Age of Ashes "The Elven Portal" Podcast

New Pathfinder 2E CORE Age of Ashes S3 Ep. 13 "Retaliatory Cleansing"" The Elven Portal Podcast!

What happens when you dont show up to a gamie session? We take over your character and it isnt pretty!

Host/GM Jeff Ball of The Roll mongers Podcasting Network/ Dice Wise Ent.
Joe Gibson
Matt Witt
Ryan Messina
Extended Cameos by Andrew 'DREW' MalBurg for Merch!

Music: (Evan King) Intro/Outro: "Singularity"
Makai Symphony "Tafi Maradi"
Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Slow Heat" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Digya" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Kumasi Groove" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License "Monkoto" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Too Cool kevin macloud Tabletop audio
"Xiengi Nights" CyberBar, Castle jail, Super Hero, Volcano, Jungle ruins, Medevil Market,Hell Hound Alley, Halfling Sneak, mansion Night,WaterKeep Nights,ravenpuff Commons, Tavern Music, metropolis fanfare, Sun Dappled trail, Through The Woods,The Hearth Inn, Feywild
Uploaded to You Tube @ The Roll mongers Podcast network "Bond Theme" Tom Schlueter Evan King -- for Merch! Thank You For your needed Support! for Merch!

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
05 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

the one that you're saying you you you got this 30 foot drop to a cliff sorry to a rocky beach cover to now, yeah I happen to have 50 feet of rope in my pack. So you brought up the rope for anything besides tying up prisoners or anything. No, no I don't. Oh, well I guess technically that was tying up prisoners so no, no, no, never. Is this one time no, no, no, she had consent. Okay, what? Yeah, I do. I have 50 feet of rope in my pack and I will take 20 to anchor it. Yeah, to find something to tie it off to so that it is not going to come loose. So take take 10 or take 20 I don't know if I can take 20 on that but if you'd like a roll, I will give you a roll. Yeah, when you can't tie knots, tie lots. I like that. It's good. Can't kill it easily. Kill it with fire. If it's a pookie of shit, kill it with fire. There's there's a lot of if you can't fall softly fall hardly. That sounds kind of silly mentally. Unless you're talking about something else, you know, that happens to a lot of Wolverines over 40 year age. So hello everyone. Welcome to another exciting episode of the elven portal podcast. We are attempting to wrap our head around the new rules the new Pathfinder core second edition rules. There are gaps. We're finding and have to lean on yield faithful, not first edition, which is completely different, but second edition legacy. It's fine. Piezo needs to catch up. They had what 20 on 30 odd books in the last. Inkling of for, you know, addition, right? And now they have three, right? But you know, we're getting by with old school. They will catch up. I'm sure they will. Sure. Fine. Fine. But in a strip of all abilities, they're not in the core rules immediately. What? Yeah, it goes off here. I'm gonna tie off this 50 foot rope and. All right. Check in to see if I've got feather fall. Look into who in the what now? I don't think I do from my spells, but I think I may from an item. So I'm just double checking that. Yes, in case. Just in case, because I have a. Feather token fan. Does it give me feather fall? No, it's actually it's kind of cool. Okay. I can use it to like. Put wind in sales, which is kind of cool for eight hours. I like it. I dig it. Or I can use it to cast gust of wind. Very cool. But yeah, I thought I had something. I really do think I had something for feather fall, but maybe I don't. Maybe I do not. Yeah, it doesn't look like I do. So yeah, I will climb down. The 30 feet. Using my athletics ability. Throw that in the tower because I can't bear to look. For once a climbing DC and I jeez I wish Ryan was here. Eighteen athletics check. And that's just climbing down with that rope. So no problem. Shimmy shimmy shimmy down. Lots of the bluff isn't like a straight job. Drop it's carved slowly outward to about three to five foot stint. So there's those like numerous hand holds and things like it's a it's treacherous. You know, that's something you want to pretty lightly, but with an eighteen athletics check, you guys can, you know, hop, skip and jump your way down. Sweet. And then once I'm at the bottom, I will take a good look up and down the coastline. To kind of mental imprint the location of the cave. Yeah, your easiest marker to the north all the way up the coast and then curling out on a point of like a park archipelago kind of thing. It's cypress point, which Karam is looking at most wistfully. As you see recognition in his eyes with his massive role from last episode's society check. Karam do you tell you care to tell the audience if not these. It looks like a small coastal town full of fishermen. At one point, it was under the neglect of chillaxian rulers. But since the rebellion, the citizens have, you know, kind of revitalized a little bit. Well, not right now. It's on fire, but it was a vibrant settlement. And I believe they are believers of a desna. You know what Karam rhymes with? Captain obvious. Right. Mantle, Joe, I remove that mantle from your shoulders and drop it on drew. He's speaking of cypress point, which not just as he says objectively, it appears to be this. Karam, you actually know it to be that. It's just just from because I kind of drop notes only for drew to see and he's. Memory serves. It's this. From your vantage point, Al mirrors gets down to the bottom. I'm going to stop him and we're going to have a look because he is still a stone mason, I believe. And I'm going to ask him what it'll take to actually put some proper handholds and leading up to that. Oh, when we go back. Okay. Okay. Okay. He started, he scratched his chin. He's thinking about it. Karam, two two points of interest. Okay, cypress point leads up to what they call the steaming sea. And you'll notice that to the west coming off of the continent is the Arcadian Ocean. And coming up around the top. Kind of like going around the top of Europe and Germany towards Russia kind of thing. You have that slight closing in a little bit is what's known as the steaming sea. For anybody that wants to pathfinder a wiki that and learn a little bit more at home. As far as Miro's goes, you know what? This is a great time to use my actual physical age of Ash's dice and peek at his character. It's doable, he says, but he would be tools in time. And since it's a 30 foot staircase, like we would be delaying for days kind of thing. Even if he could pull it off in like a day or two, it's, you know, you're chiseling solid bluff rockets. That's heavy cord stuff. Any tools. Now he's confident that we could get some goblin labor out here and just leave them at it. When we come back from adventuring in three days, you know, by the time we save that village over there, the goblins will have a shoddy staircase, golem size, going up to mount whatever. He will have to rely on the roof for now, but just keep it in your head. I have a feeling we're going to want to be going in and out of there. I'm not regular if we can. The cave is set back. It's not so obvious. Like if you know what to look for, you can find it, but it's kind of hidden. You know, Miro's happens to mention that he didn't find any tracks with his knowledge nature and survivor inside the cave. Nothing's come out of that portal in a very, very long time, besides maybe some seed birds and gulls, that he was happily chasing around in a circle moments before. He just launched himself, pirated, double folded and stuck the landing on a rocky beach, making all the stones pop up a foot and stop like the force or some kind of matrix movie, and then holding your rope for you. Yes. Giggling at your stud finder as you came down the rope as he has an upward view. So I'm not going to let that one go any time soon. I'm just trying to see if there's anything. I just don't want to leave the rope hanging or maybe we could take some time to tuck it in somewhere, so it's not obvious. Just going to handle that, he'll climb back up, withdraw the rope, right? Assure you, it's not such a hard a climb. You know, bring climb down with your rope and hand it to you. There you go. You could grapple your way back up or that you guys could, like I said, a DC team checker. Oh, I didn't want to take the rope with me. I just wanted it to be like hidden. So there's a rope coming out of that. You know, I don't want to make the case obvious, you know what I mean? Okay, so did you want him maybe to go up there and just pull it up and leave it up there? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And then bring it down like a rope ladder. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah. Okay. So he goes up there and stashes the rope. And then while he's doing that, take a few steps out onto the ocean. Okay. Have a gander. The wind whips your ropes and you're killed. There's nothing like free-balling it in the ocean. It's been quite some time since I've felt that. You can't turn red and you learn why they call it this. So you can turn red and get hot and you find out why they call it the steaming sea. Oh, is it hot? No, I'm thinking it's because of the vapors and fog to come off of it. So the hot day and you have your cold ocean and there's, you know, you get missed certain times a day. That would be my best guess. Um, Carum could possibly tell us what the wiki says with another society checker. Why, why the steaming sea is called as such. Well, before we sit here and do too much reminiscing, probably it'd be best to head down to that wee village and see if we can lend them a hand with a fire. Yes, there is a town that sits half a mile away along the coastline dotted with cypress trees. Smoke is rising from a few smoldering buildings in the town and an unusually large ship is anchored at the town. It's anchored at the town's quay, which is not necessarily built for such a vessel that size. Hmm. Hmm. Perception boys in the tower as we squint down there looking for our best option. Do we follow the beach? Do we climb up onto the, you know, land and just run at the town? Well, I might just walk across the ocean. Hmm. Because I can do that. Go right for the ship that's too large to be there. They're having a fire sale to merchant ship. You gotta say merchant with air quotes, Jeff. Oh, sorry. A fire sale from the merchant vessel. An international steam water. Um, all three of you, it is quite obvious that there is that. Made of fire nation. Oh, sorry. Wrong. No, no. The fire nation attacked. Oh, dude, if I could get a picture of one of their iron steamers with the big gate that just comes right off the bow. You know, what could be happening here? Nope, we're leaving. Forget it. All's freaked out. Nope, we're done. Bye. I don't care about the level jump. We'll just, we're not going. Um, the din of panic sound coming from the town and the town streets and that sort of tiny silhouettes running around. So it's not just like the towns on fire. It's almost like the town's being attacked. Because when there's a fire, there might be some panic around the smoldering buildings. The whole town doesn't freak out, right? End to end as it would appear at your half mile vantage point. What do we do? Make up the base. Yep. Approach the town. Uh, yeah, I don't think we need to worry too much about hiding or anything. I think the commotion is going to be enough for us to hopefully kind of get right up on it. Holy, holy. Famous last words, Joe. Yeah. Famous last doors. I don't know. Fast words is, uh, don't open the door. Open the door. Sorry. So you guys have sort of a, um, and just right. And just then the PTSD flashback start up again. Yeah, I was a little liberal with those with, um, with Frank and Star Wars. You know, I think it's time since we're going to start back playing Star Wars again in May, I think it's time to pick a new victim and start with a little couple of those. And I've got just the guy. You guys seeing this map? I do see it. Do you see it? Do you recognize this map, Joe? Yes, I do. Good here. Although it's for the audience is a jungle clearing one. Yeah, which we have suffered many times. We have suffered about 20 times. But it's just a random. No, he threw in some jungle clearing twos and jungle clearing. I know. But yeah, it's just reused them a lot because I know you only get so many. So yeah, that's. Thank you. That's right. As long as this isn't the water one. We're all good. Yeah, we'll refund. Oh, those things. Yeah, whatever. Yeah. It's like a marshish type map was annoying. Oh, look, difficult dream. Difficult dream. Difficult dream. Difficult dream. What? The pterodactyl. The pterodactyl. Yeah. The pterodactyl. The pterodactyl. Fine for the people who are flying. Oh, there's not one of them. So. Fair enough. All right. Jungle clearing number one. You guys are stomping along. Mm-hmm. Mindy Euro business. When suddenly. When you round the brush, as it were. You come upon a contingent. Perhaps some sort of patrol. You are trying to make directly for the large area, which is Cypress Point. There is a very good chance, and unfortunately it has happened, that you are intercepted by some sort of patrol before you get there. They are currently slugging along a man who is bound in manacles and wearing some sort of color that contains a muzzle. Two, no. Three of these bald, female, dark-clad, sneaking-looking humans look remarkably like people we've run into recently. Are those sneaky ladies in the shop? Pull up a picture as well as a dwarf. He blazingly has a red upside-down triangle, circle, and claw sort of attached, striking, painted on his shoulder of his armor, denoting him a member of the Scarlet Triad in broad daylight. Hmm. But moose impressive of all is the animal that they have, that they're toting along with them. It appears to be some sort of large boar. It has beady red eyes. Gray fur has studded, billy idol-collar clamps around its ankles. It has chains attached to its steel-iron-tipped pointed tusks, two directly up out of the mouth, and two large coming out sideways, like a wilder beast, also coming out of its mouth. A large studded spike color, like it has owned or tamed around its neck. With a chain-length that's trailing that would look more like it's actually freed itself from its master, as opposed to it's leachable to a master, patches of fur completely gone, chewed, and the front of its tusks and face are covered in scars and recent and somewhat dried stages of blood. And of course, the classic double-studded nose ring in its snout, and tall, thick, sharp-looking hooves for some sort of pig-like boar, is up front and sniffing in your direction, like it has possibly sensed you already. What do you do? You guys are literally stepping around covering and seeing this as they are kind of going A to B past you. There is another figure on the map, and it is a captive that I described earlier, but not really relevant to. Maybe in hushed... I will place him, sorry. Go ahead. In hushed tones, I would probably indicate we've got to stop them. They are the Scarlet Triad. I... Do... do battle! In a snapshot, you have the boar up front. You have a wedge formation spread out of the sneaks, like they've just been told to look for something, because the boar is on alert, and then in the back, you have a dwarf pushing, not carrying, not dragging, pushing from the back, a human prisoner. Karam whispers a warning, identifying them as the Scarlet Triad. Vicar is eager for combat and readys himself. Al? I cast haste on myself. Alright. Starting off the ball with Karam. Can I have initiatives off your main page, gentlemen? And we will see who is quickest to act. Tower or live? Main page perception becomes initiative so you're good. Their effects will become apparent most readily. 24. Must be the sea watcher. Oh, what is this? 18. Okay. We all rolled below eight. Okay. The boar goes first, and is already doing what it thinks it's doing. It's sniffing. Perhaps you're downwind of it, since it is not within 30 feet of you. 60 feet? Not sure. Anyway, it's on its guard, and it's trying to perceive. Alright. Miros. Looks excited. But he usually takes his cues from you guys. So I'm going to have Miros delay until somebody tells him what to do. Sneaky human? Two? The thug? And then Karam. These guys are making perception checks. And whether they spot you or not, I don't think their actions would be any more apparent than what they're doing. They're spreading out, they're getting ready, like they're looking for something. Even if they see you and look you right in the eye, they still look around to see if there's more or something else. Which starts us in the initiative of 26 in Karam. Okay. I will pull my short bow out. Okay. And I will do recall knowledge check on the boar. Okay. Knowledge nature. There we go. This thing is really, really cool. It is called a blood boar. Blood boars are fearsome swine bred specifically in Chelyax for a singular purpose. For hunting down escaped slaves. The species originated from a type of large feral boar native to Nadal's shadowy usquid to the northeast. And blood boars retain their predators gray fur, naturally red beady eyes, and exceptional senses. The intense breeding process to produce a blood boar augmented by the selective application of magic grants the creatures an unparalleled awareness of blood, including the ability to precisely detect a bloody creatures location and movements, allowing the boar to track their prey from up to a mile away. Something specific you'd like to know? As fear grips you, you are familiar with this creature considering your archetype. Um, I guess any resistances it might have potentially. Okay. So if I throw this at it, not a good idea because it will do very little, that sort of thing. Okay. Um, decent AC over 20. I'll say that. But it doesn't have anything, um, like natural because it is actually technically a, you know, genetically bred natural creature. You know, it's an animal technically. It's not, um, although they use magic to like. In the genetic selection and the way they breed it, which is already in that said description, it's not like, oh, I'm magically immune to fire because they threw magic on my person and nothing like that you get away about. Okay. They're fast. Speed can be offense and I also color this as defense. These things have got a 40 foot move. These things are very fast. Uh, do I have a line of sight to actually hit him from here? You actually wanted to shoot him? Yeah. Let's double check that. Now I'm just going to open, try to open up this map a little easier. When you guys were underground, it's, uh, it's cool to, oh, what's the word? To clip all the sight lines, right? Makes it hard to see around boulders and things like that sometimes. Yeah, yeah, like because, well, because it's hardage wall, so it doesn't matter, but on an outdoor map such as such as this, it, uh, it looks like crap. So what I'm going to do is apologies to our audience. I'll just kill the actual lighting features. There we go. Ah, I can see you once again. So the bore is 50 feet from you and you are shooting through concealment. I wouldn't call that bush cover. You know what I mean? So I would have like very light cover bonuses. Uh, your problem is you're shooting straight through allies. So I would suggest movement first. You know what I mean? Yep. Uh, but you'd suffer a negative one penalty for shooting through murals and it gets a little bit of light cover because you're shooting through a dappled cypress tree as this thing comes around. Okay, I think I'll move 10 feet to the south. Okay. And salvo. And that'll be me then. Now you've used, um, what am I looking at here? You've used one for the recall knowledge. Yep. Right. And... Hold up my bill. Yep. And then moved. Okay. Albrecht. Casting haste. Yep. Okay. And do we ever determine if that takes effect immediately or next or is there a new function in the core? I gained the, uh, quickened condition. And, um, I don't think I get it the first round. If it was, uh, I spell like ability, it does or something like that, but because it's a spell, I don't take get it. The first round. Okay. Like, that was the, like I see I'm curious if they made a fix that because they've really changed a lot of magic. Okay. But assuming two actions to cast, and you only have a third left unless we can squeeze another action from a quick look up, what would you intend to do Al? I would after that... Ke... Yeah... Nothing. Oh, I do have Featherfall. Damn it. Anyways. I could have done that with a flourish. Uh, anyway, yeah. I will, uh, cast haste on myself and step back to occupy the space that Karam just... Yep. We need to meet shields. Stand forth, good men. Between me and thine enemy. All right. Uh, sneaky human number one happens to be the one that is most southerly on the map and has a clear view of view of view. And it, um, she starts speaking in Chalaxian to her comrades. And you see her hold up hands and make signals. I see four. You know, pointed hat, wizard. Like, you know, she's spending her whole term giving some very quick instructions of what she sees. You know, quick, their positions grouped. You know, something pointed hat. A stud. And, you know, this bubble blow. Yeah. We don't kill them. Maybe I'll date them. Okay. Which brings us to Vickers Niles. Sweet. I will move. Okay. To, uh, directly, uh, I guess to the west. Directly east and south of the cover. Yep. And south of cover. Then I will, obviously, draw my weapon. And my last action is I'll cast shield on myself. And, uh, I don't know if I could apply it or not. I pushed the button. Nothing happened. Five, five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty. Sneaky human number three. Um, Vickers Niles. You have a, she, I was using concealment because you guys had a blocked line of sight on her. You come around the bottom just in time to see her circle around to behind our position. Mm-hmm. Ending round one. A snapshot of the battlefield. Imagine a vaguely kidney shaped clearing. Let's go with that. The kidney is laying back on its side. Down the bottom of the baldest end of said kidney, we have our bad guys. Uh, it's kind of a four-pack that's spread out in a twenty-by-ten kind of spread. And one drifted across the map to the hero side of the map and is north of Meros and Al, about fifteen feet, coming around a clump of trees. This clump of trees looks like sort of the amoebas nexus floating in the middle of said kidney shaped clearing. The clump of trees is about fifteen, twenty feet wide, about twenty-five feet long. Down the bottom tip of the tip of it doing ring around the rosy, we have Vickers Niles. At the top tip of it coming around the top towards the party, we have one of the sneaks. Halfway down the clearing and sort of peeking around the corner at ten feet away, we have Al Meros. And straight down, clutching into the bottom left of the kidney shape into actual brush because what makes the clearing shaped is actually trees all around. We have Karen with his bow. At the top of the round, we have the boar. Sniff, sniff, sniff. I see Vickers Niles pop out in front of me. Dude, why is it always you? Yes, it is. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five feet away. This thing pause at the ground and lets out a terrifying squeal. Auditory, emotion, fear, mental. As a single action, the blood boar lets out a hair-raising squeal. Squeal! Squeal! I fell! Each creature within thirty feet must succeed at a DC-23 will save or become frightened one, frightened two in a critical failure. If the blood boar uses terrifying squeal on the same term after using some of my other abilities, it goes up. You sir are within twenty-five feet of me. I am unaware. Like, they haven't ordered the boar. Hey, there's four opponents. They were busy talking to each other. So no one's told the boar that there's a bunch of you. I see somebody. I know you're within range. I squeak at you. Can I have a saving throw willpower from Niles? As a thirty-two, you succeed. Pause the ground. Squeal! And then immediately use its second action to come right at you, opening its mouth and trying to latch its jaws on a leg. Perhaps a thigh. Maybe I'll go for an arm, you know, the way German shepherds do to take down their prey. Jaws clench on your armor and close tightly, vise-like grip, but miss and scrape off with a twenty-four. And that is Mr. Bloodbore's turn. A full round. Ow. You fall back. To the side, Miroz. He looks to you for direction. What did you tell him you wanted him to do this round? That's taste on himself. Can you idiot? I just... Do I have to spoil it? Hey, what are you? Hopefully quiet today. He gets his big, wicked, gnomish grin. Like, wait for it. That's the spirit of blood. Done and done. Anyway, he has already cast it. He goes flying towards Niles and uses life leap to get adjacent, trying to flank the boar. Pops on the other side. In classic Miroz's side. Classic Miroz's style. Inspired by the new awesome creature. Miroz lets out a gnomish squeeing all the way there. Pops out of sight with his ability and reappears in my best Ryan impression on the other side. And then tries to find boar or piggy cahones and starts doing a flurry of kicks towards our little friend. Or should say our large friend. I... Looking at the picture, I thought they were going to drop like a large creature. But it's technically medium sized, so I'm only one square. It would be awesome if this thing was like larger, huge. Oh my god, but then it would be eating slaves and not grabbing them and dragging them back, so... Fist of Fieri. Opings out a little. As a single attack with a 25 hit. Doing 46 plus nine points. As a second attack with a penalty but still only counting as a single action, I believe Fisting works. Missing with a five. And then following up with his last sensing a soft target. Risking the only plus twelve with a crit. So he kicks its legs apart and almost breaks a leg. Then kicks high up under there and doesn't find anything. And then he plunges his fist into the back of the boar. Hopefully striking its romp and not getting a soft spot or going up to his sleeve. Hey, this is what Ryan gets for not showing up on my show. I'm fighting the good fight. Look, I'm gonna pop it! That's what he would be doing right now. The pig squeeze again. Niro's does 43 points of Fisting damage. And that's Niro's. Good night everybody. Sneaky human too. Takes advantage of his position and moves up on him. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five. Pulling weapons as she goes, dagger and rapier. And as her final action tries to plunge her dagger in the back of our unsuspecting gnome. Which does Niro's have any anti-flanking? Like is everybody off guard here? Are we just setting everybody up for... Well, I see like we got this daisy chain going on. Technically he'd be off guard for sure, right? Because of the positioning. Let me just double check the boar because I forgot to make the boar off guard. Because he got a flank on it. So apologies. Did that 20 hit? Niro's got a 19 and he got a 25 which did hit. And then he got a 30 for critical. So just checking that the 19 may or may not have. If I go back to my boar, apologies. And quickly give him the off guard. If a 30 was a critical, was it a 20 roll? No, one second. Oh yeah, you can just try that now. My AC is 23, right? So now that I've made a off guard, I'm going to drag it over and see... Come on, did that hit? Yep. No, still telling me it missed. Okay. So now we know for sure. It worked out. Yeah, but, you know, credit work credits too. Yep. So I think any of us has a v-build and second on. Should he still have those? I would love him too, but no. Take those on. Hey, look, he's got haste on himself. He came prepared. I will take those off. Thank you for calling that. And we will give him off guard before sneaky human and try his to stick a rapier in the back of him. One rapier attack. Misses, murals. And that's her set of actions. Bringing us to our dwarf. Our dwarf shoves our prisoner hard to the ground towards a bush. And then pulls a javelin. And comes forward by 10, 15, 20. Don't think these guys move that fast. All right. Oops, my move. 20 feet. Yeah, that's what I thought. And then, uh, it's 10, 15, 20. Does a double move? No. Sorry. That's four actions. Shoving the prisoner prone. Right. So, 5, 10, 15, 20. Pulls javelin. And he's done. I could say the shoving was for flavor, but technically making somebody prone on the battlefield, whether he's combat or not, is still a tactic. So, I'll have them burn it. That's fine. Which brings us to Karam. All right. I think I will use a devised strategy. I'm right here against the boar. Okay. 21. Against our boar. That is a hit. My 23 becomes a 21 because I'm off guard. Aren't you lucky? Oh, you know what? I'm shooting through. Well, no, I'm not technically shooting through zone. You're shooting straight through. I will have to move if I want. Yeah, that's fine. Yep. That's right. So, if you want to move forward? I will move to the southeast. 5, 10, 5, 2. Whoa. Like this, your clean shot would be to come forward to Vicar and then hit steps of. Yes. That'll work. Okay. So, you get your recall knowledge. You move into a good position. You take your clean shot. You use it to recall knowledge. Force it shot and damage. Nice. 23. Using your deadly piercing 3d6 because this thing is caught off guard. You bury an arrow deep in its neck and it starts bleeding profusely. Or at least it's a solid shot. The tide is tough. The thick is fur. And the fur is thick. And I have a lot of bily idle kind of collars and studs to protect me. Which brings us to Elbrich of the stone and the chucker. That's me. Right on me. Are these bushes difficult terrain? Can I move through them? Do you see how there's sort of a slight gap in between them? Where one starts and the other one stops. And 15. And then, yeah, really great. Yeah. So, if I was to move straight through. Right in here. See that? Yep. Okay. It's, um, is it clean enough in here that that's a gap? It's difficult terrain because you can't really go into the bush. You get stuck, right? Um, so if you're, you're looking for that 30 foot move. Yeah. So it'll be a double. It'll be a double. 10, 15 to get up to the bush. And then we say that's 25. Yep. That's 35. And then you can step out at 40. And then one step down to be right adjacent to murals. It's 45. Okay. Your move, your movement is 20 feet. 25. Because your dwarf? Yeah. And I'm not wearing any armor. Oh, is that why? Yeah. I guess my dwarf is wearing armor. It must be why he's reduced to 20. Yeah. Typically. And from this position. I will now cast innovation. Which is a 30 foot line. Do I catch them all? Oh, I don't. But I do catch two of them. Hitting the sneaky human. Would you like to adjust your tactic? Um, you have a spell in mind as you approach. If you wanted to step here, right? Technically, the corner of the square is touching the corner of the square. I could learn this from portal shooting. Thanks, Joe. You're welcome. And that does put me in range. Yeah, I would. I would adjust that because I do have the movement to do it. Now, just so we're clear, I'm not telling player what to do. I see a tactical dice number equation right in front of him. That is an option. My job to spell in it. That's it. I appreciate that, sir. And yes, I will. Because when you guys start fighting bad things that have a script that just get a mall you guys. Sorry. You're on your own trying to be nice now. All right. So. So sneaky human one failed. The dwarf thug succeeded and sneaky human to critically succeeded. Wow. Good for us. Let's deal with sneaky human one. Let's be able to put the one button. I think I'm going to try. Okay. Doesn't say. Okay. So success creature takes two to eight persistent negative damage. Failure creature takes 48 persistent negative damage and becomes drained one. Critical success. Critical success. The creature is unaffected. Okay. So. Sneaky human two. That's right by you. Okay. You crank up your spell and she just. You know, like sucks it in at the last second and you get more clothes than actual flesh with it and just. You know, I see the finger of Ray Doom coming up and she just like. Grads your wrist pulls it forward. So you're shooting pastor and shoots her friends. Not much. I can do what's going off. But hey, you know. And I quit success. But unfortunately, my boss, the dwarf thug who I guess I don't like because I just pointed your death figure down. He gets a regular success and the girl in the back. Sneaky human one gets an actual fault failure. Yep. So let's start with success. We'll work our way down the line here. Two to eight persistent negative damage. Okay. You fired in there and I will afflict it to him. Oh, persistent doesn't like not this round. Okay. Yeah. So what would happen on their turn? Okay. Which brings us to. And then the one at the back. Sneaky human one gets drained one and takes 48 persistent negative damage. Okay. Brain one. Let's talk about drained. Do you remember? I believe it is like minus one to basically everything your attack, your defenses. No, but I mean, it's stackability. When you suffer other drained effects, it jumps and. Oh, I'm not sure about that. I'll have to look into that one for you mean, like, so after a round, if it wears off, you mean? I put my screens away because we're in the new rules, but it does have some basic descriptions. Yeah, drained does not go away, like all the other ones. You need a full night's rest. Yeah, you need a full night's rest and blah, blah, blah. You have to reduce it by one. You need a full night's rest. Yeah. Now this penalty, the status penalty will affect my constitution based checks. It will also affect my fortitude saves. You lose a number of hit points equal to your level. Times the drain value and maximum amounts are reduced by the same amount. So it's just like a chunk down. Cool. I knew there was a reason I liked opening with that one, especially if you can find the line. Right. So I'm a sixth level creature. She automatically takes six ones, just like that. Ooh, it's a tie. I feel weak. I look up past the dwarf and I see one of my own allies pointing your hand at me. Okay, we're going to talk later, bitch. Oh, it's we will. Anything else? I know. That's all my actions. Okay. Funny enough, her in the back, it's her go. She got to tell me how she feels about this, right? Okay. She, uh, um, the ones that I didn't move, I had them like perceiving and, you know, signaling, doing a whole bunch of, um, complicated stuff. She, whatever message she relayed, it seemed pretty complicated and took all actions. Now this round, she draws weapons and advances. Five. Fifteen. Twenty. Twenty-five. Right next to our sorcerer. And I'm going to plunge my rape here and here. Nothing personal. Twenty-three, tickle, tickle, tickle. That's a mess. And that's what happens. Yeah, what can you do? What can you do? These MOOCs don't have much money, but these MOOCs, these MOOCs didn't have a lot of bones in the last encounter. I don't expect to get any better here. You're fighting six level dudes. Vicar Niles, all bright. I would like to, uh, scare the boar. They found me. Okay. Target locked. And. And attack attack. For a twenty-nine. That is a solid hit, sir. Oh, gosh. For a whopping six damage. Yeah. I do something about your stud finder there, buddy. Yeah. And I will, uh, stick it again. He'll be better this time. Yeah. Twenty-three. I was going to say, you know, I'm going to give you a plus one. Come here. Plus one hit. All right. Damage. Oh, my God. For six again. Well, I mean, there's something to be said for consistency. Yeah. And thanks for the needle, little scars, but yeah. Yeah. And then I would like to cast the spell. Shield? Yes. Yeah. Press your button on your guy. I didn't and won't do anything. Yep. Sneaky human number three. In the back. Comes around the bushes. Five out. So I don't have to deal with the bush itself. Five down is ten. Fifteen. Twenty. Twenty-five. I come twenty-five feet. And I launch a dagger at our halfling from the back. To the fight, Karam. A wing. End of mist with a twenty. And I lose a dagger in the bushes. I come around. I throw my dagger. And then in my last action. I go five. Ten. Fifteen. And I scooch up behind Karam and join the chain gang. The Daisy chain. Red-green, red-green, red-green. I don't think we've had a triple flank before. Causing vicker-niles. To become off-guard. As everyone is in this strange... I got to say the same. Yeah, well, I'm trying to use the map in exciting new ways. That's kind of strange, right? Like... And that's the end of round two. Round three is the boar's turn. I am combat trained. I don't just hunt down helpless nobodies. Ooh. Can I do my squeaking? It's not my one. It lets out another terrifying squeak. Can you all make a willpower-save DC-23, please? Natural 20. Or 35. They're natural one. Fourteen. Karam? Uh, thirty-two. Actually, can I use an ability to help out... You roll for Ryan, so I don't get blamed? Why, yes, yes, you can. Seven for twenty-one. He fails. Can you use a hero point? He said DC-20. Twenty-three. Oh, twenty-three. Ooh. Poor guy. Sorry, Karam, you're saying? Yeah, I've got this ability called Guiding Luck. Your luck guides you to look the right way. Well, duh, duh, duh, duh. Actually, that might not be the right one. That's, uh... Shared luck. There we go. Uh... You can use half-in luck with an ally within thirty feet that fails a skill check. Or a saving throw to allow the ally to re-roll the triggering check instead of you re-rolling your own failed check. So I'd like to use that so Niles can re-roll his will-save. Okay. Sweet. Yeah, your adjacent. He gives you the thumbs up. Yes. You gotta do it again. Try it again. Oh my god. Twenty-five. What? Is it safe? Is it safe? Sorry, did you say it was a reaction or an action? It should be a reaction, right? 'Cause you can do it immediately. Let me go back to half-lane luck. It is a reaction. A free action, so you're not even burning your reaction. Dude, that's huge. No, but you're... I can only do it once a day. Yeah. And the person, and it's a fortune effect. So you... Which means you can't use a hero point and stuff like that. Okay. Yeah. I can't use it when I use devised strategy, so might as well use it on somebody else. Okay. That's all right. I will happily make Miro's think twice about fisting a boar as this thing squeals and freaks him out and he gets the frightened one condition 'cause I'm just... Yeah. Right is also the show, right? So that's all. I apologize the rest of you to do. So, right. The boar squeaks as its first action. Then it takes a five-foot-step south to get out of being off-colored, off-guard, off-centered, and all the rest of it. Sweet. On then, once again, being sort of single-minded and straight in front of me as we know boars and charging do, it thinks it's being clever by just circling around keeping its, you know, face towards Niles, and it tries to bite him again as its third action. And actually gets through, chews on your leg, and does 2d8+8 piercing damage with its jaws, and you take 15 points of piercing damage, Vicar and Niles. I will take it now. Okay. And now it's as Miro's turn. A slurping and popping noise as the boar moves away from Miro's. He wipes his hand on the back of his jeans, no reason. What would you have Miro's do? Attack the boar or defend you, Al, because you are getting surrounded. Attack both. Yeah, he could. Just bring it out. Yeah, sure. Nurry of Beatons all around. He uses the releasing suction to deliver a crazy backhand blow to the rogue behind him. Why not? Glad you said it. Why not? A fury of Beatings to the woman behind him, opening with a miss. Oof. Oof. It's right. Miro, step it up. Attack, but only a single action. Hits with a 31. Whales on her for 19 points of damage. And that's a single action. Then he turns his attention to the boar happy that he got a solid hit on the girl. And changing my target to the boar is a third hit. He... Not 20s, this thing. Sticks his boot in him. He uses the other arm. He can't have a match on matching. It's bad enough that we're doing this to him. I have 20-something original. He kicks him and loses a boot in there. That's just episode from the bowels of boredom. Do you know what every episode of this entire podcast is actually named after a real Pathfinder 2nd Edition feat? I should say I should remind you. Yes, I didn't know that. So I'll let you guys help me out here. Go into Arkanes and Nephiths, type in bowels and scroll down and look for feats. How about it? Seven points to the boar. And it squeals and falls over with Miroz's boot sticking out of it. And as a final action, Miroz turns his attention back to the girl and takes a five-foot step to the south to begin his own circling around and sort of flanking. Unless you know your cousin Al, would you rather have him come towards you so that you can drift back and leave him to fight them? No, I like what he did there. That makes sense to me. Yeah, the problem is they would just circle again and just be endless chasing across the map. It's tactics, man. That's all part of it, right? Yeah. I've been watching you guys. When it comes to play Robot, the missing care player. Now, in Ryan's defense, guys, he literally works across country and is flying home from Vancouver. He couldn't make it, so it's not like he could possibly schedule this. And he's not doing that. Sneaky human number two is the one that actually just got kicked by Miroz. So she takes a five-foot step south, sorry, she takes a five-foot step taking into his position. Would that trigger his reaction? No, because it's a step, not a stride. Okay. They still have the five-foot step. They call it stepping as opposed to a five-foot step, but yeah. Also, she has mobility, so she can actually, you know, just move right on by. Actually, now that you remind me that, I'm going to retcon that. She sticks him and then moves past him and up to you, flanking you. Okay. Because she has mobility and doesn't trigger. Or with a critical miss. That was on Miroz. Yeah. Well, at least I wanted to stick him because she hit me and then drift back to take out the sorcerer kind of thing. He just killed a pig, so it's kind of like a stabbing withdrawal, right? Oh, shit. But she gets a little tangled up and her critical miss cost her her third action, so I will move down. Our dwarven thug launches his javelin straight at Miroz. Roaring and dwarven. No. Sure. Did it have the rain? Maybe it's -- he falls to his knees going, "Raspa!" And then -- yeah. No, its name is not Rosebud. The dwarf just called it that. Otherwise, those crits and misses would be pulling cards and then you guys would be in a world of pain. Targets Miroz with his javelin. Critical miss. Oh, Miroz. Yeah. And goes to charge Miroz realizing that the overextension of the huge throw caused his mace to loose and his flail falls to the ground. And I spend my third action not charging Miroz, but retrieving flail so I end my turn as if I draw on my weapon -- weapon in hand. 2DA dwarf assistant damage for 13, and then he gets his flat check. Oh, we missed one of the sneaky humans too, right? Yes. No, it was a sneaky human one. So yeah, you're right. They missed theirs as well. Oh, sorry. We haven't got her yet. We haven't got her yet. She's after you. Sorry. Yeah, but she was right after it happened. It should have happened on her turn. 'Cause I blasted her and then she moved up on her turn, which was after mine. Oh, okay. So you want to write cons and stuff for her then? Yeah. There's 48 for her. Okay, so she takes 20. Don't worry. She's still standing, which I'm sure she would have. Perfect. And then I get a flat check to end it. Yeah. Okay. Interesting. 15. Let's try some real dice. And she can't see my dice. Actually, you know what? I can roll these dice. I can roll the audience dice. You'll actually see those. Flat check 13. Mmm. Fail. Haha. And then a flat check for your dwarf as well. Wow. Haha. There you go. And the dwarf took, how many? 13. What are you, Mr. Dorff? There you are. I don't feel good. That would actually make sense. Like he goes to movie and he bends over to pick up his weapon and comes back up and gets hit by the innovation. What's going on? Karam. You're up. I'll get ready. You're on deck. What do you want to do? I am interested in attacking the dwarf with the symbol on his armor. So I will... I'll do the advice strategy first, I guess. That makes sense. I need a negative one because you're shooting through your friendly. Miro says literally half the distance to him. Unless you want to take a step out. I can move first, I suppose. Okay. Maybe just a five foot step to the southeast. Yep. So you're provoking from Getaway from Sneaky Girl that's all interested in you and Vicar, right? Sounds good. There we go. 35. Critical on the thug. That's right. Go count. This little dude's pretty good with his bow. He really is. Now that's right there. That's the crazy part. Okay. So what cream was a pull? Because it's a deadly weapon, right? Drew, with great pleasure, would you tell me the color and the number and the shape of the dice that have completely filled my screen? You little shit. I mean, good for you. Oh yeah. There's two black, there's three purple, there's another purple, and then there's a total of five greens. So three on the D6 and it's striking. So a four on a D6 black, then we get the deadly, only a two on the D10, not great. Then we get into the fact that it crits. So two more D6s, which are green, a one and a five. Still not great, but because why are you getting the precise damage? It's part of my, let's see. And does it apply to range weapons? Yes, it does. Well, not all of them, but yes, mine does. As long as I'm within 30 feet, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, it's part of my device strategy that I get precision damage. It's the precision that also created the next six dice, three, five, three, six, five, two. That makes up for the earlier shit rolls. Damn, dude. Yep. And if I don't do a device strategy, I get no precision. But then he also takes one D6 persistent bleed damage because of my scalpel's point feet. Oh, one is one. One we get to his turn, yeah. He's bleeding. He's innovating. Yeah. He's getting him to the party. That's for damn sure. All over dead. No, this dude's pretty tough. He takes it, you know, he takes it in a lung and it's nasty stuff. And he howls in rage, but only takes a step back and sets his eyes. Forget me or else in the javelin. I have a new rage friend. His name is halfling. I don't know your name. So, you know, racial slurs. Racial slurs are up from this tour. But we censor our podcast. Oh, that's okay. Moving on. How could we let this happen? All right. All right. Anything else, Karam? Nope. That's me. I'm going to move, shoot. Hey, Albright Stonechuck are clearing your opponents for the moment. You are considered off guard because you have been flanked. That should not affect your spells. Or does that mean we get free wax to disrupt them if you try and do something in our face? I want to have reactions that can... Yeah, there's probably talents for that, but... Okay. Back in between murals and the person who flanked me. And then I will... You can step straight up or straight down. You can't clip a corner because I'm part of that corner unless you use some kind of acrobatics, which I believe counts as full movement unless you have feats to make it stepping. So, possible just not within your wheelhouse. Still, coming straight down towards allies is recommended. Because when they go, they'll have you off guard, right? Well, you know what? I'll just... I will just stride. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, to get to the other side of the sneaky human, too. And then I will cast Crashing Wave. You push yourself into a bush. Into difficult terrain. Okay. And the bush, like, you're sticking your upper body in it. You're considered squeezed. I don't know if squeezing disrupts any spells. Oh, okay. You know what? Yeah, I know. Then I'll stop, sure. You're just happy with it. Okay. I can get the same effect and just start it on the top corner square and still not catch anybody, which is a 30-foot cone. Is there a tool for that business? Not an accurate one, but one that's at least projecting that's like, oh, this is kind of what it looks like. So, it'd be a cone this. You want to do a cone to hurt who? To get sneaky human one and two? I mean, if I could squeeze, I might be able to change, yeah. I guess that would work, too, wouldn't it? Now, the cones, unfortunately, on this template aren't what's actually in the ruleset. It's a jagged, you know, there's jagged over you know what I mean? Yep. However, I can say this, considering where you are, it's usually the cones that go out, go out from the center of you, like here, right? They come out a square, then they fan out two squares, and like murals and sneaky girl are kind of safe, right? With most cone templates. I'd be willing just to go with the two, and I'm also willing to retcon later if we can find that template. I do have the Pathfinder template for a 30-foot cone straight out. Okay. Can you pull up the drawing tool and just draw it for me? I am. I can certainly try to do that. Where's the drawing tool? Uh-huh. Drawing. It's the quill pen. Yep. So, dip your ink top corner of your or bottom corner or center, what are you going to do, right? Can you send me a picture of this? Can you like put it up so we can all see? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Dude, dude, dude. It's a very long casting spell, dude. Mm-hmm. Um, if we can drag your effects onto the guy, you want to hit me with the spell? We'll get into some numbers. Yeah, I'm having a hard time drawing it. Wait. Okay. Up one corner. Oh, sorry. Should be actually up here, then down two, then out one, then down. Then down one two, then out one, then down, then back, then down two, then back, then down two, then back, then down two, then back, then back. Mm-hmm. (laughs) Slow mo's. Holy shit. That is a 30-foot square. I will send you the picture. Okay. Um, but you need to be in the middle of it. The whole thing should be dropped down one, and it's going to engulf murals. Yes, it's sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. The whole thing. It's like you're there, and murals is here. And, like, the whole thing would make more sense if it looked like this. No, it's two. No, is it three across the bottom? No, it should only be two squares across the bottom. So, I've got one square too many, and it should be two at the end. I don't think I'll show you the picture. (laughs) Can you get them all in, and are you going to hit murals, who probably say do it? Right. No, it will hit them all and not hit murals. Okay. But I'll show you the picture that's the Pathfinder grid things. Sure. I just got to figure out where I saved it. That's fine. Give us your spell and your damage, and then we'll worry about retconning shapes while you're off over nasty. I don't know if that's going to work for you. Try it. I think it's weird, but anyways, how do I do this? All right. Can I get rid of that drawing crap now somehow? Yes. Thank you. You're doing cone number four, you're sitting in the sort of one corner of a two square wide. Okay. And it's all over. They all are all nice and targeted already. Sorry. This took a whole lot of time to just line up. Let's see if that works. Casting at failure, critical failure, double damage, and failure. I like that. That's really nice. A critical failure has another effect on this. From climate's end. Damage. Was there a critical? No, it's just damage. Okay. So explosion. Yeah, there's a critical. No, there's a critical fail, which means you'll do critical damage. No, no, no, no. I thought it also did knock back, but it's been changed. Okay. So that should automatically apply all that fun stuff. Yes, it does. 54 to sneaky human to 27 to sneaky human one and 27 to the dwarf thug. As a wave emanates from my hands, slamming into them. Nice. They are rocked back within their square. They are bruised and battered, but each and every one of them is not only still standing. It's quite pissed. All three at one. Albrecht's stone brick chugger. Sarsura. And we're all going to target you next time. Next time. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]