Journey to Truth

Mark Domizio and Suzanne Spooner - Secret Space Conference - 5/3/22

Mark Domizio and Suzanne Spooner's presentation at the Secret Space Conference - 5/3/22
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Ever since I was a little girl I have wondered what life is all about and how I fit in to that picture. I’d look into the night sky and deeply want to know what was outside of where I could see and wondered how it all was made. In my early 20’s I started to read books by Edgar Cayce and Shirley MacLain and others. I delved into the topic of past lives.  I studied Reiki, and energy work.
In 2008 I had a breakthrough where a teachable process of channeling came through me. It was called The Art of Universal Knowing or TAUK for short. The aspect that I loved about my process of TAUK was that it demonstrated that all answers lie within each of us if we have the desire to remember our connection. I started teaching TAUK in classes and one on one. I then developed an online class that is widely used and successful.
In 2012 I took my first class with Dolores Cannon and instantly felt a homecoming in her work and the results I saw on my friends and clients. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), like TAUK, provided the experience of finding where all answers are, but in a different and beautifully simple way.
My QHHT practice grew, I became a moderator of Dolores Cannon’s Official Worldwide Professional Support Forum for Practitioners and began assisting the great and humble Dolores in her live-in-person classes in the United States and Australia. I’ve facilitated hundreds of QHHT sessions and am always amazed and recharged after each session. To sit amongst the energy of a client’s High Self is like sitting in a bowl of love soup! I feel I have the best job in the universe(s)!
Since Dolores’ passing in 2014 her daughter Julia, myself and others are dedicated to carrying on the amazing life work of Dolores. It is a thrill to share the experience of QHHT with my clients, to mentor and teach practitioners and to keep exploring the multi-dimensionality that I wondered about as a little girl.
Visit her websites: – Blog
Mark Domizio  - Diego Garcia - Navy Black Project Survivor
Mark's QHHT session with Suzanne Spooner

1h 28m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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Suzanne is a QHHT practitioner, and she has been working with Mark for six years, helping him recover his SSP memories, and they have a very special relationship. He has helped him unpack a lot of what he's been, a lot of the recalls, and not just unpack it, but helped him with the healing process, and they're going to bring you guys a fantastic presentation, I'm sure. So enjoy and come on up, guys. All right, hey, Mark. I want to do some little chatting here. I guess we will. About the innermost parts of your life? Sure. Okay, cool. [Laughter] Well, so we thought that we would do this presentation in a way that gave you two perspectives. Of course, Mark, it's his life, it's his story, which is astounding. And I'm the person that he came to to help unfold the story. I do QHHT. I'll tell you just a little bit about myself, and then I'm going to turn this over mostly to Mark. I started doing QHHT. Next month will be my 10-year anniversary. So not my first rodeo, I've done this one, but thank you. Such an amazing profession to help people find that all their answers are within, and it's my jam, it's what I love. And I was just in a really blessed experience of Dolores Cannon, who created QHHT. I hadn't heard of, although I'd been very spiritual and on that path for a while, but when she came to me, when she happened, everybody has a Dolores story, I just thought, "This is so cool. I love how she is showing people that all their answers, all their knowledge, all their healing, is within them." They didn't need to go to an outside source for that. And I love that. And I went down, I learned from her, and I was just God smacked by the results of people in the class that were doing, "We did a practice day of sessions." My first one's stunk. I was really, I'm like, "Maybe I'm not supposed to be doing this," like I walked around like that. Second session was amazing, so then I was hooked, I was in, and then I got to assist Dolores, which was fabulous, because I'm a perennial student, and I just wanted to know everything about what she was teaching. And it gave me the opportunity to sit in the back of her classroom over and over and over and over and hear this material, and every life story was completely different and unique, and you didn't know what the client was going to be receiving or wanting before they came in. It just gave this great element of uniqueness to the process. And then Mark happened. So about six years ago, I received an email from Mark, and I had to go back and look at that very first email. The first email, the second email, he's very vanilla with what he's giving me. He wouldn't have a session once to get in as soon as possible course, and we get everything all set up, and it wasn't until he came in to the session that I started to understand what his story was. And I had had people who had had some similar things, a lot of UT experiences, but yet his was, you know, it said, "If you do the work that I do, when people say I have missing time, you're like, 'Yes, let's do this.'" Let's find out what this is all about. And you know, so with everybody, you know, Mark came in with some ideas about what he thought was going on as, does every client, you know, we try to figure out what our life is all about and why these events happen and what's important for us to know about it. But sometimes our analytical mind just gets in the way and the fear gets built up, and we just kind of get a log jam of what this information was really about. So I'm sure with Mark, as I say with all clients, the story that is going to unfold today, it might be exactly what you think it is. It might be completely opposite of what you think it is, and it could be something in between. So our goal in facilitating these sessions is to not leave them, to let them tell their story through their eyes, asking lots of open-ended questions, not putting our spin on it at all, because we don't want their story through our eyes, we want a pure story through them. And so this is where we began, he started to tell me his life story, this missing time, what he thought it might be about, and then we have the first session, the first session. So from my perspective, I'm just going to real quickly share with you what I noticed. We started out in QHHT, if you're not familiar with it, you're going to see the part of you that knows everything, the high self is going to guide you to a lifetime or experience that's most important for you to see. There's nothing coincidental, everything is for a reason. You could be in a physical body, male, female, on earth, another time or place, known or unknown. You could be very abstract, you could be nothingness, light, vibration, frequency, sound, everything is possible because we are everything. That life or experience is purposefully picked for you to have experience that day, to find out how it relates to the current life, and to help you move forward in your highest and best way. So for Mark, he first went into this memory, this experience, where he saw something he shouldn't have, that's fair to say, right? Yeah. And so we explored that and just went through it as normal. We had time to do a second life. So he went back to World War II. He was a young German boy who was dealing with the World War II issues. He decided to join the Nazis because it was a pressure thing, he and his family weren't comfortable with it, but he was kind of expected. And he had some remorse from what occurred because of that. So those were the lifetimes. Then with QHT, when we get done viewing that, then we just make this really easy transition to this part of you that knows everything that we all hold. And it's not hard to access, it's actually quite easy, and that's what Dolores is just so fundamentally amazing at showing us is that we hold all this knowledge. And from there, Mark had come into the session with a list of questions that he wanted to have answered. So we start in with that, we do, we scan the body, we do healing. And when I was looking over his notes from that very first session, this starts to become very interesting because when we're doing a session, we're recording it. The high selves have told me in sessions many, many times that the client should look at this recording as more precious and gold because the high self, them, us, is putting infinite layers of information through that recording, through the voice, through the vibration, the frequency of the high self. And so every time they listen to it, they get more. So it's like this big giant golden onion they are creating for themselves, and after the session, then it's up to them if they decide to start peeling the layers of the onion and going deeper and deeper, which is what, you know, as practitioners, we hope they all do. And I'm going to guess a lot of them don't because it's a lot of introspective work and not everybody's ready to do that, but the exception is Mark. He took that golden onion and he started peeling. So in that first section, his purpose in this life, his high self said, was he supposed to lead people to change with his knowledge? And like, wow, that's beautiful. That's really cool. But as that golden onion is, it's just really starting to unfold at this point. It's taken six years to kind of start grasping that. Yeah, I really wasn't even concerned with that. I was only concerned with a couple of things. The reason I actually went in the beginning was I was having nightmares for years, and I could never see something would jump on my back, and I wouldn't be able to talk, or couldn't scream or anything. I never could see what it was, and I had a bunch of dreams also in great uniforms with a gun walking around. So sure, I hear some feedback, so I was backing off. And also, I used to scream in my sleep a lot. I would talk really loud, sometimes scream, just having conversations with people. And that started in 1981, so when I first went to Suzanne, the only thing I was really worried about was, you know, what was these dreams about? So the first session was so, I only gained a little bit of information. I was told that I had been in a project with this man that I met in a bar, and that was it, didn't get any more information about the project. I was also told that I saw a reptilian, and a craft, and a man who was in charge of everyone else, and that was the memory I was looking for. So after the first session, that was pretty much it. I just stopped listening to this session, I didn't listen to it once, and never really got anywhere with it, I just kind of let it go. And getting ready for this session, I should talk about it. I was really nervous, I had read in Law of One that your high self is your, I think, sixth density version of you. So I was, you know, very nervous, because I thought it was going to be judgmental, and all the stuff I did. So I started to meditate a lot to get ready, because I know it was going to have to lay there for a couple hours. And once I got to that point, I went to Suzanne, and that first session, like I said, I just kind of locked up, I didn't do anything. And then I did find out a couple other things, I found out I had tried to escape from the place I was at, and I took seven other people with me. And I found out that the group I was with, we were adopting people. And that's why I decided to escape. That's pretty much all I got out of the first session. And just going through this chart that I have up here, we're going to go through this in detail. But in 1981, I met a native recruiter, he had a blue navy coat on, and he had a guy with him who had a blue navy coat on with no markings, and no uniform. They dropped me, took me to Camden, New Jersey, and then I laid on a table and woke up a couple minutes later, and the nurse was shaking me, telling me they couldn't use me. They didn't need me anymore. And my next memory was waking up in a field, right next to the apartment I lived in. And so there's the memories I only had for years, meeting this guy in a bar and then waking up in a field. And that was the main reason I went to Suzanne the first time. So I did get closure on that. I knew that happened. And we started training on what we call top side, on the surface of Diego Garcia. I also found out in the first session that I was training in sand, and it was warm and sunny. I remembered all that. And also remembered that we were trained by navy instructors. They had navy uniforms on, they were making us sing a navy song while we were training. I think we were probably only there for about a month. And then we were moved down to the dong, we were numbered one through eight. And then we were trained to abduct and kill people. There's the aid of us up there that I have. The people who died on Diego Garcia, obviously, these are our clones that they make in the programs. But as you can see, only half of us lived and got off of Diego Garcia. We're going to go into these things in detail when we start to get into the sessions. I completed three missions, and I was seeing where it was going, and I was given a choice to either go to prison or kill somebody and start working with this reptilian that I had seen. I was going to have to go on his craft and stay with him. So I decided to escape, took the other seven guys with me, and we just got down to the bottom of the steps, and I was set up by one of the guys in my group. They beat me, tortured me for a few days, and then I was stuck in solitary for a year. It was just a little box, maybe about five feet high, six feet square, with a hole in the center. So they stripped me, stuck me in there, and fed me dog food until I died. I had the memories of that, I was really painful, but I died in the cell, and there was also an experimentation labs in Diego Garcia, where there was grays operating stuff. I was taken there, they brought me back to life, and then I was sent to prison, but in between, I guess, the grays have a technology, when they bring you back to life, they can look at your light body, they can tell your whole soul history. I'm not talking just on earth, they can tell your whole soul history. So they saw something, they wanted, they saw that I was an Andromeda light being, and they sent me to Dulce, and Dulce, the grays, the experiment on me, took a sample of my soul, and started to use it in their hybrid program. I just found out about this one hybrid I had, he actually just died too, but I only found out about him about six months ago, he was just like a big hulk they made, he was gonna be a weapon, I don't think they used them much, and anyway, then I was taken back to Diego Garcia, and I wound up being in a prison cell with my training partner, number two. We were in there for a week or so, and there was a fight in the kitchen that I started, but I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can, right? I like to work, but I like fun too, and now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Chumba Casino, they have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from, with new games released each week, you can play for free, and each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses, so join me and the fun, sign up now at Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW group, void were prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. He killed four people, and I cut up the other guy, the guy was charged with a kitchen. They then took us to just this little cell, stuck us in there, it didn't feed us at all, and they started to torture us and do different things, so I'm not gonna get into the nasty details today, because today is really just about how to get past this trauma and how to heal. There's videos out there if you want to get into those details. Anyway, Joe died, and I literally went crazy. I was in the cell with his dead body for probably a couple days, and then I was taken to a little room, and they finally gave me clothes, started feeding me, and went to Dulce. That experimentation happened, and for a long time, I never knew I had a memory of being age-regressed. I just had no idea where it fit in, and just lately, I realized after the prison and I went crazy, they age-regressed me, so I was actually not in a 20-and-back. It was a two-year contract I had. If I wouldn't have died in prison and they didn't find out about my light body, that would have been it. I would have been done it two years, and I was moved to the moon once I went crazy. I had memories of being in a hospital. It was all green floor and green walls, and I had a memory of being age-regressed. There were two guys looking at me, and I guess I was still totally crazy. They just said to me, "He's never going to remember anything." That was the only, I guess, age-regressing, there were the only memories I had for years until I started to get memories of myself with gray hair, which was trying to figure that out, because I was supposed to be there for two years, so it was very confusing. I was moved back to Diego Garcia, and this is where they took my body, and it's really complicated. They sent my mind through a body on Mars to Kruger, where I received electric shock until I had no, you know, my body was just gone. I had no emotions, and they trained me, and then they turned me into, they gave me a serial number, 085-971, and a name Hans. From then until 2018, Hans was a assassin, just for my handler, the original handler had, and he killed over 40 people for Bill on Diego Garcia. In February 2018, he had an order from Bill to kill everybody else that was still alive from our original group, which was just number four, Frank. He was the only guy alive yet, so he killed Frank, and then he killed himself, and the body on Mars then became another alter. They like never took my mind out of it, so I had this alter Sam who has been influenced my life up until April when he died. He was a soldier on Mars first, then he did some really heinous things, got the attention of Dark Fleet, was with Dark Fleet for a while, and it turned out he was actually just a spy. After he was with the Dark Fleet for a while, he went to start working with the White Hats up until this April when he got killed, and now we're just going to go through these sessions, and it'll get more into detail, because session two actually had all the information I needed. I just didn't know what to do with it. In between session one and two, I got really suicidal. For about two months after session one, I was feeling really good and confident, and then all of a sudden I just became more suicidal than I had ever been. Everywhere I looked, I saw myself hanging from something. If I saw a pole, I saw myself drown in it, face down, and I just couldn't figure it out. I was having a hard time staying alive, and my wife would have to talk me to me every day before she went to work, and I'd make sure I wouldn't kill myself. That led up to the second session. The second session, the reason I had to have that was I was just so suicidal. I tried to work on stuff, and every time I started to work on memories, I would get nauseous or I'd get headaches. I'd get really suicidal, so I couldn't get anywhere. I was just stalled, so I called up Suzanne, and we lined up our second session. At the end of the first session from my perspective, I'm like, "Wow, that's a lot to handle." I believe I asked one more question in the end of the first session, and his high self says, "Stop. We can't give him any more. This is enough." Obviously, it was, because how they digested afterwards and work through the information that they've given themselves, it can be a lot. When Mark contacted me and said he was ready for a second session, I'm like, "Wow, okay. I didn't think I'd hear from you again, but okay, let's do it." What was so interesting in the second session was much more detail about his times in these non-linear, it's really a nonlinear experience. You can't go linear with this. Starting to come through, it's so that there is an understanding of how time is manipulated. It talked about the multiple timelines that he's having. I talked in detail about the age regression. It's like he's getting this information in the amounts that he can handle it, and then he goes and does that for a little while. Interestingly, we get a little bit more about his purpose in the second session. The first session, he said he's supposed to lead people to change with his knowledge. Beautiful. Second session, he needs to help people wake up, sharing some of his stories is good to do. I think both Mark and I are like, "I don't know. You want to do that?" He was like, "No, I'm never going to share this story." I'm like, "Okay, you said it, not me, it's fine." I'll let you do that now. With the second session, what I found out, my questions were really the most important thing to me. One of my questions was I had a memory of stepping out of a craft in my underwear, and there was a woman in uniform holding her hand out to help me off. My first question was, "What happened there?" I was really excited and happy to be there, strangely enough. What I found out was after our first session, they were watching me. They found out I got my memories back. I was abducted two months after the first session, taken to the moon where my handler was working, and he questioned me. They gave me drugs, sat me in a chair, tied with restraints, and he just started to question me. He stuck his face, and he kept saying, "Hey, you remember me?" There was no response. He then asked somebody behind me, "Are these drugs working?" Then they came over and stuck a needle in my arm. At that point, I kind of went into, I don't know if I had a reaction from the drug, but the next thing I remembered, he was programming me to kill myself. He kept telling me, "You know, you really hold them back, your wife. You should do the right thing. Look at yourself, you're a mess. You should just do the right thing and get it over with." When the second session we got there, I was so suicidal, had no idea, and that turned out to be the reason why. I was programmed immediately after the first session, so that's another reason why I got nowhere with the first session information. I couldn't even look at it. What I did find out was that I had my memory erased, and it was early in the programs, and I had permanent brain damage, and that's why I was getting nauseous when I would try to access memories that were in a damaged part of my brain. So one of the reasons why I went to Suzanne for the second session, I had my dog had just a little dental operation, and he wound up dying at night. So I woke up the next morning, and he had died and was on my leg, and when I reached down and touched his body, I immediately was back in a cell with the dead body of Joe. I temporarily went crazy. My wife had to come up and smack me. I was running around the walls of the room just like I was in the cell when I went crazy. So I had to figure that out, the second session was definitely about the guilt that I had feeling like I had led a mission and people got killed, and I found out that it was actually just Joe. I didn't lead a mission, I was trying to escape, and I always felt guilty because he died in prison. So I did remember training with short hair, and singing the Navy song, being strapped in a chair, being water-boarded, beaten, and I remembered some of my abductions. I had one abduction where I was taken to Tennessee, and they pointed this guy out. I went down to a dock at night time, I gave him a chokehold, dropped him down, put him in his boat, and took the boat out into the water until I saw them flash their lights, and then they picked him up, and that was the end of my mission. The reason I'm really saying that is because that was the reason I escaped. My stupid escape plan was to take my little 45 handgun and work our way up to the surface, and then go to where I knew the boats were, and get in a boat and escape. So I had no idea we were on D.U. Garcia. I went and got far with a tank of gas. I also got more information on the reptilian. I saw him more, and I heard more about the man that was standing next to him, who turned out to be the commandant of the dama D.U. Garcia. I found out that I was tortured and questioned by the reptilian, and that's when I also found out that, you know, as soon as I killed somebody, I was going to be working for him, and that reason was because he came into my face. And I guess I wasn't as repulsed as everyone else was. I had less of a reaction, so he thought I had seen the reptilians before, and I wouldn't react, but so I was designated to go with him as soon as I killed somebody. That is when I decided to escape. I was captured. I also found out that I was turned in by one of the guys that I escaped with. That's why, as soon as I got out the door, they were all standing and waiting for me. And I got to the point where I actually started to remember about the minewipe. They were almost like metal eggs on my temples. I could just hear that buzzing, and all that, so I found out more detail about my -- me having my memory erased. It was early in the programs. They didn't know what they were doing. I also found out that most of what happened to me was just an experiment. So a lot more information in that second, you can kind of see how it's layering over that first section. So in the third, he comes to the session asking about Diego Garcia. We get more information about that. We talk about clones, much more detail about the day and the life of his altars. It's just amazing how it unfolded little by little in the amounts that he could take and, you know, such an education for me, because, again, you can't be linear with any of this. You really have to open your mind up to these alternate realities and technologies that we may have heard about but didn't really have a lifetime experience about. And the purpose of that session, his high self says, was he needed to look at this closer? So this is part of the healing that is occurring. It looks like a really bumpy road to the healing. I can't imagine what he's been through so much respect for what Mark has been through. But the healing part had to evolve in this way in order for him to receive what he needed. And this is when we do the third session. He's ready for more. The third session was great. I had actually remembered everything from the third session. This was just verification for me. I remembered my number, I remembered Hans, and I was actually, at that point, a big thing happened to me. I had thought I was alone up until that point. I didn't think I had any guides or anything, I had never been in contact with any guides. And I think I was sitting and watching James Gillian on dimensions of disclosure on his talk. I just feel I'm sorry for myself because I didn't have any guides or anything. I just came here for this experience. And my wife turned to me and said, you know, you have feline guides. And they've been with you the whole time. You've been blocking your memories until this time, until it was the right time. And then I remembered all the dreams that I had, there were dream memories. And before I was able to realize that it was an actual memory, a tiger would walk in the room or a couple of lions would walk in the group and it would break up the dream. And that's what they did until it was the right time for me to remember. So I had that. I also was realizing that I couldn't squish this experience in two years anymore because I had memories of myself with gray hair and memories of myself with my handler and the two guys that always tortured me and they all had gray hair. And I was seeing a bunch of images of my arm and my hand with a gun shooting people on the head. So the third session, it was brutal. I could really get there. That's all I could say. I was seeing images of people getting shot and I just couldn't figure out what the hell that had to do with the Secret Space Program. I found out about the dung which put together a lot of information. I had also thought I was in several prisons and at that point I found out you were only in one prison. I was in solitary in Diego Garcia and I went to the prison in Diego Garcia but the other places I thought were prisons were actually turned out to be Dulce when I was experimented on and the experimentation labs in Diego Garcia. So those were my other three locations that I just thought they were prisons. I also found out about the tunnel people that was on my third recording. I found out all that information. I had images of those people for years. I could never figure out what it was. It was almost like homeless people but they were in a city that I just didn't recognize and it was always dark and there was no sky. So I could just never figure out what was going on with that one. Also I had dreams for years about that hostage scene and that came out that Hans was pulled in to kill a couple of captors and it turned out that the family that they had was the commandant of the dumb and his family, his daughter and their children. So this is actually one of my handler, Bill, wound up moving to the moon. After that he got a lot of success and he was out of the Diego Garcia. So my high self showed me that I skimmed over my memories in solitary confinement because once I realized I was in solitary for a year I was like okay, you know it's probably the same day every day, I'm not going to really dip into that memory and my high self told me if you really want to heal your soul you're going to have to do a lot more work on that and I would also have to do a lot more work on the electric shock that I received when I was in Mars. I found out that I had an agreement with my guide Hayog and that I signed up for this whole thing. So I should stop feeling sorry for myself because not only did I sign up for it but it was like I insisted on taking this mission. So at that point he just let me know when instead of getting mad at people, thank them for providing the experience that I incarnated for. My high self also gave me verification that two of my guides were actually another aspect of me and that's something I just want to talk about for a second. The important part about the guides is why I really think it's important to connect with your guides and not get information from somebody else's. You're going to find out you have a team of guides. They step forward when you're an important part of your life and they're needed and then they'll step back and other guides will step forward. The interesting thing is you'll find out that some of these guides are you. You're another aspect of that. It could be line beings. It could be empladians but you're going to have at least one of your guides is going to be you. And with that information along with getting your information from your high self you can find out everything when you're supposed to. Your high self will never give you information you're not ready to handle. So that's why I think it's so important to go that way. So I guess the thing I found out was forgiveness. That I was going to be stuck in a loop of trauma until I actually forgave these people. So just to let you know where I was at, it was a dark place. My altar Hans had killed the two people who tortured me the most, the two guys who let me starve in prison, the two guys that water boarded me, they were the same guys. At some point my handler Bill wanted them gone and ordered my altar Hans to kill him. So I was waking up and I would wake up, get in the shower and as soon as the water would hit my head I would be back at water boarded. I would have to talk myself, have to take my eyes right away, let myself know I wasn't being water boarded. Then I'd have visions of them torturing me all day long. And what I did was, and this is not a good thing, I just grabbed those memories of killing those people of my altar and every time I got memories of them torturing me I would go back to that memory of them being shot in the head. It was really unhealthy and I was stuck in that loop, I would see the nurse torture in me, give me electric shock and I would break her neck like they taught me. The days just kept going on like that. When I would go to bed my wife would have to ask me when I was ready to turn out the light because if the light went out and it was pitch black I would be back in solitary. If I woke up at night and it was a dark room I'd have to have lights on or something so I knew I wasn't in solitary. So what I wound up was, my guide did let me know, this ends when you feel like it. When you're ready to forgive them all that's going to go away. So I got together with two friends who had been in the programs too and we did a meditation. We forgave all the people that did those things to us and those memories went away. I started waking up without, thank you. But those memories went away and I started to slowly, when I would think about them I would no longer want to kill them. I would just smile and say thank you for providing me with the opportunity to go through this. So, are you ready? Talk about a paradigm shift with the victimhood and with forgiveness, I mean that's a huge amount of work for any human being to make it through underneath any circumstance but that circumstances substantially traumatic, right, right. So it's an inspiring story I believe, it's a lot to take in, it's very heavy but to come through all of those years gathering the information as it was made available to them and putting it together and being able to forgive which is just astounding and to take himself out of the victimhood which we all do, it's a human thing, why this happened to me and I'm a good person but then that happens to me and it's not fair, why me, but then to hear and to understand and to really accept that I asked for these lessons, I asked to learn for this for my own soul's growth and our worst enemies are oftentimes our greatest teachers and you have to, if you look at it from that perspective everything changes. Yeah, and I knew also that I found out that this, you know, this mission was pretty much my whole purpose in this life. I started to remember picking my parents and I've heard people talk about this before they wonder but you know, I needed to be able to go through trauma so I picked a mother that would provide that for me at an early age so yeah she started by three, by the time I was three I was going through trauma and I think in the first session I had told Suzanne about it and she asked a question, she said, he asked myself why did he pick his mother, you know, why would you pick that mother? And my house self said so he would be independent early, he would know he didn't need anybody. So it's, it has been a journey but I actually, one thing from the first session, that German life haven't mentioned this before but that was actually part of this mission. In that German life I was together with the guy Bill who would be my handler so I guess we were, he picked me, he had no idea why I was familiar to him but we did everything we could to make sure that I would be number one so I could get through that experience. >> Okay, well if anybody has questions for Mark, I think we're ready to take those questions. Give me, give us just a second when we get the microphone set up. >> Hey it's Ryan Seacrest, life comes at you fast which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time. 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Any questions guys get in line. >> How did you know that your alters had passed on? >> I could actually connect with them and see through their eyes. >> To this day. >> So they died I was with the one alter Sam when he died. So what was going on with him is he was in a lot of the programs they had actually I don't know how many 20 or 30 clones of him of us which had no light body so they were just clones just sitting there what he did was looking for excitement Chumba Casino is here play any time play anywhere play on the train play at the store play at home play when you're bored play today for your chance to win and get daily bonuses when you log in so what are you waiting for don't delay Chumba Casino is free to play experience social gameplay like never before go to Chumba Casino right now to play hundreds of games including online slots in go slingo and more live the Chumba life at Chumba Casino dot com he actually just got me out I am out of the SSP for the first time since 1981 he just so he got me out he he went on a suicide mission he destroyed the clones and then got killed in the process and I was with him when they beat his head in thank you so much for your bravery and for coming out and your bravery just standing in front of everyone telling your story thank you thank you hey Mark how you doing today thank you very much for all the work that you're doing for everybody the challenges that you're going through I'm curious in your choice of mission have you had the benefit or blessing of given the vision of accomplishment yet a goal what day what does the day look like for you when you're retired what's mission accomplished for you this is mission accomplished this is mission hi so I was curious like when you said you were 21 and you went to even with those recruiters and then you were on a table and then later you walked up two minutes later so that was after probably 20 years or something it's actually just the process of them I guess they from what I understand it's a ET soul splitting technology you can lay down in the chair our table or sit in the chair or and then usually everybody has the same thing you think you fell asleep for a couple minutes and then they're waking you up saying okay it's all over and actually now that whole 20 years or in my case many more it's all stuffed into that did you did you feel different after like because like Tony Rodriguez talks about how he was different changed after definitely I was much darker I just realized now that probably my aggressive altar Sam had been affected my life ever since then now that he's dead it's real quiet there was a lot of aggression in my head that I would have to fight off all the time over react to stuff so you know he's gone everything's cleared up thank you so much thank you thank you so much for coming out and sharing all this with us it's very brave of you to do so thank you you shared that you were in solitary confinement for like a year I mean that just sounds so unbelievably brutal and I mean I don't even know how you don't go insane in this situation or you do go insane you do go insane yeah the other the other extreme or to maybe ask a question on a positive side like Tony shares about an experience he had of getting to see a certain meteor shower I can't remember what it was out on the planet but it was also a thing he used later as a confirmation like he knew the answer to you know I'll let him tell that story but knew the answer as to why that was occurring out there and NASA confirmed it for him later and it was one of the things he used for a confirmation but that sounded like it was a pleasant experience do you have any memories that are like pleasant yeah anything good writing through the universe and a spaceship having a good old time or is there any bright side to any of this other than maybe the health you're doing now there was actually no pleasant time there was times that were less traumatic you know but on the other hand if I would think if I was the worst probably was solitary yeah next would definitely be Dulce yeah but I didn't have any great days there was one time when I did accomplish the one mission the abduction of the guy in the arena I was allowed to go to a bar for a couple nights so I guess that's my exciting time you were talking about brain damage or having a part of your brain that you couldn't get into can you speak more about that or how you dealt with it or how you've gone about doing it sure it's um this is what I was explained it was early in the programs there was really it's still trying to figure stuff out the type of memory wipe they used on me was permanent and I the one area of my brain that my high self said I'd never get back is it was just training he said it was just like day to day stuff early training it didn't matter I had most of the other memories but I haven't really tried to access that anymore but it was just an immediate nausea I can't explain it every time I would try to get any of those early training other than going through a couple of courses you know we were running around through the sand and stuff I have no memories of the actual training I don't remember be entrained to you know all the martial arts and all the other shit they taught us okay thank you thanks for sharing your story question is the last block on the bottom there about going from the dog fleet to the says the white hats yes so that I mean there's a two kind of polar opposite factions I could you talk a little bit about that was it like a negotiation do they communicate with each other that should show you what the white hats are made of what said I said that should show you what the white hats are made of the white hats are actually made up of guys that you would actually think are bad guys that have turned to the other side so from what I understand he was a spy through his dark fleet times he worked for a guy that other people have mentioned the old man and that's that's here he's by for him is the possible to talk about the actual sessions the regression sessions sure some point how they work how how it works the actual process for the regression that you do share come on I'm 5 for today in my hills so an actual regression when I'm gonna give you kind of a higher perspective and a 3d perspective when when a client reaches out to a practitioner my belief is that the session starts them once that a pin once that appointment is agreed to by both parties before the client comes to the session they're writing up a list of questions that they want to have answers to most will make two lists they'll make a list of life and personal questions and one of health and body questions they bring that list with them to the session we sit and talk for a while they share their life story which is always an amazing story to hear and it's one of those rare events because none of us really ever sit down until somebody who just is unconditional and loving their life story you know just no no judgment when they get done with that life story then we look over their list of questions make sure that the practitioner understands what they want to find out about take a quick restroom break come back get them nice and comfy on a table or a bed that's when the session begins they typically are going to go to one or two maybe more other lifetimes experiences again perfectly picked by their high self to show them something that's important for them to know and then we make that transition over to the subconscious the high self that's where we ask the questions that's where you know if you're like me you ask a lot of different questions because my goal is always to help the client to get every little last drop of goody that they can from this beautiful part of them that knows everything and then they're ready to be brought up they're usually under for about two hours maybe a little bit more a little bit less and they come come out and they're you know I always it's so common to say this but it's such a truth in this experience the you that walked into my office it's not the you that walks out you're a very expanded version of yourself and it's it's just it's a great honor and you know we usually don't do sessions repeated on clients usually a kind of a one and done thing but it's it's a great joy when they want to keep exploring deeper and deeper to find their healing and their answers so that's how a session typically runs. My question is about the Alters are you are they aware of who they are are they told to past so that they think they have a past are they told your past or like what's their relationship in the world and what's their relationship with you well I can only speak of how my relationship was with my authors but the one who is a hybrid the big one I've only been in contact with either both of them since October I was in denial for a long time I have other friends in the SSP and they would say you know I saw your altar last night yeah I was like you know I knew they were out there I just really didn't want to deal with them so in October I started to start to try and connect to them they knew nothing about me their world's different I mean the one hybrid he was made by grace and given to the reptilians so his world was totally different he was tortured continually so he was full of rage the other one Sam I don't know what he knew I honestly don't I'm just I just realized how much of an influence he's had on my life since he's been gone I just realized how much he was gone but we had him and I had a weird thing we had a connection energetically in our solar plexus so he could send me energy and I would send him so good morning thank you for sharing the question I have is about the media do you know of when you consume media at any form could you be a billboard or magazine newspaper is there anything that you might be exposed to it might cause a shifting of your alters or a response and they get a positive response have you noticed anything like that they could be like broadcast to the masses that but but have some particular reaction within you know I hadn't I hadn't really looked at it like that because I I live in Chicago and they have high tech billboards and they can almost play a movie and there's certain colors and symbolism that they're using I'm starting to notice that and that's being projected to the masses and I don't know if it's like if it's being used against us or certain selected persons it's very high tech and you want to the cities yeah I'm not aware of that at all I'm sorry you're or cream be a song or anything yeah I am not just curious it's a yeah that's what I see what's going on now okay okay thank you hi Mark I want to give you some appreciation for all that you're doing also Suzanne thank you for everything I know the journey is very hard and one thing I am fascinated with is the evolution of our souls and how it comes from creator and we come down and experience all these things and the fractalization that occurs which is in my opinion is these altars that are formed within us and I wanted to mention that the healing that you you're going through and honestly that we're all going through is I think the biggest thing you know that we're processing and we're learning question is in your opinion these programs or these experiment programs or whatever is there any positive benefit in any of them well even though it doesn't look like it these white hats that they have now a lot of these guys used to be you know what we would call dark hats right but they've converted and that's the only way it's going to end so they're really not they can't be good guys because there's no way you're going to win that war it's brutal but I do see it ending soon a lot a lot of people are getting their altars there's they're getting a lot of information from them and from what I've seen let's step back to one thing I see a lot of stuff happen on the moon and Mars but I have to say some of the information that's been going around about the moon and Mars being cleaned up is is untrue unfortunately it's much better than it was but it's nowhere near cleaned up you're welcome hello Mark thanks for sharing your story so you mentioned the Andromeda light body what what makes that desirable to those who experimented on you and created your altars here's what they do they find people this is what happens to everybody they find out your gift that you were born with they have to invert it it's no good to them as as good light so they take your light they invert it and then they can put it in pretty much anything they can put it in another body that looks like you a clone they can drop it into a reptilian body they could put it in a cyborg it's endless then they can take that say they they've put it in a reptilian they can then take that and put it in something else but the good part is it always gets watered down nothing's as powerful as the original source that they took it from thank you you're welcome hi I have a question for both of you it deals with regression so I just wanted to know when you were regressed were you really conscious or you're not conscious like what was the process when you put him down under because I have had an experience but it was not that pleasant that's what I wanted to know yeah so that is such a fascinating topic I'm gonna try not to like take up all the time here because it just I geek out on this stuff but so okay so about ten years ago and earlier it was way more common for a client in the steep state of hypnosis to not remember anything not be aware of what was going on during the session not have recall afterwards we called that the amnesia experience honestly that was easier it was easier for the client it was easier for the practitioner that left brain the worry in the field just went right down the hall and then about ten years ago something started to change and that's when I started that I came into a bit of a hot mess because nobody knew what was going on because Dolores was such a good teacher in her own process that in her books that she would write in her videos or lectures she would give it end up on on YouTube in her classes she taught she'd say my clients don't remember and that became a gold standard and at that time she was absolutely right that's how people were experiencing this so when when I started and most of the clients were still in that amnesia state that a few were doing these other things they were sometimes they were popping up a little bit in the sessions and they'd be giving really great information but then they would say you know I think I'm making this up I don't think I'm in deep enough and we're like are you kidding me you're doing great you know go back down and then the other odd thing was when we counted them up they were having a lot more recall so this was really weird it was a great blame game it was hilarious now that I look back at it because the clients were like my practitioner wasn't very good she couldn't get me under because I knew what was going on that's exactly my point yes right okay but let me tell you on the practitioner side the client of yours could be me yes with everybody but the practitioners are like these left brain clients are so annoying like they cannot get out of their left brain you know they you know what do we do with these left brain clients okay so so the beautiful part is now we're in 2022 and one of my most favorite parts of my job is I gotta hang out with a lot of high cells and I'm like Dolores I want to know everything so I've gotten the story as it's progressed over 10 years and what they say is back in the day of the amnesia that was necessary in order to help people start waking up the program of just making it up was instilled upon us for a purpose to devalue all this knowledge that we have innately they did a really good job with it and so at that time I'm just waking up it was perfectly divinely planned that we would have this amnesia because then we couldn't discard it we don't remember it so we couldn't have made it up people would start talking about their sessions they want to have sessions they don't want to start reading about this it was just it was a beautiful play by the big guys but they say we weren't meant to stay in the amnesia state so if this is amnesia state over here is where you have complete and full awareness of all the knowledge that your high self carries and the collective you've got it all but they say we can't go from this to that without frying our brains and so we've had to incrementally take these steps because over here you're fully awake and aware you and I could just be hanging out talking and you could ask I wonder what I should do about this and like we'll find out and you'll go okay cool okay so what I should do about this is and you'll be tapping into that part of you that knows everything that's where we're going that's where like this close to that and so so feeling somewhat aware in the session is your progression you're at leap in evolution to get you there from from my perspective I've loved watching this unfold and and I call myself a lazy practitioner I just want everybody to have easy sessions you know so I want to make it easy for you so I've come up with tips that help you manage that left side because that's what's happening our left side is evolving it's not a bad thing it's not Mr. Stupid it's it's a beautiful part of us it just works in a different way than the right side so now people are more aware of that left side they're wondering am I in deep enough am I making this up and you're aware of those thoughts were in amnesia days you weren't but if you understand this is all that is happening it's trying to learn to be more like the right side that's where this is over here we're fully the right side we've let go of fear and we're letting go of fear and they say in sessions look at our outside world this is why everything is so weird and crazy and chaotic and scary looking because we as a collective has just have decided that we're going to figure out fear and we're doing a really good job of it right so that's why people are feeling more aware in sessions it's not a bad thing it is a very good thing and in amnesia days the bummer part of that was when they came out of the session they didn't have any recall they had no connection to it and now what I'm seeing a session is kind of fun because sometimes the person will come up a little bit to ask their own question or the high self will say well he's not buying that but let me explain again why this is really important or you know he wants to know you know why it has to be this way so it's almost like a three-party conversation so you have to just you have to be okay with being somewhat aware and realize it's part of your evolution this is a good thing not a bad thing and and don't hang on to that amnesia thing that was for a reason and it's already it's already occurred no the only reason I had this question was because when I was under I was not under I was asked to imagine things so then it was I was imagining things that my conscious mind my brain was computing okay wait wait wait wait okay where is your imagination your imagination is on the right side right we've been told to devalue it right it's everything it's all our imagination and our creativity are two greatest gifts from source that we come into a life with it is our connection to all of us all of our knowing all of our healing and it's it's turning that paradigm around and understanding when you're making it up you're connecting to that part of you that knows everything it's just programming okay that's cool thank you sorry for taking so much time thank you so much for your testimony it really rang true when you said that some of our guides are actually our altars that actually brought a tear in my eye because I know exactly who that is but really it my question is more of a of a statement but I think in some of this the unsung heroes are the spouses you know the ones who chose to be with us and it's it's hard for them it's hard for my husband you know to to be there and witness it and you know he often asked you know like why did you choose me like why am I here and he feels helpless a lot you know when things are happening um so I was just wondering if in any of your sessions it came through with the role that you know because our souls choose we choose who our spouse are going to be what role was your wife playing for you to be here why you were awakening coming in we're not there remembering that's a great question so she does have memory of she incarnated here for this mission her mission was keeping alive thank you very much hi it's so good to have you here relaying all this and I'm not sure I start but we're all awakening the bales we're coming down we know that and I just know it the more that we're in love and neutralizing the fear altogether we're creating this this whatever we're coming into it's like a big turnover like it feels like we're gonna have a twinkling of an eye thing pretty soon or like we know things are peaking right yeah so I'm wondering how you see that I missed the first part of your lecture the first 30 minutes unfortunately so I don't know if you already discussed the overview of this but um and you're being your Andromeda light body I really relate to Andromeda to like source energy being there and helping to bring that energy into the planet so we can make this transition so do you and you said you feel like a big change is coming very soon into the more goodness right yes yeah I think a lot of us are feeling so how how soon we all want our life we're ready now we're ready now okay I can tell you sure I had information that I had I do some clearings of places I had information that of a list of places that I had to clear and it had to be done before 2022 had to be done before New Year's for some reason so then I've also seen some information that you know I was shown that something's gonna hit earth and energy should be hitting here I think it's gonna be starting this summer in July or but the energy will start hitting and it's gonna be a good energy and what it's gonna do though is if you've dealt with your trauma if you've worked on your work you'll be able to really go to a new place you'll be able to elevate from that energy if you haven't if you have trauma that's been on dealt with it's just gonna get pushed even harder so that push I'm here and is gonna be starting in the summer and going into next year which was one of the big reasons why I'm kind of stressing to connect with your guides this is the time if you've ever tried to connect with your guides before through meditation and you didn't have success or you've never tried now's the time to try the veils are so thin you'll have success you just have to hang in there and do a little work right I want to say to have been led to a lot of areas to help clear these areas and and was lit I don't know if I'm if you can hear me but anyway I've been led to a lot of areas to five higher beings to help clear areas through the years and I was just led back to the Midwest I didn't even know you're having this conference and then I hear just a couple days ago you're here in St. Louis I drove over but I think there's something about us being here on the Mississippi and the Illinois rivers like through the water we can really convey a lot of energy so the fact that we're all here the more we can hold this love and we're hearing about a lot of traumatic things probably as the conference goes on but about clearing all of our traumas and sending it through the water and just putting that love out everywhere and the Great Lakes is a big portal to you know that has a big mandala over the whole lake it's like a big flower mandala and so they showed me the reason I was born in Fort Wayne Indiana was I'd have to come back all the time in my travels usually I would not hit the Midwest I'd go to the coast right but they wanted me in the Midwest so we could anchor the all that beautiful love coming down to the water and to the ethers out through the heartland and we needed everywhere so here we are and I just want to thank you. >> A quick question. Hey Mark thank you very much for your testimony really appreciate it and inspiring in all ways you know. My question is kind of specific to the memories that you do have still do you happen to recall any accents like because like I know Diego Garcia is originally a British air base. Yeah good question and I was just curious if you picked up on any accents at all. English accents I remember and that commandant had and his family had a German accent so they were all German the people that were in charge of Diego Garcia the commandant they all were black uniforms so I guess dark fleet or whatever you call it but they all had German accents other than that there was I guess a lot of accents from that area you know there was there was a lot of people from Asia that were abducted and were on that island. >> Did they ever when maybe they didn't want you to hear something did they ever speak in German or one of their native languages? >> Well it's strange when it was me before they became Hans yes they would never talk in front of me afterwards they thought they had totally you know Hans was just an idiot so they they discussed all kinds of stuff in front of him so I have lots of memories of them planning shit and very interesting yeah it's weird thank you you're welcome. >> I missed the first part did you talk about the Malaysia flight at Diego Garcia? >> I did not sir. >> So the missing Malaysia flight apparently was rerouted to Diego Garcia and you have some memory of that would you mind sharing that sure I'll tell you my memories of it it's not a whole lot but memories was it was Hans obviously they had the program me I just remember them coming down to get me in the tunnels and bring me up on the surface I saw the plane with a couple of people unloading down the slide up the side but I really wasn't looking that way I was talking to somebody else and I was going to be showing them where they could dump all the bodies since I needed tunnels the next memory is and this is harsh that's why I haven't talked about it before they killed all those people on that plane there was one person on there that had a hard drive of information that's why they brought it to Diego Garcia and they killed everyone on it they then put the bodies in trash dumpsters big construction ones I was helping him put I was guiding the trash dumpsters into a freight elevator there was a guy in a forklift so I was always in the back of the freight elevator and actually this is when Hans lost his arm he pushed the dumpster and I had my left arm in there and it got crushed and wound up losing it so that was the end of my operation thankfully for simulation flight after that I was mainly in the hospital in Diego thank you for sharing that I didn't mean to make you rehash that but that was that information was the reason I had just I had a revelation about something similar to that like days prior to him reaching out and telling me about that and that in particular is why I was like okay what's going on here and so anyway thank you for sharing thank you Suzanne also thank you guys go another wave of applause it's time for today's lucky land horoscope with Victoria cash life's gotten mundane so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to lucky land you know what they say your chance to win starts with a spin so go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes get lucky today at no purchase necessary VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply