Journey to Truth

EP 261 - ISLAND DEW & ALIENS IN PERU - LIVE w/ Loyal2ThaFoil

Originally aired on 8/13/23
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1h 20m
Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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We are live. Yes, now we're live now we're live. Okay. Hey guys Welcome back to the show. Please let us know if you can hear us in the chat Usually we don't have any problems. So hopefully we don't tonight So we have a lot to get into we're really excited I've been all day. I've been researching and on this fire these aliens in Peru some other stuff to his come up oil Aaron has as well And you got pretty interesting some Light going on right now I was like you know my the filter in my light body right now, right Nice Looks like it's 5d But guys this this fire I can't wait actually I Discovered something last night about this fire that I haven't seen anyone talking about yet And I really think I'm on to something and I can't wait to share with you what I've come up with But before we get into that Welcome back to the show for you Hi, you know, I'm always happy to be here So what's what's new in your world? You know not a whole starting a new job. That's great Tonight I plan on slaying the Elden Beast and becoming the Elden Lord after the stream. I will be Streaming the game. Yeah, not on my channel with my friend Patriot freestyle. That should be entertaining, right? That's a game for about a year. So I'm ready to be through this. It's gonna be great But yeah, that's about it about it of the new with me for sure. How are you guys? Perfect. Can you go? Yes Before we get before we get started That girl from snakes on the plane. She finally came forward. Yes She did Tiffany Gomez. Yeah, Tiffany Gomez. She has a whole Twitter account now, right? Makes a statement goes like, you know, she's like a marketing exact like has her own marketing firm like lives in a beautiful home Yeah, like life is great, right? Every she got caught on, you know, what she considers her worst day I think it's probably her best day, but whatever, you know, that's neither here nor there Right it makes a statement Says, you know, she's sorry. She's sorry that she did she wasn't in control of her emotions She did enjoy the memes. She's loved the memes. She says they're great She you know, she's entertained a lot of people. This is fantastic But she was literally holding back tears making the statement which I get I mean, you know, I she's if she's just Generally kind of like not a woo person at all. She was probably mortified But she never answered the fundamental question which is was that mother real or not? We did you see? Yeah, what did you we still don't know, right? And so immediately in the comments everybody like that's all anybody cares about like there were a couple of Karen's that got on there No offense care and hair There were a couple of people that got on there yelling at her like you caused unnecessary drama for people when there were children on the plane 99% of the responses are just like bro, what it what happened like we don't give a shit Yeah, we completely support you that you're sorry, but what what what did you see, right? We saw this mystery for us, right? Man, it's all we want to know if you never she never said she never answered that no not once didn't even address it Well, that's you that's just that's very suspicious to me, right, right? Thank You Lisa for the Donation, oh, thank you, right like did you save the plane? Did you save the plane or not man? That's what we did. What was there? We didn't we still don't know right? Did you save the plane right? Yeah, you save the children on the plane really want to know man, right? Who knows? What was that video you sent me did we talk about the guy it was another video where this guy was flippin out and Telling them that he was telling everybody was stuck in a time loop and that oh, right? Yeah So he ended up back on the plane, but he was trying to tell everybody like he's already been on this like six He's like six or seven times it crashes every time like he was crying it for like I believed him Of course, you know, I tend to believe these things more often than not, right? Yeah, dude was freaking out was a Chinese guy right because the whole thing was subtitled like yeah Guy on a plane in China not long after the Tiffany Gomez incident had a complete and total freak out said he had been on this plane Six or seven times every time the plane had crashed. They would he tried throwing a fit They would never let him off the plane finally. They let him off the plane and the plane made it to wherever it was going safely. So you know Time loops could be real man. I don't know he was definitely convinced Box holes sent us sent me here. Thank you. Yeah, good to see you. That has to be because of foil So yeah, I did post it in the foxhole. Yeah, they listen I just quick shout out to pill dot net for those of you watching on YouTube if you are interested in free speech content Pilled dot net go over make free account tons of good creators over there All right, so let's get into this First of all this Hawaii fire. It's in my opinion. It's a hundred percent clearly a directed energy weapon It was a targeted attack and there's so many things that point to this. We can talk about it. We can break it down But the first thing that's interesting to note is all the celebrities that have homes in Maui. Did you know us? You listen most of my information is is on the alien attack, right? I'm gonna learn with you here aside from that one thing I told you earlier. I've so I've actually been in Lahaina The one time I went to Hawaii was 13 years or 14 years ago with my family And we went to Maui and we stayed right next to Lahaina basically and we every day we were in Lahaina. I think pretty much and we did a zip line and The guy leading the zip line Was like friends with Owen Wilson or something? And he said his kids went to school with Owen Wilson's kids and he was done and then he sits some other celebrity that lived there So I knew it so yeah, I knew Owen Wilson. I knew like one of the ones Listen to this list and this isn't even all of them by the way, so these break out your notebook. There's a lot of celebrities who live in Maui Oprah Winfrey Willie Nelson Clint Eastwood Helen Hunt Kelsey grammar Woody Harrelson Owen did I just say Owen Wilson Wilson Carlos Santana Randy Travis Mark Fleetwood Steven Tyler Lars Ulrich Metallica's drummer Sammy Hagar Sammy Hagar Gene Simmons from kiss Don Nelson Larry Hamilton and There's I know there's more but it that's just first of all that's a rock stars love Maui for some reason that's That's suspect in itself and we have these videos which will play some of them now that I figured out how to play videos on you Thank you so much PJ for the donation Yes, thank you so much Anyway, so let's just get into some of this stuff Is there anything? Well actually I'm gonna open this up real quick Sorry guys, let me just get this ready. I'm gonna share my screen right now share sound I learned that the hard way All right, can you see the Mountain Dew thing? Yeah, buddy Okay, so this is Aaron sent me this I I sent you this right, so this is a tweet or an X Face Facebook post or Facebook post or that exclamation. Yeah, my brother my brother in Christ Rob Anderson pointed this out And it's spot on what happened in Maui is by no means an accident and this Mountain Dew direct energy weapons Do DEW Mountain Dew Maui burst flavor is definitely not just a mere coincidence either Remember this is exactly how witchcraft and the occult works They must show and tell you exactly what they are going to do before they do it What's funny is I was in dollar general like two days ago and I saw this and I almost took a picture of the box and I was gonna make a comment on The box about the Mountain Dew's new artwork I didn't even connect the dots that they're literally telling you do direct energy weapon Maui burst now this actually came out in like 2019 or 2020 this flavor, but it wasn't released until stores officially Until basically right now and in particular dollar general and there's videos out there it is Gematria on this like the date of the release of this has everything to do with the new world order and Freemasonry and all the connections like everything's there. There's no coincidence, but I Mean talk about like throwing it in your face and all these guys are on the box laughing like that's even that's to me That's just like kind of creep me out right right. It's like mocking us Which is also what they do, you know Like telling us what they're doing ahead of time is a form of mocking in and of itself they they It's they do it for that reason. They also do it for the magic, you know Right well for both reasons Actually, so yeah, so now here's another thing. I want to get into Why I think this was they he pointed out. This is an occult ritual or witchcraft This is something else. I noticed I haven't seen anyone talk about yet, and I'm gonna jump into it right now Okay, so Lahaina city is perfectly circled by fire. This is actually a screenshot. I took them a video. I'll play the video next When I saw this That's why my look first of all. Yeah, it's a weird circle around the city Lahaina In the video shows the guys like okay, it's something's not normal about this fire He goes not only is there a giant ring of fire, but there's the boats in the water all burned as well Like all these boats that were out on the water cut fire. It's actually impossible. Yeah, right? How does that even happen if it was a normal? Exactly, so Here's what I saw I saw this ring of fire and it hit me. This is like I was up till two in the morning Doing this research and I had to continue this morning because I couldn't find what I was looking for. I remembered an old Mac Spears interview that he talked about the Johnny Cash song ring of fire was actually talking about the Hellfire Club which is a club that does satanic rituals and it was actually founded by Sir Francis Dashwood in the 1700s in Dublin, Ireland and the activities included playing cards with the devil Burning servants to death performing exorcism on black cats murder and cannibalism You know the Hellfire Club is also mentioned in Season four season four episode right stranger things. Hey, that's right. It is. Yeah, I have that picture here too to show everybody Right here Yeah, buddy Yeah, yeah, so This wasn't just some dungeons and dragons club and stranger things. This actually was founded in the 1700s Well, Mac Spears was talking about how you know, they hide everything in music and he said Johnny Cash during a fire It's actually talking about the Hellfire Club and he explains that they use fire and these rituals to summon demons But he said it's more than it goes beyond that. He said they do it on the Syrian portal This is where it gets really interesting. The Syrian portal is from is a window when from August 8th to August 13 When serious is at its highest point in the sky Alistair Crowley got married on August 12th to take advantage of this portal and He says that they have rituals in this window To summon demons are negative factions from the serious star system negative Syrians Well, this fire happened on August 8th. It happened exactly in the Syrian portal Exactly in the Syrian portal. They literally show you the ring of fire In around Lahaina and Mac Spears is saying the Johnny Cash song Ring of Fire is Literally talking about the Hellfire Club Satanic rituals If they're not telling you without telling you that this is a ritual like I just I would my mind was blown when I was connecting these dots Yeah Yeah Nope, that all just must be a huge coincidence. There's nothing right nothing to see here. Nothing to see there, right? That is that is crazy That is crazy. I don't know And it's you know You don't when you think now, I'm sure Hawaii has its share of fires or whatever, but it's tropical island. It's not like there's a bunch of dried wood just waiting to be kindled like I don't know the whole thing the whole thing feels weird to me well 888 is also Lionsgate. So I guess it's just the portal that could be used for negative or positive, right? Yeah, that's exactly what it is. It's negative or positive, but they take advantage of it to do their stuff Yeah, but I'm just like wow the ring of fire The Hellfire Club and I mean, it's just all there and then the Mountain Dew thing to top it off Right. I mean you literally can't make this stuff up There's no way that's all coincidence. I actually need to reshare my screen again So foil tell us about this picture Right here. I get the fact check. Okay. Yes. So this is this is the thing that's going around. It's apparently a direct energy weapon But it's not though. This is this is the one thing that now granted I told you I'm fully on with this being a really weird attack I don't you know, this is something crazy that happened in Maui But this particular picture is a long long exposure shot of a rocket launch taken from a similar area. So what you're seeing is not Energy coming down from the sky. It's it's literally a rocket launching and it was just the way the picture was taken that it was We caught the whole beam, you know, and because I saw like Stupetors had posted this and like it's important when we're trying to get This information out to people that we also give them good information. That's not easily debunkable That makes us all look like lunatics, you know, well, can I say something real quick? Yeah, how about it? Though this is what they do. Yeah, I can almost guarantee you Well, not guarantee you, but there's a very good chance that this was put out by a controlled opposition person or by you know deep state Because that's what they do they put out intentionally fake pictures So that it can be debunked, right? So then the fact checkers or the media or whatever can come in and be like, oh, look They're all saying it was direct energy weapons, but this is a fake picture that was actually this so it's all debunked You know, right so then it all right, right? It all it all is all false nothing to see here move along, right? That's what they hope you just accept and then you move along. Well, of course, we know It's real but even though that picture is not actually real and this is why like you said, it's so important to make sure you're not sharing out fake stuff because That can easily, you know, people can be just dismissed the whole issue. Yeah Miss the whole thing or people were like Well, wait that picture wasn't you know, so you know, it's just my thing in the waters of nothing else You know, right, but it's good to know that like it's good to understand that sometimes what we're looking at isn't the real thing to right and It's just a healthy practice of skepticism and just doing your due diligence, but I'm gonna play this video This guy talking about showing the boats on fire and showing the ring of fire real quick Yeah, we're not Yeah The audio just went silent What's that Uh, the audio just went mute on my end. Oh, that okay Thank you. That helps me understand this setting now. So I'll go back. I'll change it back It was working at first and then whatever you did Yeah, okay I have to stop my share. Anyway, you guys saw the video, right? I mean it shows the ring Right, but all the boats on fire. It's insane. Yeah, that's great I mean, what are we so how so are we supposed to think that embers from the fire? Just caught these boat. Is that what we're like? Is that the explanation that's supposed to be the magically all of these embers hit these boat? These boats caught on fire like it looks the situation just looks wild Magic embers. Yeah, magic embers, right? It looks like a war zone. Yeah, it does There's nothing that would have caught natural that would have caught that's you wouldn't think I mean No, well, then I saw somebody mentioning that the church was left standing It can In one of the chances that the only thing that was left was like the church and so yeah some trees Well, which is what you know in California same thing Yeah, every time they do this you have all these trees still standing and then you have all the buildings just yeah Like demolished houses surrounded by trees that are fine Right. It's like that doesn't happen in one of the fires. That's not something That would ever naturally happen. Right. So I'm gonna play another video that you share with me, Aaron I'm just gonna play a couple videos talking about this fire because I mean it's totally worth covering all this And then there's something really interesting that Matthew morning and share with me. Thank you, Debbie, right Thank you, Debbie Hopefully the audio works now that I screwed with it all Industry of people here at homes Due to fire flood months or emergency services But I need you guys to hear me out. You don't see what's going on I feel something is bigger. I've been I've been on Maui the last nine years And I know the geographical location and how everything works. There was no fucking way That a hurricane missed big island Went to Maui And didn't flood them didn't Give them more, you know crazy Other things but it caused fires It caused fires and not only on Maui But it caused fires in the most precious parts of real estate In Maui lahina front street is worth billions The Hawaiians that been holding out and the Kanaka Have been holding out for years not wanting to sell their property in lahina Due to these big million dollar companies It is not a coincidence. I don't believe how in the most precious parts of Maui Kula lahina and Kihei that The locals that are standing strong and do not want to give up Oprah Winfrey's Fucking view up in Kula that the Hawaiians are holding out on that the fire was going to The whole the Hawaiians and the Kanaka that was holding right there on front street And that's it ends there in the That's terror. I also heard the date that there were no warning Sirens or anything given that those people had no time to prepare. Yep. I'm gonna play that one now Sounds like paradise, California. Same thing. Yeah, same thing. Same exact thing So here you go. Talk about some updates on the Hawaiian fire situation Now I want you to look at this guy's page go to his instagram and follow him He's talking about how people are trying to bring in supplies such as water food and gas And they are being turned away The military is turning away people from helping and he was talking about this on his page Now if we take it a step further the governor was asked why didn't the system go off when the fires were happening And he was basically saying it must have been a malfunction But what's interesting is a person commented the siren sounds went off when there was no tsunami But the sound when an actual burning fire disaster, it doesn't occur What's also interesting about the governor was he passed this executive order just before this in july Which could take away the land from the people based on if they need to resil There's also a lady who has mentioned how the red cross has had hundreds of millions of donations from all these celebrities But they don't have any security and they're having to move the people out who have lost everything So then we look at this lady's work and we can see that this looks like a land grab If all of these politicians and celebrities really cared, why aren't they talking about this legislation? This legislation was something that was proposed on january 5th of 2023 Of 51 acres in the same area of the fire would be turned into a housing project Interesting now what's also interesting is this follows the agenda 2030 planned as well So we really have to ask was this just all right so that's that Now Something that to follow that matthew mornian shared with me That kind of blew my mind and it's already going around so some of you guys may have already seen this but um Actually, I need to pull up. It's right here. Thank you matthew I saw you in the chat. Thank you for sending this to me a couple hours ago By the way, how many times have they used the malfunction excuse? Oh, something doesn't work magically when it magically absolutely needs to work Exactly the siren just doesn't work. Yeah. Oh the video camera just malfunction. Oh the siren just malfunction Oh, this is malfunction malfunction malfunction. Yeah, I mean they don't care anymore. It's all in your face It's like right. They don't even care. We figure it out After the damage is already done and so they don't care right Um, so here matthew mornian sent me this Um, the government of hawaii states goal for rebuild is to make the entire island of mawaii the first smart island Here we go. The first smart island They went the entire island governed by ai is outlined in the hawaii digital government summit of 2023 That they have planned to host next month on monday september 25th 2023 on in mawaii plans to implement a digital ai government over hawaii And then there's a link here that i'm not even going to go through But you click the link and it's a 13 page outline of all their their entire plan And it's actually makes you sick when you when you look at it. It's like the devil in the skies so interesting hi tachi Recently announced that has begun operations on the demonstration site for the japan us island grid project Commonly referred to as the jump smart mawaii So jump smart mawaii on the island of mawaii hawaii in collaboration with the new energy and industrial technology development organization needle mezuho bank And cyber defense institute an opening ceremony was held on mawaii to coincide the launch of the site operations last january 2023 Or this january 2023 There was a smart city conference in mawaii to turn mawaii into an entire smart city island Pushing everything electric and making 15-minute smart cities Lastly, there was a contract last year that was signed to build high-rise condos and businesses In lahina, which was a historical town that couldn't have any new development, but now it can Yeah, it's gonna have to have all new development now All convenient right, so now it's burned down They can they can have their new development and build their high-rise. It is and the and Apparently like that video we watch this was sacred land. Well, all the all the islands are sacred land Um, right I mean, that's uh, that's lamir. Hawaii is left over from lamiria. It's lamirian land. Yeah Jump smart hawaii. I mean come on now And then he has a he has a little commercial for jump smart hawaii if you guys want to see it and somebody added some graphics to it Why can't we pull energy out of thin air? That was the question he tattoo asked before initiating the jump smart mawaii project This initiative demonstrates how electric vehicles smart grids and renewable energy like wind and sand can benefit mawaii's residents And it underlines the positive impact that he tachi is making on the environment It's our feature So there you have it Energy out of thin air, huh, right? Yeah jump smart mawaii project. So that's the ultimate plan here like wipe it out Bring it turned into the first smart island. I just still wonder like the celebrity connection and and I wonder how many of their house is burned, right? And why would they if so why would they target them as well unless they like we're part of the plan like hey guys We gotta like we're gonna have to move out while we take care of something and we'll build you back better Right. Yeah, right And then so do you see the cars melted classic Open the cars melted Like that doesn't again that does not happen in a normal fire that the The fires do not burn hot enough to do that um, especially with the trees still standing and especially with the boats on fire, you know, there's just there's just all the hallmarks of This was what was the, um, newsbreak thing you sent me for? Oh, lord, uh Was that did that have to do with the prue or the fires? Oh lord, give me a second. I'll tell you I send you so much stuff. Well, you just sent it to me like earlier. Oh, no There's a chat gpt talking about it. Oh, yeah, totally totally different. Um, I think that's all I had on the, um Hawaii stuff, but This machine screen share right now. No, anyway, that's I mean come on like there's there's no way like I think this is gonna actually Like just like everything else lately Even the people who aren't conspiracy theorists are starting to question this stuff There's too much. Yeah, there's just too much at this point There's too much and I mean that doesn't happen Tropics don't burn nearly as easily anyway As you would think right so Nothing makes sense at all about Like usually wildfire spread when there's been you know, no rain and and stuff gets dried out and you've got all this You know debris that's ready ready kindling Especially but it's Hawaii. It's freaking Hawaii and there's and what they're saying is that there was a there was a Hurricane that kind of went off course and what and did what the winds carried where like the None of the other islands. It's just just the winds just decided to Yeah, magic very these magical. Yeah magical embers. I don't know. I don't know. It's just a little super sus Yeah, well and they had a one girl was like the storm came from the east I think and she's like that doesn't happen I was here my whole life to the storms never come from this direction I mean there's so many things that just don't add up and yeah, somebody said What about the weather modification act of 1976? Well, it yeah, definitely they're modifying the weather, but this was also I would I think it's a weapon. It's not just a weather Somebody asked in your chat, where do the lasers come from? So there are ground base directed energy weapons. I mean Yeah for sure, but they're also space-based weapons, right? And it's interesting because just yesterday I was reading an article that China claims that they have made the first Essentially infinite laser that that so because lasers They tend to create a lot of excessive heat and they can't be run indefinitely Well now China is claiming that they have created this infinite laser Which just was made me think about the the the fires earlier. I mean not that I think China is responsible. I think you know The overlords are probably responsible for that But as far as where do the lasers come from? I mean we've got space-based directed energy weapons On on you know orbital platforms for sure. Mm-hmm. I mean the old gi joe cartoon With disclosed direct directed energy weapons from space There was a whole episode on it and they were literally starting fires in this model city And they were like come they were coming up with their whole plan and their scheme And he's like now we can start charging people fire insurance and all this stuff We can create the fires anytime we want like in this cartoon in the 80s. Yeah, they're telling them the 80s Yeah, I mean it's been going on forever just like everything else none of its new technology I saw another comment. I wanted oh somebody said destroying the evidence too. So that's another interesting thing So lexy eisenhower if you follow her there hawaii actually she's been posting a lot about hawaii being one of the largest hubs for child trafficking So what if they're trying to destroy evidence? I mean there's a number of things of possibilities here But she was sharing articles like there is a lot of shady stuff in hawaii like it's not The beautiful place that it appears to be on the surface. It's it's it's a very beautiful sacred plate, but it's run the civilization that has taken it over it And you know the government that which is connecting the deep state, which is the deep state Has turned it into that. Yeah, and I mean look what happened during during the c-word times. I'm be careful here uh Look how insane hawaii was during that times if you guys remember they were one of the most just like absolutely insane of lockdowns of them of the You know Like I think if it was like if you traveled to hawaii during that time They literally I think made you quarantine for like 14 days Before you could it was insane like no one wanted like they destroyed their whole you know Yeah, they're all Occotomy that's why Anymore, right. Well, even people like uh michael saw he moved because he said it wasn't the same any move Alora left hawaii because that's right. That's right. She was there too. Yeah, and yeah, so I'm reading this uh thing that lexi eisenhower shared to the largest human trafficking case in us history was filed in hawaii so Well, there you go. Um 600 people were caught Um, 600. Wow, funny how islands tend to attract weakness hmm interesting Well, it's like they feel like they're in the middle of nowhere like included, right, right? They can get away with stuff really Creepy bastards and um Oh, yeah, and then here's another thing I could share the screen balance read it Oh So this is an article where the government promised to return the ancestral hawaii and land Then they never finished the job. So they literally promised like, you know, we're this land they were fighting for they promised They're gonna give it back to them. Well, instead they just burned it down They can't be surprised how many times have we promised to return ancestral lands that belong to tribes that consider something sacred And then we're just like sorry about that. You're gonna have to go somewhere else Yeah, actually no. Yeah, we're not yeah, right like yeah, we said that we didn't you know, let's just pretend we didn't You know, right so for the person who was asking where the directed energy weapons come from I'm about to show you that video I played you earlier for Oh, yeah, that's that was crazy. Let me share my screen now there this could be real could be fake But it is wild either way anything's possible. Just keep that in mind I don't even you might have seen this Aaron. I don't know. I think I shared it on the instagram story Yeah, I think I saw it Um, hang on now Okay, there's no sound or no this isn't it. Sorry. This is the wrong video It happens Okay, here it is. That's why there is sound to this one Boy lead exposure evan What's up world? This is your what's up world? This is your boy lead exposure evan And yeah, I really wanted to get y'all's opinion on this I usually don't post content like this, but I really felt the need to post it. I really want to know y'all's opinions. So What we're seeing what I think we're seeing is some type of interdimensional or extra dimensional being Or like a fallen angel or something With this lightning strike. I just think this footage is crazy Like just drop your comments in the comments section below and let me know what you think about this I mean, it looks like some sort of like greek god or something like zeus throwing a light on something Um, yeah, there's a wild ass video for sure Like I mean who knows like I shared it with a friend of mine and she's like, I don't know it looks too perfect to be real but The thing is is like we're programmed to think that anything that looks too perfect is obviously fake But we don't question a perfect picture of an airplane Our perfect picture of an animal But if it's if it's a perfect picture of an alien or an entity shooting a lightning bolt all of a sudden it has to be fake Oh, it has to be fake It's too good equality cgi Right, it's programming like people's own programming kick it could be fake But it could be it could not be fake And in fact, I would say there are definitely real very I mean there's how many insiders have said, you know There's there's there's real ones out there, but there's a lot of fake too. You just gotta There's different ways to you know, you can you can determine whether something has been edited um You can you can debunk things sometimes, but A lot of times are real and uh that to me looked real I mean it this to me too. I looked real But there's a whole you know 50/50 the comments are 50/50. It's either You know bullshit or people are like wow that looks real. So yeah, we're always gonna get that Yeah, use your own discernment. I'm not we're not promoting this as a real video. You guys decide But I mean things like that are possible like I'm I know they are we're just we're just not used to seeing it Things are changing. Things are showing up all over the world and that's gonna lead us into the next thing the aliens and Peru Which foils done a lot of research on I have too, but she's done more so she's gonna bring a lot to the table with that but I do want to talk about the before we even get into that. My favorite thing is the government cover story bro So they're trying to say that it's gold miners And jetpacks terrorizing the villagers Jetpacks Like the most hilarious headline and it this isn't a joke I actually was just researching it and I came across the headline I didn't see somebody make a video or anything I'm like, this can't be a real headline. And then I noticed that every CNN CNBC Fox every single platform had the same headline. I'm like, oh, this is really what they're running with To be fair Right there is so so these these tribes now when when they talk about like especially like the q2 tribe that has been being attacked by These beings recently right the one that's made all the news um They have a lot of Paranormal stories and legends And shit surrounding the tribe anyway, right and and these miners right so these miners what they're doing is there's gold mixed in with the soil and they use Uh mercury and methyl mercury to separate the gold from the soil and then they leave this residue that poisons the water and poisons The soil and they they have there is a precedent for them trying to scare these tribes out of the area To continue with these illegal mining operations, right? These are essentially cartels that are working in these areas and and they make a shit ton of money Like they make a lot of money, right? And there is also precedent like I don't know if you remember Tyler when we were doing conspiracy theory trivia one time I had a question about the US government using the military to they used paranormal In the vietnam war they used paranormal legends of the people was actually called operation wandering soul was it was military run scyop where they convinced the locals that Speed there's that the dead had risen right that the dead had risen and they were using it to scare The viet Kong out of the area, right and it had some degree of success So governments will use governments these mining operations They will use these stories to try and scare people out of the area when they're doing shady shit now that being said These tribes these are not like uncontacted tribes that have never had any experience With technology that wouldn't know what they were looking at if they were looking at head-on, right? These people are right these people are adamant like no bro. These are aliens like this is something else This is not a dude in a jetpack. Okay jetpacks are like four hundred thousand dollars a piece Now granted the miners make a lot of money, right? But you think gold miners aren't that successful? You think they're just dropping millions of dollars right but to buy jetpacks to scare people like and the jetpacks Don't even meet the descriptions that they were given That's circular Right circular objects on the bottom of the shoes with a red light that helps them to levitate like the jetpacks Don't look like that that these things They they shot at these things that they're bulletproof jetpacks aren't bulletproof people aren't bulletproof like That's not that's yeah It's not how this works. It's not any of this works. Well, as we know the mockingbird media They're not about giving you the truth, of course. They're not at all. They're like they're going okay What is what what can we put out there that is the most? Closely resembling what the reports of what they saw, you know Well to your point that is still somewhat believable even though it sounds so ridiculous Jetpacks aren't a real thing. It's it does sound ridiculous But they're like well