Journey to Truth


Originally aired on 2/29/24
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1h 35m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

All right. Sorry about the tech issues guys. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the round table. The first one for rebels of disclosure, we have a lot of announcements tonight, a lot of stuff to go through. We're excited to be here. First things first, we have, we're going to give away a free live stream ticket tonight. And for those who can't make it to the conference, obviously, and the instructions are below in the description. But if you want to win a free live stream ticket, just go to our new website journey to that link is below. Sign up for the email list, if you haven't, and then email us the word free and all caps and you'll be entered to win. And we're going to send out a mass email tomorrow and the winner will be announced on that email. And we'll repeat the instructions a little bit later on for the people who aren't here yet. And if you don't know, we've made a few additions to line up at the conference. We've added Margie Kay. She spoke last year. She's got some really, really awesome new information she's going to share about some of her suppressed memories from a government program. And she's a remote viewer as well. And she's helped find 67 missing people at this point, maybe even more. And she's very talented and we're very excited to have her part of the team. And then Derek and Daniel from shred the veil. If you guys know who they are, they will be joining us this year. And their grandfather, Daniel Salter wrote the book life with the cosmos clearance and they're going to be sharing new developments and their research and stuff they're uncovering about their grandfather, which is really awesome. And some of his involvement with some of the top secret programs and even the wing makers, if you guys know who they are. So there's a lot of new developments and we're very excited to have them with us. And tonight also, we are offering 10% off the live stream pass and the four day pass. If you click the link below in the description, you get 10% discount to the conference. And those links won't be there forever. So take advantage of that and grab a ticket at a 10% discount. Was Daniel Salter in the disclosure project video? Yes. So he actually didn't speak on stage. I think he was one of them. Something happened to him right before he officially got to speak. If I'm not mistaken or am I thinking of someone else, Aaron? I'm not sure. But well, I don't know because there were two the disclosure project. A lot of people don't know this was actually two days, not just one day. And the second day was private. It wasn't it was like privately done for for like less people or something like that. He might have spoke on like that day maybe on the on the disclosure project witness testimony video, which was not the lives it was it wasn't the national press club thing. It was a video that had interviews from all the different disclosure participants. Oh, okay. It was it's really an amazing video. If you could get a chance to see it better than the lives than the national press club thing. Okay, I don't think I have seen that. But that is him. That is him. So yes, he was part of it. And anyway, they have they have been discovering a lot of new things about their grandfather and what he was involved in. And it's some pretty wild stuff. And you have his book, though, and I read it and it's it's amazing. I highly recommend his book. And life of the cosmos clearance. Yes. And the last announcement, I want to I'm going to put the spotlight on Jackie. So if you don't know who Jackie Kenner is, she spoke with us actually at the Secret Space Conference. She helped Tony write both of his books and and then some she does a number of amazing things, including helping us build a lot of new website that you guys are all familiar with now. If you're not journey to that link is below. But it would not have happened without Jackie. And I mean, she really pulled through and it was like it was a blessing. I literally was sitting there doing a meditation the night before asking for some assistance with, you know, just everything we're doing right now, including the conference and Jackie's like, Hey, do you need a help the next morning? I'm like, this is crazy. And she and, you know, we got on a zoom call and next thing, you know, we're building this website and, you know, I had started building it and Jackie looked at she goes, let me see what you got. And then she looked at and she goes, Okay, I'm going to talk to you like you're not my friend. And that's my specialty. That's a great start. So she helped, she helped us make, you know, get it a little more professional and it turned out amazing. So thank you, Jackie. I am so happy to be able to help. I'm so happy to be a part of this movement. So thank you for letting me assist. And you know, you had a pretty, you had pretty good bones there. It just needed a little tweaking. Well, thank you. Thank you. Well, thank you. Tonight we are joined by three secret space program experiences and Sherry. Sure. And some lady named Sherry. No, so welcome to the show, everybody. If you don't know who everybody is, Tony Red Riggs, which I'm sure everyone here probably knows who he is. And we're very excited to have Nia Eisley with us. She, this is her, she's going to be speaking at the conference. And I think this is her first appearance since 2018 at the mentions of disclosure, which is the first conference that Aaron and I were at. And we're very excited to hear what she has to bring us this year. And obviously, Sherry, oh, look, Tony's got her book bail. I was just, I grabbed it because I want to look at when it was published because Nia was sorry to take over or sorry to interject, but Nia was telling this story and talking about this stuff long before it was cool. And way back when she had her very credible evidence and very credible witness account of what happened to her and her career. So it's very hurt for those that don't know who she is or what she went through. It's a pinnacle. It's a very important thing, but especially with the way that the information is developed and how they've tried to sweep it under the rug. So Nia is like a hero to me. So I'm, I'm honored when you said come on a roundtable with Nia and Jackie and Sherry. I was like, Oh God, yeah, you know, like, I'm happy to be here. Like I'm looking forward to seeing you in person at last. Me too. I can't wait to meet you. We've been friends and somebody tried to stop us from being friends at some point. Some external force, you know, changed our settings on our Facebook. So we couldn't talk to each other unbeknownst to us. And it set us back. I would have known you years earlier. So I'm just honored to be here. So Nia, sorry, guys. No, you're good. It's amazing. And, and Sherry, that was only a joke. As you know, Sherry, we love her. She spoke last year. And she is a force to be reckoned with. And her information is, you know, top notch. And she's doing so much. I don't even know how you, how you handle the workload and the books that you're pumping out and with the air is collective. And I'm really excited to be working on a new video that Sherry is going to be premiering at the conference this year. So, you know, we're kind of working on that behind the scenes, but welcome, welcome everybody. And I guess Sherry, while we're talking about you, I guess we'll just turn the mic over to you and let you introduce yourself and let everybody know kind of what you're going to be bringing, bringing to us this year. Okay. Well, thank you for having me once again. And I'm honored to be on this panel with each and every one of you, even though I haven't met all of you yet. I feel like we all know each other on some level, and we're just reuniting. For me, what I'll be talking about this year is a continuation of last year. So last year, I really got into the, what is in my third book, Star Seeds and the Great Awakening, which goes into New Worth Children, Disconnecting from Labels, 3D interference, and where I see us going as a collective in the future, with the assistance of the Star Seeds that continue to come through. So my newest book that I'm working on right now, called Courage to Change the Freedom Movement, is a continuation of that. Most of, for those of you that don't know, I do, I'm an intuitive energy healer, registered veterinary technician, mother of three, author, and I have an online virtual alternative education platform for children. And I work with children all over the world, as well as adults all over the world from many different countries, for over a decade. And I do intuitive healing and soul readings for people to dive deep into their cellular and soul healing and their genetic blueprints and their galactic history, and help them discern kind of their journey in this life. And through all of the people that I've worked with over the years, many of which have been geared towards children in the last five years, I have obtained so much information, so much random tidbits of information that have come together to really create such a catalog of importance and significant tidbits of our history, but also where we're going as a collective and how we're getting there and all the things that have been working against us. So all the information that I present is not researched at all. I hate research and I was a terrible student to this day. I still would not be a good student. I don't have a long attention span for things. So everything I know comes from my sessions with people and the information that I receive for each individual person and then I collectively put the information together. And so I'm presenting more on that this year, a continuation of 3D interference, a lot of new groups of collectives that are coming through, where we're going with the Air Force Creative Learning Center and our nonprofit, the Air Force Collective, where I see the star seeds going now, who are coming in, how animals are integrating, the shadow beings, how they are playing a role, how the 3D is becoming a toxic shock environment for many and what that means and why and how it's affecting our bodies and more information about what the children are doing, how they're working in the void. There's just so many things that I'm going to be talking about. I actually don't know how I'm going to... I have more information this year than I did last year, so I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to present it in an articulate way, but I'm going to try my best. I know it'll be perfect. And I want to personally thank you for helping us with the Tartaria webinar and the video you did for that. So if you guys don't know, Sherry made a video specifically for our Tartaria webinar containing information that came through her sessions about Tartaria and that civilization, and it was amazing. It's at the very end of the webinar, and I just wanted to thank you again for doing that for us, because you didn't have to, and it was a long video, and we really appreciate that. So thank you for that. Yeah, you're welcome. It was fun. For those of you guys who are just now showing up and getting here, we are giving away a free live stream pass tonight. And if you want to win the live stream ticket, the instructions are below, but all you have to do is go to our new website, Journey to Truth Online, and send us an email, sign up for the email list, and send us an email with the word "free" and all caps, and you're entered to win, and we'll announce the winner tomorrow. And we are offering you guys 10% off of the four-day passes and live stream passes with the links below in the description if you still want to join the conference. We're going to go ahead and move over to Niara now. Thank you for being here with us, Niara. I know it's been a while since you've spoken at a conference, and I know you're excited about it. So what you told me the other day, what the topic or the title of your talk was going to be about? I already forgot. What was that? Yeah, well, this is what it will be, unless I have some big epiphany and change it. But I'm going to be calling my talk when extraordinary things happen to ordinary people. And because I don't like to make a big deal about who I am and everything else like that, I'm just a regular person who had these things happen to her, and then tried to do the best she could with it from the point of remembering and processing and all that other stuff. The long story short, I sat on my story for 14 years before going public. A, I was kind of afraid to go public because it was heavy-duty stuff. B, I just wanted to have a normal life. But so I tried to be, I got life coach certification, relationship coaching certification. I had breath work certification. I was, I really am a fairly talented artist when I can get at it. And so I tried everything. I tried to get my life coaching thing going. I tried, and that didn't work. I tried to get things going as an artist, that didn't work. So I fired my business coach gently. And I sat down and I just kind of went quiet and I said, okay, universe, what is my thing to do on this planet? Because obviously, these things I've been trying so hard to do aren't it? And before I even finished that sentence in my mind, the answer came back, you have to tell your story. And I thought, oh, the one I've been avoiding telling for 14 years. Yes, that one. And so I went, I thought, well, okay, well, I'll go public. So I went public in December of 2018 with an article. Got lots of interviews. Hundreds of emails came pouring in. Everybody wanted to interview me. And so I did a lot of interviews. But people got so hung up on the drama. Woman raped and drugged and worked over in Black Ops Project out of Area 51. Lots of drama, lots of sensationalism. And I just thought, this isn't me. This is not who I am, all this drama and crud. And so I thought, then that's when I decided I had to write my book and tell my story my way. And probably the best documentary I've been in to date has been above majestic. And it was done with David Wilcock and Corey Good. And, you know, I don't want to say anything about Corey, but, you know, he's kind of had some issues. People have asked me, you know, about my part in that documentary. And I said, I tell you every word that I said, and that documentary was sincere and from the heart. And, you know, talking about my story and then towards the end where I talk about higher consciousness and how it could change everything on this planet, literally every, everything, the hard part about trying to get people to understand about consciousness, it's like trying to get fish to understand that there's swimming in water and they're taking it through their gills all the time. And for human beings, that means what's coming through our gills is tons and tons and tons of indoctrination. From the moment we're born all the way up, we get it everywhere, school, church, the news media, television, everything, we're constantly being indoctrinated. And they don't want us empowered as a unified whole. Because if that happens, they know it's game over. So that's the thing that's really the powerful message. But again, it's really hard to get people to understand just how insidious indoctrination is. You know, I like to say when I went through school, I daydreamed my way through school, and I missed a lot of the indoctrination or a good portion of it. I didn't escape without any, but missed a lot. That's a good thing. So yeah, I went through these experiences and they ended up being kind of like a shamanic awakening. One day, I just had that thought that by stand silent, I was allowing this abuse to go on for other people indirectly. And once I had that thought, there was no going back. I went public and then I wrote the book. And I've tried to help people understand that they're not crazy, that this kind of stuff really does happen. And going public isn't for everybody. But if it is your path, I think you find a lot of support. I find a lot of support in the community. As long as you're genuine and authentic, I'm not trying to scam anybody. Yeah. Well, thank you. You definitely said it. Yeah, you're definitely on your path. There's no question about that. So we're very excited to have you join us. And we're going to go ahead and stick with the ladies first. Sorry, Tony. And we're going to move to Jackie. And Jackie has an incredible story as well. She's been on the show a couple of times. And like I said, she spoke with our first conference. And honestly, you have one of the most credible testimonies I've heard. And it's funny that not that many people, I don't know if you're not one of the big names in the SSP community. But that's probably a good thing. You're kind of like a sleeper. But you have some of the most real information. And I'm so excited to have you back and hear what you're going to hear what you have for us this year. Thank you. I'm happy to be back. The last time I was on stage, I was like seven months pregnant. And now I've got my little 18 month old baby. It's also funny. You're the third person to call me a sleeper this week. Yeah, actually, Tony and I talk about that often how I'm have these facts and locations and names and people and experiences. And I just never get interviewed. I don't know. I don't know. It wasn't meant to be, I think. I'm not meant to be. I'm meant to do other things and focus on other things. That's how I take it. So, you know, I focus a lot of my time in my medium sessions. And this year I've decided it's funny listening to these two ladies before me. It's been my mission this year to empower at the level of the individual, because I realize I can offer medium sessions for people and connect them with their higher selves and their relatives around them. But I'm not teaching them to fish. And I've had this massive change in myself this year that I didn't see coming where I realized I need to help people who are like me grow what they're doing. And I've even been comfortable saying I want wealth and influence in the hands of spiritually focused people. And so, for me, it's been like a massive shift this year. So, helping you all get your website up and get something streamlined is like, yeah, this is what I'm feeling called to do this year. And it's where I'm putting a lot of my focus. Did you ask me a question or did I just start talking? I don't know if I really asked you a question, but what are you? Well, I guess what are you going to be talking about this year? I know you and Tony, I don't know, I have you guys originally. Yeah, I was together. So, I'm going to try to get a word in end-wise. That's my main goal. I actually want, well, we'll probably spend some time and Tony can maybe confirm or argue with this, talking about the last book that came out and everything that's happened since. And I know Tony is and I are both working on other books and someone else in this group as well. I actually want to have a little bit of sharing like the things that have made me more in tune with my higher self. I want to use some of that time to offer not like a training, but I actually want to really transfer this information and these things that have worked for myself or for Tony or people that we've worked with to align us with that ignition of the internal truth of who you are. Because I think we've been talking about, there's so much programming that people don't even realize that they're thinking inside of these small boxes. And so, if I want to empower the individual, I want to actually use some of the time if Tony will allow me to share these things that we're doing that are helping ourselves to maybe help other people there. I'm picked it apart further than that. I just know that I'm feeling really blushed by the spirit world to do this. Yeah, and so you guys have the whole evening to do whatever you want. There's no time limit. After dinner, you guys take the stage and evening with Jackie and Tony, so you can split that up. You guys can each do your own presentations. You could do something together. We're going to leave that open. The original thought was because you guys wrote the co-wrote the last book together, you guys could co-speak about it. But obviously, you know, we evolve and we have things to talk about and you have things you want to share. So, however that looks, you know, we'll let you guys have the whole evening and just have fun with it. So, yeah, I think we will have some fun together. I tease Tony because he does like to talk. We'll do something collaborative. It'll be fun and then use some of the time to really empower everyone there, hopefully. Sam, what good did Tony? Your mute is on. So, Tony, it's your turn. You're up. I know you, you know, we went on that trip together to Inyo Kern. And if you guys haven't seen that video that we did, I recommended it somewhere in our library on Rumble, but hang on a sec, are we frozen? Are we? No, we're not. It just looked like it on my end. Sorry, anyway, so we went to Inyo Kern and it was actually, for me personally, seeing Tony's emotional reaction to remember being a place that he was taking during the 20 and back and, you know, you can't fake an emotional reaction like that. I'm not, not that we were ever claiming Tony was faking anything, but whenever you're there and you witness it and you're with somebody and you're feeling the energy, it was, it was very surreal and it was emotional for me too and it was a pretty wild experience. So, since then, I know Tony, you've uncovered a lot and stuff's just been coming to the surface and things you probably weren't expecting. So, you know, what does that look like for you since then and what are you going to be presenting at the conference? Well, yeah, I think me and you should talk about it for a minute on stage and kind of go over it. You've got actually a wealth of the pictures and the video that you were filming the whole time that we were there. And it was huge. You thanks for coming, Tyler. Inyo Kern and Peru, I'm still trying to get into Peru to do the same thing, but it's very dangerous area. But Inyo Kern was one of the few places that I had in my back pocket that had evidence. And we went there and, you know, there were things I called out that we didn't discover until we got there. And how could I have done that? You know, like it's just, there's a lot of, there's a lot of things that panned out in Inyo Kern for one. And for two, I remembered a lot more, like going there and smelling it and feeling, you know, the hearing the planes fly over every day. It's like, I got a bunch more memories that came back. And I really unpacked a lot of things that we were working on, the technologies we were working on. There's a lot to discuss about it. But I would love to touch on that. My feeling is to just let Jackie talk in our presentation, let her go first. And then I just kind of mop up at the end. That's my whole plan. And we sell that because everything that I've been working on. So I got my memories back. And, you know, I've been on your show a few times. And I told my story and Jackie, thank God, you know, probably aliens put us together who work together because the most accurate description is that I'm more like a flood light. And she's more like a laser beam. And we work well together. So, you know, like I've got short short term vision and she's got focus. And so we worked really well together on talks with Tony and in the books. So thank God that happened. But it's progressed now. It's been so long. There's so many things that because of my memories have taught, pushed me in another direction. And because of what's happened, and it's developed. And there's a lot of things that are still panning out that there is to talk. This is like, there's a lot of, there's a lot of things to discuss that I want to share with people this year. And so some of them that I'm not even finished with yet. So I'm just going to let Jackie present and talk about, I think, honestly, Jackie, I think we should talk about how we met each other and started working together in this field because Jack is the same thing she did for you with the website. She did for me. She was called and she helped me out. And I was, people were messaging me on Facebook and saying, Hey, we come on my show. And I said, Okay, and then I went back to work. I was a dad, I had three kids. And you know, I was buried in work. And I wasn't trying to make a website or a book or any kind of show. I wasn't trying to, you know what I mean? I was, I was basically unconcerned with it. And so she said, No, you've got to do this. Is this important or not? And I said, Yeah, it's very important. Of course, she said, Well, you need to put yourself out there. You need to, you know, you need to do this. And so for her, because of her, I am, I am doing it doing way more than I ever thought I would. So Jackie was a blessing to me. And I think we should tell the story of how where you were on the big island of Hawaii and had a basically a visitation. And I was on Maui and had a visitation. And we found out it was the same day. And it was only a few months later that we met each other. By you, you saw me on Gaia, saw me on cosmic disclosure. And then got a hold and you went, holy, she did a holy shit moment. And then got a whole, you know, whatever, you know, watch my information for a, for a while. And then we finally did a podcast together. And we, it was something weird. Like we were like, don't I know you? And we worked together for, we're still, we're still working together today. She was helping me with my website today, too. So right. That's amazing. A lot of you don't know what to say it. I'll brag for you, Jackie. You never do. But what did you get your master's degree by the age of 21? Yes, I did. What I'm saying is that masters in communication by 21. So that's crazy. The laser beam, laser beam. That's what I mean. Right. So you know, focused, extraordinary person. And I also didn't like school. So I just wanted to get through it. I had a lot of pressure from my family. So I was so smart. And I was like, fine, let me just get it over with. I want to say something about books. So and why I think they're so important. And I love that I believe everyone here at some point will have a book. And I know most of us already do. They are not censored yet. You know, it's one way to get your story down permanently and into the world that is not yet censored. And I say yet, because I think that it will happen that as of right now, it's one form of permanent communication that cannot be taken away from the world right now. And I think they're so important. You can burn all the books. I can't burn all the books like they used to a long time ago, used to be able to a lot easier a long time ago. Right. And they can't remove you from the digital world. I mean, I could take you off Amazon, but you might. Amazon, you know. Well, yeah. And if you don't want them to burn your book, just paint it blue. Exactly. Because they will burn it with a UW. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, Kindle first came out. I wrote a comment about it. I said, it's really a wonderful thing. Now, people can read digital books, etc, etc. I said, but it's also in the future, it could be a really dangerous thing because it could burn books without flames. Right. Most content could be manipulated and changed and things omitted. And it would be a great way to burn books without flames. So we have to be aware of what could happen in the publishing arena with Amazon and our books and the Kindle version, and hopefully not the print version, you know. But right now you're right now, you're not censoring. So it's a good, it's a good idea to get things out. And I think things are turning around in the world. You know, Trump gives me a lot of hope, if I can say that. But what really gives me hope is all the people waking up. That's the thing that would be home. Because people are waking up and this is not a population I see. Knuckling under to the new world order. Yeah, I agree with you. I think there's no stopping us. You know, it's just like a giant tsunami and that 100th monkey effect has happened. And I think the number is in the millions right now of people who are waking up and seeing through the bullshit. And you know, I think this year actually, a lot of people are saying it's the year of the dragon, the year of disclosure, like there's a lot of stuff on the plate this year. And I kind of wanted to talk about some of that. And maybe I'll put the spotlight back on Sherry, just because I know she's bringing in information in her sessions all the time. And what do you see? What do you see? Like, is there any sort of future outlook about 2024 and like what we're expecting this year? Yeah, I mean, there's, there's so many incredible things going on. And I just, I've done a few interviews recently, and I've been asked the same question, you know, what's new, what's happening right now, what's on the horizon? And is there evidence of change? Now, most of the people watching this, including us on this panel, know that there has been a lot of change. But what is evident to the public is a whole other, whole other aspect. But I can just take just my clientele of a few, I mean, a few thousand people, which in a grand scheme of millions of people is not that many people, but I do have a good grasp on many people all over the world and different ages and a lot of children, but many, many different aspects and backgrounds all over the world. If you take that, just that number in the last 10 years, when I, when I first started working with people and opened myself up to not working with animals and working with people exclusively, there was a lot of people that were still asleep, not really open to what I did. And over the years, the, the awakening started to happen in a, in a, in a rate that was much faster than before. And then around the pandemic period, more and more people were coming to me. Literally, I just woke up. Literally, I've this a couple of weeks ago, I woke up, I somehow came across your name. Can you help me? And with regard to children and parenting and where we're going with the indoctrination, because what Niara said is so important and it's really what drives me every day, what I focus my attention on is the children, where we're, we are going, where we have been in the indoctrination camps that we call schools and the loose farms is a big part of our past, but not where we're going. And I would say 10 to 15% of my clients that are parents, even three years ago, had homeschooled children. And fast forward three to five years later, I'm at 75, 80% of my clients are now on homeschooled their children. So there's a huge number of parents that want something better. They're looking for alternatives or pulling their children out of the public school indoctrination system and saying, I don't want this for my child anymore. I think that they deserve more and the children are asking for it. And they are so much more psychic, so much more aware, so different than previous generations. They're actually not responding to the indoctrination. They're not responding to the 3D interference. Like I talked about on stage last year with the voice of God technology, the all of the EMFs and all of the negative affirmations being played in the atmosphere, the noise that they actually can hear that we cannot. And some children can actually hear the words being spoke. I'm not good enough. I will never amount to anything. My parents don't love me. I will never be good enough. They hear it and they tell me about it. And so they come in and they're actually distorting and disrupting the frequencies that are being emitted by satellite underground, above ground, outside of the planet, all over the place through 5G towers, everywhere they're being emitted. The children are actually disruptors, so they're disrupting and breaking down those frequencies. And it's not working on them anymore. And so they are not responding to traditional medicine. They're not responding to these things anymore. The labels are breaking down and the parents are saying, I don't buy into this anymore. I don't want to medicate my child. And then they talk to someone and they hear me do a lecture on the truth about Asperger's autism, the spectrum dyslexia, ADHD, and all of the labels. And I explained what's actually going on. And they say, Oh my God, thank you. Someone actually understands my child. And they're not buying into it anymore. So there's a huge breakdown of the system happening right now. And it's been happening very much in the last couple of years. So what I've been told is 2023 was it was a reflection and a breakdown period and an awakening that's continuing into 2024. But in a much more profound way, that's actually visible now to those that are looking for it. So we're looking for it. We see it. But the people who are hiding it are not wanting to see it, not open to it. It's in their face now and they have to it's presenting itself to them. And they have to make a choice. And that's where we are this year of people having abrupt epiphanies and awakenings in 2024. And they have to make a choice. What direction do they want to go? What do they believe in now? And who are they going to follow? And if not, maybe go within. And actually, you know, I do a lot of I love that what Jackie said. I try to empower all of my clients that they don't need me. They can they can activate this wisdom and sovereignty within themselves that they never lost. They just didn't know they had it. And how do we do that? And I don't want to monopolize the time. But that that's kind of a lot of what I'm seeing right now. And it's we're seeing the change. People are participating in it. It's evident. It's apparent to people who just open their eyes, they can see it. I mean, it's just right there. Now you guys see what I mean when I say she's a force to be reckoned with. Yes. That's what happened the first time I saw you present. I was just like, I really didn't know much about you. And I mean, you're you're just on target over the target all time, you're on point and on fire. So thank you for that. And I agree. I agree. I think it's like, everyone's going to be faced with making a choice. And ultimately, like it's, it's you're you're unconsciously making a choice sometimes by the things that you participate in. So that's why it's important to be aware. So you can know, like, if I decide to do this or this, I'm complicit in their agenda, you know, and that self awareness helps you navigate that and steer away from that. So I agree. Does anybody want to add to, you know, what they kind of see happening this year and, and you know, expand on what Sherry said. I would just second that in it, for me, it's materialized. And I used to have all these training courses on how to be more psychic, how to enhance your abilities, how to connect to your higher self. And what I found is, you know, I took a long maternity 18, 18 months or two years roughly. When I came back, the people that I was engaging with as clients, they already knew everything in those courses. It's like, I felt like in those two years, like the entire, I don't know if it was, it can't possibly be the entire population, but it was like the people that are awake are really awake. And it was amazing. Because for me, I got to then bump up my level because I was like, not meeting people at five anymore. They were coming to me at level 60. And I really, really love it. And on top of that, I like what Sherry was saying, because I will a hundred percent homeschool, like, and it is very common amongst my friends that now that people are not planning on putting their children in school, because they realize that you're actually destroying their ability to think for themselves, to really contemplate and think about things. And that alone is holding back. Right, they teach you, right, you don't teach you how to think they teach you. Yeah. Well, it's people are realizing and waking up to how toxic the public school system is and how damaging it is, like you just said, to children. And this is, we're talking at the earliest formative years of their life that that can permanently, you know, damage, to put it simply damage that child for the rest of their life and keep them at this very low level. It's very restrictive. Yeah, it's a very restrictive training. My husband and I have a terrible joke, I'll share with you. But when we do road trips, we, when you look out on the horizon, we have this game high school or prison, because from a distance, you can't tell which is which, because they look the same. It's like buildings with no windows. That's on purpose. I know. I know, but once you wake up to it, you're like, it's so in or it's so in space. Yeah, right, right, down to the transportation, everything. Everything. Yeah. I noticed that in Las Vegas, Nevada, before I moved away, all the new high schools and junior high schools, they were building looked like prisons. It was horrible. They're all interchangeable. Tony, I know you have some thoughts on the future of our education. Would you like to add to any of this? So yeah, so I'm working on, I've been working on for some time now, what I remember going through in the space program, so the form of school that I remember, and we began working on preschool prep. I thought it was the easiest one, the lower hanging fruit. And sorry, I'm getting something here. I thought the preschool stuff was the lower hanging fruit, but it turns out that kids don't really learn verbatim at that age. You're seeing what their reaction is. You're seeing what their, you know, what they're, what they're inspired by what the information. In other words, you don't teach them a picture and then get an answer from it. Jesus on the picture and understand where their imagination went. So there's a whole form of psychology, and those formative years that my technique doesn't really help. So I, and then at the same time, I've sold some corporate training. We're building videos for corporations to train new employees, but I've done a lot of research into the existing school system to the, you know, because we want to duplicate it and form a homeschool version from home that's going to be faster than currently what it is. It's just watching a video and then spitting out whatever, you know, the test at the end of it. And we did a lot of research into it. As long we go, it's still what, it's still the biggest market and where we're going to return to. As we, because I'm building things, I'm continuing to build things. And then there are even more techniques that help on top of the software and the way that we present the information on top of that. There are other techniques to learn even faster, but it's more geared towards the adult, the older crowd. You know, kids that are older, where a lot of that stuff's going to work. So we are going that way because the market is so big, but it's kind of down the road. It's kind of the school system stuff is on the back burner right now, just until I get a few, the manpower in place, basically. But the research I did into school system was scary because all of the curriculum and the benchmarks were basically not the curriculum, but the benchmarks, like, you know, the kids in eighth grade, he's got to hit this mark. He's got to know this. Okay. So then he's in tenth grade. He's got a SAT. So where do we got to hit this? Then they got to do this to graduate. They got to hit these marks. And then now they're graduated. The people that determine that is the United States Department of Defense. And it's global. It's all the free world. It's the US Department of Defense, determines who's going to graduate in Australia. And in the UK, it's the it's the SCORM system. So what is the United States Department of Defense got to do with your education? Nothing. Right? So that's really the current system that most people are unaware of. But when you really start to unravel and dig what like, I want to build my own school curriculum for kids to graduate out of my system. So who do I who do I go to for that? And then at the end of the trail was the Pentagon. So that was super scary. And things like what Sherry's doing and the homeschooling, it's way it's going to be. The other thing I want to touch on is like you're saying this, the psychic development of people and across the board, we're seeing people grown adults. And myself included, their entire life changed because they no longer vibrate. I don't even like the word vibrate, but they no longer fit in the work in the mindset of their current life that they were in. Everybody's kind of waking up and going, wait a minute. I don't have to do this anymore. This is not this isn't me. This is not helping anybody. And they're changing their life. We're seeing an adults. But the kids are going through the same kind of changes. And then it's right one the time they we see the the cloud swab thing where he wants to put chips in everybody. Ten years from everybody has a chip in their head and they got so we are we're we've we've heard this all along. I know you guys have had shows about this where mankind has a choice to go into the mental spiritual development route or the technological route where there's like a hive mind. And so that's kind of what we're seeing. We're seeing the seeds of that sprout right now these days with the AI and with these chips with, you know, once they get a chip in your head, I mean, what are you gonna do with that? How do you shut that off? You can't dig it out with a knife, right? Well, I'm just saying you can't you can't shut it off, right? Always be on there, always watching, always having and you think the voice of God in school, which is terrifying. When you think of that happening to kids and the effect it can have, the other thing about chips in your head is that I would feel a lot better. I would feel a lot better with that. We could trust our leadership and it doesn't take you very long to find them being completely completely immature and untrustworthy. So it's a it's a it's a hard no for me. Okay, can I add something to that real quick, Tony? Please. Is that okay? Do you do you guys know why they started the the labeling program? It's a government program and the reason that they do that I call them the dark players. That's how I refer to them in my book just to simplify many different names, but they know that the spiritual gifts that these children have, whether they're on the spectrum of Asperger's, which we don't use that term anymore, but they're highly intelligent or they are on the spectrum of psychic abilities. They label these children and they want the catalog so they want parents to bring their children to the doctor to get diagnosed so that their kid is on a list somewhere and the government has a list of all the children and their abilities so that they can use that and they can track these children so they have a list of all the highly intelligent high IQ Asperger labeled children. They had they know where they all are. They have a list of them and it's it's in the medical file. They know where all the autistic children are that land on the on the on the opposite end of the spectrum that are very psychic, very ripe rates they can you know so they know where they are so that if they need to use them for that it's a tracking system. People don't realize that. I would never let my child but I don't even take them to the doctor but I would never let them be diagnosed officially for anything because they don't realize what they're actually being diagnosed for. The reason behind it is the government program. All right, me are you raise your hand go ahead. Years ago when I was trying to understand what happened to me I read uh Kathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips book Transformation of America and he said in there Mark Phillips wrote that standardized testing in schools where you sit down in the big room like the cafeteria or something and you're on a timer and you feel it'll fill in the little bubbles on the sheet with a number two pencil to try to get the correct answers. Okay, he said they use those standardized test scores to try to identify people that would be good at work in the CIA. That would be good at work with other things and everything else like that and I was uh I was very good in almost every subject kind of effortlessly except for mathematics. Mathematics got scrambled in my head so I was sitting there doing the test and filling in the little bubbles and I thought there's no way that I can do any of this especially in the time allotted. So being an artist I filled in the bubbles on the paper in the prettiest pen or that I couldn't imagine. Hey and they probably looked at the results of that and thought whoa we'll never get anything out of her and then later in life I write this book that's so well researched and so such an intelligently written book they just didn't see that coming. They just didn't see that coming out of me. I'm sure they didn't. Too bad. Too bad for you. Too bad. Yeah. Right. You know it's so true though you mentioned earlier how you kind of like day dream your way through school and I think it was Heidi Pop if you guys know who she is she she said that she used to do the same thing and she she said I realized that you know we're these children we're antennas right we're all antennas and whenever the information is coming in that doesn't align with you you shut down like it does it's like you just shut down so it's not like you're intentionally doing it part of your subconscious understands that it's bullshit and you don't even know it so it's blocking it and that's that's why you're daydreaming and you know I always knew it was bullshit in high school and everything I especially math like I'm not saying like everything like is bullshit but I I would never have my math homework and and I just like I just didn't see the purpose of the whole schooling system back then and and your soul notes yeah and the more connected you are to that the more you're gonna you're just gonna know intuitively because that's what that is but my teacher would tell me my teacher would tell me she's like Tyler this is the third time this month you don't have your math homework and I said yeah and when I'm 50 years old sitting on my couch watching TV it's it doesn't matter I'm not gonna regret this moment at all like I don't care I just that's how I would talk to her and she would look at me like like what the hell but I you know I've always had that rebel gene I guess but I think like Sherry said I think more more kids are you're gonna have that mentality they just don't care they don't want to learn and they're not going to so we have to find new ways and thank god Sherry is creating a school for you know an outdoor whatever you're doing is amazing it's something we've never seen before and and I know it'll be ready when the time is right but well when I was a senior in high school I got called to the principal's office and they said if we hold you back another year in school are you gonna do any better um and I said no I said I can't deal with this place and I need you just let me out so they let me graduate that year but that's kind of the story of my whole school life I just was a rebel I was a uh a system buster in the system of the school and I just I you know the best thing that I ever did the most learning I ever got was out in the woods all by myself those are the things that learning that I got and unfortunately I didn't get much from my parents because they were alcoholic and severely codependent and mashed I pretty much raised myself out there in those woods with a lot of spiritual direction that is the school though yeah it is cool it is yeah you know I've found myself very lucky that that I had that kind of uh childhood Clifford Mahoudi if you guys know who he is uh native of my zuni elder um who was part of the cochlear mounds documentary he said that when he was a kid like an as a native american their school was nature and their parents would tell them to go go talk to that rabbit and they didn't understand it why why and they would keep sending them out to go talk to the rabbit until they under they knew how to communicate with the rabbit yeah and they would actually develop relationships with the wildlife and but they didn't understand but that was that's what the lesson was they had to go communicate with the rabbit that was their like daily lesson and it ended up being profound and then they learned so much and you know so just the ways of life have been forgotten you know we're so far removed from what it means to be in harmony with the planet but um anyway I want to go ahead real quick I just want to say on that topic nature is on this planet is the most untouched you could say because it's not a part of the programming right it's still it it vibrates very close to source it's very pure so when you connect with nature you're connecting it's it's kind of like a bridge to connect with source very easily and your soul you know and why do you think they want to keep us away from that keep us in a building all day and keep us at a job that you know you're they want to keep you in a city in a job like away from nature disconnected completely because the more you connect with nature the more you're going to connect with that right yeah and the sun is really dangerous they have to be careful out there the sun is well right the sun is well right the sun the sun is dangerous stay out of it yeah that's what they're telling right yeah right be afraid of the sun even like sunglasses I won't geek out on this too much but we actually need to perceive light to prep our skin to receive the sun and it's like this has been going on for a hundred years this you know so yeah there's a lot there's a lot to keep us from nature and you have to you have to question why so I love this conversation well let's let's geek out about the sun because we have the eclipse coming up and you know they're surrounding it with tons of fear I mean the stuff that they're putting out on the mainstream media about what to expect and you know have food prepped and make sure that you have a plan like a whatever like it's just like what kind of eclipse are they expecting here by necessary groceries and gas right right clips make sure you got gasoline and groceries because the eclipse could be are they planning to make are they planning to fake invasion while everybody's looking up right bad idea bad idea right so but they they always demonize the sun you're right and I wonder like does anybody have any thoughts about this eclipse and what it means what the significance of it is go look at the sun do not put on your glasses and go look at the eclipse I do it every time I do it every time and it changes you I know somebody's going to tell you it's dangerous it's going to burn your eyes it's not going to burn your eyes it's going to reset something in your brain and your crystalline structure go look at the sun well that explains why they always tell us that I don't want you doing that because of that reason there is no this reminds me of something who remembers in the 2017 eclipse when trump looked at the sun looked at the eclipse without his little glasses on and the media tore him apart they're saying remember that he did on TV and I know that was intentional and I think you're right like I think maybe looking at it directly might be amazing for us but they want you to cover your eyes with those glasses who knows I don't know maybe it'll blind you so don't listen to me but listen to me take your hands like this and make little slits through your fingers and put it between you and the sun and look at the sun it is not going to blind you I would be blind I've looked at three direct eclipses in my life and every single time it changes me it fundamentally changes me I'm serious all right but if anyone is worried this is not medical advice but I would say look at the sun so far I can still see in fact my vision is improving naturally because I'm working on it by allowing the full light spectrum through my eyes did you know it's illegal to wear to sell glasses that allow the full light spectrum through the lenses really did you know that you're contacts block part of the light spectrum oh yeah they have a UV tint and I've gotten so accustomed to it I kind of love it and then when I take them off and wear my glasses I'm like oh my god what is this so you're fatiguing sorry Sherry you're fatiguing muscles and then internal endocrine responses that you need and I think it has to do with this is from now my off-planet experiences watching testing because what they didn't realize is the UV actually had something to do with longer life they were looking for the fountain of youth I know I'm getting into a long story I can't get into it but I'm telling you the sun will elongate our lives it will let us live longer and we are intentionally being kept from it and intentionally not allowing the full spectrum into our bodies because of the way that it heals and restores us go ahead Sherry no I'm just geeking out because I have this is in my new book and I'm going to talk about it in my presentation and there's actually a collective call the sun rays and it's a group of children that I'm going to I've never talked about publicly yet that that I have been learning a lot from and there is so much information that they have blocked from us the healing ability of the sun the consciousness of the sun itself and you know for me I was so accustomed to wearing sunglasses throughout my life because I was programmed to believe that we needed them that as an adult now I can't wear I have to I have to train my eyes now to be able to look and to be in the sun because they start to water and it actually gives me a headache so I've been training myself for the past three years to take them off and slowly acclimate to the sun but I'm a huge believer in the healing ability of the sun and I moved to Florida a year and a half ago and it was sunny every day absolute paradise and in the last six months there have been more chemtrails than I have ever seen in Maryland here now which Maryland was a huge conglomerate of like you couldn't even see the sky and now they've come here and we've had two months of no sun it's completely cloudy all the time note nothing no sun and it's and people are getting sick they have their memories they're not remembering things missing time missing time so many things so they're blocking the sun for a reason this is a huge huge part of our of the lives that we have have been told and this is a great conversation yeah and they're predicting historical cloud coverage during the eclipse which is of course like how do you how do they even know the festival unless they're gonna spray and block it out but I think we should meditate on it everybody just individually meditate on like a clear day you know and just dissipate those clouds but what's interesting about sunblock too I watched a video a long time ago they said that you know they think that if you don't put on sunblock you're gonna get skin cancer from the sun but the cancer actually comes from the toxins within your body and we're not properly detoxing and what happens whenever you put on sunblock the the sun actually is a natural way to detox it it brings the toxins to the surface when you put on sunblock you're trapping the toxins and they can't escape and it's in the sunblock is actually what creates the spots is what this doctor was saying so you're actually you're actually giving yourself like you're actually aiding in the development of cancer by wearing sunblock and the sun is supposed to be in the sunblock that it's toxic as well yeah and the chemicals in the sunblock yeah so if you ever get a really bad sunburn get chlorophyll drops and put them in your water and drink it and it will process your sunburn chlorophyll is one of nature's most potent detoxifiers like this is legit if you get a sunburn take chlorophyll and it will process your sunburn faster than anything else you can do then there has to be something behind that it's like what you're saying i think it's a combination of toxins and the lack of the nutrition that we need in our body combined yeah that's super interesting stuff yeah i've been a for my whole life i guess i was doing the right thing yeah yeah if i used anything on my skin it was usually coconut oil yeah you're coconut was amazing yeah people people do use coconut oil in the sun that's a real thing you know and our ancestors didn't used to lay out and the way that they program us to to be in the sun is intoxicating to because there is a level in which it's too much and people do burn because they they encourage people to lay out and be in the sun all day and get tan and then they need the sunblock people think they need the sunblock so like our ancestors knew when to go into the shape animals know they want that they'll sit out and they'll get their sun and they know innately when i have a hairless cat has no fur he burns but he knows instinctively when he's on my patio out in the back he lays in the sun and then when he knows he's had enough he gets up and he goes into the shape so they know when their bodies get the level that they need and then they they know innately when to stop and when to move out of the sun but we're not taught that and so it's again that's a whole other level of their programming and manipulation tactics on on humanity right right yeah all cultures that are in heavily sunned areas i just made that up expression but they cover themselves because the layer of clothing keeps you cool so like i mean if i lived in Jerusalem for nine months a lot of people don't know that but there would be like the Bedouin out in the desert and they're covered head to toe they're not they're not out in the sun like like all of the tourists or locals who are at the beach so it's kind of this very unusual behavior with the sun just to um further what Sherry said people that are out in a lot of sun often cover themselves unless they have more um what's it called uh melanin like darker skin right right right it covers themselves and even some people in those cultures do for the insulation in that barrier where your sweat gets trapped and cools you off so our relationship to the sun is black it's all out of black for sure well we're not we're never taught how are you supposed to know you know how like this conversation here like this is something Sherry you should you should teach it should be a class in their school um but Tony what are your thoughts come on do you lay out and tan i've been waiting you guys have been kicking butt so i'm like well i just want to touch on the science of it because our trip to Inyo Kern led me down to kind of a rabbit hole so i remembered they were using laser therapy while we were doing auto body experiments on us kids in Inyo Kern so project grille flame i found the the gap and the funding of it and there was a joint senate arms committee around that project and i found i remembered when we were there when i went home i remember some of the technology and i started researching how to build it myself because i have a remote viewing group and i want to push the envelope of remote group viewing technology from what i remembered from a classified program that had access to space assets and uh it seems they use lasers quite a bit so a lot of CIA people that are called themselves jedi's or laser physicists and uh it turns out that into the near infrared spectrum 1250 to 1500 nanometers oxygenates your brain cells and activates your psychicability better but you know what else does that is your sunlight and when you block it the only way so 1250 nanometers to 1500 nanometers and near infrared will not penetrate your skull basically it'll get it'll get a you know three quarters of an inch in there and it'll oxygenate those brain cells that are around the inside of your skull but it does penetrate through your eye sockets and right behind there is you know your pineal gland so the physiology of it and what you're saying the science is absolutely established cold laser therapy is a real thing you can go buy them right now it's near infrared but they stop at 950 nanometers so they don't want to give you the the real deep penetration uh near infrared wavelengths and the reason being is they oxygenate your brain it'll oxygenate all of your brain cells you have higher brain function so when you're wearing your uv contact lenses and your regular glasses and your sunglasses you are reducing that effect 100 percent so sunlight does this naturally if you go out there's people there's no no coincidence that the hippie movement wanted to stay outside with the flowers in the sun and get all that and connect to nature so you you are literally oxygenating your brain cells individually yeah looking at the sun you know that's my two cents a friend of mine made a made a great point she noticed that um like she was going to the doctor this was a couple of years ago and she started asking her friends too and the doctors were like promoting vitamin D they're like you need to start taking vitamin D vitamin D vitamin D vitamin D and then she saw all the stuff with like Bill Gates blocking out the sun and the chemtrails and she's like holy shit they're trying to replace the sun with a pill like they're trying they're doctors you know they don't promote and push vitamins typically right but they were all pushing vitamin D and she was like this is there's an agenda behind this and that was kind of her conclusion she's like they're trying to replace the sun with a pill and that's why vitamin D is so heavily pushed but they don't even tell you how to properly take vitamin D anyway to like really receive the effects of it but uh there's no replacing the naturals no the artificial there's no it's not the same so in the space programs the sunlight being absent in the colonies was a major problem an absolute major problem so much so that it was a huge luxury for flight crew and they were hated by everybody because they got exposed to sunlight when they visited other planets and came back to earth so we got picked on for being on a ship they got exposed we i got to stand and see the sunlight sometimes there were people that spent their entire time up there and never had direct sunlight they had all of the artificial stuff with the uv that you know they had the fake lights that were doing it but people were still in a stupor from it and very pale and uh they were very they were very upset about it so it was a huge um stigma to be somebody that could get exposed to sunlight even for a few minutes versus those that were stuck in the colony for a long time and they were they were there was it was like a um you know like a prejudice that that was real like you know i don't want to hear from you you were in the sunlight earlier and so i heard that too so that was a stigma and that's a real thing that's a very real effect the fake lights can't can't fix it all the tech of all the fake lights can't fix the the psychological problems of not having being near the sun you know you're always and the more you're without it the more you crave it so if you stay and stay underground the worst punishment we have other than death is to put somebody in the hole with no sunlight and so right so this brings me to the this reminds me of what i hear with the flat earth theory that we have this artifact the sun is like a fixture like a light bulb essentially and it's like this whole artificial thing and so i mean the whole that whole theory skews your connection with source because it forces you to believe in an entirely different set of rules that you know give your power away but it's interesting that like if they get all these people to believe that like we we interviewed somebody who literally said like the sun has like it's a big fixture and it has light bulbs and she saw one of the bulbs burnt out one time and i'm like okay but did you really like if people believe that it's just a light fixture like they're not going to understand that there's there's benefits to receive from it and it's just manipulating the tricking like manipulating people away from that intuitive knowing that the sun is helping them started meeting a boy by a guy named maris Schneider and he teaches people how to reclaim their their natural vision because i'm really sick and tired of glasses and contact lenses okay so part of his program and he's he's an older guy he was actually born clinically blind and he solved his own vision problems and got to the point where he could even get a driver's license without any corrective lenses that's how far he went with his healing his eyes so i'm reading his book and one of the things that he says in there about healing your vision is to look at the sun i think i find that very interesting in the context of this whole conversation it's just kind of a little added thing there that you know looking at the sun is a good thing all the way around yeah sun gazing well why do you think the children are in school six hours a day with minimal uh outside time no sun and and fluorescent lighting on top of that which distorts and disrupts their energy in their orchfield and suppresses and so they don't get to see any sun anymore and a lot of the schools in florida they don't go outside middle school high school they don't go outside at all they and theirs they don't have they don't have recess so there's no need to go outside so they're inside all day with air conditioning and fluorescent lighting no sun it's horrible yeah it's and the fluorescent lighting i've seen a video somebody did a study they monitored the children in the room with the fluorescent lighting and then they've monitored them without it i guess a different type of lighting and like the kids it just naturally agitates you it creates like a chaotic frequency that agitates you and it like the kids become disrupted then yeah i think there are so i can see the flicker and led lights yeah and i i think children still perceive those things because they're not like so accustomed to it and perceived out of it so it's almost like even if it's not at the level of awareness they're still perceiving this flickering that's happening in these lights as well and some of us it's like i can't go you know how when all the holiday lights change to led lights i can no longer go look at holiday lights because it makes me nauseated because you if you're you know all of us have one of our senses is heightened more heightened than the other and definitely mine is eyes and my hearing but you can see it flicker it's extremely disruptive to like consistent thought processing yeah so i think the children are still able to perceive whether they realize it or not as well and that they those that study are talking about tyler they change it to full spectrum lighting from fluorescent and the children calm down i saw that as well yeah and so the whole led light that i mean if you can't tell that that's an agenda my friend of mine he owns a mechanic shop and amaran the electric comes in and like hey we're we're offering you know we're replacing all the light bulbs with led light bulbs for free it's going to save you all the senator and they just came in like they made him set up an appointment and replaced the whole shop with leds and they they're going around every business doing that and obviously you came and buy an iridescent light bulb anymore like or whatever they're called uh because i mean you probably can but they're hard to find because all you can find is led lights and a friend of mine put led light he uh his light bulb burnt out in his garage and he put an led bulb in and he never connected the dots but his garage door stopped working his opener kept malfunctioning and it's like what the heck and he had people come out and everything he finally talked to somebody he goes did you put a new light bulb in and he's like yeah he's like was it led and he's like yeah he goes take it out and put an old bulb back in and he did and start working it was emitting that much frequency that it was disrupting the receiver so it couldn't it wouldn't the garage door would not operate imagine what it's doing to you in your home yeah the emf's coming off of those things are off the charts people people have done emf meters and you can document this yourself you can you can test it yourself it's tons of ems coming off of led lights a thousand bulbs dot com by the way that's where i buy all my inkin different lighting a thousand thousand thousand thousand incandescent yeah that's yes you're killing me you're killing me because i'm a technophile i look i my apartment looks like i'm a teenager i've got leds everywhere it's once i look i like switching the colors yeah and i've got video games and stuff laying around i'm living through a second childhood now so you know i'll work on that when i grow up but you're not the only one everyone's homes are filled with leds right now and some people aren't as like i'm it bothers me i feel it yeah right so i mean i wouldn't recommend it but you know and if you have Wi-Fi or you know i mean so many other things are you're being bombarded with emf's anyway so just you know get organized get um things to help with that you know there's a lot of things you can do to help with that we all need that no matter you know if you're on the grid at all you need you need help with that i've had great success with the Faraday fabrics i've got a giant mine i have the grounding sheet that's got a emf blocker on the sheet that's plugged into the wall that grounds nice that's super amazing i i just got it because i wanted to block and then have a blanket over i sleep with it i plugged it into the wall and i ground it out and i i couldn't believe how great i slept after that now that and a blanket a Faraday blanket i super recommend that to everybody when i wear the Faraday blanket i dream in color and when i when i wrestle around and kick it off with me i dream in black and white and so it's that simple uh it you sleep way better when you block the emf waves also the program at Inyokern had us out there in Inyokern because there was no emf signals out in the middle of that boonies from the at the airfield so us kids they there were no emf there was no electronics right there they could shut off everything in that portable tiler where it was sitting over the edge so that was the whole that was one of the technologies around the remote viewing and the psycho energetics was to