Journey to Truth

EP 79 - Laura Van Tyne - Child Sex Trafficking - Black Magicians - Crossing Over Trapped Souls

Originally aired on 9/10/20
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1h 17m
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13 Jul 2024
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Yeah, it's really interesting. I'm excited to learn more about that. When you spoke at Iseti, it was honestly one of my favorite presentations, just because it affected me personally, and it actually brought some stuff up that I had to deal with. But it was really amazing, and I'm really curious to hear more about this, and we're not really going to defeat the cabal until we ultimately cross these souls over there, they're just hovering around in the fourth dimension. So it's going to be really, I'm really curious to see what you have to say about that. Welcome to the show, and if you want to give a better introduction of yourself, then that feel free. Oh, that's great. Thank you. I used to be a normal person. I was a public school teacher, and, you know, I have a master's degree in education. I dealt with kids all the time, and maybe that was the resonance issue that put me in tune with these kids, and it started about seven years ago, my family and I went to the Getty Museum in LA, and it was supposed to be a last minute, you know, family trip before all this one went off to cut, and all this daughter went off to college and that kind of thing. And we get there, and all of a sudden, I get sucked. I was hit psychically. I couldn't function. I couldn't move. My other two daughters were in the same boat. We ended up, I don't know if you've ever been to the Getty, but there's this grassy, null area in the middle of some buildings, and I had to lay down on the ground. It was so bizarre and so intense. And then all of a sudden, I could see all of these children being released. It was, this is how it started with crossing over the children. And I thought, let me back up, when a ghost dies, when a soul dies and they leave their physical body, and they do not cross over into the heaven world, the ghost appears in the last thing they've worn. And that's why ghosts appear to be period pieces or time pieces. If somebody can see a ghost, if you're psychic enough to see a ghost, and you sense that this ghost is from the 1500s or maybe the 1800s or maybe 1962, you can tell because of how they are dressed. They die in the clothes that they were wearing from that time period. And so while I'm at the Getty, I'm seeing all of these deceased children being released, and I'm crossing them over as fast as I can. They are from those same periods, you know, French Baroque to Genghis Khan era, all of these different eras of children I'm crossing over. And I thought at the time I was crossing over children who had died in the French Baroque area, who died during the time of Genghis Khan. But what I realized and it wasn't too long ago was the entire, that Hollywood scene where they talk about child sex trafficking and certain people are up there, and they bring up these children in these, to mimic arts. There's a, I think, a tweet about John Podesta, I believe, in this child, and the kid is dressed up in this art piece. Well, that's how they were presenting themselves, and I didn't understand it, and it took years to figure it out. But since that time at the Getty, my business partner, Tina and I, have spent a lot of time crossing over the dead. And it says if I get a big headache or she gets a big headache, and we kind of go to work and we find, we end up in these tunnels. We've been ending up in tunnels throughout the world for a long time, through a process called remote viewing. We didn't know why we were always in a tunnel. Because they're everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. And, you know, seven years ago, nobody really talked about it, right? Yeah. Even five, four years, three years ago, and people didn't really talk about it. And we just kept crossing over these dead children in tunnels, and we're like, what the heck? So in a lot of children who I'm going to just call them out, the Vatican Church, the Vatican, the Catholics, a lot of deceased children in wells, a lot of deceased children in tunnels. And we just didn't understand at the time why we kept doing this over and over and over. And as this information is coming out, as this Q movement is coming out, and all of this information is being released, all of a sudden we can literally put the pieces of the puzzle together. And it makes sense. We cleared a whole bunch of tunnels under Australia. And three months later, the Archbishop, I believe, or the Cardinal in Australia was arrested. So are we able, as mere mortals, to release enough so that the truth comes out? And I'm not saying just me and my business partner, but all of us out there. We all have a part in this. Yeah, I know this does a lot of articles just this past week, two weeks of children being rescued from this sex trafficking ring. And, you know, it's small numbers, like eight kids here, 25 here. It seems like a lot, but we know these numbers are in the hundreds and thousands. And it's really hard for us to actually fathom what's taking place. But it is surfacing. It is coming to the surface, like you said, we are talking about it now. Yeah, it's coming to the surface and these little bits. But if every 40 seconds I heard, and I don't know how true this stat is, every 40 seconds a kid goes missing in this country alone. Yeah, I've heard something like that, too. Where do they go, right? Yeah. What happens to them? And the truth is, is human trafficking is a bigger financial boon than drugs and weapons at this point? Well, the drug trafficking is kind of like the cover for the human trafficking. It's not really about the drugs. And that's why they fought so hard against the wall because, you know, it's not about what's coming over in the United States. It's about the clients in the United States. Who are the people that you want? Yeah, exactly. That wall is not about racism. It's not about segregation. It's about saving lives. And nobody ever discusses that. And I'm really happy that you brought that up because no one ever discusses the importance of that wall is to prevent human trafficking. I live in San Diego. I am just above that Mexican border. And when you are so poor. That you're willing to sell your child or you're willing to take a child and sell them just, you know, for a little bit of money. It speaks volumes as to where we are as a society. Yeah, it's, it's actually really, it's really sad. The reason, I mean, some of the stuff that you talk about is very, I mean, it just, it hits me hard. And I think anybody, anybody, it does. This affects all of us deeply when we realize what's happening. That's why during your presentation, actually, I had to leave and go find a spot to cry alone because I had, I had some lost in family members recently. And I hadn't fully processed it yet. So all that stuff just started, you know, staring up whenever you were talking. But this is, it's important just to, it's important to know and, and learn about this stuff for the healing of the planet and the healing of ourselves, too, because this is a personal journey as much as it is for the entire planet. And if nobody knows you're missing back to Trump's wall, if nobody knows you're missing, nobody will go to look for you. Yeah. And we need to let that sink in. If no one knows you exist, nobody will look for you and what a lonely place is that? Yeah. And also, I think some of these children, they're always off record. Let's just say that there's never even a birth certificate for it. There's breeding grounds for these children also, unfortunately. Yeah. So it's not even missing children. You know, and these children aren't just being used for sex. There's satanic rituals involved in a lot of things. Well, that's why they use like foster care and CPS is so infiltrated because they, they try to get kids that no one's going to, no one's going to be looking for, that don't really have a family, right? So they try to do this as much. Yeah, because the less people that are going to be bringing attention to this, the better for them, you know, so they do a lot of kids like that. And, um, yeah, and it's, it's crazy. Well, like, what is it? 800,000. What's the reported number of missing kids over here tonight? Yeah. About 800,000. Go missing. Which is nuts. Yeah. And that's just the record. So just think about it's probably way more than that. That doesn't. Right. That is just the number that gets reported. My business partner and I will also clear homes and properties. So let's say you have a haunted house or you've got something unusual happening. We do a lot of that work and I will never forget. This young girl, we had a client in Washington state who said, you know, for some reason, my house is haunted. Could you please? And so we go to remote view the house and we see not at her house, but along her property line was a somehow a, and this was a Russian drug, a human trafficking ring. I don't know why it was Russian. I don't know. Human trafficking ring and I'm not calling out any. There is no ethnicity. There is no culture that is exempt. Let me start there. And as we're remote viewing, I see this girl and I'll never forget her. I think she was from Tacoma and I think her name was Julia. And she was a ghost and she was crying to us because she was killed. She was, they tried to take her, but before they could take her, she fought so hard they killed her and the most heartbreaking. And I've done a lot of these kids and they all become kind of like a big conglomerate, but this one just really stuck out because she literally said, I can hear my mommy praying for me every night. Wow. I can hear her prayers, but she can't hear me. And I hope that now that her daughters crossed over that she gets some form of peace because when a soul is a ghost, they are stuck between heaven and earth, literally, and it is a hell. And this is where those dark beings reside. So if we look at this from a bigger picture and we go back to the Lucifer rebellion, where Lucifer falls from the grace of God, he and his team have to go somewhere, right? They are no longer allowed to go into the heaven world. So they go somewhere. The next step is that fourth dimension, which is that sandwich layer between heaven and earth. And we know that ghosts can impact the third dimension where we live. So we live in the third ghosts and dark entities are on the fourth and that fifth and above are the heavens. So these beings have been residing unchecked in that fourth dimension for many millennia, much like Portland, right? Yeah. Yeah. And you said that, so these, if they are just in the fourth dimension, and they're part of almost like a program like that the cabal has been operating for years, and they hijack the reincarnation cycle and they will come. Exactly. They'll come in and just hijack a newborn baby. And basically, so if a pedophile is up there floating around, the pedophile can be reborn. Yes. And then obviously that chain can be broken through, you know, karmic cycles and stuff like that, but it's complicated. Well, if we can, and this is the whole point of why my business partner and I do what we do, you're very, you're very correct in the fact that they get stuck between dimensions. And these ghosts now become soul food, S O U L food for these dark beings. And these dark beings have access to the reincarnation cycle of these souls when they do not cross over. We think all souls are heaven sent. We think all babies born come from heaven. The truth is a lot of them come from the fourth dimension. When that happens, we reincarnate here without the soul healing and the soul restoration that we need to come back fortified. We come back with pieces of our soul shaved off. We come back battered and abused. And this, I suspect is why we have so many. Mental disorders out there, so many hardships out there. So much abuse between humans because we haven't had the chance to reincarnate from the heaven world. And we, if we go back to the concept of Jesus when he came here, he didn't come here to mitigate the car. He did not come here to absolve the sins of all these people from all over the world for forever. Right. Does that make any sense? He came back here to mitigate the karma caused by the Lucifer rebellion to tell us that we all have it within ourselves to go home. The problem is, is that when you are beaten and abused, your ability to hear those messages is impaired. Yeah, and they also specifically took the reincarnation story out of the Bible. And I'm learning this now and your book, I'm actually reading, that was, you gifted to me so kindly and I'm a little more than halfway through it. I've tried to have it finished before this, but it's, it's, I'm learning a lot. And you talked about the reincarnation and the reason they took that out is because if we understood that, you know, if this is only, if this is, we think this is our own chance, we only have one shot. It becomes really hard to process and understand that we, that, you know, man, where do we go wrong? I'm never going to be able to try this again. But if we understood that we reincarnate, we can come back and we have a second chance and a third chance and a fourth chance to make things right. It makes a lot more sense to understand that our creator is actually a loving being. And wouldn't make any sense for our creator to give us one more to life to either be doomed or damned to eternal hell or eternal heaven. Either way, it makes no sense. If we're going to work, we live a great life and we supposedly crossover. We sit on a call out and play the harp all day for eternity. What, where's the spiritual service in that? And the idea of fear really permeates these souls that are stuck there. It is Ryan Seacrest here. There was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music, no movies, no entertainment. But a better trend would be going to It's like having a mini social casino in your pocket. Chumbakocino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free. It's the most fun you can have online and on a plane. So grab your free welcome bonus now at Sponsored by Chumbakocino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Yeah. So in the whole, I want to kind of touch on karma also and how this plays a part because this is something that fascinates me. And while I was reading your book, you know, you said multiple times karma never wastes energy, which means that karma would be an intelligence almost in a way. Yeah. It's an intelligent entity. It's really, when I started thinking about it like that, instead of we just say karma all the time, we just throw the word around that thinking about it actually being a type of intelligence. Well, the beauty about karma is that it merely seeks balance. And karma is not emotional. It's not judgmental. It's seeking balance. Right now, a lot of these karmic scales are really struggling to seek balance. And it's simply karma in its most basic form is action and reaction. You know, you drop that pebble in the water and you see those rings go out, right? Dropping the pebble is the action. The rings going out in the water is the reaction. And if we can look at life through a karmic lens. We become more in tune. Our psychic ability start to develop. And with that so does our intuition, which I believe is our most powerful psychic ability. The ability to see ghosts and the ability to remote view and all these other things. But that pales in comparison to somebody who has a really strong sense of intuition. When we have a strong sense of intuition, we make better and wiser choices, which helps to balance the karmic scales. We go to work and we find out that, you know, we keep having the same boss job after job after job. Maybe there's a karmic lesson that we need to keep getting I don't know about you guys but I've been hit over that that cosmic two by four many times right. Until you get it right. Especially in relationships and you know, whether it's a spouse or a boss and still a relationship. Yeah. It is and karma is going to give us those same tests in a bunch of different faces right. You could have had a narcissistic dad and now you've got a narcissistic boss. How are you going to do things differently. Yeah, that's what karma kind of wants to know. Yeah exactly so and I just it's just really important to understand, you know, everything that we do every action that we. Every choice we make has a karmic consequence and the consequence doesn't have to mean a bad thing. So it's there is a consequence for everything we do. And once you understand, once you become, I guess, enlightened enough to understand the reality of karma and how it works. You mentioned that like if you do decide to do something that you know is wrong because you're aware of the program, the system, then it actually affects you even a lot worse. Yeah, it's a lot worse. Yeah. A priest who molests a child in the name of God carries with it a lot more karma than a dentist or a plumber who does that same deed right, because one of the things that I've learned throughout this is that the rape of a child or any person separates that soul from God it damages that root chakra that creative center energy. And it really sets that person at a disadvantage it doesn't mean we can't overcome it with a lot of work and a lot of healing, but it's just not easy. Yeah, it's really interesting that you brought up the priest you brought the Vatican earlier as far as remote viewing like what exactly have you seen under the Vatican, or have you remote view that. When I remote view a location. I am always bound by spiritual law, I would never remote view your home, for example, right, I would never walk into your home on an house either. These tunnels and things that we've seen that go under the Vatican they're basically caverns they're basically caves. And they can be all over the world and not necessarily just under the Vatican. And we are only allowed to do or see what our spiritual teams allow us to do or see. And a lot of times it has been children under in these caverns under the Vatican, who really thought that God didn't love them. If, if God loved me why did this happen to me I must have deserved this. Yeah. Yeah. And that's a, that's a problem because if you're not worthy, you don't cross over you don't because you think you're not worthy you think you shouldn't cross over. And you said like that every baby is God sent well, it doesn't have to be created from God that they've hijacked right exactly and then the program that we're existing in the matrix here is, is ensuring that that that doesn't happen. They're just ensuring that it's one of my trying to say they're trying to make sure that they, they do they don't reincarnate God sent. Right. Yeah, that's what you're trying to do. They as in those entities and these dark entities can be Luciferic, they can be alien that we're in the middle of a spiritual war right now. This is and we've been in this many spiritual wars throughout the history of this planet but I really do think that this is like winner take all and the prize is this planet. If we can cross over these kids. All of these souls who are stuck between dimensions, we stop it we start those dark entities because they use that energy for their fuel source. And if you go to my website the karmic, you can download for free the crossing over prayer. This prayer has had testimonials all over the world and when I was at East study, I, we gave out hundreds and hundreds actually a thousand of these, these crossing over prayers. And what was really amazing is people took them and they went out and had some personal time in certain areas of East study and they crossed over their loved ones. If you do that, we free ourselves from their grief and we send them home. If your child, if your grandma, if your uncle or best friend who committed suicide is stuck as a ghost, the biggest gift, the biggest form of spiritual service you can give them is to cross them over. And everybody has the power to do that themselves. That's really, that's really interesting. I did get a couple of those from you also. But that, that makes me think because of the way you're, I was affected by your presentation, I never thought, you know, like I said, I lost some loved ones, but I never thought it's my responsibility to cross them over. So now I'm really wondering if I need to look into that a little deeper. It can't hurt the worst thing that could happen is they've already crossed over and nothing happened. Yeah, the best thing that could happen is you save a soul and September is suicide awareness month. More everybody out there knows somebody who committed suicide. It could be a family member. It could be a peripheral person. It doesn't matter. If you take that crossing over prayer card that you get on the karmic you can sign up for the web for the email list and it's a free download. And it gives you the capacity if you're unsure on how to do it to cross them over. And he said it was fascinating because a young woman came up to me and said that she had a really tough time getting there because she was her grandma's caretaker. And she was dying. And she wasn't going to go. She was going to go. Grandma was supposed to die, you know, two weeks ago, yesterday, blah, blah, blah. And she grandma, she told, she told me that her grandma was afraid to die. Her grandma didn't know what was going to happen. She didn't feel worthy of going to heaven. How many religions create that fear of lack of worthiness to go home, right? Yeah. So after my speech, and I didn't meet her until after my speech, but I talked about this. She's sitting in the audience and she gets a text from the caretakers that her grandma passed right after my speech ended. Wow. And she went over and she had the crossing over prayer and she crossed over her grandma. And she came back to me and said, this is my story. I want to make sure I did it right is my grandma here and we checked and she did it with the power that she had in herself and the assistance of that crossing over prayer card. That's beautiful. Mm hmm. You something you brought up during that presentation really struck me some, I don't know, somebody who were trying to help was messing around with a Ouija board and they called him who they thought was their grandmother. But it ended up being a dark entity disguised as her grandmother. And this is very scary because people who think they're being visited by loved ones couldn't be. They might be being deceived. And, and this loved one who they think is their loved one can be feeding them messages that might seem positive, but it might ultimately be nefarious in some way, and not really be serving their higher purpose. All right, so one of the best tools we all have, and I'm going to go on a little story arc here. If you are psychic and you sent your sensitive or you see something and you're not sure. Remember this concept salt cleanses in every dimension. And what you can do is if you think that you have a relative with you that died, and you thought they crossed over but they're here. Literally visualize yourself pouring down a rain of salt over them. If they're still there, then they have not crossed over. And with the Ouija board, and I'm not going to win the popularity contest with this. There's all these divination tools right Ouija board to row cards, all of these things that we have access to but the real crux to the matter is, if you need a tool to communicate with entities not in this dimension. How do you know who you're talking to is who you're talking to. How do you know there's not a shape shifter, because I will be honest, there are so many shape shifters out there that can hold the frequency to make themselves look like an angel or to look like your spirit guide or something. And they can read your thoughts, and so now they know what you want, and back to that Ouija board story that you were talking about. Client of mine. Her mother died she called me, she and I crossed over the mother, the grandmother, and this client's 13 14 year old daughter. Mr grandma and she and her girlfriend and Ouija board are like this classic you know teenage girl thing. Created a Ouija board out of a piece of paper, and they summoned this grandma up and the daughter was so excited that she brought her grandma back and she was literally see mom see what I can do. And the mom called me a little alarm she's like I thought we crossed her over I'm like well we did I said, and this client actually love close to me because I do a lot of client work all over the world basically. And I said let me come over and I came over with the daughter and the mom and they're both pretty psychic, and I said call your grandma in. And I was able to put the grandma in basically a container for lack of a better word, and I poured salt all over grandma. And when I did that, this thing turned into it was not grandma turned into an evil vicious looking scary creature. In an instant it cannot handle the frequency and cleansing of salt. And it was a really good lesson for the mom and the daughter about these Ouija boards and about these tools of divination. We really have to learn tools of discernment. It's really important, because what would have happened had the mom not been savvy enough to call me. This dark entity would have brought in many more friends. They thrive in numbers, and all of a sudden they would have financial problems they would have, you know, house problems such as plumbing and electrical issues because these things are low frequency they start to deteriorate your surroundings. Yeah, that's interesting car trouble a lot about stuff like that happening. I'm pretty sure health issues also health issues are a big part of what they do I remember number of years ago I was sitting on my sofa minding my own business. And all of a sudden this entity dark entity comes into my house and literally shoots me in the lungs right here, and in 30 minutes I have double pneumonia. I did not have a cold I did not have bronchitis I wasn't sick, but it came in fast and hard. There's no reason for me to have that. That happens I think that happened to me one time. I was preparing for months to do a presentation here locally on the secret space program. This is my presentation on driving home from work. I got hit with something on the right home. It just I felt like I was getting the flu I was getting sick I was coming down with something I barely I almost crawled through my front door and balled up on the floor and I was just shaking and sweating and it didn't make any sense on how or why this happens and I ended up fighting through it taking a bunch of medicine I end up taking some shots of whiskey I was like I did whatever I could to still give that presentation. And after I gave that presentation I blacked out I don't remember hardly the presentation and then I was like sick out of work for almost two weeks after that whatever happened to me. It doesn't make any sense. It makes perfect sense to me. Because you're making a difference. For the positive they need to stop that. These dark entities and beings will not bother people who don't make a difference. Yeah, that's interesting. That's it so that's a great set of threat you are the more you're going to be under. Yeah so we you know my partner and I actually have a class on psychic self defense for these reasons because it can hit us hard and fast. And if we know what these entities and energies are, and we can identify them this is what kills me in the the light worker area fairy group I hate to sound disrespectful is enough love and light and unicorns and rainbows and everything's going to be great. Right, not so much. We have to understand how these dark beings and entities work so we can deal with them properly. Absolutely I agree with that 100% it doesn't get you anywhere ignoring the dark and turning it back to it I mean when you ignore all that stuff it's not like your life is going to get any better. It's actually going to it's going to be harder the longer you ignore it. It will be and I think that's why we are in this position as a human race right now. We just have enough people that have always said enough love and light it's going to be great it's going to be fine. That's not that's not the reality we have this is a spiritual war. Yep, so let's talk about black magicians the narcissist you know these people who are struggling and you know they're stuck in this relationship with this person who has control over them and it's literally literally like somebody has a has cast of the spell on people and there's these karmic ties and you know somebody could be going through an awakening and wanting to break free so bad but they can't because of this person in their life that just constantly has this influence over them. That is a fascinating topic to me because it just seems like almost everybody I come into contact with is in some type of relationship like that and I'm noticing a pattern for myself and my role in this also so I'm curious to see what you have to say about it. The empath narcissist relationship are usually relationships that have spanned many lifetimes. So it's my theory that a narcissist, there's many degrees of narcissism right a narcissist generally can't be cured in this lifetime we have to cross them over so they go home. The empath energy is so delectable and tasty to a narcissist. It is a karmic opportunity for this empath to stay enough time out. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land you know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin. For your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today. At Lucky Land No purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. And it is not easy and it is. It's probably one of the more difficult relationships to break from because it can be dangerous also. A lot of empath narcissist relationships are dangerous in that sense that that narcissist wants the control of that person who is perceived as weak. And it's up to karma is going to offer that empath a lot of opportunities to break free. The problem is it's really hard, especially if these two people have been having that same relationship lifetime after lifetime. Breaking free breaking those ties is a big deal. It's possible. We also have a course on, you know, that the empath died to sling energy vampires, because it's a big deal and an empath can be a family member. It can be a boyfriend. It can be they can pop up everywhere. So can the narcissist so. Narcissist are karmic opportunities for an empath as hard as that sounds as harsh as that sound. It's learning how to do business differently when we've done it the same lifetime after lifetime. Yeah, I'm just going to say so a narcissist. So the way I view them is they're a very damaged soul that keeps getting more damage the further that going done a path right. So every time they reincarnate from that lower astral, and I'm not saying this as a judgment call. It is not my job to judge anybody's path anybody's journey. But the more we can, when a narcissist dies, making sure they cross over is a really big deal. I've crossed over some of the world's worst pedophiles. Because if they stay in that fourth dimension, who gets control of them, the dark side or the life side. Yeah. No matter how a person lived or how a person died, every soul has to cross over and go home. Now, what about so when I was 25, my mother passed away, and it wasn't until years later that I understood I was made aware that something had entered whenever I was so I was in that fractured state. My aura was fractured and some dark entity had made its way in and it was kind of operating through me for years. I was, you know, I got heavy into drugs and alcohol and all kinds of stuff and I wasn't, you know, I wasn't the most stand up guy during that time. And I realized through a series of events, I ended up getting rid of this thing, but it almost made me into a narcissist during that time in a way. So it's not like, I guess my question is like that does they don't have to be born a narcissist. This can happen by just something coming in at some point in their life. It can not be as difficult to remove that way. If it isn't some chronic cycle. If it's somebody different. Yeah. It's a frequency issue. So when your mom died and you're really young when your mom died. When your mom died, that grief sent your frequency to rock bottom. Right. And that's normal. Now you've got some dark entity who sees an opportunity. And they enter you and they take control of you and it happens, it happens to the best of us, which makes me really question the concept of free will. How much free will do we really have? You have the fortitude and the strength to overcome that. And you're taking what you learned from that experience and you're able to apply it in ways that would never have happened. Had you have not had that experience. Had you not had that experience. Would you be sitting here with Aaron today doing this podcast? Absolutely not. That's Carmen not wasting energy. Yeah, I'm very, I'm very grateful for every dark moment of my life because of where it's brought me today. I see very clearly now. I wouldn't be here if everything didn't happen exactly the way it happened. Exactly. And I'm the same way. I thought I was going to be a middle school teacher for the rest of my life. And now I'm like super normal super whatever. That's what I thought. And then karma gave me some interesting opportunities along the way and I'm as hard as they were as difficult as they were, you know, getting hit with double pneumonia to, you know, being I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've been choked and strangled in this and that. From, I literally one day was walking across the parking lot by myself and some entity pushed me so hard I fell and I cruddy chopped my wrist on the curb and broke it. No one was around there. But all of these experiences brought me to where I am today so that I can help these souls and understand those that dark side element. So, I'd like to segue into like the soul's purpose like when we come here. And what you know when we're born we forget our past lives with some of us remember them but most of the time we forget it but then we're supposed to rediscover our soul's purpose and our life mission and all that. Is there any advice to people out there who are like actively seeking because part of waking up is realizing that you even have a soul purpose depending on what your past was. And that's so many so many people I know that's a big struggle. It really is. It's something we all hear everyone talk about but whenever you really go inward and try and figure out what the hell you're supposed to be doing. It has anxiety written all over it and you wonder if you're doing the right thing and it's difficult. We all have soul purposes and our soul purposes change throughout our life. A soul purpose could be as simple as being kind to a sibling, or as complicated as kicking a drug addiction. Maybe it's actually I worked with a client last week and I have permission to share the story. She her house all of a sudden became haunted and she didn't know why. And I worked with her and cleared her home. It was great and then something came back. I told her I said okay you have somebody with you who died that is is trying to come in and they're bringing in a lot of dark entities. And that's when she confessed she goes and she was really she was kind of ashamed of this but she shouldn't have been because there is no learning and perfection. And her brother had been a serial killer. He worked for the drug cartels and he killed many people he was in prison when he was killed. And she says he did these horrible things but I love my brother I've always loved my brother. And I told her I said perhaps you were your brother's karmic opportunity to learn how to receive love. Maybe that's what your relationship was all about. Yes, he did horrible things. But if he had not been reincarnated over and over from that fourth dimension. Would he have been doing those horrible things. Your ability to show him unconditional love during these horrible moments gave him an opportunity to do things differently. Those were his free will choices. And it turns out that this brother was coming back into her house trying to tell her that he loved her, but because he was so heavily attached to these dark elements it kept opening these portals in her house. And so we crossed him over she got to say her piece so when we work with somebody. We work so that they can have that connection to their loved one because it would be very easy for me to say oh Tyler your mom said blah blah blah blah blah. And all I got to do is pick and you know pick pieces out of here and there and let you string it up to make sense. But when you're involved in that process yourself, it becomes your truth. And we crossed him over and there's been no other issues in that house ever since. But this again is karma offered him an opportunity to do something different. He may or may not have chosen to do something different. And so the soul and then going back to this the soul's purpose and trying to discover what that is on your, on your own. You know you may have already accomplished it. So that's something people need to realize like like if you, if you were always beaten as a child, I know you use this as an example. And then you end up killing yourself as a teenager well if you make it into adulthood without killing yourself maybe your sole purpose was to survive through surviving childhood is a big sole purpose for many people. So unfortunately. So then go ahead. Oh no go ahead. I was just going to say so then okay let's say you come here and accomplish your sole, your sole purpose now, now your life mission like, how do you just work what are you here to do I know that's a really hard question for you to answer because it's individual it's specific for everybody. Our sole is different. And our soul purposes vary throughout our lifetimes for some people it's we just need a little bit of time. Maybe our soul's purpose was you know I'm a six year old and I develop cancer and I die was my sole purpose to have my family come in and learn how to take care of me with love and compassion. Is