Journey to Truth

EP 82 - Holly Marie - FAKE NEWS - Shamanism - Hypnotherapy - Spiritual Warfare - Self Sovereignty

Originally aired on 9/24/20
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1h 13m
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13 Jul 2024
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We use a new source of energy from the fifth dimension to balance radiation fields on any device, making it safe to use. Our results show that this structures water, it balances the blood, and it keeps your body super strong. And yes, it works on 5G. The energy in the patch never runs out, so count up all the radiating devices in your life, stick one on each, and you're done. Click on the link below, and you'll soon be bringing balance and strength back to your body. Thank you. (upbeat music) - Hey guys, you're listening to "Journey to Truth" podcast. We are coming to you from East City Ranch. We're down here doing some volunteer work. We're helping James out with some stuff. We ran into Holly Marie down here. She was here for the holotropic breathwork class, and we decided, hey, why not? Let's have Holly on the show. She is a shamanic practitioner. She's a hypnotist also, right? - I am. - Yeah, and man, she's awesome. A lot of you guys know who she is already. We decided, why not? Let's do an episode. So here we are, and we have our fake news. - Your fake news, your fake news, your fake news, stop being rude, your fake news. - All right, that's enough. - You need to get one of these. - Yeah, so anyway, welcome to the show. Holly, how's it going? - Great, thanks for having me on. Like, I was so excited to hear that you guys were coming up this weekend because I wasn't teaching the holotropic breathwork. I was helping Jay Gilliland. I was assisting him, and it's phenomenal. And then we just converged, and it's great to see you guys again. - Yeah, it's the same. - Yeah, absolutely. - Thank you. You know what's funny is, 'cause we've been here for the conferences. This is my first time here that's not a conference. It's like an entirely different place. - It's a whole different energy, the big conference, yeah. - I'm able to actually tap into the land and connect and look around and appreciate things without 1,000 people pulling you, you know, every direction. - And that still happens a little bit even with-- - But it's a different experience. I'm actually, it's actually really healing for me, and it's a lot. I recommend coming out here, whatever you can. Whenever you can, you know, conferences are great, but this place, man, it'll fast track anything that you have to work on, anything that's-- - It'll bring up all your crap that you need to deal with, for sure. - That's true. - It took me several visits here to actually enjoy the ranch, because of the vortex, right? And it would just, I would come here and then it's like, I remember one time I came here to speak for a different conference, and it's just like, man, on that third day, it's just like, all hell broke loose. Energetically, emotionally, mentally, but now I come here, I can just relax and enjoy and-- - Yeah. - Have a good time. - Yeah. - I fully understand that. - Yeah, fully. And people don't understand, if you're not really prepared or warned on what to expect coming out of your, it'll blindside you. And you have to, it'll, it forces everything to the surface. But let's talk about what you do as far as your practitioner, your shamanic practitioner. What does that involve? How did you get into that? And how can you help me? - Oh, well, no. So, right, so I'm a shamanic practitioner, and which means I'm not a shaman, I'm bringing the modalities of the shaman to my clients. So when you sit with the real deal, they will always tell you, if someone claims to be a shaman, you do one thing, you run, right? So I'm bringing the modality and the modality or the medicine that I bring is that the carotradition out of the high Andes of Peru. And it's actually the mystics that the shaman get initiated by. And then I'm practicing the modalities of the Four Winds Foundation. And the modalities are really powerful. They're based on ancient, ancient traditions, like predates 2000 years ago. This goes way back to the motherland. And it's just, it is the modality itself that really brings change into the client. - Yeah, so as far as like some of the practices, some of the tools you use, I know like they're involved in pendulum and stuff. What was interesting and why I'm asking this is because last time in the conference, I told you some of the stuff that I do and use, and you're like, that's all shaman stuff. And I had no idea. - Right. - I had no idea that I was even like tapping into that stuff by using the tools I was using. And then I'm just curious on how you actually utilize those and how they helped with everything. - So shamanism has such an enormous spectrum. So how I was taught and in my tradition and how I teach is whether I'm working with a client in person or if I'm working with somebody remotely, I will test out their chakras using a pendulum. So a lot of times when somebody's telling me, you know, what's going on in their life, they'll talk about a current situation. And I can, so if I'm doing something remotely, I'll have the stones laid out, seven stones laid out. So they're giving me their story about a current situation. And then I can go, oh, you know, like, oh, first chakras in, but the second chakras out. So what happened between eight and 15 years old? And it's so amazing because that memory will just surface right back up. And so often I hear people say, I haven't thought about that for years. I forgot that happened. And from that point on, we'll clear, but the shamanic work goes into soul retrieval, which I'm a huge fan of, because the soul retrieval is bringing back that piece that it's like a fragment in our energy field. And that's where entities can attach into. And that's when we have those past traumas in those little fragments of our energy field taken out, the entities creep in and it keeps us in our survival chakras. It doesn't allow us to tap into the upper chakras. So it's really important to do soul retrieval. And a lot of times even soul retrieval can just be present day inner child work or present life inner child work. Another thing that is really good about the shamanic work is the past life aspect of it. Because when you get into the past life, a lot of people will just get reading. So now you have this wealth of information, but what do you do with it? So in the shamanic, we go back and we rewrite the contract because the contract is still playing out right now. So you have to erase that traumatic contract. And rewrite a new one. - And we were, I was just gonna ask you about that. We were talking about that earlier. Like I get these readings, we have people approach us and want to give us readings, psychics, Reiki healers, whoever. And you get all this information, past life, regressions. You have all this information. You know all this stuff. You know what you need to heal, but it almost creates a type of anxiety because you don't know what to do about it. You know what has to be done, but you don't know what to do about it. So that's where you come in. And that's why it's so important. - Yeah, I'm kind of like the cleanup guy in Pulp Fiction. (laughing) - Yeah, but it's true, it's true. And I think it really helps because coming prior to this trip, I was at that point, I was like, I know I'm being made aware of all these things that I need to work on. And I don't know what to do about it. And like you come to the ranch and it's like, all right, here's what you need to do. And you're gonna do it in one hour. Like it fangs tax everything. - Right. - But yeah, so that's just a great point. And I love the fact that you bring that up. It's necessary. - If I can, I think it's really important though, that people understand when we have those past traumas, whether it's this lifetime or a past life, if you don't clean that up, you can't access your higher chakras. And one of the main things, because people always want these really out there experiences, but you're not gonna achieve that experience until you clean up the past. And once you clean up the past, that's when all that sludge is out and you can tap in. So all the time, I'll do these deep, deep emotional clearings on my clients and they're dreaming more, they're getting more downloads. It just boosts their psychic abilities or their spiritual gifts like exponentially. - That's amazing. - Yeah. And so I wanna tie this into like, so some of the stuff that you're seeing as far as these entity attachments on all these clients, this is happening all over the place. And is it like, do you think it's just being ramped up because of the times or is this always around and these people just don't know? - I've been doing this work for well over 10 years. I've been in the healing arts since 1998, not to date myself. And there's always entity attachments, we've always got these fluid entities on us that need to be released. And when we sit and do James's table tipping when he does the group clearings, that's what he's doing, he's clearing these entities, but now it is ramped up more than ever. And I feel like we're in this, or I don't feel, we are literally in this global trauma. So everybody's getting traumatized and it's amping up those frequencies. And so if you're an empath, you're feeling everybody else's stuff. And it's really triggering. And I believe that we're getting a tap right in our solar plexus. - Yes, we are. - Even with the breath work this weekend, 'cause we go around and we do sharing and wanna hear what people wanna work on. And there was a common thread, the solar plexus. And so in my tradition, they say that our heart is going to become our anchor. And we close down the survival chakras. And then that opens our galactic chakras. And they are hitting us hard and heavy right in our empowerment center, right where we stand in our sovereignty, our identity, all of it. And so these entities are now attacking us. I believe it has to do with the human resonance because now all of our shadows are being forced up, which is gonna put out that frequency of despair, fear, sexual trauma, depression, whatever it is. And then those entities are just gonna snake right onto that, attach right onto that. - Yeah, yeah, it's the end times madness. Like, you know, we hear about this. And what's interesting is that what this energy does, if you wanna call it the human resonance, whatever we're going through right now, people, it's amplifying everybody's dominant trait also. So if you're already angry, we're seeing people really angry, the happy people are blissed out. And if you have some type of, I don't know, if you're schizophrenic, you know, you're just gonna, everything's in the amplified. And I think that's a big thing that we're seeing right now as far as everything playing out and why people are acting the way they're acting. It has a lot to do with the energies. - It really does. I was just gonna say, if you're serviced to self-oriented, you get much more service to self. And if you're serviced to others, you get much more. So it's the energy that people are oriented towards. It's all that's being amplified. So you're seeing people that are already kind of negative people or egotistical, they're getting like much more and they're kind of lashing out more. And that's why you see all this craziness happening and people seemingly like just going crazy 'cause it's in reviews, yeah. - Yeah, and it's really concerning most of my work I do remotely, but I am in an office a couple days a week and my office is right next to a liquor store. And literally during the lockdown though, it's like people were leaving with huge, huge jugs of alcohol, which is spirits, right? So we're bringing in these spirits and don't get me wrong, you know, I like wine and beer occasionally, like I totally drink in moderation, but the volume of liquor that was leaving and then with all the trauma, and we know that during this fake lockdown, domestic violence has been up, suicide, drug use, everything has been amped. - Yeah. - And it just, it's really upsetting. - Well, their reason, their excuse for not shutting down the liquor stores during the lockdown was because the withdrawal symptoms that the people would begin experiencing would be worse than just leaving it open and letting them drink, which I mean, there is something to that because if you are an alcoholic and your supply is cut off, I mean, you can die if you don't lean yourself off of that properly. So it's really interesting what's going on there. - Yes, I did not hear that, but I agree with that. But I mean, people were like nasty policies. - Yeah, yeah, no, I get that, yeah. Well, people, that's just part of the programming too. We just wanna mask all of our problems. - Instead of dealing with their, yeah, 'cause the lockdown and the quarantine, like so many people suddenly are out of the job or just having to stay at home and deal with their own emotions and their own issues. And instead of dealing with it, they wouldn't just get drunk or, yeah. Or, you know, people are having a hard time dealing with it. So they're lashing out and along with the energies. You know, it's, yeah, it was kind of like a big, collective dark night of the soul. Like this whole year, it's kind of felt like that, right? It's like a collective dark night of the soul that we're all going through. - What did I say before? The whole planet's going through a bad breakup. - Yeah, yeah, it's another good way to put it. - There we are. It's a breakup with the old parent of the old world. - Absolutely. - The old systems. - And yeah, and I feel that people really need, there's a lot of people stepping up though to the plate because the Shimano quirk, it's no joke. Like it is not a cake walk, you know? It's not, for instance, age and hold a rose quartz and we're good, we are going into the deep, mucky-ucky of your shadows, like your deepest fears, your deepest traumas and clearing it out. And it's amazing how many people are stepping up to the plate, going like, let's do this. And I literally have people going like, Holly, I don't want you to sugarcoat anything, which I don't, but they're like, I just, I want to go at it really hard. And it's great to see people doing that because that's helping the entire collective. - Yeah, and we did a clarion earlier and we got a little preview of some of that dark energy that's around. And it was intense. - It was intense. - It was one of the most intense things I've experienced in a while. But it really opens your eyes to the reality of this stuff. - Right. - And why we have to practice protection. I mean, that is so key right now. - And I want to emphasize that that clearing was done with James Gillen and not me. - Yeah, yes. - I mean, it was like the four of us. - Oh yeah, you were there. - For the lift guys, yeah. - Correct. - Right. I mean, you could at one point when we started to tap into what? - I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. - Hey, how's it going today? - It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. - I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. - That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? - The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're gonna take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. - Our insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys? - We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. - Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? - Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. And our call center is always waiting to take your call. 24/7, 365. - Wow. - Bring in from Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. - Thanks for having me. - Visit or an office near you. - It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over 100 social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today. - At - No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. - Dark forces were coming. Like, I felt really nauseous. You know, I mean, and then after we were done, you know, I went in to have lunch and James, and I said, man, I feel like off. I just felt like I was hit. And he was like, I'm still clearing. I'm still clearing. But it took a while for me to get back grounded. - Oh, me too. I had to go do the path of intention. - Right. - Yeah, I was like, whoa, what happened? But yeah, it just, that was a good example of the type of stuff that we're dealing with. But you don't even know it's there until you see it, acknowledge it, and really do something about it. And that's what's going on. A lot of people don't understand like some, yeah, I know there's people out there that have snapped and done things. And then they can't figure out like, oh my God, I didn't mean that. Or why did I just do that? Or you beat yourself up about it. It's not you. There's some behind every person and there's somebody controlling them. Yeah. - Well, it's affecting your energy. But you can, yeah, that's why it's so important to do the clearings and deal with that. So you don't have these outside influences affecting you and to put up the protection every single day to that. It's very important. Yeah. - You meant, or go ahead, please. - Oh, okay. Well, I've had a lot of people call me lately that I've worked with in the past. And then they're like, I'm feeling X, Y, and Z. And I'm like, well, that's kind of odd because that's not your pattern. That's not your emotional pattern. And I realized, I mean, this has always been the case in my practice. Some people will just pick up other people's stuff. It is ramped up a lot lately. So there is so many people out there just picking up on the global actions right now. And then a lot of what's happening too is these Archons, these negative energy forces are puffing other people. And I'm seeing a lot in the healing community where they're creating this luge or this negative energy. You literally become a food source for these Archons. And I'm seeing it happen quite a bit. - Yeah, and like James always says, and you're getting hit even harder when you're over to target and you are doing the work. That's why you said it's in the healing community because those of us trying to do something about this. - We're a threat. - We're threat, yeah. - Right. - Yeah, if this show was about something else entirely, you know, we wouldn't receive any censorship or anything because we would be playing in the system. - The narrative. - And everything will go smoothly, you know. So it's just the way it works. - But it's all that's on its way out though. That's the most important thing to realize. So don't get caught up in the fear because we're so much more powerful than that. And as soon as you realize that, you can step into your power and know that's all going away anyway. So there's really nothing to be afraid of. It's just a matter of becoming aware, raising your consciousness, doing the work, clearing and putting up protection. And yeah, like you said, the more effective you are and the more work you're doing, the more you're going to be a target. And being aware of that is crucial. So then you can protect yourself and clear that and help the clear others as well. - And we keep talking about this type of protection. We did our show last night with James when we were talking about protection. And the majority of the comments were what type of protection, what can we be doing? Can we give people advice on what they can do to help with this stuff? - So if you guys want a free protection prayer, you can go to the website and you can pull up the protection prayer. It's free. And I suggest everybody do it. I've even given it to my clients before. For me, for my protection, I use my own prayer, you know? - Sure. - It's very similar, but I use my own prayer. And it's, you just need to be vigilant, not paranoid. You know, not paranoid. Not every bad thing that happens is an attack, right? So you have to use discernment, but just sort of keep your guard up and detach from the negative. - Yeah. I think that's a great point too, because I think we all have our own ways of dealing with things. And you don't have, there's not, and nothing's written in stone. Nothing, you know, you're gonna find your own way to deal with your own problems. But it's good to be aware of certain practices at the same time. You know, people would ask me like, what do you say when you pray? I'm like, I just, I don't know. I just, in the moment, he comes through. Yeah, I don't have a specific-- - Well, if you're planning it, it's not really real. - Yeah. - It's like, yeah, it has to come from the heart, right? - I know the point. - So you're trying to like, I gotta say the right things, and then it's not really coming from the heart, so. - Yeah, I don't have a specific written down script. - Yeah, like this is what you say, exactly. - Yeah, it's like, no, that's not what works. - I think, I think just the intention alone is to keep heart. - Yeah, exactly. - Well, and that's a really good point too, is people are so caught up in their heads, right? Analytical point is that we literally cut off, we stay in the beta, I just wrote an article about this, you stay in the beta brain state, and it detaches you from spirit. - Exactly. - And it limits you, it limits you, so when you're in the beta, and a problem arises, when you do, if you're in the beta, you go out and research. So now, if you have illness, you're stuck in preconceived notions of other people's experiences or knowledge, but when you tap into a meditative state, you access higher brain waves, and that's when spirit comes in and downloads you with your divine answer, your divine wisdom. And I think people really need to step in to their own trust, and that's when we begin to claim our sovereignty. - Yes, beautifully said, yes, that's it right there. - And that's a great point, as far as healing yourself, and what to say, if you are sick, and you get on WebMD, you look up and tell your symptoms, and then you read that, and all of a sudden you create that, you almost manifest that sickness because of what you just read, and this is what we're seeing right now with this virus. - I'm so glad you brought that up, because it's like, people will come in for weight loss, right? And so, or to quit smoking, and how can you go into hypnotherapy to quit smoking, quit a chemical addiction, right? - Yeah, yeah. - Because you're being programmed. So, how many people literally psyched themselves into getting a virus? - Yeah. - With hypnotism through mainstream media. - Mm-hmm, that's-- - That's when we hit the virus. - Or just getting sick. - Through big news. - Such big news. (laughing) - No, that's, I know somebody personally-- - You can make yourself sick from your own fears and beliefs. - Yeah. - Exactly. So, so many people, I guarantee you, that's what happened. - Yeah, there's, you get a phone call, they say you're tested positive, you know, prior to that, you maybe were having a great day. - You're fine. - You get the news, you're like, "Oh my God, I need to go get in bed, "I need to rest, I need to do this." "I need some medicine," and then you start, you put yourself in a mindset that, "I'm sick." You tell yourself you're sick, because someone else told you you were sick. - And then you get sick, because-- - That's why a lot of people call this the mind virus. How much evidence of the actual virus? We're just taking everyone's word for it. - Right. - We're just taking that word for it. - Well, I can say, you know, for people out there who are so skeptical, we came to the Spirit Science Conference up at EastEdit. There was 250 plus people, no masks, no social distancing. Then I taught a retreat here with a, with Marie Thorne Thompson out of LA, a yoga shamanic retreat. Everybody can, you know, like people came from all over, no masks, no social distancing, like no cases. - No cases. - Zero, yeah. - But you say, you know, like we're breaking the paradigm, we're breaking the old matrix, right? That is what sort of gives me a little skepticism is like we're the creator, so we have to unmask, we have to say no, we have to stand in our sovereign will, because if we keep submitting to the fear, right? That's the program. - Yeah. - It's gonna tip the scale out of our favor. - Exactly. - So it's really important that we wake up. - And the reason why no one at the conference got sick is because most of the people that come here understand this, understand this program already, they understand that this whole thing is a scam, demic, whatever you want to call it. - Plan demic, scam demic. - Plan demic, scam demic. But we understand that. So when you understand what's going on, their programming doesn't affect you, therefore you're not gonna get sick. And it's not, it just doesn't apply in your reality. - Well, and what else do we do? - What else do we do? - Did we do at the conference? We smiled, which opens up our crown. We hugged, and human touch is so important, right? - We're almost all in a high vibe loving state where we're-- - And so when we're wearing the mask, we're not smiling. - No. - So it's shutting down our crown. - We're uncomfortable. - We're uncomfortable. And the social distancing, you know, it's like you're walking around, I won't. Social distancing, man, it's a stranger, I just need to be right up there, right? And they just, they freak out. And it's like, when are we gonna start past the program? - It's all programming. It's all programming. - And the mask itself, actually, when I put it on, I mean, within five, 10 minutes, I start getting a headache. - The lower your oxygen levels. - Yeah, I can't, my physical body. - It actually will make, the mask will actually make you sick because it's, you're breathing in your own CO2 and you're lowering your oxygen levels, and it's weakening your own immune system. Which is what we innately have to protect from viruses and we're getting sick. So it doesn't make any sense. - It's completely-- - Completely backwards, yep. - Yeah, but that's the world we live in. The mainstream world we live in is everything is inverted. Everything is backwards from the truth. So that goes right on. - Yeah, the perfect analogy, the mask are coming off of the controllers and they're putting them on us. That's what they're trying to do. - So if they're being revealed and they're trying to flip the script right now and put everything on us, you know? - It's also a silencing, it's also a black magic ritual and to try to silence us, it's like a symbol for that. And the six feet apart thing goes along with that. - Yes, a mask, that's a satanic practice. - It's literally a satanic black magic ritual that they're trying to do on a massive scale. - Right, right. And once you understand that, it's a satanic ritual and then you've partaken it. Now you're consenting things. - Now you're consenting, now you're giving consent. - Like if you just heard this information, you can't wear a mask, you can't do it or you're consenting the same as them. - Yeah, yeah, unfortunately we're putting in situations though where we need to go by something, we need something and you know, we're all-- - It's hard if you have a job or you're required to wear it or something like that. - So it's easy for us to say that all of us at one point have to put it on, I can't fly back home if I have a mask, you know what I'm saying? - Airlines are banning people from the airline for getting caught once without their mask on. - On some level we have to-- - On some level we just have to play the game but that doesn't mean we have to stop pining. - Yeah. - Right. - But the more people that wake up then the less power it's gonna have and then it's already game over. We're just seeing it play out but the more and more people that wake up and it's happening, I mean we're seeing it happen every day. - Yeah. - The quicker their demise is it's gonna be, I mean, and the quicker this new earth will be manifested into reality, into the 3D reality. It's already, it's already years, just hasn't been fully manifested yet. Here in the 3D, but it's here. - As far as one more thing on the mask and then we can move on, I come from construction, a bigger construction for 15 years and we have the mask that you see everyone wearing, we call them a dust mask, it's for dust. And anytime we're working with any type of chemicals or fumes or paint, whatever it is, that mask does not work. They will not let you work with that mask on because you need something more. - It also isn't doing anything to protect you from. - That's what I'm saying. - So they ocean what they do, they make you shape your face, you have to get fitted for a respirator, a type of respirator that is designed for whatever specific chemical you're working with and then get fitted for that. And you can't wear it unless you have a clean-shaped face. That's the only way it works. And you mean to tell me, if we have to do that to work with some chemical and construction and this mask isn't gonna stop the world's deadliest virus, I'm sorry, it's just not, it doesn't work. I don't care whoever's listening to this right now, that doesn't agree, they do not do anything. They do not do anything to stop this virus. I don't care. - On the fact that they let you wear a bandana and that's okay too, a piece of cloth, like I'll just whatever, 'cause it's not about, it's never been about a virus or protecting yourself, it's been about. - And then the argument, they will, it stops a cough or if you cough in a mask, it doesn't go, yeah, okay. Yeah, that's true, but it has nothing to do with the virus. - Yeah. - Okay, so, next. Next, I wanted to go back to something I wanted to say earlier because it was a breakthrough for me and I think it can help other people. I was getting all these readings we were talking about. You get all this information, you don't know what to do about it and I quit my job and I'm trying to move forward, but I was kind of hitting a roadblock. It was so clear that I was hitting the roadblock and I was getting a reading, a tail card reading and the dead end card came up twice and what she made me aware of is that if I had to heal some, a lot of, I had some traumas, past childhood traumas, some other things that I had to heal that were holding me back from moving forward in life. So therefore, in my career, any plan I had for my future career was gonna fail because I had, you can't ignore this stuff. You have to heal this stuff before you move on and that was such an aha moment for me. I was like, wow. 'Cause I'm just, you just wanna push it aside like, no, that's not important. I need to go make money and do this and do that. And the universe is like, no, you have to deal with these problems until you're in alignment. Nothing in your life is gonna be in alignment. - Right. And so it's like, it's a fractal. So it's what we're literally doing is when we're healing that past trauma or even ancestral trauma, you're breaking the fractal. Well, you can't just clear energy. It just transmutes into something new. You change the energy. So you're literally changing the fractal. So a lot of times when I'm doing ancestral clearings on people, which is really cool. So if someone's like, oh, we have heart disease in our family, we'll go back and visit the ancestors and see how the heart got broken. What broke that heart, right? And so then we're zooming in on the fractal, we're changing the fractal, we're bringing in a gift and it literally will change the DNA because we have light around our DNA just waiting to heal the fragments or the terrors and whatever needs to be activated within the DNA. So there's no reality yet, it's a fast track. - Yeah, yeah, and it seems just to me brought up the DNA to so many, let's shift gears. Let's talk about extraterrestrials. Are you excited with that? - Oh, yeah. We hear about this DNA and DNA manipulation all the time and we're changing from this carbon base to a crystalline being. And I did, it's just really interesting like what they're trying to do with this virus is also affecting our DNA. And this has a lot to do with the ET presence here that's on Earth, that's trying to manipulate us. And I don't know, it's just a very fascinating topic to me. I just didn't know if you had any thoughts on that. - Well, in the shamanic, in the shamanic goes back to the motherland moon, right? Which was star-seeded in my lineage, we say it was star-seeded from the Venusians, from Venus and they came on their ships, that's a cosmology, but maybe they even came from star systems outside of that, right? 'Cause we all know the Pleiadians were here. - Pleiadians. - Yep, yep. And the Pleiadians are a lot in the North American culture but mine's South American, I think, I think all. Well, I was channeling one of the ancient crystal skulls, one's I think this is relevant to the, I used to work a lot with the ancient crystal skulls, like the real ones. - Hmm. - And there's this one. - I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod, say hi, Dan. - Hey, how's it going today? - It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. - I'm Dan Morgan, I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan & Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. - That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? - The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're gonna take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. - Are insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys? - We don't bluff, we take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. - Awesome. 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See terms and conditions, 18 plus. - ET school, they can't identify what it's made out of. It looks like a milky quartz, and his name is Tsar. And I was holding Tsar, and I don't consider myself a channel, but these schools, they talk to you. And he told me that Earth is the hospital and all the galactic drama from the universe is coming into Earth is a hospital and the light workers are the doctors. And it just made so much sense. So, the other thing with Chumbanism is that every single physical ailment has an emotional root 'cause emotion is energy and motion, right? The not create, the thought has to manifest in the physical. And so, I feel like the trauma that we're put through, especially star seeds, like the sex survivors, who go on to be amazing, you know, channelers, I feel like you have to, the star seeds come in with a lot of trauma. It's done on purpose to stunt their DNA activation because they're bringing in these light codes to help with ascension, but the archons are putting them through so much trauma that it's stunting us from ascending. And I've seen that a lot with my clients, right? The ones that have had like the severe trauma, and it's amazing the trauma that comes through, it's heartbreaking, right? - Yeah. - But they're the ones that end up after they clear this, having the most psychic or spiritually gifted abilities. And I literally believe, like I know this from my work that we all have some star seed, most of us, most of us have star seed lineage in us and the more trauma that we clear, the more we're gonna activate it. - Yes. - Because it's been proven. It's been proven through, you know, my clientele that you clear this emotional stuff and then boom, here comes your gifts. Well, how did that happen? 'Cause it sparked through your DNA. - That's really interesting that you think that it's, well, it is, it's happening to stunt our growth, or stunt our DNA. I didn't really connect those dots before. Like I thought all those traumas were for our own healing and lessons and karmic lessons and stuff like that. So I thought it was a good, I thought almost alive as trauma was a good thing to help us grow, but in a way, it's keeping us from ascending. - Right. - So it's really like-- - If you don't grow from it, if you, 'cause I think it's, it can be both, yeah. But it's, it's, they do it for that reason, but once you grow and once you use that as a lesson, and heal from it, then it's like soul growth. So you're transmuting the dark into light in that way. - Another interesting theory on the DNA is that I was reading a book and you're talking about how, whatever you subscribe to, we were engineered in the eyes of some type of ET race, and they were manipulating our DNA. And there is a, there is a portion of humanity that has a gene that the other portion doesn't have. And they call that the rebel gene. And that rebel gene is what's being activated in all the people who are waking up in all the star seeds right now. And the other people who are just, you sometimes you look at someone, you just can't understand how they don't see it. Maybe they're, maybe they're lacking something. And it's interesting. I have no way of validating if that's true, but it does, it seems to make sense in some level. - Well, it's funny that you bring that up because we were talking earlier with James when we were upstairs how, I don't know when it was, how we can't watch the programming on TV because it'll literally like, for me, I'll start to feel ill. Like, I mean, two sets of pharmaceutical commercials, I'm just like, oh, I can't do it anymore. - It basically affects your body. - And it's like, you literally hear the program. Like when I hear a commercial, I'm like, oh, they're targeting this audience, they're targeting that audience, but I'm not the target. - No, no. - I'm not gonna be the pharmaceutical slave. I'm not, you know, it's not for me. - Yeah, it's, exactly. - You see it so clearly once you wake up, you see everything for like what it really is. It's funny. It's like, oh, this is what they're trying to do with this. And this is the programming here. Yeah, it's, and like you said, yeah, you get physically ill when you're sensitive. I'm just gonna touch on that. - It's like, I can't even, I can watch like a little bit of ancient aliens once in a while, but other than that, it's like, I can't watch TV anymore, yeah. - And that's a good thing that the physical feeling, knowing how to listen to your body is the biggest, is your biggest tool. I'm, because you know when something's off, if you get that bad gut feeling. And the more, I guess enlightened or whatever, advanced you become, you could do whatever term you wanna use, that becomes heightened also. So that's why you can't watch a commercial without getting sick. But if we're all at that level, none of their deception works anymore, because everyone just beyond, beyond through it. - Right, and it's our three brains, right? We have, so in the shamanic, when we do fire ceremony in my tradition, we go right intention, right action, right thought. It's our gut, our heart, and our brain. And that's why a lot of... - I talk about this a lot, yeah. - And that's why a lot of like mental health therapy doesn't work, because we're always in the talk box. We're just bouncing the ego, bouncing the ego. We're never busting through the ego into the other brains of our body. - Yeah, which is where it really is. - That's where the truth is, right? - It's where everything really is, yeah. - That's, I had a Native American elder tell me once, you guys have probably heard me say this, but you feel into the situation with your gut. If your gut is telling you it's off, it's off, if it's not. If you can learn, if you can learn how to use that first, and then process it with your heart, and then your brain is like the motor skills, just to get the job done, get from point A to point B, whatever it is. As soon as we get in our head and start over thinking it, that's where mankind has gone wrong. - Yeah, and I'm gonna make a really unpopular statement. - Please do. - I'm a parent, and it just, it blows my mind how women, and I'm sorry, ladies, but you guys have totally just put your mother intuition out the window, and it's like you've gotta be the biggest advocate for your child, right? Well, the doctor said, you know, the teacher said, it doesn't matter what anybody says, you are your child's biggest advocate. You signed up, when you conceived, you consented to protect that child, right? And I just, it's like, I don't care what the doctor says, I don't care what the teacher says, I'm gonna listen to my gut first, and do the right thing for my child. And I've had to take my child out of school, like I've just had to do all kinds of crazy stuff, but it's the right thing for my child. And I think women, as we move into the feminine, because we're moving out of the matrix into the creatrics, which is the divine Sophia Christ energy, we women have to really be empowered in their own truth and their own sovereignty and gain that trust. And there's actually within that feminine knowing comes this divine masculine aspect of being the protector of your child, right? It's a really big balance of both the feminine and the masculine. - Yeah, and I'm glad you brought that up. And maybe if I hit the fake news button, it won't trigger as many people now. (laughing) - You fake news, you fake news. - This is a long one, oh no. No, it's a great point. Thank you so much for bringing it up about the children. I don't even have a child, but if this is something important to me, because I know so many mothers. And there's so many, so many mothers that are going through the hardest time right now with their children, especially with school right now. And everything they're making these kids do is against every motherly instinct. And they're really torn because what are their options? And it's such a dilemma right now. And it's really good to touch on that. I don't care if people can get mad or not. - You know what, I've lived in Oregon for four years, I think now. My kid hasn't even been to a doctor. We don't have a pediatrician. He's not in school. - Yeah. - Is it perfect? No, I'm totally bombing on the math. But I mean, we've got curriculum, he's learning. I just found out I could get a private teacher. So we have that covered. But I think with this whole COVID fake lockdown, this is a really good opportunity to get to know your child because our child, we're borrowing the hope you say we are borrowing the earth from our children. Because they inherit the earth, it's theirs. And if we're pushing these children through these narrow constrictions of this leftist education system, we're not creating a true authentic child. One of the reasons why, there were multiple reasons, but one of the reasons I wanna touch on, 'cause it really triggers me of why I pulled my kid out, is because they kept teaching like, don't bully, be kind, be kind, be kind. Well, are you gonna dumb down my child to the point where he's kind to a pedophile? Like where he's kind to-- - No boundaries though. - No boundaries, because now you're being a bad person and it's like, no, there's-- - That's not kindness, yeah, that's not what they-- - It's not, it's devaluing your moral compass. - Yep. - So I said it and I'm sticking to it, but yeah, what they're teaching the kids is really creepy. - Yeah, that's an entirely different episode. - Yeah. - What they're teaching. - Well, yeah, the whole system is set up to give all your power away to the system and become this mindless soulless drone. Basically, unfortunately, to put it bluntly, that's what they're trying to make us into through the system. That's the programming you get. So the less in touch you are with your own soul and the less you trust yourself and step into your own power, the more you're gonna give your power away and to buy into all the programming and the more mind control you're going to be and the harder it is to break out from that. - Something more trauma and-- - Something I wanna bring up that's important because when we have these discussions, I am always reminded in the comments, people think that we're presenting ourselves as if we're better than other people. - No. - It's not, we were all there once, we were all there once. - I was very much there, trust me for a long time. - And we were able to talk about this because we were once there and in a way we're talking about ourselves when we're talking about these programming, these people who are complying, that was us. There would have been me at one time. I was totally in that system. So I don't mean we're not trying to separate ourselves at all here. I just wanna clarify that. There's nothing, none of that going on here. - We're just sharing our wisdom that we've gained from the experiences that we've had and the growth that we've had. - Well, I think that's a really good thing that you brought up because it's, we have to get through the division, right? That's what we, and every time there's a divide, we have to find the common ground, right? But no, I struggle every day. It's like, oh man, I just did that in ego. We're gonna make this comment on somebody's post and it's like, oh, I've deleted so many comments. I used to do that. - Oh, I'm an ego, right? Like we're constantly in ego check, but I do think it's really important though because we've, we have had that nasty wake-up call and it doesn't make us better. Like I struggle every single day with something, right? - Yes, very much. - And just because we've maybe, and I don't even like that term woken up, but maybe diverted our perception into something that is a little bit more in alignment with our sovereignty. - Yeah. - How's that? - Okay. - You strung together the best series of words you've ever put in there. - Oh, it's... - Sovereignty is the key word there with everything. It's 'cause it's all living in alignment, like you said with your sovereignty, with your soul. So it's not like I'm going around telling everybody how they have to live based on my, you know, it's like, you need to find your sovereignty and your soul and live in alignment with that. Rather than giving your power weight, doing what you're told by the system and you're totally out of touch with what do you feel is true? What is in alignment with you? What resonates with you? - And that's what we need to get back to. - I know my comment was harsh to the mother's intuition, but, and I'm not back pedaling 'cause I stand really firm with that and my opinions do not reflect on you guys. And they're my own opinions. We had no idea where the show was going, but if you are truly in your mother's intuition and there have been times when it's like, oh, no, right? Like the teacher is right on this occasion or authority is right on this occasion, but nine out of 10 times it will go against your innate intrinsic inner wisdom. And that's where you can't be fooled by authority 'cause only God is your authority. God's grace, creator, spirit. That's the only person you need to, or the only source you need to be in alignment with. - Exactly. - And that's all, and that's just, that exists within you. - And ultimately we are a part of that. - Yeah, and you can tap into that and use that as your guide, yeah. - Absolutely, absolutely, right? - Yeah, wow, we've covered, this is a great episode. - Did we kind of did this? We didn't have any plans on where we were gonna take this. Obviously, you could tell I was totally unprepared at the beginning, but we're covering so much stuff and there's so much to talk about. - To us, it looks obvious why this is all happening and what the agendas are and what's really going on, but we've been working on ourselves for a while now. We've done a lot of soul growth. We've done a lot of research. We've got no point where we're thinking for ourselves. We're not relying on outside authorities to tell us what's true and what's not without looking into things. And that's all a part of self sovereignty. That all is under the umbrella of self sovereignty and stepping into your own power and living from your soul, rather than trying to live from the outward end where you're, tell me what's true. You want the outside authorities to tell you everything that's true and what's really happening, but when you wake up, you start seeing that we live in a world mostly of lies and deception to fulfill these different agendas that are not in humanity's best interests at all. The people at the top of the human pyramid, so to speak are mostly psychopaths and they have these agendas that are not in service to all of humanity. They're only in service to themselves. And once you realize that you can start taking your power back and living in alignment with your soul and start living your purpose and not relying on anything outside of you to tell you what's true and what you are and who you are and what you should be doing. - Yeah, and I was a victim of that for a while as far as looking for an external savior. I was always looking for a place I could go to help me with something or I needed to figure out someone or some place or something that was gonna be that one thing that was gonna help pull me out wherever I was sucking. And you don't find it, it's nowhere. I even considered moving to a different state and getting away, but then I realized that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help. And it's all within and we have to realize that. We have to realize that. So many people, like you said, are just giving away their power and that's why religions are dangerous because there's a lot of truth within them, but they've been manipulated to get you to give your power away, yeah. And when you really look at the, when you do your research and look at the original texts and most of them and take out the manipulation, they all teach that. They all teach the real teachings. Like Jesus really taught that. Even not to worship him. He taught, he said, no, you can do what I do. You're, we're the same. Like you need to step into your power. And that's where that's it right there. So, yeah. - I was a victim of that too. I mean, I grew up very, very religious. - I did too. - And now we're very sick, right? And it's like, oh, until you start loving yourself a little bit, you don't truly find that God source. - Yup, exactly. - You know, I mean, I used to just be like, why aren't my prayers being answered? Why am I so sick? Why am I so bullied? Why am I so hated? Like why, why, why, why, why, why? And then it, it really was because we're looking for that external. - Yeah. - Not going within. - It's within. - Right? - It's all within, right? - And I think it's really important that you brought that up because when people are seeking this guidance, because we all have, we all get stuck, right? I mean, I have my go-to people that I call up and it's like, hey, I'm really stuck. You know, I need help and I trust them very much. But I feel that people are out there seeking a quote, healer or if you're really stuck, I think it's really important to find somebody who nears back to you, your story of what needs to be cleared. And I've worked really- - I'm dealing with that right now. And yeah, that's a great point. - Well, because otherwise you're gonna get your ego played on or they're gonna project onto you most more than likely unconsciously, right? They're gonna project their stuff onto you. And that's why I always have people go, Holly, will you read me? I'm like, ooh, I'm not going to read you because I'm gonna read you what, you know, it's gonna get filtered through me somehow. But in a session, I'm gonna listen to your story. I'm gonna connect the dots and then we're gonna let the pendulum show what chakra it's in because we really wanna create empowerment, not codependency. We've really got to get everybody out there empowered by any means necessary. Like we've got to get people to step back. And like I said, the theme of the holotrophic breathwork class this week was all solar plexus issues. - Yeah, and that's what's being attacked right now too, the solar plexus, the lower chakras, and that's where they go after. That's why I'm sure that's why that came up. There's a connection there. - Absolutely. - Is there anything that you wanted to touch on before we wrap up or? - I didn't. - Yeah. - I have no idea, I have no idea, everything. It's going back on the religion thing really quick. I just know so many people that are friends of mine, family members even, that are struggling so hard but they're relaxed, I come from a religious family also. And they're struggling and like, I don't know what to do. You know, I've surrendered. I've given all my power to Jesus. I've given up, you know, and they- - That's your problem. - And they don't see what they're taught. That's what they're supposed to do. - That's what I did. - You're supposed to, and they're sitting here in life miserable, just hitting dead end after dead end in roadblocks, and we all hit dead ends in roadblocks. But if you, depending on what you believe in, you can come up with the tools to get past that. But if that is your tool to give your power away like that, I know we just covered this, but it just- - Yeah. - It's just one thing- - You drive it. Because I wanna tell this person, like, but you can't. It's not my job. - It's right, 'cause you're an ego, right? - It's not my job. - Best thing to do is to be an example through how you're living, and they'll pick up on that. - Yeah. - They'll be like, what? What is it, you know? Like, why are you, like, they can feel that from me? - Yeah. - And so just show them love and to, yeah. And that's it right there, 'cause yeah, if you start getting into that, trying to tell them, you can give them advice, but only if they're open to it. And if they're ready for it. But if you're trying to, like, steamroll them and trying to, like, you need to do this and this and this, and that's your an ego for one, and then you're going to scare them away, and it's gonna make things worse. So the best thing to do is to step into your power, live, make sure you're in alignment, and then show them love. And yeah. - Yeah. - And have empathy for their situation, right? - Yes, yes. - Well, once you understand, then you can have empathy. You're like, I know exactly what they're going through. - Right. - Yeah. And we, that's just a good advice for everybody right now. We all have to cut each other from slack. Because this is a battle, this is a war, a spiritual war. I mean, it's turning into a physical 3D war. This is, we're all going through a hard time. People are being triggered or having these emotional responses to things because these are trigger events that they're causing. It triggers an emotion. And then when you're reacting, you're not really thinking things through. Everybody is dealing with something right now. So we need to not point fingers and just cut people some slack and hold space for everybody. - Yes. - It's just so important. Even, you know, as much as we talk, you know, we're, none of us are perfect. None of us are perfect. - But I think that's the biggest thing. And I'm so glad that you guys brought that up. It's like, yeah, cut some slack. I feel like, you know, even we made a joke the other night, you know, and it's like, wow, you could never put that online because it seems like people are so out to attack and twist things right now. And it's like, you know, look in the mirror, just have some compassion, lighten up a little bit. Like the world is really hard and heavy right now. Like just ease up on the attacking and... - Whenever you get triggered, whenever people get triggered by something and wanna lash out, that means there's something within them that's unyielded. And that's what's getting triggered. And that's what's causing them to lash out and attack. So until you realize that you're gonna keep reacting from this unconscious state from your unyield wounds and traumas, but yeah, that's, we're collectively, like you said, we're going through this on a massive scale or seeing it. - And that's one of the things with the shamanic work is the shadow, the shadow, the shadow, the shadow. And more you face that shadow, the less you get triggered. And it's amazing to see people and on my own growth journey too. And I mean, we're all on the same journey, whether it's shamanism or whatever it is, you wanna call it, it's working through that trigger. And then having that same trigger show up again. And it's like, oh, I'm only 50% triggered. I'm only 25% triggered. And it's like, whoa, master the trigger, right? - Yeah, doesn't even, and you get to the point where it doesn't phase you. And that's it, that's it. And so, but that happened to me. I got to a point where I thought I had mastered this and I had gotten past it. And then something came up and that trigger came back and I really had to reevaluate it. So even when you think you're done, that doesn't mean just give up. - 'Cause you can have all the knowledge up here, but then until you do the work down here, it's not gonna matter. Did the trigger come back or was it a deeper level that hadn't been revealed yet? - Possibly both. But that's what my point was just because you think, okay, cool, like I got past that on to the next. Like, no, whenever you're never supposed to stop, just because you reach your goal doesn't mean you stop. And then just let everything fall apart. You always have to keep going and keep going because everything's gonna come back. It's designed that way. Yeah. - Absolutely. - So let's end this on a positive note. - Fake news, fake news, fake news. - Yeah. - You're saying this was all fake news? - Yeah. - I'm sure it is. - Before he got triggered, it was all fake. - This was all fake. We weren't, yeah. - Guys are just complaining, I'm sure there are people out there that will think that, but that's okay. But I do wanna add on a positive note and remind everybody to not take everything so serious and to remember how to have fun, to remember how to be a kid again, because if that's all we have right now, that's all we have. If we just because of what's going on in the world right now, it's so serious it's bringing everybody down, slowing the vibration. So, and then what it did to me is you forget to have fun because we're in this battle, we're in this fight and you constantly wanna do the good thing and fight the good fight. But I neglected my own happiness and then I wasn't effective at all in helping anyone. So just remember to have fun. Go do a flip into a swimming pool. I don't care what you have to do, go be a kid again. Go be a kid again. - Get out in nature too as much as you can. 'Cause that's nature so healing and so crucial for our wellbeing in general. - Yeah. - Right. - And yeah, that's just it. That's it, I'm gonna leave it there. - Well no, I know, that's really one of the things I asked my clients is young, get through all the stuff and it's like, well, what do you do for fun? And man, it's amazing how many people like I don't do anything for fun. So what do you do for fun? - Yeah, I play guitar, I used to play in band. I used to play in a lot of rock bands and stuff. I put the last ones. - You used to. What do you do now? - I still play guitar for fun and I try to get out and go on hikes and get a good old park and yeah, like I just said, you know, I tried to you as much as I can. I read a lot of books. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and I try, I'm always taking in information and stuff too, but I try to not leave it at that and make sure I'm doing the inner work as well. But yeah, I don't know. And just hanging out with people and having amazing conversations like this is one of the most fun things that for me in general, like. - Yeah, I was so excited you guys were coming up. What do you do for fun? - This is full disclosure here. I used to, I was a heavy party or I used to party. I used to drink a lot and I didn't know how to have fun unless I was drinking. So the big challenge for me coming out of this was that, was why I say remember how to have fun because I didn't even know, I didn't know how to have fun without drinking. And that was a big challenge for me. And it really, you don't understand. Like this is part of the addiction, you know, 'cause I would sit at home and not go out on the weekends now because I didn't want to be tempted but then I would sit home and be miserable 'cause I wasn't happy. I was like, this isn't fun to me. Like, I want to go party with my friends. So I had to come, I had to really get to a place of understanding what is fun for me right now. And honestly, what it is, is like he said, connecting, going to these conferences, being around these people. - This is the most fun thing to me right now in my life. - And doing this, doing this podcast has become really fun for me. But that's still not it. I realized that wasn't enough either. And it wasn't until I was invited to, I said, do a flip in the pool. It wasn't until I was invited to a pool party that I wish, I would have said no to you, but I was like, you know what, I'm gonna do it. And we were jumping in the pool, jumping through a ring, just playing games, making bets, whatever. And I just felt like a kid again. It was so much fun. And I just, I don't do that stuff anymore. So to me, I think my idea of fun, I'm still trying to figure this out, is just to let loose, just let loose and just let everything, let it go. - And moving in the moment and then now, and what do you feel like doing like right now? And then go do it. - Well, I think you should go flip off the verge right now and see I'm in reverse. - Yeah. - There you go. - Great to call the boy. - It was cold enough two months ago. - Yeah, no, but that's, that's a happy thing for you to call the boy, yeah. So it's a, I'm sure people can relate to what I just said because I know they can. - Well, and it's what, so my thing is, is in the summertime, I paddle board. Like I paddle board. And then in the wintertime, I-- - You snowboard. - I was gonna say, you snowboard. - Well, it's cool. - Yeah, it's like, I'm all like, scoggled up. Nobody can tell how old I am. (laughing) - Oh, you're not. - So I could totally like hit it, you know, like in the batter and stuff. And like, people think I'm 20, you know, I'm 48. (laughing) - You just gave it away. - I just gave it away. But it is why that's so crucial. And one of my favorite things to do in my work is the, I know we're wrapping up, but is the inner child is 'cause you reclaim that innocence. And when you are doing the flip in the pool and jumping through the ring, like that letting loose is your divine essence, like that feeling. And it's right now we need to do that because it's lowering our cortisol levels and our stress. And it's ramping up our endorphins, our, I'm drawing a blank, but it's ramping up all of our endorphins. So it's literally alleviating stress. So go jump in a pool, go paddle board, go let, give yourself the allowance to have fun. Give yourself the permission to have fun. - Yeah. And don't be afraid to say yes to an invite. Maybe it's your guides trying to help you, you know, get you out of a pattern, break you free. And, you know, we all give ourselves this box and this comfort zone. And there's a saying life begins outside of your comfort zone. And that's very true. - Yeah, that's it. That's it. But the problem with us during this work is that our comfort zone is really, it's like, it's so small because when we step outside into the matrix, we don't feel like we fit in, right? So that's where the challenge is. So I don't know, there's a thousand different ways to approach this, but you can find your way. Yeah. All right, let's wrap it up. - No luck. - You are fake news. Okay, you're fake news. - No, that's the long one. - No, it's not the long one. - All right, now don't do it. - Fake news. - You said don't do it. - All right guys, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for coming on. - Oh, thank you so much. - This was kind of unexpected, but it was fun. And yeah, it was a great, great conversation. We touched on a lot. And yeah, anywhere, can you give your information for people that read to you or? - I would love to. - Yeah. - So my website is And if anyone wants to check that out, great. I do consultation phone calls. If you just want to talk for a little bit, really happy to just help anybody through, but it's And I just want to thank you guys for, you know, we have a lot of laughs and I hope that rippled out because that's really important. And I heard a lot of mice running around. - Yeah, there's mice running the ceiling here. - Yeah, don't disclose our location. - We're in a bunker somewhere. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Somewhere under your steady bunker. - All right guys, thank you for tuning in. And I do want to say thank you to the people who are donating to us. You know who you are. We appreciate that so much as, thank you, this helps out so much. And we just want to acknowledge everybody who is sending those donations and supporting us because that's how we're able to do this right now, that's how we're able to do this. And we can't thank you enough. And we want you to know it does not go unnoticed. So that's the head in and yeah. And please, if you feel compelled at all, like and subscribe and share this out, you know, we're centered all the time. We're getting hit hard. So any help is much appreciated. - Any last words otherwise we're wrapping up? - No. - I think I'm good. Just a lot of gratitude to you guys. - You're saying, you're being rude. You're fake, you're fake news. You're fake. - All right. - Hi guys. We will see you next week. Have a great night. (dramatic music) (intense music) - I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. VGW Group, boy prohibited by law. 18 plus, terms of condition supply.