Journey to Truth

POP - UP PODCAST #7 - Ben Cehic - Chemtrails & Geoengineering Explained - NWO Agenda

Originally aired on 11/30/20
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Ben Cehic - 
I am a refugee from the former Yugoslavia. After the country collapsed due to the genocide my family came here. During the time here, I learned to value America and its constitution. I learned this was the greatest country in the world because if you wanted to make a living you could, if you wanted to make a impact, you could. After 9.11, the tyranny of shadow government became real to many of us in the truth movement.
I asked questions about the towers demise. People did not like it. I knew something was wrong and chased after the truth. This was the beginning of my journey for truth and disclosure.   
5 year ago, I learned that chemtrails were chaff from an air force buddy for mine. He stated it was a canopy for missle defense. That explanation was not enough for me. That same chaff was affecting the weather. I noticed everytime it was sprayed the weather would change. 
A year later I discovered and Dane Wigington. Iearned the truth, and I was shocked. Dane became a resource of knowledge and I became a ally in the cause to expose the climate engineering programs.
Here I am now leading the group Midwest Climate Engineering Watch. The goal to expose climate engineering but also global tyranny.
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Kerry Cassidy - REBEL GENE: Secret Space & The Future Of Humanity:

1h 31m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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(dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Hey guys, how's it going? You're listening to the Journey to Truth podcast. Today we are joined by our local friend Ben Seehick, who is, he actually Aaron knows him. And he is a member of, or he is a lead researcher at Midwest Climate Change in Engineering Watch. And we're gonna get into a lot of information about chemtrails and geoengineering today. And he has some great information that he's gonna bring forward. And it's actually a rabbit hole that I've been going down lately. And it's something we've never really covered on this channel. So we thought it'd be really cool to do that. Before I get started, we have a couple of things to plug. Obviously, you guys know we have t-shirts for sale, We have promo code, 20% off with promo code Sleepy Joe from now through Christmas or until further know this. - Best promo code. - Yeah. And that works for all the merchandise on there. So that's really cool. And 20% off, it's a great deal right now, especially for Christmas. So get your family a Journey to Truth shirt or a coffee mug or whatever you want. You guys know, you guys know Amnea. Amnea has a sale going on now. He hears what it looks like. You guys know what it is. It's the patch you put on your phone, harmonizes the negative radiation coming in and then turns, basically balances it and turns it into something that is actually beneficial for you instead of the negative radiation. So promo code Truth by clicking the link below promo code Truth gets you 10% off from now through Christmas. Those also make great gifts. (chuckles) Everything makes a great gift. And we have our new affiliate Hopel Farms or CBD distributor or Hopel Farm, excuse me. CBD distributor, we just partnered up with these guys and they're super amazing people. He's one of us, a truth seeker, light warrior, whatever you want to call them. They're really doing some great work. And I believe that sale just ended, but it's still really great products. And we already had people reaching out that they were upset that they don't ship internationally. And I talked with Eric about it and he's like, well, we can't because our product is actually illegal in other countries because of the amount of THC that they put in and it's illegal to ship to other countries. I think the UN or something, there's like one place that he can't ship. So, I mean, this stuff's legit. It really is, it really is some awesome stuff. So if you guys are feel compelled at all and you're looking for some good CBD, make sure you check that out. All the links are gonna be below in the description. Now that all that is done, welcome to the show, Ben. How's it going over there, brother? - Good, thank you guys for having me. It's a great honor for me to be on and to give you guys a little bit of information on climate engineering, which is the greatest threat to humanity today. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, and we're glad to have you. - Things are coming on. - Yeah, definitely, we're glad to have you. So I guess let's jump right into it. This is, like I said earlier, this is a rabbit hole that I've been going down recently and it's just interesting how it all works out that we're gonna be talking about this today. It's really fascinating. We've always known about it, but we've never really covered it. So I'm very curious to see what you're gonna bring to the table and what you can teach us about this. - Yeah, I mean, there's a lot to talk about. It is an incredibly complex subject. I do have to say though, that the best material on this subject is on, which is my friend, Dane Wiggington. He, that's a site. He does an outstanding research. I've done activist work for him and I've done other things. And so now we're bringing it here because it's not spreading fast enough. It's always the East Coast and the West Coast, but the Midwest is completely asleep to it. So this is an issue that needs to be taken care of before it gets out of it completely. - Well, yeah. And a lot of people know about chemtrails and they see this stuff in the sky, but they never think about what it is or what it's doing to them. I mean, they're socially conditioning us. They're putting this stuff in, I mean, cartoons. Kids, children's cartoons. I mean, if you watch some of them, they're putting the chemtrails in there. They're trying to make it just like common knowledge. Like it's just something normal, but it's not. And I guess so like, that's just explained like the reality of what is actually happening here and what this, I mean, I know they're trying to manipulate the weather amongst many other things. - So the reality of climate engineering, you can do it, you can use two schools of thought and I'm gonna give you both of them. Ultimately, climate engineering is used to manipulate the weather. They have passed going back 100 years. One of the first ones is how to make it rain. They've been doing it for 70 years, all the way back in World War I, they started it. And you can see old military planes turning them on and off. Now, what this is, is Lyndon B. Johnson said it one day and in one of his press conferences is he who controls the weather controls the world. Now, going forward with that, weather warfare is the most powerful form of warfare because you can fire around and on this enemy and they can never know that you declared war on them. Iran came out in 2010 and said to went to the UN and said, "Hey, why are you guys cutting off a rain?" Now Iran is in a third world country. I mean, that's sophisticated rate. They have sophisticated machinery. They can detect these particulates coming down a column and cut them off. You know, and there's many documents out there. There's the 800% of page document ascension, sent you in a script of it earlier of them admitting, "Hey, we've been doing this for 30 years and you know, here's, we're gonna continue on with more advanced patents." Then there's a document of what from the Air Force called weather as a force multiplier by 2025. The reality is, it's a weapon, but also a pharmaceutical solution to the plant. See, people treat the environment like it's Minecraft. You know, you chop a tree down, it just grows back. You know, you turn around seconds later, it's all good. That's not the case. You know, nature takes a while to grow back and our loot, plunder, and pillage form of life has caused us to devour a majority of our resources. Now, this school of thought that many of the people in a geoengineering movement say is, the psychopaths have drained the planet dry. They're on their very last straw and they're trying to cause massive depopulation before it's too late. But they're gonna continue to geoengineer, which is stupid. You know, you're shooting yourself in the head not only once, but twice. And the other school of thought, is the one I kind of subscribed to, but I'm not really there yet, is this is a bigger plan. I mean, if you look at the Georgia Guidestones in 1980s, they made it very clear that they want 500 million people to be, you know, they're asking 500 million people for their to be in perpetual balance and nature. Made it very clear back then. And 10 years later, they came out with U.N. articles that say, you know, 2021, 2020. So in my eyes, I think this is a greater plan to get rid of humanity as a whole. You know, bring it down to that number that's easily controllable. - Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. - Yeah. - That couldn't agree more. I mean, this isn't just affecting the weather. There's chemicals and toxins and even arguably nanoparticles. AI, basically nanobots in these chemtrails that don't just affect the weather. They affect our soil. They, you know, they affect our plants, our food, the vegetation, the trees, our bodies. It gets in our skin, it affects us all. And who knows, a lot of these chemicals that are actually being sprayed are untested. Some of them just like, from my understanding, it was like a byproduct of some lab, some testing in some lab somewhere. It's like the waste from the experiment gone wrong that they're throwing into these chemtrails. Now, I know there's like the military explanation of it's like military chaffing or whatever, which is maybe, I don't know, there was that one. - Well, that's a different thing. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, but they were trying to say that's, yeah. - That's one of their X, the mainstream X explanation sport. But there was that news anchor. If you've seen that video, that news anchor, who just kind of like blows the lid on that, blows the whistle on it in the middle of his weather report, or as a meteorologist. But yeah, I guess my whole point was, is that we, what's actually in this stuff, it's doing more than just then manipulating the weather, yeah. - So what's in this material, June during launch, just they just purchased a NOAA plane that was able to test the atmospheric last year. Now, NOAA stands for National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency. They had a way to get a microbiologist to go up in the atmosphere, and they were able to go from point to point on a flight and pick up these materials. The results came back with the following, high levels of the aluminum, high levels of berry, mercury, strong nano plastics. What is that doing up there? And this isn't, there's the mainstream academia, who are, I'm really incredibly disappointed in considering the fact that I'm not a scientist, considering the fact that I'm going to go in the school for 20 years to practice on a subject, how am I more well versed than these individuals? You know, it shouldn't be, I'm not. They're just, they just don't want to continue to propagate why. These nano particulates, when they come down, they come bioavailable, they build up a neurological system. So what ended up happening is, you'll see high amounts of dementia, autism. You'll see all these neurological disorders, like Parkinson's, you know, there is a, the article done, you can look this up called aluminum adjuvants. But you know, the fact of aluminum adjuvants in the body could have autism or dementia, you know, that's not good for you. Not to mention an effect you're breathing your