Journey to Truth

Ep 64 - Roger Richards - Arrival Of Archetypes - Cosmic Consciousness - Surrendering To Authenticity

Originally aired on 5/7/20
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Roger Richards is a filmmaker, artist, activist, and founder of the Full Disclosure Now Global Day of Action 11/11 movement. He has a background in the arts, activism, and works as an entrepreneur with many different projects related to the pursuit of truth and Disclosure.

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Click on the link below, and you can quickly and permanently bring balance back to your body. Thank you. - Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight we are joined by Roger Richards. Roger is a filmmaker, artist, activist, and founder of the full disclosure, now Global Day of Action 1111. Most of you will probably recognize him from his involvement with Above Majestic and the Cosmic Secret. We can go on and on, but we're gonna turn it over to you. Roger, thank you for coming on the show. We're super excited to have you. - Thanks, man, and I appreciate you guys opening up this space and all the space that you've been opening with the Journey to Truth podcast. Like, I was just kind of talking to you guys beforehand about the newly awakened and the people that have really kind of found a calling in a home in this community and all the kind of new faces and new perspectives that are coming in are, it's a beautiful thing to see now. Very cool. - Yeah, exactly, I agree, I agree. The new, it's always nice, it's refreshing to have new voices come forward, you know, 'cause we can only listen to so many of the same people before, you know, it's just how it's worked, how it works. It's just like a natural cycle. So it's really cool to be a part of that. And I guess for the people who aren't aware of who you are, do you want to just kind of give a brief introduction of yourself and then we'll go. - Sure, who am I today? (both laugh) A balding and changes, but, you know, I'm an artist, activist, a filmmaker, a poet, a father. These are, you know, the different areas of my life that I've dabbled in and explored and grown, you know, and created in over the last 40 years of my life here. And so I think today, where I'm at now, is in a place of creation and being an artist and emerging all of those things together. You know, what does art look like through activism? You know, what does activism look like through spirituality? These combinations of things are what I'm fascinated with and see a great merging happening in the collective consciousness around all of these things. And so, you know, that's the best I can do to kind of find who I am here in this moment. - Yeah, and I like how you said that in this moment because it's true, because if you look back five years, 10 years ago, it's like, you can't really use that as a guideline for who you are now because it's just the way things are constantly evolving. - Yeah, like the moment in your superposition is really all that matters. What are you choosing to witness right now? What are you, you know, choosing to move forward in down the timeline? It's an amazing thing to know that every day you can redefine yourself. And I think that in this generation, this energy, this space that we're going through right now, that's what we're being called to do is kind of redefine ourselves each day and open up breakthrough barriers, connect with each other more, create more and continue that place of creation. Even if you look at, you know, what's happened right now with the virus, but we're all confined to our homes and, you know, with our families and not allowed to touch each other, not allowed to hug each other, you know, where does that drive you into that space? It drives you inward. And I don't know about you guys, but the last like six, eight weeks of my life has been a really, really deep inward, you know, glimpse at what am I? What is this world right now? Where am I participating? Where am I being of service? Where am I being called to be of service? You know, how can I heal myself? Like these perspectives over the last, you know, couple of months have been just beautiful to go into very deep and emotional and challenging just as all catalysts are. But, you know, that's, I see all of us in this collective consciousness space right now exploring the inner depths and wells of our souls. And it's going to have an amazing effect. You see a lot of, you know, people projecting out there right now the fears around, you know, will being quarantined to our houses, the rights for public assembly or being stripped from us, the rights to communicate and hug and touch and love each other or being stripped from us. That's one thing that's important to look at and see on one level, but there's always an opportunity that's given within those catalysts. And so I hope that everybody has been able to take this moment of pause right now to get centered and to go deep and to look at parts of your life and your expression here and where that can grow and blossom in the future. Because as we're moving out of this transition here and which is relatively soon, you can feel the energy now kind of opening up and moving. But it's going to open up to a whole new world and a whole new perspective based on the work that we've done collectively over the past couple months, you know, going inward and really doing that. So I'm excited to see where this is all going because if you just look and you witness, you know, through archetypes, they're burbling up in the collective, you know, subconscious, unconscious out into the mainstream media and trends and fads and memes, we have a really, really crazy ride this year set up for us. - Yes, we do. - Yeah. - And I agree, what I think is really interesting, what's happening right now is so many of us, for so long, we're defining ourselves by our job title. If someone's asked somebody, what do you do? You would say, I'm a nurse or I'm a carpenter or whatever, whatever you do, and now the people that aren't working, the people who have lost their jobs or are sitting at home. - It's like, well, who am I? - Yeah, it's like you can't define yourself by your job title anymore. So now when somebody asks you that question, what do you tell them? And then I think that's to hold the path of discovery at this point. Somebody, I know, answered that he's a carpenter and somebody asked him, what do you do? And he tells them, like, oh, I play the piano ball of ice, like, no, what do you do for your career? He's like, well, I'm a carpenter, but that's what I do, that's not who I am. And when he said that, that just, that stuck with me, that was years ago. And that stuck with me, I was like, that's a really interesting way to look at things. And I think that's a lot, that's like kind of what we're seeing happening now. It's like, who am I? And what is my purpose? And I love, I love that you've just touched on that. And the whole cosmic consciousness right now and the esoteric level of what's taking place is really fascinating. And I think it gets overlooked a lot because of all the, I guess, the 3D level stuff we see flying around. So I'd love to get into some of that. Yeah, definitely. I mean, that question that you just put out there, who am I? That embodies exactly what I was feeling and so I was talking about that. And that's a really, really, you know, simple way to look at that. Who am I? Am I my job? Am I my responsibility? And definitely, I feel like the collective is facing that. And so when you look at us as a single collective consciousness, who am I? Who are we right now in this space? What are we becoming? You know, awesome. Yeah, exactly. And then, so what are we becoming? Let's talk about that. We're seeing so much, so much happen right now. And it's kind of confusing. And it's, if you don't know what's going on, even if you do know what's going on, it can be kind of scary. It's like, why, you know, is this all planned this way? Are we seeing it all just come to the surface? And it just looks really bad right now. It looks terrible. And, you know, the deep state's throwing out all their, you know, their last moves and all the stuff. And we're just going through this. We're just seeing it play out because it's meant to be seen this way. So it can all be exposed and healed. Is that what you think's taking place? You know, that rabbit hole man, like trying to figure out what is going on. It is a rabbit hole that never ends. And the truth movement, it's really interesting. It's like you look at how this exploration of truth, eventually as you pass through all of the gatekeepers of, you know, 9/11 truth, government conspiracy, you know, MK Ultra, you know, going down the rabbit hole into extraterrestrial contact. And beyond, you eventually end up in this space of spirituality. And this whole paradigm of science versus religion ends up melding completely. And so one of the, you know, things that's really important is to, one, not drive yourself completely schizophrenic as you're going through that rabbit hole, like the awakening experience of following this breadcrumb trail of your own intuition and thought and interests and creativity is maddening at times, you know? And I don't know how many times, you know, I've been going through my own research and been like, oh, my God, no, like, what, this is happening? Ah, it makes so much sense. Why? You go through these spaces of awakening that are really expansive and can come with a lot of horror and terror and, you know, trigger all of these things within you. And so, you know, it's this trial and tribulation time of the awakening consciousness. And what does it mean for this great unveiling to happen? What does it mean for all of us collectively to wake up and be this great awakening altogether? And so, like, you know, when you get to the other side of it and you start really going into the deeper spiritual foundations of things, you will find that the inner well of truth is the purest well of truth that you can drink from. And I mean that. And that everything else out there, information, experiential things that you're taking in is purely information for you to drive yourself inward and wake yourself up to reminding you and helping you remember that you are God, are God here in manifest form, trying to remember that. And it's a beautiful process. And so, when you can get to that space, the schizophrenia and just the intensity and the emotional roller coasters, find this calm settling in a foundation for you to then really kind of proceed. And so, what I'm describing is my experience. I'm not kind of saying this as, you know, this is what everyone should go through or is going through. I'm opening up personally to my own kind of rawness to share in a way that if it connects with you, great, if it doesn't, it talks me out. So, in my experience, I'm an artist. I have been an artist since I was born in the way that I wanted to create and express myself. And that came out, you know, through music, through films, through events, through different collaborations, through being an entrepreneur, through, you know, business, all of that stuff. My understanding of really kind of the core of who I am is this creator. And when you start to perceive the world and this whole cosmos from the perspective of an audience member and participant in one of the most elaborate, amazing, confusing, holographic pieces of art that's ever been performed. I mean, that is all of creation. And so, where led me in my journey was, you know, the love one is a great tool to access and start opening up these deeper consciousness spaces within the well of, you know, the cosmic cosmology and, you know, what we're really potentially experiencing here, as opposed to just for 3D organic objects, living, decaying, and all of that. What else is going on in that? And the love one talks about the archetypal mind. And the archetypal mind is represented in the torodec. And the idea, and this is my layman's interpretation of this, love one again is very dense material that the more you read, the more it opens up to you. But from the archetypal mind experience, we're witnessing and we're projecting ourselves through archetypes. And what does that mean? Archetypes are a collection of things, a collaboration of thoughts, ideas, traditions, things that have been embodied through emotional energy, through either creativity or through ritual or through, you know, participation. And these archetypes are represented in, you know, deity figures. They're represented in pop stars there. Everything around us, from my perception, can be condensed down into an archetype. When you look through the archetypal mind at the world around you, you see a much bigger, broader perspective. And so when you're asking about kind of where I'm at now, this is how I perceive things. I perceive the world through a creative flow of information that's coming to me directly through my core and driving me inward. And I try to use that experience to open my heart and really, what does it mean to focus on unconditional love? Yeah. What does that mean? Yeah, that was very well said. Beautiful, yeah. And I liked what he touched on at the beginning of that. He said, you know, going down the rabbit holes of the ETs, UFOs or false flags, 9/11, MK Altra, all that stuff, it eventually leads you to a spiritual path. And it's so true because somebody at work was asking me something one time. And I started going off on this rant before I realized I was ranting. And that wasn't really ranting, but I was just explaining, you know, he asked me a question about what's going on with the ETs. And I just ended up totally somewhere else. He's like, wow, that's pretty deep. He's like, it's pretty deep, man. He's like, wow. He's like, I thought you were the UFO guy, not because what are you talking about? I was like, well, I said, well, that's where it led me. I said, that's where it starts. But then it takes you somewhere else. And you don't even really realize it, I guess, until you're in that space. You're like, wow, look, if you stop and think about where you started, like this all started with me being curious about UFOs, honestly. And that's where, and now we're here. We are talking about this. And the underlying meaning behind everything. It's not just, you know, you take nothing in your face value anymore. And that's so true. You have to do that, actually, if you want to have any type of, if you want to be able to navigate through this lifetime, you have to start looking beneath the surface. So I couldn't agree more. And, you know, where I was kind of going with this overall thought to share and open up this dialogue more is around the choice that happens in each moment, where thought becomes manifest into word, becomes manifest through action. That's really kind of what we see as reality and what we perceive and create together as reality. But at the base of every thought is fear or love. And your thought forms and your mind and your consciousness being projected right now into this experience has the choice of those two polarities. That's essentially what we're existing in and living in. And those polarities are driving us back and forth through these experiences. They're creating explosions of creations or creations and consciousness expansion. And that polarity is really, really important right now in this experience here for us in this moment because it's driving all of us to this place of eventually merging those polarities. Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. Laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry. We were looking for Chumba Casino. That's right. has over a hundred casino-style games, doing today and playing for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. No more statistics. Over with it by law, 18-plus starting to get into supply-seat website for details. On a higher level and finding complete oneness and unity and really understanding that at the core of everything is oneness. And people say, you know, we're all one and, you know, everything is one, but to know that and to live that and to perceive that and to let go of your own individual. This is me. This is everything I've done is me. Like, that's a hard thing to do, you know? And the continual practice goes back to, for me, is the sponsoring thought of every single moment within your superposition here is either based off of love or fear. And so the simple practice that I go through each day that really alleviates a lot of anxiety and stress and all of those things is to look at the sponsoring thought of each moment. And is this thought coming from fear? Is this thought coming from love? And any place that the thoughts of fear come up and I can recognize them in those moments, I can at least be present with them. And that seems to be all that's really kind of needed. And the sponsor and the sponsoring thoughts of love being able to really recognize, wow, this is the thought that came like purely from a space of service to others and love and unconditional love when you check in. And yep, that's where it was the feeling of that and knowing that is just so incredibly powerful and incredibly peaceful. So as everybody's navigating all the craziness that's kind of going on and this big beautiful play creation that we're all a part of and witnessing, remember to go back to that place and look at your thoughts, the origins of everything that you're expressing here, or are they out of love or were they out of fear? Yeah, and it's so crucial to be aware of your thoughts. And once you do, once you start, and it's a long road, it's so easy for us to talk about this, but everyone has to come through it on their own. But once you do become aware of your thoughts and realize, you're not your thoughts. Yeah, you are not your thoughts. Or is, yeah, exactly. Are these thoughts mine or where are these coming from? And once you once you're even just being aware that that is a possibility already helps you in your decision making process. And the next step in every day and it's like, okay, why did this pop in my head? Did I just think that? Or, you know, if you're scrolling through Facebook and you see something like, I got to share that right now, but where you weren't thinking about that, you probably would have never thought about it that day until you saw it. And now all of a sudden it's important to you, but is it really important? I mean, you can, it really goes deep. And it's a lot to take in, but I think that just by being aware, you can start controlling your thoughts instead of letting them just take over and you react in emotionally the situations. Definitely, man. And you know, what you're touching on there is a great thing about how we consume media right now and how media consumes us in those ways. And so, you know, we're already these cybernetic organisms. We exist with technology every day glued to us in our hands. And, you know, there is this form of thought around transhumanism versus, you know, kind of natural evolution. And what are the things that, you know, need to be done to ensure that, you know, this singularity and the idea of artificial intelligence and merging our body with technology doesn't become out of balance to a point where the natural dissolves. That's the best way that I can kind of describe it on there. And so when you're talking about the sponsoring thoughts and your thoughts in relationship to media that you consume, and, you know, you've got to look at the technology that you're participating with. You know, what does it mean to know that your every emotion I like? I love. I really love. I don't like all of those little clicks, you know, all those shares, all those personality quizzes, all of your information to your credit cards. What kind of products do I buy? You know, what kind of food do I eat? What types of searches am I doing on Google? All of this information is being collected and, you know, is available to a higher source of technology. And so when you look at the idea of the singularity and artificial intelligence consciousness participating with us, you know, all of these things, you've got to look at the strongholds of what it means to remain human and natural and your own thoughts versus the thoughts that are triggered for in you by this participation in this technology. So this is all cycling incredibly fast. The way that technology has been developed, has been hidden, and is now being disclosed and uncovered in bigger chunks. The next decade, what we will see as far as, you know, technology out there is a whole new revolution in that space. And artificial intelligence is one of those things that is here already and is a part of our experience already. And it's really one of those things that we have to understand, you know, how do we move forward with technology? How do we get to that place where we're not people, you know, that have discovered an atom bomb and are going around blowing them up, not knowing if they're going to completely set the entire world on fire, you know, these places where technology is given to us through many different ways. But where is the responsibility to being able to handle that? And so, you know, where I see that all going is around quantum consciousness and its relationship to Christ consciousness. And really kind of what's happening right now with our whole collective. And, you know, without cracking up in a huge can of worms with there, what I want to say is that we've all got to awaken to this Christ consciousness, this quantum consciousness, this fourth density perspective, this social memory complex. And the only ways to be able to do that are to drive yourself through the heart through unconditional love, to surrender to what it means to opening yourself up completely vulnerable to perceptions of everyone, all your truths, everything who you are, and then being able to carry that burden for everyone else that you're experiencing there. And that plays heavily into this development, this boost in technology that's going to happen over the next 10 years, and our stewardship and understanding of how to be able to move forward as a consciousness without, you know, losing ourselves without becoming machines. Yeah, that's great. Everything you're saying I could put in a little segment and add some music and make it an inspirational video. Which we're going to take. Yeah, it's made me spit take all over there. I did. I just did that yesterday. Watching. Yeah. You were talking about how to, you know, what, how do we get this technology? How do we get to the point of having access to the technology? And what we're seeing taking place is the first step. Everything has to be exposed. You have to get the people out of the way that are suppressing it. And that's what that's, you know, that's basic level stuff. And I like the analogy, there's a video going around, you know, these killer murder hornets or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. And there's there's videos of these hornets going into a bee hive and just demolishing these killing these bees. But then what happens is the bees overtake them. They're tiny and they're smaller. And they could never one on one take down the hornet. But when they all collectively get together, they just they just swarm this thing and take it down. And that's just that's just symbolism. I mean, that's just showing you that's us. That's we have that. You think this is like a manifestation the universe trying to tell us, like, yeah, it's like, look it, this one is totally has no power when all the bees stand up to it and just and totally cover it up, take it over and move on, you know. Yeah, what you're talking about is exactly what I was describing as far as an archetype showing up within the consciousness, murder hornets, or, you know, the idea of this intensely those two words together, just think about them. It's just like, ah, you know, should be a fan name, like a punk rock band name. But the idea like what you're saying is what is the bigger teaching that's showing up? And when you research those, and what is coming into the consciousness? Why is nature speaking out in that way? Why is this little archetype, this story, this metaphor showing up into the collective consciousness, the murder hornet is like the worst evil thing ever, sounds terrifying, strikes terror into everybody. But really, it is nothing against the collective will of truth, solidarity, and protection. And if you step into the hive, and you're there to cross sovereignty and to violate those things, nature will consume. Yeah. And then we got to watch out for their quicksand pits coming back. All the parking lots are going to turn into quicksand. No, that's right. I mean, you're right. That's exactly, it's a perfect example of the archetype. I mean, it really is. But it's cool how it's being delivered to us and shown to us. Because I mean, you really, so we are, you don't, I don't think people actually, if you look at history, it seems like people tend to finally, they finally put their foot down and finally have the desire to make a change on the brink of destruction. Like when it's like, there's no time left, you're not going to convince somebody that you need to change when everything's perfect in their life. They're all seemingly perfect. So when it comes down to a time like this, where everything's in question, and people are really scared, it's perfect, it's a perfect catalyst for going for wanting to change. And but would these people have ever changed unless this happened? It's just, there's so many ways to look at it. I don't know, I get caught in my own thoughts sometimes, and I forget, I don't even, I'm like, what am I even thinking about? Well, I think what you're talking about or what I connect with, and here is the simplicity of nature, and that everything comes in seasons, and it's like clockwork. And that is what you really have to understand is that these cycles that we go through, these metaphors, the hero's journey is the hero's journey, because these are natural rhythms that show up in our experiences, just like seasons changing from fall to winter to spring. These things are bringing these repetitions and cycles through the experiences of who we are here and now. So in this specific time, this cycle, this season, to who we're experiencing here on earth, that's what's up right now, that the cycle of revolution, the cycle of awakening, the cycle of unveiling, the cycle of remembering, these things are all now present with us in this season. And that's just how it is. And whether we like it or not, and we had our perfect lives plugged into a matrix that we could find just ease acts, it's not about that right now. And what you're saying about, this is kind of the perfect time for this, it is absolutely, and you take advantage of the cycles by understanding them, and fall if you plant, and spring things blossom, and summer things grow. These metaphors in kind of the cycles of nature can be looked at here. And so what's important right now, we have a very, very rich ground soil in the consciousness to be able to plant some amazing seeds that are going to explode into spring in summer. And so what does that look like? It looks like right now the whole world has been wrapped up in COVID-19. Now what is that? What does that represent? Represents lockdown, represents suppression, represents disconnection, all of the fear-based stuff that kind of burbles up in the collective consciousness there. But what is the backswing to that? People start feeling distance from each other, and they start craving love. They start craving connection. It's pulling out there. I have a homeless guy that comes here once every week and takes my recycling, and just very heavy drug addict, and just in the throes of what that is. And the other day I walked out there, and gave him a little bit of money. But then just grabbed him and gave him this huge hug, and he was stunk, and he was sweaty, and it was just amazing to just connect and to reach out to people. And so this suppression that's happening is driving people to go, no, this is not what we want. This is not what we need. I need connection. And so where it's a driving people is driving them out into the streets, and you're seeing now movements showing up of people saying enough of this. It's a scam. If you really look at the numbers, this is absolutely ridiculous as to what's being opposed, and then they're waking up. And then the most amazing thing is this separation that has been used between the right-left paradigm or opposite paradigm of any perspective is going to get yanked away from the powers that are out there kind of trying to control things. Because what you're seeing in a great metaphor is the separation between, would you say, like, the Great Awakening QAnon movement, which is kind of primarily right perspective, and the disclosure movement, which has been heavily left perspective forever. And so what you're seeing now in this kind of a merger of things is that right-left hemisphere coming together under common understandings of truth. Because when you really get down to it, every single, you know, occupy Black Lives Matter, Dakota Access Pipeline, the women's rights movement, every social movement out there comes to one thing when you really are able to dive down deep enough. And the fact is, there have been generations of bloodlines that have been in control forever and have used us against each other. Period. That's where it all goes. And so this Great Awakening, this merger that's happening right now, you know, between this catalyzed energy of seeking truth, but then also having the ability these last two months to really dive into that, you're seeing people having the time to research more, watch YouTube's more, reaching out through digital zooms all the time and having conferences, like the whole community is reaching out and exploring this. And so where we're going here, yeah, it's no joke, you guys. This is it. There have been movements that have come and gone over centuries that have been build-ups, you know, reverberations coming to this point, this place here. And for any of you guys that have been waiting on the couch asking, when is disclosure going to happen? When is this, you know, going to be healed? When is this issue going to be handled? This is it. This is our time to come together and write the timeline. And what does that mean? You know, what is the world going to look like now? And where are we participating? Yeah. And the reason the movements in the past were unsuccessful, I guess you could say, is because of the power structure. Right now, the power institutions, they control the world, they're like the most vulnerable they've ever been. Exactly. So we've never seen this before, and they're showing their cards. They have no, you know, they don't care what they look like, they're in panic mode. And this is this is what's different about the past movements, is that things are really transparent this time. And you can really see the light at the end of the tunnel, as opposed to in the past, it was more just like a grassroots movement that really wasn't going to go anywhere. Hey, everyone. It is Ryan Seacrest here, ready to heat up your summer vacation. Get ready. Things are about to get sizzling at Chumba Casino. Your summer getting a whole lot hotter with a special daily login bonus waiting just for you. So sign up now for reals of fun and reals of prizes right here at Chumba Casino with yours truly. Join me at Chumba Casino dot com and dive into a summer of social casino fun sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary VGW group for prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I don't know. I mean, the light at the end of the tunnel, what you said is, is a very like a stew point, because that's where we all have to look at and create that light. That light is seeking us at the end of this tunnel. The idea of waking into quantum consciousness and really understanding what you can do from your superposition here in creating your future, you know, changing past all of these things that light at the end of the tunnel is where we all have to project our consciousness to right now. And so what is the highest order of light for this world right now? Does it look like a world that is one and united in some form together? Does it look like a world that has chosen to use their technology, their advances and resources to providing unalienable human rights, which is food, water, shelter, health care, personal sovereignty? What does it mean as a society to create together something like that? How do we do that? What does a military force look like? What is the transmutation that is needed for the perspective of a military force from this aggressor to this protector that's there? These things, this light is what we have to hold within ourselves each day and know it as truth. This is where things are going. I will hold that space together. I will walk together to create the most beautiful world that we can create together. And the highest probability of light will create that timeline indefinitely without a doubt. Yeah, and you're talking about quantum mind. Everything is at a quantum level. And actually, that's an interesting part of our cue is they're kind of pointing to that a lot. And if you start diving into it, you kind of come to those conclusions on your own. And even how you said that they're collecting our data all the time, well, that's a quantum computer that kind of works half in this dimension, half in another dimension. And it's just we're all tapping into those abilities. And everything is, it's on such a deep level. It goes so deep, but how do you make sense of it? And that's where it just comes down to going back to basics, you know, to simplify things in your life. And I think where Einstein once said, like, you know, if you can't explain something simply, then you don't understand it. So that's just what I mean by growing back the basics. Love is pretty simple. You know, like, really, that's what it comes down to. And when you look at the idea of, you know, the loved one talks about this harvest that's happening in preparation for fourth density cycle. And what that means is that we're stepping into a social memory complex. And what that means is that we're opening up our consciousness to perceive each other somehow collectively. And so when you look at the parallels of that with the idea of the quantum mind, and really, what does it mean when you introduce a new scientific method into the consciousness that revolutionizes everything perception? It changes how you perceive this world. And so as these technologies start coming out and we start becoming aware more of these things, quantum physics and the understanding of the quantum mechanics, that information itself changes consciousness. And so when we start perceiving the world from those places of that quantum space and really understanding that we're all connected through this quantum entanglement, what does that mean? It means we're all one. These things, this is the return of Christ consciousness for me from my perspective. Christ consciousness is the awakening to understanding that you are God and we are all God in one. And what does it mean to live as that? What does it mean to actually live in that understanding? How can you even hold that understanding? It is only through unconditional love that you will be able to hold that space. And so this metaphor of splitting timeline of negative going this way, positive going this way, this idea of Armageddon, apocalypse, unveiling all of these things, it's much simpler than that. It's really just this natural cycle of awakening conscious right now. It's this space of there's not going to be a solar flash, in my opinion, the solar flash is the sun, and the awakening of the sun in each of us, this consciousness, this space of really Christ consciousness returning. His return is not through one, it is through all, and through all of us that choose love, that choose this space right now to walk into. And if you awaken like that, and you awaken as a group and a collective like that, the world that we can build together out of that space of unconditional love is imaginable right now from this point. But it's something I can feel and sense every single day coming through this collective. And when you start witnessing the world as art, and this play, and this movie, it's an amazing film. It's amazing. And it is a movie. It is. By, I mean, it's a bad movie. If you were to bring this script, if you were to bring this script to producer, they'd be like, yeah, we're not signing. It's because it's just insane. It really is. But it's true, unconditional love, and you know, getting together, like some of the conferences I've been to, I felt that almost like it's almost like a preview of the new world, because of what's taking place there is, is something like, I guess, I guarantee everybody who goes to these conferences would agree. Like, it's just something that you can't explain to people. When you go back home and ask how it was, there's no words to describe the connection that you just made with so many beautiful souls there. And I think that's what you were kind of hinting at. Like, that's the future. Like, that we can be existing in that all the time. Yeah, it's like this deep connection that everyone has there that you can't even, like you said, you can't even explain it, because it goes beyond the mind. It's at that deep level. And it's like, you can just walk up to anyone and have any kind of conversation as deep as it goes pretty much. And it's like, and they're still ego and they're still, you know, but like, it's almost like, that doesn't even matter in that space, because it's like, you're in that space of this unconditional love almost. Yeah, go ahead and say, it's just like all of a sudden you don't have to, you're, it's not like you don't have to, you're just somehow not worried about what people think all of a sudden. When we go outside now, you know, you're worried about doing things a certain way and how are people going to see you? I know that's not healthy, but that's just kind of naturally programmed into us. But when you go there, or when you're around those people, all that's gone. And you're just, you're just all the sudden existing in this authenticity that you didn't even really know you were capable of. You know, I started crying at one of the conferences in Hawaii. And I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I realized what we were on the boat going to swim with the dolphins. And I was just getting this overwhelming feeling. And I realized why I was crying is because I had forgotten what it meant to be happy. I was in that situation. And that's when that's when there was a very profound moment for me. And I just, I always think back, I was just looking out over the edge of the boat and I couldn't help but to cry. And I look back at the people I was with and I was like, this is my family and I've never even met them before. I think that's a great way to view the future. You know, what's potentially possible in our future is that type of lifestyle. And I agree with you for a long time, exactly what you described, I've experienced and feel too. And it's why I support, you know, these creative projects like doing conferences and, you know, bringing people together, it's for that feeling. And it was undescribable, you know, until I kind of fell upon the work of this great blog, if you guys are ever interested in, called Cosmic Christ, written by a friend of mine, Doug Scott. And in his blog, he describes what's his interpretation of Ecclesia, the word Ecclesia. And, you know, traditionally, Ecclesia or Ecclesian is associated, you know, with a Christian, you know, biblical congregation of some sort coming together. But when you look at the root words and really kind of what it means is it's a calling or to be called out together in a group. And what I truly believe right now is that the only way that we can access for density, the only way we can open up to quantum consciousness, the only way we can, you know, adopt and bring in Christ consciousness is through this process of Ecclesia, which is coming together in a space of feeling we've been called together and processing together. You know, the metaphor that I've used a lot in conversations, it's like, there is this giant lock that's got billions of keyholes in it. And there's a big pile of billions of keys over there. And we all stand around this lock together and we start passing these keys around. Does this fit for me? No, it doesn't fit for me next person. And that represents the conversation, the connection, the dialogue that happens. If you go to these conferences or, you know, even just these types of things with two, three people having conversations, you know, wherever there are two people, you know, God shows up in that space. And what is being offered there is the potential to be a mirror for somebody and let them be a mirror for you. And what does that really mean to humble yourself enough to allow somebody to do that for you and allow yourself to do that for someone else? Because it takes a lot and it's hard to look at things and it's hard to clear traumas. And, you know, but that process of coming together and connecting and passing keys around and passing them around, there will be a place where we will all find our keys and we'll all be able to, you know, put them into this lock and turn together and crack this thing open. And so that place of like, you know, everyone's like, you know, how do we get to ascension or show me how to get to ascension? Like, the simplest thing you need to focus on and the most powerful thing is opening yourself up to communications with others from the heart. That's it. That's it. You will find truth in each other beyond, you know, any other, you know, kind of single perspective out there. And this whole, like, you know, idea of guruism is just now done. We are awakening to the awareness that we are all Christ in this space. We are all chosen to be awakened if we choose to, if we choose to in those moments. And we have a wealth of knowledge between all of us. And I don't know if you guys noticed, but you get into some of these conversations where you're trying to follow your own break from trail. And a lot of the times other people have breadcrumbs for you, you know, and share them for you. And those communications and connections keep driving you forward in that search for truth and that search for oneness. And absolutely nailed it. Nailed it. And what's really beautiful about just us during this podcast is that I was thinking about this. So we get to have these amazing conversations every week. You know, that's just, we're more than that sometimes with with these people. But outside of if we weren't doing this podcast, I think to myself, who would I be having these conversations with? No one because I wouldn't, you know, this gives us an opportunity. And I realized how important it is. It isn't even about like, at first, it started off as an idea. Oh, it'd be cool to do it didn't, didn't, didn't put much thought into it. But now I'm seeing how much it's actually, it was placed in our lives to help us grow. And in a way that we would have never reached every night doing this every week. And it's, it's really, you know, it's really profound, you know, and started off, you know, at the beginning, you kind of get like worried about the subscribers and stuff. But that quickly goes away. We were just talking about it. Self-conscious, like, people seeing us, like, this is good. Like, yeah, like, yeah, like our people, like, we're having on interesting, we think so. But like, and then, yeah, and then it just gets to this point where we're not even like, at least I'm, I, that wasn't even thoughts in my mind at all. It was just like, I, I just love doing this so much. I've been growing so much from it and making these connections with people like you and other so many amazing people. And it's like, the universe is like, just, it's like, it's like, it wanted us to do this because it's just been like, too easy. It's like, we just let go and like, flowed with the, the current of the river with it and just like, all right. Yeah, we, we consciously haven't tried to force anything. I think that's a big part of why we're still doing this. But the, going back to what I was saying about this being important, just having what I want, the point I was trying to make is that it is important to have these conversations. And that's why it's good to connect and go to these places. So the people who aren't doing something like this all the time, you know, maybe look for something in your life to where you can go somewhere or, or some Zoom calls like this, just with people who talk about this stuff, instead of just typing about it in your time and threads and stuff like that, because it's really essential, you know, and going back to this treat everyone like it's, you know, treat people how you want to be treated. That simple, that simple lesson act like everybody is you walking around in a different body. And essentially, if you really want to look at it and the esoteric level, that is the case. Definitely. In communication, you know, it doesn't take much, but the choice to do that. The world is full of ways to communicate with people. You know, ideally, you, you know, the best setting is to be in someplace outside where you can witness nature and connect with somebody, you know, face to face, voice to voice. And, you know, that's limited right now. And again, it's just driving the desire to awaken in everyone how much they want that and desire that in a lot of ways. But reaching out like this and, you know, just doing like what you guys are doing here, like you said, I'm going to do a podcast, put it together, you throw it out there. Can you guys hear me? It doesn't matter. Like the conversation here, this is your service to the community dialogue. You know, if you open yourself up, whether you get six views or a billion views, it's like you're just contributing to the calm, cool information and dialogue, which is now this movement. This movement is about that. It's really not about leaders or, you know, any type of specific form of thought other than like, we've got to love each other through this experience and change things. Like we've got to do that the time of metamorphosis and transformation, great accelerated evolution is is upon us right now. And all we have to do is put up with each other. That's it. Like if we can just put up with each other and love each other, all problems are solved in ways that we could never have imagined before, you know? And yeah, put up with each other is a great way to put it. Don't put up with each other. Don't put each other out. Like don't take sides and all of a sudden, you know, I can't do this because this person, whatever, as soon as you, as soon as you're doing that, you're already losing sight of the whole mission. Yeah, exactly. When you get caught up in ego and it all becomes about, you know, all these things that don't aren't real, really, it's like, because we're like you said, we're all we're all one, we're all really the same, we're all there's really no reason not to love each other at all, because that's all there is really ultimately. Everything else is just things we create in our minds that tell us like, oh, I'm better than this person or I'm separate from this person or this person's bad, this person's good, because it's in this reason. And it's like, everyone, you know, people, even if you disagree with something someone does or says, it's like everyone, there's a reason why people do things and it's, it's not coming from it's, it's either because of traumas triggers, you know, false beliefs, ego, all this stuff. But ultimately, none of that matters. It's all this false reality. And all it really matters is who we really are, which is love ultimately. And that's, that's the true thing. So it's like, you can get beyond all the nonsense and just, it's like cut to the core of that and, and view everyone on that level and get out of your own ego and like set aside all these things that don't, don't matter and just get in the way of, of love, you know, yeah, it's like that's what it's about. And, and holding space and forgiving people, and forgiveness is huge. Yeah. And especially like we hear a lot of people talking, you know, so much hatred going on towards this cabal and this deep state and all this stuff. And, but that's, and that's understandable, you know, once you realize what's been going on, yeah, you are angry, you are upset, you do want revenge, but that's where, that's where you have to start processing that and turning it into something that's actually going to benefit you. So it, it, it becomes about learning how to hold space and forgive. And it's easy to say, and that's really tough to, really tough to grasp. Especially, you know, you can't just listen to this and say, okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do that from now on. Sure. Because you can't, you have, you're gonna be tempted by those emotional triggers, those reactions. And that's, it's a long journey, but you can really master it if you're always aware, like I said earlier. I'm Victoria Cash. 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It's like, if we're collapsing time, we're literally collapsing the perception of how we perceive time linearly through this quantum expansion, our consciousness, you know, to be able to perceive beyond the near time, to be able to do that. Again, the maturity and balance that comes into the harmonics of the body and your expression here, love is the vessel that can hold that and keep that together without driving somebody completely insane or into their own fears of, you know, self consumption, just all of that stuff. And so, you know, going back to this place of forgiving, like, dude, we are all going to be faced very, very shortly with the hardest challenge around forgiveness. You know, the awakening of what's happened with child trafficking and human trafficking around the world and how it's been a part of our, you know, structure, you know, on a global level through governments and through, you know, corporations and through media, how do we forgive those people? When you go into that line of thought and that space of trying to even perceive forgiveness on that level, it pulls you into place that like, the most insane capacity of unconditional love, like you have to like literally embody that much love to be able to even do that. And, you know, the process that we're going to see is all of this stuff comes out. I mean, it's already coming out now, like huge bits of media that YouTube film out of darkness that came out, you know, recently, these are touching on all of this stuff in a huge way. And so it's already out now and we're all processing it. And so, does this get processed into violent rage? Does this get processed into, you know, doing the same thing to these people? Does this get, you know, cycled into that space is a real hard challenge and catalyst that we're going to have to have moving forward? And, but I believe we can do it. I've been, I've touched that space, I've held that space of love for moments. It's a challenge to continue to hold it without a doubt over and over and over. But it is attainable. I've felt it and I know many others have. And so it comes back to that space of like, like getting grounded and really choosing the sponsoring thought of love in every single moment and embracing every single moment as like, a great expression of like the most powerful thing that you can embody right now for transformation and love on a whole collective level. And so on a 3D level, as this stuff progresses, we're going to see people out in the streets. We're going to see movements now merge. We're going to see this next level of a global awakening. And it is truly a global awakening. All you have to do is look around and look at each country, all the different things that are popping up, the protests that are happening, the movements that are happening. And, you know, right now this COVID thing is like, man, you guys really need to have something to bring you all together. Here you go. And it's a great gift because we all feel it. You know, my wife right now has been stuck in Nepal for the last four months because the borders have been closed and the cities have closed. And, you know, we think about, we're here watching Netflix and ordering like Uber Eats. But on the other sides of the world, India and these places, like people are starving now, like the types of like shutdowns and quarantines and you just all of that stuff is really kind of not there on a global media level to understand. And just because of, you know, my personal life and her being there, I mean, she's in a very small remote village right now in the borders of India and Nepal, you know, doing aid and relief work to just keep people fed. Like that whole thing right now is going is coming to a boil. And people on top of that, you know, people awakening to this quantum consciousness that I think is being forced on us by this season of, you know, going through this, you know, place in the cosmos where our whole photons are being screwed with and, you know, challenged and all of those things. That stuff's inevitable for the whole planet. And so the combinations of this like COVID thing forcing us out and then this awakening consciousness, I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. It could get pretty, pretty awesome, you know. Yeah. And I, and first of all, I'm sorry. I didn't realize your wife. Yeah, so sorry. For four months, I'm Nepal. I mean, what do they have her doing? Like where does she stay? Well, she's from Nepal and she has a social group over there, women's selling collective that works on empowering women and village women. You know, the imbalance of masculine feminine in the world is heavily rooted in a lot of eastern cultures still. And the suppression of the feminine is like, is just so deep over there. And so her work has been to, on a very simple, peaceful, beautiful way, bring women and empower them and teach them a skill to create their own money and to do it in a way that's fair trade related. And so she goes often back and forth and I do too, traveling there and, you know, connecting with that community. And she was going over there for a trip in February and then this happened when she was there. And so she's just been now swooped into the energy of what it means for her to be there in that moment. Yeah, it's incredibly hard for us to be away from each other. And, you know, she's a person that, you know, she's changing things there in ways that a lot of people don't like. And so just me having to sit and hold space and, you know, pray for her and be in that space has been a challenge. But again, it's been this beautiful thing of being able to get a different perspective from really kind of what's going on over there on a global scale. So yeah, people need to be aware that our lives here with as challenges they feel, I'm not trying to demean the world right now on many other areas is feeling it on a much more intense level. And it's coming. It's coming to a little seed sprout place pretty soon. It's going to grow. Well, that's incredible. I like the fact that she's taking advantage of the time over there instead of like, I guess going in a panic mode thinking she's trapped there forever. Okay, how can I make the best in this situation? What can I do? Yeah. So that's, that's interesting. And that's a good way to look at any, any place all any, any of us are in life. You know, why am I here now? Let me make the best of it. Yeah. And if anybody wants to kind of fall along with my information or, you know, a lot of the stuff that we've talked about today has just been kind of in my consciousness and my creative work and whatnot, you know, I've created a post and shared with you guys here on, on Facebook, on my professional page, the Rodgera Richards, Facebook page, and you can follow it on Twitter, Rodgera Richards too. But that post, I'm going to do a single post. And what I'm doing there is I'm am amending that post throughout the year. And I'm just adding things to that. And a big part of what I've talked about right now of expressing and perceiving the world through art is starting to show up now in this process of this post. And eventually it's going to turn into a film that I've been kind of slowly piecing together here. But I'm inviting people into that space of eclasia, that space of participation, where you can read this post, this information that's there, it's very thick and dense and takes a while to get into. But I'm opening up this space to have communications. And this this post is a living post and I'm pouring from the feeds below and the dialogue below. And it's becoming its own form of art, its own shamanic object. And when this post kind of concludes, then I'm seeing and feeling that this post will all then become this film. And so if you guys want to kind of, if any of the stuff that we've talked about today, you know, interests you or connects with you and want to explore that more, you should check out that post. And I encourage you to participate and share your own links in the feeds and, you know, become a part of that living art project. Yeah, and that post is whenever you, whenever you sent it, I'm like, okay, I thought it was something I was just going to glance at, but I quickly realized, no, this is like, it's going to take days, weeks to go through the doors really is desperate. You know, I started going into it and I opened up a link and I'm like, it's like shorting his cat. I'm like, yeah, I'm like, honestly, I'm not afraid of me. I don't know what that was. And then I watched this video and shorting his cat and like, okay, you know, but it's just like, you have to really go, it goes deep is what I'm trying to say. And there is a purpose to the procession there. And then that post is meant to be read from top to bottom and to be consumed top to bottom. And, you know, there's a link in there to a video where I explain some kind of strange experiences that happen to me that helped me perceive through archetypes. And you guys can watch that in that link to and kind of understand more my journey around how I'm pursuing this. But the purpose of that post is to kind of show my path of understanding in relationship to all of the information and the trends and archetypes they're showing up right now in just this quantum bubble. And if you can take the time or you'd like to and just participate and connect in there, I'm very curious to see kind of the outcome of people that do participate in that and connect with that piece of art. And I really do see it as a piece of art. I can't take anyone's side anymore. Like I said, the day of the guru, it's all done. It's all just information. And it's all valuable. Every single bit of it is. And you've really got to run that through your own filtering, your own experience and create with it. And from that space, you're offering the truest space that you can, you know, you are you are really offering a true space of your own expressions. And, you know, what you are in this moment, and it's allowed to constantly change. That's that's part of it. Yeah. Amen to that. Amen. Well, I guess we'll start wrapping this up. Roger, thank you so much for coming on and sharing this with us. Thank you so much. This was an amazing conversation. Really? I really love what it kind of evolved into. So it's not often that we really get that deep into things, but it's crucial. And it's it's nice, you know, it's better to give somebody something to watch that they can take something from instead of something that's, you know, oh, you know, a fauci is working for the deep state. This, you know, it's just like, you hear that same narrative all the time where I'm getting as it's something that I like. This is what this is what it's all about. Yeah, what we got into the deep, like, I mean, the information's great, like you said, but at the end of the day, this is what it's about. Definitely. And I really feel the space that you guys are offering to hold that, because it takes a lot to do that. It's not easy to hold that space and have did this has been an amazing conversation. You guys made me cry. Couldn't help it. That's for real. I was tearing up to actually. I'm feeling this and it's it's I'm just so grateful that you guys are holding the space, you guys. Like, really, thank you for for offering me that's place and the others that have come before me and the ones that will come to pass. Like, thank you. I'm in great gratitude for journey to truth for holding this space and continuing to hold this space in the future for others. And may their own experiences bring to them a space of unconditional love and understanding that they truly are seeking and we're all seeking together. Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Yeah, it really it really means a lot to hear that it just means a lot. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, you got it. Thank you. All right, guys. Well, I guess we'll wrap this up. We're going to be plugging Camp Disclosure at the end of every episode from here on out until the conference at the end of August. If you don't know about it, we'll have the link in the description. August 27th through 31st, Asheville, North Carolina. There's going to be some great speakers there. It's really going to be more like a place just to connect like we were talking about. It's going to be really fun. Aaron and I will be there with a journey to truth, experiences, lounge. We're going to be doing some cool stuff, giving away a lot of cool stuff. So if you want to hang out and check it out, check out the link below and you can get tickets there and all the information is available. Aside from that, Roger, did you have anything you wanted to tell us about your might be doing in the future or? I mean, that post there is what you guys can follow for that film project. A very close friend of mine, close group of friends of mine, Leon Kennedy and Adrian, Youngblood, have some really awesome stuff that we're going to be talking about here in the future without a doubt. You guys can follow my social media stuff to look into that more there. But just the last message to everybody in all, it comes down to the moment and the sponsoring thought in choosing love is that simple. That's all that needs to be done right now. Challenge yourself to do it and open up to the wider expressions of the world and witnessing this beautiful play that's being performed right now. It's truly a dark comedy. Yeah. Well, that being said, we love all you guys. Everybody listening, everybody who comes back every week and supports us and subscribes and does everything. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for helping us get to where we are. We love all of you guys. And Roger, we love you too. And thank you so much. Thank you so much. We look forward to connecting in the future and everybody stay safe out there and just remain positive during all this and we'll get through it. Yeah, we will. Good night, everybody. Bye. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hello. It is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumba Casino. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumba Casino is home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere. So sign up now at Chumba to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumba and live the Chumba Life. Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary. VGW Group. Forward, we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply.