Journey to Truth

Journey To Truth As You Wish Talk Radio Simulcast With James Gilliland

Originally aired on 9/19/20
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1h 0m
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13 Jul 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW Group, void prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. [Music] [Music] [Music] All right, this is James Gunn with Azure Wish Talk Radio, also simulcasting on the East City Stargate, and we've also got Journey to Truth. As also, here we have Tyler and Aaron here that we're going to do a simulcast at the same time. And so, three heads are better than one, especially mine. So, we should be able to cover a lot of topics. There's so many topics here that we can cover. We just got a new splash that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has just died today. Rest your soul, hope we get a great replacement, and that's all I'm going to say about that. I think she's died a few times, hasn't she? I don't know, but if somebody out there needs to be working on crossing over her soul, because we don't need that coming back. Yeah. Anyway, and then, you know, there's a lot, I want to cover a lot of things going on right now. Something that really affects us up here in the Pacific Northwest, and I want to get into that, and it's the fires and the censorship, and the toll insanity. I mean, we finally got some rain, so the area's clearing up, and it's looking great out there, but I kind of knew this would pass, but these fires are not global warming, you know, end of story, period. They're being set, and they've arrested literally, I know at least 50 or 60 people that have been arrested arsonists that have been starting these fires. There's others that have been caught. We've seen that on YouTube, where people have caught people setting fires. Native American woman caught somebody on her plate. They're burning the reservations, they're burning everybody, and so when you go Black Lives Matters, how about creation matters? How about the animals, the forest matters? How about all lives matters? I mean, it doesn't matter. Come on, guys, you know, this is another huge saw out, you know, false flag. So anyway, it's not, and what I've seen, I know you guys probably seen that too. Have you seen the cover up on this? Like, they will not touch this. None of the mainstream news will touch this. No, well, they're, I mean, we saw in the queue drop, the 17 drop, I mean, they're using, basically, they're using the excuse to deliver water to the first responders for these fires as a cover to deliver actual gas cans, and there was photographs shared, and this is just, I mean, it's smoking gun evidence that this is, this is not climate change, we know that. So they're filling the water balls up with gasoline? Well, either that, but there's, there's actually gas cans in the photographs with, in the back of the truck with the water bottles, and they're using the excuses delivering water to the first responders. And the police have already caught people setting fires, and there's been efforts, CV radio, audio of police saying they're, they're seeing arsonists setting fires intentionally. Yeah, a lot of them caught up in our area, but the police all know about it, but when it goes to the upper levels, and then it goes into the lamestream news, and, and they're warning, don't spread rumors, these aren't arsonists. And, you know, there are full-on patrols happening in our area. People are patrolling the roads, and, you know, the main highways, and the, the roads and the forests and things. People are out there, and they're looking, you know, they're, they're looking for people. So, I want to think twice before you come up in this area to, to mess around, and, and also I had a little incident yesterday, for yesterday and yesterday with a bear, you know, so bears a little unhappy about what's been going on. But, so, you know, it's like, hopefully they, these guys that want to go mess with nature might have an encounter with a bear, a tiger, could nap to nicer folks. Well, the one thing didn't surprise me, which people don't think about that much, you know, we see the fires on the news, we see them on TV, but when you come out here and try to breathe the air, it's really hard to breathe. It's, and we were in the grocery store that everything smells like a campfire. The grocery store was actually smoky inside, and it's really difficult to breathe. And I took a picture of where the Mount Adams, where Mount Adams should be, and you can't see it. There's so much smoke everywhere. It's gone, yeah. It's gone. It's, it's really sad, and it's just, unless you're here seeing it for yourself, it's really hard to understand the severity of it. Yeah, people need to realize too, there, there is a war going on, and it, this war going on is multidimensional. It's not just one level. And the, the news I've seen is totally complicit. And, you know, when they won't cover the riots, and they say their peaceful demonstrations in the background, you know, buildings are burning, and people are being shot and beaten, and things like that. Come on. At what point do you go, are we getting any information at all from the major news, you know, agencies? And, and the classic one I just saw on Fox News where I think it was Gingrich, or, yeah, yeah, it was Gingrich was saying that, look, all this goes back to Soros. He's financing all of this. And I was, oh, stop, we are not going to bring that name up. They said, George, George Soros does not need to be brought into this conversation. Yeah. And she said that, too, she agreed, affirmed that two times, and basically, it was just awkward silence, and then they just cut. Yeah. He couldn't understand as well, then we're done, you know, but, but he's got his finger on the pulse of almost everything. He's heavily invested in everything, and he's controlling everything from behind the scenes. And, you know, he's funded Black Lives Matters, Antifa, everything, every, every adversity group that's creating division and separation, they go back to him as far as funding. So, time to wake up and smell the coffee. This is much bigger than people are thinking. So, now another thing I want to talk about, have you guys seen the shaming going on on Facebook and things like that? They're shaming anybody that talks about Q, or talks about the Antifa, or the burning of the forest, the people involved in, all the people being caught, you know, I know there's at least 50 that are documented, and they have the arrested, they're documented for it, they have witnesses and everything else. And that's only ones that you've seen. There's a lot more involved in that. So, and even Barr, you know, was saying that, you know, they're getting ready to just, you know, pretty much make them a terrorist organization, which they are, and get down to business, which I hope they would do. But the, just watching all this thing unfold, I'm going, this, when does this stop? This is pure and sandy. And, you know, I was thinking about this on different levels. So, you, so you burn down your neighborhood, you burn down your stores, you burn down the markets, you know, you smash all the businesses there, you burn down the gas stations the fast food. Where are you going to go? We're going to go for food and basic, how are you going to get out of Dodge? You can't get a gas. It's amazing. Who's going to protect you just to get out of Dodge? You know, it's amazing what somebody will do for a paycheck. Is pure and sandy, and the people that are bought off, you know, and the people that are bought off that are going along with this, it's now it's coming to their neighborhoods and it's affecting their homes and everything. And now they're getting terrorized by the very same people that really have no scruples. They're going to terrorize, you know, everybody. And that's their game. You know, the game is total. And they've said that we're going to burn down America, you know, if we don't have our way, we don't go into into total socialism and our communism, basically, you know, we we're going to burn down America. So well, what about the direct energy weapons, the D E. Yeah, I mean, what's do you think that's in play here? I mean, there's a lot of evidence again of that. Well, from what I've seen when whole whole cul-de-sacs with houses on and burned down and all the trees are totally intact around them. How does that happen? And everything metal is getting accelerated and creating the fires. And that's microwave does that bridges are burning. And the rest of bridges, okay, the wood, if it's just playing wood is fine, but you have metal rod going through the wood, the whole thing burns down. So obviously that that is in effect, and you can see the beams coming down. So there's all kinds of photographs of beams coming down and hitting the houses and starting to fire. Well, in the Air Force, just released a statement that they have DEWs. They have this technology. They released it. And it was a video. And so now all these people who've been called crazy for years, claiming that these fires are caused by direct energy weapons, we have the proof now that they've come out and admitted. And if anybody decides to ignore that, that's where we're seeing the cognitive dissonance right now, because you can find you can find information to backup everything we're talking about. It's whether or not you want to look at it, if you want to see it, you will, if you don't, you won't. Yeah, I mean, you see, you see a plastic swing set or a slide in people's front yards. And the cars out in the driveway, everything is all, all fried, you know, they're all burned up and fried. And here's this plastic swing set sitting there. And you go, how does this make sense? Because, because plastic is my way of saving. So, so anyway, there's a lot more to that story. And this is like paradise part two, you know, or California part two. But I would, we really need to find out who's behind this, who's given the orders, you know, for this. And it's, well, it's gone psycho. I mean, that what's happening right now is we called it farm again here, because we had crazy winds come up out of nowhere, 70 mile an hour winds, trees went down there. These trees are 100 to 120 years old trees. You know, they've been there for 120 years. Why are they coming down now, you know, and insane stuff happening. And there's no way you can deny it. Well, all the, seems all the demons are coming out to play right now at these end times. I mean, we're seeing this on a large scale, but even down in the people's personal lives, a lot of attacks are coming and happening. They're not, they're not going to go down without fight. And we need to learn how to protect and prevent from this stuff, because it will take you off your path. And that is their goal right now. Yeah, they're, they're, they're freaking out right now, because they're desperate. They're trying to two things are trying to stall their own demise. And they're trying to still push their own agendas, which are not going to work, because they're already, they're already done. It's just it's got to play out still. And two, all that negative loose energy, all the fear and chaos, they they're trying to generate, because they're the entities that are really above the, the 3D level cabal are starving right now, because they're, they're loose that they used to be getting is not really what used to be. Yeah. So they're trying to get out of a dream. Yeah, exactly. All the kids can rescue now. It's like, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So they're, so they're having to cause all these things to, to stir up all this chaos and fear as much as possible, just to, just to survive. Yeah. And it's not going to work. I mean, it's, you know, it's happening now, but it's going to keep being less and less. Yeah, I wanted to, yeah, I wanted to cover one thing on, and now Facebook is putting out these things like, should a spiritual person, how can you be a spiritual person and talk about Q or talk about these end times things, talk about demonic or luciferan or satanic things, you know, talk about child sacrificing. And so this is like spiritual shaming is what they're doing. And this is another mind control thing that they're doing. So when you see that stuff, realize that enlightenment means to be in knowledge of everything, both sides of the coin, not just one side of the coin. And there's a lot of people that are doing this spiritual ego thing. I'm, I'm already in 5D. I'm above that. It doesn't affect me. Well, if you're here on this planet, it affects you. And what's being done to the forest, being done to everything affects us all. And so we need to get our feet on the ground and pay attention to what's happening around us. You know, no, you don't want it to take you down and take you into those dark places, but we have those dark places in ourselves. So we have to deal with our own shadow side and whatever we've allowed into us because of our wounds and traumas or wrong conclusions from past experience, we have to deal with that. And we have to realize there is a shadow side out there that once in that is waiting to find any chink in your armor to come in and disrupt, especially if you're doing the work. If you're on the path, you're doing the work, you are going to have resistance and you are going to, you know, take a lot of hits from these other forces. So just realize that, you know, if you're getting flakier over the target and and, you know, a lot of people, they're not a threat. So nothing's going to bother because they're going through the same mindset that actually came out of the agencies, you know, a lot of the new age mindsets went out of the agencies, because if you recognize evil, then it's in use. So don't look at it. Don't don't don't deal with it. Don't do anything. You know, all those programs only focus on the positive, ignore the negative spiritual bypassing on that. Yeah. So anyway, don't fall into that trap. You know, it's like, we need to do our, you know, whatever's put in front of us, we're going to need to deal with it. We need to deal with our own shadow side and we need to deal with the unseen negative influences out there that are affecting other people. And these people are driven that are doing these things. They're driven by other forces. You look in their eyes, their eyes are black. Well, that's, that's just behind every person is something controlling them. Yeah. That's something to remember and keep in mind. Yeah. And