Journey to Truth

EP 100 - Allison Coe - Something Big This Way Comes...

Originally aired on 12/29/20
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Allison Coe:
Allison is a Dream Interpreter,
Metaphysical Researcher,
Intuitive Counselor and a QHHT & BQH Practitioner, practicing the Dolores Cannon method of Quantum Healing.
“I started Soul Focus Hypnosis because one of the best ways for me to achieve these goals is to offer the Quantum Healing Hypnosis service to anyone and everyone. It's time to really put myself out there, be vulnerable, and grow from that vulnerability. My own QHHT sessions, as the client, have given me a new lease on life. The sessions gave me purpose and clarity, and showed me how to incorporate my passions into my career. My sincerest wish is to serve others and offer them that same clarity, relief, joy, and purpose.
The years I've spent engrossed in metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric studies have all led to this work. All of the teachings, no matter the source, share a common thread: we are infinite beings who chose to come here to this place at this time because we knew we were strong enough to handle it, to learn our lessons and make a difference. Our thoughts and feelings create the world around us. We are connected to all that is. We are energy, we are vibration, we are love, we are the Universe manifested as human beings in this life. And we have amnesia.” - Allison Coe
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1h 50m
Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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For those of you who don't know her, she's a QHHT practitioner, which is quantum healing, he knows his therapy, and she does some really incredible work, and I'm sure most of you have watched her videos. But before we get started, well as you might know this also, I'm back from Mexico. I'm back from Mexico, which that was an amazing trip. Try learning a foreign language in another country when everybody's wearing a mask. It's ridiculous. I mean, you don't think that's one more thing you don't think about. I'm trying to learn a language, and I'm like, "I give up." Muffled. Yeah, so guys, don't forget omnia patches, omnia radiation balancer patch you put on your phone or any radiating device. Put it on your phone, it harmonizes the frequency, turns it into something beneficial for your body. We have those available on our website now. You can actually get these on our website 10% off with promo code truth, all caps. If you don't have them, they're amazing. They got rid of my migraine headaches, my sinuses. You don't realize what that negative radiation actually does to you. That's just being bombarded with every day. There's a lot of physical ailments that actually I was able to recover from just by getting these patches. Hopeful farm, we still have that promo code going on until the second. Hopeful farm is CBD. That is promo code JTT15 for 15% off until January 2nd. This stuff is really amazing. It's illegal in other countries because of the THC level, so it can't be shipped overseas. Unfortunately, it's good. There is a way around it, but you would have to email the website personally and request it, and the shipping is insanely high. It's almost not worth it unless you absolutely have to have it. But there is a way if you want to order it. Our t-shirts are available for 20% off with promo code Sleepy Joe. We're going to keep that promo code. We're going to keep that promo going, I guess, indefinitely right now. Don't forget, grab yourself a t-shirt. We have some new designs up. We're going to be getting into a lot of cool stuff coming up next month, so now that that's out of the way. Welcome, Allison. We're very glad to have you. We're glad to have you. Good to see you again. Yeah, it's nice to have you back, actually. For those who don't know, we've had her on a previous episode, which was one of my personal favorites. Aw. Yeah, thank you guys, and congratulations on your 100th episode. That is no joke. Absolutely no joke. I'm so happy for you guys. You're doing such good work out there. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And everybody listening, thank you. Honestly, the support from the fans and friends and family and everybody along the way, the donations, just the gifts that people send us. Sometimes we appreciate all of you. We appreciate everything. We're doing this because of you. This is our passion. So thank you for all of it. Thank you very much. Yeah, good time. Wait, you guys get swag? Sometimes. I know, right? Yeah. I can't believe it either. I'm like, wait, what? Yeah, we have fans or something. It's weird. Yeah. That's awesome. We'll go for you. You guys deserve it. Whatever you get, whatever comes your way, the good stuff. Oh, thank you. Yeah, thank you so much. Yeah, absolutely. Sure, you get stuff as well. So maybe, maybe not. She gets us asking her once to come on the show. Yeah. I see all the love you get online though. People love you. They really do. That is also life, man. I do want to take a quick moment to say thank you to all my subscribers, all the fans, all the people who reach out endlessly. And you guys for having me on and all my clients for allowing me to share their information. Thank you so much. This is such a gift to be able to do this job and to be able to make a living from out, you know, while helping people. You know, instead of like, by accepting the energy, you know, having to be an accountant or what have you while trying to, you know, help people and do this work. I'm able to 100% do this work. And I absolutely love it. So what a gift. So thank you to everybody out there. Yeah. Yeah. And anybody who follows you knows that you're the real deal. I mean, your stuff is amazing. And I'm really excited to get into it. How? First of all, how has this year treated you? This has been a crazy year. How have you handled these times? And fortunately, with what you do, you're able to keep working. Yes, man, I am so fortunate. I am so fortunate. And it was very clear this year how the last couple of years I moved into doing remote sessions only. And so there was no blip in my work whatsoever. It was the only the only hiccup really came from from my daughter being home from school. She's been home since March. And so trying to, you know, help her with school work and all of that while trying to be on the phone with people and help them has been a has been a was a tough thing to straddle for a while. But I decreased the amount that I was working quite a bit to handle, you know, my daughter being home from school. And she's still home from school. So that is a blessing that my work has been able to handle that. And the sessions just keep pouring in though. And they're wonderful and amazing. And it's such a testament to the type of clients I get that these these sessions that I'm able to share is only because of the people that that come to me. And it's been amazing. But 2020 alone has like really made me go internal. And I'm already a hermit man. That's like no joke. I'm always a hermit. But but just reevaluating like all my values, what's important to me, what I need to put energy in what relationships need to be renewed and refreshed and recharged, and what relationships need to fall away, you know, reevaluating how I'm spending my time and what I'm doing and how my, you know, all of this stuff has been definitely on my radar. And I've been really, you know, putting my energy into being a better version of myself and cleaning up whatever whatever needed to be cleaned up and presenting, making sure that the inside and the outside matched in a lot of ways. And one of those things that I've been working on was, okay, I think really good clean thoughts have been working on that for years because it's such a huge part of manifesting what you want, right? Being able to control your thoughts. No problem. That's been like one of my main focuses spiritually for the last 10 years. But I always think we'll be, we'll be a testament to this. I always still cussed, right? Whenever I, it just was natural for me to do that. So you're not going to be cursing tonight? I am. Cussing, I have been cussing, man. In fact, it's like shocking me when I hear cuss words sometimes and I'm not expecting it. I'm like, whoa. So I actually am a reformed cusser. It's okay. You know, I haven't been talking to anybody very much, you know, outside of work. So, well, this is going to be the test. We'll see you flip up. Yeah, yeah. I think and without, I haven't had whiskey, even though I was few and far between, even before I haven't had whiskey in, like, oh, six or seven months or something. Nice. Nice. I mean, like, clean it up myself and match who I actually am. Yeah. Like new levels and everything. So that's been amazing. How about for you guys? That's beautiful. It's amazing. Speaking about the, you know, you haven't had a drink. I entirely, I in what? Whiskey. Whiskey. Okay. Only whiskey. Now you say, I entirely, I entirely quit drinking in July, along with quitting my job. And I, the cravings went away. It was like, I exited a program when I quit that job. It was crazy. I never connected the dots that I was like living in a program, right? Because I was so, so much in it. But I was just in Mexico and I decided for the first time, I was like, you know what? I'm going to have a drink on the beach. And I did something I recently learned as I charged or restructured or blessed my drink and took that negative, took the negativity away from it that we surround all of drinking with, you know, and alcohol. And I did that and I didn't feel if it was just like having drinking a glass of tea. But I was able to enjoy it in a way that in the past would have have led to a drunken night. And, you know, so it was really cool. It was a really cool experiment for me. But that's amazing. So you've been cleaning yourself up too. Oh, yeah. I think every, I mean, this year is forcing everyone to make changes and forcing people to adapt like you're what you're having to do with your daughter and everything. And new opportunities are presenting themselves. You're being forced to find new ways to do things. But it's like the catalyst we kind of all needed, right? I believe so. I believe so. And, you know, psychological flexibility and emotional flexibility has been, you know, the the grease that will allow you to transition really smoothly into into these other ways of being or thinking or adjusting, you know, this psychological flexibility. It's amazing what that does not only for relationships for interpersonal relationships, but relationships with with systems that are changing, you know, like the education systems or healthcare systems, financial systems. So it's it it bodes well for every individual to try to be more flexible in their thinking. Yeah, absolutely. This year is it like really shows you who is and who isn't at the beginning and then seeing kind of if you if you're watching people, you can see their their kind of arc, their kind of change that they've been able to do. How about you, Erin, you know, you're quiet over there. It's 2020 kind of done for you. Yeah, it's definitely not a whole lot changed for me because I didn't I just kept working my job as normal. And like you said, I'm somewhat of a hermit as well. So somewhat didn't know you are. Yeah, I'm going to like parks and stuff. I don't like I don't go out, you know, partying or doing like that. I used to play in bands though. I don't anymore. But that that was my going out before, you know, or going to shows and stuff like that. But yeah, not not a whole lot changed. But it did it has definitely like the whole mass thing and like the lockdowns and stuff like it just is I was so looking forward to like going to conferences or traveling a little bit, you know, and then like when when it all hit, it was kind of like I was like, Oh, no, I don't think I'm going to be able to do any of that now. Like, yeah, and it really caused me to like not take for granted any anything really, or like, you know, start cherishing my blessings in life a lot more and and relationships and friendships and stuff. Yeah, and that's what happened to do stuff like that. And yeah, yeah, if anything this year does show you what we have been taking for granted, as soon as something's taken away from you, it's so, you know, it's just like you don't know what you got until it's gone. And that's exactly what we're all experiencing. So Oh, God, I have my list of things like if I could have done more of that, I should have done more, you know, the could have should have would have before 2020. I don't know if you guys have that list. It's not meeting up here, but not on paper. No, yeah, it's clearly up here. Yeah, that's more of it. But I'm like, man, I should have gone to see more more amazing shows, gone out more often, like, traveled more this last year. I should have done those things. And those are my things that I will definitely do more of when the time when the time comes, when when it becomes available again, just yeah, meeting up with people and having more experiences instead of being that natural hermit, you know, when when we're forced to be hermit, but we're actually naturally like that. And it comes forced, then it's like no fun anymore. I know, right? You know, it's like, well, no, I don't want to. Yeah. Oh, you're saying that? Well, no, I don't know. You know, it's funny about that is I just I was just in Mexico, staying with a friend, staying in a part of Mexico. There were no tourists. There weren't even I didn't even see another American. No, no one spoke English. So I became a hermit because it was very intimidating. I don't speak Spanish a little bit very little. It when I first got there, it was very shy. But I noticed what I was doing on that trip because we're always I'm always talking. I'm always talking about how often are we listening, right? And observing. So it forced me to just listen and observe the culture and listen to myself and my thoughts. And I really got to know myself in a new way down there. And it was just in but it was like I felt like a hermit like I didn't know what to do with myself because I couldn't express myself and what I was thinking or whatever. It was it was a very transformative trip. It was just interesting. You said that about the hermit. That's how I felt down there. But that's amazing sessions. I want to hear enough about us. Yeah. Yes, actually, I've had, of course, some amazing sessions lately. But there were two that really came to mind when I was thinking about preparing for this interview and two that I had already asked the individuals if I could share their sessions. So I had plans to transcribe them and put them out on my own channel. But that hadn't happened yet. So I thought, okay, well, I would like to do some sharing of these sessions with you guys. And I already let you know I have tons of written notes about these sessions just because they are so massively detailed. I mean, pages after pages of this so massively detailed that I will be reading some of it. But I'll try to do some improv, you know, some memory off the top of my head. Then there were some things that I don't have the full sessions for. It was just some some blips that came through the three different sessions within two weeks actually had the same kind of statement in them. And I was so caught off guard by it. And yet part of me was prepared for it as well. So I can't wait to get your guys thoughts on that as well. Yeah, I can't wait to hear it. Yeah. Oh, good. Yeah. So I'll just rattle on. Shall I? Yeah, go for it. Okay. We're all here. I won't use my hip no voice. This is not going to be the, you know, the dual voice. Oh, you're soft. You're soft. No voice though. It's so soothing. That's the best part about it. Oh, thank you. Seriously. You won't get that today, folks. No, I just I don't have I don't have the like speaker speaker to transcribe part of it. I just have like the overall summary of it. Okay. Okay. Okay. So we have this woman, an amazing woman she she lives in California. And she's starting a business. She actually had been in like owned her own clinic and everything and very successful clinic where she was she was helping people with it's like aesthetics were helping people with their skin and everything and and other healing modalities. And she sold that clinic and moved away. And so she has this kind of natural history with with the healing and being of service to others and stuff. It's just kind of evolved. So she was starting a business that just to summarize is is all about the aromas and sense and how certain aromas give you certain experiences and they can adjust your vibrations, right? Not it not not necessarily the newest idea in the world, but but her take on it was really impressive and really cool. So she was getting some clarity for that. Sorry. I think this might be hitting me. Thank you, cheering over here. Okay. So you let me know if there's any weird thing going on with my sound, please. So anyway, so she she has this foot in this world one foot in this world where she's trying to bring more sensual experience at the sense, right? Your your smell bring more sensual experiences to to people and help them help them adjust. Okay. So when we go into the life that she was taken into, she was taken into this kind of earth-like environment, right? And I say earth-like because there's other planets that are like earth and most of the time we're just assuming it's on earth. But this was very earth-like but but not modern by any means. And she finds herself in this kind of clearing in the woods and and she's actually her job is to help clear areas of interference. And she she was actually showed how shown how to do this at a young age. And she takes care of one certain area of the land and and clears clears kind of this junk that's there. And she has a stick she has a stick that she can use or she can use her body. And she says she's telepathically connected to other beings on the planet who are doing this as well. And they all kind of you know guard their their areas and link up. And so I ask her to do that. I'm like, can you go ahead and you know connect to to see who you connect to? And let's let's chat with them. And so she goes with them and she she connects. Only it's an off-world being that she connects to. Oh, this is not a like a human or anything. This is somebody totally different. But there they're a guide off off world to give me a higher perspective and give me new information. And they're always connected to me too. But sometimes they'll just send me codes codes that I should pull down and put into this staff, right? And it will help clear the interference for certain beings. And because certain there are like these lower level beings who are sending out all this junk and from this higher perspective, they know exactly who those beings are. So they're like, yes, use these codes, pull them down and send them out. Okay, so so that's what she's doing. And I asked, well, can they tell you more about about these beings? And they said, well, they say, hold on a second, they say that the other beings have been tricking the people by not letting them know how powerful they can be against them. So they somehow put a block in the people's brains. And it radiated this block was radiated into their minds. And it locked the brain down from being able to get ideas or thoughts. And it was a way to stop people from attaining a higher focus and a higher frequency. Basically what they're doing here. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. So bingo spot on. So it like gives you chills when you hear this stuff. It's like, hey, sounds familiar. Okay, so then, you know, they're like these specific codes, of course, will help with this specific stuff. And it helps clear that kind of brain fog. Okay, so then, of course, okay. And I asked, oh, yeah, I asked for more information about these beings who are interfering. Are they on earth? Are they off earth? Who are they? And she's like, these, these beings are from a lower astral realm. And immediately I'm thinking like, okay, these are like kind of demonic beings, right? These kind of nefarious chaos, bringers and stuff from lower astral realms. And people have played around with calling in these beings. And they made agreements and struck deals and were allowed entrance into this world. So if you can imagine like playing around with the Ouija board or something like that, even though this isn't modern times, but it feels kind of like that, right? Like they're calling in, they didn't know what they were doing. They're playing around, they called in these beings, and then they were stuck with them. And then they were like, how do I work with you? How do I negotiate with you so you don't mess with me? Oh, I let you out or I let you mess with other people, things like that. Okay, so then we're kind of leaving that scene and moving forward, as I do sometimes with these sessions, moving forward to another important day. And it shows her kind of more grown up, more in love. She's having a relationship, her whole land, everybody feels safer. And she's not doing as much clearing of the of the ethers and the energy, right? She's just working with plants and healing people's bodies and stuff. And her life feels really easy to her. She's just, you know, having a great time, being at ease, being in love, just enjoying all that life has to offer. I'm like, that's great. Let's move forward again to another important day. And she's like, Oh crap. It's not, it's not easy anymore. It's like, everybody's sick. Everybody's gotten sick. And it feels very dark. And, and she's like, they're, their minds are messed up. So their minds aren't, aren't working right. And their bodies aren't working right. And specifically, her loved one is, has been attacked. And she recognizes, recognizes that as some sort of psychic, poison, right? That's what she calls it. And, and she said, everyone got sick because they had been rolled into complacency. And, and they felt safe. They felt safe for so long that they let their guards down. And the being those beings who were attacking them for a while, they, they took off. They kind of let them alone. And they, then they did like this sneak attack when they let their after so long when they let their guards down. And they came back with a vengeance. And she was like, I just didn't do my work enough. Nobody did. So all this, this kind of grid that was around the earth or around that planet that she was connected to those other beings that she was connected to, working with, to help, to help kind of secure the place. They all just let their guard down. It sounds like it sounds like earth in another dimension or, or another. It sounds like a reflection of the agenda that they're trying to play out here that, that maybe was successful on another planet. But it's telling her, telling us something. Exactly spot on. Okay. So then, then we're moving forward. Let's see, she, she was saying that they all kind of look, they all kind of let their guard down, right? And she's all, well, if we're gonna, if we're gonna try to, to heal this, we got it all like. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm gonna make him an orphan. He can't refuse. With family, canoles, and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Champa Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slot. Some day, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at champa Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW group, boy, we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I'll come back 110% immediately, like Defcon 4 or whatever, is it 5? I don't know which highest, well, I don't know. Yeah, that's gone to the, to the 1 million. All right. And so she's trying desperately to connect. And she's like, crap, all my telepathic abilities, they're, cuz champa been working on those either. So she can't connect to anybody. I was like, let's try to connect to that. One being from off-planet, she's like, that person's know, that being is no longer available to me. Okay, so she's like, at a loss. And there's this, there's this, oh my God, this immense feeling of betrayal and anger that she felt she was like, they shouldn't have been able to do this. Like, this, this is against the rules. This is against the laws. Like, they should not have been able to do this. Like a law was broken. Okay, so if something wasn't fair about what they had done or how they had been able to do it. And she said, there was like a bend in time where they just came in and were able to do this. Something against nature and time. And she says, a law of nature was broken. And they should have, there should have been a block to that. But they found a back door. And they were able to do something they weren't supposed to do. And sometimes beings that don't have a foothold in our reality can find a back door through the free will of humans, if you will. Our free will can enable them to kind of hitchhike and be able to do certain things. But I'm not saying that she's actually saying that, but it made me think of that. But there's something was going on where she was like, pass, she was like, this, this shouldn't have been like they're not playing with the rules, not that the various beings ever do. Anyway, so, so I was, I was asking, well, what were they, what are they hoping to get? What are they hoping to gain out of this? Why are they doing this? And you know, what was their intent? And she said, they wanted to be above nature. They want to create their own world, like an overlay above this one. And this was a really weird image to try to try to think of. And she said, she says, in that world, there are no smells, there's nothing central. And immediately I switched thinking, okay, they're trying to put almost like a 2D world over this 3D world. Because 3D, there's all the senses, right? There's the taste, the touch, the smells, all these things where it's 2D is almost flat, you know, just like the computer screen, right? It's scratching sniff. Exactly, exactly. And she said, so their world that they want to bring in is really bland. It's flatlined. It's zombie-like. And they do this for total control. And the control feeds them. So if you aren't using your energy yourself, they'll use it for you. So they, so there doesn't seem to be free will anymore for people. They'll actually hijack their consciousness and use it for you if you're not using it, if you're not embodying your consciousness, right? They're like, thank you, I'll take that. That's what I'm going to do. That's what they did here. We started off as energy creators and now we're energy consumers. And they use our energy for us. That's good. Right, so you have to occupy your consciousness. You have to be there. Okay, so they're like, yeah, they're not using it. So we're going to use it. We're going to distract you. And she says, it feels like the scene in Star Wars, where the two walls are moving together to crush them, except there's one on top and one on the bottom. So they're trying desperately to lower this world on top of the one that already exists, right? And she's like, trying desperately to keep it apart to push up the sky. And she's creating a column out of her body and like pushing up, but it's no use. It's too late and it fades to black. Fades to black. And so later I'm checking, I'm like, so where are you now? She's all, no, I died. That happened. Okay, so then I'm getting to the higher self, right? Because they have some explaining to do. That's what the higher self does. My favorite part. Yeah, as soon as we access the higher self, I'm like, why'd you show her that? You know, what the heck? Okay. So the higher self is coming in to say, something similar is taking place right now. So the human mind energy and thoughts create reality, of course. So there are other beings who have entered the human human minds to make them their avatars or satellites to kind of control them by remote control. And that's just an analogy that's not actually what's happening. But the satellite, the avatar is. And so they're just hijacking the human consciousness, hijacking the human minds through this other world. So they use these humans to create more of their 2D or flat world, their techno world. So you think about social media, right? Social media is like a techno world. It's not a world that actually exists. It's a world that is the 2D version of the actual world that exists, right? So it's photos of the world, or people saying they did these experiences, but it's not the actual experiences. It's the 2D world. Okay, so they get into humans through the good/fun technology. That's how they kind of lure them, right? They get humans interested in it through these, like the honeypot, right? So it's going to be fun. You'll all be connected from across the world, all this stuff. But then they use it to start altering the human minds. And they start hijacking the humans. They make people unaware of certain things. So they hide certain things from people while they also steer their attention to things that they want them to be aware of, or things they want more of, right? So it then allows these beings to hijack a person's free will, because if they don't claim it for themselves, and they weren't fully conscious and holding the space of their mind, then it's up for grabs. It's up for grabs for someone else to take. I'm like, oh, that's such it. I mean, that imagery is like so strong. You're like, man, I don't want you guys to take my mind. I better occupy it. OK, so I'm asking, you know, how could people protect themselves? What's the best way for them to protect themselves? Be aware. They should be conscious. They should be witnessing things. They should be curious. They should be asking questions. Everyone's not here to watch TV. It's a responsibility to be a human being. All right, a responsibility. It's a huge, powerful thing that we signed up for. It's a responsibility. Don't just give it away. Don't just hand it away to the to the technocrats that are running the TV, running the computers, running the programs, right? That's what we're doing. We're handing it to them, right? Well, it's time to take my energy. Exactly. And the whole lesson here is it's time for us to take charge of our own life, take control of our life, step into that sovereignty. Yeah, it's exactly. Sorry, I keep moving my screen. OK, so yeah, claim your sovereignty and actually occupy it, right? It's not enough to just be like one day and be like, I am sovereign. I am Palestinian or whatever. The next day be like, and I'm addicted to this show and I'm going to binge watch it. It has to be kind of steady. It has to be steady. OK, so where was I? This is so it's so cool. OK, huge powerful thing. No one's taking responsibility over it. No one's living to their potential. They've fallen asleep due to complacency, a feeling of being safe enough. Like at some point as human beings stopped feeling so insecure, we found safety and then we're like, yeah, I'm just going to rest now, right? I found safety. I can just relax. I can let my guard down. I can just, you know, I don't have to work all day. I don't have to do that. I can totally relax. OK, and that's where they come in. We want humans to witness themselves. They have to witness their body. So it's not just about the brain or the mind. It's about the body as well. Use their body. They have to question things. The senses are different now. So something happened where we kind of got an upgrade. Our senses have been upgraded. Some have been updated, but people are still working as if they're on this old software system. And it's like you're it's like you're an iPhone, but people are pretending they're a rotary phone and they're dialing the number with their finger and that will when that's not how it works anymore. If people aren't in their own consciousness, it will be hijacked and used by others. So once again, hijacked. Yep. OK, so they're saying this is happening now, but just but just mentally. So the physical stuff hasn't happened yet. Just the mental stuff is happening right now. So they're like, OK, in that world, wherever we were shown, the physical overlay had started happening. She was physically like people were getting physically sick. She was physically trying to keep the worlds apart. And they're saying that right now it's just happening mentally. It's not yet physically. It's very attached to the technological world to the tech world and and who they tune into for their work, but it's not yet in nature. So it's through Wi-Fi, so to speak. It's through this week's signal right now, but play has been pushed. If we can handle it, management, manage it and and control ourselves, it can be canceled. All right. And so I was like, are these are these beings here? You know, these these ones that are doing this. Are they here? Are they in physical bodies? Are they on earth? And they're like, yes, they are. And I was like, well, do they have a name that they go by? So it's it's the invisible number. It's the eye, the eye. It's the eye and the iPhone. I was like, what? Wow. Like the eye of Sauron from the wings. What was I watching? What was I watching recently that said that Lord of rings was actually supposed to be like the true history of earth. Like what once happened here a long time ago? It was like, that was not a tale that actually happened here. And it's just been suppressed from us. And they're putting it out as Hollywood movie and books, but it really happened. I don't know. It's interesting to think about it. It's interesting. That would be a great question for a session. So when you're ready to have a session, let me know. Oh, it's coming. Probing that feel good. Good. You guys. So when I actually know people, and I've actually met them, I give them sessions for free, just so you know. Oh, wow. Across the board, I've always done that. All right. Well, I'll call you tomorrow. Yeah. I'll call you the morning. You might not hurt. What are you talking about? You have to find me first. No, I'm kidding. Line out the Portland tomorrow. Yeah. Let's, let's feel it. Let's, I'm excited to hear the rest of this. Okay. Okay. So, so. And then, okay, so that that was kind of it with, with that stuff about the technology and everything. So then I'm asking, we're kind of moving on, because it was just so weird. It was just, it, it's enough information to kind of think about, because it's technology. It's, it's people getting a hold of the creators of technology, and then having them steer things a certain way to kind of hook more and more people and to keep them kind of stunted. And I don't know if you guys know this, but there was, there was a study done, not too long ago, I read about it probably a year and a half ago, where there was a study done on children's cortex, the brain cortex, after being exposed to children who had been exposed, over and over and over again to, to high screen time. And so they were doing MRIs on the, on the children's brain brain and their cortex has actually started to flatten. So, so we're talking about, if you're exposed to 2D, that's the world you live in, your body starts, starts going back to 2D, if you will. I mean, that's that. Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here, ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So, sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. Join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW group, forward we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. That's neither here nor there, but that body is actually physically responding to how much exposure it's getting to these, to these other worlds that it's not ready for it. The body, the physical body needs to be out in nature, needs to be exposed to, to this world to third dimension and higher dimensional states being, it needs to go up, not down. So it's really interesting. Okay. I mean, we're here on this planet to have the human experience and to experience it, not to get away from it. Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. But weirdly enough, because of this pandemic, because of, because of social media, because of all these things, most of our interactions are 2D. You know, this is the first actual interview I've done in 10 months since the last one I did with you guys. And so I haven't actually seen anybody on screen in, in 10 months, I haven't seen anybody's faces, like right next to mine, in like 10 months, everybody's masked up, everybody, like, I don't even get to see anybody. I don't, I mean, it's either on the phone or, or they're like covered up. And so it's like, I was thinking about that. It's like, I actually get to talk to two people who I actually get to see their face, but it's still, it's flat. You know, it's 2D. It's so weird. Yeah. So weird. We don't get to actually sit across the table from each other or anything. But that's a good testament to how you utilize your time during this lockdown or whatever you want to call it. You were, you took advantage of it to do the inner work. You know, how many people, how many, how much of the masses out there didn't do that. And that's what that's, you know, I'm going with that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for putting a good spin on that. All right. So we're asking later on in her, in her session, we're asking to hire self, you know, she wanted to know what, what should she be aware of for 2021? And they said, well, it's going to be exciting. It's going to be crazy in a different way than 2020 was. It will be filled with bizarre changes. How the world functions is going to be different. She does well with change, but the majority of people in the world do not. So this is what we're discussing earlier about the psychological flexibility, right? How important it is. So let's see, it's going to be a bizarre time where some people are really upset, scared and angry, and other people are excited. So some people are scared, angry, upset, because these systems, of course, are all changing. And they don't know their place in the world. They don't know how to navigate it. And that's uncomfortable. And they get upset with that. And then other people are like, yeah, we're preparing for it. Exactly. They're preparing for it, or they like an adventure, or they, you know, they see it from a higher perspective, all this stuff. Okay. So let's see. Everyone's going to kind of settle down by summer, because everyone's going to be too exhausted to fight anymore. They were going to be. So I thought that was interesting. I was like, what, what are they going to be? You know, yes, everybody's been fighting something, you know, for the last year, at least. And it's been crazy. But I'm wondering what they were referring to here. And I didn't ask. Shoot. It's all right. I didn't interrupt him. I like, what are you talking about? But I didn't, I let her talk. Okay, so, so everybody's going to be too exhausted to fight anymore. There are going to be at least three major things that we will be revealed that are going to change and shift people's perspectives in 2021. We will see things differently in how something major works, like time or space. And there could be a reveal, huh? I'm getting the truth bumps right now. I feel that absolutely is going to happen. Yeah. Oh, that's exciting. Okay. There could be a reveal in the scientific community where they say there's a, I can't read my writing, I think they say they say there's a fact about reality, but it may not be a fact per se, but it's going to shift how people think and how they see things. So some things going to be proclaimed in the scientific community. And it may not be 100% fact, they're saying it may not be 100% true, but just them proclaiming that is going to shift something and how everybody sees things. And this will actually allow for a really good reset. And a revelation will be made to society that will make things seem different. It may include that there's life on other planets. Then the changes to our everyday life, whether it's universal income, technology taking over jobs or cashless society, some things are going to shift where everyone is now on board with certain changes. So something's going to, something's going to be revealed. And it's going to shift the way people think. And then these other things are going to come in and people will accept them. Like I said, the universal income technology taking over jobs, these things that are kind of being talked about, they'll come in. And because people have already shifted because of this proclamation, then they're going to accept these things. But let's see, people are going to feel into these changes, because I was like, well, how will they know, how will they know that they're not being hijacked? How will they know these are like good changes? And she said, people are going to be able to feel into these changes and know that they're all going to be short-lived, but part of the it's they're going to smooth our way into a new transition into a new state of being, basically, to where we're going. And so it was really interesting, like this whole session, or at least the end of it, was about new information coming our way that will allow for us to make new leaps into a very temporary state of being, but it will get us ready for the next transition, right? Where we're supposed to be. But I just go ahead. No, continue. I was saying, I just thought this session was so fascinating because of this kind of overlay that that's trying to be kind of wool pulled over our eyes, right? Don't look over here. Look over here. Don't look over there. Look over here. You know, look at this thing that we're promoting, that we're pushing. And you could see that everywhere, everywhere with the algorithms of, you know, look at this data, but not this one. Believe in this, not this. And all these voices, all these other information that's come through is being stifled. So we can't get the normal people every day. People can't get a more balanced view of what may be happening out there. So it's really fascinating. Clearly, agenda is trying to be forced down. Everyone's throats right now. And everything outside of that is being censored and ridiculed and everything else. We just had our Twitter accounts suspended for 12 hours, because we shared a, we retweeted a video of that nurse who got the vaccine. And within three days, she developed Bell's Pause. And she was giving her testimony. And it was that tweet. We had to remove the video of her giving her testimony. Video of her giving her testimony. It was a nurse who got the shot. She she developed Bell's Pause. And was telling everyone do not take the shot. And that video got our accounts suspended and that we had to remove the tweet to reinstate our account. But it's a perfect example of what you're talking about. They don't look here not there. They don't want that information getting out. It's really interesting, really interesting, when you when you do the parallel to the other life and how what do they get from this? They get this control. They get fed from us. If we don't think for ourselves and we're not allowed to think for ourselves, then they get this food from it. And who here now is doing that. And it's the technocrats, right? It's these people who are being used. They're accessing this information from these kind of nefarious people. Well, that's the leap I'm making based on this information. They're accessing information from these nefarious beings. And they're actually skewing the brainwaves of the people who are paying attention who are, you know, trying to be like in their systems who are hooked to their systems. They're like, you know, tearing them along, you know, and it's like anybody who doesn't think like that or wants to insert, you know, new ways of thought or or information factual information that comes through. It's just, yeah, you're not part of the program. So you got to get out. So it'll be interesting to see what happens. But the main thing is occupy your consciousness or it will be taken away. It will be occupied for you. I mean, they're they've all they've already meant successfully hijacked the individuality of a lot of people on this planet. They do that at a young age. You know, they want us all doing the same thing. They want us all they have the same iPhone. They want everybody, you know, they want you to think you're crazy. If you don't have an iPhone, just, you know, the individual, they want they're trying to get rid of the individual. And to remember, you were just saying the three things that are going to be coming next year, there's no doubt in my mind that ET disclosure is one of them. And it's not going to be factual ET disclosure. It's going to we're going to get the yeah, there's life out there this and that, but it's going to be so limited. I can it's going to change life on Earth, but it's still going to be a lie. I have a feeling that I have a feeling that's what we're going to see. Yeah, we should take bets on that, right? I mean, yeah, and I like that. Yeah, it's probably not going to be, you know, what the rest of us know about. Like the extent, the full extent by any means, but it'll be enough to crack open, you know, this, this, this doorway for other thoughts to come in and for the mind to kind of be opened up to new experiences and to shift. Yeah. So, so it could be, it could not be 100% true, but it could be for a bigger purpose, a higher purpose. It's going to force, it's going to force the skeptics to accept the fact that there is something else, you know, it's going to force them to accept a new reality that they were in denial of. That's what that's what's going to happen. And that's only if it's about other life on other plants. Yeah. I mean, it could be about, you know, like time and stuff. Like the one thing that I didn't that I didn't share because I certainly summarized this was, she was like, I can't tell where these beings are coming from. They may have gotten a back door through the modern age. They may have gotten a back door to that other place. And I can't tell where that other place exists, but I think they time hopped. They somehow found like a wormhole or something like that. And so, so, so seriously, whatever is shared could be about time, it could be about time travel, it could be about space, it could be about anything. Well, they're already getting three things. They're already getting their ducks in a row for that. There's been articles dropping about time travel and capabilities, even about time itself. And and parallel dimensions, they're discovering in Antarctica where time is reversed and and whatever they're until they're ramping up for some. Yeah. I mean, we we know that there's portals and stargates all over the planet. And a lot of these black budget programs utilize that that's how they that's how they travel among the solar system, you know, there's jump Mars, there's Mars jump rooms in under beneath Hilton hotels, let's just say, like that's come that's coming from SSP whistleblower is a cosmic web. Yeah, next little universe that that's what they use to travel. Yeah, yeah. Now, who was it? James James Rink said that all the Hilton hotels are actually places of satanic ritual and there's also a lot of them have jump rooms that go to Mars and back and they're used as a guise for these areas. I don't know if that's true. It's interesting. Interesting because that would tie into these kind of lower astral realms. I mean, the cool thing is to to talk about this and the kind of probe it and kind of be curious about it. That's what so so that's what that's what the instructions are basically telling us to do. You know, be curious about this stuff. Start asking questions and and so many people don't. They don't they don't ask questions, but you know, when you when you bring up this information, it's like, okay, you guys were curious enough to actually, you know, put some of this information in your brains instead of just, you know, like, I'm looking at my eye, like, oh, oh, you know, dodging, ducking and dodging your weird information. But no, it's it's it's fascinating, fascinating stuff. So that was go ahead. Every day when you log into Chumba Casino dot com, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at Chumba Casino dot com now and live the chumba life. Really quick. I know you have another session you want to get into, but I have a question about one of the most recent videos you've done. It's been a while now, but I remember specifically, you were looking into 2021 and some there was something that happened in March and they couldn't see past March in that session. And I was just wondering if that theme has came up in any other sessions or was it just that one? There's this weird blind spot that keeps occurring in my sessions. It's not in this one that I'm going to share with you, but it is on my notes that I had a three different sessions in two weeks that had the same blind spot and it was really fascinating. It wasn't necessarily in March, but in January. I forgot about that March one. That'll be interesting to get more information on that. I can start asking in my sessions, I'm on a short break for Christmas break, but next week I have like five sessions next week and so I want to start probing more into 2021. But as of today, as of the beginning of December and up until the middle of December, I had three different clients who actually said the same thing about January. I don't know if you listen to, I think I did two sessions. I have no idea when that was, it could have been September, it could have been July, I have no clue. But whenever the last two sessions were that I posted, one of them mentioned Donald Trump winning the presidency, right? She was like, I see something weird happening with the election. They want to try to put it. No, it wasn't that Donald Trump won, it was that Biden didn't win. It didn't necessarily say that Donald Trump would win. It said that Biden wouldn't, something would happen where Biden wouldn't take office. Okay, so I assume that had to do with November, right? Because that's when the election was. Then after these three sessions, they all said that, now, this will be, I don't know if this is actually true, right? Go ahead, because I don't want to make like any like proclamations have people like, oh, it's fascinating. It's fascinating. Let me just put this out there and it's just intriguing. It's super intriguing. They said that Biden will not actually be stepping into the office. Something is going to happen to him. Something unprecedented will happen. It will stop him from stepping in. And I was like, on that, like, okay, is it going to get sick? Is something going to happen? Is it going to die? Did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, and they were like, we're not saying anything. It's nothing that has been seen before. Every single one said that. They wouldn't let me, they wouldn't let me probe it further, except to say, no, you can't see in here. Like, no, we're not telling you, but he will not be taking office. He will not be sworn in on January 20th or whatever it is. So I was like, what? We're going to find out that he was a clone for me as well. I don't know what it's going to be. I don't know what it's going to be. They're accidentally going to have two Bidens walk on stage and they're forgot that they were supposed to leave one clone. We forgot we already had a clone. Yeah. Yeah. The by the by invited to. Yeah, exactly. Oh, my God. So it was just intriguing because of the the secrecy around it. The secrecy was, I mean, it was intriguing because they were saying, you know, what what everybody's gearing up for, what everybody thinks is going to happen isn't actually going to happen. And it's going to not happen because of something completely unprecedented, something that has never taken place on the planet before or the US government. Well, you see that video that's going around of Trump's speech from September talking about something that in September, he was talking about something that goes into effect on January 1st that is going to change the way we operate basically. No, I haven't given that video. I just saw it once today. So I'm probably butchering it, but it's something along those lines. Something happens on January 1st that goes it goes into effect on January 1st that's going to change everything according to his his speech in September. We'll see. So, okay, this is going to be crazy because where I live. It is Portland feel. Yes, I know. Yeah, everybody knows this now because we've been in the media for so long and maybe you guys have visited or lived here or whatever. But yes, so so it is super super, you know, left wing liberal and it has been utter chaos here since since Trump was elected where not necessarily just chaos, but just angry, angry. Everybody is so angry. There can be no conversations without saying how angry you are for the last four years. This has been going on. And I like, I have no real political affiliation because I always have tried to see from a higher perspective, I've always tried to understand what's actually going on. So soon as Trump was elected, I was like, what's really happening? Like, let me shoot up and see what's really going on. And it became extremely obvious from day one that this was a catalyst, whether it was a negative catalyst, positive catalyst, that would yet to be seen, but he was going to be a catalyst, right? He was breaking a system that would have been like going on the same route forever, right? Okay, so hard to keep hard to like maintain or stay in that higher perspective or hard to communicate it with anybody around me, anybody, I'm talking any family member, like nobody, nobody, any friends, nobody, like this place, like I could not communicate this without getting attacked, probably physically attacked or something. So I was out for a run with a buddy of mine, the day that the the associated press called the election, right? I was out for a run that morning. And all of a sudden there's fireworks and going off in in my neighborhood and people are like, wow, they're coming out of their houses. They're like, oh my god, this is amazing. And it was like from that day forward, it was just calm. And what I know is and what this has also said, what what these sessions have also said is that if this happens, there will be utter chaos because all of people that were calm by when a home that one day are just going to go, whoa, get out of Portland for a bit. Yeah, like it will just be insane. And so I asked about that and they're like, yeah, it's going to be insane. If this happens, some things going to happen. And there will be utter chaos for a while because of that thing that's going to happen. So intriguing yet to be determined, but that was the information that came through. And I'm like, I'm I'm waiting and it's not necessarily with popcorn because I'm not separated enough from physically to be able to like, now down on some popcorn and watch it all play out. No, this is like, we're going to be living this one. It's beach on the ground. Yeah, it's just a real deal. Yeah, yeah, it's all about like, you know, holding space, too. It's like, okay, I know you're feeling this pain because of what you believe in and and where your mindset is. But it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. It's all going to work out. It's going to be okay. And that may be like, you know, when that when that past session, when she said, you know, by summer, everybody's just so tired of fighting. God, it could be about something like that. It could be because of what's happening in January. I don't know. I don't know. We have to understand or remember that any of the darkness that's happening on this planet in general can be looked at or perceived as a gift because that's the only way we grow. That's the only way we evolve. It's through darkness. So all of these times like right now and to shut down these dark forces, you need to know, you need to understand how the enemy works. And that's what we're being seen right now. We have to understand how they operate. We have to understand what they've been doing behind the scenes for for all this time. So we can now do something about it. And that's what's happening. We're being shown and we talk about this all the time, but it's not going to, no one's going to figure it out if they don't see it. Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's what that's a difference between a negative catalyst and a positive catalyst, right? The negative catalyst will actually show you things that you don't necessarily want to see either about yourself or about the world that's out there. And that showing that that reveal will allow you to then heal that work on it, like repair it, whatever you need to do, shift your mindset. And so a negative catalyst is also for, of course, the good. It's for your growth. It's for everything. And you actually, Tyler, you helped me segue perfectly into this next session. All right. Okay, so I'll like, I'll explain the past life just from what I remember. And this dude went into like this very obvious kind of earth life where he was in a kind of a toga robes. And he was going, he was stepping off this wooden boat, wooden sailboat, kind of an ancient boat into the onto this dock and into this building. And in this building, there were a whole bunch of other people who were discussing who were discussing what was happening to their lands, right? So he was a representative from one area. And he was meeting all these other representatives from their area. And they were like, all right, we're not going to do it anymore. And they're, you know, they're, they're encroaching on our land and their their way of life and all this stuff. And I was like, who are they talking about? He's like, Oh, well, there's these outside forces that want to kind of come in and take over our way of life. And I was like, well, are they like outside or like outside, you know, like really outside, like outside the world. And he's like, no, no, no, these are like, these are, these are like other, other people, basically, who are from a different country or a different area. And they're just trying to slowly, slowly encroach on their land and take over. And so we're coming up with strategies on, on how to fight them and how to, how to, you know, hold our, hold our place, hold our land. And, and they want to do it peacefully at first, you know, try to do it diplomatically. And then, and then they'll, you know, if that doesn't work, they'll actually go to war. And so we fast forward again in his session. The same way we did in the last session, we'll move ahead a little bit. And he's like, Oh, yeah, we're at war. We're like, you know, we're in these boats and, you know, we're throwing fireballs at each other, basically. And, and we lose, we lose, and they, they take over. And, and it's hard at first. So we're kind of moving forward a little bit again, after that battle. And he's like, yeah, it was hard for about a year or so. It was hard. They, they took over. But then what happened was we realized that they, they actually had some good things they were trying to do. And they actually expanded us and are thinking, and they actually, they actually created more ease in our way of life. And they actually, they brought in aspects of their culture and married them to aspects of our culture. And it's like, we're all better for it. And it's amazing. Like, we're all more secure. We're all more at peace. We're not having to defend ourselves as much anymore. And, and so this was kind of a good example of what, you know, what blending of cultures and stuff does, rather than, you know, lower astral realms, the totally different coming in and trying to hijack. This was like, okay, this, this other culture is, is, you know, trying to blend with us. We're going to fight it. We're going to fight it. We're going to fight it. And we lost, but actually it's not so bad. We actually, you know, get along. And we're, we're actually expanding our way of thinking. We're actually benefiting from it. In many ways, we actually have more time. We have more peace, all this stuff. All right. And so after that life, he's, you know, that that trend continued throughout his whole life as that being just how much they all benefited from this kind of blending of one part, one area with another area. And these are not far areas. These are like, you know, Oregon and California right next to each other, you know, thinking that these people are so different, you know, God forbid, or like, or like, you know, the US and Mexico. Oh, no, God forbid, you know, we, we blend or anything. And, and basically that the benefit of taking away whatever border, whatever, in that case, taking away and blending their cultures. And so when we get to the higher self, I'm asking about it, I'm like, okay, I know you could have brought forth many different lifetimes for him to see today. Why did you choose that one? And it said, because it's like what's been going on on earth at the moment, all these different groups trying to actually defend or hold their own space without actually working together as a group. And sometimes the thing they're all fighting against, or they're all trying to hang on to is a very thing that limits them and stops them from growing. Humanity has been very guilty of this. By all being separate countries, all duplicating all the different things rather than all working together for the common good of each other. It's like we're all over in our own country, reinventing the wheel, right? Over and over again. All right. That was a lesson that was learned at that time. And sometimes what we think at the time, it's not the truth of the matter. So what we think of, we're like, no, this is my truth. This is this is sure. And they're like, that's not always the case. The case, the truth is only revealed later on. Okay, so then we're moving on. Within his session, he had some really great information that came through from the higher self. I'm asking, would they like to tell you anything about some of the things that will change for you or for Earth in general? Because his session kind of segued into that. So there will be peace and tranquility, life will get easier. Next year will be a big year of change. On a global level, it's going to be a big year of change. The energy that dark energy will fall away, life will become easier, much, much easier. People have time, they will not be short of things. New technologies will come. We'll take a little bit of time for people to get around, around to where they're using them all. As with all transitions of technology, imagine like the car replacing the horse and buggy, or the television replacing a radio, but people will get used to it and it will change their lives in a good way. They'll have more time and less debt slavery. All right, so just talking about some pretty amazing things coming our way. Bring it on. Good deal, right? What are some of these biggest changes or breakthroughs? Because I don't want to assume to know all of them, right? And I don't want to speak for as high yourself. I have to be like, well, tell us about them. What are some that you see? Well, the healing beds, healing chambers, people can repair their bodies. So sickness will start to drop away and a great understanding of where wellness comes from. We'll start entering our consciousness. There will be better mental health because there won't be the lies being told on all fronts that we've had, which has been the history of science and our health and our religion, where so many lives have been woven into all of these things. All of that will be pulled apart and presented for what it is. We'll start understanding each other, being exposed to more off planet people will allow humanity to come closer together as itself and realize we have no differences. Actually, we have similarities when we see other groups and that they... Okay, so I don't have all the grammar in here, so I'm reading it the way it's written right now because it was transcribed and the grammar isn't there. So making me read it weird, but it's saying like, actually, we have similarities that we see other groups that are quite different. Okay, that's what it says, but it's not right. All right, I'm not going to get hung up on that. And so they're pointing out like, basically, when we are introduced to more off planet people, off planet beings, it's going to remind us about the Brotherhood of Man that these borders are ridiculous, that we're all humans, we're all one, and it's never going to be more clear than when we start seeing all these other beings that are human. And we're like, oh, you know, screw skin color to screw language, screw all that stuff that we think separates us. We are man, you know, we are all one thing. And we're going to be like, what do these guys know? What's your wisdom, rather than... Well, it has to happen exactly. It has to happen in order to change the whole paradigm of everything. Suddenly, we're not the only species. It's like, there's other life that, you know, like, what do they know? How do they live? And, you know, it's really going to put things into perspective, right? We've been squabbling, you know, and quarreling amongst each other. And when when a bigger predator, not a predator, but that's, of course, what human beings have been thought of, think of these of ETs and stuff. When a bigger, when a bigger person or being comes on board, a higher dimensional being, we're going to realize real quick, hey, we need to work together. We need as humanity, we need to work together. Well, can I interject really quick? It makes perfect sense of what you're saying. And as far as like order of operations, so the med bed comes out first, which keep an eye on the company, Foxconn, anybody listening to this, they already have the 0.1 version of the med bed out. What it does is operational exists in California. There's pictures of Donald Trump visiting it, but it basically targets the cancer cells and shoots a proton beam into the cancer cell and eliminates it, the tumor, whatever it is. It's going to start off as cancer, and then they're going to like slowly evolve into the med bed. But what has to happen is we have to heal ourselves first. We have to heal ourselves because we are all so damaged and poisoned and broken down. We have to heal before we can move forward, before we can advance, before we can involve, before we can do anything. So first and foremost, we have to heal. Secondly, we have to break free from spiritual confinement, which is caused by religions, and that's what you talked about. Because that's what religion, now all religions, I mean, I'm not saying it, but that's an atheism and nation science is also religion. It's spiritual, it's spiritual confinement, though you have you have spirituality in religion, then you have spirituality on a galactic level, and one of them is a trap. So, and then you get to what you're talking about now. Now, so once that happens, then you can introduce these other groups, and we'll be somewhat ready for whatever is coming our way next. Right, that's the, supposedly that's the order of operations, right? And for a very important purpose, like you said, heal the body, heal the mind, heal the belief systems that are holding you back, and then be introduced, you know, to these other beings, because, and especially, heal your interactions with other humans. Okay, so I was asking, let's see, so is all this going to happen in 2021? I was like, that's a tall order, man. All this happening in 2021, or further down the line. And they said, no, there's going to, it's going to happen throughout three years, 21, 22, and 23. These changes will come, these changes will come next year, they'll probably be the most, sorry, this is, I haven't edited this. Okay, the changes that will come next year will probably be the, they'll probably be the most changed that will come next year, basically, where we go from one thing to the other. So, so the biggest shift, whatever, whatever biggest leap we're taking will probably be next year in 2021. That's where it's going to be the hardest for people, it's next year, cutting away their old beliefs and walking into new ones, basically. And it's similar to what that last session was saying about, you know, the flexibility of thinking how, how, how some people are going are really good with change. And so it's going to be easier for them, but some most people can't handle it. And so, so it's going to be really tough, because the change is going to be there, the change is going to, that's, that's the baseline change, and how you react to that baseline will, will show you what your experience is going to be, basically, what your emotional experience is going to be. Okay. And I said, can you walk us through some of the change that will happen in the next year? And says, well, January, I think there'll be some political upheaval or revelation back to January, particularly in America, there will be an armed insurrection, where certain peoples will try to oppose this upheaval, upheaval or revelation, and that will be stopped. So, and this person's actually in Australia. Okay. So I think that there will be information coming out about what's going on, that will be put in a format that people won't be able to not see unless they don't want to watch it. So, that's a lot of double negatives there. But what they're saying is that a big reveal will happen about what's actually been going on in the world. And it will be broadcast for everyone to see, and you'd have to actually turn off the broadcast in order to not see it. Okay. And they're going to do because we've heard this Intel earlier this year, something like that was supposed to happen earlier this year. Maybe it got postponed. Exactly. And I've been getting that through session after session two, like some, something's going to be broadcast on the TVs, radios, everything that will show something that people can't not see basically. It's going to show what's really been going on. And it's going to cause this huge upheaval, like a huge shift in thinking. It's going to change people. The Trump card. Yeah. Everybody, everybody talks about the Trump card and they say like, what that means is like that's like end of line. Like if there's no other options, you pull the Trump card and he has some type of power to do something. And that's what we're going to expect to see in January. Something's going to happen. So this would be the fourth one, the fourth one in like a month that says something's going to happen in January. He doesn't say the Biden won't take the office. Those three of them did. But this one says something's going to be happening. Let's see. Okay. Where did I leave off? Okay. So people won't be able to not watch it. Or they will, but they'll have to turn it off to not watch it. Okay. And they're going to need to grow spiritually to be able to embrace the information that comes out. Okay. So their own spiritual growth needs to be there. I call that spiritual maturity. There you go. Yeah. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. At Luckyland, you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW proved void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Yes, absolutely, absolutely necessary for what's going to be coming out. Okay. They need to understand who they are, where they come from, and to grow and accept the changes. They will be startled and surprised and betrayed. They'll feel betrayed by elements of society. What they don't understand is that all these changes have been what they've asked for. All these changes coming. They hadn't happened because without those, they never would step into the next room, the next growth cycle. So just what we were talking about, right? So all these people, all these things that have been done to them and by them were therefore a purpose to actually allow them to expand upon who they are and expand upon where they need to go and that they need to understand that that's how they need to heal their wounds by realizing they actually asked for it. So people are going to be wounded by this and be betrayed. But really, in order to heal those perceived wounds, they need to understand, hey, I signed up for this. I'm not a victim of it. I signed up for this. This is exactly what we needed to propel us forward, right? We hear that all the time, whether that's on a personal level, like the traumas that are inflicted within a family or anything like that from a young childhood. Sadly, you signed up for that for the spiritual growth that that would allow for you to have and propel you forward for whatever you were supposed to, whatever you were supposed to advance into. Yes. Some of it's there just to kickstart us, basically. Exactly. Exactly. Okay. So that on a bigger level is what people are going to have to understand about some things that are coming their way. Okay. So that's the hardest thing for them to understand is to get out of that victim mentality that these things are actually there to propel them forward. Okay. So we have to stop blaming others and thank others for bringing on this new age that's coming. Okay. So that's a big shift, that blame, like, where you see it everywhere, that blame, whether it's the right side, the left side, any of that political blame, anything, there's so much blame. I've already done some of the technocrats, the blame, well, I control everything. But really, what we need to do is also thank them. I'm glad they're doing this because maybe they're a negative catalyst too to propel people to start pulling back their consciousness and start occupying it and start growing and expanding and being in nature and this and that. So interesting, my shift, right, that we all have to get into. Giving your power away to politics into people outside of you and circumstances outside of you. Just obviously we've seen this year so many people do. Yeah. Be grateful and take responsibility, stop pointing fingers. It's so easy to sit on your couch and tell everyone else what they're doing wrong and ignore everything that you're supposed to be working on. And that's where a lot of people are right now. Yeah. Or they're on the keyboards. You shouldn't do this. You shouldn't do that. Yeah. But what are you doing to change your situation? That's what the real question is. Exactly. Okay. So now we're heading into more questions and answers. I said, now you mentioned earlier that within the next three years, we will have interactions with alien friends that will give us a different perspective on the Brotherhood of Man and our similarities. What would that look like? Can you take us to that future? Okay. So there will be interaction intellectually and spiritually and economically. Humans are brilliant at creating things. We live on a planet that is very rich and very abundant in materials historically. There's much to learn from each other. So ships will come down. There will be interactions with different beings and different races. We will learn that there are over a thousand different species types, everything from plant people to cat people to dog people to mirror people, dolphin people, energetic beings, beings that look like us, beings that are bigger, much, much smaller, all different types of beings. Mostly the beings of the universe are very benevolent. They're not malevolent. Like on earth, most beings are very benevolent. They're not malevolent. Only a very small percentage of human society is crazy or malevolent and galactic beings are exactly the same. Only a small percentage are the nefarious ones, right? Yeah. So this inner, so this interaction will allow earth to expand and people will be able to go to these different planets and spaces and experience different lifestyles. More wonderment. That would be the word because the development and scientific advancement of some of these civilizations is incredible. We will be able to bring some of those ideas back and incorporate them to you on earth. We will live on earth differently. Most likely in the future, we won't all live on the surface of earth. We will tend to live more within the earth. The surface of earth will be more of a park land that we'll use for our recreation. We'll have different forms of transport, levitation, extremely fast trains. Most likely, we won't be driving. Education will be done differently. A lot of it will be interactive. Children will be taught languages and languages of other species at a very young age. There will be also mechanisms where you will be able to speak different languages instantaneously using a device that would be understood by everybody. That's what Tonya really talks about. Yeah, that's right. Okay. So, I mean, this is just beautiful. You keep going on. There will be replicators that make goods for people. There will be a lot of different forms of, oh, there will be a far different form of governance on earth that will be very benevolent. These will be large councils. They will not be career politicians. Much of the fabric of society will be pulled apart, exposed for what it is. Most of the push of mankind will be in nurturing humanity. And not just humanity, nurturing all the kingdoms on earth. Everyone needs to work together. All the kingdoms on earth are sentient as well. So we're talking the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom. They're all sentient. We support each other. This will be a paradise like no other, the jewel and the crown, they would say. So the future is extremely bright. Probably one more year, maybe 18 months and maybe less before we start really ascending the staircase into the wonderment that earth will become with all our space brothers and sisters. Prepare yourself for it now. Prepare your energy. Prepare your head. Realize much of what you've been told is not true. Much of your history has been falsified. Much of your science has been altered. You've been kept in the dark on so many things. You've been kept as debt slaves, but that has made you extremely resilient. You asked for it. You took it on board and you've come through it and look at you now. Your armor is shining bright. You're ready for the next stage. You were so much stronger than you were a hundred years ago, or 200 years ago, or a thousand years ago. This is a change you had to go through, the change you wanted to come through. That's why you came here. You asked to come here, and now you're ready to expand into the universe with the rest. It's very, very exciting time, like no other, and the changes you will see over the next 12 to 18 months will truly be miraculous. So just kind of a beautiful glimpse into what I'm sure a three would hope to happen. That's like a boom statement. Boom, mic drop. It's just absolutely glorious. Well, what you described is already capable of that. It is already happening on their ground in these black budget programs in space. It's just going to be revealed. It's going to be integrated. If we can get back to that other world where they put this veil over people, and they start controlling them and controlling what they look like, that's exactly what's been going on with the patents, with the government control, with everything for years. This veil has dropped over us, and so they're like, "Don't look at this new technology. Don't look, and you guys all know this stuff." So it's a removal of this veil, a removal of the veil, and not a veil between dimensions necessarily a veil that exists right here, right now, that stops us from attaining all that we need to attain, to heal our relationships, to heal our body, to prepare for this new world. But we needed to go through this. We needed to go through this to get ready, right? And so they're saying keep preparing, keep preparing your head, keep preparing your energy because there's more to do. There's more to do. You've already done so much, but there's a little more to do. So it's impressive. You have to sit through the coming attractions before the movie starts. That's where we're at right now. Yeah. What a beautiful message to have to end a year with. And for everyone listening, Alison, it was not planned to have her on episode 100. We've looked at it so far in advance. I started doing a math, and I was like, "Oh shit, this is our 100th episode." And Alison chose the date for the end of the year. It's funny how everything just synchronistically came together, and what a powerful message to bring forward is beautiful. Did you listen to anything I said? It was planned, dude. We didn't plan it. No, I was sleeping, sorry. Yeah. It worked out so perfectly. And I'm just so, I feel so lucky to be able to get these messages out to people, you know, through this format. It could have taken me another six months to like actually sit down, transcribe it all, get it grammatically correct, and then find the time to read it and get all that. So, so thank you for giving me this opportunity. And I was like, you know, for a while, I was racking my brand, I'm like, "What should I talk about? What should I talk about?" And then I was like, "Dude, like bold moment." I was like, "Those two sessions, those two sessions are so interesting, fascinating, and they have such good messages, and they're totally different. They're totally separate, and yet powerful, equally powerful, in their sentiments. And I just appreciate what you guys are doing and having me on to get these messages. And I know, like at the beginning of 2020, I did not only this interview, but another interview where I was like doling out all the information for, I asked one question throughout every session in January 2020, and that was, "What's going to happen in 2020? What's the significance of 2020?" And every single message was similar, and they were like, "There's going to be huge riots everywhere, chaos and protests, this and that whole systems are going to change. School will be different." Every single thing that was mentioned that I talk about has happened. So what I want to do is maybe do that again in January 2021, but also assume that some of this stuff may happen. I mean, I don't want to assume too much, but it feels right. It feels like some of this stuff is... There's a way it can't. Exactly. All of that is absolutely going to happen, no doubt about it, it has to. Although, the time frame is where we always are throwing off, it always gets, that's where we get thrown off, is with the time frames of everything. Looking for excitement? Chumba Casino is here. Play anytime, play anywhere. Play on the train, play at the store, play at home, play when you're bored. Play today for your chance to win, and get daily bonuses when you log in. So what are you waiting for? 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And you know, how we prepare for it is occupying our consciousness and making sure we're not in the blame game and making sure we're taking advantage of all the opportunities that are available for us to go within and expand ourselves and correct our thinking and become psychologically flexible as we were talking about because change is coming. So how are you going to ride that wave of change? You know, we may think we know, you know, some of it, maybe 50% of it or 20% of it. We literally have no idea as to the daily change that will come based on these bigger changes. So white workers who may have a higher perspective of this stuff still have to become flexible. They have to become flexible. Okay? Yeah. And that's what that's the best effort you can possibly put your energy in right now is that flexibility and that willingness and the openness. We're all going to be shocked on some level, and we're all going to be shocked about what we were wrong about that we were so certain about it. Because that happens on the regular over here. You know that. You know all about that. Yeah. That's how it operates, but that's where I guess that's a telltale sign of an educated mind to be able to be open to the change and other beliefs and to not marry yourself to any of the ideas, even though like there's some things right now that I'm pretty certain about, but I'm holding space for me to be wrong because I've been wrong about so much before that it wouldn't surprise me if something just like comes and floors me and blows my mind once again. I think you know and that really does put us in the best seat in the house though is to kind of watch and be ready for change in and not necessarily know what's going to happen. You know and just like and sometimes again I'm going to pay attention. I'm going to pay attention, but I'm not going to not necessarily going to be aware of what's coming and and we get that a lot in these sessions that you know they'll give us they'll give us just a little bit like the tip of the iceberg, but the bulk of the iceberg will be hidden away from us because where's the fun? Where's the fun and knowing everything you know. Yeah, before it happens. It's no fun. You know we get to experience this and we get to watch it all play out and I'm not saying that it's all fun. It's certainly not all fun, but no. That Dolores Cannon that the higher self of somebody came through and said it wouldn't be a test if you knew the answers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that. Yeah. Very accurate. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. So I'm not assuming to know all the answers. I'm just getting some glimpses through these sessions and we'll see what happens. I mean the glimpses are pretty pretty fun. They're pretty fun and they tie into so many other things that are going on. I mean this is not information that hasn't come through remote viewings and through psychics and through astrologers and through dreams and through meditations and channelers. You know this is information that's being validated through all of these other avenues. You know like you even mentioned the secret space program. It's like the stuff is is coming through. This is just one more data point saying that yes this is going to happen. So it's it's fun. It's fun. Anyway, we're ready. We're ready. We're preparing. Something I wanted to share right before we went on I was meditating with this piece of obsidian that I got from Chita Nita to Mayan Pyramids. It's locally found locally there and I was just sitting with it meditating and the message came through. I wrote it down just so I don't screw it up. I said you know more I was I was trying to tap into some ancient knowledge and what happened there. So you know more than you can possibly imagine. You just have to learn how to remember it was the message. The message that came through while I was holding us and it's true because I think there's so much up there. We just have to learn how to tap into it and that's going to require change. That's going to require change. It's going to require sacrifices. It's not just going to happen. You have to work for it. Yeah, you have to exercise those muscles. You know that that allow you to access that information. So you have to go within and you have to put yourself into more situations where you're kind of lowering the volume of the ego and raising the volume of the higher self in those situations or being in nature, going within through meditation, silence and stillness, being in creative flow. You guys are musicians. So actually putting yourself in the experience of creating and through rhythmic movement, body movement like yoga, tai chi or surfing or anything like that. Those are the top four ways that we can actually lower that volume of the ego, raise the volume of the higher self and start asking questions about things, start asking to access information on the regular, start getting answers and it is fascinating how it works. So we all have that ability of remembering, of lifting that veil and accessing all of this ancient information as well as current and higher dimensional information. So I do meditations every single day and my whole life benefits from it. Every aspect of my life, whether it's relationships, whether it's physical health, mental health, whether it's next steps, I should do financially, any of that stuff or career-wise, it completely guides my whole life. It's accessing the higher self. Not only is it my career for other people, but it literally is what I do and I keep pointing to that blue chair. I sit in that blue chair every morning and tap in and put on an eye mask and go in and I get all of this amazing guidance. And it's like, we're all able to do that through any avenue we want to use, but we're all able to do that and access those memories, access that information. It's available. Yeah. Well said, and that's a good reminder for everyone out there, even because a lot of people don't meditate. I went through a phase where I met it. It was meditating all the time. Then I kind of got away from it. I'm starting to get back into it again. We all get distracted as to how this world is designed. So it's a reminder. It's a good reminder to stop every day. Calm the mind. Yeah. But like I said, you don't just have to meditate meditation. It's like my jam. But if you're moving your body, going in nature, or being creative, those are other ways to do it too. So meditation can be exactly. Meditation can be like pulling teeth. I think my daughter wanted to say hi. Oh, absolutely. I want to say hi. Here, I'm going to take off my airpods really quick. Can you guys hear me? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I put it on my laptop. Come here. Say hi. Hi. Hi. How's it? Siri. Nice to meet you, Siri. Siri, what's the weather going to be like today? She hates that joke. Oh, I'm sorry. Look at her. Not even reacting to Siri. She's like, oh, good one. Nice to meet you. You got a million times. You have an amazing mother. Yeah. Thank you. Aw. What do you wish your name was? Nothing. That's a perfect name. I don't know. I know. That is a good name. No, it's going to ask you any questions if your name is. I don't know. Exactly. Well, nice to meet you. Bye. All right. I'll edit that out because she doesn't want to be edited out. No, it's going to stay in there. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on. This was amazing. It's always fun. Can you please let people know where to find you, where they can book a session? Yeah, actually it's pretty easy. It's Alice in And I open up my calendar every three months. So I close my calendar. If I'm all booked up for three months ahead, then I close my calendar. So it'll look like there's no dates for like ever, but that's not true. It's just I close it. So I will be opening updates for March here in probably the next couple of weeks, and I'll send out an email blast to anybody who's subscribed to my website. And then my YouTube is just Alice in Co. And it's double else in a AOL, ISO and COE anyway. And Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, and Instagram. Yeah, I posted for the first time since Mother's Day. Yeah, it's all right. No co, yeah. And I just have Instagram because I put some pictures up there of the artwork I like to do. Yeah, it's amazing artwork. Yeah. Thank you. But because because someone's been home since March, I haven't been doing my hypnosis sessions out here at the table where I can draw. I've been like because they have to be so quiet and somebody's home. So I go into another room and I don't have all my drawing stuff in there. There was no table in there. There's no steady surface. So I haven't been doing all of those hypno drawings. Darn it. I got to get back. It's okay. It's a reminder to do that. Get better. There's always room for improvement. Anyway, thank you guys. Thanks for having me on. I'll see you for the 200th maybe or maybe every 100 up. Yeah, we'll do Thanks guys. You guys take care real quick before we sign off guys. Oh, I'm out. No, I'm just getting next next month. You guys might have seen it going around on Twitter is our secret space program disclosure month super slash super soldier talk. We have some amazing guests coming up some in some whistleblowers. I guess people who have all been in the programs. They have incredible testimonies. We're going to get into some really, really deep stuff on what's happening out there. And a lot of their to all these testimonies corroborate. It's really, really exciting for us. Something I'm fascinated with. There's a lot of people out there who are actually part of the secret space program. They're unaware of it because of how it operates. And we're going to dive into that discover what's really been going on. It's so we're really excited about that. So keep an eye out for that coming up next. And other than that, I think that's it. We're going to go ahead and say thank you guys for doing your part of disclosure, you know. Oh, yeah. Yeah, our pleasure. We don't have it. We don't have the luxury of not doing it anymore. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. It's it's it's amazing. I never thought I'd be doing this, but it's I don't know. It's been such a blessing to do. I don't feel like work at all. It's just and once and once again, we can't do it without all you guys and all the help and the donations and just even the comments, you know, some of the comments are so beautiful that you guys leave. That goes a long way. And it doesn't go unnoticed. And we love all you guys. Love all of you. Thanks for tuning in and joining us on this journey. And thank you, Allison. Thank you. Yes. Hi, guys. All right. Good night. Good night. [Music] Hey, there. It is Ryan Seacrest with you. Do you want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's the summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait. Dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me? Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group, forward we're prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply.