Journey to Truth

EP 277 - Nikkiana Jones: Lost City Of Monoa - Atlantean Outpost & The Mayan Underworld

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Oh and come to Egypt with me in May 2024!

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

"That's no moon, it's a space station." Hey guys, welcome back to the show. As always, a few announcements before we get started. We have a new Hopewell Farm CBD promo code JTT Thanks gets you 15% off all Hopewell Farm CBD products and that last through December 3rd. Take advantage of that. That's a great deal. Their CBD is some of the best I've used and the topical ointment is amazing as well. So go take advantage of that discount. The promo code and the link is in the description below. And as you may know, our conference tickets are on sale. Examples of disclosure 2024, May 13th through the 16th in Grafton, Illinois, once again at the pure market lodge. We had a lot of fun the last two years. Never imagined we'd be doing the third one, but here we are. And you can get those tickets at That link is below also. And we do have an early bird sale going through midnight on Black Friday. You get the four day pass for 3.44. And that includes a t-shirt and a live stream link. So when, and upon checkout, you just pick your t-shirt size and pick it up at the door. And the live stream passes are also discounted through Black Friday as well. So take advantage of that You can find everything you need there tonight. We are joined by our good friend, Nicky Anna Jones. I met Nicky. She actually reached out to Aaron and I were about a year ago now. So come on her show and interview us because she found, she got, I guess she watched her "Hollow Earth" podcast and a few other podcasts and she reached out. So we did an interview with her little did I know that meeting Nicky was going to change my life in a number of ways. I got invited to go to Chaco Canyon, which ended up being more of a tour of the Southwest, which led to a trip to Belize, where we had some amazing experiences that we're actually going to cover today. And it just, knowing Nicky has been like a wild ride and she has some crazy experiences. And we're going to talk about some of that today. So welcome to the show, Nicky. Thanks. Welcome, I mean, I'm happy to be on. So yeah, hey. You're used to interviewing. You're like, welcome. Yeah. I'm like, oh, and then I actually want to like, I'm going to like re-plug there. I went to their conference last year in May, or actually with this year in May. It was like the best conference I've ever been to in the history of my life. And I've been to a lot of them. So there's that one. So also, I like heard about it last minute, right? So like, I didn't get to get into the hotel room where everything was. So you really should get early bird tickets and like book your hotel thing. So that you're inside the hotel thing that the conference is because that would make it like amplified awesome. I had an Airbnb, which was fine. You could do that too. But I'm just saying there's incentive for you to do the early birdie thing. So I'm just telling you. Early birdie thing. Well, well. Well, you're a little late on that announcement because the venue itself actually did sell out the rooms on site. Unfortunately, it's not that big of a venue. So there's not that many rooms. So it sells out really quick. Right. But if you're the camping type, you can always camp on site in your RV or anything like that. Or you could put your name on like a cancellation list, which some people are inevitably people can't go. They back out for whatever reason. So you can still call the venue and see if there's something available, I would recommend that. But thank you, Nikki. We appreciate that. And it was fun. It was a good event last year and. By this year. Yeah. Or this year. I know I keep thinking it was. Earlier this year. Yeah. Anyway. So something I want to start with is when you interviewed us, you were telling us the story about this lost city of Manoa and like this Atlantean like outpost in another dimension is whole story and you even went there after you heard the story and you saw a unicorn. It was this whole thing. And it actually sent me down a rabbit hole and it's one of the most fascinating books I've ever read. And we'll get into that. But I'll let you explain to the audience how you even learned about this book and the city and what that was like for you and then eventually going there and witnessing a unicorn here in the 3D with two other people. We have witnesses. So it's an incredible story. So where did you learn about this? We didn't tell you the tell. Yeah. Yeah. Let's hear the tell. All right. Let's hear the tell. Okay. So I went to like this Native American festival, which is kind of similar to that other one that we went to. Sunfire. Sunfire festival. We went to like an audience. Okay. So I went to one similar to that in 2018 and it was, it was, it was near Taos New Mexico and there was one of my friends, he would, he's from Columbia, Brian, who you met that time you were going to be traveling with. Anyway, so he calls me and he's like, Hey, Nikki, I'm going to go to this like Native American festival. Do you want to come? And I'm like, what? Yeah. Okay. Sure, whatever. I don't know what that is. I'll come. So I go to it. And that's a camping thing. And I'm not really a camper, but like this is a camping story. So it's like, I had to become a camper, but anyway, so I go there and there's this guy that he's translating for called Sarata and he's a native Colombian man and he's, you know, like older, like in his 70s and he speaks zero English and he keeps on saying that he's been to Atlantis, like an Atlantis outshoot. And I was like, Oh, wow, okay, so it's, it just so happens I'm traveling with the guy who is the coolest person at this or has the coolest story at this thing or whatever. Anyway, he kept on telling me like, Hey, you need a spell. You need a spell. And I was about to go to Egypt, I hadn't been to Egypt, but I was about to go to Egypt for the first time. And I was just like, yeah, sure, like whatever, I don't, okay, I don't know what about a spell. But anyway, so he, so the man Sarata, he gives me this, he insists that I have this spell to open portals. That's what he calls it. And I was like, all right, sure, cool. So he tells me the spell. And I'm not going to say it online because it actually works. So I don't want people who suck to have it, I guess, basically. Right. So there you go. People who suck to have it. I don't want people who suck to have it. Right. And like, honestly, people always are texting me like, can you clear this phone? I'm like, I don't know who you are. Like, if I'm friends with you, I will tell you, and I think you're cool. I'll give you a spell. But if you're just like some rando and you are on the internet, don't ask me for the spell because I'm not going to give it to you. So anyway, I'll just claim I don't know it. I forgot it. Right, so anyway, he tells me the cool teller ever. And what he says, basically in a nutshell, he wrote a book, but it's only in Spanish. He went to this like offshoot of this place in Columbia. It's in the Amazon forest and he ran into an Atlanian hidden city that's like cloaked. And then when you go into it, there's like UFOs and there's like these Atlanians are still in existence. They're giants. Like this whole thing. And he was guided there this last time by a guy who ended up losing and never came back and he ended up staying with the Atlanians. And so he tells me this whole big tell, which I guess we could get into later, because, but I didn't believe nor disbelieve. I was just kind of like, yeah, whatever, you know, anyway, said goodbye from that festival. A month later, I go to Egypt. I find myself alone in the King's chamber. Like I'm in the little boxing in the King's chamber. And I didn't know that that was going to happen. That wasn't part of the tour. That wasn't like something that I didn't think I was going to get to be alone there. So I'm just like sitting there thinking like, Oh, dang, like, I don't know if I have 30 seconds. I don't know if I have two minutes, 10 minutes. I don't know how long I have like it's a fluke that I even got this alone time to begin with like no security guard, nothing. So of course I jump into the box. And then I'm thinking like, well, I'm not going to med takes, I don't want to like close my eyes when I'm, you know, in like the coolest little place ever. So then I'm like, Oh, hmm. And then the thought comes to me like, Hey, do that spell that that little dude gave you like a month ago. And I was like, okay, yeah, okay, I'll say the spell. So I'm inside the King's chamber in the box and I start saying the spell to open a portal. Well, it works, it literally like this dude starts manifesting from the top of the ceiling, like the granite on top of the King's chamber. And it's almost like, you know how the Egyptians have those pointy skirts. Yeah, yeah, like the weird pyramid skirts. Okay, so it has the it's basically a figure that's forming out of granite with the pointy skirt skirt and some kind of weird apparatus on its head. And then I freak out because I'm like, I don't know what I'm bringing in. I don't know who this is. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, like, like, no, I revoke my spell, like, no, no, no, no, no, I don't. And I hear some people and you can't just come in, there's not like a door and you just come to King's chamber, like you have to crawl through this little thing or whatever. So like, I can hear these people clunking in and I'm like sitting up in the thing and I'm like freaking out like that they're going to see this dude coming out of the ceiling. And then as soon as everybody like other people like come in the room, he just turns the smoke and just goes away booth. And I'm like, and they're like, wow, you got the King's chamber alone. And I was like, yeah, that's great. And so I'm feeling some kind of way about this. And I was like, weirded out, right? So then I'm like, okay, well, maybe Seroth is not completely full of crap, right? So when I get back from Egypt, I call up my friend Brian and I'm like, hey, so your friend who's doing this St. Landis trip in February, so this is February of 2020, like right before everything hit the fan, right? I was like, I'm going, I'm going to come. I want to go see the St. Landis portal thing or whatever. So basically I go, there was like some dude, it was like a weird kind of clustered buck of weird. Oh, I don't know if you said it was weird kind of cluster of, you know, you can say it. Okay. Anyway, like there was like some dude who pretty sure is like a meth head, he was like running the thing or something. So I basically knew right before I went to the portal, my friend had given me this book that was translated that it's not published. You can't read it, but only like because there's, there's, there's some sort of fight amongst the publishers or something going on, like that they haven't published it. So I gave it to Tyler to read, even though I wasn't supposed to. And did you get to read it to Aaron? I've only read a tiny bit of it. Okay. Well, anyway, you're not supposed to read it, right? Just like, like, you're not supposed to kind of like read it. Like apparently if you know how to read Spanish, it's published in Spanish is just not English translated thing, whatever. So I read that, like right, like on the flight on the way down there. So like I read it right before I went there. So I kind of like knew like there was protocols to get into the portal. It's not like you could just be like, roll up like, yo, what up? And the people who were there were like not matching these protocols. So I 100% knew we weren't going to get there. But anyway, like inside the actual portal, we're I'm talking like we were in the middle of nowhere. Like I had to cross a river with my backpack on my head and the hoping that I could tread water enough that my phone wouldn't get wet. Like we would like deep, deep, deep like really far like no civilization. There's no cell phones, like there's it's like the most remote place in the world have ever been anyway. So one of the evenings, one of the days were there, like I'm on no substances. I've only had quinoa and water. There was no ayahuasca. Even though I had ayahuasca, but there was later in the trip that wasn't then. So this is not a drug-induced thing. This was just me and four of the bros were like walking back to our camp our campground and the other two guys kind of like take off running later on. They said they thought they saw a phantom, which is like Spanish or like a ghost. They thought they saw a ghost. But then so me and these other two guys, like I'm I'm leading the back or whatever just while a lot, there's no use having your phone because your phone's been dead for a couple of days and there's no power anything. And I feel like something goes like taps my shoulder and I like look over and and it goes look over and it's a white horse and it has a horn on its head like it's like and so anyway I so the three of us like stop. We're like looking at it and it's just eating grass like it's like from you know here to here it's like it touched me and then it just started eating grass and like slowly starts walking and like Demetrius is like a goddess. So that horse has a horn and I'm like yep yep it does and then the other guy my friend E he goes okay I'm gonna say it it's unicorn it's a unicorn and I'm like yeah it does appear to be a horse with a horn that's a unicorn and so you know like so we just sat there for like 10 minutes watching you eat and I mean I keep people can think we're crazy or whatever and like I have told some like 3D friends that or whatever you want to call like NPC play people or something and I've told one of my friends that she's just like oh hun you know that there's like genetic like mutations that can happen so I'm sure like that far in the Amazon there was probably a mutation. I don't know I just know that this it wasn't at landing a portal that was my indication that I think like I was invited to come back if I wanted to and I think I probably if I followed the right protocols could get in but then I'm not so sure I would come back so I don't really know so it was this whole thing but I think the portals are real I think they exist and now you go Tyler tell me what you read about the book and what you think. So the book to me was profound honestly I couldn't put it down like it's about a guy who spent 13 years trying to find this portal seven different expeditions and on the seventh one which he didn't even want to go in the seventh one he gave up after the sixth expedition but somebody else seeked him out to be a guide to go find the portal and he decided okay I'll go be the guide for this guy well that guy is the one who I think were one of the people the guy is Toronto is the one who gave me the spell like he's the right so but so this group of people reached out to Sarata say hey can you take us after he already told himself he wasn't going to go back he had already spent 10 years looking for this portal he had amazing experiences he even encountered some of the beans I mean everything like things that wouldn't happen in a normal person's lifetime he experienced all of it but not finding a portal until the last trip whenever he took this other group and that's when somebody from the group went missing and while he was looking for him he found the portal as well and the the person that went missing ended up he was guided and led to that place because he was supposed to live out the rest of his life in this Atlantean city right well he went into the city like he said he saw the UFOs everything giants technology that just is you know thousands of years ahead of our time of Sphinx with a lion like a green sphinx with a lion lion's head a lake a transparent lake with like crystal clear water it's so clear it just looks transparent that's how he called it I mean there's a number of things that happened and whenever he was in the city he was taken at the bottom of this transparent lake there was like this chest that holds all the records of the entire planet from the beginning of time all the way till now the planet space everything and so the last chapter of the book is like him giving a history of our planet and there's information in that last chapter that I've never read in any other book and to me I'm like wow everyone needs to read this but it's only in Spanish and me and Nikki are the only people who have read it in English and I'm just like man like I don't know what these publishers are worrying about but I feel like this book needs to get out maybe you can convince them when you're that when you're out there yeah Tyler is going to go on an expedition to of course I had to pull Nikki and reach out and like well I got to go now like the book changes you like you once you read it you're like I got to go like I have to see what this is about so in February I'm supposed to be going down there and doing something similar to what Nikki did but a little different um but uh yeah I'm excited about that but uh I mean I think like you said the portals like these portals I mean just us traveling we've experienced things like portals and stargates even ancient stargates and like what are your thoughts on all that like you I know you think they're real but how like do you do you think they're accessible for for all of us the everyday person well it's weird because like I had that dream a couple nights ago that I sent you but but um where I um like I got like a whole download of like the way our realms work or something like I don't know who or not it's just like what like my dream wealth like was giving me like a PowerPoint presentation on how the universe we live and how it actually functions anyway um I do think that they're mobile like I sort of think that like um okay like I'm starting to begin to think of I guess I'm kind of beginning to believe that we're more in a Lord of the Rings than we are in like an like meaning I think there are ages men and I think that you have uh I think that we have dimensions that overlap and wherever they overlap that like that like there's thinning of the vells and I think that's where you can literally cross between two worlds and see other other things and I think some beings in other realms or planes or whatever you want to call it have figured this out and like think they like travel freely amongst all realms like ours too and we say and we're like oh look at that UFO or like whatever but we're just bomb and actually I kind of think that people in our own realm have figured this stuff out too but we're just not privy to it in the open public but um right anyway uh well another cool story that Tyler and I actually we kind of had a couple of them actually but um we wait let's tell them the Belize one with the with the under okay yeah well first we should preface it by saying you know we had what we think we had missing time from Belize City to Punta Gorda like with that three hour drive was like five and a half hours and it was just really weird like at one point we pulled over and I don't know but like I think that was like the start of all the weirdness and then that whole trip seemed like it was we were there two weeks but it felt like we were there for like months or something it felt like it was long it was kind of crazy um so basically I I got an invite it was completely misleading right like I was like first that but the thing was like oh we found a pyramid and you want to come help excavate it and I was like oh yes and then I was like can I bring friends and they were like sure and I called up like Tyler and my friend Kaylee and I was like hey you guys want to help me dig up a pyramid in Belize and they were like yes you know so but then when we get there it was like no actually it's just like some land with the maybe so we're just gonna do some reconnaissance missions to see if there is a pyramid um it was like but yeah it was it ended up that part ended up being kind of lame but I did a bunch of other I thought but um we we ended up doing a lot of other like looking at um other pyram or lesser known Mayan ruins and stuff that were in the area and um you know there was a the coolest experiment though that we did that like on a 3d level that we did find was where were we at Nimley Punett or something where we found that the okay so Skye Jared Morsey who was setting the trip up or whatever he brought those um it's like an analog I don't know what it what it's actually called but it it can detect like an electromagnetic current yeah whether there's a current in the wall or not in the rock yeah yeah yeah so so it's an amplifying an ample an amp reader or something right and so we had an analog amp reader and if you took um if you if you ground one of the wires and you put another one on the meter it literally would um like if it was a rock that was made for the rock Mayan ruin it would have like a lot of voltage or it would be super conductive it was a conductivity tester right yeah but if you put it on a regular rock that was just like on the path that they made zero no conductivity so we were finding that the actual rocks that were used for these Mayan temples at least the ones in Belize were super conductive which needs to be studied more scientifically in general and is actually kind of like a big it's a big deal because these these sites are supposed to be technology which they are were they are and were a technology but we've now discovered that these the megalithic stones the blocks are actually conductive and there's a that's that's huge that's that's big yeah I don't even know how to describe the yeah I mean like that that's so many implications and what that means like maybe the stones in and of themselves were their own form of power generation yeah or were they in were they natural or were they blocks that were built or you know bricks you poured we can say something yeah yeah that that goes for from what from what I've seen almost all of the megalith ancient megalithic structures and temples and things in pyramids they're this the stone and the material they're youth that are used to build are not just random it's not just like oh whatever they had in the air no they're like very specifically chosen like basalt and and these different things because of the conductivity and the different properties of the stone like you said right and it was and it was it was just wild to see to test it on the stones on of the structure and then the regular rocks on the path and it was a noticeable difference like wow this has no conductivity no charge but then these do so it didn't matter if it was still connected to the structure not like for instance if they used like they used like some of the blocks that would have been on the pyramids or whatever to just like as like the edges of the pathway and they used regular gravel in the middle of the pathway well even the ones that were disconnected from the the structures were still can they still will help held conductivity properties it was just the our regular rocks didn't have anything right so it was that was that was cool to to figure out so that was one cool thing that we found where I believe but anyway so we went to this um this was like one of those follow your nose like we were driving we were going to go to some waterfall and then all of a sudden there was a little picture of like a little pyramid thing and I was like turn here and Tyler was the driver and like we turned we turned there and then when we like we walked up this path and then we were like this is like this is like an unexcavated pyramid thing this is what we came for so we got out we start looking and then the villagers come over and they're like you know like this is like closed and it's ours so you know hey and we were like oh sorry hey yeah you know um but anyway we ended up becoming like really sort of friendly with these people and Tyler had a um tell about your experience on top of the pyramid there yeah so I don't know if that that wasn't the very first time we end up coming back because we couldn't stay because we had it the first time though right no no no because it was no it wasn't it was the first time it was like becoming sunset and we had to leave and we ended up going to the waterfall still anyway and but when we eventually came back with the whole group that's when it happened so our friend Katie you know she's a channeler and she was like drawing to go to the top of this pyramid right and and there was all sorts of energy up there I was having these like when I got to the site I was I felt like a kid in a candy store the energy was so potent I have never been to a place on this planet still to this day that I have felt that energy was so strong there and whenever I went up there to I was looking for you guys and I went up there and Katie was like you should get down in this little it was like a looter pit you know they had already just found your little ball thing you know we found a rounded stone like on the top of this pyramid and then and then I found before we found that it was like right underneath this stone that had a casing stone on it which was really interesting and we were like all taking pictures of that I mean because this was a completely unexcubated pyramid that is not open to the public it's not a thing right um yeah one of the biggest sites I've actually been to because there's three different pyramid sites anyway uh when that Katie was like you should stand in the center of that and feel the energy and I'm like okay so I go down there and I and as soon as I get down in this little pit at the top of this pyramid I feel like I'm like getting struck by lightning I can start having a seizure like I don't know what it looked like from the outside but I felt like my muscle like tightened up here and I was like falling to my knees and blacking out and I got a vision of like a whole underground network below the pyramid like I saw a shaft going straight down from the center of that pyramid down until like this underground like cavern system with like water and like mine I saw this mine would look like a Mayan warrior like this whole Mayan underworld and I remember coming back and looking and just like like I had just left and left and came back in an instant and looking up and like what the fuck I really I was looking at like I think Katie and um Jennifer and they're like are you okay what just happening you look as white as a ghost your pale like you're off I'm like I'm like this goes underground there's an underground it just kept saying like I saw underground I saw underneath them here and it was it was wild and you know as soon as I stepped down into that pit Katie started channeling and and that's whenever I felt like like I just got hit with this energy and later when I was talking to her that's exactly the way it was described it was almost like a lightning strike of energy and I guess they were like using my body or something to like reconnect the energy thread or something I don't really know if I fully understand what was going on but I was in the right place at the right time and and this ancient group of people had like was utilizing my frequency to reconnect this energy thread I don't know if that's exactly what happened but either way I was shown a vision clearly of like a Mayan underworld so I know like underneath that site it goes underground and there's still people you know well and then we so then we went the next day and it was just me Tyler and Katie that wanted to do this part because we had to like do get on like they told us that there was a cave system like with some pots or some stuff and we were like so he just saw this underground thing and he's like yeah let's do the cave and so and I'm like I love caves so like they're like my jam I just love them and so anyway we go to like we have to crawl on our crawl space like our belly for like what 30 feet or something to get it I mean it's like not at if there's no rallying this is also like we were at the fourth group to ever go in there like ever or something and um it's you know crazy slag mites, slag, tights, all this stuff but there there was like pottery that had grown calcium stalagmites on it and stuff we were going like wait how long has this been here right that was that was pretty interesting so with with that all being said our last day I'm not our last day but close to our last day we went to this place called like a blue creek or the blue lagoon or I don't know something generic like that but we had to call like um uh we had to get a guide from like a local village there to take us into this other set of caves and this was a swimming cave where we you could swim in there and then back that's it you could only swim in but you couldn't walk and you had to swim into it like that was it was all in water yeah and it was a lot it was like a long swim like you know um pitch black zero lights without your helmet you know there's some slimy stuff you're touching with your bare feet and you don't have any shoes on and you don't have a camera or your phone because you're in the middle of a gushing water in the middle of a cave that's really cold and it's just like I loved it but I know a lot of people would be like not about that life so um we and it's perilous like in the end we had to like jump over this thing where we were at the where the heart of all the water that we feel waterfalls coming out so we're at this waterfall the center of this mountain basically and uh Katie and Jennifer the other two girls were with us um they they were kind of like I don't know they were sitting off to the side doing their own thing and then the other two dudes who were with us they were like playing sword over there so Tyler's like sitting over on the the edge of this this like waterfall creek or whatever and I go into the waterfall and I I put my hands like on the heart like under underneath where the water stops and it put my hands on the wall and I felt like all of a sudden there was a bubble on me and I felt like I was in an elevator and it showed me she was like dropped down and next thing I know I'm I like open my eyes and I'm I went my hands are still like in the freeze position you know because they're like on the rock and I'm looking around and it's a blue based forest like um I I don't know I probably was there maybe maybe if I'm lucky 30 seconds but it was like it was the air was like thicker than our air it was like something like kind of maybe something between like a gas or something it was a kind of misty or whatever but the the trees were different I'm a tree person like I know a lot of stuff about my plants like I know like it was different foliage than we have you know so I could say tropical but it wasn't exactly the same kind of tropical trees that they were different trees than our trees um but and they were they weren't green leaves they were like till and like blues and turquoise's and it was just a more blue based kind of thing or whatever and then all of a sudden I like take my hands off the wall and I and I pull back and then the the water is like beating on my head and I'm like oh okay well okay right just like I swim out and like I swim over I see Tyler's over there on the rock and I swim over to him and he's like oh I just got zapped and I was like you just got zapped I had the same thing happen to me I had another like seizure thing my I started like the energy was so strong being in that water was like an electric current like it was strong and then so you told me you were like well you sit here and I was like okay well you go do what I just did like go into the waterfall go put your hands on a thing go do so like we switch places so like I sit where Tyler was sitting and it felt like I was on like the top of a washing machine it was like whoa there was like this I was like what the hell am I like it was like a power generator it was like a power generator yeah and I know we were next to a waterfall but it was something different because it wasn't on every single rock it was just like where exactly you were sitting was like totally some sort it was like we really were on a machine so Tyler goes in and puts his hands on the thing and I'm not thinking he's gonna see anything or whatever I thought like oh that's just like a sake a sight a crazy psychic projection that I had like blah blah blah what is it so he gets out and we don't even have time to talk to each other because our guide's like okay time to go back or whatever so once we start swimming on our way back I was like did you say what did you see or did I say I said did you see some balla and and I was like I saw like these green blue trees and you were like me shut shut don't say anything else let me say what I saw too and that and then like so I said so we started going like back and forth yeah and I saw this and said like he okay so set how you say what you saw we saw the same thing like exactly what you just described to the audience that's what I saw like I couldn't describe the foliage or was I said that you you heard so yeah so while I was getting seen this unbelievable forest by the way they weren't just normal sized trees they were massive trees like like devil's tiger type of like miles high like massive trees but they were like this teal everything was like this teal green aqua color I don't know so and but while I was looking at it I kept hearing over in my head over and over in my head shambala shambala like I don't know it was just like I was seeing the word and hearing it so that's why I asked you if you saw shambala well we we exchanged stories and then and then I'll let you tell the next part of the story because you were talking to the guide then I'm feeling some kind of way about that and I'm like wow that's cool you know someone who's throwing out whatever and then I when I get out like I sort of like in leading the way with the other guide who was waiting with their stuff at the mouth and so I'm just walking with with this guy and I'm you know I'm sick processing it right and the the guide looks at me and he goes you just went to shambaba didn't you and I was like shambaba what do you mean and he goes my and underworld you just went to shambaba the my and underworld and I said well yes I did but how did you know that one but two I was like um you know in Tibet they call it shambala and he goes shambaba shambala it can't be a coincidence there he goes this cannot be a coincidence yeah because you told him coincidence yeah I'd see that because it and I was just like wait Tyler Katie listen to this but I don't know you know um and so yeah I don't know it was it was just like a super crazy thing but I even have um okay so I have some weird shambala connections or some stuff you do too you've had other instances okay so here's my thing like I don't know when this was maybe five six seven years ago I was laying in bed and um I was asleep and then all of a sudden I wake up and there was a lady who was like floating above my head and she was bald she sort of looked like me like had a similar eyes to me but she had like this symbol on her head and it was like a circle with like three circles and like you know how like a bowling ball like you know like yeah um yeah so so she had like these three red dots and a triangle on her forehead that was circled in a red circle thing and it was almost like part of her skin or I don't know it was like embossed so like where it was like coming out like one of those like star wars or star track characters or something right or like SGI or right yeah anyway so um she yeah exactly kind of like one of those so I was just like a brush her way she like left and was like that was weird it was like a weird lady that was a weird thing and then I didn't know at one point I was like I don't know so I thought she was some sort of alien this or that or that I forgot about her and then one of my friends was um showing me that there's there was this these three red balls or three red things that he found in the article on Google Earth and I looked at it and I was like oh shit that's like the symbol that that girl was wearing on her head that like it was over my bed well so fast forward to like last year or maybe a year and a half ago I had a interview with this couple who I can't remember the name of that book I have it up there but it's called the chin kamadi stone it's about the chin kamadi stone which is like um yeah what how do you describe chin kamadi since like a elixir of life it's like the Harry Potter um the stone that makes you live or the wish stone you can have any wish you want this sort of thing whatever anyway so in this book they talk a lot about shambala and they talk about uh this Nicholas Roach who is who Indiana Jones is based on and Indiana Jones is based on this guy Nicholas Roach he was like a Russian like painter and he was married to like this mystic lady and then they had like a son who was like a famous writer I don't remember his name anyway like he he's this artist who paint who went and lived in Tibet like he he brought the Tibetan monks like magic to the rest of the western world like he's how we know about like that they had stuff with that right he's the one who brought back the legend of our Gartha and shambala so Nicholas Roach apparently went there or whatever and he said that the symbol of a Gartha or a shambala is the circle with the three things in it well that's he ended up starting UNESCO which is the World Heritage Sites and in World War II they would put the circle with the three dots on top of any building that was not to be bombed by other side because it was a World Heritage Site so it's kind of yeah so it's kind of interesting how I didn't know any of this I just like came upon it like backwards you know and so that's why I I yeah I seemed to I don't even I didn't go looking for a Gartha shambala stuff it just kind of comes right yeah yeah interesting yeah I mean I definitely think like obviously there's a connection and I don't think what happened in Belize was an accident I don't think you know everything that you experience like I think it's all like we're all on our own missions right and I just think it's like kind of remembering who we are discovering why we're here and it's just part of the journey and I just think it's amazing like what I realized is like you can research all day long on a couch or at your office but you got to get off the couch you have to get out of your office like go travel like once I started traveling and going to these places that's when you get your own you have your own experiences and you don't just have to read about it you know so it was and I think that's ultimately like we're not only just like remembering who we are but we're doing grid work and like reconnecting energy you know grids and whatever I don't know what's actually happening but I do think it's important well and I mean like I have a huge craving for I started like I didn't go anywhere as a kid like my parents like we went to like my grandma's house like New Mexico to Texas like that was our big traveling right you know um so like once I hit um like once I graduated college I hit the ground running and was like man I'm gonna try like I don't I want to see some other stuff and when I got into my 30s I was just it was like it was like crazy I started going all these places but yeah you have um you have so many more life experiences and stuff happens too and even if if there's nothing magic happens to you like you don't see a unicorn or something pop out of the ceiling you're like okay that's like that's like pretty extreme I get it right and you don't have to believe me it's fine but um you could still like even Aaron you just got back from Egypt like reading about it versus being there in person and touching the stones like how different it's night and day yeah it's it's not on the same planet as yeah uh yeah and reading about it is great and watching documentaries and you know all that stuff is great but it's a whole different experience when you're there in person and uh and my experience like you can feel the energies I mean you can you're looking at these like ginormous structures and these this stuff that's like we couldn't build today and it's just hilarious to me like I mean I already knew this stuff you know that um the mainstream narrative is not the truth and that there's more going on but like when you're there looking at it in person touching it looking at like you're like yeah there's you're just like wow there's no possible way that what they tell you and the mainstream narrative of things is is the truth at all it's just impossible um and you just sense that there's way more going on there than what then meets the eye and that this stuff is way more ancient than we're told and um I mean you're looking at hieroglyphs that show clearly what I I'm seeing show ETs and different beings non-human beings you know and craft like clearly craft and stargates and portals and advanced technology and things like I'm looking at it but it's funny because like if you if you have a strong belief system a program belief system that doesn't all allow you to see those things you're not going to see it and this goes for everything right it's like you can be looking at it right in front of your face and you're not gonna you're not gonna see it but if you if you're open to the possibility of that stuff being real and then you go to Egypt or then you go to some of these places and then you you can see like okay there's way more to reality than where we're taught in the mainstream modern day you know insulation stuff like there's way more going on here and uh there's way more to us you know than than we're taught so well you start it starts really like it opens you up to kind of the greater reality in my opinion right speaking of the greater reality let's really get into some woo-woo topics here um you know jock double day our audience knows who he is he talks about how he believes earth has been terraformed and you know the expanding earth and you know it's terraformed meaning that it was our mountains and our riverbeds and a lot of the natural rock formations that we see were actually intelligently designed and they were built by some intelligent beings right whatever that looked like we don't necessarily know but even the cola tesla was hinting at it if you read between some of the lines and even directly what he was saying um he said you know our greatest achievement will be when man can create his own planet like why would he say that unless he was like on to something or he was privy to some of that information so Nikki has these really weird memories of i guess building mountains if am i am i really in that wrong yeah so like we're talking like however many lifetimes ago but whenever you were telling me the story i didn't know how to feel about it but then kate like her books she was channeling like the mountains and jocks information about you know these being terraformed and not really natural structures i'm really starting to think that there's a lot more to like the entire planet than just being some natural random thing right so like and you could take this with a grain of salt like these are these are memories i was born with and i just sort of boys had and then i just never really knew how to compartmentalize them or knew what to do with them but like i remember being um a kind of light itself that um i personally was like a blue green swirl light that was my signature color and um i remember building parts of the southwest to be honest like that's like where like i know i was sort of at um but so what would happen is like okay so when you are this light you still are you're still egoic you still are an individual you're still separate but you don't have a body you're not embodied and there's no i can't just look here at the computer screen i can't like focus on one thing because i can see all the way around me now i can't see something that i can't shine on like if i'm like i can't see across the other side of the planet but i could see everything that my light can touch and so how i would physically make an actual mountain or material is like i had to i had to like focus my all of my awareness down to one point which was very difficult to do because you can see everything so and you feel everything and you are everything that your light like illuminates so it was that was the thing it like it was like you could take the etheric and change it into material by intentionalizing your focus and one of the things that i when you were done building a structure or a mountain like like i like you like you would mix and swirl with other lights and you would go in from the ground and you would pick stuff up and build it up and you would um you you were like sculpting with each other i don't know how to explain it and then whenever you felt like please and by the way the mountains now don't they're like destructions of what was like i think like the way when we when we completely started building them initially and there were thousands of other lights i'm not like the only light or something there was lots and lots of other like um and we would like almost go like you know like um those water mocksicans that go in these little like things like this we would go down underneath the ground and like hang out in these like odds or something i don't even know how you explain it but anyway we thought differently did we don't think the same way that we think as humans but anyway the with the mountains were completely more structure than they are now and they were bigger and different and um i remember when you were done you would sign your signature like an art like you know how you sign your name at the bottom the art like and what we would do is like you would you would like burrow up into like some big ball light and you would just pierce through your mountain or whatever you built your land your thing you built and that would leave minerals like that like mine was turquoise like that's what i signed mountains with i would sign things with turquoise but like so different signatures different people are different individuals would sign like their mountains with citrine or like whatever like amethyst yeah amethyst yeah you know whatever so yeah so i found that fascinating because that that would mean like the crystal veins running through certain mountains and different parts of the world is a signature of the creator right of who did of who engineered or designed that mountain built it so and we asked our friend Katie whenever she was channeling whatever group i asked if that was accurate and what came through the group was like yes like so we had verification that like that actually was the case like oh yeah is this accurate he's like he's not gonna be you're full of shit Nikki and i'm like well i'm just telling you what i remember or like it doesn't have me true but like i didn't think you were full shit i just wanted to know like and and i don't know it just feels right like i know it sounds so crazy but we're we're at a place now and our lives where you know like i always say we've never had a solid foundation of truth to begin with but things are gonna be things are gonna get so crazy and so different like we there's no way there's nothing that's gonna be too far out of the realm of possibility i don't think i think almost like if you can imagine it like it's it can be real or it is real like i don't know i just i just feel like i know it sounds crazy that i'm sitting here verifying like yeah you can build mountains and shoot through them and that's your signature you know but i i really do believe that is very possible and actually likely and that that that's what happened well and then the thing is is like i'm just giving you my piece of my memories and then like somebody else may be like oh well and i remember this is how we built waterfalls or this is how we built river I don't know or like maybe somebody it'll awaken something within somebody else where they can start having their like be like huh and then like they could start i don't know like i think that's how things um uh i think that's how we remember like we remember but um you know really uh being authentic and open with like okay well this is like kind of like what i what i think was true so here you go right do you think it's safe to talk about the locations of the stargates that we've discovered um on our chips i mean like here's the thing it's like i used to be like no don't sit but at the same time now i'm starting to start to go like only like but like what we're like how many 40 minutes so they i don't know how but we're we're into this podcast now like if somebody thought this was like if they were a total NPC and they thought this was super boring up to this point then they're not going to hear it anyway they're not even going to get to this point so it's just like yeah if you made it this far in the podcast already then yeah okay like shiprock said total sorry well i just mean like giving away the location of it like like do you think that would be safe like not not that i'm trying to like hold on to like some knowledge or secret but like i don't know how specific do you want to get with the location right exactly yeah oh yeah yeah i mean like yeah you don't have because that's thing you could say you could say shiprock but does it have to be like wearing shiprock you know but this exact gps coordinate yeah so well it at shiprock which is a an incredible sight that i think you know history and science has all wrong it's not the you know the dykes and the magma uplifts and everything where is shiprock exactly it's in um it's in new mexico it's next to the Navajo nation so it's in like near the four corners area yeah north western corner of new mexico so we all just went while we were recently there in august and like i that was my second time back and it was like it was just as magical but erin it was your first time there and like what were your thoughts of it like it feels like they're worldly right it does uh uh niki you mentioned laura the rings earlier and that's that what a man and i both had that in our mind we're like feels like we're in laura the rings right now yeah like we just we just drive up on this giant like structure that's that yeah it looks like a cast it looks like a giant castle made out of rock but uh it's crazy and it looks like a wall like a built wall clearly clearly a built wall like super obvious to me at least that it's a built wall uh that's very ancient and then it's hilarious that again the mainstream narrative is what it's some lava natural formation or something yeah and you know more about that and you know it's what's interesting is for one if it's a built wall like it's so ancient that mainstream could get away with describing it as natural because you really like if you don't have the eyes for it like it looks like a wall but it's easy to be tricked somebody and to believe it's not either way both ways are possible but my i was showing my family vacation photos and i got the ship rock and my niece and nephew five and nine um were like they saw those pictures and they're like a castle a castle like they thought it was a castle and i said you know i said it said yeah it looks like it doesn't it i said it's actually like a rock formation and you know i kind of explained my whole family was there so i couldn't say what i actually thought you know so i was kind of like trying to tell him the mainstream and my nephew was like what if it really was a castle though like he was like really looking at it thinking like but what if it was a castle they're just wrong and i'm like yeah i think you're right you know and yeah he hasn't been he hasn't had the right natural intuition programmed out of him yet yeah so but anyway that location we think it was an ancient Stargate somewhere in that area and we found actually like physical remains of it and it's actually really cool but i don't know if you want to add to that at all well i when me and Aaron were there um that night like after i got back to my like um like we we were we were stargazing like on the actual castle part and when we got back to our Airbnb's or perspective Airbnb's that night i remember like i before i went to bed i had like this like flash where and just take it for what it is i don't know if it's true or not but like i i saw i saw um it like a big vault of electricity that came out of shiprock and pierced the sky to where to and i don't know it looked like this is where this started happening to me starting in august where it looked like it pierced the membrane of something and then water started and i almost felt like shiprock is the center of what where the great flood started and then i started getting on google earth and i like looked out and if you get on google earth it is the epicenter of like the entire like desert area of like the southwest like and you go through like you don't have the and i started thinking like interesting oh no it's kind of it's kind of it's kind of it's something more than like even we know like it's crazy like i don't have all the answers but like a stargate to where and what does that stargate really mean is it is it literally like a point of connection of dimensions yeah right i think so and and if you look at the southwest on google earth whatever on the map and really look at it compared to all the rest of the land around and even other continents like it looks like the southwest looks like a battle scar it literally looks like a wound on mother earth it looks it looks like an ancient battle site once you have that lens once you're looking through that lens and you see it as like a basically an ancient battle ground right it really starts making sense and then when you go to all the sites and you can see the destruction they look like it was melted with like laser beams or something like something like something that does what does melted with laser beam yeah so there was some sort of like ancient highly advanced technological war that took place and and you know the whole thing you said about shiprock you know and like if it just pierced some sort of membrane and water came down which is interesting like uh the manoa book talks about space being some sort of a liquid right and and uh it's just coming up like it's not not water like we you think of water but it's not air either it's like this other dense like whatever it is um at this point like i'm not i don't know like i don't know anything i realize so it this discussing it throwing ideas around like it's all very interesting to me but you can't ignore the fact that the southwest looked like a a battle site i think a lot of deserts do in a lot of weird ways there's a lot of that vitrificates melted rock stuff it's that's why they're deserts and i remember hearing i can't remember who i heard talking about this but he was like his information when he was saying yeah that's why it's a desert because there was an ancient battle there that basically the equivalent of what we would think of as like as like nuclear blasts that went off that destroyed the land and made it into a desert that's why the whole southwest is a desert and same with like africa if you look in the map look at africa and the whole this whole huge section of it is desert but outside of that is green well it's because the same thing happened there and uh they say if you if you dig down i don't know like a hundred feet or so many feet under the like Sahara i think that you start finding this like glass from whatever that those those nuclear like blasts were that melted the sand into glass and it's all over it and that would be called i just happen to be next to my my check type uh case that's my beryan glass that's what there you go you got there you go oh guys yeah yeah but i of course i have so many of course you answered yeah um this i have i have my meteorite case next to me and my um my uh you know tech type case which is like supposedly glass made from comment or meteorite impacts which i don't even believe are true like i have a whole other thing about that like i really have some out there as tight as some out there but i i think that these are basically oh and so then i have you guys i've been going on a real door thing i'll tell you let me just tell you so this is um trentite okay which is the the first nuclear weapon in new mexico so this is like um debris from the the nuclear test site stuff so i've been looking i have a microscope over over there that i've been looking at all my rocks under my um i've been trying to basically prove or not prove but see how close tech tights are to nuclear fallout so so i ordered some stuff from here shiemann nakasaki um and you know i'm comparing them microscopically to other glass that's formed in these weird desert areas like you know like whether it's your moldivite or any of your tech tights from anywhere then they're pretty indistinguishable next so uh yeah but i mean maybe i don't have you know a big enough microscope but um i totally am into the whole uh we had an old nuclear war or a nuclear fallout or i don't know if you want to call it nuclear like but we had some sort of like like god lightning bolt like drones just i mean it's it's even described in some of the ancient texts like innovators they describe a nuclear war you know yeah the iam become death or whatever like uh they described that in in a lot of these ancient texts and then you look at what you're seeing with your own eyes and it looks pretty obvious if you don't have already like the programming like i was talking about earlier like it looks exactly like that's what happened a long long time ago well even in Chaco Canyon and Shiprock like there's sites where it looked like like they're blast sites where you can see like like something it looks like a laser beam hit the rock wall and there was an explosion from that point like it's almost hard impossible not to see once you see it and then you start looking around like okay what's really going on here you know and i don't know it just you know we're in the middle of rewriting history and we don't know what it actually happened but i think chaco like where did the people go that live there that just suddenly disappeared and left all their stuff the tiny people they were small people too yeah right but they just like suddenly disappeared right it's not like yeah there's like 30 bodies that are buried in chaco and it's like they say that they could have housed a hundred thousand and those are just the ones that were excavated y'all there's there's bubbles that are not excavated at this point right um it's i mean we all three went to chaco canyon together and it was um yeah like it's it's um it's huge yes it's like 30 bodies that have ever been found it's good and i also find it weird that the pottery is just like having a lot of that littered everywhere it's just all over pottery shards just all over the place there almost like there was a massive explosion and things went flying like it the pottery's laying around like shrapnel i mean that's what kind of reminds me exactly otherwise why would there be pottery shards just all over everywhere yeah i just don't understand why it's still there i mean we're we're talking like we're in 2023 like what like how is it not picked over i guess because they there's literally no one cares about going there that much yeah there's not that many people there when you go i actually camped there for a couple nights and but i whenever like it rains obviously like you can do this in your yard like you can if you have it like when we my dad was building this house we picked all the rocks out of the land you know so we can plant the grass well it rains and then after it rains all of a sudden all these other rocks come to the surface so if anything's just below the surface the rain brings it to the surface so every time it rains more and more surface but still the the story in the museum doesn't match what you go out and see with your eyes and most of it's reconstructed anyway and like my dad when we were at the Aztec ruins like it's all reconstructed and and he made the best comment ever he was looking around because i don't know what i'm supposed to believe here because like you don't know what the original like it's like it doesn't make sense there's just so much going on it's almost like mortar everything it's like that's what always makes me mad about like you saw the belief the beliefs pyramids that um Tyler had his like experience with the underworld thing was was they never touched those right and they just look like a pile of rubble like you don't have like oh and this is where the serpent of the sun went up it's all that i mean like when you look at what they've done with like a lot all the brine pyramids that you're looking at primarily those are reconstructed like we don't 100% know what their actual architectural i mean i went to Palenque a year and a half ago right and they have these giant megalithic big old blocks like they calm Stella's is what they call them when they just stick them up in the middle of the thing but Palenque has like these really really huge stones that they just now that the people sell their chotchkes on them they just they didn't know how to put them back into the structures they didn't really know where they went so they just move them to the side and people sit on them and sell stuff it's it's just like the weirdest thing and you're going like well then what am i well over here what exactly am i looking at like how much of this is original or not they're they they've reconstructed them with mortar and brick or you know they just take their rocks and put mortar and put them up and stuff and um i'm going like i would much rather see it in its raw form then for you to tell me what you think it looked like right and yeah there's like a reconstruction everywhere in Egypt and like ketanita which i found like when i first went i've been there like three times but the first time i went i was surprised to see that the back side of the big pyramid that we all see wasn't reconstructed and it was still in ruins and it looks like shit you know what i mean like but you never see like ancient aliens every show every google photo you've ever seen it only shows the good side the three good sides but the one side that they didn't reconstruct is like gives you a visual of like what it actually looked like when they found it which i was surprised to see that because in all the shows i've watched and everything i've seen like you don't see that side they don't show you that side they want to show you like like the instagram version yeah even the even the great pyramids in egypt didn't look like that originally they were they had the sounds was it limestone or what was the casing it was like a marble marble marble casing white marble white and like shiny and like super pretty and then that's all been ruined and you know that's all gone and even the you know whatever there's different theories of what was on the capstone of the great pyramid and that's gone now you know so it's like well and the great pyramid was weird to me because like when i see you mainly see pictures far away and stuff right or even if you see somebody like yay like right next to it with like some camels or something you don't really get a good view of the rocks it's like when you walk up to those there first of all they're all different sizes really which i thought was bizarre but then also like there's no sand that's not sand on it it's like ventrified it looks like melty rock it like it's like melty climate and you touch your hand on those things they're huge and you're going like whoa yeah like i mean my first experience when i touched my first pyramid was like okay yeah like and i was trying to think like even if i didn't have the preconceived notion that something else more is going on i don't know how as a normal person i could go up to this and go like oh yeah i'm just you know every single one of these is 200 000 pounds that they were moved by slaves like it doesn't make any difference right there's no way i know i'm looking i'm like there's no way just regular humans that were less advanced than we are today uh constructed this with stones that came from hundreds of miles away like with these giant giant like there's no way there's just no way it's and it fits clean possible and then people will be like well know what they did is they made water canals and they floated everything up or they had to do or they they come up all these rabbit and i'm like okay well that's think they know like tell me the evidence like right right i mean even even like a fact is like the definition of a fact is enough people that agreed upon a theory like you know so enough people that agreed on a theory like okay that makes a little sense it's it's now a fact you know so that's why like even when we hear like like yeah what's a fact and what isn't what's a belief what isn't you know and like and a consensus reality if enough people believe in something it becomes the truth because like the hundredth monkey effect and then like that's why you really like everyone starting to like question everything right now because none of it makes sense but i want to shift gears a little bit um so Nikki was at the Denver airport and she was looking at the murals wondering you know what the fuck is all this what's going on like you know yeah asking questions like a smart person would do and i'll let you to tell the story what happened from there but i i think this is very interesting okay so this is like 10 years ago this was in 2014 i had just become a flight attendant and um and i've been a flight attendant for like um that's what i do for my day job um and anyway i was based in the Denver airport and when we would fly over i'd be like that looks like a swastika that's weird and then like i'm like i'm like i'm like in the Denver airport like rolling through and there's like these murals with little kids and coffins and like these Nazis with like swords and gas masks and uh there's like all this three masonry symbols everywhere and there's like these little hands that are like trying to grab you and some of these trains and you're like i was like this place is weird like there's something weird about this so like what you do this is 2014 guys this is not today so like there's i'm you know there's less conspiracy stuff than there is now but there's different conspiracy stuff than there is now because some of the stuff i was looking up then you can't even find anywhere online now yep that's true that i tested that yeah i wish now i wish i could find some of the stuff that i was looking up then because i don't even see they've scrubbed so much off the internet in the last 10 years it's it's nuts it's insane and so i okay i used to be an art dealer like before i became a before i was a flight attendant and um anyway i had no trouble or problem just going to an artist and being like hey like you know i and at this point i actually had still like an online gallery so i was so i just contacted the people who drew the more murals and i was like hey i own a art gallery in New York and i was just wondering like you know what these murals in Denver airport were about and i was wondering if i could like call you and maybe do like a studio visit and come check out some more of your art and this not okay like that's just kind of like the reconnaissance stuff you got to do right you got to dig in the weeds to get to things and um so i come home and and my i don't make my bed okay unless i'm gonna have company over and then i'll make my bed okay but like the only just a regular day i don't make my bed my bed was like pristinely made like with the pillows like all like you know like something i would never do unless i was about to have a party or something and um so my bed was for stinley made and there was these two books like on my bed so somebody broke into my house made my bed which is super weird and um put these two books on my pillows and okay so this i i texted the tyler about this earlier so i know he was gonna ask us but these were the two books that they they've had on my bed wow secret society's handbooks and the new world order opposing people okay so and this was in 2014 this is in 2014 so this one is like got let's see it's got a bunch of different like highlighted versus and um like some of it's in yellow so used used books it's a used book and like i'm kind of wondering like well and i don't know where the one with the highlight but like this starts talking about the 500 000 people on the planet um and how they want to for you know the Georgia Guidestone stuff yeah kind of like Georgia Guidestone stuff exactly i want to kill off 95 plus of the population yeah exactly just super horrible like i had never heard of any of this at this point guys so then and then this one is like you got um let's see the let's see which secret societies they go into they go into i mean and it's just kind of like a glossary of them right going to the assassins the buildabers the bohemian club the club of Rome the council of foreign relations um ex astuto free masonry the dawn club luminati black's templar clu Klux Klan mafia majestic 12 the aviary the aquarium mince or mince your opus denny the order of the skull bone is bubble ball the russcrusions around table the bubble ball anyway like i just for me it was kind of like i knew that they know everything you look at like at so in 2014 i just sort of my takeaway was like i don't know if they were good or bad who did this but um well obviously they're bad and they break into your house right but um i it was sort of i felt like it was a warning for me to stop kind of digging and so then i just decided like meh i'm not really gonna like heed that warning because like and that's why i became i started podcast like four years after that i've had podcast like five years and it's just like i i don't know i don't really know how else to read read and that no one's ever come into me and been like or come come up to me and be like do you want to join the bubble ball so i don't know hmm yeah so i mean does it not freak you out that you're somebody was in your house that your bed was made or you just like okay whatever it went like every day i mean ten years later does that the amount of things that have happened to me in life does that freak me out uh if you know i feel like they could they could do one of those heart attack guns from outside my bedroom you know like i don't know they know who are in their way i mean they could i mean if they wanted you dead they would have they would have happened back then one time ago so to me i i interpreted that as more of a good source maybe um or at least somebody that wanted you to know because to me those those groups secrecy is like kind of the lifeblood of that even though they're always putting in plain sight you know what they're doing and who they are but they they still want that secrecy they don't want people really knowing who they are what's really going on so the fact that somebody put two books that will clearly like lay out everything about them and who they are and what's going on that's a good source to me and then the fact that nothing happened really beyond that too kind of tells me that because a lot of times if it's they'll be kind of more threatening than that if if it's a back off kind of warning or like we're we're watching you like they would i don't think they would do it in that way i don't know it's possible though it's possible that's very very interesting though and that's i mean if that's not corroboration of the truth of all this stuff right you know people that want to poo poo this stuff as if it's like nonsense conspiracy and then you just had that you had that experience happen to you right after you were like inquiring about the wondering you're like what this is all this and then that have to come on if that's not like telling you that stuff's real i don't know what is oh and i'm hundred percent new like when it happened that it was because what i was looking into and like and like i'm a i'm i'm kind of a heavier looker inner than most people i'm not just like a i just google one thing and just read the first thing i find like i i kind of you know like try to get to the source of it a lot like i try to contact people who were involved in the thing a lot you know and yeah so that's like not the kind of person that maybe that you want uh looking into your society so maybe it is a good person like trying to look into that i don't really know but um yeah like and i mean i do sort of feel like you know a lot of what we just went through in the last like you know the whole pandemic stuff all that i think like that was an attempt at the culling of the herd i don't think it was as successful as they wanted it but you know i definitely think like stuff like that was when that all was happening i was like okay well this stuff is not BS because like there really is an agenda to lessen the population so right it was an attempt and and i think it was supposed to be way worse than it actually was i think they thought it was going to be way worse than it actually was and either you can call it divine intervention or you can call it the white hat or you can call it benevolent ETs or whatever maybe all the above we actually stepped up to though like look at how many of us were like no on top of us yeah which is the most important thing that happened that made it way way way less than what they wanted so so but so what did they do so even though it didn't have the effect they wanted they had to play it up as if it still had that effect because they still wanted to do those agendas and stuff so they had to like oh my god everyone's dying it's so it's so bad everyone else to wear mask and lock yourself then and blow up right get a that get a sorry i can't say the word get a thing right but inside of you um we cannot talk about that we've had cannot talk about it i mean i've lost count in the videos we've had removed from medical misinformation now like like weekly they go through the library and it's like we've lost so many old episodes because anytime you talk about that you can't like that's the number that's the number one thing they censor i think that is the number one thing they censor but like i mean i had one for like taken down for like shadow work and and also like i've mentioned this was before 2020 and like i mentioned um that word and um and it was it was taken down yeah even before that they were still like they were still the activist you know trying to call it took me down like led this year but it was from like four years ago and it was before the pandemic it was around so nicky why don't you tell our audience a little bit about who you are we forgot to it really is here nobody knows like you want to wait till the end yeah i guess you can briefly like let our audience know about your channel and how you go okay yeah so um i i have a youtube channel where i basically i interview mine's called nikana jones exploring the fringe and it's like uh i'm like a i also interview people as well my i have more of a focus i would say on megalithic stuff and uh ancients and like um you know like we definitely have some overlap but um i like my my focus tends to be uh yeah like like like what the heck it more like a history base like what the heck did you think went on here sort of thing yeah in our reality and our stuff and so like i've had that podcast for uh like since 2018 so what is it no yeah so that five four i've had it five years um uh coming out of five years uh so anyway um yeah that's that's that's who i am like so i guess like in this regard i'm a podcaster but i'm also like i'm like a moral traveler and i'm also like my own like i think i might be like a grid worker i would call myself i don't really know i like i'm like an adventure i am kind of like a man jones actually in a weird way like not to be cringe right no i know i've i've i've been on you know enough trips with you now and uh you know you're a great tour guide which by the way you're potentially uh co-hosting a tour to egypt in may next may right yeah yeah i'm doing a trip um i'm going to be going with um derrick olson from megalithic marbles and then moham and eber him and um yeah it's like a it's a ten day tour of and but it's a good way to see egypt you know it's not like it's it's like a five d way to see egypt with like cool stuff so yeah right and i'll give you the lake or whatever so but can you can you let the listeners know um like where they can find that information oh yeah like if you go to um any of my videos on youtube we'll have it at the bottom of the you know like i'll be like oh and you know you click on the description and it'll have the link to it and i'll just give you the link as well and um uh so there should be more information on that uh there and it'll have the itinerary and like what all we're doing and um it's about five thousand dollars and then plus you have to buy a plane ticket so um and i know you're like people are always like oh god that's expensive and even i'm like oh yeah but at the same time you have to realize like if you're going to get like private access to like the sphinx and like the great pyramid and stuff like that if you did that on your own it's like five to thousand dollars just i think a private two hours with the inside the great pyramid it's five thousand and two hours with um the sphinx is a four thousand or something so like if you wanted to just roll up just by yourself and you're like yeah i could have a cheaper trip you could but you couldn't like do some of the things that you get to do unless you go with a group so you know yeah that's awesome so go to your youtube channel Nikki Anna Jones and go under the video description and there's a link for the information for the egypt trip yes okay that's okay okay so well and that'll obviously be below in our description as well so is there anything else you'd like to cover before we wrap this up okay bonus thing to tell you guys about this is like crazy okay so um i don't know a couple of weeks after our sunflower trip i was i was in um this place called three river petroglyphs which is um in new mexico it's like next to the lava fields by kind of near white sands and um anyway i'm i'm down there and i i i wasn't planning on going there i was just driving and it was one of those like oh my heart just pulled me and i was like oh well and i start i look over and it's sciences three river petroglyphs says i petroglyphs okay i want to go there so i start driving down to the road to get there and it's like around like 15 minutes off the road or something it's kind of like a trick and then i start remembering oh this actually i interviewed a lady who um talked about these petroglyphs whatever so i get there there's like 21 000 petroglyphs and they're all on like there's it's scattered all over the ground and there's um uh looks in literally back to our nuke thing it looks like somebody nuked the ground it's like black charred rock basically and then all these like petroglyphs are on it i okay so as i'm walking around the petroglyphs i start having um i would call it a memory feeling so like i understood the people who left or who made these drawings i don't know who they were i don't have any like i don't know what they looked like or whatever but there was this is what i remembered thinking i was like i remembered there was a destruction and they were the way they were thinking before they drew was um we have to give them something that when they reawaken they will they'll um they can they can put things back together and so they were leaving so this was like their parting gift to the future inhabitants and so you know how you see any time you see a circle petroglyph or like it looks like it's like four cross or like it's the spy rolls or all this other stuff like all of a sudden i started seeing like stuff started clicking in for me with these are all schematics these are all the cross cut of looking at a machine from the down to up and it's all magnet placements like crop circles are magnet placements and petroglyphs that are circular are all they're showing you that there's so many different ways to have free energy with magnets that's not just one way there's multitudes away and they are giving us blueprints blueprints blueprints that's blueprints triple 100 percent have you seen that there's a documentary on Netflix years ago there's a crop circle documentary and what the guy was doing was taking the crop circle and he was expanding it into 3d 3d it would become a completely different shape i've you take that flat image and then expand it into a 3d sphere and then he would 3d print it and he started realizing that they were schematics and blueprints and and he thought they were for like a free energy vehicle and he was literally trying to build a UFO and like him and his scientist and they were 3d they were taking all the crop circles mold the world and they were expanding them in three dimensionally and 3d printing them and he was like putting them together like a machine and they ended up like having this falling out or they'd lost funding and never finished a product but it was like you would actually find that documentary pretty fascinating yeah they're probably getting too close to the truth i couldn't have they lost that was i probably saw that in 2017 2018 maybe like i couldn't even tell you the name of it but um that's interesting because that yeah i i mean i definitely okay so i i like i one time i had well i mean i have a lot of drawings of like you know um this is my dream journal but i have a lot of drawings of like free energy machines that i get in dreams and it's like um well there's a thing that i didn't even know until like in my dreams where uh you can do when you're poor this is like an example of a free energy machine okay so this is called dipoleation okay like i don't know if this thing is focusing or not yeah we can see it pretty good okay so there was like in my dreams i could see like when a magnet is being poured when the the when the iron filings and stuff were still magma or it's still warm you can actually i don't know the word this is dipoleation but i don't know if that's a real word or if that was just like a dream or order or something but um you can change apparently i started i looked this up online you really can't do it you can go like north south north like within one magnet pour you can change the the polarization polarization within a magnet while it's still being formed because you you form that and then it becomes a permanent magnet and it can never change and then if you put them in the right um sequencing within the dipoleation they will it's a perpetual motion that's all it is it's just and so when i was looking at all of those petroglyphs i was just seeing different different schematics that they were giving for that for perpetual motion within the magnet and so i started just looking at it like it's not just like on the north south magnets here some of them can look can literally like the spoke of whatever this the whatever the circle graph or glyph or whatever that is can have a dipoleation thing within itself too no it's all kind of a matter of maybe just knowing how to lay out the magnets in the right way that's what i kind of think might be happening right or just even like give even giving someone the idea that you just put out into the collective like people will hear that and now they'll look at that and the idea started nobody's gonna run with it you know what i mean yeah and i hope they do because like i mean i looked into manufacturing that particular machine um which that particular machine was like to waste like optimize cells in your body like you basically put i don't even know where and yeah it was like that is uh so like that's what it looks like from the cross section and then this is it going on the side and then there was like a north and a north and a north and a south thing here and then it's all into a crystal and you put some laser light in and what that does is it it it like so crystal actually is not just woo woo it's actually um an amplifier it amplifies energy so once you got like the perpetual motion and you get like certain light frequencies that go into uh crystal it it you know it will put like a really direct line um of energy and something so anyway i don't know i'm just saying that was like a huge download for me with i with with um correlating crop circles and petroglyphs together and the petroglyphs are found all over the world so i do think even if you don't want to do the if you don't know the magnet stuff even if you could start collecting piece somebody needs to start collecting all the petroglyphs because there's no record of all of them right absolutely i mean there was some we took pictures of enchaco canyon that one area we found that i they are not online i've looked like they're they're just not online like even there there's ones that are being discovered so uh obviously you know there's no shortage of stories um after you know hanging out with you and going on some trips with you like we could do another hour of just telling stories and you know what happened in the wild stuff and unbelievable stuff and other stargates and bigfoot and men in black which by the way if you want to hear Nikki's men in black experience if you go back to our experiencer tester mony video from the sunfire festival a cup in august just go in our library and you can find that video Nikki is the last one in the lineup of people and she tells her men in black story which is really interesting that is a that is an amazing experience that you had that is yeah yeah yeah so uh go check that out and um it's interesting if you read some of the comments under that video like i don't know who the girl at the end was but i love her like his yeah yeah yeah people love you so thank you so much for um joining us today and everyone go check out her youtube channel Nikki and the Jones go subscribe check out the egypt trip and um yeah make sure you give her a like subscribe and follow and thank you for joining us and guys don't forget take advantage of the early bird special for our conference all that information is at rebels of and i guess that being said we're going to go ahead and wrap this up good night everybody we love you all and have a great evening good night