Journey to Truth

Ep. 72 - Laura Eisenhower & David Rodriguez - Dark To Light - All Eyes On America

Originally aired on 7/2/20
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Laura Eisenhower & David "Niño" Rodriguez
David was an undefeated boxer with a knockout punch, 36-0, and headed for the heavyweight championship of the world—until an attempted murder left him with hundreds of stitches in his throat, a permanently scarred face, and a broken spirit. Now, David Rodriguez tells of his journey back from the brink of despair. With a no-holds-barred style that reflects his boxer's craft, Rodriguez reveals the thorny, turbulent past that pushed him into his Awakening of what is really taking place on this planet. He now is making waves as a truther on a mission to expose the greatest cover up in history that has been plaguing the human race for centuries.
Laura is a Global Alchemist, Cosmic Mythologist and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through experience, psychic development and research, about how to guide us into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of the Gaia-Sophia and Magdalene energies of love and wisdom and how they connect to the Venus transits and Ascension. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.

1h 41m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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I'm sure everybody listening to this knows who they are by now. David's the former heavyweight boxer, and Laura Eisenhower, she needs no introduction. You guys know who she is. David has recently come forward just making waves in the community, exposing Hollywood and pedophiles and all that stuff, and just some really great information and has a great way of approaching it. And it helps having that insider information to validate some of the things that we talk about all the time. So it's nice to have that insider aspect. And Laura, thank you so much for coming back on. I forget which episode we had you on originally, but welcome back to the show. Pretty early on. That was back in Hawaii. We're in Hawaii. So it's been a long road, but welcome to the show guys. We're so glad to have you. Yeah, we were just, we might as well just keep the conversation going right before we started. David was telling us he's in Vegas right now, and it's pretty crazy out there from what I understand as far as the protocols and the guidelines and all that stuff. Yeah, I mean, it's just like every city in the United States right now, everyone, you know, I don't wear the mask. I refuse to do it. You know, anytime they ask me, "Hey, put on your mat," or they tell me, they tell me they don't ask them. They say, "You need to be wearing a mask." I say, "I'm medically exempt." They get kind of confused, and I say that. They don't ask me more questions. But, you know, the last time I was in Vegas was for some fights out here, and listen, it was Vegas. You know, it was Vegas. You know, everything was going off, the lights were going, the people walking around, nobody was paranoid. And now I'm here, and it's very few people, and the few people that are out are all wearing masks. I mean, this little cloth that does absolutely nothing over their faces, and it's just like this sheeple mentality where everyone is just doing as they're told. And they look at you like, they look at me. I feel like I walked into an insane asylum, and I'm like the normal person. I look at them like they're sheep, and they're looking at me like, "You're the crazy one." Like, I'm the crazy one. It's absolutely insane. I mean, what Vegas was, and what it is right now, I don't, it's the most eerie feeling to be here among these people, and all these rules, and guidelines that you've got to follow now, that Vegas was the playground of adults. And now it's, "Oh, don't go over there. Oh, three to a table. Four to that table. Three to that table. You've got to be wearing a mask, sir. Why don't you have a mask? We can't serve you unless you have a mask." And I'm like, "You can't walk into a restaurant." And they're like, "You got to have your mask on." I'm like, "There's people eating. They don't have their mask. How am I going to eat?" I'm like, "I'm going to eat with the mask on." I'm like, "This is absolutely insanity." So, it's crazy like anywhere else today. Wow. Yeah. And you mentioned that thermal readers people have to have? Yeah, thermal readers. So, I walked into the Venetian, or was it the, well, they'll have them, and it says you're being read thermally, and it's sort of a screen of everybody walking, and you can see their body temperature. So, right when they walk into the hotel, everybody coming in. Yeah, it's not in 1984 at all. Wow. Yeah, this is so eerie. And they think they're all justified. They're all to them. This is, you know, to me, this is a pandemic. This is engineered. It's an engineered hit with the elites. I mean, I'm sure we're all on the same page with that. But it's, to see how blindly people follow this is, you know, it's insanity to me, man. It is insanity. Yeah, and Fauci just came forward today, you know, trying to implement this whole mask thing again, and trying to, you know, basically tell people that they need to stay home. He's like trying to make it strict, stay at home orders. And it's just like, really? Like, if you just use your eyes and look around, nobody's falling over again sick. Like, really going on here. Yeah. Yeah. And what's crazy about that, guys, is that stay at home, right? There's fighters here that I'm here for some fights on Thursday. And this is what really, really, this is when I really knew things are changed. I'm not allowed to go to the fights. And I'm helped training, I'm helped training and managing a fighter, and I can't go because they don't allow anybody in the arena. It's just a commission and one trainer, and it's I can't go. So I have to watch it on TV with the promoter on television. And this fighter that's fighting, this is what's really crazy. On the COVID test he took, he tested positive. His trainer doesn't have it. His scoring partners don't have it. His manager doesn't have it. And they're interacting with him every day. Does that make sense? Right. So he tests positive for it. And, you know, goes back, takes another test and tests negative. Yeah. So there you go. What's the deal here, man? What's going on? There's more to the fact that people are questioning the narratives. Is it insane to me? There's so much BS going on with the testing. It's insane. Yeah. I had, I just read a friend of mine, Nicole Frolic actually posted it, a friend of hers or whoever it was, you know, I don't know how who it was, but they, she got suspicious when everybody, she would test at the hospital, she worked at the hospital, everyone would come back positive. So she sent two blank tests that haven't gone through anybody to, to the lab, and they came back positive. So then, then they sent 10 test blank tests. And all 10 came back positive. So that tells you right there that the test already contained the virus or their, or their design to test positive somehow or false positive or both. Right. And then you test now, you can prick your finger, right? Yeah. And I, I don't even trust that because how do you know the virus isn't in that? I just don't trust the system. I trust nothing about it. I know what the agenda is. I, I'm clear on it. And to be honest with you, we're at the time now in history and human history where this is obvious and for those that are awake. And I see what it is. They're marching us right into a vaccine. This is all for the vaccine. This is to, you know, to me, this is like I've spoken before in other podcasts. This is gonna be about, you can't, they're not gonna make it mandatory, right? But you won't be able to travel. You won't be able to go to basketball game. You won't be able to go to an NFL football game. You won't be able to get season tickets. You won't be able to associate with certain people. You can't go to concert. You can't go to work. That's the way they'll make it mandatory. So when you're left out in the cold and you just have nothing to do, well, it gets the vaccine in so bad and you're going to take it and then you'll be allowed to go and do all the things the other people do and this and that. But that's how they're going to get you into taking it. But it's not just extra curricular activities. You can't go to work at some place. Yeah, yeah. Or it's even wearing a mask now. Right now you can't go to work unless you wear a mask. But it's just going to get worse. Anyway, Laura, I want to jump over to you for a minute. I want to give you a chance, both of you a chance really, to talk about the dark delight show and what you guys are actually doing your whole goal with that. You guys did that test the other day, by the way, which was supposed to be a test. It was like the most motivational test. It was really awesome. You guys, it was just great content. So if that's a preview of what's to come, it's going to be great and you guys can't mess. So I'm excited to hear about it. Oh, yeah. Well, just to comment on what you guys are saying, it's like everything that they're doing is the root of illness and disease on a mental level, emotional level, that steps down into the physical because this is a huge time of upgrading. This is what's available is that we go through a massive growth period as a humanity and we begin to gain sovereignty. We begin to speak truth. We begin to activate each other and this is absolutely their way of pulling the carpet from underneath us all, like the ultimate sabotage. Masking is blocking our capacity to share, distancing, monitoring, creating a lot of fear. It's for your own good BS and this administration better take down these criminals because the outrage about some of these engineered events that take place are from the very people that are running the rings and doing more criminal activity. While everybody's sitting there being politically correct and offended if you're not, the biggest crimes are being hidden. And so, yeah, I mean, everything is set up because they are monitoring humanity's natural organic cycles of remembering our true origins, who we truly are, our true connection with God's source that isn't through the manipulation and distortions of what's been fed to us and they're systematically trying to follow that sort of energetic to pull the carpet from underneath us in every moment. But when we learn to master the parasitic mind and we learn it's game, then we're two steps ahead of it. But we have to expect that this is going to continue to happen and we have to be guardians of the timeline that's actually going to deliver us into a beautiful world where disclosure happens, we upgrade our DNA. And so, I feel our intention for the show is to help people's like... It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with the trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin, so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary, VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Be liberated to feel a safe haven to express what they're going through, what struggles they're going through, maybe with family and friends, so they don't feel so alone because I think that's what's making people sick more than anything else. If we refuse to let go of the old paradigm, that's going to compromise our immune system. So they're banking on people that are still attached to the old way. And so a lot of people out of fear are supporting the criminals and they haven't done their homework about these