Journey to Truth

EP 68 - Matthew Mournian - Remember Your Mission - Timeline Overlays - Walk-Ins - Emotional Healing

Originally aired on 6/4/20
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Matthew Aaron Mournian is a Multidimensional Energy Healer and professional psychic reader specializing in the removal of energetic manifestations - implantation, entity attachment, parasitic infestation, and most importantly - blocked emotional energy in the human body. His mission is to assist with the activation and integration of the multidimensional intuitive healing abilities that exist within each one of us.  
Matthew's day-to-day work involves the use of a 3 part protocol of energy reading, multidimensional tarot, and then direct transmission or extraction of energy in the body using an extraterrestrial healing modality known as Scalar Toning.
As a former addiction counselor and mental health worker, Matthew's primary focus is on clearing the negative energetic threads in our lives that stop us from truly realizing our life's mission here on earth.
Whether it be through intuitive readings, energy clearing, or implant removal it is his mission to assist with the liberation of mankind during this time of great awakening and transformation of human consciousness.

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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And it works with 5G, you just order enough patches to cover every radiating device in your home and you're done. It lasts forever. But to be clear, let's not get complacent, we must all stop 5G together. So big thanks and big love to Tyler and Aaron, click on the link below and you can quickly and permanently bring balance back to your body, thank you. Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Today we are joined by Matthew Mornian. Matthew is a multi-dimensional energy healer and a professional psychic reader specializing in the removal of energetic manifestations, implantation, entity attachment, parasitic infestation, and the most importantly blocked emotional energy in the human body. His mission is to assist with the activation and integration of multi-dimensional intuitive healing abilities that exist within each one of us. Which sounds amazing and I think a lot of people could use that help right now. I think there's a major, I think a lot of people are in their attack and a lot of people don't even realize they are so it would be interesting to see what you have to say about that because I know we're getting into some crazy times right now. So thanks for coming on the show, we're glad to have you back actually. Yeah, thank you. It has been a while. I think I rolled through in the early stages when everything was getting started. It's really cool to see how this show has expanded. I mean literally, I think everybody in this community has watched how this show has just like expanded and like grown into something totally new. Really really cool thing to watch. So thank you for having me. Honestly, it is a, it's also a really big honor because I watch you guys almost every single week. Like I like to stay in touch and like watch the content of the people in our weird little solo group. And for those of you guys that are watching this, if you are attracted to this video, if you're here, it is probably because you are part of this multi-dimensional solo group of individuals that's activating at this time. So this might be a weird statement to start out with, but I have a little bit of an assignment at this stage of the journey to just kind of, you know, monitor and watch over and to assist with this sort of sole group and this pod of individuals that's activating right now. So it is a really deep honor for me to be here guys. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you. That means a ton. Thank you. It does really. I like hearing about the people that listen to the podcast every week, just hearing from them, I should say, because, you know, just like you said, we've come a long way. It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. It really is. Yeah. And you were like episode five. Actually, I think you were. We're one of the first. No, it's either first video. You were the first video, I believe. Yeah. I'm really broke. Because we started audio only and then you, and then we just kind of like accidentally we're like, all right, we're doing the video in this one. It was no accident. Yeah. It was an accident. You know what's wild for those of you guys and you guys as well that are watching? If anyone out there wants to see actual real life, physical, visual evidence of a timeline shift, I would like everyone who watches this podcast to go back to that video from last year, when you and all three of us were on here, and I guarantee you, you, every single person here is going to look, feel, and sound like a completely different version of ourselves. And I might already be jumping into the deep end of the pool. But the reason for that being everybody is because we are literally in different physical containers. Many of us at this point, we're in a whole different wavelength of human consciousness. So anyway, yeah, it's a real. I mean, you did advertise on Facebook that things were going to get weird today. So jumping in jump right in there. No, I know you were when they touch on to like timeline overlays and what they mean and how all that works and how we're actually in the process of switching timelines. So let's just go ahead and jump off on that if you want to. Yeah, absolutely. I guess we will sort of start out with, you know, why, why would this guy, why is this strange man sitting up here talking about timelines? What is the timeline in essence or rather, from my point of view as an individual that works with non physical energy on a daily basis, what I find and what other people that work in this realm find is that at this stage of our human consciousness, our, our sort of energy, our frequency, the what's being broadcast and sort of received by the human body has increased to such a staggering and unprecedented level that many of us are not aware of the level to which we're being influenced, the level to which we're being corralled or sort of guided into certain beliefs, programs, wavelengths, behaviors, outcomes. And so what's happening right now with respect to timelines and if you're wondering what is an actual timeline, those of you guys are watching the easiest way to describe it is it's sort of like a radio station. It's a radio station that the human body, your outlook, your emotions, your frequency will tune to and it's a very simple kind of, you know, way to describe it, but we find that when the human body, when the human consciousness is tuned to a certain wavelength, it begins to affect and change and alter our physical reality. And so when we talk about timelines, guys, for everyone who's watching, we're not talking about jumping in, you know, like a DeLorean and going to 1989, what we're talking about is tuning and sort of altering the human energy complex. So it's creating a new reality. And so right now, guys, we are at the stage in which, you know, with the recent madness, especially with the, you know, all the wild violence and the stuff that's going on, we are in a stage in which human consciousness on a mass level, just in these past few weeks is being crowd or it's sort of like an overlay that is being placed over us. And that might be kind of a big, you know, like bucket of info. So I will pause there. But we're in a timeline overlay with respect to just this, and you know, I know there's some keywords we're not going to use, but you know, just the control structure, what we would call the new internet and the manner to which that is affecting our human consciousness. And so hopefully some of that stuff makes sense, but this is one of the most potent periods for this awakening and transformation. So. Yeah. Absolutely. You nailed that description. Yeah, that's, that's a very, very distinct way of describing the timeline overlays and I like that because it is confusing. And we're always hearing about shifting timelines and people are like, well, how do you do that? You know, I mean, I've watched a video one time that says you can just stare into a mirror and like imagine something and then by the time you're done with this little meditation that you can shift to timeline. Like there's so many ways of doing things physically, I always wonder, you know, is there a reality to that? Yeah. And that's, and something I've learned over the years is that, you know, in the spiritual community, people talk about manifesting and creating your own morality a lot, right? And the law of attraction and all that, well, all that is, is you're just shifting to the timeline where that thing exists or whether those experiences exist already, right? Oh. So that's like, that's like, when I like realized that it like clicked, I was like, Oh, that's how it works. Like every, everything is already, already exists on a certain timeline. You just got to, you just shift yourself to that. Yeah. So I think I did have a shift the other day I had a, a light language session with, uh, Valente, a