Journey to Truth

WEBINAR (PART 2) | D.U.M.B.S - The Agartha Network - Hollow Earth: Our Subterranean Infrastructure

PART 2 of our Inner Earth webinar will not disappoint! Dividing this up into two parts allowed us to cover The Agartha Network / Hollow Earth portion much more extensively and we’ve even uncovered some goodies that wouldn’t have made it into the original webinar. We’re excited to share our findings with you!
What to expect⬇️
- Shape of Terra
- Expanding/Terraformed Earth
- German/Nazi inner earth connection 
- Catholic Church cover up
- A detailed look at Agartha Network
- Admiral Byrd lost diary
- Whistleblower testimonies
- Hollow Earth-Shambhala & The Garden of Eden
- Lost city of Monoa
- Flat Earth psyop - why now?
Don’t forget to check out PART 1 if you haven’t! 
Area 51 Whistleblower:
Billy Woodard Part 1:
Billy Woodard Part 2:
EP 189 Su Walker - Contact With An Extraterrestrial Star Nation:
EP 197 Daniel Sala - Hollow Earth - Underground Worlds & Inner Earth Civilizations:
EP 204 Lowell Johnson: Trip to Telos - Voyage to Inner Earth:
EP 230 - LIVE w/Derek & Daniel: Shred The Veil - Life With A Cosmos Clearance:
EP 266 - Jessica Jones - Underground SSP Hub - Cryptid Breeding Programs - Montauk & Time Travel:
John Lear Interview: Vegas Tunnels
John Lear Interview: Naval Undersea Submarine Base
Ally Carter Youtube:
Hollow Earth Entrance video:
Tunnel Boring Machine:
Genesis For The New Space Age book:

2h 39m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Is your vehicle stopping like it should? Does it squeal or grind when you break? Don't miss out on summer break deals at O'Reilly Auto Parts. There's underground civilizations on this earth. They're very advanced. They've got a whole world down there that we don't know anything about. A lot of people don't even want to believe that, but they have their own sun. They have their own oceans. They have everything underneath the planet. But we were taught that it's really hot inside. It's a molten iron, the center of the earth, and the further down you go, the hotter it gets, so how can anybody live down there? It's not possible. It's all a fairy tale, you see. But if you want to believe that, what our scientists know is only a smidgen of the totality of what knowledge exists. Welcome to part two of the webinar. So we have a lot to get into tonight, like a lot. And we don't want to waste any time because we could be here for over two and a half hours, potentially. I recommend everyone who is taking this stuff seriously, grab a notebook and a pen. And, you know, there's going to be a lot of references, a lot of things we're going to be covering that we don't get to spend enough time on. So if you want to take notes, I recommend doing that. We will provide some links and stuff like we do with the last one. But this is one of those subjects, just like all the other ones that it's so involved. There's so much information about how worth and your Garth in that work, dating all the way back to the 1500s, the amount of information that we found like it's impossible to include in a webinar, just like everything. But I think you're going to appreciate what we put together. It's an epic presentation that we've put together here. So we hope you guys enjoy. All right, guys. So here we go. We're going to let Dolores Cannon. So I apologize for all of the technical difficulties, but we're going to let Dolores Cannon kind of get us in the mood for the inner earth and how earth. Just let your imagination run wild during this because we are getting into some wild stuff, some stuff that shouldn't exist, but it does, according to our research, and I'm really excited to do this. Oh, it definitely does. Right. Okay, here we go. When Atlantis went down, a lot of them, some of them went to Egypt and went to survivors and to other places, but some of them went underground. And there's an entire city's all throughout. There's all kinds of tunnels and transportation systems that leaked them all together. Some of the trains and things down there can go 3000 miles an hour to link the two, the cities together. There's a like a sun inside the earth that lights everything. So they have light. They have lakes. They have water. They have everything they need. And there's animals down there that do not exist on the surface of the earth. They have live computers, if you want to say that. This is in my second volume of the Kombaloo New Universe. It talks about the underground cities. They have computers that we can't even approach that can create and do anything they want. And the people are so advanced, they have no desire to come to the surface of everything they need down there. They've been down there for thousands and thousands of years. And they're much more advanced than we are because there's no wars. There's no violence. But yeah, there's civilizations under the surface of the earth. And people say, well, it can't be. There's only the magma. It's not. Okay, so here we go. So I was just at the Denver Airport. Just came back from Colorado and California. I was on a trip with Tony Rodriguez and I was had some healing work done in Colorado, but they have new signs up at Denver. Different than the old ones. Apologize for the noise. It takes really big drills to get to the underworld. And they have a reptilian with a jackhammer. It's hilarious. This stuff's right in your face, as always. And then this one's really interesting. Forgive the mess. Building secret underground tunnels can get quite untidy, but the caution sign looks like a guy falling into a portal. In my opinion, what does it look like to you? It definitely does. Right. Yeah, so I mean, it's just right in your face. People walk by this and they write it off as a joke. We've, we didn't cover Denver in the first part, which we could have easily done a whole slideshow just on the Denver airport and the underground there. And I just figured it would be fun to throw these in there. These were the only two I saw, but there's a major construction project going on. And it's all right in your face, as always. And then so this is something I wanted to include in the first part, but I didn't get a chance to because I forgot. So, so whenever if you guys know the story about Larry trying to recruit me, they're going to Mars and a whole crazy time in my life. One of the things he told me was that bus and quarry, which is a quarry five minutes away from my house literally five minutes. He told me that under bus and quarry is actually one of the underground cities where the elites frequent and celebrities frequent. And I guess that would be an alternative to city. So I went online and I just took some pictures of the quarry and the underground. And as the universe would have it today, I ran into my friend's dad who I haven't seen in years. Who works at Bus and quarry. He's worked there his whole life, and he retires in two years. And I asked him, I said, so how deep underground does it go there? I was like, do you still work there? He's like, Oh yeah, two more years, I retired. So how deep underground does it go? And he, he said it didn't go that far, but he goes, there's a lot of businesses that have moved in down there. And he told me how I could drive through it. He goes, you can drive through it. I said, I've tried to go. He goes, there's gates that say stopped you don't enter. He goes, Oh, just ignore it. And if anybody stops you, just telling me, know me. And he said, just go through and the road's going to fork, go down to the right. It looks like you can't go that way, but you can just drive down through there, just act like you're a delivery driver or something. And that'll take you to the underground part. So I know what I'm going to be doing this week. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] But apparently there's underground city underneath of this that even he's not aware of, but who knows if that's really true or not, but it's just something I found very interesting because it's only five minutes away from my house. Yeah, I don't doubt that at all. I mean, that's, it makes sense that they would put an underground base or on something underground underneath a quarry where they're already digging. And normal people aren't just going to walk around there and go there, it totally makes sense they would put it underneath a quarry. Yeah, and it's called bussing underground. That's what that's called. Right, right. Okay, and this is a slide from the first webinar, first part, but we're just going to read it again because Aaron, you just bought this book. Did you read it? I did, not yet. I mean, other than if you count the back cover and like the very first page. So I'm going to read this again because it just kind of, you know, summarizes everything we're going to be covering. That is the back cover, by the way. Yeah, the world inside for thousands of years, many thinkers have believed in the existence of another world hidden from our eyes yet beneath our very feet. Among the believers in the other worlds hidden below the surface of our planet have been world famous mystics, highly placed religious and scientific authorities, and infamous meddlers with the occult like Adolf Hitler. Hitler's powerful fuel society was dedicated to the search for the world inside the hollow earth, which we'll get into in a little bit. Many of mankind's most ancient myths and legends, including the ideas of a physical hell are based on the existence of just such subterranean worlds. But is there any truth to the beliefs this hollow earth penetrates the veil of ancient secrecy to explode the fables and reveal the astonishing truth. And Aaron, I'll let you read this next slide. This is from the beginning of the book. Yeah, the hidden kingdom. According to Buddhist doctrine, a Garta is a subterranean land located deep within the center of our planet earth. The Buddhist believe that millions of people live within this underground paradise. Their lives and destinies are directed by an all powerful and all wise ruler who is known to them as the king of the world. The Buddhist religion is one of the oldest and most sophisticated in the world. So is the story of a Garta nothing more than the fable, or is there truth behind the legend. Many people have different religions have strongly believed in a world within our world. Today, for example, many respected seekers after truth firmly maintain that the lost civilization of Atlantis lives on beneath the earth's surface. How many of these subterranean worlds really exist? The hollow earth theory is a mind-shattering proposal that there are gigantic holes at the north and south poles. These polar openings lead to a vast unknown world inside the center of the earth. Some believers also claim the earth is honeycombs with a vast network of subterranean tunnels that lead down to the inner world. If that isn't enough to bother with your mind, how the earth enthusiasts declare that these interior lands are inhabited by giants, fairies, the we people, demonic animal men, or a race of gentle, advanced people. Depending on who you're talking to, these benign inhabitants inside the earth are said to be the survivors of Atlantis, Lemuria, or an unknown race. Certain uphologists have theorized that flying saucers originate from the hollow earth piloted by interest for us reals from these subterranean worlds. And yeah, we're going to keep it up. The Buddhist, Agartha, Atlantis, these things are going to be coming up quite often throughout this webinar, in particular Atlantis. So just take note of that as we move forward because there's a lot of interesting stuff. The Hindu religion also talks about the same thing, and Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism, so it makes sense. So we just uploaded the Brooks Agnew talk from our conference onto our Patreon. A lot of you guys might have already noticed that. The reason we did that is because his entire webinar is based on proving that the earth is hollow. Beyond a shadow of a doubt with science that you just irrefutable proof, in my opinion, that it's not only hollow, that it is a sphere. And if you guys want to watch that presentation, which I highly recommend, you can do that on the Patreon. We uploaded that for you guys, because it corroborates a lot of what we're trying to explain here. And one of the things he covers is that a massive ocean was discovered beneath the earth crust containing more water than the surface. Technically, it's beneath our ocean. So beneath the ocean to see bed floor is another ocean, and we have scientific data to back this up. This isn't a theory at this point, and the underwater rivers, which appear to be some other type of water that has a different density that you can actually swim into. It's literally a different type of water, I guess. I don't know what it is, but we have underwater rivers that have been discovered as well. Greedurassic ocean discovered near the Earth's core. And something else that Brooks Agnew covers is the aurora borealis, potentially being created from inside the planet, and not from anything else, and the evidence specs that up. But this is from a book from 1692. Perhaps some of the most bizarre scientific theories ever considered were those concerning the possibility that the earth was hollow. One of the earliest of these was proposed in 1692 by Edmund Haley. Edmund Haley was a brilliant English astronomer whose mathematical calculations pinpointed the return of the comment that bears his name. Haley was fascinated by the earth's magnetic field. He noticed the direction of the field varied slightly over time, and the only way he could account for this was there existed not one but several magnetic fields. Haley came to believe that the earth was hollow and within it was a second sphere with another field. In fact, to account for all the variations in the field Haley finally proposed that the earth was composed of some forest fears each nestled inside another. Haley also suggested that the interior of the earth was populated with life and lit by a luminous atmosphere. He thought the aurora borealis or the northern lights was caused by the escape of this gas through a thin crust at the poles. So, think about that this is in 1692 they're already contemplating that the aurora borealis was coming from inside the planet. And now today in 2023 Brooks Agnew proves it in his research and him and multiple scientists have teamed up and it's very, I mean it's compelling that their war borealis is created from some sort of sun that's inside our planet. But as you guys see this stuff is not new this was in 1692. And then Jack double day, we also just uploaded his presentation when he talks about the expanding earth and terra forming terra, which is a really interesting theory but just to just to kind of whoever this webinar might reach just to please any skeptics that it might reach and to cover this briefly. Pangea we all we've all heard of Pangea. The only way that theory works is if you shrink the earth. That's the only way they all fit together like a puzzle piece. So if that's the case if we want to believe in Pangea we have to believe that our planet was smaller was much smaller at one point and it is continuously expanding Aaron did you want to add anything to this you were saying something earlier about this. So many sense that because they want to say Pangea was the continents that were all once one continent but then it's like okay well they're all just in one random spot on the planet and the rest is what that doesn't really make any sense to me. There's only more sense that the planet was smaller and then as expanded the so the water water is being generated from somewhere inside the planet which is in her earth, most likely and there's as we will learn their seas and oceans and inside the earth that it's actually way more water inside the planet than there is on the surface, apparently, and it's being generated from inside the planet and the planet expanding from inside out so. The planet grows there becomes more and more water the plant gets bigger and then the continents slowly over time separate into what we have now. Right. And then what shape is our planet is it a square the square word circle and oval flat earth and donut. There's crazy theories online about all of them. Based on based strictly on the earth's magnetosphere magnetosphere sphere it's not a magnet is flat. Yeah, based on the magnetosphere. The shape of the magnetosphere is a pair is a pear shape. And if it if the planet were round they predict or they speculate that the magnetosphere would be round, but it's not it's in the shape of a pair so that leads them to conclude that our earth is shaped something like this. We have a more accurate depiction of our planet than just a round ball. Now that's based strictly on the magnetosphere data and they're just basically tracing the shape of the magnetosphere. So, moving on. Okay, so this photograph was taken by the s seven satellite on November 23 1968. The cloud cover the ice fields on the surface can be observed in the hole at the North Pole can clearly be seen. But there are there is a skeptic explanation