other things because the media has branded it conspiracy theory and it's become just this fringe sort of like outcast thing. So it's just incredibly important that people feel that they have a place to go and that somebody is going to listen to them and hear them because every time we set a person free from the cage of isolation, fear, loneliness, not being heard, not being seen, that is an energy that is going to go into the collective consciousness, raise the vibration of the collective, and begin to clear out the AI, the distortions, the miasma, and all the reversal codes that have put a place in order to digress the human instead of allow the unfoldment and the awakening. So it's an absolute sabotage of awakening. And so that's what I think David and I joined forces on this is because we already work with those that are considered outcasts that are being very wounded and fractured on a self-esteem level that are not fully knowing how to live their fullest potential and just helping them get through those initial obstacles and just help show the way through being transparent. And we both have our own experiences as far as, yeah, go ahead. I would say I'd be lying if I said I wasn't struggling on some level still and I think we all are at some point. I mean there's times whenever you just get to a point where you just have to stop and ask yourself, you know, what am I doing? And it's really, you know, we're all in a tough place right now but everything's coming to the surface for everybody. Our whole entire way of life is at stake right now. You know, and all of these things that were once hidden in the shadows that were happening behind the scenes are just all coming to the surface. And people are seeing that at the same time they're going through something personal and it really is, it's dangerous. So that's why what you're doing is so crucial right now. I mean it just, that's what we need to be focused on. I'll add a little something like, you know, so that's why Laura and I came together was that we come from two different backgrounds and I think she's bringing a more feminine aspect to this. I'm bringing more male energy right masculine. Me having the background and being a former heavyweight six-time champion contender, I went through a lot of drug and alcohol abuse. I mean it was a hectic, hectic, crazy emotional rollercoaster. I almost died twice. I flatlined. I mean, and that was all one year. And one year I accomplished that, you know, then I came back to want some titles again. Like, so in one year in 2011, I died, came back, one another title, died, came back to one another title. I mean it's just, it's, it's in 70, right? So the thing with me that I want to talk to people about and let them know is that I'm here for them. And during this time, it's going to get rougher guys. It's going to get a lot rougher and people are not going to have anywhere to turn. But Laura and I have figured out a way to have, to be an outlet for people to come up, come on board. Listen, they're going to want to hear these stories. They want to hear these testimonies. And how do they best handle this type of situation that we're in right now? It's a, it's a serious, serious test for humanity. And that's what we're going through right now. And if I can give the testimony of my experiences of how I dealt with it, how I came out from the dark into the light and became a better person, even though it sucks right now. I mean, everyone, everyone knows that it's life is really hard right now. But I'm telling you, I hit rock bottom. Okay. I hit rock bottom so hard. I found out that rock bottom had a basement. No joke. I was at the worst of the worst. I've been in a very black time. And I'm here to help people and let them and let them help guide them to get through this. You know, am I still dealing with problems? Absolutely. I got so many demons. I've named them. You know, so it's like, it's just one of those things, man. I deal with it. I realize it. It's there. It's in front of my face. And I just kind of went, okay. Okay. So you're all of my demons. All right. You make you get me a lot of anxiety. You get me manic depression. You make me want to drink alcohol. All right. What's up, fellas? Now it's like, now I know you guys that you guys are here. I'm not gonna guess or hang out, but I'm not going to indulge in doing these experiences. So that's how I want to help people with my experiences, you know what I'm saying? Like, that's how I want to bring forth to this. That's what I want to bring forth to this. That's the key. You just nailed it because being aware that there actually are demons that you actually have those demons or whatever it is. You just being aware of that is is so crucial because it's like you just said, as soon as you're aware, you can say, all right, no, not today. But if you don't understand, they want you to be in fear of them. Yeah. But the many you're not friends, that's why I say I named them and made them my friends because they're not going anywhere. The more the more you resist persists. So the more I fight with these demons, they stick around and they set my energy. But the minute I go, okay, homies, let's kill it. They're like, oh, shit, you know what I mean? It's like, you know, you get it? Yeah, I work with clients every day. And it's always about bringing unconditional love to those wounded places, the places that our chronic parasites want to feed on because there's rejection, there's shame, there's guilt. But when you make it your friend, or you don't allow it to take the driver's seat to make your your core decisions in life, but you accept it. And you breathe love and life into it because really it's parasitic because it's been rejected because of the shame and guilt that is a part of the religion programming that we all have, even if we don't claim to be religious, it doesn't mean that there aren't good intentions in certain religions, but there is an underbelly that is absolutely thriving off of the imbalance that we hold because we forget that source is unconditional love. And so this is a huge time of, yeah, you know, forgiveness on that level. And I'm going to be transparent too. I mean, I, I mean, I, man, David, I've been a hardcore alcoholic on and off in my life since I was 15 years old. And so we, you know, probably going to share a few stories. I mean, I've been a rehab, I've been a jail, you know, and I don't share that publicly very often. But I made it my study to understand junk DNA, to understand human potential, to understand, you know, that just when you think everything is going to swallow you whole, when you're in the darkest of darkest of pits, when you recognize that the love of creation or just the love that we hold in our heart is so much more powerful than this duality and this, the darkness and evil. And we recognize it's the override frequency, unbelievable miracles and beautiful things happen. And, and, and we don't hear enough about that. We don't, you know, there's a lot of teachers or leaders or gurus out there that have a really, really positive looking facade. They're not transparent, but they got a bunch of dark stuff happening in the background. They're not safe people. And that's why I'm willing to be transparent with you, David. I want, you know, people to know, like, you know, we can be raw, we can be real, and that will give you permission to work through this shadow stuff, and then start to see the clouds lift and the eternal sun that is, is here to help us to thrive, you know. Yeah, and I just read something the other day that said some of the greatest healers don't come from the light, but they come from the dark, meaning that they've been there in the darkest and they've gone through it themselves and healed themselves. And therefore, now they have been given the ability to heal others. Because, you know, how can you truly relate to somebody who's hurting or who's wounded if you haven't really been there yourself? It's just, it's absolutely, it's like trying to get rid of it. That's the thing with me. Let me just cut in your room. I want to make this point. Like I talked a lot of, you know, I listen to a lot of, I'm not going to name them, but a lot of motivational speakers and come on, get up, get moving this and that. And they conveniently ignore the darkness. And I don't think that's something you need to ignore. I think you need to welcome the darkness and understand it in order to move forward. Because if you can't really ignore it all the time, it's just going to be there. It's going to persist in your life. And it's going to grow because you're pushing it away, pushing it away. You're ignoring it. But the minute you, you, you understand it, and you acknowledge it, and you embrace it, and you say, you know what? This is part of me. This is who I am. And okay, instead of fighting it, because when you fight it, and you persist it, and you push it away so much, that's where people can't deal with it, and they have to find an escape so they commit suicide. But the minute that you say, you know what? Okay, this is part of me. No matter how ugly it is, I don't like it. And you know what? I'm just in a class on your show. Fuck it. It's it is what it is. I'm going to have to set this and take it for what it is. And that's part of me. And for me personally, for David Rodriguez, myself, there's so many parts in me that I don't like, but I was still able to become a champion. And that's why I go talk to these kids for for anti-bullying events, because I tell them, listen, this isn't going to define the rest of your life. This is going to help build character. This is not something to dwell upon and be sad about. It's something that will build you to a better human being. We all go through these black and dark times, but it's what you help. It has to help make you into a better person. So to me, it's all about accepting the darkness, embracing it, and using that as fuel to get into that light. And that's what I did as a boxer. So the darkness is what propelled me to be a great fighter and win world championship belts. So that's just my scoop on that part. Well, I would just just say real quick, and you can jump in Laura, but we need to remember to be grateful for those dark times. Because if you, when you do crawl out of that place in your life, when you finally get to a good point where you feel good and you look back on that dark time, you'll think, I would not be where I am today if I hadn't gone through this, this, this, and this. And all of those made you who you are. And you have to remember it to actually be grateful for that dark piece. That's that's so exactly what I was going to say. I mean, adversity has been my friend. Adversity has been my greatest teacher. I bless it. I don't see it through the lens of duality like, Oh, you know, I mean, I turn the sword on myself and I want to, you know, clear anything and get really in touch with like, why is this event showing up? And I want to understand it and this net. Why is, you know, why, why did they want to drag me off to Mars? You know, why, why do I constantly dealing with this stuff? I mean, the level of tragedies and like insanity helped me to realize like, you're not here to take it personally. You're not here because you're a victim. You're here because you're a warrior and you're a warrior for truth. And sometimes it takes us going through this level of darkness to be able to how to have fun anytime, anywhere. Step one, go to Chumba Chumba got it. Step two, collect your welcome bonus. Come to Papa. Welcome bonus. Step three, play hundreds of casino style games for free. That's a lot of games all for free. Step four, unleash your excitement. Chumba Casino has been delivering thrills for over a decade. So claim your free welcome bonus now and live the Chumba life. Visit Chumba And we can create a sacred space. Then their troth and excel will emerge, which is encoded with their mission and their true calling. And they can jump over these hurdles a lot quicker. And very much like you're talking about David with how you leverage that and the metaphor of the sport athletic aspect to it. And I've said this a lot of times, like if we can see ourselves as spiritual athletes, we learn to gain so much strength that we jump over the obstacles. When we're victims, we hit our head against it and then we crawl into a corner and we don't think we can do it. So you know, that strength that you hold just in your life experience is like so huge. And I mean, standing up to the people that tried to recruit me to Mars, it's just like, you guys don't scare me. It's like, you're trying to tell me what to do. You're trying to tell me it's for my own good. It's no different than what we're seeing right now. And they literally started to leave me alone. And I was able to get my life back. But they tormented me for a really long time. So what's great about working with David is the spectrum between the two of us is pretty freaking huge. Yeah. And I actually, so I was a big drinker and partier. When you told your story on edge of wonder or whatever it was, David, I related, I was talking to myself, wow, that was me. You were telling stories about, you know, buying shots and being at the bar, being that guy that was me too. And so just hearing somebody else come forward and talk about that and tell their story. Even somebody like me who's already kind of, you know, been through the hard times and I was trying to crawl out of it. And now we're doing this show and we're interviewing amazing guests like you, but it still helps to always be reminded that there's other people out there and they can help. And you weren't the only one that went through that. So it's just, I really resonated with your story. And, you know, now, you know, Laura, you were an alcoholic too, so it sounds like we were all, you know, why you call it? I like to overly celebrate. I like to overly celebrate. I'm just, I'm just kidding around, but yeah, I'm just trying to reiterate that why this is so important. And just thank you guys again for both doing it. But like you said, understanding that everything is engineered right now, I kind of want to get into that, you know, like, why America? Why is everything happening here right now? Because, you know, like you said, David, we're the last dominoes. We fall, the rest of the world goes like they kind of realize like the entire like universe should be watching right now what's taking place, because if America goes down, it's not even just to earth, but it will affect cosmically everything. A ripple effect, right. And it'll end up going on for who knows eternity. This is such an important spiritual battle. I tell everyone it's a fifth dimensional chess game realizing itself in the third dimension. And what's happening right now is it's for all the marbles, man. It's a, you know, on the fourth dimension, I mean, the third dimension, we see the rioting, the looting, we see the, we see the pandemic, we see all those things, but on the fourth dimension, there's two agendas at play that are butting heads. It's like the two, the deletes are going at it, and they want world domination. And they want to make us all their sheep and their slaves, which we already pretty much are. A lot of people, the mask is the sign of being submissive. That's what that is. They get you first to the PC. You're scared to, you're scared to offend anybody. And then, and then you see you're conscious of that. And then, and then, and then, and then comes a mask where everyone's a goal. My gosh, stand six feet away for me. They give you a little fist bump. They don't shake hands anymore. They have the mask on. That's all a sinus submissiveness. And that's where they're marching us to. And then, we're all going to be tracked like sheep. And I firmly believe this vaccine has everything to do with that. And it's going to be, to me, for all words necessary, it's the market of beast. I mean, there's nothing more obvious than this right now. And that's where we're going. And it's amazing to me how people have been so domesticated and beat into submission through cultural marches in the next country, that they actually are accepting this blindly. That is what it's the mask doesn't scare me. It's the fact that people are accepting this blindly, not saying anything. Oh, you're going to shut my business down. You're going to shut my bar down. Oh, you're going to leave out, please open the Walmart, but I got to sit down my little store. Okay, no problem. I'll go by the goals. No, you should be writing your Congress. You should be picketing outside. You should be lifting your voices, saying, hell no, we're not going to do this. And that's what we're at with this. And it makes me so damn mad that people are just taking this abuse. And you know, you got, you got the Patriots on one side, you got the middle fencers on one in the middle. And then you got the liberals on the left who are really taking this hook line and sinker. I'm like, is this a massive mind control that this is massive mind control that these people are under? And the fact that they're just taking this with no problem and then getting mad at me for not wearing a mask. And they don't even understand the mask doesn't work. It doesn't work. But okay, let's contain this. As I say, this can go through your eyes. Everyone will get it at some point. That's what we get herd immunity. We get herd immunity. So, I mean, people have to see what's going on here. And it's going to be a show like the I'm sorry, you know what guys, I'm sorry, I'd be surprised if they don't take this time off YouTube. I can't spell like this. And they took me right off you when I did this. We'll get edge of wanting to put it up on our channel. We got protective channels with our stream or steam yard. And absolutely. Yeah, what you're saying. I mean, the thing is, people don't understand what the real solutions are. And they don't understand that where our outrage should be going is being siphoned into race wars and things that is not like ascension or higher earth thinking. If we're going to progress as a human race, these arguments or these triggers should be better managed without using words that are just going to light people's defensive mechanisms up or, you know, feeling like, you know, I mean, it's just, it's fueling a very low vibration of duality when the outrage should be, why, why are we wearing masks? Why, why are these math scientists with with shots, you know, going to decide things for us when actually, there's been enough victims that have called them out as being, you know, part of the darkest of darkest of things on the planet. Like, the level of sabotage of the mind, when there could be a huge uprising of refusing to allow these people to get away with this, and also holding them accountable. And also, you know, recognizing, you know, everything that's at stake is because people are being thrown into the chakra of survival. They can't think clearly. So, so the more fear and propaganda, the more division, the more guilt, like, like, like, it's like saying to your child, you're stupid, you're stupid, and then they believe it. So, if they say your racist, your racist, your white privilege, like, people start to believe it, and some absolutely are carrying some guilt, and they need to clear that, but quits fricking projecting on everybody else, everybody needs to like, like, clean their own street or whatever that metaphor is, and take care of themselves and quit making it like this greater projection, because right now, we should be recognizing the abundance of the fact that there's Chinese practitioners, there's herbs, and healing medicines that are available. There are health food stores that carry everything that could knock out your immune system. This virus, but instead, we're putting diapers on our faces, and it's making matters worse. So, all their solutions are making us sicker. Nobody's had the revelation of, oh my God, the earth is abundant. We have everything we could possibly need to thrive right now. Instead, they're listening to these people with a fricking shot in their hand, and and Melinda Gates is like fricking Kevin Klein, not even... Why don't you tell us how you really feel, please, Laura? Like going off, I know. I mean, like, I did see that meme, but as I look at it, I'm like, I'm not saying that that's the actor. That is not the same person. So, you know, people can't clearly win their survival shocker. That's why this show and other visions of healing centers, it's like there needs to be a massive deprogramming. There needs to be a massive deprogramming. That's the priority, and we need to be able to build enough discernment to see the criminals that are playing us and recognize the ones that are really here for us. And all of us are here for humanity. So, it's always amazing to share space, and I'm just thrilled that you wanted to, you know, do this show with me, David. It's an honor. It's an honor, right? You know, to me, this is something Laura, we're on the cusp of helping a lot of people, and I feel it. It's in the air. It's in the air. It's going to happen. I just feel like this is going to take off, and I'm going to put my blood and guts into this, man. So, you know, I'm all here for you, Laura. It's not a problem at all for me. And Laura, you said two things, you know, two things came to mind when you were going on your rant there, which was awesome. Amazing rant. It was, you're talking about people believing in this, and that beliefs and feelings. So, those are two things that we actually need to learn how to start pushing the side and looking at the facts and look at what's actually happening, and quit listening to what our TVs are telling us and what other people are telling us, and actually look at the facts, look at what is going on, and it doesn't matter what you believe or how you feel, because that has nothing to do. I think based in reality or not, is what you need to figure out. Because those, your feelings and your beliefs don't stand up in an argument. They don't stand up in this ascension. They don't have a place here. You have to get, you have to learn how to ground yourself and get to a point where you can look at things for what they are and discern and realize that, realize what you need to do, what we need to start doing, because it's true. It's important. Yeah. Well, I mean, the greatest revelation is that we're learning to fall back on ourselves and recognize that we have the power to heal anything. We have the power to make choices that are available that will help us to build a better world. But if we're googling something or watching something that is literally designed and weaponized in order to steal your energy and create an artificial timeline, that's the scary part. It's like, come on. I mean, people, we have this incredible potential in front of us. It's like seeing some, like a wonderful person with an abuser. And this is why we have to be guardians and protectors for those that are being trafficked, you know, children that are, you know, and we don't have time to fight about this other stuff. We can work on healing it within ourselves and working on our own personal relationships, but that these movements are literally to take us away from a massive breakthrough of how we can, you know, put to end, you know, the most destructive parasitic system and the currency that it uses, which is, is, are humans, you know, it's understandable to be outraged about a cop doing that to a person. It's, it's, it's something to be outraged about, regardless of who or what, you know, the person's origins race are, you know, I mean, the thing is like, they're putting root races against each other. We're here to help each other rebuild our DNA, step into the organic calendar system, like the 13 moon calendar and the eaching and that whole connection of, I mean, I've tattooed about all that the true camera. But if I don't write this down, like, I'm going to lose my shit, but I've already lost my shit. So anyway, David, they've hijacked, they've hijacked our individuality. Yeah. Yeah, it's my control. It's my control. It is. They're parasitic and they've hijacked our consciousness. And they're, and they know that we're going through this shift right now into the fifth. And they're, they're purposely trying to keep us on a lower vibration. That's all this is. And that's the bigger picture, right? A lot of people, you know, like they see it in a three dimensional level, the fourth dimensional level, but the fifth dimensional level is a spiritual battle. And it's slowing our evolutionary process to, to go into a higher vibration. And that's why. And that's why all of this is happening. It's, it's at a much bigger level. It's not just about elites that want to control the world. There's entities and beings that are controlling them, you know, and therefore trying to control humanity. So it's, you know, they're doing it for a bigger reason. They're doing it for the, they feed off our negativity, yes, as food. But you know, so it's, it's, it's, it goes. So going down this rabbit hole, you know, people got a, people got to really brace for it because it's not fun, but it's necessary. Like I said, when you go into the dark, you have to embrace it because it's what gives to the light, you know, so people need to understand how deep this goes. Yeah. And embrace it, not run from it. We got to learn from it and understand it so we can better ourselves. You know, that's like, I always say this when we just say this, I'm an athlete. So that'd be like me saying, I know what, I don't want to work out because it hurts too much. And, and I can't do it. I want to be a better athlete, but I don't want to work out because it's so painful. And I don't like to get off of, up off the couch and I like to sleep and, you know, working out for me is something I do to relieve stress and anxiety, but it's never been fun because when I work out, I work out hard and it hurts and it's gross. So when you're working on your pressing weights, you're living and you're working out, you're running your conditioning yourself, you're going through pain so your body can grow and become a better athlete, a better competitor. Because that's the only way you grow. And that's the same thing with, with people, the humanity right now. We're going through a lot of painful, we're with a lot of pain right now because we have to grow, we have to. But what makes me so mad is that there's so many people out there, like the ones running the mask and not questioning anything, that are not willing to grow and not willing to take on this fight and move forward. You hear what I'm saying? They're not willing to look at it for what it is and move forward and go through it. And that's what's holding us back. These people that are not willing to get out of their comfort zone and send lift their voices and say something like, you all have this show, you're doing your part, Laura and I are doing our part. But people have to voice themselves and there should be a lot more of us. The fact that there's like virtually nobody that I know of, that scares the shit out of them. You know, they are willing to comply though, they have no problem complying. It's easier, it's easier. Well, it's all alchemical like pain. There's there's there's jewels that emerge from those dark spaces, jewels of wisdom, diamonds and all this stuff that doesn't actually have to be as painful as it is. Attachments create pain when we're overly attached to something. So this matrix has sought to addict us to materialism, to substances, to the chemicals in our food, to belief systems through a lot of different areas of, you know, religion, politics, everything. Like pretty much every power structure has a duality template. And the true template isn't about that. But if we look at the tree of knowledge metaphorically as our dumb down DNA, we need to gain self knowledge, but self knowledge has been targeted with mind control. So in every moment that we have to grow, people, you know, when they're having a nervous breakdown or feeling like they want to die, are not being guided by, you know, wisdom keepers that are like, oh, just breathe through it. Like in like three days or so, you're just going to come out the other and feeling great. No, instead, the medical industry puts them on pharmaceuticals, gives them labels and diagnoses that cause them to carry around a stigma that actually crushes their self esteem. And when it's time for them to be in their mission, they're, they're drugged out. And on a, you know, just just carrying a label, like I can't tell you how many advanced souls that I've counseled, who are totally in their avatar consciousness, but they're like, Oh, this is the list of afflictions and diseases I have. And I'm like, yeah, you know, like if we had a greater system that, you know, understood initiations, well, it's this is the hijacking. It's like on a cosmic and earthly level, we're getting everything we need to return to our greater selves and more advanced selves. This dark parasitic force is literally mocking us. And every step that we're about to take forward literally creates a false flag or some sort of event to throw us back into survival and the stigmas of those labels or the invalidation of our potential. And it's so embedded in our culture that literally we're learning false histories, false sciences, and everything that we're indoctrinated into from childhood is working against us. So we have to be really bold and courageous and say, you know, I'm glad I failed all my classes. I'm glad I was a terrible student. But back then it was just like, man, what's wrong with me? I guess I'm like, I got a learning disability. Now I'm like, it totally makes sense. And I pat myself on the back a little bit more today than I ever have. But yeah, you know, I'm still carrying a lot of the stigmas. Yeah. So everybody out there who's failing at school right now, don't worry about it. You can one day, like, like overly think and do like 100 freaking slides in a PowerPoint about our galactic history. If I can do it, anybody can. Yeah. So, man, so David, what's going on with the celebrities right now, as far as, you know, they're all quiet. We're not hearing from them. Oh, it's it's it's it's it's almost eerie, isn't it? Yeah. How many of them are quiet? And I know some of them are putting out these videos. We're all distraught, crying. It's like, yeah, how I mean, I think it's obvious for anybody can research and see exactly what's going on from the people that I talk to. The arrests are being made. And some people on house arrest, and they're getting information out of them and which leading to more of the rest. So this is a this is a huge covert enormous takedown. And that's, you know, there's two agendas at play here, guys. You know, there's the virus and the world control. And then there's Trump doing what he's doing with these rings and knocking out their currency, which Laura said, which is pedophilia children that's like the main currency here. They use it for organ harvesting. They use them for rituals, the adrenochrome, the pedophilia, the whole thing. So it's it's it's and you guys, you don't have no idea. This is so, so, so enormous. It's so big. It's not a small little, oh, a few people do it here and there. No, no, no, no, no. This is bigger than you could ever know. And it's disturbing. And now what they're doing is pushing forth this agenda with NABla or NABla or whatever it's called. And this now they want to make the LGBTQP. Yeah. They went out to the philia at the end there. So, and they're pushing that the way they push the transgender stuff, the lesbian, the gay stuff, it was all conditioning into this. And this is the final boom, you know, and that's what they're doing. They're conditioning people. They're starting to, if you notice there's more memes now, there's they're slowly putting it out there for you to divulge in and then boom, it's all of a sudden attached to the LGBTQ. And in the in the statues that they allow like the Satan, Olok statues and these movements to tear down everything else. Right? Yeah. Yeah. It's called year. The communists call it year zero. And what they do is they erase and get rid of all of history. So you have nothing to learn from and you start over. It's like, it's called year zero. It happened in Germany. Mine were the burning the books. Yeah. And then that's what they're doing now, but they're using BLM, white guilt. They're using Antifa, anti-fascist to get this job done. And they're basically what they need to know what they are. And I'm going to say this, they're called the communists called them liberals, useful idiots. Yeah. And that's what they're used for. They were useful idiots because they were so ahead in their thinking, so progressive, they cannot be wrong. Let's use those people. Those are the ones we want. And they use them and they're using them now. So that's what's happening. And people ask me all the time, you know, what about the black man? This is that I go, do we're all responsible for ourselves? I got problem. What about the person that has no legs? What about the person? And he still did something with their life with his life. What about the person who's, you know, blind? And he still makes six figures and he's still doing well for himself. You know, there's those people. So don't tell me anything about your skin color, man. You're just lazy. And you're just pointing the fingers. So snap out of it. Hope your boots traps your chest to work like everybody else and make a living for yourself. It's like me going into the box in the end and being like, oh, oh, man, I don't know. That guy's black. He's going to beat my ass. He's a better athlete. No, I was like, I want to whoop his ass. That's how I thought on everybody. That's how I thought with everybody. I don't, I don't look at somebody and get defeated. And I'm only using this because I'm just making a point. You know, we're all responsible for ourselves at the end of the day. Black, white, green, Chinese, we're all responsible for ourselves. You can't point the finger anymore because all that does is add more racial tension. The more you loot and you riot, what do you think the other races are doing is sitting back watching this going, I was right. Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canoles, and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Chompa Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather slot. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Now at Chompa Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW Group, boy, we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I'm right. That's how they act. That's exactly how they behave. That's what they're thinking. So they need to understand like that's not the right way to go about things. Look at someone like how is that something like like Gandhi or like Martin Luther King. Those people were the people you need to look up to. Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King who taught with peace. Martin Luther King changed the world way more so than Black lives no matter whatever. Ever dude. What's the famous quote? Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali dude. He didn't go to war. That guy. I mean these are Black people you should aspire to be. Martin Luther King said his famous quote. Love was a hate cannot drive. I hate only love can do that. And like exactly the exact antithesis of what you're saying with this the best matter movement. And here's the thing. It's like it's you can be like pro Black people and and a movement to support them but understand that it's being hijacked by people that do not care about the Black. They don't care about it. Yeah. They're hijacking this thing to and they're and they're and they're funding and they're behind these. They're putting bricks out. They're doing all this stuff. Yeah. Just to start. Oh like I'm so sure you run up to the oh wow guys they left bricks here for us. This is awesome. I mean how this is so obvious. I actually had a client that that is work security and and and and they literally made them make food for these. Yeah writers you know and and another point I want to bring up guys another point I want to bring up they're blaming the pandemic. If you notice all the red states right now where Trump is going to do is rallies is where they're saying oh my gosh it's spiking. Oh it's spiking in all the state. Yeah it's going crazy. I'm like really not in the states that they were looting. It's like no not there but they're fighting in Arizona and in Texas because he knows that's his it's his base. The gig is up. Dude I'm going to be so surprised guys if this if this video does not get pulled down. Yeah well let's keep let's listen. I don't care at this point. Let's try and get the pull down. Yeah. I want to bring up something on Martin Luther King just to give everybody who's listening to another perspective. Laura I know you're aware of young Pharaoh and he's done a lot of research on Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and he's convinced that Martin Luther King was actually deep state on some on some people say Jimi Hendrix was and it's just like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that you know it's like I grew up on that that's my like education my education was rock and roll no but no it's like but we have to consider that. A lot of times there are leaders that are appointed but doesn't mean that they don't have a good heart and good soul. It's like there's so many times that people try and recruit people into things and they try and prop you up and say oh you know you can be this you can do that and and and then all of a sudden you know and this is what we're dealing with with with a lot of leaders and people that are out there. Some are in the know and they're willing to be a dark leader or ring leader but some have been blackmailed some have been duped some have been propped up and and and then it's just like what you know you literally use my talents and skills and good intention to actually serve your dark agenda that's one of the rudest awakenings because in a lot of different occupations that are out there in the medical industry and most industries out there in the matrix it's been that kind of thing through the school systems like you can become this person and learn from this textbook and get this good grade and will you know reward you with this position and then when it comes down to these times you know you better vaccinate everybody and you better get vaccinated yourself and so a lot of my clients lately you know a lot of doctors and people like nurses or like you know I'm trying to help them leave their job and go into the healing arts where they're you know and it's very like intense but uh so I mean I I I'm not I wasn't very familiar with Young Fair until we did a recent round table together I don't really follow anybody enough to be able to form an opinion I just represent myself as a sovereign independent thinker and uh and I'm just open-minded to you know working with others um and I think most movements are hijacked feminism oh yeah um races I mean all of it it's it's like it it's it's feeding into the traumas that they created and then say it's it's just like 9/11 well the whole planet probably more on terror it's like solving something because it created a trauma and and we got to say fuck you parasites we're going to look to each other and we're going to help each other and we're going to hold hands and rehabilitate we don't need those freaking people but I do feel that this administration is different yeah it is oh yeah and this this whole planet has been hijacked so I mean it would make sense that every movement being pushed by the powers of being or hijack and let yeah and just look at his funding like that's really all you got to do is look he's funding these moves like Soros well I think George Soros is like he's safe he is the puppet master for all of the elected leaders in the world I think and I think that they are doing exactly what he says and it's that that new or one-world order I don't think it's Soros I think I think he used to know what he was doing but it did do his 90 years old it has to be his kids I mean the guy I mean listen yeah what about Soros help us 90 years old do you think I mean what man in the right mind anyway I know I understand he's curable but dude at 90 years old it's like have you seen people at 90 years old it's like you know you can't it's it's it's like I'd be surprised to be a jumper once you know I mean the guy the guy's so old it's just how can he care about it I'm surprised he gets still knows left from his rights his rights from his last so I don't know I think it's one of his ponies around him that are controlling everything using George Soros as the name well yeah he's doing his 90 I mean the guy he's what has he got five years left left well he right right and this is the pawn aspect that they show him being the puppeteer but there's a puppet yeah yeah yeah well yeah there's always somebody above you know the people yeah oh yeah yeah definitely I don't even think they're going to wait great though yeah yeah that's that's my theory on what's actually happening right now so a lot of the people that are pushing all these negative agendas they're doing it because they're scared of whoever's above them because the raw child's above there's black male there's a black male on them and this threats on their life and and alters the trauma based mind control alters where yeah all right keep going no I I don't even know where I was going I was just trying to say I don't even know how high where does it end here that they put the black male that will kill your family yeah I mean yeah where does it end I mean it's it's insane but you know you know I was talking to people the other day and I'm saying you know more people need to come out and voice their opinions and this and that and you know what they told me and this person has a lot of followers and I think like around 90 something thousand and they said to me well yeah but what if someone says something or like or you know doesn't agree with me and this and I'm like what that's what people are so scared about they're worried like people are like people are really scared to have disagreements and have people point fingers at them and and insult them and you have to have to do this you have to have thick skin I mean you know I don't really get that mini negative comments like I get 99 99 positive right now with what I'm doing when I was boxing it was 50 50 50 percent of people love me 50 percent of people hated me this though I've noticed there's more 99 percent like on a good path but then I still get those 1 percent and I you know I just block them I just don't need to listen to them or if I if I have a wild hair up I asked that day I'll battle with them a little bit yeah oh my god you sound like me you're freaking me out you know you said though you have to have thick skin to do this you have to have a backbone and that's exactly why Trump is where he's at why he was approached to even be in a position he's in exactly and because you can't have a nice guy up there doing this job you just can't you know he's a megalomanian he's got an ego he can carry his balls in a wheelbarrow the guy is the guy is just gutsy man I love this dude yeah well it doesn't matter what he how he appears to the public right now it's what's going on behind the scenes what with past presidents it was always how they appear to the public and they ignored what was going on behind the scene so it's just flip flopped right now and it's just uh Laura I know you did an astrological reading on Trump and I was gonna ask you if you could talk about that I'm really curious to see where you came up with this conversation is just like so just like oh my gosh I love it I just have to address I just a few comments I mean you have to have a thick skin you can't make this level of injustice and toxicity less important than your sense of identity and being accepted it's like that the personality matrix is the 3d and it's a programming this earth is not 3d but the programming is and that's why they say oh we're 3d humans yeah because we've been programmed to think only on that lower chakra lower dna level life since reality is all there is yeah the rest of it is absolutely open to us and so we can't be played in that way and that's what people fear what what will people think and so they walk around um you know just kind of buying into the trend and that's how I remember high school is it's like oh like the popular people someone so just got earrings and everybody has the same pair of earrings like two days later it's like what the fuck is that anyway answer your question um no I'm serious though like I used to just kind of watch this to answer your question can you guide me back well I jumped the astrological chart or to read yeah okay so there's something called the north note and I'll make this quick the north end is something that we're here to integrate on the soul level to help us to move on into a higher dimensional level and and it's not outside of us it has to do with reclaiming that which was stolen and lost and scrambled right but we're a part of it so we're not victims right so we've made agreements along the way we've worn a lot of different hats throughout space and time and there are galactic wars and you know when we look at like true origins people sometimes you know my clients are like where am I truly from what are my origins well we're all coming from God's horse whatever you want to like say it is so all these different star systems and all these different potentials and possibilities in a free will universe is going to create the option of either being you know all about yourself or all about the greater good of all and so that created a lot of wars and it wasn't even about like race issues it was about creating mafias and alliances with many diverse groups that all came in with the common goal of we want to enslave humanity and we're going to compromise our DNA to be that force but it's it's an aspect of us in this free will experience to question our use of power are we going to use power you know for good are we going to allow ego to be a gift instead of a curse because I mean at the end of the day has an ego like tripped us all up but at the same time it's where we can turn everything around and so trump definitely holds in his chart like a lot of things he feels really bad about and he's a lot on a path of redemption and i'm having a lot of reoccurring dreams we were talking about you know this before we went live and sometimes I think it's like but I don't like something's being beamed on me so I just keep donating to make America great again but but I'm like wow this this person is like soul family like like I actually see and feel the camaraderie like like I feel like I'm enough of a dreamer in my life to be able to see through uh bullshit and um I I at first wasn't giving him that much of a chance I was just glad Hillary did it when and I knew okay he's not cabal and they thank god he won but then I got to know a lot more and and and I'm very careful about you know any sort of insert or manipulation and you know I'm in the field of trying to understand that kind of stuff so okay to make a long story short um his north know which represents for all of us in our charts what we're here to integrate and step into is actually the highest vibration of freedom liberation and sovereignty and it's in a position that it's actually wanting that for the whole human race right so you can't argue with that like and I welcome all astrologers it's like you can't freaking argue with that that's freaking data but it does show on a social level that he was drawn into some things might have been blackmailed he might have been very very much in his narcissistic sort of like wow look at me I can create all this money and like I'm just like invincible he had a wall at a certain point that that turned him around and and made him an absolutely service to other being and so you know I can absolutely uh interpret that and and it's almost like I hit a wall every time I want to put out a video first off I'm not like it's not like an easy thing for me to just put out a video so that's why I'm excited to do you know this show with you David because it almost like forces me to and and thank you for inviting us on because I do a lot better when somebody invites me and I'm like of course yeah I'll be there when it comes to myself it's like I have these moments where I really want to rant but it's it's not so easy sometimes uh and and that's because I get kick started yeah yeah I like the camaraderie I like the camaraderie like I've been putting out videos forever and workshops and this and that but I guess because um you know just doing like little quick quick um you know things it's like I want to see more professional but like mostly I'm in my bathroom and I look like a scarecrow I'm like I don't have a professional thing I'm just like I'm just trying to like play human here so I you know but I don't why am I telling you all this okay your turn David I enjoyed that that was hilarious and it was amazing thank you for that uh that reading on Trump because people need to understand what's what's going on and why they're trying to push for this mail-in voting and why actually actually why this whole agenda right now is actually to take down Trump because that is what this is about and they're pushing for this bullshit mail-in voting that I see friends and family actually falling for and it's really hard to tell people that don't understand why they can't be pushing for this also and it's just frustrating to be honest and that's yeah that's another reason this whole you know covid is taking off the way it is they you know there's been no and like I said the red states are suffering from it more now the spikes are going up yeah that's no coincidence yeah I mean I don't understand how people cannot just look at this for what it is and it's really just in your face it's just there's too many how many coincidences before it's mathematically impossible and that's what we're at now and that's what we're dealing with and now it's we're to the point now where obviously we know more things are coming down the pipeline we know this is going to intensify this is not going to get any easier any softer uh we know probably when Hillary look at you know our attention is deterred away from obama gate and Hillary that's what was this country should be focused on but they've managed to pull us away from that I was in fear over a pandemic have us have us rioting and looting with Black Lives Matter and Antifa civil unrest all at the same time right when obama gates happening and Hillary is going to take the stand so I will tell you this in September when she gets yeah exactly and when she gets ready to take the stand in September get ready for more it's listen I don't think I really feel like in my gut unless something drastic Trump doesn't do something drastic in July, August and September we're headed for a civil war no matter who wins because nobody is going to take it lying down okay so if Biden wins every patriot in America is going to go ballistic if Trump wins well we already know they're going ballistic right they're already it's going to intensify more yeah so look what we're at now in history this is this is it this is what it's coming to so that's why I'm saying Trump right now needs to do something drastic to avoid the civil war and it has to happen now to lock by August September some big revelations better happen to boost the morale of the country and and and and I don't know if that's even possible but what I do see happening is a civil war happening right after the election around the time the election when the results are in listen if Trump loses you know everyone that we know is not going to take that we're not going to take that because we know what's going on and then the people that if he wins well we already know what's happening right it'll just be the you know I see California I can see other states like New Mexico breaking away forming their own allegiance and this is going to go right into a civil war man I mean that's where we're headed in a sense history does repeat itself in that manner you know maybe we're going to need disclosures of everything to kind of mitigate that it's gonna it's gonna be a mask versus no mask in a civil war yeah we're in a window period though that is different than any other time in history that's why it's such a prophesized time you know the Mayans understood it they they projected that it's the end of the world and all these categories they keep trying to infect people's creative channels so that they can't access their dreams and visions and manifest them because they're they're they're always answering to something external and then believing it and then actually enabling it and not being able to see the difference between being able to separate from that it's like you know if you hang around a group of people or one person for long enough and you give your power away to it then you're not thinking for yourself so on a massive level that's what we're dealing with is making the choice between you know finding your authenticity to then recognize that oneness is diversity and harmony we're not meant to be the same but if we don't learn to tune up our instruments to play them together in an appropriate way um the fractures of our inability to unify is where these things feed and and and they uh mastermind you know ways to do that and um you know I use you just said something and I kind of lost my train and thought but uh I might come back to it but before the show ends if I do come back to what I'd love to share because it was like really just like yeah well if it comes back to you just jump in just jump in I I'm very sensitive I don't want to interrupt anybody but I'll just you know just say oh I remember and then when it feels right anyway go ahead you guys awesome oh my god you're cracking me up uh yeah so you're talking about the potential of the civil war and and something big needs that happen I think that I just chatter just among the spiritual community everyone's getting this vibe like something big is coming but positive yeah and it's nobody can put their finger on it people are having dreams like crazy vivid even me and I'm just wondering like what's around the corner even within the next coming week, July 4th week right there's so many it's uh what that is is called PTSD my friend what? PTSD so it's that impending doom that fear something's gonna happen that the anxiety of it and and uh look at as a country we've gone through so much so like everybody feels it right now so you're not the only one like everybody's dealing this I talk to people all the time as you do that say oh man like something's gonna happen something's getting ready to pop off some big you know and yet look we have a reason to believe that right and we know that they'll do absolutely anything to stay in control this is what I call the dead cat role so this is like the last of the nine lives of the deep state trumps taking them down so this is how they're going for all the marbles yes they were doing their totalitarian tiptoe now they're doing this totalitarian grab so what they're doing is going for all the marbles right now and throwing mud on trump's face before the election so they could steal it and their main goal is this make it steal the election with mail-in ballots but make it look believable make it look like trump is out of control make it look the riots the looting and the uh the pandemic like trump lost all control and he's like a drunk driver of the wheel make it look like that so when we steal the election people believe it and wait what's the ways they're doing that right now is by pushing it forward on the mainstream media into this believe oh Biden's up in the polls what polls yeah exactly what were these polls they made up I don't know I don't know I don't know I have a big poll nobody's kind of a real street has to take a poll like hey man the people I have not seen one of these people no but no nor has anybody I know people have polls or bullshit the number of people I know zero yeah you know I don't know anyone there's been less photographs of him like breathing into somebody's face and you know inhaling them because of the social distancing so at least that's at least that's good and he's wearing a mask it's like if anyway there's a few people that should be masked and it's not us it's the perverts the pedophiles and the liars mask yourself social distance don't put that on us because that's on guys right yeah so what I'm thinking is in and what I've heard is Biden is a joke to a lot of people and the democrats are feeling a little insecure about the fact they're like okay we we got to admit that Biden's like not all there and so they bring back Michelle Obama they ignore this whole obama gate thing and then Hillary gets back to the mix you know that's going to create a huge tidal wave and the thing is like there's artificial timelines based in a lot of dark technology I mean this is not just through the media and news I mean we're talking like this goes way back even infecting the earth grids and doing things so that we're born into something you know that that perpetuates amnesia and and and and um the uh willingness to you know trust something outside of ourselves because people truly want to believe in god so they put that trust in people that don't deserve it okay round two name something that's not boring laundry oh a book club computer solitaire huh ah sorry we were looking for Chumba Casino that's right Chumba Casino dot com has over a hundred casino style games going today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Chumba Casino dot com no we're discussing it over with it by law 80 plus turns the conditions apply c website for details um even if they're atheists it's just you need to trust something because there's a greater theft because we forgot what we are truly made of and what we're truly made of that actually sustains us and helps us to circulate an energy that starts to move us into a murkava expression where we become you know a highly advanced you know soul so what's crazy about these times is uh you know people falling for it I think is going to reach a breaking point but we have to learn how to not create division ourselves you know this whole sheeple or you know I mean it's so hard not to vent and I am working on it myself you know just like you light massage before you go into deep tissue it's like focus on like the love vibration because the the immune system that the world needs to enhance is love respect and unity these agendas are seeking to conquer and divide us and that's what's making us sick so to me that's the root of why people are getting really sick it doesn't matter if it's covid it doesn't matter what it is and it doesn't matter if it comes from a bioweapon but if we can find a way to gracefully accept our differences and and and help support our greater growth and have a few shows where we could be like this is fucked up fuck you guys and then laugh it off and say I didn't mean it oh my god we're still very patient and willing to stay here i mean stargates are about to open so we in this sort of field what i'm working on is and and and what this show is about is is there's no judgment there's no hierarchy there's no snobbery here we've all faced what it's like with matrix controlled people doing it to us and on a spiritual level it doesn't make sense to be like that with somebody who's truly struggling because they've invested their whole life in livelihood and and they they fought wars and and had to move mountains to move to this country they deserve absolute compassion and understanding instead of shaming and calling them sheeple because or we're just still playing the same game that we're trying to break free from but sometimes there has to be tough love and david do you do that really good and i've had my moments and you do it really respectfully and that's that's why i love you and appreciate you so much i try to yeah you do it you do it anyway go ahead i hope that ramp is okay we all we all need tough love the whole world needs it right now and that's that's exactly is that the insults right difference between standing your ground speaking your truth and like insult yeah and attacking and insulting yeah absolutely we need to avoid that because that's just creating further division and further i did that with one post and it's like it took me three days to get over like feeling terrible about it i was like i yeah like how can you be so glad and i was a total asshole i've posted things on social media that i yeah regret trust me we all have we all have uh let's let's so we've we've talked about a lot of doom and gloom and we talked about some positive stuff but i want to really steer this in a positive direction and it's on a positive note we were on and lighting up podcasts last night and uh one of the things we ended on was we can't forget you know we all take this so seriously and we are at war and we are in the middle of a battle and we're fighting every day for this but we can't forget to stop and have fun we have to disconnect sometimes and go outside and get in nature and create that balance because we will go and say it ourselves and we will become part of the problem because i don't care who you are when you look into this stuff it's easy to get caught up in it and then in order to prevent from that you have to step away so i think we can focus on remembering to have fun and getting out into nature and if you guys want to add to that please do yeah well yeah i'll just end of this i'll just say that for me personally it's very important and disconnect uh you got to take time for yourself and smell the roses man i uh i take drives we're not you know i live in El Paso i'm in Vegas right now taking time for my self-visiting friends but i i take drives out in nature and i drive about an hour and a half up to cloud profit to Mexico videos to New Mexico and i venture off into the mountains and i leave my cell phone and i go by myself and i go meditate do you know that it only takes one percent of the earth's population to meditate to change the other nine percent ninety nine percent which is unbelievable in fact they even say it's a square root of that which is three hundred e something thousand right so of the you know seven billion so uh this you know so one percent can shift the consciousness of the whole planet the other ninety nine percent of these people that are rioting looting uh living in fear and trauma and PTSD and all that it takes each person if you just take time out of your day to meditate and think about a positive future you can change the friggin planet that's how much power you have and stop and then really stop thinking i don't know one person can do anything at all no you can the ripple effect is real and i go up into the mountains and i know that i can only control my little space on this planet my little corner of the earth but for somehow or another god you know gave me the the light to to affect other people as it to shine that light of another people because if you think about it that video that came out about the pedophilia has now opened so many doors for me that i couldn't imagine i couldn't fathom it i thought boxing you know i thought fame was in boxing and celebrity status is all about boxing it's like who you can beat up and and i'll go into the playboy mansion and getting drawn with friends and hangout celebrities boy was i wrong that's that's not that's that's that's everything that was wrong with life i had it completely wrong man i had it completely wrong it i was serviced to self that was my ego now it's about getting back getting one with nature being serviced to others taking that time to meditate and raise my vibration so i can help other people and teach them through my experiences that i went through in my life that were so devastating to me and you know self glorification the the adulation the all that stuff is dead now that that david died and you know maybe it died symbolically with the death the the knife to the throat the the overdrug overdose you know all the things i went through but i came out on the other end to be a completely different individual and really want to help people and that's where i'm at in my life right now and i'm peaceful with that no matter how crazy the world gets no matter how crazy this planet gets at least i know i was crazy i was going through so much turmoil in my life that that's done now that i can peacefully get through this how crazy the world is right now because as crazy as the world is right now i'm still at peace the world is a lot more peaceful you know nine ten years ago when i went through all the stuff i was going through but my world inside was crazy so now that i'm calmed down the world inside me i can affect the rest of the world does that make sense so now that i'm at peace inside i can spread that vibration before i was i had no business helping anybody because i was i was in turmoil i was anxiety ridden the manic depression suicidal i hated myself i hated everything i was about i hated everything i was doing i didn't really want a box anymore but now now i've come through all that and i went through a huge transitional period and now i want to be serviced to to others and that's where i get my enjoyment of life and if i have to get away from the crazy world and disconnect i just turn off the news and i go up into the mountains and i relax and i pray and meditate so that's how i do it absolutely that's beautiful really and thank you wow yeah oh man yeah my background like i i uh grew up around real quick i it's okay if i just say a few words go ahead go ahead go so i grew up uh in well i was born in england but grew up like upstate new york and then washing dc you know and then the the whole like weird like oh being in a presidential family but it's like different than other presidential families there weren't any trust funds but it wasn't like i was ostracized i mean i was definitely like not clicking with certain family members but some it was like wow you know this is really cool but i was like kind of privy to the weirdness of the darker agendas and you know kind of aware of all that but um yeah uh i decided though after living in that area well first of all i did really shitty in school and i thought my sat scores i was like i got one score back and i was like oh cool where's the other score they're like no no this is the total between the two and i'm like okay you know this is terrible like okay i got i i i've really bombed that test and then this thing you know connected to the wilderness came in the mail which i you know but i was dressing like i was about to climb a mountain people are like uh you live in dc and there's really like nowhere to hike in the way that you're dressed for as like i don't know and uh so the thing came in the mail and then and then all of a sudden i'm getting like As all of a sudden well not even As it was all the wilderness courses i did uh i was top notch in their eyes as being somebody that could take people through 10 degrees above 100 110 degrees desert and 30 below in the Adironding Mountains i mean it was just like all of a sudden like my whole world changed because i found myself i was like i can actually lead people through the wilderness but then i was like i don't want that responsibility but it's it's helped me to recover from all the stuff you know all these stigmas all all like you know all these terrible breakups like forming relationships way too young and like having my heart broken and and and turning to substances and and and feeling like i lost like my innocence and and and what i i actually like respected i was like i couldn't look at myself i was like fuck you you know this is messed up and i and i took all the blame even though you know i was in vulnerable situations where it definitely you know that that situation shouldn't have you know preyed upon me whatever i've refused to be a victim so i went into i mean but we all need to own our victim but for a little while just to you know have the soft compassion for ourselves but i thrived in wilderness expedition leadership and for like years you know i was uh i noticed wildlife like the whales and the dolphins and the rattlesnakes and the scorpions and and i was like you know the things that one might normally fear i i became friends with and so it's very symbolic to it you know david was saying about you know demons it's like you know we we don't want to stoop to the level of you know fearing something that is a part of what we're made of and i learned so much like it literally saved my life like there is so many times it just i i definitely am like a cat because i've had more than that i don't even know if i'm like and i could die tomorrow whatever but i'm dying with a fucking smile on my face because i got to meet you guys i have two amazing children and partner and people in my world but yeah the wilderness stuff so i i relate to what you're saying david it's like and i know i could continue to go on but uh that um made it harder to re-acclimate into uh civilization though so when when i was done with the wilderness courses and i thrived and i was like what they're they're like promoting me as being like somebody that should lead like and i'm like no no no that was just to detox from having to be raised in dc but like i i didn't imagine that like i'd get good grades because i had already had you know but but um i guess uh when i was trying to re-acclimate into society i became a worse drunk i became a worse addict because i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't live in that and i still have a really hard time um i and i was actually like crying my freaking eyes out when they dragged me out of baja mexico i was like i can't leave here and i'm like all right where's the next bar but i had been sober for a really really long time i could go on with these stories but david and i will probably be transparent about this but it was like the times that i was at my highest having to play human in the matrix became even more insulting i thought it would make me stronger and so over time it has i mean i raised pretty much as a single mother twins who are now almost 22 and they are like the most stellar dudes ever so but but similar to david like i wasn't fully present and i've been struggling with addiction most of my life and somehow the love that i hold won even though i in a lot of ways failed yeah well you that's so beautiful i'm sorry i meant to make that a lot shorter i really sense it to open talking no it's okay because you just you just said what everybody needs to hear is is love it is about love at the end of the day that's what we all have to hold on to and it's about loving ourselves and the people around us and just being appreciative of those things and you said going in nature was able to change your whole life which as david's point that just going into nature for a couple hours can have that effect on you just to disconnect you know so there's a lot of messages and all that and it's beautiful and we're so grateful that both of you guys are here with us and you know what's funny is what's funny is like if i want to just put a smile on my face like a 15 again i bought myself a dune buggy and i just tell you after the desert man and i just i just haul ass up on the dunes you got to do something that makes you happy makes you you know like like to make you feel 15 again man you know what i mean so to me i love taking the dune buggy out i take my friends with me and you know they drink beer i'm sober now so they get drunk and i'm the i'm the driver and uh we go up the dunes man we cook steaks and check in all that up that we have a good carne asala and we will we watch a sunset in the desert and at least we still have that at least i still have that i can still be with my friends i can still enjoy the outdoors and we don't wear masks you know what i mean we're out through doing what you want that's gonna come out to be like oh you guys got to wear a mask no i'm like fuck you i'd rather drop dead than be told what to do okay yes we're multidimensional and that's where i'm at well that's another agenda with it it's like they don't want us to be happy they don't want us to be able to know a hundred percent of our our love i've raised him if freedom your love i've raised him i want to look at it and it's stopping people it's stopping people from smiling at each other and saying hello yes because they just stop you don't do that anymore exactly the healing energies that are available they're they're they're reversing into a a uh that's the pandemic because this is the moment that we get to you know take a huge leap and and none of us should ever stop or or stop ourselves because that is the override frequency and it's gonna freakin dissolve this stuff you know the minute we go into the fear zone we've lost our connection with our higher chakras where we're we're letting somebody else run us and decide and make choices for us it's not and that's why we until we stand up in our own sovereignty and say no like i don't care what you say i'm gonna live and that's why they show down the beaches and the parks to keep us away from the nature it's all part of it uh yeah so i just say just to start wrapping this up uh i was just going to share a quick story that i thought you know talking about going in nature the other day i like to go look for arrowheads and fossils and there's a place i go to uh the other day i went i was i was feeling down and i went there by myself and i brought a trash bag and i while i was looking i was picking up all the trash that gathers up in this area of this creek and by the time i left there the trash bag was full and i ended up finding an arrowhead and i left there and i left there and like feeling 10 times better just for doing that and i was by myself and it just this little stuff like that can just change the outcome of your whole day and then have that ripple effect like you said so man i commend you for that dude that's awesome man see you're in touch you know then you know so do that more often you know people that are down find something that makes you happy one thing and maybe just locking yourself in a room and hiding away from the world and reading a book that's fine too whatever makes you feel that peace you know do it more often what makes you feel good do it more often you know so that's really all you got to say now and and and that's what i'll end with is just that take time for yourself to take um so it makes you feel good i like adrenaline so i like to do stuff that makes me feel like i'm 15 16 years old again and i like to take the doom buggy out and ride the dunes and go out in nature and that to me now is better than going to bars because i used to just hit the bars and drink now it's about going in for me at least i take my doom buggy out i'm sober i love living a sober life if i love going out in nature and being at my highest self and this also helps me think clearly on on the things i have to say because now that i've got a spotlight i've got to be i i have to be you know i'm holding myself accountable for other people now and there's a responsibility that comes with that so i have to be running on all cylinders and be at my peak so if i do need to take some time to go sit nature and meditate and go do things that make me happy i definitely take the time to do it and i encourage everybody else to do so as well totally and even if you run into a weird creature you know not not saying like get on the internet and look up the spirit medicine because there's books for it but like i was not like i love all creatures right except i had an issue with cockroaches and one time a cockroach just like crawled across my bed and i was like you know you're freaking me out i'm not sure about you and then i realized you know when i tapped into the medicine of it and the why it showed up in my life i was like yeah you're a survivor you're never going to give up you got to you know and then it was like the cockroach gave me a high five at that moment it was just like all of a sudden like and then a cockroach the next day where are you living in the corner of my vehicle i was like i'm not really cool with cockroaches but i'm like usually like for the most part i embrace all creatures right i'm like okay i got to heal something with a cockroach and it was sitting there like and and now they're like some of my best friends then i can just show them with cockroaches at home cockroaches oh my gosh i got the exterminator your best friend you know it's part of the shadow work it's like you know but but the reptilian thing and anything connected to harming innocent it's like no no we we're not friends you're done and we're going to take it down yeah and we're going to allow the power of nature and the soul of this earth and cosmos that we are all one with um we're going to increase that vibe and and we need to stay strong together yeah and support one another and thank you david for doing the show with me and thank you for having us yeah thank you guys thank you guys i'm going to use that okay so yeah i'm going to use that as a quick segue to plug camp disclosure i don't know if you guys know by lower you probably do it's uh north uh flat rack north carolina august 27 through 31st it's like a mini conference but if you want to get out of nature and connect with some like-minded people uh man that's a great gonna be a great place especially this year there's not a lot of opportunities to do that and we're going to have a link in the description erin and i will be there we're going to have an experiences lounge setup we're going to be filming people's testimonies and experiences and compiling into a video giving away stuff t-shirts going on hikes it's going to be awesome there's a lake there you can take the canoes out whatever it's going to be a lot of fun we're also going to be the setty come up so if anybody wants to come hang out there it's going to be uh that's going to be really great as well it's sweet so grab yourselves a ticket the link will be below and uh yeah thank you guys for coming on this was awesome honestly we appreciate this so much and it was honestly a great conversation and we might have to hit up edge of wonder to put this on their platform because who knows what youtube's going to do about it yeah so we have a target oh what go first no no i'm i'm good i was just gonna say our target date our premiere show uh we plan what july 8th at around five mountain time yep and uh i have a few events coming up i'm going to put on my website cosmic uh dave is going to start doing consultations and just planting a seed just so you guys know i mean this is beyond a counselor and therapist you know we don't need to go through the matrix to prove ourselves like you know this this this person is is so valuable and since you guys are and i'm so grateful for our friendship over the course of so many years and uh yeah i'm supposed to go to shastams was to do all this stuff and and huai actually with jon again in december and and i don't want to feel wimpy but it's just like i don't want to freaking be scanned i don't want to see my freaking body temperature because you know talk about boxing i got this like i wouldn't no i didn't just don't know if i like have the patience to deal with this bullshit well that's something we have to work on okay so we're gonna work together and we're team and i love you guys thank you for having us thanks thank you guys for coming on thanks everybody for tuning in and listening to this uh please feel free to share this go check out our our t-spring grab some t-shirts if you want help support us in any way you can we appreciate it we have the paypal donate so uh we definitely appreciate all that and we thank you guys all to continue to come back and listen thank you so much for your support it means everything and that's why we're still doing this is because of everyone that actually takes the time out to listen to this every week so uh anyway good night everybody and we will see you next week (Music) is it over not to the fist jumps it's over rianc crest here when you have a busy schedule it's important to maximize your downtime one of the best ways to do that is by going to chumbakasino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots bingo and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes so hop on to now and live the chumba life sponsored by chumbakasino no purchase necessary vgw group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply