Journey to Truth

EP 110 - Jordan Sather - William Tompkins Testimony - Space Force - Ufology - Limited Hangouts

Originally aired on 2/4/21
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Jordan Sather
William Tompkins Interview:

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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So we had Jordan on a while back and we just finished a SSP month and the whole SSP idea kind of came from William Tompkins, he was a big part of my awakening and Jordan just happens to be the last person to interview him before he passed in 2017. So we thought it would be cool to get him on and kind of dive deep into some of Tompkins testimony and hear from Jordan, you know, and get his perspective on all this and tie this SSP information into current disclosure and just even some current events. So welcome back, Jordan, how's it going? Appreciate you guys having me on? Having me on again? Yeah, it was in the very early days of you guys first starting your podcast that you had me on and it's awesome to see you guys grow your YouTube channels coming along, you're gaining subscribers, you're up to episode, like what, 60, 70? No, no, shit, 110. We're on this one. 110. Yeah, this is 110. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, you guys are trucking along being consistent. That's good. So absolutely, I'm down to talk about the Secret Space Program, UFOs. It'll be good to talk about some stuff that's not so like heavily politic miss those subjects, you know, how crazy things have been lately. I think all of our focus has been on more 3D earthly type stuff, but wherever you guys want to take the conversation, cosmically, I'm down. Well, I think honestly, I think that's the one thing that might have saved our channel is because we steer more towards this type of information and we're not so political. Even though we tie it together, I mean, we are also, but we're not just strictly. The aliens keep you safe. Yes. Yes. Getting censored. I thought about that too. I'm like, what if I just make like a YouTube channel now and only talk about something like that seems like they let all that content stay up, but yeah, everything else they take down. But yeah, so, so let's go, let's go back to your interview with William Tomkins, which guys, by the way, I will have that interview linked in the description below if you guys haven't seen it yet. Yeah, it's, I'll send you the, I think it's on bit shoot and maybe I'll just throw it up on rumble so you can link it or something like that. But you know, YouTube took me down Twitter, Facebook all big tech a couple of months ago. So I had to migrate pretty much to every, whatever alternative platform would let me on. And I do have that the full interview with Tomkins on bit shoot. So that out, but yeah, William, I mean, we all miss him. He passed away in August of 2017 for those who might not be so familiar with his story. And it was quite an honor to be the last person to sit down with him to be able to him in front of a camera and get him to talk about some things that maybe he didn't have the opportunity to open up about really with previous interviews, because you know, if you're going to sit down with a 94 year old gentleman who's had this long history of experiencing and witnessing so many crazy, awesome things and then having all this information, people want to ask him just so many questions and whatnot. But I just wanted to sit there, put up for as long as I could and let him just go. And it was great to sit there and kind of did exactly that. He just rambled on and on and on about so many different things. And you know, William, Tomkins story is it pieces together so many different subjects in terms of the UFO subject or topic in terms of eulophology, yeah, talk. We can just go through a quick background on who he is and what he did. Yeah. Or word really late in his life, I mean, he was 80 years old before he started even thinking about putting his testimony out there. And it wasn't until I think 2015 where William Tomkins were Dr. Bob Wood, who has been through the ufology community and you know, had understood sort of what that environment was like. He helped William Tomkins get his autobiography out onto the internet. And that's where we really started learning what was involved in. I wouldn't say he was the start of the idea of a secret space program by all means. But when he came out in 2015, Tomkins did it again, it pieced together so many, so many different things. Tomkins story begins all the way back in the when he was in high school, which would have been in the 19, gosh, 30s, late 30s, early 1940s, and he was a very good model builder. He was incredible at just taking wood and whittling it away and creating these very elaborate models and what Tomkins would do when he was a teenager, when he was a young boy, basically, is that either his dad or his uncle would take William Tomkins and his brother, the Navy on a long beach, he lived in Southern California when he was a young boy. And he would tour a lot of the Navy warships. They didn't allow cameras. And with his incredible memory that he had is basically a photographic memory. He would memorize the distances between all the placements and how it all looked and everything that were on these warships and he would take that back and etch his little models. And his models were so damn good that they were displayed on a shop on Hollywood Boulevard. And they were also so damn good because was it creating these models that they had classified systems on them, placements and where the radars were located and different things that were supposed to be classified. So, one day in 1941 or '42, I think it was, some Navy intelligence officers were walking down Hollywood Boulevard there and they saw these models in the window of a store and they noticed there were things on there that the public wasn't supposed to know about. So they ended up looking into who they found it was William Tompkins, they interrogated Tompkins dad to make sure he wasn't a German and lo and behold it was just young William Tompkins having such an extraordinary design capability and that's why these models were so cool. Anyway, the Navy, they kept their eye on Tompkins for a few years and essentially sort of went into Navy service so when William Tompkins graduated, he went into the Navy and after going into the Navy, he was brought into basically some special projects. He worked with some captains and admirals, very high level people he worked with even though he was a pretty lower level enlisted and enlisted seaman in the Navy and he just did some pretty incredible things. Now, also in the 40s, he witnessed the back Angeles UFO event that took place in February 1942 in Long Beach and this was an event where essentially a big craft came itself over Los Angeles and it didn't do anything, it just kind of hovered there but due to the recent attack on Pearl Harbor, which was just a few months before this, a lot of the people in Long Beach were incredibly nervous. They didn't know what the heck was in the sky so they started launching some anti-aircraft artillery fire at it. You can Google this story and find a lot of different stories of this incident. Some of the stories will be more mainstream just calling it a, I don't know, probably a weather balloon or dirigible or something like that but the cool thing is that he was a personal eyewitness to this so we get a different story than the newspapers will tell us about it and according to Tom, a non-terrestrial and non-earth vehicle that came and parked us and it was just an incredible event that happened. Did he not say that he saw a multiple craft like a whole bunch during that or am I familiar with that? Yeah, so apparently and this one did too many other places or really any other places but according to Tomkins, it wasn't just one craft but yeah, there was a few different ones. There were only about 10,000 feet in altitude and then from this larger craft came out of solar platforms, it sort of flew around and then Tomkins in his book wrote that two of these crafts were actually shot down by the anti-aircraft artillery fire. One of them apparently was recovered by the, and the other one was recovered by the army. Now mind you, this is before Roswell so Roswell was not the first recovered craft by the United States military. They've been others and the Battle of LA may very well have been another one of those craft. Apparently the army took theirs to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, same Air Force Base that the Roswell crash got taken to and then I think the other one was taken by the Navy to maybe China Lake. I can't remember exactly what Tomkins claimed but pretty incredible to hear him eyewitness those things and then his testimony of such. So that was in 1942, Tomkins had then entered the Navy and for four years he worked with Naval Intelligence debriefing Navy spies that were in Germany during World War II and these Navy spies were embedded in Germany looking for secret aerospace research. Not just aircraft but whatever secret spacecraft the Germans might have been working on more specifically the Nazis and then the other secret societies as well such as the Braille Society and others that were coordinating on this research and development in Germany. Tomkins job was to help debrief with the admiral and the captains that were above him and then take that research, take the information and disseminate it to different laboratories and research institutes around the US and apparently he did this for a couple of years. So he was instrumental in a lot of the very early black project development from the shall we say military industrial complex around the 1940s and I don't mean military industrial complex in a negative way but just the whole outfit of beginning a lot of these projects from the institutes, from the colleges and universities, from the research laboratories and Tomkins was helping a lot of that get going. So he worked for the Navy for four years in the 40s and then after that in the 1950s, 60s and 70s he went through a long history working with a lot of defense contractors. He worked at Douglas Aircraft for 12 years in a secret think tank called Advanced Design and in that think tank he was designing a lot of secret craft. He was designing secret, he's working in a black project designing essentially spacecraft and maybe if any of these spacecraft have been in operation, Tomkins might have very well been the person to help with a lot of the initial designs. Do you remember him saying that whenever he was dispersing this information, these documents that they were getting from the spies, he said that these were like above top secret level documents but they weren't labeled top secret in case there was like a car wreck or a wreck. So if the file, anything happened to the files, it would just seem like an ordinary file. They weren't. He said top secret documents aren't labeled top secret. Yeah, the most top secret stuff they would write and make in a way and it just makes sense. I mean if you want to keep something super duper secret, you write it and package it in a way that it looks totally benign to an unsuspecting eye. So it makes sense that he would do that. He also said that a lot of the information that the Navy spies were bringing over from Germany, it was hardly even intelligible because some of it were inscriptions in like hieroglyphics and will look to be other sorts of languages or other sorts of symbols and it didn't even look like something that would even have an understanding of what it was. So yeah, pretty interesting and the thing about a lot of Tompkins testimony is that in trying to piece it together, well, number one, he had quite an incredible recollection for a man in his 90s, talking to him, I mean, he was sharp, he had a sense of humor and it really made it really gave it a sense of credibility, he was able to recollect certain things. So it really made you think like, wow, telling the truth. And also you think about a man in William Tompkins situation, he didn't have anything to lose and he didn't have anything. So you think if a man's coming out with this kind of information, what's in it for him? And there was really nothing in it for him except getting his truth, his testimony out there. So it's really fascinating, you know, when it comes to UFology, there is so much weird shit in the UFology, I guess, community, UFO community, honestly, a lot of it I think is and probably BS. But Tompkins, when it comes to him, I take a lot of it with more seriousness than I take other people's stories and testimonies. And you know, there's a lot of reasons, there's a lot of corroboration. He brought quite a few drafts and even some signed documents from the admiral he used to work for. So he had evidence and he had things that would, you know, corroborate what he was saying. Anyway, he just had this fascinating story of his youth then going to work for the Navy, and going to work for these different think tanks and defense contractors for many decades into his life coming forward with his story. And according to Tompkins, he still had some certain Navy contacts toward the end of his life. And I don't know about the veracity of these claims, but he said, Tompkins said that he was even urged or, you know, influenced to come out and start telling his stories. So why I always wonder if that was even true, you know, was Tompkins actually by maybe retired Navy officers or probably not active duty, but maybe active duty, even officers? Was it for some reason or another with this story? Yeah, that's interesting because, yeah, you're saying that he's claiming it wasn't on his own that he decided to come forward. He was being pushed by some other people. And that's interesting. It makes you wonder why they would be pushing for that unless, you know, I don't know, maybe getting correct, you know, again, not saying that everybody has 100% of the truth. But if he was urged to come forward, could that have been done because Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumba has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Stay for free anytime anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumba sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply for now for who knows, you know, or who knows. So Tomkins is just great story from him. He's got a couple of autobiographies out in 2015. Part two came out last year about a year ago. And then apparently Dr. Bob Wood is working on a part three to his posthumous William Tomkins biography as well. So that's called that's selected by extraterrestrials, right? Yep, selected by extraterrestrials. And, you know, we can only touch on, we have only touched on a sliver of William Tomkins sort of full story. That first book selected by extraterrestrials, it is a, it's kind of a difficult read because it was written by a man who was in his 80s and 90s, but it is a, you know, it's a lot of these different, different pieces. And it shows a lot of getting data to putting all this together. Yeah, and my favorite part about his testimony is learning about what was actually going on in Germany and them going to potentially going to Antarctica and all of that stuff. And that stuff is what really interested me because this technology was existing in the 40s. How did they get this technology and how long have they had it? This was, this was the test. This was the information that really got my wheel spinning when it came to my awakening. Yeah. And again, you know, Tomkins story just so many different things. So he witnessed the battle of LA. That's awesome. It was debriefing those Navy spies and learning about what was going on in Germany. And apparently a lot of those Germans were, were some of those secret societies were going down to Antarctica building bases there. And we, we research operation, high jump and it sort of puts that into perspective, like, okay, maybe, maybe the US Navy and Admiral Bird heading up that operation in 1947. I think it was, they go down and basically got their ass kicked in Antarctica and wondering, well, what happened there? Well, maybe it was the Germans in those UFOs they saw. Maybe it wasn't ETs, but actual humans and some sort of secrets. And then you think of all the sightings over the 50s and 60s over the decades. Maybe a lot of those flying saucers that we saw were piloted by humans and not piloted by ETs. Well, like the like the DC, there's so many different things and gives you this big perspective. But DC flyovers, he claims were the Germans. Right. In 1952, the DC flyovers. And then I would argue that a lot of photographs that we have from the 50s, because there was this huge, huge, exciting and photographs of people got beginning in around 19 late 40s. They had the Kenneth Arnold incident in 1940, I think that was 47 to DC flyover and 52 and a bunch of photographs starting all really around that. And they were all kind of the same looking flying saucer, your circular shape, like they all had very similar looks and designs of the craft. And of course, the mainstream, the media, the mainstream narratives, they were fine with people thinking it was ETs. Of course, most of the time, they tried to pass it off as like a weather balloon or swamp, whatever shitty excuse. But if people didn't want to believe that and just went straight to, oh, it's extraterrestrial, it's almost as if they were fine. They either wanted people to completely or think it was ET, because then that way they can brush all their secret toys under the rug and people won't even, they won't even think that maybe humans, maybe people on this planet have advanced to that sort of level, it's just kept secret. So that's one of the biggest secrets that they don't want out there, is the fact that humans, ever country it was, whether it was the US or Germany or maybe even, but some sort of transnational group, humans have had anti-gravity technology and other technology that since the frickin' '40s, if not earlier than that, if not the 1930s and '20s, even in different parts of the world. So that's a very massive secret that they try very hard not to get people to think about. Which is why when Bob Lazar first came out, they attacked him so hard and tried to discredit him so much because he was literally, at least the first big person to come out and say, "Hey, we have this technology, this anti-gravity," and he's literally saying, "If we have this technology, we can solve all the world's problems and this would change the whole world," and that's one of the main reasons why he, well, he was too hit to protect himself, but also he's like, "This stuff needs to get out." Yeah, I wonder with Bob Lazar though, when I see the groups and organizations promoting him and working with him, I wonder if he's legit, he's gotten quite a bit of attention and recent last three, four years, and I'm not so sold on a lot of the stuff he's saying, so it might be kind of like a misdirection sort of thing. It could be, it could be. I could go either way with him, I'm kind of just holding it, okay, we'll see what happens with him. Yeah, and that gets into the very good conversation of where the whole UFO, or I guess they call it a UAP phenomenon, is going these days, is that the last four years or so we've had the idea of UFOs hit the mainstream in a massive way, and on one hand, that's a good thing. It's getting people to think of these sort of different or alternative realities. It's getting their mind out of the box a little bit, but at the same time, when I'm seeing the organizations, the organizations that are pumping a lot of this research and what they are saying, it's kind of like taking people's minds out of one box and just putting it right there in another box, except this other box just has aliens in it and UFOs in it. It's slightly bigger box. Yeah, it's just a slightly, it's still very enclosed. Yeah. So, for instance, you know, the first media organization that started printing articles and really this recent, this modern UFO wave going was the New York Times. The New York Times were the ones in December of 2015 that released that article with those black and white videos that you've seen a million times and, you know, it's like more video, you know, where, you know, same thing for decades. Yeah. New York Times and ever since then, the, the people are so they're Tom DeLong's group or people formerly associated with Tom DeLong's group, same ones on these media outlets on CNN on Fox News saying pretty much the same things that we've heard for years and years. And it's just, it's weird. It's like this very watered down, white washed version of disclosure. And I've see it infiltrate the UFO conferences too, the, the kind of more underground, ufology community. A lot of the UFO conferences have really taken a hold of this, like to the star, the UFO disclosure initiative, and that's like, now, and yet everything else, any, any deeper ideas or deeper discussion they've, they've pushed out. Yeah. And I know some people, some big people in the UFO community have mentioned that they're like, that we've, they said they've tried to reach out to, to, to the stars or to some of these people and they want nothing to do with them. It's like they're, they're intentionally cutting themselves off from the whole rest of the, of ufology, because they want to, like you said, kind of steer the narrative in a certain way. Yeah. And these conferences do too. You know, I, I want to be like the big deserting, like this is, this is everything. And it's like, no, there's so much more that so many other people are, have been revealing and talking about, but they don't want, they don't want to give that any credibility because they have a specific agenda. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. They just want to stay in their little politically pigeonholed narratives that they're in. But I mean, even the conferences are doing, I tried to, I tried to push the envelope a little bit of contact in the desert a couple of years of contact in the desert is funded in most part by Gaia. And I wanted to talk about Q and I wanted to talk about John Podesta in a, in a not so good light and a bunch of other things. Then, yeah, I was definitely, I was definitely, then you get censored, didn't they like not even give you to put the video for your, they said you said where and you didn't put my DVD out. People were going to try to buy the DVD after it gave my time to been there along with everybody else's. But mine was the only one that was not available. And they told, yeah, contact in the desert tweeted on their Twitter account that the reason they didn't put my DVD out is because I cursed in it, which was a bold face lie. They just likely didn't want to put it out because of my subject content. And then after that, I had one episode that I did with George Nuri on Gaia back in 2017 after the contact to the desert. So Gaia got mad, Gaia got mad, but uh, so yeah, the whole UFO sort of spectrum, although you brought up the point just a minute ago that like the to the stars guys, they, uh, it was a few years ago, they like wouldn't talk to anybody, yeah, no one. No one. Yes. Yeah. Totally correct. Although I've noticed recently that that's sort of changed. So over the months, Lou Elizondo, I don't think he's affiliated with Tom DeLong, any more, but he was. And uh, Chris Mellon as well, the, the rich banking family guy, I mean, he's Lou Elizondo too. He, uh, James Clapper was the one that and staffed him at the A tip project, but all these guys, they just have actions recently, they have reached out and started doing more interviews, but you look at who they're doing interviews with now. It's the same. Where it promote the very watered down narratives. So really when I'm looking at this sort of UFO disclosure operation, this big side that's gone on for the last three, three and a half years now, I call it the, uh, out UFO sort of disclosure side up. If you look at the limited hangout is in spook speak in spy speak, the hangout is when somebody starts like figuring out or, or questioning what's really going on. They're starting to get a hint of something that something's up. They'll offer so a spy or somebody just trying to conceal the truth. They'll offer up a tiny bit of what's going on, a little piece of information and then try to brush the rest under the rug, hoping that that little piece that they volunteer pacify the person or make them stop questioning. Yeah. I think that's what's going on for disclosure in that so many people are waking up are asking these deeper questions or looking past the mind controlling mainstream narratives that they are trying to hood week pretty much everybody. They're offering up a couple of videos, which mind you were never certified the, these to the stars, black and white videos that we've seen over and over again, actually classified. They were just kind of rushed out the back door of the government and then leaked to the New York Times. And I think it was Chris Mellon that did it, but videos weren't classified and all these stories that we're hearing about this secret UFO probe from like 2008 to 2012 or something like that. Oh, it's a drop in the bucket and of course, any logical, reasonable person with a semi decent IQ will say, oh, yeah, CIA is not going to give us all the information. Come on. Like, why would we think that they're going to offer up ever? What I'm seeing is this big limited hangout being done with UFOs to number one, set up their gatekeepers. They're setting up their gatekeepers of disclosure. So you've got these Tom DeLong to the stars, guys that they're getting all the mainstream press. And then they're going in doing interviews with these, these people in the UFO community and giving them this like sense of credibility to a lot of people. So it's, it's a way they're sort of setting up the gatekeepers of disclosure and also managing the narratives of it. Yeah. That a lot of these out of the, the new UFO community, a lot of these mainstream UFO narratives, they act like there's no way that these craft on the black and white videos could be man made. It's like, we talked to people who are really into the Tom DeLong stuff, like promoted a lot. We don't have this technology. This is crazy. Yeah. Exactly. It's like, they think that's crazy conspiracy theory. It's like, what do you, do you actually research this stuff or do you just get your talking points from ancient aliens on the history channel or something like that? Or Joe Rogan because Joe Rogan pushes that same thing. Oh, yeah. He's super diet woke 1000 like, and you think Joe Rogan, who wall has Joe Rogan had us to talk about UFOs? TTSA. Tom DeLong. Yeah. Tom DeLong, Stephen Greer, Bob Lazar, Jeremy Corbell. Good flavor. One of the pilots that apparently shot that black and white video of the UFO that the New York Times leaked. It's all like, it's perfectly mainstream, like exactly what the military industrial complex would want us to think. Hey. So I don't think Joe Rogan picks his guess quite honestly, if he does. I think you've got a very narrow window of what he can ask and very, you know, that's why I call it diet woke. I think early on, he maybe he was able to pick his guest because his show shifted at some point. Maybe, maybe is when he signed the Spotify contract or hit a, maybe is when he hit the millions. Joe and they told him, well, Joe, if you want to keep going, Joe, you got to have these people on and say what we tell you to say, but I don't know. You know what's interesting about like talking about all this technology and what William Tom can saw in the 40s, 30s. And that's what makes things like SpaceX so laughable. Like we're still trying to get off planet with rocket thrusters. Why? But did you see the today, the SpaceX launch that crashed, the crash landed? Oh, it was that today? I think it was. I saw something disclose TV tweeted it out or something and they showed a video of it taking off and coming back down is exploding. Yeah, I had a couple, a couple of gaps like that lately when they tried their resets and they didn't land properly and blew up. You guys, you know, you explained a lot of my thoughts perfectly there about SpaceX and these different modern day so-called advanced space research groups, even NASA, we could throw in there. Listen around with rocket fuel with glorified bullets. Yeah, this big bullet is controlled explosion, makes it go, makes it go room. We've been dealing with that stuff for a hundred years, man. Longer than that. I haven't advanced that technology in a hundred years. Right. You look at the typical way that technology progresses. Look at our phones, for instance. Yeah, exactly. Ten years ago, we had these flip phones and nobody knew what an emoji was, nobody knew what an app was, but whole within ten years. Now we have phones that can take 4K video with widescreen, you know, while it is and all these different apps and it's just, it's an exponential growth, the growth of technology and innovation, yet when it comes to aircraft and aerospace propulsion, we're still dealing with fricking rocket fuel, granted, yes, they have scramjet, ramjet engines these days and sure, maybe the miles per gallon is a little bit better on the aircraft and they're a little safer, sure, but they're still like, I'll pressurize tubes that we said and it's ancient stuff. And you're completely right, SpaceX is totally laughable when you're, when you're thinking about space propulsion and I think, I just think it's a big smoke screen. Same thing as NASA in the 60s and 70s and 80s. It was the organization in the smoke and mirrors. They would sell it to the mainstream public as being the latest, greatest, most advanced that he'd done in space, meanwhile, in other corporations, such as Lockheed or Boeing or, you know, funny enough, Boeing actually bought McDonald Douglas, Douglas aircraft, which William Tompkins worked for, right? So Boeing. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumba has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumba, sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary, VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Bought up quite a few aerospace companies and you wonder what they actually have in their secrets projects. So Lockheed Boeing, Northrop Grumman, TRW, which Tompkins also work, the Rand Corporation, you wonder what these company think tanks really have access to, the true information, not with sex and NASA and what's sold to the public. Those are two totally different, totally different realities. You got the public reality, which really isn't reality. That's the illusion we're sold of rockets and all this. Then you got, okay, what's been actually developed and actually the pinnacle human achievement and that is your flying saucers, your black triangles, your cigar shaped craft. Sure, there probably are some UFO sightings that we get that are extraterrestrial, but the majority of those sightings that we see are probably man made, let's be probably man made. Well, let's go ahead. I was just going to say, let's also not forget about the actual patents that are out there that are questionable, but still there's patents on some of this anti-gravitic technology. The Navy, operable patents, there's even a TR3B patent, Johnson, Claire, Q or whatever, but I don't know, what are your thoughts on those patents? Well, I mean, it is such a the imagination to think that humans have already developed gravity controlling technologies and not even a stretch of the imagination to think that they did it 50, 60, 70 years ago. A king of patents, you could go back to the 1940s and look at the like Thomas Townsend Brown, T-Towns and Brown were filing that got approved patents that I think in England and in America. The American ones might have been classified since, but he was taking high voltage electrostatic charge and charging metallic disks, literally making them levitate and fly around. He was doing this not very large disks might have been four or five feet in diameter, but I think the reason why it was classified is because Thomas down the brown figure giant disks and put people in them. So that was back in the fricking 40s and he was just one person, there were more inventors than just him. Then we had the invention secrecy act passed in 1952. And with the invention secrecy act, it stated that pretty much any branch of government could classify a patent as top secret over national security concerns, which of course is the big way of saying that they can classify anything for whatever they want. And it's been said that there are, well, there actually is, you can find the documentation of this, but five to 6,000 patents as of today that are classified as top secret, most of them probably have to do with energy. And that's just from what we know of class on the public surface too, you know, those are just the patents that got approved. A lot of the time when you have an inventor who's looking at anti-gravity or zero point energy research or something similar to those topics, a lot of times they don't even make it to the patent approval process, mysteriously burns it down or they get paid off money talks, spineless people. They give up their research because they got a paycheck out of it or they're threatened. So they stop or, you know, there's a lot of ways that the patent can get a or the invention can get derailed. We have a lot of secret patents. And then you've got the ones that now are coming public. I want to address the one you mentioned about the TR3B and Johnson-Claire. That one is not an approved patent. That one was just an application that never went past the approval stage. So that one's not a real patent. I do address that because how does it how does it make it onto Google patents, though? You could go on to Google patents and look at the the process of it and it can say that it was says application, it doesn't say actual approved. So patent applications that can make their way onto Google, but they're not actual. They haven't been approved quite yet. So I Johnson-Claire, one, he's got like a dozen patents, whoever that guy was behind that pseudonym. There's like a dozen patents that I think he tried to file all for shits and giggles. He used an address in like Puerto Rico. So I think the person, whoever did that, was just kind of a joke to see if they could get it approved. But nevertheless, aside from the Johnson-Claire patents, we have the Salvator paste patents, which these ones have been approved. And he is an inventor for the Navy, and he's even said like we need to get these approved because our advert could be working on them was the way they put it. But essentially, it sounds like the Navy is trying to disclose some of their operable technology through these patents, through their inventor Salvator. And it's, yeah, these patents are pretty incredible. And it really makes you wonder if, sorry, because, you know, we have Q, we have different things that are letting us know that the military is trying to disclose information and make some moves against the deep state. But with these patents, I wonder if they're trying to sort of open up the process for the full disclosure, figure out ways to get technologies and out to the public. They could be doing that with these Navy patents. And they could be doing that with the Space Force too. That's what I was just going to say, they could be doing that strictly for the Space Force. Maybe what they're releasing or showing is some of the craft we're going to start seeing introduced or rolled out through the Space Force that have already been existing. But it was interesting in the very first days of the Space Force to see against it. You would think, I mean, we haven't had a very created in 70 plus years, thousands and tens of thousands of satellites in orbit right now. It makes sense that we would create a Space Force as we get more developed and begin venturing out into space. But there was a lot of bureaucratic opposition to it. In the Pentagon, a lot of politicians, of course it was a Trump proposal. So a lot of politicians just wanted to be anti-Trump to go against it. But it was also intriguing because the Secretary of the Air Force, at the time, I think her name was Heather Wilson, she was really against it, the Space Force. And so the fact we had opposed to it was like, I wonder why, I wonder why these people are so against it. They're doing it again, that Cindy's circle back girl or whatever her name is, every time she's asked about it, that's the one question she doesn't circle back on, she starts making fun of Space Force, she's turning it into a joke again. I can't stand her, so I haven't really sat down to watch any of the press briefings. But I haven't seen her being asked the question of Space Force, I'll have to check that out. Twice now, you should check it out, yeah. Yeah, if you got a link to a tweet showing the video or anything, let me know. I'll send it to you, yeah. It is, yeah, it's getting to see the opposition, it makes you wonder. And it definitely makes you wonder that there could be some definite deeper reasons as to why the Space Force was created. And then you have what Q said about Space, those particular drops. And you know, I know a lot of people are confused about Q these days and a lot of people thinking it's a big bad scyop and things like that, there's just, there's a lot of mis and disinformation and controlled opposition out there trying to attack Q anyway, another conversation another day. If we're back channel being Q that military patrioting to disclose information through and they were working with Trump, you know, those drops, space programs exist outside of the public domain, life exists, you know, consider the vastness of space, this classification, the extraterrestrial subject is, I mean, just a couple simple statements said so much because look at who is disclosing it and look at who is authorized that program to disclose it, that program being Q, the person authorizing it being Trump, one of them and whatever other high level military officials were in or on Q team or read into that program. Those few drops on space say so much right there. I mean, that's, that's disclosure, you could think of it in a way. That is a massive piece of disclosure right there, confirmation of many things. Another reason, another reason they're trying to sweep Q under the rug right now, I mean, so many different reasons they were, you know, they were getting people thinking, getting too many gears turned into people's brains. Key was, and we'll see, we'll see if they ever post again. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. But what we got coming up, I think, in the next few months in this country, be interesting. And I don't even want to get into the whole speculation thing because everybody over the last month or two putting out their speculations or their inside sources on the internet just getting burned to oblivion. And a lot of them have been downright wrong. But I don't know. I mean, it's, it's. There's definitely stuff happening, though, I know for sure. What's that? There's definitely stuff happening in the background. Dude, yeah. It's like, even though it looks quiet, like, Oh, yeah, Joe Biden was sworn in and he was not in President Trump's censored off the internet, and he's not saying anything. It's like, when it's, that's almost when you know that most stuff is going down behind the scenes and actually, in the last few days, I'm looking at what's happening in my and Mar. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. That's too much research. The coup. Yeah. They're, they're trying to determine if they were going to label it a cue or a coup or not to determine whether or not they would, because it might cut off their foreign aid. Did you read that article? Yeah. Yeah. So in my and Mar, they just had an election last November. And yesterday, their military in an arrested, a good portion of their government and the Myanmar military said that they arrested them because of a rigged election. Sound familiar? Interesting. Now, it might sound like, Oh, military, you know, bad news or something like that. But when you look at the reaction from that and the reaction reaction from different politicians and globalist puppets around the world, it's like, wow, it's pissing off like all the right people. They're all looking out about it. Right. Yeah. So the Joe Biden administration today said that I think what you just mentioned, like we're defying this as a coup and we're stopping all, all foreign assistance to the country. You've got politicians around the globe saying, Oh, I condemn what's going on. It's a coup. It's bad news. The media in America here is, you know, they're downplaying it as being an awful thing and they're saying that a democracy is stifled there and the democratically elected government is, you know, it's, it's just totally looks like they're covering their ass and it looks like they're terrified. They're terrified of people catching wind of that. And you know, it really makes you wonder if that's the first domino that's falling that's going to begin falling for other countries soon enough. Maybe the US, one very fascinating data point I saw yesterday about this Myanmar thing is that's former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state of under Trump, of course, back on November night. He made a official statement to the press, a public statement about the elections in Myanmar. And he said we're going to be monitoring watching the situation very closely. Mike Pompeo said that about Myanmar of all places, like, yeah, like a random country to random, right. And then what happens two, three months later, Myanmar military arrest their government for stealing an election. You know, clearly, I know a lot of people are going to be saying, well, why didn't our military do it? Why haven't they moved? Why did they let Joe Biden get inaugurated? As much as I wanted them to move, as much as I thought something might have gone down on an agenda around then, I think there are very sound arguments as to why maybe our military let him hold the president's seat, you know, just they let it. Yeah, they could have if they wanted to, for sure. Right. And that's what I was thinking. I'm like, if they could have, they could have moved, you know, Q was saying it had to be this way, had to be the hard way there, got to walk through the darkness before you get to the light. So, I mean, plus if you actually read Q's drops, they were never talking about a big area. They never mentioned the insurrection act or or martial law. Talked about what a lot of these so-called, you know, Q authorities out there on social media now have somehow been saying, Simon Parks. Yeah, yeah, but he actually read Q's drops and they even questioned us, I think back in October, if Joe Biden became potus, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. So maybe this was all part of the plan, right? And, you know, maybe Myanmar was one of the first dominoes and it makes you wonder as well. When I look at the situation of Myanmar, if if the military in Myanmar was really concerned about state or the Biden administration or anything of that nature, would they have made a move? No. Yeah. Maybe they know that this Joe Biden administration is just some placeholder and maybe they had assistance from the U.S. military. Yeah. He always said, Hey, watch that situation of Myanmar very closely was to say that there wasn't some sort of assistance or maybe green light given or something like that. And that's why I'm thinking that maybe Myanmar is the first domino. And we could see that soon happen. You know, I will say with Joe Biden getting in the presidency, weeks of his administration have been such a shit show that it's waking up people left wing, right wing, no wing, like a lot of people are waking up to it. And then also it helps the situation in many ways. Donald Trump sort of out of the picture, for lack of a better term, or at least out of the public picture temporarily. And then have the military make a move while Joe Biden is president. That helps the optics of everything like incredibly a lot more. Exactly. Well, that's just that's just it. We have to remember that this is optics like nothing that we're seeing is actually what's happening. Like there's, I mean, I think the main reason, like you said, is the optics. I think if Trump would have still been a Trump would have won and then then they would have done all this. It would have looked a lot of people like, yeah, like Trump is a dictator and this is a big takeover by the Trump exactly. Yeah. Trump would have looked. They would have sold it like Trump being an idiot would have completely ran with that of course. Right. So, okay. Let Biden get in there for maybe a couple weeks or a month or two, have him sign a bunch of executive orders or, you know, how much Biden is being leveraged or how tight the strings are maybe they're just letting him in there to hang around for a couple months. They know he won't do too much damage or be in long enough to do too much damage and then the move. So we'll see. We have the impeachment trial coming up next week, so who knows what that might be speaking of and teaching someone is not president. I'm going to. I'm going to be playing or playing paying close attention to the Super Bowl, the halftime show. I don't know why. Right. I think I think that for something the day before the impeachment, I don't know, it's it's it's a it's an interesting date. It's, of course it's sports. So I'm not surprised that it's like Kansas City versus Tampa Bay and Tom Brady. It's like it just, you know, of course the elections rigged and the stock markets rigged who wants to say corporate sports isn't rigged, but it is and yeah, then we got those couple of Q drops, which said the Super Bowl reference like what's coming will make the super show. Those drops were from like 2018 and then I think in 2020 last year, Q said the exact same thing. So I'm like, it is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play like spin slots, bingo and solitaire. You can claim free daily login bonuses too. And they release new games every week. So spice things up with Chumba Casino dot com now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Maybe it wasn't for last year's, maybe it was for this year's Super Bowl or something like that. And then like you said, it's the day before trial. Well, did it, did it not say that day after I said the day after the Super Bowl will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show or did it not say the day after? I don't think it said the day after, but yeah, I could be a, you know, there's been a lot of drops and some of them were years ago. There's just, there's a lot of weird signaling around those particular days and some interesting one and two year deltas that we get from Q's drops around February 8th and 9th or so. So I think those days are definitely going to be and then that impeachment trial, you know, will see if it goes to a discovery process, if it does, that would be interesting. I will see if the Senate votes yes, if the Senate really does to impeach, then that breaks some constitutional law. That could open up the floodgates to something else. If this impeachment just kind of flops and Trump gets acquitted and it goes bye bye, well then like what's next? There's got to be something next to the media. They're struggling. They're struggling so hard. I think CNN's viewership dropped by like 40% in the first week of the Joe Biden administration because they don't have Trump to hate on anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and they pulled CNN out of the airports, which is just, yeah, that probably was a big cut to it. Like, no, nobody's watching this shit anymore. No one's watching. Yeah. So we'll see, man. We'll see what happens with this impeachment. And then the first few, I guess the first few weeks of February should be a should be an interesting time. I think we're all still kind of still kind of waiting for something to happen, even if it's just like a cue drop or anything back and saying something or anything seriously. We're ready. It's a bone, man. We've been, we've been here. We've been fighting throwing us a bone, man. Did you see what's going around about apparently Vegas is holding off and paying out any bets on the presidency until March 5th? I think I did see that too. I saw people say that, but there's a difference between seeing it then, you know, finding it from the source. I don't even know how to check. Yeah, I don't need the bookies, the books of the bookies. I don't know, but would be interesting if that was true. Yeah, if it is. Yeah. I mean, like you said, I have heard it said twice now from two different sources, but I don't know myself. The main thing that gives me comfort is seeing how the military is acting. It does appear they're not, they're not really acknowledging Biden too much at all as the president. They're kind of stonewalling him. Right. I did a little digging today with a friend of mine, and we were looking at some of the Twitter accounts for the military, like the army, navy, Marines. And we went through the following list who the military Twitter accounts were following. We couldn't find any of them that were actually following Joe or the POTUS account, which Joe Biden now now heads. But they still follow the at at POTUS 45 account. Correct. Yeah, there you go. So I don't know if that was purposeful. If it was purposeful, that's definitely a big sign right there. There's so many things though that that happened, like they had their backs turned, you know, when they went by, they, what was it? Well, it looked to me on inauguration day, private plane, like all the different. Yeah, the private plane, yeah, it was like for a foreign dignitary or something, instead of the one for that it should have been there's so many things that point to like they're not acknowledging right now, we have more national guard going into DC. Some more bus loads. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And there's more. Yeah. And, you know, weeks kind of be, I'm waiting to see if what happened in Myanmar will happen in another country and then like another country. And then at that point, I think even America will be like, whoa, maybe, what do you think what do you think's going on with the stock market that that could have been a big domino to, I saw in Germany, one of their central bankers was arrested, publicly arrested today. I watched a video. Huh. I didn't see that. Yes. It's a big name. I'm not, I don't know is I don't know who it is, but apparently he's like a big wig over there and he was like being arrested publicly and kind of like what we hope to see happen to some of these other people. I just wonder if it's tied in with this whole game stop thing and I don't know. It's interesting. And the other with the stock market is another instance that is definitely red pilling and the most beautiful thing about it is that it's not it's not political. Yeah. Process cultural divide like it's just people that's investing in stocks and finances. And they're seeing how big tech is colluding with Wall Street is colluding with the media is colluding with like it's a it's just another thing that's like people are seeing. Oh my god. This is bad. Yeah. And yeah, so with this whole game stop situation, I think a lot of people are speculating like oh, Trump's involved or Q's involved or something like that. I think it arose a little more organically than a lot of people are believing. You can actually trace this back to 2019 is when that user deep fucking value is what he calls himself on Reddit. That's when he originally bought his game stop stock for $3 a share and began holding it and DFV as I'll say to keep it PG 13, he is still holding on to his game stop stock. So going on a while and a lot of people started noticing the short selling of game stop before the elections even happened back in November. So I don't know. I think it's pretty organic, but the backlash we're seeing like clearly these trading apps like Robinhood not letting people buy shares or restricting the amount of shares people are buying the clearing houses that are supposed to be like basically the middleman between people trying to buy and trade their shares and actual Wall Street, the clearing houses are preventing the apps from fulfilling many of the orders. And then you've got obviously some of these like billionaire hedge fund people going on to the mainstream media, trying to get what Redditors are doing or illegal or paying them as being bad people, dumbasses like Jimmy Kimmel on his show saying, oh, Russians. Russians. Yeah. Of course. Of course. It's there. Well, they can't do it. It's like yeah, it is crazy. And the thing is happening like day in and day out, you know, last week, I think on Thursday was the big day that Robert Robinhood themselves in the foot and started denying people's orders. And it's still going on. It happened yesterday. It happened today. You can go to Wall Street bets on Reddit. I've been on because not going to lie, I, I like the stock. I bought a couple of shares. Um, they're like tanking now, but it's just the principle, man. It's the principle hold hold till we bleed dry, but you can go on Wall Street bets and see people's screenshots from a variety of different apps, from cash app, from weebl, from fidelity, straight denied on their apps. So like free market, right? Well, yeah, and there's definitely not rigged at all. Well, I think it's funny. I haven't been in, I've never really been involved in stocks, but I've noticed everything crashing and tanking right now. And then when you try and buy these tanking stocks, they have a warning saying this might not be a smart financial way to sway you from. Yeah, they're trying to scare you saying this, this, yeah, a huge risk. Like why would they care if you put your money in or not? When do they care all of a sudden? And then like, I hate Reddit. I can't stand Reddit. It's like, it's just so bad, but in a variety of different ways, although going on to and then scrolling the posts on their ones and the new ones, so many people, so many people are seeing the bullshit. They are clearly aware of the psychological media and the hedge funds and big tech are playing to they know that this whole stock market thing is just a big mind manipulation game and they're like, oh, I'm not going to listen to that. I'm not going to listen to that. So it's like huge. It's people are really waking up to how rigged the market is. It's just, I mean, if they're waking up to how rigged is, it's not that far of a step for them to wake, rig the election is not that, you know, everything else, the market, an election can be rigged. You're seeing how the numbers are manipulated by computers, right? Well, look at the votes, man. Not that tough. Yeah. I mean, I'm still getting the trust, the plan vibes. I'm not going to lie. I still think that a lot of people are behind this to make things happen and I think things are definitely going to happen and, you know, having it done this way with Joe Biden get inaugurated and then people like, you know, you and I who are still you and hardcore conspiracy theorists, you know, we've been attacked like these past two, three weeks, like crazy. And that's just going to make the vindication all that much better. You know, it's going to, it's going to make people give us that much more respect when that vindication is. So I'm hoping everything's going to work out better this way. I'm hoping for that and it's all serving to wake people up. It's all it's all doing. So they're just shooting themselves in the foot every step of the way with everything they do. When I'm noticing too about Q, we, you know, we have every, every way you turn out, people are saying Q is a sigh of or we've been duped or whatever, but I'm noticing that some of these drops are actually more relevant than they've ever been because they go hand in hand with what's happening right now more than they did at the time of the drop. So I'm wondering how much of it was eluding to this exact moment. I don't know how how layered were these things really sure could have been hinting at some event around the time of the particular drop. But what's to say that one year later, two, three, whatever they said, wouldn't have some sort of double meaning to exactly what's going on now. And that's totally true. You know, we still have a lot. There's still a lot to go through, Gilean Maxwell's case in her trial, and that's still coming in the whole Epstein saga. We had John LeBrunell arrested, not too many weeks ago. People are wondering when less Wexner is going to be next. So there's still, there's still so much to be told about, about that story. I don't think it's anywhere near done. No, not even. Yeah. And we're all waiting on that next drop. So that'll be a big day. You know that. Yeah. A big day that a lot of people are going to get censored off the internet. That's for sure. Yeah. Don't post those drops on Twitter. If it happens. Yeah, exactly. All right, man. Well, I think we've hit our time. Thanks for coming on and sharing all that with us about Tom Kings and all this stuff. It's great to have you back. But you want to let people know where they can find you because I know you're getting shut down. Yeah. Totally. 14. From now, took me down. Wow. For a patreon to PayPal, the Spotify to videos now we're on bit shoot rumble and GAB TV. Those are my three main platforms for uploading videos. And then for social media, it's pretty much just GAB and telegram. I've been like and tell people have been migrating there and they haven't taken down posts. So that's good. GAB is getting faster. So that's good too. I still have a when Facebook and Instagram took my accounts out. I made backups, but it's Instagram, like, I don't use it all that much. But if you're on there, you might as well go to Jordan, say there dot com is my website and then links to everything will be right on there. Yeah. Actually, my favorite thing that you do is the questions on Instagram when you have people ask you questions and you answer them on your story. Yeah. Instagram doesn't let me go live. I can't go live on on Instagram. They haven't let me for like a month now, but I don't know. I don't really know what else to use it for. Instagram is this weird, like, I can't stand it. It creates these echo chambers for people. And then of course, since it's photographically oriented, you get so many of these like narcissists is just one of those pictures of themselves and shit on there. You know, I can't stand Instagram, but it is a very good way to connect with an audience, though. Yeah. It's a great app for connecting with an audience. Probably one of the best apps there is out there for it. So I'm like, I'm like, oh, I wanted to grab it. It's like everything I would say would probably get censored off of it. But I don't know. I'll probably use it a little bit more coming up and just use it till they don't let me anymore. Yeah. Yeah. They wiped us out and we made it back up. Yeah. That's another one you guys out to on Instagram. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Instagram and now Twitter, we just got deleted off Twitter a little bit ago. Yes. Big three baby. You got to keep your got to keep your YouTube safe. Yeah. I'm like, you got to cut out the cue parts in this talk or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. I want to edit this heavily. Well, it's so far. We've been lucky. Fingers crossed. We're out of this shirt right here. Yeah. Yeah. All right, man, this was awesome guys. You can also find us on Telegram. We've migrated over there. We're primarily there. It seems like everybody's going there. It's actually really cool and you can do a lot with it and you can edit your comments, which I love. Yeah. Telegram is actually like it's a shit show to try to learn, but it's actually incredible. And I think it's better than it's better than Twitter and Facebook for just finding news and finding information because it's a messaging app more than it's a social media app. You don't have algorithms that are filtering out your timeline for you. Like you know, on low a thousand people, but how many of their tweets are you actually seeing a day 50 huh, telegram, whatever channels you follow, no matter who you follow, the most recent posts are going to be the highest on the list. I, you know, it's pretty incredible for making sure you see your following and then being able to interact and whatnot. So I think it's great. I think it's great. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And we'll have we'll have all your links below and people are still asking where they can find us. Our link tree is in the description now we have everything compiled down there. So yeah, make sure you check that out. We're all over the place now. We just, I mean, you almost have to be because you never know where you're going to get asked. Correct. Yeah. And guys, don't forget there's still tickets available. So for the Star Sea Adventures conference in March in Cocoa Beach, Florida, Aaron and I will be there with our experiences lounge, a lot of great speakers. It's going to be fun. Just to get away to the beach. I know it's not an easy time to travel. Apparently, they just signed a, you have to double mask while you travel now I saw today or yesterday. I don't know if that's true, but let's hope not. Yeah. Yeah. That's insane. But yeah, tickets are still available. There's not many left. So if you want to come hang out with us on the beach, grab yourself a ticket. We still have some promo codes going 20% off our Teespring merch with a promo code Sleepy Joe. We have 10% off the omnia balancer promo code truth or caps. That's for those who don't know what I'm sure you know by now, it's a patch you put on a radiating device and it just kind of harmonizes the frequency, some really great science behind that. You can check it out on the website and hope well farm CBD 15% off with promo code JTT 15. So go grab yourself some CBD and anyway, good night guys. Thanks for tuning in. Any last words, Jordan? Nope. Appreciate you guys having me on. We'll do it again soon. Yeah, it was a blast. Yeah. So much going on. We'll see you soon, man. We'll talk later. Good night, everybody. Bye. Bye. the next time. the next time. Bye. Bye. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Chumba Casino. 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