that why a six year old child gets cancer and dies. It's one of the most horrible things that we could ever think of. Nobody wants a child to die. Is my soul's purpose to become a school teacher because I you know had these experiences a kid and I want to be a school teacher so I can help other kids. Is my soul's purpose simply to survive every day and not kill myself. A lot of times suicide victims kill themselves lifetime after lifetime minutes. It's really a crime because we as humans especially with our religions are very judgmental when it comes to people who commit suicide. If you commit suicide chances are you're pretty depressed and you can't think straight. No amount of counseling or or advice or is going to is going to help change your mind sometimes. You're so haunted. I had a neighbor who committed suicide a number of years ago. And he was living in my closet for about a week as a ghost before I discovered him. And he was telling me that he killed himself because these creatures kept coming after him and he didn't know what to do about it. So if he killed himself, maybe they would go away. Well, they didn't go away. And we crossed him over so that way he can get that soul healing and that soul restoration that he is afforded now. And a lot of times when people commit suicide they languish between dimensions. And we can feel them. I, one of my crazier stories and it's a true story. I had a client who called me from a different country. And said I feel like killing myself every day and I don't know why she found me on Facebook. And I said okay. And immediately when I started talking to her on Facebook messenger, I could see a bunch of dead people with her and they all committed suicide. And I asked her I said, did anybody you know committed suicide and she says yes, 17 people, 17 family members and her family committed suicide. This was their family pattern. Wow. And we crossed every one of those souls over. And she immediately lost the desire to commit suicide. And this is why suicide feels contagious. Because the dead grieve just as much as we grieve and if I've got a child or a person who committed suicide in my life and I'm feeling their grief on top of my grief. A lot of the survivors have guilt. I should have would have could have right. Crossing over those victims without judgment, without cause helps break that suicidal tendency. Does does understanding your past life help with that also I know sometimes it's not really necessary to understand our past lives because you know we're here now doing what we're doing here in the present. And I don't think everybody's supposed to know what they did in their past lives I think some people definitely need to know I think it's all based on the individual, but understanding the past life in this case might actually help you understand this pattern. And so that's why I think past life regressions are actually really important sometimes past life regressions can be critical to the souls evolution I so I was a person's evolution. But if you get a past life regression. You as the client need to make sure you are in control. I'm saying this because there's a lot of people out there who would say, Oh, Aaron, I saw that you had a past life as you know I don't know, courts, you know the courts of you know England or whatever and you did this and you did that or how do you know that that's true. I was gave you a piece of information and I could damage your souls evolution by telling you this we had a client who had a past life regression done to her, and she was told that her very loving father raped her in a past life. And her opinion of her current life father was jaded because they had a great relationship that past life practitioner really caused a lot of damage because a we don't know if it's true or not. Be it could set her down a really dark path, because damage that relationship. So whenever you know Tina or I do a past life regression, that person is in a conscious meditative state. So you can figure out for yourself, we're simply a guide work you're going to have to do the work, and sometimes a past life regression doesn't work, or it isn't what you think it is but it's usually what you need. If you are stuck in something in your life maybe you're stuck with relationship issues, a past life regression could be really helpful. Interesting I've had three past life regressions and it's been the way you described it. It's, I'm just putting the meditative state nobody's telling me anything, but I think what the difference is what you're talking about is almost like in the records reading, because those are the readings where they tell you what happened or what you've been through and what you used to do, because they're tapping into those records and that's where you really have to be and use discernment. When you're sitting through the regression and I'm physically the one talking, I'm the one speaking. So, and then when you listen back to the recording there's nobody telling me anything except for myself. And when you listen back to it sometimes you don't even what's funny is you forget that you said half of that stuff you're like, because I thought I remembered all of it and then you play it back and like, wait a second I said that. Yeah. Yeah, it, and it happens and that's really a safer way to go with the past life regression. I've had a few past life recalls that were spontaneous and a few past life regressions at the same time. One of the more interesting ones that came up recently was actually was on the way back from you said he I'm flying home. I'm going to be honest I'm not wearing a mask. And they just implemented the mask policy on these airplanes and I have a scarf over my face. And I am three quarters of the way home on this airplane literally our airplane is like over Los Angeles from like Washington state to San Diego or over Los Angeles. This flight attendant comes up to me. He runs up to me and he throws this yellow card in my lap and I'm like what the heck is this right. And I look at it and it's like this. Oh, you're not wearing a mask and you know you're you're a bad person blah blah blah. And he gets he throws this card in my lap and he runs away it's like where the hell are you going. That's like a sack of referee throwing red card or yogurt. Oh my god. Right exactly. And so I literally hit the button and I'm like, what is this. And he's like well you're not wearing a mask but as he is saying this. I am watching this past life scenario of his fold unfold before my eyes of his past life. And in his past life. He ran. He loaded the cargo trains in Jewish concentration camps to send not to the Jews to the Nazi concentration camps. That was his job he was a cattle herder for these trap for these another form of trafficking right. And now karma is giving him an opportunity to do something a little different it's not as extreme. But I thought that was absolutely fascinating. I saw him in his uniform he looked pretty much the same. Okay round two name something that's not boring laundry book club computer solitaire huh. Sorry we were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right Chumba has over a hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Chumba You know, we talked about the entities a lot in the ghost in the spirits. Where do extraterrestrials come into play as far as this goes and how do we determine what is the spirit and what is the ET. And you know a lot of this, a lot of these dark forces, you know we hear about the reptilians. Is there any of that that pops up when your readings or whenever you're doing this crossing people over. We've crossed over a lot of alien forces. Good and bad. We have done a lot