Journey to Truth

EP 233 - Daryl James: New Intel - Looking Glass Predictions - Future Timelines

Originally aired on 2/16/23
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Daryl James, US Navy:
Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.

1h 9m
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12 Jul 2024
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So just a reminder, guys, the Hopewell Farm CBD promo code is back to JourneyToTruth10, which gets you 10% off all their products. It's some amazing stuff, I highly recommend it, it's good for you, your pets, anybody, it's really amazing CBD, it's the best I've tried. So that is available in the link below, 10% off JourneyToTruth10. So we are joined by our friend Daryl James, we've had him on the show a number of times, like I said, he spoke at the conference last year. I mean, there's still a lot Daryl hasn't shared with us on his channel, but today we're going to get into some information that Daryl has never shared publicly, and some of it might be controversial, but we're going to share it either way, because we'll let Daryl share why this is important information. So welcome to the show, Daryl. Thank you. We'll be back. Yeah, good to be back. So yeah, from my understanding, you shared some of this with me privately, and it's some, I mean, I was completely intrigued by the information, and do you want to explain to people why you haven't shared this information yet and why you feel like it's time to share it now? I don't know, just because it is kind of controversial, one part of it goes into kind of like religion a bit, but in another part of it goes, I don't know, kind of the political climate right now, I would say. And yeah, it's just something that, I mean, I just didn't want to bring it out initially in my first interview, because I just didn't think it was time, so, but yeah, it was things that I saw with Aquino and things that with Robert, it was, you know, who was the executive officer of my command that he told me and stuff like that, and it seemed to be the most important thing to him that he actually accomplished in this mission, but yeah, so I didn't, and I remember somebody, I think it was in one of your interviews, they said, it was one of the comments, they said there was not sharing everything that Robert told him, and it kind of, I thought it was kind of somebody, yeah, put that in the comments, so, yeah. So, somebody is trying to give you the nudge? Yeah, but Amy, I don't know, I don't know, yeah. And, and you know, I understand why you don't want to just come out and slam people over the head with a sledgehammer in your first interview, you know, so, yeah, it makes sense. Yeah, and we appreciate you deciding to come forward right now with this stuff, and so I don't know if you just want to take it away, where you want to start with this stuff, and then I have some questions along the way. Yeah, sure, I actually, my first time I had notes, I wanted to write notes. When I was being tortured by Aquino, just at a desperation, I said, what a name of Christ do you want, I yelled out, and he like stomped his feet on the ground, almost like he was throwing a fit. It kind of reminded me of like the ending of Rumple Stiltskin when the woman says Rumple Stiltskin's name, and he said, stop saying that, stop that, and this was the reptile, like, you know, the, the, not the, you know, the meat puppet, but the reptile, and I kind of like, caught on to what's happening, and I said, I just said in a name of Jesus Christ, I command you to undo my straps, and undo the straps of my feet and let me out of here, and he started doing it, he started undoing the straps on my feet, and the goon was there, that guy told you that, you know, the English guy that was on the bar, and he had the shaved head, and then he started almost kind of talking to him out of the side of his mouth, like stop on me, was like saying stuff like that, but he kept on doing the straps, I was kind of like a rat, and I said like in the name, in the name of Yeshua, I command you to stop talking to him, and let me go, and the goon kind of got wise to what was happening, he looked back and forth, and he cocked his arm back, and punched me in the face, knocked me out, and I woke up, yeah, he messed me up, but you know, messed me up pretty bad after that, I woke up with like his hand in my mouth, and he like, dislocated my jaw, and cut my jaw off, and things like that, cut my tongue out in front of me, and things like that, but yeah, I didn't do that again, I guess if I was just with him alone it wouldn't work, but he had, you know, one of his helpers with him, so it didn't work, and I thought that was really weird, and the goon brought it up too, at the bar, when I had no memory of this, and stuff like that, and he said yeah, you did something with Chino, like I never saw anybody do anything like that to a Chino before, I remember he just sat down to me at the table one time, and he said, you know, Christianity was a cult, you know, when it first came out, I was like yeah, I think most religions were like cults, and he was just, it was just bizarre things, he was saying to me, but yeah, there was that, and then after that happened, because you know, the torture lasted for days, and a Chino was looking up and down my timeline, like he was able to go not just forward in time my timeline, but he was, because he was like an elder, the older ones that can go back in time in your timeline, and he said I figured out why they liked you so much, talking about, you know, plating, and I remember others told me this, and Robert told me too, before I left the command, he told me that I'm a reptilian consciousness, my consciousness is reptilian, but I'm an impact, and Aquino said there's maybe four or five of you in the entire universe that are like an empathic reptilian, and to be genetically compatible with like a pliadian, because they're like polar opposites, he says that doesn't happen, and he said the reason Robert told me this before I left the command, he said that a third and fourth density being see fifth density beings is naive, because they just kind of take your word for it, and they have like an attitude of this is a mutually benefit pool for both of us, and why lie or try to deceive us, they really aren't that street wise I guess who would say, so they kind of wanted that a chance to have like reptilian consciousness born into their people, just to be like a bit more wise, like so they don't get, you know, they get swindled a lot and stuff like that, by a third and fourth density being, and yeah, Robert said that's why, one of the reasons why, you know, I was given so many wives and stuff like that, he was team and told me like they were using you, but you liked it, he said that, they were just using you, don't understand, but I don't know, you know, I don't think it was true, but that he was just trying to get me to get my mind re-wiped to go back to the chair. You don't think what was true, the reptilian consciousness part, or no, that they were just using me, oh, okay, just to get this like DNA into their, into their bloodline, right? So that is interesting though, as far as, you know, because I guess if you are completely empathic, you know, that's sometimes our biggest downfall is we, you know, it can be your greatest asset and your biggest downfall because you can be deceived because you're not even, we believe in giving people a chance and we see the good in them. So, so they wanted a reptilian consciousness to make them a little more wise so they can actually filter out like the bullshit. It's really interesting. Like the up there discernment level. Right. Yeah. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, I, what Robert was telling me before I left, he went into, first he, he started saying things like, do you know Harry Hay? And I said, no, I don't know him. And he said he was the leader of the gay rights movement in the 1950s. He said he was CIA. And he said that the gay rights movement and the 19, or the gay rights movement period has been funded by the CIA from day one. And it was eventually to make pedophilia acceptable to the American public. He said, you know, they do it gradually over decades. So people they slowly implemented in. So people would accept it. And he said, because once a civilization accepts pedophilia, it falls quickly. And then that's just the way it's a way that, you know, the Satanist have made civilizations in the past fall. Yep. Any sense? Yeah. So he told me about that. And I mean, they are doing that right now. We actively are seeing that they're trying to make it a part of the LGBT thing. They're adding pedophilia and they're calling it. What are they calling it? I'm not sure. But I know they're doing it. They're trying to, they change the term. And they're trying to say it's a sexual orientation. And you're a bigot if you don't support it. And it's like, no, it's child abuse, right? Plain and simple, full stop. And they're trying to normalize something that is not normal behavior, by any stretch of the imagination. Right. Right. It's it's a sickness. So it's it's interesting. He told you this and whatever year that was, this is what, 15 years ago? Yeah, this is probably what 2000, let's say 2005, probably early 2005, maybe February of 2005. Right. And I mean, it's all coming true. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he showed the stuff of the drag queen story hour. They're trying to put that in libraries for kids and everything like that. So yeah, it's obvious now that that was their plan the whole time, you know, right? I do not doubt that at all. Yeah. Yeah. And he told me that, well, then he like he went into the, well, because he started out with that because he said that, you know, it's eventually going to almost get to that level by the time, you know, the military steps in. And that's when he said, you know, they're old, they start castrating children. And that's when the military steps because of, you know, chemical castrations with, you know, gender reassignment and all that other stuff. He said, that's when the military steps in, is that was like the last straw for them. And he told me about like the cutie show and Netflix and all that stuff. Yeah. And then he said that it's difficult how he's how he brought it up. But he I don't know if I was I was talking about I think a friend of mine named Josh or something like that. And he was like a second generation American from Mexico. And he said they're all going to have to go home. That's how he put it. And I said, I said, what do you mean? And he said, he said they're all going home. And I said, who he's like, you know, he calls like Europeans Anglo Saxons. And I know about, you know, the battle of 1066 and all that with the tribes from Germany invading Britain, stuff like that back in the day. He seemed to just call it was like this thing where he he just called Europeans Anglo Saxons. And he called like Slavic people slobs like Russians. And he said that we're cousins. And he went on about how we were refugees from different worlds originally, you know, about the mold deck and stuff like that, the asteroid belt and Mars. And then that was it hit. And then we eventually made it to earth. And then he told me the duality of many worlds are things like, you know, the divine feminine and the divine masculine and things like that. He said about our duality. He said every world will have duality and our duality is quite different. It's like no other world has our duality. And he said the our duality is the Anglo Saxon and the Satan. And he said, the mission of the Anglo Saxon is to lower the population of Asia, especially China. He said that Chinese people were bred to be slaves. They were genetically engineered to be slaves. And he said, as he said, why do you think there's never been what do you think China has the oldest civilization? They've never had a major revolt because they've never had a real major revolt. So they have the oldest civilization. And I said, what about communism? And he said, well, that was pushed upon him by the Satanist, you know, he said, but like their actual culture is the oldest because of that. And then he said, the second mission of the Anglo Saxon is to ensure the survival of the Anglo Saxon. And I said, that's it. And he said, that's it. And I said, well, what's the mission of the Satanist? And he just like shrugged his shoulders. And he said, you know, war, chaos, just anarchy, you know, and to destroy the Anglo Saxon. You know, you just kind of that through mission. Yeah, it's like they feed off of that energy. They so they have to keep generating. It's like they they they they wanted to they want to create the whole planet as as this machine that generates the solution energy that they feed off of this low vibrational war chaos, death destruction, sadness, anger, they just perpetuated they want to keep it going perpetuating it. Yeah, they manipulate everything to do that. And he told me that yeah, once you get to a certain level, like, you know, fortune 500 and things like that border directives, that you're you're told about this, you're told about the duality of the earth. And it's like it's part of the whole karma thing where you have to be given a choice. And you choose whether you want to go to the side of the Anglo Saxon or the or the Satanist. And I said, well, what do most people choose? And he said, Satanist. And I said, why is this easier and make more money and you get more power? And he is telling me that, you know, the United States will be invaded. And then he said, like, all Western nations will be invaded in the future. And I said, by who? And he said, you know, Africa, Middle East, you know, Latin America, like, just start invading. He's like, they're going to do it under the guise of refugees, climate refugees and all this other stuff. He's like, but it's just an invasion. And it's funded by the Satanist, you know, like Schwab and pro-Wab and all those guys. Soros. Soros. Yeah, that's what they said out with the Davos Convention they were talking about. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to That's And get lucky today. That lucky land. No purchase necessary. VGW group, boy, prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. You know, what are we going to do with the climate refugees, you know, stuff like that. That was a big topic. They talked about Davos. You think they're you think they're actually going to be successful and pulling that off though? Well, they are up here. It's happening now. Look at what's happening in our border thousands of people. Like they're doing it under the guise of like border security or whatever refugees, they're letting them in, but it's essentially an invasion and it's the perfect way. And obviously, none of this was happening when Trump was there as soon as Biden got in, you know, that immediately was like the first course of action for him. But if the white hats really are in somewhat of control or whatever, like, I'm curious if like, I know things are going to get worse before they get better, but I don't know, you know, some people seem to think the whole plan is going to devolve into this just insane chaos and death before somehow before it like it's like it. Some people think they have this very doom and gloom narrative of the future or outlook of the future that somehow it's going to go to complete ashes, basically, and then we're going to rise from that. But like, I don't see I don't personally don't see things getting that bad. I see getting worse. But I think there's a lot of did Robert share anything? Do you mind gluing going around the Robert share anything with you as far as echoes? Yeah, he said the original timeline was like that. Okay, he had to go back in time. And he explained it to me because I said, you know, you can't do that because he said that, you know, I said, well, how do you, how do you think you're going to pull this off? Just, you know, he says it, he says we're going to send them all back home. He's like, he's like to their home countries. I said, what do you mean? He's like, well, you know, as the African Americans and stuff like that, he says, there's two different nations in Africa that are willing to take them. Latin America will just go back to their home countries age the same thing. And I said, you know, I said, you're going to do this. He said, within 48 hours, all prisons in the United States will become white women. And he said, that's how they'll do it in the beginning. And then they'll give the family members like a week, like, would you like to go to your, you know, join your family members and the home countries? And then the second week, they're going to force them. And he said, I said, that's not right. You can't do that. You can't do that to people. You can't do things like that. And he said, Daryl, you don't know how hard it was for my ancestors. Like I said, he was from the year 25, 80, and he said that, when Hillary Clinton won the first election, or when Hillary Clinton won on her first term, the United States became like South Africa. He said, my ancestors were openly raped and murdered. And he said, and the police did nothing, and the press said nothing. And if we tried to fight back, we were the ones that went to jail. And I said, what do you mean? He's like, if somebody broke into our house and we shot him, we were tried for murder and sent the prison. And then he said on Hillary Clinton's second election, or his second term, this is how it was planned out originally. He said that they were going to try to conquer us from the inside. But he said that, you know, second amendment, because everybody's armed in the United States would be too difficult. He said they could do it, but it would take 10 or 20 years. So instead, they just got us into a war with China that was intended to be lost, a nuclear war. Because he told me that it was China that was behind a lot of this stuff. And he, yeah, and America fell. He said, we weren't just like hit at key target. He said America was carpet bomb with nuclear weapons, we just fell. And then he said that they started like, he said it went into 100 year intervals. He said they started a 100 year breeding program where they started sending people in from different countries. And then it was like a breeding program for a century. And then he said, and then they took the lighter skin people and they sent them to Asia and they did a 100 year breeding program with Asia. And I said, what do they do with the darker skin people? And he said they killed them all off. And then he said they did that for 100 years. And then they sent them back, like after the population built up in Asia, they sent everybody out to different countries. You know, they repopulated, you know, North America, South America, Australia, all these different continents. And they kind of like all themselves that there were now one people, you know, there was there was no, you know, diversity as they say, they were just one single people. And then they realized they made a mistake, he said. He said that, well, with what's going on in Ukraine and stuff like that right now, he told me that that was they were building a biological weapon just to kill off the Slavic people. They were making weapons there just to kill off Slavs. But he said that he said that Slavs are the most spiritually enlightened people, the spiritually evolved people, I think is how we put it. But he said that the Anglo-Saxon, like the European, they actually have like connections to the earth because I guess that we enter bread, I think is what he said with the population that was already here, like the Neanderthal population more than the Slavic did. And so we created more of a connection to the earth. So the Satanists like realized that they had to keep us alive in order not to destroy like the duality of a world, because when you destroy like a world's duality, they can really mess things up, they can destroy the world. So yeah, so they just interbred us with other people instead, they did it that way. And with the Slavs, they just killed them all off with biological weapons. But he said that once they got to like a point where, you know, around Robert's time after, you know, 100 years, so 300 years, they realized that they made a mistake and the earth would not go beyond fit density, he said. And because you needed like either, he needed like the Anglo-Saxon or the Slav, they were both, hopefully both together. And he said that that's how we would evolve to like the next level of identity. And whenever I said things like, you know, I kept on questioning him about, you can't do this, this is the right and things like that, he said this thing and he said it to me several times. And that's why I remember it. He said, we must ensure the survival of the Anglo-Saxon, the Anglo-Saxon is the true potential of earth. Without the Anglo-Saxon, we will not go beyond fit density. Without the Anglo-Saxon, we will not reach our true potential. And he said that over and over, you know, anytime I questioned it, there, you know, why you're doing this. And he eventually got to a point where he stopped saying it, because I kept on questioning it. And he said, there, oh, look, he said, this already happened, you know, as far as I'm concerned, where I'm at in my time line, this has already happened. And he said that after that, we're going to declare war on Mexico. He said, after they sent everybody home, the United States will declare war on Mexico. And I said, why? He said, no matter what scenario we run through project looking glass, Mexico will invade the United States, said the border is just too vast. He said, so we pushed Mexico down to by the Yupitan peninsula, by the town, I think it's called Quincy Quadle or something like that, where bottlenecks, he said, and that's a border we can protect. And then he said, and this sounds like more further where he's at in his time line, like around 26th century, he said, we take back our original Indo-European borders, is what he said. He said, you know, a lot of the Middle East, Asia, he said, we take all of India. And I said, why do you take back India? I said, why do you, why do you take India? And he's like, he said, it belongs to us. He said it was taken from us, and we take it back. And I said, well, where did the Indian people go? And he said away, he's like, hey, does it have to live in other places on earth? And I was really kind of like, didn't know, I was really confused. And he said, we finally blow up that black tube. And I said, what? I didn't know what he was talking about. And he said, Mecca, he said, we blow up Mecca. And I said, what's that? Like, I knew what it was, but I was just so confused. I didn't know what he was talking about. He's like, you know, the place where the Muslims have to walk around the black tube. I go, oh, yeah, he's like, it's up in Saudi Arabia. I said, yeah, he said, uh, he said, we blow it up. And I said, well, what is it? Why does so? What is it? He says, I just made out of wood and they painted black and they draped a cloth over it. And I said, well, why is it so important to them? He said, a meteorite fell there a long time ago. And he said, we melted down for the iron and gold to make ships. And I said, it's just iron and gold. He's like, yeah, it has some silver and copper and nickel in it too. But it's mostly just iron and gold. We melted down. And yeah, I mean, so why do they need to blow it up? I guess it's just like a symbolism of like it's ours now or something like that. You know what I mean? It's just, and that was another thing he told me too was while this was happening, he said that, uh, well, you know, what's happening with us right now, he said that, you know, how it happened here is he says they destroy your heroes is how he put it to me. Well, really? Before you go into that, I'm sorry to interrupt. So you're, what you just explained to us was from a timeline that we averted or was like the Hillary Clinton stuff, obviously that didn't happen on this timeline. So that was from a different timeline that Robert was on and he saw all this stuff happen. So he had to go back in time and like literally change the timeline so we can ascend essentially. Yeah, going to an opposite direction. Yeah, keep on ascending. He said if a world doesn't keep evolving, it dies. He said it'll eventually die. Like once you get the ninth density, yeah, you can stay there. And that's that's high enough to where you could just stay there. Like, but you have to keep on a world have to keep evolving. It can't just stay a fit density. It has to keep going. So when you're talking about them destroying our heroes, I mean, it seems like they're doing that on this timeline. So yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, like, so part of that, like, I think that what they did that, what they blew up Mecca, he said, you know, he was talking about now what's happening now. And he said, you know, he said, they start off at the lowest level possible is what they try to do, like with us because, so the CR reaction, he said they first they go to comic books. And he told me that, you know, they kill Spider-Man. They kill off Peter Parker. And I was like, what? And he's like, yeah, they replaced them with like a five racial kid named Miles Morales. He told me that about, and I was like, they kill Spider-Man because I read comic books back then. And, you know, small base, I used to get them to the base. So, you know, small base, everybody knows because it's business. And he's like, it's not the main continuity. It says ultimate. He's like, but they do it, you know, on the ultimate Spider-Man timeline. And then he said, then they worked their way up the movies, you know, and they judge what the public's going to do. And then they work their way up the movies. He's like, I think they're going to bring out all these horrible remakes. And he's like, and they're horrible on purpose. He's like, they're trying to, like, demoralize you. They're trying to destroy your heroes. So, they're really making these movies, like all, as awful as they can, like Star Wars and Ghostbusters remake and all these remakes. And then he says, then they'll eventually, and they'll see what the public does. And if they don't react to it, then they'll go to statues and they'll start tearing your statues down, which is like what's happened to us right now, you know, happening right now. And he said that, you know, they're going to keep all those statues. He said, they put them in storage. They'll put them back up eventually. He's like, but right now, he's like, yeah, he's just letting the people know like what they had planned for us. And they're, and they're letting this, you know, I don't know, migration, invasion. He's like, he said they're letting it happen to like show the people, you know, what they had planned for us. He's like, the white hats are going to let it happen. He's like, but yeah, he's like, they're going to stop. And he's like, not only can the 5G, can it do things like, you know, bug your house or stuff like that, but it can tell how old you are, what sex you are, what's race, so they can just find people, they can pinpoint people. And he was talking about it like that. And it was really weird to me in bizarre. And I don't know if it's going to happen or not, but it's not something. Yeah, that's my question. So, so you said they use the looking glass technology, no matter what, they see a specific endpoint, no matter what happens. But we know timelines are always changing. So how are they certain that that looking glass intel is accurate? And how do they use looking glass over the whole planet like that? Well, I asked that too, because that movie, what was it? Butterfly effect just came out. So I was thinking about all these different timelines too. And I know a lot of people have this opinion, but he had a different opinion. He said it doesn't work that way. He's like, he's like, once you once you get to, you know, a reality where there's people there, there's people born at that timeline, and that's the timeline. That's the concrete. Like, if you're from a different time, it's kind of how explained it, then yeah, then it's, it's iffy. But if people from that future come back in time and say, Hey, here we are, then that's the alpha. Like it, like that's it. You know, there's no, he kind of, I don't know, I was talking about string theory and stuff, and he's like, no, it doesn't work that way. He just had this real cold kind of attitude about it. Like, it doesn't work that way. And the looking glass, he said that they would actually put looking glass technology into bombers. And they would open up the bomb bay doors, and they would be able to just fly over different parts of earth. And they would see new cities being built, you know, populations being moved. And he said, that's how they engage it. They actually put a looking glass into like a bomber plane. They opened that bomb bay doors, and they just stand over and they watch as the plane flies over different parts of the world. And then they can see the changes and everything like that. Wow. So what percentage of accuracy does that looking glass have? You know, it's a 94 percentile of accuracy. But yeah, he also said, yeah, because he said that he mostly lived in his timeline. And he said, like all of his family members, I said this before, but he said, you know, his mother and his father were never born. Like, it never happened that whole, you know, the mic pence, how everybody, you know, they realized they made a mistake. And then they tried to, you know, they had a one people, one raised people, and they realized they made a mistake. They weren't able to go beyond good density. So then they, they tried to hybrid the people to extract the Anglo-Saxon genes. And he said, but they couldn't do it. You know, and they just wound up making people that looked similar to mic pence. And then that's how he said it. They all have black hair. They, you know, they pale skin, like a needle nose, kind of like him, and a constant like scowl. He had that constant scowl on his face that we like pence always had. And yeah, there were pair of salt and peppers at 50 turns white at 60, then their eyebrows turned white at 70. And they live, uh, he said an average of 110 years old. But yeah, he's like, he's dead south. So Robert looks like pence is what you're saying? Yeah, he's spitting image. Like he looked like my pence of like an extra 10 pounds, I mean, 15 pounds of weight. So he claimed so on the timeline that Robert was from the all the people look similar to that because of the breeding experiments. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because of the breeding programs they had. And yeah, and it was just they tried to extract like a specific B&A out of the people. They started like a high breeding program and try to high breed them. And then they just wound up all looking like mic pence. Yeah, which makes, which really makes you wonder about mic pence and his the role he was playing. He told me he was no good too. Yeah. Yeah, he told me that he was like on the side who was trying to stop what they were doing and just, you know, you know, because there's a lot of people that are, they know they don't want to be, you know, Hey there. It is Ryan Seacrest with you. Do you want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's the summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. So don't wait. Dive in now and play hundreds of social casino games for free. Your chance to redeem real prizes is just a spin away. Care to join me sponsored by Chumba Casino. No purchase necessary, VGW group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Never exist. Never to be in existence, never to exist. And he didn't understand. Like I asked him, I said, well, why are you still here? If your mom and dad gone, he said, I don't know. Like he had no idea. And it really freaked him out. Like, you could tell it's care. And yeah, for some reason he was allowed to stay, even though, you know, his mother and father had never been. Wow. Yeah, that's interesting. Like, so as far as no good pants, like, I guess he was like a spy in the Republic, like on Star Wars, as far as being Trump's right-hand man at that time. Yeah, maybe. And he told me he was in like, you know, child trafficking and all that other stuff. And instead of failure, like Mike Pence was a pretty bad guy. And he's like, it doesn't really happen that much in our timeline. But it does happen like a lot. They kind of, you know, got that bread that out of people, you know, because they are fifth density then, but they couldn't go beyond fifth density. So it didn't really happen then. Yeah, so pants was fifth, fifth density already. Yeah, like, like, well, the people from that timeline were fifth density. Maybe they maybe he had to get pushed back down in the third density. Like I said, they have density change or really can do things like that. But yeah, like he changed from like a fifth density reality in the future. Like, uh, yeah. And he told me, yeah, he told me Kruger was helping us and things like that, which is like a corporation from like an alternate Germany, an alternate universe in Germany. And, uh, yeah, it was and he also good. He told me that just to talk about it, he told me, I don't know if I brought this up before, but he knew he was on the ship. I forget the name of the ship. But like I said, he flew F four phantoms in Vietnam and he was on the ship where, uh, McCain, John McCain, he said he called it a wet star is what he said it was. He said you flood the turbines with fuel, and then you ignite them. And, uh, I guess one of the munitions guys was behind them with the, you know, they have a big cart full of missiles and they're putting the missiles back on the fighter jets. And when he did that, like a firewall blew up and it just sent missiles everywhere. And it chilled a bunch of guys and wounded like dozens of people and they had a jettison, like a few jets and stuff like just push them off the side of the aircraft carrier because they're on fire. And he said that, uh, that's where that expression, no name McCain came from, was everybody on the ship refused to say his name after that. They just called them no name, no names. Everybody hated them. Because he, he liked, you know, on a ship, it's, if you wrong someone, it's kind of like prison, you know what I mean? You're on a ship, like he could get killed pretty easily. And, uh, they literally had to like lower him down on a rope to like a, a frigate ship next to the aircraft carrier because everybody on the ship was looking to kill him because of what he'd done. And, uh, yeah, he, he, he said he was on that ship where, uh, John McCain did that. And that's where he got the nickname, no name McCain and stuff like that. It's interesting. He was one of the predicted deaths by Q, like Q basically predicted his death down to the minute or at least a public announcement of his death. So, I mean, and that whole operation I know is deals with timelines and quantum technology at whatever else is, regardless of what people want to believe about it. I think there's highly advanced technologies being used. Otherwise, it would just wouldn't be possible. You mentioned Kruger. So how was Kruger helping us and like what role did they actually play? Because we hear a lot of people talk about that corporation and even movies hint that that video games, video games and movies like the movie American Ultra. It's a, basically a super movie about a super soldier who's activated by a CSA and his commander is named Kruger. Like they're telling you without telling you. So. Yeah, Kruger. Yeah. It's an independent corporation from like an off alternate Germany, ultimate earth, alternate earth and, uh, because I said, well, he told me about Afghanistan. He said, we're going to lose Afghanistan. And he said, the reason we lose the weapons in Afghanistan is it's a show of good faith of the United States. He said, we lose those weapons on purpose because it's showing that America is disarming itself. You know, we're disarming. And all these weapons and stuff, all these tanks that we're sending to Ukraine, that's it. I mean, yeah, it's being used to fight, but it's also a way of the United States to say, you know, we're disarming ourselves, we're, you know, we're disarming. We're peach around the world. It's kind of like that. And, uh, you know, I said, well, we can't even win a war in Afghanistan, you know, I said, you know, how do you think we're going to, you know, take over a lot of Mexico and things like that. And, uh, he said what he said, uh, with the technology we have, nobody can stop us, is what he said. And I said, what do you mean? He said, Kruger's helping us. And I said, who's Kruger? And he explained to me, you know, from, uh, another universe, an alternate Germany and another universe. And he looked at me and he said, you work for Kruger. He said, don't you remember? And I said, no, but I still really don't remember that. But I remember he said that. He said, he worked with Kruger. He said, you don't remember that. And I said, no. But yeah, he, he, and then he said that, uh, well, I, and then going back to Mexico, I said, you know, do we, do we suffer any casualties? And he said some. And I said, well, what about them? And he said, they lose one third of their population. And I said, uh, that's pretty much every fine-engaged man. He just looked at me. And then he said that, like, that's kind of like Mexico is going to be like the example of going to be like the first one. So he says, whenever we go to other countries, when we, uh, reestablish, as he put it, the Indo-European borders, he says, like, nobody tries to fight us after that. Like, if we tell them to leave and they leave, and he said, it, it, it, it, it's helping us by giving us, like, each each act that for warfare itself, to where we just can't be stopped, stop, is how we put it. And it was, you know, like I said, if, if, if I questioned him, he just said that same thing to me that he said before. And it was like, it was like his, his saying, you know, you just kind of repeat that. Right. And so the movie Tenant, if you've seen that, it's like, it shows them using time, like time travel technology, I guess, to like, do the mission before it ever even happens. So they can know exactly what to bring, how it's going to play out, where the attacks are coming from, and they're unstoppable because they already know exactly what's going to happen. And I've heard other, like, Johan Fritz said that, that movie, you know, represents what Krueger does. So if Krueger has that type of technology, obviously they would be unstoppable. If they were to use some sort of time travel, they can jump into future to, you know, fight the battle first, and then come back, and then go in with what they need, the proper supplies, medics, all that stuff. Interesting. Did he say anything about Australia about any chance? That's what I can think of. No, no, that's what I can think of. Because there's, I mean, they seem to be like the example right now. It seems like everything happens in Australia first, and then it's tested, you know, it's tested there, and then implemented around the world. And I feel like, you know, there's information out there that says, like, the very first humans originated in Australia, and it's potentially the true heart chakra of the planet. And there's a lot of, in Australia seems to be significant, a lot more significant than we might believe. So I didn't know if he mentioned them ever. No, I mean, he just gave me like a point of view of you from the United States, you know, in the US Navy. So he gave me like a point of view of the United States. He didn't tell me, yeah, he said the aboriginals and like sub-Saharan Africans were the true natives of Earth, is like how he said it. He's like the rest of us, either like we were either created or we were like our refugees from other worlds, stuff like that. So what about like white men, like we would probably be created, I would imagine? Why, I think like he explained to me, like we were refugees, like we were like hybrid and stuff like that. But you know, we were refugees from other parts of the solar system. From all that? Yeah, he went into the moldex thing about how it was blown up by the reptiles and became the asteroid belt. And then it really upset the higher density beings. So they really came down hard on the reptiles. So the reptiles, when we went to Mars, they just kind of used like a like a loophole. So they didn't blow it up, but they destroyed all the water, which basically killed the planet, pretty much. Then we had to eventually go to Earth, and then that's where like the higher density being stepped in. And you know, the war that is in the writings of the Hindus and stuff like that, of the war, the gods and all that stuff, you know, that's when all that happened. That's where that comes from. It's all. Yeah. It was like higher, higher density, like ETS were actually helping us in that war. Yeah. So did he mention anything about higher density ETS helping us through this time? Oh yeah. Like, like I said, I worked with the that the Arcturians were called. I remember they had the deep sapphire blue skins that they helped us a lot. The people with the real deep skin, they had black eyes and their pupils looked almost like like blue galaxies, like swirling galaxies. Really? I mean, we've heard that that seems to be a theme lately by Arcturians helping with the clean up. They seem to be very involved. Right. One of the most if not the most involved race with our planet right now. I believe they're nice. Yeah. I believe they're like night density beings. Yeah. Really. So what was your involvement with Arcturians that you have a memory of them? I just remember them helping us. And I remember, I remember saying that you're taking too long. Like we need your help now and you're taking too long. And I was kind of frustrated. And real high density beings, they can do this kind of thing where they can appear as you. In front of you, like all of a sudden it looked like me. And it kind of like showed me the way I was acting. And I was acting like pouty and kind of childish. And like mocking me to my face. Like, you know, you're not you're taking too long. Why are you doing this? You're not moving fast enough. And you know, they said that, you know, they just have a way of, you know, seeing what we can't. So if it appears that things that are taking too long, and it appears that things are cruel and harsh, but it's just the way it has to be because they can see, you know, many moves before us. So they know what to do. And you know, you know, am I seeing cruel and like it's taking too long? They're, you know, they're taking their time because they have to. And they see things that we can't. Yeah. Right. That makes a lot of sense because, you know, there's a lot of people who like to complain and get very frustrated when things we seem to be making no progress at all actually seems like we're going backwards. But these moves are taking place behind the scenes. Like we don't have like the capacity to see what's going on. And I think things moves are taking place in possibly other dimensions. And obviously the important stuff we're not going to know about like the fake Chinese CIA spy balloon, that whole false flag propaganda, whatever. Like that's like if that was a real threat, we would never be allowed to know about it or see about or hear about it. Right. And they wouldn't have made, they wouldn't have made such a stink about it. So the real moves we don't hear about. Yeah. Well, I mean, the whole thing as far as what we can see with social media, it looks like they're going to get put on trial pretty soon. It looked like I don't know. I mean, I'm not wondering about it. But you know, they were, was it Twitter or Google or whatever that they're getting charged because doctors were trying to say that this, you know, this pandemic or whatever really wasn't as bad as everybody was saying, you know, people from Harvard and stuff, doctors from Harvard were trying to say that. And they were like canceling their accounts and things like that for, you know, yeah. And so these people are going on trial now as the trials will be gone yet. But you know, they're just the depositions. They call them. They need arguments. You need to be there. I mean, the crimes, the crimes against humanity just over the last few years alone are astounding. Like it's unbelievable. So there needs to be some justice and accountability here. Otherwise, what are we doing, you know, right? Exactly. Like you said earlier, like the one, the people trying to fight back are the ones that get arrested. Like we're trying to, like if you defend yourself in your home, you get arrested exactly. It's like the people who see the truth. And like are the enemy are the enemy of the system because the criminals are running the show. Right. That's why when anytime you try and out somebody, when you see them, when they're found out, and they immediately spin it around, like you're the enemy. I mean, we see that happen all the time. Yep. So because they know that we're the actual threat. You're a threat to their narrative and their ego and their, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they are the Satanist. You know, they are that negative, you know, the negative side of our world. I mean, that's what they are. You know, that's what that is. As far as what I was explaining about, you know, which is which. And he told me, yeah, when he told me this, he said, like the state has had the power. He said that's going to shift. And then it's going to become more of a positive side of earth. We'll have the power after that. And then, yeah, that's when he went on about, you know, he told me about Russia and he told me about the thousand years of peace and beyond. And he said that Russia would become the next world power for the thousand years of peace and beyond. And he said that they couldn't decide who would become the next world power. They almost got into a war over that. And he said that, uh, basically they brought it down to whoever has the most natural resources because we're going to, you know, natural resource. That's why Gene Dico just said on our recent episode, he said it was going to come down to Russia simply based on the resources. Yeah. Yeah. So that's how he did it. And he told me that, yeah, he said that, you know, the Slavic nation, like the Eastern European will go to Russia. He said, because there he says it and it's not, you know, it starts the Ukraine, but then it happens more peacefully after that. Because they want to protect the Slavic people is what he said. And then he said Alaska is going back to Russia. And I said, uh, well, you know, the war is like, no, we just give it back. And I said, why does it belong to them? And I said, I said, well, the people of Alaska, well, they have to, well, they, you know, be kicked out or where they lose their property or their land. And he said, no. And I said, so they'll just have to learn how to become bilingual. And he said, yet. And so it just kind of seems like a peaceful thing. But it's just, you know, Alaska's going to go back to Russia. Yeah, that's really interesting. I just watched a video about someone explaining how Alaska became Alaska and how it's technically part of Russia. And it doesn't make any sense, obviously, that it's even part of the United States. So that's really interesting. I mean, because these invisible borders make no sense at all. And when you start looking at a map, you're like, how, who decided this, you know, what actually happened? Like, it wasn't even done by war. Yeah, maybe some wars and battles were fought to establish borders, but someone was pulling the strings. And it's like you do something in one country and it's completely okay. You, you walk over an invisible line and suddenly you can get arrested or it's like, like, completely different. Like, like what happened to me, I was even states. Right. It's like that. I was on my cell phone and I drove across to Missouri, Illinois border and I got pulled over because I was on my phone. I didn't even know that this was a few years ago. I didn't know they made it a law. I'm like, okay, so 10 feet back, it's legal for me to be on my phone. If I'm, if I'm right there, it's completely okay, but I'm right here and it's ridiculous. Makes sense. Wow. So is there anything else that you can remember or was that about it? About what he told me like personally? I mean, that was about it. I mean, he went on about, you know, the gold and the, you know, the, he told me that we were the ancestors of the Atlantians and he told me that once they uncover all the, they have all this, you know, the, the library of Alexandria, he said that before they burned it down, they grabbed all the scrolls and everything and all the books from it and they put it in the catacombs of the Vatican. He told me that once, you know, all of this is released, everything happens. We'll be told that everything that we've been taught like our, as far as our history has been inverted, you know, it is wrong and, you know, evolution is nonsense kind of like what he said. And he said, yeah, there'll be enough gold. He said there was a centillion of gold and dollars, enough to make everybody on earth a hundred millionaire. And he said, I said, well, everybody become a hundred millionaire. And he said, no, he said nobody would work. He said, well, you know, our economy will just be, you know, he's having to talk about how great it's going to be like, you'll be able to pay off a car at six months, a brand new car, you'll be able to pay off a house for three or four years, you know, and you won't have to worry. Everybody will take nice vacations. But he also said, everybody's going to have to work. Because I asked that too. I said, well, you know, you have all these people from other, you know, countries that doing the manual labor jobs that we don't want to do. And he's like, yeah, he's like, every got the work. But he said, everybody's going to have a really good like pay. And he said, and things like, you know, mental disorders or physical disorders that will all be cured by medbeds and things like that. So people who, you know, have our orphobes and stuff like that feel as though they can't leave their home and things like that. That could be all fixed with the medbeds. And people who are, you know, quadriplegics and things like that, that all we've always fixed by medbeds. So everybody's going to work, you know, and we're going to have like a really, really long and really, like our Jewish kind of like, we're going to have to tear up all of our infrastructure and make a brand new structure. And that's going to be like a huge part of what we're going to be doing coming up in the next, you know. And that makes the most sense because that's what my argument has been this whole time. It's like, like, even if we got, if we received all this technology, like we have no info, we do not have the infrastructure for it. Yeah, it's nothing set up for what we want and what people are begging for and demanding for. So I can see that being a reality like that has to be the first thing. And it's going to be hard for people to grasp, I think, because I was thinking about it, you know, we're so used to cars and travel and roads and everything. And like, the older generations get pissed. Some people don't like change. And I see that happening a lot. So we have to like be willing to like let go of what we knew to be our reality because there has to be a transition period. Yeah. So that's what people a lot of people want this like immediate, all disclosure, everything all at once. Well, that's that would do more harm than good. You need to understand, like there has to be some kind of a transition period. And it does. But that being said, it can't be hundreds and hundreds of years, like some people seem to think. I doubt that. You know, it's going to be quick, but it needs there needs to be like some kind of a transition court phase. And he said that we're going to keep like corporations like Amazon and stuff. He's like, they'll be out of business, but we'll keep the name. He's like, because we need to infrastructure. We need the roads. We need your trucks. We need all that stuff. So, we're going to keep the name and stuff like that. But you know, the businesses might be out of business, the CEOs and stuff, they might have an executed or sent to prison or whatever like that. He's like, well, we're going to keep, you know, we need to keep all the infrastructure, everything they have already built to set up this new world that we're going to be in. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah, I'd be they have to utilize some of it. And a lot of our like aircraft and stuff will be retrofitted with new technology, I think, until it's finally obsolete until like, it's no longer plain as we recognize it, but we're using a more advanced craft. So, it's going to look, it's going to be awkward for a while, probably. And you're, it's going to be like, we see in some, like even Star Wars, like you see super advanced technology, then someone's driving on this old rickety craft. It's like, like anti gravity, but it still almost looks like a car. You know, so I feel like it's going to eventually look like that. I don't know. Yeah, probably. Yeah, like, he said it's going to be hard, you know, it's going to be difficult. It's not going to, a lot of people see this thing, you know, I've heard a lot of people just say it's kind of like, oof, but you know, it's not going to be like that. It's going to be a lot of work, it's going to be very difficult. But he said, yeah, he's like, even though you are, it's a difficult job and you're working and stuff like that. The way he explained it is this, you know, the work work hours are going to be different, work week's going to be different, you know, and it's just, like I said, everybody's going to be able to take like great vacations. Everybody's going to take like six weeks, you know, and just be like, you're going to have two weeks vacation every year, you know, because it's the nine to five, the way it's designed right now is a it's like a slave system. It's designed to be that way and to suck the life out of you. And it's so if so, if the whole system's being changed, you know, all the suppression's going away, of course, that's going to change too. And of course, money's going to change. And the quality of life, like your describing, it's going to immediately go up a lot for the whole planet. Right. And that's what needs to happen. And they decided a long time ago that the eight hour, they decided on the eight hour work day, because studies were done. And after eight hours, they noticed an employee would become less efficient. So but now we have people working 10, 12, 14, 16 hour shifts. And that's literally sucking a life force out of you. And then a portion of that money, you don't even get it goes into your retirement. So it's a trick. They keep you working for the end of your life. So then you can enjoy it and even then you don't get to enjoy your life, because by then they're taxing it and things have been taken away from you. And so it's all designed to like keep you just spinning your wheels, you know, spinning your feet in a mud. And that's something else he said that, you know, I asked him, well, there'll be a Jubilee. I asked that. And he said, no, he's like, but you'll get back the money that you were taxed. He's like, you'll just get it all back. He's stolen from you. Yeah, all this money that was taken in, yeah, and usury and tax, you know, making money from nothing and, you know, you know, making wealth from nothing and taxation and all that stuff, it's going to be no more. And they're going to have, you know, all these, you know, people who are retired and stuff like that, you know, you got some people who are retired, they have to buy, you know, cat food, cans of cat food to survive. These people are just going to be giving money, boom, all at once, you know, who are retirement agent, things like that, because they're just, they're going to be getting back all that money they were taxed or entire life. So, you know, it was all kept on record and stuff like that. So everything's going to be given back to people all at once. And it's going to be a way, you know, just pay off all your debts and make everything a lot easier and things like that. Yeah, taxes are like, to happen. Taxes sicken me. It's the, like, it literally is the hardest thing for me to do to see that tax form and file my taxes and pay those taxes when I know what it is. Like, it is, it goes against everything. Every fiber of my being knows that it's wrong. And yet I still have to do it. And like, if you, I have to sleep, people are going to say, no, you don't have to, but, okay, try not paying your taxes. You'll go to jail. So you're forced at a point. Well, like, in Missouri, you can't even get a driver's license unless you show proof that you paid your taxes. So right. Right. So you can't survive in the system without, right. You can survive maybe off grid if you don't go far. But good luck. You know, you're, it's basically forced by violence. It's theft. And then, and then to make it a million times worse, once we know what that money is supporting, it's, it's horrific. Right. We're forced to support that. So right. Yeah, this needs to happen. It can't, it can't happen soon enough. But at the same time, I know it's a, it's a process and a transition to that. So it seems like everything that they did that happened on the timeline, one, the first timeline you're talking about with Hillary getting into office and all that stuff, it didn't go according to plan. Obviously, we switched timelines or however that looked, I don't quite understand it, but they're still trying everything that you explained happened in that timeline. They're still trying it all. But it's just not having the effect that it did because of the whole Trump and Q operation that threw a wrench in the gears, whether you like him or hate him, you can't deny the massive catalyst that that was. Which is why they're, they're in panic mode and trying to just throw out everything all at once because they're desperate to steer us in their direction still, you know. Yeah. Like you said, I mean, he even said that, you know, Trump's all right. He's like, but, you know, they'll put all your face in Trump. You know, it's us. It's the military. And it's not just the military. It's us as the people too. You know, it's us that's doing, you know, you know, don't invest everything in the heroes. But yeah, like, yeah, he said it's like, we're doing it. The military is like, those are the people that are behind it. Right. And the United States, it's like all around the world, like India, China, Russia, like all these people, all these militarys are fed up. They're done with it. They're not kind of protected anymore. They're not going to fight for me. He said, it's a coup. He's like, that's what's happening right now at the military, too. Like they're not not working for them. So it's amazing. It's not going to look the public's public unaware of it. Like the masses are going to be completely unaware of a lot of the stuff that's taking place. That's why we don't people get angry when they don't see the changes. But these moves are being made. And, you know, this information you're sharing, take it or leave it. Like, obviously, we can't validate this stuff. But what you were told in 2005, a lot of that stuff, if not everything you mentioned is manifested. It has manifested. It is happening. So we can't ignore everything. And we appreciate you sharing all that information because it gives us to think about it and it actually gives us hope. Like, you know, hey, this isn't all a loss, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Right. Well, thank you so much for joining us, Daryl, once again. Thank you so much. And sharing your information is, do you want to let people know how they can find you or? Well, I have a website, Daryl, all lower T D A R Y L Ds and Delta, And that has all my videos. I'm working on a book not done yet, but it's in the works. I'm excited about that for sure. Yeah. All right. Well, thank you so much, Daryl. This has been awesome. Some stuff I think you give us a lot to think about definitely guys. Thank you for tuning in. We love you all. Grab a ticket to our conference, come hang out with us. If you feel so inclined, we would love to see you there. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're very looking forward to it. Live stream tickets are available. If you can't make it for $99 journey to truth And day passes are actually going to be made available on April 1. So if you're a local or you can't stay the whole time, day passes will be available for $88. So stay tuned for that. And until next time, guys, have a great evening. We love you. Good night. Good night, guys. There was a CIA director named William Colby who in the 1980s said, we'll know our disinformation campaigns are successful when everything the American people believe is fake. When we realize how powerful we are when we set our intentions and we realize that we aren't just this, we are just these multi-dimensional light beings. And time is an illusion. And you know, it's everything's a perception. Then you can go forward and backwards and embody it and just pop out and go and do this work. You can do amazing things when we set the right intentions to do it. And I said, this is us on this plane. You know, that's what this is. We're going to the moon. And you say, this thing is a lot older than you think it is. We've been going to the moon a long time. But I wrote on it. I knew that we went to the moon. And so I always knew there was a base on the moon from a young age. And our DNA is a complex recording system of the history of the entire universe, the history of everything, not just this timeline that we know, but multiple timelines of reality. There are a total of like different categories of planets in the universe. We people on earth, we are living on category one planet like elementary school students. And the Theobans, they're living on category nine planet like college professors. So they have been really guiding us throughout history. To help them let us know that this facility under the Sandia Mountain is considered an information station for interstellar travelers coming to the planet. They tell us that their facility was retrofitted into the ancient tunnel system that already existed. And as far as the bending of space time continuum, I've had something like that happen. And what seemed like about a five minute encounter has been four and a half hours of missing time. And I was completely conscious. And what are you dealing with a type three, type four, type five civilizations that can work with the different coexisting timelines? All bets are off. You know, every time we have Bigfoot activity out there, we're having ETs and orbs and stuff like that. We have a lot of the stuff documented. As a matter of fact, I'm a member of three different teams, and I work with people from all over the country out in the field. And we actually have documented a portal, something that we consider to be a portal opening. And we sent two of our team members inside of it and it disappeared and then came back out. I would suggest that we take it one step further and say humanity has never known who we are. We've always been in the fucking full matrix. And one step further, perhaps we could say that we're in a conscious, consciously controlled state of hypnosis. In other words, are the thought control matrix creators constantly bombarding us with frequencies that keep us from being telepathic, that keep us from remembering who we are, the thought control matrix was set up. And we have never known our potential, our power, our beauty, our incredible connection. It makes no sense at all. There is no reason for it, other than the programming that we've received for generations, because it's all about order. It's all about listen to listen to your elders, listen to the teachers, listen to the adults, listen, listen, listen. And what that does is it dims the light of the child and it makes them feel like they don't have a voice. And why that's designed that way by the dark side and that's in the system is so that they grow up and they just listen to and they do what they're told and they're good little boys and good little girls and they lose their sense of self. They lose their north, their true north. So many adults are walking around in this world. They don't know who they are. So the planet itself is now beginning to split. It's beginning to divide again into a higher vibrational earth and a lower vibrational earth. And the race of man is dividing with it. And we're becoming less and less aware of one another. And over time, what will happen and how long this will be? One world will have all higher vibrational beings on it and the other one will all be third dimensional beings and we will not perceive each other anymore. 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