Journey to Truth

EP 76 - James Gilliland - Healing Negative Influences - Draining The Swamp - Something Big Is Coming

Originally aired on 8/13/20
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James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee.  James is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and shares amazing multi-dimensional contact phenomenon which can be viewed at His weekly As You Wish Talk Radioprogram on draws an audience from around the world who are interested in truth and Higher Consciousness.

1h 25m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary, VGW Group, void prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. America, we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By honoring your sacred vocation of nursing, you impact your family, your friends, and your community. At Grand Canyon University, our online RN to BSN, MSN, or DNP degree programs, allow you to balance online coursework with local in-person clinical, practicum, or immersion hours. Find your purpose at GCU. Private Christian Affordable. Visit [Music] [Music] Hi, this is Tim Sanders, founder of the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Pretty soon, there will be five G-masks going up all around us, and we want to make sure that you're giving yourself the best protection on the market. Our solution is unique. We use a new source of energy from the fifth dimension to balance radiation fields on any device, making it safe to use. Our results show that this structures water, it balances the blood, and it keeps your body super strong, and yes, it works on 5G. The energy in the patch never runs out, so count up all the radiating devices in your life, stick one on each, and you're done. Click on the link below, and you'll soon be bringing balance and strength back to your body. Thank you. [Music] I'll do that again. I'm going to cut that out of there. The line, Tim. Hey guys, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight, we're joined by James Gillland. For those of you who don't know, he is the founder of East Eddie Ranch. He's a contactee. He's an author. He hosts as he wish, or East Eddie Stargate radio show every Saturday night, which is really amazing, and that's kind of how we got turned on to him. We've developed a friendship over the past year, and we're excited to have him back on the show. We just got back from East Eddie to conference. It was incredible. There's so many stories to tell just from that weekend, but welcome to the show. James, how's it going over there? Great to be back on the show, and some of the last stragglers are just now finally leaving. We had a few people that hung on and helped with the cleanup and things like that, which is great. We just had a major kind of a yoga combination shamanic journey workshop that just went really well. Everybody just loved it. What's really funny is that I was teaching the yigong, and right when we were doing the fire exercise, the fire movement, this guy's tent caught on fire. So we just finished fire, and all of a sudden we're done, and we're getting ready to go into air, and I'll send you to somebody's fire, screaming fire, getting wet and round, and he had a charging unit, and he was charging just computers and everything else in it. I think he had his bag on top of it to hide it so people wouldn't know it was there, and then it just caught on fire. Speaking of fires, have you been paying attention to all those fires and explosions all around the world lately this past week? Yeah, it hasn't been like 13 or something explosions? Yeah, it's been a lot. I counted today between fires and explosions that were documented, there was 31 total. Okay. Yeah, and that's insane. I mean, and if you look at these, these aren't typical fires, these aren't typical explosions. Some of them are clearly DEWs, direct energy weapons in my opinion. I mean, these buildings are getting pulverized. I think personally, this could be some type of an alliance effort, wiping out the last of these deep state strongholds. I don't know. What are your thoughts on that? You know, it could be, it could even be them covering things up, you know, because like Wuhan and all these bad fires, and so it might be a combination of both the taking them out, and then they're, they're probably, you know, lighting fires to cover up their tracks as well. You know, I'm not sure, but that one, that one in Beirut, when I saw the footage of that, there was a missile that came down, you know, undeniable missile. You can see the missile coming. And people I know that talked about, they said that fertilizer ship couldn't have, couldn't have created that big of a hole, you know, that big of an explosion. So it created a crater, like a crater. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there's, and then one of the fires was a Rothschild bank. Yeah. Yeah. And it was like you said, the Wuhan lab. I mean, it's just, yeah, it's very suspicious. It's something to keep your eye on right now. And you know, Q's been saying for a long time, August is going to be a very hot month, or it's normally a very hot month. So that makes me think that there is something more to all this, well, there is, but we can only speculate right now. Have you heard about the White House gone green? They pulled down all the shades and it's green. And I guess that's a symbol that it's on. Oh, really? Yeah. And then Trump said, you're not gonna see me for a while? Yeah. He said he has a lot of rich people that are very angry with him. Yeah. And it's going to see me for a while. Yeah, for a little while. So it sounds like he's going to a safe place and they're getting ready to, to clean house, I hope. Yeah. Yeah. What's interesting about that, too, is yesterday they're in a press conference. By the time this airs, it'll be a few days earlier than this. But during the press conference, he was pulled off by the Secret Service agent. Yeah. In the middle of a speech and because there was a shooting outside, it just so happens that the shooting was at 17th and Penn Street. And then today there was a fire at JFK Airport. Oh, today there was a shooting at the 17th and then a fire at JFK Airport. So we got, are they trying to tell us something about JFK? Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. I didn't get any details. I guess some guy back to like he was pulling something out of his pocket and he said something to the guy and he went into a shooting stance. And then I guess the Secret Service guy shot him. But then they said he went to the hospital too. I guess something happened to him. I don't know. It's really ambiguous. The whole thing, I don't know what really happened there. We probably won't know until later. But I wish they'd give you some details on that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, honestly, there's a lot happening right now. That's all we really know. Well, really to try and dissect it all is just almost a waste of energy at this time because we need to be doing what we always say. The inner work and this other stuff that's coming up, we need to be doing with and whenever you're so involved and trying to figure out what's going on, you kind of really get distracted. So you caught up in all that. That's what these workshops we just finished were all about. They're all about really deep, you know, dealing with your inner child stuff, dealing with your patterns and it was a combination of yoga and owning your dark side too, clearing that out. So it was very powerful retreat. Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah. I would definitely, I could probably probably use something like that right about now. Yeah. I'm I don't have any dark side and I'm not not in denial either. You're perfect. So yeah. I'm not schizophrenic and neither am I. Yeah. The time. Yeah. It's always you always have to be careful of the people that tell you the work that you need to do. Yeah. Oh God. Yeah. Yeah. That's a very. And so many come up to me this last weekend and other weekends too. And they go, I have a message for you. It's a channel message and I get so many of those. And some of the messages are really pretty crazy. You know, everything from people coming up to saying that there's some Messiah or some prophet from the past and I'm supposed to turn over the keys to them. Because I'm in contact with Mary and so are they. And so it's just crazy. And I keep saying, I didn't get the memo. Yeah. I said, I tell them, I said, well, you know, I didn't get the memo until I do, you know, things are going to be business as usual. But yeah, it's just, you know, I tell people I don't give my power weight to any external sources. And that's what we teach here. Go with and make your own contact, get your own messages and make your own personal connection with source. And if you do that, you're going to have contact along the way, basically. But yeah, so it's, it's pretty, I think the veils are coming down. They're getting thinner. People are having all kinds of influences coming to them. And some are positive and some are, are not, you know, and that's the trick is using discernment and learning how to heal the unseen negative influences and, you know, standing your own self-authority and divinity through these crazy times. Yeah. And I think you're right as far as, you know, when you're on that path, the experiences just come to you. And I, and some people I even think, I think some people aren't really supposed to remember their experiences. And some people are, I think it's all depends on what you're here to do. Yeah. Because I know certain personality types, if they were to have an experience or have some profound thing happen, they would become so focused on their experience, they could actually sidetrack from what they're supposed to be doing. Exactly. It could be a big tour. Yeah. So that's just something to consider for anybody listening who might wonder why they don't have that experience. Could be something like that. Well, there's some things I haven't experienced and, and certain types of beings and things like that that other people are working with. And they come and they want me to validate it. And I just say, well, that's not been my experience, you know, and I found out that when you are working with certain groups, you create a relationship, and the other ones don't get involved because they don't want to interfere or sidetrack you or take you off in a different direction. So a lot of times if you have a really strong spiritual connection and you're working with one of the known masters or you're working with the different star nation group, you know, a lot of times you're not going to see some of the other things because it would just be a big, like you're saying, a big distraction. Yeah. Speaking of, I've been meaning to tell you this. So I have astral projection, I astral project, but it doesn't, I never do it at will. It just happens when I'm not really ready for it. But every time I do, you are there and you're showing, and you're guiding, you're showing me how to fly and like, how to use my body because it's really, it's like learning how to walk again. And you like, give me this tour and it's on two separate occasions, you've taken me this place and introduced me to a family of Sasquatch or Bigfoot. And it was so real. Like, I could just, I felt like I actually have seen one because of it. And it's just funny. I don't know why you, I don't know what's going on up there, but thank you. I hear that a lot from people. People say I appear to them and there's a lot of work being done in the astral levels and the etheric levels as well. And then I've had some cases where I've actually bi-located and hung out with people. And I didn't even know I did it. You know, it's like, I was meditating. I just went out and I came back and then after the meditation and I had a vague, kind of a dreamlike memory of something happening. And then I found that I was actually there actually bi-located and hung out with people and sometimes in Mexico or somewhere else. It's really interesting how, and they give detailed information. So it definitely was me because they wouldn't have known, you know, that, you know, other information. So do you mean, like, you bi-locate, meaning your physical body actually shows up somewhere? Yeah. A good example is I was meditating here and it was snowing. It was in December, like late December. And these friends of mine called me up and they go, "Hey, we're going to Mexico and a place that I know really well." And they said, "Why don't you come down? Why don't you come down and hang out like this?" And I go, "I can't. You know, if I leave here, the pipes are going to freeze and I have to take care of the place." And so God, I wish I could, you know. And then so I hung up and I went in and I was doing a meditation, a deep meditation. And I remember just kind of passing out almost just going out. And then when I came back, I was all refreshed and I was sunburned. You know, I had a sunburn. I was, I was, I was really full, like I ate a meal and every, it was really bizarre. And so I get a text from later that guy was awesome. You coming down to Mexico and hanging out with this and, and, you know, thanks for, thanks for dinner. You know, so I guess I bought him dinner, too, which was something, I don't know. It's just like all these details. I guess I might have my, must have gone with my wallet, you know, or something. But yeah, it's lots. And when you go, you go with whatever you have on, you know, whatever you're wearing. So if you're waltz in your pocket, you know, you'll end up there with it as well. But yeah, and they said, I said, you sure was me. And they said, yeah, we were talking about the class, the self mastery class we took and all the details around that. And I said, all right, you know, I said, I knew I went somewhere, but I wasn't sure. So things like that happen a lot, you know, and it's really natural for us to do that. It's not nothing really special. And if we just, the more we meditate, the more we do our spiritual practices, things like this happen. They're kind of natural to happen. Yeah, it's a friend. I had a dream about a friend of mine. It was more of an experience. It was so real. I texted her the next morning and told her about it. And she was getting ready to text me at the same time to tell me about her dream about me. And we ended up realizing that it wasn't a dream at all. And we were both somewhere else. And we explained the exact same place, the same details, the same conversation, reel it together. And we woke up and we both had memory of it. It was the first time that's actually ever happened to me that vividly, that clearly. So I think the veil is thinning. I think we're starting to really get to know each other on a different level right now. Yeah, I always always meet people. I go, I know you and then I figure out from where and a lot of times it wasn't even this lifetime. It's another one. And you feel the energy and you feel the connection and the memories you have, the emotional feeling of the memories, but you don't have the details. And so I have to go sit with it and figure out what it is or where it was and everything. Yeah, it's crazy. And while we're on crazy stories, I know that you have told a story before, but I wanted you to tell it to our audience about the pterodactyl out there at the ranch. Yeah, if you don't mind, that might be my favorite piece of any story that I came to enough of. Well, what happened was it was even on coast to coast on when Art Bell was around, they kept seeing these pterodactyls in the area. And they would actually land on the highway and they'd be eating roadkill. And people would drive around the corner and see it and crash and things like that. And then there was one case where the police were right behind the guy. He went off the road and crashed and the police pulled up right after that. And the guy was delirious and he couldn't even say it. He kept saying he's going to pterodactyl and the guy goes, and luckily the officer saw it as well. He said, I would have rested this guy right there for drunk driving or under drugs or something like that, but he saw it as well. And there's been a lot of sightings in this area. And it's actually a pterosaurus that has the ball at the end of its tail. And we've had about three sightings of it here. And one time it actually landed in one of the trees, not too far off to the left, you know, still on the SETI property. And I walked out there and I was looking at it through the night vision and I could see it really clearly. It wasn't even really dark yet, you know, but it was kind of dusk. And I was looking down and I go, God, thanks, got the weirdest head on it. I've never seen anything like this. And you know, it's not a, it's way too big to be an owl or an eagle or anything else. And so I took the laser and I lit it up. I just shot it in the chest and lit it up and made this screech out of like Jurassic Park or something like that. And then came flying towards us. And it just flew over us. And the rest of the group saw it too. And they, you know, some thought they saw it drag in, some thought they, because it didn't have feathers. And it was huge. And it's flying hard, you know, it's harder for them to fly, it seems like. And just really bizarre. But I found out over, there's a river over near Yakima where they see these things swooping down and getting salmon at night and grabbing fish and eating fish and things like that. So I need to get more details and go there. And I want to go there with some night vision and see if I can film what's going on there. But they said it happens on a regular basis. But I think it's part of the inner earth that opens up that doorway. I think things get out now and then when they leave the door home too long or something, I don't know what happens. But yeah, well, if you go there, you need to bring a saddle with you and strap on to that. Yeah, I'll pass on that one. Like Avatar. Yeah, like Avatar to movie. Yeah. Just gotta, you know, when it flew out, when it flew over my head, I saw how big it was and everything. And then, and this may sound very unspiritual, but it came back again and it was sitting in a tree. And I said, I'm not, I'm not checking that one out without a pistol, you know, because, you know, if I've become on the menu, you know, I want to have something to protect myself with. So I went went over there. It was in the, it was in the back 40 over there. It was sitting on another tree just screeching. And yeah, there's no bird like that. There, you know, we have screech owls, but there's nothing like that sound they make. You know, I've never heard anything like it. Well, I can't imagine that you would mistake that for something else. I mean, hey, was there been one sighting there in the day ever? Yeah, a friend of mine. He was flying behind the daytime, and I handed him the binoculars to go check this out. And I handed the binoculars, he was looking at it, and he's going, what the hell, you know, he goes, is that a dragon? He goes, no, I go, I go, well, look, just keep watching and watching it. And I go, so what are you saying like this? And he just freaked out. He wouldn't, he wouldn't even say it. And he goes, he goes, looks like a pterodactyl or something like this. And I go, yep, I guess they're welcome to the club, you know, it's like quite a few of us have seen it. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah, I'm going to be keeping my eye open for that next time I'm out there here. So let's talk about camp disclosure a little bit. That's coming up here in a few weeks. I know you're speaking, you're going to be doing CE5 if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, I'm not sure what they have me doing. We do something a little different than CE5, but you know, it works. What is that? What is that process if you don't mind sharing? Well, a lot of the CE5 thing are very mental. And it's too mental. You know, you really, when you get into the higher dimensional beings, you got to go through the heart. And you connect through the heart and through telepathy and things like that. And like a good example is they were doing that protocol at the ranch one day. And I walked in in the middle of the protocol and they're reading this six page thing. And I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW group void were prohibited by law, 18 plus terms of condition supply. And I walked in and they, I told them, hey, the ships are here, you know, they're flying over the house. And they said, they go, you know, stop interrupting us and stuff like that. So, you know, and they had to read their whole thing and go through their whole protocol and read the sick pages. And then they walked outside and the ships are gone. You know, so if you're stuck in the mind and trying to control things, you're working with some very spiritually and technologically advanced beings. And so you have to rise to the occasion. And they connect through the heart and your heart, your soul sits right next to the heart. And there's a cavity there actually and your soul is your connection to your multidimensional self. And a lot of these are multidimensional beings. So, so if you really want to connect to these higher dimensional beings, you do it through the heart and you send out the intent, send out love and joy and bliss, because that's the level they're operating on and with the intention of making contact. And you invite them, you know, some people say, can you summon them? I said, no, you don't summon them, you invite them. You know, it's like, you know, they just laugh at me if I try demanded that they came, you know, it's like, yeah, you know, that's the old programs, the old stereotypes. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it only makes sense like that old finding Bigfoot show, you know, are these show hunting Bigfoot, they go out there with these guns and his cameras and they have this like intention that, of course, they're not going to show themselves whenever you're out there, they're wrong intent. And they're not there from the heart, you're putting on, you know, they're there for other reasons. And therefore, they're never going to have success. Yeah, they're there to fame for the fame and to cash in, you know, and get a big contract or whatever. I don't know. It's that whole thing. Like, there's a really, we're like oil and water. If when Hollywood comes to East Eddie, we just don't mix at all. And every time they've come here, they've they've sanitized it, they've butchered it, the story, they've made a mess of everything. And so, you know, when you when you send the unconscious to do something that is conscious, it just doesn't. And so that's why we've been doing our own doing a lot of our own stuff. And we're going to move more in that direction of making our own documentaries and movies and things like that. Yeah, that's that's really exciting. Actually, sign me up if you need to know that that's that's really cool. Going back to camp disclosure, though, just for the people who don't know the live stream tickets are still available. The event is sold out, but the live stream tickets are $44. And that includes every speaker now, including a recent add on Rachel Ferris will be there singing performing again. That'll be part of it. So we're actually going to pause something we never do. We're going to pause and play a quick little promo. And then we'll be right back. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] And we're back. So what do you what do you have prepared as far as what you're presenting out there? Is there anything new? Are you showing you said any type of stuff or is that all secret? Well, yeah, I've shortened a lot of my stuff because I want to keep it you know, more keep it more more on the spiritual side. So so it's kind of I've taken out a lot of things, but I do I am going to show some clips and I have our latest stuff that we've filmed in a little collage and photographs of people taking of all kinds of things that bear in here. The and so I'll do something like that. And then I'm still working on it right now, but you know, try to incorporate all the new stuff and things like that. But it's got to cover from A to Z basically, you know, what's on the lower dimensions, what to watch out for, how to heal and same negative influences, and then goes up the ladder all the way up to like 13th dimensional beings and things like that. Awesome. Yeah, looking forward to that. I I lost my train of thought. What was I going to say? Right. Because I'm doing clarines right now. Everybody blanks out. Yeah, you clear my thoughts where I was just blank slate. I had it on the tip my tongue and just like, where'd that go? That's common. That's pretty funny. That's awesome. Yeah, but it should be a pretty fun event. I'm looking forward to it. And I was going to say, you should, I don't know if you ever did get a hand or get a hold of that footage of that orb growing up my back out there when Ben and Rachel and I were, I hope, yeah, I hope we got that. Who just you sent it already, I believe, didn't you? Ben Ben has it. I have a copy of it too. Okay. Yeah, be sure and send that to us and I'll put it in the that was amazing because because that was so bright and so interesting that you couldn't deny that. You know, my, from my perspective, it felt like almost like something put its hand on my back. Like it felt like I was getting nudged very lightly. Yeah. And I turned around because I was scared. It's pitch black out there. The light from the camera makes it appear like we could see, but you know, you can't. Yeah. I turned around and I saw this like little shrub moving. So I kind of almost ridded off, like I wrote it off as, oh, maybe I backed into that shrub. But then it didn't make sense or as I thought about it. And then when Ben just happened to be Ben Chastin just happened to be filming at that same exact time. And when you play the film back, right at the moment that I jump around this big white orb grows up right past my back, right where I felt. I saw a video. Yeah. And I want to copy that so I can put it in in with the, some of the other previous stuff that about the conference and the other things. And yeah, and if you actually if you listen closely, you can almost hear like two footsteps, like almost like crunches in the graph and like in the grass right behind me. I don't know. It's cool. It's really cool that we caught it. A lot of that happened this weekend. There was three or four Bigfoot sightings, a really young one. And a mother looked like and we, we actually got the footprints. We got photographs of the footprints from that one. And really small, you know, the other footprints were probably for a Bigfoot. They're pretty small. It's a little baby, really young one. And then, you know, multiple people saw that and some people got some photographs of these orange lights cruising across the field and then then they appeared big, but appeared right where these lights were. So I've always said, I think they travel as an orange orb like and then they just reappear. We got a lot of that and we got some really powerful light chips and things with windows and everything appearing right over the field. So we got some photographs of that. So we'll have a lot of pretty crazy stuff. Yeah, actually right after that happened to me, Rachel Ferris and I saw a red orb in the trees. It wasn't, I was right in front of us. We both saw it. And simultaneously Ben didn't see it, but he's like, you guys, there's a presence here right now. He could feel something, but he didn't see the orb. So that was, that happened right after that. It was really cool. And that whole night was unplanned. We didn't really, we just ended up out there somehow. And it was, you know, that's, I think that's how you're going to have your best rock, you know, is when you're looking so hard. I love that saying man plans and God laughs, you know, so it's like, you just follow your intuition. You go, I need to go over here and do this and you do that, then things happen. And you have all kinds of amazing experiences, but the more you try to plan everything out, it just doesn't work. It's a different frequency. Yeah, definitely. I want to shift gears a little bit just to talk about some of the current stuff that's going on, you know, this saved the children thing that's just sweeping in and that right now. I'm sure you're aware of that, but in this child trafficking, this is, this is the fight right now. This is what we need to be focused on. And it's, you know, it's very telling that no mainstream source will talk about human trafficking. And then it's getting censored on all social media platforms. And you know, the biggest thing right now is to actually get Trump reelected. That's, that needs to be our focus as far as that goes and not to make that sound political, but that's, that's where we're at. You know, none of this, none of this disclosure can happen until the political arena is cleaned up. So that's what we have to start. Yeah, exactly. Same with a lot of these programs, these major funding programs, I told people I said they aren't going to go through until the cleanup, you know, because they're not going to take billions of dollars and put them in the hand of some very evil people. And that's, that's kind of been the case. But yeah, that needs to be the focus right now. I had so many people send me a hate mail for talking about Trump. And I said, well, you know, the guy's doing everything he said he was going to do. And, and he's cleaning up the swamp and he's stopping this, you know, drug, a major drug and child trafficking. He's putting it into that. What are the other people doing? You know, what, you know, these, especially the guy running against against him, you know, hiding Biden, like, what has he done? He was in, was he 40 something year career politician or whatever? What did he do? And why hasn't any of this been done under his watch? So, and I think that people that are screaming allowed us have the most to hide basically. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I don't know, like, what have you tapped into? Like, so there's a lot of controversy. There's a lot of theories about children actually being rescued. But people were saying there's no meat to it. There's no, there's no evidence. Have you tapped into it? Have you gotten any messages that that is taking place? Well, yeah, Mary was talking about it once. And, and she was giving the image of Mary with a bat, like the divine feminine was going to come in and it was going to come in strong, especially concerning the children and, and really get down to business, exposing this and cleaning that up. And I thought it was funny because you see, you know, Trump has all these women involved, heavily involved in ending the child traffic and the women are doing it. And, and he's behind him and sporting that the, but also too, in remote viewing that, we had a lot of different, saw a lot of different things. But one of the things I saw was all of these cages, like tons of cages, and they went all the way up to the ceiling. They're metal cages. And when I went into this big, it's a big underground facility. And when I went in there, they're empty. It was all cleaned up. It was completely cleaned up. So, uh, apparently, you know, a lot of that has been cleaned up and taken care of. You know, so I don't know. I've heard stories from nurses and things that had to attend to a lot of these kids and, and talking about it. So, you know, I think a lot of those ships weren't for the COVID people there for the kids, you know, that were there. Yeah. They're set up for kids. You know, they had all the, the stuff to deal with kids, you know, so. Yeah, we seem a lot of evidence for that too. It's still like nothing super concrete. So there's always like, is it happening or is, you know, like in the back of your mind, but we have seen a lot of evidence though as well. Yeah. And I know some people that, that were, were in the know about a lot of that stuff quite a while ago and they're telling me how sick it was and how bad it was. And it was really happening. And, and they've been telling me that it's really getting cleaned up. So the same. So, so there's something going on. I, I think eventually that's part of the, you know, when all the indictments get unsealed and all that information is going to come out and people are going to, there's a lot of people are going to be very, very upset when they find out their icons and they're the stars and the people they thought were these awesome people turned out to be pretty dark, you know, and have a very dark past and. Oh yeah. Yeah, it seems that the more, the darker you are, the more famous you can become. You know, you got to join the club. You got to do things to join that club and they, they did it, you know. And you know who those, and you know who those people are because they never stray off message. They're always, it's crazy and it might seem as, you know, the whole world will discover that something happened and those still be the ones preaching the opposite. It's like, yeah, they will never stray off that and a lot of them are, you can tell there's no soul to them. They're just more, they're almost like an Autobot, but a lot of these a lot in the movie industry and music industry, you say these people and you go, you look at them and they have meltdowns and you're going, there's nobody, like nobody in there, you know, who is, who's operating through that vehicle, you know. Yeah, it's almost like they're possessed by some negative entity or something. Something else. Where they phrase, you know, sell your soul for rock and roll or whatever it might be. That's literally true. I actually think there's some real, very real truth to that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Rachel Ferris actually touches on that a lot, you know. A lot of, a lot of that activity and we were sharing stories about Michael Jackson and things like that. It's kind of fun even, but we were involved a little bit in that when I was, I was helping out a German biophysicist and doing a lot of healing work down in LA and Hollywood stuff. And so a lot of stars were involved in that. And, you know, I got my indoctrination to a lot of that nonsense, but, you know, I don't know. I, if they were to ask me to go back there again, I'd say, no, you know. Yeah. Why would you? Yeah. I mean, I saw things, you know, I saw people just totally taking advantage of the situation and coming and saying, I'm broke. I don't have any money. And so all this money went out to them and formulas and things like that and all this stuff. And then you find that later, they're multi-millionaires and they're, they're some famous person and they've got, you know, and, you know, and you're trying to help these people and heal these people and just say, well, pass it on. You know, if you can help other people help with their treatments and things and they never did, you know, and it was just like, I kept going, what are we doing here? You know, why are we, why are we helping these people? I'd rather go to some third world country and do something, you know, or, or to appreciate it. Going back to the children thing real quick, we knew somebody personally who had some firsthand information. We, we end up, they end up not wanting to talk. Actually, it was really interesting. We got, we got all this information from this individual and she, she agreed to come on the show and then she took back almost like, it's like she got scared. She back-stepped and started saying, oh, no, that wasn't true, blah, blah, blah, like, almost like she was, yeah, she backpedaled, yeah. And she threatened or got scared and changed her mind and, yeah, she'd be, but she, she even had some paperwork, like some documents and stuff, like, so it's, so that was like all the evidence I needed, like, something's going on here. Yeah, we had, we had a woman here once, I'll never forget it, that she came up and she, and it was with International Youth Forward Reporting Center, that group and everything. They've been attacking us forever saying there's nothing happening here, there's no ships, there's nothing, you know, and she was with that group and she came up here and she saw 17 undeniable ships that she could not categorize in any way whatsoever. And they also sent an engineer up here to, to investigate and same thing, the report came back, they said, look, there are things that are not identifiable, they're not in the books, you know, they're not on Heaven's Above or J-Tracker at the time. And they said that, and they, they displayed, you know, one got huge, kept coming, got bigger and bigger and one of them hit the ground and freaked her out, you know, because scared her, you know. And so, you know, all these things happened and, and, and what's funny is that, when the reports were all made, they came back to them saying that, well, they, they totally confirmed our suspicions, there's nothing more than me years in satellites, you know. And then, and then the engineer came out and just totally went after him, said, that is not my report, you read my report, you know. Yeah. And the other woman forgot everything. I don't think she forgot everything. She goes, I'm going to call this out. I'm going to call this out. She goes, the ships are here. I've never seen anything like this. And she goes, I'm going back. I'm going to call it out. And then I talked to her again, like a week later, and she goes, what are you talking about? I didn't say anything. You know, I said, I said, I have you on my radio show, talking about all the ships that you saw, and everything else goes, I, I was never there. I didn't, because I didn't go on your show. I go, what? You know, maybe she was in yourself. Maybe she was by locating at that time. Yeah. Well, I think somebody flipped a switch, you know, or whatever. I think she was totally mind-controlled or some mind-wiped or something. Yeah. Yeah. That's so sad. That's really interesting, you know. And another thing we have to keep in mind is a lot of these people, they get blackmailed too. So, there might be a reason they shut up. You know, you never know, like, threatened and blackmailed and they use all the tactics. Look what happened with Flynn. I mean, that whole entire thing, this whole family was, you know, they were threatened in this family. So he was forced to do it. It's hard to believe that that is still going on. I mean, and the reason I think it is still going on, because once he's totally exonerated, I think he's going to be appointed to a very high position and then the shoe is going to be on, on the other foot, you know, and he knows where all the bodies are buried, so they don't want him, you know, want him in that position. Well, according to Corey's intel from the conference, he said that for the first time since Trump's presidency, Flynn has actually allowed in the briefings. So, and he's allowed in the briefings and the meetings and he has a lot of information. So this is huge. Yeah, what you said, he knows where the bodies are buried. He knows what else he knows. Yeah, probably a lot. But yeah, I really feel something, I can feel that there's something big going down. Ryan Seacrest here, when you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbakasino has all your favorite social casino games, like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to now and live the Chumba life sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary. VGW group void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Yeah, it's in like a holding pattern kind of it's everything's being set up underneath the event and there but there's something, you know, the patterns, the groundwork is all being laid out and everything. Something big is going to go down and I think it's going to be really shocking to a lot of people when it does. Yeah, I feel it as well. Yeah, I just last week I was meditating and I had an albino deer come out of the woods. Oh yeah, albino fallen and she was nursing her mother and I looked up what that meant and it meant and then as far as Native American prophecy goes, it means that a major shift is coming and to basically get ready because yeah in a nutshell. So I felt like, you know, it might have been more personal but maybe not. Maybe it was just telling you something. Yeah, similar to the white buffalo. We have the same thing going on here. We have this small white deer that people have been seeing here and I know with the I had with the sheep. I had some strange sheep that were multicolored. They're both dark brown and white and their eyes were bright blue and yeah and so bizarre and I just we sold about 17 I think to get the herd down to it and I kept her. I kept the one just because she's really different, you know, but it's spooky. You look in her eyes and you're going, what are you human or something? Yeah, you don't see that very often. Yeah, I mean, honestly, you know, we pay attention to the animals before a real storm is coming. They're always ahead of the game. They know when something's coming. Yeah, it's the same with Trump's storm. I mean, yeah, they attention to the animals right now. Seriously, they might have something to tell us. Yeah, we just had what's happening here is we went through a major transition and the energies are really kicking up right now and the people are really heart centered are here now working in that direction. I've noticed that all the animals, we have like 35 to 50 turkeys show up every morning, walk right in front of my place, go right through the skywatch field and they go out to the galactic medicine wheel and just hang out there. It's like clockwork every morning now. The deer, I just, you know, just before I came on the show, there was two deer right in front of my place and a buck and a younger one, a female. And then we have a lot of deer and babies going around, but the coyotes too are just coming right in and I'm filming with myself on, you know, just right in front of me. And they're, they're, they don't care. It's like they're, they're so at peace or whatever it is, you know, and they don't, they don't hit the chickens. They don't go after the cats or anything else. They're just like, there's a different harmony happening here now and just seeing a lot of things that we didn't see before, because we have everything up here. We have, you know, elk and badgers and, and bears and cougars and all that stuff. So, and we've been having a few bear sightings here too. A lot of bear been coming down and hanging out, but they're, they're really timid. You know, the bears, if you even see one, you're lucky. You know, they, they get out of your way pretty fast. Yeah. Well, that's there. You just proved my point right there. I mean, something is, something is going on with the animals. Definitely. Yeah, that's a prophecy too. That's a Native American prophecy where they said that when the animals start coming down from the hills and start mingling with you, it's like, you know, things are, things are on, you know, things are going to be happening. Yeah. Is that why there's so many spiders in my house right now? Yeah, I got a bit in the butt. Yes. Last night, I don't know if I get a big little bite from something. I don't know if my, my body sure did not like whatever bit me but. Yeah. You know, what's interesting about, you know, he said something big's coming. I, I think I told you this when I was out at the ranch, but I woke up a few weeks ago before we went to East City and I, he was in the, in that state where you're just half awake, you know, and I had this very audible, audible voice like I was wearing headphones and it was a man. He said, write this number down, 9720. So I had my phone there. So I just texted it to him. He had no idea what the number meant. 19. Well, I fell back asleep and later that day in meditation, I was like, Oh, yeah, that number. I wonder what that means. I tapped into it immediately. I got a date, nine, 27, 20, September 27. Now I have no idea what that means or if it's anything significant, but that doesn't happen often. So I just, I just had that same thing happen to me and I didn't write it down. Hopefully it'll come back to me. But the same thing, I was giving some numbers and. Damn, I might be able to recall him. I don't know. But I go, I got to write this down. I got to write this down. And then I fell asleep again. And then I lost it, you know, so yeah, I remember that. I remember getting these numbers like, I got to write these down. Interesting. It might come back. Yeah, well, this guy told me he's a write these numbers down. That's exactly what he said. So, and it was so clear. I just I knew I had to. And I didn't even, it wasn't like I was going to forget what they were because it was just like almost like beamed in my head. Yeah, you get caught up and, you know, with me when I used to meditate, I still meditate like twice a day and I take hot Epsom salt baths and do a long meditation there and things like that one that's really meditating and I was doing like all day meditation. The veils are between worlds are very thin. That's just could remember everything. And and now I got busy with all the ranch duties and everything and the conferences and all the other stuff. And I feel like I'm losing part of that. But I need to get back to that program. I mean, that's part of life. I mean, yeah, we can't you can't keep these practices up all the time like clockwork. Honestly, if you do something, sometimes I think if you do too much of one or the other, you almost get out of balance in a way because if you if you go so far monk, like, you step out of that 3D matrix, you start you start there's an imbalance that happens and you're not you're not really acting from your heart center anymore because you start judging people maybe in a different way. I don't know. It's yeah, you get where I'm growing with that. Yeah, you get caught up in this world and I always tell people I even I had a teacher once. I love what she said. She said spiritual people are no of no earthly good, you know. And I really thought about it because they're often the other they're not even grounded. They're not even here. And here's where the work needs to be done. It's not, you know, everything's okay up there in the other dimensions. But the same thing is that we forget about grounding and that we do have seven chakras and each one needs to be balanced and flowing. And each one has a consciousness connected to it, you know. So, you know, you have basically a survival and then your creational energies are coming out of the second, second chakra, your section, things like that. And then your third chakras power. And then you have love felled through the heart chakra and then love spoken through the the throat, you know, and then you have the third eye here. And that's creator or God seen in everything. And then you're when your crown opens up is your one, you're becoming one with the source or I am God, it's your I am connection. But they all have to be flowing. They all have to be open and flowing. And you know, if you get, if you're only working into the higher dimensions, higher connections, you know, you can have all kinds of problems because you're not grounded, you know, you're not, you're not here physically. And then there's so many programs in societal programming, religious program and everything else to totally shut down all the lower chakras and only operate from the higher chakra. And they kind of neutered Jesus and turned him into whatever, you know, they're, they're sanctified and you know, the way they did it. And if they knew the real teaching, the real scriptures, like, I was finding in Nagamadi, they talk about how out of all of his disciples, Mary was the most qualified to continue with his teachings. And then in the Jewish tradition, they have writings about him and they said that he was always being chastised for open displays of affection, you know, with Mary, you know, and then you tell people, yeah, he was all over Mary and they go, no, no, he was a virgin. He didn't even kiss her because that was unclear, you know, it's like, come on, guys, you know, and she was, she was a part of the royal family, you know, she went through all the mystery schools, she was adept, she was a powerhouse, you know, she wasn't a whore like they tried to make her and all the other nonsense. So, it's, that's all to suppress the divine, you know, to attack it. But I don't mean how led with cover that really well when he talked about the suppression and what happened. Was it him that was saying that Jesus had a twin brother? Thomas, yeah. And, and was that, and so Thomas was the one who actually died at the cross and that Jesus is that, what do you, what do you talk about? Yeah, he was saying, he was saying he went on and had kids and that's what I was told to is that he had four kids and he went on and then Mary continued and I think, I think she ended up in France in a monastery or something in France and he went on and he was traveling through Tibet and India and he actually ascended. He ascended, but Miho was saying that Mary didn't ascend, you know, I think it was because of all the persecution because they had to keep her sequestered because, you know, the other guys were all trying to take her out because, you know, she had the knowledge that his teachings were supposed to go, she was supposed to carry on his teachings, you know, and so they had to get rid of her. And if he came back, they'd get ready him too, you know, just to control her. That's super fascinating to me because I had never heard that before and obviously when I tried to tell somebody about it, they immediately shut that idea down of Jesus having a twin and I'm like, well, I can't, I can't really argue with you because I don't know either, that's, and it's interesting that you're getting that same message. Well, he went through the scourge, you know, where they put the crown of thorns on them, they beat him as like a gauntlet, you know, and they drove him out of town. So he did go through that, you know, for sure. And, and so there's a lot of pain and suffering there, which is what they like to promote, but I like that pitch of the laughing Jesus, you know, where you release the past and, you know, see him how he is now. But yeah, it's, you know, the research is all showing that they haven't been doing telling us the truth for quite some time. And, and you know, it's one of the best researchers on the plane, he had access to everything. He was, he was an advisor to the Pope and he had access to all the catacombs and everything. So quite interesting. Yeah, that is, that's fascinating to me. I think there's a lot of people might be kind of blown away by that maybe. I don't know. What are your thoughts here? You grew up in that world. Yeah, I mean, I grew up in a Baptist church and that whole, that whole world and no, that would have been like blasting me if you would have tried to go around saying, yeah. So I, you know, I grew up super Christian believing Jesus did die in the cross and he was the savior and you had to accept him into your heart and repent of your sins and all that. But how does that feel? Like, how does that information feel to now? Does that resonate with you as a possibility? Yeah, as a possibility for sure. I mean, anything's a possibility to me now because I know the narrative that I grew up believing is not the true narrative. It's not really what happens. I do think he was an actual being. I do resonate very strongly with that because a lot of people try to say Jesus never existed at all. Yeah, I don't believe in that at all. I don't. I do think he actually existed. I do think obviously a lot of the texts and scriptures were manipulated and mistranslated and, you know, obviously a lot was so much was taken out the Nagamadi and the Book of Enoch and, you know, so much was removed that was more the real teachings and empowering teachings where they needed to take all that out, obviously. Yeah, I'll go ahead. No. And then, you know, and then they very much created the idea of hell and, you know, had the whole fear kind of control system going. Obviously, like the Rome, you know, really pushed that. Well, they promote fear, guilt, and unworthiness. Yeah. And then they say he died for your sins, you know, but if that's the truth, you know, sin would have ended, you know, after he died. Yeah. He were sinning before and after he died. So that doesn't add up. Yeah. And hell is a garbage pit. If you didn't have enough money for a proper burial, they just threw you on the garbage pit and burned you with the rest of the garbage and sin is an archery term. It just means you missed, you know, it's. Yeah, when you look at every everywhere in the Bible that gets translated as hell, it's it doesn't mean what we're taught it means the words that the original text, it's like a henna, which is, like you said, a physical like garbage dump place. Yeah, it's translated as hell, a word that means death is translated as hell where that means the grave. One of it means this eternal place of torment or whatever in that we go to we die. It's not even in the Bible. So it's really it's literally just a made up narrative that gets taught in Christian today. Yeah, the rib, you know, the rib one's a good one where they said woman was made from the rib of man. Well, yeah, I got lost in translation because it was really said at the side of man, you know, equally there she was made at the side of man. And yeah, and they didn't have a word for size, you know, and in the he knows the Greek word or something like that. So they they they put rib in there, you know, and so there's been a lot of translations that had a huge social impact, you know, the because they weren't translated properly. But, you know, it's, you know, the thing about it, I look, you know, not to go biblical or whatever, but basically when he started out, he said, I am the son of man. So he was the son of Joseph and Mary. And that was his identity. And then he said, I'm a messenger of God, he started receiving messages and started, you know, transmitting those messages to others. And then he said, wait a second, I'm not this body or this personality. I'm a spirit, I came from source in a creator. So he said, I'm the son of God. And then the last thing he said was, I am God, you know, the father, you know, father and I are one, you know, and he's, you know, said the father slew me do it to work. So he merged with the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. He became one with that, which is the Buddhist teachings, basically, you know. And so you read that his life was his message, and you really need to get his words. You know, even though some of them have been changed, his words get his words, not people's interpretations of the words, and you have a better, yeah, and get a Bible with the apocrypha that has all the teachings of women and Archangel Michael's in there and all these other people are in there. And they talk about reincarnation, they talk about everything. So Yeah, and what's interesting to me, though, is like when we know the entire history of the plant, now, which you've spoken on many times, why do we only go back? Why does our current times mainstream? Why do they only go back? 6000 years, you know, like, why does it all start? Like, yeah, we all put so much focus into the story of Jesus. But like, what about all the other civilizations that of man that were here millions of years? Yeah, I mean, and who knows even even as far back is like extremely tall giants and massive trees miles high, you know, I hear, I hear tales of that. So why do we focus so much on Jesus? What about all that other stuff, you know? Well, yeah, well, it's a controlled narrative, just like ufology is a totally controlled narrative right now. And and that's being busted wide open, you know, and and the people that are busing open that controlled narrative are really getting stone thrown at them and and everything else. So it's it's crazy. But I've seen that like I'm not even invited to the main UFO groups, you know, anymore, because of all the jealousy and the anger when I get through it exposes how much the narrative has been controlled and everything. And so they don't, they don't ask me back. Because you know, this, it's so infiltrated by shills and planned opposition people screaming anti government are the government and they're hanging out with the with the Illuminati boys and everything else. And it's just replete through it through the whole system. And the people that are the true light workers that carried the truth that know the truth are being pushed out. And there's you know, Peter Slatter, you met Peter and then Mary Rodwell and and there's there's a few others in there, but they're still holding true, but they're getting pushed out, you know, heavily censored. Mm hmm. Yeah, well, yeah, but that's why we have to create these new conferences for the real information. Exactly. Not saying that we have all the answers or you have all the answers, but at least we're exploring these topics and not ignoring them. And that's the last conference that we did. That's what everybody said. They said, God, you know, they everybody knocked it out of the park. Every speaker has such an awesome presentation. They're all different, but they all dovetail with each other. And it was just, there's so much information in that. And we're just now finally, the final edit, I think it's just been finished. I think today. So all the all the speakers are going to go up, you know, we'll have that available for everybody. People want to see it, you know, from the live stream. But yeah, it was like one after another after another. And then, you know, who really cracked me up was Kate Buckman, Awakening Kate. Great buckling. Yeah. Yeah. Buckling. Sorry, buckling. God, I laughed so hard. Some of the stuff, those memes that you came up with, you know, I started laughing at one and then she'd throw another one and I was laughing again. Okay, I'm done laughing. Another one come up and oh, they were just so to the point and just nailed it. Yeah. And she had a way of delivering it too. Yeah, her delivery was awesome. I mean, I would think I was belly laughing. I mean, they're playing a comedy act or something. Yeah, as much needed. Yeah, it was like a comedy act with just pure truth in it. Yeah. And sometimes I think that's the way things need to be delivered now because, you know, everything else is so censored. Yeah, that was really great. Yeah, everybody, and it was good because, you know, some people touch on the dark stuff and that dark information, which needs to be exposed, but you need to break it up with that laughter. Yeah, my last show got just hammered right at 40 minutes. Just the whole network went down. We could even hook up to anything here. And it was unbelievable. And we were covering some of the heavy duty stuff. You know, yeah, they just shot it. That happens here all the time. And so we have to film it as well as do the live podcasts and then put it back up, you know, in the unadulterated version. You know, yeah. Yeah, we've been very fortunate. We've been very fortunate as far as not. Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumbah Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at chumbah sponsored by Chumbah Casino. No purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Not experiencing much interference or censorship. Well, we're pretty small. Yeah, that's probably why. But still, I mean, I've seen, I've seen other people get yeah, it's real hard. You know, so I don't know if we're protected or what, but they aren't they also. Yeah, it's true. So I don't know. As soon as our show started really taking off, we went we went into I think we've got almost 80 something affiliates or almost 90 affiliates. And it goes off into about 50 countries and everything else. And it just grew like wildfire. And as soon as that happens when we started really getting the attacks, you know, because we were reaching too many people and and just, you know, people are waking up. So I think that's going to be limited here pretty soon. I think there's some things coming down the pike they're going to put it into a lot of the sense censorship that's been going on. Yeah, I mean, it has to. It has to. That's just really what we're seeing taking place is this is their last stand, you know, that's their their only weapon left is the censorship is the media. And we just have to deal with it until we finally take it's already game over. And I think they know that it's just we're just watching it play out now. And they're they're going down kicking and screaming, you know, because that's that's all they know. And that's kind of like they're they're kind of like they're motivated. Exactly. Yeah, all this energy coming in is activating everybody's telepathy. You know, it's one of the things that's being activated. And so you have that. And then and then the it's it's called direct knowing you just know, you know, and that's being activated. And they don't realize the forces that are doing these activations are so far beyond anything they can imagine. So yeah, I mean, as far as all the deception and lies and everything, that's coming to an end. It's it's not frequency specific or it's not going to work with with the process that the whole earth is sending, you know, so it's their game is over. They they they've already lost. They just haven't figured it out. But everybody's going to see through it. I think they have figured it out. It's like a psychopathic tendency whenever even though they know they might have lost the argument, they're still going to take you down with them. You know, that's what they're going to do. They're going to just make it as visible as possible for as many people possible until they're finally wiped out. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they do. I mean, I'm running that. Yeah, even he said we have that going on now. And then we have people that, you know, you try to heal, you try to talk to him, you try to clear and eventually I say, okay, time to go, you know, time to go, you know, it's like multiple opportunities. And now it's not willing. There's nothing you can do. Yeah, it has to be their choice. Yeah, exactly. You have no power over free will, you know, so you do have power to set boundaries and say, you know, somewhere else. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, James, this has been amazing. We're going to start wrapping it up. I, one thing I didn't want to mention is John Pervanco at the ranch at the conference, remote view the election. And he said that Trump wins. So if there is, if we can put any weight in that, put this whole reputation on the line there. Well, I don't even think at this point, there's not really a campaign. I mean, I don't really understand what Biden's really going to be the guy. I just think it's so obvious that, you know, Trump, there's no other option. Yeah, one, one debate and it's over. Yeah. It's like, it's like, which, which nuke do I drop? Trump's probably looking at the list. Which one do I drop, you know? And whoever he chooses is going to be the same thing as a running mate for unfortunate for Biden. And you know, these bombshells. And now Biden is up on charges now in the Ukraine and things like that for all the stuff he did there. So that's all going public. So it's, it's toes. I, you know, people ask me and they go, what do you see going happening? And I said, well, you know, I just see all this coming to an end. And I really don't, whether or not there's a lecture or not, I still see Trump in charge. So I mean, there may not be something else might be so intense that goes down that that, you know, and so, you know, people are just going to have to get over it, do some research and realize what's really going on. Because, you know, it's, it's sad because people are so socially engineered and programmed. And they've been playing on their emotions for so long. They haven't done any research. They're critically thinking impaired, you know, they, they haven't looked at every, all the good that's been going on. None of that is, is saying or talked about. And you go, God, at what time do you, do you wake up from this nightmare and say, wait a second, everything that the Dems are saying, they've done the opposite everything. And everything they accuse the other people, they've done 10 times over. Yeah. And at what time does your inner sensitivity kick on, you go, wait a second, these are not really nice people. And I don't think I want them governing me, you know, if they're at all. Yeah, yeah. And so, so basically, you know, to me, it's not rather Democrat, Democrat or Republican, you know, I'd really like to see a council grandmothers running things with a galactic council, you know, above that, you know, that I think that would be ultimately the way to go. Yeah. And, you know, a lot more women involved than, and I really do think it'd be great to get a council of grandmothers of every nation and, and have them tackle some of these things, you know, these, these problems we're dealing with. Let's hear their solutions. You know, that's, that's when things are going to start working. But nebulent leadership is what we're moving into rather than these parasitics. I mean, that'll be. Yeah, just that'll be the day when we see a council grandmothers running the show, then. Yeah. Well, we'll have, we'll probably have forgotten about this time by then. Yeah. Well, men have to get behind the grandmothers, you know, and, you know, that is a prophecy too, that the grandmothers are supposed to step, the women are supposed to step forward now, and, and a lot of the traditions, the American traditions, you know, they talk about that. They said, I have a painting of the council of grandmothers that I bought at a Native American festival, this, this women saw them appear in her travels, and she painted them, and it was amazing, and she explained exactly what you're explaining, like they're here for this shift and, and basically all that stuff. So it was really interesting. And it's all connected, like buffalo, calf woman, and Mary, and that, that whole energy, the house, I would, I would say, it's all that she kind of the divine feminine energy, it's all interconnected. And I think that's what, what's going to bring everybody back together. And religions and governments are going to do it, it's going to happen to the harsh minds of the people, you know, and that's where it's going to happen. And they're being inspired by some very divine forces right now. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So I do think there's a much, there is a bright future. We know that it appears like, they look horrible. It's a bumpy ride getting there, but it's a very, yeah, just remember to wear your mask in social distance, and we'll get through this. Yeah, the vaccine is invisible. You know, it's funny, we were at the Cahokia Mountains, an ancient Native American site this morning, we're filming the documentary, and the women, the women we were interviewing, forgot to bring her sage. And she wanted to burn some sage for whatever ceremony she was doing. I said, well, you could just burn my mask because apparently that has amazing protective abilities. I just burned my mask. Oh, so blocky. Yeah, how you overrated. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's nice. I think people are, it's right, because I just went into town today and I had to take care of a lot of other business and God, everybody's in fear and they're locked down and they got their masks and they're all just freaking out. It's a different world. It's a whole different world. Yeah. And, you know, and then in Washington state, Governor Inslee or whatever, he lost all of his court cases and the Supreme Court said, no, you can't enforce any of this, the masks that lock down any of this. You have no right to do that. So, I don't know where they're getting their authority from to do this because it's really not coming from any legal precedent. Even the restaurants and the stores, I'm like, the manager is getting mad at people, but I'm like, okay, it seems to all just be a mind game on everyone. Like, people are scared. Like, basically, everyone's told there's this deadly virus and this is what's going to protect you and it's not, but that's what everyone thinks. And then, oh, it's mandated. So now, yeah, all the business, it's, and I've noticed it's like some businesses aren't really enforcing it and some are, it just depends on or places. But the ones that are enforcing it, it's like, what are you afraid of? Who in this store is going to like, are they going to handcuff you if you don't make me wear a mask? You can't. That's what we said. Where's the authority? Like, what is it? There's no laws. There's no like, they don't even know why they're doing it just because they're told to do it. I love that meme where it says, you know, you know, I'll imagine, I'll imagine your mask works. If you imagine I'm wearing one. I can pretend I'm wearing one. Yeah, I can pretend it. I didn't, I never even seen that. I saw that. Yeah, it's pretty funny. But, yeah, this whole thing, I think it's going to come to an end here that, I mean, the curve is flattened. It's like zero. So, yeah, it's time to let go of that program. But, you know, people are still, you know, people need to rise up and pull their power back and say, no, I'm not doing it. You know, and that's the thing, if the math, if you're wearing a mask, if you want to wear a mask, great. And if that mask works, what are you worried about? You know, why are you worried about anybody else? And the same thing with inoculation, you know, if you got your kids immunized, why do you care? You know, obviously, you don't think the immunization works or, or, or you wouldn't be having issues with other kids not getting immunized. And even Trump said this, not man, we're not going to force immunization anywhere. They're not mandatory anymore. So, yeah, it doesn't work. I mean, 60,000 people die, a year from the flu. And there's a vaccine for that, you know, why? Well, I just, I just heard that their test case, they did a test with this new vaccine. I can't know which group it was, but they did four guys and they're in the military. I mean, five guys in military four died and one is sicker in the dog. And I just got that information. My brother found that and you're not, he couldn't hear that on the days. So, you know, apparently there's some serious problems with that. Well, and that's another meme I saw is like the same people wearing a mask, the people wearing a mask now are the same people that are going to inject the virus into themselves later. Yeah, yeah. You know, the other, the other thing too is that I think you have, I can't remember what the percentage was 34, 37% chance of getting COVID if you had the flu shot. And if you've had the shot, you're going to test positive anyway for COVID. And then a pow pow fruit tested positive and a goat and 200 people that never ticked the test got positive results. And yeah, I keep seeing all these reports of people saying they never took the test and then they get, they get the results back saying they were tested positive. And, and there was a nurse at a hidden camera showing the screen on in the hospitals saying like she's like showing the screen. All these people tested negative and they marked them as positive in the system, like tons of people. So there's all these different fraud. For the Florida thing, they said that they had some about out of 100 people only that they said were COVID cases when they, when they really did the research lesson 10% were. And so what I, well, my question is also nobody died of heart attacks, nobody dies of strokes, nobody died, plane crashes. This must be amazing because this new virus has totally stopped heart attacks, strokes, everything else. And even even parachute accidents are getting the car accidents. It stopped all of them, you know, because they're not going to die of that, you know, since there's viruses here. The only thing you have to worry about is COVID now, which is a bad cold base, basically. Yeah. Yeah, it's, it's, it's insane. I mean, well, it's also, I think another part of it is probably if you're super scared of it, you're going to manifest getting sick, you're going to manifest. Yeah. Well, also to the mass, you know, they cut your oxygen levels down to 17%, which throws your immune system into chaos and everything. And you're, you know, it goes against all the OSHA standards. If you're down below 17%, you're supposed to close, you can't work in that environment. And so they're not even following their own, their own rules. And, you know, and, you know, it's like the, yeah, if you don't, I can go on with this, but I don't. Yeah, it's never ending. Do the research everybody, you know, what do you have a 99.7 or 4% chance of your own immune system beating it? Yeah, 99.74 or something like that. So you have this 0.06% of the people that, that couldn't kick it, which is not even measurable. And they're, and all of these, and everything they're telling you to do is, is lowering your immune system. Yeah. Yeah, that's harming you. Yeah. Yeah. Sunshine just kills it automatically. Yeah. Don't go to the beach, saltwater kills at a minute. Stand doors where you're not going. Sunshine saltwater just totally takes it out. You know, it's like you can stay indoors and create your own little incubation program. Yeah. Hand sanitizer, just kills all, yeah, your good bacteria. Yeah, lowers. And then that's, can you imagine all the hand sanitizers? That stuff's totally flammable. Oh, yeah. And then they light a match and, and you can't see the flame when it goes off and also your hands burning. You're going, what's going on? You can't even, you don't even see what's going on. Let's turn the light out and then you can see the flame, you know, but interesting. I didn't realize that. Yeah. Yeah. A little hand sanitizer in a bowl of water and light it and see what happens. Yeah. Right. But turn the light out when you do it so you can see the flame because, wow, you know, it's crazy. Well, but we can go in circles and we can talk a lot like that. Yeah. I definitely end up a positive note here. Well, there's, and then there's the good aspect of all of this that's going on is it's waking so many people up because it's so crazy and insane and obvious that there's just this massive manipulation going on, right? It's massive propaganda and it's a massive agenda. And so many people, I've seen, I'm seeing so many people that were completely asleep before all this happened that are they're like, whoa, what is going on here? And they're, and they're starting to do their own research and they're waking up. Yeah. Yeah. There's an activation happening. And then also the quarantine, the good aspect of that was it, you know, it, it kind of like people that were so caught up in their 3D lives with those distractions were forced to deal with like, well, who am I outside of my job and all this stuff and kind of took away all of those distractions and yeah. But, you know, it's still the fact that it's not, you know, it's just insane that they're, they're still dragging us out and trying to push us into. Well, it's about the election. And yeah, obviously, we know what it's about. Yeah. Well, any gathering, you know, any large gathering, they don't want people coming together and, and, you know, hugging each other. And, you know, that's a, it's, it's just insane. Yeah, I want to keep us here and unless it's a peaceful protest, unless it's a, unless you're writing or yeah, yeah, you don't have to wear a mask if you're looting and burning down buildings or burning up buildings, if you're not. Obviously, I lied earlier when I said I was wrapping it up. But we do that a lot. But we are going to wrap it up now. All right. You guys, make sure you grab a live stream ticket for camp disclosure since if you, if you're not already going, but it's going to be awesome. It's going to be a lot of fun. We get to listen to James, tell us a little bit about the spiritual path and, you know, some new information. So, it's going to be really, really awesome. So grab a ticket if you can. And thanks again for coming on James. It's always a pleasure looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks here. Yeah, yeah, that'll be great. And it's always awesome seeing you guys and sharing and all the crazy stuff going on that, especially all the stories you said, they're just ongoing. It's still going on and we're still getting crazy footage and photos. Yeah. Yeah, I know that we can, we can probably have talked about that the entire time, but we'll, we'll save some of that mystery for the people who haven't been out there yet. Let them, let them go see it. Oh, I'll get you all the footage and we'll do another show and just talk about all the crazy footage. Yeah. You're a part of it anyway, too. You guys were in it. So, yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. We will make that happen. All right. Thanks. Thanks for tuning in everybody. You're about to close it out like it's your show. Thanks for tuning in everybody. We will see you next week and thanks for coming on James. This has been a pleasure. Have a good night, everybody. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey, it's Ryan Seacrest. Life comes at you fast, which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. Enter Chumba Casino with no download required. You can jump on any time, anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes. 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