Journey to Truth

EP 258 - Neil Gaur - Portal To Ascension: UFO Crash Retrieval Program - UAP Hearings - Religion

Originally aired on 7/27/23
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Neil Gaur is the Founder of Portal to Ascension… a conscious event production company created in 2008 that hosts a wide range of presenters on a variety of topics such as the origins of humanity, the existence of Extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality. He travels the world facilitating gatherings and filming documentaries that are intended to empower the individual to reclaim their sovereignty and awaken to their full potential. Neil also operates an online platform that creates and facilitates about 110 conferences and workshops a year. At this point Portal to Ascension has worked with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers and more. Neil is a philosopher, historian, researcher and spoken word artist. He presents his research on the ancient wisdom and future science of sound, vibration & frequency; as well as in depth explorations into ancient civilizations, archeological discoveries, space anomalies, shedding light on hidden esoteric wisdom and exploring ways in which we can create unity and peace on Earth.
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1h 20m
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14 Jul 2024
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A few weeks after that, that date is to be determined. But stay tuned. There's going to be a trailer available shortly. So if you haven't signed up for our Patreon, it's only $5 to do so. It's not a monthly commitment. A lot of people think they have to, you know, commit monthly. It's not. I mean, it can be if you, if you want, you know, thank you, but. Exactly. It's obligated to keep it going. If you don't want. Exactly. But if you can't, some people can't. So we fully understand. And if you can't afford that, it will be free to the public. In a couple of weeks. So stay tuned for that. We're really excited. We're telling an entire different history of the mounds in the Midwest, actually. And it's really, I think we might even get into some of that today with Neil. About the ancient history that true is coming forward now. So. It seems to be collectively a lot of people are discovering, you know, all these sites around the world actually aren't what we've been told. So we're excited to tell that story and do our part. And just a reminder also, we will be an Aztec, New Mexico from August. 25th to the 28th for the sunfire festival. We'll be there with our experiences lounge. We're going to be there all weekend, hanging out, interviewing people who want to be on our channel who want to share their story. It's going to be a lot of fun. Tickets are still available at If you feel compelled to go, we'd love to see you there. Come hang out. You can grab those tickets below. Tonight, we are joined once again by Neil Gar from portal to Ascension. Actually, Neil, I think we've had you on once before, but you weren't alone. This is the first solo. Uh, episode we've done with you, right? Yeah, I don't, I don't even know. I mean, the last time we connected was my live event, my online event during, you know, what happened, like four months into lockdown, we did the online event. You guys have seen. Yeah. And then we, well, we had you on with Justin Deschamps before that. Oh, yeah. I remember that one for an actual episode. Yeah. Yeah. But this is when you guys were doing your werewolf podcast or radio or whatever. Right. Um, so well, we're glad to have you back, man. And I know you've been extremely busy. You're constantly, you know, doing work with portal to Ascension. You're putting on events. Uh, you just, you have a big move, uh, coming up or you just moved. Just moved. Yep. Just moved. So, um, you know, a lot of big things happening in your world. Uh, I guess. What's that looking like for you? What's portal to Ascension? I mean, everything, if you want to explain, because some of our audience might not know who you are. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So yeah, a lot of, I mean, big things happening in my world for sure, but big things happening in the world in general right now. And, um, so portal to Ascension. I'll let everybody know the quick summary on it. Um, I like to always start with like how I woke up into this whole thing because it's really part of the journey of why I created portal to Ascension. You know, and it's a quick song synopsis on that. You know, I was born and raised Hindu. I was actually born in London where I'm at right now, moved when I was 12 years old to California. And even though I was raised Hindu, I never really truly had any firm like beliefs in anything. I just did what I was told. But I always had this kind of like curiosity about, you know, um, what else is out there? I would my lingo and the jargon, the words that I would say even up to high school. And when I started college at age 18, and they're looking back at my poetry back then because I write spoken word and hip hop. There was all these like terminology of black holes, extraterrestrials, things like that. And when I turned 18 went to college, I began meeting people from all over the world and started writing a lot of poetry. And when I was, you know, the few different things happened, but when I started researching what I was writing to get more language and more lingo for my short stories for my poetry. I started looking up the words that I was coming up with, right? And as I was doing that, I started finding videos from Jordan Maxwell, Jimself, William Henry, the same hairman. This was 2001 when I was 18. That started me down the rabbit hole. I began going deep down into the summary scriptures. What I really wanted to do was I wanted to find the root of all religion because being raised Hindu, I was lucky enough to not be told that it was the only way. You know, many religions in the world don't need to go down and bashing them right now, but they always say that this is the only way. And whenever that seems to be something like that, that's the biggest red flag for me. You know, you believe what you want to believe, but when he says it's your only way. So because that was in the case, I grew up at Christmas in Moses with Jesus, and I got a chance to look at different stories and think critically, critically think and be like, wait, wait a second. Why is Krishna's name sound so familiar to Christ Jesus Christ, you know, how come they're both got some of the stories and why is their stories of floods and other age civilizations, even though we're talking about Noah's flood. Is there a route to all this? So as the exploration of the root of all religion happened, I went and found the Sumerian scriptures and the Epic of Gilgamesh, which was the story of this like hybrid giant traveling around the planet. After a great flood and during his travels, he ran into Noah. It wasn't the story of Noah. Noah was a part of his story that he ran into, right? So I was like, wait a second, like what's going on here? And then these scriptures talked about not God, right? Almost the whole Old Testament came from these scriptures. But instead of saying God, it had the word Elohim that translated to goddesses, right? And it didn't really even mean goddesses, it meant star beings, feminine style of star beings from other planets. So I was like, wait a second, does this mean that all religion is complete BS because it's all based on sci-fi, ancient sci-fi stories of being from the stars? Or could there be some truth to the fact that all these angels and extraterrestrials that we've been interacting with or Gaza we've been interacting with are extraterrestrials. That started me down the rabbit hole for eight years until finally after eight years of research, 2001, 2008, I created Portal 2 Ascension and started exploring these topics and creating small events. So just to let everybody know what Portal 2 Ascension became, in 2006 it was an online group, 2008 became Portal 2 Ascension. And I started with sound healing events, random conferences, extraterrestrial channeling events, and it continued to grow since then. And in 2016 we moved from live in person events to online events. And now we're at around 110 events a year, conferences, tours, retreats, we're taking two groups of people to Egypt in September. We do live events in person, one in Glastonbury's coming up, and then we have a huge archive of 10,000 hours of presentations. And what we are is basically a one-stop shop for consciousness as we're all waking up, it's many different facets. It's a multidimensional platform because we all have different ways that we wake up. So we look into all types of information, research, and spiritual knowledge that allows for people to have their own specific route to a greater truth of what's going on in the planet and who we are. The end. That was beautiful. Yeah, it's pretty impressive. I don't know how you actually pull all off to be quite honest, it's a lot of work. You're dedicated, it's very apparent. So we appreciate all the work. But I guess through all your research and all of your events and everything you've done, you know, you're not just hosting this stuff, but you're learning along the way as well, just along with everyone else. And I guess what does that take you now? What is your opinion? What we see happening now with all of this stuff finally surfacing in the media with the UFOs and the crash retrievals and the aliens exist now, they're not laughing at us anymore. Why do you think there's this big push? Yeah, so why there's a push? Okay, let's start with the fact that I get an opportunity to learn. So what I realized was, as I was creating these events, that whenever I had something that I wanted to explore or something that I didn't know, I just put an event on, and I just got the experts in that field, and I got to attend those events. So got an opportunity to learn so much. When I got into, when I first got into all this, I deeply went into the spiritual awareness of extraterrestrials, not until like 2012, 2013, maybe in 2014, did I get into the government disclosure, the UFO stuff, because it was all about like channeling these interdimensional beings, dark trillions of Syrians, all that kind of stuff. And then when I started seeing the nuts and bolts, I realized that there was some truths hidden truths that were being not disclosed to us. And it was coming out and leaking through whistleblowers throughout the community. So now fast forward to this moment, as a lot of your viewers may know, and as you guys probably know about six, seven weeks ago, we have a bombshell revelation from a mainstream, a highly decorated intelligence officer, one of the most highly decorated intelligence officers, David Gresch, and he comes out, and he says that there is a UFO crash retrieval team, and it's been going on for decades, and that they actually have had the bodies of different extraterrestrials for quite some time. And there's been whistleblowers like Clifford Stone, people I've worked with, and other ones that have said that this has been the case. So to get to your question now, what is why is this going on now? There's multiple reasons here. First, if we talk about just the mainstream, the fact that all these lies have been covered up for so long, that was inevitable, that they're going to eventually spill over one. And then also, ever since 2001, there's been uofology and UFO research became a full-time career path for people. So many people became fully dedicated to the disclosure of this awareness that things were leaking down in all types of ways that they needed to get behind this, and drip it in a way that they didn't look like they're held accountable. Yes. So to talk about that for a second, I would say, okay, so let's talk about when Tom DeLong came out on his Twitter in 2016, right? That's such an interesting timeline. Yeah. Right, exactly. So, like, I just did a presentation on my YouTube from UFOs to UIPs. So 2016, 2017, we have a few things that happened that were huge, right? We have Hillary Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel show, rebranding UFOs to UIPs. Do you guys watch that one at all? Yeah, yeah, I've seen it. Yeah. Yeah. So for the audience, what happened was, you know, first of all, I must say this every time I talk about this, no presidential candidate or president goes on to these completely hijacked talk shows without knowing every freaking question they're going to mess. Right. Yeah. And Hillary is such a bad actor in more than one way. You know, she like literally cannot act, and she's bad. So it's like, you can tell that she was like scripted when he goes, what are you going to do about your profiles? Are you going to release that as your husband? She goes, no, no, Jimmy Jimmy, Jimmy, we don't call him UFOs anymore. We call him UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena, beginning of the rebranding within the few months before that few months after that. So we have the WikiLeaks emails. And to me, the jury's still out whether they were in bed with the whole WikiLeaks emails thing because they wanted to drip it out, or if that was just something that happened independently. And then we also have Tonga Long on his Twitter with NSA members, massive members, Chris Mellon, well, as and all that just happened to quit the job two days to one week ago, because they can be in any private company, if they were still working for the government, right. And right there, you can tell Big Red Flag, like, if they left the job a few years ago and now they're whistleblowing just different than, Hey, this is who I am. Oh, yeah. And I quit last week. You know, I'm saying, like, right, they're literally just on the payroll and started saying that, Hey, this, these, these craft out there, right, and we don't know what they are. And we want to find out what they are so that we can look at the technology and reverse engineer and basically use it for ourselves. So this was the beginning of them pretending that they hadn't been reverse engineering for decades. They wanted to make everybody think that, Hey, there's something out there. And what happened a few months later was, Oh, an aerospace company, Vegas, found a piece of metal fragment from it was Robert Bigelow's aerospace bunker has a fragment from one of these craft. We're going to look into and reverse engineering. So what they're actually seems to have been doing in that moment was being like, what are these things we have no idea. Oh, my God, we found a piece of metal. And then sooner or later, maybe release a technology and let everybody know they just created it rather than we actually found these things in 30s and the 40s. We've been withholding. Yeah, we've been withholding this technology and lying to everyone about it. And, you know, the crime that said that the, that he had NASA and found the list of off world command commanders. Yeah, so when, when Greer just did his DC, then recently, a Raytheon contractor went up even more credible so think it's credible people now validating these things that people like Russia. You're talking about character. You're talking about, is that the Raytheon contractor. Yeah, he we've actually interviewed him on our show before. A couple of years ago. Right. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, so what seemed to have been happening is they didn't want everybody to know that they've been lying to us. And now the reason why this is really interesting right now is when David Gresch came out the first. The first show on these nation literally says, are you telling us that the US government has been lying to us. So it's like, it's kind of backfiring and going against what they maybe have wanted, which is to think that, you know, they're on our side rather than hiding information and technology, and maybe hundreds of years advanced than what we have in the mainstream. Right. You can't tip toe around the Y in the age of transparency. You can't do it. So they can try to throw together whatever they want to throw at us. It's not going to work. People are going to see through the bullshit. I want to bring up something about the UFO crash retrieval programs. Yeah, because we have this John Lear report that I reference all the time it's from 1987. And this was this more disclosure in this report than we're getting from today, but he talks about two projects that were retrieving these crashed UFOs and I'm just going to read about them because it's really interesting. Because they even talk about the cover up that they're it's part of the plan. So which we know, but project Pluto was established in 1947 after the Roswell incident. The mission of Project Pluto was to recover all crashed or down alien craft to recover evidence of alien presence or technology and to recover all alien bodies alive or dead. Project Pluto developed cover stories to satisfy press and civilian curiosity. Project Pluto authorized use of deadly force and or relocation to ensure security. So, that's Project Pluto, they have Operation Moon Dust, which is the mission of Operation Moon Dust was to provide a cover, which would neutralize public curiosity while recovery of alien craft was being disrupted. And it's mission to the public was to identify and recover United States space hardware which might fall to earth. So, their cover story was they were recovering space hardware that was crashing to earth under the guise of that. And I'm only reading this because this is Operation Moon Dust was from the 70s, and Project Pluto was in the 40s I mean they've been doing this stuff forever. I mean did you see the David Gres interview where he said that Mussolini got a crash to UFO 1933 and then in World War II the US government went and they retrieved that UFO. At the invitation in Mussolini they actually yeah there's a whole I actually covered that in early presentation I did about the secret space program like 2018 or something. Yeah so it's interesting that like I mean this is huge for you and so many people that this guy is going on a machine TV and validating everything to the masses. And now all this information is going to be in front of Congress on tomorrow on Wednesday and this is going to go out after so probably it would have already happened at this point. You know the other hearings that we've had they were pretty much BS because they were just talking about so many people were like, is this a foreign adversary right, there was too many people within Congress senators that was saying like, we need to see what this is because it could be for an adversary rather than taking the extra step of what it could actually be. And now we're actually having information to suggest that a lot of those craft that we are seeing a reverse engineer technology, which is one thing right. A lot of people say it's not extraterrestrial is reverse engineer technology, but do you know what you're saying when you say that you're literally saying it's reverse engineer reverse engineer from who from what. If it's not humans. It has to be aliens right has to be like 75 to 90% of what we see is reverse engineer so it's not a human so chill. Like I'm like okay we're like where are they getting the technology guys think about it right that gets into the question of like some a lot of mainstream platforms are saying, why are they crashing if they travel so far, right. Well there's a few things there. There's three different types this crashes is abandoned craft, and it's fully intact craft that are found, and the crashes aren't as common as the other ones. And the US government reverse engineer the technology to down UFOs extraterrestrial craft. Some time ago, and even the way station in South, the South Poland Antarctica seems to have this technology as well. So they're using some something that messes with the propulsion system and brings it down. It's an electrical grid it's a frequency it's like, it's like them trying to fly through a lightning storm, the way it's been described I've read I've read into this and it seems insignificant something again these technologies are actually invisible to the naked eye. But it's some sort of it's some sort of they're able to coordinate an area and if a craft flies through that zone, it'll scramble the signal for lack of a better term, and the craft will go down depending on the technology. Isn't that what supposedly brought the Roswell, the Roswell this down was that. I've heard that I've heard that I've heard it was crashed intentionally to give us technology I mean there's so many stories. And then there's a whole nuclear element of it all right that these crashes the San Antonio New Mexico 1945. And then the Roswell one 47 have been just right after nuclear testing. Yeah yeah yeah yeah because well it's no coincidence that right after we started setting off nukes is when all kinds of UFO activities started, start popping up and particularly around nuclear facilities or nuclear test sites. I took a simple search of like nuclear facilities and UFOs that's the number one medicine forest was nuclear right most of them are, and that's why so now I love to have this conversation people to like the discernment of it all. A lot of people just see that we have like politicians saying they could be a threat and they automatically think that there's some sort of elitist cabal agenda right, but what we've got to realize is there are those that are trying to push the fact that it's a threat to create whatever their agenda is not to speculate that on that right now, but then they're also national security officials and military officials that are actually witnessing these things just because they're background and what their roles are there's assuming that could be a threat Plus, they're witnessing these craft at the nuclear basis. So they're automatically moving towards is it a threat. And that's why it's so important for these nuts and bolts politicians and people to get to the spiritual information, you know, because then it gets to Dolores canon, you know Dolores canon right She spoke about how after the first nuclear test, there was a call out to the universe for the volunteers to come in. Right. This is the whole story of the integrals and everything. And there's a lot of non interference like you can come down to a planet while they're in the natural evolution, especially during quarantine time. So, but you can incarnate there and make a change. So as soon as we started messing with nuclear energy, she said, and so many other people have said, when you split the atom, you're diffusing it because spaces and out there spaces within the wormhole and the singularity. It's within us. It's reflected outside is so paradoxical the way it works. We can't even fully fathom it. And everything's connected. Everything is right on the quantum level. So you break the atom, you split the quantum level, the energy seeps through into other realities that we could destroy entire, I don't know, planets, beings, whatever. So, due to the fact, it seems that there was a call out to the universe for beings to come over here. And that's when, you know, the UFO sightings increased, and we started being visited more more. And I feel it's just to make sure that we don't destroy ourselves and destroy others. Yeah, and they all comes from not having a clear understanding of how the universe works and dimensions, the reality of dimensions and parallel universes and other timelines. And that anything that we do in this reality affects all the surrounding realities and they're connected to the cosmic web or whatever you want to call it, but it's detrimental to more than just earth is what all I'm trying to say. And another thing that's interesting going back to them rebranding stuff. Robert Earl White, who we interview he has a hold of a document that was supposed to have been released when we got the official nothing burger like a couple years ago or whatever it was. They were supposed to use the term, and they were supposed to introduce the acronym NHI non human intelligence in that report, and it was taken out last minute. But that would have changed everything had they had left that in there. But I guess they decided that no we're just going to keep the light going, you know, we're going to keep saying we don't are they basically said, they tried to say like 95% or more than that is explainable. But then they made a point to say, but but there's no evidence that they're of extraterrestrial origin basically like there's no evidence that is like, and there's no evidence that they're not, not, right. Right, right. But actually there is a lot of evidence that there's a lot of people that know that like Stephen Greer always talks about you know stage one of us even Greer. The man, I think, you know, he's pretty on point with most things and he said, like, there, there's plenty of people that know exactly that they're extraterrestrials and who they are and they're lying they're flat out lying but then there's a lot it's all compartmentalized as we know so And most people in the government have not been briefed on any of this stuff because it's not how the system works, you know, right, right. And they really don't know. But the problem is is many of them have been briefed and they're flat lying and they're lying to the people below them. Right. For you know, to keep the power structures going and to keep them shooting themselves on the foot, you know, they're not going to blackmail themselves there incriminating themselves because they're right exactly they're not going to. They're not going to tell on themselves. Right. Right. And that's when one of the legislations I was passed a couple weeks ago was the fact that no Congress said that no longer can any taxpayer money go to any black budget programs. And with that, they gave amnesty to whistleblowers within these black budget programs to come forward. So supposedly what's been happening, you know, Marco Rubio mentioned this and a few others that a lot of other whistleblowers are coming forward. Only three whistleblowers have been going to come out on this hearing. Maybe this can be more but they've only said three of them. Ryan Graves, David Gresch, I forget the other one. That was part of the original Nimitz incident, I believe. So there's been all these other people that have been coming out and telling them what's going on. And it seems that there is such a distrust in the government that a lot of people are moving towards saying like that there must be some agenda with why they're releasing this, because so many Congress people like are seem to have been saying to like, you know, to these programs that you need to start releasing everything, but a lot of people believe the Congress members are in bed with these compartmentalized programs. But what seems to be happening is, you know, like, why, you know, people like this is bipartisan, right? And when they say this is bipartisan, they get all excited about it. But I say, you know what else is bipartisan, brick in Wall Street, insider trading, all the pharmaceutical companies, you know, all the fucking bad stuff is also bipartisan. So this is bipartisan, I feel, because maybe there's a little ego check here, too. They're like, how dare we not be read in to something that's going on. Are you telling us, we can rule the government. And we say what's going on and things that we don't even know are happening. So when they said the, like, no more money to the budget programs, you would think that that's already should be the thing, right? Of course, there should be no money towards black budget programs. But because they didn't know that they were happening, there was no legislation not to do it. So now that they've done this, all of a sudden, these companies that seem to have been, there's one big aerospace company and they didn't mention the name on news nation. I don't know if you've heard this one, but he's there attempting to get rid of the crash to your technology that they've had for decades, because the fear of being held criminally accountable for the fact that they've been hiding this technology from the public. I know I should be held accountable. I know somebody who knows which company that is, by the way. Can you release that information? I don't remember to be perfectly honest, but I've already had this conversation. She worked in the aerospace industry and she actually knows the exact. Well, she's connecting the dots based on what she sees behind the scenes, but she's pretty positive. She knows exactly which company it is. It's like, it's so apparent that she's because she's in that world, but I can share it with you once I find out. They said that they're trying to sell the technology up. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what they're trying to do. But it's funny because why them? There's so many aerospace companies that are holding technology, but maybe in this case, this one particular company just happened to have one craft. And they don't understand the depth of everything. And they're just like, we got to get rid of this thing now. You know, because they're going to go after the low hanging fruit. And they need a fall guy. So it would make sense that somebody would, you know, get rid of their hand. Right. Well, you know, like Dave Gress said that he can't say a lot of information that because he actually handed those documents and evidence over to Congress, right? So, because he was supposed to be getting documents, schematics, all types of information from these whistleblowers. And then he handed them over to Congress. And I've got a feeling he's going to have to tell Congress who these whistleblowers are, or they're coming out to Congress. And then Greer, at his press conference he did a few weeks ago, he said that they just handed over. I think it was a list of 150 bases where they're doing these experimentations on beings and where they're reverse engineering craft. And even the directions to the entrances of these bases. So the amount of information the evidence that Congress has right now, you know, if that's the case, if those two things actually did happen. And, you know, Congress then approved and said that we did get all this information, right? I would be very surprised if they didn't really go deep tomorrow, or when the congressional hearing is, because the fact is that they supposedly have had a lot more information that we've been even seeing on mainstream news and news nation and wherever else. Oh yeah, they're only feeding us a little bit, just, you know, they're spoon feeding us exactly what they want us to hear, but I agreed it's really interesting that they're releasing this stuff about the domes, the bases and all, I mean, down to genetic experimentation, things of that nature. But what's also funny is, you know, any one of these whistleblowers are people like them have been blowing a whistle on the stuff like he said for decades on shows like ours and yours. And then we have the entire secret space program, which is an entirely different ballpark is as far as, you know, this modern disclosure goes. So we're really still only scratching the surface is something that most of us learned about decades ago. And then that's the whole issue is, I started realizing they're just re they're doing this all over again because they're trying to erase the history that we already have about the UFO history. They don't want people to remember all these significant cases that happened throughout the years that's why we created a timeline. Yeah, and that's what kind of happened with the Google algorithm in 2016, you know, like before 2016 you do a search of UFO disclosure. And you would find the greatest site I'd be on the page 10 maybe, you know, like you'd find out stuff. And now you type in UFOs, you're for disclosure, it's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages of CNN, MSNBC, all the stuff, they completely hijacked it. And, you know, 2016, they did some things around the election times to where Google basically fabricated search results, right? Hillary Clinton was one of them other things, they seems they also did the same thing with UFOs. So that was a whole hijacking of the movement. And they went from all these people that have been building up the momentum to it to completely taking it on and putting their own figure heads into place as the people releasing it. They became like the stars of this whole thing, but these guys were like focused on ever, are not wanting to tell us the truth. Right, only when it was convenient for them to even say anything, and even within that, there's so many lies. Like, for example, A tip, that wasn't the real name of A tip. Right, it was AASWAP, or something like that. Right, so A tip was actually the nickname for the program. And when he came out and said A tip, the Pentagon said, we have no evidence that a program in Louisiana was the head of it called A tip. That's what they do with the words, because it wasn't called A tip, that was the nickname. Because it wasn't called A tip. Yeah, so it's just like, I just don't trust who they're putting out their his figure heads. Well, but they, to get back to point, they had completely hijacked the movement and the timeline of it all. It's interesting how to use the things as simple as terminology to debunk an entire program. And we see the same thing happening with the secret space program too. It's really interesting. It's like, it's such an easy thing to do just by changing up one or two words. You're talking about the same program, but because you call it the wrong name, all of a sudden, you're crazy, because that doesn't exist. Right, and then people are so focused on the day-to-day lives and just the whatever they're into, they just hear those talking points. And then they're like, oh, no, that was proven wrong. That's debunked. Right, right. They've done the five second Google search research. Yeah. And think they are informed. You've probably seen Michael Saldis information on the US Navy pants on this technology. Right, it's hidden in the plain sight. It's such a simple search to find out. But to be honest, like from what's coming up with, I would rush and, you know, even the whole thing that they did, the exposé on Roswell, that they did on NewsNation, and then how NewsNation went to Roswell for the festival. And they like did a whole broadcast of it in the most friendly way where there was people dressed up like, you know, crazy UFO hippies, right? Right. And they were like, they actually did a news show where they made it seem like these people were so legit and they said, hey, this is the festival, you know, people dressed up for it like that. Right. And started asking them these questions. So so much information is coming out. The rabbit hole goes so deep. It seems like we have such a huge connection to extra thresholds and different governments have been a communication with them. All types of technologies have been created. There's a whole world beyond what we're seeing that exists parallel to ours. Right. And rabbit hole goes so incredibly deep. And like when people start realizing what's going on and it seems like it's on its way right now, I feel it's going to be really impossible for some people to fathom that they could have been that blind to it. Yeah. And, you know, it's interesting because if people are on the fence, you mentioned the technology and the patents like that type of stuff is actually researchable. And you can go online and then people look into that and like, well, wait a second, like they're actually legitimate patents that were approved. And where are they being used like you can't ignore that type of evidence. You just simply can't. So like that, like you said, the Navy's and it's not just approved that the Navy won the mass reduction device was operable, meaning it was in use. And, and all that was it reduces the mass of an object as it reaches the speed of light so it can travel faster than the speed of light so because obviously they told us we never could reach the speed of light because the mass would gain. You would gain mass as your process be anyway, they developed a technology to fix that problem. And it's on, it's on the Google patents. And then there's like transparent aluminum. If you guys have, there's patents for that that that was discovered decades ago. It's an aluminum. They were able to replace six inch thick glass with a one inch thick transparent aluminum. So what is that being used for? Probably the hall of some of these craft, you know. Yeah, man. You know, in 2017, 2018, after the whole a calorie Tom DeLong and all the stuff in them, it's incident, they, the Sun newspaper came out with one thing as well. And that was right after also the big, a little airspace has some crash material. I don't remember that article, but it said that right after Tom DeLong came out and said, actually, they've retrieved something. It's in big, little airspace. And then the Sun newspaper, the only the sun covered this. And they said, crashed fragmentate fragments of UFOs, been discovered by Bigelow, including the technology to slow down time. It was just like right there in this article, right? Right. And I'm looking at this. I'm like, Oh my God, this is huge. This like redefines everything that we know about physics. What is this technology? Now, do we know how they get here? How can we use it? And it was on a mainstream newspaper. So the information is out there. People just don't have the time to really explore it. And when they do, maybe there's some sort of like docile on this going on that when they look at it, they can't even fathom the depth of what these actually mean for a reality and who we are. Right. The technology to slow down time and the implications of that are everything. Like, what does that mean? And then there was an article, I remember a couple of years ago where they said, Oh, this is like nonchalantly parallel universe discovered in an article where time works backwards. And what does that mean? Let me do it. Yeah. People don't have it. People don't have the time to explore this stuff. Well, they really don't. Yeah. We fit with what we think, on generally humanity feels as important is the complete opposite of what's really important. And that goes into the spiritual understanding now, of the yoga cycles, the ages. Right. So we've been in the Kali Yuga. And the eight, the Kali Yuga has themes to it, three themes hierarchy. Right. I mean, you can tell hierarchy, one dimension is higher than the other one, authority, police it, policing people and delusion. What is delusion? What's right is wrong? What's wrong is right? In this world, making money, hustling, investing in Wall Street, you know what I mean? All the things that we've invested in is a delusion, but these systems are crumbling. And that's the why the UFO somebody told me once years ago, that if there's any single type of industry or information that would be the most infiltrated, it would be the UFO one. And the reason why is because it goes into every part of reality, you know, religion, right? Don't even talk about that one. What they know about our place in the universe, right? Our amnesia compared to their awareness of, you know, a greater picture. Monastery system, petrol, they're not using gas to get to the planet, right? Energy, electricity, infinite abundance, all these things. So what could happen from this, and maybe on one time, I was like, they think that we can handle the truth. But now I'm like, man, maybe we need to drip it in some sort of way, because the entire institutions of the world are going to have to be restructured once the information truly comes up. Everything, literally everything is going to change. It's going to have to change. That and AI, you know, dude, like, yeah, and you got AI, not even fully unleashed yet, man. Like the stuff that it could do. They don't want to unleash it because it will destroy everything. Well, this right thing in that way, I mean, they'll just completely get rid of all the jobs even needed. No one needs to ever make a website again. Right. There's, you know, it's already happening. It's kind of scary, but like you said, this technology being released and even you forgot to mention healing technologies, which is probably one of the biggest things. But the reality of this situation is we don't actually have the infrastructure to support all that if it was just dropped in our laptop overnight. We really don't. It has to be integrated slowly. So, I think, I think the whole narrative that we can't handle the truth and, you know, we have to drip it to them. That's bullshit. I think at this point, like, I think they know that we can handle it and that only can we handle it, but they lose all their power because we only tap into our true potential then and we understand like we're so much more than what we've been told. That's their fear. That's the real fear. Yeah, right. But the awakening is happening, whether they like it or not. And inevitably, we're going to get to that point, no matter what, it's just a matter of how long it's going to take what's that going to look like. How's it going to play out? Those are the only questions, but is it going to happen? It's not a question to me. It is happening now and it inevitably, this planet inevitably is moving into a golden age and to a beautiful future. And the ascension is happening, the awakening is happening, all of it, just a matter of like, are you going to go kicking and screaming to it? Are you going to be, you know, many people are exiting the planet now, you know, and that's probably on a soul level. I'm sure many, that decision is being made from many people. They're like, you know what, I'm going to go help from the other side now rather than physically incarnated or they're going to go somewhere else. And then, of course, you got the new star seats coming in all the time, more and more. Well, those beings are going to grow up with, you know, I believe the three of us are star seeds, but you know, there's beings. We're just paving the way for them. Right. Right. We're paving the way and the mind control is not working with them nowhere near like it, like it has, you know, before. And naturally, that's going to just bring in, you know, the new systems there because they're going to be receptive to it and they're going to be a big part of, I think, like implementing all the new amazing things and the higher level of consciousness, you know, it's happening. So the dark, you know, they're done. It's just a matter of like, how is this going to play out there? They're going out kicking and screaming and they're going to do as much damage on their way out as they possibly can because that's, that's just who they are, you know, that's. And unless the ones, you know, there's many of them that are flipping to the light, you know, that's basically their two options like you either flip to the light. Or, you're going to get recycled. You're going to get recycled or you're going to go somewhere else. And I do. Right. And I do think there are higher forces like kind of watching and here making sure everything's going to, you know, not going to go off the rails and they're any darkness and any evil I think we see right now is being allowed. Hundreds. The wiser wouldn't be there. You know. Right. I mean, dude, the, the, I am a firm believer, right, that in order to be a woke in the light in the world of amnesia. Okay. In the world of amnesia. If you, because you talk to different ETS channelers and people that connect and experiences, they say that Earth is the only planet with full amnesia. Right. Yeah. And so two things to that. How beautiful is it that we had our consciousness wipe clean, wipe clean, but the source, the power of source within us is so powerful that we still remembered. Right. And in a planet of amnesia, the only way to achieve the, what, how much light you want to incorporate is experiencing the polar opposite with the darkness, the contrast. Right. And you can go back into time and to all ancient history and talk about the darkest times, you know, not even to mention the last three years, what happened, and how many people woke up from it. When you experience those atrocities, it gives you the opportunity to be in the light. So the darkness being allowed to happen. I feel the darkness is working for the light. The darkness are beings that have been put here, because this is a really advanced computer program virtual reality, organic holographic consciousness going on. And within that, we have software that needs to play out to be the antagonist so that we can get to the next level. Exactly. And that's what we created for us. It's almost like we were born in the universe. We need to create a better game, you know, like a challenge. This is boring, right? Well, that's my friend Katie, she's a channeler. She was at a conference to people who were there. They might have gotten to witness her channel at night. She did it. She wasn't on the bill. But she has a book called Katie Enochorus and it's like basically a synopsis of the Great Awakening, but she goes into like all these major cataclysms that Earth had throughout time. But even before that, they talk about how before all of this, even before like the dark came and took over this planet like it was chosen on some collective level that we chose to create limitation for ourselves to experience. So we created that we created this mess in the first place, then it got hacked and infiltrated. It's like, it's really interesting, but on some level, we all chose to not just be on Earth, but even be even before that, we chose to experience limitation as a collective consciousness and break free from that limitation. So it's really interesting, like when you zoom all the way out. Now, I would say another way of saying that is perceived separateness, because nothing is separate. Everything is more and we're all everything is connected. We're all the same beautiful. It's like beautiful to look at it from both ways like it's a paradox. When some people see the great bigger picture and they don't see the nitty gritty of the atrocities and the people need to help be held accountable for it. Others only see that. The balance is, can you see the bigger picture and still hold those accountable to doing terrible things to humanity accountable for the energy, but from a higher perspective, not from a reactor state, right? So, you know, I love to speak about this element, you know, in the Gnostic Christian text, right, Gnosticism, before 325 AD, before Christianity became like a book, Lucifer, the story of Lucifer was that he was a volunteer. That basically God said, I need to volunteer to go down to Earth and give people the experience of darkness, and his most trusted angel raised his hand and said, I'm willing to go down there and forget everything and be that darkness for you. And then, but God said, when I come down to the planet, when basically it's the symbolization of the new age, the prayer age, whatever you want to call it, you need to willingly give me the keys back. Right, and I feel that's what we're in the process of now. Like, it's, they know it's inevitable if we as researchers are aware that we're shifting into this new octave of existence. Do you think that these beings that live for thousands of years have specific agendas know about the cosmos and the way things work aren't aware as well that the earth is shifting into an octave where we're going to wake up? Right, right. I feel that even though there's even like, there's even books in the Library of Congress that I've seen on the shelf and pictures that speak about this stuff, they have it in their own libraries there. Right. So, it's a very beautiful, beautiful dance that we're playing. Like, we're not only are we, like, I like to say, not only are we actors on the stage like we're acting in the stage, but we forgot that we're also the directors of this play. Right. And what's happening now, what happens when you're an actor, but you forget you're acting, you become a victim to the directions around you. But when you realize you're the director and the creator of it as well, you get to rewrite the program and the script as you go along. And I feel that's what we're getting to now. We get to be actors and rewrite it as we're moving forward. Yeah, a lot of that's interesting man. I mean, yeah, I mean, I agree. It's definitely. I agree with all that. Going back to the Lucifer comment, Aaron did books shining the light, they talk about there's a whole segment on Lucifer, which I found really interesting but they talk about like in the early days when some of these, I guess, humans or whoever they were when they would pray. It would actually be Lucifer that would come and answer their prayers, but they would, it wouldn't be, it wouldn't be God, it was like this Orion group it talks about like this is all channel information, but it would be Lucifer that would come and and protect as God and answer their prayers, but and then bring them food and everything they