Journey to Truth

EP 251 - Sylvie Sterling: The Lyran Connection - Co-creating The New Earth With Our Cosmic Family

Originally aired on 6/15/23
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SYLVIE STERLING is a cat whisperer, interspecies communicator, intuitive healer and ascension guide. As the author of "Your Cat is Your Guide", she talks about the highly spiritual nature of cats as starseeds and ascension helpers, and she empowers cat lovers around the world to live an awakened and purr-poseful life with their cats.
As a starseed, contactee and channeler, she is an emissary to the Lion Beings, the Galactic Federation and other feline star races, helping awakening souls to connect to their cosmic origins and their soul mission.
Sylvie's classes are infused with DNA activations and light language transmissions for awakening starseeds, and her teachings center around a peaceful and enlightened coexistence of spiritually evolved humans, cats and feline beings on the New Earth timeline.
 Cat Whisperer & Ascension Guide
Founder of Feline Soul Academy
“Your Cat is Your Guide”

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Click the link below in the description for a discount or go to hey guys welcome back to the show just a reminder this Sunday at 5 p.m. Central time we are doing our clone webinar it's an illusion movie magic isn't just for Hollywood we're talking about clones mask deep fake technology holograms we've spent hours researching this it's gonna be a lot of fun you can sign up for our patreon the link is below in the description it's only $5 a month it's not a monthly commitment so if you just want to come and join us just for this webinar feel free it's gonna be a lot fun we have we poured some time into this one and I'm excited to share what we found with you and yeah it's gonna be amazing you guys are gonna want to definitely check it out for sure yeah I I would be excited for it even if it was even if I'm excited for it so also we Aaron and I will be at the Sunfire Fest the Sunfire Festival in Aztec, New Mexico August 25th through to 28th with our experiences lounge so if you want to come hang out with us there you can grab a ticket below at the early bird tickets are only $144 for the whole weekend which is a great price it's gonna be a lot familiar faces there so if you feel compelled and you're in the area come hang out with us we'd love to meet you tonight we are joined by Sylvie Sterling so I met Sylvie at a metaphysical fair well a couple months ago maybe and I was just very synchronistic how I was led to her and she she advertises herself as a cat whisperer she had a booth I went and talked to her and nothing on your table said anything about ETs or lirens or anything but something told me to ask you is like well when you're channeling these cats does any information come through about lirens or feline beings and you were like yeah actually I channeled them and they've given me a whole bunch of information and that's actually how I discovered the lirens was through the cats so if I'm understanding this correctly you were unaware of the feline beings or the liren presence until you started working and communicating with people's pets the cats and you were introduced to that information in that way which is very unique which I love that story I had a session with you on the spot and you just recently moved to St. Louis which is from Germany which is awesome so we're just glad to have you here welcome to the show thanks for having me I'm very excited to be here we're excited to have you so I know I just briefly introduced you but do you want to allow our audience know kind of what led you to the cats and how you even discovered this information about the lirens and where that's taking you and what that journey has looked like so I'm gonna start in my childhood just because a lot of star seeds go through the same experience that I've been going through I grew up in the 70s and I always had the feeling I was not from here I felt I didn't feel fit in I felt I was different I felt I was different even from my family and I know a lot of people people can relate to that it's just something you don't talk about usually and at the time we had no internet so at the time I just didn't know why I didn't fitting and I kept looking up to the stars and I was very drawn to Star Trek and Star Wars that's all we had at the time I was just very much always drawn to the stars and I couldn't understand people very well and I was turned to the cats the cats and the dogs but mostly the cats were kind of there were my people and I felt that they got me they understood me so I always had this very very deep connection with the cats and then when he became well when it was time to choose a profession I went into a regular job into a desk job actually I worked for the movie industry so more you know more more about the science fiction and and all that stuff and I was drawn to that for a while and then in my 40s actually kind of late I have my spiritual awakening and that's when all the stuff that I do now came in so I decided I went to look for my purpose like a lot of people do it much earlier now at the time I was doing it my 40s I went to look for my purpose I said there's got to be something more to life than just you know just a regular whatever we're going through and it came in pretty quickly my purpose had to do with cats so that's when I and it started very innocently I basically my purpose I defined it as I want to make this a better world for cats so but it all came from here all my seeking for my purpose it kind of came from here it didn't come from my heart so I started out to become a cat psychologist and I did everything by the book I got all the certificates and I started to work with cats as a psychologist but it didn't click until I actually got that connection from my store family and from the cats before they started to talk to me and then I found energy healing so I said okay well I had that to my repertoire and I did work with cats and energy healing but it was just there was something missing and actually it came the big the big revelation a big aha moment came channel through a cat so I was visiting my sister-in-law in Miami and she's a very spiritual person so I was kind of basking her energies for a couple of days and she has a cat and then on the last day of my visit I was packing my bags her cat came and she sat on top of my bag and she looked at me and she looked at me and she looked at me and at first I said oh that's cool you know she's watching me pack but after a while I said she's trying to say something this cat has a message she gives me these stairs so I said okay fine I'm going to try and lean in I wasn't really good at animal communication at the time that was just getting started but I just sat down close my eyes and I just leaned into what this cat has to say and that's and I thought the cat was trying to say something but it just turned out she actually channeled a message from the lyrens the lion beings which I had never heard before and they introduced themselves as the lion beings and they said they were very powerful that had been watching over me my entire life they said I was one of them I was a lion being in a human body and that I had a mission here and then they basically gave me the missing link the assignment that I needed to fulfill my purpose or my right now purpose I believe our purposes are shifting but they kind of gave me the missing link and I would actually like to read that part because I wrote it down right afterwards and it became my purpose so they said tell people to not treat cats as babies or kids but as grown-ups and divine beings they said tell people about their purpose and that cats helped them find and follow their purpose and tell them that cats come into their lives in order to help them become their best self and they also said that cats have more that humans have more cat DNA than any other species and all that was really news to me okay okay let me write that down right and then they said they would be there for me they would be around for me I could channel them anytime and that they would help me basically from here on to continue on my path and then I came out of it I said oh my god what just happened the lion beings really I mean it was just and then I ran to the computer and I googled it and I said oh my god the lion beings are actually a thing I had never heard of them before and I googled they caught the lion people the lion beings and many people talk about them and I said oh my god I'm so glad I heard about it that way because if I had read about the lion beings I would have probably thought I'm making this up right that I have a connection with them but they came in and I was completely unaware and it just made it so much more powerful the message that I shared with me and then after that I kind of delved into animal communication and I start to speak to the cats and the cats exactly confirmed what they had said that yes we are here to help people with their purpose yes we are here we are these grand beings and we're just way under you know people just underestimate what we can do so everything they had said was true and the lion beings have been with me ever since and they're actually around me right now because they want me to share their messages so that's a long story that was my awakening I love that story it's beautiful and okay so you work with strictly cats do you work with other animals as well I also I have that connection with cats I mean I am cat through and through obviously now I know but I also work with dogs and with horses when people come to me with their dogs and horses I love them too but cats are mainly who I work with and I started to work with the people the cat guardians the you know they're humans because only working with the cats proved to be it's always the human that I have to work with so I work with cat and human nice that's beautiful and so I just wonder because I didn't know if any of the other animals have given similar messages of their galactic history like a dog or a horse being I don't know it's really interesting or is does the galactic information only come through the cats well to me a lot of the cat beings come through and there's a lot of them all shapes forms and sizes from different store systems there are horse beings out there they kind of look like centaurs and they come from someone from the boots system actually I always get a tourist and they are not octurians I know the octurians and then I know these horse beings but I also get a tourist from them so there are horse beings out there yes and they work with people too and there are people who are horse being store scenes and we don't hear about that much which doesn't surprise me I think you can pick an animal and you're gonna find an intelligent version of it somewhere out there or an insect so you said there is a bunch of different feline beans would you mind running through that list because we always just hear about the lirens you know I'm curious to see what other species there are out there so there are species that are more humanoid and there are species that are more animal shaped like the feline specifically there are the lion beings and there are if not the oldest race I don't like the term race but if not the one of the oldest races but there's also there's tiger beings there's cheater beings there is panther beings so any big cap that you know out there they actually exist in a humanoid form and I know they're being depicted usually when you see pictures on the internet they show them as they have a complete human body and then they got this feline head right and it's really not from how I see them it's really not all that human phase you know animal head and human body it's kind of somewhere in between so they have a humanoid body upright but they're faces that have these features so it's not like there's a lion head directly on a human body their face has lion features and I got the big mains and everything there are three lion beings out there they look like a rock humanoids with house cat features and then there's everything in between so I have seen feline beings they kind of look like a hobbits and I have to explain a little bit I'm doing my cats through my cats passed away the last two years and I'm still connected with them they still help me from the other side and one of my cats she showed me her real form is she looks like a kind of a feline hobbit if you know what I mean so it's kind of very short upright humanoid form very short with feline features so she's looks like a feline hobbit in her real form and she's from Sirius from the Sirius system and my other cat passed away he looks like in his true form he's also from Sirius he looks like a big house cat with a lion head so there's everything anything in between Wow I love that it just goes to show you how expansive everything is you know we're always so narrow-minded sometimes when it comes to thinking about the lirens or the reptilians or the Syrians like or the Arctarians like we imagine them one way actually if I might add that the everybody knows the movie Avatar right yeah these blue beings from Avatar they actually exist and there are a feline race I have seen them I have been to their planet it looks very much like the planet on them in the movie it's not as violent but I do believe that James Cameron actually he channeled that idea for that movie they gave him that idea so he would put it out there and open up humans to the fact that there are feline other beings out there they look different they're humanoid and they have a beautiful philosophy so they actually exist I actually have clients who are from there and they said oh my god they started to cheer up when I mentioned a movie so said the movie I was brings them to tears they are blue they don't look exactly like the ones in the movie I don't think they have a tail but anyway and they actually call themselves the Nari in the movie they call the Navi right and they kind of explained to me like the Nari where in our gut guttural are but they actually exist and I believe the movie was given to us to open us up I believe so and I was gonna ask you about that I know so many people including myself that resonate so deeply with that and it feels like a home planet like it feels like many of us are from a place like that and people really connect with that movie and I think you're absolutely right however James Cameron got that information whether it was channeled or he was handed in the script you know who knows but I definitely think that I definitely think that was the case there's no doubt in my mind actually have have they said any information about any of our genetics us having any like lyre and genetics like humanity or have they talked about that at all they said there's actually more feel and DNA in humans than any any other race and they said in the first channeling and they they said that again when I asked the other times actually just interestingly the cats on earth when I googled that actually did you know that cats on earth our house cats that they have nine they share 90 percent of our DNA with us they are our closest relation after the monkey I didn't know that either and I got that from the channel I googled it afterwards oh my god they are right so the monkey is our closest relative DNA wise they have 97 98 percent of our DNA and then comes the cat and they share 90 percent of our DNA and after that the dog has 82 and the cow is 80 and the mouse is 60 so actually on earth here the cats are our closest relatives but when he comes to I know you were asking about the star seed DNA absolutely they showed me that they are the ones or we were the ones that have actually seeded helped seed humans here on earth and they always say that there's more feline DNA from different places because there's feline's on from the lyre system there's feline's from the serious system there's feline's in the 80s there's feline's in other systems so we have different feline DNA in us absolutely and they might people said that we have more feline than anything else but maybe that's just so yeah that's very interesting and have they given you any information on their galactic history or our galactic history that you can share mm-hmm but it really seems to be true what people are saying or that's what I've changed I can only go from I usually tell you what I've channeled I'm being guided to different I'm asking to go somewhere astral travel there I've looked into past lives and I work a lot with people and when I go with people through their history the galactic history that's what I then share with others like people with you so I'm kind of like Dolores Cannon I channel things and I get things from you're probably familiar with what Dolores Cannon says about her work she says she's not making any of this up she's sharing what people share with her in sessions right and that's how I work I work with people and what I see there in these sessions I kind of share the parts that I can share with others so having said that um what was the question again I'm sorry the history yes the history so I have seen the same as you can read on the internet that there was this big iron war going on at the time that the reptilians came and they they wanted to take over the virus system I have seen parts of the battle I know I was there I have seen my home planet it's called Avion or something similar that language is different but I've seen my home planet Avion fall I've seen people getting through I've seen my family escape through a like a star gate they went through a portal right before the attacks so a lot of people fled through portals or on star ships and some people stayed behind and I remember in one of my past lives I stayed behind I fought we lost and then we kind of all fled in you know it stars ships and stuff and I know personally I went we went to the series system or the group I was with we went to the series system afterwards in stuff in ships actually so that part is what I have channeled myself it's part of what people say the great iron war and everything and my channel is also confirmed that the felines just went everywhere they went to the series system a lot of them some went to Orion some went to the Pleiades and to other star systems that is why the feline races are everywhere right now so they were all scattered after the war interesting yes interesting so man I have so many questions now whenever this information comes through the sessions how many of the people that you work with is it there's always the person who has a cat are they always a liren like is that why they were drawn to get a cat no they're not always lirens I work with a lot of people who are octurians actually octurians not so many they seem to be more far and few between I believe that people who are liren find me so a large part of the people I work with are lirens or Syrians or felines so I believe they do find me but I also work with people who are horse beings or swan beings or somehow the people seem to find me that have a connection with animals also in the you know in the humanoid form um a lot of people are pliadians but I also have a lot of people that are both or either or they have several star lineages right well I guess everybody has a cat sure I guess my question was that anyone who was drawn to buy a cat or adopt a cat if that means that they have some sort of feline heritage you know and you might not have the answer to that question or something I think about yeah I think they usually do I have spoken to feline star seeds that had no connection with cats I found that odd personally but yes a lot of people who are who have cats actually have a connection to the connection to the lirens or other feline star races so have you heard the theory or fact maybe that um the reptilians are the direct enemy of the lirens like they're like the number one enemy have you heard that before yeah sure sure I believe there's many different forms of reptilians and drag again out there they're very diversified yes they are I would say in this they always say this quadrant of the galaxy that we live in I think they're kind of everybody's enemy but yeah they are the ones that drove us out of course sure and they are the ones that have hold you know had a grip over this planet here for the longest so yeah that makes me wonder about the theory I shared with you before we went we started recording about people being allergic to cats and where does that allergy come from is that a natural allergy or is it given to us through injections and could that be part of the war right could they be making lirens star seeds or feline star seeds allergic to cats so they don't so they're not drawn to them to make that connection I just wonder it wouldn't surprise me that is such a great question I've actually never thought of that I never heard the theory but it does it does resonate with me I mean yeah they've been trying to keep us small and they've been trying to keep us from awakening and yes absolutely I mean I've I personally I'm I'm the I'm outing myself here on the show now I have a cat allergy I work with cats for a living I love cats more than anything else I am a cat through and through absolutely and despite all my I'm a healer - I do a lot of healing I have not gotten rid of all of my cat allergy I've I do know people have karma with cats from past lives and then they have an allergy but I love your theory I mean I'm going to exploit yeah it's just something I thought about one day I'm like hmm that makes sense or that would make sense my dad has like one of the worst cat allergies I've ever seen like it's insane actually it doesn't even it doesn't even make sense how someone can be that allergic and I just I just wonder what what does that come from like where does that come from where's that stem from so your dad is a lion being I can see him very clearly right now he's a very very strong lion being see there you go proves my theory go probably try to keep him small and try to connect because when we connect we create magic and they're trying to keep us from connecting that's the thing so if they try to keep you from connecting to your life your star seedness from your star family from your truth of who you are they keep you small right right yeah right it's the lockdowns that we went through for two years right yes I didn't work one of the major ones didn't work the lockdowns didn't work anyway right right right it had they said anything oh sorry go ahead have they said anything about the the end of the control system that we're coming up now like it that it's changing and how what is what have they said about that yeah that's usually I asked the galactic federation for that I have quite a good I do do make trips to the galactic federation and they have talked about timelines they're hesitant to share timelines because the humans are so hung up on time and for them our human time system is kind of it's different you know I mean that's what we make as time so they don't like to share timelines however what comes through consistently is that for the next two years until 23 24 we're going to see more of what's going on right now the structures you know all crumbling and things coming out into the open structures crumbling and the system crumbling they're kind of saying it will go on until 24 25 and as of 25 26 is when supposedly a sad timelines change but that's kind of the tentative timeline 25 26 the darker gender is supposed to be gone over they will all have been ushered out by then everything will have crumbled by them right now they're just they on the way out they are kind of firing you know burning the ground as they going out they're firing all shots they just firing everything they've got because they know they're on the way out so they're trying to take down as much as possible so by 26 we're supposed to be through with the dark agenda and then they're saying it's gonna be about until 2030 the transition period where we are going to establish new systems a new education system a new energy system a new medical system so they kind of giving you the timeline tentatively by 26 darker genders are gone and then until 2030 for the transition and after 2030 is basically what they showing us the new earth or the start of the new earth well that's amazing that would be incredible I I'm always hesitant when we're given like exact dates and stuff and I'm sure you are too because we've all experienced this like when the ETs tell us soon that could be like a hundred years for all we know you know this time is so different in their eyes but soon in the grand scale of things it's probably right around the corner I'm excited I think that stone nothing set in stone as far as future because it's all so based on the trajectory we're at now so that's constantly changing so you said the Galactic Federation that you you communicate with them too can you tell us how that came about because obviously it was the cats but now you're talking with the Federation what does that look like mm-hmm so I don't even remember the first time that they kind of beat me up I call it beaming out they call it something different but I like sometimes I'm kind of stuck on these terms I don't remember when the first time was that I wasn't one of their ships they kind of they bring you up holographically I call it beaming it up holographically and then I kind of wander through the ship and they have these meetings and they're bringing star seats up to regular meetings star seats are you know souls from obviously feline searing souls live in souls in a human body people like you and me and they're inviting us up into their ships and they're giving us information they're giving us upgrades they're giving us elevations activations tentative timelines sometimes and they're kind of educating us on what you know what we're supposed to do because they say we star seats are their eyes and ears on the ground with the ground troops basically because the Galactic Federation I you know I don't think I have to explain it to your to your listeners right the Galactic Federation they're well aware of it right so they do have something like the prime directive that's out of what it's called but they do have this directive up they can show themselves until we're ready to actually meet them and right now humanity is not ready right if they landed with the ship people would say shoot him up shoot him up alien invasion right so they can show themselves so they say we the star seats are their eyes and ears on the planet so they kind of giving us activations elevations glimpses into what we're supposed to share to open people up from within we're supposed to educate people to open them up to what's to come and that's why the bring is on to the ships for meetings council meetings activations and all these things now with the current times as the way they are is there an urgency with their message right now or is it what does that look like that's interesting you should ask that there was no urgency until two years ago it was kind of you know what is time exactly I'm on 100 years 10 years you know what is it in their eyes it soon is could be 10 years for them so there was no urgency lately I've kind of felt they stepped up their efforts to wake them up because they say it's time now we need to wake the star seats up because the star seats need to wake humanity up it's like a chain of lights you light one light and then the next light you know like like a chain of Christmas lights you like one light and next one comes on and next one comes on the next one comes on so they're actually kind of stepping up the urgency to wake up the star seats to who they are to their mission and to wake up all of humanity yeah and that would make a lot of sense because we see a lot of people being activated and remembering who they are and their federation ties and whatever else their alignment ties all the above a lot of people you said are being brought up to these ships or or attending these council meetings how many people would you say it's happening to there are unaware of it my guess is that about two-thirds of them don't know what's going on I do know there this is one meeting that happens every I don't want to put a timestamp on it because I don't think they have that timestamp I would say maybe every six weeks or so roughly sometimes more sometimes less I call it the grand council meeting or they call it something like the grand council meeting and it looks like the meeting room in Star Wars and in episode one that Senate meeting I don't know if you know that image the Senate meeting looks like a big beehive and there's hundreds of people in the room yeah and there's one person in the middle on that stage that's what the grand council meetings looked like we're kind of all in beehives but there's an actual stage in the front and they call many human store seats in there and I know because I have actually clients that have been there but they don't remember until I show them I asked for travel there with them and they said oh my god yeah I've seen that in dreams but I didn't know that was actually happening and then and now I have a couple of friends clients I know they're part of these meetings and then the next day I write them I said you know there was a meeting last night and they say oh my god that's why I slept so I couldn't sleep I was tossing and turning I kept waking up so they don't remember but they're being given their mission so maybe you can help me understand this in the audience whenever we are taken to one of these meetings this is just like you said it's like a holographic version of yourself or your astral body your physical body stays in bed the entire time yes what does that look like can you paint that picture for us it's really like going into meditation I typically I usually know when I go to bed I feel that pull from up I look out into into the stars and say oh my god I feel pulled up tonight so I know there's going to be a meeting I kind of know to listen to to the hints now so I go to bed I close my eyes and I say okay let's you know let's go and then it feels like I'm really being pulled up in my astral body or my consciousness gets pulled up my body stays behind and it's like being in a meditation so I kind of you see things in your meditation I I arrive up there I walk through the ship I see it kind of in I don't see clearly clearly but I do see what I see and then you basically walk around that they show me the grand council meeting they show me they have chambers of healing they have chambers of light that they can put you into they have smaller councils they have the security council that timeline council they have the liring council which I've been too many times they have something it's called for lack of a better English word the thing is they don't speak English we kind of they speak a universal language a telepathic language so something is being said and you just know what it was and you try to translate it into English now in my case so there's a council that's called council for the betterment of humanity for lack of a better word I've been called to that sometimes they have these different council meetings and they have star seats attend these meetings and sometimes they even take us to the bridge and they kind of say you kind of see earth underneath it's kind of just like the movies it's really interesting and then they show you the state of the earth and for a lot of times I saw that overlay where they said the 3d earth and the 5d earth are kind of overlaying each other right and they kind of show the two earth overlaying each other and I think we've moved past that because I can only now see the 5d version I don't really see the 3d version anymore so I think we passed that point of the bifurcation of the timelines that people talk about I think we passed that point but that's just my personal feeling Wow that's really interesting Abby Lynn she's somebody who just spoke at our conference and she got a message she's always in contact also and very recently she got a message that the new higher timeline is here to stay it like came and just parked and it's here to stay it's not exactly how she worded it but that way the line with what she says which I agree I think we're starting to see some sort of I mean like the merging of timelines things are just crazy right now I mean people are seeing things that shouldn't exist there's what I would call like these glitches in the matrix like our own reality seems to be like like like the hologram glitches you know it's like kind of phasing in and out between worlds right now and it's just amazing to me I really think that is probably what's going on I think we're at that precipice where it's time yeah absolutely and everything's coming to the surface right now that's been hidden and look at all the like it's like every week there's like a UFO story in the news or like we just had the Steven Greer thing happen and then we just had this David Grush whistleblower happen like and then you know it's like we're being bombarded now with all this you could call it disclosure even though it's very partial but it's still getting it in the mass consciousness of people the idea we're not alone here there's there's other beings here there's a lot more going on than you're you've been told you know and it's kind of I feel like it's prepping the masses in a way you know yeah they are stepping it up yep absolutely and the sightings are off the charts so that's also prepping people they're seeing your phone crashes and Vegas and there's beings there's no crashes and vegans right whenever you're up on at these meetings is it always about Earth are there are there other planets in a similar state that we are that are being discussed as well that's a very good question I remember them only sharing things for around Earth with us however I have heard several times that once we get it together basically once we go through our process and when we we are the peace treaty basically we humans are the peace treaty and when we get it together and we combine all of the star seeds traits that we have okay let me start a little before that we have been given DNA from different star families also from the reptilians as we know so from what I've heard I've also heard that from from other sources but I've channeled it myself that we were basically given all this DNA so we can bring peace to this part of the galaxy they call it this quadrant of the galaxy and when we get it together we humans when we combine all over all our you know all our DNA and we overcome our differences and we overcome our fears and we step into the the fifth dimension or into the higher the state of being we will bring peace to this entire quadrant of the galaxy so I think that's an indirect answer to your question there must be other planets where this is going on as well but we are kind of we are the main show right now and when we get it together other planets can follow right I agree with that I believe so I mean there's a hyper focus on Earth right now for some reason yeah I mean yeah we're the center of the action right now right seems like and they're kicking and screaming on their way out like you mentioned earlier and we're just witnessing we're witnessing that so the any ETs any of them that you've communicated with are any of them physically present somewhere on our planet right now that you know of that kind of show me a picture right now of Venusians being on the planet I usually don't talk to the ones that are physically on Earth the Lyron specifically now going back to the Lyron's they are of such a high frequency they could not be in this density here right now they literally could not land right now yet but they're saying soon but there's others I hear Venusians immersions may mainly right now because they're in a different you know the frequency is not as that much higher right really high frequency beings could not be on Earth or not for a long time right now and that would make sense I mean Tesla Nicole Tesla is allegedly from Venus according to the declassified FBI files and there's a number of the early sightings the early UFO sightings and people coming from Venus Venusians and they were they seem to be very present in like the 40s and 50s and 60s and I'm sure still today but maybe that's why maybe they're on a closer frequency and it makes perfect sense because I definitely agree with the third dimension being too dense for some of these higher density beings what about inside the planet in Earth has any information come through as far as civilizations that might reside there I've been there once or twice I've met somebody called I think the Agarthians or somebody like that I don't really focus too much on inner earth I don't think the felines focus too much on inner earth I don't think there's felines down there so maybe that's why I don't you know go there that much they have their purpose they are part of the awakening they kind of doing it from within but the lions don't seem to have that much to do with them right I'm just curious we hear a lot about them also not being able to come to the surface because below it's a higher frequency higher dimension I guess you could say another dimension and they can't really merge with us until things lighten up and it as above so below right if it only makes sense so whenever you you mentioned the healing chambers that you witnessed up on the with the Federation has any of that what does that look like and have they given you any information about how that's going to be implemented on earth it looks like a giant dome like a giant crystal giant crystal dome around you they are they're available right now so for any star seat who wants to travel up there basically we can so you are a star seat Tyler I definitely know you're you can travel up there anytime you can ask them in your meditation before you go to bed you can ask them to bring you up there to the actually I'm kind of getting that you've been there you just don't remember so they're available in the astral ram right now for us I do not have any information on physically when are they bringing them down physically I think it's when contact happens when when we are officially in contact with them which will be in our lifetime they say I mean I hope will be in our lifetime but I do not have the information when exactly they bring them down but they're available to anyone who is you know anyone who knows how to travel up there now when you get the when you look back down on earth and you see the 3d and the 5d now it's 5d I don't know how detailed that looks but are we talking like something completely different like crystal cities or things that have just always been there but now that are visible what does that actually look like it is more of an energy that surrounds earth I don't really I mean I've seen the crystal cities in the future yes what it will look like kind of like dome shaped cities dome shaped homes I have seen that too but that's probably 10 15 20 years out I don't like timelines but that's in the future I see it as an energy and it's really the 5th dimension is not a place it's just a different time of a different way of being it's it's basically it's in our heads the 5th dimension is not a different place we're going to it's already here it's how we how we live what we believe what we do how we put ourselves out in the world so it's not going to shift that much physically not yet but it's going to be a different state of being and that's what's happening the dimension it looks like a layer that's around earth like a light white light shear layer and it's really a frequency band that's available that's beautiful I love that description and that makes the most sense there's always been this question from a number of people like what does it look like or like are we going to even be well here maybe you might know this like the third dimension are they even going to be perceivable to us anymore how does that well is there going to be an actual split where not everyone shifts do you do you have any information on what that might look like but for a long time there were kind of talking about that bifurcation of timeline some people were going to the earth will actually go into two different dimensions personally I don't see that third I don't see that split anymore so either we're past it or either I'm past it and I don't see the other one anymore or it just has all shifted to be one collective shift now I believe that people will basically just with you know for lack of a better word kind of die off um or living in a different I think there's going to be a time maybe the next 10 years I'm not don't want to put our timelines again but where we will coexist on earth but the people who went to the higher timelines will just not kind of see that world anymore it's kind of like the world of the fairies or the gnomes or you know they're there but we can see them because we're in a different dimension right freaking the frequencies will be too far apart that right it's it's it's literally science it's like you can bet like all this up with science where like it's frequency and that's what the dimensions are so if you're on the if you're on you'll say the fifth dimension frequency and then there's people in the third we can't you can't perceive each other or at least the third can't perceive the fifth yeah um so it's just going to be a matter of like where you know you see it how you see the split happening where you'll a whole bunch of people are raising their consciousness and then a whole bunch of people are like getting deeper into the 3d um denser consciousness and fear based you could say so it's like that at some point that split has to be where we're just not going to interact or see each other perceive each other and why you're right i think you're 100 right when you say they have to die off or transition and i'm not saying that like like they just wait for like they need to die and get out of the way um but i think that's what's going to happen when they when their time is up and they transition they transition on to what another third density planet third-dimensional planet and then we have all of these new star seeds in these indigo children rainbow children these children come in they're coming in without the amnesia as not nearly as potent as it used to be they're remembering who they are they're already activated and it's just going to be a generational thing eventually the higher density beings are just going to start incarnating until the lower density beings you know they transition out so it's not just going to be overnight it is going to be a generational thing it's not going to be a flash and then we're all ascended yeah it's going to be a crowd i'm one of a gradual process yeah i i agree i agree i didn't mean to say that everybody needs to die i don't really see a big event happening either where it's going to be this big wipe out and only if you will survive i don't see that scenario i see a gradual process as you said a new generation comes in and the children that are coming in now they are born most of them are born without karma they've both they're born without all that emotional you know stuff that we brought through reincarnating here again and again we bring karma we bring these childhood wounds we bring these imprint the family stuff the lineage stuff and the new children some of the children i've worked with they are just bright lights as you said they come in there already they're already there i mean they do healings on the spot they're three years old and they do a healing i have clients so i've worked with children they um they do animal communication they do naturally they say oh yeah i talk to the butterfly i talk to so-and-so they have no karma they are just here to to to to yeah to bring in the new the new frequency is absolutely right i agree some you look at some of these children and they're already turned on you know and and i think with the collapse of everything right now it's a perfect timing there's a reason they're allowed to incarnate i believe because they're not going to get their light dimmed by the educational or schooling system anymore because that's already shifting before our eyes and there's so many different versions or modalities of teaching now that don't require you to sit in a classroom and you know stay the whole prison aspect of it i think dimension they're not going to get sucked into the matrix like so many people on the planet have been unfortunately so yeah people have pets the pets are star seeds also correct yes they are and so what does that look like and the pets are in our lives to help us remember who we are or what is is that what you're getting yeah they are either in our lives too so i feel i see typically star seeds have star seed pets the cats dogs horses they are usually star seeds as well they are in their lives in our lives to help us on a live journey to help us with our purpose right now they're helping us wake up in masses i mean the the the cats and the dogs they are usually just like you described to children they are on they know who they are they are bright light they come in they know who they are they know what the job is they know they are here to guide us they are no they know that or they are here to awaken us so i find a lot when a cat or dog is having showing alarming behavior when they're acting up when they're acting weird they are trying to wake their human up they're trying to wake their human up saying there is something that you're missing you know you're living your life in the matrix you're doing your you know groundhog day every day the same thing you need to wake up you're bigger than that so they will act up they will bite they will scratch they will you know do whatever they will when their horse throw you off they will do whatever it takes to wake you up and shake you out of your comfort zone and then these people start to research and say why is my cat acting up why is my dog acting up i don't understand and then they stumble across people like me i'm not the only person saying it they stumble across people like me who say there is a spiritual connection between you and your cat or your dog and there is animal communicators more and more and we start to talk to them and then the cat and dog will say my you typically they come to me my human is a store seat he needs to wake up his store family is talking to him he doesn't get it he needs to wake up and right now as you asked earlier is there an urgency right now there's so many people that come to me with cat problems and just common cat problems you know the cat bees on the carpet the cat scratches whatever people and then i find out they're trying to wake people up and they bring them to me or to other people like me and then they say yes to our families here talk to them you're here to do something you're here to you're here with a mission wake up human yeah and then when i tell them that um the urgency is there the cats the dogs have a very much of an urgency right now to wake people up that makes a lot of sense and they're probably like i don't like eating this food feed me this or do they tell you stuff like that too well i kind of focus on the sprit last back but yes they will tell you when the food is not um high quality or you know when they need a different food yeah they will tell you that too right i there was an animal communicator that just spoke in st louis recently and she she's not really tapping into the et aspect but she gets information like that like anything like the dog or the cat like hey listen like i hate being locked up in this room all day or change my food or something you know this is actually you start feeding me this this will help you don't have to take me to the vet that type of information and it's really awesome i think too because one of the things that she said was nutritional yeast you know that stuff is um you put that on your dog's food and it's a tea or flea and tick preventative i've i've been doing it since winter and this is the first year in years where my dogs haven't gotten the fleas and the ticks and it actually repels them so side note anyway anyone any pet owners know what's good for them right that kind of information comes through and i think it's incredible actually um because we've always looked at pets as a as a whole like i don't know that many a lot of people look at them as just a pet and not like a family member and that's shifting because they consider us their family it's kind of the cats always tell me that they are here to watch over us i mean people usually they have people have it backwards we think that we think we cat lovers or dog lovers we think that there's these small little pets and we have to take care of them and you know they're kind of in our hands and we have to take care of them but the cats actually see the other way around they're taking care of us they're watching over our physical well-being our emotional well-being mostly they keep us company they give us love they they hold energies around us a lot of cats and doctor energy workers they hold energies around us they're healers right there i i have people who are dealers sorry go ahead no i've heard many people say that they're they their cats or their dogs are are their protectors and healers and and cats are you know known to be um they can see and then in the higher dimension and and spirits and all that stuff that you see i'm looking at nothing you know but there's probably something there uh and they're protectors of the space of your house um and i mean maybe dogs can be too and and i've heard people say their cats or their dogs do energy work on them and heal them so that's definitely something i've heard a lot and they are these beautiful star seeds they're lyrens they're Syrians just like we are the cats or dogs horses even horses a lot of horses are octorians the the horse being or tourians that i talked about not the classic octorians that people talk about um a lot of cats are Syrians lyrens um pliadians and a lot of dogs are too yeah and i think the cats purring the purring that whatever frequency that is i think that is extremely healing i was and believes right after i actually met you and this cat this local cat that was at our resort was just hanging out with me the whole time and it loved me it was jumping on my lap and it wanted to come in like every time i'd open my room it would run in my room and it was with me the whole trip and one night it jumped up on my lap i was sitting in a chair and it put its head right into my chest and started purring so hard and i got this i felt i knew what it was doing it was like opening my heart it was like unlocking my heart and pulling those walls down and it was after that moment i started having one of the biggest heart openings and expansions i've ever had ever and it's opened me up and changed me in ways that i never would have imagined and i i the starting point was that cat and it there's no doubt in my mind that it was there helping me the cat was very powerful it gave you activations gave you star codes activations opened your heart to that cat was giving very very powerful um activation codes right it was it was uh it was a beautiful thing so you want to let our audience know a little bit about what you offer as far as your sessions and your DNA activations and healings and stuff go mm-hmm sure so i work on many levels i do um i i've limited my private sessions but i still do do private sessions because personally i love guiding people through these experiences so if you have a private session with me let's start with that i will guide you into whatever you want to know if you i mean i'll work with your cat or with your dog do a full session with communication session healing session what are the cat's messages with you but also especially enough for your audience a lot of your audience probably star seeds i can guide you into your star family where are you from what do you need to know what is your mission so we can dig really really deep in these private sessions that being said i have limited them because of just time constraints i also offer courses i will have a star seed activation call that anyone can join for a very very little money um in june uh you can access it and um yeah maybe start there you know be part of the activation call and we also go into recalling the laryn's we're calling the datacerians and we'll just um channel them and see what comes in and activate you to your star seedness and can you say that website one more time please yes okay perfect and we'll have that link below um you know it was really interesting when i had my session with you i that was such a random i obviously nothing's random but i when i saw your table just said the cat whisperer you know and little did i know i was going to be sitting down with you getting information about my laryn's self or my feline self and and that which was really interesting and i think that was that actually started and maybe maybe you open me up enough for that cat to come and believe anyway uh it was it was amazing all i'm trying to say is the session was amazing guys um if please reach out to her if you feel compelled and do the group call if you don't want to book book a personal session uh is there any other last words you'd like to leave us with before we start wrapping this up it's time to wake up they always tell me it's time for all star seeds to wake up so if if you feel that you are a star seed if you feel that you're not from here if you feel there's something bigger that you need to do here it's time to wake up and just lean in anyone can go into the meditation anyone can um just lean into it and just ask your star family to come in and ask for what are you here to do it's just so important that people realize how powerful they are who they are and what they're here to do but if you have any any interest in the star seed topic if you feel drawn to it if you feel drawn to the plaidians or laryn's or the avatar movie just know that you are a star seed and just wake up to it just lean in wake up and find out who you are beautiful well thank you so much for joining us today this was incredible I love everything that you're bringing to the table right now it's extremely important and all in due time and welcome to st. Louis glad to have you here so thank you guys for tuning in we hope you enjoyed this make sure you go check out her website don't forget our patreon webinar is coming up this sunday if you're interested in clones and the illusion we're going to break it down and show you proof that this stuff isn't a conspiracy theory and if you want to come hang out with us in august at the sunfire festival and has techno mexico august 25th to 28th that information is at the link below in the link below early bird tickets are still available so take advantage of that we love you all good night and have a great evening until next time [typing sounds] since 38 we've been 1938 of the making clone people there are eight countries making clones yeah clonator don't want to say too much information this is going to be brought to us on the internet so the stars that we see on tv are actually grown right here that's correct they're they're grown and developed here because i was raised in a cloning lab to be the perfect woman for human happiness i have a clone i was i was gonna say that there's two of you cats out of the bag okay i think you have to i think you like have to they kill you if you try to walk away and they clone you [Music]