Journey to Truth


Abby Lynn's presentation at the Journey to Truth Conference 2023
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1h 5m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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Abilene is it's right right here. She's an energy reader. So psychic collected channel if you were in here for the meditation while I Have known you for years now. I've never heard that come out of your mouth. It was beautiful No, it's been beautiful to watch you blossom because I remember you were shy about doing that at first and understandably It takes a lot to get up there and do that so Thank you, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us today. So welcome Thank you Good morning everybody yes, um the singing thing That's just part of my continued journey and as we open up and find more aspects of ourselves, it's really just surrendering into that and Releasing and letting go and loving yourself and just trusting that what comes out is meant to be So This isn't my little clicker because I'm a hand talker and so then I don't Yeah, so so I have the talking stick today and you're gonna enjoy this one-sided conversation Everything that I'm gonna share today I'm not sharing anything for you to believe me I'm simply sharing to let you know. This is a possibility and that these beings do exist. They are real and you can't have access to them and It's a pretty magical place that we live when you begin to go outside of the veil But I kind of want to talk about the past year really quick before I get into this It's been pretty intense with energy coming in The body it's been a lot of work and hard work on the body The brain pressure over a year ago I was doing you know I was feeling it too, but I was doing you know often some of this comes through when I'm doing a session on somebody And I was in the crown working within the brain because you know before you get it with energy you got to balance it out and these crystalline beings came in and They said we need to make more Room within the gray matter of the brain and they said that's why everyone's been feeling so much pressure that cranium pressure Lately and I'm like why are we making more room within the gray matter of the brain? They said because so much more energy is coming in and so we we as light beings were working with everybody here to help Make some more room in there so they can hold that so essentially the brain doesn't get fried fried out with that and You know Barry talks a little bit about the Sun I remote viewed the Sun a couple times and I absolutely do believe it's a portal. It's not hot at all and It's come through so clearly. It's a record keeper It keeps and holds so much memory in through that portal and I was actually connecting this morning into that knowing like okay The Sun's a record keeper what's been going on so much the past year rapidly are all these solar flares The body's feeling all of those who feel really exhausted Achy joints achy everything, but if if we're getting energy blasted from the Sun and the Sun's a record keeper What's the possibility that with those solar flares? We're bringing in more memory of ourselves We're bringing in more photon those those photonic light is opening up the light within us And that could be part of the reason why we're feeling all those physical pains When those solar flares are coming through so just a theory again I'm not saying anything to believe me just the theory and that's really kind of what all of us are here doing together We we have these little bits and little pieces and and we come and we gather and we try to see how they fit And we're trying to make sense because there is a veil over this and that veil has gotten a lot better But it absolutely is there. So that's why it's so important that we all gather and we share I think a lot of times while we gather to is because we just feel this aloneness the sense of aloneness Inside I've had that since I was a child and I didn't make any sense because I was surrounded by people that loved me I had an amazing childhood friends But I always felt alone alone with my thoughts alone with things that I knew that I knew I couldn't share with others because we would never make any sense so just being alone inside and one of our chariots came through and they said aloneness is one of the cruelest illusions of this dimension and They said it's something we each had to work through and overcome his individual species Through each of our evolutions We've had windows of being and feeling alone, but the soul knows its connection And a Galactic male he just has always said you can just call me eat He said you saw this outcome before you came or you wouldn't have come Understand that we see this as a team effort We have not left you with this big task without help You are never nor have you ever been alone Um, I think that's one of the things that I'm gonna just like harp on and harp on until the day I transitioned to the next the next Lifetime Why we're here. I cannot emphasize enough absolutely none of you are alone. You are surrounded by so many realms by so many family members your guides it I've had a couple times or I have absolutely just broken down in tears after I've had sessions or been with people Because it's not fair is how I feel. It's not fair that I am able to see this and understand this and so many people are struggling with it Like why can't they see this and it's frustrating for me because not only do I see things, but I feel them first they come in through their emotion first and It has absolutely dropped me to the ground multiple times so if anything you get out of anything I say today, please know that every step you take is Absolutely surrounded by beings and things that love you and support you and only want the best for you But Tyler wanted me to talk about the galactic perspective today So I figured it's best for you guys to hear from them But to go down a little bit on my journey that a lot of you like why do you get to see them How do you have this access and I've been an experience her my entire life? I don't like the word abductee Because it feels like it's something happening me that I don't have control over and I know well enough that my soul Absolutely contracted for everything that happened to me so at the age of three is the first time of Conscious memory coming through and I used to talk to my parents in the morning over breakfast to clearly remember it and I Called him my boyfriend. I really did I said my boyfriend came and got me last night and he took me on a date is how I described it and In my 30s. I got more memory. I understand why I said that as three-year-old But I clearly remembered we would just go up and it was always learning It was I was always being taught and they always said over and over again You need to remember who you are you need to remember who you are And I remember sitting and just seeing screens and and they would show me you know This planet and they would break it down piece by piece And it was always like these are the materials that we coming we get from this planet This is what exists on this planet and they're like okay next planet and this is what I did all the time when I was a child So I Because of that and it was always very positive For a couple years I actually was excited to go to sleep every single night. I couldn't wait cuz I was just it was that was my connection But then somewhere around the age of six it started to get a little funky And I was terrified to go to sleep My my worst nightmare was I was the last one to fall asleep in my home. I hated I never wanted to be the last one Understanding that it's not normal to fall asleep at night because you're hyperventilating because you're underneath all the covers and you're terrified of one little ounce of skin being Left out because you can literally just feel being yanked out from it Always being a stomach sleeper because I always felt this strong desire. I had to protect my organs Even as adult. I can't I can't fall asleep on my back. I can't do it I have to be completely covered and feel weight on me because I feel vulnerable and I feel exposed so I Finally did reach out to Mary Rodwell Trying to look at those because I couldn't make sense why I had such good good memories of going to school and being taught and these are my family and I can see them clearly and then all of a sudden I started having some nightmares and So I actually you know they started at six, but I actually started getting taken at four I was really surprised by that And the memory that came back was I don't even know how I got outside I was standing outside and that was when I realized I was out there I was holding stuffed animal in my little fuzzy jammies and I started to become like why am I out here? It's dark and when I turned to yell for my mom because I saw their bedroom window. It was woo and I Now know what it feels like to be burst into about a billion little pieces of material because I wasn't sucked up. I was literally just it turned into matter and My next my next phase was I was sitting in a room and it was all dark and I was just sitting there with my stuffed animal But I had no fear they had removed all that I had absolutely no fear Jumped to I'm on a table and I'm being moved. I can't move my body. I know that but I could move my eyes and This all I could see was the arm because all I could do was move my eye to the side and I just saw this arm like pushing this table that I was on and He had brown skin very very skinny. There was no bone structure to it But had a little bit of a glistening to it and he just kept saying over and over again. I'm so sorry I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry and what was interesting was he said they should be with their mothers and I was interesting because he didn't say you should be with your mother. He said they should be with their mother and I instantly knew that I was one of many children that was being picked up and But I felt nothing but love from him and so I started to talk to him and I actually asked him I said, why can I hear you in my head? And he said, that's exactly why you're here and So in the next moment was looking down at my feet Then I did see a human and he was in military year and that was when I became terrified Absolutely terrified and then in my little four-year-old mind It couldn't understand why I was feeling nothing but love from the being behind me and Absolutely terrified of the human that looked like everything that I had seen in my life And I knew that there was nothing but cold and hatred inside of his soul and I could hear his thoughts completely When I saw him in my session, I went into a full-blown seizure So through that I I Jumped forward a little bit and I know that I was used And I felt like they would come and get me and come and get me so it wasn't a continuous thing But they used me just to psychically read other beings because they would have me look in their eyes and I could see Completely into their soul not just them now, but I could see all the lifetimes they'd had before and Based on what I came out of my mouth and even as a six-year-old I understood what comes out of my mouth determines whether this being lizard eyes and having that much weight on my shoulders so I do believe That that's one of the reasons why I'm able to do what I do now is because I used to do it when I was when I was a toddler I have absolutely zero trauma from it I wish to not look into at all any further and I've released it and I have complete forgiveness for what happened to me Because it did bring me to where I'm at today I've went into journalism and a TV producer I thought was interesting last year the secret space program the majority of all the females that were speakers They all chose journalism as their degree I Know that's why I chose journalism was I was trying to make sense of what? Happened when I was a kid and all the things that I knew and you know And I said even though I was terrified I still loved it when I was in sixth grade My school report was the world's greatest mystery news UFOs and Loch Ness Monster and the Bureau of Triangle because I was trying to understand energy and portals and You know, there's is is a single person that I grew up and went to school with that is surprised that I'm here talking about this right now Today because I never shut up about it When I was a kid And I I actually never allowed anyone to not believe in this when I was a kid too if they would say they're not real I'm just like well, you're a special kind of ignorant aren't you? But I went in journalism because in my mind from a teenager Well if I'm a journalist, I'm gonna have a press pass and press passes I'm able to interview different people and I can get to the bottom of this because I'm not afraid to ask hard questions I'm not afraid to go into places and it was either I was gonna either join the media or the CIA or the FBI because I wanted to get to bottom and I wanted truth to come through and I absolutely know one of my my mission is is to be a bridge and which is to bring the truth of them down here So I was looking at any type of venue that I could but I ended up in the mainstream media that 24-hour toxic wheel and I lasted less than two years and I saw it for the mockingbird that it was and I asked my soul was just dying in there So I had to leave And jump then I jumped to being a mother of three kids And I know it kind of jumped from being six to being a mother really quick My college years I had a lot of missing time when I was in college That's all I remember is just a lot of missing time but Me becoming a mother I had already I was in contact with my guides and I had you know I had shadow figures my whole life following me I always felt the ships above me all the time when I was a kid sometimes it actually would give me a small little panic attack because I knew I am always being followed. I'm always being followed. You can just feel it right in the back of you I had been saved actually a couple times of literally invisible force I was doing something stupid with my friends I could really hurt myself and I was literally picked up in the middle of the air and I was brought back down on the ground before I got hurt I've had things when I was 16 years old come in and actually take over the wheel of my car and make me go different directions So I would avoid a wreck Not good because you can get a little cocky Because when I was in my college if I got more driving I would absolutely race my car And you can get anyone to race you on a highway The Vassalaro was 115 and Volkswagen But I knew I'm protected. They've always been there. I've always felt them. So all right jumping back to being a mother of three my kids absolutely were my Awakening because I had always had the shadow figures in this in the ghost like I always lived in a haunted house And then I had my Galactics and I didn't know how any of that made sense I there was like this compartment and then this compartment But when I had my children they brought they were my coming home 100% When my oldest was two and a half years old she was sitting at the breakfast table eating cereal and she just looked over me and she said thank you for my special eyes mommy and I said what are you talking about and I knew she was already medium she was seeing spirits and it was it was a grand time in my house and And she and she looked at me and she said God and I chose you to be my mother because you would understand my special eyes And then she went back to eating breakfast and then she returned to me and she said I'm going to bring heaven to earth in this life So she is she is my rainbow child And it's just been in a great experience. I will tell you one funny story She actually told me this year ago when she was five years old She couldn't sleep one night and she was lying there and she said all of a sudden she heard Coming outside of her window so she got up and she looked out and she saw this huge giant walking outside and of course, she's five she Knocks on her window to get his attention And she said this shot you bent all the way down and go went down and he said hello To her and then he stood back up and then you just continue she just continued to walk But but yes, we did a lot of sleepless nights every single light was on in my house all the time So I had my first two together. They're pretty much Irish twins and they would be having breakfast together Talking to themselves about my son said well, I pushed you I pushed you into the wormhole first That's why you were born first and they would sit there and laugh about it because they were going to fight who was going to come down first and And I said what do you mean the wormhole and my son said well the whole full of of Wholes of little holes at swirl and he said but by the time now he was he was two years old And he told us to me he said but by the time you get to that room You're really really tiny and so if someone has to carry you into that room and they put you into that wormhole He said each one of them and has and this is what is he did not he does not know my maiden name He's two years old and he said that he said we went to the one that said my husband's full name and then Abby Rouse. That's my name. He said and said Abby Rouse and so for my two-year-old to know what my last name was was incredible But they absolutely were my coming home. I had to take all of these worlds and become really really serious because The experiences that they were having I had to begin to and Sherry touched on this you have to really guard your house They don't a lot of beings don't like the lights that we bring here And I when I began to really awaken they really didn't like that At all. I was heavily targeted every time I would I found a meet-up group and we would meet and do these meditations and That was when a lot of my memories were starting to come back and every time I would drive to meet those Cars would cut me off and slam their brakes trying to get me into a wreck The absolute worst time was a car Cut me off and they had a mattress on the top of it in the minute They cut me off all of the ropes snapped on the mattress and it flew back at my car And I had to swerve and that was when I had absolutely had it and in my car. I literally said I will never stop Finding out and getting my memories back. You will never stop me And so that's when I really learned how to declare who you are And when you declare who you are from your heart and you really stand in your knowingness I don't really like to saying standing your power but standing your knowingness They begin to leave you alone So but we just have to move past that fear because really when you are are are working and activating your light They can't do anything to you. They like they will do everything to bring in fear Shadow beings, you know again like trying to hurt you and reptilians Coming into my house and absolutely nothing nothing stopped it. So Um, I always joke reptilians are actually little weenies When when you really are pushing out from that love frequency, they can't exist within that They just really can't it hurts them and when they see you, I mean I've had it's a seven foot tarp to you and like pumping up all his muscles Charging down at me in my house because I was ready to do. Are you guys ready for it? I organized a clearing with all my friends to clear out Epstein Island That was the first time we're up till he came into my house um That's a whole other story whole other story Um, and I will say dragons came in and helped massively massively to help those children crossover I had over a hundred dragons show up and surround that island I didn't even ask for them. They just showed up and I began to see these souls of these little children coming up out of the water Yes, they did throw a lot of those kids into the water They came up out of the water and they climbed on the back of these dragons back and the dragons took them into light dragons are my favorite Here's some words from them the galactic perspective You are us and we are you a splintered family spread about the cosmos We have been watching as when you made the contract to leave our realm density dimension We no longer had telepathic communication with you You had to find us Not the other way around that is our universal law Now that you have found us you can access us at any time And so really I just call it dimensional communication versus channeling It's just telepathic conversation between two souls who have agreed upon an equal exchange of energy Opening up a portal of connected thought Now there was one point where I was doing so much telepathic conversation um that I Hated using this mouth and I actually kind of became mute for a while I was slurring my words because then you realize how heavy and how slow This speech is telepathic communication within seconds you can have an entire message But you understand the backing of that message where like why they even came forward and why they're even giving this message It's so layered and it's so fast. It's very efficient This is very slow um This is again, he came through to understand one's mission is to understand one's purpose To understand one's future Time does not exist for us like it does for you So we see all things and what is to be but it is from a place where it has already happened And so so often they are able to come in and and and just remind us who we are and and give us help um When I was really starting to remember and they were coming through Um, and I have to say the glasses that came through they're my family They're my friends. Okay, so it's not like all just some random Being came through It was it was very emotional Um, because I remember they're seeing my they're my friends. They're my friends. I spent years with um and um In the beginning. I just wanted to leave. I just wanted to go. I did not want to be here anymore at all Um, I wanted to be with them and it was frustrating because I could only talk with them in these little brief moments They so when they come in that it's like a hologram coming in they they're walking and they're interacting within my space So you I you see them like you're seeing me right now I just they're not the density isn't there, but they absolutely are walking within my space. So I see them walking within my home but the more I complain to him they uh They taught me to love being a human and I no longer wanted to go anymore They were constantly reminding me to love where I am at and understand the beauty of this planet Gaia is so beautiful You can experience so may I mean The seas the rivers the ocean the mountains the desert the the meta I mean it's just so much and even just the expanse of human emotion that you can experience here The depth of it. We are such beautiful creative emotional beings. It's incredible This is a playground so many want to be here, but they also know that they actually really couldn't handle this density It's hard. This is hard to be here. So congratulate every single one of you guys. You're doing it um, but they taught me to love this time And I really really have I I I have I I was so much spending in 560 up there with them that I Spent more time and I came back down into 3d and really was looking around but I looked at it with renewed eyes I looked at as this is my moment. I may not come back here again. This is my moment to love this planet She's gorgeous It's so easy in this human dimension to get hyper focused on your job that you forget to enjoy When we step back Take that as a cue to regroup relax this body replenish this body Fill it with a adventure in laughter. I'm telling you what laughter is what's gotten me through the past two years Um means really kind of the only thing that you can do Um, and just remember that it is it's more than just a mission. It's more than just a purpose We are just here to enjoy and in love um an experience I once asked them what we are and they said we are infinite light beings who have chosen to express ourselves as a human incarnate for this specific time of energetic awakening on Gaia Um, so I'm gonna talk a little bit about blood And how important blood is Um, I'm just gonna actually talk about this really briefly. So blood blood matters Uh the the family lines that we choose to come into absolutely matters because you need to be able to hold the light Um of the being that's coming into it Blood also matters Uh, we're all hybrids. We're this, you know, this genetic this genetic miracle essentially all the the 23 races And a lot of them some of the Abductions are they're trying to get the original the original genome. I had a session with the woman And she said it's really odd because I know that I've been taken but I don't have trauma from it I just I but I know that I was and I think that my sister was but I don't understand why like I have some memories Of some beings, but there's no trauma. There's no there's no fear there and it's and it showed me they showed me that Her and her sister. They didn't get any other siblings, but they had The original genome is what they said the original source genome and a lot of these these races They're trying to undo. Um, what we're actually as humans trying to race towards was a transhumanism A lot of them did did that and um, they're trying to undo it and in order to do that they are Abducting a lot of beings that have they're searching for the original source coding And so that's what some of these abductions are they're just looking for that And that's no reason why blood matters. Um, you know, I've seen some humans What they're doing at nighttime is they're Going up in some of these ships for these beings who Stopped reproducing naturally like we do here And they put everything into these tubes and these pods in order to have children And they've realized they really messed up really messed up and that's part of reason like they're trying to go backwards um, but There are humans here that soul contract at nighttime They're literally going up and they're holding these babies And they're giving them that motherly love Um, that's what they're trying to bring back to their children is that mother connection that mother love that frequency that we have that's so special And what's going on in our side today is really difficult when i've seen the outcome of so many other races um Yeah, uh women are really really special what we can do And that you can't recreate you can't recreate In a pod or tube the connection from a mother to a child And just a lot of races are trying to get back to that and they're they're suffering they're in a lot of pain Um, so this is part of the blood wars of what is going on Um, what we're seeing right now, especially with adrenochrome that part of blood wars Uh, it's channeled through because you know when you understand these beings like why are they doing that? I don't even understand where does even concept come from to to drink blood, um, and it channeled through the race that is here Somehow they managed to Skip when they would pass they skip going back to source They somehow managed to do that So when they would pass they would train just and go right back into another body again So they didn't go back home to recalibrate and heal and in that that normal reincarnation state And over time as they continue to do that they lost all abilities to have emotions They're completely emotionless. They have no soul spark at all whatsoever And uh, I was watching the movie, um, more embodies And that's you know, the romean julyab zombie movie, but in the one scene it shows a zombie who's eating It was eating, uh, someone's brains and he said the reason why they do is it's because it's the only time that they get to feel emotion So when he was eating the brains, he was like he got all that memory and he was able to feel Again, and when I saw that i'm like, that's it. That's why they do the adrenochrome as well It's the only time that they actually get to feel emotion Um, so don't worry. Uh, the war continues and we're Eradicating that and this just know it's not just happening here. This is happening over the entire galaxy So when we get frustrated that it's not happening soon enough understand this is happening Everywhere there are slave trades everywhere And um, this is a all hands on deck. So this is an absolute war Okay, so now i'm gonna Skip that a little bit. That was a little bit heavy. Um and go into the energy body again kind of just explaining How when i'm talking with these beings, um what it feels like So this is our electromagnetic field every single one of us has this if you want to know why they did six feet Six feet apart. This is why the heart frequency it goes out to six feet. That's the whole reason why they did it I know you guys already know that um, but so when i'm connecting with with these beings I feel them within this energetic field first And that's the reason why I have no fear. I understand who they are because I'm literally feeling them before I see them I understand their intention and why they're coming in and yes, I just need to just put this out there I have very strict boundaries. I don't just talk to anything. I have absolutely done my work I just need to put that out there. So because a lot of people like you don't know what you're talking to I always know what i'm talking to Um so uh both um came from came forward to me a couple times and uh in in healing sessions, but He showed me this this the onk and he said You are a tesla tower and he showed that to me. I'm like you got to explain that to me more And he goes well, you know, obviously this symbol was used for a lot of things But it all it also symbolizes the power of the human body and you know, we're all electric we're energy fields So he said it literally is shaped you put your feet together and this is your connection again We're batteries so positive negative So put your feet together pull in the energy up from the earth coming in through here Put the arms out. I can't put this arm out because the microphone put your arms out and then this Is your crown this auric field up here? So when you're pulling in the energy up and your hands are out You're connecting with all of this energetic field You pull it all the way up gathering that up into your hands and the hands meet up in the middle And there you have this energy ball within your two hands together And then you can pull that down and then you can put that as an energy field into someone's body you can help them to heal it Um, i'm gonna talk later. Toth uh Thoth actually told me about a sound chamber as well, but it's in the next section So and this is how we we send energy. This is absolutely what it feels like what it looks like in my hands Um, if you guys want to do like a fun little exercise. I love doing this. Um, just put your hands together right here And just imagine and imagine you just have this little ball that energy you can feel it You know bouncing it back and forth like a little ball And you can start really close together if you want to you can begin to feel that little static going in between Close your eyes. You can feel it and it begins to start taking shape in between again like just push it like back and forth Pack and forth and then you can do breathing start pulling in from your crown and imagine the energy is going straight down your neck Down your arms and you're putting in more energy straight out the palms of your hand and see if you can begin to expand out with each breath Pushing it out and this is how we begin to expanding Our magnetic field and you can feel it you can begin to bounce it and this how you can make it grow So this is a fun game that you can play with yourselves To really feel its tangible evidence that we do have this field all the way around us So this is just a fun little exercise. I like to do Do with my kids Um, so I've already answered this, you know how it feels. Does it scare you? No, it never scares these beings never scurming when I see them I've seen some pretty interesting beings Okay, I want to bring this up because this is part of like, how does it feel? This is sometimes how I would get this communication I was actually in my bedroom folding laundry listening to a journey to truth podcast And um, it had ended and you know how like youtube would just scroll in the next little video and it's just playing so again I'm not paying attention. It's it was an ancient alien's little snippet Pulling laundry and I notice I noticed the guy is saying he's showing all these horror glyphs And he's showing this picture and he's talking about these things on their wrists And he said well as you can just see they must have been all part of the same group because they're also wearing those same bracelets And I just hear this voice wrong So I'm like, well then what is it? He said this is a device to help the blood flow in their bodies Because they're not from here And the gravity is so different so they use these devices this one in particular And if you can actually see there's a little bit of a line that goes down From it, but he said that's what they use to control the blood flow in their bodies because they're used to assist us up It's such a different gravity where they're from And that controlled how the blood was pushing through their bodies. So You can take that for what you want, but sometimes that is exactly how it is It's just like they said that and they're just gone. So I continue to pull my laundry um, you know a big thing like within Seeing is believing is is a lot of the the mindset of a lot of people here But when we flip that to believing is seeing I'm in a group of women They're all psychic mediums and they had actually never heard of any of this sort of dragons And so I talked about how I work with dragons and how I use them in my life for protection I put them on my planes. I put them on my car, you know, bring them in protection And they're like I never knew that you could do that. I'm like, yeah, just call them in just calling your dragons So I said this about a month and a half ago. They actually wrote me Two weeks ago and said oh my god, I'm seeing dragons They're like I've been putting them on my car every day. I mean, I didn't know if I should believe you or not But I've been I've been asking in them and calling them in I just saw my first dragon today. Oh my god. He was on top of my car. So This is believing is believing is seeing. I I think part of the reason why I see so much is because I am such a believer I've been seeing them since I was a little taller, but I'm also a super Pisces Sun, moon, Mars and Venus are all Pisces. So I just live I live in that realm Um, I don't have a skeptic bone in my body Um and again surrender. This was a huge part of my journey in the singing earlier Um, I had to do deep surrendering and releasing from my ego actually every single session that I do I I do I say ego I lovingly and I do this I said I lovingly asked you to step aside in my higher self come forward now Um, our ego is it's like a guide. They are there to protect us, but our ego sometimes gets in the way Um, so when you just surrender, I just like love this image Just surrendering into yourself and just going with it and don't question it And this is my favorite quote and God said I love your enemy and I obeyed him and love myself So surrender and trust Um, when you see this is one of my favorite messages when you see the beautiful design of life around you You'll begin to see the beautiful design of you That is where our connection to source lives. We are not random or placed without purpose Find the beauty of you and your path and you'll be led back home to source Okay, i'm going to go um to soul types Obviously, there's a lot more than that, but this is just you know when I start to see just a common thread So this resonates with you amazing um restores We came here to bring the heavens what you perceive to this plane Gaia had lost its connection and we wanted to restore its birthright Gaia had a birthright to beauty to feed its children with healing Souls could come here to restore replenish and rest A pit stop between learning lives. This was the original intention of this planet We are here to bring restoration of original coding onto this plane So this is just a common theme that I have received over and over again from a number of restore souls And that's how they introduce themselves to me on the restore Another group is wanderers You go for exploration Wonderment and the all of life You love to discover the creative spark in races bless you What makes their soul spark and how we are all connected You often wonder how much of this life is for personal soul enjoyment or for others Yes, and they did laugh Observers There's a lot of observers that are here. Um right now These souls traveled here to observe and record What guy is going through and how the human species reacts to it? The eyes and heart are database a lot of people are just here living life a lot of you I don't know I feel like I'm not doing enough I feel like I don't really know what mission is and a lot of times they're observers So you're just here to be and when you sleep at night You're going back up and you're sharing everything that you're experiencing. You're just recording it And then this isn't really a soul group, but I had to put this in here because there's so much people that have that fey energy Um very I see the magic in life They see the flow from water to root See how the breeze can carry a seed to soil and how a song from a bird can heal the heart of a man Faye can see the purpose behind action Faye really need their tribes They're used to everyone being able to just know and read their energy field and thoughts So so this came from tariq was uh Faye that shared this with me And the reason why I include this is because they're you know a lot of people do resonate with that theory energy Um, but they get a little frustrated here Um because like people just don't understand like they're just not here for me the right way They just don't understand what i'm wanting And he came through like because they can't read your thoughts They can't you mean you're so a Faye is so used to everyone being having that telepathic. They just feel their energy They just know instantly Oh, you need a hug or oh you need help right now and that's just not this energy is too dense So so it's Faye's struggle a little bit With feeling like they're ever seen or her like people just don't feel me. You need to be more direct You got to tell people what you're needing Um and then the races these are just some that I have encountered Octurians, um, I've seen two different types of octurians I've seen the really really they're much taller. They have weak colored skin. Um, those are the ones that are more Observers I said a lot of councils are the educators and teachers. Um, the smaller blue skin octurians those are my healers Um that come in and I work with the blue light with them And this is what they said blue light awakens the latent DNA strands that are in humans getting rid of the double stranded Turning them on so that our bodies can start self-healing this blue light Needs to be brought onto this planet The octurian council has chosen to step up and offer this healing modality to the beings on Gaia You have always been a race that is destined to join us in the stars So I was working with there's just one octurian and she's my best friend and so she comes in and often works with me in sessions And the reason why I'm saying that is because there was one session And this person was working on was extremely dear to me very very dear to me And they were having a lot of nerve pain in their body And so so my friend stepped forward and she said can I blend with you and we can help I can help regrow the nerves So because I trusted her energy, I allowed her to fully come in Um, and when I was looking first all our actuarians to before you do a healing It's really important for them. You have to line the body up with their souls with their soul stars what they said So you have to bring in that frequency and make sure that's aligned right and the the room that they brought me to It was just the table and it was just all glass Like but went all the way up So you just saw all of the stars there and so this this being was just laying on this table was a black table And you line them up you're scanning the stars and you're lining them up so that this frequency comes in just right but anyway, so we're working in and the The whole entire nervous system Raised up out of the body and you could see it and you could see where they needed to grow And so we went into the brain and and she was channeling in and literally you could see the nerves begin to sprout and grow Now as I was doing this After a few minutes, my higher self stepped in and said you're done to me. You're done You can't do like you're done and I'm like no no no I can do more I can do more And they literally she literally physically came in and my higher self kicked me out of that blend And it was only 14 minutes And the reason why was in order to hold this frequency to hold the frequency The octurian and I slept for 20 hours After 14 minutes of doing that so So you will do I mean in saying you touch on this the body has to rotate really really the cells have to rotate really really fast And I know I sat and I go I talked to them and I talked to them and I talked to dragons It it's work on the body my one friend. She's a medium and she does some of your eating She's been in the hospital three different times because it what it does to the body so He had to be prepared for it and you have to really take care of it And that's why he can't drink alcohol or put bad things in the body because it needs to be fine-tuned and rotate and vibrate Enough to be able to reach to reach them. They're coming down for me, but I have to go up to meet them halfway Um, the lyrens, um, I find interesting there are so many lyrens that are here right now Um, you a lot of people think all palladians are the most but no lyrens And I think it's because where we're moving into the the lyrens are so creative And we're going to be rebuilding and creating a lot of new new things so But the lyrens are one of the most ancient races Um, they're absolute they're they're portal and wormhole guardians So when I was getting my attunement for Reiki at the master level, this symbol is used in Reiki And it's the onto karana. Um, but what was interesting is when the minute I saw that I flashed and I actually saw these two columns within the lyrens system And at the top of these two columns was this symbol And what these two columns house, this is where a wormhole existed And I also saw this symbol Underneath there is a mound in scotland And this symbol is on a piece of stone and you go into this and people used to sit on it And that is how the body would go and travel Um, and when you look up onto karana If I can do this It's a sanskrit term in eastern philosophy and is the name given to the bridge that connects the lower mind and the higher mind In this way, it is a communication conduit So I absolutely I put that underneath some of my tables and I literally get it spinning Um, but just like, you know, that's a lyren symbol That was brought here Dragons I uh, there's angelic realms. I work with them A lot again with healing Um, but mainly for protection and I'll give you two two two other names so you can hear them. These are phonetically put out Exasterly oh the atheana Moxie theole or oxena was the second one and it's so funny because they're giving me these names in the second one He's like well, you can just call me Theo So often I will I will get a name and it's so beautiful and they're like you can just call me steve Um, you know, they just like to make it simple. Um, I actually was talking to with a uh to jettin I tegeta but to jettin And I asked him I said how do you get your names because they always give me these shortened ones But then I can feel their real name behind it And I said how do you get your names? Because you never use them and he said well for us the names that The name I was given as at the exact moment when you were born You're given a name and so that when you say that to somebody else They know exactly the star alignment of which you were born and that tells you a bit about their personality type Um, so a little astrology coming through he gives but then we just pick our own names after that Um, and I this is one the channel message from a dragon. I see or I breathe in air I speak fire. I walk among the flowing water I hold within me this center of all elements and move forward and balance to unison So that's how dragons uh, we're sharing with me how we can use the elemental energies within our body in unison um serians uh I one serian I worked with he Was he aided me in my own healing he aided me with some sessions But really with my own and he taught me how to move energy within the body Um, but the thing that was beautiful was he actually shared with me some of his language And I I an animal across I'm like they always scare them. I always say hello to everything, but they scatter He said we'll say bush run a na na na To them and then the na na na was opening up that that exchange of energy And he said well, that's also how we greet each other and he said, but if I know you really well, it just bush That's a hello for a friend greeting And so he gave me bits of a language and there was one morning I woke up When you're kind of in between that, you know that data part and I was laying in a bed I was looking out my window and the sun was rising and I was just thinking myself that's so beautiful And all of a sudden he's sitting right next on the ground leaning up against my bed and he said rasana And he said that's what we would call that rasana and I said, well, what does that mean? He said the bringer of life And I love that because he just sat there with me for about 10 minutes and we watched the sunrise Um, but then there's one there's one day I was a rana run and I kept passing this guy because we're on a loop And so like the fourth time I'm like, hey just to be social and he went He gave me that look and so and why I'm running like the series was just here Like we were just kind of a chat and he went douche now When that guy went by when he gave me that look I go, what does that mean? He said, man of poor spirit Um and draw it in so i'm just gonna highlight that just uh just very very briefly They're very warrior-like every enjoyment I've encountered a very very warrior-like um the uh and draw me an aspect of myself, she's actually gotten me through the past year Every time actually two years every time I wanted just to collapse and and cry and give up especially when we saw what was going on with the um forced injections and they're doing that with kids at school and masking and everything I really really struggled and um And there was a couple times where I just sat in the floor and was about to give up and she walked in and she gave me her hand and she said Not yet keep going and she literally picked me up with her hand So um and you know and she shared with me her her group Um, they just go around the cosmos. She said we go wherever we are needed Um, but again very uh protectors warrior-like energy aquatic beings. I'm just saying yes, they absolutely exist I've encountered a couple of them. There is one time I had a reading and for three days straight The aquatic being that was attached to my client was in my house Just hanging out. Um, it's really hard to talk with them though because some of their language can't be interpreted into English Um, I actually want to talk about languages really really quick Some of these beings refuse to translate into English because this English language is a slight language Um, I'm sorry, but I'm very blunt. That's very true. It is meant to suppress our light and suppress our energy and some beings just absolutely refuse to translate into it and for those then I just speak the language to Whoever's with me Um, but with aquatic beings I I tried once and I just I couldn't reproduce their language and he's like, that's all right. You can just give up Um, but they they they actually love art surprise or not. They're extremely creative and love art One being showed me his planet's very actually very very dark planet But there used to be a civilization there and where they brought me to were these ruins and they actually looked very Roman Um, but they were half collapsed and and they just they just brought me to their favorite spot They said this is where I come and sit all the time and so Um, I think a lot of our cultures came from all around the globe. I mean the galaxy crystalline beings started showing up a number of years ago How they work with me is is with the torsion field They they talk a lot about that toroidal field that we grow with inside of us and how we can spin that energy out Um And then the crystallines are also working with all of us all of us are turning over to being more crystalline based They're versus carbon based Um, but they bring in a lot of healing and they're holding a lot of space again with that gray matter I talked about earlier. They've been moving that The crystal wranglers, um, I've only encountered one. This is the most fascinating thing So I wanted to share it today. Um, berry was showing the crystals Yesterday that are in some of the ships. Um, when I saw that picture. Oh my god. I've seen that before um Hardness right in the middle So I was doing a reading for somebody and this being showed up in there just pacing back and forth And I could see them and he was saying well, we're crystal wranglers. I'm like, what is that? And um, so he literally walked straight up to me and he and he pulled his sleeve back He goes look at my skin and he went like this this close up to my eyes And there were and he was moving it like this and I could see tiny particles of crystals within his skin And he said We can feel crystals and where they're at all around the galaxy He said because our bodies are tuned to them And he goes we're also not afraid to go to really far Deep places to gather them And he goes we're called wranglers because Certain ships need certain crystals and we know where to find them Um, and so he was explaining they once they find them then they bring them in Um, and because again wranglers just like you would bring in like a wild Mustang these crystals They help to Make the crystal and the ship into this symbiotic relationship because it is consciousness And so that's one of the things that they do Um, the next being is I work with angelics singing earlier. They came through with the light language Light language is it's just frequency of alignment and they said we are light. I mean we are light Light is frequency and light is energy When we speak light language, we are working to bring ourselves and others into proper alignment with their original source code Though we all come from source. We each resonate in a specific frequency of our home star Light language adapts and moves and aligns naturally with the frequency needed for each person And so that's I asked the angelics. What is what is light language? And that's what they explained to me Um, intuitive sounds. So this is obviously as Tyler said that something new he had never heard before This is what I've been doing for the past year Um, and actually it began with a Tibetan monk. He started showing up in my healing sessions And it started with the meridians in the body And he would say put your hand here put your hand there make this sound and so it was just Or like And I would just see these different pitches and sometimes they would I would be going into the brain and putting you know You would say put your ring finger on this side of the other finger down here hit this note So that's how it started to come in for me and then it turned in light language and singing But that's how so it's I call it light acupressure Is uh, what that's turned into but I wanted to show you this bell because I saw it starting to become rumored that Um, those bells were actually healing chambers Um, around the globe and a lot of people asked like where did all the bells go because I used to have these huge bells So I was in a session with somebody and the top half of their body and the bottom half Just so they weren't in alignment. They just weren't speaking to each other And in walks the same monk who'd work in me. He said put her in a bell And this image came in my head and I'm like, I don't have a bell And he just he just looking you know, he just looking at the body. He said put her in a bell I don't have a bell So I worked my hardest in that session trying to recreate The sound of what a bell would I brought in my tiny little Tibetan mentables But all i'm here today is to say and confirm those Absolutely are healing chambers and we're used for that It brings the whole body when it because it can reach those pitches and that frequency to bring the cells into alignment And here's the thing once your cells are in proper alignment the body can heal itself That's the only reason last one of the reason why the vibration comes in and the sound comes in Once you aren't aligned the body is a master healer. It knows what to do. We just have to get out of its way, which is ego Um, okay, so this is evidence. Um, I started doing some gong training Um, and they scientifically studied it This is the blood cells before a gong as you can see they're kind of clumpy and they have these little spikes coming off of it And this is after just 15 minutes of listening to a gong Of what it does to the red blood cells Um, and just importance in what these sound chambers can do Again, why is that? Sound creates a magnetic field and we live in a magnetic electric universe Magnets give off sound and this creates a toroidal field our own heartbeat creates a torus field And so I want to say what though showed me with the sound chambers in those pyramids Um Show me the a huge sarcophagus And he said we used to we would put the body laid down inside and he said if you notice inside of them It's very very slightly concaved And if you looked and you brought me in so close and it almost looked like a a vinyl record like the tiny little lines And he said based on what the body was needing we would set light Down one of those those chains so imagine like the little grooves of record But it's going all around each four sides of those are coffee guests And we knew how to send it at such a speed that light then it would create a sound and he said and then we would put the cover On top of it and I'm like they couldn't breathe. What do you mean? He said when we take three to five minutes there's enough oxygen in there they can there was three to five minutes and this sound wave would generate a literal electric and magnetic field and it would bring that body into alignment and that's what they use some of those sarcophagus is for So moving into sound and toning Um, this is what the light beings have been bringing in again as you see all the vowels When we make sound we are making and creating our own energetic field And this again is the toning by using different we're like you You can create an energetic field just by using those vowel sounds the different vowel sounds One of the first sounds that we make when we're born Are just those vowel sounds those baby sounds that's how we communicate and they're also healing the nervous system in the body I do this every single day. This this gets me grounded and prepared to face my day Um, and if i'm feeling a lot of energy from others. I do a quick little toning and ground there Um, the next slide is some of the the singing that i've done Um, this is actually not toning but um, I was connecting in with Gaia. She was eating to release something Oh, is it sound up? Oh, you're new? (gentle music) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) (singing in foreign language) So with that, I use psychometry. And I've always said that when I drive by mountains, I can hear them singing. And so the more connected that you become with this space, you realize that a lot of things have a song to them and sound to them. And at this current time, a lot of things are wanting to be released. We put a lot of energy into this ground, a lot of energy into the water. And just hearing that, then it being spoken is helping it to release. So that's what that song was about. It was actually ancient Gaia energy. I did not pose for this picture. My daughter took it so that she could send it to my kids and make fun of me. (laughs) But I put it in here 'cause she texts I'm like mom's doing weird stuff again. So, but I wanted to bring this up because giants have been talked about, this is outside of Phoenix near the Boulder resort. Has anyone been to that Boulder resort outside of Phoenix? So yes, I'm wearing a dress and I'm wearing heels but I was so called to go and hike up the side and connect with these. And the minute I put my hand in there it has such strong feminine energy to the area. And then I just began to connect in with all the giants. So this is absolutely giant country. And it gave me the strong image that this is where the females would go and this is where the children would come and play. I literally saw little children running around these boulders and those boulders were moved at one point in time in order to bring some form of protection for the females because again, the kids were there. Take with that what you want. But again, what is psychometry? It's just connecting with an object because everything is stored and just why I can connect with Gaia and I can feel energy and make it produce out with sound. Again, I wouldn't be here unless I had come to a place of service and surrender through love and creation. And that's just all that I'm trying to do and so many of us are here trying to do. When I think of love, this is what it feels like. This is also the web of how all of us are connected. This is the entire reason why I can sit in my house and I can connect with somebody over in Egypt within seconds and understand them and feel them and be able to read for them because everything is connected through that web. Our consciousness is connected through that. And when we push love through that, that's where creation comes from. From my guides, remember the illusions that create, which is life. Remember your ability to create that of what you seek. And I use that a lot for manifestations in my life. And it is so simple. I don't have an overcomplicated presentation, never do because this is the overwhelming message. It is so simple. We overcomplicate everything. And imagination is creation. Just to wrap up, what is the galactic perspective? Keep peeling back the layers of you. Keep digging inward and keep surrendering to yourself. What I have coming up, I actually have an intuitive vocal toning class of anyone is interested in finding their own voice. I'm gonna be doing that next month. And in the fall, I'm gonna start a psychic development class which every single person is psychic. All it is is learning how to use this body. I will never call this a meat suit ever again, ever, ever, ever. This is our greatest machine. It is so beautiful. It's what's carrying our souls. Every ounce of this is a communication antenna. So love these beings. Again, there's the QR code if you want it for the class. But so that is it. [BLANK_AUDIO]