for this and that is right here. One believer did seize on an NASA photograph showing a black hole at the North Pole and it called it proof of an entrance to a hollow earth. As it turned out, the photo was actually a composite of several pictures taken over 24 hours, so that all the sections were seen in daylight in the black hole to top was the portion of the Arctic Circle never illuminated during the day over the winter months, which that's a stretch. Yeah, yeah, but that is their explanation for the whole that sciences explanation for the whole mosquito. They always have to have an explanation. I mean, I think, yeah, and I believe the next slide is a video, a quick video talking about this poll from a mini documentary that Aaron found, which is actually really good. On November 23 1968, the American spacecraft SS seven took several pictures of the North Pole in the complete absence of clouds into giant black hole is clearly visible on them. The question arises, why has the find not yet been investigated? Moreover, at the moment, any flights over the North Pole, including research satellites, are prohibited. The official version says that these bands are precautionary measures because gravity is weak at the polls, so the force of gravity is unable to hold flying vehicles, but likely they're just hiding something from the public. Remember how aggressively Congress reacted to birds attempts to discuss his fateful flight. So what was so unusual about what he saw at the North Pole? And we will be getting into that. Okay, so Daniel saw, if you guys remember this episode, it was one of my favorite episodes, we really didn't recover to Hollow Earth extensively in this episode. And one of the books that he brought to our awareness, which I was completely unaware of at the time, was Genesis for the new space age, the secret development of the round wing plane, the extraterrestrials inside the earth and the arrival of the Elder Terrestrials 1980. And I don't know, I couldn't actually find this book online, it didn't look very hard, but this is the PDF that he sent me, and that's where this is from. And vanishing Germans discovery the mystery of the ages. So this book talks about 500 warrior colonists who left Germany in the 16th century, and were presumed to have perished 4000 miles up the Amazon River. The existence of those ancient adventurers was forgotten, allied agents searching for Hitler's lost minions in the late 1940s unknowingly found descendants of the 16th century colonists, whose current presence in that hemisphere actually changed the outcome of World War II, and astounding revelations still kept hidden from the press and public. But I share this because I want to understand that this adventure began in 1572, so in 1572 500 colonists left Germany in the 16th century, and they disappeared. And what ended up happening to them is astounding. So a documented story this adventure was recorded in diary form on the ships log which the group saved. So this is information from a ships log that was recovered. The hardships were endured by the German colonists for three generations. So basically what happened is they went underground, and it in three generations later, they came out what they thought was the other side of the planet. But they ended up coming out in 1647 into the Hollow Earth. That time these colonists were a lost civilization as a group they would never return to the surface hopelessly, but with an instinctive urge for survival they surrendered their old ties to Germany and took on a new identity, but the cultural linguistic and religious beliefs from their homeland remained strong. These assets would carefully preserve and record for their children as they wandered into tunnels and adapted to lifestyle change. Then on the 75th year their scouting parties broke out into the promised land, merging through a rock opening the advanced party looked about and wonder, all of them had been born inside the Earth's mantle and had been raised to believe there was another world. As the first guys looked about they beheld unending sky trees and rolling land, but more fascinating everything including themselves was bathed in life from a faint man made orb that hung in a real sky. Their arrival inside the Earth's rock mantle was at a midway point below today's countries of New Zealand and Australia. The Germans cheered, they prayed and they laughed for they thought they had arrived back on the outside of the world again. Hurrying inside the tunnel, they told this new wonder they had discovered more jubilant Germans from the tunnel system emerged sometime later contact was made with the occupants of this new land who advised the German explorers that they had descended to the inside of the Earth where hundreds of millions of peaceful people lived who shunned surface dwellers. The new Atlanteans which were which they were called moved through the air and magical silent round winged craft and drove four wheeled vehicles without horses or oxen. These people had an advanced civilization which the amazed Germans recognized was hundreds of years ahead of the surface civilization their fathers had left years before. Also amazing to the Germans the new Atlanteans had an ageless longevity span with no noticeable traces of old age in their bodies, no ancient furls and their facial features and no senility and their mannerisms. What was missing was the presence of old people the Germans quickly noted. So basically don't age. So basically and there's a lot more to this story like a lot more there's and it's profound so that book is called the Genesis for the new space age. And I will include that PDF in the description after this is over if anyone wants to read it. It's an incredible story about what what they go through to even discover the inside of the earth and the primitive beings that they ran into while they were tunneling while they were living under the earth. So if they came back to the surface they were getting attacked by the tribes in the Amazon. So that wasn't an option they were outnumbered. And, and they knew that they fled into this cave so their only option was to start living on the ground and they kept exploring this tunnel network for over three generations. And they finally broke through into this center of the earth and it's an incredible story. This was in 1600s guys they started in 1500s and ended up there in the 1600s. This is another book that Daniel Salah shared with me and it's only written in German. So, and it's not even translated. There's only a German version available but a guy did read this book and write an article about it and there's some incredible information about a Catholic church cover up. And this is, this is the website false history and this is the article trade with subterranean people in the Middle Ages. So this is from the article. I've only read the first chapter of gihime under wealth, the name of the book. So far, but that was enough to inspire this article in their books the authors have proven that prior to 1580 human beings were engaged in trade and business with subterranean beings. Using a worldwide network of tunnels between 1550 and 1590, the Catholic church ordered all entrances to caves and tunnels sealed and forbid dealings with the underground people. They were closed by official decree. Again, I want you guys to take note of these dates we're still in the 1500s here. I also knew of many researchers who had discovered subterranean caverns and the tunnels that connect them, but I didn't know that in some parts of the world, there were legal documents not only on the ceiling of the holes, but formal business records and property records preserved from the Middle Ages dealing with relations to the subterranean world. That's much more tangible than the mythology I had used. I previously said the ceiling and destruction of tunnels happened thousands of years ago. That may be true, but I now understand that a worldwide ceiling also took place as recent as 14 generations ago. As it turns out, there are many families that have documents of business dealings and events ranging back 14 generations and more. That's profound. If we have documents that the Catholic church ordered all the entrances and caves and tunnels to be sealed, which if you look at this picture here to the left, it's a subway system in New York, but you can see those old archways. This was, according to the article, part of this all led to an underground network and these, this is a perfect example of them sealed up and painted black, and that's just in New York subway. So we have a mass underground date for some reason the Catholic church did not want us dealing with the subterranean people wonder why. And then this on the left is a is one of the documents. And he says, I took a picture of one of several pieces of evidence from the book, Heinrich and Ingrid Kousch have used documents by the Australian Royal Family Worm, which are stored at the Royal Archives in Vienna. This one is dated to 1592. Do you want to read that part in? This is what the document says, basically. The text says that there was a mineral prospector stroller by the name of Arbogast who discovered a tunnel at an Austrian town called Kowang, the town is still there today. He promptly made contact with subterranean tribe called Common. Soon thereafter, he began a mutually useful business trade with the common, but the church outlawed business relations with subterranean folk. Because they were worried about the welfare of the general public, and because of certain remarkable events. The authors found tons of corroborating information from around that time. A document from the year 1580 shows that the church ordered the filling of holes, caves, and tunnels below the town of Closternew, Closternew, Berg, Austria, according to the author, these had been built thousands of years ago. They ordered the ceilings to be double cemented and flooded just to make sure nobody ever crept up from below again. These works were to be overseen by guards and civilians to be kept far away. So there you have it. Our ancestors were well aware of these underground civilizations, and they sealed off the entrances and cut off our contact with them so they can, what, push their narrative. The entrance to the inner earth is at the poles. The inner earth is a real physical place with suns and rivers and oceans where real people are living. There was trade between the inner earth people and the people above. The trade agreement was violated. It was violated by the humans. It kicked off. The church shut down all the tunnels that were leading to the inner earth, and there's documentation that proves that. Okay, the coming race. Now we're in 1871, still way back. In 1871, this book was written, it was narrated by an American who stumbles on an underground race descended from the ancient Aryans that's harnessed a source of infinite power called the "Real". The coming race is a novel by Edward Bolwert-Litten published anonymously in 1871 and has been also published as "Real, the Power of the Coming Race". Some readers have believed the account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy form called the "Real". And many accepted the book as based on the occult truth. But it's important to understand this because the Germans were, they were obsessed with finding this underground race. Whereas that book, that slide Aaron mentioned earlier from the book "The Hollow Earth". And this is from a different book called "The Hollow Earth". It was written in 1964 by Dr. R. W. Bernard. And he talks about the coming race. He said, "In his book, the coming race, Bolwert-Litten describes a subterranean civilization far in advance of our own which has existed in a large cavity in the earth connected with the surface by a tunnel. This immense cavity was illuminated by a strange light which did not require lamps to produce it, but it appeared to result from an electrification of the atmosphere. This light supported plant life and enabled the subterranean people to grow their foods. The inhabitants of this utopia described by Litten were vegetarians. They had certain apparatuses by which instead of walking, they flew. They were free from disease and had perfect social organizations so that each received what he needed without exploitation of one by another. It is claimed that the earth crust is honeycomb by a network of tunnels passing under the ocean from continent to continent and leading to subterranean cities in large cavities in the earth. These tunnels were especially abundant in South America, especially under Brazil, which was the chief center of the Atlantean colonization. I want you guys to take note of that, Brazil and the chief center of the Atlantean colonization because we found some other information to corroborate this. Most famous of these tunnels is the roadway of the Incas, which stretches for several hundred miles south of Lima, Peru, and passes under Cusco, Tijuana Co. And the three peaks preceding to the at a combo desert. Another branch opens in Africa, Chile, visited by Madam Blavatsky. Okay, so this is from a book that we're going to reference later. This book isn't even published in English. So this book, it was published in 2008 in Spanish, and there's been a revised version in 2010, but it's only in in Spanish. It's not in English yet. My friend Nikki is friends with the author, and this man went on, it took him seven expeditions over a decade. And so he finally gained access to this Lumirian outpost essentially existed in another dimension. But my friend actually knows this guy and she's heard this story firsthand from him and he's written this book. It's not even out. And there's only two English speaking people that have read this book and its entirety and that would be me and my friend so while he was in this dimension with the Atlanteans, they told him this. Thanks to the knowledge passed to us by our Lumirian forefathers, we can pass easily into the third dimension, become visible and tangible for the areas and hide ourselves at will. Manoa is the capital of the Atlantis Empire. The plains, the jungles of Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela and Peru is our territory. The plains are lands of promise that are reserved for the future. It's a selected location. The Atlantean territory has physical signs that market ornate giant hieroglyphs that can be seen from the air in the third dimension on giant rocks of the Andes. Or in Oquia, the Amazonia in the desert of the south of the continent and on the shores of the Pacific Ocean those landmarks act like boundaries of our territory. So think about that the Nazca lines that's what the Nazca lines actually are that the mystery solved if this is true. They act as boundaries for the Atlantean territory. And according to this book in that area and according to the last slide, information in the coming race talks about Peru, that area being the central, the center point for the Atlantean civilization. And whatever these hieroglyphs are actually serving, whatever purpose they're serving in the third dimension that they act as more of an energetic boundary for the territory. There also exist a connection between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the interior of the earth. We have a long relationship with the indigenous cultures that are remnants of the primitive races that still conserve the pure original wisdom. The communication with them is frequent. So, there you have it. Now we have an explanation for the Nazca lines aside from just having to wonder why they did it. This is from the Atlantean civilization. All right, now we're going to get in Shambhala. And remember how I said the Germans were obsessed with finding Shambhala. This is a really cool depiction artist depiction of the Germans actually discovering the underground city. This text say that Shambhala can be reached only by a long and difficult journey across the wilderness of deserts and mountains, and warn that only those who are called and have the necessary spiritual preparation will be able to find it. Others will only others will find only blinding storms empty mountains or even death. One text says that the kingdom of Shambhala is round, but it is usually depicted as an eight pedal lotus blossom, a symbol of the heart chakra. One text says that the kingdom of Shambhala is in your own heart. As Edwin Byrne bomb points out the guidebooks to Shambhala whose puzzling directions are a mixture of realism and fantasy can be read on one level as instructions for taking an inner journey from the familiar world on the surface consciousness, through the wilds of the subconscious to the hidden sanctuary of the super conscious. I just think that's a great explanation of Shambhala and where that comes from so it's a Buddhist it's from Buddhist text and notice how it says you have to have have the necessary spiritual preparation to find it. This is, we hear this through all testimonies, if you want to find these entrances, you're not just going to go, even you can go to the alleged spots where people have gone to inner earth. Physically you're not going to see anything, and you have to be invited into these dimensions, and it's a spiritual journey but I also find it interesting this map they show this like lotus to circular circular map. There are many different versions of this, and the flat earthers love these maps this is for them this is the proof of the ice wall. This is their ice wall map it has nothing to do with that it's the lotus flower it's a Buddhist text and then talks about Shambhala and the inner earth. There's a million versions of this and like I said the flat earth is love them. The Nazi connection with Shambhala and Tibet, many high ranking members of the Nazi regime including Hitler but especially him learn has held convoluted occult beliefs prompted by those beliefs the German sent an official expedition to Tibet in 1938, between 1938 and 1939 at the invitation of the Tibetan government to attend the New Year celebrations. So we just we got to keep in mind what's going on here with the German so and I showed you the book earlier in the 1592 that 500 Germans colonized basically the core or the crust of the earth and they finally broke through up to three generations into hollow earth. So we have German knowledge of the hollow earth in the 1500s and then in 18 and the 1891 the coming race was written about the Aryan race. Now how would that book have been written unless somebody, some way somehow got information from this original German out to the surface to someone on the surface who wrote a story about what their ancestors discovered. So Hitler took this book very seriously, and he took he believed in with beyond the shadow of the doubt based on his ancestors and information he had of Shambhala and the inner earth. So they sent an actual expedition in the 1930s, actually they went earlier to Antarctica 1901, but then again in the late 30s, and this is an actual photograph of the expedition, the Nazi scientists, they were in search of their Aryan origins. So you had, they don't, you would not send a group of scientists to go look for a place that you're not sure if it exists, they were positive that the earth was hollow, and they were going to find it. And I think that was the main mission, one of the main Hitler's main missions behind the scenes. And then here we go again the secret journey to planet Serpo, the book that holds all the answers not really but there's a lot in this book. Yeah there is. So it all corroborates with the Germans discovering inner earth and we found we can just further prove this, you can read this Aaron if you'd like. The inner most core of the black dragon society was the green dragon society here political and economic power resolved down to a cult and black magical power, ostensibly the green dragons were a small Buddhist mon monastic set. The monks also observed the Shinto ceremonies, in the 16th century they chose Kyoto as their central location, and the 19th century became known that the green dragons maintained a close affiliation with the mysterious group called the society of green men, who lived in a remote monastery and underground community and Tibet, and communicated with the green dragons only at the astral level capable of manifesting tremendous psychic and occult power at the green men easily controlled the green dragons who viewed the liaison as advantageous to them. Not realizing who was controlling whom. Able to see into and travel through time, the green men had far reaching plans extending to the year 5000 impressed with German Prussian militarism, the green men decided that in alliance with Germany would help them reach their 15th century goals. Consequently, they convinced the green dragons to invite house offer into the society, and to initiate him into some of their mysteries by giving empowers that only they could convey they hope to use him as the catalyst to bring about an invincible fascist German state. So, that's Karl house offer, who spent time over in Tibet with the green dragons the society of green men which they were essentially if you read the book they were channeling reptilians. And some caves in Tibet, and they were getting orders directly from a reptilian underground civilization and call how house offer was a linguist and he was sent over there to get this information and translate it and bring it back to Hitler. And it was house offered it actually groomed Hitler in the power with this information. So, this is important because, well we'll just keep going and you'll understand why it's important. The exact location of the Tibetan monastery of the society of green men is not known, and it is unlikely to house offer new where it was the monks communicated with the green dragons through the astral realm so they never had to reveal where they were in retrospect it has become clear that the green men were connected with the huge underground empire of the reptilian extraterrestrials from Alpha Draconis, which was said to extend from South Western Tibet all the way across to Indian subcontinent to Benares India. This empire is called Patala or snake world in Hindu mythology, and it is said to be the home of the storied nagas, or the serpent race who have been worshipped by some and feared as demons by others in India since ancient times it is said to be a massive seven level complex of huge caverns and tunnels deep underground. The serpent people are believed to reside there mainly in their capital city of Boguwadi, it is known that there are at least two entrances to the world of the nagas, one entrance is at the chest as well in Benares, and the other is in the mountains around the beautiful mana saurovar, about 500 miles west of lassa. At 15,000 feet elevation, it is the highest freshwater lake in the world and it is said to be favored by the Buddha as a meditative retreat. Bruce Ellen Walton also known as Britain now deceased has emerged on the internet is one of the most off authoritative figures on the alien colonies on earth. He claims that locals around the lake have reportedly seen reptilians in that region and have seen their wingless flying craft entering and leaving the mountains. We know now that the reptilians are closely associated with the so-called grays originally from say a reticuli so it would be very likely that the grey colony also exists in the tower. So Carl Hausaufer was well aware of the inner earth from spending time with the society of the green man and the black dragon society essentially into bed, who knows what was actually shared with him. So we do have documentation that he was aware of an inner earth, at least a reptilian colony, but possibly who knows what else. And this is something I found very interesting I found in the deep depths of the internet, this is the international society for a complete earth which was found formed in Missouri in 1977, and they're in possession of a letter written by former Nazi you boat crewman to his comrade back in Germany. Now this is important. I hope you guys are still with me. The curious thing about this letter is that it is written that it was written after you boat 209 disappeared in Antarctica while searching for the entrance to inner earth, using charts drafted by German general Carl Hausaufer. So the expedition that went to Antarctica looking for inner earth and Tibetan Antarctica, the picture we showed you earlier those Germans, they apparently they were using charts drafted by general Carl Hausaufer, and which is really interesting to me because it would make sense that he would actually have charts if he was spending time with the society of green men and channeling times essentially. So this letter that was international society for complete earth is in possession of that letter, actually arrived in Germany in 1947, and the handwriting was confirmed by the man's family. This letter had has been authenticated by the man's family, by his own by his own family it's a handwritten letter, translated from German the letter states, April for April 20 1947. Dear old comrade, this news will be a surprise for you. The submarine 209 made it. The earth is hollow, the whole crew as well, but cannot come back. We are not prisoners. This is your last connection with submarine 209 with hearty greetings, your friend Hans. That's profound. So the people that disappeared looking for inner earth. Apparently they received a letter from them and this was the only letter they received in 1947. And they determined that the earth is hollow and they couldn't come back. If this letter is authentic then that's a huge smoking gun piece of evidence, in my opinion. Yeah, that's huge. All right, we're going to get a little bit into the Smokey God, because you can't talk about the how worth without covering this book. You want to read this Aaron. The Smokey God is a classical hollow earth tale. On its pages you will learn the amazing story of Norwegian semen Olaf Jansen, and his father coming upon a land beyond the North Pole and inside the earth. Their encounter with its giant inhabitants and other incredible discoveries. The real life account of a Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen, his story set in the 1800s is told in Willis Emerson's biography entitled the Smokey God. Olaf's little sloop drifted so far north by by storm that he actually sailed into a polar entrance and live for two years with one of the colonies of the Agartha network called Shembala the lesser. He describes his host as those of the central seat of government for the inner continent, measuring a full 12 feet in height, extending courtesies and showing kindness, laughing hardly when they had to improvise chairs for my father and I to sit in. He tells of a Smokey, in quotes, and her son, world compromise of three forced land and one fourth water. So one of the things in the Smokey God that Olaf Jansen claims is that that's where the Garden of Eden is. And according to Olaf Jansen, in the beginning of this old world of ours was created solely for the within world, where are located the four great rivers the Euphrates, the Python, the Guihan and the Tigris. If you know anything about the Garden of Eden it's supposed to exist where those four rivers merge. These same names of rivers when applied to the streams on the outside surface of the earth are purely traditional from an antiquity beyond the memory of man. On the top of a high mountain near the fountainhead of these four rivers Olaf Jansen the Norseman claims to have discovered the long lost Garden of Eden, the variable naval of the earth. And to have spent over two years studying and reconnoitering in its marvelous within land exuberant with stupendous plant life and abounding in giant animals, a land where people live to be centuries old after the order of the Metzula and other biblical characters, a region where one quarter to inner earth is surface is water and three quarters is land, and where there are large oceans and many rivers and lakes where the cities are superlative and construction and magnificence where modes of transportation are as far in advance of ours. Can I say something real quick? Yeah, please. There's a corroborating thing here in the book, the messages from Hollow Earth by Diane Robbins, which is an amazing book by the way. Highly recommend it in that book so that book is supposedly channeled in earth beings that are giving a bunch of information. One of those beings talks about a surface dwellers that basically it's like we're living on the roof of the house, because they mentioned that the inside the interior of the earth is what's meant for life. It doesn't make any sense. Right, right. And it even says that all advanced civilizations throughout the whole universe, or at least our galaxy, I can't remember which but they all live in the interior of the planet, not the exterior. And only the more primitive civilizations like us live on the exterior but all the advanced ones live on the interior because they're protected. It's much more suitable for, for life actually. So that this is a good corroborating thing for that. And it's, and it would make sense why no one's found the Garden of Eden inside the planet. Right. And just so you know here is a map of the four rivers converging, and this is the apparent location where the Garden of Eden was supposed to have existed in the Persian Gulf yet they've never discovered anything because those rivers actually pour into the surface inside the planet, and they converge. They truly converge inside the planet and begin inside the plant and that's where the Garden of Eden lies. This is also from the Smokey God. Some of the rivers within Olaf Janssen's claims are larger than our Mississippi and Amazon rivers combined in point of volume of water carried indeed their greatness is occasioned by their width and depth rather than their length. It is at the mouth of these mighty rivers as they flow northward and southward along the inside surface of the earth that mammoth icebergs are found, some of them 15 and 20 miles wide, and from 40 to 100 miles in length. Is it not strange that there has never been an iceberg encountered either in the Arctic or Antarctic Ocean that is not comprised of freshwater, modern scientists claim that freezing eliminates the salt, but Olaf Janssen claims differently. So he's claiming that these icebergs are actually coming from the oceans and rivers inside the planet, and that's why all the icebergs are freshwater. And scientists just, they think the salt disappears magically when it freezes, which makes no sense. On the northern boundaries of Alaska and still more frequently on the Siberian coast are found bone yards containing tusk of ivory and quantities, so great as to suggest the burying places of antiquity. From Olaf Janssen's account, they have come from the great prolific animal life that bounds in the fields and forest and on the banks of numerous rivers of the inner world. The materials were caught in the oceans currents and were carried out on ice flows and have accumulated like driftwood on the Siberian coast. This has been going on for ages and hence these mysterious bone yards. So if you guys know anything about the Siberian bone yards, they constantly find a plethora of mammoth bones and other bones that seems so fresh they think they're so well preserved because of the ice but according to Olaf Janssen, they're well preserved because they're fresh, and when they die in the inner earth and they get washed out into sea, they end up in places like this in Siberia where it's technically a bone yard for these skeletons. And this is an article from 2020, woolly mammoth with preserved poop, wool and ligaments dredged from the Siberian lake. How would that even be possible if that's an ancient woolly mammoth this, they have no idea this is a fresh kill that has washed into the Siberian lake and that's what they're looking at here. And the diet the stuff that they're finding in their stomach doesn't even match with what history tells us the client was supposed to be at that time. So many discrepancies. So a lot of these bone beds are actually fresh animals from the hollow earth washing up onto the surface. And then here's a little video that explains that a little better. The existence of a garlic just explains all the strange things happening here. For example, researchers note that the temperature increases for some reason as it approaches the poles. This phenomenon is called the Arctic amplification and one of the first to speak about it was American meteorologist William Sellers in 1969. And in the northern polar region of the ocean, they found plant seeds that seemingly shouldn't be in such a cold place. Moreover, it turned out that icebergs around the north polar composed of frozen fresh water, not seawater. In addition, scientists found red pollen of unknown origin on these ice blocks. There's another suspicious fact that some bird species migrate to the north before winter. White flea from the cold to an even colder place. Usually ornithologists explain the need for birds to avoid competition for food with other bird species that remain in warmer regions. It sounds a little doubtful. And this is not the last possible evidence that somewhere in the north, there may be an entrance to warm areas with abundant vegetation. For example, one can observe the so-called driftwood along the coast of Frosty Greenland. These are drifting areas with trees washed ashore on the island. The length of some trees reaches as much as five meters. But where did they come from? The exact same question rises among archaeologists who discovered in the ice on the northern coast of Siberia, not only a mammoth, which is natural for this environment. But also an elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, and a lion. These animals can live only in warm regions. And the most interesting thing is that in the stomach of frozen mammoths, they found tropical plants which do not grow in circumpolar regions. It turns out that a gartha could be somewhere nearby with its abundance of animals and vegetation. In addition, this city may have more than one or even two entrances. This became clear thanks to the analysis of many legends about such an underworld, which