what, you know, what to me, what it's their works, you know, and we're talking about flattery. You know, that's a good one. Oh, yeah. The safe, what did you call it? Well, faker spirits become paper spirits and they come and they say, I'm Jesus or I'm this beat person and I'm this and you're special and you're the chosen one and they created division and they build up your ego, your spiritual ego, which actually ends up shifting to narcissism, narcissism. And you can't even deal with people after that. But really be aware of that. Anything that divides or separates is not coming from the higher, higher levels, you know, so seeing a lot of that. Yeah. And we're going to see more of that, especially in your biology, but all the way down. I mean, it's happening everywhere right now. Yeah, your biology is replete with that, unfortunately. And, you know, we talked about that when people brag about their associations with the paces and the Clintons and the Rockefellers. And then at the same time, they call themselves, you know, of highest integrity and they curse out the government and you go, come on, give me a break. Yeah. It's called planned opposition. There's so much of that. And other thing I want to bring up is this fuzzy tic-tac thing. Are you serious? I mean, three years ago, this thing happened. Now they're bringing it out. They're putting it on ABC and then they're bringing their planned opposition people to talk about it, their new faces. And they're trying to push this agenda. And I always tell people for 34 years, we've had tree top level ships every size, every shape, every color. It's not a fuzzy tic-tac, you know, why aren't you seeing this, you know? Well, just in general, there's so much more out there. But they're focusing on this one little thing that's not even anything. What's a controlled narrative? Yeah, it's to bring all the narrative and have total control over the narrative. Exactly. And they ignore the whole rest of your apology or anyone else that has just anything. And they're like, Oh, look at this. This is so amazing. But even the public is like, yawn, you know, like, this is not who cares. Like, there is a great video. John DeSouza, Michael Salah, Mike Barrett, they all break this down. And they all three come, they come to the conclusion that this tic-tac is a black budget advanced military drone and nothing more. They don't, they don't think it's just a military drone. And maybe they were out on a test flight or something in the Air Force or whoever to maybe happen to capture it and see it. But it's from, it's one of our own. But it's a compartmentalized thing. So they don't know what it is. So they're like, Whoa, what is this? But after their analysis, you know, I don't know if that's true or not, but it makes sense. Yeah, that's, that's absolutely probably what it is. We covered the tic-tac. And so now we got to cover some of the other things. I really want to get into, I know we had this discussion in the car. And we're talking about the entities that are coming in right now. And what's funny is that, you know, I wrote about this in 1982, about these times and what's coming in and the different entities that are coming in, how they're affecting people, the unseen negative influences. So I'd love to get your guys take on that as well. Yeah, I mean, I think we see it happening everywhere. I've actually been a victim of it myself. Like you said, when you're doing the work, you open yourself up to this stuff. And if you're not doing the daily practices, the daily protection, it's actually a day, it's dangerous. Like I said earlier, these demons are coming out to play. And when you aren't putting these protection up, they're going to take advantage of you. And they're going to take you off your path and send things into your life that don't belong as they're going to be distractions. And we're not only seeing this on a large scale, it's hitting individuals. And it's just something that I think is crucial right now, because we're not going to, if we're not in a place spiritually to do this work, we're not effective. And if we're being taken off our path, we need to be aware that we need to know how to look for the signs and what to look for and what to do about it. I think there's nothing more important actually right now. Yeah, we have there's a lot of indicators that as we said before, there's a lot of people that have not been trained in healing, unseen negative influences. So they allow these entities in. And as we say before, they come in through flattery, you know, through telling you the chosen one, and they play on any chinks in your armor. And if you've got victim patterns or other things, they love to come through that, you know, those are other avenues. So any wounds or traumas or wrong conclusions from past experience, even past life traumas, those are chinks in your armor, and they can come in through those. And the best way to get around that is to focus on that pure unconditional love and joy and bliss, practice loving detachment. But that doesn't mean ignoring the dark side, we have to realize there is one, and we have to deal with it. And and also, too, if you have a lot of accidents happening around you, you're sick a lot, you have emotional outburst, you feel this anger, but you don't know where it's coming from. These beings have mental and emotional bodies, they may not have physical bodies, and they can influence your mental emotional body. So, you know, you have to mind yourself and keep an eye watch your emotions and how you're interacting with others and the thoughts coming through your head. And if you don't like what you're feeling, do a healing. That's what we say, clear the energy. No, I identify as far as yours or not. That's something that's helped me so much along the way, because you will have thoughts popping your head sometimes. And it might not be yours. It might not be yours. Yeah, did you want to cover something? Yeah, that's huge. And the more you are, the more light work you're doing, and the more effective you're being, and the more you're putting yourself out there and making a difference, the more attacks you're going to receive. So, it's actually, yeah, it's super important, especially if you're, if you're doing work, and being effective to, you're because you're going to be, you're going to attack, it's going to happen. And you, it's super important to recognize that and to, and to protect yourself, put up the protection, do the clearings, and also to constantly be working on yourself and doing the inner work, because like James said, that wherever you're unhealed, wherever you have these wounds or traumas, they're going to play on that, and they're going to target that. And if you're, if you're kind of not, if you're not doing the work and you're not aware, especially of those, or always trying to work on those, they're, they're going to take advantage of that, because you're kind of unconscious to it. So they're going to attach to you, and they're really going to amplify that. And it can be very destructive. So you got to be very, very careful with that. I wanted to cover some of the things. And as an example, you know, we, we get this constant stuff hitting at us. And I covered this on another show, but recently we had a guy attacking us and he has some band called the rising serpents or something like reptilians or something like that. I don't know what he is. But, and on his Facebook thing goes, yeah, I just got back from a blood ritual, satanic blood ritual, all this stuff. And this guy's attacking us. And, and he's saying, he's saying that, uh, oh, it's, he goes, James has to come clean about all the missing people there, all the people that have died there, all the people in all these things this guy's coming up with. And I think nobody's died here. There's no missing people here. And, and everything this guy is saying is his own, yeah, he's doing it. Yeah. But, we hear that constantly. And I actually probably will write a page up on this because there's been so much nonsense. There's a woman came on coast to coast. And I don't know why George and I let her run with this, but he let her run. And she said that these black helicopters came in. They all repelled down. They had some drug. I don't know what she knew some drug. I guess it makes you out of it. So you'll do anything you're told. She's they repelled. They shot everybody with this drug and the people that ran away in the field, a big vortex opened up and swallowed everybody. And then they took all the kids into the basement and they were screaming and crying and they're being tortured. And then they blew up the conference building, which we're in right now. So she's got blown up. She's claiming all this happened on the ranch here. Yeah. Yeah. On the ranch. And so and he's just letting her run right before the conference, the big conference we had trying to get people not to come and see for themselves. And so those are the people we were talking about. We have to look after some of these people in equality. Yeah. And I go, I go, that's a really easy disclaimer. Basically, all the buildings are here. There's no big hole in the vortex. And then they go on your cult. And I said, well, try joining. There's nothing to join. There's nobody gives a portion of their income here to join. There's a free newsletter. That's it. You know, and this, this is just free thinking researchers that come together and share knowledge and wisdom from all aspects. And basically, that's what we're working with. But you know, anyway, to lay that to rest, you're going to hear all kinds of rumors about the people that are really doing the work. And do your own research, meet the people in person. You know, watch who they hang out with, watch how they behave off the podium. You know, they have a really good talk on the podium, but then you get off the podium, watch how they treat people off the podium, and, and follow the money. You know, follow, look where their money's coming from. Look where it goes. Mainly look where it goes. Well, and you brought up a good point. These people are just straight up lying. It's not just fake news anymore. This is happening there. They are manifest, they're creating their own lives. They're the stories that we see on TV and mainstream now. You know, it's funny. They always call the cover story. It's like they're letting you know it's like the cover story for the actual story. It's they're telling you right there that it's alive. But that's what with all these numbers right now with the mask and everything. It's insane. They're trying to say that there's a pandemic and 9,300 people have died from the virus. You know, 6% of the original numbers, they just backpedaled that and I want to know what happened behind the scenes to make them backpedal. Last year, 1.5 million people died of tuberculosis. 1.5 million people. No one said a word about it. 40 to 60,000 people die every year from the flu. And no one nobody stops anything down for that. Every previous virus, none of this has ever happened to those. And what's interesting is, you know, they're talking about this vaccine that we have to get. But guess what? There's a vaccine for the flu and 40 to 60,000 people still die every year. Yeah. What makes you think this new vaccine is going to help? And I got honestly, this vaccine do not put it in your body. It because. And why are they pushing it so hard if they know that? They do think because there is an action that there's an agenda and they want that vaccine isn't just going to do what they tell you it's going to do. It's going to manipulate your DNA. It's going to change your DNA and they're trying to turn us into this transhumanism society. And if you inject this vaccine, there's a good chance for it. Yeah. You're no longer going to be a homo sapient. And your future generations, all of your offspring, they're going to create an entire new race. And it's not going to be human. And if it's not human, then the plants never going to ascend. So we can't put this in our body. Trying to stop the ascension. Well, there's several doctors. I know there's a latest, there's a virologist that came out of China, I guess, and she worked on those. And she was on Fox News talking about, and she said they created it here. And we know who financed it. We know who led it loose, who started this whole thing. We know the whole agenda. And so hopefully she'll be protected, you know, and she can finish telling her story. But I was surprised that Fox News actually allowed that to come out. And they're going to get a backlash for that one. It's interesting the stuff that leaks out on Fox and then the stuff that they pull back. Yeah, it's funny how Fox like you get some truth, but then you still get, yeah, it's still very controlled. Yeah, another curious what's going on there to like allow the the truth to go. And another thing with this vaccine. So you have to know this right now on the news, what do we see in a lot of now all these pedophiles being busted, a lot of these children being saved, it's happening every day, you know, hundreds of children hundreds of pedophiles being arrested now, they're being caught. But what what this vaccine also does is get it's a nano by a nano bot technology is going to allow them to track every human. And if they can track every child. I've got Dan Morgan here on the pod. Say hi, Dan. Hey, how's it going today? It's going good, man. Tell us who you are and what you do. I'm Dan Morgan. I'm an attorney and a managing partner at Morgan and Morgan, which is America's largest injury law firm. That's pretty awesome. Why do you guys think you win so many cases? The insurance companies and other companies that we go against know that we're going to take it to the end that we believe in the case. So we fight for every dollar and we're not afraid to go that extra mile for our clients. Are insurance companies like actually afraid of you guys? We don't bluff. We take it to trial and we are not strangers of getting very, very, very large verdicts. Awesome. So how does someone get in contact with Morgan and Morgan? What would I do if I got into an accident? Probably the easiest way is dialing pound law. That's pound 529 from your cell phone. Our call center is always waiting to take your call 24/7, 365. Wow, Dan Morgan, from Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm. Thanks for coming by the show. Thanks for having me. Visit for an office near you. How to have fun anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to Got it. Step two, collect