Journey to Truth

EP 70 - The Kate Awakening - Digital Soldiers - Spiritual Warfare - Past Lives & Reincarnation

Originally aired on 6/18/20
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Kate Awakening:
Kate is best known for her YouTube channel ‘The Kate Awakening’. Her goal for this channel is to shed light on the Great Awakening that is occurring on this planet and create a dialogue for the controversial topics that are assisting in the world wide ascension. Including weekly updates on Q and current events that are uncovering some major hidden truths.
If you’re tired of the spoon fed narratives that we are bombarded with everyday then you’ll definitely want to check this one out!
Check out ‘The Kate Awakening’ here:

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Hey guys, you're listening to "Journey to Truth" podcast. Tonight we are joined by Kate Awakening, and just to clarify, that is her real last name. But she had to change her first name from great to Kate, so people wouldn't get confused. (laughing) So, just to get that out of the way. - Miss Awakening. - Yeah, Miss Awakening. (laughing) So yeah, anyway, if you don't know Kate, she has a YouTube channel called Kate Awakening, and she talks about current updates, current events, queue drops. Just anything to do with the great awakening, it's taking place right now that is leading to our ascension and all of the above, and it's really awesome. She goes live every Tuesday, I believe it is. - Yep. - Which I'm sure everybody listening to this already knows that, but for the audience, somebody doesn't, you should go check it out. Anyway, welcome to the show. Kate, welcome. - Thank you. - Actually, welcome back. Yeah, we had Kate on episode. - That's right. - Episode 27, and I feel like we have all evolved and grown so much since then, so. - Yeah, let's hope so. What number is this, by the way, do you guys know? - 70. - 70. - That's so crazy. I knew there was gonna be a seven-minute. - Nice. - Yep. - All right, well, that's a good sign, I guess. - Yeah. - All right, so welcome to this show. How's it going over there? - Good, by the way, that's incredible. That's a lot of shows, and you guys are killing it. And I'm-- - Thank you. - Super proud of you. - Well, yeah, I appreciate that. - Thank you so much. - Let's spend once a week, actually, there's been more than that. We have like a pop-up podcast and other stuff too, so. But, yeah, it's a commitment, but it's totally worth it. There's nothing we'd rather be doing, so. - Yeah, for sure. Get that. - Yeah, so let's jump right in. Did you, have you looked into this power outage that happened yesterday at all? - Yeah, so a little bit. The way that I saw it explained made it seem a little less kind of titillating than I, originally when I saw the map, I was like, oh my gosh, this is incredible. This is a major outage across all of these platforms. But the way that I saw it explained was that it was primarily a T-Mobile outage. And then when T-Mobile was having the outage, all of the T-Mobile users who were trying to access these different sites started reporting that those sites weren't working because their T-Mobile service wasn't working. So I don't know if that's true or not. I haven't looked into it much, but what are you guys seeing on that? - Well, I definitely think that, well, first of all, the map that they showed with it was just a Google image. It wasn't an accurate map, 'cause I looked into that. So it was just a map to kind of spread fear. It wasn't as bad as that. I think I heard a lot more shutdown, like I wrote some of them down. T-Mobile, Facebook, Instagram, Fortnite, Spectrum, Comcast, all of it. And I know Anonymous tweeted about it. You know, Anonymous? - Oh, yeah. - So what are your thoughts on him? Is that deep state or because originally, I think Anonymous was a white hat, but then it was infiltrated and now it's speech there. - That's what it looks like. - It's really hard to know because it's easy to get, when you see somebody doing something good, all of these different limited hangouts that we think about, it's hard to imagine putting out good information or putting out good information that's gonna wake people up if it's a scyop or if it's controlled opposition or whatever it is. But they do do that and it's actually brilliant because once they do that, they command the information, they control the information and they'll take you only as far as they want to take you and they will stop short. So now I've seen tweets from that account, going back to 2012, aligning themselves with Antifa. So that made me, yeah, that made me question it big time. I mean, I found and it wasn't just me, I was, other people were finding it and I was tweeting them, but got at least eight or nine tweets where they were aligning themselves with Antifa saying they were Antifa. So that was strange to me. Obviously, a lot of us were very excited by the thought of Anonymous and this kind of shadow power that was out there and was gonna kind of like vigilante justice or whatever, but I don't know. Now, obviously, either they started off bad or they've been taken over, but either way, at this point, I don't trust them. - And that's why I think this power outage was a deep state attack because of the fact that Anonymous was one of the very first people, this is how we heard about it. And then the Anonymous tweeted that the US is currently on your attack or DDOS attack or whatever that is. So the fact that he's the one pushing that tells me that they're trying to create some type of distraction or some type of fear. - Yeah, that's for sure. I mean, even just the fact that I've seen them recently push documents as though they've just uncovered these documents or they're just releasing it. Meanwhile, these are documents I saw with my own eyeballs like a year and a half ago. So they're like, why are you lying? If you are not alive, if you're real, you don't have to lie about that stuff. So there are a lot of my blogs to me about that particular account. And yeah, that could have been a deep state, you know, DDOS or I also was seeing that it wasn't a DDOS. I don't know, I need to look into that more. But I know that a lot of us are kind of waiting for these, you know, three to 10 days of blackout and for communications to go down. So we're all kind of hyper aware of these when stuff like that happens. And so it gets exciting, but I feel like we've had several of these kind of throughout the last year or so. - Yeah, and it wasn't a tech from multiple locations because I, you know, I read that. So obviously that makes it harder to track. But I also heard that it simultaneously was, it just so happened to be like there were specific companies like supposed to be rolling out some form of 5G and it happened just during that time. I don't, you don't know what to believe, you know, but just keep, yeah, I just keep eyes on it. - Yeah, that's an interesting, that's an interesting theory. - Yeah. - Oh, what else he got for us? Fellows what's going on. (laughing) - No pressure. Want me to tap dance? - What do you know, fellas? - I know nothing. - That is the crux of literally everything. The more I find out, the more I realize I don't know. - Yeah. - Ain't that just it? - That is the truth. That's, well, I mean, and admitting that we don't know shit is also important because if you walk around claiming that you know everything, we do know where. - Yeah, I've actually been kind of tuning out a little bit with, you know, I say on top of the current events and it really started to get to me, especially with, with everything that's, I mean, there's just so much ugliness and it's really hard to keep a positive outlook on things and it's hard to keep, you know, you're just your own energy going when you're looking into all of this. So I kind of unplugged a little bit. Obviously I have to stay tuned in somewhat because of my Tuesdays. I actually skipped my last Tuesday live, but I'm gonna be doing my live tonight. And so, you know, wherever I can find comedy, like via Chaz and the garden that they tried to grow, that was endless laughter for me. I don't know what you guys thought I was unbelievable. - They already destroyed, somebody already destroyed that garden too. Like it was all right. - Really? - Yeah. - There's some I can-- - Rest in peace to the three salads that that garden would be made. - Yeah. That whole, it would have fed three people. - Yeah, for lunch. - Right, yeah. - Maybe. - They put down cardboard and then topsoil and like didn't even fully bury this. I mean, it was just-- - Yeah, they just like laid the plants on top of it. - Yeah, those roots are really gonna take-- - That's good enough. - That whole thing reminds me of an old family guy episode where Peter creates his own, I guess it's his own country called Petoria. But he just basically barricades his home and creates his own civilization there and does all that kind of stuff. And it's just ridiculous. But that sort of reminds me of, they have that pink unicorn flag, their mountain and the trash can. - And the overflowing trash can. - That was actually a Photoshop. - Oh, wasn't it really? - Yeah, that was a, that was, it was still Antifa but that picture was from 2018. I actually put that one up myself and I had to clarify it because, you know, it's so interesting because we have memeers now that are so good at what they do. But they make things look so realistic. It really is hard to tell, like what's real and what's not. And so things will get created kind of just to be funny but you really can't tell. I mean, obviously something like that isn't a big deal either way. I mean, it's just a funny, it's a flag, whatever. We can spread it and we can share it and we can laugh about it. But some of these things, you know, people really do fall. Sometimes it is so obviously a Photoshop and I have a friend that's a memeer, he's like incredible. But he, you know, he doesn't try to make things look realistic. He'll put people's heads on other people's bodies and stuff like that and it's obviously a joke. I feel like they're obviously a joke but I will still see like five to 10 people comment on underneath it. Is this real? This can't be real or like they have this cognitive dissonance where like they're just, they think they're seeing something real and it just, it blows my mind. - Yeah, I like how you said he's a memeer. Like it's a profession. - Oh yeah, it is a profession. It is, it is professional. - Well, I'm gonna create an online course then. - You should, it's so important. Like it's, it's, it's so dumb but at the same time it is really genius and it kind of goes back to like, I was thinking, I was talking to my mom about this the other day about the, the kind of evolution of language and how we communicate with each other and how we probably started out more telepathic and could communicate and were more, we didn't even really need empathy because we could literally just connect to each other's thoughts and feelings and then, you know, as things advanced and as we also at the same time, you know, like our pineal glands are moving further back into our brain, our skulls are solidifying more. We're also have these, you know, cabal factions that are throughout history, basically thwarting our evolution and taking some of these things away from us. And so we see these things kind of pop up here and there as far as telepathy and like people being able to bend spoons with their mind and like all of these little things that I call party tricks, right? Because we, people can kind of tap into them, but there's not really a mastery of, you know, for the most part, there's not a mastery of these things. And maybe at this point in our evolution, we should have a mastery of these, mastery of these things. Maybe we should be able to, all of us could communicate telepathically, et cetera. And maybe it's like that Jurassic Park thing, life finds a way, that's how like the internet got created. We found this like artificial way to do something, to connect with people around the world. And memes kind of tap into that. Q talks about the importance of memes, not only just to get around the algorithms online that they use to censor us, but also they are very powerful. It's so much more than words because you can look at words, you can listen to somebody's words and you can take them a million different ways, but you look at a picture, you look at a meme and especially using humor, it does open up a part of the brain. So I think that they're really important and also super goofy. (laughs) - Yeah, I mean, and if you see a good one, you immediately screenshot and send it to other people. So you don't do that with- - It can go viral. - Exactly. - It can bypass people's like conscious egos, you know, where like they're, if they're reading something and they're like, oh, I don't agree with that. Whereas like you just see a meme and it's like- - Yeah, it kind of just bypasses the ego. That's a great way to put it. - Exactly, that's such a good point. I do have friends sharing memes with me that would not typically be sharing that content with me. Like they wouldn't share something that was like anti-Joe Biden, for example, but like they'll share a meme with me that's like making fun of him. - Yeah, sure, and they're also great for our current attention span at this point in our civilization - Yeah, sure. - Because it's this short, you know, and man, the whole telepathic thing, you know, I think like you said, we were once telepathic but we got away from that because of the chem trails and the GMOs and the mainstream narrative and every other form of programming in Kaltra, Mind Control, whatever, that's been the whole purpose of the cabal is to do this away from that. And then the push this whole agenda that they're going for right now, obviously. But I think once we do, once we do win this fight, I think we're gonna get back to that, definitely. - Yeah. - You can even start practicing telepathy. If you really are focusing on decalcify in the pineal gland and doing whatever spiritual practices you might do, but have that intent and practice with somebody as far as telepathy goes, I really do think you'll start seeing results. - Yeah, I like that idea. And it is true, if we were connected, I mean, gosh, think about all the people that we look at right now, we just wanna shake them and be like, wake up. If they could just spend like 10 minutes roaming around my brain and see some of the things that I've seen and have experienced some of the things that I've read and experienced and all of that, it would be an instantaneous wake up of society. And if we were all connected like that, there's no way that this tiny fraction, this little tiny group of people that rule the world, there's no way that would be happening. We would all be like, no, collectively. - If we were at that level, no one would be really allowed to lie because it's just all on the table. So no one, this wouldn't even be happening. They're all deep state, their whole plan, their tricks wouldn't work. - Yeah. - Right. - Which they don't anyway, by the way, not anymore. It might seem like they're getting us, but we know how this ends. We know how this ends. Right now, I think they're basically just improvising. To be honest, the George Ford event might've been the last planned thing that they had, but now it's the fog of war, everything. They don't even know what they're doing. So, for us to sit here and dissect every single little move isn't really worth our energy at this point. We need to be focusing on the more important stuff, you know, the brighter future. - I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling The Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. - We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. VGW Group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. - Yeah. - Don't get drawn into that lower energy, that lower frequency that they want. They're causing these trigger events to trigger our emotions. And it brings up unhealed traumas. You know, why don't we get mad about something? We've talked about this before. It's not about something currently. It's because you might have something that happened to you when you were 10, that you've never healed before. And that's coming forward and you're taking it out. So they have these trigger events. And then it turns us into triggers where we start triggering each other and then their work is done. And they just, I can put their feet on the table, smoke a cigar and watch the shirt. So it's just, I don't know, you want to add to that. - Those efforts, that's all I want to say. - Yeah, they, I mean, they're, you know, I think they knew they're this year, like they have to do everything, whatever they have left because they know if once Trump gets reelected, those next four years, I mean, they're just done completely. I mean, if they weren't already 'cause, you know, Q said as you're watching a movie and like basically, he's been alluding to the fact that it's already been game over, we're just watching it play out, which I actually kind of believe. And we're just kind of seeing these little things that they have left to throw out there. And the Corona, I'm not sure whether the Corona virus thing, whether they, the Alliance let that happen or it slipped through the cracks or what, but I mean, obviously it wasn't nearly as bad as they're trying to, they're pushing it to be and making it out to be. There's, me, that's the, that's, there's so many things that point to the fact to me that they're, they don't have any power to really do anything substantial. They're just kind of just like going out kicking and screaming at this point. - Yeah. - They're not gonna be able to prevent Trump from being reelected. I just don't, I don't see that at all. - I don't even, I mean, it's like they're done. - Did you see the Trump boat parades that happened all over the country? - Yeah. - When has that ever happened for a president ever? - It's true. - So many things. - Yeah, the amount of people registering for it. - And like the Tulsa rally is like a million people trying to. - Yeah, absolutely. I mean, one of the most recent things was the silent majority tweet from, from President Trump. And I remember when I first, well, I remember when he first got elected and kind of being on social media was a nightmare because you just felt like you were one person in a sea of hatred and division and like it seemed like everybody thought the opposite of what I thought. And now it is like the tides have completely turned. - Yeah. - And you can feel it, you can see it. You can go to these tweets. That's why I love Twitter so much. It's like real time being able to see what the conversation is going is in the world. You're seeing not only the thoughts and words of world leaders and celebrities and politicians, et cetera, et cetera, but you're seeing the conversation underneath it. You're seeing what people have to say about it. And it is completely different than what it was a couple of years ago. - Oh, definitely. - I think when we had Alex Patu on, he's a Navy veteran, but he made a good point. He said, think about 9/11 and how long it took for people to really start questioning what happened there and then think about COVID and then think about how long it took people to start questioning that. Instantly, instantaneously. There was no, they didn't, they can't fool us. It's over. It's just a matter of all playing out. - Well, it's 9/11 happened, the conspiracy and the truth or movement or community was a lot, lot, lot smaller than it is now. - Yeah. - 20 years ago. - Totally. - And I feel like in the last like 10 years, it's really exploded. I mean, I woke up in 2012 and even at that time, it was way smaller and I saw it kind of just like, grow and grow and grow until what it is now. Like there's, and even people that don't call themselves, you know, aren't in the community or whatever. Like, I'm seeing way more people than ever before question everything. Like they're not just immediately accepting everything. Like, I mean, there are obviously still a lot of people doing that, but there are a lot of people that are like, there's so many things that have come out over the years that, and obviously with the Epstein, that was huge. - Oh yeah. - People are finally becoming skeptical. - You have to go unless just not you, but I guess that's a good way to put it and join. - It's all, it's over with everybody just, and that's what we can do. Like everybody's sitting at home, what can we do right now? Don't go out and protest, just constantly, constantly, what am I trying to say? Constantly exposed them. - Yeah. - Constantly called them out and just, you don't have to go anywhere to do that. You probably are more effective online right now than if you want to go out in the streets. - For sure. I mean, you think about, because consent and the element of that and how important that is to them, actually being able to achieve and pull these things off. And even if you just get one other person to start questioning, you have literally doubled your power as a human being on this earth. You have just multiplied, and then that person might multiply, and then you might multiply again. And so, you know, exactly, it becomes exponential. That's why this great awakening is happening so quickly. And I do think, like, especially with the Epstein thing, what I was seeing mostly from everybody wasn't, is this true or is this not true? It's, I know this isn't true. And they had different theories for why that is, but they're like, I know they're lying to us. I just don't know for sure why. - Yeah, exactly. - Like really, it was like a collective, like really. - Exactly. And by the way, I was one of those people that completely fell for the 9/11 narrative. I was just like, I think most people did. I mean, I was like, yeah, almost everyone. - Yeah, me too. - Yeah, I was 14. - Yeah, me too. - You were young. - Yeah. - You know, youngish, young enough. - Young enough. - Dumb enough, dumb enough, certainly. - Yeah, so let's talk about your age. No, I'm joking. - Yeah, so let's do that. I actually, I think I hear my doorbell ring. (laughing) - Oh, it's the fuzz. - Yeah, but what's happening now is that all this stuff that's going on is not getting the media attention that it should, and that's why that's where we come in. Like the child, there's a child pornography being busted and child trafficking, human trafficking, they're arresting these people. And these are probably headlines, they are headline stories that don't get any attention right now. - Yeah. - And even the Black Lives Matter stuff, like St. Paul, Minnesota, whatever it was, they just burned that whole city down. Like 130 businesses were destroyed among a lot of other things that happened. And it just got no media coverage. It just goes to show you the agenda even more. I mean, it's so clear right now. And that's why the digital warriors come forward, you know. And yeah. - Yeah. - So what we're here for? - Yeah, definitely. And I don't know, have you looked into any of the recent Q-drops at all? - I have, yeah. I'm actually in a group that like saves my life. They're all kind of collectively going through the Q-drops as they happen. And so that has helped me a lot because not only does it help to get other people's perspectives and stuff. And sometimes like there was one time that Q-drops something and I think there are like 20 something of us in this group. And literally every single one of us had a different interpretation. And so that was really interesting and also kind of cool. But that has helped me because I don't know about you guys, but I don't have the time to watch really anybody else's content when it comes to YouTube. So I know there are people out there doing D-codes and stuff like that that are awesome at it. And they've, you know, they're always on top of it, but I just don't have the time. So I will read the Q-drops. I'll kind of get what I get from them. I'll check my group. I'll check Twitter. And yeah. That's kind of how I've been operating. - And the people that have the do D-code, I mean, if you look in the past, we've been wrong about so much. - Yeah. - So much of it. - Well, you have, I have it. - Of course. Of course. - Speak to yourself. - I am speaking to myself. (laughing) And, you know, especially with dates and other things where, you know, like whenever they posted 10 weeks, everybody just immediately added 10 weeks to that date and it thought July 6 means something for sure. Well, that could, you never know, that 10 weeks could have just been code for something totally else. It would have been the name of some operation that was getting ready to start or whatever. You just never know. - That was actually the first time. Like every other, what do we want to say, date-friendly, you know, the other word that we use. When people kind of get into the dates and speculate, you know, that's always kind of on us. And most of us in the community, even when we speculate, speculate, like we try to be responsible in saying, this is just speculation. This is just, you know, this is a possibility because once we get burned several times of like thinking, oh, this is the date, something's gonna happen and then it doesn't pan out, it's hard. But that last one with the 10 weeks was really the first time I ever really felt like the date stuff, the speculation for dates in advance was actually coming from Q. That really did feel, I mean, and of course, we could arrive at July 6th or whatever it is. And nothing will happen and we'll find out later that it was actually like, oh, they meant this. - Well, what's interesting about that date is that if you followed the Nissara Jissara stuff, I don't know if you're familiar with that. So if that is to be rolled out, which I know if Aaron follows us a lot, but this is really happening. There's some type of financial reset and this Nissara is a real thing. It's not the conspiracy theory like people think it is. This is something Kennedy tried to implement. Another reason he was shot, this was supposed to happen again on 9/11. And a lot happened before that to where Bill Clinton was allegedly signing some bill at gunpoint because of something that was going on. There's a lot to it. But if this does happen, it has to be done within, it has to be done within 120 days of the election. - Not within more than-- - Yeah, before that prior to, yeah. So that would mean that July 6th is the cutoff day for them. - Interesting. - So that may not be a coincidence at all. That might be exactly why also that we hear about this fake E.T. invasion is supposed to be happy at that exact time. Also July 4th weekend is what we hear. That whatever is supposed to go down at that time, both sides are preparing for it. And whether things change every day, things change in the fall of the war, like I said. So who knows if anything's gonna happen at this point, because they're constantly changing their plans and their strategy. It's like, all these insiders aren't getting their intel anymore, it's because there is no intel on the battlefield. You're just, you're improvising the whole time. So that's where we're at right now. - Yeah, that's interesting. I also am like, am I weird that I'm kind of like welcoming the fake alien invasion as much? No? - No, you can't welcome that. - Because, but think about it. It's like this, okay. It's like every other limited hangout thing that they've done scyop. It's like ancient, I don't wanna say ancient aliens or Alex Jones or whatever it is. Where I honestly think that they kind of went into that thinking that they were gonna control the information and they underestimated the impact of people waking up and no longer that it goes hand in hand with no longer being controlled. So yes, they could pull off this scary alien invasion and it might be fake and it might freak people out and it might cause some mayhem. But really what they're gonna do is like rapid red pill, a bunch of people, even if it ends up being fake, you're gonna push people past that cognitive distance. You're gonna break through it, like you're gonna burst a bubble in people. - That's what I think. - That's why they haven't done it yet, in my opinion, because that's why that's their last part because once they do a fake alien invasion, think about it. Like they're breaking like, okay. So you're saying, so now aliens are real and they're here and all this. - And even if people find out it's fake, they're gonna be like, wait a second. - Then we have all this to that extent. - Technology, yeah, exactly. So it's like there's so many levels that they've had hidden away that they're gonna be suddenly revealing with that. And if it doesn't pan out there, that's it. What else can they do, you know? It's like-- - I'm gonna come at this from a totally different angle because-- - Okay, I'm ready. - Okay, let's just say that ETs, we know ETs are running a plan. The whole reptilian, the bloodlines, the elite bloodline may or may not even be human, which isn't. - Right. - And if there are, let's say, Armenians and other races working within Q, like some people have claimed, and other ET races working within the Trump administration, and just in the military in general, whatever they're doing, these ET races, so let's say they do a fake invasion. What it's doing, these are real people, what it's doing is framing them as murderers. - Oh. - It's framing them as murderers and we might not know about them, but it's gonna prolong any official first contact that we might have been getting. It would totally prolong and just throw everything off track. So as far as the seriousness of that, because these people have been helping behind the scenes for so long, and that would be the ultimate deep state attack would be the ETs behind Q and Trump and everything. They have been responsible for this entire movement in the first place, now all of a sudden, they're framed as murderers. And they can-- - Yeah, I see what you're saying. I don't agree. Well, I don't think first contact's gonna happen the way a lot of people think. Also-- - Interesting. - I think first, I think contact in an open way. I mean, contact's been happening for one that's, it's just not on an open public way for one. So I don't think it's gonna happen the way a lot of people, the typical governments are gonna come out and say, "Hey, aliens are real." And here they are, and then they all, they all suddenly start coming out into open society everywhere. It's gonna happen through, I think it's gonna be like, people's private property. Like, let's see, somebody has a ranch. Like he said, for example, like a ranch with a lot of land, they're gonna set up zones. At first, at least, they're gonna do it this way. They're gonna come to these specific places that whoever owns that land's gonna agree to let this happen. And they're gonna set these like contact zones. So like, you have to come to them. They're not gonna just come out to everyone because obviously we live in a world where even though people are waking up, like, there's many, many people that are not ready for that, right? And that would be very fearful and resistant to ETs, just being out everywhere. - How many people would see an ET and still think it's the devil or something? Like, oh my gosh. - Sure. - And there's a lot of religion, you know, I used to be religious, I totally get the mindset. So that's not how it's gonna work. It's gonna be, you have to come to them to wherever these like areas are. I don't know how the details of how other than that, but I know it's gonna be, you're gonna have to come to them at first. They're not gonna just. - Well, and they're coming to people on an individual basis already, though. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. But there's gonna be these little zones set up that you can probably like these communities set up in these areas where you can basically come and live with them if you so choose. - Did you have a dinner about this, or how do you go with this? - Well, I was already kind of... - Yeah, I liked it. - There's people that have had dreams. I was already kind of thinking it would be this way more before, and then Cobra actually recently came out and said, "This is how it's gonna happen." I was like, "Oh, yeah." - I definitely couldn't confirm that for me. - I definitely think that's potentially... - It just, that's the only thing that makes sense to me, really, or maybe... - But don't you guys, don't you guys think that like, okay, let's say they stage this alien attack, okay? And it gets people thinking like, oh my gosh, aliens are here, they're real, and they are vicious, they wanna attack us. Once somebody accepts that there are aliens, and that they're here, and this is all real, do you really think it would be that hard to then show them? Actually, there are different races of aliens, and they're all very different. - You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich, cold. Sounds like you could use some luck. - I'm Victoria Cash, and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. At Luckyland, you can play over 100 casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. - No purchase necessary, VGW Group, point where prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. - So that's why I'm not sure, like, I think once people accept that there are ETs, it becomes a lot easier to understand that there are, it's not just one type, you know, it's not just like the little gray guys, the little green guys. - Yeah, yeah, I mean, it could go either way, I guess, but either way, there's gonna be still a significant percentage of the population that will never accept ET. - You have them, let's go, I'm ready. - Well, I'm just curious, like, either they're gonna have to, like, form their own communities, or it's gonna be the other way around. Because I know there's a lot of people on the planet that, you know, the programming is just-- - Hey, you know what? Wakey, wakey eggs and bakey, that's what I have to say about that. - I totally agree. - I totally agree. - I totally agree, your point, I think it could go either way. And if, like you said, if it does happen, it wouldn't be that hard then it convinced people, I don't know, it's just my theory on it, I just, and there is a real-- - Well, it's gonna destroy all religions for one thing. - Well, maybe briefly, but we could get back to incorporating, because really-- - You'd have to-- - And go back and you look at some of these ancient texts anyway, it's all in there. It's already in there, it's just like people aren't looking at that, they're taking, they take things very literally that probably were figurative, and they take things very figuratively that maybe were literal. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, you know all the aliens are demons people, you know, like, I mean, I used to be one of them back in the day, so I understand the mindset there, but I just know so many, I don't know personally, but I just, you know, I see these people on the internet and stuff, like, they're so convinced that anything that's an alien is demonic and evil, and it's like, how are these people gonna cope with, once they come out? It's like, I just don't see that happening. I don't know, they're gonna have to like, go away. - Well, we're not supposed to even put our energy into worrying about it. - I'm not worrying about it, I'm just like, trying to speculate how it's gonna play out. I think it's what we'll have to see. - So what are your thoughts and the potential of a second wave coming of this virus? - Like, I don't know. The whole thing is so weird and there are, I mean, even today, just thinking about the difference in the how it affects children, that's one of those things. Like, when you brought it up earlier, like, what was this? It almost seems like something that the deep state had planned, but then it was taken over and they were expecting it or wanting it to be much bigger than it is, but, you know, we also know that the numbers are completely inflated, they are, we're seeing so many different reports of things like that. Like, wasn't there a Supreme Court justice whose sister died of, because she, what did she have, Alzheimer's, I think? And some of those patients need to be suctioned because they will actually forget to swallow and they can actually drown in their own saliva. And so that was what happened to her sister and they ended up putting that she died of COVID, even though she died because she wasn't suctioned. And so they actually exhumed the body and had a private autopsy done and they were able to show. So anyway, there are lots of cases of things just like that. I was watching a video today. - They're also murdering people because they're literally patients. And there was a nurse that just exposed, I just watched the whole video on YouTube, she was, she had a camera, like a hidden camera and she was showing, like, the computer screen. They were marking people as testing positive for COVID or, like, in the system that they had COVID when they tested negative. - Yeah, they'll show multiple tests. - On the screen, yeah. - Multiple tests say that they came back negative and they'll also say that it was positive. - And then she's like, yeah, and then they're putting these people in ventilators and the ventilators were burning out their lungs and killing these people. They're literally murdering people. - They collect 13,000 dollars a patient. - Yeah, they literally have it. - And that's a verifiable fact. You can look that up, I'm not making that number up. - And they're marking tests that people that don't, that die of other things is like you just said, it's COVID, they're doing like every possible thing to make, to inflate the numbers and... - It's not working. - And they're murdering people, which is, it's just insane. It's like, the most insane way with this. - I think that even, you know, even when I'm seeing, like it's a higher percentage of, it's more contagious or it's more deadly, you know, by a percentage, whatever it is. At what point do we have to have that honest conversation? Like, where do you draw the line? Because we don't do this for the normal flu or for a normal cold, which by the way is also dangerous to people with, you know, compromised immune systems. - Yeah. - And do the people that are, are the people that are advocating that we stay in our homes for the rest of the year and wear masks if we have to leave and all of these different things? Are they advocating for us to do that until the end of time? Do human beings have to stay away from each other and wear masks? Because certainly even one person dying is not okay. But like, at some point, like humanity has to go on. - There's no logic, there's zero logic to it at all. - Right. - Yeah, it's like, okay, so now with the flu, with this logic, we'd have to do this, like you just said. - Literally forever. - Literally forever, because there's never not a risk of that, so like. - Well, that's why it's so important. - Where's the logic here? - That's why it's so important that we Trump defunded the who, because that's what they were pushing. - Yeah, right. - And I actually listened to Scott Kesterson. I don't know if you're familiar with him. I heard him on Larry Gator's podcast, but he was explaining, he worked in some lab and he's actually a pastor, but he had some, wherever he had his information from, I don't know, but he said that the whole, this virus, the whole, the whole plan for it really was. So the chemtrails that they've been hitting us with for decades have a smart dust in a nanobot technology that gets in our skin. And that's the first step into the AI transhumanism agenda. And this virus also has some of that in it. And it was supposed to work with the smart dust that's already in us. And then the vaccine was the final step. The vaccine was the final step that all three of them would work in unison. And, you know, with the vaccine, they chip you. That they've already, if you've watched some of the tests, they do it in a little electric shock, which actually chips you, just like you'd chip a dog. But if they would do this, if they were to pull this off, it makes us all trackable. It makes us all controllable. They can start, the mind control works perfectly then. They can create cognitive dissonance within everybody, dumb us down, cause our system, our nervous system to fail, if not kill us. And it was, this was part of the plan. And I had never heard that theory in how all three were supposed to work in tandem. So it's interesting. - Yeah, that sucks. - Yeah, the whole story sucks. - That's scary at all. - I hate it. - Well, no, thank God that everything's happening the way it is because we don't have to worry about that. - Yeah, yeah. There's still our dummies out there that are falling for it and things like that. And really it's fear. There are a lot of people, and I feel for those people, there are people with a compromised immune systems and things like that that are afraid of getting this. Because I think the majority of the population understands that this isn't gonna be harmful to them. But to that, the percentage of people that are afraid, I feel for them, I truly do. But we all need to just wake up to how they use fear against us and how they can literally get us to do anything when they have us afraid enough. - Yeah, yep. And the thing, the majority of people right now don't understand the magnitude of the times, like of what's happening right now. And that's their whole goal. Because it's the most important thing that's taking place on this planet in history. Yeah, there's still people out there just, you know, worried about buying a muscle car or something, you know? - Right. - You know what I'm saying? It's just, I don't know, saving. (laughing) - No, we're just gonna, let's talk about the muscle car for a little bit longer. - Actually, let's shift gears and talk about your past life experience. I wanna do that. - Yeah. So I've had actually a few because I grew up, my mom was a hypnotherapist. And so I was her guinea pig when I was growing up. And then I became a hypnotherapist when I was in my 20s. So, you know, like 47 years ago. And so I've done policy progressions on other people. I kind of, you know, just growing up with it. It's one of my passions. I absolutely think it's one of the coolest tools that we have. And so I had one done last year and I had four different lives. So the thing about past life regression that I find really interesting is that even if you don't believe in reincarnation and you don't believe in past lives, it's still worth it to get a past life regression because somehow these lives that you experience and you really do experience them. It's not like watching something on TV. You really feel things and you can smell and, you know, hear and all of that. They always end up being kind of a metaphor for whatever you're going through in your life now. And that could be maybe because if we don't overcome some of these, you know, karmic contracts that we come into our lives with, we'll take those problems with us from lifetime to lifetime until we actually, like, you know, overcome them. Or it could, or you could just explain it as your subconscious mind making up a story that's going to allow you to see something at a safe distance so that you can get a new perspective because when we're inside something, it's so hard to really see it clearly, you know, when your emotions are tied up in it, et cetera. So that's the interesting thing. But I happen to believe in reincarnation. I happen to believe that these are past lives that we're experiencing. I think it's also possible that we could maybe experience lives that maybe we didn't necessarily live. Like, I had one that was very, very clear where I was, was it Louis XIV? I think it was Louis XIV. And I was like, pfft, no, whatever. But like, maybe I'm able to access that. But there were certain things in that where like, he had a sapphire ring that I saw very clearly and I felt his connection with his mother. I knew nothing about him. And after that past life regression, I went and looked him up and my mind was blown. Like, at one point, I was doing a, it was a guided meditation, a past life regression. And so at one point, the guy says to, you're gonna hear somebody say your name and that's how you're gonna find out what your name is. And I could hear this woman on the other side of a door. I'm in a bedroom and she goes, Louis. And that's how I found out. And I just felt this love for her. And I knew that was my mother. And that was something that really stuck with me about this. And then I come to look him up and find out that he had kind of a famous connection with his mother. They were very close and especially for the time when men weren't like, typically they didn't stay like close to their mothers and to adulthood. And again, the sapphire ring that I saw, I saw a picture of it online. It was in some museum. So a lot of really cool things. Last year when I had the past life regression, I had four different lives that I went through. One of them, I believe, was off planet because there were certain things about it where like the clothing and the haircut, it looked like earth and I looked like an earth human, but certain things as far as like my haircut and the clothing didn't, there was no timeline where all of these things kind of co-existed if that makes any sense. And when, typically when you're asked where you are, you can kind of recall that and you could be like, oh, I'm in the state of Wyoming or whatever. And I couldn't place it. I really couldn't place this country or whatever. One of the experiences was at the pyramids of Giza. I was a healer. I was this like nine foot tall man that was, I had a staff and I used to, which was interesting because I had never heard these theories about the pyramids before I had this experience, which by the way, in my experience, it wasn't a desert. It was lush around these pyramids. And I had never even heard that as, so that's why my brain was like, no, it couldn't be, it couldn't be because I was like, it's Giza, but it's not because it's lush, so it's got to be somewhere else. But in this memory, I was actually using the pyramids or something that was associated with the pyramids to actually harness this blue light from the earth that was like the source or like coming from the pyramids and I was able to heal people with a staff. I mean, it sounds so crazy, it sounds so wacky, but this was my memory and it really like opened my mind up to, you know, when we're given history, we're told these like specific things and it might not be at all what we think, you know, the history of our world is. In one of the moments, actually, this was the first time I ever had an actual alien experience in a regression, not only myself, but even doing regressions on other people. And this wasn't a lifetime I experienced. This was, so different regressionists have different ways that they'll bring you, take you in and out of lives. It's sometimes they'll have you like reading through a book and then you'll go through the book or sometimes they'll have you walking down a staircase and opening a door and then suddenly you're at life or you're plopping down on earth and suddenly you're in this person's body. This, she had me going into a room where it was dark and it was just a bunch of shadowy figures and somebody would step into the light and that would be the life that I would be going into and I would go with them. Only this time, it was a tall gray alien that stepped into the light and I didn't go with them, but the message that I received from that was basically like, hi, we exist. That was all, that was like all I needed. So I don't know if that was me in a previous lifetime. I don't know if that was just like some kind of contact. I don't know if that was just to kind of open my brain up to the possibility of those things, but interesting nonetheless. - So how many sessions did you actually have? How many half-wives did you go into? - Well, in this one session I had four lives. Well, if you count the alien. One, it was like the '60s and I was like this mountain man named Bruce and so there's always like a lesson, right? There's always a lesson that comes along with the life. The one that I think that I had off planet was, it was a mother and she was trying to protect her baby. And what I took away from that life was really how lucky, how easy I have it on this planet as far as worry and concern. She had actual concerns of threats of like protecting her baby and like my life is pretty like easy, but I went through postpartum depression really, really badly and anxiety. And ever since I had my son, I had this really crazy, just fear, just fear of the world. And so that put things into perspective for me in my own life. I was like, huh, I actually am in a very safe life here. The mountain man life was like, he lived in the woods essentially and he had kind of distanced himself from society and didn't have any human contact. And at the end of his life, when he's in a hospital, he's thinking he's having so many regrets about the fact that he didn't connect with people and that he was essentially dying alone. And so it was my message that human connection in this life is very important to me. - So did you, were you taking through the death experience in those lives? - Yeah, yeah. Well, I wouldn't say the death experience, but you know, for example, like the Bruce dude in the 60s, that's how I knew it was the 60s because really the majority of his life was spent out in the woods. It could have been really anytime period other than like he had a beard and flannel and whatever. But at the end, I could see him in the hospital. I have never done the like going through the death process into between lives, which is something I would really like to do. - Yeah, I've done that. - Have you? - Yeah, I've done a few past life regressions, but that was one of them. Like I was actually like hunting. I was like a mind warrior and I was hunting and I was speared by a boar. And that while I was hunting, that's how I died in one of my past lives. But yeah, it's crazy. Like you feel that pain, but at the same time, and it's like, yeah, common trend that came up in every one of my past lives was like loneliness. And that's something that actually I'm still like, I think this is the lifetime right now that I'm supposed to actually heal that or conquer that or whatever it is. But yeah, it's fascinating. It's definitely fascinating. - Yeah. - Yeah. One time I was off planet and I was some type of ETE. We were very, very simple. We didn't have, we were like highly advanced, but technology wasn't like we imagined it. We could like levitate and... - Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me, they know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumbagocino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumbagocino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus. It's and live the Chumbalife. - Sponsored by Chumbagocino, no purchase necessary. VGW group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. - And telepathically talk, but we lived up in these gigantic trees and you only came to the ground to hunt and gather because there was a threat from some type of animal which I didn't get to see, but I encountered a Sasquatch that was explaining everything to me. It was wild. And then I had to go back up and bring all these gifts and food and everything back to the tribe up in the tree. And I used to remember like floating up there and like giving everybody being so grateful and so thankful that they got all their stuff, that I gave them everything. And I remember going into my quarters like this hollowed out part of the tree, all the places that we slept in. They weren't big rooms or how we didn't. We never spent any time inside. You just slept there. Everything was done outside. And I remember going in there and still being like overwhelmed with this loneliness. And then I encountered this gigantic bird who ended up interfacing with and getting some message about a galactic federation or something. It was wild, but it was-- - That's so cool. - Yeah. So yeah, so have you considered like getting back into that and doing these regressions again because you totally should. - Yeah, for sure. You know, it's hard. When I got into hypnotherapy, I just wanted to do all past life regressions all the time. But unfortunately, once you get into an office and you've got overhead, then you just have to do hypnotherapy and whatever comes to you comes to you. And so that was, you know, X number of years ago, there weren't as many, let's say enlightened people on the planet at that time. And so mostly what I was doing was like weight loss, smoking cessation, anxiety. I was helping guys with their golf game. You know, it was stuff like that. And so while I like to help people and I enjoyed that stuff, I wasn't really doing enough past life regressions to make it like super interesting for me. And I couldn't like just put my foot down and be like, no, I just, I'm just gonna do past life regressions 'cause I couldn't have like made it work. But I do wonder if now there's more of a demand, if there's more interest in that kind of a thing, people's minds are more open to it. - You will flourish if you do that, believe me. And you don't, you can-- - From your heart. - From your heart. - You can do it from your home. - Oh, that means I gotta clean my home. I gotta do my dishes. - No, I really know. I mean, Vida's doing, Vida's doing, it's-- - Yeah. I could, I could, but like, I'm very, I'm kind of a snob when it comes to, when it comes to the hypnosis aspect of it and getting people to a certain depth. And there are just things that you just can't do via phone. Like you have to do it in person. - Yeah. - At least the first time. And then once you establish that hypnosis, then it's a lot easier to do it remotely. But I don't know if I'd be super into even doing it remotely. I think I would just wanna do it in person, at least first. - I agree with that. I've had two in person and one remotely, but the one remotely was my third one. So I really knew what to expect. I've already kind of been, you know, I've been weathered, as I guess you can say. (laughing) - So I already had experience in it. And I eat the first time was, I don't think I got as deep as I could. Of the second time was really, was really profound. But the third time, even though it was long distance, because I had a better understanding of what to expect and what I was gonna go through, that was like the most vivid experience of all three of them and it was long distance. - Yeah, it's like flexing a muscle. It's like learning how to do, it's like when you meditate and things like that, I actually had a major league baseball player that I used to hypnotize. And he was really into meditation. He had a very strong mind body connection. So he went down like a bag of rocks every single time. He was like the best candidate ever. And not everybody is like that. So that's why you really have to cater to each individual person and know exactly. Like I test people before I hypnotize them to find out how they process information. Because if you're not speaking to somebody in the way that they process information, their brain is gonna reject it. It's gonna fight you and they're not gonna go down as hard. So some people are super literal and some people are the opposite of that. And you need to find out like where on the scale they lie so that you don't say the wrong thing. Because if you tell somebody who's very literal, your hand is gonna fly up off the desk. They're gonna be like, no, it's not. My hand doesn't fly, you know? And so they're kind of all of these little tricks. - I get that too. And it's preparation in the individual beforehand as far as not drinking caffeine and just eating the right thing. Which is important also. - Very important. You don't wanna have caffeine, you wanna make sure you get enough protein. Like you want to have your body very stable when you go for hypnosis. - Yeah. - And not on drugs, by the way. That's one of the other reasons why I like to do it in person. Like I wanna gauge somebody. I wanna know, you know, if they're on drugs, if they've been drinking, something like that because I'm not gonna hypnotize somebody. - Yeah, they take a hit at DMT and they're like, "Kate, I feel like I'm ready." - Then they don't need me. - Yeah. - Yeah, exactly. That's true. - Yeah. - I wanna do that, by the way. I really do. Just once in my life. - It's incredible. I've talked about an experience on a past episode before, but yeah, it's wild. If you really do achieve that blast off, you really do enter somewhere else entirely. And there are no words for what you're seeing because we have no reference points for that type of stuff. The colors, I don't know. It's crazy. - Yeah, I want that. - There's also the potential for a very bad trip and it can be the scariest thing and you'll wanna run from the experience, but there's a lesson learned in it. - It's very short, right? That's the thing that I like about it, right? It's only last at DMT, is that true? - DMT is very short. - 10 minutes. - Okay. - See, I thought it can handle. Like, I was always, when I was in eighth grade, all my friends, we all went to a golf course and took acid. Only, I literally put mine in my mouth and scooped it out immediately because I was terrified. So then the rest of the day, I had to be like, oh yeah, trippin' balls dude. (laughing) And I was like, why are you falling asleep? I'm like, I just, I'm just trippin' out so bad. I probably had to fake it. And I've taken mushrooms several times in my life, but like just, I liked that because I could, I'm such a control freak that I would just like nibble on a little bit, see how I fell, nibble on a little bit more. And I never got to the place where I was like, like, messed up from it. I really just had the giggles and would see like a few things. But yeah, drugs terrify me. I don't even like smoke and pot. That's too much for me. - But yeah, it's very short. It's like 10 minutes. - Yeah, acid's like hours. - Oh. - It's like hours. - Hell on earth. - It's like all day. - Yeah. - That's my biggest. - I haven't done it. I just heard, I've had friends who've done it and they're like, oh yeah, the last like 12 hours. - Yeah. - You're like, you gotta do this just like an entire day to do acid. - You think about DMT also is that it only lasts 10 minutes, but you can do it before work if you want to. It just wears off like that and you can go back about your day, like nothing happened. It doesn't have a last-- - Smoke break. - Yeah. - DMT, come on back. - The guys will go to DMT break. - Because our brain already produces DMT, you know? - Yeah. - I don't understand how it all works, but it's pretty wild. It doesn't have the lasting effect, definitely not. - That's good. - But it's intense, short. - Oh, it's just pure. - It depends on how much you do. - It depends on how much you do. - Yeah. - I never imagined we'd be talking about this, but. - No, I know. At this point in my life, I probably won't end up doing it. I'm probably a little long in the tooth to like even be considering it, but I have to admit, like it's still very interesting to me. - Yeah. Hey, if Joe Rogan can do it. - Yeah. (both laughing) - That's true. How old is he? - He's at his 50s? - No. - He's born in the 60s. - No, I mean. - Oh, really? He looks good. - He does, yeah. He's in his 50s now. Yeah. - Interesting. - Anyway, I don't know how long have we been going for her, but. - I don't even know. - Yeah. - Well, there's the. - Yeah, but that's it. - But when did you start the, yeah. - I've never had that. - I never know when you started that one. - Yeah, you probably been going for an hour, 45 minutes? - No. - It's probably about an hour right now. - Yeah, just going back to in general, what I've been seeing a lot too is all the infighting online within the community and just in general, people attacking each other. You know, we just, we gotta remember that we're at war right now and we have to cut each other some slack. Like, no one knows what they're doing. You know, even if we're trying to call each other out and this and that, but everything's changing every day. Everybody's emotions are taking over, people are getting triggered. So we just have to remember to cut each other some slack. Give each other a break. - Fully. - And we keep trying to call people out and putting blame elsewhere when this is not how it works. That just means we're falling for their trap, you know? - Totally. We have to have patience with each other right now because everybody, not only are we dealing with these worldly events that suck, we are all dealing with our own personal struggles too because this is a spiritual war. And we are, there are internal things that are, I mean, like it's do or die time. Like it's like the time of like, no, I think I'm gonna figure this out later in life. That's past. We all need to figure it out now and that's really hard. And now you've got everybody doing it at the same time. Of course there's gonna be a lot of tension, but I really believe that, I mean, a lot of people find guidance from all kinds of places and, you know, some people can, you know, whatever, retarrel cards or meditate and connect to people. And all of those things are great, but I also think I truly believe that we are on this planet for a reason and it's to connect with other human beings to not only help them through their journeys, but also accept the help from them. Because otherwise there would be no point in us being here. The whole point was to get divine guidance. Like we could do that from anywhere, but we are on Earth in this particular body at this particular time to work on this stuff and we need each other for it. So we can't forget that. - And be vulnerable and it'll be afraid to ask for help. And also I know some people, like if they go into tarot card readings or whatever, do you have any questions? That's one thing they ask you, do you have any questions? And people might not even want to ask a question because they're afraid of the answer, but that answer might be exactly what they need to hear so they can evolve and break free from whatever they're going through. So don't be afraid to ask those questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help. That's why if you have a gift, like you're able to regress them by and take them into their past life, you know, I utilize it. Like you said, that's why we're here. So I'm gonna call you after this and book a session. You're gonna start your business tomorrow. - Okay. - Done. - Yeah. No, it's good. It's good. I do need to do that. - No, don't listen to me, but you know what you need to do more than that. - More everything you said. - Eventually I'm going to leave that I know. I just don't know if now is the time. Like you said, this is war happening right now and maybe this is something for another, for like at the end of this, to everybody heal from all of this stuff. I just don't know if now is the time. There'll be a massive protest going on, outside your front door. And back, don't worry about that. Let's try that. - Yeah, right. People might not want to come back to this world. You know what I mean? Like they're gonna want me to, what was that movie, Office Space? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - This is Office Space where he, yeah. - Dies within the guy dies before you can step out of it. - Yeah. They're gonna be asking me for that. The Office Space Special. - Yes. (laughs) The Office Space Special. - All right. Well, I guess we can start wrapping it up. It seems like an appropriate time. So thank you so much for coming on. This is awesome. - Thank you guys. - Yeah. - Yes, thank you. - Keep doing what you're doing. And do you have any announcements for anybody? - No. (laughs) - Then follow me on Twitter, my Twitter. I'm very active on Twitter. It's @cate_awakening. And then I have my YouTube channel, which I do my live chats every Tuesday nights. And those are cool. I go over the current events, but I also at the end of it go through questions. It's very like intimate like that. I make sure to keep space for people to, you know, so I can actually talk to them and talk them through this great awakening because it's hard just like the things that we were talking about. So check that out too. It's the Kate Awakening. - Are you sure you don't have any announcements? (laughs) - I'm sure I can sit here and think of more. - I didn't know, E-Settie. - You wanted to touch on E-Settie at all. - Oh, yeah. So I don't really, I would love to announce E-Settie, but I really don't have all of the details right now. I believe it's gonna be July 23rd through the 26th. And they should be announcing that shortly. And I will be speaking there as far as I know. (laughs) - And when everything gets solidified, I'll definitely let people know about that though. - Well, by the time this airs, you know, the tickets will be on sale. They already-- - Oh! - They went on sale today just for lodging, but they're-- - Just for camping and lodging. - Yeah. - So far. - See, you guys know more than I do. (laughs) - Yeah, but-- - Probably got everything. (laughs) - Yeah, you know. (laughs) - I don't know what I was saying. Oh, yeah, Erin and I will be there. Erin, we will be there hanging out. So anybody who wants to come hang out, grab a ticket and hang out with us. - Guaranteed, good time. - Definitely, definitely. And we're gonna be at Camp Disclosure, the end of August. - We're at North Carolina. - North Carolina, August 27th through the 31st. We'll have the experiences lounge. We're gonna have set up music. We're doing live podcast, interviewing people, recording their experiences, compiling it for a highlight video. We're gonna be going on some hikes. Just, James will be there. James Gilman will be there also. He's doing some CE5s. There's so much stuff. It's really gonna be awesome. It's really-- - Cool. - So, we'll have that link in the description. If you want to get yourself a ticket, they're limited and it's gonna be a great time. So coming out and I'm talking to you too, Kate. - Yeah, I'd like to go, I'd like to go. Maybe that's where I'll hypnotize you. - Yeah. - Or be study. - Yeah. - There you go. - No, I'll be way too nervous that he's study. I'll be way too nervous. After I speak, maybe. - Yeah, maybe. - Maybe we'll have to hypnotize you then. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So you won't be nervous. - Okay, just being out there in general was hypnotizing enough, I think. - Yeah. - Man. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I have no idea what I mean. No, I have it. I'm just like, I'm hearing so many things. I'm like, I literally gives me bubble guts. It's even bigger and I'm like, so nervous and so excited at the same time. - Oh, that place is amazing. - Yeah. - You're gonna love it. It's, yeah. - There's a weird energy there. There's a weird energy there. Corey Good described it the best. - I wouldn't say we had amazing energy. - Yeah, but he described it the best. It almost like you feel buzzed. Like it almost like a little bit of a high kind of, yeah. - Yeah, it's got a high vibration energy. Like as soon as you go there, you'll feel it. You're like, oh, this is, it feels amazing to me at least. - That's so cool. Be me up, I'm ready. - And you'll see ships flying every night, every single night around the sky. And I saw orbs and fairies and stuff too. - I had a bunch of Sasquatch experience. - Yeah, Sasquatch encounters. - I didn't see anybody here. - I have one throw a rock at me from the fair. - Wasn't there a story about a girl getting her butt pinched? She was like, I love you, Sasquatch. And she felt her butt get grabbed and then somebody was there. I love that. I'm so jealous. - Yeah. - I want that. - I want Sasquatch to grab my butt. - I do. - On that note. - On that note. - All right. Well, you know, if I was listening right now, so just-- - We get in the show now and we talk about it. - That intention, yeah. - Sasquatch. - I'm numbed she by him, numbed she by. All right. - Yeah. All right guys, well, thanks for listening and make sure to go check out Kate's channel. Come be steady, come to camp disclosure. Keep doing your part out there online. Calling everybody out, calling the deep set out, exposing everything because that's what we can do without really syncing down to their level. We can at least sit home and call them out because that's what we have to do. Thanks for listening. And we will see you guys next week. - All right. (upbeat music) - Is it over? Not to the fist jumps. It's over. We get lonely climbing Mount McKinley, so to entertain myself, I go to At ChumbaCasino, I give lay hundreds of online casino style games for free, like online slots, bingo, slingo, and more. Plus, I get a daily login bonus. 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