needed in particular this happening like South Africa. But one of the things I said was what they were doing when they were answering the prayers and bringing these people food is they were putting like some sort of like the food had something in it that would basically allow them to track their bloodlines. So they knew which bloodlines and they were doing this to certain groups all over the world. And this was the origin of how they were tracking certain bloodlines and this is how like certain religions were created and stuff, based on the food that they were giving the people at the time. I know I thought that was just an interesting tidbit of information whether it's true or not. I don't know. I mean, channel information. It's interesting. So when I was getting into the religion aspect of it all, I started very quickly seeing like 2008, 2009, that it seems like that if the God in the Old Testament seems like that's what Lucifer would do. Yeah, yeah, he seems like a, like a psychopath. Yeah, right. Like the classic evil psychopathic. Right. So what I feel really happened in, you know, you know, I'm just putting this out there but I've always wanted to do a presentation like maybe one day, well, is to prove that the God of the Bible was actually Lucifer. And it's not like it's a bad thing it but it goes into the Yahweh worship as well if you look at. So I don't know if you guys know Paul Wallace, you know him. Yeah, yeah love Paul Paul. Like I do a lot of things for them. So we did a presentation recently together and he was speaking about 700 BC before that like, you know, ancient Israelites, they weren't always monotheistic. It wasn't like they got created their monotheistic, they were a pagan society and they had all types of gods before 700 BCE, there was like, hardly any, if not at all monotheism on the planet. And even the ancient gods of Judea, you know, such as Yahweh, there was actually multiple deities and there were female ones and all types and they all had places in the universe they were from. One of them was Anshar. Anshar was the God from the Pleiades and she was a female goddess from the Pleiades. In 700 BCE, there was a wiping out of the ancient Hebrew text and all of the names of every single God changed Yahweh. So all the stories of every God became about one deity. So you have the good stories, the bad stories and all this stuff. And I thought that was very interesting because 700 BCE is when they're freaking, you have a cycle, you have a cycle started. At the same time, it was like a shift in the age and then also there was this monotheistic and what they do is they take something very pure and beautiful, and then they put their own agenda on it and they distort it. That happens with like all types of stuff, like world culture and everything too. So what they, what they do is like, it's beautiful to think that there's one source, right? So they take this one God and make you believe it's one source, but it's actually following a false God that is fragmented from what the original source really is. But you think it's beautiful because why worship all these different gods? There's only one way to have it. You know what I'm saying? Right. Well, but then, you know, this is an interesting topic for me because we're talking about like essentially modern man, even with all religions, right? And this idea of God, but there was evidence that there were civilizations that predated humanity by millions of years now at this point. So it's like, we're all caught up on these modern stories and trying to figure that out, but like, what does that even have to do with what happened before then? We have no idea the truth of the history of this planet. You know, we're just going, we're just clinging on to some scraps that were handed to us just a couple thousand years ago. It's really interesting. Like, there was worth the millions of years of history before that, that there's evidence of, you know, so I think it's really interesting. And then there was, I forgot what show it was the Orville, where they go to this planet. It's more of a primitive civilization, and they're, they believe in religions and they explained it all. They're like, oh, religions are something that we hand to all primitive developing cultures, is this to help them as a stepping stone as a tool. Yeah, it's like almost, it's almost like programmed into the revolution of that society. It's like it serves, it serves you until it doesn't anymore, and then it has to be thrown out of it. Well, and then you look at the heads of all these religions, none of these heads like Buddha, Jesus, Moses, ever seemed to have wanted to create a religion, but humanity ended up creating this whole ideology around them. And these beings were just avatars in an age where we're such a, for lack of a better term, at a lower frequency or a more disharmonic frequency, that the only way to get truth was to go through certain avatars that were teaching you this wisdom. Then you grow out of that, and then you get to a place where we are right now, where we realize that we have an innate truth, and now we have to listen to our own inner group. Right. But we're in the in between, we're in a state where we're releasing the idol worshiping that we've had, right, in order to realize that we have the innate truth within us. So there's all this turbulence from us believing in power structures to starting to believe in ourselves. And of course that there's going to be a little discomfort in that process. But the eventual goal is for us to be at a such a level of inner peace, and have done the inner work for us to be able to live in an anarchist kind of state where we don't need governments to dictate how we operate, because we have a inner truth within us that guides us. Right. And just to go back to finish what I was saying about them, like basically handing primitive cultures religion, and they asked the question, why would you do that they even brought up the concept of free will. And they said, well, this is one of the decisions that was made where we were given permission to do so because when left alone they would all kill each other and eat each other. So this is the only way that they would develop and evolve is if you give them something higher than them to believe in, otherwise they end up killing themselves. Which is really interesting. That is very interesting. There's also an episode of Star Trek next generation where they go to this planet and they like heal the sky. The card is there. He starts like, he's like, Oh, the Picard as if he's like God, he started, they all start worshiping the Picard. Right. And they're like, Oh, no, what have we done to be like created religion. Yeah. And they try to like fix it and stuff. But the whole story that happened on earth in real life of the cargo cults. Yeah, the cargo cults yeah the same thing they started worshiping planes and and the cargo and they would make models planes as if it's like. Yeah. You know, what you're saying Tyler, like I trip out on that a lot is that, you know, we're barely scratching the surface about the existence of Atlantis or whatever the civilization was called in the ancient times. But there's enough evidence suggests that there was some sort of global community going on. And if we're going through these cycles of time that every single ancient culture pre like 3000 years ago. Pre three, four or 5000 years ago, when there was the last great flood because there was a couple of floods was one 5000 years ago. There was one 13,000 years ago. And there was a huge reset of humanity. And since that reset, it's almost like people feel that we've been progressing linearly. Right. So because of that firm belief that we've been progressing linearly and these stories are myths, not real truths right Atlantis to the ancient people was a reality to, you know. And so if that was only 13,000 years ago, and if all these angel civilizations, you know, cobblistic texts, India, China, Mayans, Aztec, that all say that we've been going through a 25 to 26,000 years cycle, consistently and consistently. And now mainstream science is now proven that every 13,000 years they seem to be a cataclysm on the planet. And said that the earth is going through a pattern within our solar system that is attracting natural cataclysms every 13,000 years. Right. They're even proving that. And we can only scratch the surface of 13,000 years ago. How many cycles have we gone through? How many 26,000 years cycles have they been? How many millions of years does it go back? And how many, maybe not even homo sapien? How many how many species has inhabited on this planet and have been completely lost to time? Right. Well, I mean, there's information coming out now that like the mountains, like Rocky Mountains and stuff. They were actually, they're not naturally created by tectonic plates or anything of that nature at all, but they're the foundation for extremely ancient structures and massive buildings that we can't even fathom from, from a civilization that predates anything. And, you know, we got these, the Devil's Tower and these gigantic trees that were cut down and, and things of that nature, that's the type of civilization I'm talking about. And I'm just like, like, who are those people? You know, that's like probably before it lands in the Muria times. That's what I'm getting at. Yeah. Like we're talking about something so ancient, but then again, the same information is also saying that they never left like the Atlanteans never left because they just shifted frequencies and time is time doesn't exist. Right. So everything's happening now. And they said the highway to different frequencies is through your heart. Like if you can drop into your heart, you can shift frequencies and visit those other realities. And it's completely not what we think it is like time is completely not what we think it is and those ancient civilizations. They may still be right there just in another frequency. Right. Yeah, that's what one of the senators, the senator from Wisconsin said on a podcast on YouTube recently when they said. What do you think these craft are going back to the U of voting now? He said, I feel that they either us from the future or a very ancient civilization that's been here longer than we have. Yeah. Yeah. I never thought I would hear a sitting senator say that. Right. Right. That's amazing. Wow. At some point, if this stuff is true, like people are going to come to that conclusion. I mean, that's just bottom line. What's going to happen? Like it's amazing that we hear other people talking about it. But what does that tell you? Like there's something to it, right? Yeah. Well, and then when you actually study your foes more than just the nuts and bolts and the recent history of it, like go all throughout ancient history. It's all it's in all the ancient texts. It's in all. It's the, you know, in the Bible and the Vedas, you know, and, and, you know, Greek to like, it's in all the ancient texts. Right. Yeah. They describe crap. They describe beings coming from the stars, you know, the Native Americans and indigenous tribes all have stories of that. There's rock carvings. There's petroglyphs. There's go down the list. Like, if you truly study everything ancient, basically, there has a very long history. Yeah. It's, it's in all of it. It's everywhere. So it's like, to me, it's like, it's clear that we're not being taught any semblance of like a true history or truth of, we're taught this tiny little box and then within that is a bunch of lots. So it's like, until you break out of that, you're never going to, you know, if you're trying to stay within that box and find the truth, you're never going to find it. You're going to get there. You're going to keep your wheels and, and then, you know, like the, like the hardcore nuts and bolters that aren't spiritual at all, or they don't believe in a lot of this stuff. There, there, it's like, all they care about is trying to prove that Roswell actually happened or like, you'll, those are even real. It's like, yeah, we know they're real. Like you just go out, you can see them on your own, you know, do a C5, go to, go to Sedona or Shasta or any of these places where there's tons of activity, you can see them with your own eyes, you know. It's like, okay, the next question. Now we need to know who are they, what are they, where are they from, you know, came, I connect with these beings. Start, you know, getting deeper with it. And here's the thing, like, we don't need disclosure coming from governments, really, we don't need someone else telling us what the truth is as an authority. We can be our own authority, we can, we can connect on our own with these beings, and we can, you know, we can, we can figure this stuff out on our own. Really, it's a matter of like, people waking up to the fact that there is this control structure that they're living in that is, does not have your best interest in heart to tell you truth, or to, you know, to enlighten you. It's there as a control structure and there's unfortunately most people within governments are great people, they just, they don't realize the system they're in, they're trapped in a bad system. So it's really hard for any kind of true disclosure to come out in a system like that. And that's the main thing, like, so we have that deep connection within ourselves, we, and that's what first contact is, is, you know, going within ourselves, you know, even Bashar had said, first contact is people going to start channeling and have it in dream state. So what is really happening, even when they say it's a threat, there's something out there, what the only thing they're doing, everything that the darkness does backfires, and what they're doing is they're just allowing people to now realize that we're not alone. That is the new foundation of the world. So now when the most of the planet, which is out there simple search, simple news show now will allow you to have that thought, when most of the planet has that as the, as the norm, right, all the children being born into this new reality, they're going to be raised knowing that we're not alone. Whether we have interaction with them or not, okay, that allows for people's consciousness and perspective to shift that now they're open to this communication. So all they're really doing is allowing for the masses to just be accepting the fact this is possible, and then ultimately I feel that's what's going to happen. They're going to, we're going to start having more contact. People are going to start remembering, having memories, maybe going to regressions, having these different lives come back to them, and even start communicating with other aspects of themselves at the interdimensional versions of who they are. Yeah, all right, well said, I agree. It's, you're right, like being born, we were born into, like you said, amnesia, like these kids now, like they're, they're coming in with memories. They're not only coming in with memories but they're being born into a world where we're not alone. It's completely different script. Right. One of the, you know, you're speaking about like the nuts and bolts and it reminded me of, I'm not going to say his name, but one of the really prominent uofologists is straight up 18s, right? Yeah, I just feel like when you think about this, when you think about the cosmos of these beings and other dimensions traveling in dimensionally, there's so much more involved in this. And, you know, to your other point about these native tribes, they not only talk about these beings, like the Hopi and the end people and how when there was a cataclysm on earth, the end people from under the earth took the name of them, right? And, and then they don't just talk about these beings, they also talk about the planets they come from, right? And so many times, so many times, like, glad did a whole present, I did a whole two day conference on pladians, right? So we did 22 hours of pladians information. Nice. And my presentation was straight up civilization culture after culture, this story is about the pladians, right? And, oh my god, type in pladian folklore and ancient scriptures, and you'll go to Wikipedia page with, like, 2000 ancient tribes and their stories on, like, pladians, right? And a lot of times, these ancient images have female looking aliens, and there's seven of them, seven stars of the pladians. And even, like, the whole Jesus thing, not to continue to ramble, but this is something I'm really excited about, is like, so we did this, this woman called Margaret Regaloso, she is profound epic prolific, one of the most amazing presenters. She does the immaculate conception presentations on poor extension and pladian presentations, and immaculate conception is the virgin births, right, being born to a virgin. And she's been doing all this research, she got her PhD in like Greek studies and stuff, and she found through her research that there was some sort of ancient priestess school, in mystery school, where they had these rituals to create virgin births. And what they would do is they would create these rituals, and then they would pull in souls from the plaities. And so what is the womb, the womb, if you believe in the soul, and the soul is not in the womb until the baby is in there, the womb is like a white hole or a black hole portal, right, for the soul to come into the baby. They knew how to do certain things to the womb in order to make sure that the soul gets pulled in from a certain place in the universe, therefore bringing in the avatars they want to bring in. And Jesus' mother was a part of this mystery school, bringing in a soul from the plaities, right, so that's interesting. The book, the ancient secret or flower of life, have you read that book? Will I drum a little bit easily? Yeah. And they talk about the Lumirian civilization and then what happened to them and the Atlantic civilization then going on to Egypt, but they talked about our group of people, and I guess you could say mystery school, practicing immaculate conception, actually teaching their civilization how to do it. And they explain in the books like what they would do, they would, they had like this island and they would, they literally had a family. They literally had a physical wall they built on the island and they separate the male and the female, and they would do training exercises to get them to connect like telepathically but they were already telepathic so they were connecting on a much deeper level, but they were trying to, they understood that immaculate conception was possible. And that one can do it, and they were teaching that back then and this book explains it in detail how they were doing it. It's fascinating. That's very interesting. You know, even a Mormonism Joseph Smith, right. By the way, I just want to start the book of Mormon, the show, the theater show. Dude, it's so freaking funny, but it's like, so within it, it's like so crazy because the Mormonism stuff is all about ETS and seven dimensions, seven heaven, seventh heaven, seven stars of the plaities, right. And you got to inherit a planet and all this stuff. And Joseph Smith, he, the angel that visited him was the Mormon, I think it was the name was Mormon, the angel. And in his writings, he says it was this, it was an angel from the plaities, from the plaities. And the Book of Mormon is supposedly the third testament, the third book in the series, you know, Old Testament, New Testament, and the Book of Mormon. So even within that, you know, this, in these religions is a lot of truth, but it just gets distorted by the power structure. But then, of course, that, you know, because the Mormon religion structure is very corrupt, you know, at the top of the pyramid, so it's just another religion. I know this whole thing of the road plaities, like back in the day, I was reading about that, but there was supposedly a lot of the elitists that came down to the planet were road plaities that were part of a war that happened in the constellation, and they incarnated on earth and became like part of the elite structure that are doing like nefarious agendas, and they would go to different planetary systems, and they would give false information. And they would basically basically give you like 60% truth with 40% disinfo, kind of like what happens without government, you know, that's how it works. That's the way to do it. Well, it still happens, still happens today with channelers and people of that nature, like, you don't really know who you're connecting to and you don't know how much of it's actually true all the time. That's why you just, it's all with a grain of salt. And if they've done that to other planets that clearly people came here, and they were connect, you know, people who channel the Pleiadians, who's to say that 40% of that is misinfo. You never know. Yeah, exactly. And then when you ask that person, like, how do you know through that they have to just trust who I was giving the information. Sure. Yeah, exactly. And, but I'm not saying that there aren't good channelers and things of that nature, but it's just you have to consider that when this information's coming from the other side. Because a lot of it, then you start realizing it actually has nothing to do with, like, the inner work and why we're here. It's all information that's here to distract us, I think, on some level. Like, we don't need to know all every little detail about every little war and everything that happened and all those everything that may or may not even be true, because it stops you from looking within and finding the answers for yourself. You know, you keep looking for someone else to tell you what happened. Yeah, right. If it's leading you to give your power away or to look externally only right, those are some red flags. Right. That's why the bigger picture is all important, you know, because you get lost in the drama. And my one of the rules of discernment I use is does it cultivate divide and conquer, making me like, hate the other, or does it bring me closer to a sense of unity and oneness. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Hey, man. And with that, we're going to start wrapping this up. Thank you for joining us today. This was an incredible conversation. Is there any last words you'd like to leave us with before we go? So we speak about earlier before I got on the things I wanted to speak, talk about different topics on it, just tie them all in, right? So what I'm noticing right now is that there is a huge push was, you know, I spend around 75% of the content that consume is content I disagree with. Okay, so like, I'm always watching like debunking archaeological videos, people that don't believe in ETs and UFOs, you know, people that are politically corrupt. Like, I watch this stuff because I genuinely want to see if there's any information that can deter me from my own beliefs. Right. And I watch like the late night talk show host and I laugh at the information, even though I don't agree with anything to say, you know, so, but by doing this, what I'm, and looking at what's happening on the mainstream right now with some of the biggest podcasts in the world. You know, Joe Rogan, Andrew Saltz, Jimmy Dorr, and then a couple of other mainstream news outlets that are like almost mainstream, but they're actually subscription funded so they don't not as corrupt. Right. I'm seeing that there's this huge push. Those are what most people are watching, not the top of the stuff on the bottom of the stuff. And there's all this information coming out about our true ancient history right now. Right. It's just, it seems like there's a whole rewriting and the regular individual on the street that maybe isn't in the world that we're into is now being informed that there's a chance that there could have been a greater, more advanced or spiritually advanced civilization that exists on the planet, maybe multiple times. And the timeline of humanity is different than what we've been told. It's pushing out their hardcore. And then on top of that, we have this whole thing with UFOs, non-human intelligences, right? You spoke about NIH and one of the WikiLeaks emails that came out in 2017. There was an email between Obama, Hillary, Edgar Mitchell, and they said we need to have a conversation on Skype about the non-human intelligences in our solar system. So freaking email about that, right? Yeah. This information is coming out now. So in regards to ancient history, that's underway. Now, the fact that we're not alone, that's underway. But what that also ties into not being alone types into the quantum reality of what nature is and what this reality is. How we can manipulate this is this assimilation, holographic universe, even Elon Musk is saying we're in a simulation, you know, believe what do you want about that guy? I'm just saying, like even my dad is talking about that now, right? So these are the three forefronts, the nature of reality, right, consciousness, ancient history, knowing not true history, the fact that we're not alone in the universe. And the lastly, but definitely not least, is the exposure of the crazy lies that they've been telling us, man, you know, like, just in the last few years, I mean, you guys, we're in in alignment with a lot of our beliefs. Like, I don't know if you've been following what's going on right now, and to expose all the stuff and all the documents that are coming out, exposing what they've been doing to us over the last few years, and longer than that. And more and more people are waking up to this. So we're at an age right now where we're in the in-between stage of a completely different reality. Okay. And all that really matters is our perspective. Are you tied to your bank account? Are you tied to Wall Street? Are you tied to what you do as a job? Do you believe that your day-to-day life and existence is all a reality? Or are you open to a whole new paradigm where as long as you have your basic needs met, food, water, shelter, we can still create something new, because a lot of those old systems are no longer going to aren't serving us anymore and are no longer going to be around, right? We didn't even talk about AI, right? That's going to change a lot of things as well. So that's what it's going to leave you guys with. It's just that I'm probably more excited than I've ever been, because I really do see, just by observing what's going on out here, that we're at a time where a lot of things are going to change and have no choice but to change in a very short period of time. Well said. I agree with that. You're right. It's all about perception and choosing the reality that you want to live in the future that you want to see, because we create it. And that's hard to realize, and it's hard to go through your day-to-day life and remember that, because we're constantly distracted by the 3D task and the things that just mundane shit that we have to do. But if you can stop every day and remind yourself that you're creating this reality, you're creating your good or bad day, that's where it starts. Yeah, you have the ability to start over in any moment, recreate your reality. Let's start this episode over right now, actually. I'll tell you a little bit about Portal to Ascension, where people can find out about it. Yeah, please do. All right. So everybody, please do check out Portal to As I said, we do quite a lot of events a year. On every topic we can do, we just did a 2-day conference on Atlantis, 10 hours a day on Atlantis. We go really deep onto different topics. And so you can sign up there, Portal to, onto our email list, and then our YouTube channel, to Ascension, also on Instagram. And follow us. We got a lot of amazing things happening. We started a tour company now, so we take groups of people to Egypt every year. We do a conference in the UK every year. We do a conference in San Diego every year. So hope to see some of you guys there. Thank you. Yeah, I think that's great. The tours. That's something I actually want to do. Maybe not Egypt. I was thinking Easter Island. I'd love to do an Easter Island tour. I think that would be cool. And something actually in the cards we potentially could pull off, but maybe if why not? Maybe we could team up and create a tour together. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I just went to Egypt a few months ago. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was amazing. Yeah. Incredible. It would be the Portal to Truth tour or the Journey to Ascension tour? Portal to Truth. It actually has a Journey to Ascension ring to it. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, man, let's collaborate. I think it would be awesome. But guys, go check out his website. All the information will be in the description below. Thank you so much for joining us. This was a lot of fun. And thank you for everything that you do. And until next time. Oh, guys, don't forget if you want to see our documentary that comes out Sunday on our pre-release on our Patreon. It's only $5 to sign up for the Patreon in a couple of weeks later. It'll be available to the public, but go sign up. It's really awesome. Talk about telling a new history and, you know, diving into the truth of what actually happened on this planet or potentially happened. We did our due diligence here in the Midwest anyway, so we hope you enjoy it. So have a great evening. We love you. And good night. Good night, guys. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪]