Journey to Truth

WEBINAR | D.U.M.B.s - The Agartha Network - Hollow Earth (Part 1)

WEBINAR - D.U.M.B.s - The Agartha Network & Hollow Earth
For this webinar we decided to take a deep dive into our subterranean infrastructure. We’ll be covering a reality that resides beneath our feet that’s not “supposed” to exist.   We will be taking an extensive look at the D.U.M.B and Sub-Global tunnel networks, underground cities, the Agartha Network and Hollow Earth civilizations. Some of the information comes directly from rare Whistleblower testimonies and if true it’s MIND BLOWING!  We realize this is an impossibly large subject to cover in 2 hours but we are confident you’ll enjoy what we’ve put together.🙂
Area 51 Whistleblower:
Billy Woodard Part 1:
Billy Woodard Part 2:
EP 189 Su Walker - Contact With An Extraterrestrial Star Nation:
EP 197 Daniel Sala - Hollow Earth - Underground Worlds & Inner Earth Civilizations:
EP 204 Lowell Johnson: Trip to Telos - Voyage to Inner Earth:
EP 230 - LIVE w/Derek & Daniel: Shred The Veil - Life With A Cosmos Clearance:
EP 266 - Jessica Jones - Underground SSP Hub - Cryptid Breeding Programs - Montauk & Time Travel:
John Lear Interview: Vegas Tunnels
John Lear Interview: Naval Undersea Submarine Base
Ally Carter Youtube:
Hollow Earth Entrance video:
Tunnel Boring Machine:

2h 10m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

That's no moon, it's a space station. Alright, let's dive into this. So guys, you know, we just decided to cover the entire underground, which is actually impossible. You can pick any underground base that there is publicly known or that there is a conspiracy theory on, and it can be an entire webinar in itself. So any of the slides can actually be an entire webinar in itself. So we are covering the dumps. We're going to start with the dumps, and then we're going to go to the agarthic network, and then we're going to move into hollow earth. And yes, the agarthic network is different than the hollow earth. And you'll find out what that means once we get to that part. But we are going to focus on the dumps first, in the military side of things, and some of the tunnel systems and stuff of that regard. So we will start there. First, we're going to start with a quote from Penny Bradley. And the background I chose for this quote is interesting. We've all seen the movie "They Live." Everyone talks about the glasses and everything that happens in the movie. No one talks about the Andromeda Jump Room that they discover once they're underground at the end of the movie. And to me, this is such a key piece of information of disclosure in this film. This is a scene from the movie that we're looking at right here, and this is an Andromeda Jump Room that they encounter underground. So this was underground, but if you notice, it looks like they're looking out into space. So that's really interesting what this scene is telling us in the movie. And I just thought it was interesting to add this to Penny's quote. So Penny's quote is, "There are multiple domes in the Nevada desert doing massive research that is deeply classified, and people are killed for discussing it. Every planet and most moons in the solar system are populated, most have Terran post or full colonies, Penny Bradley." And I mean, that kind of sums it all up. Honestly, that sums everything up. There is so much more going on in our reality than we can even wrap our head around. Like even the die-hard believers and all of us. Like, I think if we were exposed to reality that it actually is existing beneath our feet, it would still blow our minds. We can talk about it all the long, but if we understood the magnitude of what's happening, I don't know if everyone's ready for that, but I am. Yeah, it's also one thing to study this stuff and have head knowledge of it, and it's a whole other thing to actually experience it first-hand, you know? Even if you do know about things like when you were actually experiencing something for the first time, it's going to be, you know? So like even when disclosure happens, like we all know about the different ET races and technologies, but when we're actually interacting with those ET races for the first time, experiencing the technology for the first time, that's a whole different ballgame in that, you know? Right. We're all going to be blown away. Exactly. All right, so let's move on. Oh, so we're going to play a video here for you now. This is actually a news report that I came across, an old news report with George and App, and I just found it fascinating that this was even covered on mainstream media. It kind of sums up the dums and what's going on on this planet pretty well. Nevada has a reputation as a place where mysterious things are seen in the sky, but could it be there are greater mysteries, literally right below our feet? Few states have as many underground tunnels and facilities as Nevada. The Channel 8 I team has been looking into some of these secrets of underground Nevada, and George and App is here with the story. I don't know how you found time to do this, George, but I'm looking forward to it. Well, thank you, Paul and Rory. Some of these tales are pretty wild, others tough to prove, but we found some verifiable information about real projects. They're as exciting as anything in a sci-fi movie. I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this? On the big screen, and in Nevada folklore, the granddaddy of all underground secrets is of course Area 51, where a vast subterranean complex supposedly plunges deep into the Earth's crust, hiding flying saucers in all manner of deadly technology. Tales of underground terror are as old as trolls or goblins or Satan himself. The new repository for folk tales, the Internet, has entire websites devoted to underground secrets, supposed government maps to tail a network of secret tunnels that stretch from Nevada to New Mexico and beyond. That's some tunnel. While it's easy to dismiss some of these ramblings, other stories aren't so quickly explained. In New Mexico, thousands of residents heard for years underground noises that came to be known as the Taos Hum, an electronic signal whose source was never uncovered. In Nye County, residents say they've heard noises like an underground railroad. A vibration and a roaring vibration, something underground? Yeah, because I don't know where it's coming from, but it sounds really rare. The proximity of Nye County to some well-known facilities points a finger of suspicion at the government, and with some justification. The government has been studying underground technologies for decades. Reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show that as far back as the 50s, the government planned to build large secret underground facilities for use by the military. Media reports show the Reagan administration spent up to $8 billion on such facilities. Diagrams from these documents also note Nevada was considered a primary location for underground activities. I know some of the things that are out there, George, I'm certainly aware of a lot of the dozens, probably hundreds of miles of tunnels and shafts. Whiteman is president of the American Underground Association. He also works as an engineer on the miles of tunnels being dug into Yucka Mountain by one of the world's largest tunneling rigs. But how many secrets are kept in underground Nevada? I couldn't guess what else might be out there. Certainly, the Department of Defense over the years has built a lot of underground facilities. The Departments of Defense and Energy don't mind talking about some of these facilities. They even took us on a tour of a few tunnels that seemingly stretch on forever, with their own railroads passing by busy labs and ominous signs. Oh, I think this tunnel's probably five miles of tunnel in here underground here. It took a while though. Of course, most of the underground tunnels at the test site were dug for nuclear testing, such testing ended years ago. But the tunnels still bustle with activity. In fact, some new digging is underway. Tomorrow at five, we'll tell you some of what the government is up to, and we will travel deep, deep under the earth. A lot of fun. It's kind of eerie down there. Yes, it's cool though. We'll see you tomorrow, George. Okay, so there you have that. How do I get back to this? Okay, I mean, that's incredible to me that, I mean, they just basically summed it all up. And there are still people that try to argue with you about this being a conspiracy theory, but even Wikipedia, I mean, everything on Google, they share a lot more than you would imagine, just like the clones. It's pretty incredible what you're able to find once you start digging. And it's a lot of surface level stuff, and it's kind of what they want you to believe, but it's still there. And so, okay, that sums up the, I guess, the military bases and the tunnel network. And then the second portion of this, we're going to dive into the hollow earth. And this is a book that actually Jack Doubleday shared with me, and it's incredible. I haven't had a chance to read the entire thing yet, but it sums up the world inside. For thousands of years, many thinkers have believed in the existence of another world hidden from our eyes, yet beneath our very feet. This hollow earth penetrates the veil of ancient secrecy to explore the fables and reveal the astonishing truth. So we'll go on to the next slide here. Aaron, do you want to read this one? This is, this is actually from the book. I think this is like the first one or two pages. It kind of just sums up what's going on. Sure. The Hidden Kingdom, according to Buddhist doctrine, Agarth Agartha is a subterranean land located deep within the center of our planet earth. The Buddhists believe that millions of people live within this underground paradise. Their lives and destinies are directed by an all-powerful and all-wise ruler, who is known to them as the king of the world. The Buddhist religion is one of the oldest and most sophisticated in the world. So is the story of Agartha nothing more than a fable, or is there truth behind the legend. Many people of different religions have strongly believed in a world within our world. Today, for example, many respected seekers, after truth, firmly maintain that the lost civilization of Atlantis lives on beneath the earth's surface. How many of these subterranean worlds really exist? The hollow earth theory is a mind-shattering proposal that there are gigantic holes at the north and south poles. These polar openings lead to a vast, unknown world inside the center of the earth. Some believers also claim that the earth is honeycombed with the vast network of subterranean tunnels that lead down to the inner world. If that isn't enough to bugger your mind, hollow earth enthusiasts declare that these interior lands are inhabited by giants, fairies, the weedy people, demonic animal men, or a race of gentle, advanced people. Depending on who you are talking to, these benign inhabitants inside the earth are said to be the survivors of Atlantis, Lemuria, or an unknown race. Certain uphologists have theorized that flying saucers originate from the hollow earth, piloted by intra-terrestrials from the subterranean worlds. And this book was written in 1977. So this dates back, and it's interesting to me, a lot of the hollow earth material comes from the late 1800s and early 1900s. And the smoky god was from the 1800s, right? Yeah, exactly. Okay, so I put this Brooks Agnew slide next. He spoke at our conference in May, and he did a presentation on the hollow earth. But he did it, he approached it from a very scientific standpoint. And he proves with data evidence and science that the earth is, in fact, not only a sphere, but is, in fact, hollow. And they can prove this in a number of ways, and it's not what we've been taught. So if you're one of the people that needs the science and you have to see the data, and you need something tangible to grab onto, I understand that. That presentation, actually, I forgot to add that link, but that link to that presentation, I'm going to go ahead and put it under this video. And if it's not under there afterwards, just remind me, and I'll throw it in there. But for that reason, I put this slide. Okay, so who remembers the alternatives? Alternative one, two, and three. So this was a science report that was supposed to air on April 1st of 1977. So intended as an April Fool's Day presentation for Anglia TV and presented as an episode of the nonfiction science report. But because of a problem in scheduling, it is said that it was presented on June 20th, 1977. So this alternative one, two, and three science report. No, everyone took it seriously because it didn't get released on April 1st like it was planned. But I don't think, well, first of all, we know that everything that is presented in these alternatives has actually already happened. So at this point, it's not even arguable. It really was fact, and this stuff actually did happen. Some of it's still debatable because not everyone believes or has a wake to all this information, but let's go through these because alternative two is of note here. Alternative one, high altitude nuclear explosion consisted of detonating nuclear bombs in the atmosphere to allow pollution to heat and dissipate in the space. Well, what this already had happened by the time this report came out. Because in 1962, starfish prime was a high altitude nuclear test conducted by the United States, a joint effort of the Atomic Energy Commission and the Defense Atomic Support Agency. It was launched from Johnson, it was launched from Johnston Atoll on July 9th, 1962, and was the largest nuclear test conducted in outer space and one of five conducted by the US in space, the second and more popularly known being Operation Fishbowl, which many of you may have heard of. So that did happen. Obviously, that is believable, was believable at the time. So that's why it would confuse people that this is supposed to be an April Fool's prank. Well, at least that's what they told everybody. And then alternative two, underground cities, a plan to construct vast subterranean habitats, 40 elite to escape to in the event of a global catastrophe. Now, we know that there have been ancient underground cities that date back what this one's 3,000 years. If you want to read this blue part, you can. But this, so this was discovered a long time ago, but it wasn't made popular until the 70s by Eric Van Daneken. And this has been in ancient aliens and that stuff. But if you want to read the blue part, Aaron? Yeah, just the blue part. Yeah, yeah. It was discovered accidentally when a man knocked down the wall of his basement. That alone is insane, that this was just discovered when a dude knocked out the wall of his basement. Upon arrival, the archeologist revealed that the city was 18 stories deep and had everything necessary for underground life, including schools, chapels, and even stables. Darren Kuyu, the underground city of Turkey, is almost 3,000 years old and once housed 20,000 people. And look how intricate and deep that 3,000 years ago, they built that supposedly a primitive civilization. That's possible. Exactly located in Turkish Cappadocia. That is an advanced civilization that built with that. I'm sorry, there's no other. I read a comment that said, if you need evidence of ant people, here it is. Seriously, like, yeah, and if you look, look down, look at the bottom of the map and you'll see almost a pyramid looking thing, like a step pyramid kind of on the right and then the left, it looks like the Washington Monument or some sort of model. Yeah, it's an obelit. Yeah, obelits come in. That's right. Right. And then in the very middle, there even looks appears to be like a little step pyramid. So we're talking about underground pyramids here, whatever it means they use to dig this. This is an advanced civilization. So look at the surface now. These are structures that we see all over the world. And, you know, a lot of these sites are closed off and whatever, but how many of them have access to tunnels and cities like this that we're just not the public is in privy to. I think a lot of them do, actually. Because it wouldn't make sense. Sometimes they're built in the middle of nowhere, kind of like in Chaco Canyon, like, why would they choose here? But if it leads underground, well, that's a different story. They choose the location for a very specific reason. It's probably because it's for the energetic, the energetic properties of the spot and probably because it leads to inner earth as well, I'm sure. Right. Okay. All right. So sorry, real quick, jock double day in the chat. Corrected. He said the book this hollow earth was indeed published in 1977, but it was actually copyrighted in 1972 by Warren Smith, which means that Smith was researching and writing it probably as early as the late '60s. Correct. But it's interesting. It's interesting that it made it out in '77 in the same year that the alternatives came out. Right. Right. Okay. So lizard people's catacomb. This is a really interesting old report. This is a tiktok, actually from edge of wonder. We're going to play because it sums up just this is just another example of an ancient city or tunnel network underground. 34 LA Times article that specifically says lizard people's catacomb city hunted. Engineer sinks shaft under Fort Moore Hill to find maze of tunnels and priceless treasures of legendary inhabitants. G. Warren shoe fell to geophysical mining engineer used cutting edge technology at the time in the form of a radio x-rays to detect minerals and tunnels below the surface. It turned up catacombs and vaults that made up a fast city shoe felt met with a Hopi Indian little chief, Renleaf, called him the ancient story of how an advanced race called the lizard people had built a massive underground city using powerful chemicals instead of shovel. The lizard people were highly advanced and incredibly smart according to the Hopi chief. Their city was built with an advanced type of cement stronger than anything modern people could make. So there you have it another example of an advanced race digging underground and using like he said an advanced cement cement harder than anything we can make. So alternative to talks about the underground cities for the elites but they were already there. I mean this is what I'm trying to show you guys and I think the elites or whoever already knew this and they had access to this knowledge and probably access to some of the modalities and technologies they used to actually develop and dig out and engineer these cities. So it would it's not out of the realm of possibility that they were in fact developing underground cities in the 70s or potentially earlier. And then this is just an example to give you a visual. This is from images provided by Tony Rodriguez. These are of the series colony. The left is an AI image and the right is an artist image but this is what he remembers and this is this is kind of what I would expect to see in an underground city even here on earth. It looks it has everything that we would need on the surface just underground and housing hospitals restaurants even sports arena stadiums parks everything. And then this is from the show the Expanse. Many people talk about the underground cities having an artificial ceiling a ceiling with an artificial sky and what's interesting in Vegas if you've been to Vegas there's that one mall in Vegas that actually shows it has the same exact thing it's an artificial sky and it looks pretty cool actually. And then this is just another example of a salt line in salt mine in Romania that has been repurposed but look what we were able to accomplish in the modern age underground. This is impressive if if this in fact was created by us they might have moved into an ancient mine I mean tunnel who knows but this is just another visual for you guys. And then alternative three colonized space a group of scientists and commoners kidnapped to provide personnel for a project to colonize the moon and Mars. This was presented on national television in the 1977 on a science report. This is the part that most people had a problem with. They're literally talking about kidnapping people and to provide personnel for a project to colonize the moon and Mars or killed to prevent the leak of information about the programs. According to the teleplay our money masters see ET bases as the only escape from earth doomed by pollution and over population and they are fleeing to domed cities on the Mars and the moon. That's pretty bold statement in 1977 but it aligns with all the secret space program stuff. And then this is a short clip from an area 51 whistleblower who came out in 2008 and he talked about cities on the Mars and he said there's glass looking tubes on Mars that we that we did get a chance to see in some of the early NASA photos. He verified that those are real but in particular I just wanted to share what he says about the moon and it's interesting because he's stationed under area 51. I think he said for eight years he he lived there or worked there and what he was privy to and what he learned about the moon and what's going on is interesting so we'll go ahead and play that. I myself am a worker in one of the underground bases located near Groom Lake. I have done my work there for the past eight years. One of the last things that I will reveal and that is definitely a fact and that I have been briefed on and that many other people involved with the black-up community have been briefed on and that is our own moon which does in fact have alien bases on it and also has bases for our own government. Now there is an ET presence which is primarily located on the dark side of the moon. The Apollo program was in all actuality a reconnaissance mission so that we could research what was exactly there and who. You will notice that many of the photos from the Apollo missions have airbrushed out buildings and bases and this is the truth of the matter. About half of the video that you will see that is documented from the Apollo missions was in fact shot here on earth at area 51. In fact if you look at satellite imagery you can actually see what's left of a crater field created at area 51 that was used in the filming. Now the truth is that most of the footage from the moon was simply cluttered with bases with alien buildings and from what one astronaut said and I'm quoting what were a constant presence of alien vehicles flying over the surface cluttering up the footage. So again they showed the American people what they could and recreated the rest here on earth that they couldn't show. From what we know the dark side of the moon is where most of the alien presence is located. It's a more primitive alien race from what we can see in our research tells us. It's more primitive than the alien beings you would see on higher dimensions but still thousands if not millions of years ahead of us. Now we have our own bases which are primarily located in or near the Sea of Tranquility which is the site of Apollo 11 and also one base that I know of located near the crater Sabine D. To this day we're still sending secret missions to and from the moon however I do not know the complete details of what we are doing there. All right and depending on who you talk to all three of these alternatives have already happened so I know the moon has nothing to do with the underground but since we were covering the alternatives that basically if that whistleblower is legitimate I mean that proves alternative three already so and I think it helps you know put out the argument that you know we never went to the moon at all which this seems to be very popular now and this kind of explains it a little better. Yeah there was real footage but they staged the rest they couldn't show us. And then we're just going to go through some maps that we found. This is all the green dots are major underground tunnel entrances according to Andromeda sources of information interestingly enough. So one of the key things to note is that the ancient tunnel system is actually aligned or laid out in the shape of certain constellations Orion and Gemini and a few others around the world but particularly in particular the United States is Orion. This is just another another map of potential tunnels. I mean they're all over all over the internet it just you can probably just take a map of the US and just draw dots on it and you get pretty close. This just shows high UFO activity possible portal vortexes, a possible UFO basis suspected inter-earth entrances yet another one another one showing Orion and how the tunnel network is laid out like Orion to match Orion which what does that tell you? We know about the Orion wars and the pyramids they all align with Orion even the underground tunnel networks. This is just cattle mutilations compared to domes same thing can be shown with missing people and this is just yet another another image of that and then okay so this is just Wikipedia information and on Wikipedia they tell you that the deep underground military bases are for the most part handled by the Department of Defense however they do not control all of them for example a different department handles the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center which actually we're going to get into shortly that one in particular is of interest right now because of the October 4th emergency broadcast system alert that we're all hearing about but the underground this is what they show you on Wikipedia the Cheyenne Mountain Complex Cheyenne Air Force Base Iranian underground missile bases Raven Rock Mountain Complex and they even what I found was interesting is the features so they say the natural features would be caves to know they's grotto some sinkholes but civilian features would be basements, burial vaults, boreholes, catacombs, dungeons, dugout shelters, dry wells, earth shelters, herd stall, whatever that is, faux glue, hyper, I don't even know what some of these are, manhole, rapid transit, rock cut tomb, root cellar, tunnel, utility vault, underground city, well, line caves, secret passage, semi-basement, step wall, storm cellar, smuggling tunnel, ventilation chef so they give you a lot of visuals here they give you a lot and if you were to follow these related topics even just in Wikipedia this sends you down the rabbit hole so it's interesting this is just another example and you want to read through this top part it's just kind of I was just surprised that they even mentioned this on you know our Wikipedia. Wikipedia, yeah it's pretty shocking actually the deep underground command center sometimes also called the deep underground command and control site was a United States military installation that was proposed in January 31, 1962 to be a very deep underground center close to the Pentagon perhaps 3,000 to 4,000 feet down protected to withstand direct hits by high yield weapons and endure about 30 days in a post-attack period. The DUCC would have been built as an austere 50 man or expanded 300 man version with the former built to permit expansion into the ladder of desired. It was designed to withstand multiple direct hits of 200 to 300 megaton weapons bursting at the surface of 100 megaton weapons penetrating the depths of 70 to 100 feet based on strategic air commands deep underground support center plan near the Cheyenne Mountain complex, deep underground bunker. The DUCC plan was recommended to President John F. Kennedy for fiscal year 1965 funding shortly before its assassination but the underground DUCC SAC's DUSC it's a lot of evidence here and NORAD's super combat centers were never built. You could stop there I call bullshit I call bullshit on they were never built. Yeah I'm sure they were built yeah I mean there's no question it's that's such an easy way out you know and it's the classic mainstream oh they stopped oh they were never don't don't worry about it. I mean they tell you the exact plan down to the details and I said but it was never built. But they just for whatever reason decided not to do it. And we we have people like Sean David Morton talking about Pentagon underground bases and even he claims there's housing for extraterrestrials in underground of the Pentagon people you know that they're dealing with diplomats or whatever. I guess I can read this one you must see you want to read this one man. No you can read it. So this is from Brad Olson's book and this is a great again a great synopsis of what's going on in the underground. For many years there have been reports and rumors of a vast network of underground complexes and tunnels beneath the North American continent starting in the late 1980s. The American government has tried to deflect these rumors through a campaign of misdirection and misinformation. Now we know there are at least 1400 of these deep underground military bases. Domes worldwide and over 130 in the USA with 200 ground bases being built per year in the US at the moment. The average depth of the bases are four and a half miles on the ground some shallower some deeper. The bases are on average the size of a medium-sized city and nuclear-powered drill is used to dig underground. This drill goes through the rock at a tremendous rate of speed and literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass-like surface around the edge of the tunnels. Now that's not all of the drills. Some of the drills they have a number of different drills and that depends on the corporation and how much money that group has that's funding the project. They might be using a primitive technique to dig these tunnels or they might have something so advanced that he's speaking of that it causes a vitrification process and literally does exactly what Jack Brad just said sorry Jack you're in the comments here on my mind that Brad just said about melting a rock to form a smooth glass on the surface of the edges of the tunnels. The largest facilities include Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Camp David in Maryland Los Alamos Laboratories connected to Dulce in New Mexico National Security Agency NSA headquarters at Fort Mead Maryland and the Federal Emergency Management Agency's FEMA Command Center at Mount Weather in Northern Virginia just to name a few but there are more than 1,477 dumps worldwide that can be confirmed and system military was constructing more than two dumps per year in the 1990s and since this statistic is over two decades old there could be more than 1,600 dumps on Earth as of 2020 some of the largest worldwide by size include Dulce in New Mexico breaking beacons and whales Los Alamos in New Mexico which is a base that goes two miles underground it's the size of a small city pine gap in Australia which we'll get to a little bit later at the snowy mountains in Australia in an island range in southern Africa west of Kindu in the African Congo next to the Libyan border in Egypt Mount Blaine in Switzerland Narvik in Scandinavia Gotland Island in Sweden and many other places these projects are being run by secret unelected international governing body connected to the UN so that was a mouthful but thank you Brad for summarizing all that for us and I think a lot of that information comes from Phil Snyder which we will play a clip of him shortly and then all right so I'm just showing this one in particular because we always hear about the Blue Ridge Mountains being a hot spot for paranormal UFO activity all kinds of stuff while the Blue Ridge Mountains just happen to be where Mount Weather is located well Mount Weather is the emergency operations center and Mount Weather is a location of a control station for the FEMA national radio system a high frequency radio system connecting most federal public safety agencies and a US military with most of the states FNARS allows the president to access the emergency alert system so the only reason I bring this up is for one they actually show you the underground layout of what this known military base looks like and how deep it actually is and two if we get an emergency broadcast system it's this is the specific base that it's authorized from and who knows what's going to happen on October 4th I know there's a lot of fear surrounding that I'm not particularly worried I don't believe Aaron is either but I just thought it would not be the slightest so relaxed no not at all but it is interesting if it is interesting to note and understand where this order comes from and the Blue Ridge Mountains Mount Weather you want to read this one there and that being said I am somebody that prepares for like I'm not like a super prepper but I'm prepared for things but I have zero fear and whenever I see a date put out you can basically automatically know nothing's going to happen when a date is put out in advance just right just FYI everyone now don't take those seriously but the FEMA so it is there it is very likely that we could get an EBS alert but it's not going to be the weaponized attack that I think that you're all being told and right in October 4th is an interesting astrological alignment which we just learned from our enrichment so it is a specific date that they're trying to utilize and take advantage of for some reason well let's think about it this way what if they want the fear-lose harvesting of everyone that's buying into that for that specific date because of the alignments and the energetic stuff right exactly that makes way more sense to me than anything actually going to happen on that date right anyway yeah go ahead and read this one this is from this is from divine cosmos which is David Wilcox website similarly similarly can't say that word we think the island continents of Europe Africa Asia and the Americas are the only places on and around the earth where any people that where any people live we do not realize how many more people surround us using various areas for living space and technologies to keep themselves cloaked from our site this includes it this includes as many as 2500 different underground bases often built into massive honeycomb type limestone caverns deep beneath the earth's surface these caverns can be 20 to 20 to 40 miles deep and miles wide ready for mass habitation and notice how the number of bases changes depending on who you talk to you know 1400 130 2500 I mean I would I would say shoot high as far as if you're going to guesstimate how many there are I'm sure it's well over all right so if anyone heard honestly for many of these precisely I agree if anyone remembers this episode we we did with Derek and Daniel from shred the veil so their grandfather wrote the book life with our cosmos clearance and in this book chapter 10 is specifically on secret deep underground military bases so Daniel and salter the author of the book had a cosmos clearance from like above top secret and he has an entire chapter which I recommend we're only going to read just a little bit here just because we have a lot to get through but it's interesting what he said when I first saw the underground bases of baton I was amazed at the different complexes whole hospitals headquarters for the entire staff and quarters for personnel who manned the weapons my friend Phil Snyder learned what he knew of such construction from the archives of baton and hawaii which is another place where there's a lot uh a legend underground tunnels and bases which enabled him to foresee and prepare for the future but we never dreamed that the future would bring such underground facilities as the Dulce New Mexico right Patterson in Ohio which I am out in Colorado area 51 in Nevada and others this is where the storage of secrecy and back engineering of ET technology began and this is coming from somebody with a very high level clearance in the military he has since deceased but I recommend reading this book and he goes on to say historically whenever the US found a reason to build an underground city or tunnel for whatever purpose some part of the government or military would inevitably find a need for another in the US there has existed for many years a secret transit system for freight and passengers that far exceeds what we regard as a rapid transit underground shuttle networks criss cross beneath every state on an endless subterranean highway system this network and its checkpoints even cross the oceans becoming a worldwide network called the slub the sub global system using a maglev vacuum travel takes place at Mach 2 twice the speed of sound and we're gonna actually get into this tunnel network in a few of the slides and sorry if we repeat ourselves but each person has just a little bit different information you can read this one here yeah so yes I know the reaction a lot of people are having right now yes it's Emory Smith he's a controversial figure he's there's some things that about him that you know it's a little iffy to say the least that being said Todd and I both believe he did actually work in an underground lab and his his general story is true I think there is I think that is true I think there is actually proof of that setting setting the other stuff about him from the side so just to get that out of the way anyways so Emory works in underground bases in Cindy and National Labs at Kurt Kurt that's Kirtlin Air Force Base and Los Alamos National Labs he claims to have autopsied about 3 000 different ET specimens so he says he would be handed these little like sand he called them salmon fillets they looked like a salmon fillet of of a little part of a ET body and then he would autops you that so he said money is not used outside of our planet or the say the surface level of our planet not counting inside of the earth hollow earth and stuff instead it's the galactic trade involves resources technology DNA etc so these ET bodies that he autopsied were actually part of our payment they were given to us payment by different ET races and we would give them whatever they wanted to return and then we studied these bodies tried to analyze them and collected all the data from that and I'm sure use the DNA from them as well who knows what else right yeah so that's Emory and he says that he you know he started off getting the samples eventually he there was getting full bodies and that's all part of his you know testimony but right right right moving on something else he said you know how to implant site so and we're going to get into this this is an interesting part so according to Emory Smith underground bases are owned by corporations or unknown entities the military simply guards these facilities some bases are in such remote locations that they do not need guards present they are guarded through satellites and other technologies typically to enter an underground base you'd have to enter a really secured lab or a really secure corporation or a really secured military installation to access the underground depending on where your entry point is and depending on the type of base it is some of the most common ones like the one i was stationed at with curlin air force base was basically a fire tower that you would never even think would be an access point and these areas too they do not have like parking lots in front of them or anything like that you usually have to walk through many different posts but since this was already on the base inside another base that's there so you're going through two different types of security so first you have to get on the military base number one and then once you do that there's another even more secure base on there with fences and their own security teams they're not military and these are private corporations that i spoke of that are running these things so this just shows how compartmentalized it is so even the people on the military base you can go interrogate somebody and they might not have any idea or like we don't have jurisdiction over there that's you know like you just said a private entity a private corporation organization and hiding in plain sex so one of the theories is is that these windmills are actually powering underground facilities and not providing power for anything else and if you drive around the country you will know this areas like this well you'll just see these things pop up on a mountain range and there's nowhere out of nowhere there's no power lines connected to them nothing and i witnessed this on my way to new mexico in alamosa calorado there's an exact example of this there and i found out later that there in fact isn't underground base there so what does that tell you these things might be providing power for underground installations and i think that might be why trump was is so against them because he knows that these are powering the elite cabal deep state underground cities in my opinion and i think that's one of the reason he's against these so trigger alert i said trump sorry um this is another thing to look out for almost especially in new mexico in arizona every mountaintop you you see even in calorado they all have towers like this on top of them that's another indication that these aren't just satellite towers but these are communications towers for the base below so if you're looking if you're driving across the country and you want to know where these bases are you know look for things like these windmills look for these towers on top of mountains this is another example of a little shack on top of a mountain who knows where that leads uh you know i just found this image on google but still this is another description we've heard from whistle blowers just random shacks and trailers in the middle of the desert they look completely insignificant but they actually lead to an underground facility were you gonna say something Aaron uh we saw those in not too long ago in new mexico driving around we were actually joking about it we're like who live who would live in this little tiny little house or tiny little shack like what's this tiny little shack in the middle of nowhere nothing around it um right so maybe those were something you know exactly um this is really interesting so if you guys seen the batman movies the dark knight i think the second one they go into a shipping container under a bridge in the middle of the city and there's an elevator in the shipping container that takes them to an underground facility so these things are hiding everywhere and in my opinion that's disclosure so we are driving past entrances to underground facilities every single day i guarantee it uh abandoned malls abandoned malls comes up in all the not all but tons of ssp testimonies and i think that they stay abandoned for a reason because it's a perfect place to hide things and Andrew bexico actually kind of talks about some of that but he talks about schools abandoned schools are used for the same thing and this is an old abandoned school i found so when you're driving past this stuff just you know think twice about maybe it's not actually abandoned uh who knows and then this is the air force academy in colorado springs they actually visited um in just a couple months ago whenever the hell was uh i visited and i actually had a full body reaction recall when i went to this facility i don't know if i told that story um actually i don't know if i told that full story yet um it's but i i broke down in tears actually because i had remembered being at this site and it was a very interesting trip and i'm pretty sure somebody was following me but maybe i'm just being uh paranoid but either way as soon as i pulled onto the base i remembered this and i saw this i'm like oh this is so these colors that you see here this is an indication that this is also an underground base and we know this because any of the whistleblower testimonies talking about the underground bases talk about the stripes on the floor and each stripe leads to a different security clearance a level of rooms that are of different security clearances and these are the specific colors that are described uh red gray yellow and blue so you literally pull up to this uh air force academy and they're showing you what they're you know telling you without telling you that this is also an underground facility which we can basically assume any of the underground bases are um okay so employee access i found this part particularly fascinating um some of the information i came across about how people are accessing these i know we just kind of talked about it but we'll breeze through this um metal detectors that read vitals like dale james talks about iq and memory wipes employees quit due to frustration of not remembering their work day meaning that when you go through these metal detectors when you walk into work it basically i don't know what it does to you but you remember what your job is at that facility like area 51 in particular once you leave back through that metal detector it memory wipes you and you don't remember your work day we've heard whistleblowers and people talk about this and people will quit or even commit suicide over this because it would drive them insane that they can't remember what they were doing but that's part of the agreement to work at these underground bases you some cases in some cases you're literally mind wiped every day as you know ultimate security that you don't talk about what you're doing because you don't even remember it exactly there's actually and there's actually a show on i believe apple tv called severance that is basically disclosure for this um you know about that show right what show severance it's so in the show severance uh it's about these employees that um they get mind wiped or they get split into two different basically i guess consciousnesses where one only only experiences the work day and only has those memories and then the other one only experiences outside of work and only has those memories right i didn't i don't know if i've seen that to be honest but it makes perfect sense you need to watch it yeah it's totally disclosure of of all that stuff so moving on a new security badge every day the old one is discarded we'll get into that a little more in the next slide a scale at every doorway anything over a three pound weight change requires a scan this this just ensures that no one's smuggling things in or out of the base basically so they weigh you every time you go in and out of even every doorway every room not just the base according to certain whistleblowers elevator keys that allow seemingly normal elevators to access lower unknown levels such as if you're in a hospital and you you're going down that elevator might go much deeper but you have to have special access card or whatever and even the employees wouldn't know that that that elevator goes down to further levels deeper levels um you seen in the movies i've heard from people say this bathroom stalls have hidden doors like it just in random places like i think this world isn't what we think it is and there's a world within a world and this is a perfect example that the holographic mountain and wooded entrances blue beam tech um sometimes there might be a entrance disguised by hologram technology in the middle of the woods and if you're walking by you're just going to think that you're looking at the woods same with the mountain it could be a gigantic opening but they have a holographic overlay of a mountain so you don't suspect anything hotel access points to Hilton the Marriott jump rooms um just kind of like we talked about what they live they live the Andromeda and jump rooms jump rooms i can't talk um portal access it's the same thing in my opinion a jump room is a portal and then authorized vehicle only desert roads that lead straight on the ground which we've seen those this is three examples of how you would just drive straight into these facilities that go underground okay so this book you can't see it because i'm so small on the screen but it's a gigantic textbook of yeah whistleblower accounts from the dulce base and other bases but primarily dulce and one of the main testimonies in this book is Thomas Costello which we'll get into him next so if you want to know about dulce that is the only book you need yeah you don't need anything else this has everything and when you do find something online it's also in this book that's what i've discovered yeah um including john leer report a portion of his reports even in this so well i forgot where i was growing with this now um not only Thomas Costello is the only whistleblower in that book there's a lot of anonymous whistleblowers ex-employees and people who come forward claiming what's down there and we're going to spend a little time on this base because it's fascinating and it's one of the most popular largest ones that we always hear about um you want to read this Aaron yeah so he so he was a security officer apparently in dulce so dulce base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under archer ledem mace on the colorado new mexico border near the town of dulce new mexico in the united states according to Thomas Costello a former dulce base security officer this particular underworld city is a highly secret base operated by humans as well as reptilian aliens and their worker cast the commonly encountered gray aliens yeah and then the bottom part and then uh the following is a list of questions that were directed to former dulce base security officer Thomas Costello approximately a year before his death or disappearance they are followed by his responses so he mysteriously either died or disappeared shortly after disclosing the stuff so that's not a coincidence i'm gonna say and so and here this is a a bit of a q and a from him this is information from him so badges or cards never leave the bases all the exits have bars or walls of metal to open to go out requires using the card but when you use it for an exit slot the card won't come out each time you leave the base you're issued a new card with all the usual data about you plus your weight added corrected daily there are several mines in the chocolate mountains that open into a base highway but be aware that they are patrolled regularly by the cameras and or and there are cameras there also um there is minimal security on the surface most of the men and women are air force or highway crewmen this part i found interesting there used to be a best western motel that hosts or hires a lot of the base workers from level one i don't know if that motels to operational most of the security force uh live in san afay others live in white pine los almos so that's really interesting he's talking about a best western motel again the people drive by every day it's literally a recruitment station a hiring station for people working at the dulce base and you would never know it and we see this in any of the ci a movies that we see a lot of these shell companies and organizations and businesses um you know false llc's and stuff they create these businesses as a guys so you've seen the movie where the guy walks in like men in black um it might be a jewelry store but he's actually an arms dealer and all the stuff flips over like that type of stuff is real and this is also an example of that and a best western motel question are there security sensors what type if so what is their power source answer yes there are many types of sensors radar infrared heat sensors microwave emg w whatever that stands for electromagnetic something i'm sure um and satellite most of the sensors are powered by magnetic power the only thing you may notice on the surface would be an occasional satellite dish so there you go the satellite dish is you know that to sit up on top of those mountains well here he is literally telling us that's exactly what you would see if there's something below no one has a name when first brought to this facility they were issued one large number usually that code has a mixture of numbers and letters they show the place how and by who followed by the time age sex and finally the personal personnel number or their social security number for example it might look like this and it's a long series of letters and numbers the human workforce is made of people from every nation on the surface world the one thing they share is that they all speak english you want to read this one there sure this secret society secret government base in the southwest is no doubt the very same dulce facility which we have been exposing throughout this work secret societies if not secret agencies have their own symbols or emblems the symbol for the dulce base that is worn by many of the workers there consists of an upside down or inverted triangle or pyramid with an upside down t superimposed over it as shown in the graphic file at the beginning of this series of files and i show this because we hear people get their memories back and they they'll remember a specific badge or a patch or something from a uniform but they don't know what it means so if anyone out there has ever had any recall and they've seen this patch this is a dulce pass patch so that means that your recall would probably be from this facility and then we're going to get into the sub-global system and we'll get back into the dulce in a little bit but we talked about this but we'll go through it again sub-global system question are there other sites tied into this into the shuttle network other than those what you mentioned and if so where are the entrances where everywhere they crisscross the world as an endless sub-terranean highway like a freeway except this one is underground the sub-terranean highway is american is in america sorry i have my stupid zoom boxes blocking the text uh the sub-terranean highway in america is like a freeway except it's on the ground that highway depends on electric motors for trucks cars and buses for the paved roads and it is for limited travel there's another style of transit for freight and for passengers that is for rapid travel that worldwide network is called the sub-global system it has checkpoints at each country entry there are shuttle tubes that shoot the trains at incredible speeds using a maglev and vacuum method they travel at a speed that excels the speed of sound part of your question involves the location of entrances to that base the easiest way to answer is to say that every state in the usa has them frequently the entrances are camouflaged as sand quarries or mining operations other complex portals are found on military bases new mexico in arizona have the largest amounts of entrances followed by california montana idaho colorado pennsylvania kansas arkansas and missouri missouri even made it on the list and i knew that um of all of the states florida and north dakota have the least amount of entrances why only has a road that opens directly into the sub-terranean freeway that road is no longer in use but could be reactivated if they decide to do so with minimal cost it's located near brooks lake to me this is like gold information getting this firsthand knowledge from these people um i love it and you know some of these details you know these people aren't making this up you could just you can feel the truth in it so um yep oops go back you can um you can read this one and this is very interesting i think all network access different sources claim that one must be a very high ranking mason corporate intelligence agent or native sub-teran to gain access to the sub-global system there are several access terminals in north america and elsewhere where identification must be provided however according to albilik and others when one has passed the security checks they're free to go wherever they please in the sub-global network and the inner dwellers just generally assume that if one is made it that far then they more or less have authorization to be there many of the residents of the underground whether extra terrans sub-terans or visitors from the service are tied into a collective mind or group intelligence matrix called the ashtar or estarte network which has its roots in the underground systems below ancient egypt it's interesting right roots below ancient egypt and you know ashtar is one that's been around forever and um i know there's all you know sorts of controversy around estarte command and everything like that but it's come from somewhere right yep uh this is just a quick video of the boring machine in use it's kind of a loud song so i apologize and that was it but still there's um it just you know underground tunnel machines aren't true meanwhile you know it's funny just as an example of them in work and then here's a bunch of examples this is one by the air force this is a lot of people have seen this photo um just some of the boring machines now that this would be the more primitive technology uh they're not going to show you the advanced stuff on google obviously um just examples of what some of these tunnels look like and this construction process and then i provided these just to give you guys visuals of what some of these mountain bases might actually look like um you know this series of ventilation shafts and here there's a cinema a store a hospital vehicle base i mean you name it you know this is everything um and north access so if you look at the very bottom there's a tunnel that just goes off screen here i know this is an artist depiction but again look at the top of this mountain a satellite tower providing power communications for the base uh just another example of that and just some more visuals for you guys what might be inside these mountains that we drive past i know there's a little blurry but um that you can still tell what's going on and then phil Schneider you want to read this one now sure so this is phil Schneider below our eight key messages from phil Schneider's 1995 speech according to Schneider by 1995 there were 131 active secret underground bases in the u.s and about 1477 underground bases worldwide each base costs an average of 17 to 19 billion dollars in 1995 money so just imagine now what they cost and i mean even that is astronomical and took one to two years to build using advanced construction techniques including vitrification and rock melting using lasers Schneider stated that these bases are huge and contain thousands upon thousands of soldiers and service personnel magnetic levitation trains connect all bases in the u.s and a huge transportation system capable of incredibly high speeds he claims there's a whole other world down there filled with both human and et life forms area 51 is actually a complex of nine deep underground bases home to more than 18 000 workers whose lives are highly regulated and completely classified highly regulated these people that work at these bases they don't have a life um i've heard from the billy worder testimony he describes you know his interactions with some of the employees they have been there for a long time they haven't seen the light of day um they're miserable they're stressed it's really sad actually yeah it's not like oh cool i get the work of this secret facility i mean i guess depending on the clearance you have and you're not down there like a prisoner um it's slave right right exactly so uh we're gonna let Phil tell us about this stuff and this next slide our black budget for instance garners 1.023 trillion dollars every two years it's over 500 billion dollars a year but right now there are 131 active deep underground military bases in the united states there's 1,477 of them worldwide each one has an average cost of 17 to 19 billion dollars each one is uh built in the site uh oh it used to take a year to two years to build each one and now they're capable of building a couple of them a year uh what's sophisticated methods now my colleague al beelik has actually been on some of the high-speed railways the magneto leviton trains they connect all the deep underground military bases within the united states he's been on a mock-two train and floats off of a post off of a single rail at a three-quarters of an inch off the rail and there's uh what you'd call high-tech we have nothing like this on the surface uh the public basically has been totally lied to we're considered stupid or even moronic in some cases it's got to stop room lake is where the infamous area 51 s-4 s-2 the cia base uh it was originally a bombing range a nuclear test site uh it was later become the most secret base in the united states it employs over 18,000 workers working shifts of 12 hours of at a whack most of them working to cover a darkness like us we built a nine underground military bases there each with an average uh uh capacity capable was basically a city underground roughly four and a quarter cubic miles hollowed out underground they have boring machines for instance that boring machines for instance they don't bore they literally vitrify and melt the rock deflagrate the rock it's a very sophisticated laser uh melting and deflagrating system reduce the rock to a powder and melts the the remaining rock as a coating on the inside of the base so you don't have to use gunites and mends and other kinds of things like that that's all the all-old hat now uh technology it's just basically the new technology we got is the old hat of the military i want to be real brief about it i carried a level one security clearance the riley 38 factor there very few of us there's nobody except myself to my knowledge talking like this nobody i'm breaking the law i'm breaking world as well as federal law coming out and even talking about this of group of people i love my country more than i love my life two weeks ago i was shot in the shoulder and i have actually that's another one i need to add i might have had it um there's a ton of links under this video guys um basically any of the interviews that we show clips from you're gonna find that link below so this i might have forgot to add this one but i will add it and then this is the artist's depiction of the dulce you know what happens in these levels security communication human staff housing execs and labs level four mind control experiments um level five alien housing level six genetic experiments level seven uh cryogenic storage and then it shows there's a struggle to los alamos and this is just a google maps image adult's dulce base in case you have never seen it um okay so this is con Thomas Costello again asked who built dulce by whom was the dulce installation originally constructed nature started the caverns the dreco reptilian humanoids used the caverns and tunnels for centuries later through ran corporation plans it was enlarged repeatedly the original caverns included ice caves and sulfur springs that the aliens found perfect for their needs the dulce caverns rival carlsbad caverns in size no carlsbad caverns and especially the adjacent uh like leche we are lecheche gia caves are officially among the largest and deepest in the world with several leads that remain to be explored by professional sphelionauts um that's from that's his note from the author brand um the references to the dulce base here deal mainly with the upper levels not the extreme lower levels which include vast natural caverns and some believe very ancient tunnel systems as well this would include the tunnels illuminated by a phosphorus pentoxide which the alien grays avoid and the origin of which is unknown so i included that part because we always hear about the lighting and how these tunnels are lit but this is exactly they're telling us whatever phosphorus pentoxide is um it's actually illuminating the tunnels but more interestingly in my opinion is that the grays avoid this um i wonder if there's a reason that this was developed as some sort of weapon to keep the grays away by you know to certain groups and your cronyons i mean who actually knows but it's interesting um you can read this one if you want to hear it all right the dulce base by dilation bishop the third this facility is a genetics lab and is connected to los alamos via a tube shuttle part of their research is related to the general effects of radiation mutations and human genetics this research also includes other intelligent species alien biological life form entities the dulce facility consists of a central hub the security section also some photo labs the deeper you go the stronger the security this is a multi-level complex there are over 3,000 cameras at various high security locations exits and labs there are over 100 secret exits near and around dulce many around archeleta mesa others to the south around dulce lake and even as far east as lindrith deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems the person who worked at the base who had an ultra-seven clearance reports there may be more than seven levels but i only know of seven most of the aliens are on five six and seven levels alien housing is level five and this is an interesting claim from max spears so according to max spears who claims to have been taken to the lowest level of the dulce base he said to lower you descend into the facility there are symbols on the walls of each level that deprogram you floor by floor by the time you get to the bottom you remember everything you need to know you are then reprogrammed or memory wiped on the way up before you return home but he said it's just done through the symbols subconsciously so symbols like these would be on each floor and whatever frequency whatever it is doing to the subconscious mind you gain your memories back as you go down and then he said you know exactly what you're doing you remember everything and by time you get back to the surface you have no memory of it this is just another example of utilizing mind control technology to keep to maintain the secrecy so this is another excerpt from the dulce protocol the various parts of the body are taking the various underground laboratories one of which is known to be near the small new mexico town of dulce this jointly occupied cia alien facility has been described as enormous with huge tile walls that go on forever witnesses have reported huge vet huge vats filled with amber liquid with parts of human bodies being stirred inside after the initial agreement groom lake one of the nation's most secret test centers was closed for a period of about a year sometime between about 1972 and 1974 and a huge underground facility was constructed and with the help of the eibs which was the et's the grays they bargained for technology the bargain for technology was set in place but could only be operated by the eibs themselves needless to say the advanced technology could not be used against the eibs themselves that needed so that's just an interesting tidbit of information during a period between 1979 and 1983 it became increasingly obvious to mj12 that things were not going as planned it became known that many more people in the thousands were being abducted then were listed on the official abduction list in in addition it became known that some not all but some of the nation's missing children had been used for secretions and other parts required by the aliens in 1975 there was an altercation of sorts at the dulce laboratory a special armed forces unit was called in to try and free a number of our people trapped in the facility who had become aware of what was really going on according to one source 66 as the soldiers were killed and our people were not freed the abduction thing that comes from the greater treaty from Eisenhower allegedly you know allowing them to abduct humans in exchange for advanced technology but i don't think humans actually had much of a say so in that agreement i kind of think it was all uh forced upon us yeah you can read this one if you want this talks about a little bit more about the dulce wars yeah this is the famous alien war dulce that many of you probably heard about um it was when thomas encountered humans in cages on level seven of the dulce facility that things finally reached a climax for him he says i frequently encounter humans in cages usually dazed or drugged but sometimes they cried and begged for help we were told they were hopelessly insane and involved in high risk drug test to cure insanity we were told never to speak to them at all at the beginning we believed the story finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth that began the dulce wars interesting um oh so this just kind of explains what's going on at each level incidentally the interleaking underground systems conversing below dulce and in mexico have been described only in part with this and other related accounts those sectors of the underground that are forbidden to most humans and are under reptoid control are of course of course those areas that we know of about the least level six is privately called nightmare hall it holds the genetic labs here the experiments are done on fish seals birds and mice and are vastly altered from their original forms there are multi armed and multi-legged humans and several cages and land vats several cages and vats that's supposed to be in of humanoid bat-like creatures deceased mothmen or those creatures that john keel refers to in his book the mothman prophecies up to seven feet tall the aliens have taught to humans a lot about genetics things both useful and dangerous tell um which i forgot who that's referring to in the book then describes someone or something which might seem unbelievable if it weren't for the fact that dozens of other sources have seemed to confirm it this the this discovery was reportedly one of the real reasons for the uh incitation incitation of the dulce wars level seven is the worst row after row of thousands of humans and human mixture remains in cold storage here too are embryos of humanoids in various stages of development also many human children remains in storage vats who are or were these people my sources of information include people who worked in the labs abduct these taken to the base and people who assisted in the construction intelligence um i know that's some dark information but uh you know this it's just part of reality about what's going on with this trafficking and everything on the ground and i don't believe it stopped oh you can read this one there namas so ledges that there were over 18 000 of the short grays at the dulce facility he has also seen tall reptilian humanoids one of us had had come face to face with a six foot tall reptoid which had materialized in the house the reptoid showed interest in research maps of new mexico in colorado where which were on my wall the maps were full of colored push pens and markers to indicate sites of animal mutilating caverns the locations of high ufo activity repeated flight paths abduction sites ancient ruins and suspected alien underground bases the security level goes up as one descends to the lower levels thomas had an ultra seven clearance he knew of seven sub levels but there may have been more most of the aliens are on levels five six and seven alien housing is on level five the only sign in english was one over a tube shuttle station hallway which read to los alamos connections go from dulce to page arizona facility then to an underground base below area 51 in nevada tube shuttles go to and from dulce to facilities below taos new mexico detil new mexico colorado springs colorado creed colorado sundia then onto carl's bad new mexico there's a vast network of tube shuttle connections under the us which extends into a global system of tunnels and subsidies all right and the last one on this um and then we'll move on from dulce uh this is this is one fact that the reptiloids have tried to hide from humankind both terrestrial and extraterrestrial also there are accounts suggesting that the reptiloids and grays are in fact breeding profusely and reproducing themselves via deep sun subterranean polyembryoni cloning and incubation facilities below dulce and elsewhere and are not as overextended as they might have us to believe some estimate that at the very least 20 million grays are now actively operating under the surface of the planet earth within bases or within natural cavern systems according to others 20 million is a conservative estimate interesting and these are actually allegedly real photos by the way um we don't know if they're real or not but that's the claim from underground dulce you decide and then if you guys caught our episode recently with Jessica Jones she goes on to talk about the cryptid breeding program some of the ssp bases under their government portals cloning uh so we go over her remote viewing data of the underground bases in that episode um if you want to go check that out that link is below in the description and then we're going to let john leer tell us about the los vegas tunnels because this is this is really uh fascinating to me uh so they have been uh doing some very uh nasty things up at the test site uh and they are complete control of the new um secret test site which is halfway between zona bah and uh groom lake it's located on pyet mesa and it's about a mile underground there isn't much to see in the desert but i noticed this huge white area uh up on the pyet mesa and i couldn't figure out what made it white well it turns out that what i was seeing was they had taken off the top of a quartz mountain which turned the ground white and they were building the secret test site laboratory uh a mile under uh under the ground now when they got ready to open this uh they needed 4500 people uh from los vegas uh to work there and they had to get them 4500 people uh to the from uh los vegas to the test site which was about 110 miles away without any anybody finding out now we know that though uh there's six boing 737 those white with a red stripe uh they take people to the tonal part test range and group lake they couldn't use those because they didn't want anybody in that program to know about the pyet mesa secret program so what they did is that the cost of 2.6 billion dollars they built a subway a maglev subway underground uh that started the first main terminal was it below a hundred feet below the leksoir uh then to the belagio uh and then up to pyet mesa which took about 20 minutes and the reason they picked the belagio was they made a deal with steve wind to use his underground parking because there were so many people that needed a place to park and they had a secret tunnel uh that went to the terminal uh since then and that's been uh four years ago uh they built another third terminal under the aria and that's where they uh uh load the passengers now and take them up to the pyet mesa and what's interesting about that is you know all these conferences and everything are always held in vegas and i always wonder why and there's so much corrupt stuff going on there and all these hotels are doubling as entrances to these underground facilities and there's just a lot of shady stuff and you know chaotic energies there like joe rogan says vegas is like mold on a piece of bread it just doesn't belong it just pops up in the middle of the desert right and just like a man-made growth you know um so you know i mean what next time you're in vegas you know pay attention to the hotels and also he goes on to say that one of the during the construction process of some of these casinos you'll notice that they'll take extra long it takes longer than typical to build a hotel that's because they're most likely adding on or developing out another hub for the tunnel network for the tram system so uh they're using the guise of construction of a casino to actually you know develop out more of the underground network and then the luxor which he just said is the one of the hub was the original hub for the uh to enter the tunnel system but look if you know this like there's a step pyramid over here then there's this pyramid we were recently talking in mary beaver and she just happened to be in conversation telling us about she stayed at the luxor one time and she got drunk with some of the employees and they started telling her that the employees were told that there are rumored underground pyramids under the luxor and that the luxor was built in that exact location to harness the energy from the pyramids underground and that beam of light that you see isn't just a beam of light it's actually a technology doing something uh so it's not just uh random cool architectural design they decided to throw in the middle of vegas it's actually a legitimate pyramid that is actively harnessing the energies from alleged underground pyramids that reside below right and as a side note do you remember the the obvious false flag shooting that happened I think I believe it was right by the luxor and like when was it 2017 or something like that right um it was like some countries I think it was like Jason Aldean or some country singer and like 50 people died um and they tried they did the typical like blame it on this one shooter patty you know but there was like clearly at least three different shooters or more right this more controversy yeah so and it was like was that a ritual of some kind you know what was that something shady obviously was a false flag and that was the luxor right there right exactly um we're going to go ahead and let john leer tell us about the entire western half of the continent being a shelf um that rest on top of the ocean that most people are unaware of oh halfway between Las Vegas and Reno there's a little town called Hawthorne Nevada and it has a little lake there it's about 15 miles long about a hundred feet deep and when you go into town at the beginning of town it says a big blue sign it says naval undersea warfare center and I always wondered what could be undersea warfare center I mean that lake I'm not going to hold any submarine so what are they doing here I finally found out about three years ago that what they have is um in Monterey Bay there's an entrance if you go on to google uh you can see a canyon and this canyon leads right up to the shoreline of Monterey Bay and the the Navy found out that they can take their nuclear subs and go under uh the 15 western states of the United States that's concludes uh Nevada California Oregon Washington Idaho and so on uh and the those 15 western states are floating on a plate and uh they can navigate under that and what they did was in Hawthorne has traditionally across the street from the naval weapons uh naval undersea warfare center is a place where they made all kinds of munitions uh for submarines and instead of having to ship it on trucks north to San Francisco or or south to San Diego they just drive across the street and there's a huge elevation two elevators there um and they go down 3,400 feet the the elevation of Hawthorne is 3,400 feet and these elevators go down to the Pacific Ocean and they take these uh munitions and everything they made there and take it down load up the submarines there's a submarine pin under 3,400 feet under Hawthorne and they have about 15 to 27 Marines there at any time uh and they go back and forth out this Monterey entrance where they can go anywhere else uh under these 15 states uh they can go to Lake Tahoe they can go to Pyramid Lake they can go to um north and Idaho there's a lake up there they can go to um uh the uh naval uh base at uh Trona trying to think of what that is anyway they can go anywhere under those uh states in the submarine so these are water tunnels they're not channels it's it's a continental plate that sits on the the ocean there the ocean covers they are the whole thing not no plate so the Pacific Ocean continues underneath half of our country and a submarine base almost no one knows that right they don't tell us this exactly and we've heard the testimonies of like them using retrofitting old submarines and for and they're like the first space shuttles used for the space program they were able to put like nuclear powered um engines on them and they're already designed to withstand the pressure under water so they're perfect through space um and a lot of those submarines were being launched from bases in the middle of the country actually and no one even realized it anyway and get moving on we've all heard recent in recent days underground soldiers army trains for operations below the surface there's a million articles online about this um it's fascinating that you know we hear about this whole white hat thing and this clean tunnel cleanup and everything and that's no conspiracy that our military is training the fight on the ground and then this is also from the Dulce protocol but it's interesting talking about this battle it gives you kind of a new perspective although it might sound simplistic to imply that this cosmic battle is essentially being fought between in Nordic bases at near Death Valley and the Gray bases near the Archuleta Mesa the true fact of the matter is that when we are dealing with multi-leveled subterranean systems the border zones are a little more complex than on the surface where we have obvious horizontal borders between countries in interplanetary warfare the battle lines are horizontal vertical and in some cases interdimensional the battle would be one that is being waged above below and within our society even though the outward manifestations of that war might not be immediately seen for what they are unless one is aware of the real conflict behind the scenes there are also indications that at least certain factions of the NSA Mj12 CIA aviary agencies have defected from the neo-Nazi new world order agenda of joint interaction with reptilians and grays and are now at war with the same so this is information from the Dulce whistleblower Thomas Costello literally talking about what we would call the white hats a group that defected and is now fighting against them and i think this is um you know there's a lot of people think the whole white hat thing is all bogus and bullshit there are groups that defect and i think that's yeah and i would even add to that and they are working with other ET races that you could you could say are benevolent or at least are trying to help us and don't want these negative regressive races and and earth-based cabal to succeed in their plans because that would be very bad not just for us not just for the planet but for them as well um so it it's it's not just that they're looking out for us they are but they're also looking out for their best interest as well by helping and that's what a lot of people need to understand in my opinion uh because it seems like you know people just can't wrap their mind around like because while we see we see more of this negative stuff you know just because of the nature of things us being on the planet we see all the agendas playing out but we can't really see behind the scenes stuff too much and we don't hear about the benevolent ETs hardly that much um but uh you know there are insiders that have talked about it and there are there are experiences that have been told this by their their contacts and um i do believe that there are benevolent you could say ETs that are helping uh so this you know to me whatever we see happening that's negative is being allowed to happen and that's that's some comfort right there that you know I mean we already see like the nuclear bases the nuclear facilities being shut down for decades and decades like they're not allowing nuclear war it's not going to happen it's not going to be allowed because that affects them and other dimensions and all kinds of stuff um so why would they do that but then allow this crazy new world order just insane future to happen where that's gonna that's not you think that's just gonna stay on earth you think that's not gonna go all out throughout the whole galaxy and beyond come on of course it is right so of course them helping us now at this critical point is also helping the whole galaxy and probably even beyond and other races so think about that well said i'm gonna i'm just want to speak my my two cents there because i know it's great i see a lot of doom and gloom and a lot of you know people that think we're all screwed and like um it's all hopeless and all that kind of stuff and i think that's just a bunch of nonsense well you are if you believe you are um you're screwed if you believe you are um okay so let's move on we have a lot to get through so um this is just more examples of training on the ground um they i'm not gonna read all this i was going to but it's not really necessary but they really break down analyze step-by-step how they're training and preparing these men and for what circumstances and what situations uh they're going to be encountering um it's really interesting i mean they they tell you all about this tunnel network and underground uh base system even in these articles and then they show even you know diagrams and plans on you know how they're going to infiltrate and blah blah blah blah so um but this is interesting us army leaders say the next war will be fought in mega cities but the service has embarked on an ambitious effort to prepare most of its combat brigades to fight not inside but beneath them um 572 million dollars have been funneled into training and equipping uh 26 or 31 active combat brigades to fight in large scale submarine or subterranean facilities that exist beneath dense urban areas around the world why would the military spend 572 million dollars training to fight underground unless there's an actual threat underground like they're not just preparing for nothing you know what i'm saying they don't do things for no reason guys think about it they're telling me they're not going to do that unless there's a reason yeah but they really need to know how to fight underground think about it um for this new type of warfare infantry units will need to know how to effectively navigate communicate breach heavy obstacles and attack enemy forces in underground mazes raging from confined corridors to tunnels as wide as residential streets soldiers will need new equipment and training to operate in condition in conditions such as complete darkness bad air and lack of cover from enemy fire in areas that challenge standard army communications equipment i mean it's incredible to me they're telling you this isn't even a theory um so this is Sue Walker telling us about what's going on under the sandy amounts which i found very interesting uh to help him let us know that this facility under the sandy mountain is considered an information station for interstellar travelers coming to the planet so if if you can picture going from one state to another in the united states when you cross into a new state usually there's a visitor and information center it's like that you can come you can ask questions you can get the local news you can get the local technology you can run who is friendly who is not um are they going to be shot at where are their people located what's good to eat here yada yada and so the information station provided that kind of information for interstellar travelers for thousands of years they tell us that their facility was retrofitted into the ancient tunnel system that already existed was partially collapsed in some locations but it on the eastern side of the Rockies there's a main line that has a lot of feeder branches off of it that go east west and this facility lies on that main north south line used to be an underground system where you could go from south at least central america all the way up to the arctic mmm wow underground all right so what they told us and i was concerned about that and whether or not other earth humans or military could find them in this tunnel system and what they told us was that if you go south of the sandy mountain to the very next mountain range um five ten miles south um you get into the mozzano mountains and kirtland air force base and the sandy and national labs which built their laboratory in that section of the tunnel system there was a collapse uh right about interstate 40 there's a break between the sandy mountains and the mozzano mountains and there have been a collapse of the tunnel system in that area the panti told us that the facility has thousands of miles of tunnels in new mexico uh that branch off all kinds of places but there are many levels um and that their facility was two miles deep i don't know how deep the military excavated to retrofit the tunnel system that i don't know um the panti didn't seem terribly concerned um about the military finding them or hurting them um however we have some indications that there may be interaction here in new mexico at this facility with some earth humans um and we talked to a number of service people in this area of albacruki and some of the service people and we talked to an electrician who signed up for a government contract job was told to meet a van out in the desert when he arrived at the location he was given he was told to leave his tools he wouldn't need them he had to give up everything in his pockets including his phone his lighter and they drove him around in this van for an hour plus until they entered into an area that when he got out of the van it was the largest air strip he'd ever seen except it was underground and the vaulted ceilings over this facility were very very high he could not even estimate how high they were my guess is three four hundred feet i don't know that but just given the images that i've been given that'd be pretty close this electrician did see not only craft in and in this hanger bay area but also earth human looking folks that look like us walking around with short little gray guys that's also a fascinating interview that i recommend everyone go check out and i put that link below as well but um i love my favorite stuff is the testimonies like that you know the story is he here from the guy the electrician you've got you've got you know access to the base uh that's my that's how we learn like that's how we learn about this stuff um so donarizona so we're coming near the end of the tunnel or the domes here for what we're going to cover anyway but um so interestingly enough i'm going to try and fly through these um the enchantment resort in so donarizona is a front for an underground facility and there's a lot of information that verifies this um and i don't so this is actually a quote or a transcription from an a coast to coast episode i found it online but it didn't say who who the guest was so i don't even know who this comes from but it talks about the vanishing sadona land convoys i have written about a lot of strange and mysterious happenings over the many years but they don't get much stranger than this and it is still going on to this day vanishing convoys and caravans the latest occurrence was just weeks ago when a local woman who lives in dry keke road watched 200 or so cars passed by her place from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. the cars she said never came back out as is usually the case and this is specifically talking about uh the enchantment resort by the way the cars she said never came back out as is usually the case i have actually in the last 38 years personally interviewed about 10 of these eyewitnesses myself which in a ufo paranormal biz is not usually the case there are underground bases or installations that i know of in this vast area about six or so some are the u.s military and several are alien or accommodation of both one i know exactly where it is is extremely dangerous deadly dangerous i talked about this on coast to coast three weeks ago with the fantastic um coast to coast host county willis um there is a tunnel system that connects most of them the history channel confirmed this fact several weeks ago on a popular show beyond skinwalker using ground penetrating radar three women about 10 years ago watched on forest road 525 a long convoy of tractor trailer trucks drive into the ground i know precisely where this occurred on 525 one woman remarked the really really weird thing about this was not the trucks but the ramp that they drove into the ground on the ramp she could not describe it for me in a similar case a few years after that on 525 a man was camped near the gravel road and watched hundreds of white of all white tractor trailer trucks with united nations lettering on the trailers on the truck on all the trucks he waited all night and they never came back out about 1996 a courageous local woman herself drove as far as she dared to go into the canyons following a convoy of military like vehicles she said the vehicles were enormous and they looked up and they took up the road uh there was something very strange about them she said he in the early 90s i personally knew a caretaker of one of the now bulldozed seven canyons subdivision his name was johnny he told me that numerous huge convoys of trucks and vehicles went past his house and never came back out i have many more stories similar to these but you get the idea what the fuck is back there in the seven canyons myself i had i have no idea no clue what is even more bizarre is that i have never run into a person that has ever seen convoys out on the major paved highways um i guess a guess holographic entrances the only they can see um this is in sadona so all the people in sadona that's a major hotspot for bases and they like to build their bases on these high energy vortex areas they take advantage of that as well possibly from technology on the ground yes this book again shining a light but this talks about the enchantment resort and for those who don't know there was a ufo crash in 1994 may 29th in sadona well well documented actually very well documented and i don't know if anybody i mean we don't hear about that whenever it's always raswell um supposedly several very high ranking politicians were at the enchantment over the weekend it is very easy to get high ranking officials into enchantments through the tunnel system enchantment you understand is a front is a front or is sort of a front um enchantment is a front yes regardless of who owns it which is why the rtc took over well it just makes it easier to have a government own it even though it's a branch of the government that's a little bit independent it's easier but the reality is that even if you were to buy and run it as a resort as it has been you're sort of buying something while somebody else has the right to use it in the contract so it's like yes you can run it as a resort but when these people want to use it for something they're going to use it and that's that you can't do anything about it as the owner that's part of the reason probably half the reason why no one can really make that property work financially because you're trapped by the clauses of the government saying they were going to use it when uh we want to use it so can you get down underground from enchantment no you don't actually get underground right from enchantment they could and they'd like to you know there are some private homes still out there but it's easier for them to just kind of show up there are a lot of means you know you drive a vehicle out of something and here's to say where the vehicle came from um you mean the entrance to secret canyon is so big you could take like a c47 that had a car and fly it down there and just drive the car is that what you're saying no that's not necessary you don't understand the tunnel system leads quite some distance away let's just say this damn zoom windows kill me uh let's just say this let's just say this you know where the uh Navajo depot is it is a military base not too far from flagstaff right now it is being changed over from a national guard base or something like that but it is essentially a military base you could land a plane there discharge the people on the plane who might be dressed like anybody who would get off there or land a helicopter there and the people will get off and get into a vehicle and drive somewhere it wouldn't be difficult to disguise a means of their driving into one of these tunnels and from that point on other than driving underground it'd be just like you're out for a drive and you can drive essentially from base from that base to any number of the very any number of various clandestine places where one might land a helicopter and access the tunnel system you just drive along and you come up to this place how do you get to the enchantment then you drive to the enchantment underground then how then how do you get on top say you want to go have lunch why is this not working now you want to read this one there the tunnel has access you understand just think of it as a garage door even though it's considerably more sophisticated for a long time now the government has had the capacity and other civilizations before you had the capacity to have military bases inside mountains the military naturally loves that kind of thing it sounds very much like a giant conspiracy but when you think about what is involved and when you think about taking it back to its infinitesimal level how often for the best of reasons to even friends to see each other a surprise birthday party is a deception even though it's done benevolently you must remember and it is a tough thing to say but it is it is really true that a certain amount of deception even benevolent deception is natural and human race as you now exist so if you take it to extreme levels you know it can get out of hand so you've got these pirates who are mostly based underground at secret canyon rather than at the pirates are not based underground where are they they are not based underground at secret canyon they are not based on earth at all the closest thing to a base that they have is on the moon because they're mining the moon the shadow government can't really do anything about it the shadow government by the way is their term for the cabal or the deep state right in that book here i'm only going to play a portion of this this is um now we're going to move into the national park system this is just Kimberly McGeorge talking about what goes on at these national parks and how they lead to this underground network as well Kimberly McGeorge and DC&H and I tried to record this earlier and shopper my son went dead so I wanted to talk to you a little bit about national parks and state parks and yes they're protected because they're beautiful areas but mainly they're protected because they're lay line areas and most of the lay lines in this country and around the world not all of them most of them our majority of them are held by dark force energies and because they're held by dark force energies underground bases and things have been um built under these parks as low as entrances um that have been there for centuries i guess uh to inner earth so you can literally stumble into a world where you can't navigate and you may not be able to get out also there's a lot of portals because of the lay lines and just the portal energies in these parks so a lot of times when people are disappearing they're not being taken by dog men they're not being taken by Sasquatch they're not being taken by aliens i mean they might be but you literally they're walking into other worlds they're walking into inner earth they may have stumbled into a base because there's a lot of holographic coverings um that people inadvertently because people are dumb and people are nosy and people can't see even mentions and so they can't navigate some of these places and so they get themselves and things that they can't get out of yes some people are picked off the trail um and brought for experimentation and lose time and all of that yes some people are killed by crazies on things like the Appalachian Trail and stuff like that not saying there's not logical quote 3D explanations but a lot of the David Pilates um 411 stuff is BS he knows what's going on he's a paid informant he's part of the whole thing um he's improving to be a liar on many occasions and um so a lot of this in my opinion is they're walking through portals and they're not being able you know to navigate their way back out or maybe a one-way portal because of the lay lines they're walking into inner earth again they're not being able to get back out they may be in a base they might not want them to get back out so a lot of these disappearances or deaths are a result of not necessarily super mystical stuff but definitely things that most of you aren't familiar with that some of us are and that goes on and on but um for the sake of time we're just going to move on um this is Ali Carter I included this because um she is such a brave soul and to be honest I don't know where she's at right now I've reached out to her a number of times um she hasn't been active online for months now so hopefully she's okay but she is bravely blowing a whistle on some very disturbing things and name-dropping and we'll just let her explain a little bit of that to you and real quick Tyler before you play that we are right about the two-hour mark right now so um do you want to do you want to wrap this up pretty soon as part one uh we we could do that we still have you know the Antarctica stuff to go through so we can finish yeah at the end of the like underground base second yeah we can finish up the underground base part and then um we'll we'll make the hollow earth and the Garth and Network one maybe part two um otherwise we're going to be here for a minimum of three hours and four hours yeah well three I mean we'll be definitely it should take about an hour it's already two yeah I mean right so I can't imagine being less than three hours um okay well yeah sorry I just wanted to yeah yeah that's fine we're at the two-hour mark okay well here we go you made claims about Barack Obama and Joe Biden that shocked the world how did it get there take us through your story well you know I've as as young as I remember um I've been trafficked through many elite places um I went from the Buckingham Palace to under the Getty Museum in Los Angeles still under the custody of Child Protective Services the child welfare system um and everybody is so worried about the elite and we could give those names of Barack Obama Joe Biden we know about Michelle Obama that's a man we know about um too short we know about Acon and Stephen Tyler and we can give those names all day and everybody is so worried about that but what you should be worried about is the people that are in between the people that go as low as your grave diggers I was trafficked to people within my schools I was trafficked in underground tunnels that link under your schools through your cemeteries under your amusement parks through universal studios and into Hollywood elite homes all over the place all over the world and people don't understand that and they can't fathom that and they can't put that together but if you think about the things that are coming out of that excuse me come out lately and there's 200 children missing and there's 300 children missing what amber alert did you receive how many times do you receive an amber alert every every year and if you think about that how many children are coming up in your face that have been tortured and abused like this it exists and it's real and people don't want to face it it happens in your school your schools every day as your grave diggers your trash men everybody is involved but everybody is looking at the top and that's just a small percentage and you really need to look at the people in between okay so that goes on but i mainly wanted to play that clip because she blows the whistle on the tunnel network there that again it's not just military bases and et's the traffickers are using it as well and um i link her whole youtube channel below so if you're interested in hearing what she has to say she doesn't only only blow the whistle on that she talks about how the sports are rigged she talks about the mk ultra blueprints which i've never heard anyone else talk about absolutely fascinating um this is also from Brad Olson's book um do you want to read this one here they're not moving on to the Antarctic yeah Antarctica now obviously yeah yeah we're in Antarctica now obviously in 1938 the Nazis sent a large team of explorers including scientists military units and building crew on warships and submarines to the queen maud land region of Antarctica while mapping the area they discovered a vast network of underground hot springs flowing out to rivers and forming massive caves under the ice one of these caverns extended as far as 20 to 30 miles and contained a large geothermal lake the cave was explored and construction teams were sent to build a city-sized base dubbed base 211 or New Berlin that hosted the S.S. anti-gravity scientists and the Thule Society serpent cults of various Nazi occultists the Illuminati and the other shadowy groups who fled on U-boats just before Germany surrendered in World War II. After the Allies claimed unconditional victory in World War II Secretary of Defense James Forestall sent a naval task force to Antarctica in 1946 including Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Cruzin, and Admiral Bird and given the operational name High Jump over 4, 4,500 military troops from the U.S. Britain, Australia consisting of three naval battle groups departed Norfolk Virginia on December 2nd 1946 led by Admiral Bird's command ship the icebreaker Northwind and consisted of the catapult ship Pine Island the destroyer brown sun brown sun the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea the U.S. Summer Marine Senate to support vessels Yancy and Merrick and two tankers Kenestayo and Kakapon the destroyer Henderson a float plane ship kurutuk and a torpedo boat named Maddox which was sunk according to a researcher Frank Joseph the U.S.S. Maddox was either a torpedo boat or a torpedo carrying destroyer he goes on to explain what may have happened to the Maddox mentioned in a declassified Soviet report right so yeah we're just talking about you know this is the Germans they had been going to Antarctica for a long time even before 1938 there was an expedition in 1908 or early yeah before before the 30s yeah and you know the Nazis have been exploring that area for a long time and we'll get we'll get into some of that and the second portion of hollow earth and agartha but this is from Antarctica is not a wasteland there are a series of large habitable regions underneath the ice event Antarctica that are host to certain groups including those of the cabal this works much the same much the same way as an igloo in Alaska where even though the walls are made out of ice a small fire in sight can keep it nice and warm natural ice caves are created by heat of subsurface volcanic activity there is land you can walk and build on breathable air and running water access to Antarctica is strictly controlled meaning we cannot just go and check it out for ourselves the freezing cold of the surface area makes it very difficult for any individual or group from our ordinary will to go sightseeing the freezing cold just by that same arm according to the 94 year old space engineer William Tonkins there are also too much larger habitable caverns off to the right of Antarctica their combined landmass is quite significant dwarfing the size of either the largest two ovals on this map they are almost vertical on a slight diagonal angle and run from the top of the continent to the bottom creating a vast amount of livable space each red circle corresponds to an area that has been developed when has people living there comfortably right now these areas also show up on heat maps of Antarctica as visible volcanic hot spots so i guess some i guess there's four or five circles here that would indicate locations of underground bases but that's probably i'm sure there's many more than that and then Draco bases in the Antarctica you can read this one here both of these enormous strips of land are under exclusive control of reptilian ETs known as the Draco according to Pete Peterson the cabal has often referred to this type of ETs sorry ends they have vast densely populated cities in these areas composed of buildings that are far more high-tech than anything we see on the surface the Draco are on the losing end of a war throughout the galaxy that has been that has beaten them back into our solar system and a few neighboring ones the Draco have built vast cities in these two caverns below the Antarctic ice with populations numbering at least in the millions their total population numbers in our solar system can now be as many as seven billion comparable to our own native population on earth we are protected from them by benevolent ETs that will never allow them to do more than we have invited by our own collective free will furthermore their time here on earth is very likely about to come to an end yeah there you go and this is really interesting we know all the nations have a piece of the game in Antarctica but interestingly in December on December 16 of 2020 an article was rocked by 30,000 tremors in three months well this that's when this article was written December 16 2020 but in a three-month period during that time 30,000 tremors in three months so what was actually going on down there and there's a lot of you know intel that we don't know if it's true it's not really it's really hard to verify anything that comes out of Antarctica but there's a lot of movement down there and other countries are moving down there setting up shop while other countries are moving out there's clearly some activity going on in Antarctica even currently and then this is really interesting and I include this because it has the British soldiers actually discovering the German basin what they discovered in Antarctica 1945 operation Tiberian British or Britain's secret wartime expedition to Antarctica 1944 to 1946 he claims that British soldiers from the secret and arctic modheim base found the entrance in late 1945 and followed the tunnel for miles and eventually they came to a vast underground cavern that was abnormally warm some of the scientists believe that it was warm geothermally in the huge cavern where underground lakes however the mystery deepened as the cavern was lit artificially the cavern proved so extensive that they had to split up and that and that was when the real discoveries were made the Nazis had constructed a huge base into the caverns and had even built docks for U-boats and one of and one was identified supposedly still the deeper they traveled the more strange visions that they were greeted with the survivor reported hangers for strange planes and excavations galore that had been documented by the way this is from the book uh secret journey to planet serpo i just forgot to put that book cover in here they entered an enormous cavern illuminated by official artificial light in his account the sas agent says as we looked over the entire cavern network we were overwhelmed by the number of personnel scurrying about like ants and what was impressive was the huge constructions that were built from what were from what we were witnessing the Nazis it appeared had been in Antarctica a long time and this was in 1945 that they were on this mission this was the British soldiers he said he was very impressed by the advanced nasi technology the team was discovered and fought a heroic engagement while being chased after setting the mines in place only three survived the encounter but they succeeded in detonating massive explosions at the mouth of the tunnel and sealing it to uh sealing so there no entrance remained after being excavated or i'm sorry after being evacuated to the Falkland islands the three survivors were told that their mission was to remain top secret the sas agent says upon reaching self Georgia we were issued with a directive that we were forbidden to reveal what we have seen heard or even encountered so this is already in 1945 and they're talking about a massive undertaking under the ice in Antarctica and it was actually the information from this operation that made its way to Truman which sparked high jump if you didn't know if you didn't know that but they had no idea how advanced they already were down there and they got there right behind tanned to him when they went down to try to try to attack exactly destroy the base all right so we're just gonna briefly touch on this i just threw the slide in here only because this is going to start to segue into the hollworth but and this is a crazy conspiracy theory that i don't know if i believe but this is the area 51 of australia we know that but i've heard somebody claim that these don't these balls these domes are housing for inner earth inhabitants and i don't know if that's true or not and i can't uh it does i don't even know if that feels right but i did hear that claim and i just figured i'd show a picture and throw that out there let you decide but it is kind of mysterious what those are for and i'm sure there's something going on with those i don't know if that's what's going on but there's something and i'm sure there's a mainstream explanation for it so i'm sure there's a mainstream bs explanation for it and then i'm sure there's and maybe that's like one thing that's happening and then there's like oh but this is the right really the real reason for them well we have quite a few slides left on the agartha network shambala hollworth i mean actually a lot left so right um we have 40 slides left and there's if we're gonna make this a part two there's actually some stuff i would even like to add to the second half um on the whole earth that we didn't really get to cover because we were trying to do this all in one right so now we can actually add that so um guys we're gonna go ahead and wrap this one up it's crazy we've been going for two hours and ten minutes now um it did fly by even for us but we're gonna wrap it up here and then um part two i guess i don't know if you have anything going on next sunday errand but maybe we could just do it next sunday um we could um i don't know yeah um well we'll figure that out and we'll let you know but um this way we can just while it's all fresh you know and we can just we can just go back into it so um i hope you guys enjoyed this thank you for tuning in um we appreciate all your support and part two is a lot more um enlightening it's lighter it's very uh it's it's really positive information and then it talks about some of the beauty underground and not just the dark stuff so we we wanted to end on a positive note that's why we chose to put all that stuff at the end so the stay tuned for the second part uh there's a lot it is a lot of stuff we've uncovered and um you guys are gonna like part two you're gonna want to stick around for part two it's it's gonna be amazing um yeah thank you and you know this one there was so much more we could have added to this one like it's in the stuff i'm finding the books that we referenced i mean every there is so much information we barely scratched the surface and i mean that right um this it could be a docu series i mean you could really spend some time breaking down the underground bases and all that stuff and i mean how necessary is it really to know all the details but uh the the idea behind this is that anybody who has no knowledge of this topic and you know visit this webinar and walk away with an understanding of what's taking place on the ground and that's the goal and then the next part is actually my favorite when we get into inner earth and the agartha and hollow earth so yeah me too i'm gonna go ahead and stop my screen share here exit that well thank you guys so much for joining um yeah this was great so much for your support we love you all hope you have a wonderful night and uh stick around for next week for part two gonna be yeah absolutely we can't uh we're not gonna end it yet because i'm not even on the screen for to end the live so just hang on yeah um yeah thank you guys for all the beautiful comments we appreciate you all being here as always um part two is gonna be awesome like we said cultivating to 5d so they said they left an interesting comment on facebook we'll go check that out um and if you just got here um the replay will be available as you know um please tell your friends and family and anyone who might be interested in this uh thank you and have a great evening we love you all good night guys love you all so um