Journey to Truth

EP 92 - Miesha Johnston - ETs In Government - MILAB Programs - D.U.M.B.S - Breakaway Civilizations

Originally aired on 11/19/20
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Miesha Johnston is a 2nd generation ET Experiencer, MILAB and Mk-Ultra survivor. In addition, Miesha is a Certified Hypnotherapist. She specializes in Trauma Recovery, ADD/ADHD Hypnosis, and Past Live Regression. She facilitates virtual support groups for ET Experiences, MILAB & MK-Ultra survivors on the virtual internet through Zoom Chat twice a week. She is Director of UFO Group of Las Vegas & facilitates two monthly support groups in her residence.
She has, had numerous contacts and abductions and has been involved with at least 5 different alien types: grays, insectoids, mammalians, reptilians, and human looking groups. She has had many MILAB experiences and has been in the underground bases which includes a black ops branch of our government and some Grey and Reptilian factions. She was born and raised in a MK-Ultra family started her trauma based training for Project Monarch and put in to service at age 9. Miesha has had two missing periods of time in her life extending to 8 months each time. During which time she has little or no memory of what happened. Including a wedding and husband she has some memories surfacing.
Miesha is also the author of two books: “Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control” and “They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story” available on Kindle and She has a weekly radio show every Saturday on Starseed Awakening. She is a cast member of the “Transcending Realities Show”.
She is owner operator of “Vector 5 Tours” of Las Vegas. She, and Ranger Jay Snow, have nightly tours in the Las Vegas valley. These tours include meditation with the vectoring in of ships, with Military Night Vision Goggles, high powered laser, information about the planetary star systems, sharing your experiences, and hearing others’ amazing stories of ET sightings and contact experiences.

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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The energy in the patch never runs out, so count up all the radiating devices in your life, stick one on each, and you're done. Click on the link below, and you'll soon be bringing balance and strength back to your body. Thank you. Hey guys, what's up? You're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. I don't feel like I need to say that anymore. We have Lisa Johnson back on by popular demand, so we interviewed her for the Portal to Ascension conference, and I need to turn my phone down. It was so short, we were on a time crunch, and you got to do your PowerPoint, and then we got to the end of it. We didn't get to any questions, but almost every comment in the video was like, you need to have her back on, you need to have her back on, we need more. So that's what we're doing right now, and if you guys don't know Misha, she's, I guess what you call a second, you call yourself a second-generational experiencer, you're a hypnotherapist, you're author of covert abduction, and you have two amazing oracle decks, E.T. experiencer oracle decks, which I have one here. The first one anyway. Oh, oh, you have the. Oh, okay. Yeah, the first one. Yeah. So, yeah, welcome back. We're excited to get into this and see what we're going to get into tonight is we have questions from the first interview that we never even got to. So, yeah, how's it going? What's new? Well, thank you. Well, my groups, you know, I facilitate support groups for people on the Zoom internet right here on Zoom. I do three a week, and I do everything from E.T. experiences to star seed people just waking up. I do MyLab and MKUltra. I do secret space programs, super soldier groups. I do, I just finished with an SRA and a trafficking and monarch group. I have a targeted individual group, a reptilian experiencer group, a galactic-like language, and a hybrid group. I think that names them all. So, I have these groups that I have three times a week and they're three hour groups. And so, there's always something going on and working with people, you know, specialized in trauma release hypnosis therapy and working with people in finding their galactic planets of origin and things. So, that's about new. That's about what's new here. It's always active. That's a lot to keep up with. Yes. And a radio show. And a radio show, yes. Where can people find a radio show? It is on And my show is every Saturday from 12 to 2 Pacific Standard Time. And I bring on guests, a lot of guests about everything from all of the E.T. experiences to MKUltra and MyLab and Secret Space Program and target individual of that. So, we could pass some guests back and forth if you want to. Yeah. I'd love to share some of my experiences with you sometime. Great. Yeah. Come to the group and, you know, probably be on the show. Radio show too. Yeah, we'll definitely talk. So, last time you did your PowerPoint, you went in, I guess it was like a briefing of your life story and all the E.T. races and your involvement in MKUltra. You were kind of born into an MKUltra family, right? That was kind of based on the trauma-based mind control. You were explaining how that was. And I know that you experienced some missing time. There's two periods of missing time in your life. I mean, I don't really remember exactly what you covered, but it was fascinating. So, I don't know if you want to just briefly. I mean, this started when you were what age three, right? Yeah. Age three. Yeah. So, you can briefly touch on that. If there's anything relevant or anything new that you would rather get into, let's do that, you know, because people can go back and watch the other one. Okay. Well, well, just to give him a little synopsis of my life, it started when I was three years old, my mind control programming. And my father was my handler. He was the one who did the mind control, trauma-based mind control, and torture. And in fact, briefly, I'll just say that he said, there was other times that things went on. But this one particular time, he says, he was causing me a lot of sexual torture. And he said, "You have to be able to withstand this pain because greater pain you will endure in your life. So, you need to learn how to go away." That's what he said. And go away. To me, of course, now I've found out, of course, go away means to split your psyche so that your alters will allow the alters to come through. And that's what they do in a mind control program is. They split your psyche so that you start splitting off into alters that are born when they start programming you. So they split you off, then they take with psychotronic, excuse me, not psychotronic, with electric shock and other desensitization, other isolation, just plain right, torture, water, tortures, everything like that. All of those things that should solidify the alter now. And so they make alters. And every time they make an alter, that alter has a program that that alter does. So I have one alter that is the one who was in the beta program. And the beta is the sex slave or honeypots or the pedophile and all of these different things. In fact, at nine years old, I was put into what they call service for that. So once they have decided they've got an alter, now they program that alter to do whatever they want. So in that case, Darlene, who was born at three years old, she was, I mean, I was born at three, but the alter was born, excuse me, she was born three years old when I was three years old. Okay. People know my age. She was born in 1952. I was born in 49. So in 1952, she came into existence as that first alter. And that alter was to go beat to all that. Then there was another alter. That alter was more of a delta or omega alter, an alter to handle, to go through the the tortures. Okay, I'm in a little hard time with this. All right, too. It was the alter that did the killing. Okay. And it started as a child. And the first memory I have is about five, six year old, and I'm standing over a baby with a knife. So they force you to do these things like that in the alters. Okay. So those are flashes that you have. So I don't know to what degree and that happened that then I have a male alter and then I have a child alter. So those are the things they do. They have to do that in order to split you so that they can mind control you. And that's the whole purpose for that. My father was