Journey to Truth

Highlights from Episode 85 w/ John Vivanco

Originally aired on 10/15/20
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13 Jul 2024
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Well, we got a minute, and I'm gonna buy that truck I've been wanting. Wait, don't you need, like, weeks to shop for a car? I don't. Carvana makes it super convenient to find exactly what I want. Hold up. You're buying a car on your phone? Isn't that more of a laptop thing? You can shop wherever you want. I like to do my research. Read reviews, compare models. Plus, Carvana has thousands of options. How'd you decide on that truck? Because I like it. Oh, that is a great reason. Go to to sell your car the convenient way. Obviously, it's like remote viewing training. You have to take people through the very basics on they remote view things that they can get full feedback on, like real world stuff, like historical events, YouTube videos, you know, stuff like that, like a guys in wing suits flying around or something, so they can, they can do the remote viewing, and then they can look at that event that they viewed. And so they can line up their data with whatever it is, right? So that's how they basically learned. Then after that, or in between those, you, you know, you toss in weird stuff, like UFOs and ancient archaeology and stuff like that, which always blows their mind. Yeah, and just for the new listeners, the people who might not be aware of you, can you just give a brief rundown of your background with the three letter agencies and how you got into this? Yeah, like, I'm an artist. I went to art school and I was, I wasn't so interested in psychic functioning at all, right? But I was, you know, a meditator, I meditated a lot, I lived at a Zen Center. And in 1995, when remote viewing was declassified by the CIA, I was like, what the heck is that? It's like psychic spies. Like, they use some form of technology, and I can learn that. Oh, I got to check that out. So I just started to research and figure it out. I mean, back then, it's like 1995 internet really wasn't a whole lot. But there were bits and pieces here and there that I cobbled together on how to remote view. And then I got formal training. So once I got formal training, I don't know what happened. It was like, I got pulled into a think tank because of the way that I remote viewed because I went to art school. And I was like, just describing how light falls on a surface. I mean, that's what you learn in art school. How do you describe that on pen and paper? You know, how light falls on a piece of paper light falls on a surface, put that on paper. And so that, for me, translated into what's known as a very physical remote viewer. In other words, I describe things in a very physical way and not a lot of people do, right? People go about their lives and they live through concepts and metaphors within the things around them. And that translates into their remote viewing sessions. So for me, it was just like being a very physical, physical remote viewer and that's a valuable thing. So I got pulled into a think tank and started working. It was a civilian think tank, and we were working with people in corporations, we had an investor who dumped a ton of money into us. And we had a team of remote viewers and we were working with like household names in the corporate side on technology, on entertainment, on stuff like that. And we would literally be these backdoor deals. We would be like, you know, get a call from the CEO of these companies, you know, and say, hey, buddy, come here, you know, with a backdoor open and say, can you do this and that for us? Can you figure this and that out? And so we did. So it was this thing that grew and then it grew into the intelligence world as well, where we have people in intelligence contact us. And ask us for things. They were just these one off things. And it was never ever like through the front door. It was always like these backdoor quiet deals where there was no paperwork, there was no like security clearances, there was nothing like that. So we do this stuff, you know, and it was usually weird stuff. I'll tell you, it's like most of the, I mean, they can figure stuff out, right? They could figure stuff out with their intelligence operatives, whatever, going out in the field. But when you get to the bizarre things, alien things, time related things, portal related things, they would ask us. And eventually what that led to was working on counter terror. I mean, that's like full on real world stuff. Right after 2001, when the twin towers fell, it was like probably a week or so after that happened. We were asked by the FBI to, well, actually, first we were asked to remote view underneath the towers after they collapsed to find out if that retaining wall underneath it was breached in the basement. Because if it was breached or if it was compromised in some way, then the Hudson River would have eventually flowed into lower Manhattan and completely destroyed it. So they wanted us to remote view that. So we looked at that and it was, it was fine. It was intact. We gave them all our data, told them we thought it looked good, no problems. And then probably about a week later, after all that heat subsided, they were able to get their engineers down there and confirm our information on it. And then they asked us if we wanted to hunt for bin Laden and like, yeah, no thanks. Don't want to do that. Well, it's interesting all the information about bin Laden that's coming out right now. If you're even keeping up with it. So the hunt form would have been kind of pointless because they kind of were had tabs on the whole time. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, he was an asset. He was their asset. Right. I mean. So, so, but see, but at that time, we weren't thinking in terms of conspiracy theories on that to that degree. Right. We were just thinking like, okay, backing up a little bit. We were constantly being harassed by an agency that I won't say its name in order to shut us down. So we were being harassed by them. We had death threats. They would follow us everywhere. So on the one side, we're being by, you know, like harassed by a criminal government agency. That's how I thought of it because, I mean, why would these people break into our homes and rearrange our furniture. I mean, they're pure criminals are trying to get us to stop doing something that has been declassified. Right. They didn't want us doing this. On the other side, we had people who were wanting to work with us in intelligence. And so we did. So there was this like constant pressure squeezing pressure on us. And then when 911 happened and the FBI brought us in, the only thing we'd think about was, well, maybe this is going to relieve that, you know, attack the attacks that we were getting from this other agency. And on top of that, we're thinking, you know, we were thinking it was a real attack, right, from, you know, that wasn't this engineered thing. So we just jumped right into it. And we said we would do we won't do bin Laden because we didn't want air and drop bombs to drop on people. You know, if if we gave information and they did something with it, and it killed people, then that's, that's on, that's on my head. So we instead said that we would do counter tear future counter tear. In other words, we would look at future terrorist attacks on us soil and see if we could, you know, give information that can potentially stop those, those attacks. You know, most of the people who work, the people that we worked with and the people that who work in that like on the, it's like just above ground level surface, not like, like agents on the ground but people just who are managing that. They're, they're patriots, you know, they're people who are interested and believe in the narratives that the government puts out. And that's, that's a lot of what we found so it's like on the one hand, we're seeing this corrupt government system with this agency attacking us. But on the other hand, we were involved with these people on the ground who were like, we're going to be attacked again at any moment fully convinced right. And so that was like our attitude like this, this patriotic kind of like, we got to help stop something like this because we don't want innocent civilians to die. You know, find out later, you know, you don't even need to remote view this, right, because all you've got to do is, is look at the open source information that's out there on the stuff, you don't need to remote view to tell you this is all messed up and wonky. And what we do is we look at the emotional state of each candidate at the moment that they realized whether they want or lost. And that usually tells us, I mean, you know, one's going to be happy, one's going to be sad. It's pretty basic. And so in past elections, what we've seen was that, you know, for instance between like gore and bush. It's pretty much like, you know, looking at gore, it was like, oh yeah, I lost, but it's not a big deal, right, that's the data that comes back, not a big deal, not too unhappy about it, knew pretty much that this is the way that it was supposed to go. When Bush is happy, he's fine, he's not super happy but it's just like, yeah, it's fine. It's so it's like, it's, it's very even on the emotional side with a little up and a little down, right. So we went back to 2016, and we remote viewed Donald Trump, you know, his emotional state. I mean, he was ecstatic. It was, it was excellent. He was thrilled almost unbelievable. He thought it was unbelievable. We look at Hillary Clinton, and she is raging, like raging angry, and the viewers would describe her as being behind bars and shaking the bars. I was looking at this data and going, look, you know, throughout all the elections, I've come to realize, even before that, that it's the system is gained 100% gain. And it doesn't matter who you vote for. So I was like, you know, I was just bitter about it in general, right. Then I see this data, like Trump and Hillary, I'm like, okay, something's going on here, because he's not part of that team, right. Yes, that's what the data told me. He is this wild card, this interloper that came out of left field and took it from them, 100% from them. So that is, that really perked me up. I'm like, man, something crazy is happening here. And I remember, you know, when the whole QAnon popped up, I was right there, right at the beginning, just watching this stuff unfold, right. And so we had to remote view that as well, because you can't not. And I won't go into specifics, but I mean, we saw that it is and was military operation, you know, 100% legit. What about this virus? I mean, have you looked into that as far as being man made? Yeah, we looked into that that. Okay, so the first question. Okay, let me explain how remote viewing works in case no, you know, few people out there. No, I think most people know these days, but the way we work is that remote viewers always work blind there. They don't know what they're going to remote view beforehand. So we basically just write down a question along with a random, like eight digit number. And then we only give the remote viewer that number, right. It's bound with intent to the question. And this was the, this is the military method of tasking remote viewers. So they get the number and they go through their method in order to get information. And so we'll use probably around five remote viewers per project per question. And then we'll take all that information is pages and pages of information and then we'll cross correlate it and pull out the corroborative points so that you've got a very good picture of what the potential is. So, that is basically in a nutshell how it works. So, with COVID. So the first question that we asked was, is this a lab iteration of a natural, or of a natural virus, right. Anything created in a lab is going to come from nature to begin with, right. So, you know, describe basically how this was created. So the viewers were describing a lab. They were describing a functioning lab, people in suits, glass test tubes, splicing DNA, working on, on that, on that level, in order to create something. So, I mean, it was 100% clear all the data was reflective that it was an iteration from the lab. So the next question after that became. So, is this released on purpose or by accident. The viewers talked about these people who were outside of the lab, but in control of the lab, who specifically released it on purpose. So they pushed it out into the population in order to have it spread, just not an accident, 100% not an accident. And then the next question was why, you know, why did they do this. And literally I think it comes down to one phrase in the remote viewing data that said one rule, one law. And that reflects back to the new world order. I mean, all of the language that we got surrounded the surprise was to drive people into fear and acceptance of a one world government. But the other side of this is that there was some data reflecting that it was it was too early, like people, people hadn't gotten to a point where they would accept that because this virus is not as damaging as they had hoped it would be, right. They may have accepted it if there were, you know, billions of people dying, millions to billions of people dying, right, right. Not not in this case. And, you know, the other side of this, though, because this is the other side. This is a bio weapon. This is not a good thing. Right. I mean, even though the, even though the conditions of it may be light, and it may be a little bit more difficult to get, then they said, then they've been suggesting. They still don't want it, right, because it has these long term effects. You want to make sure that you don't get it, but you know, masks aren't going to do anything. I think it was like 80% of people who were wearing masks. Yeah. So you want to not get it if you can, just because of the more long term ramifications, you know, you don't know what they've spliced in this thing since it came from a, you know, Chinese lab. We all know this thing's been made. We all know, at this point, even, even people who weren't aware that it was man made, are starting to question. It's right. And so obviously numbers, the CDC, every week or flip-flopping, they're changing the rules every week. They're just making it, they're spinning it to fit whatever they're trying to do that week. It's always different. Yeah, totally. I mean, this, like this whole thing takes me back to more work and counter terror, and one weird questionable thing that happens. So we were, we were doing, you know, future terrorist attacks on US soil. And then, if you remember, there was these anthrax attacks that started happening. So, so outside of us being asked to do this, we just jumped on it, because, you know, we're doing counter care. And so we figured we should do it. So we started to remote view where the anthrax came from, and who was involved in, you know, spreading it, right, they were sending it to senators and stuff like that. And we were getting like a lab in the United States that it came from and white military males that were in intelligence that were pushing this stuff out, right? And so we're like, wait, wait a second. You know, we're not getting, like, anything related to Middle Eastern terrorism or anything like that. This is literally some intelligence operation. And so we send this data to the FBI and they're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't look at it, don't look at it. All right. You know, Sure. Of course. It's crazy. So going back to, so during your time, you mentioned being asked to view things such as portals and and odd things like that. So what did you see when you did that, like, and the stuff about the secret space programs and all that stuff we hear about is that legitimate. Have you looked into stuff like that as well? Yeah, we were like, we were. So, there's one instance where we got a phone call from one of the people we worked with in an agency. And literally all he said was, um, some scientists have done something. Can you have a look at what they did and the ramifications of it? That's all he said. So he couldn't tell us what it was. He could only sort of point to it. It's not a big deal in reviewing because you just basically tasked on what the scientists did. And then you can know what it was. So what we saw when we, when we passed that was these, these scientists were trying to merge dimensions. Our dimension with another dimension. And when you look at all the technology out there, super colliders, even stuff that goes back to Montauk with radar, high powered radar. There's so many stories like the TV series Stranger Things is about the Montauk, the whole Montauk situation, which we had remote viewed that. And it did happen. It is true what happened there at Montauk. So we had seen that, that these scientists were so thrilled with the technology they had and what they could potentially do, that they decided they wanted to see if they can merge our dimension with another dimension. So they were able to do that. And because of that merge, some very strange effects occurred in our timeline, as well as some bizarre monsters. I mean, it sounds weird. It was what we saw in the data, right? Not at all. Monsters came through and have they have forever changed the fabric of our timeline of our reality of our universe by doing this. So, we gave him the data, you know, told him what it was, and he was just like, thanks yeah, we thought that happened. Did this happen to occur near Skinwalker Ranch? No, it didn't. We didn't look at the location on where it occurred. So one of the things that always happened to us was that if we looked at really weird stuff that maybe the government or intelligence or whatever was involved with, we wouldn't get in trouble. But if we looked at technology that was related to the weird stuff, then we would get warned, or locations. So those two things, if we brought those together, we would just, we would get warned. And since there were so many death threats on us, we just stayed away from that. Because that fits the description of what appears to be happening at Skinwalker Ranch, all these creatures and things moving in the dimensions and stuff. And that happened all over the place. Yeah. I suspect that what we were viewing was was Montauk. I suspect it. I don't know 100% for sure because never ever dug into that aspect just just because of the watchers over over me and over the team that I was working with. But like, like the secret space program. Has there any, or have you done off planet viewing and stuff? Oh yeah. I guess that's, that's like, I don't know, that seems to be like the staple for remote viewing, you know, almost like an aliens. Let's look at off planet stuff. Yeah, we looked at, for instance, you know, the Gary McKinnon. Yeah, yeah, the hacker who, man, he, he got into a NASA computer. Oh, first he was just, he was pissed off that pensioners were dying in Great Britain. And he was convinced that the military and governments had free energy. And so he literally went on a hacking spree in order to try to, you know, bring free energy out. And so this guy hacks, like, I don't know how hundreds of computers. I'm not sure. Military computers. And basically the way he did it was you just type in, probably just typing in my username and then my password, right? I mean, yeah, because nobody changed anything back then. So when he found access to that NASA computer is when he, you know, found that big cigar shaped ship, the picture of it. So we looked at that to see what it was. And that thing looks to be just a massive communications platform very it's a deep space type of ship that there were human type astronauts on this ship, as well as aliens. So there was a mix. And so the ship from our data appeared to be kind of a hand me down with with extremely high technology, but old technology for the group who gave it to the, I don't know, people here, the humans here. And they were using it in order to map space, different areas where they could mine. I mean, mining is really what it comes down to resources, find resources out in deep space, even travel there with this ship. So this, this, this ties into this is part of the secret space program. And, and that, that whole huge construct. So we'd also remote view stuff on the moon. And there are, I mean, there, we've got bases on the moon. That's part of the program because, you know, I mean, just at a very simple level, think about the cost effectiveness of having something orbit in space as a space station, versus just having a space station on the moon. I mean, it seems to make a lot more sense. And the moon is completely mindable. There's, there's tons of stuff on the moon that can be used to build things with. You know, in fact, that's a lot of what we see going on there, not just by, you know, humans, a secret space program, but by other beings, other aliens, they kind of like, like, created boundaries and borders on the moon. And everybody's got their own little, their little plot up there. That definitely we even saw, we saw, we saw spas on the moon, spas, sounds really nuts. It's just ridiculous. Yeah. Okay, so you get, you read the moon. And there's bases, have you gone like to Mars and other planets or. Yeah. Yeah. Like the Cydonia region of Mars. I mean, there's stuff all over Mars, but I think a lot of the focus is on Cydonia, as far as the public goes the face. Yeah, the face, which is the face, right. You've got some pyramid looking structures. Just these square things that look like they've collapsed. And, you know, so we've looked at that pretty extensively, that whole area, try to figure out what that was. And they're literally ancient structures, like we have here on earth, the same, same stuff. In fact, when the viewers go there, they see, like, what would it be, it would be like Aztec and Mayan low relief stuff, right, like, like on collapsed columns, and on the walls and pottery shards. And they see this stuff there, and sometimes they even describe, like, cancel total, like that, that being, that's a bird, the bird, the winged serpent deity of Mesoamerica. And so they describe that being. And so it's really fascinating. Yeah, the Cydonia region used to be this, this hub of their culture. And, like, people from all over Mars, at least with this civilization, I'm sure like the earth, there've been tons of past civilizations there as well, would make pilgrimage is to this location. It was like the cultural and governmental seat. And, you know, they'd go there and there was this one area where they would commit suicide. I mean, it's part of that whole cancel total thing, I think, to become part of the culture, part of the structures that were there, since that they felt that was the height of their civilization. So yeah, it's, it's, it's an, it's an incredible place Mars, but, you know, there's also. So when, when you're remote viewing stuff. There are other beings that have technology that can tell when you're remote viewing, right? In fact, I had done some experiments around remote viewing and, and, and very sensitive static devices, static electricity devices. And I had done these experiments and found that a very sensitive devices on the static side can pick up on a remote viewers field comes into an area. So, so take that. I mean, this is like reinventing the wheel. Take that and then apply it to technology when you have a ton of money and a ton of resources. So there are bases on the moon where if you go and you remote view them, these alarms go off. And you hear, you literally hear them when you're remote viewing. And, you know, you're basically pushed out chased out energetically. Yeah, I've, I've heard another remote viewer explain the same exact thing. And they said, as soon as you're caught, they know your location. Also. And, and they can, and some of these beings can actually come back and find you like a, let's just say a dark entity or something. So it's really important that if you get caught to put up some type of a protection immediately. So they're not infiltrating. Is that accurate? That's accurate. I mean, so, so these beings would be more like third to fourth dimensional crossover, you know, where technology looks like it's magic. And they, they're able to move through each so they have this broader awareness, this broader consciousness. And they can find you within 3D reality. Normal human technology that can detect a remote viewer likely can't find you because they don't have that fourth dimensional aspect developed well enough. And there's stories, there's, there are stories out there remote viewers who have been visited and warned after going into some of these locations. I mean, that's, I've been visited before, but not because of that. I try to stay away from that stuff as much as I can. So this is not just off plan. These are most of our government and military facilities have this technology that knows if somebody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, there's one remote viewer, Daz, Daz Smith. Great, great guy, great remote viewer out of England. He did some, he did a public thing on remote viewing area 51. And he was going down level by level of the base and describing everything until he got to a certain level. And all of a sudden, an alien came up and blocked him and didn't allow him to go any further. And that's what you find when you're remote viewing this stuff is that they have these things, not just, you know, beings will come and stop you from going any further, they'll, they'll bounce your consciousness out. You also have what we call viewer traps, or like mouse traps, where there's something dimensional spinning and shiny that you just get sucked in and attracted to while you're remote viewing this location. And you don't, you can't go anywhere else. You're just kind of stuck in this thing until you decide that it's over. It's done. We found that with, for instance, Mount zeal, Z-I-E-L in Australia. Same, same thing happens at multiple bases when you go and remote view and have these sort of purported underground bases. I mean, before I got involved, I've always, I've always been open to possibilities and thought that nothing is impossible. And so I had that attitude going into it. I had done a little bit of research around UFOs. I mean, when you talk about like doing research versus listening to somebody tell you what it is, it's a huge difference. Right. So I've always been a person who's like, I want to find out for myself. I don't want anybody to tell me what is and what isn't. So, so I think the depth of it, the depth of the weirdness and the depth of conspiracy in a sense wasn't shocking to me so much just because I did, I would always do my own research and pull pieces together, whether that's remote viewing or open source. And so, no, I don't think I was really shocked by it. I mean, but, you know, at the same time, things do get weirder and weirder the longer you're in this field, you know. I mean, I don't have the same viewpoint as people at all, most people at all, just because I've been doing this for so long. The universe is incredible and amazing. And we only see this weird tiny little sliver of it here on Earth, but learning remote viewing it, you get to know the back alleys of the multiverse. And so your whole experience of the world around you changes. Yeah, yeah, I know my mom just died earlier this year and it's not a big deal. Well, she talks, she'll talk, you know, she'll talk to me. Yeah, I talk to her more now than I did when she was alive. Yeah, that's what I say I lost my mom when I was 25 and I feel like I have a better relationship with her now than before. Yeah, totally. But it's because I'm open to this stuff also. But the stuff, the stories and the experiences I've had if I were to explain to people they wouldn't believe it anyway, and it's not. Yeah. Yeah, so it's just really interesting. So I want to jump back into something I wanted to ask you earlier about 17. Have you actually looked into that operation, and what have you seen if you have. I always try to limit it, especially like if if it's, if it's an operation that is on the good side. It's like, I mean, how much do you want to look into it and let people know, versus letting it play out, because it's it's an operation on the good side and obviously there's classified aspects that, you know, if known would compromise the operation. Exactly. Yeah. So I wouldn't, I wouldn't even go into that. Like, it is an operation. That's, that's really as far as we went. Yeah. Because I don't want that kind of information on my, you know, in remote viewing sessions hanging around, or even in that in my head. Well, that makes a lot of sense. I mean, you were targeted for so long. Is there any part of you that still thinks that you're being targeted when you do this, or do you think you're kind of clear. No, I mean, I'm still watched. Yeah. Yeah. I've had instances and run ins where it's, it's basically not a warning, but just to let me know. And what does that look like? Is it something like publicly, like people come and try and do something to you or it's, it, it follows along the path of like overt infiltration. Because because of my past and what I used to what I was doing back then what I used to do back then. Working in this think tank it, it, it, you really have to learn how to understand how they work. And so you watch those areas potential pathways that they work in. And, you know, they'll vary, but you keep your eye out, keep your eye open. And then when someone comes through one of those pathways, that's what you deal with. That's what you look at. That's what you try to close off. And it happens. It's like the pathways are open, typically, because I have to deal with public and people and stuff like that. But when that person comes in, it's always apparent. You know, I'll, the other side too is that this is remote viewing it's like for people who come, come and get close to me. I have to understand who they are. Right. And so we'll use remote viewing to understand that. So, you know, that's. So you go to. So you've removed your desk. No, I mean, it's, it's not like you have to use remote viewing remote viewing you know everybody's got their spidey senses. Yeah, just in general. And if those get ticked off, you know, then it's like, okay, we'll better look at this individual or people or, you know, someone that wants to work with me and my team, you know, for what reason what's their motivation. And it's just part of security. You know, I don't want it to be that way. I mean, I didn't, like, I, so I left remote viewing for a bit. Right. I, after we were basically shut down. We had the IRS come in and take our money. We had been harassed so hard by even a person in the state department. And we were like, just trying, they were just trying to shut us down when they went after our remote viewers in that, you know, in that company is when we had to shut things down. So we shut it all down. And then I just laid low. You know, I knew I still have to do remote viewing. So I was still running a team. But I wasn't doing anything publicly. And then I started to do media, stuff in the media. And it, but there was this gap. I, and in the gap, it was so refreshing, because I didn't have to, I didn't have to like be aware of who my new friends were, you know what I'm saying. It was like, no big deal, you know, go to a bar, have a beer, hang out with people. And then when I went back, like really deep into it, and going on the media side, you know, doing TV shows and stuff like that, is when it started to happen again. You know, and I was like, Oh, man, you know, like one instance a person was wanting to take a remote viewing class and it was a good friend of a friend. And that person, I knew that they were not who they said they were, because I, my spidey senses ticked off and so I viewed them. And, but I just went along with it played. Well, it turned out that while they were in my space, my computer got hacked. And then my phone camera, my phone was infiltrated and they were able to turn on my phone camera all the time, as well as the microphone. And so they had like gotten into all of my electronics by allowing me to bring them into my space, you know, and it was like, I mean, is that the way that you want to like, communicate with me? Why don't you just like sit down at a table and talk to me, opposed to think I'm like hiding something. It just never made any sense to me, because everything I do is like in the public. Yeah. Well, I mean, you don't like, you don't, you wouldn't even review somebody without their permission. Technically, it's like you wouldn't enter somebody's house without their permission. So, I mean, I have ethics around this. We have ethics and that's what I teach a remote view and you have to have ethics. Like, nothing is private. Your minds aren't private, but there's a semblance of privacy and a respect for privacy. And so we need to hold that. We need to keep to that. You know, this is part of the human growth, right? You know, you have to have that balance of power and responsibility. This is something anybody can do. Anybody can remove you. Everybody's got these sensibilities to them. But does that mean you should go and like invade other people's minds? No, back karma. So what is the farthest back in time you have removed something? So, you know, I don't know about date dinosaurs. I mean, we, you know, remote view dinosaurs before, but I think really what's interesting is, is remote viewing the past civilizations of earth. I think that that's incredibly fascinating because at this point, I'm fairly convinced that, you know, Darwin's theory of evolution, it's correct on a small scale within. So, I think, I think, I don't know what's going on, but I think on a, like, massive scale, massive cosmic time scale. I think we see something different. I think we see more of, well, it's like the, the ages, like the golden age, the silver age, the iron age, and the bronze in the bronze age. What I'm seeing with remote viewing data is that, is that we are going through these ages, right? And it's the same with the Hindus and they've got the Kali you go and the Satya you go and all that. And, and I think what, what we see with remote viewing in these ancient structures come from these earlier ages, especially when you get to the pyramid type structures where one of the ages, or if not all of the earlier ages use earth energies. They power their civilizations and communicate with each other. So, so that is really I think what I find the most fascinating thing and then in between these ages, there's usually a cataclysm that kind of nearly wipes the slate clean. And then humans do it all over again, except they've devolved and gotten less connected to divinity to divine, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, so, I mean, that to me is the most fascinating thing here. And right now, I know right now we're at the end of the iron age, the Kali you were right at the end of it. And it, you know, there's always doom and gloom and I never focus on doom and gloom. But we have been seeing some things that are doom and gloom. Sure. Well, I think that's just to be expected right now I don't think pretty much all of us at this point know it's going to get worse before it gets better. We're seeing it play out every day. We just have to expect more. But what's interesting about you looking at these past civilizations. So you talk about them using the earth energies to build stuff and communicate they had a much better understanding of what earth even was what what they were actually capable of what their true potential was. That's how they were able to achieve what they did. Oh yeah. And then that's why that's where we that's where we differ. And that's ultimately what's leading to our demise you know we're our technological advancement isn't matching our spiritual advancement and then that's where happens that's how the civilizations. All typically. Right. It just goes to show that these ancient people have a much better understanding of how things work. Oh yeah. Totally. I mean it's like the earth is is a giant battery giant battery and you can pull off of it. And I just don't. I just don't get why we haven't followed that because when you when we look at other planets. There's usually if if mammals have been there there's usually a pyramid. You know, I mean, it's just like the standard for for most species is to draw energy off the earth and that way it's so cheap. Right, you don't have to use all these resources from the planet. You just use the planet itself doesn't make any sense to me what we're doing here. No, no. Well obviously we know why though because they're trying to make it as far. You know these, this cabal has their entire purpose is to make it as far from natural as possible. So anything that organic and natural they're anti. So, right. Right. Yeah. So they all want us to eat natural veggie burgers now. Yeah. Right. Like beyond meat. Yeah. Yeah. Which kind of scares me. Yeah. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I used to be a vegetarian for a long time but when when the corporate media starts pushing like a food product. Yeah. Like across the board. That kind of starts to freak me out. You just don't know what's in it. For what reason. I just I just get very skeptical. Yeah. Yeah. Back to growing our own food and. Yeah. Raising our own food. Yeah. Yeah. Taking away from the system in general. Really is what we needed. We need to do. You know, we have think about it too. It's like what just nobody knows how to grow food anymore. Yeah. Like this is for farmers in the last hundred years or so. Well, I mean, what happens if food stops getting delivered to the stores. Exactly. Well, we already got a glimpse of that during this shutdown. Early on, how many people started to panic. Stores are getting empty on stuff. You know, we're not taught how to harvest mushrooms and what's poisonous and what's not harvest anything. Yeah. You know, we don't know how to go into the woods and survive. Some people do not everybody but we're not taught that. No, you have to teach that to yourself and how many people are doing that and why would you do that if everything's just given to you. Right. Mm hmm. And that's where they want us. You know, it's really interesting really quick about they're talking about the veggie burgers. In the past life regression, at the end, your higher self comes through and the practitioner actually had a question for my higher self. And they asked, they asked about veggie burgers and these meat alternatives. And the work came through me was, well, do you think your ancestors were eating veggie burgers and vegan brats, you know, and that's that's true. It's like, right. Yeah, that's just telling you right there. It's like, no, that's not where we need to go. That's totally unnatural. Right. But like, you know, you and I were talking though, you know, we're hanging out is that you're, you're, I mean, look at factory farming and you're talking about the proper way to harvest meat. That is not the way we do it. I mean, I think even at least being a hunter is one step closer, but that's not even the proper way either. There's like this, this reverence that you have to give and know that that being that you just took its life gave it to you and that's your responsibility. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That's how they kind of a lot of ancient cultures, even in Native Americans, they knew that animal was coming here as a sacrifice and in return upon death, they would transition. It's soul. They would cross over its soul and there was this exchange. There was this agreement. And obviously they blessed the food and they understand. And they understood the deal. They understood the sacrifice. We have totally lost sight of that. Right. And how many people are actually continuing to do that. And that's something that we try to explain to a vegan. They still just like rip out. Right. I was talking to a native native person. And they were telling me that even with the plants, you have to do a chant. You have to sing a song to the plants. Before you to pick them. You know, to respect them and show them who you are and what you're going to use them for. Because they're like, can you pick them? They're alive as well. They're alive as well. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, see, to me, this is like the, this is this is the transition point into another age. Right. We're going to go into, I think we go into the bronze age from here. Right. If you want to talk about ages. And I think like these things, we've lost our mental clarity, right, our divine clarity. And these are the kinds of things that we have to bring back into it. That that like connection with source energy connection with the divine, which you find in native cultures, just as far as how to live off the land. You know, it isn't about just like stealing, taking everything from the land, because it belongs to us. It's literally, humbly asking it. Yeah, I mean, even sustenance. Even as far as I know people who, if they want to build a house, they won't buy the lumber. They'll actually cut the tree down themselves. They'll ask permission to do the same thing we just talked about with the animal. And in return, they will plant another tree for every tree they cut down to build their home. This is the, these are the ways of life that they just lost. Yeah, yeah, that that show, you know, I put stuff on YouTube, write hemispheric, promote viewing, teach classes. I teach a lot of classes. Have a book out the time before the secret words. So yeah, yes, that's what I do. It's just this constant rolling of trying to push remote viewing out to the public as much as I can, because I think, I think that in the times that we're in, you know, a lot of people have no idea what is truth and what's untruth. And, you know, I mean, guys like you are doing it and putting it out there, right, which is excellent. And I think remote viewing is one of those tools that anybody can use to know what's true and not true. I mean, we're being gassed lit by government by media. And I think people just don't have the mental clarity anymore. Yeah, we need to get that back. Yeah. And, and just to add to what you're saying, I've taken a remote viewing workshop here locally, and I was totally shocked at the results. On the third day, especially, I was surprising myself. And I don't even know how it was really doing it, to be honest. And I'm kind of upset with myself that I didn't actually keep up with it, you know. I was really excited about it for a while, and I tried to do it, and then you know how life is, it kind of lifts away. But it is possible. I mean, I can only imagine if I were to keep going, you know. But you know, it's the thing, it's like, but you know now, like you, you know that that's a real ability in yourself. Yeah. You know, and, and I don't know if you'd be able to get it in the other way than going through that whole process. And you can always go back to it. It's not something that goes away. I mean, there is obviously this practicing that builds it up, but I'm, you know, it also breeds all this. This, it just breeds discernment within you in general. Right. So, and, and that gut that intuition that you formed right there and then is something that's carrying you through what you're doing right now. And I, and I just realized why I didn't continue to do it, because of something you said, the homework that they gave us was boring. Like, it really was, it was so dull. And it wasn't exciting that kind of lost interest. But I didn't think about it. Like, like you said, you have to make it exciting. Otherwise, what's the point? Right. Yeah, it's like, just asking people on buildings over and over again is not fun at all. Yeah, I know. That's why I mixed it up. Well, that is like the center cards and all that stuff like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's just ridiculousness. Since '38, we've been 1938 to be making clone people. There are eight countries making clones. We have to leave. Clone it, I don't want to say too much information. This is going to be brought to you. So, the stars that we see on TV are actually grown right here? That's correct. They're grown and developed here. Because I was raised in a cloning lab to be the perfect woman for Hugh M. Hefner. I have a clone. I was, I was going to say that there's two of you. Cats on the bag, okay? I think you have to. I think you like have to. They kill you if you try to walk away and they clone you. 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