Journey to Truth

EP 96 - Irene Ingalls - Shamanic Sound Healing - Light Code Activations - Preparing For Ascension

Originally aired on 12/9/20
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A Shamanic Sound Healing practitioner & teacher, Irene Ingalls is also a multi-dimensional light language speaker, visual artist & founder of Seattle Sound Temple - Seattle’s Center forSound Healing.
The Seattle Sound Temple is now in its 5th year representing *Crystal Tones Alchemy singing bowls while also teaching and certifying hundreds of sound healing practioners here and abroad.
A practicing sound healer since 2004 under the Mystery School training of Tom Kenyon as well as being trained and certified with sound healer Jonathan Goldman, Irene is also a certified Alchemical Healer, Reiki master and self taught Light Language channel. 
Irene’s personal journey with the language of light began organically with her visual paintings at the age of 22 until many years and several Kundalini activations later, much to her surprise she began speaking and channeling multiple light code dialects as well.
Irene leads spiritual sacred sound tours to Egypt with private access to sacred temples and private time inside the Great Pyramid. Today, she continues to offer weekly on-line soundbaths as well as working with private clients, teaching and performing sound events for both small and
large groups.
You can find her at
Instagram at : Seattle Sound Temple
Facebook at. Seattle Sound Temple

1h 26m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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Well, we got a minute and I'm going to buy that truck I've been wanting. Wait, don't you need, like, weeks to shop for a car? I don't. Carvana makes it super convenient to find exactly what I want. Hold up. You're buying a car on your phone? Isn't that more of a laptop thing? You can shop wherever you want. I like to do my research. Read reviews, compare models. Plus, Carvana has thousands of options. How'd you decide on that truck? Because I like it. Oh, that is a great reason. Go to to sell your car the convenient way. Did I hear you're shopping for a car? Because I've been at it for ages. Such a time suck, right? Not really. I bought it on Carvana. Super convenient. Oh, then comes all the financing, research, am I right? Well, you can. But I got pre-qualified for a Carvana auto loan in, like, two minutes. Yeah, but then all the number crunching in terms, right? Nope. I saw real numbers as I shopped, found my dream car, and got it in a couple of days. Wait, like, you already have it? Yep. Go to to finance your car the convenient way. Bye-bye. [Music] I know it really well. But as I was walking, I was walking in this highest state of appreciation. And I was keenly aware of this literally two timelines as I was walking. And I felt like I was in between the worlds, which happens a lot. But in my neighborhood, it was really odd. So I went for the walk, and on the way back, I was just doing what I call body dowsing, which is just kind of checking in, which way should I walk? And I had a strong impulse to walk a certain way. I walked that certain way. And there's a man whose car was broken down, and he was holding the hood up and looking in there. And I asked him if I could help him. And he said, "Oh my God, yeah." So I just held the hood up. And as he's looking in there, he tells me my car broke down. I have this delivery of $75 worth of food. I have to get to this address up the street. I might have to walk there. I said, "Where is it?" And he told me, and it was like five miles away. So I said, "I'll drive you." And he was like, "Oh my God." So I drove this guy up to deliver this food. He lives in his car. He's totally broke. But he's delivering food for a living. His car breaks down. He tells me on the way things like he had to steal to eat. Like the irony is he's delivering food and not eating it. But that's how he's making his money. We get there. And all the way there, he's talking about metaphysical things and things that I'm really familiar with. And he's dropping information that was pertinent to what I needed to hear at that moment. Exactly. And he kept calling me an angel. And I was listening to him and he was giving me the words that I'd been struggling with. Like, try new technology. It's not hard. Just make that video. Make your video and put it on YouTube. Sure. Well, you know, like all the aha moments I've ever had come from the most unlikely places. And that's how it happens. That's how it happens. It's like when you're least expecting it is when you get that information that you need. And then when you go out of your way to help a homeless person who's like, "Are you Jesus?" Yeah. Yes. Because you just told me, you just figured out my conundrum for me. So anyway, it was just, you know, it was a great story. But it's not really air worthy. But what I realized is that we're like in between worlds and everybody that I have run into, including myself, dealing with levels of depression from being not touched to not physical, you know, in our area, everybody is, you know, we have to wear a mask when we go inside, or they won't let you inside. Well, just, yeah, it's pretty much the same here. It's lack of human touch is what we're, what we're missing, what we're craving, that human touch. And I have been recording and I do think that it's worthy of being on air. So I might leave this in there. It's a good, it's a good example for people, what we're all going through right now. So I'll just go ahead and segue into the episode and we'll get started. Let's do it. So guys, you've already been listening for a couple minutes, but you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast tonight. We are joined by Irene Ingalls. And she is a shamanic sound healer, light language speaker. Actually, I'm going to go ahead and read. I'm going to brief, briefen up your bio, but I want to read it because it's interesting. It's really fascinating to me actually. And I had it. Yeah. If I could even figure this out here, here it is. Funny how life is, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, exactly. So a, what the heck's going on here? A shamanic sound healing practitioner and teacher Irene Ingalls is also a multi dimensional light language speaker visual artist and founder of Seattle Sound Temples Seattle center for sound healing. I practicing sound healer since 2004 under the mystery school training of Tom Kenyon as well as being trained and certified with sound healer, Jonathan Goldman. Irene is also certified is also a certified alchemical healer, Reiki master and self taught light language channel. And it goes into your personal journey after that, which I want to get into a little bit. So we'll just go into it from there. So those of you guys who don't know who she is, that should help you understand what she does a little bit. And before we get started, actually, I want to do a quick little plugs also before I forget. So we have the T-shirts for sale on Teespring 20% off with promo code Sleepy Joe. That's going to last through Christmas. That'll get you 20% off. We have a new design coming out maybe just before Christmas. We'll stay tuned for that. It's really cool. And it might be my favorite one yet. So we'll see. The Omnia patches, Omnia radiation balancer. For those who don't know, it's a patch that you put on your cell phone or any radiating device that harmonizes the frequency coming in, turns it into something beneficial for your body. And it's a really amazing next level free energy technology. It's essentially a free energy device. I mean, this stuff is amazing. If you haven't seen our episode or recent episode with Tim Sanders, please check that out. It works. I had migraine headaches and allergies for years. It went away almost overnight just by putting this stuff and basically harmonizing that radiation. I never connected the dots. Hope well farms. We just partnered up with them recently. Hope well farm. I'll get it right one time. CBD products. They have really top of the line CBD products. Amazing stuff. We do have a promo code for that now. Journey to truth. Just spelled out journey to truth. Ten gets you 10% off for now. I don't know how long that's actually going to run. But this stuff is truly amazing. It's really potent. I say this every time. But I think it's, I think it's a valid thing to bring up. This is illegal in other countries. People wonder why they don't ship internationally. It's because the THC level is so high. They can't. So US only US only so unfortunately guys who live overseas. You're going to have to fly here and meet us in person. You got to fly to St. Louis. Sorry. That being said. Welcome to the show. Irene. How's it going over there? How are you handling these times? It's hard. But because I do what I do, I get to work with clients on a couple of days a week. And I'm doing the sound broadcast like this live from the studio. But I, yeah, it's, you know, I feel like I'm flying really high and then, and then trying to manage like 3D. But at the same time, I'm really excited about things that are happening. At the same time, because I feel I can see, I can see the shift. I could really feel it last night. And, and that is where I'm putting all my attention. Imagining and feeling in every cell in my body. That shift. I want to happen. So I'm excited for that. And that has started to take over the. Kind of like the feelings a little bit. So that's great. Yeah, it is. There is something to be said in that it's like we need to start looking forward to. The future, you know, because there is a bright future and we can't let this time like. Keep us down. You know, it's like it's like a whole universe has their foot on our head right now. You know, we just need to realize that it doesn't have to be like that. Forever so it and that realization comes in the most from the most unlikely places. Kind of like what you said with your story last last night. You know, so, so what's really important is, is it is this is what I feel is, and you were just talking about it. Is imagining with all your senses. What does it smell like? How does it feel like? How much joy are we going to feel? We're going to be jumping up and down and we're going to be hugging everybody and we're going to be. Singing and dancing and, and free. We're going to feel real freedom because we're where we will have. Pushed through this heaviness that is, like you said, trying to push us down so hard. But when we, when we use all of our senses and imagine it. In all those ways. What does it look like? What does it feel like? Was it sound like? What are all the senses? That is manifestation and that's how you hold and that's literally how you jump timelines. Yeah, yeah, while walking down the street. Very interesting. I think it's actually a lot easier to jump timelines than we realize. I think it's, it's a matter of making a choice in that moment and that choice can put you on another timeline. Absolutely, because it's all about our choice and every second you're absolutely right. I do want to bring up. I think this is important why we, how we even found you and why we wanted to have you on. So, if you guys don't know, she was at the SETI conference this, this year, I guess it was this year. It seems like ages ago. Yeah, this past summer. And you were doing your singing bowls on stage. And it was kind of the end of the day and you were up there doing your thing and I stayed in the room for that. And I was meditating while you were doing it. And it was one of the most powerful, moving meditations that I've ever experienced that kind of brought me to tears. It was incredible. I was just, I was gone. I left my body. And at that moment, I was like, man, this is really amazing. I need to talk to her about coming on the show because that stuff is important. We forget about how crucial sound is to our healing and to our awakening to our journey. And like you were talking about before the show, like the brain waves, the 7.83 Hertz or whatever. Is that right? Like that's it. 8 Hertz, yeah. Yeah, go ahead and explain that because that's fascinating. Well, so, so when we're talking right now, we're, our brains are in beta. So that's thinking and figuring things out. And then, and then as we drop into meditation, our brain starts to slow the brain wave slow and to a measurable. Hertz is and Hertz is the measurement of sound or vibration. That's actually the measurement of vibration. So beta is where we're now. And then we go into alpha and alpha. I wrote these down. So I didn't get them wrong is between 8 and 13 Hertz. And alpha is is like daydreaming and meditation and intuition. So alpha is that still small voice. It's also, I think where we go when we're sort of drifting in and out between dimensions or timelines as we were talking about. And then the theta state is deeper and it's 4 to 7 Hertz. So that's the 7.8 Hertz. When you're in theta, you're in deep, deep meditation and that's your REM sleep. And that's the time that's sort of that place where you're waking or going to sleep or you're waking and you're in that dreamy place. When you're drifting off to sleep, it's also place where where trauma can be stored. So you know, like, this is my best example. I had an experience where I was running down an alleyway and I, it was deep and inclined and I tripped and I was flying through the air. And you know, I was running so I was going fast as I'm flying through the air, everything slowed down in slow motion. I'm sure you've probably had that experience where maybe you've fallen off a roof or something. I don't know. And you slow down and that's your brain going into theta. That's like that trauma place. And you have enough time to think and be hyper aware about one for me. It was like, how am I going to land. And I was fine. But theta is where the trauma can be stored. It's also where this deep spiritual realm is it's, it's like the shamanic realm. And when you're working with sound healer sound healing or sound or what you are experiencing Tyler is you were going into theta and then you start to you can literally start to move out of your body like that. And it's also a place where I'm working as a sound healer where people are highly suggestible. So it's, it has like good and bad things about it. I was just thinking about today, you know, when we're on our phones or we're staring at a screen as if our brain waves shift to or go into any of these other states then we're highly suggestible. So it's a, it's a place to be honored, really, and be aware of the 7.8 Hertz is so that's the theta state. And then there's places around the planet and I love going to Egypt myself I love going to Egypt and Peru. Haven't you led tours in Egypt. Yeah, I've been eight times. I'm sort of a nice, like a crazy person about it. And we were lucky we just I just led a tour. We got, we ended we came back in November. Oh, just recently then. Yeah, we were just there. Yeah, very cool, very cool. It was amazing. It's always amazing. It's a life changing experience. We do sound we're singing in the Great Pyramid in the Kings chamber toning and so the whole time I'm teaching toning and anyway, so the so the these sites. If you are a when you measure the hurts of these sites, they will measure 7.8 Hertz. So the ancient found these places around the planet and that's where they built these our temples are built on these places and and there are places around the planet that you just can find sometimes when you're walking around that feel different. And I always feel like stopping and honoring those places is because there are temples everywhere, you know. There are vortexes everywhere. I've never thought about measuring a vortex, the hurts and a vortex, but it might be the same. I'd be curious about that. And then the, then the deep, deepest state would be Delta and Delta is when you're in deep sleep. So, yeah, the brain, the brain states are pretty, pretty fascinating. It's also, you can activate your pineal gland when it gets activated in these states. It, you release DMT and, and then you, you know, you can have incredible journeys listening to a sound session of these pure tones of sound. Well, and that's important, that's important to understand because of how our world has been hijacked as far as sound goes and the frequency that we're existing in all the time is meant to keep us from ever tapping into that frequency and discovering everything that you just spoke of, where the, you know, music is what is that hurts do you know that like music is 10 to for 32 for 40 is what the negative one. Yeah, that's, that's right for 32 is what it should be exactly exactly that's what I'm getting at like it's done intentionally to keep us kind of suppressed basically, but it's also not good for us, you know, because when we're existing in that frequency, the benevolent one, it's healing, it's healing, we may not suffer the ailments that we do, if everything was just tuned to a different frequency. I want to say something that what I think is so great is that we, we are, we are the most powerful sound healing tool we have our body our voice our own voice. So when we're feeling a little funky and, and this is something I do all the often you know every morning in the shower I love the shower because water is a really great and bath if you're in a bathtub, water is a really high conductor of four intuition and for these kinds of brain waves. So if you're in the shower, start to sing and tone. And if you, and if you start with the low tones like on you go up and you're seeing through your body, you can actually feel where there are parts in your body that are stuck. And then you just stay there and keep toning in this place, and your own voice can give you the, the hurts or the vibrations or the tones that you need and you can feel it, you know you when you get a catch in your throat. That you know that's how our English language tells us like I have a catch in my throat, then then seeing in the throat or just tone in this area and because, because, because the tension is, is where the intention of healing will go so just place your attention in that places in your body where the sound is catching and tone there. And you can, you can, you can put yourself into the that the hurts, or that sound that is bet. And that that time, and humming, I tell my students all the time you know one of the simplest things in my clients is, is to hum and that you can walk down the street humming. And, and you're resonating your internal cavity your, your chest your whole body, your bones, and, and you're literally retuning your body so humming, and then it also lifts your spirit. So if you start hearing me humming and singing in the shower you know why. Yeah, and, and, and then another caveat to that is that you know we, we think sometimes that the way we sound or we tone needs to be beautiful, but honestly that where you're going to get way if you're going to find that place where you know you've got a stomach ache or you have your knee hurts or either your back or whatever you've got Aaron going on if you've got a tight shoulders or something. No Aaron doesn't have body pain and sunfare. He's jealous of me. I don't understand it. He's, I think that's where all the CBD oils going. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, you just go to that you just put your attention on that part of your body and tune into it and start to make the sound that you think that that body would want to make. So you're giving it a verbal handshake so it might sound like, you know, and just go with it and let your, let your back or that tightness have a voice and speak and, and it will shift your voiceless shift and as your voice is shifting. You're tuning your body and, and bringing it into harmony. It's amazing. That's, that's where the shamanic part comes in. But we can all do this. This is, it's fun. So I say play with sound. Well, and it's also important, like right now, I'm noticing a common theme is the throat chakra people, like most people are going through their awakening when they go get a Reiki healing and let's say are something like that. The most common thing that comes up is their throat chakra is blocked because we haven't found our voice yet. We're afraid to speak our truth because of what other people think because of what that might mean for our own reality. If we start telling people what we believe in or who we voted for or whatever it might be. So it's important to, to work on that throat chakra and find your voice and step into your power right now. And when you do that, your world will change because it changed for me and I'm living example of it because as soon as you start speaking your truth, the people who don't belong in your life will fall away, but the people that do will make their way towards you. And they'll come out of nowhere and you'll have a new tribe that will actually assist you through your awakening. Yeah, it's community is really, really important. The throat chakra and also the solar plexus, which is like a right, you know, middle of our body right here. A lot of people are struggling with that right now too. That's our personal power. And in regards to what's happening on the planet right now as the vibrations are raising and we're moving up. Right now, as we are getting closer to December 21 and really everything up leveling. Astrologically, what we're doing that is important for us to do is clearing out trauma in our body. So, so I, I've been having lots of like stomach stuff and that is that is stuff that has to get cleared out. We don't have to know exactly what it might be related to. Sometimes it's past lives, but to add the element of sound to that to let it move is really helpful. And to be really compassionate with yourself because a lot of things are coming up and they have to come up to be cleared within ourselves. And then, then we can, we can like open our hearts a lot easier. And I guess like when you find yourself choking on your throat chakra, I really should say something and it was my place forever. So, to have light language start blasting out of me was pretty, pretty insane. Yeah, we need to get into that too because that's absolutely fascinating to me. We've had Valentine a Reese on in the past. She's also a light language healer. I don't know. That's what you call a light language speaker. It was really fascinating. Aaron, you had a session with her, right? So did I. The reason I was even compelled to reach out to her was because of downloads I have received. They could stop now, but at one point in my life, almost every night at the same time I was being woken up, told to close my eyes again. And I was getting the downloads of light language, but it was coming at me visually in symbols. It was just like coming. I don't even know. It was just coming into my head like this. And I didn't know what it was at first. I didn't know how to explain it. Then I discovered what light language was, you know, it was still all new. It was all new to me. And I just became fascinated with it. I've even done some wood burnings of some symbols that I remember. I don't know what they mean, but I don't think from what I understand you don't. You're not really supposed to know what they mean, just how they feel what you feel from that symbol. It's like an energetic exchange or energy signature. And, yeah, would you mind touching on that, please. So, there's so many things in there. The light language is each of the symbols and I started painting and drawing light language when I was about 20 years old and knew it was a something sacred but back in those days, we couldn't really talk about things like this so, so I just did it. And so, as most people start by either speaking at or seeing it everybody has their own way that they and everybody can do it. It's, you know, it, it's available to everybody. But each symbol is is like a encyclopedia in a certain way so so even though I'm going to show you one here okay a little bit. I don't know can you see that. Oh yeah, beautiful. So that's one that I painted for a client. And then I have when we go to Peru or when I ran upstairs, I found these these are from Peru from the sacred some of the sacred places in Peru that you know they just kind of what they look like. But they also can be really geometric and whatnot but each symbol is like a symbol in the cosmic records sort of it, it can unfold over time it has so many layers and it's not just, you know, two dimensional like that. It's multi dimensional and they move and they spin in space and, and they will open up with with new messages for you as time goes on. So, so they're loaded with information there there there are codes of light is how I think of them their codes of light. It's almost like they contain like some type of ancient wisdom or something and it's just stored there until we're at a place on our journey where we're ready for that information and then it kind of just trickles in and all of a sudden we know something we don't know where it came from. I don't know how I know that but I do that's maybe that's how that works. Yeah, and often sometimes in meditation people will see them what I have had the symbols raining down like you did. And, and they're called light language symbols because they often appear like light against a dark background when you see them, I guess because. There are five earth language light languages that are still on earth and light languages. It's, it's a multi universal. It's like a cosmic language so just like we have a lot of dialects here on the planet there are dialects all over the universe. And, so the plaidians have a dialect, the arturians have a dialect, the, the fairies and the, and the devic kingdom and, and the plant kingdom has a dialect and there's like, you can have shamans from other dimensions speaking through you you can have your, you can have your guide speaking to you in light language so one of the gifts that I have that everybody has like I want to, I want to make sure that we all know that. Because when you really open up in this way and start using your voice and not being afraid opening up your throat chakra and toning and whatever in meditation, singing chanting. When it comes through it's you can tell because it's just flowing through and, and you can tell sometimes where it comes from that it's off planet or it's earth based languages. There are five that are still on the planet or you know pretty much on the planet that we would recognize our Hebrew Hebrew so you know those letters of light and ancient Egyptian. See if I can, ancient Chinese and, and, and, and Sanskrit. And you can see in the lot of, particularly in the ancient Chinese characters or in Sanskrit or the Hebrew letters, you can see how they really look and are light language. Yeah, I never thought about those being a light language before. Really interesting. Yeah. Yeah, so it's also when I, I like to tell people it's benevolent when it's when it's coming through in that way. Yes, it is. Well, let's see, I want to say before I start doing a session and I sign light language to when I'm when I'm working sometimes over somebody because you can sign the symbols in the air so you can, some people do it like that. And when I'm speaking at it come your heart, like you said Tyler your, your brain doesn't understand it, but your heart receives it. And your heart knows. So you receive it in that way. And I've had people say, Oh my God, you just sang a song I've heard several times growing up in my dreams. And you know, wow. So, so it's like soul song too it's, it's a soul language. That's really interesting. It's, it's interesting that you say like Egypt and Hebrew and Sanskrit and all that stuff is a, as a light language my and because like you don't think of it as a light language when it's physically here on earth and we can go look at it on an ancient temple. You don't think of it as a light language you think of it as like something from out of this world, even though it is when you when you understand history but it's interesting because one of my experiences was that. I instead of, it was basically like files being downloaded is like pages of light language but instead of that happening one night. I was, I found myself like almost on another planet, but all of the signs and the building signs and the street signs and everything was in this language. And I was looking around I couldn't read anything I was just trying to figure out where I was and it ended pretty quickly but it's interesting. It's interesting to, to think because that could be that could have been on another planet right. Well, absolutely I was just, I don't remember what it was. Look, you know, I was going down the rabbit hole like, like I love to do. So on Mars. Oh, you know what it was, it was, it was John Vivanco talking about the Mayan civilization on Mars. That's what it was. And when I saw that I was thinking, and you're just talking about it. The Mayans were the culture that came from the planet Mars before it. And then some of them came here when the planet was like exploded or I can't remember what exactly happened to it. The red planet. Some type of event happened like around 1900. I know on Mars, our time when, but prior to that. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. But, but they would have had, you know, they would have had that's what their street signs would look like a Mars. I have no doubt. Yeah, exactly. Or any other plan I just, it's just interesting. I know it's all fascinating to me and I'm sure as time goes on, maybe more will be unlocked and I'll figure it out and understand it. But I think this is all part of the process, the journey to truth. Right. Well, absolutely, you know, so I tell people when they're wanting to open up to this is a, and, and, is to, you know, find a safe place, maybe the shower is a place, or the car, your car is a place to just start not with the radio, but just start humming and singing and chanting or like speaking nonsense. So if you speak nonsense, you are, in effect, helping to open up your throat chocolate because your mind isn't just big babble, babble, babble, you know, whatever, just make it up. So some might cut you off, just start speaking nonsense to them. Yeah. Like this. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and it'll open up your throat chocolate so the more we use our voice like you were saying. And another interesting thing is sometimes when I'm driving the, the driving fast. It's like, because light language and, and spirit things and, you know, those sorts of things, they're at a higher frequency. So they're mood, they're literally at a higher frequency. And when we're physically moving faster, it's almost like we can, and we're in a gratitude place. Like if we're feeling gratitude in your car, you're moving fast. I've had this experience where this new light language will just drop in and I'll just start speaking it like crazy and it's in my car. And I have a feeling that that the speed of the car has something to do with it. Oh, interesting. Yeah, we never, we never, it's, it's interesting that the things that you don't consider being responsible for things that happen to you like that, like the speed of the car might have everything to do with that specific language coming in. It's interesting. It's very, you have to go 80 miles an hour. Yeah, 80. Yeah. Well, no, it's just good. It's good to get to a point where you're observing things like that. Because whenever you can live your life and be observing, even the way you act and how you respond to things, that's key. That's how you can actually start to grow when you're aware of yourself and instead of just emotionally reacting to everything. Oh, absolutely. I also have this experience of walk walking down the street and just being, you know, my normal self, I guess. And, and then I'll pass somebody or I'll pass a place, you know, talking about maybe vortex is in, in, and I'll start speaking light language just spontaneously. And it has everything to do with the place that I've just walked by or the person I've just walked by. Really. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, going back a little bit to what we were talking about earlier about what's happening right now on this planet and the healing that we're all, we're all going through like I've been going through some of the darkest times of my life, actually. But it's all been beautiful because I'm understanding I'm in a place now in my journey where I understand why this stuff is happening to me so I can actually learn from it and grow from it. And I think the whole planet is going through that essentially right, and everybody is going through something right now. And I think the reason I'm bringing this up is it's important to seek out people like you to start doing this type of healing and figuring out what's going on with us and you never know what type of healing sound healing Reiki, whatever it might be that you need that's going to unlock everything for your journey. And I just, I don't know, do you have any like, like advice for people out there going through this stuff right now like what can we do, what can we do because it's not easy. It's not easy right now. No, it's not, it's not easy at all. So my advice would be like what works really helps me is to stop in the moment where my mind's going like, you know, whatever the heaviness of your feeling that real heaviness and just start to like really feel gratitude for what you feel around you, and it can be, I am so grateful that their sun shining through the window right now. I am so grateful that I, you know, have, have a warm home. I am so grateful that even though I don't have a warm home I have a warm car to sleep in. I am so grateful for the sun and the sound of the leaves and the trees. And as soon as you can just move your, you're just moving your vibration up a little bit and gratitude is, is a great elevator for elevating you. And it could be like, you feel so terrible, you could even think, I feel so terrible but I just, I have gratitude for the fact that I can feel that I'm human right now, and I can feel that and what else can I feel. And it's, it's really important to start taking really good care of ourselves and go outside. I've been touching the trees a lot more, hugging the trees just, that sounds crazy but it's not easy. Go hug a tree, put your head against the tree and start to breathe with the tree or breathe with a plant. We're breathing out oxygen. We're breathing out carbon dioxide and they're exchanging oxygen with us. Hello, oxygen is really important for us right now, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, especially people who are masked up, we need to breathe and be in nature and touch, touch, touch and breathe with a tree and hug it, touch it. If you don't have anything else to touch. More great advice. Yeah, and yeah, I mean they're literally trying to take away our right to breathe right now. You can't, I can't even go to the gym and work out without wearing a mask, which I've said this before but I'm not going to fail that IQ test. I'm not going to go in there and work out with a mask on and you're not helping your, do not doing your body any favors at that point. You know, what's the, what's the purpose of that so I like that. I've never thought about like breathing into the tree like that. That's a, that's a very powerful exchange. You know, they're, they're adding 15 houses. They're doing a 15 house extension in my subdivision and they cleared an entire wooded area. And it's just so sad to me to see that happen. Because it's like there's hardly any wooded areas left in where we live. And if you, I Google, I put it on Google maps and I looked down on it. And I was like, it's the one green spot that's left and now they cleared it. It's like they're just taking every single area. There's so many places to expand to but they're just trying to compact and cram everybody in the tiniest little area. And I mean that's all done by design, obviously, to make it seem to get out of the cities, make it seem over populated right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. You know, I, I, we were talking about East study just a minute ago and, and when I was last there was for John's remote viewing class in October. Yeah, I think it was October. Yeah, because we, yeah, because we just left, we were there in September. But it was, his class was not saying we had just left and it was like a week and after or something. Yeah. So we remote view the mountain and, and that night, the mountain lit up the inner earth, you know, the doors are opening the lights are coming out. It was really phenomenal. But I just wanted to say that because I was recently in Utah camping in the can, in the canyon there at the full moon and at the end of October. That wasn't a canyon with the monolith, was it? No, no. You know what I'm talking about right then. No, exactly what you're talking about. Those are, that was a brilliant move on by those artists, by the way, that was pretty brilliant. They got everybody talking. I know. And now they're selling them. So there's one that's in California, apparently. Yeah, $45,000 and it can be yours. Wow. Wow. It's funny and people get so excited about that and that can trend. But when like any, any type of like ET disclosure hits the mainstream, it's just crickets. It's funny. What people are like, why, why are people so drawn to that? It's because when they tell you something's real, then the mystery is gone. It's no longer exciting this. So maybe there's a mysterious. Oh, that's a smart idea. It's also because most of the ET disclosure, they put out there is like the boring stuff. They're like, Oh, look at this craft. Yeah, it's like yawn. Oh, we, we think aliens exist. And then we're like, I think most people already pretty much know that. It's like the same, they probably do, but it's the same broken. That's the question. The same broken record. We've been hearing for like decades. Yeah, it's just like not full disclosure, which is what, what we need and what we're pushing for. We're going to have it. We're going to be. Oh, yeah. It's coming. Yeah. But what I wanted to say that was so amazing is in this canyon in Utah at night, you know, in the under the full moon. It was like, first of all, the, the, there are pueblo cliff dwellings that are hundreds of years old way up in the canyons that that nobody could get to. And, and I was staring across the way and sending out like just so much. Yeah, it's just so appreciate full of appreciation for the moon and the place and I was pretty high just on the high vibes. And I was looking across the way and this light came out of the walls. And I, because of the experience at, at East Eddie and watching the lights in, in Mount Adams, I knew exactly what it was. So I kept, I was just sending love to it and it would signal back brighter and brighter. It, it was in a place where there, there's no humans there. There's absolutely no human. And anyway, so like, how can we make our field itself feel better is like, remember that this isn't everything go out like there are beings all around us all the time. We can connect with them. We just have to ask for them to show up. You know, our teams are, I call my spirit guides my spirit team my team and call them in and ask for help from. Just like if you don't feel very well to I lost my car keys team like I need some help finding them and, and then just let go and see where your body takes you and you'll, you'll be led right to the thing that you need just you, you have to ask for help. That's beautiful. I'm so glad you said that. That's something I've actually been recently doing because I got to a point where, you know, you're going through some, you're going through something sometimes you get distracted. And I stopped and I was like, I was like, why am I not communicating with my guides anymore like it was something I did all the time and I had just gotten away from it and I started just recently doing that again. And it's powerful. Yeah, but I don't just like sit there and think about it like if I'm alone I just start talking out loud. And then most of the time what happens are while I'm driving I'm talking to them. Sometimes I'm angry, you know, just, just whatever it's like I'm having a conversation with somebody whoever whoever it is I don't know. And then what happens is you end up answering your own question sometimes. It's like you start channeling your higher self I think in a weird way or something. And you, you can solve a lot of problems that way. Just by like being in the shower I'll start talking and I'll be asking why this happened and all of a sudden the answer will come to me I never thought of it. Because you open yourself up to that channel when you do that you set the intention on what you're trying to achieve. And however that appears in your life might be different than it works for me but it does happen that can help you. Yeah, it happened to me several times. And I think it's so what I would like to add to that is that when when it happens that you have the result or your your prayers literally are answered to say thank you, you know, thank you and say it out loud. Because they like they like to hear that out loud. Yeah, and have a good sense of humor too. Yeah, oh I know. Well I mean you gather that's one thing I started off doing when I got into this I was learning about meditation and communicating. Everything was so robotic for me and I was trying to do it like a prayer like something I was familiar with from church. And I started, I started just acting like I was having a conversation with a normal person and not somebody above me, you know, because that's how I was doing it at first I guess somebody more like somebody is better out there better than me. So as soon as I started. Yeah as soon as I started communicating with my guides like they were a real person and just like we're talking now. That's when I started seeing the results. And to it's like seeing eye to eye with them and they think so highly of us because because we're here and we're here we're incarnated in the physical on the planet. They honor us and we're also here as we can be what I like to think of as like acupuncture needles for that energy to come and, and, and move into the earth and, you know, when we are in a great mood or we're in a high vibration state or whatever. Those are the times when it's the best to manifest and, and, and really literally you can affect everything around you that way. I don't know how I got off on that but that's how it works. You just got how wherever the conversation takes you sometimes, you know, it's important. Yeah, we've had guests on where we're supposed to be covering one topic and we ended up covering something totally different but it was amazing because that's what was called for that's at that moment for whatever reason. I just realized I've been, I've been playing with this piece of Skolasite. It's a Christian. I was wondering if you're beautiful. It's something I worry. Yeah, I just had sitting there. Well, it's something I've been carrying around it's actually a heavy stone but I've been keeping it in my pocket I've been sleeping with it. I don't know why I'm just being called to this crystal and I know it's a school site is used for connecting with ET's basically communicating with the star people I guess there's, there's, you know, you know how crystals are just a whole list of things but this one in particular. And that's what I've been trying to get back to because things happen in life that distract us and we get pulled away from things that we should be doing so I've been guided to carry this around and it seems to be like my best friend lately. I'm not sure what it's actually doing for me but it feels comfortable so I've been, I've been holding it and keeping it with me and I was just curious like do you work with any crystals when you do your healing I'm sure. I do I do and I also have a crystal that I've carried around in my pocket. I have them in my pockets and I sleep with them to this kind of to it. But I work with crystals and and the singing bowls are, they are crystalline also they're they're like 98% pure quartz crystal and then there they have gemstones on infused in them. But also use crystals too so so some I have a really big crystal. Oh, it's behind me. I'll show you. Yeah, correct please. Here this guy. So so crystal like this. I carry with me to all the sacred sites I visit but also in the sound in my sound healing sessions sometimes I'll I'll take this and direct the point towards the person or the area of the body. I can sound over the crystal just tone over the crystal and the sound and the frequency and the crystal because crystals. They hold, you know, they hold information we there, you know, that's like it. This is a million year old computer right here. That's the whole crystal skull mystery like what kind of information are they holding what's locked where how do you access it but I think it's kind of the same. I don't think they might not be much different than any of the crystals, you know, all these crystals hold the information. We know our pineal gland is a little crystal and a little tiny bed of water, you know, we're we that's our that's our crystal. I was just getting ready to bring up the pineal gland because you were pointing that that tower and somebody had told me one time you take two of those and you can actually put them on each side of your pineal gland and then, and then there's like a whole little like do this like seven times or whatever but it's it's like creating a beam through your pineal and it's like activates your pineal gland. And I used to do that after and but you know how you forget sometimes look like you forget I stopped doing it for a while. I learned it while we're in Hawaii for cosmic waves. And I did it for a while after that and totally forgot about until now until I just saw you pointed at me like a gun I was like oh yeah. Try this. Well, here's another cool thing you can do with sound and your pineal because our pineal glands get calcified from everything from like fluoride and chemicals and you know. And trails. Yeah. Is you can pitch really high won't do it. I don't think it's probably a good idea on the mic. Well, maybe we'll see. But if you if you pitch really high like that high like really pitch high your tongue will go to the top of your palate. It will direct the high pitch up it it'll vibrate the sphenoid bone of the your palate. It'll it'll vibrate your pineal gland. It'll it'll it'll like vibrate it and help to decalsify it. So, so those high pitch sounds are the pineal sounds. Yeah, that's really interesting. You know, I was just thinking while you were saying that last week, I don't know whoever's listening, they know we had Melissa Corona on the Giuliani's whistleblower and like it's so funny Aaron and I were talking about the difference in like how we're just took a 180 from covering that to covering something like this and how both are so relevant right now. And you know it's crazy for the people who would just tune in last week for the first time thinking that we're like, like some channel covering