your welcome bonus. Come to top a welcome bonus. Step three, play hundreds of casino-style games for free. That's a lot of games, all for free. Step four, unleash your excitement. ChumbahCassino has been delivering thrills for over a decade, so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the ChumbahLife. Visit These people are predators. These people that are running the world are predators, then nobody would be safe. It's just insane. Well, I've seen this. They're saying this isn't happened, that that's all conspiracy. There's no massive pedophile ring and everything else, and they're cracking down on it. They're catching all these people, top people in politics and religion everywhere. These people are getting busted in the business sector, too. You see this, the movie industry, which they start cleaning that up, and the movie and music industry, both. What I see is they keep selling the same nonsense as happening in the lamestream news, but it is happening. Now, California, they're passing legislation to say, "Pedafy is okay." They're trying to cover their tracks and cover their unfortunate. The Democrats are totally sponsoring this and behind it and everything else. If you're a Democrat and you've got a heart and a soul left, I think it's time for you to stand up and just say, "Enough's enough." It doesn't matter. This doesn't matter whether Republican or Democrat, this is not acceptable. We'll carry it. That's the thing. It's not just, it isn't Republican versus Democrat, because one of the most recent queue drops, it listed a bunch of these convicted pedophiles, and they were on both sides. It's literally predators, and it's the deep state embedded in the whole system that is behind all this, ultimately. It's like republic rats. But it's these psychopaths, the people of the deep state. They use their puppets to do their dirty working bidding. It's this whole system. If you go to the NSA's website, you can do an entire dig on the state of Hawaii right now. It's one of the largest hubs for this child trafficking, and you can do your own dig and your own research on this, and you'll find this. But you can find this on the NSA website. Within the past, I mean, to date, I think 256 Hawaiian babies have been trafficked for $30,000 a piece, they're sold. And the entire police department there is in on this. They're in on the cover. I've heard about that. And it's not just these drugs as well, but I mean, when drugs are involved, when children are involved, who cares about the drugs? The drugs are almost like a cover for the worst stuff. I got fact checked on that one. When I put that out, I got heavily fact checked on everything. Well, let people do it. Let people fact check. They need to, I mean, I mean, I'm hearing that it's the entire state of Hawaii could be indicted because of it. Yeah. Yeah. That's Nuka. No, whole state of Hawaii. Was that but what a perfect cover used paradise as a cover you would just pay off and then it's going to be all over for him. Yeah. Well, think about what Hawaii used to be before we came and screwed it up. And then Monsanto moved in. Yeah. And you know, so this is like the karma that they accumulate in for a while. Why was there that attempted missile strike in Hawaii a few years back? Yeah. And it was intercepted. There's a lot more going on there than I was talking about that. You know, the Air Force one has always has two ships following it. And they're not whatever that you want to call them. You want to call them secret space fleet ships. You want to call them plating ships or I encounter some light ships, whatever, Federation ships, but two ships. And these are not not your normal conventional ships are following Air Force one every time. Every time it's up there. And they've intervened on several occasions. And so there's a lot of protection. As we said before, this is a multidimensional event happening. It's a multicultural and some of these cultures are off world that are both there's some causing problems and there's some protecting involved in the cleanup. So it's as I'm saying, you got to look at both sides. That's what enlightenment is. You got to realize that. Yeah, there's these awesome ascended masters. They're spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors. Our ancient ancestors are returning majority of them are benevolent that are coming in now. But there are some that have been here for quite a while that aren't benevolent and and they're being cleaned up as we speak. Yeah, it has to happen. It's gonna it is happening. There's no stopping it. We're just I think a lot of it's already done on a higher level and we're watching it play out. Yeah, but we still that doesn't mean we just give up and watch it. We need to do our part and we need to play our part. Well, we're the ground through the star seeds. Yeah, we're here. We're here literally for this time to help out and to anchor in the light and reviews and to also help wake people up and to help clear clear out. Yeah, I think about it. Okay, I want you to just use base common sense. Why would you defund the police and get rid of the police in the time of riots and make sure it's off the scale and forests being destroyed. You know, what's now they're going to defund the fire department? Yeah. Is that next? You know, the force. Exactly. It's like we're we're going to go next and and what is the other agenda playing out? These are the stops for this. These are the things that will check this. So we're removing the check and balance things out of the way. So this other force can just run full force over. That's what they're trying to do. Yeah, it's not going to work though. And we need to they're gonna they're trying that but they're trying to what is their biggest who is their biggest enemy right now? Otis. Yeah. And this is what we're seeing with this election. Expect mark my words. We will not see the results on election night. They are going to do whatever narrative try and pull with every narrative they can to make the masses think that Trump was illegally elected and he's illegally sitting in the White House. And these are the types of things we're going to have to start fighting. It's not going to be it's not going to go away. These masks aren't going to stop like on the job of a diamond November 3rd or 4th or whatever. Well, I've noticed too, there's a major movement now all over Europe. I mean, Berlin and London and England and they're having huge rallies. Everybody's ripping their masks off and they're having businesses come on there and virologists. All these people talking about there's no science behind what's going on here. And they're having movements I think in Florida, I believe right now. There's some other states that are just saying some states have just banded all together already and they're up and running. They just said enough. There's no science, no real science behind this. But when they say we're following science, they're not following science. They're not following statistics, they're not following science, they're not following. They're following propaganda. That's what they're following. Well, and the thing is, and so many people out there think just because it's written in text that it's true. And that's- And if the CDC says something or if it's