Journey to Truth

EP 80 - Cyrus A. Parsa - POTUS - #17 - CCP - Quantum AI - Enlightenment & The Great Awakening

Originally aired on 9/17/20
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Cyrus A. Parsa, is the Founder and CEO of The AI Organization, where he is also Director of Creative Analysis & Defensive Innovations. He has researched and investigated more than 1,000 AI, Robotics, 5G, Cybernetic and Big Tech companies. He warned of the Coronavirus, China and every major technological and geopolitical aspect transpiring in the Pandemic lockdown (MBT-AI Engineered Disease From China) with the publication of AI, Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G and Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity. Cyrus’s mission is to help safeguard humanity first, and prevent disasters to the worlds people from China, Big Tech and the misuse of AI and biotechnology.
YouTube | Twitter: @CyrusAParsa1 @AiOrganization

1h 50m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Cyrus's author of artificial intelligence, danger to humanity, and many other books along with founder of AI organization, the AI organization, I believe he formed that. You created that in 2018, is that correct? Yes, correct, yes. That's correct. Yeah, so I'm sure we'll be diving into that a little bit, but I do want to start off by, first of all, saying welcome to the show. We're really glad to have you and your video from the other, I guess just two days ago, President Under Siege, talking about how Trump's just under fire right now, under attack from the CCP, and I would love for you to go a little bit more in depth on that, and what's taking place there, and we can kind of get into the CCP's involvement with this whole entire pandemic. So, I did that video for a few reasons. One is that China's Party has spent quite a bit of money, manpower through espionage and social engineering and soft power to not only influence elections, but influence our biotech companies, our politicians, our corporate leaders, and even the masses through using proxy wars. What are these proxy wars? I was one of the first ones to release that behind support of some BLM was actually China's Communist Party using social engineering and even different methods, and what they have been doing is weaponizing any media or corporate or contracts they have with any agency to counteract or mobilize people on the left even conservatives without their knowledge against President Trump, his administration, the Constitution, or even certain goals that the administration has, and this happened not just to liberals but the conservatives as well. So, they want unrest. They want a civil war, because what they want to do is become the empire, a dark force that controls everything. I put out a tweet before this one. It was an extract from my interview with Dave from X-Point Report, and that also information was an extract from an intel article I put out that went to President Trump and he read it in November, which is called 18 agencies and 37 nations, mobilize artificial intelligence and intelligence agencies with psychological warfare in the shadows to take out President Trump. So, behind the Mueller team, I'd say also in my book, I printed this in the initial book, A.I. Trump, China, the weaponization robotics 5G, and then I embedded into here that behind the witch hunts of President Trump and even his generals, even General Flynn, was the Communist Party of China, because they feared President Trump greatly, and they knew that he has friends going back 30, 40 years that are in the military. So, they envision President Trump coming to power. So, why did I put out this new tweet called President Under Siege? Well, he has been under siege throughout his entire presidency, but this is different. They want to go out the White House. There are multitude of threats to doing this. One of them is psychological warfare that pretty much weakens the resolve of the cabinet. Even President Trump, his family, his administration, and even the secret service in FBI and the people around the EU, and even psychologically social engineers, police officers at the subliminal level, thus creating chaos and weakness for the administration, and leaves for potential attacks by terrorists, village fundamentalists, or even the Chinese Communist Party, or even the medical elections, so many different things. Thus, this type of protests or riots cannot be allowed, and it's a physical threat. It's an emotional threat. It's a spiritual threat from all different perspectives. You never see Obama, Biden, George Bush, and Clinton go through this. If they did, they wouldn't accept it. The police will come in and back it, but I also cited that the American be arrested. It could be any mayor. It could be the DC mayor. It could be whoever it is for treason, because their job is to protect the president. Within the means that they have, within their jurisdiction, so if they're doing things that are impeding, for instance, the National Guard that came in, or the intelligence agencies, then they're actually committing crimes, not just treason, but complicity and accessory, and so many different things. So I put out that tweet so intelligence communities can think about it. I also mentioned the tweet that the Secret Service, some of them, are not for Trump. They're not loyal to Trump, and a great deal of the DC police, which I noticed a year and a half ago. That's the same issue, so because they're from Obama days. I put out the tweet. It only got 28,000 views, or 30,000 views so far, and maybe, I don't know, 2,000 retweets, and you guys retweeted it. So I just noticed that, and you guys press like, not only did you retweet, but you press like, so that's not just supporting me in the organization. It's actually supporting President Trump. So we've had a lot of difficult time getting patriots to support things that we've put out, and we've been militarizing our entire network that has been helping the Trump administration against China's Communist Party and other things in so many ways. So it's like, you're not helping else, you're not helping Trump. So anyway, so thank you guys for retweeting and liking that, and thanks for that question, because it's really, really important. This is a crucial time, and they're having that 50-day siege starting on September 17th, and it's from Canada and other places. And another thing is, it allows these movements to mobilize other areas. It's a connecting pot. Once you go to the White House, you're trying to siege it, then it connects all this city horizon. That's city horizon. Every world is uprising up. So there has to be a line. That's why I put the end. There's limits to appease me, because the entire time it's been a combination of playing art of war, but also a degree of appeasement because of race tensions. Thus, this is a safety issue, not just for conservatives, but for liberals, because if Trump gets taken out, kind of wins. The Communist Party and liberals fall under his sleeping. So that video, only two minutes, it touches so many things you guys noticed. Well, it's not just the Communist Party that wins. It's the entire fate of the planet basically relies on Trump being elected right now, and that's really hard for a lot of people to grasp, especially if they haven't been following this stuff. But I want to talk more about this date, September 17th. I have been hearing this from multiple sources now, and I'm curious on where this date is coming from, and what is actually supposed to take place, because it's all hearsay, as far as I can tell, unless there's anything backing in it. It may not even happen, but the reason why I put that tweet has multiple reasons. Also, to give the Secretary of the Trump administration idea that you need to have a three-mile perimeter security enhancement, which because there is some vulnerabilities I saw. So it may not be this pro, it may be another protest, it may be something else. So it makes him think, and a chain of reaction, a chain of reaction starts to occur, which beats up their security, because they see all Cyrus saying this, and he was right on everything else, we should do this. But yes, did they have a Twitter account, multiple different networks, large Canada, but here, and they're starting to connect with Antifa, BLM, and liberal clauses. And then the media is giving them some extra attention. So even if it's not going to form, we put out our analysis, says, hey, even this doesn't form, you can use this type of analysis, and execute a certain plan to counter not just this one, but other ones, pre-election, pre-re-election, and during re-election, and afterwards. Because I noticed that I put out tweets before the statues got hit, statues have vulnerabilities sent in the military. I noticed that a year before when I was there, I saw that security was not very good with the statue. I saw who the security was, and they were playing clothes act like tourists, and they were within the tourist, acting like tourists, watching tourists in the statues, but protecting the statues, but some of them weren't that good. And there was vulnerabilities to it. So, and this has to do with the Abraham Lincoln statue and other ones that I noticed. So it was 2019, some time of May, I think. What are your thoughts on these fires right now occurring? Do you think these are just are some fires? What are your theories or your thoughts on DEWs, direct energy weapons? Do you think that's being actually implemented here? I can't comment on this because there are some rules for social media on stating certain things that they may perceive to be not true information, but I can give you a different answer. Sometimes Larson, sometimes it's a cause and effect, there are things you can't see in different dimensions. The human eye can only see so much, but behind everything that happens, there's something in a different dimension that instigates it. Whether an action by a human being, or an action by an invisible entity that you cannot see, and this starts to change the reaction. But the reason behind it is actually, in a sense, as I say, it's a cause and effect, or a karmic reason for it, because society is on the age of chaos from what I heard and what I see currently. And people are not at the ethical standards that they were back in the day, and not just the liberals, but also the conservatives. And there's a lot of hatred. Hatred brews hatred, and chaos brews more chaos. The world needs not the love that people talk about. It needs benevolence. But benevolence doesn't mean you tolerate evil, you accept evil. There's a line you don't cross. But our minds are very, very powerful. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group, void rep prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. I don't just mean mine yours or his or the people who are this, everyone's mind is very powerful, thus having positive thoughts and having righteousness. If we can work on ourselves being righteous, we can change the course of history. So that's why I know you guys want to get into the great awakening and different things, but it's kind of leaning there. But it's not just about conservatives, it's also about liberals. Yeah, and I love how you said that behind everything happening, there's something that instigates it in another dimension. It's just like I believe that you've said in the past, I think this is, I got this from you, behind every person is something controlling them. Yes. Yeah, and it's the same concept. You know, there's a lot, there's a bigger picture. There's so much more going on than we'll ever perceive here, the 3D level. And that's what people have to remember when they're getting triggered by a lot of these events. And I'm glad you brought that up. It's a great point. I really like that. So as far as going back to the Trump and the CCP and just the CCP's involvement in this entire virus and everything that's taking place, what should people know about what's going on? And is it looking like they're on their way out or what's actually taking place there? The CCP will fall. It will be erased from the pages of time, as people say. But there is a timeframe for that. Every person on a planet must make their stance against a China's Communist Party, against communism, period. Because again, this leads to the Great Awakening, which is not just about arrests. That's a very, that's a part of it. It's an important part, but it's a small part of it, a very minute part of what it's actually about. But the Chinese Communist Party, their tentacles are being caught and cut and decapitated. One nation by one nation, financially, culturally, physically, and even spiritually. After seeing this and this, the main thing is is the human rights violations. If everyone starts talking about those things, but the organ harvesting and the concentration camps and the rates of tortures, of the found off of meditators, the Christians, Tibetans, the Uyghurs, and the common citizen who may be agnostic of even atheists, who just had a certain political leaning, they a lot have been killed in the camps. I can talk about this topic for a very long time. I've host talks. I brought David made this and you the Kilgore. Just as a brief, you know, six, they said, 41,500 transplants are unaccounted for. That could be 20,000 people, it could be 41,000. And that's just the hospital's data, not the behind the scenes of the military companies. Then 2016, they say 1.5 million. So from 2016, every year, 6,200, 10,000 transplants are unaccounted for. You add that number up, it's over 1.5 million transplants. So is it half a million people that died? Or is it 1.5 million? Or is it a lot more? Because you're not counting to other hospitals, you're not counting the military complexes, the moving crematoriums, events. They've had, so when the CCP virus hit, when that hit, or COVID-19, however you want to call it, they had these moving crematoriums come take people away. But whereas it's come from, because they have experience in doing this, moving trucks to Oregon traffic people, they pick people ahead of time and they would go traffic diapers. This is not just a government, not just a military complex. I don't mean the military does complex, the actual PLA liberation army. And then doctors are involved, the police are involved. Yeah, there's local mobs and mafia's involved in this Oregon harvesting stuff. That's a scary dark rabbit hole to go down. And some of the methods, if you really start researching, some of the methods that they use to actually accomplish these things, it's just hard for us to fathom. So that number doesn't surprise me at all. And I would definitely think it's on the higher end of that because of some of them that go undocumented. Yeah, I agree with you. And China has a long history of different types of torture, not just from the communist areas, but going back to the Qing dynasty, and even the war in kingdoms. So they use all types of methods to torture people. So I interviewed Chen Jing. I interviewed a lot of people that have been in these camps. But he told me, you know, he was a communist official working at the embassy in the passports and different things. He was a high ranking one. He was put in the camps or in the prison to beat him out for the first seven days and they hung the ceiling like redistricting your faith. And actually he was a foul enough practitioner. So he would say, "Bushing won't end up jing-shot men." Which is no way. I follow truth when Evelyn's forbearance. And they torture with batons and say, okay, I kind of different things. Until the seven days, and they brought him down, they threw him into it, into a cell all naked spiders. And then put a machine gun to his head, he still wouldn't do it. And then finally, what did they do to him? They had him stand for an entire month. Around the clock, they had police rotating. And so you would recount. So he said for an entire month, he literally stood and he got poo there. And his legs got three times the size swollen. This was standing there. And there's a lot more I can tell you. And even his friend, he says, they came to the cell, took him out five hours later. He sees the cell, the cellmate being taken out in the stretcher. And it's a homeless body. He doesn't know why there was a hole. And later on, it comes out, he gets released for some reasons. And the thing was, any person that they interviewed, that most of them had had issues with health so they got out. But they all had the same story, and then they never talked to each other in many states, many, many nations around the world. The story was that they got beat up and tortured, but they were medically checked for the coronavirus, their skin, and blood tests multiple times. You only do that. And even EKGs. You only do that if you try to do hard transplants, liver, kidneys, and coronavirus transplants. So they just think about how sick they were. They made it into a commodity because youngs and men, the former dictator of Communist Party of China, and they call them the toad actually. This gentleman said, bankrupt them, ruin the reputation, and then physically destroy them. Not just a foul enough, but then it went to Christians and Tibetans, Uyghurs, in the common sense. So once you let it happen to one group, then it expanded. Everyone was silent for a good 20 years, right? All the media. So like they were wearing a mask. Now entire world is wearing a mask. It's like almost like, this is what will cause an effect. You know, if a good man and woman do nothing and they're silent, no matter how far it is, evil will penetrate and prosper throughout the entire world. It was doing business with China, buying made in China goods, and our media. You know, we give technology, Google, and Cisco. I've been saying this in my lawsuit and even other things, right? And then what it bar, William Barr, just say, it's the same thing. I started to Pompeo, mirrored exactly what I've been saying for an entire year. I met AI and they said, or really, and so everything I've been put it out. And even so this book went to President Trump. It was delivered to him. I had 17 or a little more, but I gave three to California and I gave 14 to the administration. One went to President Trump and a few went to top brass military officials was an administration and some very, very key important people. Early November 2019, the big things was done with this. It's a very, very important book. Even the virus isn't here on page 253. So the Chinese Communist Party wanted to unleash it globally. So I don't think I did that. And you know, the story about the secret service thing, so that you watched the interview in the previous one. Yeah, yeah, and that's interesting. And I have not read that book, but I definitely plan on it. So talking, I wanted to talk about the Vatican's involvement with this and the popes and who the popes really are and what role do they play? Because I think you said at one point, now all popes are godsend. And that's very true. We know that now, but there's a lot of people, anytime we bring this subject up, there's a lot of people that still get triggered by it because they're not ready to hear this stuff. So I'd like to touch on some more. Okay, let me give you an analogy. Why is that the majority of popes were men raped little boys? Someone ever think about that? Yeah. And then why were these type of people set in the 1950s to the church that had issues? Okay. So now getting to today, speaking of a normal at the normal level, people can believe you say, the guy has psychological issues. Or some people, as you saw in my tweets, I did four tweets that got over 5000 likes, right? And this was just, I guess, my base and maybe, I think you guys helped out. I'm not really sure, but at least you saw it and it's important. So what did I say in there that he's not godsend? Then I said that they're going to get a one way to get the help. They don't cut their ties. Then I said something else about organ trafficking related to the pope's people, right? There's something else I haven't released, by the way, but I'm going to release a little later. But consider those things. And consider the fact about, let's say there is something in spirit. Let's say we have the spirit and everyone, you get a spirit, you get a spirit and I get a spirit, your audience gets a spirit. Let's say everyone's spirit can do good or bad. But let's say some spirits, their origins that come into bodies were never good to begin with. We actually just talked about this on a previous episode. Okay, well he's a freaking demon and corny to the pope, buddy. That's it. That's my answer to you. Well, and you can, and if you can't look in his eyes and see that, then something's wrong because it's so obvious to me. And some of these screenshots and stuff, when you catch them, this is right in the right light. That's evil. That's not, that's not like human. That's not. You can always soften the eyes. You can, you can pretty much always soften the eyes. It's possible something replicate inside him. And his true self is still inside him. But it's just taken over as main conscious. So people are like a best, right? When I look at people, I see multiple things, not just a person. I see multiple things. But seeing him from those parts is like a little, little, little big demon. So, but you know, this is a show that's alternative. So I guess I can go this route a little bit, right? Because on a general network, if you get on Fox News, say, Oh, we can't put you on Fox News, because you just use yours demon. Well, maybe they're demons to, you're never going to go acting good for 20 years, right? Just kidding, kidding. Those are the little foxes, right? You know, why the name Fox? If you're not a Fox yourself. Yeah. You know, that's funny. That is interesting about the media, because that is actually the biggest attack. That is the biggest threat right now to the hive. So we're like, we're all existing in a hive mind world right now. Everybody's in a hive mind, hive mind humanity, wherever you want to call it. And that's, that's because of the media. So that's the, that's the cabal's biggest weapon still. And it's really interesting. Is it the people, is it the news anchors that really are participating or what is it, you know, the people that they're working for? No, you know, I've been on a few, you are channels that are support the Great Awakening movement and the Q movement. And I've said some things that make people feel really uncomfortable, but it's really truth. So the entire time that was censored, it wasn't just left. It was always the conservatives, because they saw the stuff that I was putting out was so mind-boggling. And it was right before everything happened each time. And they had big accounts, they would never retweet. And even their friends would say, I still never retweet you. You know, all those are powerful. They'll never do it. And it's not a stat. It's not just NBA or jealousy or mistrust. 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And I brought up in '02, my opinion glad. I saw President Trump's rise. I saw a digital war in terms of civil war, almost chaos in the entire planet, and I've said this in an interview going back since January. And I've said to many people, going back almost 20 years. And what I saw was everybody was in this hive mind, you say, and every person had their role, but everything they did was preordained. Even when they did it, where they went, every person was a little program. And I saw what's going to happen. Then something, a nuclear thing, afterwards, it was a huge thing. I saw number 6.2 billion. I thought, well, that may mean 6.2 billion people are destined to die, or the cause afterwards. Then I saw what happens afterwards, what you guys call the Great Awakening. The next stage, I saw what happens. Not in the vision, but something else, and a more clear vision. I saw what happens 10 years after that. I was like, oh, if all doesn't happen, well, what's the point of me? I had an 800 page book. I was going to try to change the course of history, but I put it down because I was pissed. I didn't understand the free will destiny part. I did. I didn't agree with it. I was like, I was bummed. So then when he comes up to the elevator in Trump, I was like, that's the guy in my freaking vision. I just sit at home for the past 20 years, and all the knowledge I've had, the piano line, all the stuff I've been able to do, and I don't tell people about it. I just do my own thing, or maybe I'll come out and try to change the course of history. So I come out at the Secret Service. I tell him, hey, within one year, everyone's been named Slaved, or worse, extincted with the invisible microbiotic terrorism, which is the poison to the reef that's going to hit Trump and everyone else. The thing I'm nuts, but they still fix their security up. Then I give the Secret AI director, the police report, bioweapons coming from China, AI, and Slaved made the whole world's in danger. He thinks it's genius because I put it the way his brain process, you know, company name, how much you're making, the location, subsidiaries, what their reaches, their capabilities, and their weapons, and the geopolitics, which include Joe Biden, and so many different things. Rocketfellers, I get them all, right? And he's more on the left side, and he flew down that, meaning he's like, oh, I'm going to take this in the military, sorry, this is genius, it's going to save God the world. So I'm like, okay, step two, but he didn't credit me. So he wanted to get, he got contracts himself, same with the Secret Service, they thought they can handle it. So I'm like sitting back and sitting back and going, okay, why don't I just do this? I tease this, and I put in the subtitle, how the world's in danger, and why the world must support Trump for survival. That's subtle, and even the synopsis, the first sentence says, the entire world's in danger of China, and data by MBT's microvirus, which is the CCP virus, and the outbreaks becomes AI 5G obviously before it happened, right? And we have people from the CIA delivered to the White House, and then we had other people deliver it in different ways, and Trump makes some statements, and then I published this in the skills of President Trump, which has this embedded in there, and then he's getting attacked by all this, you know, Obama Pelosi, I'm like, well, if he's being attacked, you're not going to be able to stop this, or at least even if they don't stop it, it's going to be a huge hit in the world's people, because the mega and the queue, they're programmed in this hive mind to fight against the liberals and BLM, and they're going back and forth, and once this thing hits, everyone's going to be enslaved, and then all this stuff will be ushered in virtual, augmented reality, all these things, and then a lot of people will die because the virus will mutate, and then conflicts and famine, and so many things, but what do I do? Trump people thought they could handle it, because he has a deep state around him as well, and it was a little too sophisticated in some parts of this book, because I talk about replicating software, how the 5G connects to the body, all the good things, so what do I do? I launched a lawsuit, and when I hit that lawsuit, it broke the hive mind, it panicked everywhere, but then the hive mind came back, because the people start censoring me, if I didn't pick a certain symbol or a group, it wouldn't accept me, and so many different things, so you see it even with people, their face, like even when I'm on Twitter, and I see somebody tweet, I see the symbol they have, I can zoom in and see who's behind it, and what kind of person is, even when they tweet something and they write words, when I look at the words they've put, I can hear their voice, and I can even know their character of what they were thinking, what they're planning to do, more than that, and I can do this like a scan of everybody very fast. So what happened was, then I put out these videos and I do the amended, when I do the amended complaint, people were like, okay, maybe he's not nuts, but then they don't believe it, then the lockdown happens, that one comes, Cyrus, you're a genius, looks up, we'll help you now, we'll retweet you, no, it'll cause us to the war, you're not, what's civil, what are you talking about? Next thing you know, if that was civil war, right, so it's like, the whole entire time I've been trying to do something, I wasn't David Nino Rodriguez, he's like, so you're telling me, Cyrus, you're Nio, and these guys are Mr. Anderson, but no, I'm not Nio, but everyone's, everyone can be part of a Nio, but yeah, a lot of people are Mr. Anderson's because they're actually in their program, and say this, you may get upset, but if you have human emotion, and if you don't see the big picture, and you didn't have the, you didn't work for it, then you're going to be inside the box, even the people who are outside the box and say, oh, these guys are social engineering, they're social engineering, none of them, because there's so many levels, one layer, one layer, one layer, so many layers of it. I agree with, I agree with that, I think that, you know, on some level, we're all programmed, like you said, if you're having emotion, then you're programmed, even the people who don't think that they're programmed, I don't think there's any way around it, now obviously there's different levels of that, and there's better ways to live your life than, let's say, some of these people in this lowered programs, I guess if you want to call them that for lack of a better word, we're still, there's programming all over the place. Yes, well, it, you know, doesn't mean anyone's lower or higher value, if you're here or there, it just is, but I guess me and my team, the reason why we came out and created a social media profile, all the things we did was, barely from the bottom of our hearts, we saw dangers towards people, and we wanted to input information at the right time to save lives, that's it, and it changed the course of history, and I've had these abilities and these visions, and I invest in these companies, so I use science, geopolitics, and martial arts and metaphysical visions all combined into something, and it was very, it was accurate, everything was pretty much on the mark. Well, that's the key to combine science and spirituality, I mean, that's the only way you're going to get anywhere, and that's where the mainstream is going wrong intentionally, you know, obviously trying to keep us in the dark, but whenever you just have such a fact-based science, scientific perspective on it, and you don't incorporate any type of spiritual teachings or anything, you're going to hit a dead end, and that's why that's where the indoctrination comes in, and the schooling systems and our education systems, because they want- Not to mention the science, most of the science we're taught is wrong anyway, it's really wrong models, yeah, especially physics, and then the real science that tries to come out gets squashed because it goes against the mainstream narrative, and I can have that so, yeah, but like quantum physics is already doing that, but they're still trying to like, you know, keep that down, but yeah, you're absolutely right, if you science a spirituality or not two separate things, it's all one thing, but they try to say they try to make it like, oh, this is science, and this is everything else is like taboo, yeah, you tell this to see your fantasy beliefs that you can have, that's fine, but there's nothing, they try to keep it locked in like the five cents 3D reality, as far as like science, but reality is so far beyond that, if you don't understand that, you're never going to understand what's happening or why, yeah, why you're never going to understand reality, because what we see with our- and what we experience with our five cents is it's such a minute small part of reality, and yeah, like everything beyond that is actually much more powerful, and it was what's actually our thoughts and our beliefs and our emotions, like we're literally creating reality as we go, and shifting timelines and stuff, and if you don't know that, you're never going to understand what's happening really, yeah, well said, yeah, timelines the issue shift in that timeline, the end result was going to be the same, it won't change, but there's the impact, the negative impact can be less by a great deal, by a great awakening, and it's not about arrests, or are exposing, it's just a process, but to me, you know, this whole path of a great awakening, I started- the things that people are talking about now with all this cabal, I didn't never call a cabal, but I started when I was in my teens, started researching and reading books and all these globalists, probably middle teens by 15 years old, and one of the books I read on Iran, well I was written by the former Shah of Iran, and he was one of the most powerful people on the planet, he explains how- he explained how the globalists took them out and ruined Iran and the Middle East, so that book was called "Answered to History", I read that high school, I think I was like 15, 16, 15 or something, yeah, and that taught me a lot, and so then I realized, oh, and he was he was convicting with the Rocker brothers, and you know, he said what happened with the Marxists, and what Jimmy Carter did, and all these different cartels, and then once you read that, you get into it, and you see, but I was always interested in metaphysical things, because since I was a little kid, my third eye was opened a little bit, I could see them, I could see the network, so the number for me is just like, the matrix, the movie The Matrix, it's just like that without numbers, it's just lines, what I see is like frequency lines, which go this way and that way, and that way and everywhere, so I could see this little kid, and then when I started doing martial arts, they got really enhanced, and then after I started certain discipline, when I moved back to the US, a certain discipline, that got really, really enhanced, not just that, but so many things, because the senses that you said, you know, it's not just five, it's thousands, more than thousands, it's a lot, so yeah, this comes with not just practice, but putting down negative biases, so it's not just, it's also in religions, it's in Catholicism, to achieve a light body, you have to become a saint, it's in the Chinese practice, it's a followed off practice, it's in the Tibetans, it's in the Christian's Christ consciousness, it's in just normal, the Dao, as they call it, I suppose you just go that way as well, Dao's, so I read the Dao Day jing, and I was in China, and I read that in the year 2000, and it's a quick read, but I can see the inner meanings inside it, and so many numerous inner meanings a lot, and yeah, so this is my understanding of my sharing of like a little bit of the path that I had, and some of the things I learned, because everyone starts as a kid, right, and they have their biases, and then they work on themselves, so I constantly have to work on myself, because I can all down, in my state of mind, if it falls down automatically, even the abilities that are on, do that level disappear, like automatically within a second, it'll disappear. Interesting, I mean, and that just goes back to the whole thing, like, I mean, I believe our whole purpose right now is to be striving for ascension, enlightenment, and that's, like he said, like everything you just talked about is things we can do to work towards that, and that's where the great awakening comes in, because that's what a real battle has fought anyway, this is a spiritual war, and if we're not, if we're not on any type of level to be participating, you know, we're just gonna get sucked in with the rest of the people who aren't paying attention, so it's really interesting how that all plays together, ties together. So this wouldn't be an interview with Cyrus if we didn't talk about AI a little bit. So yeah, I just have a question, one question in particular is about the quantum AI, is there a benevolent AI? Is it all malevolent? It depends on what level we were talking about. Well, I've heard, so really quick, I've heard, we hear about this quantum financial system, I'm sure you've heard of the QFS, and I've heard that this would be a benevolent AI. It's unhackable, that's, you know, I don't know, what are your thoughts on all that? At the human level, which is deplorable today, you can say it's for that one, but we're a main image of the creator, according to every book, even to the Persians. I brought up Tibetans that found out for Christians, and even the Jews, right, in this episode, or first time, but the investments, the Persians talk about it, and their Zoroastrian texts, and they have a literature going back. So that we are made an image of God, or maybe the image of angels, or however much. So if that's the case, then we use our ability in our body, and our mind is just like what the heavens would have, or they sent the beings, or the enlightened beings, or the awakened beings would have. That means their brains is like quantum, you see? You can do things that you wouldn't need that quantum machine. But I did a movie called AI The Kind of Made Humanity is about UFOs, which bond love things all over the internet. But to answer your question, at the standard of a holy thing, or a godly thing, or an awakening being, or a Senate being, there is no benevolent AI. Because artificial intelligence has so many levels. And when I said in the movie AI The Kind of Made Humanity, that it comes with the ETs, and the ETs are incompetent, and a lower life form than the human beings are, because we're made an image of the Creator. Thus, you're talking about like the gray type of eat, but maybe the grays that we hear about are right there. Those I put, the Creator considers them as the garbage of the universe. But yeah, those are our garbage. But to a lot of people, like Cara Cal isn't on the show with Cara Cassidy. People are offended, and then she realized what I was trying to say, because they consider ETs to be anything that's not human. It's kind of a Senate beings, or Greek gods. So here's the thing, the word gods, right? But Christians kind of don't understand their own their own books. I was sitting down with a pastor recently. He was one of the smartest pastors. Actually, I wasn't going to show his glory. And we talked about a few things, and as the first pastor, I realized he understood things. He says, well, yeah, a lot of the things in the Bible have been taken out, been hidden from us. And angels belong to God. And the Old Testament, in New Testament, we talk about gods all the time. They don't say gods, they're gods, well, long belong to God. That means gods are like the angels, the Buddhists, or the Greek gods, or the Taoists. So it's just semantics. Every language has a different term for the war angels, or the demons. They have terms that link back to anything. So it's not in the playing of mortals. If you're an immortal, you're above this dimension that ages and dies, and you're in a dimension that doesn't die, and it doesn't age, then you are a mortal, or you're you're in the realm of gods or angels that belong to the Creator to God. Thus, if AI doesn't is not the level of the angels, but something in the intermedium, which they use spaceships and flying machines to go from one galaxy, another one, one soul, soul, and system to another solar system. That means those are not angels or gods, or dolls, or Buddhists, or innocent beings. They're just like humans. It's like us. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Well, the competence is like humans. They may use technology to enhance their brains or their abilities, but their origin could be their spirits could be something of higher love, but their state is not of those levels. So when Keri Cassidy considers everything to be ET, or for me, ETs are just anything that uses machines and crafts to get to different dimensions. But if you're an actual like an angel or god, you can make yourself manifest or disappear from another universe to here, like that. And then then there's no, and you have boundless powers. So in front of moral, in front of humanity, right? So thus, if artificial intelligence is a machinery, it's a technology that belongs to the ET, racist. That means it's a tool. But for at that level, they can sculpt whatever they want, but the level of angels and gods and voodas, or just God, the heavenly realms, it's not benevolent, because not something they use, the level, it's a tool that can be used for bad or good. But why is it not benevolent with those levels? Because it's not standard they have. It's not, it's not the means of culture or character or being that they have. It's something different. It's kind of like here, you have somebody like dug down a beer and then smoke a joint, and then, and then do something like this. And then let's say they don't look holy at the moment, right? But an angel wouldn't be doing those things. They always do something different at their level. So if they're using the tool to do that, then they're not the level of angels or god, they're just level, level morals. So quantum AI is not something that's meant for human beings, because human beings, from my understanding, what I read, and the things I've done past 20 years, the goal of a human being is to ascend, is to achieve enlightenment, awakening. So if you're going to use AI, AI will control your mind. AI will control your culture and trapped on the lower level, right? Or level, you'll never ascend artificial intelligence. I agree, I agree with all that. And that's a very interesting perspective on the ETS versus the ascended masters, or angels, or whatever. I think that's a great way to describe it, actually. And I agree with the AI thing also. That's why I asked you, because I've been hearing about this benevolent AI, and I really wanted to hear your thoughts on it. There's no such thing as a benevolent ally for the standard of ascended beings, for humans like us that are meant to be. In that movie, AI is the planning of making humanity, which I am. But did you guys get a chance to watch that? No, I didn't, actually. Okay, I put it out and I tweeted to President Trump, and the Pentagon, and with three days, I released their UFO files. And all the AI invasion, it was called AI, the plan to invade humanity. It's on YouTube, it has 226,000 views only so far. I was hoping and get some help when people were tweeted, because I'm hitting codes about the walkdown, and how you can overcome it. If that would have been retweeted in a viral, I wouldn't say the country trillions of dollars. It's not too late. I'll retweet it as soon as we're done. But there are people that have been watching me for almost a year. They'll still get 2000 to 10,000, 20,000 retweets, and they'll watch you, but they'll never help. They could help the nation by helping the people who are helping President Trump. And they would have got blessings for doing that. But in a sense, when you do that and you have a platform and you don't help, you actually get something not very good. They're good blessings, because you're giving, although some people get those platforms, because they social engineer, and they use other people's information, and they build themselves, which is cheating and stealing and communism, they do that. But they get bad stuff that come to them for their future when they do that. But when they actually censor and don't help in this situation with the world in danger, and that's even worse. That's in the realms of censure, the big tech, or even worse to some degree. Because if you're pointing at the cabal, but behind the sieves, you're making moves, and within group chats, you're saying, don't do this, don't trust that person, don't retweet. And then you see everything was on the mark. I don't just don't meet a lot of people, right? Then you are playing the dark force. You're the role of, you're playing the good role, but inside you're not. So it's like, you're becoming a Mr. Anderson. So when I came out, and I made this public, I said, even my bio, what did I say? I said, I found like extinction codes, the majority of race. Extinction codes. So that means in the next stage, which I said, in an interview I did with Laura Eisenhower recently, that hundreds of millions of people's lives are in danger in one shot, and then billions. So this was a warning shot, what happened to the world's people. And we had a lot of put a lot of energy out there and a lot of effort to mobilize geopolitics, tech, and different things. And it had a lot of effect. But this is choices that are people are making, not just people with liberals, but on the conservative side, they're making choices. And they send them beans or the angels, they're watching everybody. So when they see people do stuff like that, it's like an ex-mark. Many, you know, ex-marks you get, then. So that's why I'm saying this great awakening just doesn't have to do with exposing the laughs. It's looking inside and seeing what the people who are with integrated working are doing wrong themselves, because they're affecting everything. Because if this great awakening would have been done on the upright way, the nation wouldn't have been bogged down. In a sense, it's a failure of the white hats, it's a huge failure. Because if you're righteous, those things don't happen. Why did Rome fall? Why did Persia fall? Why did Greece fall? Is it because evil was just too strong? No, it's because good became, good became decadent, degenerate, immoral. That happened, everyone gets extincted. And, you know, if I was right about everything as far like I had a time machine, you know, people would say, sorry, I should too negative. No, I'm giving warnings because I'd rather say it, than not say it, than you see what happens. Who would have thought the entire planet would have been bogged down like that? Nobody, but I did. And I gave it a secret service, and I would start saying it before I put the lawsuit out right before it was in danger. So if I was right on so many things, and there wasn't not one human being, I don't mean to send a visa. That was right and wrote down. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from, with new games released each week. You can play for free, and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at chumba casino dot com sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary vgw group for where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Well, then maybe people should listen as you really help, but they don't. They haven't been, even they saw. What does that tell you? That means they are controlled. They are in a position of good and saying good things, but they are they are actually a program. They've been designed there from pre history because the timeline. So there's something, there's an old force and that that was designed to take out the majority humanity within a certain destined timeline. And that's where I saw my vision in the year 2002. And I saw what happened with Trump. Without Trump, everyone is extincted. Where Trump majority is extincted at a certain time. So but timeline can change, but it has to do with people. But the people who are putting those positions, not so come back, you said, isn't just a fox, not Fox News, not CNN, not all these this mainstream, not as corporate leaders, anybody in the position of power is include the good guys who are in positions of social media platforms or different places. Because it's designed, they've actually been picked to be there from from thousands of years ago. It's it's it's an old timeline and it has it actually corresponds to parallel universes. So it's not just if you take one of them out, then another one comes in place. So it's not like you can go take them out. You have to have them change from your heart and realize because they're actually ending their own futures by by filling that timeline. Very difficult for people to at the beginning, we talked about how high can I go? And I'm not going very high. I'm just going a little bit. But this is stuff that people will think it's nuts. No, it's it's not nuts. I actually love that you're taking it this direction because that's what we're all about. Yeah, we'll keep going please. Yeah, so that's that's what it is. I've been complaining about plagiarism the entire time because every time someone looks at my stuff and then they would support that person and that person would get a platform and then I could but I had the skill and I knew what's going to happen at what time. So I can inter interject inject that information at the right time to be able to turn the timeline and they put somebody like I give you an example. I've been saying about transhumanism from day one, right? And the good guys wouldn't retweet. But then some grow when it looks a little blonde that puts across about retweeting your maker famous. And she never wasn't her finding never knew anything about stuff. Just when her people say stuff and open the source Reddit and then famous at this. So that's when you do that. And here's the thing a lot of journalists and YouTube content creators did the same thing. What they do is look at other people's stuff and they they copied and then they go save a step once they say everyone looks at them. Oh, while you're a genius and then they get a platform. And if you look at it, the entire world is journalists getting on each other's podcast or it's immediate content creators getting on the back and forth, back and forth at the top level. And the same structure is starting with alternative media again. So once these alternative media replaced old club ball, they become the new club ball because power corrupts. If you have to have a system of checks and balances, you have to have the expert, you have to have the interview and the host. When you have the host an interview as a host then comes and becomes expert and everywhere else. That's one thing. But then if you have someone who never had any experience and was never expert, anything, they just look at your stuff and then they put himself in that position. And then they grow, then they make big mistakes in the future. They give opinions or analysis to the ruined society. And that's been the case all around the world. It's not just with media. It's for politics. It's for banking. It's for universities. It's just how the dark forces, the invisible things you can't see manipulate people who want power fame and have greed, getting power. It is basically a game of frowns. It's the beginning of time. This has been the issue for human history. It's always been the issue. This is one of the most intriguing things that I've listened to in a while. You're bringing up a lot of great points that I know so many people need to hear and I know so many people haven't even considered because some of the stuff that you're talking about now is things are clicking for me and it's making sense. And I do know what you mean about the content creators, people just putting out other people's information. And those are the types of channels and accounts that don't retweet you or they don't. They're because they're in it for their own reasons. They're not in it to help out the other people, whatever. I know where you're growing with that. And I see that happening a lot actually. So I'm glad you touched on that too because there are a lot of seemingly benevolent accounts out there that are doing it for the wrong reasons. But I'm also seeing a lot of these people being exposed. A lot of the true colors are being shown right now. Maybe not everybody's seen it, but people are picking up on it. I don't think you can be deceptive for much longer, especially the energies coming in right now. Everyone's going to get judged in the future, everybody. But what I saw at every person that did something, someone else covered for that person, another person covered that person. It's as a pandemic for the conservatives and this very awakening movement. It really is. And I wouldn't be complaining. Like I said, I could have came out with books and made a profile for myself for the past 20 years. I never cared. I actually don't care about human attention. If 7 billion people said, "Oh, Cyrus, we like you. We're a nice guy. You're amazing. You're cool," or whatever. It really doesn't move me at all. That won't be or 7 billion people say, "We don't like you. You're dissing you. It doesn't move me at all." Literally, everything I did my team did was for the said world. So the world in danger, we wanted to get the backing and initially got on Alex Jones and then he weaponized his entire media by looking at my stuff. And then five times I got on his show. I got up at times a couple times too. And then I got an SGT, X-Wing 2, Repple 78, Jumpy Wells and Lower Eisenhower and so on. And then you guys and Tricia, of course. So yeah, that's the only reason I'm doing what I'm doing. I can't be successful when the people around me, other people can't be successful, unless other people help. So for instance, you guys have the expertise and that is your host in your show. And you did your homework beforehand. You looked at tweets. You looked at the whole overview thing. The moment I sat down, I sensed an energy of not only your calmness and care, but literally an understanding of why you're here. Because you have a good intention. You want to help. You want to do good things in the universe. And I'm not trying to just point to those people and say they're bad. I'm making this because I'm saying they can cause a lot of lives to die. But at the same time, given the more chances to change. Because if it's not them, it's next person. It's Mr. Anderson's one half or another. So that's a thing. The world's still in danger. When I'm telling you guys, the next one's going to be hundreds and millions of people off like it's a matter of like like that. I'm not kidding. And that timeline can change. But it can happen anytime. So this timeline was extended. It was supposed to take out a lot of people when I first hit. I don't mean to shoot me in the virus. A combination of a lot of people were just taking out. And a lot of effort was made. Not just by me, but people behind me, but a lot of different people you don't know about. And they put a lot of energy behind things. And then of course, the creator. The creator, as I put in that movie, I had the plan to make humanity. I put a lot of hints in there. I said, don't worry. The creator has another plan. The studio's three things. Repent. Repent for if you hurt anybody, whether you're a family, you're a spouse, you're a friend, stranger, or you were complicit in these camps in China, with the Tibetan, the Falun dao, for the Christians and the Ukraine, so on. And then secondly, you have exposed the Chinese Communist Party with all your might, because I put the evil red drag and what the dark force that controls the whole world is positioned himself behind the Communist Party in China. And the third thing I said is a wish for a great awakening or enlightenment, for all. And that every human being is special. Why did I say it's special? Because we're not the ETs. We're made in the image of the creator. And our carnated bodies, our spirits are very important and held from high places that every person has a vow. Like this time of history, some people may not understand or grasp. They just think everything's natural, but it's so, so important. Everything's important. It's not just limited narrow way of thinking of traditional, like certain books told you do this, do that, or it's going to be biblical. Not a lot of things that was in the Bible, even the Bible says it is not told. It's kept secret, because it was given for people at a primitive time. And Jesus came to actually reform it, what they did, because back then they were just about pray, Lord, war, wrath, kill them, because that's what the war in tribes were back in the day. And then when he came in, he brought a message of compassion. But if you look at this movement, which supported me to certain degrees, you hear good things, people were like, Jesus, the Lord, prayer, you don't hear repat it, I'll just prayer. And then you also hear wrath, wrath of God. And it's going to be biblical and different things, because there are elements that are not from actually Christ, but from the old timeline, the old energy that's behind something. I'm not going to say too much about it. That's engulfed within certain things. And that itself, while it's trying to get justice and fight against the crazy parts of the left, will create an intertwined combination of circular things that cause a chain of reactions that builds to a boiling point, that cause huge conflicts and death globally. That's why I interconnected a lot of stuff right there, showing everybody's in a hive mind back off. Even in the Bible, a lot of people are Christians. It says the war, the war is not with the flesh. No, not flesh. That means you don't hate that human being. You don't try to kill the human being. You try to somehow expel the energy that's behind it. And we can't do it unless we ourselves have a certain energy, work on ourselves. And if you all don't come together, and I mean, there's a saying you guys have one, how do you say it? I'm sorry, one for all. Where we go, one where you go all? It's not bad saying, I actually like that. But it's still the energy behind the people the conservative side. It's us versus the evil left. First time, yeah. Yeah. And but you know, here's the thing, but this is how left this arms to conservatives. That's how to do it. You'll actually will say, oh, these guys are nuts. It's always but us and them. It is Ryan C. Chris here. People always say it's good to unwind, but that's easier said than done. The exception Chumba Casino, they actually make it easier done than said, or at least the same. Chumba Casino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino style games like slots and blackjack. Play for fun. Play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sign up now, collect your free welcome bonus at Chumba sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Let's accept diversity. I'm not going to get diversity. Next thing you know, I want to make sure animals and do job molestation. So it's so it's like, because both sides are like extreme. That's why the the left is calling because they keep people the far right, which is they're not the far right, but they had to create this extreme movement because the left went so extreme crazy. What are they doing? Hunting a president for three years straight, not just fake news, but like I would say like falling crazy news. Almost the fall of the angel created a demonic news, you know, just put, you know, demon press, you know, demon updates, demon release. For every every every every morning, you know, demon press events, yeah, before, you know, that's that's what it was. So you have the human movement, which I call the perfect antidote for fake news. That being said, they create their own fake news too. So it's like it's a it's corruption goes everywhere, but it's needed. If this movement didn't come, what if it's up now? But the manga on the queue, if it didn't come, it had to balance out this extreme