Journey to Truth

EP 269 - Laura Eisenhower - Raw & Real

Originally aired on 9/28/23
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Laura Eisenhower:
Laura Eisenhower is a Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist.  She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide.  Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers and experts on: Health,  Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, Astrology and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies.  She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint (Christ-Sophia)and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.  

Robert AreIIano Music:
Arellano - Trees for the Forest
YouTube Channel:
Official Site:

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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So at our first conference, I met a gentleman named Robert Ariano, and he's a musician, and we got to talk in, and he approached me about if I knew anybody who could edit his song into a music video, and I was like, I actually had it myself. So we started working together, and I edited a video for him, Trees for the Forest is the name of the song, and we are going to premiere that video at the end of this episode. Robert's a great guy, and it's an amazing song, and I'm really proud of this video. So if you feel compelled to stick around after the show and check out the video, I encourage you to do that. He's a great guy, and we'll put his links below to his other projects in the description, and you might have just watched the commercial at the beginning for Merlin's lab colloidal silver. Merlin's lab is our affiliate, Mason Fury, who creates these incredible, organized pyramids along with many other things. And he now makes colloidal silver, and you get 10% off of all his products on the website with promo code Journey to Truth, and that link is below in the description as well. But tonight we are joined with Laura Eisenhower, and we're just going to get raw and real and uncensored and just, you know, let's just dive into the current situation right now that we are in on this planet. And I'd just love to get your thoughts and feedback on, you know, what you're seeing playing out right now on the world stage and even down all the way down into the community and the divide and conquer tactics, all of it. Yeah, I mean, it's getting really ramped up. I mean, we hear about certain dates of events taking place, like October 4th, the gigahertz of the 5G is going to be switched on to bring out like certain diseases, like, what is that called? The one that begins with an M? More gallons? Oh, no, no, um, Marburg and some of these, you know, other kind of stuff. And I mean, it's good to be aware, right? Make sure our phones are often all that kind of thing. But, um, you know, at the same time, you know, in light of that, everything's about frequency, I feel. And even a person that might be linked in because of the choices they made or putting stuff in their body or the things that we've been inhaling, we've all been impacted to a certain degree, but I feel the most detrimental is our belief systems, our lack of control over our bodies because we've given that power away, the absence of intuition. And yes, these bio weapons assist in that loss of connection, but we can override that. So I just hope that the numbers are enough to offset it. I feel that when there are enough numbers to offset some of the frequency manipulations that, that can serve as a sort of power source or activation for other people to begin to align with. I think the energy of awakening is so much stronger than these weapons because they wouldn't bother with the indoctrination if the weapons were strong enough. They rely on people being really, really hooked in and in a lower frequency in the divide the conquer and the, um, fear tactics. So exactly. And they rely on us, they need us to create their reality for them and by putting these dates out and surrounding them with fear, um, and then these October 4th and 10th are astrological alignments, you know, they understand, they, and they try to hijack those dates in my opinion and, you know, with false flag events and psyops. So, uh, you were right. Like at the end of the day, the frequency of the great awakening, like nothing, that trumps everything. And that's why they put that fear out surrounding these certain dates because they it's like loose harvesting. They need our fear, they need our beliefs to create that reality for them. So if we can rise above it, there's really nothing to be scared of. Now that being said, like, yeah, it's always safe to be prepared no matter what, like always, but, uh, we just try not to give our power away to events or situations like this. Totally. Cause the creative imagination is the most powerful resource we have and all these attempts to infect it with belief systems, you know, do create this enabling, right? That's why they need to tell us because the consent is the belief. So yeah, if we can offset that and be aware and also understand, yeah, what is currently going on astrologically during those particular dates, we're going to be, uh, we have a full moon on Friday, the 29th, two weeks before the eclipse season starts. That's kind of right in the heart of all that. Um, and yeah, I mean, just like you said, there's these inversions in these psyops that are created, uh, to pull us into the shadow side of a lot of these planetary alignments, but it does require, uh, that link between our minds and what's coming through the media and, and, and, and it's not just mainstream media. It's, it's, there's a lot of plants and there's a lot of things that take place within the disclosure community that perpetuate that. So yeah, I mean, sovereignty, neutrality, after and being in nature, that is the ultimate because this is a powerful window period. It's been prophesized. It wouldn't be a powerful window period unless we could overcome the tactics being used to create a new world order. It wouldn't be prophesied at all. It'd just be, um, known as a period of, you know, something, you know, so dark and nefarious, but that's where the breakthrough is because how much longer are we going to be in relationship to that with this opportunity to transcend it? It's, it's, it's been prophesized and, and it's not like any of these prophecies weren't well aware of the attempt to steer us down this artificial new world order timeline. It's just our ability to overcome it, even though we've been dealing with thousands and thousands of years of dark cycles of history, that's all been the trajectory to take us to this finale that the minute we break ties with, um, we, we can override it completely. So that's my take. Yeah. And I mean, what we see happening right now, right? And what we see happening right now is essentially the fall of Rome all over again. And you know, they're distracting us with the bread and circus and the sports and everything. It's literally a repeat like while Rome was falling, they were, you know, you know, dangling these, you know, shiny things over here to distract everyone. So it's also the fall of Atlantis repeat, even farther back. Right. Right. But this time, it's, but this time, I think the outcome is going to be, we're going to make it this time rather than like a big reset. That's where this window, this ascension window comes into play that I don't think was in play the last few times around. And they say at the end of every civilization, the machine consumes itself, right? And there's always wars and it always looks like if it's always a rough patch. So I think we are going to come out ahead on the other side, but it's going to be messy for a while, which we always, you know, talk about. What are your thoughts on that, Laura? Yeah. It's definitely going to be messy. I mean, there's already lots of casualties. There going to be just the vibration of, um, or the, the experience of, you know, death and loss, but that plutonic energy is also reverse transformation and alchemy. So we're being called to go through that sort of dark night of the soul and that death to be reborn, to transform, to be more soul centered, to tap into levels of ourselves that we might have been unconscious to, because it burns through and dissolves frequency fences. You know, if we're going to allow a part of ourselves to die, we're making room for more of ourselves to come in. We're shining a light on the unconscious aspects of self in order to understand that we're multidimensional, that we can tap into all sorts of resources. The more we let go of the belief systems or the jobs or relationships or anything that really is impeding our growth and very much, you know, belief systems that we might, you know, adopt. So this is the massive growth period that they hijacked with the whole pandemic, with all these different levels of, all right, if we can get you to fear death and fear illness, then the consent is not fulfilling the completion of that cycle, that plutonic cycle. And instead staying sort of confined in the birth canal wall, you know, you're just answering to the outer authority and how it wants you to manage something that's very organic, um, within us that nature teaches us every season as it moves through its own, you know, cycles that we hold within us. So there's going to be casualties. There always are in war, but, you know, we can't fear death, we've, we've clearly come back. We have past lives. I feel some are going to require a life review to step out of the whole matrix system to, you know, maybe process things they weren't able to on a human ego level, maybe it was just too much, right? But I mean, source energy and spirit always holds dominion, no matter how much we might be looping in this dependency bond with an inversion or a parasitic, um, a parasitic group of individuals that have a small amount of power compared to the power that we're going to awaken within ourselves, you know, it's got its own timing. I mean, look at all the people that are stuck in abusive situations or relationships, you know, that's eventually going to expire. Once the self-worth rises to the occasion, once the free mind, once the soul, you know, really intervenes and says enough already, there's nothing that can't be corrected or transmitted because that platonic energy is also able to turn lead into gold. I mean, it's, it's, uh, it's not just some fluffy, you know, ideal. It's a part of nature. So at any time a person's ready to make the corrections, they'll be able to make it. And if we see certain species in their evolution, a lot of times they're watching and observing to figure out where they lost their soul matrix, what genetic material they, um, have lost connection with that has compromised their ability to reproduce or, um, be, um, you know, it's, it's original self. So, you know, everything returns to source eventually and every single ET race has its own experiences as far as how it utilized free will for the detriment of its species or the benefit. And the spectrum within that is always seeking to correct itself, even if it's lived many, many cycles or thousands of years in a certain, you know, inversion, everything returns to source eventually. So we just have to be patient. We're not all moving at the same speed. Um, but the more we can come together and integrate switch on and help switch on the dormant codes and DNA strands and aspects of our mind that hasn't been switched on. That is what unity consciousness is all about. It's not just loving each other. It's about what can we help to switch on in each other? Where can we appreciate the diversity is going to help us to get there? And that's something to fight over. So moving into five D is really moving into the soul matrix out of the world of appearances and ego, but more into that integration of, um, something a lot deeper. So we can move through that threshold and leap over, um, that, uh, challenge, then we're just going to be building this greater unified field and, and force, which to me is like the immune system of humanity that will starve this parasitic host. And you know, whoever is still in agreement or relationship to it, um, the love is so much stronger at the end of the day. So as much as I think a lot of empaths and a lot of individuals are not so much in fear they're more worried about their friends and loved ones is not their fears. The fear of what other people are buying into the collective fear. Yeah. Yeah. We need to just, you know, like, just accept that this is where they are. They're journey. Yeah. They'll get, they'll get home. And you nailed it. Star of the parasitic host, um, that's exactly, I mean, that's the parasites are running the planet right now, unfortunately, um, I was shown this on a mushroom trip. So it has to be true, um, but no, really, I mean, we have a parasitic consciousness that is, you know, hijacks the soul, a hijacked individuality. And you know, it's a mass awakening, but it happens on an individual scale. So if they can get everyone thinking the same dressing the same doing the same thing, you know, hijacks the individuality and it is a better chance that that, that person doesn't go through an awakening process. They buy into all the propaganda and everything that they're throwing at us. So, um, yeah, you have to starve the parasitic host by breaking free of that. And I love, I love what you said. And, uh, you know, and then you also said, you know, it's all about letting go with a fear of death, which is the biggest thing. Like, you'll never like, you don't need a jab if you're not scared to die. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like if you fully understand you're not just this body, then why would you fear death? Those two things kind of go hand in hand as you raise your consciousness. Your fear naturally goes less and less than low. It's just those two things go hand in hand. So what do they do? They try to suppress consciousness, keep you in fear, keep you brainwashed, keep you programmed, keep you, uh, you know, just spinning your wheels, basically stuck in the system in the matrix, feeding the matrix, then you're constantly feeding the matrix rather than taking your power back. Because as soon as enough of us take our power back, it's game over. And that's what they're, that's what they're afraid of. They're terrified of that. And that's why they do everything they can to stop that, but they can't stop. They can only delay it to a certain point, but well, yeah. So what are your, what are your thoughts on that right now? Cause we see them throwing everything at us. So do you think this is them delaying the process? And we always hear about the white hats and this, you know, this cleanup process and these benevolent ETs helping us. And if that really is true, if that really is going on, why are we seeing things play out the way they're playing out in your opinion? Yeah. I mean, I mean, I mean, it's, it's, it's a process. It's definitely a process. I mean, it's hard to see something like what