lungs. These heavy metals, these nano plastics, they affect your heart rate, the way your heart beats. I mean, and they're desiccants. So they dry out the atmosphere, they dry out the soil, they dry out the trees, which I'm going to get into later as to how these wildfires happen. You know, the wildfires are directly connected to geoengineering as, you know, the fact that it doesn't regard us to the source of ignition, the wildfires are the 100% linked to that. - Yeah, I absolutely agree with that. I mean, not only are they causing rain, even in some forms that could be acid rain, depending on what's in these chemicals, but they're causing droughts, they can cause droughts also. And from my understanding is like, the chemtrails you see above you, those aren't the ones that are falling on you, they're drifting and blowing miles away. So whatever the ones that are falling on you, you don't even see coming, because they were released however many miles away, downwind or upwind from you. So it's really interesting, like it's very, my whole point is they're very strategic about where they're doing this. And now I mean, obviously it's globally, it's worldwide now, but yeah, I definitely agree with you as far as the wildfire stuff. It makes perfect sense. - Something like getting into some of the programs that people can look up and it will help them understand. All right, one of them, the most obvious one is called solar radiation management. Now I did a video on this not too long ago, and what solar radiation management is to spring nano, aluminum nano particulates in the atmosphere. What it does is it creates an artificial cloud. This artificial cloud is highly reflective. So thermal energy from space comes in, it reflects it back to space. What this does, it creates short-term cooling, but at the cost of long-term heating, because the air is trapped under the canopy of aerosols. So you're creating more heat, and you end up creating more problems in the long-term. Not to mention, this is coming down to the air column, we're all breathing it in, and you can see like COPD, all these things are on the rise. Another one is chemical ice nucleation for weather modification. What that one is, that one is the one that makes it snow and makes it rain. That one they take aluminum nano particulates or just really any of them. They coagulate them, make them thick and they fall. You can tell when chemical ice nucleation happened, when your snow has fallen. If you look to see if there's runoff, 90% of the time when you look at that, it's not gonna have runoff. It's gonna dissipate like dry ice. There's gonna be these little small white balls all over the ground. You've probably seen this before if you recall. I mean, you can have snow this week, it's technically ice nucleated. Going forward with that, pay attention to when they use, when it snows. Snowfall doesn't happen, supposed to not happen, unless it's 32 degrees. We are having snow falling at 37, 40, 52 degrees. You know, that's chemical ice nucleation at its finest. Some years ago, they did a weather test or they did some air samples, another agency did, and they found E. coli at 33,000 feet. E. coli has a primary patent in chemical ice nucleation. You can actually look the video up and there's a guy stirring like a little jar, glass jar, an instant flash freeze. I mean, it just goes to ice within a second. - Yeah, I mean, some of that snow you're talking about, I've watched videos before where people have actually taken it a sample of it and tested it. And there's like, yeah, there's plastics. I mean, it's literally like not even melting. It's not actual water, you know, it's other materials. So yeah, I forgot. I'm sure that video is probably hard to find now, but I do remember seeing that. - Oh yeah, there's also surfactants in the snow, which will makes it really slick. Do you engineering watch team discovered that early last year or the year before where they did a lab sample, found surfactants in the snow, which is soap like material, makes this is why accidents in the snow time are just slip and slides all over the place. - Oh, really, really quick. So when we were down in Washington and East SETI, James Kepsan, he's like, oh yeah, there was soap. It was raining, the wildfires were nearby. So the whole area was smoky, but then it started raining in the streets, looked like somebody dumped soap suds. - It was like soap suds all over the rain. - And all the trees in that area are all dying off, they're all dying off. And James thinks it's directly related to the chemtrails because of when it rains, the amount of soap, it looks like somebody just dumps like boxes of laundry detergent on the street. That's what it looks like. It's crazy. - Oh yeah, that's a big side effect and you'll see it. You know, this flash freezing. Do you guys remember back in 2014 where 100,000 cattle died? Just it was the winter time snowman, 100,000 cattle died. The cattle died because of the flash burns from the chemical ice nucleation. Last year, 200 sea, 200 turtles out in the sea were just found flash frozen. Now, the sea water freezes at 28.4 degrees. How was it that these turtles froze when the temperatures were well above that? You know, we're finding that the low temperatures severely reported, whatever they're saying is not true. We're actually way worse off than we've been years ago. Every year gets progressively worse and these programs are insane. Another one that they're doing is called iron ocean fertilization, where they take iron oxides, they spray them in the ocean. Iron oxides proliferate phytoplankton life. Phytoplankton takes the CO2 from the atmosphere, buries it in the ocean. What does that do? Again, it reduces CO2 from the atmosphere, but it creates such an acidifying effect. You make the oceans heat up. You create epoxygen and oxic zones, low oxygen, no oxygen zones, where sea life is dying. That's why you have the red tides and the brown tides. And that's a direct effect of that. - Exactly, yeah, I was just gonna get into red tides. I was listening to some, actually it's a great podcast on chemtrails, medical medium, I don't know if you know who that is, but he does a great episode on this. And he talks about one of the techniques that they use is they let these chemicals sit in these canisters, in these tanks that eventually go in these planes, which are early model planes by the way, that don't belong to any commercial airport. Actually, it's like their own chemtrails. The chemtrail industry is like its own private club. It exists outside of the government, essentially. The air traffic controllers, the towers are told to ignore them, whatever. But one of the things they do is they let this stuff age and grow mold and toxic algae and stuff inside these tanks because they know that these allergens and this algae and stuff, it can't survive in our atmosphere. So it has to stay in there long enough to adapt. It has to adapt and actually find a way to survive and thrive in that environment. And then they don't just dump all this stuff in the oceans at once because it won't, it'll have the same effect. It won't actually survive that way. They have to slowly do it to the planet, slowly release it and spray it. So the planet can adapt as well to this stuff. It's like very well thought out, it's crazy. But that is what he says. He goes, the red tides aren't what they're telling you. It's directly from the chemtrails. - Correct. These geoengineering programs are just, are awfully, awfully stupid. You know, there's nothing more dumb than we've ever done in society. Short of nuclear holocaust, this is the next big thing. And really, if we don't address this issue, every other issue on this planet means nothing. You know, we have the, also the particulate trails are also responsible for the ozone collapse. When they do these programs, like solar radiation management, they prevent the O2 molecules from the ocean from being from forming up and becoming O3 molecules, which is ozone. So you're blocking it. And it's astounding to me that mainstream science is saying that the ozone is healing when geoengineering watch did it, had hired a NASA contractor to measure it. And the guy I found that the majority of the ozone has been destroyed and it continues to be destroyed. And what's sad is, again, mainstream media continues to lie. So they say that UVC radiation stops at 100,000 feet in the atmosphere, right? However, they're measuring done by geoengineering watch has shown that it's clearly hitting the surface of the earth. And then the only, you know, right after UVC is X-ray, X-ray is an extinction level event. If it gets to that point, everybody does. You know, you can't survive that. So it's shocking to me that these programs are being implemented at this range. You know, and they refuse to do the studies on them. You can watch Dan Guigington confronts David Keith and David Keith, who's a leading NGO engineer, openly states by 2020, they want to dump 20 million tons of aluminum in the atmosphere. And openly on the record says it. Now, it's, and then another thing it admits to is they refuse to publish a study that says what the side effects are dumping 20 million tons of aluminum is. That's something. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, not just in the atmosphere, it's in our fear, in our deodorants, everything. And we know vaccines and we know it's a leading cause to Alzheimer's and all those other diseases and ailments you mentioned earlier. And then we can't figure out, you know, they kind of try and put the blame on us. We need to take care of ourselves. We need to do what we do. Actually, now we have to really do that, but it's not because of anything we're doing wrong. It's because we're being poisoned. Yes, I mean, we're being poisoned. Even organic food is not organic. It's all been corrupted by these chemical, you know, by these particular trails, these programs are chemical ice nucleation. I mean, all of these, every part of life has had exposure to this. I mean, if you look at the Colin collapse with bees, you know, they're finding bees with dementia and Alzheimer's bees. Where's that coming from? Our bees getting this. You know, clearly if humans are getting, there's a rise in this, there's definitely affecting the bees. I mean, they found whales in remote regions of the earth, you know, high levels of aluminum present in their system. I mean, it's crazy. Yeah, I mean, there's microorganisms. They're just like infiltrating the planet, if you will. It's in it. Yeah. You know, you got more gallons disease, which I, you know, I'm looking into now as to, and I'm coming to find out that that's also something that has direct impact from climate engineering. You know, it's quite interesting to see how this is all playing out. And, you know, people believe that they're psychopaths and they're gonna, they're just gonna kill everybody with them. I don't think that's the case. I think they're going to do just enough because they know what they're doing. The decoder farm that recently was destroyed, like 10 million acres destroyed. That's a huge part of the food supply. The constant flooding, you know, they can stop these tornadoes. They can steer these hurricanes. The technology's there. There's Project Cirrus, Project Popeye. You know, if you, if you had people pay attention, there's the ability to stop a hurricane, to steer a hurricane. You know, they use what's called a harp, you know. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You guys know about. Oh, yeah, we know about that. Yeah, so I mean, that's an atmospheric heater. There's many of them. There's over a hundred of them across the world. And what they do is like California, you know, it's called a ridiculously resilient ridge. What that is is they superheat the atmosphere and they create a bulge. This bulge, what it does is it blows away the rain clouds coming in, which is why California is experiencing this drought. But also they can manipulate the jet stream. They can affect where the, where the participation, where the cold fronts going. You know, that's why, you know, the east coast, you know, if you look at like a, if you look at a NOAA temperature map, it's kind of crazy that there's a freeze fry effect. Like the west coast will be on fire, but the east coast will be on a cool down, which makes no sense. Yeah. And then somehow a week later, it'll go, it'll, the west coast will be on a cool down and east coast will be, you know, on the opposite. I'm like, what's going on here? You know, this is, but people can't accept the reality. This is happening. Yeah, so I mean, I guess how does that actually, I mean, obviously there's metal in these, there's aluminum, there's metal in these chemtrails and there's electricity in the air. So I'm sure somehow or another, they're manipulating that with the heat. It's like charging, it's creating some type of a charge and they're able to steer, steer these hurricanes and manipulate the weather and make the basic formula, I guess, what they're doing. Yeah. A lot of that is seeding the sky with heavy metals because if you can watch videos of them taking microwave emitters and putting nano particulates in the water and they can, they're able to make water zigzag, they're able to make water levitate. I mean, it's, the things they're able to do with nano particulates and a microwave is, and that's on a small scale. And they know the things you can do is astronomical, looks magical. Well, you can do that with the weather. You know, you can do the same thing. Just spray the clouds so much so that you can affect the trajectory of where they're going to go and where they're going to move. You can tell when it had been activated. If you look up in the atmosphere, you'll see these thin little ripples in the clouds that are, I mean, just really thin. It looks like a, what do you call it? It looks like when you drop a rock in a pond and you know, like this little, little fast little ripple, it looks just like that. You know, and that's how you know when they're activating the atmosphere of keters. And I mean, the geoengineering watch also did video footage of them when they're turning them on and off as hurricanes are coming in, giving you evidence of them steering the hurricanes in the direction that they want to go. - Mm-hmm, yeah, that's so, and I'm so glad we're covering this because that's one thing that some people just can't wrap their heads around that this is actually possible. There's no way that you can manipulate a hurricane like that. You know, there's just no way. But once you find, once you do some research and understand what's going on, it makes perfect sense. Like you said, they're doing that, it's a microwave analogy how they can control water with nano particulates on a small scale. There's no reason they can't do it on a large scale. There's no reason. - Exactly. Exactly, and these programs are ridiculously cheap. All right, they started off as 15 billion. And the only issue they have is they don't have enough airplanes to deploy all these programs at mass. So what they do is they try to lease out airplanes. The military tries to lease out airplanes from these big manufacturers, from these big airplane industries. You know, whether it's America and Southwest, you know, they have video footage of these commercial airliners flying around. You know, with the label of Southwest or, you know, American Airlines spraying these nano particulates. And so as they continue to do these programs, they realize that they don't have enough airplanes. They're really easy to retrofit. There's pictures that we have that show that there's retrofitted nozzles on a plane and massive canisters in them. We've also discovered that linking directly to the wildfires. The reason the wildfires are happening is because they're creating a cool down effect. They're simulating a volcano, just like the, you know, just like solar radiation management. This is a much large scale effect. It's stupid, but they're doing it. You know, they'll set these wildfires on fire. They'll seed them as they're happening. And then they'll shift them off, you know, off to the North border to the South Pole to create a temporary cooling effect in the Arctic. 'Cause the Arctic's melting. We're gonna have a lotion of that either by the next year or the year after, which it means no ice, no ice in the Arctic. So the Arctic is our thermostat. It sets the global temperature. And if we lose that, I mean, we're in for it. You know, we're gonna have a greenhouse effect unlike any before. - Yeah, yeah, that's interesting. You know, the ice is melting. I mean, Antarctica, we're seeing that. They're making all kinds of discoveries there now just because of the ice melting. So that is interesting as far as that effect in it. Now, so how did you, when did you actually get into all this? Like, I kind of want to go back into your story. We never actually got to introduce you properly and tell your story. So you, would you mind just diving into that a little bit? - Sure, so I'm a refugee from the former Yugoslavia, specifically Bosnia. And my country was absolutely destroyed from dirty political deals and absolute banditry across the board. What they ended up doing is they sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people for small plots of land. And especially to destroy Yugoslavia to balkanize it. So I moved here. First one of the Germany, then we came here. And then I remember when 9/11 happened, I knew something was wrong. You know, I was like, this doesn't seem right. You know, how does an airplane, how does, how do the towers come down like this? And people couldn't acknowledge Tower 7. So I started asking questions, but I wasn't really fully into it just yet. And then right around, you know, five, six years ago, as I continued slowly asking more questions, I met some really interesting people in my life. They were insiders, there were people that knew a lot of things. And they fed me a bunch of information that I did not, I couldn't grasp because I was, you know, I didn't understand it. But then I started taking a look into it and everything they said was truth. And I remember a friend of mine who was an Air Force lied to me about the, maybe he didn't lie to me, maybe he just didn't know. I noticed that every time the airplanes flew over my head, the weather would change every time. You know, it would go straight in the rain or, you know, something would have a some kind of weather phenomena would happen or ask somebody. It's, oh, that's just chaff, you know, they used for missile defense, you know, for ICBM blocking, you know, and I'm like, who, nobody's shooting missiles at him. - Yeah. So why are they doing that? - Like, I'm like, or somebody declared war to, I don't know about, like, yeah. So, you know, I started looking into it and I stumbled across geoengineering watch in Dane Wiggington. I know, I can't remember how I just stumbled across them. And I started looking into things that they had, the reports, you know, and I just couldn't help. And I was like, oh my goodness. I started putting, I started piecing everything together. And I was like, well, there it is. This is what this is. I mean, all the evidence is there. And so I made it a point to expose this issue because you can see everything getting worse. You know, the trees are burning off, the birds are dying and we're facing 80 to 90% insect collapse. You know, when I, well, where I used to live, I couldn't, when I first came into this country, you know, around the summertime, oh man, there were so many fireflies everywhere. Now you can barely see a firefly unless you're coming out into the country or somewhere in the rural area. There used to be, you know, you go down the boat, you hit every insect you possibly could with your car. You have to wash it by the time you get back. That's not happening very much anymore. You know, then you come to find out there's an 80 to 90% insect collapse. Fisheries are collapsed. Wildlife is collapsing and birds are collapsing. You're just like, what is happening in this planet? You know, it can't just all be greenhouse gases. There has to be a big element at play. And there it is, it was geoengineering. You know, it's, you know, that it can respond on its own. But when you're preventing it from doing that, you're, and you're not only that, but you're also causing more harm. You know, it's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking to see this much life being destroyed. And people refuse to look. And what's also heartbreaking too is like, so each new generation of children, each new generation that comes along doesn't have a reference point for what the sky used to look like. They don't know how clear and blue it once was. That's just normal to them. So they don't even know that anything's off or wrong, to begin with. So they're not even going to question it because they don't know any different. And that's where, I mean, that's obviously part of their endgame as well. And if you go all the way back to the Hopi prophecy, the Hopi end time prophecy that Native Americans, they said, I wrote it down so I wouldn't get it wrong. - Spiderweb. - Yeah, it said, and the, quote, "and the earth will be swallowed by a giant spiderweb "before just before the end times." So what does that mean? I mean, if you look at the sky at the chemtrails, if you look at some of those pictures, it could be depicted as a spiderweb. It's just interesting. It's just something interesting. It's almost like, it's almost like this is how it's meant to happen regardless. This is just a symptom of, I don't know, ascension you want to call, the awakening of the planet, what we're going through. - So I don't know. - Well, yeah, I mean, everything is connected, you know, everything's connected with the geoengineering. And these things like the Great Reset, this, you know, this pushing of vaccines, all these lockdowns are all connected. You know, it's not a separate issue from one another. The Great Reset is happening because they want to control the resource flow of the populations. They believe that the earth, and again, it's true, the science is there, that the earth resources are being depleted and accelerated rate, that it can sustain a population of 8 billion people. Yes, you can put everybody in Texas, but can everybody be fed off of what's, what the remaining resources of the planet are? No, and my argument to that is, because they purposely allow these dinosaur age technologies to continue, they have technologies that are hundreds of years ahead of us, you know, in the background. I know they do, I mean, look at, you know, look at Nikola Tesla with zero point energy. Where did that go? Yeah, you know, he found a way to generate food energy. Yeah. And, you know, with no pollute, nothing. And so why did that disappear? Instead, where we are using, you know, all these identities that continue to pollute. You know, like they want to go to wind energy, wind turbines, it costs more energy to use wind turbine. Thank you, yes, to build those things, even the money that costs to build those things is insane, I forgot the number, I heard it one time. It's like, how is that saving anybody any money? No, you know, nuclear energy, 84% of nuclear facilities are damaged or leaking. You know, we're continuing to build more like Fukushima's not happening. That's an extinction level event of its own. You know, it's shocking to me how much of an insane asylum this planet has become. And what Bob even more is that the evidence of all this destruction is at the doorstep but people are going along with it. And that brings me back to when I said, you know, in my country, in my country, when the war was happening, there's a video you can watch called "Servinica." You know, it's a, in July 11th, a town was massacred of 7,000 people. And there's live footage captured of how everything the events were folded over. They were told to march down the road knowing that they were going to be killed. Nobody's protesting. Everybody's just marching down the road, knowing that they would be killed. And that's what feed does. When you inoculate with fear so much, you want to be told how to protect it as opposed to thinking for yourself that, hey, maybe just maybe everything's okay. I just need to go my own way. You know, maybe I need to challenge this and stop this, but people don't have the confidence to do that. You know, it's one of the most annoying things ever here when you talk about these topics, whether it's geoengineering vaccines or anything. It's, oh, this is above my pay grade. I'm like, who do you a lot of think for you? - Yeah. - And then that's just goes back to when we're a child. We're taught to never question authority. You know, do like every member. - You have a lot more questioning of authority. - I remember my grandfather used to say, even though he goes, even though if you don't agree with what your boss tells you, it doesn't matter because your boss is the boss. And I was like, - So you're like, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - It doesn't mean he goes, even if you don't agree that it doesn't matter. Your boss is your boss. The boss is the boss. And it's like, okay, well, that's like not, not growing up thinking back on that. That's like a terrible thing to teach because that just teaches you compliance. Like, you know, 'cause then they're teaching you like, you know, - Don't think for yourself. - Don't think for yourself. And they're going to get you to do something that you don't want to do. - Do whatever the authorities tell you. - It's not even morally right, you know. - Absolutely, absolutely. And you look at what we're at now. These lockdowns have proven that they're going to kill 300 million people from starvation and malnutrition, all right? However, they keep pushing it. These masks proven that they don't work. And the literature, then there, I know there's literature that says they do work, but the CDC has openly admitted. There's a paper that came out in the middle half of this year that said, cloth masks, a surgical mask do not work. There is no evidence of it. I mean, there's a California physician that came out and said bacterial pneumonia is on the rise. They just did a video on these things. And what's shocking to me is, you know, they tell you, we're this mask, it'll protect you and you'll protect others. However, what's going to happen is pay attention. How they do this is they're blaming right now the coronavirus, the rise of the numbers on the unmasked people. What is this going to do? Well, this is going to transition into the vaccine. The vaccine is going to start off being voluntary. Then they're going to say, when a vaccine starts killing people, they're going to say it's because of the unvaccinated people, the number of death rates are going up. So what's going to happen? Take it, Master just came out and said, you're going to have to be vaccinated to go into their concerts. Some of the airlines are coming out and saying, you're going to have to be vaccinated to go to your concerts or to go to the, you know, fly in an airplane. More and more agencies are coming out and saying, this is how it's going to have to be. So, and that's unfortunately the reality. You know, people can't seem to think that the cure is causing them harm. When in reality, the solution should have been from the very beginning, is locked down only those were most susceptible. Yeah. You know, how does it care? The five trillion dollars go to the biggest corporation, but the public, it's only $1, $1, $1, $1, $1, $1 check, and nobody says anything about it. Yeah. Yeah, the stimulus check. No, you're right. You're making a lot of great points and it's true. I mean, it's very clear the agenda they're trying to push. I mean, there's no question. Well, there were already, there's already even countries that like Sweden that didn't do all the lockdowns and they're already, they're already over it. So that we've already gotten, we've already been shown proof that the better thing to do is to not do what we've been doing. And we would have been fine, but no, what do we do? We lock everything down, quarantine everyone. Yeah. Destroy the economy. Destroy everyone's businesses and income. And then the suicide rates go through the roof and other stuff goes through the roof. And then, oh, we gotta do another lockdown 'cause you guys aren't wearing masks. Yeah, like the masks actually work. And when there's no, there's nothing backing that up that masks do anything other than harm you 'cause they're actually, they're lowering your oxygen levels and you're wearing a cloth with building up bacteria all day on your face. So I don't see how that's doing anything, but actually harming people. But somehow that's supposed to protect you from virus. This doesn't make any sense. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, I mean, another thing that's a big problem and they haven't really covered this. They kind of silently skated this one by. Parents are so scared of this coronavirus that they're going to let their children get experimented on with this vaccine. And the restrictions are so loose. Like, you know what I mean? These kids are gonna be cured. I mean, this virus really, from the literature that I read, you just need vitamin C, D, and zic. Yeah. I mean, that's really all you need. And just keep the fit lifestyle. Don't be, you know, don't sit in one spot. It's kind of funny how gyms were shut down, but bars were open. Yeah. It's how a mom and pop store with five to 10 people has to close, but Amazon with 1,000 people in a factory can stay open. Walmart. How does? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So this goes back to, well, for one, they're implementing all these lockdowns, not lockdowns, but all this stuff again. Like the second round is already here where we live. You know that, like, no more than 10 people in your own for Thanksgiving. Like I went to the gym the other day and they're like, they're making you wear a mask while you work out now. I'm like, no, I'm not gonna fail that IQ test. Sorry. (laughing) Like I'm not doing it. Like it's ridiculous. But it is getting that way. It's getting extreme for no reason. They're putting up new testing sites now. Just like, you know, what the hell, you know? Man, where was I going with that? They probably shut down all the restaurants again, right? Yeah. Yeah, restaurants were shut down. Yeah. I mean, if these masks did work, they should have, I said this the last. I was just gonna say, if the masks work, or if this was like something to really be concerned about, you think they would have like some type of hazmat, disposal containers for the contaminated masks that like discard them properly. Yeah. It's because technically that should be the most dangerous thing out there is a used mask if they actually are blocking this virus. So why is there none of that? Oh yeah, I mean, it's amazing. It's amazing that simple things that you think you would do in a biological attack, which this is, I mean, this is a lead made virus proven time and time again. Yeah. Oh yeah. This came from a wet market is, I'm not sure, their head is so far into the sand they probably could see the cord, to be honest with you. Just the way this operates. I mean, how much, it's very clear in the literature that this is not, we're helping at all. This is just causing a rapid demise. Like even the tests, for example, the creator of the PCR tests himself said, "Hey, these tests aren't accurate. "They can give you a good gauge, but they're not accurate." They just came out and showed that the rapid tests are very inaccurate. So when we're seeing these inflated positive numbers, I guess in people's minds, the positive numbers mean death rate. And not to mention that the death rate has been inflated too. The CDC came out and admitted that, I believe it was a CDC that on of only 94% of the people who died were, had already a preexisting condition, that was going to kill them anyways. So really 6% of the total number of people died from the virus. So what is that, 15, 16,000 now, which again, you know, that there's a lab-based virus killing people, but the, I mean, the magnitude is different from 300 million, you know, 300 million going to die. - Of those 6%, they're like over 90% were elderly too. So they're, cause they're making it sound, the other thing they're making it sound like, no matter how healthy you are or how, what your age is, you're just as likely to get this and die. And that's not true at all. - Well, it's not true. - And another thing that's interesting too, if you look at the death totals for the last couple of years, this year is actually no different. It's actually less than a couple of years ago, the number of people that have died this year. And that was a normal year. - Yeah. - Like the overall death rate- - The death, it's the same as it's been every year. - And it's literally- - It's exactly. - The media is just gaslighting. - It's actually lower than some years. The death rate this year was lower than 2018 over. - Well, it is, it is an agenda because they already, they're talking about COVID-21. Now we had COVID-19, now they're talking about COVID-21. And then there's another COVID, it's not just one. And it's not a virus actually at this point. I mean, yeah, maybe that's what they're gonna say, but there's a lot more to it. And it's about compliance and some other agenda. - About the agendas, yeah. - Yeah, definitely. - I mean, this is something I'd tell people constantly when they try to justify to me that these lockdowns and these masks are good for people. I said, let me ask you this, 10 million people last year died of cancer, including my mother. Did we shut down Wi-Fi towers? Did we stop radio waves? Did we stop growing GMO foods? Did we start wearing lead line shirts? You know, did we, you know, did we start wearing sunglasses everywhere we went? Did we start applying mandatory lotion and sunblock on our skin, you know what I mean? Did we, did we do these things? We did, you know what I mean? The cancer's a bigger killer than this virus will ever be. And the kind of funny how the cancer rates have somehow dropped, right? I mean, I just kind of looked at it. You know, that's kind of going downhill. And you know, that's a bigger issue to me than this virus. We have a whole host of issues that we're not addressing. You know, you have geoengineering destroying the remaining food crops and water supplies, which is going to tighten the market on food. Pretty soon we're going to face a very big food shortage, right? 