on the mainstream media, the other who or any sort of anything you view as an authority. And these aren't government organizations. These are a whole different system. They're for-profit corporations and they make money. They've got the patent for these diseases. These are all man-made diseases and all of them are. They've got the patents for them. They got the patents for in 2017. They had the patents for all the test kits and everything else. So now they have the patent. They get paid every test kit that goes out. And so you got to get the numbers up. So that's why all the numbers are skewed so they can sell more test kits and more. And now when the vaccine comes out, they're going to make billions of it. So follow the- You just follow the money and look at the engineers. And then stuff that we don't hear is that they almost canceled the NFL season because 77 players had tested positive. But what they don't tell you is they later found out that those were false positives and they all retested and no one had it and the season goes on. Same with the NBA team and who knows where else this is taking place. But we know for a factor is evidence that these tests are testing false. They're false positives. Yeah. 90% false positives. So when you test a pal-pal fruit and a goat, when they come back positive, there's something going on there. It's easier. It's already on the device. It's already on the swab. Or it's giving you. Or the system is wrong. And everybody, if you've got a flu shot, you have COVID. You've already got it in you. So you're going to test positive anyway. Yeah. Well, in this thing, most of the people that died from COVID had gotten the flu shot. Like the vast majority. I think I saw that. Yeah. It does not surprise me. It does not surprise me. Well, also too, that it's usually the- it was an 80-something percent or elderly and they always have preexisting conditions that complicate- The vast majority are elderly or have preexisting conditions or both. And I see people trying to argue this and defend this still. Like, well, the COVID is what enhanced their complications and amplified their complications and made them die. If they weren't like, and it's like, no, that's not what happened. You don't make that big of a mistake in these numbers by accident. That's criminal. If you don't see what's going on here, I mean, you can't- I don't know- People are dying car accidents COVID. You know, a guy jumps out a plane, shoot doesn't open COVID, you know? It's like, yeah, you can go on and on and on, but they had- I mean, when the CDC or they came out and with the new numbers and they were saying 90 percent were false positive. 94 percent. 94 percent. Yeah. So only 6 percent of the reported deaths were actually deaths from COVID. Yeah. And of those 6 percent, 90 percent were elderly. Yeah. Yeah. So, pre-conditions. Oh, pre-conditions. Yeah. What was the original number, like 135,000? Something like that. And then it went down to 9,300. 9,000. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. That's not exactly- Which is way less than a normal flu- It's not an accident. Why is that happening? Nine versus what? 40, 40 to 60 or 40 to 70,000 in a bad fluency. Yeah. And like I said earlier, though, what happened behind the scenes to make the CDC backpedal? Because under normal circumstances, we're- Well, what happened behind the- What happened to make them put that out in the first place? And then to backpedal. Because they wouldn't have ever done that. Yeah. I think some white hats got involved. I think so. We're going to bring the real numbers out. The same people who are controlling Biden right now. Making them- Yeah. Yeah. Making them play "Despacito." Did you see that video? That was mostly ridiculous. And when you got off the plane, you waved to no one. Yeah. Yeah. There's no one there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if it's even Biden or clone. You're going to see him. Yeah. You're going to see him doing the robot pretty soon. Yeah. Yeah. I'm only walking. So what are your thoughts on the reality of clones existing within our government and within a celebrity and state world? You know, I don't know. That's- If you go there, everybody's going to say you're crazy or not. I mean, we've had that technology for a long time. Anything. You know, we've been cloning sheep and things like that for a long time. That's what we know about. Yeah. So whatever you hear about- We're way- We're 50-100 years beyond what you hear about, yeah. So, you know, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't Android technology and clone technology. Probably all the above going on. You know, we have anti-gravity, counter-gravity. We've got medbeds. We've got all this stuff. You know, I know people that have the technology and the wisdom to clone somebody. So, and so I'm not going to go any further than that, but it is possible. It is a reality. And that's we're going to leave it at the end. If anybody wants to do a deep dive on this Bibliotheca Pleiades, if you know that website there is tons of information on the cloning and how it works and what's been going on behind the scenes. Take it for what it is, but it'll definitely open your eyes to the reality of it. And it's interesting. There's also- I'm sorry, I'm going to take it here. There is like with Biden, for example, they say that rapid age clones have neurological issues. They have cognitive issues. And so let's just say something that happened to Biden. And they have these rapid age clones that we're seeing on screen malfunction. And maybe they have one that's actually growing out, saving them for the debate. It's a really crazy theory. I know, guys, sorry. Well, also the adrenochrome, since the supply's been cut off, you see- These people falling apart. These people falling apart, yeah. And having- they can't speak. They look older. Like they're suddenly aging so much more, you know. I mean during the debate, and Trump needs to walk over during the debate and go like this, wave through and make sure he's real. Not a hologram or some robot, you know. Well, you have Pelosi and these people saying that Biden shouldn't have to participate in a debate. When is it not to ever apply to an election? And what's interesting is- Well, they said the rules. Yeah. They changed when it said them. Well, when John Vivanko removed past elections, he said that they would remove view the emotional reaction of the loser and the winner. And he said, in the past, every time it's always the same, the loser never seems to care. Yeah, they're always- It's just- It's like the same as the winner like they already knew. But when he- when they removed viewed the Hillary Trump, he said it was the first time they've ever seen a total difference. Hillary was- It was like demonic anger. Furious. Yeah. And then Trump was like happy and like super enlightened and ecstatic. So this was the- what made him start paying attention. And people always- Lucky land slots asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? Aha, in my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You could get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. VGW group would be recruited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. You want to know why we correlate this stuff with ufology and all this other stuff. It's what we're not going to get any disclosure until the political arena is cleaned up. Because they're controlling everything. So that's where our focus has to be right now. Yeah. And then that's when people get upset because we make things political. Well, that's just where we are. I tell you what's going to be funny too though. The disclosure is going to come from the skies because the ships are going to do it. They're already doing it. And they're already doing it. They're showing up everywhere right now and they're doing all they can to squash it and turn it into something else other than the obvious. But they did that poll in Texas after they had that huge fly over in the flag. I heard about that. Yeah, 99% of the people said that UFOs do exist and there is a government cover up. So, and that's in Texas too. It's like, give it up. It's over. Oh yeah. We're going to time to come claim. That disclosure is coming too. Like the new Air Force One, the Exosonic, that company, that startup company somehow has all this technology to have a supersonic craft. Well, and there's reason to believe that these people have been a part of a special access program for a long time. Yeah. And now we're just seeing this stuff come forward. Even though this Mach 3, whatever they're trying to reach now, speed with this Air Force One, it's still old technology. Yeah. But what I've heard is they have to do it this way because if they go too advanced, too fast, they can't integrate that technology into what we already have. So if we, this technology they're using for this new Air Force One can be implemented in our aircraft now. And they can actually-- Yeah, society's whole infrastructure has to change to really integrate advanced-- No, let's say if you, if you had these little devices that were, let's say just anigravity, which is really barbaric. You know, we have that. You put those in a plane. You're not going to have another plane crash. It's not going to happen, you know? Yeah. They're going to come in and land and just boom, you know, and there. You know, countergravity, you say you install that. Now you're going to propel things instantly at 7,000 miles an hour, with the field around them. It's not going to affect the plane. You know, that's the next level up. And then you can keep going with this. And you try to explain to people that are still driving gas guzzling cars. You go, guess what? You don't need fuel anymore. You can burn water. That technology has been run for a long time. Oh, yeah. And then you go, not only that, you don't need tires. We have anigravity. And then next level, you know what I mean? That we have countergravity. You can take off several thousand miles an hour, bam. Teleportation technology. You can have breakfast in the USA and lunch in Australia and Japan, you know, it's what whatever you want to do. We already have all that technology. If you listen to any whistleblower for years now, I mean, they've all claimed forward with this information. Oh, yeah. And it's not like one of them saying that they're all coming forward. There's very similar information. And you can corroborate it all and connect the dots yourself. The people out there want this hard evidence for all the stuff. But we're not going to get a hard evidence from a system that's designed to hide all the hard evidence. Yeah. We have to connect the dots on our own. And the people who want that, you're not going to get it. You have to reach a place where you call direct knowing. Yeah, it's going to hit you. It's going to resonate with you or not. And you're going to know the follow that lead or no, stay away. As part of the ascension process and the DNA changes are going on because telepathy is getting totally boosted right now. And so that's where you know people are calling you. You don't even have a doubt. And then also there's another line that opens up where you end up with knowing the future and the past. You have knowledge of going. And when you really get going, you can actually jump forward and pass. You can teleport or bi-locate and things of that nature. And these are all DNA lines that are being activated right now. One is the salamander gene where we're going to be healing ourselves. We can start growing new arms and things like that. You know, that's in the books. So you know, they have all this tech. They can do it now. They can do it spiritually or they can use technology to activate this. And pretty soon you're going to see people with these abilities, with these powers. Some are going to do it spiritually. Some are going to be born with naturally coming out. And there's no stop in it because it's supported by a much higher level. The sad thing is, is that Mother Earth already provides all the cures for this stuff anyway. And we need to wait for that stuff. But we're never taught that. And I was just doing a dig and listening to some information on scientists in Australia discovered that honeybee venom is a cure for breast cancer. In 60 minutes, honeybee venom will wipe out any stage of breast cancer. And this is a type of information that we're never going to hear about because of big pharma. Yeah. And just cancer in general, there's already tons of you know, cancers in 1929. I think there's auto warberg gave us a cure for cancer. And what he said is cancer is anaerobic, you know, and you increase the blood oxygen and you raise the body pH and it backs it out of your system. I'll come in and eat the pH. Yeah, you have become more affluent. I mean, and that was 1929. Why is that not applied? Why are we still in the hospitals? 100 years later. Why are we, why are we filling people up with processed food and junk food and crap? And high sugar, high fructose, all that stuff. White flour in the hospitals. Come on. I mean, you're already on the edge. They haven't moved animals. Well, doctors aren't taught nutrition and just like eating healthy and healthy lifestyle. They're just taught the medicine and the pharmaceuticals and the stuff. And then that's all they know. So like people get sick and they get stuff and they think just, oh, go fix it, go take a pill and go to, but really you got to change your lifestyle. You got to change what you're eating. Like what you're putting in your body and what you're doing. Well, and part of the indoctrination going on there is that all these nurses, they have to go to like these monthly seminars and when they have this rock star doctor coming, he's well known, he's written books, he makes millions of dollars. He comes forward and hands them all this new, all the new developments in the medical field. And they think that this is the latest and greatest. They put all their stock in this guy. And they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school to learn this stuff. There's no way that they're being duped. And these are the scariest people because they're the ones that are going to be the hardest to really turn around here. Yeah, the energy medicine that's coming out, the frequency medicine, all that stuff and the medbeds and everything else is going to totally revolutionize everything. And, you know, it's going to be available to everybody because it's not, you know, basically they're going to have to do it that way because, you know, you really think of people can't even contemplate what if your health needs were met, what if your fuel needs were met for your transportation and, you know, your everyday utilities, you know, what if those are met, you know, and they can all be met, you know, very efficiently with this new technology. How much freedom would that give you? Yeah. You know, how much more time to get creative, to do your own thing, to let your creative energies come forward and make your own personal connection with source, whatever you want to call it, you know, what's that going to do? Imagine, we can't imagine a life without propaganda either, without programming. Like, we don't know what it's like to have our own thoughts. Yeah. That's, that's something we're going to have to learn. Being a sovereign, a sovereign being, yeah, being self-sobbering and, yeah, exactly thinking for yourself and then not just living, so many people on the planet are living literally just to survive during survival mode. And as soon as you're not working a job, you hate 40 plus hours a week to just provide for your family and to survive. You have all this free time, like you said, to you be like, oh, well now what do I want to spend my time doing? What do I want to do? What's my soul want to do, you know, and you can actually, you actually have the time and the freedom to develop spiritually. And, and when somebody asks you what you do for a living, you don't have to use your career as an answer. Yeah, and then you go, yeah, because somebody who will self-identify by what they do, what their career is, and that's where their sense of self-worth comes from. We have a lot of time doing that. Doing that. We should be getting pretty close. Yeah, we've probably got a few more minutes. But, yeah, the natives are restless above us. Yeah. They're doing a workshop above us, so that's where all the noise is coming from. And there's a lot of competing and stuff going on because we were supposed to be here, and there was supposed to be another building, so I'll have that got changed. Anyway, I know we got a few minutes, so what's the best way for people to get a hold of you guys to find out your latest work and, and the project you're working on? Our YouTube channel is where you can find our, our content journey to truth podcasts. You can, you can message us, you can email us at We're also on Facebook, all the social media platforms. We're on iTunes and Spotify and a few others for the audio version. Yeah. And if you just, if you just shoot us a message on Facebook, or send an email, like I said, We'll, we'll respond if we can. It's tough to keep up with the messages sometimes, but yeah, that's the best way to reach us. And, and please, if you feel compelled at all, subscribe and help us out because, you know, we're all, we're all getting hit hard with this censorship right now, and it's not easy for a channel like ours to do well right now. So, any, any support helps. And I'm sure we're going to get shadow banned. We have been for quite some time. This is an episode that's definitely going to kind of take some heat, but, read it and touch underneath, then controversial. But, yeah, it's going to get interesting. And, you know, be sure and hit the like button and make sure you send them a message that you like what we're talking about. You want to hear more. But, but anyway, yeah, I really want to get into, you know, closing out. I really want to talk about the censorship and the, that it's just unbelievable the censorship going on right now with Google and Facebook and, and Twitter and, I'm sure you guys are getting hit too. It's everything. Well, it's funny, you know, every, they're, they're, they're showing their own hand by fact-checking all these posts and all these articles and everything because that makes me want to look into it even further. Okay, exactly. What type of truth are they scared of here? And, and that's happening to other people too, because you would scroll past like, well, why did this get fact-checked? It makes them stop and research something. They might have just kept scrolling. Or just in general, like, why is, why are so many things getting fact-checked all of a sudden and why are they ramping up the censorship all of a sudden, like, it's just waking people up because they're doing it so much, it's like, I have firsthand knowledge about some things and, and I tell people about it and they go, why looked at snoops or whatever and snoops or whatever they are. Yeah, and they said that, you know, this is, this is a false thing. But snoops, I know, I know firsthand that's real. And so I, I could catch in them over and over and over again. And, you know, like Kim Trills, you know, they're saying, there's no Kim Trills, you know, and, and it's really geoengineering. You can use the right word, you know, but they're saying there are no Kim Trills, they're saying they're on ice. They openly talk about geoengineering all the time. Yeah, yeah, and you go and you look, just walk outside, look up, you know, what, what are those? Yeah, we're just to look up. You're out in the middle of nowhere and there's all these total expatters and tic-tac-toe and then all of a sudden the clouds come in and, and start people start wheezing and feeling sick and not, you know, you know, of course, you know, they're real. So, when they, they test Mount Shasta and there's, oh, there's like, I don't know how many more times they might have balloon on that. Heavy metal. Yeah, I think it's off the scale. It's like, it's important to remember for people out there doing research, think about how easy it would for you to be, for you to start your own website, put your own information up there. You can put whatever you want and brand it just like a snopes and call yourself a fact checker. Yeah, this is the type of thing we're seeing. Anybody can put this information out there. That's why it's the spiritual development, getting to that place of direct knowing. I love that term, by the way. Yeah, but it's important. It's important because for any, if you want to prove something right, you can find evidence to prove it. If you want to prove it wrong, you can find evidence to disprove it. What seemingly disproves it. Yeah, I'm running out of time. I see a little note there. I don't know why. Yeah, we are. Yeah, so we're out of time producers giving me the message here. So anyway, looks like we've got to wrap things up. It's been great hanging out with you guys and listening to your information and adding to whatever information I have. And it's just, you know, been an amazing talk. So the main thing I want to tell people, keep an open mind, loving heart, peer intent, and do your own research. I don't listen to the controlled narratives and the planned opposition and just know it's there and do your own research. But anyway, this is James Gown signing off. We've got Tyler and Aaron. Have a great evening. Good night. Good night guys. Hello. It is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino dot com. I looked over the person sitting next to me. And you know what they were doing? They're also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com to claim your free welcome bonus. 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