Journey to Truth

EP 75 - XI Earthstar Healer - Abductions And Entity Interference - Taking Your Power Back

Originally aired on 8/6/20
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Xi EarthStar is an embodied wanderer and the Andromedan visionary of Earthstar Sanctuary.  Her recent life time studying light-field genetics in 7 density Andromeda, an aspect that she now accesses and embodies, lead to her participation in the "starseed mission" to weave starseed DNA for ground crew. Xi is a Gatekeeper, shamanic healer, medicine singer, multi-dimensionality coach and self-healing guide.  Fusing the ancient Taoist teachings of her ancestral lineage with Creation Magic and the Law of One teachings of her galactic lineages - offering a unique frequency of Earth-Star knowledge transmissions.  She also guides others to accessing our HSP, to heal and embody complete energetic sovereignty, and move into a Life of Purpose.
XI Earthstar YouTube channel

1h 5m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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The energy in the patch never runs out, so count up all the radiating devices in your life, stick one on each, and you're done. Click on the link below, and you'll soon be bringing balance and strength back to your body. Thank you. [music] Hey guys, you are listening to Journey to Truth podcast. This is our first episode back since we've been home for me, SETI, which was amazing. I mean, we can do an entire episode on that, which we might even do, actually. We should talk about that, but it's a phenomenal transformational place. If you haven't been there, I'm sure you've heard everybody talk about it. You need to get out there. You've never seen a UFO. You are guaranteed to see them so many that you probably get bored of how you ended the trip. But it's so amazing, and so many connections were made, and it really put us on the path with the podcast. We're really excited about the future that we have ahead of us in the coming months, so that being said, today we are joined by ZE Earth Star healer. She will be one of the live stream speakers at Camp Disclosure, and ZE, for those who don't know, is a gatekeeper, shamanic healer, medicine singer, multi-dimensionality coach, and self-healing guide among many other things, which I'll let you touch on if you'd like to, but welcome to the show. ZE, how's it going over there? Thank you guys. I'm so excited to be here. I'm just really happy that we get to spend this time together and talk to people about some really pertinent things that are very interesting that have been sparkling up in the collective sphere. Yeah, and that's what we should be talking about, whatever is presenting itself, whatever is showing up. So I know you wanted to open with maybe a clearing or a song, so if you wanted to do that, then we can just take it off from there. Yeah, so I'm just going to start off with just a minute of sound healing and we'll go from there. [Music] [Music] [Music] You have such a beautiful, beautiful voice. Yes, I, before I actually knew who you were, I had came across some of your videos and I was meditating in some of your songs. I just love, I love whatever is flowing through at that moment. So it just helps me connect in a way that just, it just makes it a lot easier than trying to do it, you know, in silence. So thank you for that. And I don't know if you just want to give people a brief introduction of who you are for their listeners who might not be aware. You don't have to go in a great detail, but maybe just explain how you got into what you're doing. Yeah, so I would call myself an embodied wanderer, and some people call it star seeds. The way that I understand this is that I have come to remember who I am and where I was in my recent existences and have begun to remember and integrate my knowledge from where I came from. When I first woke up in 2013, this voice in my head was like, where are you from? And I just had quit piano school and just had graduated from being like a very good little Chinese girl, you know, doing everything right in society. And I was like, I don't know, China, and this was like Andromeda. And of course I came upon all of the star seed information that's on the internet. So the most incredible thing is that this voice with this male being, and it was March of 2013. And then many years later, I went for an expedition out to New Mexico, because I started kind of following this voice and the guidance of the Earth's travel. And when I got to this land in New Mexico, these people were like, oh, this man bought this land before he died in March of 2013. And he told us that he's from Andromeda, and that one day a little Chinese girl from Andromeda was going to come, and that this land was meant for her. So, again, he died the exact same month that I started actually communicating with him, which eventually led me to this place where I now live. And it's kind of this galactic lineage place where we're building a stargate and we're going to be building kind of a ground crew star being training facility there. As they like to call it, so an activation kind of place. So it's been now seven years and I started having these dreams about being a geneticist actually, where I was from understanding that actual and genetic science and the higher dimensions have much more to do with our devotion and love to all the creation than this mental need to