happened in Maui take place. It's like how, how, how are these things not being stopped? If there are positive military forces, if there are white hats and benevolent ETs, where's the intervention where's, you know, and I, and I do feel, you know, they are there. They're not going to save the day. We're, we're working in tandem with them. It's sort of like when we reach a certain level of consciousness, we're able to work like within our body. Our immune system is working much more to our benefit when we're empowered, when we're eating good food, when we're just building more immunity in the face of the things that might want to take it down because we get over the hump, we get, we leap over the obstacle. We get, we gain more of ourselves, you know, in the face of adversity, we can either find more of our hidden abilities and talents and dormant skills, healing abilities, the power to regenerate, or we're in fear of it and we give our power away in exchange for being given a label, being given a diagnosis, being given a trajectory that is no longer our co-creation and something we end up following and believing in. So all these different tactics being used are to hijack the growth periods because growth periods are always going to come at some level of pain or challenge. And in that challenge, okay, how much are we still going to go down this road? And if we don't recognize it, they're all blessings in disguise to shake things up, to help us to see more possibilities for ourselves versus feeling like a failure or what you invested in didn't end up working out, you know, our perspective and perception, you know, is everything. It's being projected upon and defined by the way we are raised, how the system perceives it. I mean, any one of us that decided to skip certain classes or not go to school, you know, we're thrown a bunch of stigmas because you're not following the path that has been laid out. And if you divert yourself from it, it's just like we see today, the conspiracy theories were conspiracy theorists. I mean, we know all the labels that get thrown and why it's such a turn off for people that actually believe that these labels are justified. I mean, even wanting to embrace certain healing protocols is considered white wing. How did that ever become political? So the manipulation labels from every angle defines things for people when in actual fact, you know, those don't need to be there because when our physical body shows pain, when it shows disease, this is a growth period for us to get to know ourselves more, not to hand it over to somebody else to label it and determine what, you know, is necessary because this is what we're remembering. And in order to advance ourselves as humans, we need to reclaim the power to heal, the power to understand, you know, what is going on within our bodies in order to release maybe an ancestral pattern or a belief system that isn't thriving because our bodies are going to revolt against distortions, it's going to show itself in our physical body in order for us to make corrections from a more empowered place. And then in doing that, we do the greater clearing work and we recognize that our bodies thrive in our truth frequency, it doesn't thrive in anything but that. So a whole slew of issues, mental, emotional, physical issues have defined, you know, this human experience in so many ways that we've over identified it to the point where it hasn't really taught us to get to know ourselves more. It's taught us to rely on something external and that's with religion, that's with education. So every challenge in front of us is a challenge I feel to get to know ourselves more. And as long as we are doing the opposite, we are not in our wholeness and we are feeding something parasitic. It's sort of like being in a relationship where that person's defining your self-worth and you become so dependent on their compliments or their approval that you no longer are asking yourself, is this really in harmony with my soul development? And it's so easy because of me, because of unconsciousness, because of the wounds and traumas we carry from the way we are raised or past lives to fall into this pit and that's why it's so important that we come together more and we embrace the challenge that's been placed in front of us and know that there's nothing but victory because it's all encoded in us to know exactly what to do. It's just we don't ever want to lose that strength or devotion to the process. Well, that's some profound wisdom right there. Yes, very well. It really is. That was beautifully said, especially the stuff about the body and your body is going to continue to tell you something's wrong until you, like you said, you drop into that truth frequency, but that's the hard part because we don't always know what that is. And sometimes we're holding on to things subconsciously that we don't realize they're holding us back. And it's a tough journey. It's really hard that I'm seeing that all over the place right now. I watch people on social media, people are having a hard time. We don't have a solid foundation of truth to begin with. So everyone's confused. People don't understand what they need to do right now and everyone's asking themselves, why did I sign up for this? Why am I here? And it's difficult because I've asked myself the same thing. How many of us have been in the car or in the shower freaking just arguing with our guides or whoever? Like, what the fuck? Why am I here? What am I doing? It gets difficult sometimes. So it's everything you just said, I think is so important for people to understand. Oh, yeah. Cool. Yeah. You know, medical astrology, which I do, some of the oracles, like the eaching and chiro. I mean, these are ways to really, you know, get to our truth because I mean, when I shuffle, I'm sometimes surprised like, oh, wow, I mean, the way I might be feeling is very different than maybe what my vibration is and like what, you know, my mind might be tricking me out of something that is actually like really going on. I might be holding some kind of anxiety that isn't actually true to the situation that if I were to overly invest myself in, it's just going to cut me off from getting the download and epiphany, that's inevitably going to come because, you know, anxiety is connected to our nervous system. It's connected to a message trying to come in, but if we are too busy and we don't give ourselves the time and space, you know, it's just going to, you know, be circulating in our body, but it needs, it needs recognition, it needs to be heard, just like pain, you know, stuck creativity, just just things that need expression, we know when we eat food that isn't good for us, our body's going to reject it, it might like throw it up. And you know, sometimes the things that need to be expressed, we don't want to shove down it needs a voice, not necessarily coming out as something being purged, but something that needs to be known. But then there's some things that need to be purged because it's, it's the body doesn't like it. It's like, please get rid of me, please release this. So so there might be some things we need to write out for ourselves and some things that we need to express to others and some things, you know, and then let's see where the chips fall. You know, I think so many people are afraid of what others think they're afraid of loss of losing someone and all this, you know, fear because of this unconscious trauma of not having that mother energy really anchored in the planet, most of the energies that people gravitate towards, there are a lot of impostors in religion. There's the dark mother reversal energies. There's manipulation of the planetary grid network. There's, there's so much that, you know, we have not been directed towards in order to develop and embrace that it creates a very strong level of discomfort and, and this addiction matrix of clinging to something just to feel security and, and so people get addicted to the concept of money or, you know, just sticking with their friends or I mean, it just takes a lot of courage and so understanding these things a little bit more. I think the astrology has been a really helpful tool for me and a lot of people and, and there's a lot of different, you know, things that one can do. When you really detox your body and you might, you know, fast for a little bit and you just put high vibrational things in your body, you can always gauge, you know, is this in alignment with, you know, your soul, your ability to fully be yourself? And if not, why, why waste your time, but you got to make your body hospitable for your soul and spirit to really occupy it and do whatever you can to make it hospitable or else, you know, we're not as grounded as we could be and we're just trying to appease the discomfort and sometimes it's not in the most healthy of ways. And it's difficult because, you know, I have escapism tendencies where it's just like, I just don't want to feel I look so tired of feeling it also intensely, but I realize that something in me, I never want to give up so that's my challenge or has been. I mean, it's, I think a lot of people would agree with you and you mentioned something about the impostors being here, even in religion, even down into this community. And I think that's something, well, it's just not this community. It's worldwide. It's this truth movement is global at this point. So, and there are plants and people that are sent in to confuse us and still further divide and conquer. I think that's a really important subject because we see it and it's hard. It's one of those situations where it is the deception is so like the lengths they'll go to to deceive people and is far beyond what most comprehend when they get into when they start when they begin their awakening journey, right? So they stumble across these people looking for answers, not understanding that some of these people aren't in integrity or they might be in the actual plant and whatever we can go on and on. What are some of the things that you're seeing right now and like, what are some red flags to look for and how can we identify that and maybe help people navigate through this, you know, terrain? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's amazing because the higher vibrational energies and the fact that we're multidimensional and we can reach into these higher dimensional energies, which include neutrality and just universal love, not necessarily the foreshock or love where you've got to love everybody and, you know, like, you can love them sort of in a more observing sort of neutral kind of way. That actually dissolves black goo and AI and dark technology and it's been actually seen to actually work, like, like, the black goo has been shown to be in a sort of death throes in the presence of super high vibrational energy and it's called aurora plasma. And it had a similar, the black goo similar response as you would see to the burning, like of something with acid, right, it just completely dissolves. So we need to just be, you know, in a high vibration within ourselves and sometimes that's not easy. And that's why, you know, being really strong and like soul centered. So if you're seeking answers, you know, you got to understand that you have a lot of your own answers. And the more time you spend with nature, the more time you spend with, you know, things that help you to pull up to the surface, a lot of the stuff that makes you vulnerable to confusion. That's all in the head, right? So it's important to learn as much as we possibly can and, you know, we're all kind of seeking, right? We have all different purposes and missions and information to bring to the table. But I think the ones that are super, super defensive that don't like to be questioned, that even the most, you know, humble and innocent of, like, comments questioning what you might be sharing produces a very strong response that isn't loving and isn't compassionate and isn't understanding is a big red flag. I think people that think that they're the only ones that are making certain contact with certain beings and everybody else must be false. That's kind of a red flag. And I'm not saying that the people that you necessarily see that are doing that aren't justified to a certain degree to, you know, throw out a warning. But sometimes I feel the hostility and the negativity coming from beings that have supposed contact with benevolent ones, the vibration of benevolent ones isn't to sink down into that lower vibration. I feel like truth doesn't need to fight or defend itself and it's not threatened by differences of opinion. It stands so strong, you know, sort of like the vibration of love, you know, even if somebody doesn't really like you, you're not going to be like losing yourself over it. It's like, okay, well, that's you accept it because you've accepted yourself. You know, we need to accept ourselves and, and love ourselves and, you know, trust that when we have a question, we're going to find the answer, whether that's within ourselves over some sort of synchronicity or something that we resonate, but if you can't like discard the things that don't resonate to the detriment of that relationship with the person that wants you to believe everything that they say, you know, that's, that's a red flag. Now there's going to be plenty that don't mind take what resonates and leave the rest whatever, you know, you gain from this awesome and, and wherever your intuition is showing you something that might not have been shared, that's the ultimate because any benevolent force is really going to want your wholeness, your sovereignty, your truth as number one, that would be the priority of what that information should be seeking to help accomplish within another individual. And I feel some are holding its kind of dependency bond or, or they feel threatened. If you question it, or they, yeah, I don't know. I mean, do you guys kind of know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And what I see too is so, you know, we're the programming we're born into is to give our power away to authority and give, you know, not question authority, right? And not question external sources and not question information. So when people do have their awakening and they finally start searching for answers, they immediately believe people when, you know, they, they immediately believe what other people are saying because your program, not to question it, right? Your program to also give your power away to like a savior, right, a stig here. And I think a lot of people still have that program running. So let's say they used to be religious and they got out of that. Well, they still have that program running and then they get in the disclosure community. Oh, this person's now like the savior of humanity and then it becomes almost like a cult. Like they're the cult leader. And then you become like a cult follower, basically, where you're giving all your power away to this person, this one narrative, this certain information. And you're, you're literally investing your hope and your sense of self worth everything into that rather than realizing it's all within you and you, it is not external. So it's a false thing to begin with. But what you're doing is you're giving that energy and you're, you're attaching yourself to it. You're touching our identity to that. Right. But with anything, it's bad because well, and that's not what it's about. You know, we need to take our power back. We need to realize we are all our own savior, but we need to live in, live in community and love each other, treat, treat your neighbor as you, as you want to be treated. But to realize the power is within you. It's not out there somewhere. Right. And you can, and you, me, we all have the ability to tap in like some of our favorite influencers and communicate and get answers on our own. Like we don't have to rely on them to talk to someone else and give us these downloads and these messages. Right. But that's the whole trick of it. Like, so anyone out there who's encouraging you to just, you know, go inward and do the work on your own. And my favorite, like, people have asked us over the years, what do you think about this person or that person or this person? And we used to answer it. I used to answer based on what I thought about it. But then I realized like, why do you, why does it matter what I think? Like you're, you're telling yourself that you don't trust your own intuition. What is your gut tell you immediately about this person? And for one, and the biggest red flag is if you have to ask, that should be your answer. You know, if you have to ask, like, what do you think about this person? Well, that's your answer, you know, but so I want to kind of shift gears a little bit and talk about your book, Laura. What's the status of your book and can maybe you can tell our audience, you know, a little bit about what that's going to cover? Yeah. So it's called Awakening the Truth Frequency and it has a lot to do with what we're talking about. It's going to come out in March. You can pre-order on Amazon. And it's just, yeah, like really kind of looking at this. What does it mean to embody, you know, your truth? Is it going to look the same as others? No. You know, there's, there's this sort of truth that if we look it on at a frequency level, it's like, okay, you're giving yourself permission to be yourself. You're staying in connection with your intuition, you're following your gut, you're trusting your gut, you know, you're developing healthy discernment, you're working on establishing a very strong bullshit meter. And you know, it isn't like the most important thing. So as we're like kind of talking about, you know, all of this, there's so much for everybody to learn from one another, but I think sort of like the ring of power, some abuse their position of power, because they get addicted to being given a certain amount of like energy from other people and they don't really want to lose that. So they don't, like you said, they don't realize that they're running that program and other people don't realize that they're running it. Why are we so betrayed then, is that something that we need to just judge ourselves over? I feel that we're going to continually be somewhat betrayed or asked about the people that we counted on or gave our belief systems to, because the ultimate growth period for us is to fall back on ourselves and find that within ourselves, all the different tragedies we go through, all the different breakups we go through, all the heartbreak we go through. What is it showing us at the end of the day? It's showing us ourselves, it's showing us, you know, what we can and cannot handle. What we need to step up into as far as our self-worth. So it's all the topics that we're kind of talking about. I also bring to light a lot of the hidden information that I've discovered about what took place after the Second World War, what took place during Eisenhower's administration, how when I was presented with something, I felt like it wasn't in my best interests. No matter what they were trying to tell me, even though I didn't have all the information to back up what my intuition was telling me, I chose that. And that was probably the best thing that I could have done. How do we live in this world of deception and trickery and thrive, you know? It's sort of like all about that. So I just kind of dive deep. I talk about some of the astrological events going on, the weaponization of a lot of these different initiations, and just really encourage people to feel strong in who they are and to navigate the madness in a unified sort of way without expecting sameness, appreciating that true one is diversity and harmony. But we can as a collective help one another to deprogram and recover ourselves instead of be the next voice that is maybe disguising a programming that we all need to come to terms with and where we feed into it. How can we let go, forgive ourselves and forgive one another so that we can move through this next phase which is more accountability, more transparency, more humility and more self honesty and giving that gift to ourselves is going to help us to give that to one another so that in this time of the 13th sign being activated, which rules the ether, corrections of the Venus transits, this ether element, this unconditional love source energy so available to us to do more than we can imagine, to create miracles, to create unbelievable breakthroughs and that energy of the unconditional love of the mother, of the ether, of a ficus is actually ruled by Chiron, which is the wounded healer. So in order for us to really embody our truth frequency, we have to acknowledge our wounds so we're not acting it out, so we're not like masking it. Because I think some of the most damaged people don't want to admit it and so run these programs or need to be in a position of power or feel helpless and want somebody else to do it for them. So if we can just acknowledge our wounds without shame, without being victimized, but in a place of empowerment to realize the wisdom that lays on the other side, the jewels and the treasures that lie on the other side of just being able to give it the unconditional love, it might have lacked growing up or in dark cycles of history, we are really like moving in a really incredible direction. There's nothing but joy that can come from embracing the truth of what these times are about and to me it's like a reunion. We are rediscovering aspects of ourselves that have been shut down and dormant so everything we could possibly need is just requiring our willingness, encourage to switch it on and in doing that it's only going to increase the vibration of the planet and I feel that is strong enough to dismantle the negative weapons, I feel it's the override frequency and I feel that this is something to be excited about. And in that vibration of excitement, nothing can really put its hooks in you. Once you've really moved on from an abusive relationship, you know you deserve true love and that it's ability to drag you back in, it is so much less likely to happen, right? And you've got your inspiration and passion back to move forward and to trust that, you know, we have all that it takes and then you're going to draw people to you that are a vibratory match and you'll be empowered to say no when you need to and have an open mind to where it might benefit your greatest growth. And that's so true because like as soon as you start speaking your truth, right, you lose a lot, some people fall away but then you attract others, like they're replaced by something much better that it's actually serving you and you realize that the people that you lose throughout that process weren't actually serving you weren't actually your friend. Maybe at one point, yeah, you bonded over certain things but the thing you fall into alignment is what happens. Because there's a reason you were attracting those people before because that's where you were at and then when you grow and then they're down here still, either they have to go up here or you got to come back down and live a lie basically because now you can't like put that toothpaste back in the tube, so to speak, you know, once you grow you can't like shrink yourself, you have to just live a lie and, you know, be miserable basically or you have to realign yourself with people that are on your frequency, that's just how it works. Totally. And this is what the micro macro is showing us, right, so in bringing to light some of the things that have been rewritten, I mean, we as a humanity need to understand and at least as close to the truth as we can possibly get of events that actually did happen versus the false narratives, right? That's why globalism and wokism has become so strong because people don't know that we didn't win the Second World War, that's been a war on consciousness. So Eisenhower's final speech that says, you know, we need a knowledgeable and aware citizenry to win this war basically to overcome the military industrial complex, those clues are all right there. It's us being empowered and knowledge and truth and wisdom taking it upon ourselves because the biggest threat to our victory as a human race is believing that we're less than and buying into the problem reaction solution and being in this forever abusive dependency bond that is masking a lot of is just masking how dark it actually is and it's feeding on our lack of doing the inner shadow work. I mean, if you look at the school system, if you look at the way we're raised, if we're having an issue, it's like, oh, just go on that pharmaceutical, just go talk to that shrink. I mean, look at all the options that were given, these are not good options that we're being guided in life to turn to when we are in need. And I just love that the events that we do and the amount of like people that are much more into energy work into, you know, gaining self knowledge and working with frequency, working with herbs, working, you know, I mean, it's all there. So the question is, can you Google past the conventional and dig a little bit deeper into, you know, what's organic because the soul matrix is a reflection of the nature we see outside of us where elemental or DNA is elemental earth, air, fire, water, the mitochondrial DNA is ether. So we can purify and heal all the nucleic acids of our DNA and begin to switch on what's been dormant. And the earth is going to respond to us. That's where we move into higher earth energies, but we can't if we're just hanging out in this lower place, expecting somebody else to save the day or expecting a, you know, nothing more than doom and gloom constantly. And that we're just forever victimized as a human race. We, we are there, there's so much more afraid of us and what we're going to find out about who we are. And that's where we're at. Right. And a lot of the information being well said and a lot of the information being pushed for some of these theories, and ultimately it leaves you feeling trapped and imprisoned like there is no hope. And that's another red flag to look for if you're, you know, certain information comes through like that. Your book, you said comes out in March, which means that you'll have hopefully physical copies at our conference and we might as well announce now that Laura is going to be one of the speakers at our conference next May. And we're excited to have her back. She was spoken to first one about the secret space program and her Mars recruitment and things like that. And it was fantastic. And we're excited to have you back. So, and I hope hopefully your book will be ready by then, but it sounds great. It sounds awesome. And I have one question. Do you type as fast as you talk or because otherwise you should have it done like tomorrow then. Ah, that's so funny. Yeah. Well, that's quite an evolution or journey. I, a lot of it was high docked and destroyed and I had to sort of rebuild it, but it does go a lot into the Mars recruitment. And I'm just, yeah, that story. So you know, in the face of trickery, we can only find truth because the thing is if we're allowing ourselves to be duped, if we continue to be duped, it can only point the compass in one place, which is ourselves and developing, you know, these aspects of ourselves that will be able to discern and see through things. Don't be afraid to have a voice and speak up when something doesn't feel right. And if you're not dealing with somebody that likes that, that's probably not the right person for you. So there's something else I was going to say too. But I really look forward to it being a part of your conference. And yeah, so I just, I feel like, you know, it just, there's a lot of really, really good reminders. I mean, when I read certain aspects of it or I just opened it up, I'm like, yes, of course, right? I mean, it can be just like so difficult at times, but the most beautiful thing, the thing that we can really, really count on is the very thing encoded within us, which is our true source parents, you know, all the lower Ananaki creator gods, all the imposters and things like that, literally are encasing us in such a small, small part of all that we are. And just to, you know, kind of break through that is the beginning of the soul retrieval and the remembrance. And then we discover as we switch on these dormant strands of DNA that it's connected with all these different ET groups and benevolent ET groups, the lower ones that were just, you know, perpetuating the negative ego. They are the parasites. They are the ones that want us to stay in addiction and fear and all that kind of stuff. So that is almost an aspect of all that we are that once we overcome and we move into the higher levels, we begin to, we begin to align that solar plexus, that ego energy with the multidimensional and we express that. And that's how we crush timelines because we're no longer bound to the things that define us or insult us. We go way beyond that. And that is everything because there's nothing about AI that has any power over us or the artificial timelines except for our belief in it. So yeah, hopefully that will, you know, serve as a great reminder and, you know, I love all your events. I love everything you guys do. And it's such a perfect name for your podcast or need to truth because that really is what it is. And it's not a finality. Like this is truth and this isn't truth. It's a part of the maintenance of your everyday life of being true to yourself, true to your body and able to self correct because that level of honesty with yourself is so strong that no matter how much you fall, you get back up, you're in that zero point, like the full card, and you're in that divine innocence and you're just able, you know, to feel into things and make corrections as necessary. And yeah, so well, I mean, my job after everything you say, exactly, I know I've been kind of redundant. I have a question to a specific question about your Mars recruitment. I heard you recently talking an interview about your partner belonging to Aviary at the time. It's another agency like the CIA or the NSA. And you mentioned that they had their call names. They were birds like penguin and chicken little and things like that. And this was new idea. I had never heard you talk about that part of the story before. I was wondering if maybe you could share exactly what Aviary is and how that, you know, was used and how that all happened for you. Right. So they're considered like this collection of strange birds and they each have code names. And it basically on the surface level is considered a think tank dealing with UFO abductions. What I came to understand though was that they weren't just a think tank. They were actually using some of the dark weaponry like mind control, my labs and psychotronic weapons and all this sort of stuff in order to create this alternative three scenario. And the alternative three scenario has to do with going to Mars and colonizing Mars. So it's a little bit tough to explain everything about it because it's sort of a mixed bag of individuals like, okay, you've got key scientists, you've got military men, you've got intelligence agent and what they're all gathering about like I said is an intense interest in UFOs, but also telepathy, remote viewing, parapsychology and mind control and the creation of psychotronic weapons. So once you get beyond it just being a think tank and you end up finding the rest of this information out, then it's pretty clear that they're using this dark technology for their own benefits. So what I learned about them, I learned when I was dealing with a recruitment, but there was no real information out there about them except for what I found when I dug really, really deep. And there was an association between them and the guy named Paul Beno, who kind of went like crazy with some of the UFO experiences he was having and his relationships with some of them. You can kind of look that up. There's a Benoitz case. So anyway, because there's a lot of compartmentalism, you have your dis info agents there that have actually, I think, moved more into the truth because they were being manipulated or blackmailed. And then you got ones that were really generally interested in going off planet and working with free energy and, you know, but one of them was my partner's handler. So basically, it's a mixed bag, but they all go by bird names and you can look it up artificial telepathy dot is a good resource to find out more about them. And basically what I was experiencing was not the mind control, but more the psychotronic weaponry and the psychotronic weaponry I felt on me since I was a little kid. And what I ended up finding out through Andrew Bishago from Project Pegasus is that they pre-targeted me before birth and they use looking glass technologies and they located me in a partner in a previous lifetime and they used him as bait to pull me in because they knew that I would fall for him. They didn't have me under the mind control or anything like that. I was not a part of any of these projects, but I was recruited and I was targeted with tracking technologies, but also, you know, the kind of thing that would, well, mostly they put plants on my path. So and it would be to trip me up or they would target the partners that I was with in order to create nothing but disruption. So I wouldn't be able to achieve the sacred union that we're all here to achieve. That's why they pulled in a partner from a five and they used him as bait. And the reason they were able to, I think, locate me was because Eisenhower was briefed and I have a book and more information about this, that a big migration was going to happen in 1952 when the unconditional surrender agreement was signed under Truman, which basically meant that we had surrendered to the Nazis, but because he was working with benevolent star beings, a group of them, the Dakota star being said that a future descendant would come into the family and help bring about the truth or share the things that he wasn't able to share. And so what I ended up finding out was that information was intercepted by this group who are connected with MJ 12. And so they were kind of waiting for me to come in and they pre targeted me in order to divert me to Mars. And alternative three was something set up in the Eisenhower administration that I later discovered he wasn't very supportive of and connected with the Zeta's. And my sort of understanding when I was being recruited was why would we need to evacuate the planet? The only reason we would need to go is because of the use of engineering and weapons to create super storms and artificial timeline, apocalyptic sort of Armageddon kind of scenarios in new world order. How could I possibly leave when I know that these technologies exist? I prefer to stay on Earth and expose this and be on this ascending planet because I was already aware of the organic ascension timeline and I was getting all sorts of downloads as a kid. So I was sort of being prepared. Eisenhower was very close. And so that's kind of the gist of it. They definitely manipulated my partner because he would lose time and forget things and they were giving him codes over the phone and I tried to pull him out of all of it. But the level of manipulation was really, really high. So I'm not saying that they're all bad guys. This is the thing with compartmentalism. They will convince well-intentioned people to serve a certain and have no idea that it might not be in our best interest. Now, and those people have no idea usually they're being used to being played. Exactly. And there's nothing wrong with having protective civilizations in the event of catastrophe, but this was a little different. Go ahead. I was just going to say that the best handlers don't know their handlers either. Right. That's the tricky thing. They truly believe in what they're doing, but they don't realize they're being groomed and manipulated. Like you've seen the CIA movies like if they need to manipulate somebody, they'll send, they'll know everything, they'll have the full read-up on that person. And then they'll send a female or a male into that person's life at their favorite coffee shop and it'll seem like they met by chance and they just happen to have the same interest and they fall in love, you know, it's all manipulated. And I think I've experienced that too. I don't know if you're aware that there was a potential Mars recruitment on myself. And the guy he was trying to recruit me was telling me the same things like the, he was being told that the world was going to end and there was going to be this catastrophe and we had to go colonize Mars and that's why he was chosen to be one of them. It was this whole thing. Demolary. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a crazy story. Yeah. Wow. And so I didn't even know that this Mars recruitment thing was real until I had heard your story and that's when I was like, wait, was he really actually going to Mars? You know, at first I just thought he was crazy and it wasn't until I heard your story, Laura, that I actually considered that this was a real attempt to, you know, pull me off path. And anyway, the reason I brought the aviary thing is because we just, we just did a webinar on dumps and our subterranean infrastructure and stuff and I came across aviary in this book, the Dulce Protocol, where they came up a few times and I had never really heard of it too much. And then I just listened to an interview and you talk about it. So it comes up twice in one week and that's why I wanted you to talk about it, but thank you for sharing everything. Oh, yeah. Totally. Yeah. And their code names, penguin, chicken little. So Dan Smith was chicken little and he was the one that helped me to understand all the stuff he said that, yeah, like Eisenhower was told that, you know, a future descent would come in and, you know, and a whole migration of souls that would be bringing about the truth, which I feel is why we all have kind of found one another. And so if those three scenario, I mean, if all turned is one, two and three were, you know, kind of set up, it kind of made sense at the time for there to be some kind of agreement. But that particular timeline which Dan Burst talks about and some, you know, question him and some of these others, but that it was really the negative zatas that were or have been a part of the technology trades in order to, you know, establish things like mind control and spiritual warfare and the Psyops and all the different things after World War II that have definitely made it a war on consciousness. So, you know, and that's enough to know that, yeah, that's not a great trajectory. Do we need to evacuate the planet though? No, we need to expose all of this to help people, you know, recognize, you know, how they're being played. And you don't have to, you know, recruit people with this level of manipulation. There's enough people that want to go to Mars and now we see more public sort of, you know, information or things related to going on a Mars mission that seems to be a little bit more public and more for those who want to volunteer versus being coerced or manipulated into it. To me, there's nothing benevolent about manipulation. If you want something to take place, you know, be upfront and tell the truth because the thing is they only let me talk to him. I was never able to talk to his so-called handlers and that's so the red flags got me through. And then when that website came out and confirmed, I was like, even though I knew I wasn't, it wasn't for me or my kids to go. Yeah. And I mean, operating. That's wild. I'd love to talk to you more about that. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, we should have. I'd love to have a conversation with you about that. Operating in deception is why we're in this mess in the first place. So any groups moving forward, anyone's to still like manipulating and holding on to secrets and just occult knowledge and stuff, it's like, that's what got us into this mess in the first place. So don't buy into that. Like nobody's special, no one's better than someone else, you know, we're all in this together. And that's what needs to be realized. Yeah. And that was another big red flag. It's like, yeah, you've been chosen for this. It's like, yeah, I mean, why? I mean, maybe play it off where you go, like, oh, you're special and that's why you get to do this. Yeah. And that's like, yeah, I don't buy into that kind of thing. And for all I know, it was just, it wasn't even going to be about going tomorrow. I mean, who even knows? But the thing is they're, they're excuses. Well, if we don't mind control them, they're not going to go along with it. So they, they justify it by thinking, well, nobody's possibly go along with it unless we, you know, attempt to mind control them. So, but I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off their errand, but, um, Well, if you have the mind controls, let's look at it this way. If you have to mind control and manipulate somebody to do something, it's probably not a good thing that you're doing, you know, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's just like the government, you know, if you have to, if you have to force people to do something and threaten them and all, and all kinds of these tech, it's probably not a good thing that you're doing. Cause otherwise you shouldn't have to do that. Mm hmm. And that's where it's a complete misuse of power to even think that that's appropriate or ethical. And I'd rather die with my soul intact and, um, and, and just my mind free than, uh, I mean, yeah. Right. And even if it is a good thing, that's not, that's not okay, no matter what, right? Yeah. Right. And it's messy right now. Like, I don't think people understand like what it's like to participate and be a member of the CIA or any of the three letter agencies and want out and want to do the right thing. Like that would require you to go behind your superiors back and do something. Automorality that you know is right and go against orders. And this is where it gets met messy. And I think that's why this whole like white hat movement thing, it's not just like, oh, these guys like, hey, let's just stand up against this and, and break free and fight it. Like whenever you do that, when you go against orders and you, and you try to do the right thing against everything that your superiors are telling you, it, um, now you have a target on your back and potentially death is, you know, looming and they'll target your family and people like that. And, uh, it's, it's not as black and white as we think and we have to, you know, hold space for everyone who's really down there fighting and doing things that we don't even understand that we have no idea are taking place every day. And I just, I think it's important to understand that, um, you know, people are, I really do think there is an effort and I do think we're on the right track. And I know you have to get going here soon, Laura. So those are anything, any last words you would like to leave us with before we wrap up. Oh, well, thank you guys so much for having me. Um, I, uh, can be found at I have a monthly subscription and basically I can send voice texts, any urgent questions about your chart. Um, I share Astro reports and I do zoom calls to do many readings and kind of gather community and, um, uh, just kind of longer sessions and I got some events coming up. I'll be heading to Istanbul, Turkey for some peace talks, which will be really profound and a disclosure fest and Zen festival and some things that I'll update on my website. I'd love to have you guys on. I've got a bunch of questions for you, um, and appreciate both of you very much. And I really look forward to being a part of your conference again. So yeah, that's pretty much it. Awesome. Yeah. Thank you so much for joining us again today. Tyler, are you frozen? Uh, no, but you are in Laura is frozen. Are you there? Nope. I guess I, I guess it was on my end. They were everybody. Everything froze for a minute. You guys froze too. Okay. Well, thank you so much for joining us today, Laura. And guys, just a reminder, stick around after the episode. We're going to premiere the music video from our friend, Robert Ariano trees for the forest. It's an amazing song and I had a lot of fun editing this video for him and the links to his information is below in the description as well. We love you all have a great evening and until next time, good night. Good night guys. Good night. I couldn't see the trees for all the forest. Now they're here, calling there in the house, realized the story is something different. And they told us in the movie. And there's a time, there's a time, there's a time, there's a time, there's a time, there's no room, nothing you must feel, it's here, it's here, it's here, it's here. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we. Maybe it's just what you do with your wings Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil Who's the devil is the devil [BLANK_AUDIO]