Reese, I don't know if you're familiar with her and yeah, but she explained how we're going to, she's going to, we're going to clear the negative timelines and, and, you know, shift into the higher optimal timeline. And that day on the way to work, I noticed a sign that I pass every day that says the name of the town, Gerald, and it's, it's five miles away. And that sign said six miles jail, six miles, it changes six and it's been like that. And I'd been looking for another sign that says five, just in case I was mistaken, but it's like the weirdest thing ever. I swear it used to say five. That is a real thing. Yeah. experience. I can tell you myself and for some of you out there, you're going to be like, what, whatever, but, um, every single day, almost these days, I will wake up and I'll walk outside. And it's like something is different. There's just an, in, in some cases, you don't really even know what it is, but you'll be walking down the street and you're like, was this tree like that yesterday? Was that car like that would, was my car even like this yesterday? Did my face look like this yesterday? And those are all very extreme kind of over exaggerated examples, but we are living in an age in which as human consciousness expands into this weird thing called fourth density, we're starting to move outside of the human body where our consciousness is existing outside of this sort of physicality in such an amazing way that in my opinion, it's almost on a daily basis. We're shifting our frequency. We're entering into new kind of wavelengths and we will see little things like that. You'll see this side. It's like, man, I swear to God, it was always five. Now it's six or whatever that may be, and those are those personal Mandela effects that, you know, for some people, it's still a little bit of like, well, that's kind of some sci-fi there. That's a really cool idea, sure, possibly. But there's also this other group of us that's literally feeling it and living it on a daily basis. So that's a really good example when you're shifting in frequency and all of a sudden there's a change. So. Yeah. I've experienced many Mandela effects as well that I'm like, so sure, right? Like so sure it was not a certain or it was a certain way and it's changed. Or like I'll have a conversation with somebody and they'll say something and I'll come back and they're like, they won't remember it this way I did, but I'm so sure they said a certain thing, right? It's like, it's so specific that there's no way I'm like, there's no way I just like remembered that wrong. It's too specific, right? Yeah. It's like beyond your memory just failing you and stuff like that. Yeah. Now, there's a timeline shift, is that the same as a dimensional shift? And when you're switching timelines, could that be the same as like switching dimensions? What's your thoughts on that? That's actually, that's a very good question. I think that the process and once again, for everyone that's watching, you know, maybe out there's like a time lord sitting, you know, Matthew, you guys got this thing all wrong. They're sitting there laughing. From my point of view on the third to fourth density plane from, you know, what I'm able to access literally what everyone can access from at this point, it feels as if the phenomenon of what we would call the shifting of timelines or the conscious wavelengths of human kind of like reality, the hallmark of when that begins to shift and change begins with the transition or what some people call the harvest, the harvest period into fourth density. So we could say that the human body begins to shift or alter or change timelines on a much more exaggerated or increased level as we go through this sort of chapter. So it's almost like they're both interrelated. But then again, I also, you know, I'm going to say it again. This is the best that we are, or I am able to discern at this point as a person who works with this energy. So, you know, is in the future we might be laughing at ourselves, but you know, we will be laughing. If you haven't looked at a photo from when you're a child and laughed at that, I mean, it's going to be the same way. Actually, we probably will when we look back at what was it episode five of this and I'm like, oh God, that's what I was talking about. That brings up a little bit of a weird detail and, you know, the idea that many of us and some of you guys that are going to be watching this are going to be like, yes, I know it's true. But one of the things in my opinion begins that we begin to experience during this fourth density shift is we start to come in contact with a future version of us and it might be different for everyone. We're going to perceive this differently, but it's been my experience that for each individual who what we may call a sold individual and, you know, this is a can of worms, but not everyone existing on the earth plane has a soul guys. Not every person you see in the world is actually a real person. I know that's hard. It's kind of like a dangerous one to go down. But for those of us that are in sold beings, well, things begin to change very, very rapidly. And I guess where where I'm going with this as we enter fourth density, these experiences in these timeline shifts and what are ultimately these abilities that we have to interact outside of the human country or the human body, those are greatly expanding. And I already kind of lost where I was going to go with that. So. Yeah, I lost you to know, I'm joking. So you were talking about not everyone here has a soul. That's like the worst cannon I was just going to say, yeah, it's like Dolores can and talk about that. Yeah. She called them the background people. Yeah. Yeah. And some people actually developed the ability to be able to tell the difference between those people and then the actual organic people. She even claimed that she didn't have the ability, but she knew someone who could do that, and you know, it all goes into the whole idea that everything's a stage play, you know, and the whole nine yards, but it's interesting. It's definitely an interesting concept. And I've actually paid attention to a lot of people after I've heard that theory, I started looking around and I'm, you know, I asked myself the same question. I'm like, are these people background people or are they actually, you know, what is their purpose? What's down to like, well, how are they able to, are they just like robots then are, don't have free will? Or am I creating them somehow, is there maybe they're the ones that are being activated to start riding? Yeah. On a certain level, actually, I, that is a very, in my opinion, that is true. But when we talk about the concept of Muncie, and this is just my experience and sort of my interpretation of it, some people are going to watch this and go, what? That's not at all. You know, this is just the best that I have learned through my experience so far. But when I talk about, or when we talk about the concept of background people, it is my understanding and my observation, number one, that each and every person at this stage of human consciousness evolution has the ability to begin to discern who or what is real, what is true or what is not. I call it the frequency of truth. It's, if you want to get really weird, it's a module that will activate in the body after we've healed and sort of worked with certain filters or blockages or emotions. But the concept of the background people or what some people call NPCs, non-playable characters is based on the idea that, you know, every person that exists in the world, some of them are manifestations, some of them are projections, some of them are actually sort of programs or in some cases, and yes, we're going down a weird road here, holographic kind of things that will show up in our experiential realm in order to create an emotion, to create a reaction, to sort of alter a pathway of like behavior. And so what we're finding is, is that upon realization or noticing, or even if you were to see a person out in the world and look at that person and go, hmm, could that be one of those quote unquote background people that Matthew and Tyler and everyone here is talking about just by observing and noticing that individual in the world takes that background person program and instantly converts it into what you will perceive as a sentient being. And so just by placing our conscious awareness on the idea of the background person program, you yourself are actually turning that background program into a conscious sentient being. And so that goes back to the idea you guys and I realize this is a very dense kind of worms we're unpacking here, but it goes back to the idea that ultimately you, you yourself are the true creator of your realm. And one of the, you know, by now everyone has heard this phrase, but one of the greatest secrets or kind of like the mysteries is that you yourself are creating and guiding the process. And so in our own internal space, this is my experience once again, many people we will encounter are not actually real, their manifestations or like a projection of what's going on in your world. But some people will hear that you guys and they'll say, well, Matthew, that's crazy. You're saying that you run into this guy at the mall and you're trying to tell me that person's not real because that's crazy, right? People will hear that and go, but that's not what we're talking about guys. We're not saying that these aren't physical beings walking around in the world. What we're saying is that there are physical beings walking around in this world that this stage of this ascension and harvest that are just programs. Their program matrix bots and, you know, they can be converted or things will change or our consciousness will alter and, you know, there's a million ways to look at this and I'm going down a weird road here, but that's the way I perceive it. And so hopefully that makes sense. It definitely makes sense. And there's a million orbs fine around you right now. Oh God. Damn this. His sage smoke. Or it might be the smoke. No, there are probably some of them were definitely orbs for sure. I was seeing some orbs. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your reckless sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash and Luckyland is where people go every day to get lucky. At Luckyland, you can play over a hundred casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary. VGW Group, point where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. A lot of people are seeing those nowadays and I know we're kind of going on a little bit of a rant here, but for those that are watching, I think it's important to mention that as we go through this ascension process and ultimately the next 30 days, because right now we're just starting June of 2020 and with this eclipse that's happening right around June 5th here, many people on the earth playing are actually going to be experiencing what feel like little pin-pricks of light, little teeny orbs, you'll see them in the corners of your eyes. It'll be like a little flash. Some people are going to be doing like a meditation or breath work and they're going to start to perceive blue dots or blue orbs in their internal space and so as we go through this ascension process, the layers, the third eye begins to open very gradually and those are one of the ways in which you guys can gauge when this energy center is opening because it's not like you get an additional layer of view, you begin to perceive the internal space differently and so I hope that makes sense. I might be ranting it already. It makes sense to me. No, it makes pretty sense. Maybe those were background orbs. That's another rabbit hole there. I know you have a lot of abilities as far as being able to help people heal. I actually booked a session with you and it was incredible. It was dead on to be quite honest and it's still carrying over to today. I'm still thinking about that session and things that are happening are kind of the way you lay it out and it's awesome. You're really on to something with what you're doing. How would you tell somebody else, because we all have these abilities, what would you recommend to somebody else to be able to start tapping in to these abilities? What could they do? It's a very good question. This sounds ultra simplistic. Some people get annoyed when I say this, but this is literally true for everyone that's watching whether you believe you can or you're absolutely right. When I first started doing this, and I'm just going to kind of rewind a little bit because for everybody that's watching, I would say in 2015, just five years ago, if you would have told me that in 2020, Matthew, you're going to be teaching people how to open up non-physical energy centers in their body for the purpose of increasing and manifesting multi-dimensional energy and intuitive abilities. Honestly, I would have had no idea that that was going to happen, but what I discovered is that, first off, everyone has a certain skill, and I'm not saying that everyone out there's going to be creating fire in their hands and force lightning and all that stuff, although that is within the realm of possibility for the human body, which is why we are so sought after by certain races, which is why we are so watched, so monitored, and so suppressed, because the human body, as we incarnate into this body, we will actually choose abilities. For some of you guys out there, it is very much like choosing your character in a video game, but you will have chosen certain skills, certain abilities. They're going to be a little bit different from others, it'll be native to you, and they're going to activate at certain places or certain junction points in your life, but how do we activate those? They are going to be almost, well, I shouldn't say always, but very commonly, just on the other side of the emotional influences, the emotional traumas, the programming that you received in early childhood, especially early childhood trauma, whatever that may be, but for those that are trying to figure out what is my frequency, what is my ability, well, it's my opinion, first off, also that in 2020, you will already have some slight idea. You will have already sensed or felt or heard, or maybe you're one of those people you guys that's reading stuff on social media and you'll read somebody's post and you just get this whole other, you're like, "Huh, I don't know, I don't think that's what this person was really saying," or you get an additional layer, and so for each of us right now, we are already experiencing a little bit of that. Some of you guys are going to instantly deactivate it when it comes in, but where does that lay in the body? It's a little bit different for each of us, but the modality, at least that I've been teaching and developing, uses an auditory tone to open up certain areas, and so what we do, since it's different for each of us, is we just start in particular zones, areas where we have emotions start to move energy through it, so we find that when we do that, people's lives have huge changes, it's like a corner just turns, and having had experience that in my own life is absolutely real, so to kind of summarize you guys, what I'm rambling about is those intuitive abilities, those multidimensional kind of healing abilities that you're seeing other people use right now, these are native to everyone on the human plane, but they are just on the other side of personal healing and knowledge of self, and I can keep rambling on that one forever, but I hope it makes sense. Yeah, it does. Yeah. And I actually had a friend who, unfortunately her brother passed away, but when that happened, something happened to her, it activated something, and she was a medium. She was getting voices coming through, and she couldn't even be in public because everybody asked you to pass, somebody was trying to relay a message to that person. She had to learn how to control it and shut it off, you know, until she needed it, but she didn't ask for that, it just happened simultaneously when her brother passed, like that was the catalyst, and like you said, maybe it was, she chose that. That was all pre-ordained, and that was how it was supposed to happen, so I think that might be another aspect we can get into. I agree it is, I think that for each of us, none of those events, like for those of you out there, and I guess I'll just say my experience, you know, and some of you guys out there heard me talk about this, but I had an experience in, I think it was June of 2015, you know, before I was doing any of this stuff, in which, you know, this woman was like, hey, I'm just going to give you like a, like an energy blessing, okay, and I was like, yeah, that sounds good. I don't really want to go back to work at the moment, you know, I was at some festival thing at work, but this woman just placed her hands on my head for about 30 seconds, and what happened is there's this sort of opening, or what I now understand to be an incredibly expanded crown shock or opening, that will take place when certain events, certain emotional things will go down, certain situations, what we might call a catalyzing event, will take place in the body or in our timeline, and so it sounds like for her, that was her catalyzing event. For me, what we would call the catalyzing or activation event occurred with a crown shocker, but a lot of us right now are also experiencing an additional phenomenon that I think occurs as we switch into fourth density, and this might even be you guys as well, but it's the concept of the walk-in, or the level to which, for those of you guys that are wondering, you know, what is the walk-in, it is when another version of you are in some cases, another consciousness begins to integrate with the human body, and so that could have also been part of her experience, I know that was mine as well, but, yeah. And the concept of the walk-in you had also mentioned before soul braiding, is that the same thing, is it like a soul? I think that's a version of it. A version, right? A version of, yeah. Yeah, that, and thank you for mentioning that, because I think that's one of the things that I have been tasked to sort of talk about, or possibly normalize, for I think a lot of the people in this, you know, like awakening, transforming the community, and so the walk-in experience for a lot of us right now, like I just said, it'll happen at a certain stage in the life in which there's some predetermined agreement or some, you know, series of events that says if another version of us, and for some people this is very hard to grasp, so just, you know, grab onto what you can, but there are events in which at a certain stage in the human life, another version of you enters the human body. There is also kind of varying levels of that integration, and so by my understanding, this event that I had in June of 2015 was the beginning of what we call a soul braiding, and so, you know, you can imagine just the visual representation of a braid or multiple strands that are tied together, and for certain individuals, upon meaning certain like conditions or frequencies in the human body, we will experience this braiding, or what is even an un-braiding process, and for people that have seen that, it is more of a gradual kind of multi-level change in which over a period of time you begin to activate into an essentially different version of yourself, and so there is a lot of people having this right now, some of us are leaving jobs, relieving relationships, I myself had to literally put everything on the curb that I owned and walked away from my marriage and the house and everything into a new stage of life, but for me that was the soul braiding process, and I know I am going on a rant here, but for those of you guys that are wondering what is that soul braid, is it like another being that comes in, because it is a pretty wild idea, what it is, is a different version of you that is able to activate, and once again, step into this physical realm through the container that we have created, and so probably a lot of jumbled up stuff, but that is sort of my understanding of the soul braiding process. Well you weren't lying when you said we were going to get weird, actually it is not weird, it makes perfect sense, it does not make perfect sense, but I understand it on some level, it resonates, and I understand what you are saying, and I have heard the concept of walk-ins being negative, and we don't want walk-ins, like I have heard so many different both. Yeah, you know. And a lot of times it happens during near-death experience where somebody, yeah, so when people have a near-death experience, they go out of body, and a lot of times they will say like I knew I had to come back to fulfill my mission, or their beings told them that, but I think sometimes they feel like it is best for them to not come back, and then they will make an agreement with another soul to come in to the body, correct, and then that soul will kind of pick up and fulfill whatever mission it has, or I guess maybe fulfill the mission that that soul couldn't do, or didn't want to continue doing. Or I wonder, and that is a great point, I also wonder if they come in without permission sometimes in those situations. And that is probably the negative when it is, yeah, without permission. I think all of the above is possible, I think it is less likely to happen that somebody is going to sneak in any more at this point in the game, maybe, but I don't know. Once again, might be kind of a weird kind of awareness, but I believe I have actually had a direct experience with what we would call possibly a either distorted, or we could even say partially unseated, or not like contained walking, and I'll change all the names for, you know, sake of, you know, like decency, but in 2018, I worked with an individual that claims they were a walk-in from the quote unquote angelic realm. Those of you guys that have just heard that there are a number of separate existing physical and spiritual realms, one of them could be called angelic realm. I'm sure there's an infinite number of them, but this person claims that they were from a metatronic, or what we'll call angelic realm, and they claimed that they had somehow accidentally, this is where we get really fun and weird, she claimed she had accidentally dropped into the body of a transsexual drug addict during an overdose event in, I believe, it was August of 2009, if you want to get really technical, but they came in into what she described as the wrong body and the wrong timeline and the wrong realm in her task at that stage, what she told me was that she needed to once again find her soul group, find her soul tribe, find her soulmate, she explained that she was a being that, you know, through some fracturing ended up in the wrong body, in the wrong place, in the wrong timeline, even though I had a really big signal not to work with this person, you guys, to be honest with you, I was like, this is not your job, but, you know, we took it on anyway, and what I found in the course of the clearing with this person was almost as if there was sort of energetic fails, or what we would call sheets, of just kind of distortion that had been placed around the body, and it was almost like we would remove a sheet, or I would take her through a process of moving energy and the identity of the supposed walk-in switch, it would change, it changed three times, it went from something from the angelic realm, she then turned into a zeta reticuli grave that claims she had entered this body and that she was seeking her ship, we did a little bit more work in the context of the session, and suddenly she was then like a Pleiadian being that was once again trying to find, you know, some sort of a home or a tribe or, you know, whatever it is, and the reason why I'm going on and on about the stuff is because this is also example of the true bizarnus and the wildness of these sort of frequency-based distortions or sort of emotional kind of filters that will also get placed in the body. In this case, you guys, like the end of the story, fast forward all the way to the end of the story is that this person was not a walk-in at all, but they had a very, very distinct kind of dissociative, schizoaffective disorder, and they had actually just been off their medication, and so in certain cases, we will perceive our traumas and certain experiences that we've had as those walk-in events, and so just a really interesting, weird example of some of the stuff that shows up out there, and yet there's also real, legitimate people, and so anyway, I hope some of that makes sense. And then there's like possession, like demonic possession too, which is what I've heard is like when a person is in such a state of disassociation from their body, that they're not fully in their body, and then that's when a being is more easily able to kind of push their way and take over the body, and that's when people get demonically possessed, and then it's like this whole crazy entity. Well, that existing in the... That actually, in a sense, happened to me after my mom passed away. Really? Yeah. Well, I, you know, through a series of synchronicistic events, I found a Reiki healer a few years later, and she actually helped me remove this, but she thinks it came in at the time when my mother passed away, which is when I started having my negative sleep paralysis experiences, this thing was attached, it was living in me, and I had no idea. And I found... Which is different than an attached entity attached, yeah, that's a whole different... But... But yeah. It still, something came in because she said it happened because I was in such a weak state emotionally that it was almost like a fracture in my being, in my work field, and that's where it's snarked in. And so, after a few sessions, this thing, like, she couldn't just remove it after the first time. She had to... Like, she goes, "Everything has to happen in the order it's supposed to happen. You're out of alignment, this and this." So we just went through all the stuff, and she goes, "When it's ready to be removed, we'll know." And I laid there, and I knew the time it was. And this thing, when she wanted to go remove it, I could physically feel it. In my staikle chakra area, running from her hands, like, I can feel something inside me. And whenever it even happened, it was almost like a blur, but she just removed this thing. And she was just pulling it and cutting, "I don't know what the hell she was doing." I left that place like a new person. I was on cloud nine, I felt physically lighter, and people are going to think, "That's crazy," but I experienced that. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. It was insane. And that had been carrying this thing around for years. And had I not discovered her, I would have lived out the rest of my life like that, and it makes me wonder how many people out there are living with something. Did you feel like it was influencing your thoughts constantly, or you didn't realize it until after? No. I definitely realized after that it was causing some definite anger issues. And emotions. Yeah. You're getting an anger issues. And... Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Ready to heat up your summer vacation? Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So, sign up now for Reels of Fun and Reels of Prizes right here at Chumba Casino. With yours truly, join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun. At Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group, void work prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Definitely just reactive mindset, like, yeah, that is a really good, real world, like true experiential example of the phenomenon of, and, you know, once again, really wild term guys, entity attachment. We could also say possession on a certain level, which is a very, very heavy term. Everybody hears that, you were possessed, you know, the mind wanders in a number of directions, but possession in the, what we would call the technical definition of the term is incredibly common. Now, but it also takes place on multiple different levels in the human body. And so, what you talked about with the experience of your mother dying, that is an absolute real thing that will take place. Likewise, you also talked about your friend whose brother had died and she had also had an experience, a different thing, but what happens is for those of you guys that are wondering, how could this take place? How is that real? What about somebody dying would cause someone to open up on a certain level? And one of the ways you guys can imagine is, number one, there can be a fracturing process of what is usually the emotional body, because one of the most prime sort of bait signals or the actual sense that would draw it, whether it be parasitic infestation, sentient entity attachment, or even, you know, something else entirely into the body, the actual frequency that will attract it is usually negative emotions, pain emotions, what everyone calls lush. And so, you know, upon a very polarizing emotional event in your life, it's like, well, there will be a crack or another way to look at it, you guys, is this almost like a bonfire in a very, very dark forest that is raging out of control and, you know, there's some beings or animals in the forest that are going to go, well, let's go check out this fire, right? And imagine, you know, some of them are going to come close and they're going to burn up instantly, they can't handle it. But then there's going to be others that are going to hang out around the periphery of that fire and they're going to start throwing sticks and wood in there and branches and what's that going to be affecting the most prevalent negative emotion in your body? And so what will, you know, in this case, it could have been rage, it could have been frustration, but whatever it is, that's how we find the sort of roots or the connection points to what, in some cases, will eventually become an actual possession in which a being or a consciousness does take possession over the body. And if everybody out there wants to see what a real example of that looks like, I'm going to say it, go look up, you know, some of the people in the Democratic Party look up, some of the number one elites in the world, and here's another thing, guys, look very closely at their left eye, yeah, that's going to be the place absolutely in which not only the cloning element, which is a whole other can of worms, but what is actually a frequency of another consciousness. And so that, yeah, this is this is a real thing. But in your case, Tyler, I mean, that is a real energy clearing. When you walk out of that and you're like, something is different. And I know it. That is a real clearing. Yeah, it was, it was life changing, to be honest, I almost hearing almost in tears. You don't even know. It's just like what, who am I, you know, you don't know who you are anymore, but it was thankful. I'm so grateful for that moment. And I really kicked off an awakening process, obviously, because you're forced at some point to like start looking into things like, all right, what the hell is going on here? Yeah. So I don't know, I want to shift gears really quick, just because I just thought of this, you were actually, you went out to some of the protests and filmed them. Oh, I certainly did. Yeah. Well, I was just, I wanted to hear your experience. Yeah. No. And because I want, I want to lead into something with this. Yeah. Okay. So, so I believe at this stage, it was a couple of days ago for those of you guys that'll watch this in the future, what we're talking about is just, you know, the sort of riots and craziness that are taking place all over America at the point here in June of 2020. But I think this was about four days ago, me and my wife, Nora, walked down. We just heard one of those protests. We saw the helicopters in our neighborhood and I was like, what, really? And so we walked down to this area here in Los Angeles. And it was very much like we have been seeing on the videos and on all this stuff. While I did not find any pallets of bricks laid on the road, I was expecting them. But what we did find was a very, very distinct sort of display of what feels to be manufactured or influenced human emotion, something that is exacerbated or just exaggerated by what feels like a non-physical presence or a frequency. And you know, all that other stuff aside, you know, we did see, you know, not people on people violence, but really just the level to which, you know, you will watch this sort of mind virus take over in people and they begin certain automatic actions. They will sort of buy into a feeling or a current and you watch this sort of like, it's like a wave of collective madness. And anyway, yeah, it was a very, very interesting experience. I can tell you that I saw firsthand everybody, you know, those individuals with the black smashing windows and casually running away and really just setting up literal opportunities for people that were being affected by this frequency to go, you know, here's a thing, here's a brick, here's a golf club. There was a guy that drove up in the middle of the protest in like a Honda Civic, he even had his license plates out. So it's like everybody could, you know, like record who it was. They opened up the trunk and they dumped out three golf clubs in the middle of the street. They just opened it up and dumped them out and pulled away. And it was like conscious attempts to seed human consciousness into violence. And anyway, yeah, that's what I wanted to get it. Go ahead. No, yeah. That's, I mean, so here's, here's, I'm going to expand the view here a little bit because what I've learned over the years of my journey of awakening and just looking at the state of the planet, you know, the, the earth, human level of the, what we call the cabal or the, the globalists, the whatever, the people running the planet, they're not the top of the pyramid. It's, it's, um, there's entities above them. And really I want to call them ETs and interdimensional entities, whatever. There's things that are basically manipulating them to cause the chaos and cause things so they can feed off the negative energy created from, from everything, from our emotions basically. In recent times, they've been, they've been getting cleared out and removed basically on top of the raising of the frequency of the planet with the ascension, right? So they're basically desperate and like starving right now for energy to stay alive. So these entities are, are trying to me this, this is like what this really is about on top of staying in control is like they, they need this, they need the chaos and the negative energy to feed off them, right? So where, you know, they're going to be causing all this stuff. They're going to, there's going to be a, probably all kinds of negative entities that are feeding off of all that, that negative energy, that illusion is what some people call it, you know? Yeah. Um, so yeah, absolutely. I think there were probably many, there are probably tons of negative entities right now I'm feeding off of all this chaos and this. Yeah. Well, he, like you said, it's almost like, uh, influencing in the same time. In emotional attack, but I watched a video and this painted a picture for me as a tractor trailer driving on the highway. I forget what state, uh, I really don't remember it's happening everywhere. And there was a, a group of people protesting in the highway and this truck was trying to drive through it. The whole entire truck was mobbed. People started climbing up on the truck, somehow got the yank of the guy out. It was like whenever you drop a piece of fish food or throw a piece of food in the water and the fish just come up, these people, I can only imagine the worst happened to this guy. I don't know what happened to him. He was just engulfed by a sea of people, looked like school fish going after one piece of food. What drives these people to do this? So yeah, it's, yeah, it's in sense. On a certain level, this is where, you know, I'm just going to go there on a certain level what you guys saw with the truck was actually a repeating timeline event from the 90s with the individual known as Reginald Denny. You guys are going to watch the repeating of certain timelines and events that are going to take place. Only this time the timeline played out a little bit differently with a different truck and a different individual, but you literally are watching a matrix replay of certain events. And so all that aside, you know, take it however you want, but what, what, what is actually happening when that sort of feeding process or that feeding frenzy or that sort of frequency kicks in. First off, it's a really good example of the phenomenon of, you know, once again, loosely held term, possession. And so how would that take place in a group think scenario like that? What we're talking about is, in my opinion, an increase in this frequency or what is also another virus, you guys, it's called the Wetico. It's a mind virus. It's a frequency that gets shared and sort of reinforced between groups of people, between people in elitist power, it sort of trickles down through parasitic influence, large groups of individuals. And when we see that sort of feeding frenzy type of environments or that stuff, or, you know, the people going through the wild looting sort of hunger, and you'll see it on the news, they're going by the camera and all we're seeing is eyes at this point, right? Because everybody's got those stupid masks on. And so you're just seeing their eyes and there's this crazy like, it's like this hunger. And so number one, that's an example of real world. That's the Wetico mind virus. Once again, most easily visually noticed in the eyes or in human behavior, you'll even notice a tone of voice shift. But what happens is it's kind of like on a collective level, a group of people will be tuned to like a radio station. Once again, because we were talking about timelines earlier, it's like consciousness will be tuned to a radio station. And when it reaches a critical mass, it's like all of a sudden we've got all these beings in this area and this critical mass of vibration, automatic influences kick in. And that's when for many of us, we will experience what we could call a possession moment. But what it really is, is almost like an opening in the human body template in which all of a sudden it'll get filled with this frequency or this energy and you will act or do or behave on a completely different level. You guys will also see this with people with really big addictions or people that are also here's a weird one, super addicted to technology. I noticed that trend in children, if you, there's studies out there that if you expose a child to a technology or a tablet or a screen for so many hours, X amount of time, and then try and remove it from them, they they they pants like a drug addict, it's like a drug addict, it may become evil in a sense. I mean, that's what you would these kids just wash out. They start screaming and hitting that when you pulled away from them because you're taking away their drug and that does a real thing. Yeah. Sorry to just like cut you off there, but you guys are seeing an example for those of you guys, maybe that have kids or you'll have loved ones or you will also see this phenomenon. What you're seeing right there is in my opinion, once again, a real world example of this thing we call AI bio digital social program, it takes place on a number of different levels, but especially when we see that with children, what you're watching, you know, internally is this sort of dopamine release, this sort of hit that takes place. Other people will call it the casino effect that takes place in the body in which, you know, certain frequencies or wavelengths will be sort of altered to create a feeling in your body. And so yeah, that is a real world example of that. In fact, everyone that's watching this video right now is also experiencing their own version of bio social programming as well. But yeah, that is a real world example. Also you guys have how AI sent chance and other weird can of worms actually affects human consciousness. Oh, yeah. That's not even this. That's no secret at all. Yeah. You know, I find myself sometimes, you know, our phone becomes like a crutch sometimes. And I find myself, I don't even know why I do it because I'm not thinking about it. But I'll be standing there with doing nothing has not on my phone. I'll be doing something else, but I have my hand in my pocket on my phone almost as if some part of me feels safer, knowing that my hand is on my phone in my pocket. And I know where it's at or whatever the reason might be in at that moment. So I'll try and take it and set it somewhere if I realize it and just get away from it. On some level, or I'll be watching TV and I'll be holding my phone, not doing anything with my phone, but it'll just be in my hand. It's just why. So there's some level of comfort there. It's like part of us at this point, and it's really disturbing. And I hate the fact that I do it, but I know we all do it on some level. And it's just something you really need to start trying to be aware of because once you're aware that you can kind of start separating the will, then try to make some changes. That is a real thing in the level to which we are actually programming, just so you know, and I think everybody's aware of this on a certain level, but we are also programming and teaching that sentient frequency through our willingness to condition ourselves by allowing the increase kind of, you know, like the connection that that technology has with the body. For, you know, we'll just take it one, you know, extra step even farther down the road. What's really happening in generality with that, everyone, is that there is an actual transhumanist timeline that in this is a weird example or a weird way to like think of it, but it's literally a stream that is speeding toward us in this like collective wavelength right now. And what's happening with, you know, the reasons I won't say the word the injections that they wanted to give us to stop a fake virus or the sort of new internet that's being turned on to further track and influence your emotions, what's happening is that's the timeline overlay process that's going to hopefully on their end, the negative and corral our consciousness into colliding with that rapidly speeding AI transhumanism timeline, which is why you guys, we are seeing these these last tentacles of this creature come over, you know, right at the end in 2020, right before we have this huge solar eclipse that's going to allow each of us to switch the timeline in our own way. We're experiencing the last gas of that. So it's just really important to stay aware of like our thoughts, because we're going to get further pulled into that AI kind of outlook and you might be hearing some chaos at my house right now, but yeah, that is a real thing. That's the transhumanism AI sent you in frequency, trying to integrate itself with our human consciousness. And so, you know, yeah, it's, it's sad that it's just a state. It's where we are. It's it's now, you know, some people are so on a, they're doing such a mission to combat the AI, but it's like, can we actually combat it or how we don't combat it by by force or like attacking or because I feel like, you know, you don't fight a negative with a negative. That's that's what it comes down to. You you're responsible for your own frequency, right? You're on state and if you, if you get angry and and triggered all the time and you're just lashing out constantly and constantly and you're fighting, you're trying to fight against your, you're actually feeding into the very negativity that you're fighting against. And it's not to say don't feel your emotions like let them flow through you, but don't stay stuck in that negativity, which is what unfortunately I say a lot of people do, but then I'm also seeing more, more people wake up to their own, the realization that they're responsible for themselves and their own state and that, that moving into and more and more in alignment with love and with the higher frequencies is the best path. I agree and I apologize if you guys are hearing all this craziness, there's like some machines going on at some house, but there is actually for those of you guys that are watching this, there is a very tangible and distinct kind of protocol or things that you can do to begin to like either gain sovereign awareness, but ultimately detox the human body from this sort of influence. And so number one, everybody knows this at this stage, but it's the heavy metal detox. There is a literal phenomenon occurring where the heavy metal particulate matter actually creates a ring around the sides of your head. It will literally kind of begin to seed and flow into certain areas of your brain. What happens is those are some of the ways by which this sort of sentient AI frequency that we're already experiencing in our phones, you guys, although I think that's what they would call artificial narrow intelligence in that it still works within a very narrow kind of wavelength or a bands in which it's unable to completely integrate outside of that. But what we do is we begin detoxing the human body of heavy metals. And the reason why we do that is because that number one starts to release this sort of emotional toxicity from your upper shockers, it starts to kind of pull away the sort of influences or the level to which you are affected emotionally by artificial frequencies. And there, you know, after the detox process, my recommendation or the thing that's worked for me is qigong or tai chi. What is what we're ultimately doing, you guys, is we're expanding and stretching open the non physical wavelengths in the human body, namely, in my opinion, guys, the meridians at this stage of the journey. And for those of you out there who are, you know, able to wade through this weird, like jumbled up thing that I'm telling you, in my opinion, the key toward restoring or ultimately removing this ai sentient influence and returning true clarity in the human body is number one, learning the meridians. It's this literal circuitry that our human body has. And I think that's where a lot, through my point of view, of that density is hanging out, but it's also about healing our emotions. And I think those are the three things you can do. It's detoxing the body, improving your own energetic kind of like condition and three really working with our emotions. So I hope that makes sense. I'm getting drawn away by all this chaos outside. And we can, it's barely there in the background. It's just like a little, just like a little hum. I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today. At Lucky Land. No purchase necessary. V.G.W. Group, boy prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Okay, good. That's a good sign. Thank you. Yeah. And the emotional stuff you're talking about, that's key right now, because everyone's emotions are coming to the surface. And what happens is you kind of get stuck in your head. If you don't know what to do about it, and you can go crazy, or not necessarily crazy, but you can really start losing sight of what you're even doing anymore. And I've experienced this personally, just not this recently, you know, I just went, I just got them going through something, you know, you always think you've grown through the dark and out of the soul and you're done and you're out of it, then out of nowhere something else happens and now you're processing something else and integrating or whatever you're doing. But it's something I had to, just a little mini battle, I had to fight on my own. And it just, it's just important to talk about because your emotions, I just, I've experienced some losses in my family recently and I don't think I fully healed from that and it finally started showing back up. But then it just starts taking over and you just start asking yourself questions like, what am I doing? You know, what's even, you just start questioning everything. Once again, I can, and just, I'm glad you touched on that and if you can add to that, please do. Yeah. I would say for me, some of the most amazing experiences I have had, whether it has been, you know, some deep realization about myself and understanding of my mission or even in certain cases, what I believe to be actual out of body extraterrestrial experiences. For me, they have been just on the other side of releasing this huge emotional bubble or this emotional wound in my body that I had been holding on to. And I think a lot of us out there at this stage of the journey, you know, like we're wondering, you know, how, how can I be in contact with, you know, the higher self or my guides or, you know, the ET guides and a lot of us are kind of hanging out waiting for things to change or waiting for things to happen or waiting for things to activate in the body and in my experience, all of those things, and this is just Matthew's experience. Other people are going to be like, it's totally different, but for me, all of those gifts, all of those frequencies, all of those experiences in Matthew's world were just on the other side of emotional healing of knowledge of self, of, you know, learning about the mind body spirit complex and you know, who, who are we? What are we actually doing here? I guess what I'm saying is self, self knowledge, healing, like forgiveness, all of those, all of those things for me are the keys and the sort of unlocking elements toward the next stage of the mission, I guess we could say. Yeah. And I think, honestly, what got me out of that whole thing I was going through was some I had mentioned, you know, it's important to be grateful for everything in your life. And I guess I was just taking for granted everything in my life at that point. I was just started being grateful for everything. The fact that, you know, just small stuff, every little, every little thing that's allowing us to be here right now and then comparing yourself to the, I compare myself to the worst day I've ever had in my life to now I'm like, you know, I should be, I would be back then I would have been paying to have a day like today. So he just, I started creating reference points for myself. Like all about where you put your attention, really. And just like I was walking my dogs and I was like, actually, I'm so grateful to even be able to do this right now and just, just living being grateful for everything actually really helped me. You know, I'm not in a bad place, I just had to get out of my head. I feel you that kind of makes me think of one of those cheesy memes that everybody passes around on Facebook, maybe you guys saw it, but it's that one where it was like, remember the days where you prayed for the things that you have right now. Oh, yeah. It was weird because I saw that a few months ago and I was like, oh my, you know, it just hits you and you're like, wow, oh my God, remember that stage whenever it was when we were like, if I could only just, oh, you know, that sort of angst during that awakening process and I don't know that that is a real thing, you know, that that is a real thing part of our journey. Yeah, and that's part of like, you know, it's easy to lose sight of how much you've grown and like how much where you're at now compared to where you were, like we were just talking about years ago, like we're a completely different person and it's when you stop and like look at how much you have to be grateful for and how much you've grown and you can really start to build that gratitude there and expand from there. Yeah. And I agree with 100% of that. And just don't know what I'm going to say next. Yeah. I mean, to me, it's just like being here, being alive and coordinated in this place right now is, you know, it's crazy as it is and obviously it's super crazy, but it's exciting at the same. It's so amazing at the same time that we get to like experience and be a part of this right here. Sounds cheesy to everybody. You guys have heard me say this before, but I truly believe this is the most amazing time we ever could have ever chosen to come down here and do the human game. I mean, really, like we all made this agreement prior to coming in here. Okay, we'll go down to earth. What are we doing? We're doing this, you know, and then we get down in the human body. And just so you know, guys, you go through that birth like canal. It's called the amnesia layer. So while you're in there, you will still have much of the knowledge and all of the things that you're going to do here. But part of our agreement is we go through that great forgetting and you know, you got to go through that entry point into the physical body and like, here we are years down the road guys. It's 2020 and we're having those meetings and those gatherings and those moments. And I think the reason why this all this is happening right now, if you guys are watching this and you're like, but Matthew, the world's crazy and it's horrible and there's violence and, you know, there's this transhumanism timeline you guys are rambling about and there's all, you know, all this crazy stuff you guys have been talking about. We came here for that experience. It's just my opinion. We came here to experience this and, you know, I realize I'm ranting on this at this stage, but I think if there's anything people take away from this moment or this interview or this experience and the stuff that people are talking about, it's that you are sharing energy on an entirely different level. We are literally creating this realm with each other on a daily basis. So I don't know, I'm just kind of ranting at this stage, but that's how I see it. Well, beautifully said, this goes into this segues perfectly into something I want to close on, let you talk about your online class, the school of multidimensional intuition. And this, it's kind of almost reminds me of exactly what you were just talking about. So, you want to explain what that is? Yeah, thank you. So over the past few years, through the contact with what I believe to be and understand as a multidimensional, higher self-council, a collection of beings that have existed as Matthew throughout the fabric of time. Many of us are having this experience, but a few years ago, I began to receive downloads, teachings, understandings, pieces of information that were not mine. They were not given to me. I was not educated in this, but what I learned was that I was being given and downloaded and asked to develop an actual model or a modality or a method by which individuals can actually learn to increase or develop their intuitive abilities. And so what I mean by that is I've created a project, it's an ongoing project called the School of Multidimensional Intuition. And what we do is we go through specific trainings, workshops, stuff like that. We're beginning a new one on June 28th of this year in which we're going to be doing an energy body transformation process. It's a seven-week course in which we will be working with specific structures in the body for the purpose of expanding your intuition, expanding your healing, but really about finding your mission here in this body. And so it's a really important dimension for those of you guys that may watch this and want to join that process. That starts June 28th, and you can message me individually or reach me through my website,, and we will make special arrangements for you to get into this class because it's really important for me to mention that a lot of people are doing this work right now. A lot of people are offering what they've learned and what they've picked up, and one of the agreements I made is that I would not have a large barrier for admission, meaning that I made an agreement that I would facilitate an opening for people that truly want to learn how to expand their energy. And so for those that can't afford this class, they can email me specifically and we'll get you in there. But the idea behind this, everybody, is that we are truly being called to awaken and develop that great healer, that ancient mystic, a truly, truly great wizard, if you want to go there that exists inside each of us, because at this stage of the game, we all have a very particular skill of calling the next stage of our mission, and so people can reach me through my website, to do, we do individual clearings, individual readings, and also through School of Multidimensional Intuition, either at YouTube or on Vimeo, if you would like to purchase other courses, and so that was kind of a mouthful. I will pause there, but yeah, thank you. That was great, that's awesome and it's so cool you're doing that, that's really awesome, and I like the whole concept of not having that financial barrier, because not everybody can do that, so it's really cool that you're doing that. Let's talk about camp disclosure before we wrap this up. So camp disclosure for everybody who doesn't know by now, we plug it in at the end of every episode. It's going to be really awesome, it's a conference, but it's not like the big name conference that you see, it's more of a, I don't know how to describe it, maybe it's more of a, it's just a treat between that and the conference, and kind of almost maybe like a festival in a way. I can kind of tell you my, or rather what I have been given regarding the process of camp disclosure this year. I believe at least for the work that I'm doing there, it's going to be an activation experience. What I mean by that is for those that are capable and able to make it to, I believe it's Flat Rock North Carolina August 27th through 31st, what we're doing is a much smaller group of individuals in which at least me personally, we're going to be doing a very particular type of an activation workshop. Some of you guys saw me at dimensions of disclosure last year, in which we gave everybody in the group that came to the workshop, one of these little, I call it, it's a cheesy word everybody, a time crystal, but what it really is, is an actual energetic device that we're going to be giving people, we're going to be charging, we're going to be learning how to open up our true intuitive abilities through a couple of different structures in the body, the vagus nerves, certain chakras, certain areas, so we're going to be going through an activation process at camp disclosure, and I know there's lots of other people doing cool stuff there as well, but for those of you guys that are watching this, there are not that many opportunities to gather in the physical realm in 2020. We all know why, but what's happening is this year in August, there is a very, very small group of individuals that are being summoned, they're being called to this experience for a very specific reason, for everyone it's going to be a little bit different, but I'm just really honored to be able to be a part of this thing, because there are multiple opportunities showing up, not only camp disclosure, but there is another kind of light warrior training thing that I'm going to be talking about that takes place a week after that with Z or star healer, who some of you guys are familiar with, she's also going to be at camp disclosure, but we're also going to be following up the camp disclosure experience with essentially a week long, actual physical, multi-dimensional training program that's taking place in New Mexico. It's a whole other can of worms, people will hear about that later, but yeah, many opportunities this year, so take care of it. Yeah, and I'm wondering how many can of worms you got there. Oh, it just goes on. And watch out, I'll ramble forever, but yeah. But yeah, so we're looking forward to it, it's actually our first chance, it's our first time actually having a chance to be a part of the conference instead of just being, you know, there as a guest, that's what you could say, it's pretty crazy. So we have the experiences lounge, we're going to have set up, we're going to be interviewing some people, everybody has something to say, and most of the time they don't want to talk about it, but when you have a conference, something in you, you want to tell everybody. So we're going to record some of that, you know, compile it, put together a little video, maybe do some live, some live podcasts, we're going to be doing plans of music, giving some stuff away, just hanging out, it's going to be fun, it's going to be awesome, just if, you know, something, it's just like you said, not many opportunities this year. So I think people are itching to get out. And like you said, we're summing, people are summing, the right people will show up, yeah, that is a real thing. And I realize we're going on and on at the stage, but you guys, yourself and this group on this show, you, Aaron and Tyler, I think you are going to experience much more of this sort of role within this sort of group or this circuit, because what's also happening in 2020, everyone, those individuals that are part of this soul group are now being called to step up and teach or show or present that which you've been building and accumulating over multiple lifetimes. So this even this show that you guys are doing this podcast and the level to which you're expanding it, these are timed events that are meant to take place right now. So I don't know, man, I think it's a beautiful thing and it'll be really, really cool to see you guys there. Yeah, absolutely. Likewise. Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more. It's definitely like a building block scenario like it were. It's just going to lead us to something greater obviously, but definitely we're going to have the link is always in the description under all of our videos to take you to the website. You can take it, it has all the information. I think they're actually getting made to update the website for one last time. So you can, I don't think like there's workshops and stuff that they haven't updated yet, but that'll all be on there. So check it out guys. If you feel called, you know, grab a ticket, grab a ticket and just manifest it, definitely. So anyway, thanks for coming on, Matthew. This is my, gosh, we touched on so much. Yes. Yes. It's really amazing. We get into these crazy conversations and I ask Aaron, I'm like, man, how do we even title these episodes anymore? We have a hard time. You can't blanket at all in one word. Yeah. It's sincerely appreciate you guys. Honestly, it's truly an honor as a person that watches you guys that's going through this process and this change alongside everybody else. I'm deeply, deeply honored to be here and thank you for honoring this weird stuff, you know, that I do. I'm in a very, very weird, weird niche in this realm and it's, it's, it's really an honor to be able to talk about and explain the processes that I'm also viewing in the world. So thank you. Yeah. Well, thank, thank you for the work you're doing. It's, it's huge. And you've, and this is the place for that to talk about this stuff. That's why we did this. I mean, there's really no telling what we're going to get into your half of the time. And it's, it's a beautiful thing. So yeah, and thank you. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for doing what you do and anytime if you ever want to come back, just reach out and we'll set something up. Thank you. All right, guys. Thanks for listening. Check out Matthew, your website, remember your mission, right? Remember your That is correct. All right. Awesome. Can they book a session with you there? Yep. Absolutely. Everything is there on the site. Booking. We have classes, events, all that stuff is there. Remember your mission. Thank you. All right, guys. Check it out. And thanks for listening. We'll see you next week. Have a good night. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Is it over? It's over. It's over. Hey, guys. It is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun too. And now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Chumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at Sponsored by Chumba Casino. 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