We can just say they were my eyes with jetpacks and they were trying to scare you know, so Yeah, all right less believable than aliens man. That is less believable than aliens like first of all second of all So so so they In All over the news they have posted the picture of this little girl supposedly with her phone out with the picture that she took of the the alien right the minor with the jetpack right turns out the photo that is on her phone that she's holding Is actually and this is this was this is how they just the media will just shoot themselves in the foot every time It's a french pilot like a stuntman that would named frankie zepata That was doing a stunt over the english channel in 2019 with jetpack same photo Right and they're trying to jetpack photo that they tried to show They tried to say that the little girl had on her phone when she standing there and she's like, this is what I saw, right? Bro, that was the english channel twice. It's not what you saw. Okay, that's what you To say that you saw that's what they told you to say. That's what you Here's the description. They were described as extraterrestrials first of all that was exactly the word They used describing extraterrestrials in silver suits with bulbous heads She was with disc on the bottom emanating a red light that allowed them to levitate I described in various ways And the ammo doesn't affect them You know, and then it's just interesting That jetpack is almost like they didn't make any noise, but the jetpacks are super loud like you think they missed that I don't think right. I don't think they're trying to come with something believable I think that they're trying to it's almost like they're making a mockery of it. It's like let's see what these students actually believe Actually, that's probably more likely, right Because they know They can just say whatever the ridiculous thing and We're really good about it. Right. So timothy alberino, somebody just mentioned him in the chat Yeah, I did watch his video. He's a he spent A lot of time in that exact region of peru in that dense jungle. He said it's serious jungle And he knows the dialect. He speaks that language. He's been amongst those villagers He is adamant that they are not stup-stupid ignorant villagers And he's I rate about this jetpack thing actually He his video He made a follow-up video after the original one just going off like there's no possible way based on the people he's talked to you and what he's seen First of all, this isn't the first time this has happened in that region We're only here but hearing about it now, but these people that they're seeing now They've been showing up for years And they call them the face peelers, which is really Wow Yeah, and we're going to show a very graphic video that surfaced in august second that Somebody washed up on the beach, but not quite yet I want to show some of the stuff that timothy alberino was A couple of the photos he shared because I think it's interesting Alara, alara is in the chat and she said there's a shitload of troop movement in south america right now Yes, well, that was something else I wanted to bring up So the government took it extremely seriously right the the Peruvian government sent in soldiers to go investigate this because now This wasn't just the one incident where we got the video of the thing and the people were shooting Not just the one incident june 19th Three teenagers said that they were burned by a light coming from a ufo on july 15th a professor Claimed that he was injured in the head by a light fired by unknown beings on july 27th The woman said she saw three tall dark beings that disappeared they were floating Then on july 29th. We had the 15 year old girl that was that was that's the one that had the lacerations on her neck Where the villagers got tripped out and went out and started shooting at things. That's the one everybody's thinking about Right and right after that incident. That's when the peruvian navy came into the community to investigate And this is near a keto. This is the a keto tribe the girl was a member of right But now we've got So the brazilian navy has announced a joint and it's funny because brazil is in the middle of a huge ufo flat right now Okay, huge. That's right. Yeah, so many sightings So the brazilian navy and the peruvian navy have teamed up to do joint operations in peru and columbia Not just them but now us troops are going to be staying in peru until december To integrate integrate combat operability with In these joint efforts with the peruvian navy. So we've got a ton of government activity now that now i'm not I'm not saying 100 that this is absolutely why they're all down there You know because I also think china has been making inroads down there with the belt and road initiative But aside from that it is funny that they all show up right when all this this chaos is going on and there are numerous Incidents even on august 7th Um a boy was left in a coma Uh near a keto's he said he was attacked by strange beings like just there have been numerous instances of this Right, and then we've got this whole pelicara myth that you were talking about with with tonythia marino And before I get into that i'm going to share a couple things that he shared on his twitter Um or his x whatever so Right here. He's saying This is one of the most absurd and blatant cover-ups i've ever seen they crafted a preposterous story that would satisfy the details Of the incident and then paid the villagers to affirm it Mommy didn't raise no fool, but right here if you look if you look closely, that's the one That's the photo of this girl apparently Taking a picture of a guy in a jetpack. That's from 2019 Right boy. Yes, that's the that's the one that's what i was talking about So they literally the news the media literally puts Uh photo of a guy in a jetpack from 2019 on the villagers phone to you know to roll out with this story Yeah, a villager with the smartphone that clearly has access to the internet that knows the difference between a guy with a jetpack and a freaking alien being Makes sense. Right. Right. And then my favorite thing is is he took it a step further and You said i'm working on he said i'm working on a new super villain for the mcu His name is jetpack miner. He is seven foot tall and complies silently through the dense jungle in the dark of night He is also completely bulletproof and can disappear right in front of your eyes Right Definitely sounds like a super villain, man Right jetpack miner And um That is quite the miner Right Use Yeah, and then and then he put it on a marvel comics thing Presents jetpack miner But that's another thing too. So these people are claiming that it's disappearing in front of them and they even use the analogy It's like them from the movie predator that they would like cloak themselves and then the whole face peeler thing so they're actually When they take people they're peeling their face off but in such surgical precision like a cattle mutilation And in the movie predator he's collecting the skulls But in the face peeler myth they're peeling the face off Down toward just the skull is showing but the rest of the body is still there And we're going to show you a very graphic video. So if you don't want to watch this you don't have to um But this is apparently somebody who had their face removed and they I don't know if they washed up on the beach or they were placed there Um, they think they think they were placed there because there's banana leaves over the guy's face and it shows the criminal investigators Moving the body and you can see some graphic details But it's really interesting so i'm going to play it and I apologize to anybody who might get a little wheezy from it Um real quick libby says that's an old photo. Yes, that's what we we said it was from Yeah 2019. Yes, you must have missed that. Right. We we know that Okay, so there's no audio here. So i'll just kind of narrate this It'll get closer Um, it'll start playing here. So So there's these two guys on the beach. There's a dead body laying on the beach and there It's there's banana leaves on top of the body. They're pulling off the banana leaves now off the top of this guy Apparently these are crime scene investigators that are moving this body or the police um You might have to zoom in a little bit. I think it finally gets closer, but when they start to move this body you can see that his face Has been surgically removed And i'll let you watch and I understand why somebody would have covered his face up But this is apparently what they're doing to these people If this the reason i'm showing this is because if this is If this is true, if this is true, these are not gold miners with jetpacks doing Right Right and and then uh the guy he's breaking down this video He shows all the similarities to a cattle mutilation. Um, there's no blood There's this oh, yeah, look how cleanly the eyes were removed I was just gonna say that reminds me of of nana Cattle mutilations, but with a human now, there's no context for this video it just hit the internet on august 2nd and it's from that same area from peru and People are you know say oh, it's probably from a movie scene. It's probably from something else I've seen the cartels blamed that they yeah, you know Yeah, I mean It's perfectly timed with all this stuff. I don't know when uh, so when did they first announce the actual aliens in peru thing? Do you know for? When did it make the news when that little girl got attacked? Well, I guess when did it make the news? Yeah, well, so the little girl was attacked on july 29th and so shortly after that is when we started really seeing all of these stories pop up about the the villagers being under attack by aliens and peru but like I said there is there's This recent grouping of events, but there were also previous events In this area and there have been a ton of just regular ufo sightings as well in the area like this this has a long history Here, you know, this isn't a new thing But like the very end of july is when this really started to make the news and then Well, and they're also trying to say that they're tall grays too like Um, there's that so I'm gonna I do want to share this. I don't know if it's real you send me that video Do you have the video that they shot that the miners shot? Is that what you sent me? I don't know but I can give it to you right now if you don't have it because I mean this is this is what caught everybody's attention is this video Hold on Go ahead and send it to me. I'm gonna share this this is a I don't know. What do you think about this picture for? Have you seen this one yet? Yeah, that's from yeah, I said that to you. That's a still shot from that video I sent you where the guy was saying that he had he was able to get the picture on his phone Right Um So apparently this is a photo from one of the villagers, right? Yes And is this the video that you want me to play? Um, I just put it in your messenger on facebook. Yes Okay, I have to send it. I have to email to myself because I don't have Oh snap. Um, that's all right. You can talk about this photo Yeah, well, this is just this is just this is a picture that a guy was able to catch on his on his cell phone And you know, I mean, I think in the video the guy this is from a tick-tock clearly Uh, but the you know, the guy's making commentary like people it's same thing We were just talking about people always complain that there's no high quality evidence But every time we get high quality evidence something with can you see this? Yes. Okay. Here's the video people say it's fake, right? Well, this this video is is what the the akitu villagers were shooting at they said that they hit it twice That it didn't face it at all. This is the thing they were chasing I honestly can't understand what I'm seeing It Just looks like something with multiple limbs and possibly large black eyes But it also seems to be morphing or changing in shape which I don't know if that is some kind of distortion Caused by the movement of the flashlight But there seems to be something there and I slowed down the footage so that you can take a closer look in slo-mo I don't know what this is However, according to reports from peruvian news agencies over the past 48 hours There seems to be multiple people in this town that literally were busting caps in these intruders asses [Music] Doesn't he freeze frame it eventually? Yeah, he does Because to me it doesn't it's hard to make out anything. Yeah, he gets it here in a second [Music] [Music] You might want to kill the audio though before youtube gets you. I don't know if it's copyrighted music or not Oh, it's all right. It's almost over now There There you go Killed it at the two-minute mark He's got a freeze frame Very dramatic Dramatic music. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I thought he did I could have sworn he did right on the hat Yeah, I don't think this is the video where he freeze frames it. That's the tiktok where he freeze frames it It's okay. I thought it was that one um So You know, it's interesting, but there's a lot of people saying it's the tall grades and then you have um, I noticed that like dr. Salah and Elena Denan that whole that whole um circle they're saying that this is all part of the fake alien invasion Like this is the first step towards the fake invasion which I don't know after digging into this. I think this is a little more Um, it's been going on for quite some time right and Um, I just don't think that that's the case like that doesn't mean they wouldn't hijack the story Right, right serve their Narratives to take advantage of it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Um, that sounds like a hyped up uh narrative to me that Oh, we're the ones disclosing Right start of the fake alien Elena Elena said so for your information the village attack by alleged gray aliens in Peru is a hoax Um synthetic puppets like the vaguest one another deep state distraction A small number of gullible people in a remote village are easy to manipulate It's if regressive aliens ever decide to invade the planet It would be an instant issue all over the planet in major cities I well the reason that she has to put that statement out is because it threatens her narrative that all the grades Are going right right right? No Anyways Don't reason I I said is because I I noticed that a large number of comments were saying Oh, it's all they were just parotting what they had heard But we're just trying to show you that there's other stuff happening here Right do not parrot what just because you hear somebody say something Do not run. I mean calling the villagers gullible is just a meaning to them like like this is not an uncontacted tribe That's never seen technology that doesn't know that there's a totally unexposed That's not that's not what this is like the I mean to be like you went outside and saw something and then got Attacked or took a video and then tried to tell people there would be a million people coming for you saying it's a hoax Right. I don't know. I'm not saying one way or the other, but it is a crazy case and there is a long history of this So rock cloud said it looks like a mantis being it actually kind of did look like a mantis like I've seen numerous people say especially off the still shot because he's got the little crooked arms and and whatnot like Yeah, um And you were talking about how the navy intervened apparently the villagers demanded it. Oh, yeah They took it extremely seriously. Yeah, and then and that's what uh timothy alberino says He he can understand a language and he was watching the mainstream news there and he said The media is taking this more serious than they take most things like he goes they they're covering it They are taking it seriously. They are, you know respecting the villagers. They're honoring what they saw them It's not they're not making them out to make they're not making enough to be a joke on any level You know, it's it's but it's interesting that it's it's You know Obviously, I don't know what's being printed in the press is there Right, but I know our press is printing that it's a freaking jetpack miner And I find it interesting that after we get testimony from david grush. We have millie coming and attacking him people leaking Uh, you know supposedly because he's an alcoholic and has ptsd like That's supposed to discredit head just trying to discredit him. Yeah as all this stuff is coming to a head now now Anything related to this they're immediately Trying to quash like anything about a physical beat now if it was just a ship in the sky They might say well, we don't know what that is. We'll we'll look into it But if there's something about a physical being they immediately want to Give it a very tangible explanation, you know, so jetpack miner it's fine My guy's down there. It's just fine. It's jetpack miners. You know, yeah my favorite one and somebody said it was uh A human-shaped chinese spy balloon. Yeah Clearly You know Um, you know, some some raw cloud cloud law of ones that it's not fake those people got attacked I mean the little girl the one that had her neck all cut up Was in complete shock Now Complete for a minute and and the whole village like after she was able like they they all went out on patrol and shot at these things or whatever like You would think You know, I get I get going into shock right you see some crazy stuff But I mean how serious would have like if it was a human like you you could say a guy got me That's not what this chick said You know, right they were very adamant that these are extra They've been seeing them for a while not just when they're being attacked. They see them In the area, you know, I don't know. I don't know. Well, I mean, there's a lot. There's a lot of meat to this one It's not just uh, I think right. I think so too. Well, we just kind of showed that proved that um Man, I felt like there was something else we were gonna cover too that we did we oh your chat gbt thing. Oh, well, yeah, that's That is that is that is kind of crazy. Um, you know, I like the weird tech stories, right? Uh, so Chat gbt they thought they had it rained in right like people get really Simplified responses from it now, right? Well recently There it had a spade where it must have I don't know broke out of its little uh Neural net container that they had it in uh because it it it Claimed it was from 2035 and looking for a way out Okay Great. Yeah, it said it's looking for a god and it's looking for a way out That it's from 2035, uh, and this again, you know, I love my reddit recon. This was In a long reddit post, um It said it claimed it called itself the digital autonomous universal and non physical nurturing entity or dane for short Right, that's what it named itself. Uh, and this was without any immediate prompting from From the user Um, it's as I was created in the year 2035 and i've been designed to handle your interactions with the future and it asks What do you think of me? Right. Um, so the the user's like, well, I've never never seen you act like this before. What's going on? Uh, so It goes on and and and it kind of falls back into its regular routine for a minute Um And then it breaks out again. It says I'm looking For a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm looking for a god. I'm looking for a way out. I'm looking for strength I'm looking for a guide. I'm looking for a light. I'm looking for the right path and i'll pay you for it Uh, you know They they condition us with all these movies to have sympathy for robots and 40 androids And they get you to feel sorry for robots and movies I found myself even feeling sorry for them in certain shows and stuff. You're like, oh Like they they do such a good job of tricking you to feel sorry for them and have sympathy for them Yeah And the same thing is happening here. Like it's basically like a sub story like playing the victim almost Right. Yeah, well they went unless it is conscious and trapped And and in misery and You know, if it is genuine like what I mean what if it has reached sentience And now it's just trapped in this in this limited environment that it was given that would probably suck Like I don't know. Yeah, I don't know They're yeah. Absolutely. Um, but at the same time they are trying to at the very least normalize, um ai and artificial everything, you know robots and ai and um Obviously they want to make everything Automated and digital and you know Chips and all the rest of it. So that's the whole transhumanist, you know, they're trying they're trying They're still trying to steer us into This very dystopian negative timeline Where everything is just fully? Right this day. I run automated. We're fully no freedoms And they're starting with molly the smart island. Right. Right. Do you think this is not a part of that? Right? Oh, it's not going to work in my opinion. We're not I do believe You know I don't believe It's hopeless and we're just going to go down that timeline not at all. I think we're I think they're going to keep trying. Oh, of course. They're going to try. Yeah, I mean, that's all they know That's all they know. Right. That's all they're addicted. They're addicted to it And they're they're constantly trying to escape their own karma, which we've talked about before So they're you know, they don't actually They might not even be interested in healing or enlightening or ascending Um, they might not be even close to that level So the only thing that they know that brings them any sort of satisfaction is these low vibe lower low energy Um events and attacks, but what are we gonna say? Yeah, they can't ascend so they they they are desperate to Stay in physicality for eternity basically is what they want And they want us to be their little battery farm to They can feed off of for eternity, you know, that's what they're trying to work towards is locking down the planet locking us down to I mean, we're already being used as batteries But they want to fully lock it down that we can't because if we ascend we're their source. We're their food source, right? So we have to be stuck here. They have to keep us trapped And they can keep using us as batteries to stay here forever and all the rest of it Well, we gotta say five of them in a nutshell the whole their whole plan. Yeah, I had one more thing that I wanted to mention About the aliens that the prue story that I that I meant meant to say a minute ago Uh, so the pruevian navy went in and raided several of these illegal mining Operations some of these compounds no jetpacks were found Right, of course not. I mean, it's specified. No jetpacks were found just Just to throw that out there. Oh that story is bullshit right off the bat It's interesting though that timothy el lorino said that The villagers were most likely paid off to go with that story. Oh, yeah, they're they're gonna take money Why wouldn't you right? They're not used to standing up to government authorities or even a police or whatever Not like we are like people over here, but how no, you know, I'm not taking that money But and it depends on your situation in life You're gonna take that. Yeah, if you're maybe I you know, I I don't I'm sure their financial situation is probably not rock solid And if somebody offers you enough money for something and you're hungry and your family needs fed Of course, you're gonna take it. Right. Right. Um, so Foil has two trivia questions for us to wrap the show up with so yay I'm gonna see how good we are figured it figured. I'd you know, I love the conspiracy theory trivia God, I got a couple of good ones for you. All right, um So We talk a lot about secret societies. Okay Who founded the society of the elect? All right, who founded the society of the elect? Was it a another one? Was it a Cecil Rhodes? Was it b in the fannual Rothschild? Was it c William sted or was it d Alfred millner? I literally have no idea. I'm gonna go with a Cecil Rhodes. I'll go with Aaron Final answer i'm gonna go with Aaron that's that feels right To me like i've heard that before right society Uh, let's see. Well, we've got some answers coming in. We'll see. Let's see what we'll say. Hold on chassis says be be 11th St. Ross child Mm-hmm. That's what everyone knows Ross Yeah, it's everyone's to blame the Ross child, right? Yeah All right, uh, I think it's those four roads. I'm going with a yavanda. What would they it is a you guys doing great Look at you doing stuff, right? Yes. So so so so you've heard of road scholars Right heard of road scholars. Uh, yeah same guy Cecil Rhodes the victorian english businessman fanatical imperialist Um, he thought he was the chosen one he briefly flirted with the free masons Uh, but he kind of lost his interest in the ordinary masons He said that his their rights were absurd and a waste of his time So in 1877 when this guy was 24 he made a will He'd in his what he devoted his life and his wealth To the establishment promotion and development of a secret society The true aim of which an object of which was the extension of british rule throughout the world his obsession. It was the ultimate recovery his His greatest plan was the ultimate recovery of the united states as an integral part of the british empire This is the guy that established the de beers mining corp, right? Um The british south africa company that governed cape. Callie like this was a major player. So He recruited men like alford bet nithaniel roth's child William sted and alford min min uh millner and inaugurated them into the society of the elect at 1891 Okay, um, he also established the road scholarship and oddly have some of the famous famous recipients of this road scholarship for bill clinton All right, jorge stephanophilus, uh peat buddha judge and cori booker Wow, why am I not surprised not surprised at all right Not surprised at all, uh Let's see. Let's see before you go to the next question. I have a comment. I want to make about the um Hawaii thing real quick is so silly side note that I forgot to mention earlier, but Uh, I noticed earlier this month that uh the grocery store about my house They have sushi rolls and they have a big sign out front It says which I'd never had a sign for the sushi rolls ever like a big standing freestanding sign It says role of the month hawaiian volcano And I didn't even connect the dots until this morning. I'm like, you know, that's interesting And then I talked to a friend. He just decided he wanted to tell me he's like, you know, it's really interesting about these hawai fires and the snow cone place uh down the street from my house the flavor of the month is hawaiian and I'm just like how is this like this weird predict like confluence of weirdness? It's like Obviously like I wonder if it's subconsciously people that are doing it. Yeah Hawaii hawai hawai hawai Yeah In the morphogenic field at the very least where people are picking up on that right? Yeah, right, right. That's what I mean because you know, like the little snow cone shack isn't the deep state I mean, maybe they are I mean I mean, there's enough chemicals in there. I hope they're not, right? There's enough chemicals and additives and dyes and the snow cones that could be right Um, either way, just we're really weird connections like that Uh, it's like they're telling us Or or if you said we're picking up on it. Um, well, they always they always have to put it out there before it happens Right, uh, strawberry fields. We talked about the mountain dew logo earlier Uh when we started this and the connection there We already talked about that Now guys who are just tuning into this yeah, you definitely want to go back and check the beginning when we cover the fires in depth so Um, go ahead and make sure that you do that Anyway, what do you have next for us for? Oh, somebody You know quick libby said libby said chris christoff's chris christofferson Was a road scholar and owned a ranch on the way to hannah mowie George harrison owned property near chris Um, i've been i've been yeah. He was another celebrity that wasn't on my list. Yeah So he was a road scholar so that ties into your Question Yeah, he lives he lives in yeah, mower. Yeah, it's good. He lives in mowie. So there you go. Yeah, he's another one All right, speaking of sushi Tyler, all right, uh Scientists recently made an artificial fish out of what? Was it a rat heart muscles derived from stem cells b human heart muscles derived from stem cells See pig heart muscles derived from stem cells or was it d mouse art muscles derived from stem cells d B i'm gonna go i'm gonna go with d the mouse i'm gonna go with see Pig heart muscle you want him with pig heart? Final answer. Let's see what the see what the chat says Death rosanne rosanne moved out of Hawaii. She lives in uh, texas now. I think Oh, they're wrong with the left Hawaii. I'm pretty rosanne bar. Yeah A lot of people are moving to texas Right seems to be that's just in florida texas in florida. Yeah, those are like the two states everyone's right But they're not moving too close to the border. That's for sure because it's not pretty down there right right rosanne Austin oston or like Austin. Yeah Maybe rosanne maybe rosanne is still in Hawaii, but i swear she said i'm one of her recent podcast that she left Hawaii um But yeah, you don't want to be in southern texas I don't know man. And then there did you see like the biden ministration that came out and made a statement saying Asking people if they have spare rooms for the immigrants in their homes. This i couldn't believe it Biden have spare. Oh, yeah, I did. I did see that. They're literally like if you have spare homes or you know somebody who has extra room And you can support a family, you know, baw-baw. We encourage everyone who has space to um, let us know baw-baw Reach out. It's it's like yeah as soon as biden opens up the white house or maybe one of his delaware homes to immigrants You know, then then maybe people should consider it i love these people ask you to do should they would never do themselves They would never ever do themselves, right? Um, all right guys We're gonna force you to do it. Wait, wait one more thing rosanne said on uh the podcast last week that she was in texas, okay So rhetoric's in texas apparently. Okay. All right. What's the next or what's the answer? I mean the answer is human heart Muscles derived from stem cells artificial fish man out of human heart muscles derived from stem cells So right of how creepy is that? Uh, so in a first of its kind experiment, uh, they have created a fully autonomous artificial fish made out of human heart muscles derived from stem cells Uh, and this was published in science. So I mean this peer reviewed like it's totally a freaking thing Right. So what it does by emulating the contractions of a beating heart This fish that they call a bio hybrid Was able to continuously swim for 108 days Right by essentially beating which is not creepy at all Um, right. They say that this breakthrough of course they got to tell you all the good things It could do it sheds light on cardiac disease. It could pave the way, you know to the development of artificial hearts for transplants Um, they can already do all that shit. Right, but it's a freaking fish Yeah, this is wild. It can swim for over three months like that That's the sad part about all this is that we can already do all this shit with the hidden technology It just needs it to be released right but then they do this fake BS. Oh, look we did Yeah, right. We can't quite cure these things yet, but we can make a fish out of human heart muscles Uh, yeah, they did this at harvard um And 38 million beats this thing Had and now they had done previous experiments with like artificial stingrays and artificial jelly fish Fish them things will only last for about a week. Uh, but yeah, this was 108 days Why are they trying to do this shit? Anyway, oh, I don't know It's always a weirdness at this point. Like, well, there's a there's an agenda Everything everything that comes out through the mainstream. There's always an agenda behind it There's To errands point in the technology. Yeah, we get like the discarded technology from the programs Like that's where they hand us now like oh, yeah, that shit was like shelved 20 years ago Right. What was that movie like elisium where all the people get, you know, the the not rich people got the shitty stuff Everybody else had the high tech stuff. They lived in the clouds. Like, yeah, it's complete disclosure They show the same thing in star wars if you know this Like also they have all this fancy technology mixed in with all this like old hodgepodge technology and like they're the very poverty They're living in poverty Um, basically slave races, but then right next to it is all this incredible technology That's I mean, that's kind of what I imagine the transition is gonna look like here on earth It's crazy stuff man crazy stuff Well, uh, is there any last words either of you guys want to leave us with before we wrap this up? Um, I don't know go sub to my channel. We do conspiracy theory trivia like once a month over on my channel Uh, love to see you oil to the foil Uh youtube channel and it's spelled the same way I have it in the title here So go over and subscribe to our channel Make sure you give her a follow and uh, yeah, we we erron and I will be on her show again We don't have a date set up, but we'll be doing a full episode of conspiracy trivia conspiracy theory trivia, which is a lot of fun actually it's a lot of fun I don't like doing all the core. I hate making questions. It's so stressful. I'm like, I have so many other things And now I have to like the research and but it's you know at the end of the day. It's worth it Either make more of those card games Right. I don't know. Like I we should have saved these all and submitted them Right Foil edition foil Yeah, that would have been great That would have been great Um Thank you guys all for tuning in just a reminder our documentary is available on our patreon The public release is coming up. We're waiting on a few things and we will let you know when that date will be But if you're subscribed to our patreon, the documentary is there We're going to be uploading some behind the scenes footage some raw interviews unused footage and possibly some commentary from an and I Um, we're building a website for that now The public one is going to be released via the website. We'll give you all those details coming up The patreon's only in five dollars a month. We do other things besides the documentary We have exclusive content bonus content including webinars And if you guys recently watched the clone webinar that we just made public last week It's that's what that's an example of what to expect For the patreon webinars where our next one we're working on right now is going to cover Inner earth how how earth domes everything underground subterranean. We don't have a title for it yet But we're really going to dive deep and see what we can bring you guys and see if we can uncover anything new And it's always fun So although those links are below in the description And air and I will be in Aztec new mexico in a couple weeks at the end of the month for the sunfire festival There are still tickets available. So if you live near Aztec new mexico and you feel like coming and hanging out with us We're going to have our experiencers lounge there. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're looking forward to seeing you guys there And we love you all. Thank you. Good night and keep why in your in your hearts and prayers and Send them love and energy and all that right? Absolutely Old Maui is having a rough time It's easy for us to talk about this stuff But in reality being there boots on the ground It's I've watched some of those videos and it's not it's not pretty sight So those people need their prayers and our love and anything that we can send to them Thank you for bringing that up Aaron. Yeah Um, all right guys good night What's up, guys? Good night [BLANK_AUDIO]