50 million America right now are facing a food crisis. - Was it, didn't you just say that New Mexico shut down their, I think before we started, you were saying New Mexico shut down the grocery stores for two weeks. That's insane. - Yeah, New Mexico, the governor of Mexico, now for two weeks, you know, you have the mayor of LA turning off water and power at his will. You know, if he deems that you have too many people gather at your home, you could just shut off your power and water. You have all these entities that somehow have found a way to consume more power and just take a more and more of your resources, and this is on purpose. I mean, there's no other way to identify this. You know, people want to believe that this is all just an accident, that this will all correct itself. It's not, you know. And what's funny is, you know, I'm glad there's people like you two around and Dane Wiggington and all these other, you know, podcasters and informed individuals because the Revolutionary War only took 2% of Americans to make a difference. That's really all we need now, it's 2%. The world, you know, Britain is protesting, Germany's protesting, France's protesting. I mean, Germany's gone to the extreme now. I mean, they're over there, you know, shooting firehoses at people. They're over there shutting, you know, locking people up for protesting. I mean, it's getting crazy. And, but we're still asleep here. I mean, we're, you know, we're worried about Antifa. And I mean, that is an issue, but come on, man, Antifa's not, you know, not a, it's, it's a, it's a non-issue. It's an issue, but it's not, it can be, that can be resolved overnight. You know, it's not, it's nothing that we all have to collect when we come together to, you know, overturn or something. So I get what you're saying with that. Yeah, so basically the moral of the story is we're all screwed. No, no, we're not. There are things you can do. You know, it's really important to, it's really important to remain positive right now. And, and honestly, this year has been, this year has had a lot of positives as far as the individuals, as far as like, you know, a lot of struggles that people have been put through. It's also forcing them to break to break free from their comfort zone, because whether they say life begins outside of your comfort zone. So people are exploring new opportunities, new ways of doing things. A lot of people are finding themselves, you know, it's, as shitty as it is, there's also a really good thing happening at the same time and we can't forget that. Well, the other thing is like, so much has, you know, they've done so much, especially this year, that it's waking people up, people that were asleep. It's waking a lot of people up to, they're like, wait a second. None of this makes any sense, this is crazy. And then they actually start looking into it, rather than just believing what the mainstream media tells them, which is what most people used to do or still do, unfortunately. But, and then they're seeing, and then they're finding, oh, this is, this is the agenda they're trying to do. This is why they're doing this. This is what's really going on here. So it's actually been waking a lot of people up. And then you have like the, like, the election that just happened with the massive voter fraud. It was so obvious that woke a lot of people up. So there's so many things they've been doing lately that are so extreme, that it's actually kind of backfiring on them in a way. - Just stressing the fact. - Yeah, it's like the stressing effect. Like it's actually causing a lot of people to wake up and start doing their own research and find out what's really going on here. - They're just shooting themselves in a foot every step of the way at this point. - But now it's up to us too. - And you get in the, yeah, and once enough of us wake up and stop complying and start speaking out about this stuff. And, you know, they're having a lot of time. - And that's, that's where, and you know, and that is why I hope is the fact that in this, you know, the only time people can really break away from the matrix is through absolute chaos and trauma, right? The only way, and to this happening is like you guys said, people are starting to wake up and ask questions. For the first time, people are starting to ask, you know, question the experts. Just because somebody's standing in front of you and they say they're a doctor, they've done something for 45 years, does that mean they have the best interest for you? It doesn't, you know what I mean? The evidence is there. And when you look at programs like geoengineering and they say the government would never do this to us, you know, this is just, this is just how it goes. And like, look at the history, there's been over 100 plus biological tests done on our own soil, okay? I'm gonna, that's what I'm working on this week is a video to show that one of them was here in our area called Pruitt-Igo, in the 1960s, a military sprayed chemicals on rooftops and in Forest Park and then the populations, especially in the Pruitt-Igo neighborhood, what ended up happening is 70% of the people had chronic health conditions. And the papers were later on declassified. You got the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, you know? You had the one in San Francisco where they were, they had a military ship off the coast of San Francisco, spraying the cloud that would come over into the, you know, off the bridge just to see what would happen. I mean, this is not an issue that, hey, this isn't going on, it's going on. It's just a matter of how strong are you to accept that reality? You know, it's a gift to have this knowledge, you know, that something is wrong. People look at it as a curse 'cause they get ostracized and black sheeped, but I raised the point of, except the fact that you were blessed enough to know, to have that knowledge and to confront it as opposed to being the individual that has to bear your head in the sand and only chase McDonald's, Walmart, and whatever the next Netflix episode is, you know what I mean? There's more life than those three things. - Yeah. - But the greatest thing one can do is serve their community, you know? - Amen. - Amen. - Amen to that, it's a, amen, yeah, seriously. It's a great point. And it is tough being the black sheep and coming out here and doing this stuff, but it is very rewarding, and it's, and it is. We get positive feedback all the time, we get negative feedback all the time. It is what it is. It's not our job to go around and wake people up, but it is our job, but we've made our job to just present the information, let people decide for themselves and people-- - Yeah, don't just believe things that we say do your own research and decide for yourself. That's how it should be with everything. - Yeah, and definitely, like you said, people are now starting to question the experts, and studies have been done that show that people are more likely to listen to somebody in a white, in a white lab code, because something psychologically, it gives them that illusion of authority, right? So now people just listen. It's really, it's really interesting. You could have a guy standing in front of you and basically, you know, just imagine if they, he was depicted as a homeless person, and he was up there speaking to you. And then the same guy left, and the shaved came back, and the white coat, and clean himself up, and said the same thing, imagine how that audience is gonna receive that information. That's-- - Oh yeah? - Yeah. - I mean, we're poisoned with normalcy bias, with confirmation bias, with cognitive dissonance. I mean, they've 100 years of Freudian psychology over the media, you know? And when you see these programs, like, you know, one of the things that we discovered, especially the new engineering watch discovered, so they had a lawsuit. They currently have a lawsuit against the our government in Canada. And one of the pieces of information that came out of that, and they posted on their website, is that everybody from the Weather Channel, all the way to local channels, come reading from a script. They have that on court documents that they're doing that. So when you saw that Sinclair video of like 50 newscasters reading the same thing. - Word for word. - Word for word, it's all written and done for by these agencies, like Raytheon, you know? I mean, it's also scripted. - Yeah, that's it. - And journalism isn't what it is today. - Hang on a second. - You're breaking up a bit, hold on. - You're breaking up on us for a second. They don't like what you're talking about. - No, probably not, no. - So yeah, you were talking about Raytheon. Journalism isn't what it is today. I picked up on some of it. All right, what were you saying? You can continue, sorry. - So the journalism isn't what it is today. It was originally supposed to be the fourth branch of the government. You know, just the unofficial fourth branch that's watching what the government's doing and reporting it to the people. However, it's turned around. And now it's the propaganda piece of the government. You know, they, you know, Operation Mockingbird never died. It's still alive and well today. - Very much so. - And you, yes. Yes, I mean, loudly and proudly. I mean, look at what they're reporting. To them, what Kim Kardashian is up to is more important than, hey, you're breathing in heavy metals from the atmosphere. - Yep, exactly. - Good luck with that. - Yeah. - Hey, we're destroying the planet. We're destroying the entire planet. - Yeah. - And yeah, depleting all the resources. But we're not gonna tell you any of that, yeah. - Yeah. - And Kim Trails, or Kim Trails, or just Contrail is your conspiracy theorist. - No, actually, I'm glad you said that. - Oh, another thing. - Go ahead. Were you gonna say something? - So another thing about that. Yeah, yeah, so about the Contrail thing. The Contrail thing is completely bogus. So every commercial airline or military jet tanker runs in a high bypass turbo fan jet engine where 90% of the air is non-combustible. That air cannot form water vapor unless, you know, until it has the actual relative humidity is available, which there isn't, which I said earlier. But that condensation lie, you know, it still continues. Like condensation doesn't linger in the atmosphere like that. If it did, on a cold winter day, when you leave from your home to your car, you should just see a lingering trail. Just a big cloud sitting right behind you, you know? - Yeah. - I mean, that's what happened, but it doesn't. - Well, if you do, we'll get a plane. I mean, you can see it sometimes like coming off the wingtips and stuff, but it goes away immediately. It does not stay. And that's how you know. That's how you know. I was fortunate enough one time to be flying and just happened to be looking out the window and I watched one plane flying. There was nothing, absolutely nothing behind it. And then coming directly over crossing this path, it was a plane that looked like the pilot just flipped the switch and just started releasing all the chemtrails. I mean, right as all three planes, all three planes had to been crossing it at the same time. Us and then two other planes, but only the one was releasing something. So that tells you right there. If it was, if that was the case, I would have seen all three planes leaving the same trail, but they weren't. - And then like you said, they've tested the atmosphere with all these heavy metals and different things and on top of mountains, but should be pristine, they're finding like so much aluminum and barium and-- - Mount Shasta. - Shasta, they found like a shitload of aluminum that there's like, there's no reason that should be here unless it's being sprayed, which it is. - I actually want to reference this book just because it's really interesting. So the book is a Carrie Cassidy book, Rebel Gene, Sukkot Space and the Future of Humanity, but there's a segment in here where she talks about chemtrails and she lists 11. So she's interviewed hundreds of thousands, I don't know who knows how many people she's interviewed, whistle blowers, all of, you know. So she's bullet pointed 11 different examples of what she's been told chemtrails are used for. And I think it's relevant just to read this instead of me trying to remember them all. - Yeah. - So one, they form an amplified electromagnetic shield that makes intruders easily detectable as far as, I guess you want to call intruders, extraterrestrials. Two, they dumb down the populist through chemicals that slow down the brain's ability to process information. Three, they sedate to provide a false sense of security for attack the immune system. Five, put nanoparticles into the air to be breathed in and taint the food supply to transform humans into partial robotic super soldiers, easily manipulated by AI, resulting in a race of Manchurian candidates. Six, create a dome of cloud cover to hide air battles and firefights taking place above our heads. Seven, hide landings and takeoffs in strategic population areas near military bases and installations, including those underground and under the sea. Eight, change the weather to what they consider to be desirable in a certain area. This includes by cooking down the land to deal with global warming caused by our solar system, moving into an area of space where we are being bombarded by increased electromagnetic particles. These particles may be raising our vibrations, altering our DNA and readying us for ascension. Nine, produce a conducive environment for harp and other technologies to link up with cell phone towers to create earthquakes. Ten, increase cloud cover to screen out some of the more harmful effects of radiation increased from sun spots. And then 11, prepare the atmosphere of earth for a new race of humanity, 3.0, or other transhuman cyborgs AI. So those are 11 examples that have come from her whistle blowers, take it or leave it, but it's just interesting to think about. - It is, and not a lot of people agree with all of those, but I mean, the ones that I know for a fact, 'cause there's evidence of is the canopy of aerosols being used to shield us from a solar radiation and to manipulate the weather and change the weather's trajectory. And the ionosphere keyeter is being used to affect the gesturing, affect the hurricanes, like tornadoes, they can blow all that stuff away. And the deep underground military bases. Now, do you guys remember last year, 1200 CEOs resigned and over the course of time, a lot of them went to New Zealand to build these bunkers to hide and get away from, 'cause they have something was coming. - That should have been the very first thing, the population should have questioned. Why are the rich running to New Zealand in these other places hiding and building bunkers? So much so, the New Zealand had to create a law saying quit building bunkers. (laughing) - Really? - Stop. - Really? - Well, what's interesting too is what is the 2019, when the earthquake happened in China Lake, and where was that, California? - China Lake, California, yeah. You know, some people came forward and said that that was like the central hub for the chemtrail facility, basically. And that earthquake was directed at that area as like an alliance effort, I guess, to try and wipe that facility out. And if it, I mean, you really did notice, I did, I noticed a lot less chemtrails after that for a while, but they all came back. That wasn't their only facility. They have others. And if that's even true, I don't actually know, I've never verified that, but it was just another example of these underground bases, yeah. - Yeah, like, so the, they use a ionosphere cheaters to generate those earthquakes, like the one in Japan, you know, there was an MIT-detectant anomalous heat signature and over the atmosphere of the fault line in Japan that caused the, you know, earthquake in the tsunami. So, I mean, all these earthquakes, some of them natural, but I mean, you can't really trust findings naturally anymore to be honest with you. You know, I mean, even the rain, you know, isn't the same like it used to be. You know, this rain dries out really fast. It's not, you know, and the reason like it rains before it snows is because they need to generate that moisture. They need that moisture so they can create that flash freeze effect of snow. You know, it's, it's really strange, you know, and you can see it. It's a really obvious, if you pay attention, but most people just, you know, they're completely asleep to the fact that, hey, you're being poisoned every single day. You know what I mean? - So we grew up as, we grew up eating snow as kids. I mean, I hate it all the time. - Unfortunately. - It's probably not, it's probably not a good idea to be doing that anymore. Actually, even, even being, even walking around in the rain, especially if you have some type of audio immune disease or chronic, this sort of like chronic fatigue or whatever, you know, this stuff like that walking around in the rain, that's not gonna help all that stuff getting into your body. Actually, that stuff is probably the cause of chronic fatigue and other immune diseases and whatever else, you know. It's just not safe anymore. You know, like you said, like, it's hard to know what's natural anymore. I mean, that's even, even looking at humans, like what it's doing to our bodies, like, is not natural. - Yeah, I mean, they want more people, you know, to be massive and obedient. They want people to be more dumbed down so these programs can continue. Now, like I said, there's two schools of thought that's either they've gone out of hand and we're all about to get murdered by these programs collectively, wildlife, us, insects, everybody. Or the other side, which is one side I'm leaning on, this has just been pre-planned for a long time and they're going to call everybody in to get the ideal number, you know. Like the great reset is all about destroying legacy systems. So I'm not sure if you guys know what those are. - Um, we have enlighten us. (laughs) - So legacy systems, Whitney Webb from, she used to be the last American of a bag of bottles, she moved on, actually did this work right here and I read through her stuff. So legacy system is ownership, essentially. So like owning a car, owning cash, owning, you know, having a credit card, owning home, and they want to get rid of all that. And how they plan on doing it is so no more private cars, it's just going to be rideshare programs. Your, all the medical data will go to a centralized government intelligence agency, where they will just store it all in there, you know, so they can monitor what's going on. No more private homes, it's all appointed room and board. You know, no more cash, they're going straight into the digital wallet. And this is internal memos in our government talking about how to do this, under the guise of trying to keep up with China's AI program. I mean, I don't believe that AI is the reason, you know, that we're going for this. Maybe, you know, for one reason or another, but it's always been talked about one world government since the very beginning and it's happening. This great reset will destroy every country's individual sovereignty, well, this take us, you know, it'll take us under U.N. law, under whatever the U.N. justifies as, you know, rules. Like in Georgia Guidestones, it says, get rid of useless bureaucrats or useless politicians. That means anybody from the sovereign nation of America, right? Or in Canada, just they want their own people in charge. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah, exactly. And it is a scarier. - They're psychopaths. - It's a psychopath. - It boils down to, and they're basically a big cult that they have this, they basically think they're gods and then everyone else is just useless eaters, just worthless and we need to just get rid of us, or most of us, like 500 million, keep the rest of us like slaves, essentially, to work for them. And then they have their whole one world or system and, but it's funny 'cause they're destroying the planet and they know they're destroying the planet. So it's like, I guess they're just planning on living on a desolate planet, but that's probably why they have to build these, all these underground, they're building underground city, or they have underground like whole cities, basically. And probably 'cause they know, once they destroy the surface of the planet, they have to go underground to live. - It's the surface. - Yeah, I mean, the rabbit hole. - Yeah, yeah. - It was pretty crazy. - And that's the how geoengineering is because it's the greatest issue that we're all dealing with. You know, and there's these things like predictive program that you were bringing about earlier that said, you know, they show these kids, these streaks in the sky that go from one side to another, you know, to get them conditioned them to believe that this is just normal every day life. It's amazing. There's a lot of predictive programming. Like one of them, you know, like the Simpsons has a ton of predictive programming. I don't know how they're so accurate about life all the time, but the same guys created Futurama. And in Futurama, there was an episode where Professor Farnsworth took these nanobots, put them into the ground and they healed the planet, or they healed whatever it is, you know. And again, I tend to believe that they're 200, 300 years ahead of us in technology. They have the means to repair the issue. - They do. - Oh yeah. - But right now, you know, they don't want to because it's against them, against their will to do so. And it's, it's funny, you know, 'cause nobody has how, why are we still flying the same jet engine for over a hundred years? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Why are we flying? You know, why do we still use the same sources of fuel for a hundred years? Why did they do all these national security stamps on all these guys who came out with new forms of energy? Like the guy who created a, you know, hydrogen based, was it a water based fuel system in the '60s and '70s? - Yep. - You know, that could run for a long time, wrong. - And you know, it will be in all the suppressed patents, you know, all the patents that just, that's actually like-- - All Tesla stuff they confiscated and kept on the reps. - By the way, this Omnia patch, I just to plug it one more time, this is actually Tesla technology that they're using that the original patches had a picture in the Cola Tesla on it, but they had to take it off for some reason. But we're getting ready to have Tim Sanders back on to go back into this stuff because it is so fascinating, but they were inspired by Tesla's technology and they're using exactly what Tesla was trying to accomplish. Exactly that type of technology is what this patch consists of. - Which is why it works. - This is why it works. It actually works, it's like a, I don't really know. - Scaler. - Scaler, but not even, they call it like a Decca. I don't even, we're gonna go in. - It goes a Decca. - But it works with the electricity that's already in the air and it does its own thing without having to, you put it on there and it lasts forever. It pays itself off for one, but that's how it all should be. We shouldn't be paying for this stuff. The electricity is already there. We just have to learn how to use it and manipulate it to our advantage. - Yeah, which you can go into. I mean, we've had this technology for a long time. So if you go back 13,000 years to go beggily tippy and all these ancient structures that they say, "Hunch of gatherers made," you're like, "Well, you know, you know." Like, "Wow." - They don't know who works. - Right? - Yeah, you know what I mean? So guys with sticks and stones, we're able to build these massively beautifully carved, you know, perfectly square cut structures, you know? - Yeah, it's amazing. - You know, it's amazing. And here we are, you know, we're still thinking like hunters and gatherers. I mean, we're using these ridiculous geoengineering programs and other programs to level the planet on the stated goal of it being a pharmaceutical solution. Another thing I forgot to talk about before I forget is Ken Caldera, the second leading geoengineering who's funded by Bill Gates now, is his specialty was putting pathogens in the atmosphere, seeding pathogens in the atmosphere, delivering into the populations. So another reason COVID could have gotten around the world as quickly as what did was they seeded it in the clouds and it fell through the clouds. So that is a live statement by Ken Caldera. You can find it on a voice, you know, on a talk that he had and he tells you. Yep, my job was to put pathogens into the clouds and having fallen populations. - Yeah, I believe it. - I believe that. I mean, with what we've already discussed, nothing is outside of the realm of possibility. And there's nothing that they won't-- - There's nothing beneath them also, yeah. - Exactly. - There's nothing that they won't do that will serve their agenda if they can do it. - But yeah, like you were talking about the technology, the hydrogen car, the water, like fuel, like cars run on water and steam and all this stuff. That's one of the biggest mistakes you can do is put out a patent, put it out for patent because then as soon as they do that, as soon as you do that, you're on the radar and then they'll approve it and then they'll take it from you, buy from you and then just suppress it. And it never sees the light of day. I mean, how many thousands of patents right now just sitting on a shelf that could change the planet overnight? But you know, another thing they do is like popular science magazine, they put out, if you read that magazine, there's always brand new technology being shown in that magazine. Brand new stuff, futuristic stuff, stuff you would never imagine. Clearly it's like amazing, it would change the planet. But then after that magazine, you never see it. It never sees the light of day. I mean, that's because there's companies out there that are jumping all over this stuff and then they buy it and then bury it. And that's done. And that's done for on purpose. Yeah. - And they do and it's, you know, and I can't say this enough, it just, it blows my mind that the human mind can't comprehend the fact that this is going on. You know what I mean? And it's strange to me. You know, it doesn't, it doesn't, people can sense that their lives are getting worse over time, you know? Over time, everything's just degrading. Yes, we're, yeah, we got an iPhone 12 now, but what does that mean? Does that mean our life is getting better? Or is it going the opposite way? - Exactly. - Very little thing. - Yeah. - It's crazy. I mean, we can go to iPhone 15 and next thing you know, we don't have any trees. I mean, what's, what are we doing? You know, it seems like every time an iPhone gets released, it gets worse. - Yeah. - Absolutely, it's true. And that's not, I read an article that Apple spent millions of dollars to have their latest version of the iPhone slowed down. They spent millions of dollars that have it slowed down. I guess so people buy it and like, man, my old phone was actually better, but it's too late, I already got rid of it. Now I can't wait for the new phone to come out. - And which leads in everything's like a psychological warfare tactic too, is what I've learned is like down to like, yeah, that. It's like, they know exactly how people can react to what they know exactly, what's gonna cause people to think certain things. And that's how everything in our society is manipulated in that way. It's like, we know what to say, we know what to do to get people to do this or to think this way. - They know it's better than we know ourselves. - They really do, unfortunately. And if you don't take your power back and start waking up to what's going on and start just strictly thinking for yourself and stop just accepting what they're telling you and believing everything they're telling you, that's when you can start to become a sovereign being instead of just a robot, which is what so many people are, unfortunately. - Yeah, I mean, when you look at these zombie movies, and they show you like the Walking Dead, they'll be surrounded by a sea of thousands of zombies and they'll be like eight of them. I mean, that is an exact perfect analogy as to how this world is today. For every one of us, for every one of you, Aaron, there's 2,000 people who are just eating and like eating and shopping, as George Carlin said, same thing with you, Tyler. Every 3,000 of them, you know, one for three, and it's, and to really snap them out of that, this, that we needed this to happen in 2020, to be honest. And this is probably the best time to be alive because now it's gonna be make or break. Who are the real leaders in societies and who are the real, you know, cowards in society? I mean, I'm excited to see exactly where this is all gonna go. Whether it's for the good or for the worse, you know? - Yeah, same here. And I'm glad you said that because it is true. You know, you're gonna see a lot of people step forward. A lot of people you thought were leaders, you're gonna find out we're actually in on this stuff. It's gonna be confusing time for all of us. But there is, it is what we make of it right now. And there are things we can do. Like we've been kind of doom and gloom this whole time, but there is, you know, we need to like, like people like, well, what can I do? The chemtrails are coming, they're being rained down on me. What can I do? It's not like we're hopeless. Like we can, you can detox yourself. Detox yourself from heavy metals and all these toxins and everything. There are ways to do that. Zeolite, there's natural remedies. We can get into that some other time. We just even just start looking it up. There's so many things. - Turn off the TV, stop watching mainstream media. You know, where you're spending your money and your attention is huge. And that's what people need to start realizing. Like the less of it, the more of us stop watching their programs and stop buying their products and stop, you know, buying into the whole system in general and start taking our power back. It's part of taking your power back, you know. - Absolutely. - You're gonna make a difference. And you're gonna, we're gonna send them a clear signal like, hey, we're awake and we know what's going on. And we're sovereign people. And just, you know, make your voice heard and take a stand. And like, you're gonna make a difference. - Absolutely. And another thing is join up with these groups that are already established, you know what I mean? Like you guys, like myself, for Junior Engineering Watch, really any of these groups that are already informed and know what's going on have the same like-minded people. 'Cause you need to be reinforced that, hey, you're not the only one in this fight, you know what I mean? It can be hard. It can be, you know, you can get battle fatigue, you know, sitting there constantly, you know, being bombed and berated by whatever jokes people throw at you. But then it was kind of funny. Two, three years ago I was telling people that, and then something like this would happen. You know, tighter government control, centralized control. Last year I predicted the fact that there would be an economic crash before the year that I told people to pull the money out, pull the money out, because they're the people that I know are telling me these things. And nobody would believe me. And then once all of this happened, it was, you just see, you saw the spell break. You know, whatever it was that had them believing that it's gonna be fine. They're just there for paycheck and pension. It broke, you know, and then they came to me and they wanted more information. And you know, that's, that was a nice thing. You know, that was nice to see that there is that potential there. You just have to plant the seed. You know, you don't have to water it all the time. It'll water itself, but you just have to plant it. And they'll grow on its own. - Exactly. - Yeah. - Exactly, yep. - Yeah, that's, there's so many things. People, yeah, there are things to do. It's not like a hopeless situation for us, but you have to be aware of, just knowing being aware is the first step. Once you're aware of the programming and the stuff, it starts losing power over you, because now you're aware of it. So now you can do something about it. And there's so many ways to deal with this. And everybody's going to have their own way. It's not going to be the same for all of us. It's not like one thing is going to be the cure all for this whole thing. It's, it's down to the individual and what you decide to do and how you decide to live your life. I was just listening to Nicole Fraulex. She's a good friend of ours. This is going to be a, a lot of people might not even agree with this, but it's definitely something I never thought about until yesterday. She put out a video talking about the same stuff, the chemtrails and the GMO and the poisoning. And the, the people who are out there meditating, eating the high vibe diets and actually working on themselves and raising their vibrations, her, one of her theories is, is that some of this stuff that's coming into our body, almost once we're vibrating at a certain frequency and we're, we're at a healthy state, it almost becomes neutralized as it enters our body. And it's not, it doesn't affect you as much anymore. Because you're taking care of yourself, because your body is like a, it's like a rebuilt machine. Once you do that, you know, if you, like somebody said one time, you know, if you want to do, make all these changes, just make a list of 12 things and do change one thing a month. And then by, in a year's time, you'll be a totally new person. And if you do that is, if you make all of those diet and health issues that you want to address, you will be a new person. You will be a, you'll be a new rebuilt engine. I don't know how to put it. And, and it also, I really think what the diet, like diets and like the GMOs and everything else are affecting, you know, you can't think it's clearly, you can't, it affects your thinking. So it's part of the whole, you know, they're, they are in this like zombified kind of state. So many people that are, they're eating just GMOs and crap. And then along with the heavy metals from the chemtrails and vaccines and everything else. And then you watch the news and you're just like, oh yeah. And you're just in this like zombified state where you're just taking in everything and believing it and not really thinking for yourself at all, go to work, come home, do it all again, you know. And you become like this zombie, but like it kind of like starts with your health. And then like once you can start thinking more clearly, you'll start, yeah, it just kind of starts there. - You're exactly right. Because because of this information, it's just going to go in one ear and not the other. If it even ever makes its way to you because of where you are living and how you're living. So if you do like if you are existing in that state, you just said none of that stuff is going to resonate with you. It's going to just sound like bullshit. It's going to go over your head or you might not even hear it. You might, there might be some type of program that just shuts that stuff off. And you don't, it's not even part of your reality. But as you do clear that brain fog, which is a real thing and start thinking more clearly and are able to start utilizing your brain for what it's actually meant for, you can, you'll start becoming aware of this stuff and it'll start to make sense to you. And you'll start to want to do something about it. You'll start to want to make changes. And you're going to realize that there is no going back anymore. And it's a fight. It's why we're here. Like you said, this is the greatest time to be alive. And we're not just here to eat McDonald's, go to Walmart and watch the next episode on Netflix, right? - Yeah, there's a lot more. - Well, yeah. - No question. You know, life is about serving each other and serving our community and being together. You know, you have the greatest amount of hope. You have the greatest amount of joy when you give and you feel like you're contributing, you know what I mean? This concept of an individualistic individual, you know, an individualistic person who's chasing money, chasing car, chasing success really is a problem because it doesn't help you grow spiritually at all, right? I mean, it teaches you, it teaches you to be absolutely animalistic as opposed to what you're designed to be. You know, what are we taught of? We're taught the image of a human being that we're the obstacle, we're the problem, that we're the issue. And granted, there are a lot of humans who are just, you know, you can sit there and look at him and be like, okay, he's wearing a mask while driving in his car by himself. (laughing) - Oh yeah. - Damn those. - Exactly. - And you can see those people. I mean, it's, it, I feel bad for them. I really do, you know, you can't live in fear like this. I mean, take the challenge, rise to it, accept it. I mean, it's gonna come to your doorstep here very soon. I mean, really soon things are gonna change. 2021 is not gonna be an easy-going year. It's gonna be a, it's gonna be, you know, a larger and longer battle. I mean, and those of us who are awake, we're gonna fight, those who aren't are going to die. I mean, that's really what it's gonna come down to. They're going to pass away. This coronavirus vaccine is projected to kill 50 million here. And that's all I'm gonna go to the, you know, stats of the unvaccinated, you know, be blamed for those who are unvaccinated. I mean, it's, it shouldn't be, it shouldn't be a curse to have this knowledge. People shouldn't feel like there's something wrong with them for knowing this stuff. They should feel happy, you know, like, hey, I'm one of the few that can tap into something higher in life than, you know, what's baseline, you know, material society. - And the hard part is the more you know, the more you get into it, the longer you spend researching and doing what we're doing, as every year goes by, you start, you know, more and more and more. You start understanding things a little better. What's hard for me is when somebody asks a question to try and explain something to where they'll understand it is so difficult for me because it takes years of at least, at least hours of researching one particular subject to even start to grasp it sometimes, right? And then years, months, years. So to try and answer it in one question, when I'm in person, like Thanksgiving, my cousin was asking me a question. I didn't know how to answer it because it depending on their, his understanding of the world, my answer wouldn't make sense to him, right? So you have to like, you can't answer the question. You have to go back and like start from the beginning like, all right, well, let me lay this out for you. You know, this is one big agenda. And, but if they don't understand that, it's really hard. It's difficult for me to try and relay that. That's why it's a lot easier to just do this on a podcast and the right people will be drawn to this information. - Yeah, I mean, that's not as such a luxury. And, you know, unfortunately, YouTube is planning another December to remember, which is their mass censorship program. You know, they're going to tear it on more channels, get rid of more people. And, you know, I'm like, how can the population needs to start asking the question is, how, why is one narrative proliferating and why is the other one not being allowed to talk? You know, if you're going to strip and take away a free speech, that should have to go through a court process. I don't care if it's YouTube's a private company or Twitter or Facebook, you know, you can't, because these social media platforms are used to create political change. So therefore, they need to be a public utility, you know, if they're going to, you know, if they're going to affect political change, if they're going to allow people to talk and you can't sit there and censor people left and right, you know, this, and it's weird. You know, you have these doctors, like Fauci and Bill Gates who became a doctor. - Yeah. - Or telling you how to live your life, you know, like how you should celebrate Thanksgiving, you know, keep the music down. It was one of the guidelines, you know what I'm saying? No dancing or singing, keep the music levels down. - No having fun, no having life. Actually, your life alone is going to be a problem, okay? Get rid of it because that's going to give you the coronavirus, I mean. - Yeah, you might as kill yourself so you don't get the coronavirus. - Just making people think that by them breathing, they're harming other peoples, the biggest scam ever, you know? - All over again. - And that's what's happening. And going back to Bill Gates, you know, he has all this money he's putting towards vaccines, but you know what he can do with that money? If this was a real, if he was really a leader? - He really cared about humanity. - Yeah, we wouldn't need, he wouldn't need to be putting the money in the vaccines. He could be helping the world in so many other ways. And that's just, that tells you everything you need to know. - Yeah. - One hundred percent. I mean, he's also funding geoengineering programs. One of the guys that wanted to shoot a missile in the atmosphere to spread out dust, you know, to spread out aluminum dust and all these other things. I mean, David Keith, him and Ken Caldera are the leading scientists from Harvard, MIT and some of the guys from Caltech, like Douglas, McMartin, who are pushing these programs. And what's funny to me is how they can deny something that is very visible in the sky. You know, if you look at solar radiation management, look at the pictures that you see. The specifically shows the airplane spraying piano particulates in the atmosphere, exactly what we're seeing in the air. And they're telling us that's not what we're seeing. I'm like, like, come on. You know, Chris Angel did a better job at doing these magic tricks than you guys did, you know? Yeah. - Well, that's true. I've said this all the time now, but we're seeing the sociopathic behavior coming out. It's just like they're living in denial. And it's just crazy. You know, I don't even know how else to put it. - Well, it gets more obvious as the years go on and like they're really pushing their agendas like so heavily now. And it's like become so obvious now, especially for us that are awake. But like even for, like I said, it's even waking up to sleepers now 'cause it's just getting so crazy. - Yeah, it is. And like I said, I'm happy we're here. I'm happy we're in this time. Will it be troublesome? Will there be problems? Will we face cataclysms? Yes, we will promise you, but this is gonna be a better world. The best thing we can do now really is to prepare, you know, get food, ammo, weapons, get ready, you know, and buckle down on the storm and make sure you connect with people who are in the same mindset as you. Because really, those are the ones we're going to, who know the answer is in a solution to the problem as opposed to the ones who, you know, like look at the world today. I mean, technically people should be prepared for a lot of these natural disasters. They should have already like a little emergency food supply or supply if, you know, just in case of storm or tornado happens, you know, just some kind of natural disaster, but they don't do that. They're very underprepared. People have put so much money into materials that when time comes, which actually last year the Department of Defense came out of a document that says, "Prepare for a six month or a year long power outage." I'm like, oh, that's kind of interesting. - A long time. - Yeah, why, why, why are you telling us this? - Yeah, what's going on here? - Something we don't know here. - Yeah. It's one, one agenda though. There's, it's all compartmentalized and there's a lot of different people trying to get their agenda pushed right now. So some of these articles that come out, some of these information, even some whistleblowers that come forward might be giving you information that might be for an agenda that might have already gotten swept under the rug or something else happened. This really is war. And if you don't, if you think it's not, then you're not paying attention because this really is World War III right now. And things change in the fog of war. Things change every day. So all this information that comes forward, you got to take it with a grain of salt. Take it, you know, consider it. - Yes. - And then leave it at that. But you don't get married to any of these ideas because it will cause you to go crazy. You have to work on yourself at the end of the day and figure out what's going to work for you and not be putting your worry out there. Yeah. - Oh, 100%. You know, you can't, you know, people, people dry themselves up the wall with this kind of stuff and people forget that, I think it was Zig News of Brinsky who said, it was easier in the past, it was easier to kill a million people. It was easier to control a million people than to kill a million people. Now it's easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. And if people understand that, you know, that there's a massive disinformation campaign, even in our movement, you know, to try to lighten the population. There's still groups out there, there's individuals. There's major, major hosts out there who will refuse to tap into the truth. They were dealing, they'll put their toes right on the line. They won't cross it, you know, and they do major detriment to the movement. But I believe we will succeed, you know, and we have to. - Yeah, absolutely. Amen to that. - Yeah. - With that being said, I guess we're going to wrap it up here. Thank you so much for coming on and I want to give you a chance to plug yourself. Where can people find you? - So we're on Facebook and Parlor and YouTube under Midwest Climate Engineering Watch. We're also on Brideon. That's a backup channel, should YouTube ban us. I mean, we just started our channel two months ago on YouTube, we're steadily growing. So if anybody's interested in these information that we do, we're trying to not just do climate engineering, but everything of interest people that really isn't being covered. So our video quality is getting better. Yeah, I guess. (laughing) But we're getting there, you know, we're getting there. It's just about doing it to keep the population healthy with information. - Yeah, well, keep it up, man, because this was great. I mean, we covered a lot. You're a wealth of information. You clearly have, are well-informed on this subject and a lot of stuff that's happening right now. So thank you for what you're doing. And everybody out there, yeah, make sure you go subscribe to his channel. Say it one more time. We'll put the link in the description. Midwest Climate Engineering Watch. - Yeah, Midwest Climate Engineering Watch. All right. Well, thanks again, man. - Thanks so much, man. - This has been great. This has been good. - Thank you guys too. - It's always nice to get somebody on local. Somebody, it's somebody who's, you know, we always think, you know, we're all these people, but it's nice when we run into somebody here locally that knows what they're talking about. So it's been a pleasure. And yeah, keep doing what you're doing, man. And we will definitely continue to support you. - Thank you. You guys have done me a great honor and everyone else in the group that's trying to illuminate everybody. Thank you guys very much. - All right, guys. Thanks for listening. Don't forget the promo codes, Sleepy Joe for 20% off your t-shirts, promo code truth for 10% off, Amnea. - Sleepy Joe. - Truth for 10% off Amnea and Hopewell Farm, CBD products, they're awesome. They're so good. They're illegal in other countries, so. - That's when you know it's good. - Yeah. Anyway, good night. Thanks for listening and we will be back soon. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)