also mind control from a very young age and tortured as well. He always thought of his memories of being tortured by his father, but indeed his brother also was tortured and his brother became a cult leader in the opposite. I don't want to get the wrong date, but I think it was like the 50s or 60s or something like that. He was a cult leader in California. So they all have, so that was his program was to be the cult leader. And so my father's program was to be the magician and he was in the Rosicrucians, which was a black magician, an alchemy that they work with. Rosicrucians is spin is actually masons is a spin off from Rosicrucians. So that was part of his programming and his alters were programmed. I saw many alters from my father growing up and just thought that he was crazy. I just thought it was schizo and so did the siblings. So you know that just kind of gives you an understanding. Now at the same time that was happening. I was having ET experiences and they were positive experiences. In fact, if they were the only thing that kept me sane as far as I'm concerned. And so that went on through all my life as well. So I mean, just to give people a little idea of what I was talking about. So these experiences were they were tangible, or were they like a dream state, astral experience? Or were you, did you have physical memory of being on a craft with ETs? I mean, I covered a lot of that before, but physical experiences. My first experience was with these little fuzzy guys that were same sizes me. I was three. I saw them under. I heard them for several nights, like they made these little squeaky noises. And so I investigated it one night at three years old and found them underneath the staircase. And they looked like little fuzzy guys in robes. And when I grew up and went to Star Wars and saw the Ewoks, that's the closest thing I can say that they look like is the Ewoks. So they were with me, not that long, maybe a couple of years I remember and I remember them teaching me different kinds of abilities. I remember flying over the telekinesis as well. And I remember flying over my top roofs of my house at three years old. And I guess was on the way up to the ship, but I do not remember the ship. So I can't tell you for sure. If I did go to a ship with that case, and then I had a willowy one that was with me my whole life all the way through my hybrid programs that I was a part of. And then within that time, I had a hybrid and kind of a hybrid reptilian type. I mean, it was more like a gray bean, but it had very coarse alligator skin. And then I also had an interaction with another reptilian group. And now all of these ETs are very positive experiences. I, to this day, don't really have any negative experiences that I have come up with and remembered or the ship to. You mentioned you were part of a my lab program, correct? And you spent time in some of these domes, these deep underground military bases, which were primarily controlled by the grays and reptilians. So that, I mean, that doesn't sound positive. They were not the ETs that I'm talking about. They were the lab situations. So the my lab situation started first by a grays taking me and it was a different grade. These grays were more of a, they were shorter. They were more like a darker gray. And they would take me and take me on down in the underground bases. Or it would be a reptilian would take me into a dumb or it would also be military that would take me into a dumb. Or I would go to sleep and wake up in a dumb. So there was different ways that I was taken into the dumps. And in the dumps, I would, I interacted with, because I interface part of my, let's say, childhood experiences, word classes, where I would see, I would see language on, on these screens. And then I would also see, or excuse me, hear languages and stuff. So I became an interface, so I communicated with the ET. So that was one of the things they taught me to do very young age and on. And so I think the government realized it right away or factions of the shadow government realized that right away. And that's why they took me to interface with ETs of some of the time. It was interfacing with ETs and including reptilians. So I had reptilian, a reptoid, and a draconian that I would consider definitely a draconian. And then I saw a small little raptor looking mind. It was much smaller than, than any of the reptilians. It was like, it could have been a child, I'm not sure. And at the same time, I saw the tall gray beige ones in the underground bases. And humans, of course, in uniform. Yeah, I forget what, who is it talks about the raptor beans a lot? I can't think of his name, Richards, maybe, I don't know. John Rhodes, John Rhodes talks about raptors. But do you know what I'm talking about? What's his name, Mark Richards? Yeah, maybe Mark Richards. And it's, um, there's oh, of course. Yes. Yes. That yeah, he talks about the agreements that have been made, the treaties that are made with some of the different types of ETs, including the raptors. So in these bases, do you have any reference point to know where you might have been underground under what part of the world, even how deep, what military base, do you know any of that? I do actually. I know it absolutely too. And, and maybe three. But the, let's go with the, the first one was here in Las Vegas, Nevada. It would been every 51 or as for creature forest base. I'm not sure which and where I was taken. I don't think it was the tall whites. I didn't ever see the tall whites. So I don't think so must have been area 51. And I will tell you that during an experience of going up an elevator and I could see people around me only as far as the people in front, because you can't turn your head, you can't turn your head around. Do some kind of a drug. And I would say it was probably catamine or scapolemin. And then when they elevate, and there was a soldier right there at the elevated door. And when the elevators open, they shuffled us out and they shuffled. And we were all, the people I could see were all humans. And they shuffled part of us over to where there was two tall grays, only their beige gray. And they're like tall. They're like six feet tall. And then the other side had men in lab coats and uniforms. So there was, they were shuffling off. I saw that there was a group and I was able to glance over there and I saw my 13 year old son. And so that's one experience. The other times I was, that was in an experience where I was definitely in what I would consider, had to be a level six or below. My understanding is, you know, the top levels are experimental, maybe back engineering, things like that. And then you've gone another level that gets into the informational kind of things and they'll do just about anything for that information, like as in, you know, maybe even torture people to get it. Then the another level is seems to be like the grays are in charge. This particular level I was in, I would say it had to be lower than that, maybe fifth or sixth, because I saw no grays there. I only saw reptilians. And I woke up in, after going to bed, I woke up, walking down a hallway. On this side, it was definitely like just like, you know, gray buildings with windows, not buildings, but gray offices with windows. But this side, we had the shiny black wall. So I knew I was underground for sure, and rather deep too. So as I was walking, people were passing me in labcoast in military uniforms and they would look at me and they'd look up and down and they, you know, they looked at me, but they would never look at the reptilian that was next to me. And I knew there was a reptilian next to me. And I said to him telepathically, oh, why are, why they're looking at me? Why are these people are passing looking to me? Why don't they look at you? And he said back this very strong, very, very powerful psychic message or telepathic message that they know better. They must honor us. And along with that, he showed me visions. So it is a do a lot of communications through visions as well. So they showed me a vision of other people, like two guys in uniforms actually, who must have looked at them because one was screaming and like it was crazy. And he was being dragged off. Another guy was being taken off because he looked and looked at the reptilian. The other guy looked at his eyes. The other guy looked at him. They're not allowed to look at them. So that was the one in control. I don't know how many levels down