surprisingly are very similar, although they're found in different countries. So, there you have it. And in Olaf Janssen's book, he talks about the coming across gigantic tree stumps of driftwood on islands on the surface whenever they were sailing. They were just going north only by rumors of this hidden land. They didn't know where they were going. They were just heading north. But they started coming across islands with those massive trees. And there's not supposed to be anything up there, any vegetation at all. Where the trees coming from. And they also speak of red pollen. So a lot of the ice up in the north pole is actually red. There's like a red pollen in it. And in that book, I couldn't find a page. I looked at it. I just couldn't find it, but it also explains which exact plant that red pollen is coming from. And it's literally blowing out of the hole into onto the surface. And that's what creates the red ice flows. So now we're going to get into the Agartha network, which is different than how the earth. And sorry if we repeat some stuff and it seems like we jump around it's hard to put all this in order, but we did our best. This I just put this in here just to help you guys understand where the term Agartha comes from. This is from that same book I mentioned earlier to Hollow Earth by Dr. R. W. Bernard. The word Agartha is of Buddhist origin. It refers to the subterranean world or empire in whose existence. All the true Buddhist fervently believe. They also believe that this subterranean world has millions of inhabitants and many cities, all under the supreme domination of the subterranean world capital Shambhala, where dwells the supreme ruler of this empire known in the Orient as the king of the world. It is believed that he gave orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who was his terrestrial representative, his messages being transmitted through certain secret tunnels connecting the subterranean world of Tibet. Similar mysterious tunnels honeycomb Brazil, Brazil in the west and Tibet in the east seem to be the two parts of the earth where contact between subterranean world and surface world may be the most easily achieved due to the existence of these tunnels. And this just goes on to talk a little bit more about location certain locations that we read on the ground and one of the interesting parts is that various gigantic statues of early Egyptian gods and kings as those of Buddha found throughout the Orient represent subterranean men, who came to the surface to help the human race, they are generally represented as sexless. They were emissaries of a Gartha, the subterranean paradise, which is the goal of all true Buddhist to reach. Again, here's your flat earth map. What's interesting is they said they're generally represented as sexless and the Cahokia mounds in the museum, but we I don't think we included it in the documentary but some of the skeletons that they discovered, they even in the museum it says they're sexless, which could be because they couldn't identify him or maybe they're trying to tell us without telling us that these were not humans, as we know them. Yeah. It's interesting it says one of the supposed interests is just the pyramid of Giza. Oh yeah, I didn't read that far. Not the pharaohs were in contact with, you know, quote unquote gods from the underworld. There you go. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the entrance of this tunnel was guarded by the llamas who were sworn to keep its actual whereabouts a secret from the outsiders by order to Dalai Lama a similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the pyramid or Giza. Yeah. So obviously I would venture to say that all the ancient sites lead underground. Yeah. And that's why they were built where they were built. Or one of the reasons. Okay, so we're going to let Billy Woodard tell us about his experience being taken in the area 51 and then in the telos. And this is a little bit of a longer video so just sit back and enjoy this one. And he leaves I sit down. And here's this stack. So really quick, just so just for a reference, this is whenever he is brought in the area 51 and he is relieving somebody else of duty. So whenever you do you want to say who who Billy Woodard is really quick. Okay, I'm sorry, Billy Woodard is a hollow earth whistleblower, essentially, he has an incredible testimony that's way too long to get into. But he apparently came from hollow earth and he was fast tracked through our military to and then sent to area 51 to be a liaison for the inner earth beings because they wouldn't work with our government. They didn't work with somebody of their choice so they chose Billy. So at age 16 he was fast tracked here I think the Air Force or whatever branch of government military he was in, and given above top secret clearance, sent to area 51. And this is where he tells the story and that's so he was brought here as a baby from an earth corrects yeah yeah so they had to take him and his sister and his twin sister had to take the form of a he can't come here because it's too dense so they had to take new bodies. So they came as as babies and they were left in a dumpster but they knew this woman was going to find him and take him take care of them. It was a whole long it's an it's an incredible testimony but they grew up their whole lives on the surface on the surface you're actually an earth being correct correct. And he leaves I sit down and here's this stacks of records about this high on the on my desk and I'm going oh my god that's a lot of reading. I'm a beer for a while so I start reading first thing I pull off it says 1947 Admiral Bird diary so I sat down and started reading. The more I read the more interest to the god and then continue reading it read it in its entirety and then I looked at my assistant and I'm going is this for real. He says oh yeah yeah sure yeah wow interesting. Right after I finished reading that this guy walks into the end of my office and he goes you requested on level 27. What level we are now you're on level 10. And what's on 27 you'll find out anyway you're being called by name requested by name to go down to level 27. Okay is this is my superior and they said no no okay so I put on my jacket follow this guy to the elevator go down to the 27th level step off to the 27th level and we're in a cavern. Walked through this cavern into another tunnel it looked like had been freshly drilled or bored out. Walked down this tunnel for about a mile and then I said okay that's who called you by name requested you by name. I'm looking at these two huge giant people standing next to this cylindrical vehicle. I walk over there and I said all right how do you why am I here you're going on a journey. I said I am I said you are I turned around and looked at my superior and they said document everything you see and hear we want a full report. I go okay all right so I walked toward this craft the door slides up silently. Nice cigar shaped craft. Yeah pretty much like cigar shaped almost like a shaped like a bullet similar. I mean walked into this I walked into this vessel sat down they said strap in so I strapped in and I said where are we going. You're going to tell us. I said okay well what is Telos. Telos is a city beneath the mountain called Mount Shasta. I mean before I got in I was feeling the sides of this tunnel it felt cold to the touch but yet it was more of like a crystal tube if you will. And this vessel was in it and you couldn't slide your hand between the side of the wall and the vessel. That's how close it was to this side of the wall. I said this is mighty close you know it had to be quite you know precision very well if this thing is going to go down these tunnels at extremely rapid speed. And they said not to worry so I sat down and this door closed silently. The vessel started to move and I felt this humming sound. I thought you know they heard the humming sound and then the humming stopped and the vessels started moving. So it went first it was going slow and then it got picked up speed. Then it was going by I mean the scenery was going by so fast it looked like a blur. You couldn't hardly distinguish anything on the sides at all. It was that fast. How fast are we going? And they said by your recollection 4,000 miles per hour. I said 4,000 miles per hour and they said yes. We have arrived at our destination. That's how I can imagine. I said how long did that trip take? And they said only a few meadow moments. I said okay now you're telling me Mount Shasta under in California right? And they go yes and we just left Area 51. That's several hundred miles. And it's about 800 miles from Perup, Nevada to Mount Shasta so it only took them out of moments. They were there. I stepped out of this vehicle and I stepped into the city. It was domed underneath this dome shaped city. Some of the buildings were pyramidal shaped. Some of them were round. It was quite an interesting sight to see people going to and from. Most of them were very tall and they had blue skin. So this is a two part interview and each interview is like two hours long. So his testimony is incredible and if you want to hear more about that we linked those interviews under the first part of this webinar. So both parts are there if you're interested but he goes on to tell all about telos and so much more. They're amazing. So worth watching to. Yeah. Incredible testimonies and this is Jessica Jones. I actually sent her level 27 of Area 51 as a blind target to remove view. And she verified like everything in her data shows that Billy is not lying because what he described it on level 27 is exactly. She's determined and I sent her these interviews. And based on her conclusion he is not lying. This is a true story. That's corroborated by remote viewing data. Okay, so this is also from. Smokey God and this explains kind of a difference between the Agartha network and hollow earth. So think of Shambhala the lesser as the United Nations of over a hundred subterranean cities. That form the Agartha network. It is indeed the seat of government for the inner world. While Shambhala the lesser is an inner continent. It's satellite counties are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the earth's crust or discreetly within the mountains. All cities in the Agartha network are physical and are of the light, meaning that they are benevolent spiritually based societies, who follow the Christic teachings of the order of Melchizedek. Quite simply they continue in the tradition of the great mystery schools on the surface honoring such beings. Beans as Jesus, Sonanda, Buddha, Isis, Osiris, all the ascended masters that we on the surface know and love in addition to the spiritual teachers of their own long standing heritage. Why did they choose to live on the ground consider the magnitude of the geological earth changes that have swept the surface over the past hundred thousand years. Consider the lengthy Atlantic and Lumirium war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry that eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations to Sahara that go be the Australian Outback and the deserts of the US are by the few examples of the devastation that resulted. The sub cities were created as refugees for the people, and as a safe havens for the sacred records teachings and technologies that were cherished by the ancient cultures. So, basically it doesn't cover it all here but the Agartha network is the colonies that exist inside the earth's crust. The central earth is where shembala is and that's the, that's where there's continents and oceans and all this stuff and that would be near that's where that central sun is located. And that's where Admiral Bird flew into Olaf Jansim to Smokey God and a few other people. So the hollow earth and inner earth can technically be two different things. So to put it simply, my understanding is, which would be called inner earth or the Agartha network is inside of the crust, whereas the hollow earth is on the other side, the other side of the crust. Correct. Whereas you go through the holes in the holes or the holes wherever and then you end up on the bottom of what we're on top of basically and that's the hollow earth but the inner earth is in between that space and inside the crust. In the crust and in the mountains. And the mountains in the mountains. So apparently these are capital cities of the Agartha network. Posted the primary and Atlantis outpost located beneath model grassel plains of region of Brazil population 1.3 million, which take note of that first location, the model grassel plains of Brazil. Sean she the refuge of the newer culture, a branch of the Lemurians who chose to form their own colonies 50,000 years ago, entrance is guarded by a Himalayan loemazery population, three quarters of a million, three and three quarters million. No, no, that's correct, Rama remnant of the surface city of Rama India located near. Zapier inhabitants are known for their classic Hindu features population 1 million. Shengua remnant of the northern migration of the Uher's located on the border of Mongolia and China population to be quarter million telos primary Lemurian outpost located within Mount Shasta, a small secondary city in Mount lassen California US telos translated means communication with spirit population 1.5 million. Sorry I butchered all those names, either way we're looking at five capital cities here of the Agartha network. And I'm going to focus on model grassel just for a second because whenever I learned about model grassel being one of the entrances I just got on Google Earth, and I just wanted to see what I could come across just, you know, scan in the area and this is what I found. And it's no longer visible there anymore so whatever it was, it's now gone. So model grassel is supposed to be the state in Brazil where one of the entrances to telos is to enter many people have talked about this. So I'm here on Google Earth just messing around and look what I found. First of all, when you zoom in on this area, look how it changes color. Just this one area and I thought that's interesting. So then I found this little dark hole and it keeps zooming in on it. Blue. I don't know what that is. Auto. That blue light is. And it's just so weird that one section is colored like that. So I just found that interesting doesn't prove anything at all but it's not there anymore. So maybe I caught a portal that Google Earth captured somebody caught what looks like a portal above the arch on Google Earth one time on the surface. It was it was a black triangle above the arch like this black void. So I think it's possible that it catches anomalies. All right, here we go spotlight on telos. So, inquiring minds want to know how over a million people can make their home inside of Mount Chester. While we're stretching our imaginations are neighbors the Japanese have already blue printed underground cities in an answer to their surface area problem sub city habitation has for thousands of years been a natural vehicle for human evolution. Now here's a peak at a well thought out ecosystem. The dimensions of this dome city are approximately 1.5 miles wide by two miles deep telos is comprised of five levels. Level one. This top level is the center of commerce education and administration the pyramid shape temple is at the is the central structure and has a capacity of 50,000 surrounding it are government buildings the equivalent of a courthouse that promotes an enlightened judicial system halls of records. Arts and entertainment facilities a hotel for visiting foreign emissaries, a palace which houses the raw and rather new, the reigning king and queen of the Royal Lumirian lineage, whom are ascended masters a communications tower a space port schools food clothing dispatches. That's level one. Level two, a manufacturing center as well as a residential level, houses are circular in shape and is dust free because of it. Like surface living housing for singles couples and extended families is the norm. Level three hydroponic gardens highly advanced hydroponic technology feeds the entire city with some to spare for inner city commerce. All crops yield larger and tastier fruits veggies and soy products that make for a varied and fun diet for talosians. Now completely vegetarian the agartha cities have taken meat substitutes to new heights. Level four more hydroponic gardens more manufacturing some natural park areas. Level five the nature level set about a mile beneath the surface ground level. The area is a large natural environment. It serves as a habitat for a wide variety of animals, including those many extinct on the surface. All species have been bred in a nonviolent atmosphere and those that might be carnivorous on the surface now enjoy soy steaks and human interaction. Here you can run with the saber to tiger with wild abandoned together with the other plant levels, enough oxygen is produced to sustain the biosphere. We're going to get into the language and some of the ways of life of the telos the language while dialects vary from city to city. Solera Maru translated as the solar language is commonly spoken. This is the root language for the sacred for our sacred languages, such as Sanskrit and Hebrew. In a smoky God, he realized once they were in the city or in how earth that it was all saying everything was written in Sanskrit, it was a type of a Sanskrit language so there you go. Government, a council of twelve six minutes, six women together with the raw and round and move do collective problem solving and service guides and guardians of the people positions of royalty. Such as are held by the raw and wrong move are regarded as ones of responsibility in upholding God's divine plan to high priest and ascended master named a Dama is also an official representative. Computers, the Garthian computer system is amino acid based and serves as a vast array of functions. All the subsidies are linked by this highly spiritualized information network, the system monitors inner city and galactic communication, while simultaneously serving the needs of the individual at home. It can, for instance, report your body's vitamin or mineral deficiencies or when necessary, can they pertinent information from the Akashic records for personal growth. That's an amino that's impressive to me, the amino acid based so it's like a biological computer internet that they have. Money, non existent, all inhabitants basic needs are taken care of luxuries are exchanged via sophisticated barter system, transportation, moving sidewalks, inner level elevators and electromagnetic sleds resembling our snow. Snow, mobiles, snowmobiles, sorry, representing resembling our snowmobiles within the city for travel between cities residents take the tube, an electromagnetic subway system capable of speeds up to 3000 miles per hour. Yes, Agarthians are well versed in intergalactic etiquette, and our members of the Confederation of planets, space travel has been perfected as the as has the ability for interdimensional shifts that render these shifts undetectable. So interdimensional shifts that render the shifts undetectable take note of that we're going to cover that soon. Entertainment, theater concerts and a wide variety of arts also for you Trekkies the hollow decks program your favorite movie or chapter in Earth histories, and you can become a part of it. Childbirth, a painless three months, not nine, a very sacred process whereby upon conception, a woman will go to the temple for three days, immediately welcoming the child with beautiful music, thoughts and imagery, water birthing in the company of both parents is standard. Height, due to cultural differences, average heights of subterranean citizens very generally six five to seven five and tell us while nearly 12 feet in should involve the lesser age unlimited death by degeneration is simply not a reality and tell us most agarthians choose to look in age between 30 and 40 and stay there. Well, technically they may be thousands of years old by not believing in death. This society is not limited by it upon completing a desired experience. One can this incarnate at will. And so going back to their transportation and their ability for interdimensional shifts that render these shifts undetectable why we don't see them coming and going from the planet. And if you type in interdimensional shift or dimensional shift on Google, it even tells you exactly where it is a dimensional shift was a phenomenon whereby an object or person transported from one location to another via a folded space transport, or shifted to a parallel universe on a different dimensional plane. So this explains exactly how they're remaining hidden, why we don't see them. They travel in another dimension. And this is why just UFOs in general you see them phasing it out all the time. This is what they're doing. Right. You can read this one. This is about their beliefs on Ascension. Ascension absolutely and much easier and more common than on the surface. Ascension is the ultimate goal of temple training. Why have they stayed underground all this time, in part because the guard the ends have learned the futility of Warren violence and are patiently waiting for us to draw the same conclusion. They are such general folk that even our judgmental thoughts are physically harmful to them secrecy has been their protection until now the truth of their existence has been veiled by spirit. When can we visit our entrance to the subsidies depends on the purity of our intentions and our capacity to think positively a warm welcome from both worlds is the ideal and must be expressed by more than just the light working community. Currently a few hundred brave subterranean are working on the surface in order to blend with the masses they have undergone temporary cellular change so that physically they don't tower above the rest of us. They may be recognized by their gentle sensitive nature and somewhat mysterious accent. We wish to introduce you to a very special one of them. So that's extremely fascinating to me. They take a temper they undergo a temporary cellular change so they can exist on the surface. But what I also find fascinating is they are such gentle folk that even our judgmental thoughts are physically harmful to them, which would explain why they're not up here running around in there. And that lines up that corroborates with a lot of ET contact tea testimony where the ETs are they're not they're not just telepathic but they tell empathic mean they can feel everything that you're feeling and they feel your emotions and negative thoughts and negative anger, fear, any of these really extreme negative emotions actually physically hurt them because they're they feel it that intensely and that they're that sensitive to emotions that if you're if you can't control your emotions very well, it's going to actually be detrimental to them. Right, right. So like they're going to have to like shield from you basically so that's that's one of multiple reasons why ETs in general or in earth beings are basically the same can't just come out and live among us at this point in time. While where most of us are just, you know, most of us are judging the fuck out of people. Right, and just very program and very unenlightened to put it simply, you know, we have to meet them halfway. We have to meet them halfway. That's the whole point. Everything, you know, so we're going to get into a little bit of Lowell Johnson's testimony on telos. We're glad him we're going to play a short video from our interview with him before we move on. So while Lowell Johnson while hocking on Mount Shasta, Lowell's approach by a white robe being who telepathically invited him into telos, the inner earth beneath Mount Shasta. He was given a tour of telos by his being. He describes each level in the city and vivid detail and what he was told by an earth beings. There's no one that's going to see me from where I was now that I was done in that space. I had some grapes. I had some water. When I was listening music on my phone through my ear pads. The music had stopped after I had just put my grapes and water away. The music stopped. And at about the same time when I sat up, I sensed almost like a shadow because I don't know what else to call it. I was like moving from where I was sitting because I was flat on the ground and like this in about the same way I felt almost there was a similar canopy that was coming over me this way. Well, when I kind of sat up to take notice of whatever that was, I felt the breeze from behind. And when I turned around, there was a hole where I had been sitting against the rock. Between me and the rock was dried brush. That was it. Well, now there was an opening that had to be, it was two feet taller than I was. I'm six feet tall. So I stood up, turn around and see what this was. And as I turned, I could see that there was a little bit of a rise. And then this went downward. As my eyes was adjusting to the light, it almost looked like there was somebody down there. And once I got that realization in my head, I heard somebody asked me, do you wish to see tell us. Well, you're engine kind of fires up. And I, it's not that I have any fear, because I'm all about experiencing things I have not yet. But this was going to be new to me. I wanted to know what it was. So I started to make my way down. And at first, I thought, whoever this is down here, I thought was about my size, you know, adult size. And when I got closer and I could really see who it was. This person's not six feet tall. They're like eight feet tall. They're two heads taller than I am dressed in white. His garb had some colored ribbons on it. And I didn't know if that was just bling. Is that Lemurian bling or is that some indication of a rank that you held. When I got close enough, he said, you can call me Alex. I said, well, that'll be easy to remember because that's my son's name. He said, yeah, we know about your son. Follow me. So as we made our way down this and, you know, in retrospect, it would make sense that this is a lavitude. This is all about kind of area around here. So it certainly makes sense that that's what this is. So as we start making our way down, he's telling me about the construct. Tell us about the king and queen and about the Council of 13 and a dama and how many levels there were. And as we got closer to the bottom, you could see light that was coming from the other side. Well, as we got closer to wherever this area was I turned around to look behind me. And whatever opening I might have come from and whatever light might have come from that. Yeah, there wasn't anymore. It was dark behind me. So this now opened up into, I just, I want to call it the staging area because I don't know what else to call it. But when I moved into this space and it's pretty well lit, there are five more of these tubes on the opposite side. And there is a platform here just to our left. It's about six by six, and it appears to have like two bucket seats on top of it. There's another one off to the left over there. There's another one off to the right over there. And as I was kind of measuring all this up, Alex had made his way to the other side sat down on this device on the other side and invited me to sit next to him. Well, as soon as my butt had that seat, this thing levitated and off we went. We headed toward that middle tube. And what I remember most about it is you understand the sensation of movement. You feel something moving past your physical form when that's happened like a breeze. And even when there's no wind, you just understand that sensation. I didn't feel any of that. Nonetheless, we were moving. And as we got closer to wherever the end of this tube was and light started to come from the other side. Now you can see whatever crystals were embedded in this wall are starting to catch the light refraction from the other side. And every inch you took, it just changed the light refraction. So you felt like you were in a live kaleidoscope going through this thing. I didn't want it to end. But when my heart core had grown so much from this joy, now we open up into what this is, I'm seeing level one of Telos. So he moves us into the space and then rises up. So you've seen in photographs, cityscapes. This is what I see of the city of Telos. It's circular in orientation. There are crystal buildings everywhere. And in the center of this city is a white pyramid with a capstone on the top, which was also white that day. I'll learn a year later when I got to know who Diane Robbins was. Diane has written three books on Telos and has been channeling and Dama for 40 years, maybe longer. She lives in Shasta and bus her heart. She agreed to spend some time with me. And when I did, after I left that day, she had sent me something that she had never put in her books and she said, you know, there were some that occurred to me when you told me about the capstone again. She said, you know, there's correlation between that and the day of the week. You were there on a Sunday. The capstone was white. That's why everyone was wearing white. Had you been there on Saturday, it would have been purple. Had you been there on Wednesday, it would have been green. Oh, well, that was interesting to know. And that's really interesting cooperation, because for him to specifically know the capstone color and then her and know why it was that color. And he, it wasn't in her book so it's not like he could have read that in her book. Was it in her books, probably not on the internet anywhere. Yeah, I mean, I would have known that. And then she's like, oh yeah, that lines up with exactly what I know that I've never put out publicly. So exactly so this is Shavula, the Garthan ambassador. Apparently she lived in Mount Shasta for a while. She's also and she's one of the inner earth inhabitants that had her sailor. Under gone that cellular change. So she could live here on the surface. And she did many interviews and this is part of one of her interviews transcribed. Shavula, this is from her. Oh, yes, there are many. There are over 100 inner cities, some of them are very similar. The major one is called Shambhala the lesser it has been existed for over a half million years it was formed by a group of people called the hyperboreans or the chipoleans. They are the interviewer insights where is Shambhala located. Shavula, it's at the center of the planet itself in spite of what scientists have told people it is not a rage involved fire. How does one travel from city to city or from surface to inner city. Probably the most common method is what we call tubes is a series of underground trains. Board tunnels that run underneath all the oceans and all of the continents and connect all cities and several of the retreats. The trains, which look very much like a subway train, are run on a cushion of air and electromagnetic cushion so they never actually touch the sides of the tunnel. This cushion creates a force field without friction and therefore they can achieve very high speeds. The trains are capable of running over 3000 miles per hour. Which corroborates with what Billy Woodard said if you remember right he was told it was going 4000 miles an hour. And here it's over 3000 miles an hour so that's preparation right right. Between the surface and inner cities how does one travel. There are several entrances that open up to the surface will use a ship which is run by the silver fleet. The silver fleet explain that please. We are under the hashtag command and with this command are several fleets. The fleets native to earth are the silver fleet. Earth is called a fallen planet simply because it's fallen into the third dimension of consciousness and has remained there. The silver fleet is made up of. The trains from the agarthian cities. Many of the ships that people see in the air are silver fleet ships except for the nasties. How can one identify a silver fleet ship as opposed to the nasties as you call them. All the ashtar command ships all the confederation ships run from divine geometrics. The ships will be either cylinder or they will be saucer shaped or they will be round. They are not a lot of protrusions or an angles. They have the tendency to be smooth the ships that come in boomerang shapes and other weird configurations are usually not confederation ships. This is really interesting when she talks about childbirth I find this absolutely fascinating and I think it's crucial that everyone understands this. That's about how the women of Telos give birth to their children. We have returned the process of childbirth to divine order women in third dimensional bodies were only meant to bear children in three months. It was not meant to be a nine month process. Even now a fetus is formed in three months. When a woman realizes that she is pregnant she goes instantly into the temple and for 24 hours. She is sealed in a chamber that produces absolutely nothing but beautiful images beautiful sounds beautiful thoughts and she is constantly told how beautiful she is and how perfect her child is. So the very start of this life is impregnated in all the cells of their being with how perfect and how loved they are. After three months she returns to a birth chamber and a high priestess will put the mother in a slight altered state, whereas she feels no pain. She's just happy and euphoric. All births take place on the water, which produces almost no labor pains. The mother feels nothing but pressure. She's not going through trauma because the mother is relaxed the baby goes through less physical pain. When the baby is born in the water, both parents are there to hold it. They allow the baby to float underwater for some time until the baby itself chooses to come to the surface and breathe. And because there is no trauma about breathing, the baby also has learned to take complete breaths and they're not shut off immediately by panic and pain. I mean, it's incredible. Like, it's just unbelievable what are, you could say big pharma, the Midwestern medicine, what they have done to the childbirth process. What do you mean Western medicine? I'm sorry, Western medicine. Midwestern too, whatever. Yeah, well that's part of it. What is this? Oh, this is that video, another clip