Journey to Truth

EP 102 - (Part 2) Tony Rodrigues - Life In The Secret Space Program - Testimony

Originally aired on 1/10/21
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Tony Rodrigues was abducted from his home in Michigan at the age of 10, went through a torturous MK-ultra type training program, was shipped to Peru to do intuitive work in drug running, and was then taken to Seattle where he was owned as a sex slave for a Satanic worshiping elite. He was then sold off to the Secret Space Program where he served a short time on Mars as a support soldier for Mars Colony Corp. When the Mars program was cancelled he was traded off to the Ceres Colony Corp where he lived for over a decade. He worked on German ships as repairman and eventually cargo engineer on interstellar trade missions. After twenty years, he was retuned to his bed a the age of 10.
Tony has since been an advisor to a foundation on the pedogate elite practices in an effort to stop human trafficking and has worked with hundreds of people with similar types of memories.
Tony Rodrigues

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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It's easy to bring balance back to your body with the Omnia radiation balancer. - This is totally unreal that this happened like in 1942 on this planet. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - All right guys, we're back for part two with Tony Rod Riggs. I said his name right this time. - Thanks, sir. (laughing) - So if you listen to the first part, you know that's a lot to digest. It's absolutely mind-blowing stuff. And we still didn't even get through a quarter of his testimony. So we're going to jump back into that. The last, we left off last he was on Mars. He was telling us about the structures on Mars, what they looked like. They were very similar to a school cafeteria, stuff like that. So Tony, take us from Mars and what happened from there. - So I was truthfully, I was on Mars a short time, like six months or so. I was in that forward base for only six weeks. And what we were doing mission, we were doing like hiking missions. And I believe that they gave us a surgery. They altered us so that we could breathe on Mars. We had surgeries done to us. I believe that they altered, you know, just the process of your breathing to make you a little bit because the suit they gave us was an environmental suit that I had, but it was open-faced. There was a plastic, like a ring around it, but I could breathe the air. And it did, when we exerted ourselves, the suit knew when your heart rate picked up and it would give oxygen. So there was a very small oxygen take and it just gave you a puffier there like getting new. So, but we were breathing the air there. It was very cold and we went out during the day and we hiked. We would hike four or five kilometers and come back and what was going on was they would take three, three or six of us and we were in bright white. We were in a no kind of camouflage. whatsoever, we were given a small gun that was attached. It was attached to our arms. So I could put it down and it had a little folding stock that I could bring down. And when I put it in my hand, it arms the gun. And it was a rail gun. It wasn't a laser beam or a ray gun. It was an electric rail gun. And in the lighter atmosphere that worked very well. And we were, this is another one. You get the thousand yard stare from anybody that doesn't know, but there were large insects that were indigenous to the area and that are indigenous on Mars. They were very large insectoids and they are smart. Some of them are smart more like a dog or an animal and some of them are smart like we are. And there are different levels of them and they were territorial and we were working on, they were working on cost effective ways of dealing with them. So they had two very expensive, very well equipped soldiers and they had three or six of us, basically mind control slaves that were very poorly equipped and they were trying to match their numbers boots on the ground. And we would do hiking missions and we had some combat that happened and there were casualties and what happened was they found that the insects adapted much faster than they expected. So they canceled the program. So without going into how that whole thing, you know what I mean? Like we could talk about a long time if you want about what happened on those missions, but I had basically one combat mission where I saw a combat. But after that, it was canceled and they took me to a larger facility, a city which I believe is Ares Prime, but you know, the soldiers were, they made fun of us for going there when they said we were reassigned. Like we don't get to go there. I guess it was a big city, but I didn't see much of it. When I got there and got out of the hangar, it looked like a hotel. There was a big dome that was underground and it was clear. So you could see the dirt right through it. It was like, it was clear. And at the very top, you could see the sky, like the dirt was all the way up around the dome and at the top, you could see the sky. And there were palm trees in there. There was a water feature with a water, little waterfall. It looked like an airport or like a shopping mall. It was, it was very comfortable in there. There were military people and civilians and there were women that worked at the desk. They took us in and then they took me to like an apartment. You know, I eventually went in and just walked for a ways down hallways and ended up, and I had an apartment for the rest of the time I was there. And I was tested again by one of these, the same beings that were on the moon that taught me, you know, the combat, that put me through the combat training. Like another round of like a mic control. I mean, this time I was tested. They were aptitude tests. They were testing me for a new job, for to get trained for a new job. And I failed engineering. I failed command. I failed combat, you know what I mean? Other media and all that. And I ended up, I ended up on skilled labor. And I was a like a ship maintenance guy. And it trained me. I got it and then after, after the aptitude testing, it gave me movies and I watched movies all day. It was a very, it wasn't a bad lifestyle. It wasn't fun, but compared to what I had had up to then, it was like I had my own bathroom. I had my own sink. When I would go back, food was waiting for me in my room. And I'd get up and go to class and I'd go home. I'd go back to my little room and I, you know, and it was peaceful. I wasn't abused. And that went on for a while for a matter of months. - Whenever you were in combat on Mars, did you suffer any injuries? - I was. I did get injured. So there was one, I did three missions where we walked out onto the surface. I did three hiking missions and what they were doing. - Really quick. Could you breathe like on these planets, is it breathable? - Well, on Mars on the surface, it was like I said, it was breathable. I believe we were surgically altered so that it was more breathable. And the other thing is when we stepped off the, out the door, 'cause it's an underground facility and the door opened up kind of out into a cave of a rock and then it went out into, and it was, you know, Mars is dusty, but it was rocky where I was. It was like very solid where in there, every now and then there would be dooms, but when we stepped out, it was into lower gravity. You could feel the lower gravity and it was actually hard to run. You couldn't run. You ended up doing a big, like a leap, like a hop. And, but we hiked out. We would hike out and then hike back. And I guess the second mission, there was an engagement that we never even saw. I didn't hear or see anything, but there was an engagement and it was a success. When we came back, they were all, it was high fives and they were very happy with us. The third mission, I guess, was more aggressive. And we were actually engaged in bad weather by the insect, by the bugs. And we were split up. There were six of us and we had been split up and they got us, they came up on us from behind and there were a lot of them were like a smaller beetle, looking thing bug, you know, a size of a small or a mid-sized dog and they flew and kind of hopped with their wings fluttering and could fly. And there were bigger spider like bugs that just leaped as they went and they got us from behind and one of them came up from behind and they took my arm right off. I lost an arm and it held me down and there was an interact, there was a mantid. And I have a really good art drawing of it from a talented artist I worked with, but there was a mantid and there was an interaction. Like it interacted with me and scanned me for what I was, what my purpose was. And, you know, going through the whole thing, like it showed me my life up to that point. Like there was an interaction where it telepathically and it was very professional, like it was a person. You know, when you get with a being telepathically, you get the idea that it's a person people go, "Well, this doesn't speak English." But there is, you know what I mean? There's still, on a telepathic level, you know, there's access towards once you're a certain level of intelligence, you're talking a few hundred thousand words and that's a level of intelligence that, you know, we tended to refer to all those as people and it was a person. So what it did was it came up and it took me into a dream state and it showed me my life to that point, like it showed, it looked and thought, like I was in Peru and then I was in, you know, Inyo current and then I was on the moon and it was checking out what exactly I was or how much of a