there, but I would assume, you know, at least five, six, seven, eight, who knows how many levels down there. Oh, yeah. And then that corroborates with so many other testimonies out there. Yeah, it does. And there's other people who are getting some deeper levels than that. I mean, they talk about even like pterodactyl beans and stuff. It's it's really how. Really, I didn't know about that pterodact. I don't know. I mean, you know, I don't actually, apparently there's different types of reptilians also. And there's different like rankings of them as well, right? Well, reptilians are part of the saccar, which are the bird reptilian. I mean, they started out as birds and they did genetics and made jaconians or reptilians and stuff. So that's why they have the wings because they're really part of the car. I mean, the the car or carrion races. I mean, that makes a lot of sense. Knowing what we know about dinosaurs too. I mean, basically being bird skeletons. I mean, I don't know. And apparently the dinosaurs were an experiment of the reptilians. And then that's why and then they got wiped out. Either they got wiped out that they wiped out their own experiment, or they wiped out their own experience, either way. I do have a story about that that would might bring a little light anyway from one reptilian's eye opinion. I was in a room with a reptilian. He was standing at the door. And I telepath, Clay said to him because I knew he can understand me. And I can understand him. I said, why are you invading our planet? What did we do to harm you? Or I didn't say harm you. What did we do to you? And he sent me back a message and with an imagery that he said, you are the invaders. We aren't, we've been here long before you. Then he shows me the imagery of all these dinosaurs and all these pterodactyls and everything and all these piercocks are running and running and running. All these comets are coming down at them, tons and tons of comets and they're destroying the planet. And he tells me that they're being directed to this planet to destroy this planet. So this is one of the, maybe the extinction of the dinosaurs. And he said, and then he tells me how the smaller and more intelligent ones went underground. And he said, and we evolved to who you see before you. So that was his story of it. And I got to tell you when I heard that I went, well, well, you know, that's true. They were here before us. And if indeed they did go underground and evolve to this and they are now working with factions of our government, you can see why our government says, Okay, well, yeah, you have the right to be here. Corey good talk about that. And he says, that's what they claim, but it's not actually true that they were here before us and they it's their planet and all that stuff. I've heard Corey good talk about that multiple times. And he says, he says the benevolent ET's say that's not true. That's they're basically lying about that. So they can take over so they can say they have the right to the planet. Yeah, they want to go ahead and slave us and everything else. Just said, Oh, that's interesting. I'll take that into account for sure. I've definitely heard Corey say that. So I don't know I haven't done enough research on that, but I've heard Corey say that. So let's talk about the reality of these reptilians running the planet. And that's what that's what's behind the government. That's what we're seeing take place right now. That's something that doesn't get talked about enough. You know, everybody's talks about the cabal in the deep state. But the reality of it is, is there ET's behind this? There's ET's behind this. And there's ET's behind the human trafficking issue, which doesn't stop here. It goes off world. And we have we know this, you know, there's this is taking place on the moon and Mars. And who knows where else you know there's there's who knows how many civilizations are out there, breakaway civilizations and stuff and where these people are being trafficked to. So what can you add to that? I'm just curious on what your thoughts are and how deeply involvement goes. Well, I think that right now we're going we have a battle against good and evil. And I do believe that they're in control of the cabal. You know, we have we have accounts of being shapeshifters and such as that. Knowing the draconians, the way I do, they can do the most amazing psychic things to people to either control them or they can, you know, terrify them to the point where they're going to go ahead and do what they want. I like an experience. I had where this draconian, more of a draconian now and because he had these tough kind of things here, unlike the other ones. He also had a big tail, but I think these were like atrophied wings more than likely. And he telepathically put an image in my mind that my family was murdered in front of me. And if he does that, if they can do that to people, you can understand how maybe some people who don't even want to be under their control, end up under their control. Now there are some, I think, that really are doing it because as far as they're concerned, that's where the bread is buttered, that's where maybe they they know if they go along, they're going to survive, which is not true. That that won't happen. I believe that there are a lot in them charged. Yes, I do believe there are a lot in charge. I mean, that's my belief. I don't have any concrete evidence about that ever been knowing that when under the ground bases and it was and it was a level where there were reptilians of any kind that they were in charge of that level. So, I do believe that they are in charge of everything. The ice used to be, I would say, I think they're being taken out actively now. I do believe that too. They've taken out underground bases and such as that. And I do also believe that some of those reptilians are becoming rebels. I've heard many have flipped actually as well. Why do I have a memory or a vision? I always get of a reptilian with a trench coat and a hat. Have you ever seen anything like that? Interesting. No, but I have definitely seen them with long robes, sometimes hoods over them and stuff like that. But a kid being answered to what some people say. They see the shadow people or the guy in the fedora hat. Yeah, that's brilliant. You know, the irony of all this is, is they told you that this was their planet and we're the invaders, right? But the irony of it is that they can't live without us. We are their food supply, without our luge, especially now that we know they're cut off and they're just why they have to enslave us. Because then it's like, well, even if that's true, that doesn't justify enslaving a whole race on your planet. But they have to because we're, like you said, we're their fruits. Well, now they're enslaved too, because from my, it's my understanding that they actually can't leave right now. There's like a security system, I guess, is for lack of a better term solar warden type of program, that they actually can't leave. And there's some of them that still think they're actually, we're not here recently, they're trying to dig up an ancient Stargate somewhere in like Israel or something right now. They're thinking that this is going to be their escape, and they're they're going to be able to get off, but there's no way like they're already onto it. So they're quarantined. They're basically quarantined onto the planet. So they're trying off. I'm learning things from you today. About that. Yeah, that's right. But it makes sense. And, you know, I'm going to have to rethink this whole thing about whether or not they are, we're here before us. I don't know. I mean, I know the dinosaurs were here before us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, obviously. For our family, the genetic family that actually came in, which we are part of that genetics. If not, then, you know, and like you said, the Anunnaki or whoever made the dinosaurs and all of that, they made that, then in that case, our genetic line is long is what's here before them. Well, I mean, there's been civil, I guess, ancient civilizations for 400 million years on this planet. And, you know, so who's to say who's planted it really is at that point, what actually happened all the way back then. And, you know, that might be true for a modern man, you know, like you said, but what happened before then? Right. Right. And we are part of that genetics of that. So therefore, we have, I guess, just taking it. I don't know what we'd call it, but our lineage anyway. Yeah. So what does disclosure look like to you as far as when you think, or do you think we're going to start seeing some of this technology and actually, ETs come forward, are we going to have context soon? And soon, I mean, within the next five years or? Well, I think it all depends on us. If we can clear up the mess that this world is in, and I should say United States is in right now with, and I'm just going to give my opinion, my opinion is it's a battle between good and evil. And I believe that the ones who've been controlling, and they just happen to be the Democrats, but that have been controlling everything. And I see mind control living through mind control. I absolutely see the pandemic, or I call it the pandemic as a mind control tool. They're even saying and using mind control words, isolation. Isolation is one of the number one things they do in mind control for programming. So they've been programming us, and now they had to get Trump out in order to finish their program and get us back in. And then the socialism comes in, and then they're more control and more isolation. And now you can bring in the psychotronic warfare to the people and start programming that way, because I'm very in tuned with what's going on with the psychotronic warfare and how people are having 24 hours a day being tortured, psychotronic microwave weapons and things like that. In fact, I have a group, if anybody is interested, tomorrow at three to six on a specific standard time for people who are targeted. Oh, excuse me, that's not tomorrow. That's next Wednesday. I apologize, next Wednesday. So, yeah, I kind of lost myself there, given my group. It's okay. You were just talking about the mind control program. Spot on, by the way, spot on. And that's true. And at this point, if you listen to them, they've always been doing it. But now it's even more obvious. They're telling you exactly what they're going to do. They use the term new world order. They talk about everything. They're just telling you exactly if you listen to Obama's last speech the other day. I mean, it's like, okay, people don't actually understand what they're referring to. And, you know, with this election, he knows what's going to happen. I think that Trump is, I know that Trump is going to stay in office. Do you know what they're doing now, though? They're trying to rush, rush them to confirm Biden because they know they can't wait. Otherwise, the fraud is getting exposed. And they're so they're trying to like push, push everything, like rush it right now to like just just rush it in, like just get them confirmed and get Trump out. Oh, yeah. It's not going to work. Yeah, it's not going to work. And so the reason I brought that up is because if we do unearth this horrific kind of just the violation of our constitutional rights with with our elections, and that they've been fraudulent for so many years and such, if if we can if they the Trump team and everybody else can bring this out into open, which will indeed cause arrests, including Biden, his cabal group and all of that. And all these arrests happen. Our galactic will come sooner than we think, in my opinion. I think for us to do our job and our job is to we made this mess, we have to clean it up. They're not going to come in a rescue. They can't do everything for us. Exactly. Nailed it. And the reason is, is because on some level, even though we weren't knowing of it, we allowed for this to happen. We gave permission for this to happen. So it is our mess to clean up. And that's why, you know, we're not going to have the ETs come in and save us. We have to figure this out on our own. And this is also us stepping into our power and tapping into our true potential and all that stuff. It's a growing experience. We're all evolving. We're all ascending. And this is what it looks like, unfortunately. At the end of any civilization, it's chaotic. And there's wars. I mean, if you go back in history, there's wars always ramp up at the end of the civilization. And unfortunately, in the past, you know, there's always the technological side of it and the spiritual side of it. And the technological side basically surpassed because people weren't evolved spiritually enough to, I guess, move on in a sense. So it would collapse and that kept happening, that kept happening. Well, now it's different. Now there's a spiritual awakening happening on the planet. And that is going to surpass the technological advancement and what we're seeing. Because I mean, they're at the end of the road anyway. So now there's hope. Now there's hope. And there is a there is a timeline to look forward to. I think it's so important. Like you're, you're right on. In fact, I got chills when you were talking about it because of confirmation. It's a balance that we have to have of the, because yes, if we can bring out all these things, but we don't have the spirituality to go along with it. And maybe this has happened in other parts in other times in our in our earth's creation and such. But if the consciousness raising the people finding their their selves, I mean, I got to say one good thing about the pandemic was that people have come to groups such as mine in droids. It's just amazing how many people have come. And they're looking for answers and they're waking up and they go, I know this is happening. I know it's important for me to do this. And and I truly, I have the truth will set you free. And our planet has to be set free by the truth. And our consciousness has to be up there so that we have a nice balance. Otherwise, the ETS won't come. And they come in through all of the people like wonderful people in your age group and that are coming into the planet now. I think I truly feel that they have a purpose to come in here. You have a purpose. And it's like the different waves that Dolores Cannon says. There's another wave on my opinion, which is the younger ones. And those ones will be in place at some place in their future in places of great importance and power. So, or they may be already are, it might be the last 20 years, so 30 years, who knows. But it's a wonderful thing and it's happening actually in a lot of ways, even though it's got the horrific things and in my group, people are just in so much fear. But you know, it's my job duty to kind of help them try to work through that. And people shouldn't be afraid. People should be stronger and stand in their power and realize that we all have a part of this. Yeah. And as dark as this all seems right now, this is in my opinion, the catalyst that the planet needed. This is the catalyst that we all needed to really even see what's going on. All the, yeah, everything's coming to the surface now. If that didn't happen, you know, so many people are like, well, you know, if the Patriots were in control, why didn't they stop this pandemic? Why didn't they stop this virus? Maybe they know more than we think and they had to let it happen and they saw it play out already. And because now it's becoming very apparent why it, why what it's, what it's caused, what it's forcing to the surface is it's horrible, but beautiful at the same time. People have, like you said, you know, people have to be shown, you can't just tell them they could have cleaned all this up if they wanted to, in my opinion, they could have done it all behind the scenes and then come out and say, Hey, there is this massive cult that was running things and doing all these crazy things. But we already took care of, you know, most people are going to be like, what? That's crazy. You know, they're not going to believe it. Even if they do show proof and stuff, it's much more powerful to for people to be shown like what people are witnessing now. They're seeing the corruption. They're seeing everything being exposed. People want more and more people are waking up. It's actually waking up people and it's causing people to have spiritual awakenings also. And it's basically, basically what's happening right now is the whole planet is having a dark night of the soul. So, and that's not a bad thing. That's a good thing because what that is, is the shadow of the planet and all these lies and all these things that have been hidden suppressed for so long are coming the surface on the outer and and within everyone also. And that needs to happen so it can come up to be cleared. The energies right now are bringing up everything to be seen, acknowledged and cleared. Absolutely. I agree with that. The clearing is an extremely important part of it, extremely important. What's up? Just we just we have new mics and I'm telling them and don't forget because we need to talk into it and he's in front of it. We have to Oh, okay. Nothing to do with you. Sorry. Still getting used to this. Yeah. So that is so extremely important that the clearing because that's why people are coming to to myself and many, many other workers, healers, therapists for clearing. They're coming to heal these things and cleared them away. We cannot take them into the next dimension. There's no place for this fear and and and hate and and not judgments and you know part of our healing has to be we have to forgive ourselves and others and heal. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And what's interesting you said about you think there's another wave of these children coming forward and I agree the star seeds, the indigo children, whatever you want to call them. If you hybrids, yeah. If you spend any time around these children, I mean, they're sent here to teach us at this point. It's almost like they're not here to learn anything. I mean, some of these are like I call many ascended masters because it's just unbelievable that a lot of them are coming with memories of their past lives and and just so many things and this wisdom that can't even be taught in their their young age that their memory is just incredible. And it's like they're already being born with these talents. It's really interesting to see. It is. It is amazing. I happen to be lucky to have a couple of them in my family to have the hybrids. And I mean, there's no doubt about it. They're just unique individuals with these very wise souls. They have a reasoning power. They can reason things that children really shouldn't even be know about it. And but they can reason them out and figure them out. And these are usually things that have a emotional energy tool. And the kids are really amazing. So and then we got your generation. Now, it's interesting. I have to ask you. I don't know how old you fellows are, but I know there's the millennial group. Okay, I thought you would be, but millennials have been really targeted bad. And I'm going to sound like a broken record here with the video games and the this desensitization with the video games and all of the computers and everything like that. And then in college, their program and the socialism and all these things. And I see a really big, how would I put it, a divide between you got millennials that are consciousness, they have a consciousness is raised. And then you've got millennials that are just totally confused and completely believe in the whole mind control, they've been mind controlled in college actually, I think, and through the games. Yeah, exactly. There is a divide and it's funny because we do fall into the category of millennials, but I don't feel like, I don't feel like a millennial. We're older millennials. I don't feel like the stereotype that views. Obviously, we're all, it comes down to the individual and it's not really fair to blanket everybody under that term, but I do see the divide that you're talking about. And it's very, it's very apparent. Yeah, I think we all have certain missions. You know, I, as soon as I was done with high school, I knew school was bullshit the whole time. And I was done, as soon as I got out of high school, there was no way I was giving my time back. I couldn't do my homework. I told my teachers, I was like, I just gave you my entire day and you want me to go home and give you my entire, I'm not doing it. I would, I just like, nice. I just didn't, I just never fit in as far as that went. So I'm glad. I have a star seed list that you just mentioned about three of the things on it. That's very interesting. Yeah, the characteristics of star seed. That's it. Well, I'm, so there's an actual list that I'd be curious to see that. I've made lots of lists because of all my groups. I've been doing these groups for since 1990, but now on lines seven years. And so I have a group for everything. Everything including just for star seeds, just for star seed hybrids. And then of course, ET experiencers and my lab experience as a secret space. So I have, I have many, many lists. So I'll send it to you. So I'm actually looking at, yeah, thank you. Please do that. I'm actually looking at one of the questions that was asked during the first time. And it was a good question. Somebody wanted to know how do you differentiate between negative and positive hybrid programs? Well, that's a tough one. Because I know there there is the negative program. Well, again, to me, it goes back to if I see humanoid that really, to me, looks like a human, as in a human type, earthling human. In my experience, then I feel that is definitely not one of the positive experiences of hybrid. I also go by, for my experience, I've been shown like 17 kids of different races on different colors of races, different animal kind of heads and human bodies, right? And I went by the feeling that I got from them. If I got this, and hybrid children have the most unconditionally loving energy from them. And that's what I go by. Now I know a lot of other, even my own experiences that I've, during the missing time, it's come up now for me, because I did another regression. It's come up for me that I had a baby during that time. I had a memory of it, flashed on it. So then I decided to get a regression on it and found out that I did. So that baby never went with me. So it went into, so it would be part of the negative hybrid program. I don't know if there were ETs involved in it at all. I have no idea. But I just think that if there's humanoid experimentation in the hybrid program, then it's a very negative one. And you also have to just go on your gut on what you feel. And I feel that the experiences that I had in my hybrid programs, even with the reptilian experience that I had, that he, that when I was shown a hybrid reptilian child, and I asked, who's the father? And they said, well, you call him Ayano, who is my protector, who was sent to me by my counsel to protect me. And they all, and they all meaning many, many different, many, many different races and such. So I hope that answers that question because I don't know 100% about all of my experiences. But to me, that's what I feel. Yeah, and I know a lot of people think that the hybrid program is an infringement of our free will. So that's just interesting to me because I'm positive. I mean, some of the experiences I've had, there's no doubt in my mind that I have hybrid children. And I know some of them have, some of them have happened on a negative account. It's been a negative experience. And one in particular, I think is a very benevolent experience. So it's just interesting to me, I've always wondered like, who gives in permission to come in and do whatever they're doing to, I don't even know where I'm going with that. But you know what I'm saying? We agreed. We agreed to be in any kind of hybrid program that I believe that we agreed to be in any kind of hybrid program that you were in. Like my memories of the raptor, I told you a little raptor, I think it was a child. And I think it was a, I would think it was a hybrid situation there. But we, I agreed to it before I came on this planet. Now we don't get the whole particulars of it. But I think what they, what, what we're told is, or shown is, okay, so you're going to be doing this and this and we think, Oh, well, I am a light being. I'm, I'm powerful. I can handle it. But then it gets, you know, sometimes it is really scary and stuff. But even maybe the negative one, we still agreed, I still agreed to work with the negative groups before. And that's why my Galactics helped me cancel those contracts. Yeah, it's really interesting. The whole concept of the contracts is also interesting because sometimes they don't seem like they're that that good of a deal. No. Yeah. No, it doesn't. Well, it's like, you know, when I was standing in front of the council, and I had gotten to a point where this was right after, you know, I'd had three automobile accidents. I'd been run off the road by a white unmarked van. I'd been hit and definitely on purpose and made my car spin around. I'd been, I had that bright light shined on my car while I was driving with Melinda, my, my partner that I was writing the books with and also speaking at engagements with. And I came out of nowhere and it was a bright light and it was either crash over the mountain or crash into the, to the mountain. And then I also had had the, the, the situation with the alien telling me that my family was showing my family killed and chopped up in front of me. So, um, I had, I was going somewhere with this and I can't remember, what was your question was, uh, oh, the, the, oh, the agreement. So I had got to a point where I was done, I'd done, just take it off this planet. And that's when I had this next encounter where I was in front of a half moon, um, uh, panel of all types of different 80s, different everything from a, an energy being to a, just a light beings and human beings, reptilian and even a tall, tall kind of gray. Um, and then some one that looked like was just like electric energy. I don't know exactly what it was. Uh, and I, I said, I'm done and done. I, I, I can't do this anymore. I want to go home and they said, love it, do not remember you asked for this mission and you must complete the mission. I said, but it's so hard. I can't do it. It's, it's so much harder than I thought it would be. And they said, they, and then they spoke amongst themselves and then they came back and said, well, we'll help you cancel your contracts. You could, what we, what they said is telepathic. What we can do is help you cancel all, all your contracts. So I did, I cancel all my contracts. Um, that doesn't mean that I didn't have few more experiences, but the majority of them were gone. I, I still had a, um, ET experiences where, but I couldn't have physical contacts anymore. I would have astral dreams or astral experience. That also means I still had astral, um, my lab experiences too, but nothing physical. So I, I don't think they can take you out of the astral because I don't know how that works. But yeah, so my, all my physical things were gone, but not, not my astral. That's interesting. Yeah. So, and I've heard, I know there's people who claim that they can help you cancel your contracts. Also, um, I've actually, we've actually had, had Spina, we've had him on our show before. Uh, it's, it's fascinating to me. It's a fascinating concept. That's good. Yeah. That's good. I think, uh, everybody, if they're at a point, they should cancel their contracts or at least cancel the ones they don't want. Be specific though. Be very specific. I, I feel slighted because I did cancel my physical contracts. Now I don't have my ETs physically. However, I did still have one materialized in my room, uh, a hybrid child, after that. So, you know, it's, it's, it's really hard. I don't exactly know how it works because it's so different there. I just now, it just, it just hit me. So I used to have experiences like all the time. It was so insane. I didn't even know like, I was going through my awakening. I thought I was like the only one. It was crazy. I lost count. Sometimes I forget about him and I remember. Oh, yeah, I totally forgot. I was doing this this night. And then whenever I did that, I, I, with Ed Spina, I called him back and did another session and I think he did cancel some contracts and I always wondered why my experience has stopped. Probably why. And I never thought about it. I never thought about it. I mean, now they're kind of like astralies. Sometimes stuff happens, but it's not like they, they used to be. I mean, it was, it was like crazy, like. Going on board a ship. Yeah. Those things. Yeah. Right. I haven't had any on board ships anymore. And I miss that. Now people who can cancel your contracts also say that you can take whatever parts you want and redo it, but I, I don't know how you do that to tell you the truth. Yeah, it's really fascinating. It's giving me a lot to think about now. Yeah. I remember something that used to happen to me a lot, which wasn't a positive thing, but whatever they would do to me, they would some type of tool, something they would, there's almost like being tased. I would always get tased right here. And I would wait at the end of the experience they would take, they would do something to me, it would lock me up. Like it would literally lock me up like that. And I would wake up in my bed, stuck like that. And I had to like pull myself apart. Whatever it did was like, I don't know what it was, but it had on a number of occasions at the end of whatever they were doing to me. And it was just something that I don't know if you have you heard anything like that? Well, of course, paralysis always happens when people are waking up, but you had paralysis and you had some kind of a strange thing. So no, I haven't. No, they would actually like stick something here. And it would make me just, it would pull my head down, my neck down with it. And I was just stuck there and I would wake up stuck like that. It wasn't, it wasn't this, I've suffered sleep paralysis for years. It was totally separate from that. Yeah, separate. No, don't know. I'm not sure. But I bet you if you came to group somebody up there would probably if you brought it out, they go, gee, I remember that, because that's what the whole group is about is to help people, you know, remember things like what you're finding. You're getting little pings in your memory today. Sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's so much. I definitely need to talk with you after this, because I'm, yeah, maybe that will help me unlock some stuff. I don't know. All right, sounds good. So are you so you're basically your your experiences have stopped your physical experiences, you still? Since 2000, nothing, nothing physical. In fact, I will tell you that I asked during the meditation, because I didn't have any. And I said to them, you said that you had given me a protector. So I don't even know if I have a protector anymore. And you know, the very next night, I was sitting here in my room, and I have a wood floor, and I heard, clung, clung, I'm completely alone in the house, right? Clung, clung, clung, clung, clung, clung, clung, clung, stopped at the door. And I, oh, I was really scared at first, but then that a piece came over me. And then it happened again. And that time, I swung the door open and there was nothing there. And they told me, in fact, not they actually was Ayano. And he said, I'm here. I'm here. I'm right outside your door. You don't have to be worried anymore, because I was feeling like I had been left and not protected anymore. So they'll show themselves some way or other. And sometimes they might just show you a ship in the sky and let you know, or they'll give you a dream or something that they're still with you. So I'm sure yours are still with you. If you want them. Oh, I do. The positive. I mean, I've been seeing more ships lately than I ever have, actually. It's kind of crazy, but that might be their way of letting them know, letting me know, never thought about it. Yeah, they do. They have different ways to let you know. And that's one of them. Interesting, very interesting. I mean, the ship seeing ships wasn't any really big deal for me, because I do Airbnb. I take people out with night vision goggles and sea ships. So, you know, that wasn't going to make me get excited. But I'll tell you that excited me a lot when I heard him walk up to the door and then stop. So whatever it takes for you, they'll show you. So one more question and we can start wrapping it up. What do you know about secret space programs? And do you have any memories of being a part of a secret space program? I do. I fought it for a long time because just for an example, a lot of us and with my experience, I felt like I was in a mall or a big, huge warehouse. So these malls and warehouses are kind of screen memories of being on board these ships. I also had a memory of 11 years old being in this clangy kind of, it wasn't, ET's around me. I was by myself, well, I wasn't by myself. I was with a lot of other kids. But, and this would have probably been between, yeah, that would have been 11 years old. So I was put into service at nine. So it was one of the times, I don't know how they do it. It might have been a 20 in back. I can't tell you 100%. Could have even been a parallel life, but this is the memory I have. That I was 11 years old. I woke up and I was in on this kind of a rack, a sleeping plate rack, but it had netting and not a netting I've ever seen, but something very odd looking and feeling. And then we were taken and shown these pictures of these aliens. And then we had some training. We had different kinds of training. And it was in between all that stuff. There was torture and there was more isolations and things like that. So they continue on with the mind control, even if they have you up in space. And then I also remember being in a situation where we were, kids put in uniforms and we were shown these things that we should be careful of and these creatures and stuff. And we were kind of just taken out and where we're walking around. And there was, I think, probably super soldiers or other soldiers up on the mountains above us. And we drew out these insectoids. And when they saw us, insectoids started coming towards us. Now, I remember this happened more than once because one time I got a bite right out of my gut. And I had to be put in a tank to be regenerated, to be healed. Other times, I think we were just kind of used as bait to get them out so that soldiers could kill them. So that was mainly all I had, memory of that experience other than some sexual horrific things that I don't really want to go into. And then I had another memory where I was oddly enough, similar to what I'm doing now. I work with people and help people and groups and stuff I had. I was like, well, I'll tell you how I knew about it. I had two regressions. I was doing two regressions for two different people. And they both said to me, oh, you were there. You were and once said, you were the Nazi lady that was controlling all us kids. And another one said, in a different term, she said, oh, you were the one that helped us learn more about how to be super soldiers. So she had a different look completely than he did. But I was. I had, I was part of an organization of more than me, but I would teach these kids how to survive. And I would bring in people to teach them how to survive. And as they grew and got older and older and older, and I was, they had to leave it like 17 or 18 years old and out go out to be super soldiers. The powers that be whoever they were, I think, and in some way, I think they were Nazis, but I can't tell you where I was if it was Moon and Mars, but that they were very happy with the way I ran my school because the kids grew up, went out, became super soldiers and came back and didn't all die out there. So I felt that it was really important to show a teamwork, learn how to become a team, learn how to care for each other and work with each other and stuff. Whereas the other structures were teaching them to be super soldiers and just go after and have no camaraderie. And I was teaching it differently. So that was, that was my memory of my two stints in, and I guess they were 20 and backs, I don't know, 10 and backs, five and backs, whatever, I don't know. Yeah, it definitely sounds like that. It definitely sounds like that. And it's interesting to me that you're talking about the Nazis, right? That could have been on the Moon or Mars for all we know. Yeah, well, yeah, but I think maybe, well, the first one I think really was probably Mars, but the second one I don't know, I have no idea about the second one. Yeah, I've heard so many theories about the 20 and backs sometimes, you know, clones are used, like that could have been a clone and it could have been a memory from one of your clones. And they have the ability to regenerate any limb or tissue or anything they can, they can heal anything they want, cure anything they want, but what they can't do is, is cure your mind. They can't heal your mind. That's where you have to work on that. And that's it. I have clones and shown I have clones where I mean, I absolutely know twice that I had clones. In fact, oh my goodness, what's his name? Randy Kramer, Captain Randy Kramer, verified it for me with his whoever there is above him that I do indeed have clones. Yeah, I believe that it makes sense. As soon as you started telling your story, that's what I was thinking was clone. And are you familiar with Tony Rodriguez at all? Yeah. Yeah, he's just another Secret Space Program whistleblower. For those of you who don't know, he's he has an amazing testimony. He has incredible memory recall of everything down to the finest details. It's one of my favorite to listen to. But he just had something validated. So he was in 2015, he was basically interrogated, not interrogated, but he was interviewed by some very skeptical people they wanted to know about his experience. And in particular, they wanted they were looking for something that they could prove. And he was telling them about this geyser on series where he was stationed. And this geyser that was that was basically came from salt water that was under the surface and every so often it would explode and it would rain down and create this like white cap. Well, NASA apparently had record of this, but they didn't know it was salt. So they had they had looked into it and did some research and whatever they did, they were able to confirm that it was actually salt and he was and he was right about the geyser where it was and everything. Just this year they released the article in July, June or July, they finally released the article about assault geyser on series. And it totally validated everything that he said. And he said it was such a small thing, but it meant so much to him. Oh, yeah, because that means the rest of what he believes has some validity of some kind for sure. I mean, we're very confused when it talks about the secret space camera. I don't know. I never talked about it ever before until I got like a couple of three regressions. And then after the people said to me, you were there, I said, Oh crap, I don't believe it. So I'll guess I'll check. Are you familiar with Barbara Lamb? Barbara Lamb, then did some of my regressions. Yes. Yeah, I've been regressed by her as well. That's how I found out about one of my hybrid children. Yeah, she loves to those those hybrid things. That's how I found out. Oh, yes. That's how I found out about my hybrid reptilian hybrid was from her. I'd had I'd had to add the memories, but that was when I found out about the reptilian because she's such a safe place. You know, she's amazing. We've had her on the show, actually. Yeah, we've had her on early on. Early on, yeah, we should reach out again. But yeah, no, I found out about my reptilian hybrid. Actually, I had an experience where I was protecting this little reptilian boy. Definitely a hybrid human reptilian. He had yellow eyes with the slits, but he looked more human. He had like a gray little jumpsuit on and he was like, bald up. He had his knees up and his, you know, he was bald up. He was scared to death of something. And I was protecting him from something that I couldn't see, but he could see. So it was really interesting. It was a really interesting experience. I don't it was like the more I talked about it, the more came back. But we went back into that experience in my regression and we were able to figure out it was most likely a hybrid child. Oh, yeah. Wonderful. That's great. That's great. Yeah. All right. Well, I guess we'll wrap this up. We could keep going all night. Thank you for coming on. It's been amazing. Do you want to plug anything, plug your book, your decks? Actually, I had loved to plug something. I, about three weeks ago, I came back from my, I went, let me start over. I got contacted by Prometheus Studios. And so anyway, it led me to come and do an interview. So I went to California to do the interview and it was going to be for Book of Secrets. And it was very odd that they, when they contact me, what they wanted, I've had lots of people want to, you know, do interviews on me for ET stuff, but they wanted the MK Ultra because they had looked me up on Google and found me and stuff. So I did an interview on MK Ultra, which is going to be, I think they said about spring that it'll come out on the Book of Secrets. So that'll be cool. Of course, I love to tell people about my groups. So please go to, my website. And from there, you can go on any of the Facebooks. I'm still with Facebook because I have no choice, but I have many groups. I have Starseed Awakening group that you can go to, Starseed Awakening ET Experience Group, and then MK Ultra My Lab Secret Space Program group. So if they go to any of those groups, in those groups, I will have my schedule and they'll see the events there so they can find those groups there. I really encourage people to come to support groups. If it's not mine, go to other ones because it helps so much. You can't imagine how much it helps. Like for instance, today's group, I had the group I did. And after everybody shared, then at the end, I have them answer questions from my characteristic lists and stuff. And people always pick these questions. Well, actually they go, okay, what number from 1 through 32? Let your higher self guide you to it. And 99% of the time the people are guided to a specific question that's going to bring out some memory that they never even thought really was important at all. And it changes people's lives. So these groups really do change people's lives. Also, just another plug just to go to my KCLR radio. I think we already did that one and to that show on every Saturday from 12 to 2. And I think that's it. They can come and, you know, go on my website. I have a book about my MK Ultra. I'll complete, I have a book about just the my lab experiences. So I have two that I'm going to be, I'm working on a third one, but I have two biographies about my life. And then I have, I don't have a book here. Yep, I don't have the book here. But I have a book that's all about galactic genealogy to help you find out what your galactic planet of origin is. It is really important. In fact, the Galactics had told me that quite some time ago that it's important that people find their connection to their galactic families. And that doesn't just mean that you are one galactic origin. You are many, many, many, many different galactic origins. And my book, you know, gives people characteristics as well. And so they can find out from their family and with the with the chart in back, which is a chart that looks like this. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then I have another deck of cards, which is called the unimaginable. And that card deck is all about the MK Ultra, the Secret Space Progress, Super Soldier, and all the other aspects of it. So that people can use these Oracle decks too. Maybe they have a dream and they can pull the cards out and find out what their experience was. I hope you're using it that way. Yeah. Well, we just we just use it today. Actually, it's been a while since I pulled it out. But I think I'm going to start incorporating it more now. And I want to get the newest, the newer deck you have also. Yeah, that's unimaginable. And and all of those things are are there as well as my if they want to do hypnosis or have a galactic planet of origin and mission reading, they're all available there on my website, starstitawakename.arc. Yeah, you're going to have to send me some links because that's quite a handful of stuff to remember if somebody is listening to this. So links in the description. Okay. Okay. Sounds like you're thank you guys. It was really wonderful talking with you today. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much for coming on. I did want to say something else, but I totally forgot what it was. I guess it doesn't matter. So it's going to be aired. I don't know. Oh, well, we'll air this tomorrow. Yeah. So at what time? 8 p.m. C. I'm central. I'm so used to typing it out. APM CST central to be six. Yeah, in your time. Okay. Okay. I had some people wanted to know. So I just wanted to have it. Yeah, I'll send you a link whenever it's up. We're going to start editing and we'll have it uploaded and it'll premiere tomorrow. I'll send it to you and you send me any information you have also. So, okay. So you can delete all that in stuff, that Java, Java, Java stuff, you know, about the wanting to know when it is and everything if you want. All right, guys. Well, so have you heard of stuff? Can I ask something here? We're not. Okay. I asked. Okay. Tyler and Aaron. Aaron. Oh, yes. Aaron. Oh, one of my brother's names. Yeah, I should remember that. So Aaron, are you an experience here? No, not the no of at least seed though. What's that? Starseed. Yeah, definitely star seed. I have a star seed group for you. I have a group for new, begin new awakening star seeds as well. You know, so it can that that's kind of a neat group too. And so I'm going to you guys. What's the best way to send you the information about the groups? I'll invite you to come to the group and everything. What's the best way to do it on the email? Yeah, that'll work. Okay. Yeah. You're not on Facebook? I'm on Facebook. He is not. We have a journey to truth Facebook page too. Yeah, we have a journey to the truth. Well, that's where I'll send it. If that's all right, I'll send it there as a message. On journey. Can I do that? Can I send it as a miss? Yeah, yeah. Tyler keeps getting deleted off Facebook and he finally did what did you do to get deleted? I've been playing it really careful. I still put all the stuff out, but I put it out like just in case you want to check this out. I don't like so this is the truth. I don't know. I don't know how I've been able to stay away from getting kicked out first. We both got deleted and luckily I already had a backup account that just had never used. So I just switched over to that. Tyler made a new account, but then he made another group that was like a Q related kind of group. So that's probably why. And then he made another one when he came back again and got deleted again. And now you can't it won't even let them create another account. Yeah, I ran out of him. I've used four email addresses and I can't even make up a name or email address anymore. They must have me pinned. You know, they must have me. I think if he uses a VPN, you might be able to get around it. But that's a shame. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm going parlor, but I haven't figured out how to use it yet. But it's Twitter. Yeah. It seems like Oh, is that is that for Twitter? It's just it's it's like Twitter. It's like an alternative. Oh, I'm I isn't there one that's like Facebook, me we or Mae way, ever you say it is like Facebook. Gabb is kind of like Facebook, right? It seems like Gabb is the more popular one. And then I don't know what else there is. I'll have to check those out. Yeah, because I don't care much for parlor. I mean, it's like, it's all right. It's like a news station. Okay, fortunate info that came out about who owns parlor. Oh, no, who owns parlor? Somebody connected to George Soros, right? No, that's Newsmax. What was parlor? There was your kid. I mean, Newsmax is somebody owns connection to George Soros and Newsmax. Yeah, George Soros and are well, I don't know. I think that might have been part. I heard something with the George Soros thing was a Photoshop. That was that was not real. What was the parlor stuff? That was they've been donated in a Clinton foundation for a while. Yeah, that's what it was. Has something to do with connection with the Clinton? No, the guy that created parlor has some kind of connection to the Clintons or he donates to them. No, no. It's Newsmax, the guy who the new. Okay, well, you said George Soros was Newsmax. No, that was that was a Photoshop. The George Soros link was a Photoshop. So what's the parlor? I don't know if there is one. I've been seeing it all over the place, I don't know. Okay, I don't know. Gee, I hope I don't mean to be rude, but I really hope you're wrong about Newsmax because of any of the places I've been there, the only one that have been free with the news may be a little on Fox, but you know, this Max is, yeah, so I hope hopefully that's just wrong information that they're putting out. It could be information to make people stop watching Newsmax because they don't want them to hear the real news, but I don't know. Oh, yeah, it could be. OAN though, I haven't heard anything about them and they're good to. You could be right about parlor. I can see people in the chat right now going crazy like, no, you're getting all wrong. I swear I've seen so many people being like parlors and compromise or parlors that like it's possible. I can't remember the details, but I've seen it all over the place. I hope. No, there may not be anything to that. It might be. I'll keep, I'll keep watching it and stuff and stuff. All right, well, thanks. Well, go ahead, wrap this up. Thanks for tuning in guys. We will see you next week. Thank you guys for all the donations and everything that's been coming in. We can't do this without you and then we can't say that. We can't say thank you enough. It means everything, obviously. It just keeps us going right now. So good night and good night Misha. Thanks again for coming on. Good night. [Music] [Music]