from the, that documentary just kind of summarizes the Agartha network. And the Tibetans even call Shambhala, the capital of that very Agartha. It's said that the people living there have a scientific knowledge and experience far superior to the knowledge of human beings. That's exactly what Admiral Bird said. According to some esoteric traditions, Agartha has at least seven entrances. Three of them are in Brazil. The first is in Iguazu Falls. The second is in the state of Mato Groso. And the third is in the city of Manos. And in Ecuador, there's a cave which, according to local legends, also leads to a dungeon inhabited by super intelligent creatures. It's located in the city of Cueva de los Tios. And several metal plates with engravings were found in this 200 million year old cave. Having deciphered these drawings, Hungarian Argentine scientist Juan Moritz told the local press that he may be called crazy. But he's sure there are higher beings underground. And that's not all. In the Indian city of Varanasi, there's also something resembling a portal to the underworld. This is the Shishna well, which the locals consider the entrance to one of the mysterious cities of the world of Agartha. Namely, Patala. Legends say that it's home to Nagas, amazing intelligent creatures that can take the form of a person or a reptile. They rarely appear to people and are engaged in the construction of underground cities around the world. That's why in India, there's a cult of snakes and dragons. This may be how the Agartharians are seen in India. In any case, it's virtually impossible to verify this. According to legends, descending into the well and plunging into its water, you can see a massive stone door with vast reliefs of cobras, which can't be opened. I wonder what movie there that was from and looks interesting. Yeah, I think Dr Strange, maybe. Yeah, but it's really interesting. That's a fascinating summary of the entrances. I think that was for Dr Strange, because of the effects on that. So I'm going to play this video while I'll read it first because I think there's audio, but above a film recording of the opening of the hollow earth clouds move into the opening at a steady rate. This is probably the South Pole because of the clockwise rotation of the clouds. The source of the video is unknown. It was leaked possibly by someone on the Russian space station. My airplanes are not allowed to fly over the poles. Take this video with a grain of salt. I don't know if it's authentic or not, but it's interesting. Basically, it's just a couple minutes of this. It's just a constant movement. It's almost like a funnel. We won't watch the whole thing just because it just that for a few minutes, but it's interesting. Billy Woodard talks about the entrances, the poles, the holes that the poles being covered 100% of the time by holographic clouds. So there's a holographic overlay no matter when you go, you're just going to see cloud coverage. So the holes are hidden by holographic technology and they're constantly monitored by essentially cloaked ships and space stations. So anyone who attempts to go in there, they're immediately on radar. So we're going to get into the missing diary of Admiral Byrd, which if you remember Billy Woodard's testimony earlier when he was brought in there 51 that was the very first thing they had them read, and he was like, is this real? And they were like, oh yeah. And if he is telling the truth, then that kind of verifies this portion that has been, you know, highly controversial for years and it's been debunked by some people, but whatever. Just some more imagery of, you know, just to give you an idea of the holes. So this is from the diary. I'm only going to read a part of the diary, but not the part where he documents being inside the planet. It would be too long for us to sit here and read the whole thing. But actually, Aaron, if you want to start reading this. That would be helpful. I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It concerns my Arctic flight of the 19th day of February and the year of 1947. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the truth. I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing. Perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day. In a world of greed and exploitation, a certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. One thousand hours, we are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below. Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here. We should be over ice and snow to the port side are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning. The gyroscope is oscillating back and forth. I alter altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type of knit grass. The light here seems different. I cannot see the sun anymore. We make another left turn and we spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below us. It appears to be an elephant. No, it looks more like a mammoth. This is incredible. Yet there it is. Decrease altitude to 1000 feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed. It is definitely a mammoth-like animal. Report this to base camp. In countering more rolling green hills now, the external temperature indicator reads 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Continuing on our heading now, navigation instruments seem normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp. Radio is not functioning. 11-30 hours. Country side below is more level and normal if I may use that word. Ahead, we spot what seems to be a city. So now here's there on the inside, fully now. This is impossible. Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond. My God, off our port and starboard wings are a strange type of aircraft. They are closing rapidly alongside. They are disshaped and have a radiant quality to them. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of swastika. This is fantastic. Where are we? What has happened? I tug at the controls again. They will not respond. We are caught in an invisible vise grip of some kind. I'll read this part. Our radio crackles and a voice comes through in English with what perhaps is a slight Nordic or Germanic accent. The message is welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes. Relax, Admiral. You are in good hands. I note the engines of our plane have stopped running. The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning itself. The controls are useless. Another radio message received. We begin the landing process now. And in the moments, the plane shutters slightly and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator. The downward motion is negligible and we touch down with only a slight jolt. I am making a hasty last entry and the flight logs several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. They are tall with blonde hair and the distance is a large shimmering city pulsating with rainbow hues of color. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I see no signs of weapons on those approaching. I hear now a voice ordering me by name to open the cargo door. I can apply. So that the second part of his journal, what is really long that I'm not going to go through, which is the juicy stuff, but it's written after the fact. So he tells the account. So this was kind of written as he was flying. The second part is written after the fact after he has his experience. And this is just the map that you've all seen. If you look at the top left, it says Admiral Bird's flight, 1947. So that's allegedly where he flew into and the city he encountered. And this just kind of gives you an idea. So your Gartha network would exist in the crust and that line within the crust that you see, according to these testimonies, that is the gravity belt. So the gravity belt isn't in the center of the planet. It's in the center of the crust. The center of gravity is the center of the crust, not the center of the planet. Right. So no matter what side of the crust you're on, you're always standing upright. And that's how they're able to exist on the inside of the planet. And there's the central sun. And then I think there's a car. Okay. So this is all really quick. Then we'll play a quick video. This is also from that book, The Hollow Earth that I referenced earlier. And this is the basically the forward in the book dedicated to the future explorers of the new world that exist beyond North and South Poles in the hollow interior of the earth. Keep in mind, this was written in 1964, who will repeat Admiral Bird's historic flight for 1700 miles beyond the North Pole. And that of his expedition for 2300 miles beyond the South Pole entering a new unknown territory, not shown on any map. Covering an immense land area whose total size is larger than North America, consisting of forest mountains, lakes, vegetation and animal life. The aviator, who will be the first to reach this new territory unknown until Admiral Bird first discovered it will go down in history as a new Columbus and greater than Columbus for while Columbus discovered a new continent, he will discover a new world. So this guy wrote this book well aware of Admiral Bird's account in 1964. And then here's a video brief video just kind of talking about it. When we accidentally flew into some kind of crater in the ground, my crew and I noticed aircraft we had never seen before. Human-like creatures met us, but they seemed much more developed than people. The President has been advised. I am now detained and placed under strict control via the national security provisions of the United States of America. I am ordered to remain silent. These entries from Admiral Richard Bird's personal diary miraculously leaked into the press in the second half of the 90s, a detailed description of the civilization that lives literally under our feet really shocked society because the records belonged not to some madman but to respected American military pilot with numerous state awards. And yeah so whenever he came back and he informed I think the Pentagon or whoever he informed the President, he was told to remain silent and never speak of his findings. He was basically threatened, but he came back with a message from the internet beings basically to cease and desist all nuclear weapons and atomic bombs because we were destroying ourselves and there's a whole thing other dimensions and other civilizations as well. So I'll try to find I have the physical copy of the diary but it's really hard to find like a PDF of it online, you can buy it, but it's free also if I find it, we'll put that in there so you guys can read through it if you'd like which I highly recommend. Actually, I read through that way back in 2010, way before my awakening, I was on the, I was on before it's news that that website before it's news. And that's when I first read the Admiral Bird diary and that's what like blew my mind open the hollow work I was like oh my god it felt so true even. What is this? Yeah, I remember, I remember like saving it and then sending it to my sister and like you have to read this like I was so excited about it. And that was way before your awakening to 2010 yeah. Before my awakening. Well I was still interested in it I would that's when I was starting to get in everything. You were kind of into UFOs, you and your dad kind of your whole life I'm sorry it was 2011, whenever I found that 2011 yeah yeah. You said you kind of had a somewhat of an interest in like you know it all happened it was right after my mom passed away so that's when everything kind of like I didn't really have my awakening but that's where things started to change for me so that's right. Okay and then this had one love you had one level of an awakening when you're getting attacked. Right, exactly, exactly. So these, then this next part comes from the book from Diana Robbins messages from the hollow earth and Aaron you have these books I have this is one book it's just two different covers of the same book yeah this book is amazing I highly highly recommend you guys get this book and read it it's it's your disclosure of hollow earth of just how it is down there and how they live and the nature of reality also and things that we should know right so some of this stuff will might might seem like we're repeating ourselves but it's it's worth it so Aaron if you want to read this part now read the next page if you want. A doma talks about the inner earth beings who live in the hell earth. So this is a doma talking we have easy access into the inner earth world through our tunnel system which goes directly through the earth mantle and into the inner earth entryways where we are greeted by our brothers and sisters upon arrival. It's always going and coming since we keep up a steady trade relation with them we enjoy their beaches and oceans and climb their mountains. There's a gloriously beautiful realm of light and purity and truly invigorating to be there. Know that the spiritual state of the inner earth beings is very evolved compared to the surface dwellers. These beings came from another solar system to populate the inner earth they never lived on the surface. Their home on this planet has always been in the inner recesses of earth. However, in contact with beings on the surface just as you are in contact with the doma and the mantle. You on the surface are the direct descendants of roving bands of ET's who created you to mind the earth's resources. These creator ET's don't reside on earth at this time. However, you all have the same spiritual potential as inner earth beings. Your life on the surface in no way mirrors life in the inner earth. Things on the surface that mirror life inwardly are the mountains and oceans and plains. These inner earth beings have your surface conditions fully monitored they know all the transpires on earth just as we and the mantle know all through our computer network. The great inner earth beings know of your yearnings to live in the inner earth where all is in a peaceful harmonious state. They do consider surface folk their brothers and sisters who have not as yet evolved enough to reside with them in the land of plenty. However, when you do reach a higher spiritual state, then you too can live internally within earth. As you scan our landscape, you'll see the openings of the holes at the poles. These openings are wide enough for some motherships to enter. You can see the spaceports spread out for hundreds of miles in a circle, inner spread with flowers, grasses, bushes, trees, waterfalls. They look like your barren concrete airports devoid of life, but rather like a garden with space shuttles and starships nestled peacefully inside our world. We hardly know when they come and go, as they do not emit any harsh sounds and we hardly detect any sound when they land or take off. They are in complete harmony with our love vibration and move in silence. We can visually see their movements as they gracefully fly in and out through the poles. Our library is a multi-dimensional portal and way station for travelers around the galaxy. Beings come here from all dimensions and universes to witness the wonders of creation that unfold when they step into the vast portals that transport them into realms beyond their imagination. There are portals leading to all star systems in our Milky Way galaxy just waiting for you to explore. Inner Earth portals and space travel. Our galaxy operates as one huge whole system totally interconnected through an interstellar communication web. Through our portals located at the library of Puerto Lagos, we can contact anyone or travel anywhere in the universe in our universe and beyond. We can easily come and go through the openings at the poles. Our space port is located inside the hollow earth in direct alignment with the openings at the north and south poles. We are not stuck on the earth as you are, but can leave whenever we desire. We are not limited in movement and can travel throughout the universe at will. There are no physical constraints for we apply to universal laws of energy and use the already existing highways throughout the universe. We can't get lost for all is mapped out and all is in constant communication with all in existence. We just tap into this live network that is always broadcasting and move through it effortlessly, which is beautiful. The hollow earth is a paradise with tall graceful mountains just jutting into the sky and large clear clean lakes and oceans that abound with life. The diet in the hollow earth is strictly vegetarian and people are healthy, robust and strong. They too have isolated themselves from the surface population, although they come and leave the earth freely using the spacecraft that are kept there in the space port and the inside of the earth. So, although they are inside the earth, they have freedom and health and abundance and peace, all the necessary components of life that you on the surface have been crying out for. There is free travel between the subterranean cities and the hollow earth through the tunnels using our electromagnetic trains that can take us from one part of the earth to another and a fraction of the time it takes you on the surface. Our transportation is quick and efficient and burns no fuels. Therefore, there's no pollution underground. We long for the day when you and service can travel freely to hollow earth where you'll be greeted with great joy and love. It is this return to the land of Eden that you are all crying out for we to await this day as all of us in the subterranean cities will join with you in the celebration merging all our civilizations into one. And there you go she says the land of Eden, which corroborates. Yep. And this, this just kind of summarize this talks about the tunnel network there are tunnels intertwining throughout the planet connecting every large city and state the inner earth and evidence can reach most of their destination within hours. If not minutes. This underground network of passes ways has been used for eons. They are more connected below than we are above they can travel anywhere freely without making reservations paying large sums of money or spending days at airports train stations or in cars would be beautiful. Sounds pretty over the airports. So this is a clip from Daniel Salah from the interview we did with him and then we'll get into the last half of this webinar. And they're mostly made of hyperborions overwhelmingly, which according to Chinamars books were on earth about 50,000 years ago and they made. So, all these people's like the Atlanteans and hyperborions underwent a change. They basically can't remain on the surface because the surface more and more went into the into the frequencies of 3D. And it used to be much more interchangeable before, and there were even worse fought over the less remaining portals as they got as the riff is cousin got smaller and smaller. But, yeah, and apparently many of these people's either went elsewhere or they departed or they, you know, absconded inside the earth, and where they could continue because this is important to mention that. As you go inside. Certainly, as the mental you are fully in the etheric realm, which is also known as 4D, but you also already feel the mark. Gradually as you go deeper. So, by the time you're near the end, you're, you have much more elevated, you know, states and feelings when you're inside, but, and yeah, the other other than the hyperborions. The apparently there are also for Lemurian outposts inside of earth and to Atlanteans. So not very many, but apparently there are Atlanteans inside all earth as well. So, a few things to note, he mentions that there was a war over the last remaining portals of inner earth, which I found very fascinating, which would make sense why maybe even certain wars are fought today. We've heard that their father for Stargates but why can't that Stargate also be a portal to inner earth. And, right. Secondly, he mentions the density changes you're essentially traveling into another dimension when you go into inner earth, which, which is corroborates with a lot of other people. And he had talked about the Lemurian and Atlantean outpost still existing. And this next part is from this book that isn't out yet. I can't share the whole book, but I can talk about some of it, but my friend Nikki she's friends with the author of this book. And between 19, I'll just read quickly. In the description, a tale by Sarada about the conquest of Manoa, Atlantean city experience lived by the relentless explorer and seven fantastic voyages to the center of the labyrinths over 13 years 1971 to 1984. This is an incredible book profound information there's only one English version but it's not out for release yet because the publishers are warring over something silly, but I have read this book because Nikki is friends with the author, the guy who actually was brought into this Atlantean city and came back to write about it and it's so it's out in Spanish currently. It's not in Spanish. Yeah, I think exactly so then this is just some information from the book. I asked the lady, what's your name and who are you she responds my name is hidden to you you shall learn it when necessary so just to give you some perspective here. This is on his first expedition in the middle of the night he's visited by this woman from the Atlantean city at the time he doesn't know that. And this is what she tells him, my name is hidden to you you shall learn it when necessary when the necessary time has elapsed but you can call me what you like he goes I will call you can swallow. She says agreed you will call me can swallow on for me that I am an inhabitant of manoa and I'm in charge of this region. I know why you come here I can read your mind your objective remains far it's not easy. What do you think if you prepare you might one day know of my city it's inhabitants and it's mysteries. What should I do I ask her. Consuelo says come with me we shall climb that mountain near us while I tell you what your preparations consist of. Consuelo walks ahead I follow her and a strange energy can be perceived we climb the mountain without effort and while ascending Consuelo talks to me in perfect Spanish prepare for great things. Because anyone who wants to enter in her earth, or at least communicate with beans. I think this is a great protocol to follow. And what's interesting is they talk about not eating meat as well and the time when I had the internet being phased into my basement was the time was the year that I decided to stop eating meat, whether or not there's a correlation there. Maybe it's not a coincidence I don't know preparing for the journey. Begin with your body it's the most important physical piece that we possess. It's what you should take care of the most much more than your photography equipment that you have lost. You should learn to breathe correctly in breath there is life Prana breathe fully and completely take in air slowly always through the nose fill the lungs completely from the brain to the organs of creation hold it briefly then exhale slowly through the nose. You should see this many times a day until it becomes a permanent habit. This technique is called Tom Ron you should assimilate Prana by means of correct respiration to become an alchemist. Our energy should be transmuted semen must be cerebralized and the cerebral semen eyes through the transmutation of the Christ energies. Food should be clean and natural eat as much raw food as possible avoid meats never ingest industrialized food much less shall you eat pork this last one you should never eat. So they said avoid pork at all cost for purify your body bathe in the seven rivers of pure water and annoying it with oils essences of plants and flowers of the region. You shall bring offerings to the sacred lakes that lie in the land of the valley of the sun especially on the solstices and equinoxes you shall be reverent with the god son to receive its energy. Work intensely until you become metal heem your thoughts or better yet your imagination should be exact and precise do meditation by concentrating on your heart awaken your conscience. And Noah exists in a higher dimension that's why it's not always visible but when you are able to see her you will be astounded forever. This has happened to those who have had the privilege of perceiving her. Consuelo signals to a Glen that's visible below and says, and that Glen are two doors that are entries to my city. One word guests of honor enter and are able to leave again and the other where others enter and never again return. Consuelo possesses the memory of Gaia memory of the Mother Earth, Akashic records of nature. It conserves the history science and wisdom of all races that have existed on earth. All of this can be accessed and recorded in the mind of those who deserve it. Consuelo instructs me and exercises for the body and teaches me about spirituality. She teaches me breathing techniques in the case which foods to eat and which I should never ingest and warns me surround yourself always with beings of pure ideals. During this time I decide to venture forth alone discreetly to the labyrinths of mountains in search of the enchanted city that according to the histories at any moment can emerge from the mountains and become visible in the third dimension. Transforming and a sudden the mountains into that beautiful city of pyramidal buildings with domes coated in gold illuminated with magnificent lanterns and inhabited by a race of giants that possess the memory of all races that have existed on earth. And gifted with extraordinary ships to journey through the universe and velocities greater than the speed of light. So this just I just found that interesting just to give you help paint a picture of this city. And it's getting hard to read after over two hours. So when he gets inside when he finally on his seventh expedition when he finally finds the portal and is and granted access when he's brought in, he sees a green sphinx immediately pterodactyls visible wind like waves of light. He said the wind was visible. It was colorful golden domes and mountains the mountains were that were the mountains in the 3D were actually golden in this dimension. He said spaceships to spaceships mimicked natural wildlife like grasshoppers and other flying birds and stuff, biological robots and transparent lakes. I rest on a soft hammock caressed by the breeze and after this meditation my hostess amicably invites me to continue the tour. I tell my madam that I'm a bit confused and need to clear some doubts can swallow very gently clear clears my head saying, so rata you're in a divine dimension and the Atlantean city of Manoa inhabited by the Atlantians. Here everything is less dense and there exists less laws. This is a superior dimension to the dimension where you live. That's why life is pleasant and time passes differently and you are here completely. I perceive the verbal illustrations of Consuelo of my senses in perfect form. They've helped me hold consciousness to the fact that I'm here with my physical body and all the other bodies. I'm complete. It's not a dream, a mental projection or an astral body flight. Now my senses are conscious of the dimension in which I find myself. Consuelo woman of awakened conscious understands everything. She possesses special senses that are very sensitive her mind is always in harmony with the cosmos. She has understood that I've dissipated my doubts and invites me to continue the tour through the beautiful city. Okay, there's a lot here, but this is so fascinating to me. And no one this book isn't available anywhere, so I want to share some of this with you. The communication with Consuelo is telepathic almost the entire time, but she also speaks to tongue of her race, the language of new primitive tongues and a universal language that can be perceived with the silent mind. Magic and science are lived here in every instant. The aerial crafts terrestrial and all types of machinery are robotic alive. They possess proper autonomy. The robots have no life. The robots have life, not with batteries or some type of electricity. They possess an intelligent spirit. The aerial crafts are fantastic of different models and sizes to travel through space and other planets and galaxies in the spiral of time utilizing the coordinates of different dimensions. These are perfect crafts that don't use fuel. Their sound is almost imperceptible. They have their home and extensive hangar a home with all the comforts for those types of sprites. There exist nurse crafts that can have an area of several thousands of meters and crafts of gold on which travel some deities. There are special collections of crafts of the Lumiria and of different races that have existed. How did they create these crafts? Yes. Once the scientific magicians create the physical part of the robot craft with biological materials with high perfection science and magic introduced into it to spirit. This should be related to the physical part of the craft and the mission it will accomplish. In this way the robot functions like an intelligent human. It obeys follows orders from its superiors with perfection, effectiveness and loyalty. In addition, it possesses the faculty of reading thoughts. The communication with the superiors is verbal or telepathic. Something very important in this dimension. There is no waste produced. The residents are of elevated ecological principle. The industrial processes are done without causing harm to nature. The energetic fountains are of solar energy. This I found really fascinating. And it's an answer to the flat earth. There's why they can't break through the firmament. The only ships that can pass through the membrane of Mother Earth without affecting her are the special living and clean ships that travel through time to any place in the universe in an instant past or future constructed by awakened masters. They are very fast ships that travel to speed of light. Can it be that one day our race will create ships with these characteristics for man to conquer the cosmos first, he must be humble enough to conquer and discover himself. So I just found it interesting they said the only the only ships that can pass through the membrane of Mother Earth. I'm assuming that would be the firmament which in this book they described that as the aura they described the earth as a living body and the atmosphere is the the firmament as we call it is just the aura. And that's why an alternative one we were trying to blow holes in the atmosphere so we can so they could find a way out and apparently they did, which is damaging to their body. And this is just a brief description of the inside of the planet you can read this if you want Aaron. And the interior of the blue sphere we can observe beautiful luminous cities of crystal and which inhabit beings of light. Their remnants are primitive ancestral gods in America of the south the mountain range of the Andes. In North America, Mount Shasta and the Himalayas and in Japan. Mount Fuji, subterranean luminous walkways interconnect these places. And the interior of the blue sphere. So this book also gives a description of the planet Earth, and know it talks about it being a sphere wide to speak everything like it just feels right it resonates. It's realized in America the south is supposed to be South America, but I think the translation to English. That makes weird like that supposed to be South America. What is it trying to say? Right. South America, the mountain range of the Andes. Either way, this is another account of beautiful luminous cities of crystal, in which inhabits beings of light inside the planet. Inside the blue sphere. Right. And this I included this because this corroborates jock double days theory that the earth and the mountains and the rivers and the lake beds were all terraformed intelligently designed, not naturally created. So this is when she's telling him about the Lumirian civilization. The man of new the planet was splendid a paradise to home of that race of giants, although smaller than the hyperbrios, the man of new was semi physical semi etheric. He had the faculty of passing easily to other dimensions. The intelligence and wisdom was manifested in them fully in in the space of the physical dimension and the astral of the universe. The gods of Lumiria were the organizers of the physical part of earth. They gave form to the mountains, valleys and plains. They ordered the great ocean or great lake or rivers, the physical structure of the earth. They created with their imagination and ordered the sprites of nature. The physical terrestrial design is Lumirian. Jock double day is out there screaming into the wind that all these things were designed and and terraformed and engineered. And if this is true, this proves exactly what he's saying. Well, it corroborates what it's saying. It corroborates it at least. Here began a fascination in the fall of gods. They marveled at this physical world of paradise from which almost no one escapes. Okay. Moving on to the last part. Go quick. Yeah. 80. Reigns is saying please tag this book in the description. We can't. I'm not allowed to not allowed to share this book. It's not published yet. It's not published yet and we're not supposed to be sharing it yet. So this. Like it's only me and shared here privately on the Patreon and that's it. That's the most we can do. Yeah. Sorry guys. Just a few pages. It's I can't wait for it to be out. It's profound in my opinion. Yeah, me too. So this is the area 51 whistleblower from part one talking about dimensions and then we're going to get into the flatter side up a little bit and then we're going to bring it home with a video from Billy Woodard and then that's it. So just stick around for a few more minutes. As I've said, and let me make this clear. The presence of alien beings and the technology does exist. It is real as you or me and it's a whole lot more out there than even the most die hard believers could possibly fathom. The truth is that we and by we I mean this planet and the people of this planet are in essence blind to what is really going on in the cosmos and interstellar space. What people call aliens, we call IBs or in layman's terms and our dimensional beings. And what we found out and have known about since the early 70s is that it's simplest terms. Other dimensions or planes as we call them exist and lay on top of each other almost stacked as if you had a blanket with another blanket stacked on top of it and another blanket stepped on top of it. To explain this so you can understand you can imagine the earth and our reality as a thin blanket and all of these other higher dimensions are the blankets laying directly on top of ours. However, we can only see our own blanket. Now the alien beings or the ships that we have seen in videos and that many people have captured over the years are in fact what we call jumpers. In that they exist in their relative dimensions but have in fact jumped into ours. We have discovered that most of the time we are unable to see them as they are at a wavelength indifferent to our own and our senses eyes and ears cannot detect. From the information that I have gathered and been briefed on every planet star and galaxy within our own plane and universe as we see it exists also in these other dimensions. We've detected that we know of and that I've been briefed on at least four other dimensions that do exist. Now as I said every planet we know of every galaxy does exist in these other dimensions. However with each new dimension each planet galaxy star takes on a different form. To explain it in the most simplest terms you can look at our own planet Jupiter because in the outer reaches of our solar system. Now to us it's a deadly gaseous planet completely uninhabitable. However when you look at Jupiter in an elevated dimension you will see that it is completely changed in all forms. You will see that it's no longer a deadly ball of gas but is now solid, has a different color and is now inhabited. We know for a fact this is true due to the fact that the government has the technology to detect these higher dimensions and actually get a small view of what the solar system looks like on the other side as we call it in these other dimensions. There is much we do not know about the universe and how it works however. Here are the facts that I can confirm as truth and were made known to me and that I and the other people that I worked with have been briefed on. Now we are not alone in the universe there are alien beings within our own dimension of space as well as other dimensions. The planet Earth is an early stage I guess you could say training ground if you will whereby which we as beings will live until we advanced to the higher dimensions. Now we are not the bottom of the food chain and we have discovered that there are at least two dimensions below our own plane. But that that is as far as I will go regarding that. Okay so a few things to note for one Christy that is not damaged this is an anonymous whistleblower that came out in 2008. And it's only like a 12 minute video and its entirety. And I think I linked it in the description. Yeah it's in the description as the number one link. He does kind of sound like that so I can understand them and right but apparently maybe it is, but maybe it is. It's an anonymous whistleblower but he talks about the other dimensions and he said imagine them as flat blankets right and then he said that there's also, he said in each dimension, the planets take on different forms. The gas giant here but in another dimension it's a solid planet inhabited with life. And then he also said there's two dimensions below ours. This is important to take note of this is you know a lot of the flat Earth is some of them are understanding that reality isn't what we've been taught. And they see these dimensions as flat blankets like that but they're, they're seeing it as a flat physical plane that's just a representation of how you can visualize it that doesn't mean. It's a flat planet actually flat right yeah but it's important to take note of that. And then secondly that they planets can appear in different forms and other dimensions and two and three, there are lower dimensions below the third dimension. The flat Earth scythe keeps you trapped. So this is important to understand what better way. What better way to make people feel helpless than my push a theory that this visual this image right here perfectly gives you a visual of how they want you to feel trapped inside of a snow in inside of a snow globe. I want you to think you're trapped in a and basically like a prison right like a snow globe exactly. And so here we go we're going to get into the into the dimensions so is the earth flat in the second dimension this is a question we have to ask ourselves. On the left here is a tiktok video which I won't play but flat earth is a scythe this video will probably lose me followers flat earth is a CIA scythe flat earth theory allows them to go back to sleep bingo read that again. Let earth theory allows them to go back to sleep. Let's look at a video game for an as an example in a 2D side scrolling video game that moon that you're looking at right there is a flat disk. In in the second dimension in a 2D video game it's a flat disk as the evolution of technology as technology evolves by nature that flat disk now becomes a 3D navigatable sphere. So we're looking at the second dimension. Now we're looking at the third dimension which is where we re reside. 4D and beyond you can get into the holographic universe. So we're looking at quantum holographic universe and all of those theories that we hear as well. Now why this is important is because what better way to counter the ascension than pushing a narrative that tricks people into believing that the earth is flat. By doing so, maybe they're tricking people into devolving and descending into the second dimension or maybe the earth is flat for all we know, and maybe they're not wrong. But what it is is a lower state of consciousness so now they're even further away from ascending into the fifth dimension. It's a lower frequency. And the problem with the second dimension look at a video game. There's limited possibilities in a 2D reality. There's restrictions. So in this video game that they're creating here. It was probably very frustrating trying to create that helicopter and that moon and everything 3D, but you have this flat plane to do it on and you're very limited to what you can do. The maneuverability sucks to control suck. Just translate that into the 2D reality where they want to flat earth is residing. It becomes very restricted. It becomes very hard to create imagination kind of goes out the window because they're just believing what they're told. They would have to ignore every slide in this webinar in order for the earth to be flat. So what a perfect way to counter the ascension, then to promote on every platform, especially tick tock number one trending every day flat earth. As many people as they can to buy into a flat earth. Those people are now existing in the second dimension in a lower reality where if we go by the area of 51 whistleblower, the planet looks different takes on different forms in every dimension. So let's just pretend in the second dimension, they are living in some sort of lower dense reality where maybe it is flat. I mean I'm not, I don't know if that's the case but we have to consider this and what a perfect way to keep those people asleep and put them back to sleep. And if you notice, when you try to, when you try to debate a flat earth or they immediately result to name calling finger pointing belittling condescending arrogance, all lower frequency qualities and behaviors. Well, it's a religion, it's a religion full stop. And what is what is any dogmatic belief system do it shuts you down, you think you have the ultimate truth, you will shut yourself off to any other possibility being a possibility. So your truth, your journey to truth has ended once you subscribe to a dogmatic belief system which is what the flatter police system is it's basically a religion, you think you've already got it figured out. You think space is fake so there can't be other planets there can't be the only other life has to be on this one plane somehow out there like that and then you're, and then you're so focused on like getting out linearly on this plane, which is not how it works. And it keeps you fighting over what information is correct no my information is correct. No that's and it's so it's a distraction to distraction keeps us divided and arguing over information, rather than growing spiritually, and going inward doing which is what is ultimately all about anyway. Yeah, it's, it's just, it's so obvious to me that it's a side out that it's, but that's how the best I offs work you know they that's they know what a lot of people are going to buy into. And that's how they know what to spread and what to focus on really pushing to and especially in the awakening community because that's a huge threat to the system because, and people keep becoming awake. So they got to throw these things like flat earth in there to really throw a huge wrench, and the works with the awakening. And what people need to understand is they're not just pushing a flatter theory they're putting out information to support it. So they're putting out misinformation intentionally. So people are coming across maps and old books and all this stuff that seem to support it, but that's how these science work. They're not just putting out words there they need the information to validate it. It's fake. It's fake information. Oh look here's the proof, but it's, it's not proof, but it's easy to, it's easy to fake proof for anything anything I want to believe I could find seemingly proof. And that's what confirmation bias is so it's a bunch of confirmation bias. You cherry pick things that look like it's proof, but when you really look into it it's not at all. Yeah. Yeah, so there you go. Exactly. And I just felt it was important to end on that because if a flat earth or does come across this webinar which is highly unlikely but if they do. And they give it the time of day maybe this will help them open their mind and new possibilities. And we're going to close with this video of Billy Woodard talking about being brought into the Hollow Earth, which I find very fascinating. By that time I'm totally lost. I don't know where we are. And they said, do you see the global ahead of us? And I said, yes I do. What is that? And they said that's the entrance to Hollow Earth. I said, wait a minute. We're taught in school that the earth is solid and it has a molten core in all this. And now you're telling me it's hollow? And they said, yes, it is hollow. And they said, what you learn is shame because it's all a lie. And I said, okay. How long are we going to be gone on this trip? And I said, you're going to be gone for six earth months. See the light ahead? And we got closer and closer to it. And as we started to curve into it, I said, that's a hole. And they said, yes, that's a hole. And so we went into the hole. We landed at a city inside. And they said, you know where you are? And I said, no. I'm presuming inside Hollow Earth. And they said, yes, you are. Tell me about the city. The city was not like a city on the surface. The cities on the surface are skyscrapers. You know, big tall buildings and all this. And the inside, all the buildings around, they don't have roofs on them, but they're around. And they're built in and around Mother Nature. They're not, you don't see any highways or sidewalks or anything like this. It's all around structures and around nature with no roofs. What would they need it? It looks like a marble type substance, but I don't think it was marble. I think it was more like crystal. It's very smooth. Very reflective. And we landed. And of course, I started walking around. And I met several different beings, people, and some of them announced that they were from the surface. You mentioned the light going on. Yes. Did you look up once you landed? Yes. And I saw a sun that never moved. What color was it? It was more between an orange and a yellow. Could you feel a heat coming from it? A heat? Yeah, more like a soft heat. It wasn't harsh at all. It wasn't bright either. It was very easy on the ice. As you look outward, you see the horizon rise like this, instead of straight across. You actually see a curve upward. Are there clouds? No, no clouds. What is the water contrast to the rain? It mists from the sky, but it is not like a harsh rain like it is here. The clouds up here are very thick. And in essence, sometimes they have a cloud once in a while in the sky, but it's more of a very, like a translucent looking through it. Very, very not dense at all. Very light. And the atmosphere was so exuberating, so refreshing and pure. It was like breathing air that just had no smell or taste or anything like it does up here. Up here, around cities, you breathe the air and you breathe that smog and stuff. Nothing like that there at all. It was just a purest smell, purest energy. When you breathe it, you're just energized totally. So you met some people? Yes, I did. I met one individual. It was a female. She was rather tall. But, and I looked at her and her face looked familiar. And I told her, "You look familiar." And she said, "I should be familiar. I'm Amelia Earhart." Boom. The end. Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart. They don't know what happened to her. Yeah, she disappeared. Apparently, but he goes on and says, "There's more people that have moved to the inner earth that have disappeared on the surface, but they're alive and well inside the planet." And he even described her a little taller. So he said that once you enter that realm, essentially, you immediately become lighter and you immediately start getting taller because everything's less dense. And eventually, you get as tall as you're going to get. But just by the nature of the atmosphere there, you will start getting taller. And there's no reason to believe that many people that have disappeared on the surface aren't now there. Yeah. And like I said, those interviews are linked below in the description. And then, to take it home, this is a new photograph of the earth from the Space Force's Victus Nox satellite launch on September 14th, 2023. And what do you know? It's not flat. The end. It must be safe. Right. Good thing for all we know. All right. Okay, so. Granted, it still could be a fake photo that still doesn't prove. Exactly. Exactly. But what I found interesting was it wasn't some, wasn't released online, like, "Oh, look, new photo of the earth." It was hidden in an article about the satellite launch. It was just like hidden in there. And no one, you didn't see this going around online or anything. Like, I just pulled this out of the article and it just like snuck it in there, you know. Right. Which leads me to believe that it actually is real. It could be, and I don't know, anything could be faked. So whatever, use your decision. And they reel in the air, brushed out anything they didn't. Right. And use your gut. Use your gut. What is it? What do you think about this photo? Could be fake. We're not saying that it's real. But thank you guys so much. I hope you enjoy this. We're here. Thank you guys so much. Two hours and 45 minutes. Wow. That's. Yeah, I think. Journey. Thank you all for being here. We really appreciate it. We appreciate your support. And thank you guys for being supportive patrons, loyal patrons. And we love you all. And do you have anything else to say before we wrap this up? No, I hope you guys enjoyed this webinar. Thank you so much for supporting us. We couldn't do this without you and that support. So we truly, truly appreciate it. And we love you all so much. And yeah, we hope you enjoyed it. Yeah, and tell your friends. If you guys found this beneficial at all, you want to share it with people, please let them know about our Patreon and our webinars. Eventually, we will make these public. The next one will make public at some point will be the part one of this webinar. And then this one will be obviously down the line after that, but just stay tuned for more. And again, good night guys. We love you all and have a great evening. Good night guys. I'll let you film. Hold it. Okay. All right, so we are in Brock City, another underground cave that I found that you can drive into. This one is way shadier. And the last one. I was in. It's a lot more warning signs as well. Look at that. I'm not sure which road to go here before we came from. Now it's telling us we can only go one way. What are those machines? This is way bigger than the last one is. This one has like different roads. This one is one way to go. No, it's not like one simple loop. Look at that. It's like a cave. Yeah, that is a cave. A cave in a cave. I can't believe we're in here right now. It just like goes forever. Well, there's others there. Like, I don't know how far it goes in all these directions. There's a eerie, where's it being, right? This is totally the matter. I'm seeing. Look at that to the right. Yeah. What the hell? You can't tell anything. Yeah, but it does go. I'm going to turn around before I get bored. And then this is how we die. We're going to start to die. I can stop the video now.