phrases. But again, if there's a wisdom that comes around from this great awakening of benevolence and and wisdom, then it will not succeed. And yeah, and in the future, she will not exist, something else. It's just used for this timeline, because it's it's designed from the old plan, the old universe, the old timeline designed the queue movement to come in as a counter piece to hit this demonic chord that's coming. But the next timeline won't exist, because Q is not Jesus Christ. And I'm not saying he's Christ, somebody in the future or not. He Christians will say that, will say, but then, you know, if you talk to a pastor, say, well, there's no Jesus, there's Yeshua. You know, and then the higher level thinking of a pastor will say, well, there don't Yeshua in the realms of angels, they don't even use human language. It's just at this level, it's the Hebrew language here. When you go on the heavens, they don't use that. And you go at a higher level, they don't even use their tongue to talk, because it's like lower level beings use tongues talk, higher levels, they use their their telepathy, but it's like a frequency they send. That's why Elon Musk wants to chip you in your brain, because he's come where like this guy's just so amazing, look at the brain so freaking powerful. It's like a model of the universe, because you're made an image of creator. How did I connect myself to the entire network and see everything that's going on? And then I publish it in this book in a fast way, because someone did a review of my book recently. I said, wow, you know, there's so many grammatical and punctuation mistakes, but the book is so great. It was on Amazon. It's like the person was out of money, or they were rushing to get up. I'm like, yeah, it was both. Because I'm like, I gave it a time, right? Secret Service, the chair director, and then the first book, I'm like, oh shit, the bioweapon is going to hit soon, boom, boom. I'm like, even writing to Trump's other apartment, if you don't put them Trump right now, huge bad things will happen. And he didn't talk to me a little bastard. So the CTO of the Trump administration, a little bastard guy. He's the head of the other apartment. He thinks he knows something. Anyway, so then I had the good guys to deliver this to him. But so Trump did a lot of things behind his scenes. He has a no-bout. He knows you did, to prevent a lot of things in his book, but the bioweapon that somehow they didn't get through. Because come on, how they're going to believe? Some of the things I put in here in this book is just like way out there. Even the concept of right mind, which I turned. What are your thoughts on this is another, just a theory that we hear going around that the white hats saw the virus coming. They allowed it to happen to an extent, to use it as a cover, to fast track some of the things they already wanted to do anyway. Is that a possibility? No, not the white hats. It's the energy behind the white hats. They're conscious of. But no, no, no. The good force did not want this virus to hit. It wanted to be done in a different way. And that's why I put in here exposed transcomers party faster in these concentration camps. That's the key. You hit Saramond first. You take it out of the house. If you don't hit Saramond, there's Mr. Anderson's everywhere. That's the issue. So no, that's just excused for people who've failed. And they want to cover up that the movement is all knowing that there's some person behind the scenes that's like God behind the huge symbol. It's not. Because I'll tell you this, when I first came out, they came to me like Cyrus, are you two some people? I'm like, no, I don't know, ABCD, I've never heard a cue. Cyrus, we will not keep the cue army. What do you help? The world's in danger. No, she knows what you're doing. She knows, she knows about you. She knows what you're doing. And just hang tight. Wait, when it's time the cue army can back you right now, it's not your time. Like no, you don't understand, he doesn't know. There wasn't danger. Sorry. These are people that are connected to the cue, right? So no, he didn't know. He did not know. Okay, he did not, unless he's a terrorist, he did not know that this virus is going to hit and do this. Okay. And here's the thing, I for the most part, I like the cue movement. I like the greater winking. The punisher symbol, these things come from the underworld. I don't particularly like them. But recently, after socialism came out, came in, people use that in Hollywood in different places. So it's implemented a digital layer in the brains of soldiers. And soldiers in the past for like hordes of like invading, invading tribes used to put this type of images, not the good people. They put angelic things or gods, Nordic gods, or the cross, that's what they put. But the thing is, the left doesn't, is not afraid of the cross. It's not afraid of the angels. It's not afraid of the house. But when you put this little punisher symbol, because there's like something behind them, subconsciously, it's like psychological warfare, they get afraid. So that's why the actual, there's so many layers of the cue movement. The first layer is the person who created it, which person read the Bible a lot, no testament. That affected him creating the cue movement. It's actually, it's a scyop as a lot of people in the cue movement told me, it's not really a scyop. It's a counter scyop, because there's a scyop, because country, against nutrition, is an insurgency against general finance and messaging against America and the world. Thus, a counter scyop is created to open up people's minds, understand, look, this fake media is truly fake and they're entering the people, which that's why I support it. Most of the movement, that being said, it can get violent at some point, because conservatives, for the most part, are really good at, they like weapons and really good stuff. We may see this crazies on the street, shooting down the police, raping woman, doing arson, putting fires. At some point, they're going to be enough, it's enough, and then when they come out, they don't play games. They don't like to BLM come in here and do a couple beat-ups and act all tough. They'll come in there with sniper weapons and machine AR-15s, and they're good at it, and they'll take out like, in one day, hundreds of people like that, and people are like, holy, I hate the term, by the way. So, I've been hearing that a lot, every time someone tweets something, they say that word. So, the point is, it can blow up like that. Once it happens, done, because then the feds will come in, and these guys are like, we'll fight for a constitution, we'll fight for our country, then they'll make 10-fold, and the whole country will just go flames. Thus, I did that tweet about a month ago, or two weeks ago, said, Patriots, please holster it, because I can see the cause and effect, because I'm not saying it's not a right to defend your country, defend your home, defend your land and your family, do that. You have to use violence to counteract violence, meaning if someone's going to rape your wife in your home, or kill you, then you have to use a weapon to defend yourself. That's your bill of rights, your second amendment, and so on, it's your freedom of choice. But if you want to go out in its protest to counteract these guys, and then use weapons, this is where it hurts Trump, because then everyone says, this entire movement is full of terrorists or whatever. That gives them the perfect opportunity to do that, and that weak is possible. Thus, I put that tweet, holster it, because then, because the left is actually scared, they are scared of these symbols, because behind the symbols, some of them are military, and they're very good at what they do, and they don't take crap. So it's like, like I said, these left people will do a lot of bad things and small ones have big impacts. But when these guys move, you watch out, because they're military, and they're skilled. So a lot of these left are victims, they're being controlled by this mainstream media that's being controlled by the corporations, and behind it, there's a demonic force or spirit controlling that. And in order to defeat that, the white has, they need to improve themselves, increase their frequency, increase their spiritual power, increase their goodness, and their wisdom, and their righteousness. The more righteous they become, the more righteous we become. That means no evil can stand in front of you. It's like there's a saying that it goes back to ancient times, and the Buddhists have it, the Christians have it, the Catholics, seratrons, even the followed off of it, the Chinese. And it's like this, when righteousness with a huge energy field comes into a place, all evil will disappear. So if the movement is filled with compassionate, righteous people that put down their negative biases, then they can all be following the path of enlightenment and awakening or ascension. Why don't you do that? These little demons are nothing. Because what did I say? We're a main imagery creator. So we're supposed to be ascended, awakened, enlightened, or receive salvation from the creator. Thus these little ETs or demons that use these crafts, machines, quantum technology, they're nothing. And once we go beyond that, then these demons below them, and the grace and even demonic actions, they're nothing. So the fault actually doesn't lie. This is a very interesting inter because there's a lot of things that I hold. The fault is not with a lie. This with the failure of the conservatives to not be good enough. That's the issue. If the power and energy of the conservatives were good, evil would not exist. That's the issue. There is there is fault on both sides. And I don't, you may get a lot of dislikes on this and this or you may people may actually understand what I'm saying like this a lot negative comments in this intro. I don't know. But I'm speaking truth. Well, you're right. It is both sides. And whether you like you or follow Q, one of the most recent drafts, they've listed a bunch of names of pedophiles and convicted pedophiles. And they were just as much on the right as the left. There was no, it wasn't all left like you would expect. And that was a really good example of what you're talking about. It exists on both sides. Yes, it takes two to tango, as I say, right? Yeah. So that's why I like the movement. It's like how I was like 20 years ago. I was just about exposing so many things. But if the average person within the movement and any movement becomes better, then the black hats, they'll change because they're controlled. So there really isn't no black hats that you consider from a hard perspective. So they got a little different perspective. In the past, it wasn't like we do today. The priest or the monks or whatever, they would do exorcism on people. When someone in a village did bad things, they would do exorcism. Actually, in the past, girls didn't wear makeup. They all had those, those you close and they had good skin. And usually in the village, when a girl did something bad and the side isn't even bad, that entire village, their futures were changed and their skin would change. This is an ancient times, by the way. This is almost stories of the Persians, but back. So that's why makeup entered because it's a veil. It's like it's to cover up something. Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest. There's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino. Maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible. Chumba has hundreds of social casino-style games to choose from with new game releases each week. Play for free anytime, anywhere for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Join me in the fun. Sign up now at Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. So that's what I'm saying. Today's generation of people and even 80 years ago is not what it was 2000 years ago. People think 1000 years ago, people were all evil and there was all this rape and pillaging. It wasn't like people think. It's not what people think. All this corruption from the TV and the bad music, it actually has an effect on the well-being of people. And then the culture gets affected and the conduct of the people gets affected as well. So that's why you look at little kids. They're four or five years old when they haven't been dumped down by society or like corrupted. All of them have like even a baby. Why does it always have a rosy glow? Why? I can talk about the subject for two or three hours actually. Explain it in a very detailed way. What it has to do with what you do to society, your character and so many different things. Yeah, I mean, gosh, there's so much we can talk about. We just have to get you back on again. Ask a last question. I don't know why I got all these different topics this time, but yeah. No, it's great. I love every, I love it. I love it. You're bringing up a lot of interesting points, giving me and I'm sure a lot of people plenty to think about because you're breaking things down in a way that we're just not doing right now. And because obviously we're existing in a program, people are getting distracted by things. They're not working on themselves. We're not critically thinking as much as we claim we are. And there's just so many things happening right now. So it's nice to see it from a different perspective for once. And I appreciate that. So thanks for bringing all this forward. Thanks for allowing me to be critical because most people want good views and good reviews, and people like them and not to be critical. And I am sometimes a little bit more too critical than I should be. But I feel that if all of us can work on ourselves, even myself, not to be as judgmental, but if you think if you don't say things and you don't judge and you don't try to better yourself and others, the timeline won't change. And if I if I'm right about this extinction codes thing, then why not look at the entire picture as a whole, as as humanity reaching a really true, the great awakening. But there has to do with with ending selfishness. I don't mean just be like a selfless serve everybody left and right somewhere in the right, right. But that has to do putting out so many attachments. You know how I took me to put down fear? Like someone told me sorry, so you have the balls the size of the, I don't know, the plenary, something to be able to, you know, drop this lawsuit against Obama Clinton biting shift and Pelosi, Google, comments, China, or Soros, Soros Foundation, or Rockefeller, Rockefeller Foundation, CNN, and so many more. And I said, well, yeah, I didn't have the fear, but I also did it and it was a lawsuit on the behalf of those people to bring bring awakening and it did it reached over a billion people. The information a lot of people looked at it, even Trump's generals. So I was on his glory and like, yeah, I'm alive twice. He studied on two of his lives that Trump's generals literally sent him the lawsuit and then he called me up for interview, actually tweeted at me. I saw it. So I've been on the show twice. And so, so what's my point here? A lot of things that we put down, I haven't put down fear 100%. I would say maybe 99%. It fluctuates between 99 to 100%. I still, you know, there's something is being cautious, right? So putting that fear, putting down jealousy, ego, pride, lust, emotion, and ignorance, sloth. That one, sometimes I can be a little procrastinating myself. So anyone can drop any time, right? So, but if you can put down all these negative things, now there's seven sins or six desires. There's so many, especially with the smartphones that come out of technology, the attachment to anything to be controlled by a smartphone. This controls people by proximity sensors. So putting down these smartphones, the attachment to it, the TV, the attachment to wanting to get approval or recognition from being loved by somebody. And if you're not being loved, does that mean you're worthless? We're not being cared for and loved does that mean you won't succeed? No, because the enlightenment of ascension has to do with yourself and not being attached to anything. So if once you put down all these attachments, then you can work on the middle process of starting to ascend. But it's a long-term process. I mean, it's so long to take, get to that level, and you can drop at any time. I've fallen. So in that interview I did with Tricia, I said one time I flew past our universe and went to a black place and she's like, that's called the void. I'm like, oh, okay. Then I was going like this. It was so, so fast. And then when I got to the black, I got past stars and it was all black. I'm like, what's after here? It must be the black hole or something. And I was like, I'm going so fast, but it was just, it was endless. And I went, and when I went like that, it was just like a darting flash. Boom. When I entered another cosmos, when I entered out of the cosmos, then it slowed down. But it was huge. And I was like, well, but then the energy inside me was and it was feeding my propeller. It was basically propelling behind. It was almost like I had a jet inside of me that would propel my spirit. And then I was like, wow, and I just stopped flowing. And then I fell and I fell on top of a big mountain. And this mountain was so freaking huge. It would make our universe cool. So it took me a very long time to get to the levels. So imagine how much energy you have to have to not only pass fly past the clouds into our galaxy, past the universe, past the black hole, before what I'm called, and then entering another cosmos. I mean, it was, it took me a long time to get to that point. And then doing so many things. And then later on, I fell, I couldn't fly that far right now. I haven't tried, but I don't think I can fly that far. So are you, are you speaking of astral projection? Is that what you would use? What is that sort of astral projection? Does that mean when you, when you kind of project? No, I thought about my actual physical spirit out of my body. Yeah. Yeah, that's a, that's what I'm talking about. Your spirit leaves and like, because I've done it before, but not brilliantly. I've gone and I'm flying around through space. And then at a certain point, I realized what's going on. And I get fear kicks in, and then I'm stuck right back to my body. I'm just curious if that's what you were talking about, or is this something totally different? It's a little different. Also, I've done it when I've been awake as well. So, but it shouldn't be done because you may mess up and then your body can die. So that's why, because when you, when you die, your spirit leaves your body. If you attain awakening or salvation, then your spirit will go to that place. So, but if you, if you haven't, then it won't go there. It'll just spit back. So, you know, this is already reaching in our 15 minutes. I'm going to say my last thing, it may actually give another big dent to people who have like maybe a very limited acceptance of understanding certain possibilities. So, according to the ancient Persians' investments, they believe that when you, when you die, if you didn't get ascended, awakening or light, or saved salvation, your spirit will come on your body, your mind is wiped and you go into another life. The Catholics have a similar thing. They call it purgatory. You order purgatory, and then if you did purify yourself, then you get saved. Then the Greeks, they call the drinking from the river forgetfulness, drink the wine there. Once you drink the wine and the water, you forget everything. Once you forget everything, then you're born again and then you have a new life. It's the same soul, but your memory is completely white. Persians believe, no, as long as I say, I believe in Jesus, I'm saved. I'm bumped up. No matter how jealous they are, how much they cheat, they lie, steal, lustful, prideful, no matter. You just couldn't go to, they do the angels and being God's house, no problem. That's the case. Why weren't you born there to begin with? Why would you be put here? That's the enlightenment testing, right? So that means when you die, if you didn't reach that levels, why would they accept you that? What would you look at an angel and you make some kind of comment where you steal or no way you accept you up there? Oh, no, it says all I have to do and believe in Jesus. What does that really mean to believe in Jesus? I believe in God. First, you have to repent. Read the book. You repent first. But when you repent, what does it mean? That means you never do those things again. That means you constantly working yourself when we went upwards, not downwards. Oh, we just pray. You think your prayer will be answered? If you go up and down, you do good and bad one day, if you have these biases, no, it will not be answered. It's a little stuff. You'll never be bumped up. If that was the case, why even put you here? People who have been praying for 2,000 years, they do much for a lot of people. Whole villagers were slaughtered, raped, killed, and all this stuff happened. Why? I thought about these things when I was 12 years old. Because when I was in Iran, when I was like six, seven years old, the Muslims will say, oh, if you don't believe in the prophetess, is Muhammad, and God is Allah, which is like Elohim. I think Allah, it comes from Elohim, which is the Hebrew for God, the Old Testament. So the Jewish people were actually descendants or vice versa of Arabs. So what the Muslims did was actually, Muhammad was kind of like utilized the things of an Old Testament. So then I come here and the Christians are saying the same thing. Then I'm like, I asked my question myself, if the Muslims were 14 years and 100 years of saying, if you didn't hear the word of Muhammad, then you went to Hell. What happened to all the Chinese and all the Africans over there and all the Americans have never heard about it. And you come to the Christians, oh, you didn't hear about Jesus, and you didn't, except him as your Savior, you go to Hell. What happened to all the people who didn't hear about him? After Jesus left for the first 400 years, it was just in the Roman area and other places. Then everyone died, and then what happened to everyone else, and they never heard about it. They all went to Hell. It's like, when you go to the Buddhas, so yeah, everyone goes to Hell. So everywhere in the planet, everyone's saying they come from God and there's a Savior and everyone's going to go to Hell. That's why the left thinks that the right is crazy. The right is actually not crazy. You just don't understand the entire big picture. You never thought about it and never send to those levels to actually see it because more than half in the Bible is untold. It even says that. So it's actually a program designed by the Creator so people can have a certain culture to get to these end types and people can reach but awaken it. Not the great awakening or rest but a very awakened enlightenment of attainment to have a future so you can get in salvation. So again, how do you get received by God? When you really, truly believe you don't do those bad things anymore and you get purified and you become good. That's the whole key. That's why I was talking to Pastor Dave. I said this thing, he's like, "Yes, very interesting, Cyrus." Well, our thing is like it says in the Bible that everyone will have a chance to hear of Christ in their lives. Well, then maybe they heard it in different terms. He's like, "Yeah, in India, they use a different language and a different image and this place different language different because even before when the Christ was around, did they use the word Christ? No, they use the word Yeshua. Christ is from Christos, from Latin. So even today's Christians are using Jesus or Christ, which is not from Christ or not from actually Jesus or Yeshua. So then it comes to the language that I said that Saman thinks that there are so many different layers. So then you go back to then what really is the truth? Then God can mask himself, manifest himself in different languages, in different realms, in different times and in different ways. And you can appear. So what it says in the Bible is that true Christ can appear anywhere, meaning God can appear anywhere because Christ, there is no such thing as that's Latin. Jesus Christ, Yeshua, it was a Jewish person. You see? So that's what I'm saying, this whole great awakening, it's so far away from people's realm of like, what I'm just saying is really hard to maybe, except for some people, but it's the most lowest of levels. And there's so many levels above that. So I'm saying next 20 years, it's going to be, we're going to be around more 20 more years. But the interim, I said, there's going to be a weeding out of hundreds and millions of people, or maybe billions, in a process. So that's why if we have a great awakening and we help each other, we can avoid that. So if anyone can sort of grasp what I'm saying, I don't mean insult anybody, but try to look at a bigger picture. And this plagiarism thing that I've complained about so much, actually is calmness. It comes from atheism. It comes not believing God. If any concerned or Christian is plagiarizing, which most of them have been doing, it's because deep down their heart, they don't believe in God. If they did, they would never do that. See, if you believe, then God, in the past 2000 years ago, or 1000 years ago, every person always believed that God was watching every minute. Not only were they afraid to do something bad, they were afraid of bad thoughts. You know why? Because they knew God was even paid extra thoughts. So if they had a bad thought, they're like, oh, I shouldn't have thought that. You see? But now I hear everybody using the word holy and the word, I don't want to say it, but to God, that's blasphemy. All the Christians are saying, holy this, and they're tweeting about it. That is blasphemy for his standard. When he looks at people doing that, he looks at you as communist, looks at you as, I don't want to say it, but the same thing you're putting out when you're saying that. Sure. Now, what do you, how do you explain the tribes and the Amazon and places like this who have zero concept of religion, or Jesus, or any type of savior? But I do know they understand that there is a higher power, but they don't have any concept of this. So that kind of takes, it almost further adds to your point. They were, yes or no, because they were destroyed by a period of service civilization. I'm not discounting Jesus at all. Yeah, I know that. You figure. And there is a trinity with it. He did come to bear the sins of man. He did that. He died in a cross and he's, he bared the sins of everyone living at that time. And he's a great fanist. What I'm saying has nothing to do with Jesus. The criticism, what I'm saying is that with the perspective of, because what did Jesus say to the prostitute? Didn't know more. It doesn't mean, okay, you repented and you believed in me. And then every Sunday you go and pray, and every other day you do all these things. No. So for those people in the Amazon primitive, so that's, enlightenment has to do not just with believing. It has to do with development, open up your brain, your inner challenge in your body. Once you do that, you can see things in different ways. So that has to do with enlightenment. These people in Amazon. So here's the thing. Why did the Indians get extinct it? Because that's all, that was also a plan. I don't want to get too deep because that'll, it'll put a lot of things out there like this is really hard to believe. But people think that God allows things to happen. You see that evil runs the world, right? But also allowed by God because he's in control. You think God is not in control of the demonic forces? Why would he not be God? That's created because of test. It's also created because of destiny and free will. If people to free will, they sin, they do bad things. Bad things happen throughout the world. It becomes a chain of reaction. Thus there's a notion of free will. So when the American Indians, what were they doing? They were raping each other's tribes. They were killing and they would pray to spirits. So when you pray to spirits, you just connect to little little spirits, not the Savior, not God. So if he has a plan for culture and Christianity is reduced and then it comes into the Americas and it's going to be a timeline where George Washington comes in and all these couple hundred years, then the age of technology and it comes to today and what's going to happen next, all this design. Thus, you can't have these American Indians running around in shorts, killing each other, raping each other, the village and having these animal clothes on because that's not in the image of God. You can't have an enlightenment when you have that. That's why there was a certain structure. If you look at before socialism and communism came in 1940s, everywhere were suits and there wasn't all this pornography wasn't the things you see today. That was all a program by communism. So I mean too critically, what I'm trying to say is in different dimensions, it's very, very holy and maybe in the realms of the heavens, they're not going to be wearing suits, by the way. I'm not saying you're good because you were a suit. What I'm trying to say is these American Indians that they were before or these tribes you're talking about, they're from a civilization that was destroyed, the remnants of it. Even the Mayans, why were they destroyed because they became so decadent and they were sacrificing children, they were eating things alive. Then you were destroyed and then why is there all around the world relics of half humans and half animals or aliens? Right now they're mixing humans with chimerias, humans with pigs, they're doing that in Europe, in parts of North America since 2016 and in China. When you do this, you're lowering the standard humanity to animals. What happens when you do this? You get extincted. The higher realms see everyone. Okay, they're not only acting like animals, they're mixing themselves with animals. They're not on Google, they have porn of bestiality. They no longer meet the standard of humans that can ascend. I can have a platform to reach enlightenment, awakening, meaning this whole journey of life to be able to be born here with closed-off memory, which your spirit still intact, to have his experiences of suffering of happiness and enrich yourself to a journey and to free will, not program like Elon Musk was to download you, but to free will, you reach enlightenment. If everyone was acting like animals, there's going to be no great awakening, complete extinction. But people don't believe this. They don't believe that there is millions of eyes watching everyone. If there is an AI with a facial recognition, it watches every step you do in China and even the apps listen to you all the time with CIA, and I say listen to you. Why not send the beans or God, be able to listen to everybody, watch everyone simultaneously and even your thoughts on what you're going to do next. Thus, and not show themselves to you because there's a veil. If you see everything, then you believe, then you will want to attain enlightenment, and there's no enlightenment. There's no awakening. That's what I'm saying. This time, this period of time is so, so important that if people can have that wish, what is this enlightenment really about? What is the awakening? What is salvation about? It's not just about that I believe in Christ. Maybe I have to act a certain way and attain something, or any religion you may have, right? Anyway, I said a lot. I wasn't expecting to even go past the hour, and I did, and sorry, it's probably half the thing was just like this, but maybe it'll go to their channels, and you guys were accepting of it. I got no more to say. If you want to follow me, you can follow me on on Twitter, Cyrus A. Parsons I, and it'll just be mostly geopolitics known as metaphysical stuff or Jedi stuff, and IG is the same, and if you want to get this book, you're welcome to get it on Amazon. Thank you for having me on your show. Yeah, thank you. No, it's been amazing. Thank you. Honestly, it's been really intriguing, and yeah, you might have felt like you were pushing buttons out there and triggering people, but I think it's fantastic. That's part of the journey to truth, what we always talk about. You have to explore everything. You have to explore. You have to be able to get yourself to a point where you can actually look at it from all angles, and then come to your own conclusion. This is exactly what we're trying to do. Honestly, a lot of what you said resonated with me, and a lot of people won't agree with that. I'm sure I don't care what they think. Actually, that's... Don't consider what I said an apple. Don't eat the apple, but you can have an orange. You get what I'm saying, right? Adam and Eve? Yeah. That's fun. It was really great stuff, and there was so much more we could have talked about, but we'll save that for another time. Be happy to. I talked too much this time. Hopefully you guys can engage more next time. No, it was great information. It was great, and needed to be said, and you were in that flow state, so just let it go. I think it's going to come across well, and if people aren't ready to hear it, they're not, but, hey, whatever. Tyler, thank you very much. Your show's called Journey to Truth, right? Yeah, correct. I liked it. I liked the actual emblem you guys made for the show. A lot of work went into it, and even the music behind it, and there is a serenity behind your show. Maybe in the future, it'll be something big. We never know. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you earlier for those compliments earlier that you were saying about our show. It really means a lot. That's the type of stuff we like to hear. It really keeps us going. Not just yours. Everyone has a different feeling. Red pillage the geopolitics, and that guy is really clever. Really smart. He's really good at it. I don't mean that. He's really nice and smart, and then there's X-Wing 2, and he's different. He's completely geopolitics, and then the SUT, and there's Dr. Light 2. I was just on that show. I was in a lot of feathers, but I'm really angry at me, because I was saying the same stuff I'm saying here, but in a different way. I was speaking truth, and let him hear it, because if the Q people are like, "Kabal, kabal, kabal," exposing this, well, why not take some yourself in a nice way? Because I don't mean it in the bad way. I generally am saying it at good will. I'm not saying it in negative will. It's completely in good will. I agree. And I feel that too. I feel that too. And everybody, all these content creators, everybody as your channels, they all play their part. They all have their own pieces of puzzles, so it's going to be different every time. Yeah. Thanks for coming on, man. This has been great. Thank you guys for listening. Thanks for tuning in. Once again, please make sure you like, subscribe. We have t-shirts for sale. We, you can donate via PayPal, purchase an Omnia patch for your phone. It really helps with the EMF frequencies coming in. Is this a lot? There's a lot of things going on right now, and I had totally just lost my train of thought right there. But anyway, please, any support you have, any support you can provide helps us out. And thank you, because we wouldn't be here without you. And until next time, we'll see you later. Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group. 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