of, unfortunately or fortunately crossed over a lot of reptilians those seem to be the archons they seem to be like the flavor of the month for a while now here. We've crossed over good ones to benevolent ones. We've got our job to pick and choose who crosses over. If they are presented before us we cross them over we hand them off to our spiritual team. But before we hand them off to our spiritual team. We practice several levels of due diligence to make sure we have no imposters in our team. I'm never going to just simply trust that my spiritual team is my spiritual team and there's never an imposter there. It happens. And it's really important that everybody understands that we all have a spiritual team and our teams grow and ebb and flow and decrease as time goes on with our experiences. I'm never going to assume that there's not an imposter there, because that means I've let ego get in the way. We've crossed over lots of aliens lots of reptilians, lots of archons, and even Pleiadians and stuff in between which we send them off to our team, which would mean that they're all existing here on earth. Yeah, it's a very busy planet. It's a very beautiful planet. It has a lot of wealth and riches. And everybody wants a piece of it. But the bottom line is it's our planet, and we need to fight for this planet soul. Yeah, and that's the big that's like you said the spiritual war right now that's the biggest fight. It's not really about politics. It might seem like that in the surface. It is to a certain degree but what's going on behind the scenes. And then the ground. That's the important fight. We left this unchecked for way too long and it's time to start cleaning it up. Yeah. And the more people that can help the more even if you're just crossover grandma or you just crossover one or two people, every little bit helps. Sure. Yeah, I agree with that. And as far as, do you see a difference from when you started doing this until now is there. I mean I'm sure at the beginning it was kind of like, my God, when is this when does this end. And then now do you see a difference to where like you actually see the light at the end of the tunnel? Do you see us making progress. I see a lot of progress being made. I see a lot more needing to be made. There's a reason why timelines have been shifting. If we, and I'm saying we as a collective we haven't been doing these bits and pieces. Timelines will be very different right now and not for the greater good. We still have a lot of work to do. And the best that we can do is to make sure that every soul crosses over because as every soul crosses over, we're robbing that lower astral that fourth dimension of a food supply. And that is a big deal and I think that's why they are struggling. We have seen these black magicians literally turning to dust because they have been starved because they have no food or fuel. We've seen them trying to puppy guard adrenochrome in the fourth dimension also and puppy guard all these other things. Well, not have like having all the sports stadiums and arenas shut down right now and all the big gatherings where they would collect all that loot and feed off of it. They were these, these places are designed to feed to fuel these dark entities. You know, when people get angry at a sporting event that anger gets siphoned into the lay lines or wherever it is they're doing. And they feed off of that. And this is what I do the riots and the fear with the coronavirus so they're trying to. This is why we have the riots in my opinion is they are causing trouble to stir things up so because they're hungry. Yeah, that's exactly. That's absolutely what it is. Yeah, I generate all that negative energy. Yeah, they're desperate right now. They are desperate which which is a good news bad news right the fact that they're desperate means that we are being effective and I, I'm not saying we as a my partner and I but we as a collective are being effective. We all have certain jobs to do. And we're doing them the best of our ability because every little bit makes a huge difference. I mean it's, it's so true, but I just think it's interesting like, the loose the people need to understand it, understand that if you don't understand what's going on like what we're talking about tonight. It's going to be really hard to grasp and map your head around what we're seeing taking place in the surface. And that's where the awakening has to happen for certain people. And, you know, it's not it's not so much about the information because to get to that point you have to go through your spiritual awakening first. You have to understand. I was an atheist, you know, and I totally, that was shattered. Thank God, because now I'm able to be here to do this. But you are not their success story. Yeah, exactly. But it just that's the biggest thing. Anyone who's listening who's like thinking this is bullshit or they're questioning that. So it's, it's real. It's real. And there's no, there's no convincing you otherwise once you see it. And that's it. Seeing is believing. Seeing is believing and we have to understand that our third dimensional physical world, the world we can see here and touch is just one aspect of our world. Yeah, there are so many other dimensions and aspects out there. And we need to focus in on, unfortunately, that dark underbelly of spirituality, we got to clean it up. Yeah. Oh yeah, exactly. But I just wanted to talk about the, the, the siphoning, our energy and sporting events and stuff. I just wanted to, something I always think about, you know, the Ellen show that's now canceled. If anybody's watched it, there's, you know, every episode, you have somebody jump out of that box. You scared a hell out of somebody. Right. The fear that's created through that scare from scaring somebody. That's not by accident. That's by design. That's, they're doing that on her show by design because they're, they're feeding off of that fear. And it's masked and happiness, right? Exactly. And they, yes, and they make a joke out of it and blah, blah, blah, blah. But I'm like, my God, this is why she scares people to death on her show. They're, this is, this is a fuel source. It is a fuel source. And those sports stadiums are also opportunities for sex trafficking and victims to be passed around. And now that we've stopped that we've stopped that flow also for right now. And maybe we get to go back to a time where we can have these events. And it won't be like that anymore. Yeah, it's really, it's really interesting to see how things are going to play out. I remember at the end of 2019, we were doing an episode, the last couple episodes of the year, we had everybody predict 2020. Well, it was, and I mean, we couldn't have all, we all couldn't have been further off. You know, I don't think anybody would have seen this coming, which is another interesting thing. No, no psychics. Nobody saw this coming. Maybe that was by design. I think it is. That's what I was going to say. Just like this solar event that we all hear about, if it is going to happen, if it's not going to happen. I don't think we're supposed to know, really, because if we do know, it's, it's not going to serve as purpose. And there are probably beings and entities that do know that are helping us that we can't be privy to that knowledge, because it would let the dark side know at the same time. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, if you think if you think you're walking around and you know something that nobody else knows, I mean, you're wrong. Yeah. You know, as far as, oh, man, I got somebody told me this date and I know something's going to happen on this day. Nobody else knows. If you know, I mean, there's a surveillance system out there and a cosmic surveillance system, these dark entities know exactly what's going on. And time is fluid. It's not linear. Yeah. And there are certain anchor points in time that are fixed, but yet there's other elements where time is more fluid. I remember a number of years ago. One of my daughters had a week long premonition of the Sandy Hook massacre. And my daughter was nine years old at the time. I literally wrote the playbook to the Sandy Hook massacre, but I didn't know it at the time. Right down to what this guy looked like and the fact that, you know, he was shooting up the little kids and the principal and it was a nightmare my daughter didn't want to go to school she was so afraid. Was Sandy Hook an anchor point. Why was it that my daughter who was nine years old about the same age. She was a little bit older than those kids. Why did she get this information of this horrific crime 3000 miles away. I don't know the answer to that. Other than was that an anchor point was that fixed was 9/11 a fixed anchor point in time. But yet there are some things where we psychics will have predictions and it doesn't happen because that was they were just wrong or maybe there was just a fluidity with the time. Yeah, different timelines. Yeah. Very interesting. We're, we're affecting that all the time. So, yeah, by the choices we make and what we do. We can either, we can either help move into a positive timeline or, or. The opposite opposite. Yeah. And what it's personal to, I do feel like we're each on our own. We're each kind of in our own universe in a way so we're, we're going to experience what we, where we're at. And, and things are going to be reflected back to us based on where, where we're at and the energy we're putting out. Yeah. Great. Great point. You know, if we leave our house at 5 p.m. versus 5 15 p.m. Do we get in the accident at 515 but not at 5. I mean, everything is fluid based on our choices but there seems to be these certain things that are just like these anchor points. Yeah. Yeah. And I wasn't saying like if somebody out there did have a date or something, you know, was told to them I'm not saying that it's wrong but it's not it's maybe you're not the only person there's other. There's other people aware of it. Yep. Absolutely. And we've seen, you know, psychics predict similar things along along the way. And what makes psychic ability hard to quantify is that no two psychics have the same exact abilities to the same exact degree, right? It's like remote viewers. Yeah. It just makes it hard but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Yeah. Well, it's just like remote viewing. You could have all these remote viewers, remote viewer want the same location. They all have similar results but everyone is going to have different results. It's not, it's not going to be the same from everybody. Right. It's almost like there's a Venn diagram where things just kind of mesh but there's outer up skirts to it too. Yeah. Exactly. So let's talk about your book a little bit here before we start wrapping up soul evolution past lives and karmic ties. Tina Erwin is this your partner. This is my business partner. Yeah. Okay. Guys, it's a really awesome book and everything we're talking about tonight, it gets into but even more depth in more detail. In the middle of it right now it's seriously, it's, it can help change your whole life. It can really help you start. It can start, it can help me navigate through life a lot easier once you understand how some of these things work and you can look at this. Okay. Is this a karmic lesson? Is this my sole purpose? Whatever. So it's, I really recommend we'll, we'll definitely put the link below this video also. Thank you. Where can people find it? They can find the book on and it's available as an audio book, a Kindle, a print book, and you can also go to the karmic and look at the services we offer and all of those bits and pieces of information that can be helpful to you, especially the crossing over prayer. The more souls we can cross over the more we're going to save those souls and have a better planet from it. I really want to thank you guys for your time to this has been absolutely amazing. I loved meeting you guys at East City. It was a blast. Yeah, likewise. I, you know, but you gifting me this book. It made me want to go. I didn't know who you were prior to East City. I really didn't and you didn't know who I was but you felt we felt compelled to give me this book and that made me make sure I was up on time and there for your presentation and I know why now. And I know why you gave me this book because it's interesting at the time I don't think I knew you had a podcast. Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was just some nice guy. So anyway, it's just interesting how things work how the universe has a way of bringing people together and it's no accident we're here today doing this so. Yeah, thanks again for that. And yeah, I don't know. Anything you want to add to that. No, just thank you so much for coming on. You're amazing. Thank you. You both are too and I really appreciate the work you guys do bringing out the truth because as we know it gets twisted and distorted and hidden and exposed and everything else I mean. Oh yeah, it is a very busy verb so thank you guys so much for all your work because it really is changing the planet. Well, thank you so much. Yeah, you know, and he says bringing the truth it's not like we have the truth all the time you know we just, we like to have a platform to give people to express for searching and growing as well. Yeah, when we can offer our own truth. Without agendas. It makes a difference. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. So it's just, you know, we've had people who are asked so you guys call yourself during the truth but this now they totally disagree with her something somebody said like, like we're tied to that person just because we interviewed them and whatever you know it's ridiculous sometimes. It really is a journey. That's the whole journey. Yeah, because, you know, beliefs, like, the truth is, you know, something we're all constantly searching and finding and then we're, we're growing and awakening so it's really more about that. And as you grow and as you expand your consciousness, you will naturally start the truth will become more apparent to you and the lives will start calling away and. Yeah, exactly. It's literally the cleanup effort right. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I call myself a psychic cleaning lady. Yeah, and hey, it's true, it's true. Well, thanks for listening everybody, make sure you go check out her book, check out her website. She's obviously doing some very important work right now. I think everything we touched on tonight is what we should all be focused on. Not so much all this mainstream narrative and all this, this, all these distractions because, you know, there's a there's an agenda behind everything right now. So it's really, it really is important to be a state focused growing word and pay attention to this type of stuff because it's really going to help you out in the future. Thanks again for coming on. Thanks for listening. And if you don't have anything else to add, I guess we'll wrap it up. I'm good. Thank you so much. You can also follow us on social media, the karmic path for Instagram, Facebook, etc. Twitter. So, yeah. Yeah, definitely, definitely. We'll make sure we put those links in there also. So, all right. Good night, everybody. Yeah, and we will see you guys next week. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. 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