like queue and politics but then if they're tuning in this week they're like what the hell's going on. It's the same channel. Yeah, I just think it's really cool that we're we're able to be that that's all part of the big picture. Yeah. It is. But this is the deeper stuff. This is like the real. It is and it's also important though you know I've had people criticize me you know like Irene you're so loving and you're so this and so full of light how can you be concerned about these dark things that are going on. And what do you think these dark things are going on in the world you know and the truth is, we have to be. We you know we have to see it all the shadow helps to find you know light and shadow help to find things and. And we have to look at the shadow so that we can have so that we can heal it and and move it because it is really dark and and it is upsetting we can't just we can't look away because it's our. That is, you know, like you can't bypass your way to enlightenment is the way I like to sum it up, which is what a lot of unfortunately spiritual people try to do they try to bypass their way to to enlightenment and ascension. And they're literally holding themselves back by doing that because you're like you said you gotta look at the shadow you can't just ignore it and hope it'll go away or hope it doesn't exist because you're ignoring it. So that's you're literally bypassing the things you're supposed to look at and transmute. Speak it Aaron. It's it's it's what we're seeing on the collective level right now is the mass shadow darkness that's been here it's been here, but now it's being brought up to to be acknowledged and cleared and dealt with. But if you stick your head in the sand and you're like no it doesn't exist because if you're creating it if you acknowledge it or it's like no it's already there it's. You gotta if you don't deal with it you're letting it fester even more and just get worse and worse and worse until you have no choice but to, you know, like how hard you want to make on yourself to deal with it you can deal with it or you can let it keep festering and it's going to get worse and worse. Yeah that's what we're seeing happen right now it's it's everything's being brought up to be cleared, but it's about not getting caught up in the and dwelling on that negative energy and the fear all that stuff, which is well unfortunately a lot of people are doing the split with people that are getting really, really fearful and caught up in the negative vibration and then we're seeing the awakening happen with the rest of the people. Yeah, well it's true like and I see people like that don't want to like you try and show them some of this stuff that's going on like look at do you realize this is happening and like I can't look at that don't I don't want to see that you know that you know that that is them going in fight or flight mode, there's being scared of the truth because of how it will affect their reality once they're aware of it. Then you know there's like almost a moral obligation now to do something about it you can't keep living the way you were once you discover so many is truth. So, and it's scary for people because it's going to shatter their reality and their relationships and whatever else in their, and their little bubble that they're so comfortable with that comfort zone is just blown apart and you know it's a scary. It's a scary place to be, but that's where we grow that's where we step into our power, we're all going through self discovery right now. Don't you can't ignore that shadow, like you said face it because that's actually your biggest teacher believe it or not. It is it's why we came here. Mm hmm. This is earth school it's it's dense here that's why we came. Well, and a lot of people actually sign up according to like Dolores can and and stuff like that like we signed it was like we signed up to be here for this right. And like we were like some of us were actually lucky enough to get a spot like to be alive and this time for lack of a better term like like there were people wanting to be here for this. And they like didn't make the cut let's say. So we like signed up for this is something we all wanted to do we all wanted to be here there in this time. So we can assist in this shift and be a part of it because this is historic. And you can you imagine what it would be like to be living in another planet in another life sometime and to be able to talk about what we did here on earth and you know, tell them stories to our grandchildren on another planet or something. Oh, you're giving me chills you're making me this like getting that's an emotional thought. Yeah, we are here for this right now. Mm hmm. I know that. Yeah, so many people try to connect with their ETS and try and do these spiritual practices that take you away from the human experience like it's a bad thing. Like we're down here to experience all this. That's part of that's why we're here not to escape it, but to be to be in it. Mm hmm. Yeah, because being it like being in this density and and when we come up with our struggles and you know I've had some like really, you know, like everybody but I've had some pretty intense struggles. And, and they have been my best teachers, you know, you just think, can it get any worse, you know, really get it worse. But, but those are the things that that when you get on the other side, you feel really grateful for because they pushed you. They pushed you through and are like when you're down in the bottom, there's some things that you feel like, you know what, what could go why wouldn't I take a chance right now. You know what, what's the worst that can happen it feels like the worst already happened what's the worst that can happen and, and, and then you see that it's all an illusion and it's all part of what you've created for your own lessons. You know, now I'm getting chills. No. Yeah, it's. But it's hard you know when you're in the dumps and things are not too great. And it's, and it's easy to go into victim mode. It's, it's okay just catch yourself and. Or let your, you know, let yourself have those angry moments let your. Gotta go through you have to let the trauma move through you. You can't hold on to it. And then as it moves through you then you're clear, kind of like clear for takeoff. Yeah, beautiful. Exactly. You just kind of summed up exactly what I've been going through. And yeah, that's great advice that's perfect advice actually. Yeah, thank you for sharing that. Oh, well, you know, we're all doing that right. Yeah, exactly. So. What do you think about this voter fraud? Wow. Oh my God, every day I'm so. Every day, every like, I don't know, 50 times a day, I look and like, what's happening now? Oh my God. Well, what I think is, you know, what I think is is what you think too is that I imagine is that we have to, it has to be so bad. We that to so that we all so people can really see, you know what we were talking about earlier about how Aaron you were talking about how it. People try not to see the shadow or they are they, you know, it's like, no, I don't want to look at that scary. It's just a lot of people to acknowledge or look at. Everybody has to look at this. This is going to, even, even people, like, you know, we've been following this and it's still going to be shocking, right? It's, it's how every, but we're all going to wake up. Yeah. Well, that's what I say, even though even those of us who are aware of it, I think we're all going to be shocked on some level when some of this stuff finally does truly surface. Well, there's, yeah. So kind of like the level of disclosure of all the darkness that's been going on on the planet for such a long time. There's, it's. The problem is it's so dark. It's, you know, there's been so much just things. Most people can't even imagine where we're going on. And it's so bad and dark and extensive that. Like, it can't be dropped on everyone at once or like, it would, it would cause a lot of people to commit suicide. Yeah, go crazy or like just mass chaos. And, and one, you know, chaos to a certain degree, obviously we're seeing happen and that needs to happen for this. You know, these energies are causing it and the old is going away and the news coming and it's causing all this chaos and it's waking people up and then needs to happen. But it has to be a process at the same time. And, um, but a lot of people aren't, like you said, don't want to look at a lot of things because it's too scary to, to, you know, to think that could be going on. Or they live on a on a world or their whole life basically has been a lie, you know, like most of the things they've been believing have been lies and all this trial trafficking and pedophilia. And, you know, the list goes on and on, unfortunately. And, but it's, it's going to come out because it has to because everything's being, everything's being exposed right now we're in the time of the great revealing. Um, apocalypse. That's what it actually means doesn't mean the other world. It means the great revealing and uncovering of everything, you know, nothing can stay hidden. So we're, we're being forced to deal with it with our own chat, you know, it's kind of like the as above so below. It's like collective level. It's being revealed and then our own we're being forced to deal with our own shadows at the same time. And a lot of people are having a hard time with that. And some, some less than others, but it's, it's happening to all of us. Yeah. So we're all in this together. Yeah. You say, like, it's going to be unimaginable. It's unimaginable what's taking place on this planet behind the scenes and it's going to be unimaginable for people because we've been lied to about what this place actually is and why we're here and who we are. It is literally stuff from, like, myth and legend and folklore and black magic. Everything you've seen in a science fiction movie or horror or horror film is real. And these elites know that there are secret space programs. There are, you know, satanic cultures that running that run the planet. We've literally been lied to about literally everything, literally, including the true history of the planet and the nature of the universe. Not to mention the other races of beings and creatures and ETs that are living beneath our feet. They've actually been here. They've been here the whole time that into trying to explain to somebody what's going on in this planet who doesn't have an understanding of what's going on on this planet. Really, it's not going to register. That's why you can't just throw this stuff on people because it's going to be so shocking. It's going to be so shocking if you don't believe in any of this stuff. You don't even have to believe in it, but you have to leave consider it, you know. You know, I, my sweet, sweet boyfriend, he is, he's like, he keeps telling me there's no way that there's fraud. I can't believe you think, you know, these are our elections. Oh, no, I'll talk to some people. Same thing. Yeah. What is going to happen to all the people that think that, you know. Yeah, they're, they're going to find out eventually when it all comes out. Some are going to stay in denial probably. And who knows how the mainstream, you know, the mainstream is going to twist it and turn it as Trump stealing. I'm sure they're going to say that. They're already saying that. Trump stole the election. They're going to say he stole the election and then you're going to have the far left. Go crazy with that. No, they are saying that he stole the election. Somebody was on their phone or, and you know how to get the fact checking that say I thought they're saying Biden won. Somebody had somebody screenshot it and shared it. It was a notification saying Trump stole the election by a while. Oh, they're already getting ready to put that out. They're already putting it out there. They know it's coming. Yeah. They're going to pull out all the stops. But, yeah, so, I mean, there's going to be another round of like, probably riots and, you know, all that craziness because you know, you know the media is going to be stoking the fire. I mean, I'm curious if we'll have another false flag. I mean, Oh, I'm sure they're going to try. What do you think? I mean, it could be this UFO thing that they've been starting to talk about. I mean, this whole virus is a false flag. Yeah. The whole planet is under a false flag right now, which is fine. The UFO thing, I think was a potential. I don't know what's going to happen. Well, they're wanting to do more lockdowns and stricter everything, you know, but until all these criminals get taken away finally, and we don't have corrupt criminal politicians. It's on all levels implementing these things and forcing us to close our businesses and to wear masks and destroying the economy and destroying people's lives, and they can't feed their families because they don't have a job. It's just so crazy. Yeah, you can't eat you can't eat in a restaurant. But like every all the restaurants are closed down in our area again it's like nuclear Holocaust here it's retarded but that you can't be eating the restaurant, but you can share as hell get on a plane but you can go to Walmart with a million people are a grocery store. Yeah, as long as you're feeling yeah they're not going to they know where their money comes from and it doesn't come from the small businesses so they don't care about them. It's like the whole thing that happened with Napster back when the music industry. When Napster took over and all the people were able to download music for free. I truly believe that was another deep state operation to funnel all the music into like six five or six major labels. So they can control the type of music that comes out. So the only people that got a business of the smaller the independent label. Yeah, exactly. And then it's the same exact thing that's happening now with the small businesses, you know, the mom and pop store is shut down. It never has more than 20 people in it at one time anyway and then target or Walmart's open across the street. Yeah, it's all about control and further suppression of freedoms and. Yeah, but it's, it had like it's all it's ultimately a good thing to do because it's like it's forcing people to wake up and to and to step into their power and say like, and to be like, this is what no like. I'm standing for truth and freedom and, you know, like forcing us to come together also and it's kind of like. It's like it's, it's, it's like the universe being like all right guys like everyone's gonna have to make a decision now no more like complacency, you know, and it's forcing us to deal with so much stuff and bring it up so much to the surface to deal with. As you do put your foot down and be like, well, okay, you don't like it. Here's a vaccine. But it's also like forcing humanity to be like, all right, it's gonna keep giving your power way to corrupt these corrupt leaders that tell you what you didn't run your lives. Are you gonna, are you gonna start governing yourselves and standing up for yourselves and. Stop, stop giving your way to, yeah, governments and corrupt leaders and like, start living your life the way you want to live it. We're all sovereign beings, but now we're being forced to step into that either acknowledge that and step into it or keep, keep being like, oh, save me or help me or keep giving your power away to, to whoever, you know, but I'm seeing a big split of that and I'm seeing so many people. The ones more in fear are going are not only going along with everything but like shaming people who aren't and like mad if you don't wear a mask or if you don't do that. And screaming at people I've been, I've been screamed at and. Oh, yeah, I've had, yeah, I've been, they've threatened to call the police on me for not wearing a mask. We've kind of taken the spot, we can't take in the spotlight off of her we've been talking. No, but I like what you were saying because, you know what, what I've been thinking about is, isn't it, don't you think it in a certain way it's about seeing how far they can push us like okay, see if they'll go for this. Now, now it's now let's take it a little bit further and tell them they have to do this. And everybody's doing it. That's what I just can't believe it so why are people I want to, I don't know if I should do this or not, but I kind of want to have a sign or something that says, why are you walking your dog by yourself at night with a mask on outside in the rain, you know, why are you doing that. Why are you walking with a mask on in the wood by yourself. Yeah, yeah, well it's also, it's becoming so obvious kind of the, the mental programs and brainwashing that people have been under it. And to me, like the planet so many people in the planet have been under these programs and these, these, yeah, these, these, this mind control essentially is what it is for so long with with what they believe and the things they do because they're told with to believe right by the media or by institutions and stuff, but now we're, it's becoming so obvious, the people that are very, very stuck in that and can't literally cannot think for themselves. Like so many people in the planet literally cannot think for themselves, no matter what they're just too, too stuck in the 3D matrix. They're afraid to stray away from the program. And it's all based in fear. I literally have people tell me, why can't you just stick with the program, not realizing it, like it's an actual program. And that's why they, and that's why these people get triggered so bad when they see you not going with the program because it triggers their fear. And they have to lash out at you because it's triggering that and them because they're so stuck in this, in this fear and this program. Do you think, you know, another thing that's weird is like, what happened, you know, in the 60s, we were everybody was, you know, like who everybody was standing up and being an individual and, yeah, free love and, you know, trying to really be an individual. Well, that got squashed by the ball, essentially. Yeah, so now everybody is in lockstep. Everybody's in lockstep with what we're told to do and, and it doesn't even make sense, you know, and so. I think it's important to use, like to walk, like I make a point to not wear a mask when I'm outside, and I'm not, I don't have to, if I have to go in the store, I wear the map, I have the, I have the, I have the, the sort of most minimal mask. Yeah, exactly. But, but it, you know, because we, because there's the science about the masks too but it, why is everybody all of a sudden, you know, now they're all everybody's going to be taking the vaccine, or they're going to tell us that we have to have the vaccine, or we can't get on a plane, or we can't go to work, or we can't go to school, or we can't, we can't do anything. And then it's like, that's the, like, the highest level of how far can you push everybody. And if most people go for it, then we're screwed. Because what should happen is you stand up and say, my body, my, you know, my, my prop, my body, myself. It's all about my body, my choice until it comes to what they get. Until it comes to your body. Yeah, until it comes to virtue signaling and you have to do this because the authorities tell you to and, and to be safe, and to, yeah. And then it's like, well, it's still my body so how, so now you're saying. Because of that, I don't have a choice so it's like you can't pick and choose what you apply your own principles to, you know, you can't apply logic to anything that's happening right now because you'll just go crazy. Any of it. It's insanity. It really is, but so many people are so deep in this mind control that they can't, like I said, they can't think for themselves and they're just, they're running these programs that they're being programmed with by the media, mostly the media. Or politicians or whatever. Yeah. And when you wake up out of that, though, then you're able, you can see it, but when you're in that pro when you're in that you can't see it. That's true. Oh, in that you just like, you're, and it's, you know, it's tied to ego and it's tied to fear and people's traumas and stuff. Yeah. And they really play on that to really get people to grip on tight to the programming and to all this stuff. But when that's why it's so important to heal, because when you heal those things and you don't have your a lot harder to be to be programmed. And because you don't have the fear that you're like gripping on. Oh, yeah, I need to, we need to do that. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I need to, you know, you're no longer you watch the media and you're like this. You just kind of like you see it for what it is. It's like, Oh, look at this propaganda and, you know, my control programming. So obvious. Yeah. So obvious. Yeah. All right. Well, I think we've beaten that. Yeah, I get worked up about this stuff. I know. But that's it. That's a problem. That's also a thing we have to be aware of too. Like, don't let it get because as soon as you get worked up about it, then you're feeding it energy and you're not helping yourself anymore. But also, you got to, you got to speak your truth. Yeah, and stand up for your, don't be afraid to speak your mind in your truth. But don't get too, don't get too caught up in the drama and, like, like you said, and you can laugh at it. Sometimes I just laugh and I think, okay, this is a joke we're playing. Yeah, yeah, that's the best thing to do really, like you said, just laugh at it. It's like Halloween where we're in masks. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Irene, I guess we'll start wrapping this up. We've been going for a little while here. Where can people find you? Where can people book sessions with you? I know you do like sound bath, sound bath, like, like, courses or I don't even know what you want. Do you want to tell people what you do? Sure. So every, every Tuesday night, every week I do live broadcast and there's a link, I put a link in there for a crowdcast. Or if you go to the Seattle Sound Temple website, you can sign up there and it's sliding scale and we have a phenomenal sound system. We've really nailed it. I'm really proud of our team. So it's almost like being here live with the sound. And I'm channeling light language and this month for December in particular, we're really getting prepared for December 21st and we're having this winter solstice sound event and you can sign up for that too. I think I've not wanted to teach online because so much of it is human to human and that sort of transmission piece. But I'm dedicated to teaching this June and I'd like to find a, I'd love to teach it. He said he would not be fun, but I'd like to find a big place to teach in June when we can teach when we can be person to person. So, so that's a really great way to find us a Seattle Sound Temple and keep keep abreast. Also, we, we saw the singing balls. I'll show you one. Yeah. Yeah, they're beautiful. Yeah. And, and, and we work with people around the world and, and sell them. And each one of these is a jam infused instrument really and to sing with and kind of open up your heart and your voice. So we, we do those. They're all made in the US, by the way, they're made in Salt Lake City one at a time. And I go hand pick them from place that they're made. So, you're nice. Yeah, that's important to know where the energy is important to know where anything you own comes from. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like the whole blood crystal concept. You're aware of that. Like, you know, some, you know, now, since it's becoming like this new age spiritual awakening, whatever you want to call it. Like Walmart and Target and all these places have crystals now. But these aren't, these aren't, these aren't crystals. Oh, they do. Yeah. These aren't crystals that they aren't ethically sourced was just put it that way. They're mined under slave conditions. So now it's like the blood diamond, but it's the blood crystals like you want to know where your crystals come from when you buy them. I always ask, if I'm in a crystal shop, like, and it's best when you find the people who like, get them directly sourced from the miners or wherever, or go mining themselves or whatever. And you know the story behind it. It's just, I just something to be aware for people who don't think about that when they buy crystals. You know, I would just add to that when, when if you have a crystal when you buy a crystal, it's really important, you can clear it. So what I always do is I put it outside in the moonlight, or put it on the ground outside, or put it in a bowl. You have to do all these things because I really want to clear the crystal because they hold information so that so they would hold that drama or they would hold the energy of the person who had it before. You can put it in a bowl of water and put salt in the bowl and so put it in salt water and that will clear literally clear the crystal of all those un, you know, that's undesirable energies and start fresh and, and when I work with certain crystals, I'll clear them on a regular basis and try to moonlight for moon, it's a great time to put your crystals outside. Oh yeah, yeah, I've heard there's so much controversy about does that actually work or not, you know, I think it does offer. Well, they came from the earth, don't you think they want to go outside. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, there's so many people have asked me a question like does that really charge your crystals by putting them out in the moonlight like that. And they're like, how does it actually work what's actually charging it I was like, well, I don't know. And you try and you try and look it up and it's like debunked and all this stuff you know so. But I think it's intention to as soon as you put it out there. Yeah. Well, and also clearing it was, you know, clearing it so that because I've had the experience where I bought crystals in Peru from like a shaman shop where, you know, all sorts of stuffs going on. And I forgot to, I had this one crystal I forgot to clear it and I had the worst nightmares all night. Like, it was actually, it was like, I was on ayahuasca I was I have ayahuasca nightmares and what's going on I'm not even, you know. Yeah. And then I realized I hadn't cleansed the crystal. So, so I took it out, put it in the moon, put it outside at night, it didn't have to be a full moon I put it in a bowl of saltwater and cleared it and then I was, it was fine, because they transmit energy. Interesting. Yeah, no, I never thought about like any negative dreams or anything being related to a crystal. They broadcast and they clear, you know, they're pulling stuff out if you're using it for healing it's pulling stuff out, then you want to clear it out. Yeah. I've seen I've actually seen like black tourmaline and stuff like break. I get when it like when it harnesses so much of that negative energy can't handle anymore. I think I've seen the crystals like snap in half. Yeah, I've seen sound ball, you know, singing balls will take a hit like that too they will shatter when there's too much when they're like it's called taking a hit they'll they'll take the hit from the heavy energy and they'll just shatter. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's that's interesting that's something else to think about something else to add in my list of things to remember. No, well, thank you so much for coming on. This has been great. Yeah, thank you so much. Yeah. Everybody was saying name of your website one more time. Seattle Sound Temple Seattle and they can book a session with you there. Yeah, absolutely. I can do live and in person. So I am a sleepy. If you do sound healing in Seattle, that's us. Okay. Yeah, we will we'll have links in the description. Don't forget promo code sleepy Joe 20% off your Teespring merchandise promo code. Truth in all caps for 10% off your omnia patch through Christmas and promo code journey to truth 10 for 10% off. Hope well farm CBD products. Yeah, promo codes. Those are all in the description as well. They all make a Christmas gifts. I'm out of CBD. So if anybody wants to send me some. So I want to send Tyler CBD feel free. Yeah. All right, good night everybody. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] (dramatic music)