharing how beautiful she was and taking all these pictures. And, you know, so I was reaching out to people all over the world, like, please, you're like, just what are you looking at right now? Like, what's your view? Like, let's see how beautiful Guy it is. And, you know, she truly, she truly, truly is this is literally a playground. This is just a playground of experiences and growth that we are given this opportunity. And I don't want to say given because we chose it, you know, we chose to come down here. And, you know, and you guys and Peter are absolutely right, the, the overriding message that I get so often from the higher dimensions is just have fun, especially the arc shearing is arc shearing has come through a lot. And they're like, outside of this small little moment that you want to grow and learn from, just have fun, like, just laugh. And, you know, sir, they're goofy. Like, I love goofing off with them and, and they're really spunky and they just have fun. They're honoring. So that's what, um, yeah, that's it. That's what Ivan Teller said. And one of his channelings, he was like, one of whoever was changed. Like, what do you guys complain about? He was, you guys are basically living in Disneyland compared to what people are living on other planets. Like you guys get to do everything. It's, it's boring in other places. So just while you're here, like be here, take advantage of it. And I'm not saying like, like, joining on the toxicity of like drugs and alcohol and all that stuff. I mean, yeah, that's all part of the experience, right? But there's, there's ways to appreciate being here that you can't, like Peter said, again, you can't do it anywhere else in the universe. Even another 3D planet, it's not the same as we're experiencing it. And I agree with that. And it's a great message when you were talking about the earth, earth day and just remember her. Like, I just put a big smile on my face. Cause it's true. Like just look at the beauty of everything. Yeah. She's so, she's so beautiful. Um, you know, and understanding that she is her own sentient being on her own. She has a beautiful consciousness. Um, you know, she's, she's very well protected and guarded. Um, you know, inside, but you know, she's just, she's just beautiful and enjoying it. You know, I've, I've gotten a couple glimpses into, into like, you know, new earth and, and part of the message I think of her saying like, just like, look me and take it in. Like you're not going to see this again. You know, the, the vision of her in, in this new work where we're going to, it's just the, the colors are different. It's, it's so lush and green and they have a lot different type of plant life wildlife. And it is. So while it's still, she's retaining this beauty, it's a different beauty. And so it's not going to look like how we've been experiencing it. So I am, you know, just just taking in and just enjoying just being here. And you know, and, and in my gladness, because I complain a lot, like I do automatic, sometimes I do automatic writing and I don't always remember, but I'll go back through and I'll read it. And you know, whenever they're really kind of being forceful with me, I, I write in like, really big capital letters. And I'll read through and I'll just read stop complaining. You chose this. But yeah, so, you know, the message I got from them once, because again, I was like complaining was like, you need to remember what life was like, you know, in this lifetime, it is, it's, it's kind of sterile. It's a little boring. It's very routine. You know, here it's just child's play, like it's just having fun. And yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. But you know, I will say, I'll say this, the right now, particularly, it's a lot of fun, because the veil is so thin, it's so thin. It this is the best time ever to start kind of playing with your abilities and really kind of seeing how far you can expand your mind and playing with the matrix a little bit. You know, so we were stuck at a stoplight and we saw, I think, like eight white cars go by, like, and we're like, oh, someone like matrix is stuck again. It's stuck on the white car. So we're like, all right, let's play a game. Like, let's put it out. Let's put it, tell the matrix what we want to see next. And so each one of us took a turn. I'm like, I want to see a really pretty like cobalt blue car. And next car, this blue truck went by. And my daughter said, she goes, that's too easy, mom. She goes, let's make it more fun, more hard. And she said, I want to see a very, very unique car, like the exterior of a car that you've never seen before. And I kid you not 20 seconds later, this white van goes down where they had etched in tiger stripes into it. To where it had been rusted. So all the rust spots look like tiger stripes. Wow. It's just play. Have fun. Have fun with it. See what you can manifest in, because this is the time of master manifestation. It is. It is. And just like that, that conference was a perfect example of that. We pulled it off against all odds in a time where travel was questionable. And because we showed our guides and our team, I guess you want to call our galactic team family that we were serious about it. And we created it, we manifested that and they protected us, protected the, the conference and they helped us pull it off. Yeah. Yeah, it's that 50 50 bargain that, you know, we talk about, they help us, you know, we have to do the work by showing up and having a determination, like, no, this is what we're going to do. But then they help us out on the other side, making sure that it does happen, that it's all protected, that it is safe. I got, I hit, I was 22 miles out of the conference. And it was like, I drove through this protective wall. And I think I texted it all you guys like, Oh my God, like the protection bubble is 22 miles out for this. It was incredible. So yeah. Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah, it was, I mean, that conference was exactly what it was supposed to be. It's exactly what it was. I mean, it was needed for, it was much needed for a lot of us. And it was, it was great. But I want to get into, I know we've been going for a while and something I wanted to talk about, which I know you have a special connection with Sasquatch, as do I, and I'm actually getting ready to head on Saturday morning, a little place where I'm heading out to board camp crystal board camp crystal mine again in Mina Arkansas, where I have been before and I've told stories about my amazing Sasquatch experiences there. And actually, I had a dream you had a dream, an experience like the same night. And you messaged me and I told your mind and like you gave me the message that like this land they were welcoming me. And I just kind of wanted to like kind of set the tone and kind of talk about them and honor them because I'm going to be spending some time where I know that they are existing. So I'd be like totally like heated up listening to that. You're gonna have an amazing time there, an amazing, amazing time there. They're gonna make sure of it. But you know, the Sasquatch thing kind of I didn't ask for it just showed up. And it came really clear that, you know, they they choose who they're going to show themselves to. You can't go out and like hunt them or find them. I had someone coming in my backyard, he was fixing something and I have a small Sasquatch statue outside of my yard. And he saw he goes, once I retire, I'm going Sasquatch hunting with my brother. We're going to capture one. And, you know, I kind of like, since you come in a mile away, they know your intentions. They know if you're carrying a gun or not. I mean, they know what you got there to do. So yeah, yeah. So, you know, just inside, I'm like, I don't think that's going to work out how you think it is. But they're they are probably one of the best protectors of this beautiful planet that we're on. They absolutely are their land guardians, their portal guardians. You know, they came through and showed me that they actually taught earth medicine to the Atlantians and exchange Atlantians help them to protect the portals. And my portals, I mean, they were showing me like the entrance and exit points of this planet, people coming and going off of off of this place. That's what they were guarding. You know, they absolutely can portal from Alaska and be in China, like, insulin, like they can just portal through. But just they're beautiful, they're beautiful. And it's it's really interesting because when I'm connecting with them, I actually go inside of them. And I can, I can, it's like I pop in and I can look out. I was doing a session with an acquaintance, he was a shaman, and we were right on the 3rd parallel. And literally, I mean, this whole night, it was seeing Native Americans in this, in this tree line, when there was a chief, and he would, he would literally say, look up and I'll look up, boom, UFO go over. And you know, and he would look up in another UFO. And, and I knew that it was Sasquatch territory. Like, it was, they were really close by. And so I literally popped in and I could hear them breathing, see that their eyes, they were literally coming through the trees, making their way towards us. And I was like, oh, they're about 10 minutes out, all they're about like five minutes out, like I could literally feel them coming in. And what was so disappointing in myself, because I'm a total weenie. But it literally sounded like a thousand pound gorilla, like, like rushing through the trees, because it was pitch black where we're at. And we were just sitting in these chairs on this tree line. And it came so forcefully right through the trees that inside I got a little scared, because I just wasn't, I wasn't expecting that. And it was so funny, because I knew that they were coming. And so it was like the first second I was scared, and the second second I was saying, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I know it's you. But because they could feel, oh, we just scared them, they didn't, you know, come out and show themselves. But, but yeah, there's, there's beautiful, once I'm always driving through the mountains, and I could, I could feel them, I was in my car, and I was like, oh, usually I see them in like groups of three to five. And I felt like they were starting to gather, and then they wanted to channel like they started like, we want to talk with you. And then, but when that happens, my body really, really heats up. And I kind of go to the other place, and I was going like 90 miles per hour in the mountains. And I was like, this is not the time. Yeah, you know, I'm driving a car right now. But no, they, they absolutely are protectors. And when you're connected with them, as they told me, once you are connected with them, you're connected with them for life. Like, once they have made that, that connection, and they feel you, and it's almost like you're initiated into their group. And I really feel that once you have that connection, you can connect with any one of them. Yeah, yeah. And, yeah, I don't know. I mean, you said a 33rd parallel, right? So we're close to that here. Where can you disclose where you were whenever that experience happened? I was. It's about 45 minutes. I'm in Charleston, South Carolina. So it was 45 minutes away up in Caine. I think it's called Caine Bay. I'm awful with places. Yeah, it was in Caine Bay. What was really, really sad though, is it's now gone. It's gone. They bulldozed an entire area and they put houses there. Of course. Yeah. You know, what's really interesting, too, about this place in Mina Arkansas, it's like a vortex. It's like, I called the Arkansas Icedi, if not even more impressive. There's stuff that happens there is just incredible. But it's also where the Clinton cocaine trafficking hub, trafficking hub is located or was located. But why there? Why Mina Arkansas is a small town? It's still random small town. There has nothing to do with anything, unless they are very aware of the crystal caverns that are below there or something that's going on on the ground there. And the vortex that they're trying, the whole game is corrupting the ley line. Spilling blood into the ley line. That's it. So why that place? They must have known something. Everything that's pure and good. They just do the it's it's the inversion. They in like the one group that I was that channeled through about the splitting of their into two, they they spoke about because they had all this technology here in the beginning to help to terraform and to bring in the right energies and the right frequencies on this planet. And they they literally said they inverted everything. They took everything that we brought and like drove it into the ground and they reverse the clarity of it. Well, yeah, they I mean, that's what they do. That's what they do. They do try and spill blood into the ley lines. Like a lot of famous murders and deaths and sacrifices and suicides happen in strategic locations where they know they're spilling, I could say, a sound like a broken record spilling blood into the ley line. They know what they're doing. Yeah, they all. Yes, they do. Absolutely. Yeah. But it's our job to reclaim those areas. Like I refuse to say, oh, there was too much blood spilled there or it's too negative. No, like it's it's our job to go in there and reverse that clarity and bring it back to what's originally. And it all is being being brought back to though. The planet is being healed and all that's being being reversed back. Also, also a lot of battles, ancient battles, even civil war battle, these battles were in random locations either. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the more the more you do research, the more it's like, oh, it's so they're so pretty. Nothing's nothing's random. Yeah. And if you land out, yeah. Yeah. It's I can keep going on and on about that. Like go ahead. I'll tell you a beautiful, beautiful vision that that I had. It was work I was doing, but then it was it's about clearing out and and making things right again. I was doing, I shouldn't even mean to this was before all like the when the Epstein stuff was first coming out and there was this 90 second drone footage of just this this high aerial of just the island. And so there the purpose was to show like where the temple was versus his house. And so I was just watching this. And then all of a sudden I just saw it was pitch black. And at one side, I saw these two men. They were along the cliff and they just had these piles of literally just piles of dead bodies there. And I'm not going to go in detail what I saw, but they were literally like one grabbed up from underneath the other grab the ankles and they were tossing it off to the side into the water. And when, you know, when I saw that like, Oh my God, they need to they need like all the evidence is right there next to water because I guarantee you there's gonna be bones in those rocks down the side about I think four weeks later is when the FBI raid and they did end up finding bones there. So at any rate, I called over my I have one friend that does light language and then my other shaman friend. And this is what this is what's crazy like reptilians is the first one I saw a reptilian. We were up on my rooftop and we're gonna do a cleansing of the area of the island. And as we were I was I was setting the stage for this clearing out my clearing out the space that we're gonna work in and literally all of a sudden this reptilian just leapt over onto my rooftop. And he just like kind of like hoofed up, you know, his little muscles and he starts walking towards me. And, you know, I just had a very quick confrontation and just blasted him with light. And he left very quickly. And I literally go, you are not going to stop me from doing this. You don't belong here. And he, you know, he he left very, very quickly. But, you know, it's it's cute when they try. So anyway, so we were doing this, this visual clearing in my friend was speaking light language. And we had we had seen that they had opened up a portal, you know, down below. And so we were clearing out their portal. And I called in from the dragon around, like who will come in and help us like clear out this island? Because you can't just when you've had this much trauma into an area energetically, you can't just abandon it. Like it needs to be cleared out because there's a residual energy that will continue to like faster and live there. And so all of these dragons, literally, they they surround the entire island, I would say over 100 to showed up. And they were all like blasting with fire, helping just to clear out all of energy. And that's all I had to expect them to do. It really was. And, and then all of a sudden, when the dragons went down to the water line, and he said, come on, come on, on my back. I'll, I'll take you. Come on. And all of a sudden, I started seeing all of these soul, like these people climbing up out of the water and climbing on the backs of all these dragons. And they all were taking turns going down there. And they were literally helping to cross them over. Wow. Beautiful. Like I just, I didn't ask them to do it. I set no intention. They did it independently. And I just had tear drilling down my face, just watching this and seeing them do it. So wow, that's, that's incredible. You weren't lying when you put Storyteller in your bio. That's a great story. Yeah. Not at all. Yeah. That's, I have not heard any information like that surrounding that island. That's the first I've heard anything like that. Thank you for sharing that. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, here's the thing. We all have the ability to bio locate our consciousness into, you know, any place we want to. I, I, I took the remote viewing class of Donna Vanko. It was incredible. And yeah, it was, I love that class. And you know, when you, when you, when we realize how powerful we are, when we set our intentions, and we realize that we aren't just this, we are just these multi-dimensional light beings, and time is an illusion. And you know, it's everything's a perception. And you can go forward and backwards and embody it and just pop out and go and do this work. We can do amazing things when we set the right intentions to do it. So we're, should never feel limited within, within our space. Like, oh, I, you know, it's, oh, I really want to clear out Epstein's Island. I can't get on the island. No, you can go there whenever you went, bio locate, like just push your consciousness there and you can do the work. So it does happen. We don't have to physically be in these spaces to do this work. Wow. And I, I agree with that 100%. I think we forget that. We, I mean, oh, everything is a, the only reason we have problems is because it's all a limit. It's, it's a limit to our belief system. So once we reach that limit, it becomes a problem. It becomes something outside of us that we can't figure out. And then you know what I'm saying. So we forget that we have the, it's our limits. It's our own beliefs that stop us from doing anything that we want. You know, the, the more that I am doing these sessions, the more I am realizing because whenever you're dealing with higher dimensional beings, and you know, you're, you're transferring their language and their frequency into our language. And when you start doing that, the more more you realize how limited we are so limited within our own language. You know, telepathic thought, I, I originally thought that being telepathic was, oh, you just hear their words. That is so not the case. No, it's an energetic exchange. Sometimes you don't even hear the words. You get the message just by the feeling of it. When I was saying, and you know, and I agree because Peter mentioned this in the last show as well. You don't just feel what they're feeling. You feel the motivation behind that feeling. You feel like the, the depth, the past of what brought that emotion forward. And so you have these very, very clear and concise conversations that happen so quickly. You know, you would take me an hour to explain what I can gather in two minutes of telepathic connection. Whenever I have community experiences with my mother or even ETs, that's how it happens. Sometimes I've actually heard all the whole stuff, but it's like all this information is exchanged. And we never said a word, but I know exactly what was, it was understood. You know, the message was understood. And really quick, it's driving me crazy. So the entire time we've had Fearless, he's one of our moderators, his messages have been getting deleted by a Google moderator team. And I've been, I just, it's, I'm like, message deleted by the Google moderator team. It's like every single, yeah, except for his one message is, I will never be defeated. I just wonder, like, I've been noticing that among a lot of channels, like, sometimes like, like, who is this team that's watching, you know, what's up, guys? What's up, Google mods? Why are they singling him out? And no one, like, what is he saying that no one else is? I don't know what's going on, like, what are you what are you saying? I think he's trying to, maybe he's trying to share links. I don't know. Anyway, sorry to throw us off that conversation. So I'll give, I'll give everybody a little bit of, so this is, this is what I do with my own personal social media site, because I literally cannot believe I haven't been kicked off a Facebook app. But whenever I'm pushing, like, saying something or posting something, I have all, like, project around that, because all of it is an algorithm, like, whenever you push post or send, you're sending out that signal. So I literally, like, protect my own personal algorithm. And so I say you're going to skip all of their viewers and go skip, skip, skip, skip, skip. And I literally make myself invisible to their algorithm. So I've put that intention wrapped around my feed. And I actually got the idea from a message from one of my friend's guides. So they were going to, because this is all things that we can do in a real life is why I'm sharing this. So she was going to go to this concert and it was a very, very tiny venue. Obviously, this was, you know, pre pre this environment. But she was really nervous that she'd been running to her ex. She's like, you know, I bump into everybody. It's so tiny. I'm going to see him. And her guy told me he goes, just make yourself invisible. And so I'm like, what? And so they showed me this scene of how you can push out from your mind, literally. And it's not that you're like putting on like the Harry Potter equivalent of visibility. But you know, it's all, it's all a sequence of time per se when we interact with each other. So you're literally going to push out into the universe into the energy that, you know, if you come into the same room, he's going to suddenly turn left instead of turning right and seeing you like you can literally, and that's how you energetically make yourself invisible per se. So I use the same concept with my social media, like I'm going to make myself invisible. So every time they go to check this algorithm, they're going to skip to the next one. I do the same thing when I don't want to wear a mask. I'm not joking. I actually do that. I put up protection almost like I'm going to make myself unseen. And I do the same thing when I drive my truck that has expired plates. I like, I was just driving today. And like, and I did, I put protection up, I do, and I just make myself like almost like I'm just going to be unseen, no matter what, like, and instead of getting plates, I'm just going to keep testing that ability. I've done that. I've done it with a mask too. I mean, towards the beginning, when it was really, really like shut down, I wanted, I needed to go and sit outside on and have a meal at a restaurant. And then I will not wear a mask. I have not worn it once. I won't do it. And so I just pushed out from my mind, I'm like, I'm going to blast so much light to her that I'm going to access the part of her mind of their memory, like the host is saying that woman that they don't even remember a time where people are wearing masks. So my smiling face is going to access the larger part of her memory of this is what people should be looking like, and she doesn't even realize I don't have one on. That's the part of the way of like have fun, like play with this right now, like see how powerful that your minds are. Go out, do this, like put that intention. We're such powerful beings that we can do that. Yeah, absolutely. It's I've and I'm discovering that more and more. The more you do it and you you realize I just made it through the airport without wearing a mask. How was that possible? I was at the I was waiting to get some tires changed the other day and it was near the mall. So I had to go to the mall and kill some time because I didn't want to sit in that waiting room. And it was the only in person out of however many hundreds of people not wearing a mask and no one said anything to me. I just was walking with confidence, you know, and it shouldn't it shouldn't be like that, but it is. So I tested out. Yeah, absolutely. And I keep it on me and then like, you know, worse comes the worst if I have to throw it on and get out of there or whatever, but yeah. So anyway, we've been going for a while. I feel like we can keep going for a long time, but you haven't actually got into what you do as far as healing and where can people find you and how can they book a session? Absolutely. You know, I've actually been working remotely through through Zoom a lot. So I have a website. It's That is below in the description, I think, too. Yeah, it took me it took me forever to finally get the website made. So um, you know, really right now for working remotely, you know, in in person, it's it's a mixture of a reading and then a full energy session. And I can do energy sessions remotely. It just it just is better in person. It really is for the energy part of it. Um, but really, I, you know, where I go, I go up really, really high. I attend. I just I go in and your guidance and your higher self give, they give me the the larger picture, you know, what's kind of really the overriding purpose, the mission here. Um, and then and then I then along within that, I push the guide to her. I was like, okay, so how can we like make that tangible today? I'm like, well, how can we help them right now? Um, you know, because sometimes when you go up so high, it's so simple, you know, it's everything is just so annoying, it's annoyingly simple and they're like, well, yeah, I always say, yeah, it just it just really, really is. And you know, so, you know, they bring me all these beautiful and I see all these beautiful concepts. And this is what they're going to be doing. And this, oh my gosh, this is so amazing. I'll you have a beautiful mission. But then it's like, well, how do I like, what do I do to actually access that? So then it's like, okay, you got to give me some more like tangible 3D tangible actions to help bridge from like, from here to there. So, you know, that's one of the things I work with remotely. That's what I go into. So I, you know, I do automatic writing a lot of times and, you know, so I get messages straight from your guides for that. Sometimes I will, you know, pop into the Akashik. But yeah, and in person, the energy sessions. So like, I did energy sessions at the conference. Anywhere I go that I am at a conference, I offer sessions there. But it is, it's, you know, I came up the name Oric Ray, because we all have this Oric field around this, this aura. And then Ray is its channel. It's like, it's like, it's like a ray of light. It's pointed. It's with focus. Probably I would say probably my most profound experience within terms of doing true energy work. And this is one of the things where I realized it was actually a parallel version of myself. But I was, my client had just had surgery and they had a lot of nerve damage that was causing them pain. And the Octurians, you know, came in and they actually, they blended within me. And that's what I realized, you know, the blending was so smooth that that's actually a parallel version of myself. But I channeled in blue light energy. And so blue light is the DNA codes, like literally, I could see swirling like DNA coming out of my hands. But the body like it raised up the nervous system literally just raised up and it was like glowing white all throughout. And we were going into the brain and putting in this DNA. And we were repairing and growing new nerve receptors in the body. And for that session, I could only handle about 14 minutes. And then literally, you know, my higher self will come out and say, like, all right, you're done. Like, you got to tap out. So, but you know, the next day, the person woke up, it was it was one of my family members, but they woke up and they said, I have no pain, like the pain is gone. And so that's just one of the things that we can go in. And again, it's it's realizing that we do have this ability. We can do this work. We are the med beds. Yeah. Yes, 100 100% 100%. Yeah. Well, this has been amazing, heavy. Thank you for sharing everything. Like I said, there's so much more we can talk about. I'm sure we'll be doing this again in the future. We'll we'll have you back on. And guys, thank you guys for the donations. Thank you, fearless for being relentless with that link. Guys, so up next, conspiracy couch with foil and Alara, they are, I think it's in nine 30 in an hour. So make sure you tune into that one foot and five D channel. So they do conspiracy couch every Thursday night tonight is conspiracy theory trivia, which is going to kick off a new show that loyal to the foil. And I are going to start doing on Friday nights, conspiracy theory trivia fact or come on, man, which is actually Aaron's idea for that. You're welcome. So she bought this board game and it has just these amazing questions about conspiracy theories. And it's not just a questions multiple choice answer. And as a QR code, you scan it and it can actually take you the information about that theory so you can grow down the rabbit hole if you want. But we were having fun with it last Friday on her live. And she invited me on to test out her new setup. And we ended up having so much fun with it. We're going to do it again and to see what it turns into just a cool place to hang out. And in each question turns into a topic conversation. So just something fun for fun, you know, we'll just see we'll see what that is. That'll be tomorrow night at seven central, I believe, on loyal to the foils channel, which would you mind sharing that Aaron in there? Or she's in there. Yeah. I'll define it first. Just if not, she's in there, she can share it, but loyal share your channel. Yeah, share it. Yeah, so any last messages coming through Abby that you want to share before we get off of here? Well, probably since it's Earth Day, I'm just going to reiterate, just enjoy how beautiful guy is. She's just so, so beautiful, connect with her, connect with the songs that are within her, their songs in trees, their songs in the dirt, their songs within the birds, connect with those they love to hear them. You know, sometimes I go out and I'm connecting with the ground and I am hearing, hearing a song. And, and when I start, and I actually use my throat chakra, which we should, and I'm being honest, and I'm brave to sing out this different language, which I don't know what it is, it's received, it's received well, you know, I open my eyes and there's, you know, all these birds are coming around and there's these turtles and, but yeah, so just, you know, love her and sing with her and send her gratitude. A lot of times people don't send her gratitude, you know, we ground so much and even with an energy work, it's like, you know, pull it through and send it to the ground, pull it through and send it, you know, guy can take it, guy can take it. Sometimes, guy needs a little bit of love and some healing, so. It's true. Absolutely. And, like, when I cut my grass, I feel bad, but I talk to my grass, I'm like, I know, guys, it's just part of the deal right now. I know you don't want to be cut, but my grass is air pointing out last year is like, look at your yard, look at the neighbor's yard is like the fence line. My yard is beautiful. Yeah. And the neighbor is just like dying. And the fence is like an invisible boundary for grass, right? Like, so it's, it's just spony, like, I was like, I thought you just fertilized it. I'm like, do you fertilize your yard? Is that why you looked so much greener? Like, no, dude, I don't do that at all. I just talked to you. Really? I was, I was doing a session and, you know, we were pulling through a lot of kind of like the muck, just like some heavy muck. And when I was putting it down and sending it down through the root into Gaia, and, you know, she actually said, she said, I'll happily take this. I'll take this on if they could just give me something back in return. I would really appreciate that. And, you know, so I shared that message with my client. And they did. They, they, they built something outside in their, in their little garden, in honor of her, is to show their appreciation and, you know, they're growing new plants there. So beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Yeah. So next week, guys, we may not be doing an episode next week. If we do, it'll be something last minute, or I might just upload some other type of video. We're all be traveling, he'll be traveling. And the week after that, we'll be back. So if you don't hear from us next week, you know, we need to break too sometimes. So much fun on your trip. Yeah, looking forward to it. And yeah, I'll be giving you guys an update on that also. And I guess that's it. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Thanks again for the donations. And we were so much. Thank you, Abby, for coming on. Thank you. This was so much fun. So amazing. Love you guys. I can't wait to see you in person again next conference. Oh, yes. Yeah, wait. Hi guys, I am any in a stream right now. Have a good night. Good night, guys. You