Journey to Truth

EP 84 - Mason Feary - Occult Practices & Intelligence Agencies - Energy Manipulation

Originally aired on 10/8/20
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Mason Feary is a former Geospatial-Intelligence Analyst for the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and US Army. Serving for six years in the uniformed services and three years as a civilian with the NGA. During 2017 after being approached by high-level Occultists in the District of Colombia, Mason began to see a new world, one hidden from the majority of the population. One where Elites run the world in every facet of society and the darkest of arenas. Upon his awakening, he began to expand his awareness by healing the mother and father wounds and many other childhood traumas. Being curious about the Occult and other forms of hidden or lost information, he dedicated his life to discovering the knowledge hidden from humankind by using his abilities given to him through his past profession of intelligence collection. His goal or mission is to help those create new and powerful imagery in mind to expand past former constraints within the human consciousness. He can penetrate the veil of illusion with his Arcturian star family's help, teaching him many new forms of mental and emotional communication with those around him and teaching these methods to others. Mason, in Numerology terms, is a life path 11, unlike his other counterparts, with this number, he serves the Divine Creator. Many with this number are tested in ways the matrix has been designed for, offering power, money, and fame to list a few. Mason has always been guided by his inner light and is now ready to help share these gifts with the world.

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hi, this is Tim Sanders, founder of the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Pretty soon there will be five G-masks going up all around us and we want to make sure that you're giving yourself the best protection on the market. Our solution is unique. We use a new source of energy from the fifth dimension to balance radiation fields on any device making it safe to use. Our results show that this structures water, it balances the blood and it keeps your body super strong and yes it works on 5G. The energy in the patch never runs out so count up all the radiating devices in your life. Stick one on each and you're done. Click on the link below and you'll soon be bringing balance and strength back to your body. Thank you. [Music] Yo guys, what's up? You're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight we are joined by our good friend Mason Firy. Mason, we met him at Icedi actually at the conference at Icedi and we became friends. We started hanging out with him and realized he is a very interesting person and he's a lot of interesting stuff to discuss and bring forward. He was a former geospatial intelligence analyst for the NGA and the US Army so that he learned a ton while he was there and obviously that led to his spiritual awakening which we're going to also get into a little bit of that but we're going to turn it over to him. Turn it over to you Mason and let you do a little better introduction of yourself and we'll go from there. No problem. Yeah so I didn't have money for college so I joined the Army and I went to the recruiter and I was like hey what can I do with computers? And they go we got this program called the geospatial engineer. I was like oh that sounds so cool. What is it? He goes I have no idea but sign the papers. That sounds awesome. Sign me up. Yeah he's like hey there's $20,000 signing bonus too so I was like oh even better. So got the signing bonus. Turned out that it was like a 75% fail rate for this class. So entry soldiers going into basic training, they pass it. You had at least a score and an 86 on your asthma which is their military test to see if you haven't done since or not. And so I scored through that and I graduated top three in my class and then ever since then I kind of it was my dream to go work at that place I went to school at which was the NGA. The actual facility. It was just one of the biggest accomplishments actually giving a civilian job not only in the military but a civilian teaching there at the NGA. And I actually at the same time was drilling there as a soldier. So I had two jobs within this facility which was it's a great accomplishment once you go from reservists to essentially your highest rank of what you can do as this any type of position within these intelligence ranks. I was actually under a program that was overseen by the Obama administration when it came to certain assets of national security and it's funny because during this time this is about 2017 our products every month would go to his desk yet we never got a response meaning one he didn't care about our work where he was too preoccupied and then you can kind of see what happened after that. And this project was pretty big when it comes to nuclear assets. I will say that tracking them seeing where they're going who owns them and if a president doesn't care about that what's going around in the world he's obviously doing something else so kind of makes sense. But so basically I you know I was climbing up the ranks I was making like 40k a year in the army basic you know specialists and then I got bumped to 75 for being as a billion and then the money just kept coming. And as the money kept coming I started getting introduced to people. I would be in meetings with some head people in the intelligence agency. I actually attended the meeting with Mr. Clapper who was at the time I think he was the director of the defense national defense intelligence agency. I attended a conference at a facility called ADF East doing some updates on our security and things like that. But as I continue to go forward I started being approached by some cabinet members of some Freemasons that were basically by George Washington's estate in the Alexandria of Virginia there is the first Masonic Lodge or one of the first ones. They do have that temple there in Old Town but they wanted me to meet there. And basically that's kind of what awoke in my eyes because I was like well why is there a club inside of a government intelligence agency. You know I got recruited previously when I was a recruit in the army and like hey oh you want to join the Freemasons oh yeah go do this stuff. One of the things he told me is anything you get promised whether it be money rank or power make sure you get it in writing and that's the thing that kind of held on to my pension span when I started talking to these people. It's like how can they promise me those things. We actually remember when I was 23 just here in my hometown of Burlington one of them asked me to go visit the temple and I went to go knock on the door and then something inside my head was like go to the back door. I was like all right that's kind of weird. So I would walk around and go to the back and I said all right go to the front door and I got totally tripped out at this point and I was like okay this is kind of weird I'm not going to do it so I completely like left called the dude that wanted me to show up and he's like oh they won't make you do anything you don't want to do. And I said that's kind of weird and so I held off but being revisited in the intelligence agency many years in the future these people you know they don't hold a rank like director they don't hold a rank like branch chief they don't hold any positional authority but they have more authority in those ranks than the actual elected people just because the people they're tied into. And if you don't agree with what they do or say they can ruin your career. Actually a couple days before I got fired I told one of my coworkers he was like why don't you want to join the masons and I said well because I don't want to touch little boys and do rituals and then literally the next day I got fired. So good for you though I mean but at that time I had no idea I was just joking I was like because that gave me a weird feeling so but I told this dude like yeah I don't want to do that and I got fired. So yeah sets is everything you need to know right there. Yeah well these people are different they and then learning kind of through my own research some of the stuff they study makes sense why they're infiltrated in these positions you know you're starting to learn about higher mental functions in accordance with chakra systems to not only manipulate other people but to portray an illusion of yourself towards other people. So when you think about like a speaker for example like maybe Obama when I put him out there they are taught how to use their third eye to project outward to whoever they're discussing and however emotion they want to seed into people's consciousness and that's just understanding higher mental form of thinking manifesting your own desire or your own will with intent through knowledge to have manipulation over other people and there's so much more that goes into this kind of stuff. Well it's a you know it's all black magic and they're very well versed in this stuff they know exactly what they're doing it's not just that there's all kinds of mind manipulation tactics that they practice and actuals rituals and actual ceremonies and that's obviously the free masons come in. Yeah absolutely there so my first example when I was knocking on the door I think that was a test and a lot of people were like no it's not it's like clearly it was because there was a voice giving me directions first of all that doesn't happen. My own thoughts or that was in the trip me out all I was doing was knocking on the door but they had known in advance that I was supposed to be there so that was that was back in 2013 because I wasn't awake yet I was still sleeping doing all the drama but in 2000 this was 2016 I actually ended up dying after I was making my ranks making really you know good money professionally my personal life and my emotional life was just garbage you know it trying to live that dream the American dream to go work and and do nothing else but pay attention to your work and try to keep your emotions separate and all that kind of stuff there's a lot going on at the time and to kind of fast forward into a story you know they can sometimes pick people out of a crowd because they want you to do certain acts or they they see certain things within an individual that they want to recruit and one of my traits was and I didn't realize it at the time but I am very empathetic now but also I had anger issues and rage issues I actually identified with the the Marvel character Hulk majority of my childhood in Europe for good reason yeah for good reason and when you learn about like our fun energy and what anger is and why they can use that that is absolutely dangerous so one night I actually got really really drunk and through a huge party earlier that year my girlfriend and I kind of separated and kind of messed me up quite a bit because we were together for four years you know going out to this new place in Virginia is like I got my job well I ended up getting a pregnant and at the time I didn't know how detrimental it was but we ended up agreeing on getting an abortion and I didn't realize at the time in that decision how much it would have affected me until I started drinking milk and I started really drinking and I started really getting into my emotions and then all the things that ever happened to me throughout my childhood and young at a lessons kind of was at a boiling point and that night during that party I was cleaning up I didn't eat anything I think I drink about like a fifth of whiskey myself you gotta remember I was a semi-pro bodybuilder so I was like 240 at five nine I was a big boy I face planted on a glass table cut my arteries and my arm cut my neck I woke up covered in blood and went to my neighbor and it's like hey can you call it paramedics and then the paramedics showed up and basically I blocked out I completely backed out and according to what happened is I wrestled with all the paramedics and all the police officers and a couple firefighters to where they had to put narcotics in me and they killed me. Going back into that moment through meditation now I realized there was multiple and I mean multiple energy attachments there was certain people that wanted me to go a certain way and each time I kind of tilted into that degree I would get offered more money and so at that point you know fast forwarding to the day I got fired on top of all of that preexisting because I wasn't healing anything I had I went homeless I was homeless for six months and I had the only thing that kept me going was my mom and my mom was into Reiki she's into spirituality she's into energy work and so that kind of woke me up a little bit to a bunch of different things and then I realized that some of the people that I was talking to are some of the people that are in the news now that are getting in the trouble for quite quite big crimes or they're affiliated with these type of people and so basically I dedicated myself to my own research looking into some of these things like well what is what is it called what is it you know typical questions and it goes all the way back to Egyptian times and I started kind of not really poking my nose around in these facilities but like the Freemason temples but I started asking questions doing a whole bunch of research and I found a huge satanic network in DC where they do some of these rituals you know people talk about wet rooms you ever heard of those um I've heard of it yeah I don't know wet rooms and they're in every alley in DC there it's a room where they take you and they'll kill you if you basically go against what they they say I got introduced into because when you're on the streets in DC it's it's a pretty tough life I got introduced into kind of an underground sex type scenario in the middle of DC there was a bar that I ended up working at so it's the only thing I could do which was a strip club for men mainly gay men not that I was gay but I just knew hey I get money you know so how do I survive um and then watching these people and politicians come here it was kind of weird but then you understand that these politicians are hanging out with extremely wealthy other gay men I mean like extremely wealthy billion-dollar homes you start connecting the dots and I really didn't start connecting those dots till I moved back to Washington were there any like names that we would recognize coming through there um not necessarily so from when I when I started working there from what I was told there are cabinet members in the old presidential campaign that would attend it this far but when I started showing up those people stopped showing it and other people started showing up and they actually would try to recruit me into some of this um I mean here's an example they'd offer me $10,000 to do some nasty like just nasty thing and it would start there and usually if you would say yes then it would it would get worse so not only was I recruited in like the the Freemasonry Intelligence side they're then trying to recruit me into the sexual exploitation side um really really quick so these entity attachments that you realize that you had do you think that these were these people who were trying to recruit you they were sending these things your way trying to manipulate you or do you think it just came in from the alcohol so both actually so it was it's funny when I trace it back the timeline of my drinking and the timeline of being around them was parallel to each other now what I learned is that you know through through abortion that's that's actually a satanic ritual and most people don't know that and so doing that and dying that was allowing something else to come within me because my oral was completely gone it was completely open and I remember now actually recently going back into that time uh when when I was dead I remember a voicing like are you done and I kind of looked back and was like what do you mean are you done it's like are you done and I said I don't I don't understand and then I could see but also be in my body at the same time and they basically said you know you have a lot of work to do if you want to go back and I said okay what is it and then they said we'll show you and the next thing I do I remember as I was awake in my own body um now the healing didn't happen right right away this is 2017 I don't think I hit majority of my going to last year um but ever since then ever since that moment of I guess you could say crossing the path limits or crossing that bridge there has been a presence within me that is showing me the way and um you know they always say those near death experiences kind of get you a bit closer to those different entities um and I believe that you you know you're at that moment when you come back it's not that it's not that I was alone it's just I'm more aware than it was never looked and they help you kind of be like that counselor within your earpiece to you know be like hey instead of doing that do that shifting that perspective a little bit to to naturally through your own and convince us kind of figure out how to not only for me do my own healing whether it was like walking through nature but also realizing these energy attachments uh sometimes they'd show me what these were in dreams and I was like holy crap this is ridiculous yeah you know but it and it really what really made a huge impact was changing my diet you know we don't realize it's all inside of this food and it keeps you kind of locked into a certain pattern here um you know I realized yeah I went vegan for a year and I was like okay let me try this out you know a lot of megans get uh some bad rap for it but I tell you what I cleaned all the hormones out of my body uh I cleaned my liver which you know every one of these hormonal systems are tied to certain chakras so not only through cleaning my diet was I clearing my chakras but also clearing my energy bodies um being aware of more subtle energies and things around me might yield um which is quite amazing when you know I think so going back to I want to continue to go all over the place I'm sorry oh it's amazing this is great um so going back to the bar they were making you offers you were not accepting and then what happened after that scene okay so I worked there for about six months and uh I'm not going to really name the place of it because there are some good people that worked there but the majority of the clientele you know at that time I didn't know about you know when you look into a person's eyes you could you should see something or you should feel a little something looking back I have a completely different understanding of what these people were but um a lot of times you know they would just look at you um and it's not like your your typical encounter when you're at a full nude male bar in DC one DC is a pretty chaotic area people are just kind of sick already uh two you're mixing alcohol and there's no limit on the alcohol you can consume in this place there's no rules there's no inventory on the alcohol there was no um waiver I ever had to sign the work there there's no anything that is or any standard of any bar anywhere that existed in this place um and they had people that because I was so you know I was fit I was large even though I drank I'd get roofy and there'd be times