understand things because it makes us feel better about ourselves in any way. It's more likely just have such a deep love and appreciation for the beauty of all the creation that we want to know it. So eventually you begin to learn the matrices of the fabric of reality and how life is constructed with these basic geometries and how life and light can actually come in to these geometries to form our bodies for experience. So, yeah, all of these understandings come directly through myself, which is kind of like understanding that, you know, where these wonders, these stars, these beings from other places, we all have understandings because we lived in these places. We all have these experiences. We have this knowledge that we're bringing here now. So what I do now is basically, so I got called into the star seed emissions to kind of help the star seeds create certain genetic templates so that when we came to earth, we wouldn't be totally hit over the head with the heaviness. And so right now I hope wonders and star seeds awaken to who they are and access our higher dimensional self to embody this so that we can have our feet on the ground to transform this planet, which is what we're all here to do. That's it's amazing. That's all. Wow, that's that really is truly amazing. And that just, I mean, that's the definition of a star seed. That's, that's truly why we're here. I mean, activating our true potential and discovering where, who we really are. That's a good question. Right. So the second part here actually now that you guys are like, that's it. That wants to come in. So this is earth and star right so this is like my star lineage. And so I came into this physical body. I'm understanding all these things about genetics of connecting with my lineage and my ancestors actually come from a lineage of Taoist masters in the physical body. And it's interesting how these two things come together, because the ancient Taoist people, we always kind of how the physical reality is a reflection of the universe is this kind of understanding of oneness and how the macrocosm and microcosm have this deep relationship and this is very much connected to the law of one. It's just this very grounded and human perception and understanding of that. And so my Taoist ancestors have been channeling through me these teachings of energetic mastery, which is really pertinent at this time as we go into some of the darker and scarier things that are happening on the planet as to why it's so important for all of us to not only understand how our energy is being manipulated, how it's made difficult for our soul to fully come into our body and how this entire false matrix or like to call it have been enslaving humanity for so long. And so once we come into recognition of that, then how by us first clearing all those things and coming into awareness of our entire energy system, which is really the system of a creator being, you know how cosmic energy come through these vessels literally create reality. This is a science science of incarnation that we can study in the body so that we can live a life where we're free basically we're claiming our free will through understanding our energy body. Wow. Man, that is, that's some true that's a really special gift to be able to understand exactly why you're here and understand your mission. It's, it's such a to such a degree because so many of us are down here trying to figure out what the hell we're even doing so thank you for all, all the work that you're doing. And if I'm not mistaken you're in Sedona right now. And then you're getting ready to head to a Manchester. That's right. Are you, are you doing any type of energy work there while you're there or what's going on with that. Yeah, so I am a good worker and part of this is again understanding how our DNA works. I want to say that everybody can do this work. The reason why I have come to be in such a state of integration is because I really devoted my whole life to this. And I went into the cliff and went into the deep end and no matter you know people were like are you sure you want to do that like you might die. You know you might like lose your social credibility like people might hate you or whatever and I was just like there's nothing else that makes more sense. You know for me growing up earth really didn't make any sense it's not like I could just work in an office and like you're like that that all like everything's great you know it just wasn't possible for me. And so from the time this voice in my head said you are a star seed I made it my like my church my life thing my purpose to devote like every second of my life to embodying that and to continue to listen. And so if any time spirit goes okay like drive to Vermont and I'm in Ontario like I literally just get in my car and I go there I don't like ask questions well I did for two hours let's be honest. But you know I wasn't like stolen from months I really just dove in you know I really committed to the process and it's really through that commitment that we begin to find ourselves. This is really something that somebody else can like give you or you can buy it's just like you have to spend time connecting to yourself and actually following through with your guidance which sounds easy but I understand that you know it's kind of hard when people don't even understand that there are other dimensions and that invisible people can talk to you. Yeah and we're placed in a society that is designed to distract us from discovering that reality so absolutely and even us who understand it. But we still have jobs we understand what you're talking about but we still have jobs in the matrix. Those distractions still haunt us as well and that's why it's so important to do the work you're talking about. And it's not easy to navigate but you can definitely put yourself on a path like like you're talking about to at least, at least be making progress instead of going backwards. Or even just being comfortable right I mean I feel like what's pushed me the most is just actually going in deep to how I'm feeling like we like to numb like the difficult feelings but for me. It was just so obvious when I'm sitting in the parking lot of Costco and there's like a 300 pound man holding like a pack of sodas and like this is wrong like there's something wrong with this. That feeling it's like actually really painful because you know we're such incredibly beautiful and innocent and loving creatures you know these mammalian bodies that we have we're so incredibly sentient. And so for us to actually be inside of the system like that itself is really painful but it's really hard for a lot of people to come you know into face to face with those feelings like even how to be coming to find you know the even scarier stuff. You know the human trafficking were to abuse to even children like all of those things should actually inspire a large reaction, you know like wow this sucks like this is really gross this is so scary and so bad that that should spur us into some sort of action that you know that's why we're so desensitized to the media to all of this violence and stuff like it's like to numb our organic experience and reactions to the system itself. So, I'm not just like spiral back here we're talking about this grid work so when we come into a certain place of recognizing our self and our place on the planet as with an organism. We realize our energy body is constantly interacting with the planet and know that there are energy systems that run around body there also be same energy system that run around planets and call them lane lines start dates this kind of thing. And so the cabal of whatever you want to call them actually have great understanding of this kind of thing because you know this control system comes from a high place is like fallen angelic kind of thing. So they place their military bases and these awful churches on major places on the landlines, basically so that they can keep humanities consciousness in a subdued level, because the consciousness of the planet and our individual consciousness is very deeply connected. So, basically, then I would get called to travel to different places in the world to either unplug old grids or clear these energies out of the grid or to activate new lines. So this trip that I'm on right now is about activating several new lay lines, which bring in just like cosmic sovereign energy to make it easier for humanity to wake up. So what's really, what's really interesting is we're working on a documentary right now on cochokia mounds and some other mounds surrounding that area and there's an entire history here that's just not told by the mainstream history. And we were going to do an entire segment on exactly what you were talking about clearing that energy because a lot of like famous murders and a lot of stuff were, were taking place, they took place on these mounds on these to spill that blood into the way lines, and we were really going to talk about all that so maybe we might even be reaching out to you after this potential interview, because as much information as we can get out there on this, we want to so that would be really cool. Yeah, so is there anything in particular that is coming through right now that you feel guided to share with everybody as far as anything that's happening with current events or just something we need to be doing in particular or just any messages in general. So there is a stream of consciousness that wants to come through to support us in becoming strong. And so I just want to start by connecting into our heart space and our higher heart space and calling in our highest source connected aspects and any of the benevolent galactic and angelics that are here holding space and are always supporting us on this journey. So the information that wants to come through today is actually pretty gnarly. And I have a feeling that the people that are listening to this show might be interacting with some of these fields. So I just want to bring in this energy to really support you. One of the shows started is this energy came in where wanted me to talk about basically the systemic rate of humanity and the different levels of this system of control and how this happens even in the astral plane and I have a feeling that some people in this audience experience, abduction experiences, especially in the dream time, the kinds of interference that basically seeks to take away our power and I know that star sees and wanderers experience a lot of this in your youth. I myself have experienced this so I can feel called to share my story. So I think it might have been in 2015. I started feeling like my dad had molested me and I knew that this wasn't the case. I knew that nothing like that ever happened. It's just a very strong feeling that I knew was not true. But again, I just continuously felt like something like my dad had done something to me. I was just feeling this. And so for many years I was doing a lot of meditation and a lot of clearing work and I just couldn't figure out why I was feeling this way, even though I knew my dad hadn't done anything. And so just last year, so four years since I started working with that and trying to understand, I finally went into this place in my hip that I've always had a lot of problems with. The memory that came back into my mind was actually being on this reptilian shift and being basically raped by this reptilian and he was shape shifting into my dad to make to implant that false memory into my energy system. So I was generally to basically distort the original divine codes in my system, and to keep me from being able to basically embody and assume my mission. And I feel like this actually happens quite often, because I have a lot of sessions with star people and it seems like almost more than half of my sessions. There are experiences like this. And so I want to explain something so that we can come into clarity about why this happens. Why is there so much sexual deviation and rape and torture on this planet. It seems like it is just the deepest part of us that is being manipulated. So the reason for that is really actually quite simple. We as human beings have always been created to be divine creator babies, and this isn't just the concept or an understanding it's how our physical body was literally designed. So we as a system portal and cosmic energy through our system through our energy body, and then as this cycle this toroidal field plays with the reality we're literally creating it. So how do beings that want to control a whole planet of divine creator beings actually do that. Well of course they would have to first of all make you forget that that's who you are. And second of all destroy the part of you that is the most powerful and that is to say our sexual energy. So sexual energy is how we as human physical beings actually experience cosmic infinite raw creative energy. So this is where we get into the Taoist alchemy so I'll just briefly explain. There are three major creational centers in our physical body, our higher downtown, our middle downtown, our lower downtown. So our higher downtown is a place where we have our imagination, but it's also when we receive inspiration from the cosmos from the divine of our dreams. So as you can see that the cosmic energy and our personal human free will energy is commingling and figuring out what would both be the best experience for ourselves, and be the thing that would benefit the whole. So when that inspiration of an idea that's wanting to be burst comes in as I like to call it the cosmic sperm comes into our system it comes into our heart. And this is our system of motivation in our heart center we check in with this idea that's coming through to ensure that it's an alignment with our love. And that our motivation to create this thing is out of love and not any other thing like jealousy or competition or greed, you know, all of these things. And so then when we recognize this creation like yes I love this and this is coming from a place of love that I love all of creation this idea is really going to benefit the whole. Then this idea comes down into our sacral into the lower downtown where the sexual energy activates and then you've got this energy this physical energy to bring it into fruition to actually be created. So as you can see then how these three centers have been severely degraded in our society starting with the mind control of television massive public schools, and then our heart confusing us about relationships and these viruses of control and domination. And then of course our sexual energy which again is the most powerful course of creation. In fact, you know it's really the unification of our entire system it's just that our sexual energy is what actually brings it into fruition. And so in order to basically in state a system of domination and control over humanity and to basically enslave us into creating a system that's not serving us. That's actually basically siphoning our energy to feed something this invisible invisible enemy or whatever you want to call it right. And so, then now we understand why the degradation of sexuality is still rampant on the planet. So I just want to say that, as somebody who's carrying these codes, I have been really under the rain of bullets from these beings, because, and I'm sure there's a lot of people that in the audience that feel this way and that's why I'm sharing this. And even as I was growing up, you know, in my first years of self healing, I was purging up like indescribable pockets of energy that were absolutely not human. It wasn't just like the sadness or the organic grief that you would feel when you lose loved one. It's not like an organic sadness. It was something more insidious than that I would even call it disgusting. And these energies almost felt like these pockets of satanic juices, as I like to call it. And I understand Satan or satanic being this is just anything that is anti life. Very simple. When you bring it into this place and see that anything satanic is just something that is anti life. You see how this can extend into an extreme proportion where this becomes, you know, the torturing of a child. It's still to simplify that. I want to simplify this because sometimes we can categorize things in our mind and we say, well, you know, satanic ritual abuse has happened over here. And so we need to do something about that. But one of the main things that we need to realize is that we live inside of this satanic system. So many things about our reality is anti life. And when you open your eyes in that regard, then you can actually begin to see everything clearly in our society. It's very easy. Is this thing created in a love and in a resonance and in a oneness with all that is, or is it created in a place of degradation and carelessness for life itself. And so in that through that lens, you're like, well, if you ever drank a soda, if you have eaten pharmaceuticals without having healed yourself first. If you have watched, you know, music videos that are very degrading towards, you know, sexuality, then you have been participating or you have been captured inside this satanic system. So then this really brings the discussion back in to ourselves and what we're doing here and it's like the first thing is we have to obviously recognize where in ourself we're still participating in that. Right. And this is a word that is I call it the mechanics of creation and our energy system is so good, because in every moment when you make a decision in every moment when we're about to do something and express your energy to create the reality. You can check in with yourself to see, well, is this inspired by the divine and the highest self, is this motivated out of love, right, is this coming from a place of joy. And this way, we can really raise our frequency to come back to this place of organic aliveness. And when we do that, then we can actually come up with creative solutions for all the other things that are happening in the world. It's very difficult to fight the system if you're inside of it, because, you know, your energy system can only carry so much creative energy when you're suppressed. That's the whole point. You create a system so you don't have the energy to create something different or to take them down. Right. So what do you do? You go inside and activate your energy system, remember who you are, and really come into the empowerment that comes from remembering and fully embodying the truth of your divine, sovereign beingness. And from that place, you have so much more creative energy and ability to actually manifest, you know, massive amounts of abundance, so much support from the universe to do what you're here together. And so just as a completing note, I am somebody that is sitting here in front of you right now that have, you know, I have been drugged and raped in the party scene when I was growing up. And I've been close to very many different expressions of dark energy and I've been attacked many times in the astro plan, including, you know, having been raped by our talents. And it is totally, completely possible to not only heal yourself from all of those things and any of those things, but to actually, you know, transform all of that into power to be able to stand and allow your, your own divinity to hold yourself through all of it to come out the other side. Not only coping, not only, you know, okay, but actually a brilliant and powerful divine creator being and we're all here to be that we're all here to experience this. So, yeah, well, I had about a million questions I wanted to ask there and all that, but by the time you got to the end I forgot all of them. So, that was amazing. Yes, I was. And just as far as about living in there. Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. 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Sometimes I got a stop at a gas station because I didn't pack lunch and I'm not even healthy. So you're putting yourself in. It's a very unhealthy lifestyle. And then the system obviously relies on you to need them. So, you know, all the convenient food and all that stuff. So by stepping out of that, I just feel better energetically already. It's just like that this weight is gone so I can test to that personally now. And I'm so excited to see what the future holds because I have no idea, but I know I did the right thing. And now Aaron has to do it. I mean, don't do it. If anybody's listening, don't do it stupid. We're not saying everyone quit your jobs right now. Right. It's a natural process. So I feel like, again, it's important to transform the inside first. We shouldn't make steps on the outside because then we're trying to do things. So again, if we just focus on healing ourselves and raising our vibration, integrating our skills and gifts, opportunities are going to naturally come to us and make the transition very natural and just understand. So if you are somebody that you'll really want to connect and step out with the false matrix and move into the organic living light, then all you have to do is, you know, figure out where inside you're still occurring and where inside you're still controlling and suppressing yourself. And then trust me, it will happen very quickly. Yeah, it was something I had thought about for a couple of years, and I didn't know how it would ever pulled off. And it got to a point where the signs were just in my face, and it was just, it was going to happen that day, no matter what I don't think it would happen any sooner or any later. It's just the way it happened organically. Yeah, but going back to the, the sexual part of what you were talking about that sexual energy, that's something that is definitely been hijacked. And we're never taught about any of this energy to begin with in the first place, but especially sexual energy in the exchange happens. And not just physically but you were talking interdimensionally like there's stuff going on as well. And I've just recently had a conversation with somebody about this and it just blows my mind that you're talking about it now. I personally know two people who have had experiences interdimensionally like this and they weren't necessarily pleasant. So I didn't know if you wanted to touch on that a little more. Yeah, so it's interesting because a big wave in the collective consciousness has been happening around that and I can't remember the name of that doctor now. Do you guys remember? She was, she was one of the doctors that was a Stella Emmanuel. That's great. She was talking about how hydroxychloroquine works and everything like she said any turn of that. Yeah, but then, you know, then people started digging into her history and it turns out that she's minister and she had these videos talking about the incubus and succubus and these demon entities that cause illness. And so it's very interesting because of course before you're like, wow, she's totally right or they're like, wow, she's totally bunkers and crazy. Like, how can Trump even talk about this woman? You know, it's really interesting being a Chinese person because, you know, my grandpa was a Chinese medicine doctor. And in our systems of medicine, when we understand that everything is connected and we have an energy body and that emotions and any sort of imbalance will create other imbalances in the body and then you'll get sick. So this is like ancient, ancient knowledge that exists in basically all cultures around the world, except modern medicine, which seems to be this arrogant little boy that's just like, I know better than all you elders and I'm like, you know, you might think that's so smart. But anyway, the truth of the matter is that the cook, all of our illnesses really can be healed through various levels of healing in our energy bodies and our emotional bodies. And do balancing on hormones and etc. And so I have healed lots of people in their menstrual cramps and different kinds of cysts through energy clearing. And this doctor was totally right, just in a way that she delivered it was a little bit harsh, you know, she was like, sex with demons will create infertility. And I was like, I would work in a little bit softer but yeah, like she's totally on point. And I know that there are programs where, you know, genetic harvesting happens breeding programs is a common one and a lot of women fertility issues and period cramps like are due to those things but even, you know, on a lighter topic, like, it's always a blockage of energy that causes imbalance like always. So, you know, when we think about that, it's actually really great because that means we have the power to heal ourselves from anything. And I totally believe this, because in the last couple years, every time that I've gotten sick with anything, including cold I usually don't go away for like a week. The first thing that I do is meditate and get to the root. So I just clearly talked to my body. It's very sentient. She's very intelligent. I just say, what are you trying to talk to me? What are you trying to tell me? Ten times out of ten, she's like, well, you have this conversation with your mom and I really triggered you and blah, blah. So now, you know, you didn't want to face it. So stuff the energy over here. And now this energy is volcano erupting over here because it has to come out so the body can come into living room. So every single time that I've gotten sick, sort of throat, maybe a femur, maybe this cold sore, I have done that. And within three to four hours, it completely disappears, including the cold sore, which is just like, you know, again and again, it's proven to me that we are energy beings that our physical body is highly able to self heal, and that, you know, obviously the FDA doesn't want us to know this because how are they going to make any money off us being sick. If we can just heal ourself in three hours. Yeah, exactly. The system is based on you relying on the system for everything, for your health. And even human suffering, which is just so. Yeah, I think that's so important for anybody listening to know, especially about getting sick and even caring diseases, like it can be done energetically. Yeah, I mean, I, I fully believe that even cancer can be, can be healed or cured by your. On your own. Yeah, it's really, it's really mental too. It's really mental. If you believe you're sick, you're going to be sick. If you believe you can heal yourself, you're going to heal yourself. And that's the terrible thing is that our doctors totally just tell people they're like, Oh, you got four states cancer, you're definitely going to die. And there's been cases where the person named had cancer, and they ended up dying because the doctor told them they were going to die. They believe. Yeah. We're seeing that happen right now with these false positives on these tests. People get a test positive for the virus. And now they think they have the virus. So in a way, they're making themselves sick now because they automatically, Oh, crap, I got the virus. And I'm like, Oh, man, my throat's starting to hurt. Oh, my, I think it might have a fever. And then we bring it on ourselves. And this is a trick to playing with everybody right now. So I actually, I've done a lot of processing around this, but I feel like I have to share just because this is one of the things she really wanted to stress. So I gave birth to a beautiful girl on May 20. And I've been seeing the soul, even before that she was conceived. She came in with three pairs of dying wings as a full grown man. And she was like, I haven't been on earth for 5,000 years and I'm going to teach you how to, you know, materialize things from thin air and things like this. I basically continue to communicate and receive teachings from this being all through my pregnancy. And then it turns out that her life path was that she was only to stay with me for 9 days and so on May 29 she actually left her physical incarnation. Sorry. There were a lot of things. I mean, she was really quick. She was able to do so much in the short period of time that she was here. She did not waste one minute. And, you know, we opened up these pathways to for density and she brought these pieces of my soul here, you know, that couldn't make it on my purse trick here. And finally, the night that she decided to leave, you know, like, I really feel. And it's okay if you want to say I'm crazy or anything is fine. That I feel that when she had pretty much planned this but she was leaving her body and so as she was leaving her body, her body started to fail. And I didn't know this, but then we took her to the hospital and at the hospital she tested negative for COVID. And then they had no idea, you know, what was happening with her and actually there was some very unfortunate thing where the doctors did that I really feel not happy But anyway, in the end, they sent her body off to get an autopsy and I got a call from the medical examiner and he started the conversation off by saying, I'm sorry, but your daughter had COVID. And I got so live in because I already read all these things on the internet about COVID, but like, I don't usually participate in these things, you know, I like stay in my lane, I do the spiritual stuff like I don't do the disclosure things immediately. So, but in that moment, I got so angry, you know, I was like, no, you're not doing that. So I told it, you know, she got tested, she came back negative. And there's no way that she could have had COVID because we were in our room for like months, like live out in the middle of nowhere, literally. We're like an hour and a half away from the closest grocery store, like there's no way that we could have had COVID. So, I basically explained that to him, and I said, look, I know the government's trying to do weird stuff, but like, don't play this game with us. It's very stern with him. And it seemed like he was pretty frazzled and he got off the phone. And then he called me back in 15 minutes and he was like, Oh, I'm sorry, I read the wrong file. It turns out that your daughter didn't have a car. Seriously, that's, that's wow. And then I got this random message from this person I didn't even know. Like, I didn't tell anybody about this for a long time, because I was still like, you know, it's for my human. It was still like an incredibly difficult experience to go through. Even though, you know, of course, there are glasses and like, there's no difference. I'm right here. Like, I'm like, no, you're not here. Like, I can't get you. You know, I'm here. You're not here. So it took me a while to, you know, really begin to appreciate all of the things that the miracles really that happened. But this random person message me was like, Hey, I just, yeah, I think Cara was my name. I think Cara just came to visit me. And she told me that, you know, there's some weird hoaxy things that are happening with COVID. And it was just funny for her to say that because, you know, there's no way for her to have known any of these things. Yeah. I mean, and what that doctor, I mean, this is criminal. What's happening right now. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's not just not being allowed. Like, they're telling the pharmacists that they're not allowed to give hydroxychloroquine out to people. Like, that is literally criminal. Yeah. Yeah, I know a doctor here locally. He said this for the first time, like 40 or 50 years, however he's been doing it, he had, he was given a notice to that he absolutely cannot prescribe this drug because it will cause cardiac harm. And under no circumstances, are you to recommend or prescribe this drug? And he says the first time in 40 years that he's ever gotten a notice to not recommend something that was, you know, being pushed by big farmers. That is just absolutely incredible to me, you know, even with the MMS and I know that the FDA had FDA had raided their church and taken all their stuff and that's like literally gangster activity guys. Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is what the cabal does. This is when they're threatened in this way, they will go to extremes to make sure medical mafia. Yeah, because they know as soon as hydroxychloroquine or anything else starts getting out there, starts getting shown that it's working with that beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's been, it's game over for them, right? So then it's like, well, this is it. Let's just do this, and they're, we can cure everyone. And they're done. So that's why they've been taking these extreme, you know, just lying and saying it's dangerous and it does, it's unproven, even though it's already been proven by that tons of doctors have cured thousands of drugs. They've cured thousands of people already with it and it's been used for how many years already for malaria, like it's been used. Yeah, exactly. So it's proven there. So, and it's obviously hasn't been dangerous for that. So why is it all of a sudden dangerous, because it's COVID, it doesn't make any sense. So it makes perfect sense, because we know what they're doing. It makes perfect sense. Yeah, you know the game. Yeah. The good thing is, like, everything is backfiring, like, even years ago, anything that they try would like immediately backfire on them. And I feel like right now they're just making it so obvious that there's a medical mafia like so obvious that like, it's inevitable that everybody's just like, wait a minute, like, why hasn't any doctors like taught us how to, you know, activate our immune system? Like, how we can, like, really kill ourself. Like, all of these things have been documented for thousands of years in every single cultural of the planet. It's just like, you know, inevitable that all of those illusions start falling, falling away. That's the good thing right now is they are making it obvious they're waking a lot of people up because they're so desperate right now. They can't afford to be subtle anymore. I've been saying this for the last few years. I'm like, they can't afford to be subtle anymore. And that's why you see them doing these crazy things and taking these extreme measures. And it's great, though, because it's waking so many people up and destroying the illusions that we live in a world. [inaudible] Society for benevolent institutions, which is not the case at all. It's like you said, it's very anti-life. We live in a state, and anti-life society that's crumbling before our eyes. And it's on its way out. Luckily. There's so much, you know, ripeness for creativity in that. Like, we literally get to create the new world in every moment of our inspiration, and we can do it with our own mind and our own hands and our own feet. And that is just so brilliant. Like, brings so much delight to my whole life. And so we really have a wonderful opportunity here to make something beautiful. Absolutely. I think, I think, yeah, at the same time, this is opening up a lot of opportunities and pathways for people that they would have never, ever had the opportunity to explore. Otherwise. And a lot of epiphanies and realizations are happening every day. And, you know, there is a bright side to this. And there is a bright future. So it's not all beam and gloom. Yep. Exactly. The darkness is only makes the light shine brighter, and only serves for our highest good, ultimately. So it is a great thing, ultimately. How long have we been going already? Has it been an hour? I don't even know. I was so fascinated with your story. I think it's good. Yeah. I guess we could start wrapping this up, actually. Yeah, this has been great. And just really quick to touch on the whole immune system. Like, why don't they teach us about the immune system? And it's clear when you walk into the grocery store and there's sold out of hand sanitizer, but the produce and vegetables are overflowing off the shelf, you know. Yeah. And everyone's buying junk food and crap. Yeah. Food. But they're all wearing masks and afraid of their, yeah. It's like, I had a guy. We're destroying your health. A guy, a worker, getting mad at me, or not wearing a mask while he's eating a cupcake and drinking a Mountain Dew, you know. That's the type of reality where everything flappers. Yeah. Anyway, thank you for coming on. This has been amazing. I feel like we could keep going for another hour, but we'll keep it short just for attention span purposes of our modern society. Yeah. Anyway, thank you again. Is there any last words you'd like to leave us with? Um, well, I would love to send you just this short clip of singing that I've recorded because we always clips it so the sound quality is not great. So I'm going to send it to you. Maybe you can just like edit it onto the end. Yeah. The one you did earlier, that clip is 10 minutes. Oh, sure. Sure. We can add it on. Definitely. Great. I'll just, I'll just send that to you later. Okay. Perfect. All right, guys. Well, thank you for tuning in and you guys all know that can't disclose your live stream tickets are still available for $44. So if you feel compelled, grab a ticket. It should be awesome. It's an awesome deal. You can't go wrong. So, and Z will be one of the live stream speakers. So. Yeah, I guess that's it. Good night, everybody. And we will catch you next week. Camp disclosure. An amazing live stream deal at just $44 for four days and eight speakers. With access to all main stage events, including the opening and closing ceremonies. Featuring James Miller. G. Earth star Hue. Simon Essen. Matthew Aaron Moore. Alex Bloom. Desiree Fullman. Tiana Ironbird. And Roger Richards. With your hosts. And special appearances. By Tyler Koala and Aaron Kuhn of the Journey to Truth podcast. See the website for details, schedules and tickets. The live stream will be available for six months after the event. We look forward to seeing you at camp. 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