Journey to Truth

Blast From the Past! Highlights From the Early Days

Highlights from some of our earliest episodes :)
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12 Jul 2024
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With Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine. But we're just going to circle up here a while and get Lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling Lucky? No purchase necessary. BG, WGRA, void were prohibited by law. 18+ Terms and Conditions apply. [Music] [Music] It's still good for some people that are, you know, intro awakening. Dr. Gerudo was the same thing for me. He was very influential and pivotal for my initial awakening. And then I started to kind of question his motives and his agenda and what he represented. And I still don't even totally know how I feel about him. But I am grateful for the information he has presented. Everything that Greer kind of talks about along the lines of the unacknowledged programs and the black programs were really the beginning of my awakening. Like my spiritual awakening came secondary. I was studying aerospace engineering at Cal Poly in San Luis Vispo. And it was through that that I started to wake up to the deeper black projects that were going on. And one of the things that really was initially like alarming to me was there was a teacher at the school who was the, he was considered the father of the F-22, which is the most successful fighter jet in history, officially, you know, in the mainstream. And he was the father of the F-22. He was like the design manager and like did everything behind it. And he worked at Skunk Works and he was the project manager for like tons and tons of projects at Skunk Works. And so he was officially retired from Skunk Works and he was still working as a contractor for them, but working for the university. And he had like he was given models by Lockheed. And if you don't know Skunk Works is the advanced aerospace department of Lockheed Martin, which is a big aerospace contractor. Skunk Works is where all the like high tech stuff is actually developed. And even that is kind of a smokescreen. But he was in charge of several black projects. And so he would receive models of the different projects he was in charge of. And for ones that were declassified, they were like the actual plane. But for the other ones, there were still several projects from like the 1970s that were still classified. And they basically gave him like a black rock to symbolize those black projects. So he had like five black rocks on his desk. And it was then that I was like, wow, like if there are projects from the 1970s, 80s that are still classified. Like that tech is still a dominant type of advanced tech, then there's some truth that's not being shared here and there's something more going on. What does that tell you? And then on top of that, he would show videos of the Aurora program, like kind of conspiracy YouTube videos. He would show them in his classroom and kind of chuckle and make like hints that he helped develop that. And I was like, oh man, but like everybody else that just kind of went over their head, they just thought it was funny. And I was like, yo, there's some real shit going on here. Like in retrospect, I know that my vibration, like the song of my being, if you will, it changed so dramatically. That like everything I was doing and even the people I was hanging out with, the job I had, like everything that I was doing before that moment, like became irrelevant. And it was like oil and water, like it like wouldn't stick on me anymore. I left everything because it was just completely irrelevant, you know, that's how it was supposed to happen for me. You know, because then I knew nobody was telling me like, oh, you should believe this or believe that. Like once I knew some things, I could never look back, you know, because it was just so, it was crazy. Like I guess the best way I can say it is, like I went my whole life being kind of skeptical. Like even of the church and, you know, skeptical of what I was being taught from school and skeptical of what I was being taught by my parents. And then when I had that awakening, like I knew it was, I knew it was true. I think it was maybe the first thing in my entire life that I knew for sure was true. Of course, the universe is full of life. Of course, there's intelligent beings who are already here and are watching everything and they're just like blown up. Of course, like it just like all clicked into place. I was walking through Barnes and Noble and this has never happened before since, and this book like fell off the shelf. Like I had to get it and it was called Atlantis Rising and it's by this woman Patricia Corey. And it was just so seemingly random, but now I know nothing's random. But so this book like fell off the shelf and I got it and I started reading it. It's all it's like these six dimensional beings from the serious star system channeled through this woman. Patricia Corey, like talking about like in great, great detail, like all the different cycles of humanity and like Atlantis and like the rise and fall of Atlantis and its different cycles. And I was starting to get like vivid memories of like my experience there and I was just like so overwhelmed. But and then I found Abraham Hicks, like I said, and I brought all the I brought these teachings with me to the Tibetan Buddhist place and then I was like soaking in their energy for six months. And so that was the beginning of my awakening. The only thing I really kept with me over all these years was Abraham Hicks because it felt like just gold like it felt like this wisdom. So many things I hear are just like, you know, it may be relevant for the moment. But but I'm really I'm really into like the lasting the golden knowledge, you know, that stuff that is going to apply like throughout time and space, you know, I want to learn that stuff that like I can go off into another solar system and it's still applicable. At the very least, there's massive, extremely advanced projects that are existing right now and have for decades. I was blown away when I heard William Tompkins, just from the fact that I hundred million percent knew that he was legitimate. And furthermore, he claims that he is that the Navy is is vouching for him and condoning that he was coming forward, which is really fascinating. He didn't just go rogue like he was literally asking like, is this okay? Can I say this? And they're saying, yeah, it's time. Like he said that his Navy League contact because he was the head of the Navy League in Medford, Oregon for like a long time. So he's super, super ingrained in these projects. And he said recently that before he passed, he said that they they told him like, tell your whole story. Like, don't leave anything out. Go for it. To me, it is the most airtight testimony that has ever come out. And it is the most revealing and expansive. It's like perfectly perfectly with William Tompkins, who said the Navy was and the US intelligence was working with certain extraterrestrials, you know, like you could say the Nordics or whatever. And then the Nazis, the Nazis were working with reptilians and in the book, it eludes to them working with reptilians. It doesn't say, it says everything but that. And it also leads to insectoid beings. It's like really, really, really strong. Like over and over and over again, they reference insectoid swarm. And they say the word swarm like probably 500 times in that book, how all the negative extraterrestrials are this hive mind type of swarm type of entities. And they talk about these like super national organizations that are creating their own secret space program and they're like influencing politics and just super powerful infinite money at the very end of the first book. The CIA guy, one of the CIA guy takes one of the main characters who's this pilot who flies these unconventional crap. They take him down to this underground base. They put him on a railway tram and underground railway tram. And he goes to the secret location. And he sits down at a table with the CIA guy. And the CIA guy basically says, the Greek gods were real. They were extraterrestrials. We have some of their technology and they never left. If this is what the deep state is saying. Can you imagine how far along this disclosure path we already are? If this is what the controlled narrative is saying, they're saying extraterrestrials are real. They're all throughout our history. In the beginning of the second book, they literally say that language, like language on earth, came from extraterrestrials. Like language itself was seeded from extraterrestrial. This is from the deep state through the middle. And I always sound kind of dry and dusty, but they're really like the big grandfangs because as far as philosophy is concerned, that's basically how you use your own consciousness to make sense of reality. And psychology is like the mechanics of your beingness. And then law is the fundamental rules that make up existence itself. So if you think about life like a video game, the way that the video game is set up, that's where the law comes in, like all the things you can and can't do. Your psychology is like, well, how is the character set up? What skills does it have? And then psychology or philosophy is you actually using all of that in real time to do things. So when I made contact with those three big branches, I started to realize, yeah, actually everything does relate to itself. And if I can speak to these three subjects really clearly, and I can give people tools not only to discern whether or not the information there, understanding is true and accurate, but then how to use it in their lives and how to not be dogmatic with it. So one of the things I really try to emphasize is discernment because in my time in the awakening community, which I've been involved at publicly since 2013, I've noticed there's a lot of people holding what I call flags of truth, you know, this is my truth. You have to believe it. Maybe there's another person who's got another truth that doesn't really drive the same, but they want you to believe it. And I realize that there was a lot of people who a lot of great information, but not a lot of like deep rich understanding, because ultimately from a philosophic standpoint from like what's called ontology or the study of being this. The truth is one. There's only one truth. But we all have different perspectives on that truth, which means that if we can work and figure out how to weave our perspectives together, then we can unite as a people to not only make our lives better but free ourselves in this tyrannical control system that we have researching. I'm researching male and female dynamics and how the cabal used divide and conquer divide and conquer tactics to separate men and women and destroy the human family and consciousness itself. I'm also researching what I'm calling kind of like the, the spiritual mechanism or blueprint that allows the creators essence and plan to actually flesh itself out inside the creation through psychology and how that works in your actual body, which is really fascinating because once you understand the kind of spiritual psychology, what I call spiritual psychology, all of your other human motivations start to make sense. And one of the control mechanisms of the cabal uses against us is to make it so that we don't know who we are. We don't know our nature. We don't know where we come from. We don't know what the universe is. And because of that, we don't really know our identity. I mean, if you don't know what your identity is, if you don't know where you're coming from, what you want to do, who you are and where you're going. It's very easy for you to be manipulated and let us stray. And we're basically living in a world where humanity has forgotten itself. And because of that, we're all kind of blindly walking off a cliff together in a collective sense, not everybody individually, but in a collective sense. You got to realize that the deep state or the cabal, these guys are ancient psychologists. These guys have been studying human nature for all of human history. And arguably, they inherited a whole lot of information from exeterrestrials or extra dimensional beings and things like this. So these guys know you better than you know yourself. And if you think you can live a happy, productive life without gaining self knowledge, you're dreaming. I'm sorry, you know, you got to know what you're doing. You have to know how your body works. You have to understand how your consciousness works. And when you do that, you can be a little intimidating because at first, you know, the things that we're sold from society in is to, we want to live like a kind of hedonistic lifestyle where it's all about pleasure and fun and, you know, we don't have to worry about our problems. We can just mask over them. You can just take a pill. You can go see a movie and you can drink a beer, whatever it is, the thing that's going to make you escape from your problems. But in reality, in your efforts to escape from one slaughterhouse, you're moving right into another one without even being aware of it. You know, the reason people wake up at all, is because the maps of knowledge or the beliefs that they're using to organize their reality break down at some level. And as soon as that breakdown happens, your way your psychology works is you go into kind of a crisis mode. And it feels usually feels really intense. You get a lot of anxiety, you can cause sometimes paranoia or anxiety attacks. And what's happening is you're going to like a hyper state of awareness because your brain or your consciousness, which is itself guided by spiritual and a spiritual being or plan, is looking to get more information. So, you know, from a kind of a grand perspective from a, what is the spiritual, the spirits trying to do to the flesh or to the body and the mind to allow evolution to take place. We have a whole body designed to be receptive to information. And we evolve through information, we evolve through exploring ideas spiritually. So when you have a belief system, and this is one of the things that Kaval really tries to do, they want to get you to believe things, but they don't want you to understand why you believe them. Exactly. And once you do that, you identify with it, it becomes a part of your identity. And now some other belief comes in that counters that your natural reaction, your animalistic reaction is to be like, no, no, no, that's correct. There's a reason they spent so much time trying to make history or the people who lived in the past seem like antiquated cavemen, you know, people didn't know any better kind of thing. And don't get me wrong, obviously we've made advances over the years. But to say that wisdom that was working, you know, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 5000 years ago, just useless. That's just not true, you know, it's just not the way reality works. Well, yeah, this is one of the reasons they've systematically tried to control spirituality is a pretty general term for it, but I would say that the hidden definition of religion is your personal experience in exploring the divine and then in turn yourself. So it has to be a personal experience. If you go to a major religion, you're going to see the same kind of ideas, but they're prepackaged. It's like walking into like a quickie mart instead of, you know, making the food yourself or something like that. From a spiritual evolution perspective, you don't evolve by memorizing intellectual bland dead intellectual facts. You evolve by contemplating this stuff and integrating it and studying it and asking yourself, what does this mean? And then in the act of studying what it means, it actually creates these deeper structures in your consciousness that literally change who you think you are in relation to all that is. So it's one of the big things, the reasons why religion has been so in charge of trying to control what people think of the universes and what their relationship to it is because of people organically started doing that. Then they would start to develop a lot of empowerment and some of the, I guess you could say the better spiritual circles out there. I mean, even in the, I would say, to contextualize this properly, in the modern era, we have this explosion of different types of spirituality. We have new ageism, we have hermeticism, we have, you know, the Bolvoski kind of new ageism. We've got like the, what's the law of attraction type of new age. And a lot of these, they sound really good on the surface, and they do have a lot of good things in them, but it's just the same model of believe this don't think too hard, you know what I mean, just blindly keep following this thing. It's a perfect example of using these, the fear of social ostratization, the fear of being cast out of your social group, as a way a manipulation tool to get you to slip into a false belief system and it works beautifully. It works flawlessly. I mean, we were talking about this off, you know, before we're getting on here in that you got to really give respect to the cabal. And, you know, in this instance, I mean, they're playing people like Fiddles, most people are just buying it with hook line and sinker, especially in the awakening community, a ton of people in the awakening community are buying it with. So, you know, this is one of the things that, you know, just to get on my soapbox here for a second, this is why I really preach discernment because discernment is so vitally important. It's so easy to be led astray in life, and if you're not careful, you're driving off a cliff and you're taking a whole bunch of people behind you because you've strong arguments believing what you think is the right thing, but you don't even know yourself. So it's really, really got to take the time to do discernment, be brave, go into your own belief system and say, how do I really know is this true and be honest with yourself, if you don't have a good answer, then try to deal with that and process that. It's going to be a hard thing. It's definitely one of these moments where you go from being an infant mentally to being an adult. Once you do that, man, the rest of your life just opens up in a big, amazing way. I've just had weird experiences really all my life. My first memory is of me being astral projected, watching my mom push me through a parking lot, like a grocery store parking lot, while I'm just watching her and myself sleeping in a stroller. I got older and learned what astral projection was. Other than that, it was just this weird memory I had that I didn't really have much of an explanation for. I've got a number of those. When I was six months old, I was given vaccinations and within 24 hours my body was completely paralyzed. My mom brought me back to the hospital and they had already erased my hospital records and they told her, sorry, your child has never been here before. They proceeded to tell her that I was just lazy, that there was nothing wrong with me. Yeah, which doesn't make sense at all. Because one more doctor after that told her that and then she went fine to some sane people and they slapped something else on me post file lumbar malopathy, which is basically damage to the lower spine from a viral infection caused by the vaccinations, which made my own body attack itself. And so that left me with nervous system damage, which I'm still working to heal literally every day of our lives, probably, you know, on an hourly basis, we get cancer in our bodies because all cancer really is is a disease that has mutated and it's no longer functioning in the normal right as the cells should. And so it, it's just freaking havoc and the body knows how to shut those cells down. So cell mutates it shuts it down that cell dies all as well again, literally just the intake of oxygen is degrading our cells, and it's going to be a moment by moment. And your body is natural antioxidants that restore it back to health because these free radicals. What a free radical is and it is a reactive oxygen species. So it's literally just an uncontrolled unstable oxygen molecule in your cell that's going around stealing electrons from where they're needed and wreaking havoc. And so if your body is in proper order, we are designed to heal pretty much anything. And that's what it does on a daily basis. We'll get cancer and we're healed from it. We are the cure to cancer. So it's really not about healing something. It's about returning to harmony so that your body will heal itself because it already knows what to do. You have to think it out. And fasting can do a lot for you too because our bodies are so used to just constantly being bombarded by junk that just giving it a break can have a whole lot of healing effects because it just leaves us with our body, which already knows what to do. I have a friend who is a Vietnam war vet, and he had a above top secret cryptocurrency clearance in the military and the air force and during his time at Malestrum Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, he actually, he saw Bigfoot. It wasn't connected to his, you know, service, but it was during his time in military while he was out adventuring around Montana, seeing the sites as he did every Saturday with his military friend. And they were driving along this frocky, craggy area and he said they came to the spot were up on a hill. They saw something really large digging in the dirt. And it looked like it was just, you know, scratching at some rocks and they stop and are staring at it and as they're staring at it, it stands up to its full height and shouts and, you know, does that typical. It's really funny to hear this, you know, 67 year old man give his Sasquatch call, what he said, like, and he tells me that it then it ran down this hill, like full sprint and came right up to their car and posted its hands up on the hood and peered into the window. How to have fun, anytime, anywhere, step one, go to Chumba, Chumba, got it. Step two, collect your welcome bonus. Come to top of welcome bonus. Step three, play hundreds of casino style games for free. That's a lot of games, all for free. Step four, unleash your excitement. Chumba Casino has been delivering thrills for over a decade, so claim your free welcome bonus now and live the Chumba Life. Visit Chumba He said that he was looking at this Sasquatch in the eyes and he said it had soft brown and super intelligent eyes. He could just see how incredibly intelligent it was and he said as he was looking into his, into her eyes, that he knew that she didn't want to hurt him. And he said that she had breasts and that they were lactating and so he was a mama Sasquatch and that she had some young somewhere around there. And after, you know, looking him in the eye for several seconds, she turns off and runs. And he was like, his friend is like, did you see that? Yeah, I saw that. And they get out and he said he put his big military boots into this, one of the footprints right there in front of his car. And he said it just swallowed his foot up like a footprint like this big that just follows your military boot. My friend's story too because he told us that after he got out and was checking out the footprints that they finally gained the courage to go search for her. And they didn't know where she could have gone because it was just, you know, this rocky area with, you know, not much to hide behind. And the direction she ran, he said didn't have any obvious hiding spots and so they were just baffled as to where she went. Right out of sight and then blinked. I've discovered that the same reason that they think that vaccines are causing autism, like I've read through what they say is causing that. And it's literally exactly what the doctors told me happened to my spine. So in the case of autism, what happened to me where it makes your body attack itself happens in the brain for autism. But for me, it happened in my spine. So it gave me nervous system damage instead of more brain centered neurological damage, post viral lumbar malopathy. Okay, and then they say is post viral lumbar malopathy, turn Guillain Bray and Guillain Bray syndrome is one that people have a little bit more familiarity with. And that's basically the rename version of polio. Now, there's just push that, you know, we all see this push like anything in a VEX related to being suppressed, take it off time. You know, heard a story last week, Karen Mooney was on and she said one of her friends had the feds after after him for diving into some anti VEX stuff online. It's getting out of hand and it really is. And then you have personal experiences as yourself coming forward, living the reality of it. And yeah, and I've heard people say, like, that they are okay with some kids getting injured by this, because they are that convinced that it will create this herd immunity, where, you know, even the ones who can't get vaccinated will. You know, be safe because they have heard immunity now, which is even though that their vaccine, which is a complete human. Yeah, it's almost always get sick immediately after your vaccinations. People are programmed with this false superiority. And they really think that the science behind all this has been, you know, solid from the beginning when it's just not even remotely the case, like for instance, these quote unquote studies has actually in all these years of vaccination. Not one of them has compared vaccinated children with unvaccinated children, ones are actually healthier. They haven't done that. I just I don't know how anyone could expect someone like me who has been directly injured by vaccinations to just go along with mandatory vaccinations. You think I'm going to let my kids be vaccinated after I already know that my genetics as a predisposition for being, you know, harmed or maybe possibly targeted by these. Vaccinations. No, back when I first had my spiritual awakening back in 2015 when it really kicked in strong. I was just scooting around. I literally couldn't walk at all at the time, like my right leg couldn't support anyway, and I was just, you know, scooting across the ground and pulling myself up into my wheelchair to get around. And I had this shift that happened where I went from in a matter of really a week or two. I went from hardcore militant atheists to spending 80% of my time outside meditating and connecting with nature. It was a really big jump for me because I was, I was already on the fence because I've, you know, I've had so many weird experiences in my life. So I always believed in consciousness, and I always wanted to believe in, you know, like psychic abilities and whatnot, but I didn't want to let myself believe and get my hopes up, you know, for something that wasn't real. And so I held myself back and I cling pretty hard to my atheist mentality until finally enough things started adding up and it was, it was really the arrow kinesis bit like learning arrow kinesis and like tapping into my own she, that just blew it all open for me and like it was, it was, I could literally fill the massive shift in my reality like it was like I was no longer, it was like I woke up in a completely different world. I even have notes where I've written that, you know, like, I felt like I was in a parallel reality so much more became possible like that. And so I went from scooting around to actually being able to stand up and walk and take steps and about two and a half, three weeks time, because I started using Chi work on my body and started projecting that energy into my legs and just like kind of running my hands down and like just really filling that magnetism throughout every part of my body and pulsing healing and tension through that. And yeah, it was two, three week period of time that like there was no going back whatsoever. I call it a harmonization. And so you're just going out meditating on your oneness realizing that everything around you is just a reflecting a reflection of yourself and then connecting out with that and you literally start just feeling the energy and you really have to not take oneness for just, you know, some word, you've got to feel it. You've got to know that everything around you is a part of you. And you start branching your energy out and you just feel the wind going across your skin and you start playing with it. And this led to some pretty profound results pretty quickly, where I was, I was directing the wind and it was doing exactly what I wanted. I've demonstrated to a large number of people at this point. It was really funny whenever I demonstrated to my grandma, because I had made a video. And I had this 10 minute video and I show it to her. And the first thing my own grandma tells me is, well, how long did you have to sit outside to get that film. Like, you know, like I sat there for hours on end just to get this little piece of footage where, you know, look for several minutes like I was tuned in with the wind. I was like, well, thanks grandma, you know, if you won't even trust me like how is anyone else gonna see this video and trust it. And so I brought her outside is like, you know, let's just go outside. It's a good time of day for this. So brought outside is about 4pm in the evening. And like none of the none of the trees and her yard like she's got a big yard filled with trees. There are trees across the stand of trees across the street and nothing's really moving at all. There's there's no wind movement. And I point that out to her and I then start doing energy work tapping into surroundings. And within a minute, I've got, you know, the whole yard moving with air and the trees across the street. And I start blowing wind onto the front porch to so that, you know, it's giving my grandma a nice breeze and she's just sort of blown away. Like, she's like, whoa, you know, he's not just messing with me. I know without a doubt that everyone can do what I can do. And I think I think that's probably where my atheists and my atheism in the beginning helped me a lot, because I was already questioning everything. There was nothing I wouldn't question. And so I was liberated but also extremely confused at the same time until I found, you know, something to really start building what I thought was true out of. And I've actually got an experience that happened really early on that I'd like to share with the audience because that one, that one was a big shift for me because I had been, you know, doing a lot of research and whatnot about advanced technologies and, you know, government corruption and all that before I finally made the jump to, you know, doing air kinesis so I was already highly interested in government corruption and like, you know, taking my health into my own hands and eating all organic and I'd been reading quite a bit about it. At the time and I'd even started reading that textbook, that's out on anti gravity. So I was, I was outside doing air kinesis and I'd already been told, I'd been told by some people that I was learning from that I might see strange things, and that, you know, I shouldn't, shouldn't freak out if I do see anything like extremely weird. So I learned that basically the military has very advanced satellite imagery, and they can detect minor shifts and energy across all of the planet they can even detect our individual energies. I was outside in my backyard, and at the time, whenever I was learning this I was, I was living in a trailer park so as I was having to be very careful, constantly looking around to make sure no one was walking by while I'm sitting here playing with the wind and waving my hands all about. And I'm out there playing for a little while and I take a good 10 15 minute break and I'm just sitting there on the steps and join my time, and I look back and forth like I'm in the habit of doing, and something flips in me and I'm like wait a second. What I just say and I whip my head back leftward, and above my neighbor's trailer, a good 50 to 70 feet away from me, is this metal orb. It's just imagine as dark of a gray as you can without making it black, and just it looks like a super dense metal, and it had these engravings on it that like it had like an area engraved for the camera port. And then these other engravings that went all the way around it and kind of over the top as well. And it was all in like rather sharp, angular lines, and this thing had to be between eight inches and a foot in diameter, and it was just hovering there. And as I was looking back at it, it's in middle of turning on access it's not yet moving. So it was just sitting there watching me until I spotted it and then it starts just smoothly turning on an axis, like nothing I'd ever seen before, and just starts flying away silently. And there doesn't even seem to be much of a hurry to it, because I get to watch it for a good 10 to 15 seconds before it flies behind a stand of trees, and just kind of continues going out and upward. I was baffled. And I just, I just started cursing. I was like, holy eff and everything. And I got, I got super excited, and I still haven't ever seen another one of those orbs. And I just wonder, was that orb shown to me on purpose? Was it say absolutely. If it has electric ovidics and it also has the cloaking technology, you know, basically the same technology, because it just has to bring its mass down to zero. And then when your mass is zero in this dimension, you sort of blip out, because you're no longer connected to our vibratory, you know, field, it became pretty set on, like, filming something. And every time I would have a contact experience, my, I would be just too late to, like barely too late to pull my camera out and get it recorded, or I would be trying to record it and nothing would show up on the camera. And I got into Eric Kinesis, it was really a short order for me to start getting into CE5, and that's closing counters of the 5th kind. There's protocols. It was just one thing after another that was coming into my reality, and then I was proving it to myself, like, or it would manifest an experience that did prove it to me, like with the orb. There's like one thing after another coming into my reality that before wasn't a possibility, and now I accept it as a possibility, and I actively work towards bringing it into my reality, and I get confirmation. And so that just radically changed my life and CE5, I just highly recommend to anyone close encounters of the 5th kind means human initiated extraterrestrial contact, meaning you're the one who is taking the step to invite beings from all throughout the galaxy, your cosmos, or, you know, beyond your location. So, that y'all can have some sort of created experience together. There's sometimes, like, Stephen Greer does a lot of the poojos and whatnot. I don't really do any of that, but I'll listen to one of his meditations for it, and like if you're new to it, definitely start off listening to his meditations for it. But nowadays I just know the protocol, I might put on some of the tunes from his ET contact tool app, and that's a $7 app, but I really do highly recommend it. It's got a bunch of fabulous tools and like little tones that you can play that sort of attract you know that five because there's some recordings on there from crop circles and tones of that nature, like one of my first experiences was, because I didn't start CE5 until after it already seen that orb so I had, I had that experience under my belt when I started, and I started just putting out the intent that I wanted to have contact, you know, without the expectation to get, you know, some cool flashy show right before my eyes as I was asking for it. Yeah, and at the time had the habit of I was always waking up at five o'clock every morning and I'd go sit out under the stars and meditate. And I'd always, I was seeing orbs do weird aerial maneuvers pretty much every morning for a while there, but there came this one morning where I accidentally woke up at six and I was like, dang, you know, I was disappointed I'd missed my meditation under the stars. And I go outside immediately to let my dog out and I roll up to the steps and I look up and my eyes immediately are fixed on one of, you know, 12 stars that are left in the sky because the sun is coming up. And I watching this one star in particular, don't still can't tell you why I fixated on the star from the get go, but it starts moving. And it grows brighter and brighter and brighter until it's about, geez, it had to have been 10 to 15 times as bright as what it had originally started out as, and it was already one of the brightest stars in the sky. And it just, it grew really bright. And as it traveled like a quarter of the way across the sky. It got to its brightest point and then it just blinked out of existence I then saw this little gray blip and then it was gone. I was like, I might have woke up, you know, late tonight, but there's, there's my greetings. And we're in a time of like massive acceleration. And I think we can really see this, you know, the polarities or the duality getting to the extreme where people are either like really, really awakening or they're getting darker and darker and more and more set in their ways in refusal to like open up to the new energies coming in. So I mean, it's a reconfiguration. The thing is we're all getting these activations of this, you know, ether energy and what it does is it heals our DNA it purifies, you know, our internal elements. And in response, the earth is going to, you know, kind of respond to that and shift itself accordingly based on what we're able to carry. And so this threat of transhumanism and artificial intelligence, you know, is that timeline where we're not going to see those sort of improvements. Yeah, the Ascension energy is really like a purification, you know, that's that that fire, the fire water, you know, purifies. That's why we're seeing a global detox and we're seeing all the stuff come to the surface regarding deep state crimes against humanity, things like satanic ritual abuse, child trafficking, you know, all the different things that are controlling the entertainment industry, the music industry, you know, and it's really hard for a lot of people to, you know, process, but alchemy or, you know, this purification wouldn't be able to happen without understanding all this, because when we understand the energy is just like on the planet right now when we bring light to these dark agendas, and we bring it, you know, out of hiding. It doesn't hold as much power anymore. And so these unconscious aspects of self that are wreaking havoc on our bodies are creating symptoms. And then we can see the root of it and bring it to the surface. It loses its power because it's been set free because mostly pain and any kind of illness is something that we haven't been able to process that the body ends up taking over. You know, to sound the alarm, but what I feel is the medical industry sort of takes advantage of that. And we get almost further away from ourselves, versus becoming closer to ourselves. There are dark technologies that were put in the earth, you know, thousands of years ago to create reversals so that the bathroom at sort of satanic rulership would be what operates the world. And now that's, that's all coming to an end. There's aspects that show that it cannot continue to continue anymore. But the thing is, you know, if people don't align with what's organic and what's real, there's plenty of ways to trap a soul and steal their energy, even though they don't need to go that route. And so when people are just so stuck on the propaganda, the news and everything that's outside of them, it'd be really good for them to step back. Swim in some dolphins, go camping. Yeah, exactly. And so when Tiamat exploded, it fragmented, became the asteroid belts and so all of us has been somewhat fragmented. And what it's created is a vulnerability to be, you know, controlled, old or siphoned upon because when we're traumatized, we're not exactly whole. There's almost, you know, we're kind of shattered and there's fragments of ourselves. We hold ancient trauma that we're so unconscious to that we don't realize that a lot of how we operate as humans is coming from that, but still not having the awareness of it. So part of our emotional bodies are easily manipulated. We see that with, you know, women and, you know, the suppression of the feminine within men and the promotion of negative ego. So that's that Saturn energy wanting to create that programming in that imbalance between the masculine and feminine. And as long as we're fragmented and as long as we're unconscious, it's going to continue to play out. But when we dig deeper, it's not so much about understanding the galactic history. It's about understanding the detrimental effects of these cataclysms, these explosions have had on the balance and to just retrieve as many aspects as possible and embrace as much as yourself as possible. People tend to choose sides or choose to only operate from one aspect of self, and then they deny the rest. And it comes in the form of judgment of others and projections and criticisms. And I'm like, you're just battling yourself here. You know, why are you needing to go after that person? You're actually denying a part of you. You know, and so this is what we can do in unity consciousness is share these fragmented pieces because we all carry a different piece of it and really come together because then we can activate dormant stranded DNA just by coming together with each other, which I feel like these kind of events help do. Because, you know, we're not functioning at a lower level when we come together at events like Jones, you know, everybody's feeling better and like, I feel better. I call my dad and he asked how it was. I was like, to be honest, I don't even feel like I'm on earth this week. So when we look at the lead, when we look at the carbon, that's actually Saturn with the rings, but because Pluto being in the sign of Capricorn and Saturn being conjunct that in 2020. It's basically creating an alchemy with Saturn. So the lead and the carbon is actually changing on a planetary astrological level. And so as above so below when it comes to astrology, so this Pluto energy, which rules death, rebirth, alchemy and transformation, it's working with the energy of Saturn, which has been the lead. And it's the planet of alchemy. It's actually changing Saturn, which rules structure in medical astrology, it rules the skeletal system and the teeth and just the structure of being in a human vessel. So we have to walk gently, we have one foot in one world, we're moving into the other, but it's a huge alchemical shift on a physical level. And so if it's happening astrologically, we can just breathe into it and allow it without having to figure out how are we going to do it. We decided to take care of the vessel, make sure we're relaxed and calm and grounded, and it'll do it for us. But stuff is going to fly out, and I mean, just like a detox, if we're physically detoxing and drinking green juice or going on a fast, we're going to see things we don't really want to see. Old injuries might come back, things will get harder for a little while, but then we get to the side of it, more clarity than ever before. So people have to just be prepared to face these kind of symptoms, and if we can visualize the fact that it's taking us somewhere better instead of fearing it, you know, we'll glide right into this new paradigm, no problem in the ascension energies. I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stuart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at I chose french fries over loaded french fries. I asked Stuart from accounting about his weekend, even though I don't care. I updated my operating system without having to call tech support. Collect your free daily bonus at now. And live the jumbo life. BDW Group, no purchase necessary, void work prohibited by law in terms of conditions 18 plus.