not be exposed to emf right yeah that's where i got that from yeah in effect the second abilities right i used to go out there to Inyokern county to tokopa hot springs i used to go out to the hot springs out there tokopa and that was in Inyokern county so i was out there doing things close to where that that place was interesting you remember when what what years were you there but 1990s was in the 1990s and there were times we drove out there i would drove out there with some Cherokee lady friends of mine that were teaching me how to be a Cherokee because i have Cherokee blooded me too and uh and black helicopters were buzzing us on this little bitty backwards hard path of a road to tokopa hot springs and here comes a big black helicopter bringer you know right over us i mean come on back right yeah they didn't like what you're doing yeah they went and see what you're up to yeah my friend regina flipped it off anyway so so really quick just for the people who weren't here at the beginning if you don't know we're giving away a free live stream pass to our conference tonight and all you have to do is go to our new website journey to truth that online and sign up for the email list and send us an email through the website with word free all caps and we will send an email out tomorrow letting you guys know who the winner is and there are two links in the description below that have 10 off discounts for the conference so if you guys want to come and get a four-day pass or a live stream pass if you don't win tonight you can get 10 off it with the links below so take advantage of that and i just wanted to let you guys know in case you missed the beginning um i don't know how long we've been going but i guess we'll slowly start to wrap this up because there's a lot of us here and i don't know what you guys have going on but uh jackie i know you you know we we barely brushed on you know what you offer you you have amazing medium abilities and you do many other things you host a podcast or maybe you can let the audience know kind of what you're up to lately and and where people can find you yeah definitely so easiest place is my website connections with i'm currently well starting Monday leading a book program for soon to be authors who are ready to publish their books and it's a six-week program and it all goes well there will be 10 books out when we finish which i'm excited about so yeah i offer my medium sessions and then i really just kind of followed the calling to do more um it's more i would say more like business coaching for spiritually inclined people and services and just helping really expand that into the world so that's what i'm up to this year coming back out of my maternity leave and what about the podcast the podcast is connections with it's all about my journey as a medium also a little bit what it's like to run a spiritual business and then i have great guests come on and talk about fascinating um concepts i just had a a doctor from new york city come on and talk about um lots of things yeah she does alternative uh can't say can't call it healing or treatments um so she's just doing alternative stuff for people so i know we're on rumble and we have a little bit more liberty now but i still you still have to be careful with what i know we programmed ourselves not to talk about it i know i want to keep everything on here um but yeah the podcast is there and um and then hopefully well definitely my book will be out um by the end of april and jackie is a very gifted medium and i recommend booking a session with her uh i've had a few sessions with her and she's a real deal and you know no doubt so thank you thank you so much mm-hmm now who wants to go next i could it's okay um i have i have two websites one is called encounters with the other one is called facing the shadow embracing the um these are my websites um and i guess hardly anybody ever does this nobody that i know of does it but uh for people that can't afford my book i have a pdf on my website um and even if you have the book going and getting the pdf is the free pdf is a good thing because that way it's in pdf format and it's searchable so if there's something you want to search on within the book and it's a 530 page book you know i wasn't going to come out and say the things that happen to me without giving a lot of backup research to verify what i was talking about but anyway pdf is good to have if you can search it of course i always appreciate when people buy the book facing the shadow embracing the light on amazon um and the other thing that i just started doing because i'm doing so much better these days i'm not exhausted all the time anymore is i'm starting to do um i did a training with Dolores canon and i've earned her quantum healing hypnosis technique and so i'm now starting to do that those sessions with people again um they have to be done in person um and they're extremely intensive and i and i really am prepared to spend the entire day with my client because sometimes it really takes that long we will go under hypnosis i'd take you under hypnosis we do two to three to four maybe even five hours but i'm in there as long as it takes a hundred percent present with my client the entire time and uh it's it's a wonderful process and i really enjoy doing it and i'm really glad to be able to be back to doing it so that's kind of what i'm doing and where i'm at these days and uh it's uh you know life life is just in many ways getting better you know that's that's beautiful that's beautiful thank you for sharing that somebody in the chat just said uh talks with tony tier three woohoo so tony you know you have your patreon and and you have a few different tiers so maybe you can explain to our audience what you're doing with that and where they can find your books and stuff cool so you can find everything at and there's links to my patreon there uh i do shows uh you know same thing interview guests and have a couple shows one or two a month that i put out for the tier one subscription and then there's a tier two there's a live q&a once a month that we do and those can be brutal and i in a good way because we cover a lot of things like it's on adulterated q&a session in a zoom format so those are good and i record them and post them for those people for that tier and then there's a remote viewing group that i've been it's been wildly successful everybody can do remote viewing and i because of anno kern and because of tier three we were doing remote viewing as a practice and i thought man this is good i want to offer this in a different capacity and kind of be serious more serious about it and we are doing theoretical stuff that's picking up in the picking up where the military class of declassification left off so we've been doing some some really cool experiments lately i'm going to present on it on stage this year and it's it's just very successful it's so much fun everybody everybody remote views and they see what they did and then we have the reveal and everybody shocked that they got it right and so we beat the we beat the odds of better than one in two hundred and fifty thousand pretty much every single week and we've done we're doing other experiments with it we're doing we're breaking off in other areas on top of learning remote viewing we're doing other things from it but the idea is that people can turn off the noise that's in your head from everything else and when you're remote viewing you hear the voice that's correct you hear the intuitive voice that's the correct one so you understand it's pitch it's tone and you get to know it better your intuitive voice so if you remote view all the time i'm going to 100 views on it you get that you get that voice down the volume of it and you recognize it out of all the chatter in your mind oh don't do it you're going to fail oh i'm hungry my foot hurts all these other voices that are going on in your head that are taking you away from your intuitive voice your intuitive voice like it's okay it's down there being quiet because it doesn't care and so when you remote view and you learn how to practice and turn off all the other voices you are in touch with your intuition so it's a very valuable thing and so we don't go into the really the the higher phases of the remote viewing it's about practice so it's more like an aerobics class of a remote viewing right tier three i know that was ron i see him out there tier three is basically like remote influencing we do synchronized meditations we do a few tricks bits and pieces to help it but we study the phenomenon of that and what happens is when you when you meditate with a group of people synchronized in a synchronized fashion every week you become like family there's a bond that happens so after Lee and you can tell when a new person comes in it's like the temperature drops in the room and everybody's kind of not quiet for a minute then a couple meditations later that new person is just like family in the group and there's really we're meeting only once a week and talking for a couple hours but it really there really is a bond and you can tell like there's times when we had our synchronized meditation and i got ran away with what i'm doing at home and i go and i go oh oh it's time they're meditating you can feel it you can feel when it's happening and i you know like you get to know that and we have massive results we heal people we do we help people with friendships we help people in relationships and in their life you meditate and get to do that permission first and then you know you believe it and then your life kind of turn it's just manifestation and the way that we police it to where it doesn't get crazy is that everybody in the group has to be unanimously vote on the target and it's a lot of fun and it's the you know it's it really is a talks with Tony i kind of it's a we sit around and because it's a family atmosphere we talk about all kinds of stuff under the sun so it's a lot i do a lot of the long five groups on my patreon and that's really my bread and butter you know and i'm in jackie's book course two starting monday and working on a remote viewing book that's going to have my annual current experience some of the advanced technology that remains classified i'm going to put in the book and it's a brief history of remote viewing and psycho interjects when with us all through history humans are psychic we all know it you all are you just didn't deny all of it but and if you'll unless you are not in denial of it and then you you should practice more like i should right so um the book is going to be about that but i can't understand how important that is for somebody to hold your hand go through the process and write a book and start to finish him and put it out on amazon and be published it's a big thing i think everybody 100 of everybody has a good story you know it's worth reading and i'll say this and i in like and i convict i conviction when i say that 100 of people already have a story today that's worth writing but i want to say this if you feel that you don't if you feel that your life is boring and you know nobody will read your book you need to get your ass up and get out there and do some living so that you know like if you if you can't write a book with it then you need to fix it so because every we all we all are a witness we all are part of creation witnessing creation and creating creation so if you you you have a book in you and so jackie's putting us together for people how amazing is that should be should be everybody should and she should package this jackie i hope you package this and keep it going i think it's an amazing thing and you're gonna liberate so many people with this and like you said really they've opened my caught my eyes and opened my eyes books aren't censored yet get your ass out there and write down that mic drop beautiful and i couldn't agree more and you know jackie when you reached out to me and told me about your course you know i was really drawn to it but i really hope you do this second round because i'm gonna do it and uh erin is doing the first round also so i'm yep i'm doing it potentially erin you've been like this is what's amazing about so how long ago would you say you started your book erin oh my gosh 2019 there you go like when we started the podcast right so at the end of at the end of this program you're gonna have a book and it's potentially gonna be a spur sale at the conference yeah that's the goal yeah yeah it will happen yes you're gonna happen it's written it's written it's already done right um so that's that's incredible yeah and uh somebody in the chat earlier said you know i was hanging out around the bonfire with tony last year uh you know and that's one of the things i wanted to bring up really quick if you guys don't know it's so much more than just the information at the conference like at the end of the day we have a bonfire outside there's a beautiful place to skywatch and you know we all tell our stories it should be written in books right and everybody just gets along and it's so much fun and i don't know if you wanted to just chime in and you know how much fun we have around the fire every year tony because it's like it's like my favorite part of the whole well i hope nobody wipes any magic poop on me this year but i love the bonfire and i'm not gonna hide from it so um the bonfire is an absolute blast and we're out there and i hope so the other thing is i haven't seen the schedule like i don't want to be talking on the last day so that i can relax at the bonfire because i kind of key up before i talk and uh present but the bonfire is the whole reason i'm going like even if you didn't ask me back to talk i was gonna go this year just for that reason just to hang out with the crew with the crowd there um i love people they're my last hope but the crowd is a blast you know what i mean it's like birds of a feather and it's an amazing thing plus near is gonna be there and cherry'll be there and jack you'll be there it's like i can't miss that like i don't know where else i'd rather go yeah i need to know when the bonfire is because i might miss it because i'm leaving one day early oh no it's every night every night every night okay yay every single night we fire up the bonfire and i'm the first one out there going come on okay and the tylor last year said tony there is also a starwatch i was telling people i said come on let's go to the bonfire after i was took out on stage and you said there is also a starwatch tony so don't just um take everybody away from that so but i'm excited about you know what i realized like we all we didn't drive for halfway across the country to go look at the sky like the bonfire connects us all you know what i mean like it's it's such a connecting community you know whenever you're right whatever you can do both you can do both in the same night if you want you know yeah yeah and what's funny is the first year we didn't have the greatest weather and we still built fires in the rain and people were still out there it was amazing yeah um so sherry uh i can you please let our audience know what you've been up to and where they can find you yeah well i just want to plug the conference to i mean it's a magical experience and it was one of the best i've ever been to probably the best i've ever been to last year i had the best weekend week um it was incredible so i look forward to that again and i just want to say how much respect i have for you and erin for putting this together and for all of you on the panel with me right now and and everyone else that's on presenting it's just such an amazing group of people everyone's playing their roles and being part of the change and i just it it really makes me happy to see everybody doing and not just complaining but because i'm a doer you know like what's the solution and we're doing things together and everyone watching this is wants to be a part of that so that's that makes me happy um i have three websites uh shared is where you can people can find me i do my one-on-ones so during the week i work with people one-on-one doing soul readings and and energy healings coaching um with adults and children so i'm doing that a lot i'm also i have the erm is creative learning center where we have offer classes for children and adults on esoteric metaphysical subjects anything you can think of that you believe your child should be learning in in the indoctrination schools we have it and that's for a reason so every month we offer new varieties of classes we just added five new mentors uh to the erm is uh group so i'm really excited about that we have some amazing classes coming up on this month on vocal toning and light language and all sorts of amazing things so um we also have the erm is collective uh which is our non-profit that kind of funnels all sorts of research and things into the different layers of of the projects that i'm that i'm working on um my newest book courage to change the freedom movement is coming up this year it's kind of a part two to star season the great awakening much different than the first two books that i wrote this is really specific and and it's it's about change and how do we and how do we do it and how do we work together so i'm actually really excited about this book even more than last year's book that came out a few months after the conference um i'll be at the conference this year um we have nine children's books out um called divinely guided children it's a series again teaching children what i believe that they should be learning um from young age about energy and of healing um tapping into your higher consciousness spirit animals earth elementals anything you can think of we have a book on it and it's a beautiful series for children so all of my books aren't available on amazon um i just want to say one thing before we end tonight um if i may uh i want to make sure that everything i do is from a place of integrity but also um i don't want to nothing i don't want to instill fear in anybody so anything that we collectively or i individually said tonight that may have put triggered to anybody um and to be in in a place of fear that's not our intention i believe and it certainly is never mine anytime i talk about 3d interference or anything that is designed in our reality to suppress us and to make us forget our sovereignty and to cut off and block our innate abilities to heal ourself and to transmute and transform ourselves into a vault into better people um into into a vault together as a group um it's about information so as you know what's going on you have the ability to make different choices and you start to see through the illusion and the matrix begins to break down through a community like ours and others where we put the information out there so people are aware of all the things that are being done to us and how we're being controlled and manipulated so it's not coming from a place to put people in fear it's a place to it's it's a it's a way for us to empower those watching this to to be better people and to be part of the change and so i just want to make sure that that's clear tonight at least in my intention and saying anything that might have triggered anybody that i were my purpose is to inform so that you can be in a place of empowerment and make decisions moving forward um you know not in fear um so i just wanted to say that tonight to kind of as my last thing my little last tidbit of information yeah thank you for that and are you saying that because of what you said at the conference last year and you had that 83 year old put you in your place that was really funny no yeah i yes and no and many other reasons but i noticed a couple people in the chat saying they were triggered and oh my gosh and like i don't want anybody to be afraid about anything we're saying because we're telling you so that you know to put you in a place of knowing um and instead of vulnerability mm-hmm yeah i agree there is nothing to fear right yeah that's i mean period it's all about right it's all about knowing so that you cannot give into the illusion of fear because it's an illusion it has to get your consent but there's really nothing behind it it's all it's all an illusion because um you're an eternal spiritual being that cannot be damaged or killed the real you cannot be anything that can be damaged or killed is not reality it's which is why this physical reality is it's basically like a dream world that's why it decays and it it can be armed or whatever um because it's it's it's a manifestation it's real on that level but the real it's uh part of you is is infinite physical it's not physical it's infinite and it's beyond way beyond the physical and when you realize that what is there to fear why would you ever fear you know there's nothing yeah exactly well said so um just one last reminder a little shameless self-promotion thanks again Jackie for the new website and if you have and if you haven't checked out you haven't checked out the new website journey to and you can go there sign up for the email list and send us an email with the word free and you'll enter yourself to win a free live stream pass for the conference and if you want to save 10 percent on a four-day pass or a live stream pass those links are below for a limited time only so take advantage of that discount and don't forget about our patreon we have a number of webinars and exclusive content over on our patreon the latest one was the queue operation and the next one is going to be on the music industry and Jackie psychically tapped into that today I don't know if it's scary or impressive but either way so we're really excited about that but there's a lot there's actually a lot surfacing about the music industry right now and it's like all just showing up and people are getting slammed in the face with what is going on behind the scenes and and the level of corruption I guess that's a light way of putting it honestly that happens in that realm so we're going to be covering all that down to some really rare information that we've come across as well so we're we hope you are are excited about that like we are and thank you guys all for being here tonight this was a lot of fun and man I can't wait to see you guys all in person we're gonna have a blast yeah I look forward to it absolutely I can't we did I can't we just go outside and look at the sun tomorrow super motivated now I'm like dude you know I'm I'm gonna make an effort so go for a walk it's actually been freakishly nice so that was I didn't expect that tonight to have that conversation but I think everybody learned a lot from it because we all had info we all put in info on the hats it was great yeah yeah it was unexpected but I love that whenever it's just you know it's organic like that so Jackie we have tons and tons of sunlight here in southwest Colorado amazing I must have sensed that yeah let's all just move there yeah all right just move the cell it's ironic it's interesting that all the people that flooded the Florida in the past couple years and or from now it's getting now it's getting hit with the trails and all that stuff I mean it's no coincidence right yep exactly um okay so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this up thank you guys all for being here tonight thank you to to the audience and if you feel compelled at all to join us you can find all the information about the conference there may 13th through the 16th in Grafton Illinois grab your ticket today before they sell out and we hope to see you there and good night everybody bye bye