Journey to Truth

EP 98 - Nyla Nguyen - Not So Hidden Agenda - War With China - V@x Nes - Galactic Perspectives

Originally aired on 12/17/20
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Nyla Nguyen:
Nyla is a Twin Flame, an old soul and a Light Warrior here to assist the planet and its inhabitants in this pivotal ascension period. She helps to anchor the 5D energy, share her spiritual/metaphysical and Galactic knowledge for people going through their ascension journey.
Nyla hosts her own Youtube channel '3D to 5D Consciousness' as a way spread the light and raise the collective awareness of the planet.
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1h 11m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Hey guys, how's it going? You're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Today we are joined by Nyla Newen. I'm sure many of you guys know who she is from her show 3D to 5D consciousness, which in my opinion is one of the best sources for news right now. She is doing a fantastic job. She's on top of it and she's covering world news, not just what's happening in the US. And she brings like a galactic, she looks at it from like a galactic standpoint. I love everything she's doing. It's a great, she's a great source for information right now. So we had to reach out and have her background because we are literally at war right now. And she has a lot of great intel and a lot of great stuff to share on that. But before we get started, I'm gonna do a few plugs. Guys, we just launched our website today, Journey to Truth, a friend of ours. He did it for us, he did an amazing job. A.K. web design and services. We'll put his information in the description. If you guys, anybody out there looking for a website, I highly recommend him, he does great work. So go check that out. You can find all of our stuff everywhere. We're always sending you to this place, this place. It's all compiled on the website now so you can get it all there. All the affiliates, t-shirts, whatever. Amia, Nyla, you know about Amia, the Amia patches. I think you're an affiliate also, aren't you? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, so Nyla also works with Tim Sanders with the Amia patch, but this stuff is amazing if you guys don't know what it is. It's a patch that you put on your phone or any radiating device, it harmonizes the frequency coming in and turns it into basically something beneficial for you. It really does work. We have them on all of our devices and it's changed my life as far as getting rid of my headaches and sinuses. It's really free energy. It's the next level, next step in free energy, I guess, is what you could say, what else? Hope well, farm, CBD. If you guys are looking for any CBD, this stuff is amazing. It's not your typical over-the-counter CBD. This stuff is very potent. It has a THC level that it kind of exceeds the limits to where he is not able to ship overseas legally just because of the THC. - That's a massive hunger. - So it's US only, unfortunately. - He did say that there might be a roundabout way to ship overseas, but you would have to email him via the website personally to get that out. And then anyway, check that stuff out. It's amazing. And T-shirts, we have T-shirts. Oh, sorry, there is a promo code with the Hope well farm. It is JTT15 from now through January 2nd. It gets you 15% off. We have T-shirts with 20% off T-shirt, 20% off T-shirt. I don't even know what I'm saying. - Too many promo codes. - Yeah, exactly. You can't wait for the holidays to be over. 20% off with promo code SleepyJoe, all T-spring merchandise. Go get yourself a shirt, get yourself on your patch. CBD, anyway. Now that that's over. - Sorry about all the commercials. - Yes, sorry, guys. Welcome to the show, Nyla. We're glad to have you on. How's it going over there? - Oh, everything's going great. Thank you so much for inviting me on. I really did enjoy our connection and our conversation on my last episode. So it's a pleasure to be on with you guys again. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, same. Likewise, likewise. There's a reason we reached out again. You're on top of it. I mean, how are you handling these times right now? Because like we were just talking beforehand, this is a full-time job keeping up with this stuff, keeping up with a ward, it's taking place that most people are completely oblivious to. And how is, I mean, what's it like for you over there trying to keep up with this? - Well, I mash my time pretty well. You know, I do a good job of being on top of very things. I don't know how I do it, but I have a good hand on it. Well, I do have several groups that I've been involved in and I manage a few of them. So a lot of Intel and a lot of research gets dropped in. So it helps with the research a lot because a lot of information people are shared. So I'm always getting the most up-to-date information from the groups I'm in. So that helps with the research, cut down a lot of the time searching. And then what I'll do is once I find the headlines or the events I like the night home in, I just started digging down and making all the connections and figure out what's going on, you know? - Yeah, I mean, you do a great job at presenting it because what I know this is when I get on Twitter, people are tweeting all this information out and it's getting spread, but then ultimately people come to the conclusion that there's no sauce, there's no meat behind a lot of these claims. And then you go to your channel and you have the sauce and it's funny because some people just like discount things and discredit it because they're not sure. But the digging that you do you show the evidence and it's like, oh, okay, that makes a lot more sense. And it's not like we're just seeing these things going around for no reason. Not everything is misinformation. So yeah. - Like for example, I was the first source that broke about A.G. Barr being a demon rat being a traitor was Thomas Paine. And I usually consider Thomas Paine a reliable source. That's why I referenced Thomas Paine. But then later on we find out through all the actions of A.G. Barr, what he's been doing, he is, you know, a deep state agent and it's becoming more and more evident. And I called it on several of my broadcasts that he's going to resign. Look what happens. He's resigning. He's already resigned. So it just depends on the source, you're getting your information from. And when you look at all the actions of these people, it's not hard to make the connection and come to a conclusion. So what I do is I evaluate people's actions. You know, I look at their actions and I look at the source of the information where there's reliable. And then I'm fairly intuitive too. So you can't really be asking me. I can pick up on people's energy and do a lot of other things that you can't do. And that's how I was able to make a quick determination right away that A.G. far is without a shadow of doubt, a deep state agent, a demon rat, I call them, you know? - Well, you did. And I was going to bring that up. Your latest video before he resigned, you called it. I mean... - I called it months ago. I called it months ago. It was actually, it was when I got blocked on YouTube, they gave me a second strike on YouTube and they banned me for two weeks. They blocked me for two weeks. So I couldn't publish the video and I had to publish it on a bit to another platform. So that video didn't get as many viewership as my regular videos, but I called it, I think two months ago, he is a deep state agent and then later on we found out more information than like, yeah, he's going to resign, you know, either. And I even called it to the audience. I said, Trump has not fired him because Trump has a soft spot for A.G. far. Usually Trump fires these people with a tweet and he hasn't fired A.G. far because he has a lot of respect for A.G. far even in his tweet. When he was tweeting out to the world about his resignation, he even said a lot of light and respectful things about A.G. far. So you can tell he didn't want to, you know, disrespect and ruin his reputation in a public way. So that's why he gave it the time for A.G. far to resign. Versus other people, he just fired them with a tweet. No questions asked. It's interesting, what are your thoughts on the possibility that people from the deep state can flip sides, basically? They can join your lines. What if something like that was taking place with A.G. far? Trump knew that was taking place, but what he had already done was irreversible. So he had the resign anyway, and maybe that's why he had the soft spot because you have to imagine some of these people were blackmailed and forced into doing stuff they didn't want to do. And now that it's all becoming public, a lot of them regret it. I'm sure, I mean, I'm sure that they're all human. No, they're not all human, but some of them are. So I just wonder like something, we don't actually know what took place, but I agree. I'm sure he was involved in, I mean, there was old pictures of him with Biden. So you know, at one point they were buddy buddy. - He's been in for a long time. He's been in it for a long time. And then there was pictures of his father connected with Jeffrey Epstein. Now, I couldn't dig about the, to verify that. So I haven't shown that, but there is pictures saying that A.G. Barr's father was connected with that Jeffrey Epstein too. So this is how deep the rabbit hole goes, but I haven't been able to verify that information yet. But this is, I'm like, you know, that this is how information is coming to your surface right now. - Yeah, I'd like to go in, I'd like to go a little deeper on something you touched on in your last video about the Chinese troops in Maine, in Canada, near Canada, that underground, that basically it was an attack on an underground base, thousands of people died, that F-16 went down, I guess it was, the whole story is that Chinese troops took down the F-16 and then retaliation, this underground base was attacked. Is that what's cool? - Yeah, yeah. So what I hear from the alternative media site is that the U.S. bombed the underground bases in Maine that was housing you Chinese soldiers. Now they're saying it's 50,000 and then I've heard other claims that it's actually 5,000. I'll just say it, we don't really know the real figure because we don't have intelligence, you know, military intelligence, these are all just guesstimate anyways. So we'll just say there's thousands that have been injured or killed in that attack. And then we know that the F-16 has been shot down. I think it was done by a direct energy weapon. It was someone was saying in the alternative media. But then again, I haven't seen a corroboration or actually reliable military intel that has come up to actually verify this information because what's going on, it's so sensitive. You know, that's why there's really, there hasn't been any real official military personnel that's come up with status because they don't want to alert and panic the public. You know, this will send the public to a frenzy and just cause a lot of chaos. - Yeah, well, I know like the 50,000 number could be a reality because I know Kirkland Air Force Base just above what we know of that base, minus the underground part. There's 20,000 people active on that base. That's 20,000 people at a known military base. So you can only imagine how many more personnel are actually underground working. So that 50,000 number is not so far out of the realm of possibility. - Well, I can't confirm it because I'm not involved in military intelligence. I can only, I will only believe it when it comes directly from military intel. Like Dr. Steve Petrenic, when he's been authorized to talk about it, then I'll say, okay, that's legit, it's confirmed, but it's coming from all three of me and they're just guessing, you know? - Yeah, yeah. I mean, that's where we're at unfortunately. There is a lot of speculation taking place, but we have to be thinking outside the box. We have to connect the dots on our own. We have to because no one else is doing it. You know, no one else is doing it for us. Just like, we know like the Navy, we have troops being sent out everywhere, you know, on the East and West Coast. And then Russia and China have their troops basically active, everybody's strategically placing themselves right now, preparing for something, which I don't know what we're actually expecting. What do you think? - Well, there's already been a cyber attack on the U.S. infrastructure. You know about solar winds that just took place. So that was a cyber attack. Solar winds provide the infrastructure for five year rolls of the U.S. military, of the U.S. government. And then they also provide a lot of infrastructure for a lot of Fortune 500 companies. What had took place was that there was a software update and that caused and, I don't know, it was a malware or an infection, but it was a hack into the government system. So then the White House got alerted and then that's when all the systems in the government just went down, they shut everything down because they knew they'd already been infiltrated. - Yeah. - Now you also hear reports of solar wind being raided too by the FBI, but I still need to verify if that's actually took place or not. But this is one of the stories that's leaked out that solar winds got raided. - Yeah. That's, did you hear the information? Did you hear that Trump like ordered the White House staff to clear out basically and not leaving DC right now? I've heard that from multiple sources. If that case, like something is going down. - I mean, no, there's a lot of serious moves going on in the background that they're not informing the public. These players are making these moves and they're doing very strategically, trying to be very silent, but with social media, things break out very quickly. And yeah, I did hear about the White House being cleared out and the staff being told to go be making the area and everything. So. - Yeah. I wonder where they're going. I'm sure they're using underground tunnel systems. I mean, portal and off planet. Who knows what the hell's going on? - Yeah, it could be. - So how, in your eyes, what's your opinion on how this transition is going to look as far as Trump's inauguration? Because we know it's not going to be Biden, but something's going to happen. Something has to happen. How is, what is that transition going to look like? Are we going to- - On January 6th, they're going to unseal the Elector's vote. And then they'll find out that they'll certify the Elector's votes. And then you're going to find out the winner and then they'll announce it in operation, which is on January 20th. This whole Elector vote thing where people are thinking Biden won. It's another sting operation. They fell right into the trap. Like, I couldn't believe how dumb they are. Like first, the first thing operation was the election, right? They got caught stealing all these, stealing the election with all these funds at this place. Then now it comes to the Electors. And they're wanting to catch all the corrupt Electors. Now they've been caught. Red-handed trying to certify votes for Biden to get it. So it's another military strategic move to now expose more human rights that are trying to certify Biden as being the winner, even though there's massive fraud in all the swing states. 'Cause the forensic arc shows all of these machines have massive error rates, 68, 70% error rate. And they're not allowed to have more, there's a 0% error rate. You're not allowed to have any percentage of error rate, but all these swing states. Due to the forensic ordering, they have tons of manipulation and fraud that's being exposed. So all these Electors have certified through Biden, they've just certified their own free test certificate. - Their own fate and magically all the errors go to Biden. - So I'm going one way, that's not a glitch. - Oh, look at this event. I'm like, oh my God, I can't believe how dumb they are. I guess they fell for the trap again. What Trump basically did was he allowed the Electors to do the right thing without being cores, see if they will flip and turn on the deep state and vote for the right person, but the ones that didn't flip and still vote for Biden, they're now being caught red-handed. - They're going to jail. - Well, like you said, it was a sting operation. And it was done intentionally. They let them do that. For one, everybody out there who isn't aware, people need to see who the enemy is. Nobody's just going to transition into like, let's just say the new earth or the ascension or whatever this awakening, nobody's going to start that path if they're not triggered into doing it. If otherwise, if we weren't seeing who the enemy was, getting triggered, everyone would just be complacent and lazy. They wouldn't do anything. - Well, from a galactic perspective and from a spiritual perspective, all dark has to go into the light. So this is a phase where they're exposing all the criminality and how deep it goes down all the way to these lower levels where these people are like, you know, pushing in ballots a hundred times or 10 times and allowing dead people to vote. It's not only at the highest level at the government level, it's going all the way down to the lower end to these people working at this poll station, even being involved in this coup. And, you know, they want to catch all these people who have been involved in actively trying to, you know, overthrow this president. So that's why it's taking time for this to be exposed is because look how deep this thing is. Look how deep and corrupt this want is. It's almost kind of sickening to see all these regular folks doing these really serious federal crimes that's going to cost them thousands of dollars in legal fees and also years in jail. I think it's minimum 10 years or something like that year. Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, like you said, they're stealing their own fate. I mean, even the owner of Dominion came out and said there's no way possible that his machines could have been faulty. They were not. - Straight up lies. - He said there's no way that his machines can't be connected to the internet, but then somebody released a video of him explaining how his machines connect to the internet. But he's, so that tells you, that tells you that shows you the narrative that's being pushed right now. Like he knows that he's lying. Who knows if he's being forced to lie if somebody's like, he's, you know, everybody's becoming a puppet right now. Who knows who's really posting. - He was already bought out by the Chinese. So that guy is not really the owner. He's just a bot man, the CEO running, but it's really owned by the Chinese, right? - Exactly. - Yeah, that's a good point. But anyway, I don't know. - So he's a puppet. - But we're just, but they're being forced to lie right now. So I'm sure they're blackmailed. I'm sure like, because either your complete psychopath, sociopath or your, or your blackmail. - The Chinese have many ways of getting people. The first and easiest ways, they buy you out. You know, how much are you willing to accept their bribes? You know, 10 million, 20 million, whatever. The first is they'll pay the people to buy them out. And if that doesn't work, then they'll use coercion. You know, they'll poison you, they'll poison you. And then they'll force you to do things that they want you to do. And then they'll get you to, then they'll give you the antidote so that you can extend your life. This is one of the tactics I know they're doing on one of the CEO that is in the big techs. So this is what they have, sometimes have to resort to. - Yeah, I mean, that makes perfect sense. - And you don't even do poison just the guy, they poison the whole family to make sure. So this is how evil the CCP is. - Yeah, David Wilcock talked about one of his insiders, I can't remember who, but he said they did the same thing to him. They poisoned him and then they said, "Unless you do keep doing what we want you to do, "we'll keep giving you." They would give him like the vaccine to like, keep him alive or whatever it was. But if they didn't, it wouldn't and then he would die. - Yeah, this is one of their tricks of the trade. - Yeah, I mean, it's okay. And it's just a CCP, that's not just a CCP, either this is happening all throughout the cabal, in the United States also. Did you see, were you able to look at that list at all of the 2 million people that they released a list of the 2 million CCP assets? - I didn't call it the millions, but I did read some articles about how they were finding like these numbers are in pharmaceuticals, they're in the news, they're in all type of very high level positions. And yeah, it's not looking good for the CCP. - I mean, there's a lot of those people too, who've now been exposed. - Yeah, they're peppered all throughout society, throughout our corporations, throughout the world, they're embedded everywhere. And it's, I mean, they have nowhere else to go, but surface and be exposed right now. - You know, from a galactic perspective, I'm looking at this situation with the CCP, and I'm like, these people are so spiritually ignorant. What they do to others, they're doing to themselves because it's the karma they are creating, it's gonna come back full circle to them. There's no way to avoid it. So this is how spiritually ignorant these people are of the galactic laws that we all have to live by, whether you are, you can't plead your ignorance to the universe, right? The law still applies to you. - Yeah, that's why they always have to tell us what they're doing in movies and in different things, 'cause they think that absolves them of the-- - No, no, no, no, that's not gonna do that. The reason why they tell you in the movies that they're doing is because by you believing into it, you are actually making that reality, you are shifting that to reality. So what they do is, whatever-- - That makes sense. - Whatever timeline they want the collective consciousness to shift to, they put it in your movies, they put in your holy scriptures, your books. They get you to believe into it. Once you believe into it, then the collective consciousness, the energy is shifting to that reality, to create the collective reality. Because if they didn't do that, the collective consciousness is pretty scattered. Everyone is in their own mind, their own world. It's very scattered. So they need to have a tool, whether it's the religion tool or whether it's the technology, the social media, or movies to manipulate the collective conscious to believe a certain story, a narration to believe into it. And then the belief is actually what generates the reality and that gives you to reality. - Yeah, and mainstream media is a big, big part of that too. Obviously, they tell us what they want us to believe and get afraid of and everything else. But they think Biden won, they keep repeating Biden won, so people will manifest in that. - It's not the conscious message you wanna pay attention is the subconscious. You know, they do a lot of things, obliminally that you are not aware of and the subconscious mind is taking everything. You know, it puts symbols in the background. They put symbols, numbers, numerology, they know a lot of occult knowledge that they keep away from the human population, which gives them the spiritual advantage in manipulation of the collective consciousness. So they have all this knowledge when it comes to, like the multiverse, the laws of the universe, how we actually create realities with our beliefs, our thoughts, our feelings and our physical actions. So they keep all this knowledge themselves and they put it on the movies, what they want you to believe. This is the reason why every single Hollywood movie, it always shows you a dystopia. Why? Because that's what they want you to create for them. There's never been a single movie that is a utopia, not one. - Yeah, go through the Hollywood list. It is only at the dystopia that they are creating for you. And these movies that you're watching, they are probable timeline. They are not your entertainment. They are actually probable timeline. So that means they have a probability of being real, if there's enough momentum and energy that's behind it. - Yeah, exactly. - That's how scary. That's how scary is that you are that powerful to create any reality without even realizing that you're creating it. - Well, that's why it's so important for us to have faith in a positive outcome and a positive timeline and to stay positive right now and not get sucked into the fear and distracted by all this stuff because we have to be our job right now, us three and everybody putting this information out, is to create this other timeline and put energy and manifest this other thing. - Well, the white house, the light forces of light have already won. We've already won. And the cabal is losing more and more power as not only their power in money, power in influence, but all their plans, all their diabolical plans, they're all being exposed. It's coming up to the surface. They need to do these plans in the darkness. But if you bring light to it and you expose them, they can't continue it, especially when there's a lot of resistance to it, like this vaccination agenda they want to roll up, you know? - Yeah, I want to talk about that, actually. What are your thoughts on the vaccine in general? Like, I know there's people claiming there's a lot of comms there. It's all, it's all he's, Trump is speaking in code. It means arrest, it could be something else. What do you think is what is going on with the vaccine? - I think he talks about vaccine to the people who are asleep, who still believe in vaccines and is efficiency. But for the people who are awake, we're gonna stay away from vaccine. Even Trump himself, he doesn't take your vaccine. What does that tell you, you know? So it's for the people, the millions of people, there are still unconscious about vaccines. - Do you think it's gonna actually be a vaccine or a safe one or do you think it's just gonna be voluntary and then whoever takes it, like. - Well, the government don't make it mandatory, but what they're doing is all these business are making it. - Yeah. - They're ways, you know? Like, for example, these airlines, oh, we're not gonna give you services and you're not vaccinated. - They're gonna deny you unless you're vaccinated, yeah. - Yeah, that's total discrimination. And we should all assume these companies were doing that. Playing that, playing instantly, this is a discrimination, right? It's no different saying, oh, you know, we're not gonna serve you because the color of your skin. - I think. - Because if you're a certain religion, you might bomb the planes, you know? That's the plane that's coming. - Oh, it totally is. And I think, like, if these companies are making these vaccines that are as bad as we think they are, they're gonna have, you know, the people taking them are gonna have these very adverse effects or many are gonna die. And then that's gonna wake people up to the vaccines, you know? It might have to get to that point. - I mean, there's so many things we hear too, some people say-- - Those people don't do any research, though. - No, but think about it, millions of people start dying from the vaccine. - How do they know? The media lies. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's true. - But they're gonna say, oh, they died of COVID. - The millions who have been hurt and injured, and the news don't cover it. And these people who are completely in mind control, they only listen to the media. They don't do any type of critical thinking or do independent research. - Yeah, yeah. - They didn't cover millions of deaths or injured by vaccine. They wouldn't have a clue. - Well, the business market is COVID, like he said. And I've heard also, somebody said that the vaccine isn't an even, it's not actually ready. That's why Trump is pushing it so much, 'cause now the deep state's like, oh shit, we don't have a vaccine, but Trump is pushing it saying it's ready. But what Trump is pushing is just a relabeled flu shot from last year. - Yeah. - They don't actually have the vaccine. It's just a flu shot, it's relabeled it. - Which is also bad for you. - Which is also bad for you, but you can detox from it. Again, I don't know, this is just stuff we're hearing. - Well, I think it's a big military move is to put pressure on the deep state to get their vaccine ready. And because Trump's got his vaccine ready, the deep state, which is Gates is now pressure to get their stuff ready, you know? And you tend to make more mistakes when you're rushing, when you're hasting. - Well, they were gonna, the deep state, they wanted to just dangle this vaccine in front of us and just keep like leading us along, you know? And I think that, and now they're being forced and that just screws up their whole agenda. - They have a three-step implementation phase because they want to do the mark of the beast on everybody. They know the population is already aware of the mark of the beast and they're gonna whole Harley reject it. So the first phase is get everybody to comply to wearing a mask. Everyone's wearing a mask because they're all compliant because these businesses deny you entry without a mask. Second phase, they've already applied to wear an mask. Now we're gonna introduce the vaccine. The idea of them all being vaccinated, oh, it's not good enough that you're vaccinated. You need to now carry digital IDs that you've been vaccinated, which was gonna be the third phase, which is the mark of the beast identification. So they have a three-step phase how to introduce this system. And most of the sheeples, mostly unconscious, have no idea that the masks they're wearing is they're complying to it, you know? They're just acquiescing to it and they don't-- - It has nothing to do with. - Yeah, they're just giving the power away. They're giving the power with saying that, yes, we're gonna obey, we're gonna submit like a bunch of, you know, this is why this scene has happened, no respect for humanity because-- - Yeah, it's like-- - It's really, stupidity, it's not, it's a lack of intelligence, you know, because they don't think, they don't question. This is the main problem. - Quite. - They don't question-- - Think it themselves, question it don't be. - They don't think stuff. And this is why the Satanists have a deep hatred for the unconscious because there's too many of them and they don't question. And this is why they're laughing at the unconscious and they have no problem killing them off because, well, it's not gonna be survival of the fittest, it's gonna be the survival of the smartest. - Yeah, exactly, like this is what the whole mask thing is like a collective IQ test. - That's what we've been saying for the one. - It's like, you know, it's an IQ test. I don't know how else to put it. It's to see where you are, it's-- - Their diabolical plan is kill off the unconscious population. Okay, they're too ignorant to know that they're actually killing themselves. And then once they're waking up or they're getting smart, we have to go throw them in jail. This is why they have all these quarantine camps set up. - Yeah, look at the Georgia Guidestones, keep humanity under 500 million. So, see, what are we at? Almost 8 billion now in the population. That's like over 95% of the population they want dead and then enslave the rest, like he said. - Yeah. - That's ultimately where they want this to go. - Yeah. - Well, we have a role to help each other wake up, right? When we collectively wake up, then we can collectively take action together and we are more powerful when we're all united. They can't stand a chance when we're united and fighting for the same cause, like what Demar did with when they're all protesting with pots and pans for nine days straight. This is what it's gonna take to overthrow these demon rats. You know, it takes that type of cooperation, commitment and hard work to get the job done. And the problem is most of the humans in these different countries, they're all scattered. You know, they're all scattered amongst themselves. They're not united and they can't agree on certain things and they're all fighting amongst each other. And this is why the Deep State is able to forward, you know, move forward their agenda with no resistance. - Yeah. One more thing about the vaccine. I've heard also that it's, it contains what they call tracker dust, which is like nanoparticle, nanobot technology that it turns us, it keeps us from ever ascending, basically. Like it'll, oh, it keeps your body in a frequency to where it'll, it'll actually stop you from ever ascending. You won't be able to be physical. - I'm not sure if you watch the episode where I don't, I don't really deepen to the vaccine. I give like the multi-dimensional perspective. Like I went on the physical plane what this thing is going to sterilize you. You know, it's going to make you sick. It's going to make you really weak with the DNA. It's going to compromise your DNA. It's going to make you, make you panable, genetic and modified organism now. And then on a spiritual level, it's also affecting you with nanobot technology where now you can be remotely controlled by 5G and they can quickly have control of you. And I told you, it has to do with this AI consciousness that wants to infect who wants to expose though in organism but the organism has to be artificial because it's an artificial intelligence. It cannot control you if you have a soul, if you have consciousness, it cannot control you because you already have something that's controlling you. But then if they can affect you with nanobot technology and then nanobot technology can replicate within your system, then they can control you with 5G. Yeah, exactly. With your phone, with your microwave, with your TV, whatever they want to control you with, you know? And the next thing they want to do is they want to implement the social credits system in America and then to the Western world. It's on its way doing that because of Google. All the free services people are using right now, they are using that data to make an artificial version of you and giving a credit score in order to control you in order to take away your sovereignty, your God-given free will and your rights. Like, for example, the freedom to travel. Does a God-given ability for any living being to do is to travel, you know, to move a boat on the planet? Stuff like this that you want to implement. They've already done it to China and now they want to do it to the US and then globally. Yeah, I've heard horror stories about that social credit score in China. Those people are miserable because now, and people are starting to judge each other based on their social credit score. And it really makes you, it disempowers you. You know, if you like get caught jay walking, it like takes some off your credit score. Anything you do illegal. It's the same thing with the credit score, you know? They make artificial version of you and assign credit score to evaluate your worth, you know, with this credit score. I opt out of that system a long time ago. And this social credit system, people need to stop using big techs, especially Google. It's very dangerous for them right now because all the data that they are collecting, they're going to be using it to build this dragonfly system. I'm very, very serious. This is not a joke. So the free services of people all love, it is not free. It comes with a big cost. And they're not doing this for just, so you can have a free platform. They have dialed box or plans that you have no idea what they're going to do with this user data. They want to build an artificial world because I told you this AI runs on artificial world. They want to create an artificial version of you. I assign a credit score and now fully control you because now you can't travel anywhere until you have a certain score. You have to abide by their rules, their laws, whatever. It's very diabolical these guys, these demons. - Yeah, yeah, I mean, I absolutely, I know you're right because we discuss this stuff all the time. We understand this agenda. It's nice to hear it broken down like that because people need to hear this. People listening, we need to be reminded also because what happens sometimes is we hear this information and then we forget about it. And then we go back about our lives. Everybody gets distracted and they forget about all this, like, you know, they forget about the agenda, right? They forget about what's taking place. So it's important to discuss it is what I'm bringing up. - If they've made this world so difficult to function without a phone, you cannot actually function without the stupid phone now because everything requires these two factor authentication. This is where the world's heading at because now you need this thing to always exist. Have a bank account to love into your online banking, to do shopping, to love into your eBay, to love into Amazon, whoever did on the online work, you need this device. So I'm making this really important message so that people need to get off Google, emphasize that get rid of your Google Drive, your GML account, all this stuff because it's you who made these companies as powerful as they are. It's the people using these services. - Yeah. - And as soon as you stop using them, they'll disappear just like the Blockbuster. - Yeah, yeah. - And people need to do their job in destroying these companies because they're awful. They're evil. - Well, the thing about Google is when you buy a new phone, it automatically is set up with the whole Google account and everything, they make it. They make it so easy, why would you want to do something else? I know, I'm just explaining, but there is a million other email servers out there and other-- - Search engines. - And search engines that you can use. - But the problem is people are so addicted to free, but it's not really free. - Yeah. - You know, it's not really free. - Well, they condition you to think of like Google, if you want to search something, oh, go on Google and Google it, you know? It's like they kind of try to funnel everyone into certain like Google, Facebook, Twitter. - Well, that's why I'm doing my part to spread awareness of our turn of platform. So we all, as a collective, move away from these big tech so they can all collapse with the old world and focus our energy and with a more, you know, kind, more kind company, more loving, more conscious than these evil corrupt diabolical company, which is only the extension of these demon rats, you know? - Yeah, they're all deep state nations. - I want to ask you a few more things. I heard you mentioned on your last video, which I haven't heard outside of your video is that Trump turned Christmas even to a federal holiday. - Yeah. - I don't want to talk about that one, 'cause then that will alert the demon rats that our Trump is trying to catch, but yeah, that is a military move. - Okay, cool. - That is a big military move. And I told my Telegram members I broke it down for them that this is a strategic operation, but I told them, I'm not gonna explain that in the broadcast because it will alert them. - Yeah, I don't want to tip them off to it. - I don't want to. This is the reason why the military needs to keep certain things hush-hush, because in order for the plan to succeed, certain things just need to be kept quiet. And I want those people that can make these connections quite quickly, and I reveal to the audience, but in this case, I have already made the connection, but I don't want to go dive into it because these demon rats need to celebrate their Christmas. (laughs) So they need to go celebrate their Christmas. - Yeah, exactly. - No, I understand that. I fully understand that. Something else I wanted to cover was this ET disclosure, the Galactic Federation, you know, it's not the Galactic term, Galactic Federation is now hitting the mainstream through that Israeli article that came out. - It's huge. - NBC News. And you mentioned in your-- - It only confirms what I've been saying for a long time in my broadcast when I refer to the Galactic Federation of Light. - It really confirms what I've been saying for over a year now, when I've been exposing, sharing my information. It's all coming to the surface. And the Galactic's want the people to be slowly introduced to it, that there is the existence of benevolent ETs. You know, they're not all evil, like how the movie portrays them to be. - Yeah, exactly. I mean, the evil ones-- - Just the ones controlling the planet. - Yeah. - Evil ones. - Exactly. There is just like humans. - What's helping us? - Just like humans, there's good and bad of every race out there. - Yeah. - There's no, it's not. - Well, it doesn't end outside of Earth. - Yeah, exactly. - Because people need to understand. - So you mentioned a date of 2032 for, I guess, first contact or something like that. Where did that date come from? - The date comes on challenge that the Galactic's the benevolent ETs will only officially introduce themselves to a 5D enlightened civilization. They do not want to introduce themselves to a civilization that's still quite hostile, aggressive and violent. If they were to introduce themselves right now, people would dismiss them, insult them and attack them. They would not be greeted with love and peace. And these galactic beings come in love and peace. So this is the trajectory of the collective conscious within 10 years time that the people that are on the ascension journey, they would move up their ascension journey up to 5D and they will be the ones populating the 5D new Earth. And these are the ones that the Galactic's will introduce themselves on an official level. Like, you know, so that way they want to introduce themselves where they are being received with love and grad to not being hostile and being dismissive and insulting them, you know. Right? And I think they already are introducing themselves on the individual level. Yeah. Most people, not most people, but a lot of people are having experiences with specific races. You know, we're just kind of, I don't know, they're just trying to get us all prepared. Your vibration wants to be quite high to meet these galactic because they're at a very high frequency and they can't really compromise their frequency to drop down to their frequency. So you got to meet them halfway. You got to meet them halfway, at least two through the way so that way they can come down to your frequency and introduce themselves to you. But this is what most people don't understand. They think that after this is over, that, you know, spaceship is going to land the White House. It's not happening. It's not working like that, yeah. It doesn't work like that, you know. They're already here, but they prefer to work behind the scenes. They're not, they don't like the show, you know. They're not about the show, they're not about the ego. They're more behind the scene. They like to do the work, but not receive the credit for it because they're not there to receive any credit. They're not doing it to get any accolades or anything. They're doing it in service of God and to love the humanity, the collectives, the plants, the animal kingdoms. It's for service. - Well, and if they showed up to an unaware collective, an unawakened collective, that would be putting themselves on a pedestal and they don't want to do that. They don't want us to put them on a pedestal. - Exactly. - Because Rachel. - Or think they're these problems. - Exactly, right. They're very humble that way too. They know at a soul level that we're all, you know, extension of source, you know. They're just a little bit more involved. - Yeah. - Consciously in a spirit, but they don't want to be looked at to be worshiped or none of that stuff. - Yeah, they don't want us to, they are equal. They want us to understand they were equals, right? - Yeah, they're equal, yeah. And that's why whenever like, you know, they're here to assist us, but we have to ask also, they can't infringe on our free will. And so if-- - They want us to step into our sovereignty. - They want us to step into our sovereignty. But when we do ask for assistance or we do want to communicate with them, we have to remember to communicate with them as an equal. Don't put them on a pedestal like something above you because then you're telling yourself that you're not powerful when we really are. - Yeah, that's correct, that's correct. - Yeah. - And they're always there to assist you. You call an ash star, the archangels, your spiritual guides, they're all there. You just, yeah, sure, you're not able to see them, but they're listening in to you tell a path that they see you. You know, there is a whole other spiritual realm that exists. We might not have the awareness because we can't see them, but eventually we'll get to the point where we were able to have that connection with them and really hear them loud and clear, you know? - They, you said that it brings up something I wanted to touch on earlier as far as you said, they can see us, they're watching us, whatever. I just don't know what that looks like. Can they just, are they just tapping into our pathically? Is it just their own consciousness? - Well, they can, they can ask to project. They're everywhere and everywhere, you know? They can, they're, they ask to project it. They're everywhere, they can travel anywhere in speed of life. They have God abilities because when you become five, being you reeking back all your God-like gifts and abilities. So in our reality, we can only exist in the here and now in this moment in time, in the say, this event, but they're able to jump different multiple timelines, you know? They're able to do that. There's not a problem for them. So we don't have the ability yet, but they do, you know? - We just have project looking glass. Which by the way, I'm convinced that that is the technology behind the Q operation. I don't, I don't think there's any other activities. - So why the Alliance have, has been winning so much because they have this military advantage over the dark ones. And they have the Galactics helping them, you know? There is a major galactic force behind all of this is doing all this assistance. Even though they're not getting credit for it and they, you don't see them, they are doing a lot of work for the planet. Like how they are bombarding the sun with a lot of gamma frequency. So that way it can then reflect to the planet, increasing the Earth's frequency and our DNA, upgrading our DNA. How they're clearing all the dumps for us, you know? How they're doing a lot of the military operation with the white hats, you don't know any of this stuff because they do things behind the scene. They don't like to be noticed. They don't like to eat the credit either, they don't want that. - Well, actually, and we are aware, like, I guess, not all of us, but we are aware of a lot of this stuff. We keep up with a lot of this stuff. We listen to channelings, we listen to the people that we trust and where this information comes from. So we are aware that a lot of that is taking place. Obviously we don't know the details but we understand like there is a lot more going on than we'll ever know that we're probably not even supposed to know about right now. - We're clearing out the moon too, you know? The moon is a big base, big vapor for human trafficking and kidnapping and stuff. - Oh, yeah, that is like the takeout. That is the jump point for the human trafficking. Anybody that's trafficked from Earth goes to the moon first and then... - Yeah, you know, they love trafficking human and they love slavery. This has been going on for a long time, you know, children, cute young adults. It doesn't matter, human trafficking and human slavery is a big business amongst these evil, darker ETs. - Well, and there's a... - And they might control these humans to fight the Galactics. This is how bad it is. - Yeah, oh yeah. I mean, if you get into these secret space programs and everything that's actually taken place up there from these insiders, it's not, it's not, it's crazy. - It's insane, it's not much better than what's going on here on Earth. Some of these, the way humans have taken over out there, at least in some areas. - But that's, like you said, that's being cleaned up right now as well. - Exactly, exactly. - It's not just Earth, it's, yeah, it's all that stuff too. - Well, you know, the good news is that a lot of these dark ETs, they're trapped here. There's a force field around this whole entire planet. So they're not leaving, they're not getting away. So there is, you know, there's a lot of speculation about the soul of flash happening December 21st, December 22nd, December 23rd. I'm not gonna have my hopes up. I'm not gonna have any expectations. So I'm just gonna be neutral. I'm not gonna say it's gonna happen. So I'm gonna be neutral on that sub-connect so that way if it does happen, great. I will be pleasantly surprised. If it doesn't happen, well, I wasn't, I'm not gonna be disappointed, you know what I mean? So how about we remain neutral on the topic? 'Cause I think a lot of people have a lot of expectation. And if they build their expectation too high and things don't happen the way they are expecting, you know? - That happened in 2018 with the soul of flash. Everybody was certain it was gonna happen in March of 2018 and that came and went and nothing happened. - It's the same thing with this, there's a lot of hype around it, you know? - Yeah, in 2012, yeah. - I think, well, what I think is that if it is coming, they'll do everything possible to make sure we don't know about it because I think that the whole purpose of it is we have to be called off guard. They don't want us prepared for it 'cause when we're prepared for it, it kind of defeats the purpose of what it's here to be. - I always see this as being a divine plan and God works in mysterious ways and God likes to do surprises. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, I understand that God, you've discovered, you know, you have to enjoy the feeling of discovering something, you know, as an adventure, but you are expected, coming, it's, it rules the surprise. So as well, said I have no expectations for it. - Well, how could, go ahead. Keep these neutral and we'll see what happens. - What are your suggestions on as far as how can we prepare ourselves for this? Like what should we be focused on right now? Because once you understand what's taking place, yeah, it's important for us to keep up on it and report it, but we need to be doing some inner work at the same time. - I put all the, you know, the top urgent message to my audience that you really have to put spiritual development at the forefront of everything. I mean, I forget, make a ton of money, forget being rich and everything, all that stuff. A lot of people still have these kind of like these dreams and these ideals. What they don't understand is that because time has been up so quickly, each earth here is becoming shorter and shorter. Like this whole year, it went by pretty fast, right? Now the next year it's gonna go even faster. So this 10 year trajectory that we're thinking that the earth is gonna be entering that golden age, you literally have like five years I was saying to really prepare your consciousness and your multi-dimensional being to be at that frequency and vibrating at that frequency in order for you to shift your consciousness to create that reality for yourself. 'Cause external reality is just facing a reflection of your internal, that's not, it's just a reflection and if you still have outdated programming, belief system, 3D behavior, you're not gonna be able to experience that golden earth reality that people are wanting to experience because they are creating their own realities, 100%. - Yeah. - And if they want to shift, make that jump, they have to do the inner work. And the inner work involves, you know, repaying back your karma to life, balancing out your chakra system, living by universal law, expanding your consciousness and becoming more unlimited, having the mind of God instead of having a mind of a human being, you have to know the mind of a God and start living from the mind of the God and being like a mind of a God, which is all about unconditional love. So this is a huge transformation that people have no idea that God need to take place for them to make that leap, because once they go into that new earth and that it's returning home, because this is actually your natural state of being. - Yeah, beautiful. - But this is why they say it's returned to a home, because this is actually where you reside, heaven, your heaven on earth is actually in that 5D state. And when you reach that 5D state of consciousness, which is being very, very spiritually mature, awakened benevolence on conditioning, loving, not being triggered, not attacking, insulting the people, it's a different level of a weakness that people are not used to. And this is not, I don't wanna say it's a hard transformation, but it's gonna take work, you know? It's gonna take commitment. And the solo flash is gonna help this a lot because it's going to increase our vibration. It's gonna put us into the heart, 'cause we need to be living more from the heart. So it's gonna bump people who are 3D into 4D, and it's gonna bump people who are 4D into 5D. So if you are 4D, then you know, you gotta get a big blue, big boost, then it's gonna be a lot easier to go become 5D. But for the people of 3D, they're just gonna be bumped into 4D, and 4D is just the awakening stage. - Well, beautifully said, that's great advice. I mean, the Earth is transforming, we just have to transform with the Earth, right? I mean, we need-- - Being as a collective is helping the Earth's transform, it's not the Earth's transforming. We are doing the change. - Interesting. - For the Earth. So the Earth's change is based on our change. You understand? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it's our change that's shifting the planet. So in order for the new 5D Earth to be created, it's you who's actually creating it with your visualization, the ideas, your thoughts, your emotions. So whatever you put it out there, it's gonna be used as a collective energy to create that collective 5D new Earth. - It's basically just time to take control of our lives. I mean, we've been under control-- - Take our power back. - Yeah, we've been under control for so long. We need to take charge, take our power back, take control and-- - And do your inner work and heal so you can stop living in fear and yeah, it's a lot easier said than done. But once you see this stuff, once you're awakened to this reality, you know, for, I know for a fact, there's no turning back. You don't even, I don't even resonate with the frequency of the world I came from. You know, there's no way, it just, I don't-- - It's hard right now, right? When you do this, awake and you walk around and people around you are just so asleep. It's far too functional world with so many sleep, with so many as sleep people. You can't have a conversation with them, you know? It's like, you can't have a conversation because they're all controlled by fear. You know, they think there's a virus, you know? They, if you don't wear a mask, they'll just go nuts on you. That kind of is. So it becomes difficult to live in a world full of mind control, people when you are very, very conscious especially if you're very spiritually awakened and you conduct yourself in a different manner. So for example, people are very spiritually awakened and more experienced in the term. You wouldn't really insult and attack people 'cause someone else has a different perspective than you. The most unawakened people, they do that. You know, when they disagree with you, the first thing they do is they throw an insult. You know, they curl and attack at you to belittle your perspective so that way they have, they look like they have a superior perspective. Therefore they look like they have a, they're right. - Yeah, you're bad, I'm good. - Yeah, they build themselves up by putting other people down. That's like a. - It's a very typical 3D behavior because this is someone, this coming from a lower state of conscious, someone that's very unconscious and totally unaware of what they're doing. Totally, completely unaware of what they're doing, you know? - I'm not, I'm gonna be perfectly honest. I still catch myself sometimes judging, maybe not out loud, but in my head, you know, I have to stop myself. I'm like, why am I viewing that person, why am I viewing that person in this way? You have to really stop yourself. But that's where the growth comes in. Being able to observe that thought and make the change in real time. And yeah, that's where it comes, that's where awareness comes from. That's where mindfulness comes from, because you're able to see that this is your consciousness and this is your thoughts and you can actually separate from that and you can observe your thoughts. That's where the power comes from, because now you can actually say, "Yo, hold on a minute, I don't want to entertain that thought." Dismiss it, throw it away. That'll entertain a different thought. - Absolutely, wow. - Exactly, well said. - Yeah, well said, this has been amazing. Thanks for sharing all of that insight. It's funny watching you get going because it almost feels like you're channeling. I think that's what happens when a lot of us are delivering a message. I think we are channeling on some level. Or it's like the information's just out here and we're just pulling it in as it comes through. - I think once you do something, you enjoy your channel automatically. You're already that flow and that creative force flows through you. - Yeah, yeah. Well, tell people where they can find you because I know you left YouTube for good reason. Explain people where you're still on YouTube. - I still am on YouTube, but what I have to do now, I have to redirect my audience to Bitchu or UGE and what's the other one I'm on? Not rumble, I can't remember them. Bitchu, UGE. - You have them in your description. - Odyssey. - Odyssey. - So those are the three ones I'm on. So what I do is I'll post on YouTube and then I'll tell them to watch the links down in the description so that way they'll get the full broadcast 'cause everything I share on YouTube, they pull it down because I say I expose all their diabolical plans, you know? - Yeah, yeah. - They don't want to talk on YouTube. - They don't want to talk a lot. They don't want me talking and I give the evidence too. You know, it's just not some conspiracy theory. I produce the evidence so they remove all the videos and they gave me two strikes already. - Well, yeah, that's why I said earlier. It's like you go on Twitter and people are like, no sauce and you go to your channel and you have the evidence right there. I'm like, oh, well, if people would just watch, so many people are so quick to jump to conclusions, you know, they're not open enough. They're not allowing the evidence to enter the reality because they've already dismissed it. - That's it, right. - Yeah. - One more. - I like to always back up what I say. - Yeah, I know that about you. Yeah, and what I like too is you always correct yourself the following week. You're like, okay, guys, I screwed up. I said something wrong. I was, I stand corrected. You never, you know, you always make sure you address that. - Well, you know, there was the last episode. I made an update on that shooting that was reported as being alleged as Frankfurt. But in my broadcast, I made the disclaimer that this footage is unverified by me. So I was just showing them a footage that's unverified and then the second episode I said, okay, here's the verification now. I found out it's not Frankfurt, the rate on Frankfurt is actually just a nice shootout at Knob Creek in Kentucky. So sometimes there are footage is where I am a little bit skeptical and I would see the disclaimer. But if I do a little bit more fact checking, like what I did with the Chinese invading Canada, it turns out that original broadcast was correct. Now I have the cooperation, the more reliable source to back up what I said. So another Chinese are in the Canada, for example, right? - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. That's why your channel grew so quickly. When I found you originally, you had like 4,000 subscribers and then over now you're like, it's 60,000 subscribers and then I know you can. - It blocked me so much on that channel and that platform. It's unbelievable how much sense of shit by Facebook because they keep on unsubscribing my audience. - Same here. - You know, they keep on, it's really unfair. Channels that tells nothing they lie, you see it just grows up, they blow up and there's no restrictions, you know? They just a lot of grow exponentially and they're telling nothing but lies. But then the channels that I produced the facts, share the truth, no. - Well, they flat out deleted the whole ton of channels. Remember a few months ago, all the like bigger either Q and 100 truth or kind of channels, they just all at once deleted them with no warning, no explanation. - Well, you know, Trump's got plans for them. You know, this, I think this new defense bill, he came out, they got to get rid of Section 230. - Yes, I can't wait for that. - I can't wait for that. - That absolutely has to happen for us to move forward. - He's a national security man, he's right. It's absolutely a national and you know, these big techs, they're actually going to get, I can't wait for them to get it, you know? - Yeah, unfortunately we rely on some of these companies to get this information out there. But you know, at that point, just use the weapon, use the enemy's weapon against themselves. - Yeah, this is why I like other people to like donate to UGE2, they have a campaign to help them pay for some of the infrastructure so that they can provide the service for the people. A lot of the people that the promise, they want everything for free, you know? But everything for free comes with you having restrictions, either restrictions with being censored or they're stealing your personal data and they're selling it off or now they're going to be creating a social credit system with your personal data. So you've got to be willing to pay something to help build a really solid platform, you know? And I found UGE2 is pretty solid. I like what they've built so far. I like people to check it out and donate them, you know, buy them a coffee. It's not going to cost you a lot, it's $5, you know? Buy them a coffee and say thank you. Rumble is good, but I don't like the concept, the whole platform of marketing, of advertising. - Yeah. Yeah, I checked that, but I didn't like it. - Very annoying that you're watching a really good broadcast and it keeps them being interrupted by annoying unrelated or irrelevant ads. It's the most annoying thing ever, just to play a pay for the platform. I think people need to be more conscious. - Bit you, it's good. Bit you, it's my favorite that we've done so far, but I'll check out that UGE2 'cause that sounds, that sounds good. - Yeah, UGE2 is pretty solid. If they get more funding, maybe they can get better servers too and they'll be, things will be a lot faster. They'll people who can have an app now, you know? Odyssey is good, but I think they need better servers 'cause there's a lot of buffering with Odyssey 'cause my videos, if I get the proper traffic, it can get a lot of hits and the lot of these smaller platforms, they can't handle the kind of traffic all at once. You know? - Yeah, yeah. - You know, one thing YouTube does to us sometimes is, we'll have a video up for a couple of days and all of a sudden the video will have 15 ads in the middle of it. - Yeah. - All throughout and they don't even. - They just randomly put a ton of ads. - Without notice, then we start reading the comments. Like, I really wanted to watch this, but it's unwatchable because there's so many ads. - They think like we did it, yeah. - But it's YouTube just slips them in there whenever they don't want to. - But I think you should really just see well the ads on YouTube and make money on other ways, you know? This is the, on my-- - Actually, I've been considering that actually. - On my platform, YouTube, I completely shut off the ads completely 'cause I don't want my messages to be interrupted by, you know, unimportant messages by some vendor wanna selling their products on my to my audience. - Let me know. Well, especially now that we have, we're making significant now from on the end. - Well, the thing is there's different ways for your monetize off your audience. It doesn't need to be advertising. Advertising is the most ineffective way to make money to support your work. There's affiliate marketing, there's you already doing the merchandising. - Yeah. - Just build that audience so that it gets to a point where you can have a sustainable income. - That's what we're trying to do. - Yeah, I mean, the Trump change that YouTube pays you anyway is a joke and they take-- - It's not worth it. It's not worth it for the aggravation of your audience losing attention. - The super chat, they take 30% of that. - Yeah. - So really people think they're donating all of that and they're only donating 70% of it. - Yeah, so yeah, that's something to think about. Yeah, well, we'll look into that. - Yeah, we might have to. - Thank you so much for coming on. We're gonna start wrapping this up. Guys, Monday, we were on Keystone's channel. Aaron and I, we did a like a year review. It was a lot of fun. If you guys haven't checked that out or if you're unaware, go and check out our episode with her. On Tuesday night, I joined Kate Awakening on her live. If you guys missed that, go check it out. And next week, I will be in, I will be in Mexico for next week's episode. So we'll have a little bit different of a format, probably like the early days with three screens, just giving you guys a heads up. I'm excited. - About old school. - Yeah, going old, going old school. I'm gonna be in Mexico for the storm. Watch everything go down and I'll be gone. - Yeah. - You're gonna get stuck in Mexico. - Yeah. Hey, whatever. - The other is gonna be trapped in there. - Yeah. The promo codes for everything are in the description. Don't forget if you're looking for a website, AKA, AKA web design and services. Some really great, he does some really great work that that information will be in the description also. And I think we covered it all. Thanks so much for doing this, Nyla. It's always a good time. Make sure you go check out her channel, subscribe to her and support her also because, you know, we're all in this together and we all, we can use all the support we can get. - Yeah, the channel is called 3D to 5D consciousness. And you can find me on, I'm on Twitter, Facebook, Paraller, I'll provide my links for BitChute Odyssey and also UGE. So that way people can have the full library on UGE too and on Odyssey. - Yeah, awesome. Yeah, just make sure you get those links to me and we'll have them in the description. Other than that, thank you guys for tuning in. Thank you for all your support. We can't do this without you. We can't say that enough. We love all of you guys. And until next time, we'll see you later. Good night. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (dramatic music)