Journey to Truth

EP 244 - Megan Rose: The Galactic Federation - Spiritual Evolution and Ascension

Originally aired on 4/20/23
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Megan Rose is a healer, spiritual awakener and author of the book Welcome to the Future. Originally from Northern Virginia, after graduating from college, Megan pursued a career in nursing. Although nursing was very rewarding, her passion for helping others continued to grow and define itself. Soon, she was giving spiritual guidance full time. Megan is deeply committed to working with, and healing, the inner child. In her book, Welcome to the Future, Megan details her childhood abductions by malevolent extra terrestrials. The book is dedicated to the children of planet Earth. Megan believes that having a divine connection is everyone’s birthright. Through this divine connection, humans can create a loving planet and a bright future. It is her intention, with her teachings, to assist others in returning to their true nature, the nature of the soul.

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hey guys welcome back to the show just a reminder tickets are still available for our conference May 22nd through to 25th in Grafton Illinois we would love to see you there it's going to be amazing it's right around the corner you can find all the information you need at there's four day passes one day passes live stream passes if you feel compelled to come hang out come hang out we're looking forward to meeting everyone there it's going to be amazing and the onsite lodging is sold out as many of you know but there is camping on site if you want to camp the weather should be beautiful there are air beam bees and hotels nearby so if if there's a will there's a way come out and we'd love to see there hope well farm CBD guys if you're looking to try a new CBD I highly recommend hope well farm on April 20th they will be doing a 420 sale 20% off all their products but until then you can get 10% off all their products with promo code journeytotruth10 I think if I'm wrong about that 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I mean a lot of our audience knows who you are already if you want to briefly run through how you got here you can you know your story if not we can just hit the ground running and just talk about some current stuff that's up to you but I'll turn it over to you let you introduce yourself and then we'll go from there well I have a youtube channel my name's Megan I talk about the galactic federation I will wrote a book welcome to the future and yeah so I sometimes give information on behalf of extraterrestrials and other times talk about spiritual topics and yeah let's kind of what I do perfect nice and short and sweet okay so let's talk about the the galactic federation of worlds I guess you would call them so there's so much controversy around this there's a lot of people out there trying to say that there is no galactic federation it's a reptilian psyap or it was created by Satanist or it's all virtual reality or deep state psyap right deep state psyap I personally don't agree with that obviously I think there are there is misinfo misinfo and disinfo and psyaps out there to steer people in the wrong direction and mislead them and people when people learn about that they throw the baby out with the bath water and like oh nope it's all fake there's no federation so maybe you can just give us our audience who might not know obviously most people do but a lot of people don't know who the federation is and what their mission is and why they're here helping us and how they're helping us and then we can get into some details after that well I think that that's like a good point there's been so much information or disinformation on what the federation actually is and there are so many different stories and some people call it the galactic federation of light which I won't say is wrong either it's just semantics different words we're using but some people view it as a spiritual organization like their spiritual beings or spirit guides that don't necessarily have bodies that are channeling and giving advice or spiritual advice and then there's some people that believe it's a military and so from my like with real extraterrestrials and real physical bodies and my experience is that they are real a real military with that our extraterrestrials in bodies that are spiritually evolved because they have spirits and everything but are living in physical reality so so that's kind of my my definition of it right so how are they helping us like what is that what is their mission like why are so many why is there such a controversy around the galactic federation well the galactic federation works with the same group of us military that created the letter 17 using timeline technology and they when our planet was infiltrated or tricked into signing agreements with the grays and the reptilians to infiltrate our government they came and evaluated and said we need to intervene here because if we get taken over by grays and reptilians then it's going to affect the rest of the galaxy and it's going to be bad for us they could create a military stronghold from the earth moon and Mars and really take try and take the galaxy over so the federation it's not really a rescue mission but they where a lesser evolved or our technology has been suppressed so we can't defend ourselves from a huge military force so they decided to say hey we're going to make alliances with the us navy to come in and clean up the undergrounds and kick these et's out and help them evolve give them technology so that they can defend defend themselves and so so yeah that's their involvement with planet earth so they're not really like spirit guides are here in the presence to give us spiritual information or be channeled as a spiritual entity but more as a military however you might be connected to someone who has a job in the military who's part of your star family and they'll kind of give you like advice on what to you know how to live your life or or whatever but but yeah yeah that's really interesting and so this is the next question where do they reside if they are here are they what did their ships look like can you give any details like that so they have a space station in the planets in the orbit of planet earth and they are made up of a bunch of different races so they'll be there's beings from serious a lot of the military is made up from or at least the pilots is made up from races from the Pleiades not all of them not every race from the Pleiades is good but some of them and so they come from their home planet and they're part of the federation and they reside at a space station in in the orbit of planet earth for their tour here or for their service here and there are ships it depends on the race um I can speak from Valnek's perspective Valnek has an influence to interface with his ship and it allows him to make really super quick lightning fast decisions of how to move the ship and if if he needs to use weapons and his ship is kind of shaped some of them are circular some of them are scout ships that are like circular shaped his is actually like have you ever seen a space force logo well of course you have it's it's shaped like that um it's shaped like that and a lot of a lot of the ships are that shape kind of pointed and then come out like that like like a V almost yeah like a V yeah and the star check the star trek logo the same thing they have a similar logo so it's consciously controlled basically like the these it's a higher density technology right yeah yeah and I guess so that would be do you have to be in like a specific type of chair for that to work um on a craft or is it you don't have to be but the the pilots chair in Valnek's ship it's like doesn't use seatbelts like you just sit in I don't know what kind of technology is it is but we don't have it here and you kind of just sit in there and then it's like molds around your body and kind of like locks you in but almost like you're floating on a cloud kind of like temper-pedic but way more comfortable like that it's like you're not even sitting so um so that's the the chair on his ship and it's higher density technology and that technology has been suppressed from us from the malevolent extraterrestrials because they don't want us to get strong and and defeat them and so the Federation started working with the US Navy to create ships to actually defend ourselves and help us that way but their ships can go from six density um and but usually they're in 5D but they can um they can shift into a higher density or shift into a lower density depending on how the situation what the situation is in war and and stuff like that so would they ever lower their density to come here and appear as a helicopter or something of that nature i don't think the ship can shift into a helicopter form but it can be cloaked they can shift down into this density and then cloak it but i don't think that they would really do that for that long of a period of time because it would be a safety issue or could be a safety issue um but that's my best guess yeah i'm just curious like we just did an episode about UFOs and Black helicopters and i'm just wondering like um you know is it always negative when you see if a Black helicopter or could it just be i think i think it's those are mostly negative right psychological reasons they do that yeah but right because why would the positive show up as a helicopter or or something you know it just to just to like cloak themselves i mean i don't but they could just go of normally it doesn't you know it doesn't let's you know right but unless they were trying to get your attention you know i don't know oh yeah it's anyone's guess um you never know right right so i take a cloaked ship over a Black helicopter any day right right um but maybe or or just uncloak as their normal if they're trying to get your attention so you right oh wow there's there technically in accordance with their laws they're not allowed to show us their technology because it's interfering with our perception of our reality it's too much um too much interference they're not allowed to reveal advanced technology to us so if someone for the federation is doing that they're breaking they're breaking the rules and yeah maybe the people's in the past but technically they're not allowed to do that yeah that's what i've heard people say that when you when the people that see a craft it's like they're kind of like going rogue and doing that against the laws so to speak like apparently the phoenix lights incident in 97 what supposedly i've heard people say that was like a group that went rogue and they were trying to they were tired of like like oh if if we just show you know up in a big way it'll wake people up and they'll know but of course that's not really what you know tens of thousands of people saw it and said hey that was something unexplainable or something like alien craft or something but then what did the the military and the media do oh that was just military flares nothing to see here move along and then still didn't really accomplish anything but apparently that was a group that went rogue against the the rules apparently yeah so technically technically that's a fireable offense not really you're not allowed to do that interesting yeah it doesn't mean it doesn't happen like like i said there's the envoy program starseed envoys so they have a body and a pod waiting on a home planet and they came here and chose a human incarnation and when they go back the spirit will go back to that body so they might have family members on planet earth and they might just want to break the rules no one will find out kind of thing unless you go on it and tell someone but yeah the envoy program is interesting to me because i've heard the concept it's been made i've been made aware of um the concept that some of these federation members when they incarnate here as starseeds to do you know job from the inside out they don't really they underestimate the potency of the amnesia and they don't actually they might not remember that they are a member of the federation even in that lifetime and then they'll get accidentally stuck in the reincarnation cycle here until they remember and it's not like this easy mission like oh they just come here with all this memory what would you say about that would you agree with that i think that definitely i think that some people remember because it's part of their life path or because they're deciding i want to have full memory i think some people are not meant to remember because it wouldn't serve them like where they're at like maybe you're a doctor i can give this an example because i was i was a nurse i couldn't go to work and be like hey you know the illness or the pandemic is bs because the aliens told me so right so you might be a doctor who gets inspired or who is being guided or who has memory of doing things or working on genetic programs on a different planet and you're going to have that knowledge and bring it here but you're not going to say i this is my memory from being on a different planet because it's not the normal people aren't going to accept you and it's not going to be in service to what you're doing so i don't think everyone is meant to remember everything also it's extremely people and i think we do this in the ufo community is kind of obsessed over et's but they're not really in this reality yet right so it's important to be grounded and i think it can be really kind of distracting too to what's actually in front of you but i would agree yes harder and i think everyone born it can say like life is a little bit harder than i thought it was going to be and the reptilian reincarnation matrix the federation got rid of that that was on the moon i know in the past there's the council of five or the Orion council that started tagging people like giving people etheric implants so that they wouldn't um they could be protected because i know the reptilians went all over the planet and put like um it's an implant that works kind of like a magnet so when the soul stepped out of the body it was sucked into it's like quantum resonance it works it's like tesla technology and get sucked into that matrix and then they could manipulate the the lives and the narratives on planet earth that way and one last thing before i stopped talking no keep going there's some people that would say well megan we live in a free will universe how is that free will on a really high level if you if your soul got sucked into that matrix or whatever happens you chose it on an extremely high level and we get confused about spirituality and extraterrestrials they are also living a physical reality and have and are separated from source too but what binds us all together is source consciousness and so everything truly is a choice you know all of it on some level we are higher self or a version of us have made that decision there's contracts you know that makes that's a good point yeah like for example i'll use valneck as an example who's in five d the reptilians are enemies of the federation or the draco reptilians are enemies and he recognizes them as an enemy because they are threat to the physical reality but on an extremely high level they're not a threat to his soul or to his spirituality or on any and on any level does that make sense yeah yeah it's like the 3d construct you know of everything's kind of black and white fight or flight you know so then it is a threat to this existence to the human and experience but beyond that like we're so much more right um okay so i want to talk about the implants but before that i want to go back to the 17 operation and how the federation and the navy um and this time travel technology quantum technology whatever is tied in with that a lot of people think the entire operation was aside and never happened blah blah you know all the theories i just think nobody actually knows people just want their theory to be right you know people want to play gotcha and feel like they're you know better than someone else whatever but what can you tell us about that operation and who's behind it as far as you know so you know the the bad et's infiltrated our government the federation approached the u.s navy and said hey we have this timeline technology where we can help help you plan military events and events with political leaders and war to help you win this extraterrestrial invasion in this war and so the u.s navy said yes we're going to go with you guys you're going to offer us advanced technology and we're basically going that's why it's called the plan to save the world and so it's a you the letter 17 is a u.s naval intelligence operation and um am i am i giving intel on behalf of the letter 17 no because i'm not in the u.s navy you can't run an intel op from the federation or from from anywhere unless you're part of a military unless you're a member of their military right so um but they approached them the u.s navy agreed and so it's the technology itself i don't know if i would call it time travel technology i would call it timeline technology where they're able to use math equations extraterrestrial math quant we call it quantum but i think it's because it's advanced and we can't understand how it works but um but they use math equations to predict certain events or predict the outcomes of certain events and and where to go and what to do and how to strategize um their military so i don't know if it's time travel technology but it can predict the future or predict certain outcomes and so what i know about that is that that's been successful and that's why they say nothing can stop what's coming the best is yet to come the war has the war has won before you know we know about it um because they have predicted and and been successful at getting us on to a certain timeline that leads to the liberation of humanity and that is also how they are so they know when we're going to have contacts with extraterrestrials they know when the big rollout of real disclosure is going to happen so they're never going to say the federation is never going to say oh we're coming or any extraterrestrial race is going to say hey we're coming to contact humanity in a month and then it never happens oops didn't work out no they're smarter than that you know but uh but yeah that's that's what it is and that was the basis of of my book is welcome to the future right so how would um like what do you what is your opinion on trump's involvement if there is he is involved in elan musk because there's a lot of theories out there that they're somehow involved in this operation as well maybe maybe not this is stuff that you know people flip out about when you make claims because you know uh where's the sauce but it's i don't it doesn't matter anymore let's talk about it you know yeah the the federation and the us navy approached trump to run for president and he agreed so they were he's working with them so trump isn't necessarily responsible for the operation he's just being agreeable with them and it's a military operation and the same goes for elan musk elan musk has companies that produce advanced technology and the federation under binding i'll emphasize this binding strict agreements elan musk is given uh plans to manufacture uh advanced extraterrestrial technology so he in in accordance with our military he has military contracts so uh so yeah they both they both work with the military so they're not should we idolize them you know no they're not saving the world individually they have a big um power source behind them and a lot of hints to this so that people aren't like you know meghan you're full of bs which that happens but elan regularly tweets letter 17 comes like a lot of people aren't familiar with the letter 17 and the sayings and and stuff but he he regularly tweets uh letter 17 comes which is the us navy interesting yeah and he does i've noticed a lot of his uh tweets or coms or cryptic or even blatantly like in your face and he's like i don't know how many times he's told people that he's an alien i don't think he's lying about that i think i think he's from venus personally but i can't prove that um i also think gary mckinnon the guy who hacked uh the nasa servant 2002 i think he's been venus as well and obviously we know nicola tesla was so venus seems to be involved a lot as well uh do you have any insight on that i know that the federation has outposts in venus and it's possible that there's envoy programs that are located on venus like beings actually it is not i know it's possible or i know this exists that there's um sections of extraterrestrials from venus that have incarnated here and they're part of the envoy program and and so but um yeah no that was my thought so what are your thoughts on elan musk do you think that he is an et like like genetically like has the dna obviously i think it's possible i don't know for sure but i think it's possible i think it's highly you know the thing with um hybrid dna too um they change the way we all have the reptilian brain and some of the hybrids their reptilian brain they're less likely to get stuck in the reptilian brain because they have different genetics that allow them to use larger parts of the brain so they can it's easier sometimes to think from a higher consciousness perspective and i'm not saying that's the case with elan musk um but it's it's it's possible yeah that he has extraterrestrial dna yeah or he at least wants to be one i guess well i mean he said it so much that i just you know acams razor i just what if he is just straight up telling you this is like anything you can show somebody a photo of an et and they're just going like oh that's fake but like they're like no i'm telling you this is a real alien you know but no one's going to believe it because of our programming um right you know and they're like oh you know the truth doesn't appear that way i'm like actually that's exactly what it would look like a photograph of an alien is not going to look any different than a photograph of an alien or a human i mean an animal or a human or anything else it's going to be a clear photo you know people think it's supposed to be some blurry thing you know that leaks through some crack somewhere yeah right mm-hmm yeah well there's lots of stuff so what'd you say erin it's like too good to be true when people see certain it's like oh that has to be fake because it's too good to be true right exactly so like you could like they could be walking you could see it with your own eyes and they'd be like oh it's a hologram or you know yeah right or whatever they don't make up something because they can't they they don't want to believe it because of reasons and programming i was gonna say this to you asked why people don't believe in the letter 17 or why it's it's bs but it's because that was also infiltrated so that so if the letter 17 is the us navy in the galactic federation of worlds who is the opposite of that who needs to infiltrate that and it's the three letter agencies so they'll start so when that came online they started like for example soap opera drama that's a sign that it's a psychological operation or an infiltration like diana is really princess diana is really married to donald trump and she's at the white house and she's still alive that kind of stuff is meant to discredit the actual intel in the intel drops that doesn't have anything to do it actually doesn't have anything to do with the letter 17 or the navy at all when you really think about it and i think also too in the truth or movement so many people try to decode the posts and they're trying and maybe the decodes weren't accurate but that doesn't mean that the intel wasn't accurate it just means that we misinterpret it does that make sense yeah that's people interpreting and talking about the thing it's not the thing itself and i noticed exact i noticed that heavily with with the 17 with the 17 posts and movement is that you got you got the thing itself and anyone can go and read the the drops in the posts and see and it's like it's amazing when you just read it for what it is yeah but then but then you've got all these people making predictions and interpreting it in certain ways and and then everyone so many people only see that and then they judge based on that and they go oh look it's all bs yeah i'm like well did you did you actually read the post no right and okay so you're judging it you didn't even read the thing itself you're just making judgments on what you're seeing with the community we'll talk and a lot of the influencers who have made built their platform and their identity surrounding that operation most of those influencers like some of them actually i know for a fact never even read the drops it's like they just jumped on the bandwagon and then this is where this is where it gets and i think that's probably by design but you know it's interesting um a few years back i think i forgot what channeled message i listened to it talked about um the operation was infiltrated but they actually allowed it to happen so they can like keep your enemies closer and they were keeping tabs on them whatever they knew who the infiltrators were but after that you know you you couldn't some of the post and some of the people who were being like tagged in queue drops and all this like cheerleader campaign type of stuff was actually the infiltrators and then darryl james when he was told about the operation in 2005 way before it ever even happened he was even told it will be infiltrated and when they come back it won't be them and right so it's really interesting like whether or not that's true or not it's just something to consider and think about um yeah right but uh what are your thoughts on spacex will they be involved in the rollout of like this new tech that we're going to see since Elon Musk is behind that yeah yeah spacex that's where Elon Musk is getting a lot of his well hit the advanced technology from the federation so spacex is helping to manufacture the star fleet the um a bunch of spaceships to help us defend our planet and actually i posted this video not too long ago um commercial flights so if people want to work on mars or people want to work on the moon then they have transportation from earth to um to the moon or earth to mars and people might think that that's weird because when i first heard that i was like that's so weird you're trying to take me off my planet and you're evil but um but think about it when you live on a different planet it's not it's not too strange to say hey i work at this outpost in the neighboring planet i work you know over here i just i work off planet and i come back and i come you know i come back and forth like that's not that's not that strange and so we can outsource we can create a lot of jobs because um when we do that too so it's good for the economy as well and the argument will be why don't they just use a jump room or a portal but from you know just from what i've gathered from interviewing whistleblowers and people who've been through those portals they aren't actually good for your body biologically they eventually affect you it's not secure first of all so are we going to give everyone access to open the portal so are they going to give us the code to open the portal to go through these facilities every single if you have 500 people working at a facility on mars are we going to give them all the code to this portal so that they can move back and forth it's it's not secure it's better to have a like an airline pilot where they can track and secure that information to transport people back and forth and yeah i don't think it's good for your body to go back and forth through through portals either so exactly so you mentioned in one of your videos space x will be the space version of panam yeah yeah that was my friend um val neck who works for the federation that was his joke but i suppose you know yes it will it's a good analogy where um and i posted i forget the actual definition of panam but apparently it was like the biggest airline and it flew a bunch of international flights and so space x will be the space version of that mmm interesting yeah and uh we had mary beaver on the show and she was like you know there's space ports everywhere and they're actually on google maps you just type in space ports on google maps and i was blown away some of them even say galactic space ports but there the pin drop will be like in the middle of a mountain range or the middle of a desert some of them are at are at actual some of them are at little miniature airports some of them are at major airports and you just have to ask yourself like what's going on here like it was i forgot which one was just galactic space port like right on google maps and i feel like the infrastructures they're already and when they finally decide to like flip the switch and roll this stuff out they can just slowly be integrated you know into our awareness speaking of that i wanted to ask you what do you what are your thoughts or what what have you gotten for how it's going to look like with the um the rollout of this new technology or craft or free energy or any of that like have they told you or do you know or what is your thoughts on like how that's going to look with like the rollout of all that i don't know the exact plans i think that the navy is in charge of how that's going to look and i think um i think we have to make sure that we kick out the cabal or you know make sure that works out for us yeah that's that's step one um which is going which is still a process of happening so yeah process of happening can't really do anything yet right i haven't really thought about it that much i can say this i think it will be done in a in official way so that we don't all have to argue about it you know and that will will really help and i know this has to happen so our technology has to be more advanced and then the et's will see us as an equal society and so then they can contact us because we won't be dependent on them for their advanced technology or see them as like oh you're so quiet in a ship we'll have the ships too and it will be seen more as equals um so that's one of the federation laws is that there our technology has to be um comparable to theirs and so that's part of that's part of the letter 17 in the federation's um agreements is that we're going to help you graduate as a planet by giving you the technology and then you can um have a multi-planetary society interesting and that makes a lot of sense and that makes a lot of sense it's going to be a so so why would the why would the kabal or why would these evil people want to suppress the information about this advanced technology being produced because it keeps us small it can i don't think it can mess up the timeline at this point but it can distract us from liberating ourselves from the kabal so that we can continue forward on that path does that make sense yeah it's it's been it's solely in place to slow us down and distract us and you know any you know some people do fall for it take the bait and they'll you know sign up for the programming and the matrix but uh that's the game you know that's why you have to know yourself um but i want to talk about the implants and neurolink uh you did a video on this recently i thought it was excellent um there's a lot of misunderstandings uh myth and misinformation about these implants some people think everything is negative every single one of them no matter what it's negative we don't need them maybe that's true but i think it could be used for good as well can you elaborate on that well one point is if we're going to be a multi-planetary society are we going to be traveling space using cell phones you know like where's the wi-fi and that and carrying like our little like 3d box phones so that might be i'm inferring but that might be where neural link comes into play like if you need to go if you have a job on Mars doing whatever you're doing and you live on earth are you going to take your cell phone the contact to your family you know that kind of thing so implants can be used for communication and i i've wrote i've talked about this on my channel and i wrote about it in my book how i have an implant from the federation to communicate with val neck and a lot of on boys were given at least that are my age i'll say from maybe the 70s onward because this has been an experiment so the federation is always improving right um the the on boy program is older than that i think it started in the 50s but the 70s onward are the mind's control technology on our planet trying to influence the brainwaves trying to get our minds to think in a certain way was affecting how the on voice brains were developing and it made it harder for them to remember not necessarily remember who they are on a different planet but make the spiritual connection and so they have put implants in on voice to just give a um a little signal that's of a higher frequency sort of when you hear your ears ringing the brainwaves can attune to that or they'll try to attune to that if it's in if it's in the brain right so it was those were placed in forms of protection and mind has the capability of communication and you can't see it on an x-ray or anything like that i mean imagine if the secret space programs in the federations were putting implants in everyone that would show up on you know an MRI or something people would be so freaked out right but but also because it would damage the brain because you'd have to do basically brain surgery in a 3d type way these are higher densities so it's kind of if you imagine like a frequency that holds a shape and then it goes in between the matter of the brain and it like clicks and links in and it's kind of like um the the bad ETs cannot remove it because it's kind of um encoded if that makes sense it's like uh i i don't know the right word for it but it's a frequency that's encoded and so um and they can't they can't remove it so it's used for hack it or hack it and or if they try to target you the federation will find out right away but they put implants in their pilots to drive the ship and to merge with with their consciousness if you're not a pilot and you work for the federation you do have one for communication so that you can communicate with your co-workers or your family or whoever you choose to so so they do use them and they're not it's just technology so it's not bad or it's not negative it's just that's just how they do things but it's a tool so it's kind of like having a gun like do guns kill people or do people kill people you know so it can be used for good things yeah go ahead i'm just saying i mean negative groups can take advantage of that technology if they have access to that particular version or whatever it is i don't know but i think i mean i literally witnessed this i you can feel when some people are just tapped into something negative and you know the they're poor soul like they might not even understand that they're not truly in communication with an organic being they might be talking to the a three-letter agency or whatever the case may be and you can tell just by the fruits of their labor and some of the information it just doesn't resonate you know so that's where like the implants get really controversial right because the three letter agencies like the cia have partnered with the reptilians and the grays to put implants in people to be used as disinfo agents or just mind controlled slaves for whatever reason but they'll put them in the brain it's a different part of the brain than the federation uses the federation implants it's put in a conscious part of the brain where you can consciously um communicate using telepathy so you're consciously opening a channel closing the channel kind of like you would you know answer the phone close the phone it's a conscious thing the cia implants or gright implants or beings that work with the three letter agencies they're put in the subconscious part of the brain they don't want you to know you have an implant and they give you a program so this is your reality this is who are this is your perception and it's in the subconscious and we all know that our subconscious really creates our reality or really has a strong influence on our reality so if they can control the subconscious then they can control you and um and so so yeah and the unfortunately where those implants are placed and how they place them they cannot be removed by the federation or they can't be removed by benevolent secret space programs you can only you know overhaul or overthrow those agencies because they place them the subconscious part of the brain uh where they place them they can't be removed without removing like chunks of brain tissue it's it's not safe to do they would have to kill you so uh and and the malevolent ETs you know they don't make implants and say hey you know one day maybe you won't need this you know right here is you they own you you are a slave we're gonna put this in you it's gonna be in there for the rest of your life and you know whether you you know if you die you die but we're gonna own you until then the federation they can remove their implants themselves if you don't need it or if you decide you don't want it thank you for clarifying that i think it's very confusing for people out there and there's a lot of like i said earlier just misinfo and whatever maybe just not even misinfo but just a misunderstanding of what's happening well well there's buzzwords that people get triggered and there is a transhumanist agenda going on that the cabal in the dark is trying to implement so a lot of people just hear implant and all they think of is that and they're like no that's all bad that's stay away from that but they both you should be cautious about any any implants if someone's coming to you say hey i want to get this implant you know yeah absolutely you should not be like yeah let's do it you know but there are like you sit like in your experience there are benevolent races that have this higher version of that technology that is that's protected from being hacked that is actually used for good doesn't infringe on your fee well it's not trying to control you or manipulate you um that does exist but unfortunately because of the control system and the agendas that's a big thing going on right now as well so we're not trying to say it's all bad or it's all good it's it's more complex than that right i mean it's weird the and the transhumanist agenda they've already been but they've already been using implants in people like this has been going on for so long a long time yeah they even really need implants to control people they they control us by all of the indoctrinations all of the programs the mainstream news they just they just put implants in big political figures or big players to help control people i mean have you ever seen someone lie so well like joe biden saying that this is the best economy there's ever been like he genuinely believes that like i don't think he thinks he's trying to deceive right i really believe that he believes that and you know you mean you mean it believes that or whoever whoever's playing joe biden right at the time well that's another thing like right right they put implants in clones because they don't the clone can't live 40 years and experience the same reality that the person that's being cloned has right so they have to download the a program on a chip and put it in the clones brain so that they remember you know oh i'm from the united states oh i was a u.s senator for 40 years i made these deals so they have some sort of perspective of who who they are you know and it's avatar remember how they put the chip and the military guy forgot his name but he was a clone and they put his consciousness on a chip on a chip and yeah that's how they did exactly and there's tons of disclosure in them you're talking about the second one when they they kind of disclose that you know they take his consciousness and they put it in the avatar body but he still has all the memories of his human body right that's exactly how it works yeah and that's exactly entirely possible it's not a theory i don't in my opinion so where the space force come into play with all this or you know this is something when trump rolled it out the media went crazy they the netflix immediately put out a show to make it a laughing stock you know they want a ridicule space force for some reason what are your thoughts on that well i think that there's i think space force was kind of going on before trump but he really just disclosed it or gave the name space force i don't know too much about the details i know they work closely with the u.s. navy's secret spoke space program and they're kind of the public um like more public than the navy but i know that it's similar like they have access to bases on the moon they're monitoring our satellites they're also given the technology from the federation so that those satellites are not hackable or not easily hacked and given um like stuff to defend the planet or technology and ships to defend the planet um so i don't i don't know a whole lot about specifically like what space force is is doing exactly but i know that they are they're involved with the whole operations and i know too um vaunette told me the other day when we travel to different planets or take me to take bunch of people and space sets is um taking people to mars or to the moon or to wherever that space force is going to be involved like they're like the airline pilot so to speak um so it might be similar yeah something like that so my theory is just a theory i have no way of proving this but i've wondered or thought that navy space force was solar warden rebranded if if you know about solar warden i mean they were like obviously then it's in the name they were here protecting our airspace so i wonder if it was if it just kind of got rolled over into a space force or it's something completely separate i don't know no i agree with you solar warden is like the public version of um or space force is the public version of solar warden yeah because i do know space force is in charge of like they're like the police force around our planet right the warrior yeah yeah and then radiant guardian is just another thing associated with that or because they're solar solar warden and there's radiant guardian which is i forget what the difference is but they're radiant guard it's i thought it was just called guardian but i want to make sure we're talking about the same i hear radiant guardian yeah i've heard radiant guardian too there's i think that there's a specialized um there's like a specialized force you know they're training um this will take a while vanna has told me this it will take a long time to train these pilots to be um he calls them the best of the best but advanced like super advanced kind of like they're training them like they would be federation pilots and so these got they're really um and they may use implants because that's how they interface with the ships and to do that it takes a lot of mental stamina so your mind has to be really clear you're subconscious you can't be super traumatized with all these like mk ultra altars or um even stuff that you would go through being on planet earth so they use um he's told me this they're they're using um like tesla technology where they blast high frequencies while these pilots are learning and it helps undo the mental trauma so that their minds are more clear and then they can create different neural links and so to drive a ship the way the federation does it it takes a lot of mental stamina and it takes spiritual evolution and that might be what's the guardian version of space force is is the more advanced space fleet um that are trained as fighter pilots yeah interesting um so i want to talk about the technology just a little bit you mentioned in one of your videos uh the i guess a federation craft i don't know has no windows but it's transparent from the inside you can see out but from the outside you can't see in now i've heard i figured which whistleblower i'm terrible with that talk about this before um that yes there is a like a you can just flip a switch and all of a sudden you see right through the walls and and there is actual technology out there uh thought in like popular science where they have all these little cameras and like the roof of like a you know a stereotype or stereotype prototype aircraft where it's all these little cameras actually create an image of outside so it's actually not becoming transparent but they can flip a switch and it looks it seems as if it's transparent based on all these like hundreds of little cameras i think that's like an early model of that technology but maybe you can elaborate on that or maybe i explained it well enough already i don't know yeah i don't know so like you can't have a spaceship that has windows like that would be horrible like it's just it doesn't compute with shifting densities and stuff like that like you just like glass is not going to work right but um so this is like any spaceship that they have um the station at the federation it looks like windows but they're not really windows and the windows are actually the windows are from like your in some places are from like your feet all the way to the ceiling and the whole thing looks like a window which can kind of like be scary like it looks like you're gonna fall out of the place but um it's i don't know exactly how the technology works but it's not really a window it's sort of like a magnetic technology where it flips flips what's on the outside to the inside if that makes sense so it could be cameras but i don't know if it's exactly if it's exactly cameras right but it's interesting um these popular mechanics and popular science magazines they show us all this tech but it never goes past the magazine if if you notice like i think these they kind of use those to disclose and tell us what they're doing but you'll you'll see this amazing stuff they're like wow this is going to change the world but then the next stage is buried it stays buried in that magazine you never see it integrated into their comfort yeah never comes out but they're telling you it's a good place to monitor that type of stuff and just see what what we're doing what we're capable of the uh man what was going to say something about the transparency of the windows or the oh that's what it was so i heard that there's also like a transparent metal or an aluminum out there now that we that we've actually achieved so if you know we're a surface level like discovering that aluminum can be transparent now maybe that's what they're using as well some sort of material that's just transparent it's not glass there to build these kinds of ships like the ones that we'll use oh and the federation ones but bionic has told me um that there's different elements that we don't have on earth and they go and get those materials from places like Venus or Mars or the federation can help us exchange throughout the galaxy to get those materials that's part of the other problem why they've been able to keep us small and keep our technology um crappy is because to make those kinds of ships you need agreements with different beings in different parts of the galaxy it's like a barter system so i know the federation uh like assists with that but it does he did he did say um and tell me one time that they need different elements um to build that kind of stuff now uh in your latest video or one of your latest videos you were talking about space arcs but not actually space arcs was that what we were talking about earlier those craft that they're going to take people to and from the moon and Mars the big the big airliners yes that is val next take on what the space arcs might be like he knows that you know there's plans that space X is making these big airliners to take a large amount of people off planet but it's not because we need to be rescued or it's not because an arc implies that it's like Noah's Ark and we need to be rescued from planet earth it's it's and he was kind of joking at at what we've been calling them but um but no they're just large large crafts like airliners to take people to different planets for travel and for work hmm and you mentioned that they're even like uh building out hangers and stuff like on Mars or stuff like that for them yeah yeah he showed me um in Mars and like inside of Mars and it's like a door opens but it doesn't open from the outside like you would open a door from your room it goes in to the place like a garage door and then um parking the ships almost like an airport and it's huge it's huge and I remember a val next said that it takes a while to build this kind of stuff so be patient um but um but it's huge and it looks a lot like an airport or like a hanger like you would think it is different um ships and it's a facility there different bays yeah and imagine it being sort of like I'm giving this um analogy kind of like a train station you know like you it's and also um you know people asked about portals or why can't you just go through a portal yourself well it wouldn't be secure they actually have a facility to transport into um to transport people sure that makes a lot of sense now why why do they limit it to the moon and Mars we know there's hundreds of planets the light the universe is teeming with life and we know like the secret space programs and other factions militaries other entities are going way further out than the moon and Mars why are we just limited why do we only hear about the moon and Mars is that just because that's all we can handle at first you know before they disclose the rest or does the cabal not want to you know traveling so the rest of the galaxy will be more inclined to um be friends with terence when we join the galactic federation of worlds so once we get to that point once all this technology is produced and where it equals then we'll be given the opportunity to join the galactic federation of worlds you know the galactic federation is made up of lots of different races so that's the goal for humans and that was the goal with the letter 17 the u.s navy and the federation is so that we can get to that place and so when we do then we can travel all over the place i know that specifically bringing up mars is because that's where the most jobs the mars and moon jobs are being created in the short term if that makes sense okay so i think we'll go i think we'll go there first and then you know spread our wings whatever right i mean and that's mars has been in the collective consciousness for so long and there's already plans to get there it only makes sense that that would be the first rollout and and and we're not taking over the whole planet with mars the federation has made abruments there's reptilian like they're not dreco reptilians but there's reptilian like beings on mars who are indigenous to mars so the federation does not go in they're not planetary invaders but they are peacemakers and peacekeepers and they use a barter system so these reptiloids or reptilian like beings they're not dreco reptilians there's a difference they they have their section of mars and we have our section and we're all they're helping to make peace on mars because you know they've kicked the dreco reptilians out they've kicked a lot of the malevolence brazes out well all of them and so now the federation is really good at making peace with the indigenous beings and helping us all get along and that's part of that's part of why elon musk or companies like his are are likely to work with the federation is because the federation has all of that knowledge in those tools right and the indigenous reptilians of mars rebecca rose has an incredible testimony about time she spent with them on that on the underground I guess she got wounded or something in her memories and they took her in and kept her alive for a while dale james encountered them as well so it's interesting to hear you talking about them as well just it was corroboration and when we when we talk about the grays you know there's this whole theory that all the grays are gone you know and I disagree with that because people are still having experiences with grays laura van tien is a friend of ours she literally has a gray on security footage that they called on camera she showed us this is like no one knows it but it's like if they're gone like how are people catching this stuff uh samuel chong he just shared us a story his friend had an experience with what she would call benevolent gray it proved to her that they're not all evil it was a very beautiful experience what are your thoughts on different types yeah yeah there's so many different types there's like more benevolent ones of a really high density like 17 above the Orion council the council of five they're all technically what we would call grays um and they're beautiful and have helped with um the star seed programs and they're like the master geneticists um and are revered by the federation for that um I think or I know that the malevolent like the Orion grays the invaders the neboo were kicked out by the federation but they have what's happened is a lot of agencies have genetics and they've had have worked with hybrids and we really wouldn't know the difference between a hybrid gray or a gray that was created on planet earth and the neboo or the Orion grays they probably look really similar right um so because the federation they kick out planetary invaders it's not their job to kick out these guys the hybrids that were created on planet earth because technically this is their home so they're not going to say hey you can't live on your home anymore we're going to kill you because you didn't invade the planet you were just created here so it's the military or the u.s military's job to get rid of those beings and I think that they are mostly gone I think a lot of what we see is like three letter agency stuff and they might have some of those players still working like those hybrids but you also have to remember like there's so many portals on planet earth that they can come back in between but the federation will still consider the war over it's just little pockets here and there that they take care of so so to say like that they're all of the extraterrestrials are completely gone from planet earth all of the grays are completely gone you know this is war so there's like two steps forward one step back you know three steps forward two steps back so that's kind of like my perspective yeah and things change in the fog of war and I agree with you 100 percent about the hybrids you know there's the breeding programs and then there's the portals there's these you know they can portal into a base that we don't even know exist because it's completely cloaked in the middle of a jungle somewhere like you just don't know what it would look like there's going to be all these little rogue operations it's not just black and white like okay they're gone we can celebrate obviously look around you know we're not quite there excuse me yeah um say something while I clear my throat to add to that well there is good grays right or benevolent grays and actually I want to make this point um even the dread this I'm gonna like eat my I can feel myself cringing saying this but from a person the Draco reptilians are they bad or are they just a predator to us like if you're a horse right and you are being chased by a coyote is the coyote bad and is the horse good or is this just part of life and it's just part of nature's law kind of thing does that make sense so I think it's it's it's kind of a human ego perspective although I do think the Draco's are evil but that's just a different way to think about it it is all perspective like if you ask them what they think they're going to give you an entirely different story they might even be convincing and I want to go back to you said were you referring to that the grays think this is their home is that what you said earlier they probably the invaders they probably would say something like that but the hybrids that were created using genetics from the grays or the hybrids that are three letter agency friends have made and those those guys were created here they're not they don't have a home to go to right so the federation isn't going to kick them out or employ their military services to say hey you have to leave because this is their home but our military can say hey you're a threat to us and we're going to kill you you know right and like you know the whole aliens playing god thing I think this has gone back to the beginning of time and all these demigods that lower evolved primitive species on the planet they thought were gods because they didn't know any better we still kind of see that happening now would you agree like that's where we're at they still think that they're gods they still think that they have this power that they don't really have and that's kind of where the battle lies within like it's a power struggle yeah I think they want want to make us believe that so that we give our power away and consent to that you know because we can help if they can this is like how black magic works if they can twist the truth and distort the truth to get us to consent or to be agreeable to them being our enslavers then it helps perpetuate that in the reality so and so yeah that's I don't know I'm I'm sure that they they regard themselves as gods of humans but they are not yeah but they're not and any my opinion any extraterrestrial that is going to call themselves a god or say hey I have something that's going to help you ascend is not a spiritually evolved being because the spiritually evolved beings know how powerful you are and know that you can transcend anything and they want to encourage you to look inward and to gain that sovereignty and freedom within yourself that's the entire point of the star seed envoy program is tuning into those spiritual practices and that spiritually evolved side of yourself and re helping the humans regain their freedom and so to say that there is an extraterrestrial that's going to help you ascend is kind of laughable to the benevolent side of the galaxy because you know right it's a natural thing it's a natural process and we yeah exactly it's very deceptive and it sounds appealing when somebody's because we're all like looking like we went out right give me out of here so when somebody comes to you say hey I can give you this and it'll help you ascend faster well that's this that's just like given a musician a contract for like this awesome record deal but simultaneously they're selling their soul you know they're giving away all their rights and their sovereignty and the reason I think that information is in the UFO community is because star seeds or envoys are going to be drawn to extraterrestrial information right and what better way to take them off their path than to give to get them to consent to give their freedom away and say hey the ETs are coming back you're going to get an out we know this is harder than you thought and we're going to help you and but the benevolence ETs believe how strong you are and know that you don't your soul doesn't need help to wake up or help to realize itself. Exactly and that's kind of where universal law comes in as well which you've done amazing videos with Dr. Charnell I think maybe a three part series on that you've even done a video on your own channel about it but universal law like is like can you just explain like your basic concept of like how this operates you basically explained it already like there's a natural process to anything but for those who might not be aware. Well universal law is a set of principles and it's how energy works and how the universe works or energy in the universe works but in the reason we call it law is because they do not change their principles that do not change and so it's kind of a spiritual perspective where we are all part of creation we are all part of one consciousness we all are equal we all have free will to realize ourselves and this is the basic spiritual principles that valance race and races from the federation subscribe to so that's another thing when it comes to contact is they're waiting for us to learn all of this and they're not going to interfere with our spiritual evolution because that interferes with our free will and are it if someone comes and wakes you up and turns the light on is that spiritually evolving or is that you realizing yourself or is that someone controlling you you see what I'm saying so it's and it takes away your free will because you have a choice to ascend you have a choice to evolve and that's really what got us into this mess is bending free will right so they're not they're not going to mess with our free will if Aaron says you know I don't want to do anything with my life I'm just going to sit on the couch all day and whatever be a troll online and you know be miserable then that's his right and they're not going to interfere with it even if his higher self came to do something much different right that's his choice once he got here and I think the envoys who subconsciously really remember what it was like to be at home know that this is a hard it's harder than they thought and so there's a deception of hey we're going to make it easier for you and take you off of your life path or try to deceive you and make you agree to take you to take yourself off your life path if that makes sense it makes perfect sense and yeah karma also falls under universal law and that's what I think we're seeing right now is a lot of people like we can't it's not our responsibility to interfere with someone else's karma we don't know what type of karmic depth they have from past lives or whatever whatever the case is so a lot of the stuff that we're seeing right now that might look negative might also be in place so those people can learn their lessons and pay off their karma what are your thoughts on that well I think I think too there's a lot of and so i say that again you froze for a second you froze you're back i got me no i said there's a lot of people here that have passed life karma from the Orion wars and i feel what we're seeing a lot of is karma from that a lot of people are afraid of being captured being enslaved being murdered by dark forces and are coming here to help heal that aspect if that makes sense and so i feel subconsciously too there's a lot of fear of star seeds or on boys have a lot of fear of being controlled because maybe they've done missions and past lifetimes where they were deceived and they were controlled and so a lot of that is clearing a lot of that energy is is clearing you know so i think a past life stuff does have a lot to do with what we're seeing now too i agree i agree with that um well thank you so much for joining us is there anything else you'd like to add any current updates you've gotten from bell neck or anything that you'd like to close with or um you know he always says do not consent to fear fear is a choice so so i'll end with that i agree with that um but no thank you for having me yeah this was amazing can you let people know how to follow you and where they can kind of you i have a youtube channel Megan Rose and then my book welcome to the future is on amazon and then i'm also on patreon i do like live q and a's and live soul coaching and meditations and stuff on my patreon channel as well so and telegram and telegram i'm always on telegram right i was saying that's like mainly where i follow you so uh yeah guys go check out her information check out her website check out her telegram um she's doing some amazing work uh thank you so much for joining us today it was a lot of fun guys if you feel compelled to join us at the conference tickets are still available we'd love to see you out there you can find all the info you need at this is actually the shirt this is on this is the first conference shirt we're going to be selling these at the event i just got them in i'm excited about that so uh anyway look forward to seeing you there thank you Megan this was amazing until next time guys have a great evening we love you and good night there was a cia director named William Colby who in the 1980s said we'll know our disinformation campaigns are successful when everything the american people believe is fake when we realize how powerful we are when we set our intentions and we realize that we aren't just this we are just these multi-dimensional light beams and time is an illusion and you know it's everything's a perception then you can go forward and backwards and embody it and just pop out and go and do this work you can do amazing things when we set the right intentions to do it and i said this is this is us on this plane you know like that's what this is we're going to the moon and you say this thing is a lot older than you think it is and we've been going to the moon a long time but i wrote on it i knew that we went to the moon and so i always knew there was a base on the moon from a young age and our DNA is a complex recording system of the history of the entire universe the history you know of everything that not just this timeline that we know but multiple timelines of reality there are a total of nine different categories of planets in the universe we people on earth we are living on category one planet like elementary school students and the Theobans they're living on category nine planet like college professors so they have been really guiding us throughout history to help them let us know that this facility under the sandy mountain is considered an information station for interstellar travelers coming to the planet they tell us that their facility was retrofitted into the ancient tunnel system that already existed and as far as the bending the space time continuum i've had something like that happen and what seemed like about a five-minute encounter has been four and a half hours a missing time and i was completely conscious and what are you dealing with the type three type four type five civilizations that can work with the different co-existing timelines all bets are off man you know every time we have Bigfoot activity out there we're having ETs and orbs and stuff like that we have a lot of the stuff documented as a matter of fact i'm a member of three different teams and i work with people from all over the country out in the field and we actually have documented a portal something that we consider to be a portal um opening and we sent two of our team members inside of it and really disappeared and then came back out i would suggest that we take it one step further and say humanity has never known who we are we've always been in the thought control matrix and one step further perhaps we could say that we're in a conscious consciously controlled state of hypnosis in other words are the thought control matrix creators constantly bombarding us with frequencies that keep us from being telepathic that keep us from remembering who we are the thought control matrix was set up and we have never known our potential our power our beauty our our incredible connection it makes no sense at all there is no reason for it other than the programming that we've received for generations because it's all about order it's all about listen to listen to your elders listen to the teachers listen to the adults listen listen listen listen and what that does is it it dims the light of the child and it makes them feel like they don't have a voice and why that's designed that way by the dark side and that's in the system is so that they grow up and they just listen to and they do what they're told and they're good little boys and good little girls and they lose their sense of self they lose their north they're true north so many adults are walking around in this world they don't know who they are so the planet itself is now beginning to split it's beginning to divide again into a higher vibrational earth a lower vibrational earth and the race of man is dividing with it and we're becoming less and less aware of one another and over time what will happen and i don't know how long this will be one world will have all higher vibrational beings on it and the other one will all be third-dimensional beings and we will not perceive each other anymore so so so