Journey to Truth

UFO Disclosure Timeline Webinar

We have put together a very detailed timeline of UFO history dating back to the mid 1800's all the way through current times. This may seem like surface level information for our channel, but this will be a presentation that you will be able to share with family and friends who are new to the subject. A lot has happened over the past century regarding the subject of UFOs and ETs that the MSM would love us all to forget about, but we're not going to let that happen 🙂
Santilli autopsy film:
ETs Among Us (documentary):

2h 42m
Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Reynolds Wrap. Rennel's Wrap. Potato Wedges. Wedges. Olive Oil. Salt. Mwah. Well done, hon. Well done. Chef. Right. With Reynolds Wrap, cooking becomes so easy, you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. Easy prep. Easy cook. Easy cooking. Rennel's Wrap. It is Ryan Seacrest here. Everybody needs some variety in life. That's what I love about Chumba Casino. They know how to keep things fresh and exciting. All their games are free to play. With spin slots, bingo and solitaire, you can claim free daily login bonuses too. And they release new games every week. So spice things up with Chumba now for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void, where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Hey, guys. What's going on? I think I'm live. I hope I'm alive. I hope we're live. What's up, guys? What? Welcome to our very first webinar. And it's going to be a long one. We've got quite the slideshow for you guys. What's going on? We need that. Nope. We're live. Well, at least we know we can hear us. All right. Anyway, so this is something new. We're trying, guys. This first webinar is going to be free here on YouTube, of course. Aaron and I both had some presentations we had put together in the past creating this UFO timeline, dating all the way back to the 1800s. So we decided to compile them into one large presentation and presented as a webinar. And we realized like a lot of the stuff we take for granted, we always talk about we understand it, but a lot of our audience doesn't. And this is going to be a video that you'll be able to share with people who don't know much about the subject. And we're just going to paint this picture and show it by what we already know and how they've changed in there, they've over time and how what they used to tell us and what they're telling us now are completely different. So we hope you guys enjoy it. I guess we'll wait a few more minutes for some more people to come in. Is there anything else we had to announce? Who's coming to the conference? Can't wait to see you guys out there. It's right around the corner May 22nd through the 25th, it's going to be here before we know it. I'm excited. Colleen, you said hello from Illinois. That means you have no excuse not to come to the conference in Illinois. So we hope to see you there. Right. Hey, Colleen, hey, divine fractal. So as we go through this, guys, we have a lot to get through tonight. It's going to we're going to be here for probably at least two hours might even have to take a P break at one point. But there's a lot to go through. So if you guys have questions along the way, feel free to ask and we'll try to get to them. This is experimental for us too. We don't know how this is going to go, but we want to give you guys a chance to experience the webinar and see what you can expect for future webinars, which we might do together. We might even do our own individual webinars or stuff exclusive to the Patreon. Let's see how that goes, what is on the Patreon already is the documentary that was, it's on there already, right? Not yet. It will be really soon. Okay. So last year at our conference, a film crew from the Netherlands came and filmed a documentary of our conference. And it's actually really, really good. It's really good. It's hard to find. It's hard to watch because you have to have a VPN assigned to the Netherlands and set it to the Netherlands because it's country restricted. So you got to jump through hoops just to watch it. So, and we, I remember we posted about that when it first came out, but not, I'm probably 20 people have actually watched it, you know? And it's a shame because it's really good and we're really proud of it because it was our first conference and somebody came and filmed a documentary about our first conference. So it's a really cool documentary. And if you haven't seen it, that's going to be available to any of the Patreon members who sign up. This way you don't have to, you know, pay for the VPN and set it to the Netherlands to watch it. You can just watch it through our Patreon. Is there anything else? Yeah, I would love to see that documentary. Yeah, if you were at the conference last year, there's a good chance you might even be in it, right? There's a lot of the crowd that was actually made it into the background, but it was really good. It actually does pretty, they do a pretty good job of covering the secret space program. And it was filmed for a docu-series over in the Netherlands. And I don't really know like what else, like I don't know much about the docu-series, but this was one of the episodes in the docu-series. It's like an hour long. Well, it's a TV show that covers just different conspiracy theory topics, and so that episode was on the secret space program and they came to our conference and films. And did a really good job on it. It's really, really good. Yeah, you'll see Tony Rodriguez in it, Johan Tritz. Jody Marcio. Diana Dunbar, if you're here. Suzanne Spooner. Yeah. Suzanne Spooner. Yeah. Right. So it's really good. Yeah. So if you're just coming in, guys, there's a documentary that was filmed last year at our conference that is going to be available on our Patreon if you sign up for that. It'll be the only place to find it unless you figure out a way to watch it with a VPN set to another one. So... What's up, loyal? What up, guys? How you guys doing? Anything else? We look forward to seeing you guys at the conference. It's not too late to grab a ticket. There's still some, there's still tickets left, and if you can't make it, live stream tickets are available, you can always take advantage of that. Some people are having trouble finding a place to stay. There are still some Airbnb's and hotels available in town, and there's nothing wrong with camping. Guys, if you like camping, it's a beautiful place to camp. That's how you said he was. That's how a lot of the conferences we go to, actually, that's all you can do is camp. Yeah, mostly, at least, yeah. So it's a fun experience either way, so if you want to come out and camp all that information on the website, which is in the description below, Anything else before we get started? Aaron? Not for me. Let's do it. I'm trying to figure out... Welcome, everyone. Good to see you all. So obviously, this is our first time doing this, so bear with us if it's a little... If it's not smooth, we're trying to work out the kinks. We're new to this, so bear with us. It will get better as we move on, as we go on. That's why the first one's free, and a lot of this information that we're about to cover, a lot of it, most people know, a lot of it, some of you guys might not know, but some of it is pretty surface level compared to some of the how deep we actually get on this channel, but... It all ties together, though. It's all important. Right. Like, that's the thing. It all ties together. It all ties together. But... It paints a good, big picture of what's going on, you know? Even the surface level stuff helps with that. And we wanted to make this one free and shareable for your friends and family and stuff. And then, yeah, sorry, let me figure out what I have to do here. And then we'll be monitoring the chat. If you guys have any questions along the way, like I said, there's a lot to get through, so... We will try to get to all of them if we can't, then... Let's see. This zoom bar has to be moved. I want to see what they see on the screen before I start. I think they're going to see that. I'm pretty sure they're going to see. Well, that's going to change because I click play there in a second. Okay. So, they're actually seeing this. They're seeing this. They're seeing this. Not that. Yeah. So, they're going to see the next slide before it comes. It's all right. That's fine. Unless... All right. How do I go back? Okay. So, I can just do that. Anyway, are you guys ready for this? I think it's great to do a timeline with the info. Yeah. It is good to have a timeline too. Foil. Yes. You get a whole presentation. We put a lot of work into this. Ours, actually. Yeah. So, I'm sick of UFO disclosure. This is something that... This is the whole reason we decided to do this because we realized bullshit that we're being fed right now, the narrative we're being told right now, they're trying to erase history. They're trying to erase everything we know about UFOs and ETs that's been happening since the 1800s. And I was like, I could put together a timeline and like debunk all this current shit that they're saying now. So, that's what we did. Is there a way we can... You can play the slide so it just shows one slide on the phone. Maybe. So... Wait. It would be. Show me. There we go. Yeah. Okay. Let's do it that way. And then it takes up the full screen. Right. Yeah. Actually, you're right. It's going to be a lot easier to see. Well, let's see how that shows up right there. Yep. There we go. Perfect. All right. There we go. That's better. So, we're sick of UFO disclosure. And here's why. You guys have seen this meme. We sound like crazy people trying to explain to people that this stuff is real, especially to the flat earth pushback that we have now, which is really interesting, you know, who would have ever thought that we would be fighting a narrative that space doesn't even exist. And the earth is flat and we're all screwed. I mean, essentially. And then we all know this already. And we're here to rewrite history. So we have never been alone. That's what you guys need to understand. This is something that there's evidence dating back to. I mean, as far back as you want to look in ancient times, it's, it's, we didn't start in ancient times. We started in 1800s, but you've seen ancient aliens. If you've traveled the world, you know, the monuments, the statues, the mega list, the hieroglyphs, the petroglyphs, the pictographs, everything's there to depict ancient aliens. So at least we know that the presence has been here for a long time. Okay, these skipping those are from my own, all right, here we go. Just to debunk the flat earthers. So this is, it has nothing to do with UFOs, but I found it interesting because when we're putting this timeline, timeline together, there's a lot that takes place in Antarctica. And if Antarctica is an ice wall, like we're being told by the Flat Earth Society, you have, you would have to disregard all of this information, but there's so much evidence here, both can't be true. Right. So this is, I need to move this bar, but I don't know if I can, it's not showing up on you. I know, but I want to be able to see anyway. It's okay. Sorry, guys. Still learning. All right, so this, the first sighting of Antarctica is now widely acknowledged to have taken place on the 28th, maybe the 27th of January, 1820 during the voyage of two Russian ships, the Vostak and the Mereni, the explorers circumnavigated the continent twice in an attempt to map the landmass as accurately as possible. So they circumnavigated the continent twice to map it out as accurately as possible. This, and obviously there's a lot of different contradicting history on the discovery of Antarctica, either way, we know it exists. And if this is true, these guys could not have circumnavigated an ice wall to map it out. Right. I have got to figure this out real quick. I got to switch the screen back and I got to move this stuff. Sorry. You move that. I'm moving this higher and then just minimize that, or just put it down here, not just minimize it. Okay. Sorry, guys. We're working out this case, these things, I guess, pay attention to the. It says frozen. Oh, it's frozen for them. Is it frozen? Are we still just for one person, I think, we're still good guys. I think we're good. So anyway, 1820, two Russian ships circumnavigated Antarctica twice to map it accurately. I don't know how you do that if it's a nice wall. All right. So now I don't know. A lot of people aren't aware of the coming race. A lot of people are, but in 1871, this book was written called The Coming Race, Real, the power of the coming race, proto occultic theories and Darwinism. It's narrated by an American who stumbles on an underground race descended from the ancient Arians that's harnessed a source of infinite power called the real. So this is important to remember as we go on. So it helps make sense of some of the stuff we're about to get into, but you need to understand that the real is an infinite source of power. The Coming Race is a novel published in 1871. Some readers have believed the account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy form called the real, at least in part. I'm not going to read all that, but the main reason I posted this is so we can understand that there is evidence of a subterranean master race that some call the Aryan race that was discovered in the 1800s by the Germans. And this book was written, and the real is a source of power that's within our earth, that's an infinite source of power. Is it got zero point energy? Yeah. Did you want to add anything to that? No. Okay. So that's 1871, moving on to 1890. If you guys are familiar with the books shining the light, which Aaron just happened to be synchronistically guided to, you can tell them a little bit about the book if you want. Yeah, I found it randomly in a book store here in the metaphysical/paranormal section. I just grabbed it, started flipping through it, and it looked, it just had tons of disclosure in it. Essentially, there's like an insider in it that's like just giving all this information and bought it, read it. It was amazing. I'm like, Tyler, I have to read this, gave it to him. Right. You can't put it down once you start. It blows your mind. I was on the airplane recently. I was so tired. I'm like, I'm not going to be able to read this, and I was like, why do I move to it? But they talk about it in 1890. So we hear about the Granada Treaty that was signed with Eisenhower and the Grays. But in 1890, this talks about the shadow government ET alliance being formed all the way back then. And they say a group of 90 T's called the Potaz. Now the reason he- Okay. Can I do a quick side note? Yeah. What we call the cabal or the Illuminati or whatever, that goes back way before 1890, actually. But I think what this is referring to is the, so the ET alliance, like the Reptilians or the Grays or the negative ETs that really first really formed an alliance with that group in 1890. Absolutely. But we're not saying that group started in 1890, just to be clear. Right. And the reason that it's spelled out like this in the book is he explained that we don't have an English way of saying the actual name of this race. So he spelled it out, but he said there's no actual way to say it in our language. So I would just say the Potaz, the X, make the X silent. I don't know how you want to pronounce that up to you. But they made an alliance with the US shadow government in 1890, apparently a group of 90 T's. And they gifted the US a satellite slash space station that has been parked here for over 105 years at that time. So in 1890, they claimed that they had been here for over 105 years observing us. And they felt it was a good time to intervene. And that's when they made an alliance with our shadow government. And they in the book, they described this as a bribe. So this was their end. This is a way to get their foot in the door and start, you know, pulling the strings behind this image. And also another note, this is only book one and seven book series. So there's actually seven of these books. I didn't even know that. And the farther the later the book, the more expensive they are used, I guess, cause they're like book one and two are relatively cheap. But once you get past that and they get more expensive. There's always the argument that, you know, this can't be proven, but there's no paper trail for any of the stuff, a lot of the stuff that we hear about. We're lucky to have this information in a book. So just use discernment guys, like just because we're presenting this doesn't mean that this is absolute fact, but this is a source that's telling us this. And at this point, we can't ignore any information. We need to do our due diligence and connect the dots ourselves because we're being lied to us. So essentially the US government was manipulated into working with these groups in exchange for a highly advanced space station. And this space station was used until we finally developed our own in the 40s. This was the beginning of the infiltration. And then all right. So then in the after 1890, we started having the Zeppelin show up and I'll let Aaron talk about this. Yeah, in the 1800s, particularly in the 1890s, people started seeing these mystery airships all over the place. There's different terms Zeppelin, dirgibles, airships, all kind of interchangeable terms. And at least in the US in the 1890s, it's when they were really widely seen and reported. And some, a lot of them were definitely like, like we were building them and they were normal kind of craft like. But in the 1890s, there were ones that were very, very far, they're advanced than the ones that like we were building on the surface, you know, so and those started being reported. And by the way, these in general were being reported by thousands of people and they were very widely seen. But then these more advanced ones started being seen and they were landing in the US and people were getting out and supposedly speaking German out of them. So there's, there's things that point to that being the Germans first, very first like space program that they were developing all the way back in the late 1800s and here's a clip of David Wilcock. Reynolds wrap. Reynolds wrap. Potato wedges. Wedges. Olive oil. Salt. Mwah. Well done, hon. Well done. Chef. Right. With Reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy, you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. Easy prep. Easy cook. Easy clean. Reynolds wrap. Step into the world of power. Loyalty. And luck. I'm going to make him an orphan. He can't refuse. With family. Canollies. And spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business. Introducing the Godfather at Chompa Test your luck in the shadowy world of the Godfather Slodge. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the Godfather. Right. Now at Chompa Welcome to the family. No purchase necessary. VDW group. We're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Right. Talking about that. I was actually in the crowd during this. This is just a short clip. Yeah. This is from Contact in Desert 28. And I hope you guys can hear this. I don't know how this is going to come across audio wise. So this will be our first test. Because they own this railroad. Go back. People were having. A little bit. 44. 44. Yeah. Okay. The Illuminati folks were trying to build a space program. And so they started with dear jibbles in the late nights in the late 1890s. There were all these airship sightings. The founding of the US railroad was done by Harriman. One of the Illuminati bloodlines names. And then they say, okay, everybody. Get on board the train. The transcontinental train. We'll give you the guns. We'll give you the ammunition. Shoot as many bubbles as you can. 22. Have fun. They did all this advertising about it. 22. So that was a genocide plan by the Illuminati to destroy Native Americans by taking away their food supply. And it worked very well. It's really, really sad, but that is what happened. This is one of the things you hear from insiders. That was a deliberate attempt. Like the idea of giving them blankets coated with smallpox. These people are sick. And they need to be stopped. And what they've been doing is unconscionable. So in the late 1890s, because they owned this railroad. People were having dear jibbles. These flying balloons with motors on them. A lot more advanced than anything we saw in the open. Landing. And people coming out who were speaking German. And talking to people. Just randomly landing. And now it's like, oh, it's a UFO sighting. No, no, no. This was their early space program. All right. So how do I go back to the presentation? Okay. Anyway, so yeah, that was just David Wilcox. Talking about that. What year was that presentation? 2018. I was actually in the audience during that. I was at contact that year. Okay. So we have. 1890. We have an ET Alliance shadow government. E.T. shadow government alliance. In the 1890s, we have these zaplins. These dirgable showing up with German speaking, speaking people coming out approaching the Native American. So we know that there's some sort of technology already. Obviously what the US was doing and what the Germans were doing. We're two completely different things back then. But either way, this is more evidence of a very early space program. And then we know in 1901 and 1911, the Germans visit Antarctica. And they spent two years each. They spent two years each visit. So 1901, they were in Antarctica for two years in the same goes for 1911. But what were they looking for? Why were they going there so early? The official reason. Was for scientific exploration. The team consisted of a zoologist, but zoologist, botanist, physician, bacteriologist, geologist, chemist, meteorologist, and an expert on terrestrial magnetism. They established a base, a base in 1901. And then they returned in 1911. So this, what you're looking at here is actually a copy of National Geographic magazine, August 1901, that talks about the Germans visiting Antarctica back then. So we have record. We have evidence here that the Germans did this. This isn't just hearsay. And I would love to get an actual copy of this to be able to read it. But regardless, we have to wonder what they were doing in Antarctica. Obviously, we think they were looking for a good place to set up shop, or they were making deals with reptilians. I mean, who knows at that time exactly what was going on. So then. We have the story of Carl Hausaufer. In 1909, if you guys don't know who he is, there's a lot of information on him, even on Wikipedia, but the journey, the Planet Serpo book talks a lot about him. But in 1909, so he's a German politician who travels to Japan in 1909 and is invited into the Tibetan monastery of the Society of Green Man, AKA the Green Dragon Society, which is a faction of the Black Dragon Society. This is where he learns of a 5000 year plan to take over the world in 1909. And these societies claim to be channeling a subterranean reptilian race that lived underground in Tibet. So they were getting information from this underground race of reptilians. Obviously, this is why they named their societies after them, the Dragon Society. For some reason Carl Hausaufer was given permission to go over there and learn of this 5000 year plan. He said, he said that the green men decide that an alliance with Germans would help them reach their 50th century goals. So there was already a plan back in 1909 being made with the humans, the Germans and the reptilians and the Green and Black Dragon Society to take over the planet to take over the earth. Carl Hausaufer comes back with the gift of foresight and tales of an underground reptilian civilization. They gave him to give the foresight so he can go back to World War One, and he impressed everyone he was able to tell them what was going to happen next to sum this up because we have a lot to get through. He eventually becomes Hitler's handler and he grooms Hitler into power. And the interesting thing is, is that Hitler ended up taking over Hitler, I guess his ego his own greed consumed him. He ended up even when he created a concentration camps he actually put Carl Hausaufer and his family in the concentration camp, the very guy that even made Hitler who he was. And apparently, Hitler became so power hungry that he actually foiled their plan, and he was actually pissed off a lot of the reptilians and everything because he was kind of going off on his own at this point. He went he went rogue yeah. And then there is literature that says Carl Hausaufer ended up in inner earth, which, if I added all that we'd be here forever we're going to be here forever anyway. It's going to be a long and make sure we check the chat frame collections. Okay, so that's 1909, we know that this all happened in 1909. So we're not even barely into the century and we have so much already. In 17 1970 Maria or sick channels UFO blueprints from ETS from El Deborah on powered by real energy remember the real energy the infinite source of power that we talked about earlier that was discovered by the Germans. From the subterranean race called the Arians, and this was the birth of the first German made UFO. It's a little bit about the real society so the real society was a secret society made up of four women they claim to have kept their hair long in order to act as an antenna to telepathically channel communication with alien races. And just a little bit more about them, just because some not everyone is familiar with the real society. So, the real society is a mysticism physical movement created by Maria or sick, a medium and founder of the real society and based upon messages she claimed to have received from ETS from El Deborah on, or alpha tari, which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super out of this world flying machine the UFO, the extraterrestrials area from El Deborah on told Maria that they were here before thousands of years ago and people took them for gods. The objective of the real was to acquire knowledge about real energy through psychic means, and to disclose pertinent information to fuel or tool however you want to say that in the entrance, interest of the Nazi party, thus came to the development of the Munich device, called the whatever that says the JFM. Other world flying machine this was the very first Nazi UFO, which was apparently constructed in 1922 and this information guys can be found in this book right here. We found real 1917 extraterrestrial messages to Maria or sick and the birth of the first German made UFO. If you guys are interested in that book. And next here is just some pictures of these hanabu some of these early models of real flying saucers, allegedly depending on who you talk to some of these are actual real photographs. Obviously the internet, anything can be faked nowadays but as far as we know some of these might be real, and this slide is just for fun. Somebody says she is still alive, referring to Maria or sick could be yeah she could be, I wouldn't doubt it. Here we have, this picture Hitler so Hitler had signed trees with several hostile galactic civilizations and agreed to exchange humans for the alien research of extremely advanced UFO propulsion and particle beam weapons to exchange humans. So we have, we know about the human trafficking, we hear about the galactic slave trade, the secret space programs this is early evidence of humans being traded for ET tech, and when humans are traded, whether they using us for, how has it done what technologies were involved. This is something that we have to think about. Early again early evidence of all the stuff we talk about now. 1929 Admiral bird visits Antarctica this is the first of five trips. And we all have heard about Admiral birds diary, which he claims to have visited in her earth, had a meeting with their council came back with a message for humanity. He was told never to talk about it again that if you read, you can find his diary online Billy Woodard who worked at area 51 claims to have been assigned to reading Admiral birds diary what told it was in fact he was told it was in fact true. Because when he read it he wasn't sure but that was his first assignment to familiarize himself with the diary. So did bird visit in her earth it's very possible. But why was he going to Antarctica also in 1929 this is something else to consider. And then we establish he establishes little America in 1929. So it sounds like the US also had plans brewing down in Antarctica at the same time the Germans did. There was a lot more happening there at that time than anyone was aware of a lot of activity for a plain old boring ice wall. And so 1938 the Germans established new Schwabenland in Antarctica. They wanted Admiral bird to actually lead the trip, because they weren't familiar with the terrain like he was. So they wanted him to help be their guide. They knew what they were he wasn't in alignment with their mission. So he refused to go, according to what we researched, but he did agree to advise the members of the team. So he was actually advising the Germans before they went to Antarctica officially in 1938, where they set up new Schwabenland, which was named after the research vessel and our new swabia. This is not on the map of where it would be in Antarctica. This is an old map of, and you can't see on this map it's really shitty but it even shows like a lot of outpost and things that they had set up at least on the surface even though we know they were doing stuff underground. And here is a picture of the vessel, the Schwabenland that actually went to Germany in our Germany Antarctica in 1938. The purpose of the mission was to claim an area of land to protect the German whaling industry that was the main stream narrative for them going the mainstream purpose. Do you have any questions yet. No but Drumpa says, I have some of the real Nazi bellcraft voting but tied to drown with metal chains and they says picks. You have seen some of that stuff I don't know it's hard to come across now. Don't worry cranky pants McGee. You can always go back and rewatch this. You can always go back and rewatch this it's going to be available for free on our channel as long as it stays up. And okay so what do we have next. So we're in 1938. So 1939 World War II starts right after the Germans have already developed new Schwabenland coincidentally a year later World War II starts. And this is when we hear of William Tomkins testimony about the Navy spies who were sent over to Germany. William Tomkins served to naval intelligence from 1942 to 1945 directly participating in intelligence debriefings of Navy agents embedded within Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany's most secret aerospace facilities. So if you've listened to any of his testimony. It's pretty profound what was happening back then they were coming back with intelligence talking about the Germans building is amazing free energy UFOs these flying disk. They were there were even bringing back schematics and blueprints that weren't even in like an earthly language. They had no idea what it meant. So, during World War II we had a lot of information coming from Germany about their early space program. And then this was the very early days of the US space program I would imagine. Did you want to add anything about that. No. All right, so this is going quicker than I thought that's good though. Slide 26 of a hundred fifty four. I mean, I think I got quite a bit. Well, the last half I'm not going to go through some of that because that was part of an earlier thing. Okay. Okay, so 1939 World War II starts. We have William Tomkins testimony that speaks of the German spies are the Nazi Navy spies bringing back information about the Germans developing UFOs. And we already had information about that from the real society Maria or sick. So 1942 this is during World War II we have the Battle of LA. The battle of Los Angeles also known as the great LA air raid is the name given by the contemporary sources to a rumored attack on a continental United States by Imperial Japan. So there is this whole Wikipedia definition right, we also have William Tomkins testimony that tells a different story of the battle of LA, which he says. Huge mother ships were spotted along with hang on. I got to read it from this huge mother ships were spotted along with the large mass sighting of unknown aircraft ever recorded largest, that's supposed to say largest mass sighting of. Aircraft ever recorded it went on for five hours so basically hundreds of massive naval space battle fleet ships hovering 8,000 feet above the mother ships. So what he said was there was these gigantic mother ships that showed up over LA. And we had all of our battle cruisers like our. One of my battleships in the ocean. Firing at this fleet of ships and then but he also says that the naval space fleet. There was a naval space fleet from another part of the galaxy that was parked above them that was attacking them from above. So this is from an early space program from another part of the galaxy, according to William Tomkins. So whatever these mother ships were over LA they were being fired on from above and below, the naval space armada was obviously from this part of the Milky Way galaxy but they weren't from Earth, according to William Tomkins. He said the space vehicles were under fire from above and below. And then he says that the area was crop dusted with chemicals and then attempt to erase deciding from the witness memories. And he goes into details about this but, basically, this was an early, early evidence of chemtrails being used to help to make people forget the sighting that they just saw. So they knew there's obviously was written about in the papers people knew about it but the mass amount of ships that was actually in the air at the time they didn't they were trying to, I guess, keep a lid on it as best they could. Do you want to add any more about this? No, I mean it, it basically in this book I believe he says like all of LA you could see it and in fact like most of Southern California could see it and went on like all night. Five hours or five AM and there were even like deaths from from the falling bullets and stuff. You know, because they shots they unloaded just like. Right, the shrapnel that was falling. I mean there was like that was actually right killing people. Great. And he said that whatever they were spraying the area with he said some people looked like zombies like they were just completely zoned out. And the chemical was being pumped in the air. And a lot of people don't remember the details. And the craft there and the craft they were firing at was just absorbing everything that did not affect it in the slightest. So, yeah, so there you go like clearly, you know, that was not something known that we can explain that was hovering for hours over LA. Right. Okay, so yeah, so then that was they were firing it so clearly like they didn't know what it was and they thought it was a threat and they're firing at it. Reynolds Rap. Reynolds Rap. Potato wedges. Wedges. Olive oil. Salt. Mwah. Well done, hon. Well done. Chef. Right. With Reynolds Rap cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. Easy prep. Easy cook. Easy cook. When you log into, the ultimate online social casino, you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose French fries over loaded French fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at now. And live the Chumba life. And this just goes, to me, this reinforces the compartmentalization of everything because if you want to say like, oh, all the military knows it's like, well, they wouldn't have done that if they would have known what it actually was, you know, and then clearly they didn't actually know what it was and they thought it was a threat and they're firing at it all night. And then here's a nothing happens here's photographs from it. And then here's even this guy's car that show evidence of damage from the sky battle. You can't say. Yeah. And then what they try to say it was just like, they said a rumored attack, you know, by Imperial Japan. Yeah, so there's so much more going on at that time but either way, this is 1942. Again, something that gets kind of breezed over sometimes. And then we have after that this we also have the food fighters. They tried to say it was a false alarm like yeah we just fired all night non stop used all our ammo on a false alarm. Like that makes sense. I'm going to use the rest real quick. Okay, sure. Yeah. So during World War II. Yeah pilots were seeing these balls of light flying around and following their craft. And maneuvering around them in ways that aren't supposed to be possible and we didn't know what they were. And we were freaked out by it. So we assumed it was the enemies secret craft or something. And they were nicknamed Foo Fighters which that name comes from a comic strip. That was popular at the time. And yeah so tons of our allied pilots were reporting seeing these things. And most of them thought there were secret weapons of the Germans of the enemy. They were bright glowing lights and the US government has still to the state never offered an explanation for what they were. And while other than they try to say it must have been whether anomalies, ball lightning, blah, blah, blah, go down the list. Or enemy aircraft just mistaken, you know, for whatever, but clearly like these are trained pilots that know how to spot. You know, like they're not going to be reporting balls of glowing light following their craft like clearly they were they were an unknown they were UFOs they were some kind of advanced. Yeah craft whether it was ET or whether it was secret. And that's where the craft that was ET technology given to them because they didn't just develop down their own. It was clearly yeah not what they were a military test balloon yeah who knows yeah right right right. So anyway, so that was all during World War II for like four or five years at least during the war. And then that is where the Foo Fighters got their band name. Yes, Dave Grohl apparently is a big UFO guy. A lot of there's a book out there called Alien Rock talks about all the musicians who had their own ET experiences abduction sightings. Most of the famous popular musicians have all had their all had their stories, including like her domain. Elvis Michael Jackson the Beatles. I mean they're all in there. Yeah. Which is interesting side now okay so this one is kind of out of the timeline but I think it's fascinating because it's a real photograph. So this this picture was taken by a couple in Carlsbad California and analyzed by specialists at Northrop in San Diego California and released by William Tomkins. William Tomkins looked at this photo when it made its way to his office and he knew exactly what they what he was looking at. This is a close up image according to William Tomkins this is a close up image of a 900 foot long reptilian tanker found to be dispensing a mixture of four gases over Oceanside and Carlsbad California these gases are used for mind control of the population. And the disturbance or the disbursement of viruses aka reptilian contrails. So he says that the people that took this picture did they had no idea they didn't see these in the sky. Yeah do you explain why that is. Yeah yeah I'm going to. Okay so they didn't see these this just showed up back back then when you had to actually go and have your film developed when it was developed they noticed these but they all claimed that they didn't see these with their naked eye. And that was William Tomkins said that they have cloaking technology that keeps us from seeing it but for whatever reason the technology that kept kept cameras from picking it up wasn't turned on or wasn't enabled. So they had two different switches one that keeps people people from seeing the craft and one that keeps cameras from seeing the craft or picking up the craft and they forgot to switch on the one that kept cameras from picking it up. And that's how this guy so this guy took this photo not seeing anything at all and with his eyes, but then this is what turned up in the photo. Right. And according to Tomkins as soon as he saw he knew what it was he called the reptilian tanker and he says that these colors coming out of the back of it are four different gases that are used to basically mind control us so if these things have been flying around invisibly cloaked for years you know when this photo was taken I'm sorry, I don't know when it was taken. I'm sure I could go back through William Tomkins testimony and books and maybe get an idea. Regardless there's a lot more about this also in his books and testimonies we're just breathing through this. But it's interesting because as far as anyone knows these are legitimate photographs they have not been proven wrong or debunked. That is a reptilian tanker. And he explains, he explains a little more about the craft he explains with all these serrations mean, and like, and you can even see it like the different colors in the gas right that's interesting. Right. Okay so, here we are 1945. After the war, the Germans flee to Antarctica Argentina. This is one operation paper clip happens we have evidence that the Germans even wanted a moon and Mars at this time Hitler wasn't dead he went to. He went to Argentina as well possibly Antarctica. So there's a lot of information at this time. Do we know what year. No that's why I said we don't know the exact. Do you know the decade was it like 50, 60, I don't know. And from how that picture looks I would say maybe 60s, but we don't know exactly 60s or 70s maybe. Right. But we're not sure so all right so we had World War II happen. Obviously all the stuff we talked about the Navy spies discovering what the Germans were up to. And now in 1945, a ton happens. We have evidence of the Germans like I said fleeing to Antarctica and Argentina and what the how they were getting that Argentina was the red cross that was actually at that time that building was right next to the Vatican. They created the red, these Red Cross visas is illegal visas that let Nazis out of the country, and it gave them admission into Argentina through to Catholic Church where they were given a new identity. They were wiped clean of all their sins, and given a new name and a new life a clean slate to start a new life and and Argentina. So the Red Cross was guilty for actually aiding the Nazis in the escape of because the Red Cross was established by the cabal. Right. That's not what they claim to be, you know, as many, which that information is like you can even Google this stuff about the Red Cross visas and the Nazis going to Argentina and all that stuff. Apparently, there's it. That's where Hitler went as well. And, you know, German Secret Society of colonized Mars in the 40s according to information that Dr. Salah has shared. What we're looking at here is potentially a real photograph we don't know, depending on who you talk to again but a swastika shape base was built on the backside of the moon. It was later built out. It was later built out and taken over by I guess the US base programs if I understand that correctly. I provided this just to show that the swastika wasn't just a Nazi thing that showed up all over the world and from ancient times ancient that's where they got the symbol. Just like everything else it's been hijacked. The Nazis build a swastika shape base on the dark side of the moon between 1938 and 45 dates ferry depending on insider whistleblower. What is what does the swastika look like though. Look at a galaxy with a spiral arms right and look at a swat it's right I've seen it like also depicted like it's the big dipper like in all the cycles. Like, there's so many different. It's representative of astrological alignments or something. Yeah, maybe all maybe it's representative of all those things. So, again, no one can go to the moon and prove this but this we do there's a lot of information that happens to the possibility that the Germans did make it to the moon back in the 40s, maybe even the late 30s and even to Mars, which I should have included the Google Mars photos. So in another presentation, I don't, if I don't know if you'll find it anymore. What do I wish I Google Google Mars base April Fool's prank or something like that. Oh yeah. Remember that. Yeah. But it wasn't actually It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane. So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. Is that it. Yeah, that's it. But I'll have to pull it up and send it to you. Yeah, send it to me. So, man, actually, you know what, let me just pull up my other presentation. Sorry, guys, please hold. Please hold. The problem is I can't get my cursor back on top of the other monitor. Oh, that's what I have to do. I have to switch that back. Okay, except. Open photos. Okay. That's the one thing we missed. Right. So anyway, there we go. Okay, go back to YouTube. Make sure that I can see this. Sorry about that guys. So, this could be fake might be fake. Either way, this showed up on Google Mars. I don't even see I wish I had can pull up my other way. I might be a few years ago. In a teen 2000s. Either way, this showed up on Google Mars. They tried to say it was a prank. This is because it was an April Fool's joke, but it did actually wasn't found in on April at all. It was found like months later. Right. So that doesn't even make sense. But I went back to the exact coordinates of this place on Google Mars and I found a blotched out square that was completely out of place, like a dark square, which I had to photo on the other presentation of the exact coordinates of this alleged prank. Regardless, there's no way to prove whether this was real or not. It's interesting, though, because when you type in the exact coordinates that this came from, you see this big, like ugly squared, it's just completely out of place. So my question is why do they have a square. That's clearly, you know, they're hiding something with that. Right. Like a Google Earth when you when you find little squared out things like they're clearly hiding stuff. Right. Right. Okay. So moving on. You guys have all heard of Operation Paperclip. If you have it. Here's a brief synopsis. Now you will. Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1600 German scientists engineers and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the US for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe between 1945 and 1959, conducted by the joint intelligence objectives agency. It was largely carried out by special agents of the US Army's counter counter intelligence corpse. And many of these personnel, core. Oh, core, whatever, corpse corpse corpse. And many of these personnel were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party. And this is where there's the whole argument that we didn't actually win World War II because if we did, why would we allow 1600 German scientists engineers and technicians that were leaders of the Nazi Party to come in and infiltrate our infrastructure basically every organization in the United States was infiltrated and we had German personnel Nazi personnel. And one of those people was one of them, Brian, who worked for NASA who had it up NASA. Yep. And the literal Nazi headed up NASA. Right. NASA was a Nazi creation, like that's that's a historical fact. And that's what people don't know. And it's a lot of people. And we'll get into NASA here in a little bit because there's a lot to get through still. Okay, so, at the same time operation. How would you say this to Taborin Taborin. So operation Taborin one into British soldiers discover a German base in Antarctica 1945. Actually 1944 technically. But so if you guys don't know about this, it's very interesting story. Most people don't know this happened right at the end of World War II. So while operation paperclip was taking place the British was actually discovering the German bases in Antarctica. So, in 1908, the British claimed the sector of the soft pole 1908 so they already had a base established down there way back when the Germans were there early, and what they were doing there as anyone's guess. But they learned the British soldiers learned about an entrance to the Nazi base in Antarctica from three captured Nazis in 1945. There's a lot more about this there's an entire book written on this guys. There's other books that referenced this, but we're going to breeze through it and it's giving the main bullet points for the sake of this presentation. So a team of 30 men went to explore. They discovered a tunnel system so vast that they had to split up. They discovered massive underground Nazi establishment you boat port and hangers for exotic craft. The only one surviving one survivor the team was actually captured, and one survivor made it up and ended up making it back to the British base. The survivor reported the incredible discovery, and he told them how the others died. So a second team was established this time they had a more strategic approach. And the results were reported to Truman so I'm going to briefly read through some of what they discovered. Any questions. On the questions, the people are just enjoying the presentation. So, he has an ex excerpt from a Serpo, secret during the plan Serpo. So they followed the tunnel for miles and eventually they came to a vast underground cavern that was abnormally warm. Some of the scientists believe that it was warm geothermally in the huge cavern were underground lakes. However, the mystery deep and as a cavern was lit artificially. The cavern proved so extensive that they had to split up. And that was that, or that was when the real discoveries were made the Nazis had constructed a huge base into the caverns and had even built docs for you boats. And one was identified supposedly, and one was identified one of the you boats was identified supposedly still the deeper they traveled the more strange visions they were greeted with the survivor reported that hangers for strange planes and excavations galore had been documented. For five hours, they explore for five hours they entered an enormous cavern illuminated by artificial lighting, and his account the S.A.S. agent says, as we looked over the entire cavern network we were overwhelmed by the numbers of personnel scurrying about like ants. And what was impressive was the huge constructions that were being built from what we were witnessing the Nazis, from what we were sorry, from what we were witnessing the Nazis it appeared had been in Antarctica a long time. He says what was very, he says he was very impressed by the advanced Nazi technology the team was discovered and fought a heroic engagement while being chased after setting the mines in place so they actually blew up the entrance they came in. This is so this is talking about the second mission back the second trip back so they under that they were discovered on the second one, and only three survived that time so only three survived the encounter, but they had succeeded in detonating massive explosions at the mouth of the tunnel and sealing it so that the entrance remained sealed after being evacuated to the Falkland Islands the three survivors were told that their mission was to remain top secret. The S.A.S. agent says upon reaching Georgia, we were issued with a directive that we were forbidden to reveal what we had seen heard or even encountered. And apparently this is what prompted Operation High Jump. So, clearly the United States did find out about Operation Tiberian, either by covert intelligence operations or by deliberate intelligence sharing by the British. It seems more likely because the British were probably convinced that they had not succeeded in destroying the base and wanted the U.S. to finish the job. So that's where Operation High Jump comes in. So the whole purpose of High Jump was to finish destroying the Nazi bases in Antarctica, but the cover story was it was an exploration mission only which is BS like it makes no sense to send what they sent there if it was an exploration mission. So then that was 19. So we have Operation Tiberian 1 and 2 in 1945. They discovered the British discover a Nazi base. That intel is leaked to President Truman, who then orders Admiral Byrd to lead Operation High Jump in 1946. And you can read this if you want. Yeah, yeah, so said Operation High Jump's 46-47. So publicly it's supposed to be an exploration mission in reality. It was to take out the Germans base in Antarctica. It was supposed to last six months. And they came back after only two months because they got their butts kicked because little did they know the Germans had very advanced. Ryan Seacrest here. When you have a busy schedule, it's important to maximize your downtime. One of the best ways to do that is by going to Chumbak Chumbak Casino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots, bingo, and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes. So hop on to Chumbak now and live the Chumba life. Sponsored by Chumbak Casino. No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Technology advanced craft that we to that point knew very little to nothing about. And you know, so we show up trying. Hey, we're going to take out their base and there's these flying craft come out just destroying us basically. And that's when Admiral Bird. So when he came back, Admiral Bert, you know, they came back after only two months, way, way shorter than it was supposed to be. With way less people, you know, the people that survives and Admiral Bird. Like was interviewed after that and gave a statement, he basically said he was freaked out and you could tell. Because he's like, oh crap, if they have this kind of technology, we're defenseless against this like they could take over the world if they wanted to, you know, essentially. And this is a quote. So he basically, he warned about. Well, I have the actual full quote in the next slide. Yeah. I think that could fly from pole to pole, I think, incredible speeds because he was what he witnessed. So there. So, so yeah, 46 to 47 operation hydro 4700 marine sent to Antarctica confronted by UFOs. They ended four months early. And I just had to add this part just for the flat earthers. Admiral Bird encircled the continent in two different directions before the attack. How do you encircle an ice wall. How do you encircle an ice wall. Right. You don't. These are all this information we're sharing is a type of stuff to either flat earthers don't know about it. They just choose to ignore when they're creating their theories. They're not here attacking flat earth or unless you, unless like the ice wall wouldn't circle the whole planet unless you're saying they like went along the fire. Well, I guess you could say that, but just an interesting side note when I was reading, they specifically said that they encircled the continent in two different directions before the attack. So here is the actual quote. Admiral Bird declared today that it was imperative for United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Furthermore, bird stated that he didn't want to frighten anybody, anyone unduly. But that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war, the continent, continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly poll to poll at incredible speeds. That's interesting. He we have bird reporting back on the exact technology we just got them explaining that we had been developed since the 1800s. And the interesting timing is that what was shortly after that. Well, that's where we're in 2014. So this is, that's when bird on March 5 1947 that came out in the newspaper that he actually said that. That's when it made it to the papers. But before we get there, this is something little known immediately following high jump. The next year in 47 also, same year, Roswell, all this stuff happens. Operation windmill operation windmill I don't know if you guys have heard of this was a follow up much smaller exercise the following year, and important part, which was to obtain ground references for the 70,000 aerial photographs taken during high jump the previous year helicopters were used extensively hence the name windmill. So that was the public reason for going back in 1947 was to go get ground references for the 70,000 aerial photographs taking during high jump that means there are 70,000 photographs out there. There's been a lot of photographs that we have never seen. But knowing what actually happened, they weren't going back to just get ground references for the photos this mission I don't know who knows what the real purpose for this mission was. Either way, they're trying to find out exactly what the Germans had in Antarctica right extensively like they're trying to like we need to know exactly what's there. This is the same time we have the UFOs, and this is when the UFO starts showing up over all the nuclear facilities in the 40s they start showing up. And this is just important to know we'll get into some more specifics on this a little later. But just mainstream science recognizes that there's at least 12 measurable dimensions dimensions depending on which scientist you subscribe to. So either way they're admitting that dimensions are real that it dimensions exist. And we have information out there from a lot of people that say when you let off an atomic device you're killing people and other dimensions that you can't see. That's not just affecting our dimension it's affecting many other ones so they're not going to allow it's not it's for multiple reasons that they're. They're not going to allow us to destroy ourselves us to destroy the planet, and us to destroy and affect beings and many things in other dimensions that we know nothing about so we're kind of like these little ignorant children that are playing with machine guns. And bombs that we have no idea what we're doing. We're going to stop you guys. And every planet is connected via the cosmic web with web which is a portal system. And the effects of the atomic blast will travel through that portal system and affect other planets who knows not just other dimensions but other planets so that's why they're parking above these facilities shutting them down because this isn't just about destroying ourselves we have no idea the implications of laying off an atomic bomb. So the good news about that is that there, there is not going to be nuclear war because it's not going to be allowed and they've been for decades and decades they've been shutting down nuclear facilities and stopping us from using nukes. Right so whenever we hear that narrative that's just fear mongering whenever, whenever they're putting that out in the media, you know, nuclear war. Thanks Tyler for this is not convenient info sorry. The inconvenient info. Yeah. Well, I mean, sorry for being. We need to know this. Yeah, sorry. It's just laughing about it. It's Greg. Okay, so next, you know, we all know about Roswell which Aaron went into extensively. Yeah, for the sake of people who don't know it, but before Roswell. Roswell wasn't the first UFO crash. These are just some of the documented crashes. In 1938 at the invitation of Benito Mussolini German scientists were allowed to examine the remains of a UFO that was recovered in 1933 near the small town of Moderno in northern Italy. We have evidence of a UFO wreck in 1933 and Italy, that was allowed to be examined by science German scientists in 1938, which is interesting to know because of what we knew what was happening back then with the real society and the call house offer information and all that. So then in 1941, the US Navy founded disk in the Pacific West of San Diego, another wrecked UFO. There's a UFO crash that's not very well known about here in Cape drawing Missouri about an hour, hour and a half south for years from us in 1941. There was also another crash in before Roswell in 1947, a UFO crash in the plains of St. Augustine, New Mexico. Do you want to read this or I can read it doesn't matter yet. So this is information about the crash in Augustine, New Mexico, 1947, made 31st before Roswell. Yeah, so the alien craft was resting on its roots still smoking when the military arrived four aliens were on the ground three alive in one dead Bob Shell, a former editor of Shutterbug magazine, and the military cameraman signed to film the scene reported that each of the live aliens was tightly grasping a box and making shrieking noises. He said they looked like circus freaks. Two of the three surviving aliens were injured and died within three weeks, which point the cameraman was called upon the film autopsy of one of the creatures in Fort Worth, Texas. This ultimately became the famous Santilly autopsy film which we'll talk about later. As can be seen in the film these aliens appeared almost human although smaller and had six fingers and toes on their otherwise human looking hands and feet. The alien craft invites were taken to write Paris and Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Next, what. So, yeah, this guy out. Right, so we have evidence of a wreck with actual alien bodies before. Before Roswell, May 31 was Roswell happened in June. There's another site another UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico in 1948. Where they recovered a UFO and 16 of its occupants. And we'll get into there was actually a photograph from that wreck that we'll get into in a later slide. But apparently, that that wreck had a lot more witnesses than Roswell and there's a lot more information about the Aztec, New Mexico wreck and actually right here. They're not going to be able to see it because of and this you switch back to what because it doesn't matter. What I'm holding here is a soil sample from the UFO wreck site and Aztec, New Mexico. This was gifted to me. I actually had the Mufan lab investigate this analyze it and they found very, very little traces of radiation. But that's it. The other than that it's pretty much just, you know, soil. But this is a soil sample from that wreck site allegedly. So this was gifted to me by somebody very synchronistically and actually just had a dream about this soil sample last night, which was interesting. And here we are talking about it. I had a dream that someone tried to come steal this like it was some like really important. And then, so this is this is the difference between Aaron and I about Roswell. So this was my slide about. I mean, I'm like that about Roswell too, but I wanted to go into it. So we all know about Roswell, but Aaron makes a great point on why we need to actually dive a little deeper because there's a lot of smoking gun evidence because so many people have been researching it for so long. There's there's just so much evidence and information on it that if you just researched that one crashed that one incident. It will prove to yourself. You can prove to yourself that it's, you know, it's not from here and it happens. It's not what they're telling us. And that there is a cover up in place and all that. So it's, it's, you know, it's a really good, especially for people that don't know about any of the stuff and aren't have no clue about any of the stuff. Just tell them the research Roswell and like come back to you, you know, and their mind will be blown if they actually truly research it. So anyways, Kenneth Arnold. This was before Roswell a little bit in 1947. He was a pilot. He reported seeing nine objects going bright blue, white, flying in a V formation over Mount Rainier in Washington. He estimated their flight speed at 1700 miles an hour, which is way, way beyond anything that is supposed to be possible. I said they moved like a saucer if you skipped it across the water. And that's where the term flying saucer came from because the newspapers then mistakenly reported that he saw flying saucers. When in fact you just said it moved like a saucer skipping across water. Initially thought there were military aircraft test flights. But the military later said they hadn't been conducting any tests during that time. So they couldn't have been. All right, so now we're getting into Roswell. So July 3 or that dates not exact it's somewhere around that time when the crash happened. But it was discovered at that date or around that date by a rancher named Mac Brazel on a ranch about 75 miles outside of Roswell. That was close to Corona, New Mexico. He noticed that his sheep were weren't crossing a part of their grazing land they were stopping. Seemingly for no reason he didn't know why. And he investigated it and he found all this strange debris. He found metallic debris spread along the hillsides and a huge gouge in the earth. And the pieces of metal that he found were pliable very light and they reverted back to their original shape after that you could crunch them into a ball and they would revert back to their original shape. So clearly this is some advanced not memory foam memory for this is in 1947 to so think about that. Some had odd markings on them that he couldn't make out what they were. He took samples of a lot of this debris into town. And to I believe Roswell it was on July 6 presented them at the sheriff's office. Two deputies were immediately ordered to the crash site to investigate. And so the next day the Roswell army airfield made a statement. They made a public statement saying they recovered the remains of a flying disc and they said that exact thing they said flying disc. So there were many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence office of the 509 bomb group. The eighth Air Force Roswell army airfield was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers in the sheriff's office of Chavez County. Major Jesse Marcel Captain sharing cabinet followed brassle back to his ranch to inspect and collect a debris which they took to the base July 8. And Marcel said it was nothing made of this earth which by the way he said many many times. He would reiterate it was not from this earth it was not it was an alien craft. So he was convinced that it was not from here. So as reported in Roswell daily record on July 9 brassle told sheriff will cost that he might have found a flying disc who told the RAAF who sent the intelligence officer major Marcel, and a man in place close to his home where they picked up the rest of the pieces of the disc and went to his home to try to reconstruct it, they failed. The this case is unique because the media broke the story after getting so by the way this is from Jean broida or friend Jean broida's book I know no objects this is a direct. We had her on the show back on the show a few years ago she's awesome excellent researcher she is and this book is amazing by the way you get for like five bucks on Amazon by the way. This case is unique because the media broke the story after getting a US military press release when the newspapers and other broadcast media began spreading the flying saucer story therefore then retracted its official statement and issued a contradictory cover story. All the evidence that eyewitnesses were pressured by the government agents to suppress or change their stories which of course they were. Yeah that's pretty obvious that that happened. So before he visited the Roswell daily record on July 9 brassle had already given two interviews so one with the Roswell radio station KGF l announcer Frank Joyce on the 6th and then probably the next day on the 7th by wall with more who own that station. He made a wire recording of brassles on censored story and intended to broadcast it but that never happened thanks to the US military. The interview was meant to be aired as a scoop but was never played on air unfortunately the recording has been lost to us because it was confiscated by the army on the afternoon of July 8 and never returned during their operation to kill the original disc retrieval story and remove all contrary evidence. So they they wanted to squash this whole disc story all the evidence they wanted to. Anything they could do to cover it up threatened people you know go down the list say it was a weather balloon. So here's a photo of General Raimi holding a piece of paper in his hand and for the longest time no one could read it no one could make out what it said until now with advanced you know with our technology now. We were able to enhance the photo and here's part of what we're able to make out it says now and the victims of the wreck and the disc they will ship so clearly talks about a disc and a wreck. And here's the full thing which just kind of just kind of says disc many times and wreck and things that if it was just a weather balloon would it wouldn't say basically and clearly it was a disc of some kind and it was a, it was a wreck and it was very important. So we know those things for sure. And when I first read this I thought it said Dick craze continues but it says it does not say Dick craze. So the UFO records was taken by the military who swapped out with weather balloon wreckage. It was swapped out with actual weather balloon wreckage because they needed to fit that cover story so they actually swapped out the wreckage gave that weather balloon wreckage to major Marcel here in this photo. And that's what he's holding in the photo and you see the look on his face like are you serious right now like he's somebody's barking orders at him. He's looking up at him. And the press is laughing at him because they can't believe a US military intelligence officer somehow didn't know the difference between a crash UFO and a weather balloon. But of course he did he was just he was threatened and silenced and he could say the truth. So here's a quote from Marcel himself. So here's a direct quote from Marcel later on this is actually from an episode of in search of. All I could do is keep my mouth shut general Raimi is the one who told the news man what it was and to forget about it it was nothing more than a weather observation balloon. Of course we both knew differently. So he says they both knew differently. Thomas DuBose was the highest ranking Air Force officer with direct knowledge of the Roswell case he went on record about the weather balloon cover up. Plus other important details about what was really happening and general Roger Raimi's inner circle. However he was relegated to the role of a complete non entity and the 1995 Air Force Roswell report even though he was general Raimi's chief of staff in 1947, and had a great deal to say about what happened in recorded interviews and his affidavit. He didn't even identify DuBose in the photos taken on July of 1947 which they reproduced in their report picturing in with general Raimi. Every day when you log in to Chumbah the ultimate online social casino you get a free daily bonus. Imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stewart from accounting about his weekend even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to contact support. Collect your free daily bonus at Chumbah now. And live the Chumbah life. BDW Group, no purchase necessary. We were prohibited by law in terms of conditions 18 plus. Why the cold shoulder from the Air Force for this high ranking officer? Well quite simply because DuBose's statements contradicted the Air Force party line. He stated there was indeed a cover up ordered from Washington. He said he personally took the phone call from General McMullen and that the weather balloon debris shown in the photos was not what was found at Roswell. It was indeed a cover story designed to get the press off their backs and put out the fire. DuBose insisted that even he never saw the actual Roswell debris. Meaning that what was pictured in the photos was not the actual material covered in the Roswell. And this is a quote from his affidavit. The material shown in photographs taken in Major General Raimi's office was a weather balloon. The weather balloon explanation for the material was a cover story to divert the attention of the press. And this is a memo from the Dowelfield office to the FBI. Like all memos to the FBI at that time it was addressed to Director J. Edgar Hoover recorded the next FBI records subject of the memo was anything but ordinary. It related a story to told to one of our agents by third party who said an Air Force investigator reported that three flying saucers were covered in New Mexico. The memo provided falling detail. Three of them. Three of them. So there was and there's a lot of information. There was more than one wreck. There was more than just one. Right. Right. They the saucers were described as being circular in shape with raised centers approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall. Dressed a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the block out suits used by speed. Speed flyers and test pilots after laying the informants claim. The saucers have been found because the government's high powered radar and the area had interfered with the controlling mechanism of the saucers. So that's supposedly why they crash because the high powered radar interfered with their controlling mechanism. Yeah, sorry. And then. Oh, yeah, sorry. Were you needing to go back. Oh, just. No further evaluation was attempted concerning matter by the up edge. Right. And then this is a quick little clip. Yeah. So this is just a little clip. Oh, wait. Sorry. I think I have to click it on the screen. No, it's not playing the clip. Is it because we're doing them. That's real. It's all good. It's not that it's just another clip basically. And summarizing everything. And then here, these are three different books that I mean tell you everything you need to know about Roswell. Yeah, I mean, so the first book there is the first one ever published on it in 1980 made a strong case for the Roswell crash. I haven't been a UFO, not a weather balloon due to the nature of the recovered materials. They're wide dispersal and the behavior of the security conscious military. And there's been many books published since those other two. So the Roswell incident the day after Roswell and witnessed her as well. You know, and it's interesting. This is the one that, you know, move fine is still stuck on. They talk about this all the time. They can't get past it. Obviously, there is a lot of smoking gun evidence here and maybe that's why move fine and stuck on it because they're evidence based. Move on. Yeah. Because move on is they're definitely more evidence based more nuts and bolts and they're kind of like, they're, they're prerogative is more to like prove that UFOs are a real thing. Then the public to the mass public. Right. So they kind of tend to get stuck on Roswell get stuck on documents, but we, I guess we realized not everyone knows all the details of the Roswell story. So that was, it's important. Right. It's important to look into. Right. And then, so then 1947. It's interesting. We have operation to beer and then high jump, then Roswell, 1947. Same year, in September, right after Roswell, the majestic 12 was formed. And according to David Wilcock, Carl Sagan was originally part of the original MJ 12 and you can tell what you know about that. Um, as far as Carl Sagan. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's not a slide. No, no, but, uh, yeah. So Carl Sagan, apparently was, was a part of MJ 12 secretly. And he actually knew about UFOs. He knew they were really new. He's real. He knew all this stuff was going on to a certain degree in everything's compartmentalized. He knew a certain degree of what was going on. And it's funny because on the surface, publicly, he was a big debunker of UFOs and tried to make it, you know, oh, there's no evidence and blah, blah, blah, you know, and that's because he actually wanted to come out with this information. And he wanted to say, Hey, this is real, you know, blah, blah, blah, but obviously they're not going to allow that, you know, the cabal isn't going to allow that so they threatened him. They silenced them. They said, you know, you're going to say this and he became a puppet. If he ever wasn't, he was a puppet of them and he was only allowed to say what they wanted him to say essentially. And here is, according to John Weir, the John Lear report in 1987, which we'll get into in a little bit here. Yeah. Majestic 12 MJ 12 our magic are all forms of the code name for the control group authorized by President Truman on nine September 24 1947. The CIA is the director of the Majestic 12 MJ one, the control group was formed to oversee a top secret research and development and intelligence operation and was responsible only to the President President Truman. This group was dictated by the finding of a down flying saucer scattered over two sites nearly near the town of Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 to dead bodies of four very small human like aliens were also found Majestic 12 is the most highly classified secret in the United States. The resistance has never been divulged to Congress the funds for MJ 12 and Aquarius our CIA confidential. Now this was written by John Lear 1987, but that's a very great description of what MJ 12 was and what it was created for. This is like the birth of the black budget programs, as far as the United States is concerned, this is where all the coverups begin. This is where also we have the overnight advances in all the technology. Oh yeah, these are two photos will one photo just different filters of the wreck in at Mass Tech New Mexico in 1948 so we have Roswell, we have Majestic 12 and in 1948 immediately we have another down saucer with 16 occupants this time. And there was more witnesses this and as far as we can tell this is an original photograph. There's no way to prove it, but this is all we got to go by. So there's a lot happening back then guys. And then, fast forward to 1952 where we have the White House flyovers. Allegedly, these were Nazi discs. At the time that they were the Nazis maybe they did, but they weren't telling us somebody knew it's compartmentalize right so here's a photograph. This is a newspaper article. And then this is your slide if you want to read it. Yes, so 1952 the invasion of Washington happened series of UFO settings over DC in July 1952. Accompanied by radar context at three separate airports in the area so three separate airports picked up unknown objects on their radar, all at the same time. So they knew something was flying around in the sky that they didn't know it was and jets were literally scrambled to go after them. And this is all this is all historical fact, by the way. Then after all that happened, you know, obviously the jets were scrambled realized there were no match for whatever these things were. And then of course the cover up has to happen after that they are forced, tried to claim the radar blips were merely caused by temperature and versions and the visual sightings were merely meteor stars and city lights nothing more nothing to see here move along. And William Thomas, William Thomas, Dan Cooper, or a couple other people, both, they claimed that these were the Nazi discs. Yeah, they were the Nazis. That seems the most likely it's like it was like a show of force by the Nazis to say hey we can fly in your most restricted airspace right over your capital, basically call them and you can do nothing about it kind of thing like as like, you know, hey, we, we have this technology you guys better do what we say you better, you know, submit to us. And then the 1950s saucer craze begins. So, and then this picture here to the right with these girls, part of the flying saucer club. Like, that's just funny to me because you know we this these groups all over the place now but back then I'm sure this was like a really exciting thing to be a part of right the flying saucer club there was comic books I mean movies were being made it was everywhere. And then 1952, right after all this happens this is one project blue book was established and the national security agency agency was also established in 1952. The higher jail and high next college professor and this is a definition of project blue book from John layers report. It was the US Air Force project established to determine whether UFOs pose a threat to the security of the United States and to determine whether UFOs exhibit any unique scientific information or advanced technology, which could contribute to scientific technical research project blue book was not quite so successful in its secondary mission, which was to publicly explain away to UFO phenomenon as natural or known phenomenon. The secondary mission it was decided that it was an outside commission of distinguished scientists would be convenient in order to permanently lay the issue to rest. The study was completed the Air Force state the continuation of project blue book cannot be justified. So either way this here is coming from the john lea report in 1987 that says project blue books secondary mission was to cover up the UFO phenomenon, but they're unsuccessful because so many people were seeing were seeing you with those at the time it was it was getting out of hands. It was like everyone was seeing these things and like what are these and reporting them and they're like we need to squash this we need to come up with a scientific explanation to explain. Oh wait, these are just whether anomalies, these are whether blue and swamp gas will ball lightning blow you know go down the list and anything possible other than an unknown object or or a. And the show by the way the history channel show project blue book was really good it's a really good show I recommend. And they were canceled after two seasons because the third, the third season they were getting into the natural portal system that was all over the planet. And like the one of the guys gets lost in the portal so the third season was supposed to be them like discovering this portal system and then obviously that's when they shut it down they don't want us to know about that. So they were discovering portals I mean this is so far beyond UFO quick note so they hired Jay on hi Nick to. He thinks they're hiring him to actually investigate this stuff and he's and he's a non believer when they're completely he thinks you have those are fancy, not real at all when he gets hired, but he still thinks they're hiring him to actually investigate. And he thinks what he's going to find is that there is nothing behind these because he doesn't believe in it. But what actually ends up happening is he ends up realizing like, wow, a lot of these are unexplainable there is something going on here that we can't explain I need to look more into this so he gets he starts getting more and more and more intrigued and like a believer in UFOs that hey there's something in his own integrity. Yeah, he couldn't go against the he wouldn't he was going against orders. And they're getting mad because he's wanting to tell the truth of what he said hey we this is unexplainable and we need to invest and they're like, they basically straight up have to tell him we hired you to explain this away to cover it up. Not to come up with some something as an explanation not actually tell the truth or actually investigate it so 1952 blue book and the NSA were established same here interesting. Now, we know what blue book is now 1954 this is the Eisenhower meeting the granada treaty was signed allegedly it's signed every 10 years, but there's a lot of controversy around this first of all, remember how we started this presentation in 1890 we have information that says the possible shadow government ET Alliance established them in 1890. So this wouldn't be the first time this is happening this would be the first time it's happening with one of our presidents in the know in the know. So this isn't necessarily the shadow government even though it is but we have President Eisenhower Eisenhower involved in this. So essentially it's an agreement made between humans and the grades that allowed for the abduction of humans by ET's in exchange for advanced technology. Allegedly the deal was made behind Eisenhower's back yet he became the fall guy. A lot of people think that Eisenhower was responsible for this but I don't think any president president actually has that much power. This was all being done by the military and these agencies behind his back. Yeah, it was done completely behind his back. Yeah, nothing to do with a complete list of abductees was to be given to our government in an effort to keep tabs on who was being taken in exchange for the technology. But the gray is the Mitra and in specifically the Mitra I believe who were the ones signing this treaty did not hold up their end of the deal, and as many claim this was the beginning of the ET takeover within our government. So, there's that 19, what did I say that was I'm already 1954. Yeah. And then right after that 1955 operation deep freeze here we are back in Antarctica the United States along with New Zealand United Kingdom France, Japan, Germany, Norway, Chile, Argentina, and the USSR agreed to team up and go to the South Pole. All friends. The goal was to advance world knowledge of Antarctic weather systems glacial movements and marine life. I call bullshit. Again, it was commanded by guess who Admiral bird. Hey, what do you know here is a photograph from this poll that was installed to commemorate operation deep freeze as you saw in the last slide is actually a patch. There's a plane on the patch in that that poll is also on the on the patch. This poll is on the patch. And you see all the flags all the nations the country's flags behind it but to the bottom right here is a real photograph of the plane the US Navy making their first landing at the South Pole in October 31 1956. It's a deep freeze mission. So we're back in Antarctica. What's going on down there. This one is see how the walls holding up I guess. So what exists in Antarctica according to multiple insiders Antarctica is the central hub for space operations on the planet. There's ancient pyramids ancient ruins of advanced civilizations three massive UFO wrecks under the ice stargates alien bases tunnel systems entrance to inner earth. Yeah, I bow space ports space ports etc etc etc you name it it's down there according to every whistleblower anybody every whistleblower ever right that knows anything about it. There's tons of information out there on that. So then we have in so that was 19 so let me go back. So deep freeze was oh it actually officially ended in 1999. So that's still continued until then. And then, but in 1955 it was developed in 1961 we have the Betty and Barney Hill UFO abduction. Betty and Barney Hill September 1991. This is a couple. They were driving home to their home in New Hampshire, I believe it was. And the claim they saw a huge fine disk on their drive home. And they had all this missing time and these kind of strange things surrounding that they later claim they were abducted and medically examined by small extraterrestrials. That absolutely corroborates their story that was found. There were magnetic anomalies on their car strange unknown substance on Betty's dress and a star map drawn by Betty attempting to recreate the map shown to her by the use. And so she drew a map of Zeta reticulate one and two in 1961, which was well before this was public knowledge. Yeah, but you forgot the most impressive part, they drew the map as if they were viewing it from the other side. Yeah, they drew it as if they were viewing it from the other side, not from Earth, also. Right. So not only was it not public knowledge and there's no way she could have even known how to draw this map. But it's from the other side of it from Earth. So clearly there's something going on there and, yeah, as I said, we did not have the data make such a map 1961 nor 1964 when she drew it, so it could not be a hoax. And during this time, project SERPA or project Crystal Knight, which we're going to get into was being developed. And this was under, this is actually President Kennedy was aware of this so there was a, which I'll get into in a minute, but so the same year as Benny and Barney Hill, but Betty, Betty and Barney, Betty and Barney Hill, President Kennedy sends out a memorandum called the Kennedy directive, a memorandum on the need for greater coordination of regional and field activities of the government. So basically, this is when he was starting to learn about all these secret programs, all of the three letter agencies, and he wanted everything compiled under like one under one organization he thought it was spread way too thin to compartmentalize the left handed know what the right hand was doing, and he was made aware of this mission that was going to plan a SERPA. He was also made aware of a lot of other things so he thought as president and he had the power to. Well, let's just bring all this together and work together. Well, that's when they decided to kill him. Of course, you can't do that but it's interesting to note that 1961, the same year as the Betty Barney Hill that happened, and then we have another UFO incident 1965. Here at Pennsylvania, it was a mass sighting of a falling brilliant fireball, and it was reported over six U.S. states and Canada, dropping debris and causing sonic booms followed by a cordoned off. It is Ryan C. Chris here. 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So, so while that was happening on the surface, we have Project Crystal Knight or Project Serpo taking off, leaving Earth, 12 astronauts going to spend 10 years on an alien planet 240 trillion miles from Earth, Kennedy had knowledge of this mission, which is part of the reason he wanted signed a Kennedy, Kennedy directive, or he implemented that, which obviously failed but 1965. He was aware of this. And this is, if you guys haven't read the secret journey to Planet Serpo, if you listen to our channel, I always talk about this book. There's a lot of information here. A lot of it's in some of it's not really verifiable, but if it is real, if any of it's real. It's pretty impressive. And we have, yeah, highly recommend that book. Yeah. So, and actually, so the 12 astronauts were supposed to spend 10 years but time worked differently on their planet so they thought they were gone for 10 years they were actually gone for 13 years. And so they spent three years there longer than they actually, yeah, they had a lot of trouble gauging time because the planet had to son had two sons and their years different and like, their days were different. It kind of puts into perspective like they're watching any device they had to tell time did not work on that planet. Right. And then they also discovered genetic experiments cloning facilities. I mean, there's a lot they discovered on that planet. And then we have another okay so 1967 right after that, we have UFOs at maelstrom Air Force Air Force Base which you can read that. Yeah, so this is a Air Force Base in Montana. This is this happened March 16 1967. This was disabled 16 to 18 nuclear missiles. By this time UFOs have been regularly showing up around Air Force bases hovering and flying around vanishing and reappearing and shutting down nuclear facilities and disabling them. Since the 40s at least. They were never hostile or violent, though. They were there that they could disable our missiles anytime and there was literally nothing we could do about it. Right. So. And for a long time. So 1967 and then guess what happens 1968 Apollo missions begin funding for the SSPs as well, I like to say, because a lot of them, that was a cover. So, I mean, it did go into their surface level moon missions but a lot of that funding gets funneled into the programs. And even NASA didn't know they were lying to you. So why I say that is because there's a lot of evidence about the moon landing footage being faked and filmed by Stanley Kubrick, Stanley Kubrick in a studio. And it's damning evidence. It's pretty much verified at this point that there was moon landing footage filmed in the studio here on earth. And a lot of people think that means we didn't go to the moon but we did. It was both. But it was both. But there were a lot of things found on everything so compartmentalized even NASA didn't know they were lying to you. Stop going to the moon. Why do you think, according to some people even NASA admission control, like even that was all set up for admission control. They were being shown fake footage as well. Right. I mean, everything, even they like they can't know they can't be in on it because they have to sell it so they have to believe in how compartmentalized things are extremely compartmentalized. And now this is when we get into William Tomkins testimony. So this is actually a drawing of what William Tomkins claims to have witnessed himself. The actual footage of the moon landing so we have the little lunar rover here in the middle with two astronauts next to it. And then you have six gigantic craft surrounding the crater's edge and then you have some other object in the sky here maybe that's earth I don't know what that's depicting. But here is what Tomkins claims this is coming from his book selected by extraterrestrials volume two. Tomkins claims to have witnessed firsthand classified live feed from the Apollo 11 lander so there is a classified live feed that wasn't being shown to the public. The Apollo missions were just the foundation for the deep space exploratory interstellar missions according to Tomkins. He said the Apollo missions were planned by the Navy and the think tank at Douglas aerospace years before NASA was ever created. This wasn't something that they just like Kennedy was like oh we need to go to space. Let's create NASA and go like this had been a plan for decades that the US Navy was developing in on they were developing and think tanks and Douglas aerospace. What was given permission to go to space publicly by but by who William Thompson says by who the space race was on Tomkins was confused because he knew about the secret space programs already. He knew he had this technology he had been developing and drawing out the plans for these the space fleets that we had been using in our secret space programs at this time, or at least the development of them. They were going to the moon in the public eye under conventional methods. So he understood what we were watching was some sort of show this was some sort of propaganda for the space race against the Russians. This they were this was a political stunt basically. It says we have extensive naval communication stations all over the planets and moons in our solar system and other solar systems, and we are still expanding. In 1969 all communications between the astronauts and mission control were censored and classified above top secret by the CIA. So we have to consider that everything we saw and heard from the moon landings was stage footage was we were watching the movie. Then they were reading us a script. So here's one more quote from William Tomkins. I was privy to watching the uncensored TV and audio feed from the moon landing in a private studio in LA. What I saw was that upon the landing astronauts first donned Masonic aprons descended from the lunar module and placed a Masonic plaque and a Masonic flag on the surface of the moon, essentially claiming it for the Freemasons. They observed six large vehicles perched on the creator's edge overseeing them Armstrong shouted, they are huge sir. So there's a lot more about this in the book guys but for the sake of this presentation I'm just kind of breathing through the bullet points. Quick side note, when you look into NASA. Literally everything they do is is an occult ritual is a free Masonic occult ritual because that's who the people running NASA are and that. And again the occult doesn't mean bad I mean hidden it's hidden secret knowledge but the cabal has this knowledge and they use it for negative because it for control and enslavement blah blah blah. And that's where you know they they've, and they've hijacked Freemasonry and goes back to Knights Templar and goes back, you know, to the Egyptian mystery schools and Babylon and some humor and you know, right. Anyways, all that to say, Freemasonry is not bad inherently to not that's not what I'm saying most Freemasons have no idea about this they're good people, but the people running it at the very tip top of the pyramid are these people that are also running NASA and NASA everything they do is a cult is an occult ritual down to the city down to their logos yeah to a tea like look into it and there's a really good book on this called dark mission by Mike there and Richard C. Yeah, we have upstairs. I highly recommend that book dark mission. And it reveals all that and it reveals a lot of right all the NASA cover up everything basically. So, yeah. Right. So, so then the Armstrong, they were told by ET's that humans were not welcome to the moon and they must leave that's why we never, that's why we didn't return publicly. There's a lot more to that story but that's in a nutshell that's what happened. And this comes from Tomkins one last thing from him aliens have built hundreds of moon structures most on the backside. So ancient people living on earth could not see the constructions. And of course the aliens have built extensive facilities, not just in caverns like those that covered the entire inside of the earth, but many cities on the backside of the hollow moon is what he calls. Tomkins says the hollow moon, and he says a lot about our moon, he said first of all it's not our moon second of all it's not a moon. It's a space station it's hollow it's extensively built out on the inside, and on the backside. Even someone the front side that are cloaked apparently. So 1968, NASA goes to the moon. 1969 project blue book is closed I wonder why they have a new cover up now. They're distracting everyone with NASA. So, they don't need blue book anymore it's not worth the funding, which we know it probably didn't actually get shut down but renamed rebranded, either way publicly it closed. And then shortly after that in 1972 the Apollo program officially closed. And the apparently the reason for that was because of what actually happened on their first encounter to the moon, even though humans have been on the backside of the moon for far longer than we've ever been told. And then the famous 1975 Travis Walton sighting you can read this one there. Yeah so Travis Walton he was just a logger he was like, how was he like 18 when this happened. Your reports being abducted by aliens for five days so he was he was logging with a with a crew of like six or seven people have to get six people. Six people and just normal guy and they all see this bright burning thing like they don't know what they think the force is on fire or something they don't know what it is and then they get closer and they realize it's like a craft. And Travis just starts walking towards the end the rest of them are just like what are you doing and they're trying to yell at him and come back and he just like he's like drawn to it. And he can't stop he's just walking towards it and then the craft takes off and basically when the craft took off is when it knocked him back and it either killed him or it like just very badly injured him. And it says, apparently what he says, I forget what he said he got caught in like the tractor beam. That's right. That's right. And they weren't trying to hurt him. They weren't trying. So when they took off he got caught in this like tractor beam essentially and then after they got so far away from the plant like planet is when he fell to the ground and they injured him and he was injured. And they actually abducted him to heal him to heal him right in despite what the Hollywood movie tells you. So yeah he claimed he was missing for five days during all this, because they took him aboard their craft to heal him but he was gone for five days The whole town accused thought those guys murdered him or something and he shows up five days later, like naked and confused and scared. And so he had to eat these on the craft heal them there was physical evidence that was discovered that corroborated the story. And to this day Travis Walton still speaks to UFO conferences and tells his story has not changed and the entire time he's actually speaking at one coming up this summer. He's big on coming up still. I actually met him. There's a picture of me with him at contact in the desert in 2018. The one year I went to that. I got to talk to him for about almost an hour and he's a super down to earth awesome guy like he he's a very genuine honest guy like he's not, he's not doing this to be famous or make money. He's just not, you know, he's just telling the story and I was just on a road trip in the Southwest and I actually drove through this town that happened and we saw, you know, all the whole town is like UFO and ET themed now kind of like a media as well but it was interesting to drive through the town. So that was 1975, then 1977 close encounters of the third kind, and according to even Spielberg even Spielberg and well and some other, I think who was president at the time. I was a Reagan Carter no Carter, maybe. Jeez I'm horrible man. Who was. I think it was Carter. It was, yeah, there was Carter. Yeah, that was right. So anyway, according to some information out there. At the end of close and kinds of the third kind when 12 astronauts are boarding the craft, that was direct disclosure of planet servo when 12 astronauts left they were just like telling the public and that movie was filmed on a military base. And even Steven Spielberg had to have like clearance and access to get onto him like one day he forgot his badge. They wouldn't even let him on the base and he's like I'm the director and they're like it doesn't matter. He had to go back to his hotel but the interesting thing about the script of this movie was, it was allegedly written in three days, which never happens which is insane. It never happened. All by Steven Spielberg in his hotel in three days, and there were no rewrites. Yeah, which also never happened also never happens. And, according to who you talk to. This was the end of this movie was disclosure of the circle mission. Yeah, so then that was in 1977 while the while the people were still gone they had not yet returned from planet servo. The circle team returns there was debriefings they were actually held and basically a prison. Each one was separated they were individually debriefed they were they had to stay there for like a year. They were actually treated very poorly. None of the promises were held up. They had been made promises. And eventually all of them ended up dying of radiation poisoning. Yeah, they were radiated. Yeah, yeah, none of them. And not all of them returned a few of them actually decide to stay and live out their life on that planet. But again, 1978 you'll notice we have another jump, just like in 47 after Roswell we have all these overnight advances in tech. Same thing happens in 78 when the circle team returns. And again guys read the book like Matthew morning in the chat was saying it's a great book it really is. And then 1980. This is going back to William Tomkins in his book selected by extraterrestrials volume to this is when William Tomkins says that the US Navy's 20 impact program began. And he also goes into talking about all the age regression technology that we had and I actually had a video clip saved that I wanted to play that has been scrub for the internet where William Tomkins was talking about how they were age regressing people. And he said even a lot of the major corporations on the planet have access to this technology and it's that technology is used by the CEOs. And some of the elites on the planet, but either way we have evidence of at least the Navy's version of the secret space program 20 and back, starting in 1980, according to William Tomkins. He's the same year when Captain Mark Richards was framed for murder because he would wanted to start disclosing the secret space program carry Cassidy did 12 interviews, some with his wife, some of the interviews she actually had to go visit him in prison to get you can go check out all those interviews on the Camelot I recommend it this incredible information. But here's a little bit about Mark Richards for over 30 years Captain Mark Richards has been and still is a prisoner of war between on and off planet races to have dominated Earth for centuries. He was an honorable officer of the Navy, who because of his rebellion against the Draco's and Reptoids to Luciferian Alliance is considered a threat to their operations in 1980 he was framed for a murder that he is accused of having masterminded while he was on a mission off planet in service to humanity. He was captain of a starship enterprise type of vessel fighting a war against aliens bent on the takeover of the planet. So he wanted to defect he wanted to start disclosing this stuff in 1980. He was not in alignment with what he was being asked to do anymore. And they framed him for murder and he's been locked up every since. There's an incredible testimony there. Yeah, if you guys have not heard that. Now we have secret space program. Right. That's yeah. We have secret space programs well in their way. 1987 that's when we have the John Lear report. You're always born December and I actually guys I actually have this report if you want to look at the tiny little thumbnail at the top. This is an actual report, apparently from 1987 December 29. I don't know if this is one of the original copies or what but this was gifted to me. And the guy who gave it to me couldn't tell me how he obtained it. Yes, there's more disclosure in this 87 report than anything we've gotten in the past 10 years publicly. And in the first page of the report, this is just something interesting to note that John Lear says, he said the government of the United States continues to rely on your personal and professional gullibility to suppress the information contained here. And their cooperation over the past 40 years has exceeded our wildest expectations and we salute you. So we've been basically cooperating. Not really, unbeknownst to us, but definitely. They've got us under control guys. I'm not a, not for long, but. And yeah, that's, that's rapidly changing. Yeah, so John Lear, he's a big whistleblower. So John Lear says there are at least 70 different species of aliens there's, I think there's way, way more than that but he's speaking from his personal knowledge there's 70 that he knows of. And finally, little green men as well as little gray ones who are about four and a half feet tall, Nordics, which are similar in appearance to humans but it's taller and have blonde hair blue eyes. We've all heard about those. It says that one of those species was recovered from a crash and was stored on ice claim that there are good and bad aliens and they have all kinds of ways to interact with humans. And I want to invite you to a place called Luckyland, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's and get lucky today. At Luckyland. No purchase necessary VGW group boy prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I believe that everything started with the Roswell crash in 1947. I would disagree. I think it started, you know, there were crashes before that and it started before that but, you know, that was the big one. That in September 1945 President Truman established MJ 12 majestic 12. And the purpose of that was to study the saucers and cover up the existence of UFOs. I told NAP that George NAP that four alien bodies were recovered from crash and we're autopsied by covered up. I can't see. Oh, sorry. Dr. Dettler of Bronx. They were named EBS, EBE, which stands for extraterrestrial biological entities. And three live EBS were captured in different crashes. Eve one lived with an Air Force colonel between 1949 and 52. The EBS were kept in an electromagnetic facility called YY2, which was designed by Eric Wang, worked under Dr. Kissinger and was involved in the cover up of the incident since the beginning. So the reason they have to create electromagnetic facilities, the fact that the EBS are so advanced, they're at least half a billion years advanced from us and probably more. So that's pretty mind boggling. And they can also disappear, but they can't move by thought through an electromagnetic facility. So the only way to contain them, they had to build an electromagnetic field like facility to contain them. Isn't that what Mary be we're just explained what was built around that giant she saw right there you go it's collaboration right there. So they built this facility there was two one in Los Alamos and one either in Edwards Air Force base or at the test site. Lear discussed the existence of extraterrestrial beings at groom Lake Nevada also known as Area 51. He stated that there was still a living extraterrestrial by actually known as three. There was a tape of an interview with this being however, Lear did not see the tape, and was unaware of that, or sorry, unaware of what language was used in the interviews. He also mentioned that he had been given 25 secret CIA memos on his trip together information one of the memos mentioned three wanted to see the ocean, and that the arrangements needed to be made or the would disappear again. And the map asked these beings can exist among us and if they need a special environment Lear said that they have a special environment special air and can only last about 20 minutes a nurse there. There's tons of information from John Lear. Yeah, he's a wealth of information exactly, exactly. And this is a little more information on John Lear, if you want to read all this or not. If you can read that. Right. I've read enough. Yeah. I think so. Well, these are your slides. Yeah, here I'll read, I'll read some of this, so dozens of sites saucers and crash of the years use government to cover all of them. So yeah, we've made deals here. He says, Leer claims that the, that this area is no longer in US control the aliens have taken over the area. The US government. This is talking about Area 51 US government, then made a deal with the aliens. The aliens could control a segment of S for an abduct as many people as they want to return for their technology. And it kind of goes into the, and then they discovered they're abducting way more people than they agreed to so they didn't hold up there, you know, they're into the bargain. And a whole bunch of scientists were killed. The deal is broken daily and stay where abducting is made is one in 10 American as many as one in 10 Americans 10%. So think about that to use experiments mutilating these abductees, producing androids and underground laboratories. Sometime in the 19 days, the government and the aliens got together again and are working together so the US can gain some more, you know, technology, Leer claims. There's a secret US government that's overseeing the abductions and that the abductees have implants in them that control them so that when an ideal time came the secret government could enslave them and control them via drug addiction. The head of the secret government would be MJ 12. So this is the cabal that we talk about the deep state, the secret governments all the same. They created MJ 12 so that's, that's a part of them. Leer's sources were Paul Benowitz, Bob Lazar and later on Bill Cooper. Right. And then Bob Lazar. He came out came out in 1989 claiming to have been hired to reverse engineering E.T. technology at a secret site called S forward to South of area 51 claims he examined an alien craft that ran on an anti matter reactor powered by element 115, which at the time had not yet been synthesized claims to have read US government briefing documents that described alien involvement in human affairs over the past 10,000 years. And what's interesting I just talked to Jim Oh my god what's his name. Good all good all Jim good all I just synchronistically met today and we're going to have him on the show. But he was friends he is friends with Bob Lazar and he was friends with Bob Lazar before he went to work for area 51. And he told me just today that Bob Lazar didn't believe in aliens or UFOs at all actually he made fun of it he ridiculed it. So, so John Leer Bob Lazar and Jim good all were hanging out actually, and Lear left and Lazar told Jim he said, he goes man I feel bad for rear I feel sorry for where and he's like why he goes because he believes in that UFO craft I'm a nuclear And it's not possible blah blah blah he goes you couldn't pay me to you couldn't pay me up money to convince me that UFOs are real. He said that was before he went to work for S for Jim good all said when he came back he was a completely changed man completely changed man and now here he is he can no longer deny so he went from being so how do so so it's funny because the mainstream likes to debunk him and you know and make him into like oh he's just. He's like crazy UFO he just wants to be popular and sell his crazy stories, but here you have actual I mean to me it's spoken word proof that he was a huge skeptic that made fun of the stuff that wanted nothing to do with it. And now you're going to say somebody like that is now just going to right start making up stories of like publicly. You know, putting his reputation. And then, and this is the autopsy that Aaron mentioned earlier it's until the autopsy film yeah so this came out 1995. It was obtained by this guy 1992 named race until he. And it was so he released it up to 33 to up to 33 countries. He was a British entrepreneur claimed he got it from a retired US military cameraman while while he was trying to obtain archive footage of Elvis Presley. Footage was released he released it 1995 when he sold it to TV stations across the world, of course the government had claimed it was fake, you know of course. So this was examined by this guy named Nikos Alexikos, who was a biologist and a medical researcher, along with multiple professors. And they found that it's definitely not human and it couldn't have possibly been a fake for various reasons. I'll read this if you want. And this is part of the autopsy memo elite memo was obtained by aerospace billionaire Robert Bigelow from Eric Davis, one of his physicists. The memo says that kick green a CIA scientist was briefed three different times during and after his tenure at the CIA on topics relevant to UFOs and arousal instant alien autopsy. The kid left the CIA he was called into the Pentagon by a person in uniform. This person show kit the alien autopsy photos and reports etc. The photos of the alien cadaver kit saw were the cadaver kit saw is that right with the cadaver seen in 1995 sent Tilly film video kit was asked to professionally evaluate the material provided to him into particular briefing. Kit green gave a professional evaluation of the footage and January 2001 state is report the alien autopsy film video is real the alien cadaver is real, and the cadaver seen in the film is the same as the photos that he saw at the 1987 88 Pentagon briefing. I'm Martin Howe said those words from Dr kick green about the authenticity of the six fingered six toed human dissected after retrieval from a 1947 UFO crash. It is confirmation that the same Tilly film is real, it is important, I would agree with that. Green said that he had previously seen an authentic alien autopsy years before the film was released, and that it was the same as the alien autopsy film released by race until a 9.25 so he's saying he saw that footage. Or that film was released and it was the same footage. Right. That's what he said. And then we have Phil Snyder in 1995, the mysterious death of Phil Snyder the man who revealed the conspiracy of the US authorities with the aliens. Less than six months after Phil Snyder went came public, he was found dead in his apartment with a piano string wrapped around his neck, rumors immediately spread that it was a military style execution. Also filled body was in such a state that people close to the investigation let out that apparently Phil was brutally tortured before his death, however, the official cause of death was suicide. In a way, Phil Snyder suspected from the very beginning that he could be killed if he let it out he repeatedly told family and friends that if they were ever told he had committed suicide, it would be untrue and that it would be murder. Phil Snyder understood that by his revelations he angered many powerful people, and they would definitely take some action against him as a result of which he would be killed. The next photo is graphic but this is Phil Snyder's hand if you guys know his testimony he was in a laser fight with some ET's while they were drilling for an underground tunnel network. You can just see something crazy right so he claims to have been shot and not only there but in his chest a couple other places with this laser and he was rescued. There's a whole testimony there it's incredible there's actually a documentary on Amazon Prime all about Phil Snyder I highly recommend looking at it. So these are key points from Phil Snyder's message if you don't know who he is these are eight things that he said of significance. With Phil Snyder by 1995, there were 131 active secret underground bases in the United States and about 1477 underground bases worldwide, each base costs an average of 17 to 19 billion in 1995 money, and took one to two years to build using advanced construction methods including vitrification and rock melting using lasers Schneider stated that these bases are huge and contain thousands upon thousands of soldiers and service personnel. Two, this is a second point magnetic levitation trains connect all bases in the United States, and a huge transportation system is capable of incredibly high speeds. There is a whole other world down there filled with both humans and alien life forms. Three area 51 is actually a complex of nine deep underground bases home to more than 18,000 workers whose lives are highly regulated and completely classified. For in 1954, the United States government aside sign an agreement with aliens giving them permission to conduct experiments on humans and animals in exchange for technology so he says also animals, which he also talks about the cattle This agreement known as the Treaty of Grenada is a well documented event. The original terms of this agreement stated that only a small number of people could be kidnapped, and they needed to be returned where they were found, and their memory of the incident should be erased. The aliens also could had to provide a list of people they were abducting. However, after a few years it became clear that the aliens took no took many more people than they initially agreed. Five, there are 11 different alien races on earth now that was according to Phil, like every like we tell you guys all time everything's compartmentalize but as far as he knew there were 11 different alien races on earth at that time in 1985. And two of those are benevolent. Six, the New World Order and alien plans are one and the same Schneider describes the alien program is a complete takeover of this planet resulting in the death of five six to seven eighth of the world's population by 2029. Obviously the alien takeover will mean that a single world government will be created and in all likelihood this will be the end of freedom as we know it. He was saying this in 1995 guys. These nine races of alien beings view humans as a food source. However, this does not mean that they are all cannibals, instead of actually ingesting human flesh they use the secretions of the glands of humans and animals to prepare a mixture of vitamins added to their food. Some alien races can get a high like drugs from the adrenaline withdrawn from human body and what does that sound like exactly we know about. And then number eight, 16 days before his public appearance Schneider was attacked by someone he identified as an FBI agent this man wounded Schneider in the shoulder and in response to in response Schneider shot and killed him. When he reported this directly to the FBI, then Schneider was told that they did not know anything about that. However, after the report he was attacked at least 11 times according to him he also claimed that the government agents tried to kidnap his daughter. But these attempts were unsuccessful due to heroic, the heroic actions of his wife. Do you know what's the name of its documentary on Amazon. Type in Phil Schneider documentary on Amazon Prime, I don't know actually I'm sorry deep underground milk that's it. It's called deep underground military base. It's called Phil Schneider deep underground military bases. It's worth every second of it post a link in the chat. I told you guys this was going to be long thank you guys for hanging out. Yeah thank you guys for. Thank you so much. We realize this is really long but If you're enjoying it. I work in finished so we hope you're enjoying. You're not bored. Okay so that was 1995 then 1997 we have the Phoenix lights incident, which here is a photograph. They tried to describe them or explain them away as they're military flares. So lights and craft of varying descriptions mostly notable a V shape pattern we're seeing by thousands of people between 1930 and 22 30 mountain standard time in a space of about 300 miles from the Nevada line through Phoenix to the edge of Tusc Tucson. Many reported lights floating for a while then accelerate away at high speeds the cover story was that they were merely flares from the military training flights. It was on a government governor at the time. By Simington by Simington initially jokingly dismissed the event later on in 2007 interview he changed his story and said I suspect that unless the Department of Defense proves otherwise that it was probably some of the alien spacecraft. When asked about the official Air Force Pentagon explanation that they were military flares. Total bunk. I have seen high altitude flares before there was no way they were flares. It has never been explained. And he also said he saw it himself later on. Right. He said he saw it. He said it was definitely not flares that's ridiculous. And he said unless proven otherwise it had to have been some kind of alien craft. His words that said, so then in the year 2000, we actually have the one of the first known testimonies of the secret space program 20 and back. You know we heard about William Tomkins talking about this stuff in the in like 2016. About it being developed in the 80s but here is one of our very first testimony so Michael Ralph if you know who he is he was an SSP. whistleblower who actually Dr. solid did a number a series of interviews with him. But he no he no longer speaks publicly I don't know what happened to him but this was actually written by his daughter Stephanie Ralph and the year 2000 the Mars records. This was a book that you could buy I could not find I'm sure you could find it somewhere this is like a PDF of it I was able to take from the Internet. But this is some of the things that she said in 2000. Genetic modifications were performed on my father during his time served in the United States Air Force. I was the result of those modifications genetic enhancements were performed on myself at a young age programming was placed into me at some time to encourage me to enlist in the United States Navy after enlistment I was recruited for a joint human alien black project involving tactical remote viewing during this project I was assigned to Mars to Mars base. During this time I also served as a combat pilot in a single seat attack spacecraft of some kind I feel that my telepathic talent was also used in this role. Additional surgical and chemical modification modifications were performed upon me as a result of my assignment to this project. My tactical remote viewing duties included telepathic assassination project. My involvement with this project lasted 20 years from 1976 to 1996, which would mean that in 1976 they were at least doing the 20 and back program during this time. During this time period I was not permitted to visit or interact with anyone on earth. At the conclusion of active duty in the program I was age reversed 20 years and sent back to earth to complete my normal timeline memory blocks were placed into me to prevent memory recall implants were placed into me to block my metaphysical abilities and back my location and movements. The result of these memory blocks was that I was negatively affected in my family life relationships, health and employment, and she goes on to say that her involvement continues. It's actually called the underground sorry going back to the full Schneider. Oh, it's just called the it's called the underground the underground. Okay, Bill Schneider documentary and Amazon pride called the underground. So either way guys this is a secret space program testimony from the year 2000 the Mars records. And we have people coming out in 2014 claiming that they invented some of these terms that were already being talked about in the year 2000 so obviously there's some sort of agenda there behind that. And the year 2001 we have the disclosure project national press club 2001 public hearing. And I'm sure you guys know about this with Stephen Greer put this on Dan Willis was one of the presenters at this event. On May 9 of 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington DC Dr Stephen Greer assembled more than 20 military intelligence government and and corporate. 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They also discuss at some length, the current state of working knowledge regarding exotic extra terrestrial flying vehicles as well as their radically advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The incredible panel of diverse professionals gathered together on stage under the United banner of the disclosure project. So this is 2001. Guys, we've been talking for over two and a half hours listen to everything we've said and compile. If you, if you just choose to ignore all of this stuff at that point you're just choosing to not believe it right at some points willful ignorance and you just don't want to believe. And if that wasn't enough, Gary McKinnon in 2002, a computer hacker named Gary McKinnon performed the largest military hack against the United States government in history. His systems scanned over 65,000 computers belonging to the NSA NASA the CIA etc. McKinnon claims that he was looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover up of UFO activity. What else he saw prove the government not only hides the fact that aliens exist, but multiple species actually work alongside various governments worldwide. And here are some of the claims that he made in building eight at Johnson airspace at Johnson Space Center there is someone whose job is to only airbrush UFOs from images since they are so commonly captured. He found that out he found out a US Navy spreadsheet entitled non terrestrial officers during his hack he discovered this. McKinnon admits these words can be interpreted in various ways but one thing is for sure given a name, we know they're not based on earth. McKinnon says there were maybe 25 rows on the Excel spreadsheet with officers ranks and names and the ships they had to prefix USS just like American sea vessels. He claims evidence of material transfer between ships of which he guesses there are possibly eight to 10. McKinnon says all of this points to evidence that the USA has warships in space, which might account for why the Bush administration were so keen to have him incarcerated in the States. So, and there's a lot more information that came from his hack even photograph of a cigar shaped craft that was then scrubbed from his computer once they realize where the source of the hack was coming from. He wasn't able to actually yeah they freaked out when he did this hack because this was. So he literally extremely extremely secret stuff people aren't supposed to know about and he he hacked it and found hardcore solid evidence of a secret space program. Yeah. And then in 2004 we have the patent application for the triangular spacecraft otherwise known as the TR 3B and unconventional spacecraft with unconventional spacecraft propulsion systems. So basically an anti gravity craft, this application was applied for in 2004, and then it was abandoned after 2006 so it never became operable. And then, obviously I personally see one of these craft actually in March, March 2nd of this year of last year now, I have one fly directly over my house. And still, I still have your audio text, right. And Alora, Alora, one foot and five days she has footage of one she caught from dimensions of dimensions of the school in 2019 which I was at. Right. She, she was filming. The moon or something or what was she filming? No, she just saw another light in the sky. Oh, you were she was filming another UFO or another light. And when she reviewed the footage and didn't see it with her own eyes. But then when she reviewed the footage it was on the video. And so anyway, we have an actual patent filed. That literally shows this craft and talks about an unconventional propulsion system. So anyway, you can go ahead and read this one Aaron. This is 2009. Yeah, Paul Hellier. So he was an ex Canadian Minister of Defense. So here's an ex minister of defense in Canada is saying this stuff, you know, come on. So he says there are four. And again, this is all he knows about. There's obviously way more than four, but it's all compartmentalized. So there are four alien races that are actively visiting Earth. Direct quote here from time to time, aliens have interfered with the control systems of nuclear missile launchers on Earth. The aliens conducted inventory of Earth's events. They have a complete picture of what is happening on the planet. And believe me, they are not amused by what they see. I think they look at us and think the kids are playing with matches. Right. Yeah. So that was, and then he had been talking about that for a number of years, not just 2009, but that's when he first started talking around that time is when he was really, you know, started speaking out a lot. And then if you need more proof in 2016, a patent was applied for for a craft using inertial mass reduction device a mass reduction device is technology that is installed in the hall of a craft that reduces the mass of the object as it approaches the speed of light, because they decided that the speed of light was unachievable because as it increased in speed and increased in mass, therefore, it can never actually achieve the speed of light. So they developed a reverse engineer to technology, which is used on the TR3B's and other craft that actually reduces the mass. Oh, sorry. It was contacted in December 2018 when Laura got that, which I was also at. So, there you go. It actually reduces the mass of the ship. So it can achieve the speed of light. And this was, this patent was not abandoned. It was actually granted in 2018, and it is now operable and it doesn't expire until 2036. And this was actually released by the US Navy. This was made public in 2016. So we have actual evidence and actual patent operable patent of this technology being used to help achieve the speed of light. If you didn't believe it was true. And we're going to jump to 2017 the New York time a recent releases. The tic-tac, the fuzzy tic-tac that we all know about. And this is where it just starts getting hilarious. I mean, we just laid everything out for you guys and we, that was just a tip of the iceberg. Each slide could have been its own presentation. There's a lot we left out. But in 2017, we get this report of the tic-tac. We also, I'm sorry. Yeah, we also get information about a glowing auras and black money the Pentagon's mysterious UFO program. Basically, it says that the Pentagon since 2007 has been and still is conducting a $22 million UFO study chasing program that involve contractors like big, big little aerospace which included, which provided locations and basis to house the package of the UFOs, which as we know have been shot down by the military with various retroengineer technologies since the late 40s. It goes on and on and on, but either way so. So the government's spending millions of dollars to study something that's not supposed to exist or be anything just weather anomalies and blah, blah, blah. But they're spent, but they have this program that they've been studying it for years. So we have all this information. So we have all this information. They give us this fuzzy tic-tac. They tell us about a $22 million program that has since been shut down according to them. It has not. So here's just another screenshot of US Navy describes scene. But it's the limited hangout disclosure. You know, they're trying to get ahead of things and steer us in the direction and keep it, keep a tight lid on it like, oh, this is all that we know about the what is. Keep everyone focused on this one thing. And we're all waiting for this report in 2017. And guess what, guess what, the report is from a sighting in 2004. Right. So 2004. Yeah. So they're telling you about 2004. And then in 2018, for some reason or another, there's a model of this Hanabu to flying saucer in Germany that's decided that they decided to take off the shelf because it suggested Hitler's scientists successfully built a spaceship. Yeah, so they did, but this is this is something important to note. Why would they decide in 2018 to pull this off the shelf because guess what was also happening in 2018. All of the secret space program testimonies and information was surfacing. So now, if that wasn't true, they had no reason to pull this toy off the shelves. Unless it's a threat to the Nazi flying saucer toy has been taken off the shelves in Germany. Claims, it claims, it suggests a Hitler scientist successfully built a spaceship. Either way, it's interesting. And then in 2021. The US intelligence community releases the long awaited UFO report. And it's a big nothing. God says literally this is evidence of them trying to erase history, trying to erase everything we just told you about in the report. It literally says the limited, the limited amount of high quality reporting on unidentified aerial phenomenon. Hamper's our ability to draw firm conclusions about the nature or intent of a UAP. The limited amount of high quality reporting. That's bullshit. The first sentence of the report. So they're saying there's not enough high quality reporting to accurately. Draw conclusions about the nature or intent of UAPs. It goes, Bob, Bob, bullshit, bullshit, it even brings up a weather balloon potential again. And then this, this is also, it says available. We, largely inconclusive limited data and inconsistency. Inconsistency in reporting are key challenges to evaluating the UAP. So they're acting like they can't even provide us with a report because they have limited data and inconsistencies in reporting. There guys, they are literally. It's a, it's an actual joke. It's an actual joke. They are trying to erase history is there make this is a laughing stock and we're making a mockery of the UFO subject. And then. I mean, because they can't, they can't tell us what's really going on because they're a part of the control system. The control system and the cover up. And. Yeah. For multiple reasons, they can't disclose, they would tell on themselves and they would have to tell the fact that they know about advanced ETS and technology that would change our whole planet forever and bye bye control system. Right. So, of course, they're not going to tell us, of course, the control system isn't going to tell us right things that are going to make the control system up. So, and then, so you guys know who Robert Earl white what is. I don't know if you ever watched this. I don't know if this is going to play in this format while I'm screen sharing. Okay. Yeah, it will. It will. Perfect. So he actually was given information on what was supposed to be included in this report. Not the bullshit that we got. He got a copy of the, the report that was supposed to be released, and this is him explaining it on our show. This is just a brief clip from that. But the new reality coming from Congress and the U.I.P. pass forces. UFOs are real. And technically, I have a leaked memo from. Dr. Maccabee Bruce Maccabee retired Navy physicists. He sent about 15 page article to the U.I.P. Congress hearing that they were having and it was read by Congress. It was sent to Washington, D.C. And they were supposed to back in June 25. They boosted it. It was supposed to be June 20. They moved it to June 25. They scooted it forward. Originally, I have inside people that know people and the same people you see on the news talking about the subject. I got people that know. And the original terminology they were supposed to use and deliver this to the public word for word was N H I non human intelligence. That was going to be what was told to the public quote unquote, but the Congress was supposed to tell the public is that some U A P are operated by N H I. This was their watered down terminology they are supposed to be using. And they left. They left it out. And Luis Elizondo. And Jeremy cord belt on and so many others that read this memo sent to Congress. You know, I have it. I have the word document. And I've shared it and no one cares about it. I share it on the Internet. And no one cares about it. It's Dr Bruce Maccabee. People don't know Dr Bruce Maccabee. The guy has eight millimeter films of UFOs that the Navy have recorded. I'm friends with his wife, him and his wife haven't even watched it because they're preserving it for true disclosure. But then they'll release it very much kind of like the minute and all that. Like people have no idea the evidence that it's just been, you know, waiting for the right time. And all of this stuff is out there. And that's why the U A P community, and you know, ecologists were so disappointed with the report. Of course, you know, they can't say everything. Yeah. Actually, they said more back in 67 or, or I believe that's a recent panel. That's what we talked about. I said, they released this report as if there's no UFO history at all. But Rosalina. So. Guys. This presentation continues on, but we're not going to continue on. We've been going long enough and the next part is actually it's not part of timeline. It's something else I prepared for a presentation. I did it at another conference, but. Thank you guys so much. I realized it kept you for a long time. We've been up here for a long time. We really hope you enjoyed this. If you did, please share this with your friends and family. Please share this. Please share this with everybody, you know, if you feel like it's this will apply to them. This we put a lot of work into this and they're trying to erase history and we're not going to let that happen. So we thank you guys and thank you guys all for the donations. Yeah. Oh, talk about the Patreon. So, so we just launched our Patreon is, as many of you know, so we're going to be doing many more webinars, just like the, not just like this topic, but we're going to be doing a similar style webinars on our Patreon now, which is five bucks a month. So we try to make it, you know, hopefully everyone can afford that as many people as possible. And we're going to have webinars. So if you like this one, we're going to have a lot more on there. And we're also going to have other bonus content videos and various topics that each of us individually are going to make. And just whatever, whatever extra stuff. Oh, and that, um, which we talked about the beginning, the documentary that was filmed at our conference at our secret space program themed conference last year. There was a Dutch film crew that came out and filmed for a TV show. So that documentary is available will be available on our Patreon as of tonight. Tonight, I will, yeah, put that on there. And it's really, really good. Like I highly highly recommend it's amazing that they came out from the Netherlands and literally filmed a documentary of our very first conference and they did the secret space program a lot of justice. It was very well put together. Yeah. You can't just go and watch it online because you need a VPN. It's a sign that's set to the Netherlands to even watch it and you have to have a password. It's not accessible in the United States. So we have taken that documentary and put it on our Patreon. It includes a lot of presenters that were at the conference, including some of the attendees. It's a fantastic documentary and that will be available also as exclusive content on our Patreon so you don't have to jump through all the hoops to watch it with the VPN and the password and all that stuff. So yeah, guys, sign up for that. Yeah, and we're not, we're not. And it's not about the money. Like the money is just so we can spend our time putting this kind of content together because otherwise we just wouldn't have the time to do it. And obviously the podcast is going to continue for free. The podcast is going to continue normally for this is just something for anyone who just wants to dive deeper with us and some of these subjects. I will tell you the next, the next one I have in plan, I have planned to do is a voice of God technology webinar. I have a lot of information on that that I'd like to share. And I think that one, I might do solo. Either way, this is just kind of to give you an idea of what to expect on the Patreon if you guys feel inclined to sign up for that. If not, no big deal. We're still going to be here every week doing a podcast also. And we love all you guys. Thank you so much. Love you all. You're all amazing. Thank you so much. And have a wonderful night guys. We love you. Right. And I'm not ending this yet because I have to get to the page where I have to find right at wherever screen is to end this. Hey, what's up Dylan. Yeah, thank you guys for the donations and thank you guys for the donations. You're amazing. Thank you guys for hanging out with us tonight. And you guys want to come hang out with us in May at our conference. Yes. The link is below Journey to choose on April 1. This is not April Fool's Prank. We will have day passes available for $88 for locals and people that can't come for the whole time. So day passes will be available live stream tickets are available for $99 if you can't make it in person. And tickets are still available. Guys, I'm losing my train of thought because I'm trying to read the chat at the same time. Okay, we hope to see you there. We're really looking forward to meeting everybody and connecting in person. It's my favorite thing to do. And it's going to be a great event. So, thank you so much guys for tuning in and we're going to go ahead and sign out for tonight. Until next time. Have a great evening. We love you. Bye guys. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press one. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press two. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over a hundred social casino style games for free. Get lucky today. 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