Journey to Truth


Originally aired on 3/31/24
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Enjoy this mind blowing presentation by Samuel Chong from our Conference Last year in Grafton Illinois. Samuel shares what he has learned from a man who claims to have been physically abducted for 9 days to another planet.

1h 52m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Hi, everyone. My name is Samuel Chong. I'm a resident of Los Angeles and a certified court interpreter and a Chinese translator. When I was young, I was always fascinated by the unknown, the paranormal. I wanted to find out the reasons behind so many people disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle and who built a great pyramid. I was always thinking that we were progressing not fast enough. What if we just learned from the ETs that have an advanced civilization? What if we just learned from them the knowledge, the technologies? We can just take the shortcut and progress at a much faster pace. I was always in a subconscious mind looking for information on ET contactees. Back in 2014, I was searching on Amazon for books like that. I found this book. At that time, it was called "Abduction to the Nice Planet." At that time, I was thinking just another book. By that time, I was reading so many books on the UFOs and ETs. I borrowed the book from the library because it was selling very expensively on Amazon. I checked it out and I couldn't put the book down because it answers all my questions about the Bible and also the unknown, the paranormal. I'm going to share some of the stories on how I tracked down the author. The reason for me doing that is that the book, to me, contains so much incredible information already. But in the postscript, Michelle Demarcade, the author says that there are more incredible things that he was not allowed to write in a book because we were far from understanding then. I was thinking, "Hmm, other people couldn't wouldn't be able to understand this reasonable. What about me?" I guess I'm smart enough to understand it. I really wanted to find out what he didn't write in a book and he wasn't allowed to write in a book. I searched on the internet and I found that several tourists took photos of him and he was residing on southern island in Vietnam but they didn't want to disclose his exact address because he didn't allow them to do so. I found a website that posted this photo where his Bangalore was. This is a picture of his Bangalore. I printed that photo out and showed it to the taxi driver when I landed on Fokkok Island and asked him to take me there. On the second try, he took me there. That's how I met him. He was really annoyed at my visit in the first place because he kind of wanted to have a quiet life and he didn't want people to seek out for him for the book. I tried to ask him a lot of questions about what he didn't write in the book. He didn't really say anything to me. Even when we placed chess together, he didn't get distracted. But on the third day, he showed me a contract saying that he wanted me to follow up with a Chinese publisher who paid him $2,000. I got Lee too kind of a job because I thought if I did him a favor, he probably would do the same thing to me by telling me what he knew about didn't write in the book. I followed up with a publisher and they decided not to publish the book because of the Chinese censorship. They were hoping that the government would loosen up their control on the media. Instead, they tightened it up. They gave out the idea of having the book published. I had to find a different publisher. After a few tries, I got a book published in China and Taiwan. It became my best seller in both countries. Before that happened, he asked me to visit him the second time, which I did. The foot on the left was when he was visiting the second time back in 2018, just four months before he passed away. He said he was going to live a long life for say like 105 years old or so, but he died four months later. Fortunately, he told me what he didn't write in the book and I'll be giving you some clues about it afterwards. Michel de Marche is a Frenchman. He was born in Normandy. He later moved to Australia in Keynes. I visited where he lived just a few weeks ago and saw his old house. He didn't have any neighbors. It's a very secluded area in the backyard. It's just a national forest. I guess it's coincidental that I was able to get in touch with the translator who translated his book from French into English. Her name is Kay Smith. I'll be talking to her in the next few days or so. She is traveling right now. Something about me is that I work with a lot of lawyers and doctors as a certified court interpreter. It's pretty hard for me to believe just anything that people say. I need the proof. I need evidence and the facts need to resonate to me. But this book is so different. It seems to be the most important book that I've ever read in my life. Also reading the book so far has been the best investment that I've ever made in my entire life. Remember, I also have a financial background. I studied economics and I studied the financial analysis. I read all the books by Warren Buffett and Jim Rogers, George Soros and all those investment groups. But nothing is compared to this book because it's so significant. It talks about the meaning of life and far more important than the material life that we all live in. Michel de Merck is a farmer. He didn't have a lot of education and he didn't know how to type. Just imagine some like a landscaper remote village, remote city in Australia that just lived a very normal life, raising katos and taking care of his plants. He didn't read a lot of books on the esoteric subject. So I don't think he would have known so much information that he wrote about in this book. This is the photo that I took back in March 2016 when I first met him. I don't know if there's a coincidence. See my shirt, it has a bat. I don't know if it has anything to do with the Chinese government claims that the coronavirus came from a bat. That's not true. It didn't come from a bat. I know that because I translated some of the words by some of the Chinese whistleblowers, which I'll be talking about later. So this is the Golden Planet, Theobah, and its people. And the photo that I show here is the picture that Michel de Merck is asking me to draw the picture of Tao, the main character in his book. Tao comes from Theobah, category nine planet, the highest category in the universe. So according to Michel de Merck, and the Theobans, there are a total of nine different levels or categories of planet. And Earth is a category one planet. So we are living on the lowest category of planets in our galaxy or the universe. But nothing is to be ashamed of ourselves. We are just like elementary school students learning the basics. And they are just like professors guiding us and mentoring us. And they have all the abilities to do miraculous things. Like Jesus did in the Bible, like in the past, as described in the Bible. So they are able to levitate. They're able to materialize objects. And they look forever young, they live forever. They can regenerate their body tissues and organs. They are always happy and highly spiritual. And when Michel de Merck was with them, he felt great compassion and love with this group of people. The Golden Planet is, the name comes from Michel's impression when he was on his spacecraft, their spacecraft approaching the planet where he saw a Golden mist surrounding the planet. Everything seemed to be so beautiful and so perfect, just like a paradise. And yeah, so it's a perfect planet and perfect world to live in. And Michel de Merck, after he came back, he didn't really want to remain on Earth. He was always hoping to go back to the planet, hoping tall and her people to take him away. And that's his hope. And he I think he fulfilled his wish by dying and moving on to the next letter. So the book talks about the purpose of life. So when I was young, I was always looking to earn money to gain a lot of material, material, material objects like books and gold and silver and things like that. I wanted to become a doctor because back 20 years ago, medical doctors learned a lot of money in the US. I wanted to become a fund manager because that way I can play the stock market and to earn money the easy way. But then I realized that nowadays that I realized now that the federal reserve system is not what people normally think about. It's actually a private organization. They have private shareholders. So no matter how much you can earn from the financial markets, they can always print more money. So I gave that plan up so I began to do something more significant, more meaningful. So the purpose of life is to use our free will to develop our spirituality. So we exist physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually. And this thing is not new to a lot of you here because you have been enlightened, but not to the people that encounter in my professional life. The lawyers and the doctors, they have different goals and purposes in their life. So I'm trying to find ways to make them understand that the purpose of life is to use it as a way to learn different lessons, spiritual lessons, and to respond to the challenges so that you can really take away what you have learned so far to your natural body and to your next life when you reincarnate. Talking about reincarnation. So I guess I don't need to talk a lot about the evidence to you guys here because you know about this. But to a lot of the the unenlighted people, I have to mention about the works of Dr. Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, their works, research is done on past life regression and also hypnosis. And also for those of you who want to convey the messages to the non-believers, you can also mention the works by medical doctors of Dr. Ian Stevenson and also stories of the families of the 9/11 terrorist attack victims because some of the children remember what happened on 9/11, what happened when they were firefighters. So a lot of people ask me if they can go to the urban planet that seemed to them as a paradise. I say to them that you have to elevate your mind, you have to elevate yourself spiritually so that when you reincarnate, you can move on to a hierarchical planet. So we don't necessarily have to be stuck here on earth. We learn our lessons here and we move on. So it really depends on how you live this lifetime and how much lessons you accumulate in this lifetime. The book also talks about a lot of the existing archaeological sites such as a Great Pyramid of Egypt. To me, the answers of the channeled answers or some of the answers have to be reasonable and resonating to my heart. And this book talks that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was built by Thoth about 17,000 years ago using anti-carevitational technologies and ultrasonic vibratory systems. And I guess you have heard of stories about Tibetan monks using a musical instrument making sounds to make huge stones to elevate, to levitate. They use the similar anti-carevitational technologies in the sense that you see a vibrational frequency to cancel out or neutralize gravity. So they're able to make the huge stones aligned in a certain way to build a Great Pyramid of Egypt. They also use the ultrasonic vibratory systems to cut the huge stones in a very precise manner. Thoth was a man from Atlantis and he built a Great Pyramid in nine years. I know some of you know Billy Meyer and he received some information that the Great Pyramid was built using 200,000 slaves for the year period. To me, Thilba Prophecy is more visible and more resonating to my mind. And the Great Pyramid captures cosmic rays, forces and energies and as well as terrestrial energies. There are a lot of modern scientific studies on the pyramid structure showing that it does have this kind of function and utilization of doing so. But it's also a communication center that enable telepathic communication with other planets and other worlds in the universe. So it's more like this photo shows, this drawing shows that the energy is projected from the top of the pyramid to the sky so that it's like a signal, a reception and an amplifier so that the user of the Great Pyramid can communicate with ETs or other planets. And they also used the pyramid to make rain and by putting like a place made of a silver alloy. And studies down by University of Reading in the UK show that they can actually project what they call the organ energy to make rain by ionizing the sky, the clouds. And I think it's pretty beneficial if we are able to commercialize this technology. And I think a lot of you have heard of DARPA efforts in moderating or maybe using climate as a weapon and I think they probably use the similar technologies or theories to do so. The Bermuda Triangle is also a fascinating topic when I was young. Back when I was in elementary and middle school, I studied and read books in Chinese of Nostradamus. A lot of people say that he predicted that the world was going to end in July 1999. So I was thinking of going to the Bermuda Triangle in June 1999 just to enter into a different world before the end was about to end. That's my childhood fantasy. Indeed, Bermuda Triangle is a portal or warp to a parallel universe, according to Michelle Demarke, according to his friend's tall from the planet Theobam. And they actually explained a lot of missing four of them cases by David Plaidis. So the picture shows the map that David Plaidis made, documenting where the people got missing in the national parks in the US and Canada. You can see the clusters and those are probably the portals of the parallel universes. Remember, the portals are always moving and they're frequently in high attitude. And they also explained the cases of Charles Ashmore and Oliver Lurch. In the beginning of the book, Michelle Demarke describes how it was like for him and how to enter into a parallel universe. In a parallel universe, time stops and people there don't feel any pain or hunger or thirst. So it's a very unique, a very strange place to be in. And they also saw like monsters or like savages trying to kill them in which Tal used her weapon to demobilize them. So I think it explains a lot of the paranormal events that documented by people, like where they saw savages or big foods or something like that coming in out of nowhere. It could be the case. It's just a conjecture. So Tal taught Michelle Demarke about the case in the 1800s in which a young man living a small village in the east coast trying to get some water from well in his backyard when it was snowing and he disappeared. It was very easy to just follow his footsteps because it was snowing. But the footsteps like disappeared in nowhere in the middle of the snow. And I checked it out. I found that it's the cases of Charles Ashmore and Oliver Lurch. And if you're interested, you can search for the two names and find out that it's exactly as what Michelle Demarke described in his book. So the ETS have been watching us and trying to help us in a certain way. This is according to this book. Another important topic is the aura, the human energy field. To the scientifically minded people, I talk about the human energy field because it sounds better to them, more scientific. I found out that the human energy field, the aura, they can foretell physical illness. For example, when Barbara Brennan, a former NASA scientist, when she saw her friend having like a grayish color in his, in her friend's liver area, three or six months later, her friend was diagnosed with liver cancer. So similar things happened over and over again to the aura readers. How many of you can see auras, the colors of auras? Raise your hand, please. Very nice, very nice. So it's very useful to see if someone is having physical illness or if someone is lying because it can indicate if a person has evil intentions or if a person is lying. There's a friend of mine who told me that she was able to see auras when she was a high school student. And she cried when she saw a very handsome young man in her high school running for office for student leadership. And she noticed that he was lying and she cried because she had high expectations. So if you are able to see auras, you can tell if further a politician is lying or not. This is why I'm so much interested in developing an aura camera in which you don't have to put your hand on a sensor. And so that you can really tell whether a politician's lying or not. You can make a better choices between the candidates. Because auras affect our physical health, I asked somebody auras or a reader to see what can possibly affect auras negatively and positively. I was told by multiple auras or a reader that auras are affected by your mind, the mood and certain sounds, vibrations and alcohol. So that's why that was one of the reasons I don't drink at all. And cigarettes. And this is why I don't smoke at all. And hallucinogenic drugs. This is why I tell people now to use hallucinogenic drugs. And this is very important. I know in the spiritual community, a lot of people want to try some of the hallucinogenic drugs. Of course, you have your free will, but I'm telling, I mean, this book tells you, and also I encourage you to read the book before trying it that again. Because what happens is that it brings you into a false, false, like imagination, false scenario paradigm in which that may not necessarily be the true astral world that you really want to get into. But this is just according to the book, you have your own belief and opinion and I really respect what you do. For people who want to look into more auras, I would recommend the books by Barbara Brennan, Hands of Light, and also Judith Collins, the human aura. I was kind of interested in the interpretations of the auras too. So I read a lot of some of the things that people talk about, such as green indicates nature and healing, and red indicates certain aspects. But according to Judith Collins, our reader in Australia, in Sydney, Australia, who I visited like a few weeks ago, it is not that simple. It's the combination of colors that indicate a certain significance, and also the gradients and the different kinds of specific color may differ a lot in their interpretations. So this book is highly recommended, and she was highly sought over reader back in the 90s before she decided not to become a public person anymore. So Time Machine is another interesting topic mentioned in the book. So I strongly suggest you, those of you who haven't read a book to read it, because you are going to be enlightened and receive a lot of knowledge. And I'm trying to make the world a better world in the future. I'm trying to change the course of the future. Why? Because I know if you don't, if you don't do that, something is going to happen. And so I think one of the ways for us to really change the course of the future for the better is to have sufficient knowledge to empower ourselves with knowledge. And this book, Theobah Prophecy, contains knowledge, such as a time machine. According to that, Time Machine is actually, everything is recorded, what we do and what happens on earth by a psychosphere or a vibratory cocoon that rotates or turns at the speed 7 times that of light. And for those of you who really want to access the Akashic record, you would want to try to elevate yourself and try to make your vibrations high enough and fast enough to the speed 7 times the speed of light. And I do believe some people can do that. As documented by James Churchward, when he visited the temple in India, I think the monk in that temple was able to do so to access the Akashic record. Of course, the people on Theobah, Tao and her people can do the same. And they actually showed Michelle Demarcay what happened in the past, like 14,500 years ago, when the content of La Maria sunk into the ocean. It also tries to help the US government to develop a successfully time machine. So the book was written in 1989. The abduction took place in 1987 and the book got published in 1993. By that time, the US government hadn't developed a successfully time machine yet. So the book was telling the US government to focus on their vibrations, not the wavelengths. Because according to the Philadelphia experiment, they were trying to make the ships disappear by projecting a certain wavelength of signal to the ships, and something unexpected occurred. There was a distortion of time and location. So that's when they were projecting a certain wavelength into those ships. So in order to successfully develop the time machine, they should instead focus on the vibrations. La Maria, I guess a lot of you know, is an ancient civilization that existed in the Pacific Ocean. And this photo on the right, this picture on the right, is a closest map that they could find documenting the stacked locations of the Maria of Mu and the Atlantis. The people on the Maria had a very successful and highly civilized civilization. They originally came from the planet Aremo X3 back 250,000 years ago. And they came to Earth because of overpopulation. I would say to those the new world, older people, that there's a solution to overpopulation, is to move to migrate to a different planet, and now to depopulate us. So they migrate to Earth and encounter Chinese people who were living on the north western corner of the continent of La Maria or Mu. The Chinese people were highly suspicious of foreigners, and they're still highly suspicious of non-Chinese people. I'm Chinese so I can say something about it. So they had a war with the people from Aremo X3. So they decided to build bases on the far side of the moon. This is something very interesting because additional evidence would come up in the future to prove the things written in the book. For example, there are bases, man-made bases on the far side of the moon. And indeed, when our astronauts went on the moon, they saw something that burned broadcast to the people on Earth, and they were warned out from the moon because we were not ready to explore the universe. Michel de Marquis had an interview or had a lecture in which some were asking about if we are ready or able to explore the galaxy or the universe. Michel de Marquis said, "No, we are not ready." Imagine that when you are in a zoo or in a forest in China, when you see two groups of gorillas or monkeys fighting against each other, would you invite them to your beautiful mansion? No, you wouldn't because they're not ready. They would pollute your mansion, your beautiful house. So similarly, we are not ready. We are not even ready to live harmoniously and peaceably among ourselves yet. There are a lot of wars around, so we definitely need a lot of spiritual advancements to be able to explore the galaxy. So this explains a different question. Will the aliens invade us in the future? The answer is twofold. One is that if they really wanted to do so, they would have done that many years ago. Why not in the future? If they really wanted to do so, they would have done that long time ago. And the second reason is that if we were warned out from the moon, if we were prevented from exploring the universe, the Theobans would do the same thing to the other ichis or aliens who are not ready. So they would prevent them from doing harm to us. So this extends to the topic of the grace. Michelle Demerke was telling something that is not written in the book. One of the topics was related to the grace. The grace were people or ETs who live on category of one planet, and they were an Arab dying race because they have increasingly decreased immune system. They implanted devices down on us to observe us how we respond to a similar situation because we have had the same problem since 1948 after the explosion of the atomic bomb. So they do that to us just to observe us, and the Theobans say they have been monitoring their activities just to ensure that no harm is caused by the devices. I would say there's no danger, and I have friends who encountered the grace, and she had a lot of positive experiences of being healed by the grace from her injuries. After I became a small public person, a lot of people came up to me and there's a lot of information. So I'm pretty happy to have additional evidence and support from people who have encountered with different ETs or grace. So my person believed that the grace are friendly, and no need to worry about that. And similarly, the Lemurians are responsible for some of the ancient structures in South America and in Asia, in which people say that the huge stones cannot be built even with modern technologies. Like the Puna Punku and elsewhere. They have very high sophisticated technologies to build a great pyramid because they pass a knowledge to the people on Atlantis, to people like Thoth, because they colonized Atlantis back 30,000 years ago. And the white race existed on Atlantis. So Mr. DelMercay was asked a lot of times where the white race came from, and he really didn't elaborate, except by saying that they came from a planet and landed on Atlantis. And I guess one of the themes in the book is that we should really elevate ourselves so that we can become and to have a civilization similar to those existed on Lemuria, on Mo, because no money did not exist on Lemuria. People just took whatever they wanted from the market. No one took advantage of each other, and they were living very harmoniously and very harmoniously and very lovingly compassionately. So Easter Island is another place I visited and mentioned in the book is part of Lemuria, which sunk into the ocean 14,500 years ago. So this book is very specific to the year and location, and people can really look it up. And it's very unfortunate that when I visited Easter Island, people on the island had no knowledge about their ancient past. I guess it's understandable. I'm trying to promote the information that they had a very glorious past because the Lemurians are the pollinations today who live on the Pacific islands. So the book really calls me a lot of emotional disturbance, especially when it talks about Jesus Christ and the Bible. I was born in China, and to me, the Bible was just a science fiction. I visited the church and attended a lot of the fellowships, but mostly for my business interests and to establish connections so that they get more business from the people who go to church. And I didn't believe anything that the pastor said in the Senate worship's more sermons. To me, Jesus was just a fictional character because the miracles he performed just are too good to be true. And it didn't make any sense to me until I read this book, The Over Prophecy. In this book, it says, "God is God, but the Jehovah's are actually the sea opens." They were responsible for punishing the people in the two cities, Southern Gomorrah. They were responsible for leading Moses out of Egypt and parting the sea of wreaths using their force field, and they were responsible for giving manas to the Hebrews. And they chose the Hebrew people because they were the only people who were practicing spirituality at the time in the ancient past, and also because originally the Hebrews came from category three planet, and they landed on earth accidentally, and that's against nature. So they decided to choose the Hebrews as an example to lead the rest of the world and to on the path of spirituality. But as I suspected, the Bible was intentionally distorted because in a way, interact with the Christians, especially evangelicals and the fundamentalists. They say, "You've got to believe everything that the Bible says, to the world, and otherwise you're going to go to hell." And to me, that's just very unreasonable. It really doesn't make a lot of sense, and because the Bible was written almost 2000 years ago, it was compiled by people. So when they had the council meetings, there must be a lot of debates and discussions about what's to be put in the Bible, and what's to be removed from the Bible. And this book, Think of a Prophecy, specifically pointed out the four council meetings in which they intentionally distorted the original meanings of the ancient scriptures. And in addition, the Bible recorded something, documented something that happened 2000 years ago. And back then, people didn't have a lot of technologies. People didn't have a lot of ways to communicate with each other or people from far away places. And Jesus and Christ, Christ had to use a lot of parables to explain the basic concepts so that people can understand. It's just like us trying to explain the dangers of the atomic bomb to the cavemen. We have to use a lot of illustrations and parables and also analogies for them to understand. This is what Christ did to us, to the Hebrews, and using a lot of stories and trying to illustrate the importance of following the spiritual path. And here is the most interesting part. The book talks about Jesus and Christ being two different characters, two beings. When I was reading the Bible, I was always crashing in the Bible, the New Testament. Why there's no record of Jesus performing miracles before the age of 30? Why was that? Suddenly, he just become this unimportant person able to do everything that he wanted to help the people and saying the things that are so profound and spiritual to the people. And why not the young Jesus? Even though the young Jesus is highly intelligent, able to have a conversation with the teachers of the temple, but he was nowhere near what Christ did when he began preaching. And also, the book mentions that there's a tomb of Jesus Christ in Shingo Village, Japan, which is... I don't know if I put that photo here. Okay, I didn't. But there's people who look it up on the internet. There's a tomb of Jesus Christ in Shingo Village, Japan. You know, Japanese people are honest, and they don't just make things up. And I really respect that. They keep a lot of their accurate records. You know, Chinese people, they sometimes make things up. And the Chinese government has a lot of misinformation and especially don't believe the statistics of the Chinese government. I tell one thing, the Chinese population, the population in China, it's not 1.4 billion. It's less than 1 billion. According to electricity usage and the consumption of salt, those two data cannot be misconstrued or faked, or they don't know that they could lead to the real numbers of the population. So they didn't fake those numbers. So from those two numbers, we can tell that the real number of population in China is less than 1 billion. And adding the people who died in the pandemic is probably even less than that number. Okay, so another thing about the Bible is that Christ never called his mother woman when he began preaching. I'm a Chinese translator. And I know that in all the languages in the world, because of the special relationship between a mother and a son, not a single language in the world in which someone would call his mother woman. But Christ did. They say something that Jesus and Christ are two different beings. So this book explains the whole story of how they did it. A lot of the accounts in the New Testament in the Bible are true and correct. But there are some things that they didn't know how to explain in the Bible. So they kind of made certain things up in order to make the story more consistent. But still, that prophecy has a different perspective and different angle in which everything at least to me makes sense. So regarding the birth of Jesus, but there's something good about the Chinese people. I have to say that they keep very thorough historic records. The Chinese Communist Party may not necessarily do so, but the ancient Chinese dynasties, they have a specific astronomical records that they keep that are consistent or they match with the descriptions in the Bible. So they had a count of a star or a comet that lasted for 70 days that matches with the description of the Bible, the star of Bethlehem. And based on Chinese astronomical records, that day the birth of Jesus was March 9th, 5 BC. People can look it up and a lot of accounts say that Jesus was actually born in probably 2 BC, 3 BC, or from 3 BC to 5 BC. So this actually matches people's theories. And regarding the birth of Jesus, there's another story I'd like to share with you. You know, Michelle Dermaker talks about astrology. And indeed, astrology works to a certain extent because the locations or the positions of planets affect the electrons that we are affected by, because we not only have our physical body, we also have our astral body, as mentioned in the book Theobel prophecy. So the astral body is actually composed of electrons. And the locations of the planets do affect the electrons with their magnetic forces, electromagnetic forces. So there's a astronomer astrologer in Los Angeles who is famous for his accurate prediction of the earthquakes in Los Angeles, and also some of the other predictions that he made and accurate analysis of people's personalities. And I gave him my birth date and time and he did a very accurate reading on myself. So he spoke of a count in which he received a very mysterious phone call. The voice, the sound of the phone call sounded robotic. The sound was distorted by a machine. And the person on the other side of the phone asked him to do a chart of March 28th, 2008 AD, 2020, the year 28, 540 AM, and the place is Bethlehem Israel. So he did a chart, and this is the chart that he did. And according to him, this is the perfect human being or perfect person, spiritual and practical and just a perfect human being, like almost a Christ-like chart, breast chart. A lot of the astrologers complain that the birth chart of Jesus are nowhere near the person, the saint-like person that he was in the ancient times in the past, but this chart is consistent to what Christ was like. And I think this matches the account of the global prophecy in which Christ came later after Jesus went to India and died in Japan. So the basic story is that Jesus, born out of Virgin Mary, couldn't perform miracles. He was highly intelligent, highly spiritual, and he went to India and died in Japan. So there's a tomb of Jesus Christ in Japan. Christ was actually an ET who came into the body made by the Theobens that looked like the body of Jesus. So that people believed that he was Jesus, but he began preaching and died on a cross and resurrected three days after, and his main mission was to preach about the importance of spiritual by the Catholic Church in the later years. According to the Chinese astronomical records, there was an eclipse that lasted three hours from noon to three p.m. on March 31, AD 31, the year AD 31. And that matches the descriptions in the Bible when Jesus was crucified. So the Chinese ancient records can pinpoint a specific date of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ, because on April 3, AD 31, it says in the Chinese historical records, there was a halo around the sun with colorful composition. So it's good to be a Chinese reader, to be able to reach Chinese. The book mentions about ET interventions. Now a lot of people want it or want the Theobens to help us to appear in front of the White House or to help us directly. But one of the themes in the book is that God helps those who help themselves. And they are forbidden to serve the meal on a plate. So if you are really expecting them to help us directly, I think we have to help ourselves first before they come into the picture. They intervened in the ancient past when Enoch was taken away by God. Michel de Marquet says that the description of the book of Enoch matched with what he personally experienced. And he believed that Enoch was taken away by the same group of people, the Theobens, to their planet. And I want to bring your attention that according to one book, between 40 or 60 years, between 40 to 60 years later, Noah was told to build a arch. Michel de Marquet was told to write a book in 1987. So they intervened also in ancient past but regarding the sodium to the Gomeras destruction. And regarding the reason for the destruction of the two cities, you go to look at the Hebrew, the Jewish texts. The people in the two cities were so evil that they really punished the people who were compassionate. It's not just because of sodomy. There were a lot of other reasons for the destruction of the two cities. And they had a lot of cruises and punishments for people who came into the two cities who were guests of the residents of the two cities. And of course, they intervened by having Jesus born out of Virgin Mary from the embryo implanted by them and also Christ just to perform miracles so that people at that time could believe the teachings of Christ. The reason for them to do that is that people on earth are skeptical. They don't believe anyone's teachings unless they can do something extraordinary. So they have to have Christ to come into the picture to make people believe the teachings of Christ. They also helped the US government to develop the atomic bomb indirectly by preventing Germany from the country, from being the first country to develop the atomic bomb. This has a lot of evidence and proof. There's a German scientist called Heisenberg. He was on the edge on the verge of developing atomic bomb for Hitler, but he made a stupid mistake, a miscalculation, making Hitler to believe that it would take a tremendous amount of the materials that Germany didn't have at that time to make atomic bomb. So Hitler gave up the plan and the US government was able to develop a bomb ahead of Germany. And that's the story there. The book also has a lot of practical information by giving us hints and suggestions and directions of technologies that can really benefit us, that are safe, effective, and cheap, inexpensive. For example, color theory is one thing. So in the 1920s, there was a person called Darius Dina, who wrote a book called Let There Be Light. He talks about all the diseases and symptoms that can be actually healed and cured by different colors of lights. You may want to check this book out. He was kind of cracked down by the FDA at that time, and a lot of his documents and materials were seized by the government agents. Because they were not to the interests of the special interest groups of big farmers. So this is why we need to have knowledge. If we know how to be able to respond to certain challenges, whether it's diseases or relationship issues, we will be able to do that ourselves and not to rely on the big corporations like big pharmaceutical companies. One of the evidence and the pointers that the book talks about is the antibacterial anti-viral effect of yellow light. When Michelle de Marche entered into their spacecraft, they disinfected him using yellow light and blue light. And now there are modern researches, some of them by Harvard Medical School, showing that blue light, certain wavelengths of blue light have antibacterial anti-viral effects. So the Chinese people are really smart. It's certain sense. After this book became the best-selling in China, some people came up with a blue light device that people can take home and treat themselves. Also studies have shown that blue light lowers blood pressure and has a lot of other beneficial effects. The other technology is the anti-gravitational technology. And I think it's pretty easy and some people have done that already. Like the hydrogen sense effect is one of the things that people can look up to in which he neutralized gravity by accident. And also healers. I think a lot of healers wonder why they have the healing abilities. And I think everything is about the vibrations. And everyone can be a healer. I tried it myself. The way to do it is to calm your mind and to meditate so that your brain wave becomes like the lower frequency wave, the alpha wave or something like that. And you can at that moment of time, you use your intention or you concentrate your mind to your purpose of doing so. For example, just a few weeks ago, when I was going back to China, a friend of mine, she had some kind of coughing issues. When she coughs, she has this kind of pain near her rib. And I put my hand near her rib and meditated for about 15 minutes. And when she coughs again, she no longer felt the pain. So I think everyone can become a healer. Also, the water molecules can be split by breaking the cohelent bond between oxygen and hydrogen, if you just find the correct vibrational frequency. And I think Stanley Meyer did that in the 1970s by his invention, the car diagram on water. And I think that's something that people can look it up. And if you can split the water molecules, you can also drain the oxygen and hydrogen atoms to make water molecules. This is what Michelle Damarke saw on Theobah, water just came out from the air. And they did that. They have this kind of technology to do so. And in order to explore the universe, you have to have antimatter gowns, because when you're traveling at a fast speed, you have to prevent the space dust and small like asteroids to hit the spaceship. So you have to have that ready. So specific verifiable facts that made me really believe in the accounts of Michelle Damarke, not only include the tomb of Jesus. This is a picture that I was talking about in Shingle Village, Japan, that people can still visit. And people there, they seen a sound that sounded like ancient Hebrew language. And people there have different customs that are so unique to the nearby villages and still a mystery to the local Japanese people. And also it includes a project West Fort, in which in the 1960s, the US government sent hundreds of millions of needles into space. Michelle Damarke asked the people on Theobah And you know, why write this book? And have you ever considered no one is going to believe me? And they told him, talk about the hundreds of millions of needles that are sent into space that were unsuccessful. They were directly involved in preventing the needles to be released into space. So the book also talks about what Earth looked like in the million, a million years ago. So when it gives the description, it talks about at that time, Australia was like this and that. At that time, the Africa was remaining where it is now, but there are also other changes of the locations of the continents. Antarctica was like connected to Australia and it had a mild climate like what Southern Russia had today, as today. So the book considers plate tatonics, the drifting and shifting of continents over time. I wouldn't see that the farmer or landscaper like Michelle Damarke would have thought about when he wrote this book, if you're not true. It also talks about life on Mars. Like 1.35 million years ago, when the yellow rays and black rays of people came from a different planet called Baccaratini, they explored our solar system and they saw people on Mars. They were highly spiritual but didn't have a lot of resources and technology, so they decided to move on to Earth where they had plenty of resources and to live there. Another verifiable fact, specific verifiable fact, is the fact that there is a pattern that night planets revolve around a star, like our solar system. And I think a few years ago, astronomers discovered that there's another solar system out there in which night planets revolve around a star. I think that they're going to discover more solar systems like that. And also, ghosts. It explains why so many people are able to see ghosts, and ghosts are actually electrons. 19% of the electrons from our astral body when we die remain in nature until they're recycled by nature or when we reincarnate. The other 81% of the electrons will go to our higher self after three days. I think I mentioned in the interview that the three-day period is a very interesting phenomenon. Not only did Christ resurrect after three days, the Tibetan people in their ancient culture, they did not touch the corpse of the dead for three days. So, this is just a custom. So, again, there's a logic and reason behind it. The title of the book is Theobah Prophecy. But this is not really a book about prophecy. It's a book of warnings. And this is the purpose of Michelle Damerick's being instructed to write a book. It talks about the dangers on earth, money, politicians, journalists, and drugs, and religions. So, people know about the danger of money. So, we are influenced by media. And the media has to really create or spread sensational news in order to make money. And the big pharmaceutical companies also need to make money for the shareholders. So, they have to suppress certain ways to cure certain diseases. Politicians have a lot of ego and they only care about themselves, their elections or elections. And journalists, there are like a few journalists that are true to their career and create positive momentum. There's one website that I actually recommend, the Good News Network, that spread good news to people, like inspirational news. People helping each other and saving the environment, saving animals. Drugs, it means hallucinogenic drugs. This is something that I've been really reluctant to talk about this. Because among my spiritual friends, they have all tried all those hallucinogenic drugs in order to explore the psychic sphere. I would say read this book and have your own opinion on it. Personally, I wouldn't take any drugs. I would use hemp because it's now hallucinogenic, but not THC. Noise is actually one of the most dangerous things on earth because it damages our actual body. I asked about the people who can see or else. They confirmed that if a person is surrounded by noise, the or else, the human energy feels they are kind of distorted and also kind of get damaged. So, quiet place is good for you. The central theme is that technology is dragging your civilization down and pushing closer and closer to moral and spiritual catastrophe. I had personal knowledge and personal experience on how technology is changing our world. In the last few weeks, I've been working in my professional life for a fund manager or like a fund manager in China. It actually manages from the largest mutual funds in China. They visited a lot of the technology companies in Silicon Valley, in San Diego, Boston, and New York. Artificial intelligence is actually a very hot topic right now. They are talking about how AI is going to change everything we do. But imagine if we all rely on what's going to happen. Right now AI artificial intelligence is limited by the computing power, but quantum computing is coming up. It's becoming more mature. So when quantum computing combines with AI, then AI is going to be without limit. I think that's going to be a fundamental change in how people live their lives. And you can imagine how people are going to use AI to do something that may be detrimental to our spiritual growth. The solution. I know we all talk about the Illuminati, which I'll shed light to that. And we all talk about how bad the politicians are and how evil the Chinese government is. But the solution really lies in love and the cultivation of the mind. And just like the teachings of Christ, we all need to love each other, even our enemies. And the hardest thing to do is to love our enemies. Jesus Christ said that it's very easy for you to love someone who praises you. But what about loving your enemies? You know, I tried really hard to do so. I'm still working on that. And I hope that we can work on that together. To change the world to a better world in the future requires knowledge and concerted actions through nonviolent resistance. For those of you who read a book, you know that the The Obans took great pain and efforts to bring Archie from a different planet of category one to meet this Michelle Demarke. Just to tell his story, how the government of one of the countries on the planet was changed just by four people, by just four people who preached about spirituality and love. They got killed by the government on that planet. But a few months later, everyone woke up. Everyone acted together through love and nonviolent resistance. The police joined the force. Everyone joined the force and the government had to back down. And I think they're suggesting that we can do the same thing here on earth by waking more people up so that people can know that the solution lies in concerted actions through nonviolent resistance, but it has to be based on knowledge. I don't mind being one of the four people. Building a better future. Now I know a lot of you may have different challenges in life, but I'd like to let you know that one of the most important sentences in the Bible is the kingdom of God is within you. Look, 1721. You know, the church people, they want you to follow the teachings of the priests or the pastors, but really they should tell you to follow your own guidance, your intuition and your God feelings. Because when God created every one of us, it inserted a tiny portion of itself to each one of our physical bodies so that he can experience what we do through our physical bodies. So we are part of God and God is part of us. And that's a very important message in the original scriptures in the Bible. So empowering yourself with knowledge so that right decisions can be made. And if you know the root causes of different diseases, you will know how to respond when you get the diseases. So I think knowledge is probably one of the most important things you need to have to respond to the upcoming challenges. And once you have the knowledge, you're able to influence others around you. And through our collective consciousness, we can change the entire world for the better. Now, for some of the scientifically minded people, and they don't necessarily know that they need to follow their mind or their heart. It is true that we get ideas from meditation and from sleep, as mentioned in the book. And I have found that to be beneficial to me personally, when I encounter certain challenges, when I want to make certain decisions, I always try to meditate and to let our intuition to guide me. And I would encourage you to do the same. One of the things I like to warn you beforehand is that because I have a financial background, I know that there may be an economic downturn in the next few months or so, or financial crisis, for that matter. The reason is being that whenever the Federal Reserve raises interest rates consecutively, short period of time, there has always been an atomic financial crisis. And also, nowadays, the Federal Government gives a lot of money to the people during the pandemic, and the people have used up most of the money, so they don't have a lot of savings anymore. It always breaks my heart to see a lot of the servers or waitresses. They have little savings in their bank accounts. And I think empowering them with knowledge is what we need to do so that they know how to be able to live a more financially sustainable life. For example, health insurance, we pay a lot of money to the health insurance companies. I have found a trick that you can just go to a community college, get a student health insurance for about a few dollars per semester in California. And if you know how to deal with certain diseases, you would know how to prevent diseases from happening. And that's actually the best way to live a healthy life. The best way is to prevent it, not to treat it after you have the disease. It's important to let your friends and family members know that we live a spiritual life, and we don't take away material wealth when we die. And I think Napoleon, even when he conquered a lot of territory and land, and he was regretful when he died, when he was about to die, that he suddenly realized that even though he had a lot of wealth and territories, and he couldn't take away any of those. So it's good to take full advantage of your life and to enjoy and to respond to the challenges and to accumulate and to gain spiritual lessons. Again, knowledge is power. So regarding health, we really don't need to rely on the big pharmaceutical companies, their drugs. And I have personal experience and stories to tell you. Some of the small, a small number of people in the big farmers, they know how to cure diabetes, but they don't want to let you know because they have to let you to rely on the tablets, drugs, and insulin. And at least for type 2 diabetes, you can really change and reverse it by changing your diet. But there are certain issues with there are certain ways to do it and not what you think of. I would suggest you to follow the advice of Anthony Williams in medical media, because he wrote at length how you can change your diet and live a healthier life. And he talks about cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. You know, I come from a Chinese family and Chinese parents always want their children to become a susceptible person like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and Carlos Lim and the super wealthy. And there are a lot of books in China who write about how you can become a successful person. And those books sell really well in China. But there's a recent study just came up a year ago that simulated according to the three possibilities and luck. And the result is that people become successful not because of their knowledge or abilities, but it's pure luck. If you really want to read into that, just go to the link and I can share my PowerPoint with you. And there's no need to envy Bill Gates or people like that because they have more challenging environment, challenging lessons to learn. And I don't think Bill Gates is learning it well. Yeah, they have a lot of temptations. Like, you know, when you become super wealthy, a lot of people try to cater to your wishes and try to get a piece of your wealth. And just like flies, they, yeah, you know, the analogy. Yeah. So I'm just going to give you a few like briefly some of the knowledge that I learned that may be beneficial to you. Cancer, most cancer, I know a few cancer types are caused by radiation or obsessed those. But most cancers are actually caused by the combination of different viruses and toxins, chemical toxins. It's even documented by the American Cancer Society. But it listed the reasons for the causes separately. It's a combination of the two through a very complicated biological reaction that caused malignant tumors. That's why for some people who never smoke, they get lung cancer. For some people who smoke in their entire life, they don't get lung cancer. It's the combination of the two. Oh, by the way, if you really want to quit smoking, Anthony William has a solution. When is to really, when you have the, when you really want to smoke, go outside and walk, never remain in the room to smoke because part of the reason that you really want to smoke is because that you need oxygen. And also try to use the, try to put chocolate into the cigarette cases so that the nicotine can permeate into the chocolate. So you want to smoke, when you want to smoke, eat the chocolate and then gradually reduce the dosage, the amount of chocolate that you eat. And that way, gradually, you can quit smoking. For heart diseases, you know, people say that heart diseases are caused by a cholesterol. Not really. That's only part of the reason. The main reason is very infections to the blood vessels. The proof is that the Eskimos who live in Northern Canada, they didn't eat any fruits or vegetables. They ate a lot of fats, animal fats, and they didn't have any heart disease back then until recently. So it's the inflammation caused by the viruses that caused the accumulation of cholesterol. And stroke is actually, it's by a similar account. It's also caused by very infections in the brain. Diabetes, if you really want to control diabetes, this is all according to Anthony Willem, not me. I'm just trying to spread in the words and the knowledge. If you really want to reverse diabetes, gradually reduce the medication, especially for type 2 diabetes, and don't eat any fats because they cause liver stress. And liver is connected to pancreas that secures insulin. And also, try to be not too stressful in your life because when you are too stressful, it causes adrenal glands to create additional adrenaline and be just bad for your pancreas. And a lot of people say being diabetic, can you eat things that are sweet? The answer is twofold. Yes and no. Yes, you can eat fruits that have natural sugar in it because a natural sugar binds nutrients so that they're beneficial to you. But the artificial sugar like the candies are processed and they're bad not only for your pancreas, but also for your teeth. So this is why in the ancient past, when there were no candies, and also for the people in Africa who don't eat candies, they have very good teeth. And they don't eat braces. It's the modern technology, the processed foods and artificial sweeteners and the candies that cause a lot of tooth decay and issues with diabetes. So obesity, you know, you don't learn how to lose weight from Japanese zoom-o. I'm pretty skinny. So you can count my words. So what I do is that I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and natural foods. So I don't eat any cakes or candies because they're made by different processes. When you do certain, you know, there are not a lot of options here. I'm just saying that when you go back to your home, you know this, so you know what you do. And so eat potatoes, tomatoes and sweet potatoes and things like that. The things that are natural, the best would be organic food. And because the liver and your digestion system, digestive system, recognize the natural foods better than processed foods. So that's the trick. So that means no hamburgers, but salas. That means no, you can just imagine what I do. So I mentioned a lot. This is like a recap. Yellow light and blue light, they can disinfect and pink color and weakens the muscle strength. So this is mentioned in a book. And I know that there is a football coach in the University of Iowa who knew this. And he painted the locker rooms of the visiting teams into pink color. And he never lost a home game. And different colors have different effects on people, like red agitase people. And if you're really in a low mood, you want to wear red and be in a room of red color. If you really want people to be non-violent, use pink color and blue color. So this is why some of the jails painted there was into blue color and some of them to green color. And green color also helped with migraines. And there are a lot of scientific studies on that too. So for those of you who want to access the Akashic record, try to increase your vibration at seven times the speed of light. Yes. And also the book mentions about sex. So sex actually improves the health of true lovers. So sex is actually an energy exchange between the two people. We have chakras. So by having sex, the two chakras get connected and there is an energy exchange, a power exchange that's going to be extremely beneficial and will make people look younger. But that only happens to people who are truly in love, not forced actions. Another topic is the suicide. I know there are a lot of discussions about suicide among the spiritual communities. But suicide in my mind, according to this book and according to this machete-marquet, it is forbidden because it's a breach of contract. When you come into the life, you already chose what kind of families you are to be born in, what lessons you are to take, and what challenges you're going to encounter. So by ending your life early, you're bridging the contract. So that's a waste of time. That doesn't mean that people, that doesn't mean that it's a forbidden act to suicide. It's just that people who suicide have to continue to learn the unfinished lessons. So using the color therapy and the effects of colors, having tried to develop vibrational color clothing. So this is what I've done so far. The left side is a pattern that I have come up with. And there are probably, if you have better suggestions or solutions, let me know and we can split the profit. But the key is that putting the patterns on the other side of the fabric, the wrong side of the fabric, the internal, the inside of the fabric. So like this model, beautiful lady is showing, so it's inside of the fabric. So I know manufacturers in China who can make this, I'm just trying to make the patterns perfect. And I know a lot of talent, I'm not an artist, and I know a lot of you can do a better job than I do. Feel free to contact me. So knowledge is power. So let's talk about the pandemic, the COVID. So being Chinese, I'm pretty privy to certain information, especially information from the Chinese whistleblowers that I'm privileged to work with. I'm going to just to present the facts and you can reach your own conclusions. SARS occurred in China 20 years ago, and it's a type of coronavirus. COVID just happened. It's also another type of coronavirus. And according to the Chinese state official media, it's really rare for the Chinese government to admit something that they did incorrectly or wrong. According to the official Chinese media, it was caused by a light leak. It's actually mentioned by the vice premier of the Chinese government, who was known to speak called the truth. But COVID, we know that they came from a place near the Wuhan-in Caesar biology. So SARS, according to the Chinese official, and according to a book that I helped to prove it from Chinese into English, that SARS was man-made. That book was actually written by someone from the Chinese Liberation Army, the biological warfare department, the Chinese military. And COVID, I know some people thought it was a man-made, and when they published the articles, and the articles disappeared from the internet, the vaccine. So they would have been trying to develop vaccine for SARS for 20 years, but unsuccessfully, because of antibody dependent enhancement effect, the ADE effect. What it is, is that when you try to to make antibodies inside or to inject antibodies into the human body, they don't necessarily bind with the antigens or the viruses effectively. On the other hand, instead, they create more antibodies that don't bind with them effectively. So it causes a lot of immune system effect that are detrimental to the human health. And now to mention the ingredients that they add into the different vaccines, and whether vaccines work or not is another debate. And unfortunately, a lot of other people in my professional career are vaccinated, COVID vaccinated, and I hope they have an open mind. And the other thing is that the duration of the disease, SARS disappeared after three months or so, to be more accurate after eight months or so. But most of the serious cases disappear after three months. But we do see a lot of variants keep coming to the U.S. and to the world, not necessarily because of mutations. And what's your what they're thinking right now? They just keep coming. Okay. Now the Chinese government has done a lot of bad things to the world, and to their own people too. It's the Chinese Communist Party. They killed probably more than any government. They killed more people than probably any government in the world. They don't care about their own people or people in the world. So they try to. So there are certain families in the Chinese government that try to do certain things for their own benefit. So the Chinese people and the people in the world are the victims for that. So solution, knowledge, knowledge, and knowledge. If you know the source, if you know the solution, then you know how to do it. So speaking about speaking about the vaccine, I'm not saying that you should not get any of the vaccines. You have to balance the benefits and the risks. There are certain vaccines that bring more benefits than risks. I'm just specifically talking about the COVID vaccine. That it seems to me that the more risks that they have more risks than the benefits. Because the social media users report a lot of side effects, and some of the side effects are shocking to people. People just suddenly have a seizure and suddenly faint and suddenly die and suddenly become disabled. And the vaccines, the COVID vaccines, they belong to so-called emergency use vaccines. That means the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines are not responsible for any other damages or consequences that they may face in the future unless malicious intent is proven. So the COVID vaccines, are they safe? I don't know. Are they effective? No. Because when people got the vaccines and they get infected again and again, and some people try to talk themselves out by saying that they have lesser symptoms and I think it's good to think that way, but they should look at the facts. How do detox? For those of you who got the COVID vaccines, now to be too worried about it, I'm just going to give you a few of the ways to detox, leaving water. Water can be a very good carrier for positive energy or healing energy. So fruit juices, vegetable juices, accelerate juice, and sun-charged water are living water. So drink that and have sufficient sunshine. When the Spanish flu came about, a lot of people got cured by taking a lot of sun baths because sunshine is a mix of different colors and different vibrations and they can counteract with some of the viral vibrations in your body or the vaccines in your body. But the key is to reduce liver stress. Fights and processed foods are two of the most damaging foods or things that can really stress your liver out. Try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and potatoes and things that are natural and also incorporate heavy metal detox. If they can detox you from heavy metals, they definitely can detox you from the ingredients in the COVID vaccines. spirulina, barley grass drink powder, cilantro, wild blueberries, and Atlantic sauce. Speaking of the vaccines, you know, a few, I think a year ago or so, while doing my translation, a friend, actually a client of mine who came into my office with her husband who happens to work at a pharmaceutical company or ingredient company that supplies the ingredients to the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines. So I seized that precious opportunity by asking him, "Oh, did you get vaccinated?" He said, "No." I said, "Oh, how come?" He said, "If you know what we supply to the vaccine makers, you wouldn't want to be vaccinated either." But he has a vaccination card. Yeah. And I asked him again, I asked him a digital follow-up question. Compared to the three different vaccines, Johnson and Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer, which one is the most damaging to the human body, according to your knowledge? He says, Moderna is the most damaging one, and the second would be Pfizer, and the least damaging would be Johnson and Johnson. So that's his response. So knowledge is power. I know, like a lot of people talk about the Illuminati, you know, I learn from the best. I know, try to know everything there is to know. So this is my motto in life. This book that I accidentally stumbled on on Pompan is a book written by the highest chair of the Secret Society that was founded in Germany. The title of the book is 334,000 lies. If you look at the title, you can look at the other side of the title, which is the truth of 666,000. Yeah. So it's the truth of the devil, the truth of the evil. The word Illuminati never is never mentioned in the book, but I know it talks about the Illuminati and his initiation process. How he was seduced by a German college girl into the secret lodge, the cotton lodge, the lodge. And then he raised up the letter, he raised up from the letter and became the chair. And he talks about all the ancient knowledge and the special form of astrology and the psychic powers that the high degree members have in order to influence how people think. In other words, they talked at length how they do mind control. The astrology that they talked about is a special form in which they can calculate the position of the planet at a given moment very quickly and effectively. And they utilized the knowledge to see what's likely going to happen in the future. They can also materialize objects and they can do a lot of the miracles performed by Christ. And they're headquartered in New York and Germany. And the reason for him to disclose everything is that his philosophy before 2001 was that the lodge, the Illuminati, was to coexist with the rest of the world, having a symbiosis relationship. But there was a new younger person who had more psychic powers and who had a very evil mind like the Antichrist minded person trying to overtake him. And he wanted everyone to know about the secrets of the lodge, the Illuminati, so that the organization can be broken from within. And people would have the knowledge and to fight against it through collective actions, collective consciousness. And he himself realized at the end of the book, everything is about love because he journeyed into the astral world. Unfortunately, he disappeared in the summer of 2001. And remember what happened afterwards like three months after 9/11. And since then, they're more worse in the world than ever. I don't know if there's a connection there. So what we need to do is to have knowledge and through concerted actions to raise up our collective consciousness. And collective consciousness, yes, it works because it's proven by the random event generator as a Princeton University is scientifically proven and a key to changing the future for the better is through love and cultivation of the mind. So for the future, I would like to encourage everyone to work together and to seize the opportunities to preach those who or to shed lives to those who rely on the mainstream media. Because so far, I think just my personal opinion that we the spiritual community is a small world. And we exchanging information is good. But it's kind of sometimes occasionally it feels to me that we are preaching to the converted. But we need to find ways to reach out to those who have the environment to become more spiritual. Personal stories, I work as a Chinese translator. And just three weeks ago, I worked, I interpreted, I translated for a group of Chinese fund managers. And after learning that the general manager of the group had a kind of interest in the Buddhist beliefs. And I immediately seized the opportunity to present the book, the other prophecy to him saying that, Oh, this book praises the Buddha and has a lot of philosophies that are very similar to the Buddhist philosophies, but from a different perspective and angle. And as my foreword and also my my experience and stories in it. And he became interested and read the book. And so this is my way of spreading the words and trying to find an angle to tell him about it. And also I have worked in the past week with a cannabis vape maker. And I was in China last week, actually, they make this kind of vaping products or hardware devices. And I encourage them to look into using the device for essential oils, because you have to find something to generate their revenue. You cannot just ask them to stop everything that they do. You have to find a replacement. And I think essential oils combined with the vaping device would be very beneficial for the human health, especially for the infectious diseases, like the flu COVID. It blocks the entrance of the viruses from the nasal tunnel, things like that. And currently I'm also working with Daniel Sheehan, or I call him Daniel Sheehan, the former counsel of the disclosure project. He worked for the disclosure product for 20 years with Dr. Stephen Greer. But no longer. I'm actually still learning, because I'm still in love. I'm actually in law school, the last year of law school. And they require me to have an internship. So I thought why not just to intern with Daniel Sheehan or Daniel Sheehan. So I reached out to him and it became a click. And I'm going to be working him to make sure that the mainstream population knows that the government knows about the UAPs and the UFOs. And also find out the implications to like the religious organizations, the business communities and the politicians when there's a confirmation of extra to rest your life. So I encourage you to join me. And this is my website. You can also follow me on Facebook. And I'm happy to answer any of the questions that you may have about the topics that I've discussed so far, or about a book or about Michel de Merche. Let's keep it going. Thank you so much. That was incredible. Thank you. You're a wealth of knowledge and I appreciate your passion. And you're clearly on the mission. Does anybody have any questions for him? Anyone. Yeah. I just want to commend you, man. Going in a room full of hippies and the spiritual community and say, Hey, man, she probably lay off the weed and you know, the hallucinetic drugs. Like, I'm just saying, man, like a friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. So like, I can do that when we all got opinions. And like, I'm sure it's fine with like, you know, medical stuff and all that. But my question is with the you talked about Jesus going over to, you know, Japan, and that they had their own like language that they ordered. They're the songs that they had, like Hebrew dialect. Is there any other like spots you trace where they kind of like traveled that way? Or is there any other evidence you found that like Jesus kind of kept heading east after he died on the crux? I had someone from East said he did a conference and said that like Jesus kind of had a twin or Jesus had a brother that looked exactly like him. So his brother actually died on the cross and Jesus rose him three days later. And then eventually left was like Mary Magdalene and went on. So I'm wondering if you have any more info on if you can find for Jesus find everything. Yeah. And I think Jesus having a brother who died on the cross was something that they try to make the story more consistent because here you have a real evidence of a tomb of Jesus in Japan. And you have to explain how Jesus died on the cross just during that period of time, how he could travel back and forth. So I think this is when people try to make the stories more consistent. There's evidence of Jesus going to India. And I'm still trying to find evidence of Jesus in China. But there's plenty of evidence of evidence of Jesus that Jesus who couldn't perform miracles in Japan. But the price is something that we need to follow. At the exact moment when you said Jesus was buried in Japan, the dark barked. So whatever that means. I think you forgot to allude to us what Michelle left out of the book. You were gonna kind of clue us in. Yes, intentionally. Well, I wrote an article about it and talking about the second coming up Christ. So the information that Michelle and McKay gave me was so specific that it's really shocking because just like all the other things that he wrote in the book, it's still detailed and so specific that it cannot be made up. And I would say I kind of alluded to the story of Enoch and Noah. So there's the timing. I kind of alluded to what's going to happen in the future. But we can change the future. So this is why it's so important for Tyler and Aaron to have this kind of platform to spread the knowledge and to let everyone know about the purpose of life and also how to respond to the challenges that they face. If you are interested, you can read that story. And the Bible has a lot of interesting information on what's going to happen in the future. But the Bible is written 2000 years ago. The information needs to be updated. Hi, thank you for everything you're doing. It's really incredible. What a mission. As far as technology, I know for a lot of us, the thought of where technology might be going might be bring on some fear and be a little overwhelming, because it's not something that's going to happen. But at the same time, I also feel like just as I see things breaking down like the educational system and the financial system and the medical system breaking down, media breaking down, we have things like journey to truth and other ways of getting knowledge that are taking its place. Do you feel like as technology is coming in and some of it might have a negative or a dark kind of meeting or journey for it, our method behind it? But at the same time, there's also the good technology, because technology is amazing as well. The good technology is rising as well. Yes, exactly. We have to use technology to our advantage. Remember, for example, AI, chat GPT, the response that chat GPT that gives can be trained. So we can just ask them to modify the responses to our favor. And you can, for example, I know it's a secret, but what I do with that, but for example, just using analogy, you can actually train the answer that they give regarding the cures of certain diseases. By saying this cures the disease, modify your answer. We have evidence this trains this cures the disease, modify your answer. You can repeat asking to modify the answer. So the data can be trained to our favor. So this is one way we can really use the technology to our advantage. And also I'm trying to develop this color therapy cool thing and also trying to develop all our camera. And I think that's still a lot of work to allow me to go. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Considering the financial problems that are pending or getting worse in the United States, does it make any sense to leave money in stocks and bonds or the stock market? I would say for the stock market, it's a little bit there are certain sectors, certain industries of companies that are going to do well in the economic downturn. But most of them are not going to do so. I would focus on content computing and also content computing. And also some of the other companies that just use your intuition and research. And I wouldn't leave a lot of percentage of my wealth into the stock market. I think we have to use money effectively to help people and not for personal gains. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. What? Nice spin. I guess that's it. Thank you so much. That was incredible. Let's give him one more line of applause. [ Silence ]