I'd wake up in a cab going somewhere I'm like let me the hell out of here before I you know you know hulk out and somebody or something like that and it happened actually quite a few times um that I'd end my shift and I'd be in a cab and having no idea where I was going um is that how you ended up with E said E in a cab not knowing where I was going no no no that's when I moved back here to Washington though I um yeah no but these people like they they would invite you to a party and they'd call it like a masquerade party and I was like is that like you wear a bunch of weird masks and do some weird shit no yeah yeah it's like a two-day party he's like a two-day party um what they meant was in this community drugs are a huge thing and we're talking about heroin cocaine all that stuff at the same time and they have origins and at that time I was kind of tapping into that occultic science stuff and that's like Alistair Crowley type stuff that you know the sex occult magic especially uh same sex occult magic is uh black magic essentially when they're using it in the form of multiple multiple multiple partners um and then you know when you're when you're looking at a tough person and this is just kind of to go off on a side tangent real quick when you're looking at a person and the only thing that they're wanting from you is lust that's not from a good place and especially some of the requests that they'd ask you to do I'm not going to put it on here but they're they're like borderline snuff requests if you know what the term stuff means um like bcality type stuff uh feces types like just the craziest thing you'd ever encounter and that's when I kind of was like okay I need to get out of here like this is starting to get really bad at the time I got roofied the third time I realized it's the same person doing it and he comes to see me from New Jersey every weekend like there's something going on um and you know getting out of there and what I actually learned is coming back to my home state after working there I had so many attachments from that bar that it changed me as a person than you my friends like a completely different person like you drink way too much you're you're you're way different like we're you know talking to you're not the same mason it's like well I've always been this person you know in that denial type stage and I didn't realize because I'd be drunk every single night it was there because that's the only way I can handle it yeah you should have told them I'm not the same mason I'm a free mason yeah well yeah but my last name is Firi so that I've heard that one yeah um yeah but there so in these realms in the intelligence agencies there's a lot of demonic activity and the reason why is because it's around a lot of death and deceit so when you're in such a powerful agency like that or CIA or FBI there are these occultic members that kind of sweep around because they want to finalizing stars to recruit them so that way they don't expose what they're doing um one of the things I actually got the privilege to look into while I was in the high side was 9/11 that was while I was still working and one of my buddies was a Pentagon police officer at the time he said they have a mural as soon as you walk into the Pentagon that has all the high ranking military and government personnel that were absent the day of 9/11 community so it's kind of like an internal knowing in these agencies like hey you know this stuff goes on but you're not really supposed to talk about it nor were you ever supposed to talk about who your politician was at your voting floor in the 2016 election either like they did not allow you to talk about it and which is weird because that's like your boss right yeah and once Trump got elected there was so much reorganization within the intelligence agency like he fired thousands and thousands of people thousands of projects as soon as he got in there bam budget cut oh what this was just awarded a five-year contract it is gone like you know yeah well they he fired them in a lot of people resigned because they knew what they had been doing was highly illegal and they're jumping ship they were jumping ship some of them and it wasn't everybody but the people who resigned were the ones that were specifically designated to spy on the campaign oh yeah well or they cut deals and yeah yeah yeah it's on resigns that means they're getting fired because they took a deal yeah yeah they're they got caught yeah absolutely and it was amazing soon as he got elected like we're talking about there's a couple there's like ten thousand people that work at the NGA there's at least like three thousand that got fired that's that's located in Virginia right yeah Springfield Virginia yeah yeah it's uh is is quite crazy so what happened after and is so you were still you were still employed while all these people were going down where you my project got cut oh did it yeah but i got fired before that so i didn't that okay i got it yeah yeah my big now i always had a big mouth you know i always said what i believe whether you know not necessarily to hurt people but if it was the truth i wouldn't say it well that's why you're here now i mean yeah and now it's only going to help you yeah absolutely um but the crazy thing is uh when i moved back here is when i started kind of communicating to what i would say my guys or what i would say um the figures that would kind of help me digest what i went through um in my dreams and coming back to nature honestly is the number one that in food world is nature is how you can heal yourself uh you you look at these cities and you realize that they're completely avoid a nature why because that's god energy that it's the energy of creation within nature if you vary exactly the very idea of a city is to disconnect us yes absolutely and connect it into a grid of arcan energy exactly yeah and uh the echotic energy that does not allow you to ever re uh reach that state of calmness where you can actually meditate yeah yeah and then then i started getting into just you know studying brain frequencies well why why is it that you're in a city and you don't have access to that well when you're in a city you're constantly busy because the energy of the city is increasing your energy of your being and so when you're producing a high level of mental activity you're actually no longer in peace you're no longer centered so the energy is being used or something but then when you realize that it's being harnessed because it's chaotic energy full and that's a different story um and then you have high rise apartments and condos they have a Wi-Fi router in every single unit so you're totally bombarded by this radiation also that's why these are very necessary yeah yeah yeah looked into William Reich and all this stuff those pretty cool uh Ken Rola member of the uh scaler and i have one of those right those are quite amazing the dream world is a lot more active i would say um and you know a lot of times when we're in the dream world it when you wake up it's kind of like fuzzy you kind of remove like a little bit of tunnel vision this one makes it so the canvas of what you're viewing is a little wider and your interactions with beings in a dream when you realize like hey you're not supposed to be here they're more like for me at least my experience they're more like whoa he's awake if you know what i'm talking about there i've actually had similar experiences like that i mean i can relate to actually a lot of stuff you're saying now are you talking about the the cloud buffer the pyramid yeah yeah i want to get one of those yeah those are awesome quite amazing yeah i just bought a Wi-Fi router uh this is to contest of how it works it's one of the the better Wi-Fi routers it's supposed to cover 2200 square foot my bedroom like one bedroom is only a 900 it won't reach the Wi-Fi from the Wi-Fi to my room and it does but it's intermittent so there's obviously a signal interference between that Wi-Fi router in this device so it's kind of cool to see that and how that works sure sure that's what uh just might as well say this really quick but the omnia patch that we that we are affiliated with are you guys everybody sees the commercial that that actually doesn't create any interference it just harmonizes that that frequency already so it just kind of it's like tuning in orchestra balances it so it makes it safe so it's not yeah it's probably converting it's probably converting positive ions to a negative to get that balance yes and very much works with the electricity in the air and all that's like a scalar type of technology but more Tesla based i don't but yeah yeah continuing yeah pretty pretty cool stuff so yeah started tapping into that um what really got me going was edge wonder of course if i know it's an edge of wonder is i'm not trying to get a shout out to you guys but hey what's up um and i actually ended up contacting them i contacted them i wanted to disclose some stuff about chemtrails i met with one of the founders of i don't know if you guys know who that is i i don't i know the the site i don't know his name's like dan i forget his name it's like three years ago now well i actually had a meeting with him and some of the scientists about what is it that they're putting in the atmosphere uh and one of the reasons why i knew about that is because i took well weather analysis in the military it was an air force course and when you have certain um satellites that track weather analysis well how are you going to track a cloud how do you do that well you put a radioactive material within the cloud structure that can attach to either oxygen or hydrogen atoms to make it reflective for my sensor to pick it up and track it to the ability so he's like okay well what's strontium and and barium use for is it well that's one of those chemicals that when you send an IR signal to that cloud it reflects back its signature and then you can test the analysis and he goes yeah but it's in our soil and we'll they spray it in the chemtrails and he goes oh so it is a military project and he's like yeah of course he is because they were trying to relate it to deep state but it's all the above the deep state has a rogue air force connection that does all this stuff not only for manipulation of weather but for tracking weather to predict it as well uh so this technology gets pretty pretty in depth when you're witnessing what all these chemicals can do um and that's just the previous experience which and that's just what it does to the clouds and that doesn't stop at the clouds that hits the ground oh absolutely yeah you learn about Monsanto and having the aluminized seed so it's a seed that grows in this type of soil so they can uh basically create the only marketable seed within the world that will grow in this type of soil i'm very well of those seeds i'm very well aware of those seeds anyway um yeah but it's just interesting like that stuff getting into our skin that's why it's so important to make sure we're detoxing all the time yeah and so on a side note um because i was always in the fitness whether i did hormones or not um i learned a lot about herbs and what herbs will do to the human body uh there are many herbs that you can use to take the metals out of your brain especially alumna which causes Alzheimer's um and they're simple like chorellas sprullina you know simple things like that um one i kind of tested on myself how all these things would work um and i guess you could say from someone that is highly indoctrinated within the military system the intelligence system and then kind of being atheist just due to my past and my experiences when you take these substances and you actually do declassify your your pineid land you'll feel it crack you'll feel it crack and you'll feel that i have felt that yep and you'll notice that there is a slight hum sometimes depending on where you're focusing and that's when you're kind of opening up the dmt within your crystal of your pineid land and starting to vibrate you'll feel a wiggle and then sometimes when you get like a real truth you'll um you'll feel it kind of pulsate uh and crazy thing you can't really see this though but during the time when i was at the bar i grew a tumor right here really you grew a tumor tumor about the size of a golf ball right on my third up wow uh i think it was signifying to use it yeah it's very suppable what's going on yeah it was it was crazy um i had to get it surgically removed because it got pretty big uh but you know these supplements and things they want you to not have any of these in your diet and that's why they're depleting all the minerals in our food they're uh putting all these harmful chemicals that act as a certain nutrient source uh but they totally will shut down cellular reproduction within the body so you're not even growing normal cells anymore uh because they don't want you to have access which is kind of your birth right to to this information um to what your body and how your body is a tool to pick up a multitude of different information whether it's physical emotional mental mental is a huge area if you want to tap into that kind of stuff um and you know going through these things and modalities and and meditations people you know ask i ask people do you meditate they go oh no i don't want to meditate so when you're in the shower do you take a moment to pause do you do you feel the water hitting your body and do you appreciate the sensations or are you just too busy that you just want to get down and out you know over with um and it it kind of takes people back a little bit and they realize that their lives are so busy that they don't enjoy things you can't express emotion are you even living yeah like really that's uh that's true that's we forget how to have fun as we go through this and that's important that's very important most most people are in a very unconscious state and that's what the the cabal like everything they do is to keep everyone in this very unconscious state and then mind control from there because then that's where you can be mind controlled and you can absolutely you can whatever the programs they put out there you just take it in and you're not without a second thought and then you just think that's your own thoughts or oh that's just the way it is and i'm not really that but you know when it comes to your own thoughts people don't realize but when you're walking in public and you go you have a crazy random thought that most times it's not yours that's that's a thought from another person that you're walking by that's within your vicinity that you're picking out it's like oh why do you think of you know or entities or entities or yeah absolutely and you can get your own thoughts and then you start going that the more you start going on that route the more they have control over you oh yeah absolutely you know and a perfect example the perfect example of the programming or control is walking around wearing a mask thinking that you're being a stand-up citizen wearing the right thing yeah draft they got you you know yeah yeah i always say always say it like you know back in the day the vampire movies you have to knock to ask for permission to enter your home well in in the thought in the mental world if if you can kind of project your awareness into a sphere above your above your head you'll notice that the thoughts that gravitate around that area are those vampires asking for permission to enter within your domain and as soon as you shift your perspective to that thought which is a thought that you may not want it has access to whoever or whatever you're trying to accomplish and you know a lot of times it is difficult to figure out which thoughts are yours but in order to do that you have to create distance between your thoughts instead of having your mind just constantly beyond like a school or you don't constantly feeding yourself and that's what meditation helps you is create that space between the thoughts so you can kind of identify well is this my being trying to speak to me is this is this what i'm wanting and if it's not don't even allow it in your awareness and that's one of the things that i learned just through when i came back to Washington i had i had two years i was unemployed which honestly was beautiful but it was very stressful to where all i did was walk in nature the whole day i walked about nine miles a day and what it taught me was that no matter the thoughts that were going on in my head nature still exists and it's still there operating you know in totality to its existence and it kind of humbles you a little bit that you know here i am thinking i'm a human the most advanced thing on this on this planet yet the harmonious union with the planet seems much more peaceful than what i've ever been able to achieve just the flowing of the water or the rushing of the trees and then you kind of settle down in your own being and you kind of process your emotions a little bit more when you're when you're left to not do anything but do that um and it's it's doable everybody can achieve this it's just there's certain steps that you have to be willing to take uh to get there um which is not mainstream it's not medical it's not your doctor that's going to help you do this uh it's it's you that has to make the choice to do it yeah yeah big absolutely fantastic advice i mean it's so true i think i think you're inspiring me to go spend some more time in nature well it's a different connection you're so it's it's washington's different though i mean you guys have been to east eddie washington just has an energy about where i'm at i'm actually surrounded by three mountain hinges so i've got the olympics i've got mouset hellens and mountain union all within my little area and so i can literally go five minutes and i'll be in a in a trail and if if you know if you've done the work and you have the ability to have that space just breathing in the fresh air you have access to higher informational energy within this in the forest in the denser areas and you can tell the distance different because as soon as you step out of the city to literally that wooded area your intuitive hits are like almost automatic oh i should go do that for a project you know your creative abilities amplified because you're not suppressed with all the external distractions and energies that are around you oh exactly yep so yeah it's just it was a beautiful experience to have and you know people talk about regressive therapy you can do that yourself uh you know you don't necessarily need to have to spend so much money to do that you can do research but then just it's shifting that perspective you know something happened to me in the past yeah it was terrible but who who did i become because of that and because of who i became how can i help heal others get through those same scenarios and that's where the power is if you can get through your darkness and you can use that darkness as a tool to help others that i think you actually won sure that's yeah that's so crucial right now because this is what people need to be doing because we all have that's so perfect yeah you take what you went through what you learned and you use that to help the people coming up the people who are still going through that and this is why what i'm noticing right now as far as this movement goes and so many people getting sucked into this information warfare and they're so they are so caught up and distracted and just obsessed with every little piece of information coming out yeah that they've totally neglected themselves and what they're doing and who they even are and it's so it's so easy for me to see what you know i'm not trying to say that we're better than anybody it's just something i've i've as i've been calming my mind i've been noticing as opposed to not even that long ago i was right there sucked in it as well i was there 1.2 yeah they're they're tools they really are but they're tools for what the occult would say uh the master so with the cue movement right it gives people the ability to do all this research to be aware of a world that they never thought existed or they never would wish to exist but the problem is is your own traumas can then be identified within this movement to where you're not healing yourself you're spending all your time on this information that is not necessarily out of your control but it is out of your control in the sense of why are you spending all your time doing all that it's good to spread the information but it's also there's a trend the more people that do the inner work the more the outer world shadow is exposed so the more we look inside within ourselves because we're all connected we're just separated by perspective um the more that this darkness is going to fall this play has already been written we're witnessing it now trump's done with covid you know um showing the world because he's he's not just addressing america he's saying the whole world should not be afraid of this because you know these people are already taken down there's already these operations being done there's deals been taken there's people resigning there's 200 and some odd CEOs that resigned within last year those are deals in the professional world that we're taken because those people are going to be removed from the game so now us as as as i guess you call light workers or way showers what i think the mode of focus should now be is making sure that we're in check you know how are we doing because there's a lot going on in the world and we can pick up those things and sometimes not realize that that's not necessarily what's going on within us but within our area and then create opportunities for people to have access to that kind of information um because on a wide scale and this is just my observation i don't mean any any disheart uh disrespect to anyone in the community but i think if we were to start promoting more healing individually we will see a faster progression of healing within the planet absolutely because in a sense right now what we're seeing what i what i'm seeing is we exit from the matrix we exit from one program and then now you've entered another program that's that's just as dangerous actually even though even though you're learning about all this stuff you know exposing all these criminals and all the stuff and yeah we are fighting to make a change it's still another program like Aaron said one time Q should just be a stepping stone it's not the if you stop there and then you put all your energy focus into that yeah you're you're just stepping into another program and you're actually you're actually just feeding the dark by feeding it all your energy instead of it's still an illusion yes yeah it's not going to be around forever what happens when Q is over where all these and that doesn't mean ignore what's going on it doesn't mean because that's what a lot of people bid you the other extreme where they they don't want to look at it all don't tell me don't talk about it because now you're creating that's all sort of them not being able to face a shadow within them yes you know it's that's a shadow aspect that they don't even want to touch i don't i don't you know don't even talk about it i know i know people like that yeah yeah and they well they're sensitive and i say i understand them but here here's here's the key to escaping duality you have to see both sides uh-huh yeah to see both sides you have to integrate the energies because you're a light worker why because you shine on the shadow yes exactly i just want to clarify also i know like you said no disrespect to anybody that's out there fighting for this yeah no not at all that's obviously their mission no yeah yeah and it's and honestly you know maybe they're what they're doing is working for them and it won't work for me and vice versa it's just it's just where we're all the different level also absolutely so i don't mean any disrespect it's just something i've noticed yeah it's just it's also a kind of ability for your own like when you're when you're and this is what i've noticed uh when you're tapping into some of these subjects depending on your level of awareness you're actually bringing forth that energy so if i am viewing darkness there's darkness viewing me it's a two-way street in this dimension and in in the you know third eye beach if i'm observing you you're being observed so when you're into these type of topics and you're getting into the sadistic you know satanic ritualistic stuff you're actually absorbing some of the energy from what you're inputting in your attention because you're paying attention to it to where they have access to you and you're actually holding on to energetic baggage from from constantly viewing this type of stuff so if that's what motivates you and you want to create that as a movement that's absolutely fine but just make sure you do clearings make sure you're not bringing any baggage home and another thing i was talking to a friend of mine is when they're telling these versions of these stories you have to be aware of what your throat chakra is projecting towards people are you projecting fear or you projecting hope and there's a there's a huge difference between the two if i tell you a story of my past experience should you feel sad for me or should my experience help you feel empowered about how i got through it and that's using your higher chakras uh to not influence or hurt anyone but to show the truth through when well i think you've i think you've pretty much mastered that because your story is empowering but that's that's a fraction i still got a lot of personal details i don't really want to get out on the web yeah no i and i understand that but you told it what i'm saying is you told it in a way that uh was empowering it wasn't like you know you left us hopeful oh yeah absolutely i uh there's for those two years i will tell you i thought of suicide every single day um but there was an inner strength within me that i knew that those thoughts weren't mine and it wasn't this wasn't my life this wasn't my purpose and as a result of constantly reprogramming that thought even though it was the daily thing right i you know i didn't eat for like three weeks at a time one time i i lost i was at 240 pounds i went down to like 168 in a month because i wasn't eating but it's crazy because my old body that i had with all the supplements it was fueling this adventure so in a way fasting for that half a month is what accelerated my spiritual growth because i was faster not because i wanted to be but it's because i was forced to be yeah totally very interesting yeah i want to do the 40 day fast uh 15 is the is the longest i've gone as long as i've gone it's seven days one time it's quite it's quite amazing is i had a bacterial infection in my stomach you know and i had to basically quit eating for a week i was otherwise it would not i had to quench it yeah and i'm not sure your body naturally does that just i yeah and i and what happened was i had more energy after the first couple days i had more energy than i would have ever imagined i would have never guessed that i would have felt so good do you know why that is i mean enlighten me so your body takes in fuel for the physical self when you're taking in cosmic energy or what we would call the negative polarity energy which is this this energy in space your etheric body is being charged at that point so your body is taking in cosmic energy you're no longer trying to repair cells your cells are repaired you're taking an infinite abundance of energy you can actually you can live off water and breath alone because you're charging your energy centers you're creating an electromagnetic field that will stimulate those cells so if you wanted to do this permanently there's people that have done it for like 20 years you have to get your body to optimal health before you can create that electric current within your being and no longer need food um there's a lot of people like oh you can't do that but there's hundreds of people have done it throughout many cultures and it's definitely possible uh it's just it depends on your level of surrender me personally i like me it takes a certain mindset also definitely you have to have the mindset to accomplish anything really yeah yeah absolutely um yeah it's it's quite incredible what the human body is just already designed to do and we just forgot about it all right oh yeah so so what do you see what do you see taking place as far as like the consciousness expansion right now like yeah obviously we're all doing the inner work but any use of the inner work projects in the outer work but as far as just uh on a worldwide as a worldwide collective a lot of people have like these crazy numbers like 80 plus percent of the planet is already awake and i think that's a high number but i don't know what are your thoughts on the no you can be you can be awake but you can still be lost yeah right do you remember like um i don't you guys oh you guys awakened quite a while ago i think right because because eight years ago for me and about eight years ago five yeah would you say from 2017 till now your awakening has accelerated yes absolutely absolutely but what happens is the more that other people kind of break that cognitive programming it opens up different areas within the collective grid that other people can tap into so there are some beings that are incarnated here that have the ability to access past life dimensional energy from a higher level of existence so when they anchor in those higher dimensional aspects it uploads that to the collective to then be taught to people or to have some people tap into their old dream space to bring it back through and what it is it's it's it's just ancient lost knowledge have you guys read the secret flower of life the volumes of those i want to i read the first one i mean i just i read the first one yeah did i not make you aware of that book was that not good i was gonna say wait nice i read that book and so it's quite quite amazing so i something that i've learned is because i've gone through um i've regressed myself all the way up until about five years old and because i just can't remember that i just can't remember the past then i'm actually getting a fontan hypnosis therapist session pretty soon to have access to that when you when you create a clear channel throughout your entire existence in this life it's a more powerful conductor to channel into previous time flights because your karmic calendar so to speak is kind of not necessarily quite clear but you've learned your lessons at the level of what that lesson was provided to you so when we when we start looking into as as more people awaken you're you're kind of creating a bigger array of interpretations from signals right so if there are extraterrestrial races that you're connected to but there's a larger presence of people on this planet that are awakened the message will be received more and the reason why it's more is because your brain waves are functioning at a different level they they produce you know the statistic of humans only use nine percent of your brains they want you to use nine percent of your brains because you don't have access to attract the information from the cosmos at that point it's rudimentary it's it's it's used for survival procreation and basic infrastructure design it's all that's good for it's not good for uh thinking creatively uh it's not good for trying to uh not repeat history right because it's always history repeats itself well because we're thinking the same way you can't do the same thing twice and not expect a different result right so uh there's a lot of people within the community that the healing that they do bring in new kind of insights and and like aha moments that help people heal and what the focus on is from what i'm what i'm trying to understand is the power truly exists in the higher shockers but the higher chakras are the ones that are the most attacked and we can see this through symbolism we can see this through colors and advertisement we can see this through um chemicals that block your pineal limb and the reason why that is is because the lower chakras channel downwards it comes from top down so if you attack the mind the first which is the biggest planet universe it's called the mental uh the mental realm it's the biggest one of the universe most the higher dimensional beings operate in that level only that's why they're not physical vessels um then then you'll start to see like why the world is the way it is they don't want you to think for yourself they don't want you to be creative they don't want you to channel those uh interdimensional abilities and to to explain it real quickly you'll get a desire from higher intuition higher self you'll see the desire you will speak the desire you will feel the desire you will be the desire which is the will right you'll experience the desire sake of shocker and you will feel and live the desire which is your root shocker so it comes top down so if we have traumatic experiences that scar us and we can't think about those things you're blocking your connection from ever receiving the information to feel itself because you won't go anywhere down you can't feel through that experience feel through that presence tequila you have to use your entire system to heal your body and unfortunately um we're taught the seven shocker system are you guys familiar with the 13th shocker system oh yeah yeah yeah so the 13th shocker system is what the ancient Egyptians used to use um and I have a picture here now are those the ones that go outside the body so then you have one like in like the atmosphere then above that and all the way to source are you talking about 13 within the body so there well there's 13 in the body and I'll kind of slow miss share this real quick oh yeah sure oh you do we need to allow you to screen share yeah how do we do that or I can send it to you and you can uh screen share no hang on we can do this um one particular oh there oh there we go now try it you should you should be able to okay how we doing on time you're good we got pointy thought 15 minutes maybe fish believe in 15 15 to 20 or left me yeah yeah like yeah so we've been going for about an hour so this is where the content's getting good because now I'm getting it just because I work overnight so I at a certain point I have to uh right so can you guys see this image right here yeah okay so these are these are what are called the 13 energy chakras and they are um there's they're ethereal ones uh people talk about the well of dreams being at the basis spying on so this is a little bit different these are the etheric chakras and they start a little bit different the the main seven that we have are here and it's funny that they they contain three of the main five platonic solids when it comes to the metatron's cube milky way gate rate if you were to think in terms of astrology the milk this metatron's cube represents the galaxy's astrology chart in forms of sacred geometry so we have the earth gateway which is the core of the earth the earth star which kind of is the crystalline grid if you want to think of it that way these are represented by um beings you know the names can be whatever you want them to be uh but they're kind of represented by different beings and then we have all the chakra systems and they're associated beings uh with the ones and i think we're all familiar with gabriel um chamiuel uriel and metatron himself yeah when we kind of look at these chakra systems and you identify what these are you have a different understanding of what it means to be uh kind of human uh the soul star intense chakra which sits above your head you'll feel that when you're engaging with people at a soul level like e-setting right your intuition is a little more higher you can kind of when people are telling their story you kind of watch a little movie within your own intuition right it's because at a soul level you're connecting and each one of your chakra systems are kind of putting a web of connection between each person so when you start opening up these higher chakras you have access to these types of information you have the ability to gain higher cosmic knowledge through these chakra centers um it's the stellar gateway which is the 11th it's also known as the divine feminine chakra that is the access to the cosmic feminine nature the 12th chakra to be the divine masculine not saying that 12 is better or 11 is you know lesser it's just how they're kind of arranged there um and that will gain the access to the masculine presence the solar essence of the cosmos when we go up higher to the 13th chakra that is that is if you were to relate as a physical energy that is the chakra of our galaxy and what that will do is that will give you cosmic truths that will give you truths of who you are as a star lineage um that gives you connection to your Akashic records that gives you access to many different lifetimes of different areas and these are all chakra systems that you can use as well as the ones physically in your body they're just not taught they're not taught in mainstream spiritual science or or metaphysical science uh but they do exist and when you mess with them you'll have profound experiences um not only in meditation though that's where the thing gets different a lot of people say they have to experience these things in meditation these chakras you experience conscious because you're bridging your subconscious them in mind and your conscious line at the same time to where you have access to the universal energy um and that's actually something that i'm getting ready to teach uh how to experience these things and how to increase um intuition but more so synchronicistic intuition meaning a lot of people who are encountering synchronicity but are they manifesting what you want or is it an unconscious manifestation and how to tell the difference um it's just having a higher perspective think about it like sitting a couple stages above you watching the people within your sphere and your world but watching how these positions are orienting themselves and so these are these are tools to help us get back to where we want to be able to your ascension um which is one of the main parts of expanding your consciousness it's having access to these uh and it's interesting you brought up the synchronicities because that's something that has always troubled me since i learned about synchronicities and i've i was the same as you i had some entity attachments after my mother died when i started drinking and getting the drugs and i went through a whole experience as well but i started wondering like okay how do i know that it's my guides how do i know these synchronicities are my guides that are here to serve my higher purpose how do i know it's not some malevolent entity that's trying to steer me in the wrong direction by giving me a false authenticity the easiest key is to know that your inner reality is expressed through your outer reality how do you treat people yeah you treat them with your higher heart chakra meaning that you try to give them your best without taking too much of your energy if you do then that's your direct line to your guide yeah when you're giving from the heart you know i always tell people like if if i'm always giving to set the example and everyone's doing the same thing everybody is receiving so when you're at that service to others level and you could still do things for yourself right but when you're at that manifestation level and consciously aware of that manifestation level you'll be able to tell because are the things manifesting for you or are they manifesting for you with others and when it comes to synchronicities uh it's a little bit different than you know oh i'm asking my spirit guys to give me a sign that what that is is that is a block within your third eye and your crown chakra and i'm not saying all the time but majority of the time because you have to ask for an external validation sure so when you have the internal validation mastered that's when you know you're in control of your manifestation external external synchronisms are fine because it's a tool how do you tune it right um i have a theory also that um like going through the awakening when i first started experiencing a lot of stuff i was being it was like they were allowing me to see an entire different reality i was having these crazy experiences i couldn't explain nobody would believe me even i told them the synchronicities were off the charts i mean i couldn't it was like i just entered a whole new world and then and then i eventually got to a point and it seemed like a switch was flipped and it all stopped and i think that was that's where we're supposed to take over i think you discover this stuff they show you this world this reality that exists they let you know it's there they let you know it's real and they make sure that you are aware of its of its tangibility and then they shut it off and say okay how bad do you want to reach that how bad do you want to get back through this way of living and it's up to you to reach that again and that's my theory anyway that's i think that's why it stopped like now it's my turn to put in the work and do and do the shadow work and learn what i need to do and enhance myself and grow and develop to be able to have these experiences again um yeah absolutely well so but that's absolutely 100 true but you also have to look in the terms of cosmic energy so if we go for 2018 for example 2018 was the 11 year 11 means manifestation we all look at 2018 that was kind of a powerful year to get stuff on that ball rolling so it's because the planetary alignments where they're going to and where they're at now will influence either depending on who you are your manifestation ability but then also because you're in a certain vibration right all things are going good things are going good you're more grateful and gratitude is where manifestation hits its grounding and creates its physical presence so they do give you a glimpse because why would you can't just go shooting in the dark for all of existence and not have anything to look forward to but what it does is that a way you have now reached a different level of karmic repercussion right so initially before the awakening karma happens to you but now at the awakening that there are certain people that aren't necessarily void of karma but they don't experience it unless it's a positive karma because of what they're giving out so once you master your karma you'll have a little bit easier time to manifest because you're no longer in a state of doubt or manifesting from a state of fear and that's where those confusing synchronicities like or overwhelming because you're not consciously creating them they're showing you how to do it but it's the key of how to channel your your mental emotional energy to manifest what you want and then know it's coming before it runs you're being kind of chaotic it's because it's showing you the more chaotic those manifestations are is the more you need to work on your balance the more in its it's it's a masculine and feminine sideway comes to that it's how receptive are you and how giving are you within your being and then that can paint your path to your synchronicity a little more smoothly where it won't seem as chaotic as your initial awakening because there's layers to this there's you know when we first wake into this possibility it's like oh my god but then once you start mastering that one there's more because then you have the ability to see how others are manifesting and then from how others are manifesting how is that affecting everybody else not saying that you have control of their manifestations but you have the ability to be aware of what they're manifesting and you can kind of help them tweak it through your own experiences and that's how you're giving your knowledge to other people yeah next time next time you should come a little more prepared I'm joking this has been amazing dude I mean it's really I feel like I'm sitting through some type of webinar or something oh were you being serious i'm sorry man no i'm joking it's no i'm not i'm it's fascinating i'm not good my sarcasm i bet no i was joking because you're obviously very well versed in all this stuff and you you've studied up on it and you know exactly what you're talking about actually it's just a way of presenting it that actually is easy to digest yeah so what that is is i'm connecting to your soul stars well it's kind of harder for me on video because this is the first time doing it but i have the ability to connect to your higher perspective awareness that can communicate to both of you or anybody really with how you've learned in your perceptible reality up to this point to explain things that you understand and it can be any topic it doesn't really matter what it is and it's because of those accesses to those informational streams that can kind of filter down etherealically but also physically i guess i just have to take their word for that yeah that's actually really interesting and i think that's how that's how we should all be teaching and learning yeah so think about it like this back when you're in school when you were interested in something you're connected on an agape plane right it loved plane so when you're connected on that energetic level you're opening more receptivity to the neural transmitters within your brain which allows telekinetic experiences to happen when you're speaking to something that is very passionate you're almost reliving that experience through the speaker right so that's how your that's how the ancients taught you get that vibrational level coming from the heart sphere so then you have access to all these ones and then the information literally just comes to you versus school now you hate it and then there's all these learning disabilities there's all these learning drugs and all these things that you have to focus on like well take at all because they're not opening the proper proper channels to allow the information to come within your being once it's in your being and you've heard it you don't have to store it in here it's not stored here it's stored around you because it's a part of you and that's the difference between accessing accessing knowledge and retaining knowledge they want you to retain a regurgitate not access it's using two different parts of your energetic need yeah I agree with that absolutely that makes so much sense the school the school system I told we were just talking about the other day you know you give them your entire day and then you go home and you spend the rest of the time doing homework and then they take away they stress you out at a young age they basically I mean they start beating beating you up at a young age basically it's all about programming yeah it's not about absolutely actual education yeah yeah graduate with a square cap on your head because they took a cosmic consciousness box around yeah exactly exactly oh man well this has been absolutely fascinating and I we'd love to have you back if you have more to share we're gonna have to start wrapping it up this evening unfortunately but yeah this has been great thank you so much for coming on and I hope I hope this reaches a lot of people if you're listening to this you if it resonated please share this out mason's awesome and we can help in you you had mentioned running to start a youtube channel were you still considering that or well so I'll say this I know I think I'm no longer a targeted individual I have experienced some the reason why I know that term is because I was looking like hey is this stuff like a rare occurrence there's real well it is real to where I'm not necessarily afraid of my safety but I was kind of being messed with a little bit especially with my affiliation and my clearance level that I did hold I did hold a top secret clearance in the intelligence agency and they're very worried about what I was going to provide given that I would now no longer within the matrix of their control that I'm not necessarily worried of this knowledge but the problem is is some of the knowledge that I've come to acquire some of it you have to learn through your own internal guidance you have to be ready at a spiritual mental and physical level to even kind of know some of these things I'm not saying like I'm withholding knowledge it's just some of this stuff isn't teachable because you in your own consciousness is your own version of the divine inspiration or divine creation so I can give I can give the basic fundamentals but then you have to teach yourself because the best teacher is your higher self and that is what I can teach you to communicate to yeah it's like when your parents your mom your mother or father told you something when you were 10 and it didn't finally resonate until you were 30 oh my god now I know why they told me that it only took 20 years yeah I just turned 32 weeks ago too yeah but I get I get what you're saying there's so many things that I've read and so much information I come across at the time didn't resonate knowing only in a short amount of time well something click and I'm like now I get yeah that's that's so basically what I call that what I call that is seeding your own consciousness what you'll do is you'll get a higher source of information but then you set the desire which is a crown chakra manifestation mental field you'll set that desire to experience synchronicity to teach you that understanding so you're using your own chakra system to teach and expand your own connection through interacting with the universe and that's that's where the main teaching is is because at that moment you're at a level that the universe is directly communicating and teaching you through your experiences but you're conscious of it and it's it's a completely different experience when you're co-creating with synchronicity and a larger scale and you know you prove it through the things that you achieve not only not only within your own being and and getting that grounding sense of peace but then also with the message that you have to share that resonates deeply within people yeah right absolutely well I think you've given us all a lot to think about and you definitely inspired me seriously you've inspired me to want to start taking my spiritual growth a little more seriously again I feel like I kind of somebody used a term spiritual binger at one time I'd go real heavy and then I'll step away a little bit I just think that it's uh it's time for me to step back into it a little more so I appreciate everything you said because it really gives me a lot to think about and I'm sure everyone listens to me too yeah absolutely it's uh I don't watch TV anymore I can't I don't um all I do is I read I listen to music um and I meditate you know once you get all those once you get all those distractions aside and you fully integrate your experience and you honor your experience you you have a much different viewpoint on reality it's kind of more like um it's like living the dream but you're constantly in control of it you know I can go through my day because when you carry a mental mental like signature with you you're carrying your reality in your space so when you want only things that you desire you're attracting the only things that you desire you're creating experiences that you won't have to go stoop your vibration down to go speak negatively to someone unless you're tracking them you have complete and total control of your synchronicistic events you're not going to yell at anyone you're not going to get in the car exit you're not going to have to worry about being shot because your vibration won't allow it and the universal energies that you're creating your synchronicistic events will not allow it uh and I can contest that because I have been in some pretty crazy scenarios where bad things should not happen but because those thoughts never knock down my door they never manifest these things that you don't want don't let them in they have to use your power to even manifest anyway so it's it's beautiful it's so interesting you say you know you won't get shot because you're you're at a certain level I always wonder that about guns this a lot of people are not going to agree with this there's a very unpopular opinion but I always thought like if you feel like you need to own a gun you're already manifested somebody because you manifested the possibility yeah maybe you're afraid somebody's gonna break into your house so you go buy a gun to protect and then they somebody tried to break in your house you have the gun and you think oh thank god I went and bought this gun otherwise I would have been killed yeah but maybe by buying a gun for that exact reason you manifested that situation possibility depends on the level of awareness and energy put into that but absolutely yeah so if you if you don't want to or if you don't wish to experience um something that I call under the heart shock the level of experience it doesn't even exist in your thought you're aware of it right like guns exist people can't shoot you but the more you're paranoid about it think about all the stuff that happened you're like prior to your waking the the more you thought about stuff you didn't want what happened yeah there you go so you sure you didn't want there thank you well like i said earlier yeah your outer reality is to sort of flexion of your inner so whatever energies you have harboring in your system they're gonna it's going to be reflected in now in the outer world and it's going to be showing you hey this is where you're at this is where you're resonating at yep um and then you do attract those things and then the topic of guns okay so the political spectrum in this reality has hijacked the human core values you have democrats which are blue that is masculine energy you have republicans which are red that is feminine energy or receptive energy you have gun rights on one side and abortion on the other they are the same thing it is death at a innocent child or death at the hands of the gun it is the same experience energetically only difference by degree so when you realize that these everything that has its poles everything is opposite everything is dual once you learn that you'll learn how to master shifting your perspective to stay in the neutral point and bypassing the program so all these things exist for a certain reason you'll notice that the pro gun people are completely opposite of the pro abortion people and then look at all the other layers of belief systems that carry along that spectrum so it really gets down to what is it that you truly believe and do you know what it is that you believe because once you understand the duality at its true essence you are both god and a human you have two sides to you it just depends on which side you align but you have to recognize that there's both within you and once you don't recognize that you're either creating a shadow acid or you're only seeing the light and completely not acknowledging that either one of their existence which would be in my perspective denying the creator's total existence now there are certain parties that have gone a little bit too far in the darkness and that's why people like you and I are here but it's also balancing that duality which is my instagram page balancing duality level yeah i was just going to ask you to plug your pages and just started it i'll uh this has given me the motivation to actually start creating the stuff because I think this type of information is what I think deep down I think what people are looking for yeah I got out of some pretty dark stuff and this stuff I tell you what it makes you appreciate have so much more gratitude than you ever thought possibly and then when you have those accesses the universe should give it back to you absolutely man well we're gonna end on that thank you so much all right so yeah to go say your instagram one more time uh facebook what else do you think what else you don't even know it i just started it i'm not i don't like to be public with uh this kind of stuff you know i have to i'm just uh i need to i'll have an description to people are going to want to follow you up balancing duality 11 balancing duality 11 that's instagram right yes and then uh just mason theory on facebook yeah right on yeah uh yeah i'm gonna be giving out some um some tips on how to understand um kind of the game of reality on a little bit higher mental plane but i'm going to try to explain the occult knowledge which is how all these people do this stuff uh in in regular terms to consciously recreate your ability to be a co-creator uh here um well after what i heard today there's there's no way uh you could fail man i think i think it's a win-win if you pursue that path so uh yeah we'll be looking forward to you a lot more for me yeah yeah can't wait man yeah thank you i appreciate that well we're gonna you're like the third people i've actually talked to a lot this stuff nice well you'll be uh well next time we talk we'll be like the 3000 person yeah um so anyway yeah you guys thanks for listening um make sure you head over to mason's uh pages go check him out go follow him i'm sure it'll be a lot more coming from him uh don't forget we have our omnia patches like we were talking about earlier they do work they're provable if you don't believe it buy it and test the hell out of it because they do work if it's changed my life they got rid of my migraine headaches i didn't realize that this radiation was causing these headaches neither did any other doctor in the world uh i had to figure it out of my own uh we have t-shirts we have new designs available the link is below we have some uh trump t-shirts we just made for you know pre-election post-election whenever uh go check it out and uh yeah please and everybody once again thank you for the donations we've been getting yes my gosh thank you guys so much it does not go on notice we appreciate every single one of them i thank you all you know who you are and then i believe that's it i believe that's it and until next time um thanks again mason for coming on and uh we'll see you guys yeah absolutely we will see you guys next week tonight so so