threat I was gonna, you know, we were gonna be to it. And it let me, I begged it for my life and it let me live. Another bit my foot off, we had auto-tourniquets and I put one on and I crawled over, two of the other guys were killed and I grabbed one of their auto-tourniquets and put it on and two of the soldiers came and basically carried me back to the base. - What's an auto-tourniquet? - It was, so the soldiers had them in their armor automatically, so if they lost a limb, the armor would had several tourniquets through it. So if they lost a hand, the armor would turn a kit and stop them from bleeding. - Okay. - If they lost an arm, there'd be another tourniquet here. We didn't have that, we had like a, almost like a rubber suit that we had on. So we had, it was about the size, little smaller than a pack of cigarettes, a box. And it had a cord on one side and a button on it. And what you did was, if you lost your arm, you'd grab the box and pull the cord out, put it over and hit the button and it would tourniquet. Rather than having to apply it and turn it, it would cut off circulation. So we only had one each and I had one, I put it on my arm and then I crawled over to another guy and took his and put it on my foot. And then I started crawling back to base and I will. - Did you end up in a regen tank or how did you regrow those? - So he was keeping, I lost a lot of blood and I was trying to go to sleep. And we had in our suit on the pants area, it would give you a shot, like a, like a stem, there was a shot, we call him shots. And, you know, it would kill pain and it would make you, like when we did hit the shot, we could run a lot faster and it was a stimulant, you know. And so I had a couple shots on the way back, but when he ran out of those, I started passing out and he was slapping me to keep me from going to sleep. And as soon as I saw the doors to the base, when we made it back to the doors in the, you can see, you know, like I said, it was a cave face that had set of doors in it. As soon as I laid eyes on those, he let me go to sleep and I passed out. I woke up in the, you know, it was an ephemeral, they called it or hospital, but on the first floor, I woke up in my bed the next morning with my arm and my foot back. It was that fast, there was no, it wasn't like the Luke Skywalker tank or anything, like I literally slept through the procedure, I was passed out and when I woke back up, I did not feel like a million bucks, but I had my arm back, you know, and it was just as good. I mean, there was no, I didn't lose ability out of it, it was great. - Was it noticeably like sewn back on or just grown back? - It was perfectly, there was no seam, there was no mark, it was fine. Also, earlier on in Inyo Kern, during the, wow, so I haven't really talked about this much, but in Inyo Kern, during the trauma-based mind control, there was a time when he called all the kids in and he put a thing on her arm and he dislocated my shoulder. And some kids got a broken arm out of it and he would say, I'm a doctor, this is just part of the program. And we were, he was gauging pain and reaction to pain, but he dislocated my right shoulder. And as for years, after, there were times in the middle, I'd be sleeping a night, it would dislocate again. It was easily dislocated after that. After that instance, when I, after I was healed, my shoulder never dislocated again. So that was fixed as well. - Wow. - So, however that was. But basically, once you get dislocated, it's easy to happen again and it did, it did dislocate, you know, for years after that, because I was at a young age when he did it, but after that instance, it never happened again. - Wow. Yeah, I mean, the technology, healing technology is incredible. I mean, we hear about these regen tanks, we hear about everything, like people die and they get thrown into a regen tank and they like respawn like a video game. And it's just really hard to comprehend it. - And cloning technology. And you got to think as soon as they came out with cloning technology, it was immediately banned. - Well, yeah. - It was banned within days of, human cloning was banned within days of the clone first clone sheet. - Well, I've heard, I've heard the, I mean, I've read a secret journey to Planet Serpo. It's a book talks about a lot of the secret space program and some stuff, but it talks about the entire, World War I army being a clone army. I mean, it's that insane. And I've heard, I've heard James Rank and Johann Fritz or James Rank verify that from some intel he got also is the first time I ever heard that corroborated, but it's been going on for a long time. And I don't know, obviously we don't know, but I do think the clone program is something that we're gonna see disclosed fairly soon. - It's probably the cornerstone of a lot of innovative things, especially when you're talking about limb regrowth. Just, it just seems like it would be easier to clone the entire body than one organ or limb at a time. - Sure. - But that was the experience. I didn't, there were a couple of times I was injured. I was injured again further in the future for the series colony, I was burnt very badly once. And I went through the same experience where they took me to the hospital. And I, when I went to sleep, I woke up and I was fine. It was that fast. It was, it wasn't a matter of days or weeks, it was overnight that they would fix you almost completely. - Yeah, that's amazing. So, okay, so you're at Mars, you're hanging out near the palm trees, Harry's Prime, wherever. So where, when you do you go from there to series or series, you're next stop? - Yes. And so after a while, I saw, I was trained in, you know, what's funny is a lot of it, a lot of the training wasn't so much fixing or operating the ship, it was showing how to use some tools, the training, but it was, a lot of it was fire suppression of what to do in an emergency. A lot, seriously, like 40% of everything that I learned was just basically what to do in a fire. You know, like there was a lot, that's what I remember the most was being trained on protocols for if there's a fire or an emergency or you know what I mean? Like if there was a vacuum, things to do for that. One day, rather than, there was always, there was always an officer, like a soldier, there was always a soldier that came and picked me up and walked me to class, which was, you know, like a five minute walk. After a while, he let me do it on my own and they would check on me and I'd go back to my room and they would pop in and check on me. I guess they had cameras on me. - This was on Mars. - On Mars? - During that time there, yeah. So one day, somebody completely different. One of the guys from the original time that I was dropped off there, like an officer. He showed up in my room in the morning. He said, "You come with me and you're done here." And you can leave all that. I just had breakfast, there was food. I just had breakfast and he said, "You can leave that, come on." And we walked somewhere that I'd never been before. And again, the architecture there was fancy, you know, like the hallway had a tall ceiling and there was a curve, like a wavy effect, you know, that would go through it. And it was red cement with color with blue, you know what I mean? It was aesthetically pleasing. The way it was, it didn't look like a military, you know, like the moon, the moon base, when I was there, wasn't much to look at. It was small hallways or concrete walls, that was it. It wasn't fancy at all. Everywhere in the Mars colony where I was, was, you know, made to be comfortable. - Okay. - So we walked for quite a ways and we opened up, we went around and it was a full-on train station. And there were hundreds of people there waiting for a train. A big train came in and we went in, he took care of my admission to it. We got in the train to set down and it had, it had just like the roller coasters have the bar that clicks down over your lap. - Yeah. - It had that. There was a bar that clicked down. And it, when they turned it on, it left, it jumped up a little, you could feel it hop up. And it was levitating basically over the track and it accelerated. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Accelerated, there was a poof. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know how else to say it. It wasn't like a flash of light, but it was the feeling of a poof. And where you kind of feel disoriented afterwards, like poof and then a dizzy feeling. And it was immediately slowing down at that point. Right after that poof, you could feel it decelerating and it stopped. And they said over the intercom, they said, be sure to drink water, your electrolyte, you're gonna need water. And when we walked out, they had a, they had people there giving water out to people. They made sure to give us, we got like the little one, some people had bottled water, they gave us just, we were military, so they gave us just one little, those little triangle cups. You know, the water cooler cups. - Sure, yeah. - They had those splash of water. And it was just, yeah, to read, to redo something with your electrolytes. And I was on series, that was the trip. That was the entire trip. It was a matter of minutes. And I looked and they walked me right around the corner, right out from where the train dropped us off. And it was a huge hanger. And there were hundreds of people lined up, soldiers lined up, young boys that they were. And there was a disc that flew right over me. There was a, just like on your shirt, pretty much, a little smoother. It didn't have the rings like that one, but at the same site, it was a disc. And it slowly hovered right over us and went into, went down the hall and down into another hanger. And you could feel, when it went over, all my hair stood up. - It can get lonely climbing Mount McKinley. So to entertain myself, I go to At ChummaCasino, I can play hundreds of online casino style games for free. 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You know, they call them space Nazis. It was like saying space democrats. There's a different organization. This was the German, this was that culture. So I call them Germans, but basically, it was series colony corp, which is a breakaway Germany group. - Well, they were speaking German. - It seems like Germans have a vast presence in space. I mean, because they were the first ones up there and they have breakaway civilizations and, you know. - Absolutely. - So it needs everywhere, yeah. - So I guess as the colonies have taken place in our solar system, that because our solar system isn't really that inhabited, that there's actually quite an infrastructure of other species in our solar system. And it's a very busy airspace, especially around Jupiter, that basically that the area around Jupiter is one of the more frequented in our area of the galaxy. It's a very, very popular place. That anybody from the earth that goes up there has to have a sponsor. And the Germans were the first ones to have a sponsor by from the Draco, from the reptilians that sponsored them and set them up with places to be in early trading for technologies. Kind of like, you know, like a smaller country that has the United States sponsor them so that they have security. And it was the same way with the Germans. So the United States has a different arrangement up there, possibly underneath the Germans or alongside them with a different species altogether. You know, the Solar Warden program has a different sponsor but you really can't go far in the early time of space travel without a an organized sponsor, someone to sponsor you up there. So the Germans were the first ones to be sponsored and they're actually quite developed. - Yeah, I mean, I can only imagine that, I mean, they have to. I mean, well, obviously they're not letting us even, we don't even understand that we can develop this technology and leave. So, you know, these groups that do get a chance to leave, they're not just gonna be able to just freely roam about, you know. - Yeah, right. You're not gonna fly and find a bunch of uninhabited planets out there that pretty much everywhere has already been settled. You know, within our vicinity of the galaxy is pretty much all been inhabited. And that would mean that there's some sort of set of laws up there, right? - Absolutely, absolutely. - And how does that work? Does every planet have their own set of laws or how does that work? - So there were several times on my shift for the series column that we broke, that we knowingly broke laws up there. There are laws that are regarding putting people back, like people that are taken for a 20 year tour, there are laws regarding how that happened. Like there's a date that you have to come back and there's a law, then they have to put you back or they're gonna be, they can be in trouble. Earlier we talked about time travel and a lot of people go, oh, well, what about, you can't have time travel because what if? Why wouldn't you go back and just kill so-and-so or go back and change everything? There are laws about it. So that the series colony had found, had pushed the laws of time travel as far as they could kind of like, I always say this like, I hate to go on record, I hate to say this publicly, but you know, I go nine miles an hour, I set the cruise control in nine miles an hour everywhere I go, because the police don't bother with you until you're at 10 miles over. You get what I'm saying? - Yeah, yeah. - You get a, there's a five over ticket and then there's a 10 over ticket. So if you're going nine over, he can only write me the five over ticket, so it's not worth it. So they'll let you go and I drove right by many police at exactly nine miles over the speed limit. So I drive that everywhere I go. The Germans had did the same thing with time travel. They did the same kind of thing, like they figured out how to put, how to travel time and basically be able to anti, it's called anti telephoning. They called it anti telephoning. They could scrub missions that went wrong because they came back a few minutes before it left, five minutes away and they stretched the law because there are advanced beings that police time travel that are totally outside of time space and they can see the whole of time space and what happens. So they can see what you do in the future and how it happens, like they have access to that. There are beings that live on that plane of existence and they actually police time travel. So that's important to know that, and you're talking about we, when you think about the programs and you ask about the laws, you have to think that there are being, we are not the top of the food chain. We are not the most advanced life form. - Obviously. - Well, it's a tough pill to swallow because we've been taught that we are. - Well, either directly or indirectly, we've been taught that humans are the-- - And our DNA, if it's turned on, which it's not right now, we actually are very, very advanced, but the '90s are advanced, shut down right now. - Well, so the Germans, the series colony, we were, there were people. Now, like I said, at our level, and that was about number of words, but there was another, they went, meta human person, meta person, uber person, and there was another one. And there was a level that you got to that could, like basically like a, there was a being that they talked about, there were beings that they talked about that were almost like a cube, like in Star Trek, like beings that could manipulate matter with their minds, like they could turn a coffee cup into an apple with their minds. And then there was a level of technology that no longer required technology, that it was a 100% consciousness base. And you had to be a certain level of development. Like these are beings that are, that they look at us the same way that we look at our dog, our dog or our cat. They're that far, even in the three of the farther. - You say it's a being like a cube? - Cube. - No, like a cube. - I meant like a Star Trek. - No, like a cube, like a being that. - I just thought you said a cube, okay. - No, no, no. - The beings that travel without a ship, they can just instantly, they can mentally go anywhere they want or manipulate matter with their minds. And these are, and these beings have, they speak in millions of words. We have a few hundred thousand words. The next one up has half a million to a million words. Some of these beings have millions and millions of words that they communicate with. And that's, that was on the scale of consciousness. You know, it's basically consciousness. It could be, and I said this in other interviews, I said it could be other planets have had other species evolve to the point of humans. So it's, they're not all just all like us. There are some of them that look like a rat or some of them that look like, you know, a dog or whatever. One of the animals in the ecosystem takes the next evolutionary step and has 150,000, 200,000 words and is a person. And it could be anything. It could be a bucket of goo. It could be a bucket of goo. If it speaks 150,000 words, it's a person because you can communicate with it and reason with it. And so that's the threshold that the Germans, they had a, they had a class of people and they wanted to do business with the people with millions of words. Those were the ones that had the technology, the advances in technology that they wanted. - Wrong. - That was the goal. - I think my vocabulary is like 200 words. I tell you what, mine isn't that great. I've had a lot of people and even in the professional world tell me that I speak too a little to ghetto. You know what I mean? Like I'm from the hood. But, you know, it is what it is. I'd rather, I'd rather speed, I'd rather a few honest words than a million fake ones. - Yeah. - Yes. - And yeah, operating from the heart. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Okay, so series, was series where you got mugged or was that somewhere else? - See, it was series colony. So, and I wanna, I think it's important that this, this bit of events of how it came place, 'cause I wanna talk about the list. - Yeah. - That's gonna come out with it. We spoke about earlier, I think that was off camera. - Yeah. - When I got, when they decommissioned my first ship that I worked on for the series colony, it got, it was an old summary, it was old. And they decommissioned it. So, then I got retrained for a new position. I went to a, like a school. And this time, so on series colony, there wasn't the white, the gray beings, they were people and I went to a standard classroom. I went to a classroom, just like, you know, we would, but it was a little bit more high tech, but I learned for a new position in a classroom. I took classes, went to a new ship and became a cargo engineer. And I was able to sit in on the mission briefings in the morning. So, first thing in the morning, I did not go to my station. I went to the bridge and there was a meeting room behind it and I sat in on the mission reports because they needed to know how much space was available in the cargo bay. I provided a report of empty space and taken space. What was basically, I had two cargo bays that I was responsible for. So, that was, I did that in the mornings. And after the ship got up and running, so in the very beginning, they never really talked to me much. And they, the meeting happened in German. So, I didn't understand it. They could flick a switch and there was a translator like an implant we had. There was a translator that all of a sudden I could understand what they were saying in vice versa. So, they would turn it off for most of the meetings so we couldn't understand what was going on. After a few months and they started getting paid, like when they started having missions that were successful, the crew, the Germans that were in charge, the captain and the Corbett captain, those guys, they were getting bonuses for when the mission panned out and when they did well. And they voted and they voted to decide to give everybody at the table some form of pay. And I started to get like 20 bucks a week as a base pay. Like if you think, I had about the same buying power as we have for about 20 bucks a week. They were in Frank, they called them Frank's. - Wow. - And there was also like a sharing. Like once in a while, when we did good, I would get a bonus. I would get one time I got a $40 bonus, you know, like an extra bonus. So with that came the ability. So I was free. I was basically a slave, but after I was off duty and I went back to the barracks, I was free to do what I want. I could come and go as I pleased, but it was like four kilometers to the next town of a walk. And it was a couple bucks to buy a ticket on the train. And I never had money and I wasn't gonna walk eight kilometers round trip to go and be broke in a town. You get what I'm saying? So I never did that. But guys did, guys from the barracks did that. So we're walking it down. Come with us. And I was like, you know, go ahead as I got paid. Then I all of a sudden they said, you know, today is your payday. What are you gonna do? And I mean, he's like, get a train ticket, pick somewhere and go and explore and stay out of trouble. And one of the officers said, make sure you go to the red light district. And I didn't know what that was. But he was like, make sure he's like, find it out. I was like here. He's like, I'm even gonna show you on the map. He's like, make sure you go there. Like he said, he said, make sure he's like, I wanna hear about it. He wanted to, you know what I mean? Like he was fun, he was fun with me. But in the beginning, I saw I got a train ticket and I went out that day and I got lost. And I got, I was in an area that was all civilians and none of them wanted to even speak to me because I had a slave collar on. I had a collar and I had a uniform that identified me. All of a sudden, I was in where there are plain clothes to everybody and I was completely lost. I didn't even know how to get back to the train. I just got lost. And I saw two beings, two ETS. One was like a feline looking humanoid and the other was like a, looked more like like an aquatic thing, like a fish person. - Yeah. An aquafarian. - And how could you take me seriously, right? But that's what it was. They were both in like a baby blue uniform. They looked like a military uniform. So I thought they might help me out because they were military. The few people that I tried to speak to completely ignored me to go away, don't talk to me. You know, like I asked, tried asking for help. So I walked up to them and they said, and they were probably in the same boat. They were in a bad situation themselves. And they said, they immediately got kind of hostile with me and said, what are you even talking to me for? You're a slave. What are you doing here? Do you have any money? What, you know, how are you? And I said, did you point me to where the train station is so I can go back to my base, please? And I said, yeah, I've got money and I reached in my pocket, pulled it out and they immediately basically took it, beat me up and took it from me. And I, you know, I don't want to get into like a lot of, I just want to say that when I went back to the mission briefing the following day, I had a black eye and they were going to take it away. They were like, they were going to say no more. We shouldn't even look at him. The next day he's going to get killed. You know, like don't even, we shouldn't even let these guys have money and let go out because look at this because it was a disaster. - Yeah. - But because of that system that was in place, I want to fast forward and what's pertaining to the list that we're talking about. - That's fair, that's fair. - This is something that's going to happen in our community in the Secret Space Program community in the next year, according to others. That's going to be a major event. There's a supposedly a list that the Nachtwaffen, the Germans have turned over to the Alliance in order to be members. And it's a list of all the, everybody that's ever been abducted or participated in their program. Later on, I had made relationships that day in the red light district and so much that I even had a girlfriend that was another slave that worked in a basically a brothel right there in that area where I was booked. I was taking a girl came out and kind of helped me and brought me in. And I was able to go back there for free and just kind of sit there every day. And that's where I went because when I went into public, it was humiliating. When I went into public areas, I was a slave or a clone slave, whatever you want to call it. - They knew you were a slave high by something you were wearing. - I had a collar. There was a collar. We had a literally a shock collar that we wore that you could be shocked and disciplined. And a jumpsuit, I wore a suit that identified me as such. So everybody knew and it was humiliating. So I went there and over time I had a girlfriend and we were saving up money. I don't know how adult you want to get into this but we were saving up money so that right before I left, I could buy time with her. One day I had a bonus of like a $40 bonus and on my walk from the hanger to the train, there was shops, there were shops. And one of them had been empty for a while and came up and there was like a television outside, they had a commercial and it showed somebody getting a psychic reading. And it was the same and they had the IV bag and the same procedure like what I was doing in Peru. It was the same technique. It was a younger child that they were drugging and giving people psychic readings. And I wanted to know what that was like to be on the other end because that's what I did early on in my service. So I knew it was real. And I asked people, they said, "No, that stuff's not real. "Don't even mess with it. "They're not gonna give you any real info." And I asked the officers on the ship about it but I still, the curiosity was much. And I went and paid and went in there and got a reading. And it was a half gray, half human looking, like it was a gray girl that had hair, like human hair, like-- - Hybrid. - Yes, yes. And it was the same, it was cheesy. It was the, it was, it was, what's the word, it was grody. It was grimy, the area, it was unclean place and it was very, very Spartan. There was, you know, it was like, she was in a bed with a curtains around her and you got to sit down and you got to ask her three questions. And that was it. And you get 30 minutes with three questions. And then, you know what I mean? They were very like, hurry up and get out, it was 40 bucks. - Yeah. - I went in and asked her and she said that I was gonna remember. She said that I was, that when I went back to the earth, she said it like that. And once she, it was very vague what she said and she said a few other things. Honestly, the third one I don't even remember. I don't even think I asked her. I think I only asked her two questions and it ate up the time. - Yeah. - I asked her about my girlfriend, what would happen? And she said, she, I would remember her. And that's, that was the deal that I was, I was gonna remember my time and there was whatever. I don't want to get in that, but because of that, I went back and told my captain that. And I said so the next day at the mission briefing, I'm sitting at the table on the ship and the minute, what'd you do? And they, you know, there was a little time, a social time when the meeting started. So what'd you guys do? And I said, I went and got that reading and they all said nonsense, you're not gonna remember anything because they're gonna give you a lobotomy. They'll know because there's a temporal, there's a chrono visor device that they can see when they put you back. They can tell your future, the probable future. And if you do remember that they'll reprogram you and if that don't work, they'll give you a lobotomy. And one of the officers says, "You're never gonna go back and remember 'cause they'll give you a lobotomy, you'll be crippled." I got along very good with my captain. I cover a lot of it in the book, but basically there was missions that came up in the future and he deleted my record. He was the one that he deleted my record, so that, and that's exactly what happened is that the very end, after my return, like when I went back to the moon at the end of my 20-year tour, they put me back in my 10-year-old body, then they put me through the chrono visor to see what was gonna happen. And they realized that I was gonna remember, and they put me through another round of trauma-based mind control, and when that didn't work, there was a reptile that was walking me to surgery. They said, "Too bad, you're gonna get a lobotomy. "They were gonna put me back in my bed "that next morning mentally crippled. "They were gonna just give me a lobotomy." And I would wake up the next day and forever be whatever crippled. - Yeah. - When I got to the surgery center to get that, they said, "There's no record of him. "We can't perform surgery on somebody "that's not in the system at all. "We can't do that." Just put it back, because even if he does remember, it's not gonna matter, he's just no record of him. So, and the guy that was like my chaperone was a reptile. He was my chaperone. I spent the day with him basically, and he was bummed, you know, like that I was gonna get this treatment. He went, he said, "Boy, is this your lucky day? "Come on, let's get you back." And I went and they put me back in my bed. I woke up the next day, back in 1982. I literally, I woke up. It was, you know what it was? It was the scene and back to the future. - I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. - We heard you loud and clear. - So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. VGW Group, boy prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. - It was exactly like that. You know, back to the future when Marty McFly woke up and everything was kind of right. He went, when he woke up back in his bed, like after he went, after that whole thing, it was exactly that kind of feeling. Like, I woke up and I looked in my room and I went, "I'm back in my room." And I went, "What, these are my toys." I went, you know what I mean? Like, I was back to being a kid. Like, I knew that I was gone. I had the experience of being gone for 20 years, but I didn't have the memories of it. I just had that feeling. - Wow. - The feeling of the disorientation of it. Like, if you were gone for somewhere and then you were sapped back, I had that disorientation. The next, I went down and I told my family, you know, I haven't seen you guys for so long. And so I gave my mom a big hug. We sat and had breakfast and I was just like lost, man. And I was different. You know, months in the future, my dad, my dad even remarked, you're like, "What, you changed?" He said, "I want my son back." You know, he's like, "You've changed." I was, I was never the same. Like I said, my grades fell off. I lost all, I lost all motivation in school. - Well, grades don't matter 'cause you were being indoctrinated anyway, so. - Yeah, well, you know what I mean? Like, it was, you know, another, another few zeros on my income would hurt though. - Sure. - Yeah. - So. - What was I gonna say? Going back to, oh, the list. So, so you're talking about this list that is apparently supposed to be disclosed to the public. From somewhere in the other that's gonna have a list of everybody that's served in the SSP and that you were eliminated from that list because you saw a psychic because of that experience. - Because of that, my captain knew that I was gonna go back and be, you know, modified. He knew that I was gonna go through a terrible procedure and he spared me that. And he was that kind of person. He was that kind of person. I had several private conversations with him where he would keep me after the meeting and I sat and we were, you know, I don't wanna say buds or friends, but we were, you know, he relied on me in a straight, it was kind of like I was his project. You know, he liked to me more than he liked the other guys that were at my rank, I guess. We were, we had a, we had a report with each other and he spared me that. I was, well, the more I think about it, that that's exactly what happened at the end of that, 'cause I always remember that procedure when they took me to that and then he said, boy, this is your lucky day. How'd that happen, you know? - Yeah. - So, tell me more about this list. How did you-- - Well, other whistleblowers have talked about it and I can see it as, you know what I mean? Like, I gotta dance around this subject as gently as possible, but I take it as kind of an attack, you know what I mean? It's gonna be a debunking thing like, hey, well, you're not on the knock-o-op list. So, all of your, you know what I mean? Like, there are some whistleblowers out there that are making money doing this and it behooms them to debunk everybody. So, more power to 'em, that's great, but all the info that Ed gets added on the pile of predisclosures is better. And I'm also curious about this list of what, so what's on series then? 'Cause I'm the only person really, well, it's certainly the first that spoke of a base on series colony. And let me tell you that there's absolutely no way that a planetoid that size with that much water in it is uninhabited at this point in our history. So, if they come out and say, "Well, there's a base on series," but everything Tony says, bro, I'm not gonna really accept that at base value. - Other people talk about series. Alex Collier talks about it. Johan Fritz has been there on one of his missions. Alex Collier says it was destroyed. It was like, the inside was turned to glass. I don't know if that's accurate. I mean, but either way-- - So-- - He discusses it. So it's not like you're the only one talking about this place. - Well, I was the first. - Okay. - I was in 2015. But Alex Collier mentions it in the same breath as Fobos. And I think he may have mistaken it for demos, Fobos and demos. He said, "Fobos and Cirrus have been turned to glass." He said that 'cause I went back, someone told that to me with Scott and Revan, they told me that and he sent me a link to that interview and I watch it. So, whenever you're talking about a channeling info, it can be right and wrong at the same time. So I'm hoping that that loss of life didn't happen because at the time that I was there, there was about 225,000 people that were living there. And so if it did meet with some form of warfare, that'd be a huge loss of life of innocent people as well. Johan's, so I had him on my show a few weeks ago. - I watched that again. And what was great was that he remembers some overlap that he experienced hypoxia, that the atmosphere on series wasn't the cleanest and that there was a lack of oxygen. And what I remember is that the door is, the hanger complex where all the ships came in was miles big. 10, maybe 20 miles worth of network of hanger that had giant doors open to space on one end, like an airlock at one end. And what had happened, what I remember that happened often was that the doors wouldn't close all the way, it would leak air out. And so that hanger complex that was 10 miles big would leak air at one side. So they had pumps that would bring air in, but it didn't do it fast enough. Sometimes it was worse than others. So we had low oxygen in that area. And we would on purpose walk from the ship instead of taking the train to go get our, to the trade window, which was basically the bank, instead of taking the train, which it was like two kilometers, we would walk it. And then when we got through there, we were revolving doors at the end. And when you walk through the door, you would get to the pure oxygen and take that first breath and it was like a great feeling. It was, you know, we did that just for that. It was like a neat, you know what I mean? We walked it and it was a bit of exercise. It was something different, you know. - Johann recalls the air not being very breathable. - And he had overlapping through the same exact thing. And he was unaware that it was, he wasn't, he was like, I said, no, it was the hangar area. He said, no, it was serious. But as I asked him more questions, I don't think he traveled very far throughout the colony. Like he didn't go to a lot of other places. - Sure. - I asked him if he went to the Red Light District. I think he stayed near the hangar bay. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think that, I mean, I've heard through channeling, I've heard about this list also. And I was told that it was, it was going to be intentionally incomplete. - Yeah, I, yeah. - Well, here's the thing. We're talking about organizations like not only, not only the series colony corp or the Germans and the Antarctic Germans, the actual alliance, everybody involved, the LLC, the Draco base on the moon, even here on earth. We're talking about the most classified, most secretive organizations in the history of all of mankind. So if you expect a straight answer or a complete anything list out of them, it's, you know what I mean? I got land to sell you because there's absolutely no way that I'm going to buy that they're going to that, you know what I mean? Even if I was a bystander, if I was a fan of this info, there is absolutely no way that I would believe that they're going to release a complete list of everybody that was ever involved in every base and every ship and every location whereabouts of us. There's just absolutely no way that any organization would do that, let alone a military based organization. Well, luckily for you, we're moving into the age of knowing. So skeptics will no longer be a thing once this awakening happens and people resonate, people know the truth, it's like direct knowing. So the people who listen to you who are going through this, they know, you can feel it. Anybody who's any type of empath or any, even even mainstream people can understand that you're not lying just by reading your body language. So and you've done hundreds of interviews are over a hundred interviews now. - Look, and I'm the first to say like, for me, it's the experience of remembering something 35, 38 years ago, you know? So there it's going to be on that regard, just human error of the consistency and I get that. I'm also open to the fact that there are people that suggested that they were fake memories implanted, that there are other things like I'm not, I don't have other symptoms in my day to day life. I don't have schizophrenia. I don't have any kind of mental problems. I'm not being treated, I'm not on any medication. I'm a normal guy and I work a trade and I have a life, you know? - Sure. - So, but if I was implanted with the information, it's a great deal of information. It's not a small, I didn't get implanted with one in an abduction experience or one or two things. I got a duct implanted with correct information of the salt deposits on series, also of locations in Seattle and Peru and California. I've also found documents facing that reclassified the buildings that I remember in your current air base as special real estate, special designation, which freed them from local law enforcement. So, if you were the CIA and you were gonna do a program like that, they would face that classification. I got paperwork about, I got the document. So, if I was programmed, if somehow I'm wrong and not on this list or whatever, it also merits investigation. Do you know if you get on my point? - Absolutely. - Why would you give some, do this to somebody, plug somebody out, give them this memory and let them go on about, why would you bother? Because ultimately, what is the effect of me coming forward and speaking? It's not a big effect. - Well, I mean, yeah, I mean, you have to think that on some level, your higher self set this up for you to be the one to remember to come disclose this. And there's a group of everybody right now that is disclosing this information and that's their mission, that's your mission. - I am actually shocked, there are way a lot more of us. I feel that there should be more. And a lot of people that I speak to that are coming forward, they say things that I don't remember, that don't, you know what I'm saying? There's a lot of people that have a lot of info that has zero overlap. And that doesn't mean that I'm wrong and they're wrong, it just means that, you know what I mean? They were somewhere different than me. And it shows the versatility of these programs that some of them are radically different than the others. - Yeah, I think that there's only a small handful because of what's allowed to happen on this planet. And I think the collective can only handle so much either. Or also, I think it's really difficult for somebody that's only ever watched CNN and Netflix to tune into this. And resonate and, you know-- - And until they see it, until they see it, on Netflix and CNN, they won't believe it. - Yeah, exactly. - Until they see it presented from them. It's kind of like somebody, you know, like in traffic, somebody can get a teenager can get out of their car and go, "Wait, stop, stop, stop." And people will just drive right by them. But if an adult stands there with a hat, with a uniform, they'll hit the brakes. And it's just perceived authority, it's not actual authority. - Exactly. - Beautiful thing. - It's a great analogy, yeah. It really is, just like the white coat theory, you know. Studies are shown that people listen to somebody wearing a white coat over someone. - Laboratory Jack, right, exactly. Like somebody in the hospital, if a kid comes up and says, "You guys gotta move," he'll be ignored. But if somebody comes up with a white coat on in their 20s, you guys gotta move, people will get up and move. Exactly, it's perceived authority. And that's what the news is, that's all it is. - It's the same with-- - It's all psychological manipulation is our whole mainstream society is, that's literally all it is. - I watched a video where this guy put on a safety vest, a hard hat, and he was carrying a ladder. And he's trying to see how many places he can get into. And he got past security in the airport, carrying a ladder wearing a hard hat and safety vest. Because it's just all how you perceive it. But talking about the psychological aspects, something I've heard you talk about was, you had to do some type of training and you were running in the programs, they were making you run every day. And something you said, I thought was fascinating. Your officer told you, or whoever told you that. - To imagine it was going down. - When you're running forward to look at the wall, how do you but imagine that the wall was gravity and you were going down and it helped you run longer. - It would help you go farther, exactly. So they were well aware that your consciousness can manipulate reality. They're well aware of that, that we are in a quantum holograph and that we're in a consciousness-based reality, not a reality with consciousness in it. So they were well aware of that. So what happened was, it was a swimming break on the ship. We were on another planet, on an ocean, on another planet. We had a layover and they let us go swimming. And I went down and the ship, the ship was hard-capped at 10 meters off of any surface. So it was 10 meters above the water where it would stay and the computer did that, not the pilot. So they lowered a cargo net down and everybody's like, just jump, you can just jump. And I didn't, I mean, I wasn't good at it. And I climbed down and I went swimming and when I climbed up the cargo net, I got winded and I stopped and rested and one of the German, he was a kid, he was younger than me, but he was a German soldier, basically. He said, "What are you doing, rested?" And he said, "Get up there." And I said, "I need to rest." And he reported me. So they made me go take a physical test and they sent me to PT. And I had to go after the ship got back in the dock each day. I had to go to the gym and work out. And the coach, I guess, the instructor there, when I had a hard time running laps told me that. He said, "Your consciousness determines your reality." He was well aware of that. And he said, "Just imagine that you're going down, "that every wall you're looking at is down "and you're running down the vertical surface of a wall "rather than running forward." And just keep that in your mind. And then when you turn the track, 'cause it was an indoor track, it was a gymnasium. He said, "When you turn to the next wall, "just imagine that's down too." And that was, I swear it didn't help though. (laughing) I hated that, man. Hey, I was so happy when it was over. So it was like six months of that. - So if you're benching a bench press, just imagine the ceiling's down. - It seems down, yeah, and you're letting it, you're holding it down, right? - Yeah, I mean, honestly, it might have some effect to get one more wrap or something like that. - Yeah, yeah, like probably like on some level, like a milla effect of, you know what I mean, of the weight, but-- - Like there is no spoon type of-- - Yes, exactly. - Yeah. - So when do we expect to see this list? Do you have any information on who's supposed to be releasing this list? - Man, I tell you what, that a year ago, I had, just from people, from talking to other guys, you know, occasionally we talk on the phone, other insiders and email and things, and just from other things that I heard, a year ago, I had a kind of a rough draft in my head of how it was gonna go down. And, you know, how we were gonna get a disclosure. That's all totally devastated in this last month, you know what I mean? Like in this last year, like really, it's up for grabs. It's kind of like, you know, there were the forces that be that are in charge of everything, and you kind of had an idea of what they had it for a goal, and you could see them working toward it, but now all I see is them fighting over things. And you know, like again, we're at January 5th, 2021 right now. And I think tomorrow and the next few days are gonna be historical. - Yeah. - Yeah, you know, whether, however it pans out, I think we're gonna have real crossroads in history, especially in the United States. And we're gonna see how, what happens, but, you know, history is gonna look, I think that everybody here doesn't, as of this moment, doesn't realize how pinnacle this is. And so I don't really have a clear idea of how disclosure is gonna play out. The list, like I said, the list, it just doesn't make sense that there would be a list like that that would be released. I mean, who would do that? - Yeah. - Right, even in peacetime, no army would do that. - Sure. - Sure, everybody would do that. It's just, it's just too self-defeating. There's just no way. - You're not gonna get a list of all the black budget programs existing underground here on earth, you know. - Like when they release a list of every CIA asset in the world right now. - No, apparently they did with the CCP, two million people, right? - Really? Yeah, but what kind of faith do you have that that's complete? - It was all, you know what I mean? - Yeah, exactly. But it was, it was quite a big of people, assets all over the world and embedded in all of it. - The suck gets released, it's not gonna be released. - Exactly. And it wasn't officially, yeah. - Right, it's not gonna be, yeah. - That's a good point. - Wow. - Yeah. - So they're gonna take steps towards a disclosure. I think that the difference in a lot of testimonies and whistleblowers now is an attempt that some are endorsed by certain programs. Some, your best whistleblowers are probably still active. Representations of a program. If I am, it's unbeknownst to me, right? So, but I think that they're gonna want to give us a disclosure that gives us, that brings people up to speed quickly, but also keeps them in the dark about the real important stuff. They're gonna give us, someone else said that, you know, like another whistleblower gives us 90% of the truth with 10% of the lies. And those 10% of lies are more damning than all the truth can overcome. - That's like the biggest. - That's the important stuff. And I think that's what we're gonna get. - That's the best sci-op possible. That's people say that that happens. That's just the best way to manipulate somebody. - Sure, you know. - Yeah, oh yeah. - I think that we know that we're not gonna get the full truth. I mean, I've heard of the theory that like the wave of whistleblowers coming out now about the SSP is just about a specific program that the collective can handle, but there's another program above that that there's gonna be a second wave of whistleblowers coming forward. It's gonna be even harder to believe. It's gonna be even more fantastical talking about different creatures and all kinds of stuff that we're not ready for. I don't know. - Yeah. - I don't know if that's accurate, but it would make sense. - Well, they're gonna come with our religious things. They're gonna happen, they're religious, you know. And the other thing is I think we're very mistaken about most of our history, you know, our history. We're gonna get historical things. They're gonna say, well, actually, no, this is what happened, this is why that happened. And explaining events in our own history, they're gonna be hard to swallow. So, the other thing is how readily accessible are we gonna have access? So, on series colony, there was an internet. And on Mars, they have their own internet. And it has access to an interplanetary internet, like a database that's between-- - I'm Victoria Cash, and I wanna invite you to a place called Lucky Land. 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If we get something like that in our lifetime, I mean, that would be amazing, right? But I don't know. - That alone would be enough to change a lot. And then, till there have been some other things, you know, I kind of, I do loosely follow some things and then people tell me. But, so we have to be brought up to speed. We are still not technologically ready to change our lifestyle. Like, you know, we still have to, people are still putting gas in their car kind of thing. And for them to come and say, well, you don't need gas anymore, shut it off. That would be very devastating to most of the planet. You get what I mean? - Yeah. - Like if we joined a galactic society and they said, okay, you don't need, quit with the gas, there would be such a lag of a period that we would, you know, many people would be harmed by that. And so that's gotta, there are gonna be some infrastructure changes. And then I think that'll be our biggest clue. On when we're gonna get a disclosure. 'Cause there's gonna be vast infrastructure changes quickly. - Well, the first thing that Cabal has to be taken completely out of power, to me is the first thing. 'Cause they're the ones that have been in control of the planet essentially for so long. And they've been suppressing everything. They have their agenda to kill off, you know, the vast majority of the population and enslave the rest and the transhumanist agenda and blah, blah, blah, it goes on and on. - And that needs to stop, they need to be taken out because that's where they're wanting this to go. - So that, okay, okay, so I gotta, I gotta choose these words carefully. - Okay. - Big subjects, right? So that's a big subject. - It is. - The Cabal, you know, like in a field of water buffalo, the tiger has the right to exist. So the Cabal has the right to exist for one. They don't have the right to thrive the way they have without knowledge because what's happened is the rest of us, our knowledge is so suppressed now, that, you know what I mean, they existed and their existence was, they had stayed secretive to stay ahead of us. And what's happened is they're way up there and that doesn't need to be. So the knowledge of the Cabal must exist for everybody else. - Well, yeah, exactly. And the thing is, we're the ones, we're the ones giving them power essentially when you think about it because we're like, like we're complying with everything they're, you know, the ones, they can't enslave all of us unless we comply, unless we agree to everything. - It was more of a level playing field. The Cabal was wealthy than charge of everything, but back in the time before information, it was a level playing field because in a typical person's life, they didn't access worldwide information. They didn't access what's going on in India or what's going on. You know what I'm saying? You didn't have access. So what I'm saying is the Cabal's technology was worldwide, they had access, but it wasn't that big of an impact on it. They didn't keep everybody in that part of the dark. Now that we're in the age of information, we don't have access to that information and we need to be brought up to speed to act, to have knowledge of the Cabal and what's going on. - Yeah. - So the Cabal does need to be taken out, Robert. Basically, they just need a light shine down down. - Yeah, well, exactly. - People just need to know about them. And that will solve that. You know what I mean? But I don't see like the-- - I'm not saying like the D's need to come down and do it for us because that's the opposite of what needs to happen in my opinion. - Some of it might be a blood and guts war, but I don't see the whole operation as a more gut thing, where they need to be just locked up and murdered or whatever. - It's disclosure. It needs, the truth needs to come out. Like you said, a light on what's really been going on, who these people really are. They're infiltrated in every institution. - And once your cover is blown, your cover is blown so they're no longer going to be able to operate like that and things change. - Exactly. - Right, right. That's the same thing that's run a muck, is that we have the age of information. They're holding back too much information now. And that's the unnatural thing that's going on right now, is that we should have access to more info. - Yeah, we have clones holding back too much information. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's true. And I don't want to sound like I'm some advocate for them, obviously, they're horrible people. But like I said, it's much like morally, it's much like in a, we live in a forest, we don't live in a bureaucracy. We live in a forest, so the water buffalo exists and the tiger exists. And that's what the cabal is, more like a predatory branch of humanity. The predators. - And until the white buffalo gets smart and stop walking right into the, yeah. - Right, right. Well, I mean, there's another analogy to control, but I think that just the suppression of the cabal's existence is just, once that's gone, the rest of it will naturally kind of even out, you know. - Yeah. - But that your way of your perspective on that is actually a good one because so many of us have this hatred for the cabal and hated for all these people that have been blackmail, have been MK altered since they were born, have been cloned, they've been injected, they've been poisoned, they're not even who they're supposed to be. So they're growing up in these programs, they're manipulated, they're, you know what I'm saying? So we- - So controlled. - Okay, so wow. So I never thought I was gonna say this. And I almost, like I've been tearing up a lot lately. As much as you hate them. Right, as what I suffered and lived through when I was in Seattle, honestly, I had nothing but anger for that. Really, that was a very angry time and years afterwards I was still very angry. I wanted to go back there with guns. And you know what I'm saying? Like I was very angry. As much as you look at that and say, I hate those people, they're terrible people. I can look at people in my day-to-day life and feel the same hatred. I can broge rage on people that do people wrong. I see it around me in my life. Every day people treat people like shit. Every day I see people that are horrible to others. And they're not evil, they're not cabal. They're not child-eating pedophiles. But they don't have that feeling of respect that you know what I'm saying? Like they don't have that morality. Like I can easily point the finger at the cabal and point three or four back at me. You get what I'm saying? Like it's easy to judge them and say that. Like again, I'm not a pro. - It's about us, it's about-- - I'm not a pro-sateness, I'm not a pro-person. I don't think that they get a pass. But what I'm saying is that we're not perfect either. Like the whole situation needs to give it. People across the board need to be a little bit more aware that we're all basically one big entity and that when you hurt somebody else, you're hurting yourself. - It's ultimately exactly you nailed it. And it's ultimately about raising our frequency. And operating from a space of love and service to others rather than the cabal who's service self-oriented. - You know, without even touching on a racist, on a racial version of it, which there's racism in basically every direction, I'm not gonna call anybody racist, but I'm saying it's a natural thing. Like around the world, like there are people in one, in Japan that hate other Japanese because of a different culture for whatever. There's an excuse to feel better about yourself. But even among that, people are economically, what do you call it, bigoted. So people say, you know what I mean? I'm better than them 'cause I make way more money. We make more money than them. - And that's all you know. - Those are garbage. And the fact is, we all are made out of the same, we all have the same kind of spark of consciousness within us. And it's the same thing, you know what I mean? So you deserve the same way that a bug deserves to not be squashed and taken and escorted out to somewhere that it can live. Everybody needs to be treated with a layer of respect that's not going on in the world. And that's what's, believe me, that's gonna change. How are we gonna interact? So if we have that kind of disparity between somebody that makes one less zero a year, imagine what you're gonna feel to a ET that can fly up in a craft, you know what I'm saying? Like how are you gonna feel against a walking rat or a gray that walks up on you and can speak to you telepathically? Like are you gonna feel equally, you know, are you gonna feel like suddenly you're impoverished and lose your self-respect and dignity? Or you know, you get what I mean? - Yeah, I start worshiping the ETs. - Are you gonna fall out of your knees and worship that? Right, just because he's fortunate. When I was a young man, I thought that rich people were somehow noble, you know what I mean? Like I grew up like middle class, lower middle class. And I thought that people that were wealthy were also wise and noble. And that was the first thing I found out in my young adulthood, when I worked with them, was that it was actually many cases the opposite of the bags of bags of eggs. So it's the same with ETs. As we get ETs that come down that have, we're gonna learn that they're people just like us. Some of them grew up and had a really good upbringing or good people and some had damaged, you know what I mean? Like it's across the board and it's the same with the cabal, these are damaged people. I think these are people that are very damaged. - Wow, man, I didn't want to talk about it. - Well, and then you get into the different like densities, you know, and that's a whole nother topic of there's higher dimensional beings that are just. - Well, exactly, and they kind of have the same cycle, you know, like even on higher densities, like some of them are more equipped to socialize than others are, and. - Yeah, you know, that's interesting. But it's also like, it comes down to just not judging, right? Because if we had to judge ourselves, I know this is like the cliche lesson, but think about how many times in your life, everybody listening to this, you've done something, you've helped somebody or whatever, but you've had an ulterior motive. You've had, how many times on a daily basis do you lie? How do you lie? - No, I'm not a perfect guy. Yeah, oh yeah, I personally, I could tell you right now that I'm not a perfect guy and there's a lot, there's, depending on what level you know me, there's a lot to like and there's a lot to hate. You know what I mean? - I mean, you gotta get free by myself. - It's not, you just see, yeah. - Yeah, and I think that we, number one, I mean, that's something that's been ingrained in us. I think a lot of the bigotry has been ingrained in us because it limits us as well. So that's gonna be a big thing that changes, like that's a post-disclosure issue, because we're gonna have to start not only being, you know, not sexist, not racist, not economically biased. We're gonna be open to all that stuff, not only with ourselves, but with other species. You know, if we're gonna start entertaining guests or if we're gonna start visiting other species, we're gonna have to be a little bit more inclusive and you know what I'm saying? Like when you meet somebody, the Germans, there were times, there was a time we met a species, we did a mission to a planet. And when he left the room, they made fun of him. It was like junior high all over again. That's how the Germans behave. They were high and mighty and they were very bigoted towards another species. And it's like at a certain level, this is the lynch pin for consciousness. You know what I mean? Because you can go technology so far and you've got to take consciousness beyond that. That's the lynch pin. If you can empathize with everything that's alive, that's what's gonna let us evolve into that level of consciousness where we don't need technology anymore. That's basically the lynch pin around. - That's why nobody's striving for telepathy 'cause we all have too much to hide. - Yeah, oh, I know, right, yeah. I don't want anybody to stay out of my mind. It's, you know what I mean? - Yeah, exactly. Well, Tony, this has been incredible. Thank you so much for spending time with us and sharing everything with us. - That was great. I didn't think it was gonna get that deep, man, but you guys are great. I can't wait to meet you guys down in Florida. - Yeah, I'm insane. - Speaking of, yeah, the Starseed Adventure Conference guys in Cocoa Beach, Florida, March 12th. - What? They changed the date. I don't know where to start. - March 12th or something. - Sure. It's both with the teeth somewhere there. - There's only, I don't know how many tickets are... - We'll have the info. - I don't know how many tickets have been sold, but there's only 200 available. So it's a very small conference. - Small, intimate. - The link will be below in the description. Go check that out. And if you feel compelled, get a ticket. Come hang out with us. - We're all three of us are gonna be there. Some of James Gilland, John Vivanco. I don't even know. There's a whole list. - I've been in. - Yeah. - Every year. - It's gonna be a great time. - For sure. - It's gonna be, it's gonna be a lot of fun. So, and it's on the beach. It's a beautiful place. It's a little pricey, but it's a different conference. There's a lot more involved. Just feel into it. And I think if you're meant to be there, you'll end up there. That's kind of how all these conferences seem to work out. - They're always a great crowd too. - Yeah. - Tony, you let people know one more time where they can find you, your Patreon, your website, all that stuff. - Sure. So all that's linked on my website is So with an S on the end, and if you could put the link up, that'd be great. But it's I was never gonna do that. I want to say this right now. I was never going to monetize anything. I didn't want to come forward for money or anything like that whatsoever. Honestly, I didn't want to do this many talks. But what's happened is I'm just answering what people have asked me. I didn't want to do a book, so I'm doing a book. - I'm excited about the book. - I get asked for it all the time. And people, I work at nine to five. I've got an hour commute. I have a life. And so I do this on Saturdays, most of the time. And people call me the phone calls. Sometimes I've got onto my Facebook and it's not a high how you're doing things. It's their life story. I get messages that are just pages long and I don't have time. And so I started doing, I did a few interviews with Jackie Pierce, who's a gifted medium and very gifted, she's like a powerhouse of a person. She just gets so much done. And she helped me out and made the website and she helped me with the course, the memory course. And what's that's been able to do is there's really, when I first got my, excuse me, when I got my memories back, I had nowhere to go. I had no one to talk to, I had nothing. If I was, I really considered, I got into the phone book and was gonna go to counseling. And I thought, they're just gonna give me a bunch of drugs. I'm gonna be medicated. - Yeah, I would have, yeah. - So people have come to me since I've come forward and this website is somewhere for you to go. So it's not the cure, it's not everything. It's not a silver bullet, but it's somewhere to start and kind of get your bearings if you feel you've been involved. - Sure. - Or if you just wanna research the subject, there's a lot of info there. The CIA documents are a great reading. There are links to a lot of my interviews. And then my Patreon show is going well. So a lot of fun, it's great to be on the other end of the questions and get my perspective. That's what that's about. And let's face it, I mean, you guys too, we're all facing censorship now. The Patreon is a effort. So hopefully that's my content and it can't be just deleted. So I've noticed that in my list of interviews, 20% of them are gone. - Sure. - So the links are gone. So they have Shadowband, SSP and Secret Space Program. On YouTube, you used to be able to put my name in and all my stuff popped up. It doesn't anymore. So that's really what that is. And it costs money to do it. And so we charge money. And that's what's going on. But so far it's so good. It's a great audience and it's a lot of great info. And hopefully we can carry it to a post-disclosure to kind of keep everybody honest. - Yeah, that's what it's about. - Well, thanks for everything you're doing. It doesn't go unnoticed. I mean, you're making waves. Everything you do as a ripple effect, answering people's questions is being of service to others. People want to know and this information is sparking something within everybody. - There'll be a way of life. - Yes, exactly. So thank you for that. Thank you everybody for tuning in and listening. We hope you enjoyed this because it's fascinating. I mean, we could probably do a four part episode if you're very wanted to. But yeah, keep an eye out for his book and go check him out. We'll link that below. Don't forget to grab yourself. I'm near past that promo code is truth. All caps 10% off. Hopewell Farms CBD, that stuff is amazing. Grab some of that, it's incredible. It's my favorite. It's very potent. It's good stuff. And then 20% off our t-shirts with promo codes, Sleepy Joe and that will run indefinitely. - Sleepy Joe. - Yeah. - That's great. And until next time, I don't know what else to say. Thank you, Tony. - Thank you. - You're very welcome. Thanks for having me. It was a blast. - All right. - See you guys soon. - All right, good night everybody. (dramatic music) - People ask me about my tribe. The truth is my tribe is relatively unknown, for we are but a few. We have walked many planes in graced infinite timelines. Our calling is eternal. Our homecoming, imminent. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) We the paradigm shifters. 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