Journey to Truth

Johan Fritz and Jodi Reynosa - Secret Space Conference - 5/2/22

Johan Fritz and Jodi Reynosa's presentation at the Secret Space Conference - 5/2/22
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Jodi and Will Nutter (aka Johan Fritz) are both involved in -
Energy work and Healing
Spiritual Development
Secret Space Program Disclosure 
Jodi and Will have served both together and apart within the SSPs. They both have separate and shared memories of the programs. 
They have a goal of bringing healing to the disclosure community and other communities that 1) need it and 2) want it. All too often we see on Facebook and other social media platforms people discussing screen memories, "their memories", or actual recalls. In many cases, they are either rehashing someone else's memories or rehashing their own trauma. This doesn't help the healing process. 
We want people to discuss what they have been through in a healthy healing and whole way. It's fine to discuss the events that have occurred. It's re-traumatizing when the individual doesn't heal from them.
On this site they provide numerous services to facilitate healing. 
They have the honor of working with clients around the world.

2h 16m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

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And it's a really beautiful story, and they both have an amazing individual testimony, so we hope you guys enjoy. Thank you. Good evening, everyone. Oregon Morning, good afternoon, good evening. I guess you're on the internet. As some of you may know, my name is William Nutter. I came out, I guess, what, a year ago? Two years ago with my full name, because of some things that were going on. And the name that I was going by before that was Johan Fritz. Some of you guys may see the videos I have done in the past. Tonight, I get the pleasure and honor of actually helping my wife, who's never publicly testified about her testimony. We both have a shared testimony, actually, which is unique. We are finding people who are having this happen as they work through their stuff, which is what we do in our business. They end up finding each other and reconnecting, that idea of reconnecting. You talked about love early, that feeling of heart space, right? We're helping people refine that. So, I get the pleasure and the honor of helping my wife do that tonight. So... Secondly, I want... Tell we're getting emotional up here because we can feel the love so much. I just have to say that when we had that meditation, I could see the centering rose. It was this beautiful gold rose and it was anchored to the center of the earth. And this beautiful golden light just encapsulated everybody. And it was just, it was absolutely gorgeous. And there was so much love radiating from you and from your heart space. So, thank you so, so much. And before we get started really quickly as well, I want to say something to the people in this room who have... You guys may know some of Jodi and I's struggles over the last couple of months. To those of you that have helped us, that have given us donations, that have tried to help us in different ways, there is no amount of thanks I can give you to thank you for what you've done. So, I'm telling you verbally, thank you. Jodi is saying thank you. We appreciate your support. We do because without you guys, we could not be doing this. It's tough doing what we do. Thank you so much. I absolutely echo that. So, I have to say, though, one of the things that I've also observed, Tyler and his dad, Jim, beautiful, beautiful connection. And it's such amazing and amazing, just honor to be here, but also to see that there's this connection that you support your son in this. Sadly, sadly, yes. [applause] Sadly, our families have absolutely pushed us away further than arm's distance because of the things that we believe in and the things that we are coming out and saying about the things like the SSP. And so, they've seen some of our videos and they've seen, you know, wills, before we were married, they saw Will's video and they were like, "No, we disapprove, absolutely." So, my dad recently said, "You are not allowed in any capacity to come to my house." And I was heartbroken. Then he made the comment, he said, "Because we don't want this drama in his house." So, do that math for a minute. That's not love, is it? No. So, it's been heartbreaking, but thank you all for your support. Thank you. And we are so honored to be here. So, as Will was saying, this is my first time actually coming out and sharing my testimony. And so, as Will was saying, we have this services with Jody and Will, this business together. And it's been such an amazing time to be able to do this with my husband now. And these are some of the really sweet things that some of our clients have said about me and that is just really, really sweet. And this is what I love about Maya Angelou. She says, you know, people may forget what you say, but they don't forget the way you make them feel. And I hope that you feel our love tonight and the fact that we so appreciate your support. So, my story is not a straight line. It is messy. And as Kelly Clarkson would say, it's a beautiful disaster. It's going to like zigzag everywhere. And, you know, put your seat belts on because you're probably going to go on a roller coaster, right? I talked to Will like before this. And there was probably a dozen times where I'm like, I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. I'm not going to do this. And I just toiled over this and especially where to start because there's so many, I mean, I could start from, you know, my younger years and everything that happened there. Or I could start from, you know, when the movie's starting, it's really dramatic. And you're at this one part and you're like, okay, well, I can start in my adult life. And while there was this time when, you know, I was at the Senate steps with Senator Ted Cruz. And he just like yelled at those, you know, scientists about global warming and that literally happened in D.C. And I was on the Senate steps and I was uploading, you know, what he was saying. And these two dudes with trench coats come and I could see them from my peripheral vision. And I was like, okay. And they were like, okay, I'll meet you at this spot. All right, we'll be there in 20 minutes. I was like, I don't know what possessed me to do this, but I was like, can I go? And they turn around. They're like, yeah, come on. They took me. I hit you not. They took me all over D.C. to like all these insider parties. I met all of these senators and representatives and we went to just before the Trump election and in retrospect, I'm like, this is interesting. We went to a party where the Russians happened to be there and they were basically having a celebration about this green business that they were establishing here in the United States. And I thought it was very interesting. And later that evening, one of the head honchos who was the CEO of this business, he happened to be the former director of the FSB. And he said, former director, let that sink in from it. They're never former. Right. So we went to this little after party and now my friend who was in the trench coat who I had just met, former DOD, or I should say, DOD. So we go and we're having like this breakfast at 2 a.m. And this guy says, you have a lot of spirit. You guys forgive my Russian accent, okay? And he was like, I could make you into a killer. And I'm like, what? Who is this guy? And I'm like, no, no, no, I don't know. And he literally was saying these things to me. Now fast forward. And I'm thinking, okay, did we know each other at some point? Did I work for him at some point in the SSP like in another dimension? So this is so crazy. So what I'm going to tell you a little bit here is quantum echoes, okay? In my 3D world, what I'm learning is there are things that are lining up with what's happening in SSP stuff that I'm finding out in my dreams, things that have come up with what, you know, will remembers in his recollections and recalls. And it's just, it's very interesting. But just to tell you a little bit, as you probably already either seen in our videos or what I'm kind of telling you about, I'm a former reporter and anchor, have worked for ABC CBS, Fox, all the networks. And I have always felt that I was planted in the media so that I could spread light in the swamp. I literally have been on the desk just before going live. And there have been things in the scripts that I did not like. And I'm like, I'm not saying that. And especially when it came to UAPs, UFOs, and they would downplay it like, ha, ha, ha, like that's such a joke. And I'm like, no, I'm not saying that. I would like change the script. So it would be in my mind appropriate. And what I believe the masses should know. And I would go on air like that. And guess what? My news director never said a word because he wasn't even watching. And so I feel like there are some people who are there who are white hats and they are, they have good intentions, and they want the masses to know these things. So I feel like I was planted for that reason. I was, when my news director at the time was pitching me to be at this particular station, my last stint was at the NBC in Eugene, Oregon, he said, you need to come on the station, you can be the paranormal correspondent. And so that, like, he sold me on that. But then it was a bait and switch. Because when I got there, he's like, oh, yeah, no, you're going to do acts of kindness instead as, you know, part of it. And sure, that's great, right? But it's not the paranormal investigator like it wanted to be. So anyway, I'm also mother to this amazing daughter. She's graduating from college in May. So I'm really proud of her. As you know, QHHT is what we also do in our business. So we have had some amazing clients and wow, some amazing things have come up. I mean, about the SSP event for your clients are pretty awesome submissions that you cannot believe and things that we've even learned. Raise your hand if you've had a session with us or a QHHT session. You guys rock. You guys rock. Thank you so much. We will thank each and every one of you guys, by the way, because you guys are helping us get the certifications we need. And you're also helping us learn how to help more people like you. So thank you. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, and go on for it's my divine counterpart. Yes, me. I have a question for you, actually. Tell everyone why you coined the phrase the spiritual growth champion. Okay, so I didn't coin it, but some of my viewers. So I have a YouTube channel called Guided, helping you navigate your divine journey. And they said, we feel like you help us with spiritual growth. And the guests that you have on your show, they're practitioners, they're people that are authors. I had, I guess, like from all over the world, for instance, have you guys ever heard, I'm sure you have, The Alchemist? Yeah? Okay, love that book. So there is an author who helped to publish The Alchemist. He then later on wrote a book called The Secret of The Alchemist. He was on my show. Then we have a former CIA remote viewer from Stargate Project. He was on my show. And just everybody brings like a different story. Sean Stone was one of my first guests. I mean, his dad just interviewed Putin like, what, 15 years ago? Six years ago, yeah. Okay, six years ago, but the documentaries were. If you guys get a chance to check out, watch out documentary with all over Stone and Vyra Putin strongly recommended it. It paints a very different picture than what we're currently seeing in the media of Vladimir Putin. And every single person in this room, if you're watching those videos, you should be asking questions. What the hell is the media telling us this for? Because this is not the guy we're seeing on the camera talking to Oliver Stone. So just as a side note. Very different take on everything. So, yeah, that's, that's where the spiritual growth champion came in. And if you guys haven't subscribed to my show, I get to pitch this. So go on Jodi's gems on YouTube and guided helping you navigate your divine journey. And I'm excited because I really want Tyler and Aaron to be on my show. And I've had my husband on the show and we're going to do more series as well. And we've got some videos coming out with Jodi giving the rest of her testimony in more detail. You guys, if you guys have not subscribed, please do. We're putting a lot of that stuff on YouTube, right? We also have our services page on Facebook services with Jodi and Will. We also have a discussion group in there. So yeah, if you guys want to like and subscribe, please do. Okay. And as I was saying, I feel like quantum echoes are like breadcrumbs leading us to our truth. So if you start collecting and writing down, okay, where are these bleed throughs coming through? Whether it's in my dreams, whether I'm going to a certain place, whether it's like Sedona or wherever, and you start having these strong feelings, why am I having these strong feelings? Why is this place resonating with? Why when I meet this certain person, is there such the strong feeling? So these quantum echoes, these usually lead us like breadcrumbs to our truth. And I'll make a quick side note here as well, as Jodi was saying, these breadcrumbs, if you guys want to get to understand why I am the way I am right now, with my testimony and why Jodi is the way she is with her testimony now, we've taken, okay, my wife will tell you this, I'm a voluminous notetaker. Okay, when I wake up in the morning after a dream, I write everything down. And the reason why is because in those dreams, there's always some fragment of truth. And you have to figure out your job as the person who's viewing that dream is to figure out what your truth is. And you start seeing the patterns, and the themes, and they mean something. So with my journey, usually like the hero's journey, Joseph Campbell's hero's journey, something usually happens, right? A death, a divorce, a terminal illness, something happens where the rug's ripped from under you, and like life just goes to hell. And you're like, okay, what do I really believe? What is up with everything? That catalyst for me was a very difficult divorce. And like many of you who know tarot, the tower card in tarot is like that. It's like everything just crumbles, right? And then there's it's like the death, the rebirth, and then the resurrection where you have to build again, you have to figure out, okay, what is my life all about? So I was raised in the LDS church. I even went on a mission and everything. After this divorce, I was like, I don't even know what is up. I don't know what's what. I don't know what I believe anymore. I know I believe in God. I know I believe in spirit. I left the church even for a little while. And there was a time that I was actually a friend invited me to church. I was sitting in church and spirit kept like nagging at me. Go talk to your bishop. Go talk to him. I'm like, no. And it was like 4.45 in the afternoon. I'm like, no way. No, I'm never going back. And just kept pestering me, pestering me. Finally, I'm like, okay, fine. Nobody's going to be there, but I'll go. So I went and he goes, oh, we've been looking for you. And I'm like, oh, great. So then two weeks goes by and they come and he talks to me, he goes, you know, so tell me your story. Like, what exactly has happened and all of that? And I tell him. And because there was a 10-year custody battle. I mean, this was hell that I went through. And I was just questioning everything from the power structures to my life to everything. And I tell him and he goes, well, would you be okay with teaching the women in the church? And I go, what? I'm like, I have very unorthodox views about things. I mean, like, I'm not like an in-the-box like type of thing. I'm Victoria Cash. Thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. VGW group void prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply. You're like, I don't really believe in like the normal things. And he's like, good, that's exactly what we need. Oh, okay. Okay, here's the deal. All like, prepare a PowerPoint. And if you're okay with it, it's going to be totally weird to you probably. He's like, okay, yeah, send it to me. I prepare the PowerPoint. I send it to him. He's like, yes, love it. What? Okay. So I give that and I start off my class with a meditation that's so out of the norm for this religion that I grew up in. Okay. So I give the meditation, like after my lesson, these women are coming up to me like crying like, oh my gosh, we've never had anything like this. And so it was just really bizarre. It was like, I was meant to go back because I had been on this hero's journey, you know, this Joseph Campbell's like treacherous weird journey. And I was meant to go back and teach them the wisdom that I have learned and had gained. And it's, there's so many differences now. And this particular group of women, they believe in different things out of the box. And things are changing. And so I think there are things like you, people like you, you guys are meant to be where you are. And you're meant to change and shift things. You're meant to rattle things up and do things different. So if you have that fixed mindset, like, you know, I'm never going back there. I'm never doing this again. Please reconsider because there's a reason you go through things. And then maybe you're, you're meant to go back just to, there's something you will say. Everybody has that. And I've said this on our videos before. Everybody has that unique signature note that you can emanate to the choir of humanity. And so that is something that is needed right now. And you don't know how that's going to shift somebody's life, how that's going to change somebody's life. So please play your note in full. Regardless of your religion, I strongly urge you. If you, if you're Christian and you say that you're Christ-like, Christ was a radical. Muhammad was a radical. Buddha, radical. Gandhi, radical. All of these men. And some of the women that were there with them as well, Mary, sister Teresa, all radicals. That's what you're being called to do in your spiritual walk, is be radical, shake the world. Yeah, thank you very much. So here's little baby Jody. Baby Jody. So the reason I have these pictures is because even at a young age, some very interesting things started happening. I was seeing things and feeling things that other people, like my parents weren't seeing and they would question me about. And I remember I would, I was just, I felt very different in my family. I would say to my parents, you guys aren't my real parents. Like I want to go to my real home. I want, I want my real parents. Like I didn't feel like I was even supposed to be in this world. I felt like the total oddball. I remember going to school and even preschool. And I just felt like I was a wanderer at recess. And I, my head in the clouds thinking about really esoteric things at a very young age. It was very, it was very odd. So I also had in your death experience at five, I had a very high fever. And one night I was like in between dimensions. And I remember I kept calling for my parents saying, "Why are you yelling at me? You're so tall and you're yelling at me." And my dad came in the room and he's like, "We're not yelling at you. Go back to sleep. It's okay." And what I was seeing, I was on a ship. And I was seeing these manted beings and people with lab coats or doctor, I call them doctor coats around me. I was on a stainless steel bed. And I had a reading later and she said, "You were going to like die." And they were trying to help you stay incarnated in this dimension, in this life. Yeah, for your mission here. Right. To stay on mission here. So there was that time, and then there was a time when I was a newborn where there was about 25 newborns in the hospital. I was born in a hospital near McClellan Air Force Base. My dad was in the Air Force. And there were about 25 newborns. There were only three newborns though, who stayed in the hospital because of a high fever. I was one of them. And apparently, twice, they did a spinal tap on me. That's so crazy, right? And I'm thinking, "Okay, were they trying to get DNA? What really was going on here?" So we did have that confirmed by Peter the insider that there was a doctor who indeed was doing apparently experiments on newborns and young children. And I was abducted then. And apparently also got nanotech, some tech language into my brain via what was it, some type of rainbow goo or something. Yeah, Dr. Daniel McKenna, right? Yeah, Daniel McKenna is the guy. As a side note, by the way, just real quick, the middle picture, if you guys look at baby Jodi there, right, cute little baby Jodi. That's the way I was introduced to her in the programs. Yeah. I knew her from that age. From three, from three-year-old Jodi in five-year-old Will, that's how we met. We had talked a lot as adults about what we had experienced as kids. And it wasn't until I saw that picture when she pulled it out one night, and I started to cry. Because I knew. I knew what I experienced was real. Because that's the girl. That's the girl. I was like, "How do you know her?" And she's like, "That's me." And I'm like, "Wait, what?" So it was that moment of recognition. It's like, this is the person that went through all the same garbage with me. They went through the exact same experiences I did. Some of you have heard Tony, put your hand up to Tony in the back. Mr. Rodriguez. Some of you guys have heard Mr. Tony Rodriguez's testimony about how kids are treated. Some of you guys have heard James. James is here. Put your hand up, James, where you are. There you go. Some of you guys have heard James talk about his testimony as well. And what we're talking about here is a very inhumane way of fracturing and treating kids. But this little girl in the red, that's the girl that I remember seeing in the programs. And when she pulled that picture out, I cried. Because of that moment where I'm like everything, that confirmed every single thing that I had known about the programs. And that one brief instant, done. So yeah, another memory really quick. The way that they pair up people in the programs, they create what they call twin effects or they look for divine counterparts, right? You hear Joni and I using that phrase. As we're looking for people that come from the same sole group, they're all psychically in sync, right? They think the same way. They do kind of the same behaviors. And they do that because as command pairs, it reduces the amount of time aboard ship to make certain decisions. Initially that, like Jodi already knows innately what I'm going to do. Before I do it, she already knows. Will's probably going to say this, so I'll just go ahead and start doing that. It reduces the amount of time I have to do to give her an instruction. And when you're in, he the moment decisions, every single second counts. That's what they've learned in the programs. So they've learned how to hotwire people call it that, right? To be synced up that way. Now, the twinning program is an artificial way of doing that. What Jodi and I are, we're divine counterparts, which is the way it naturally occurs within the sole system, right? We come from the same sole group. We come from this, we've been through a lot of the same iterations in terms of the people we've kind of went through sole life-wise. And so Will brings up a really good point because we had the question, were you guys artificially put together and twinned in the programs? And so Will's like, actually, no, because we were in the same sole group. And so it just happened to be a bonus that we were actually twinned in the programs as well. Yeah. And the way they found it out with us was the, as kids, there's the guy I talk about, some of you may have heard me mention this guy's name, Dr. Joel on West. He was one of the head architects, along with Dr. Adi, who we'll get into in a little bit with Framkeltra. And he was doing a test. It had us come into this toy room, right? And essentially what they would do is you had, he was, I called him Mr. Simon says. Basically, you walked in the room, you guys know Simon says, how many people play that game way, way back, right? He was Mr. Simon says, so when you walk in the room, you could not touch anything until he gave you permission to, in fact, touch the toy or do whatever. You had to actually ask him for permission to do so. So I would ask him, can I play with the toy? And he would say, yes, and my number in the program is when I was three. So he said, yeah, go ahead three. You can go ahead and do that. I like Tonka trucks. So how many of the guys are like Tonka trucks as kids, right? How many guys play with them? Yeah, right? And women. And some women, right? So I was playing with Tonka trucks and the first girl they tried to pair me up with a bismal failure. Then they bring Jodie in, little baby Jodie over here. They bring her in and immediately we sunk up. And the fact is they give you this injection to amplify your sonic abilities. So what happens is this light blue shot is essentially creating the amplified psychic twin effect. But it's also amplifying what's already there, right? And in this case, what happened was as I'm moving my truck, she's already moving to where I wanted to go every single time. We're already moving. Anticipating. Anticipating maneuvers. Anticipating trains of thought. Anticipating decisions. And immediately I heard Dr. West go three and eleven are good because Jodie's number was three, eleven. Three and eleven, sorry. Three and eleven are good. Put them in the same cage, which they move to this cage called cage number 16 at that point. And that's how I remember meeting her. So you may have heard me in some of our videos talk about how seven and eleven those numbers have followed me throughout my life. It's crazy. So we were in cage 16, which equals a seven in numerology. And then I was number 11. So it's a little wild. On my birth certificate, my name even equals those numbers. It's very odd. So wild. Also some of you have, and we're finding this through QHHT as well with some of our clients, it's more widespread that the surrogate program is actually alive and well. So my mom was actually in the surrogate program. She had a bunch of miscarriages before she had me. And I think those miscarriages were actually, you know, babies that were then put in. So there is some discussion around what is project surrogate, right? And Jodie and I, when we talk to our clients and we're doing QHHT, we're hearing one element of it, but we also know the element that we also have seen, right? And some people in here, as some of you have done sessions with people like James, like Suzanne and others, when you're going under hypnosis, you see these situations where the person's talking about things that can't quite be explained, quote unquote, explained. How many people are, like the deal of things that are unexplained, right? And we're all here to talk about that stuff, right? And you're not crazy. We believe you. But what we found is, is this project surrogate, essentially, they're trying to put someone's soul into a baby's body to re-inject them back into the system. Kickstart them again. And that's happening. We're finding it's actually becoming more and more widespread because we're trying to keep a certain number of assets in play. That's the phrase I'll use. And the alliance people that I've chatted with say that's on purpose. They're doing that strictly on purpose. The problem is, is to begin this whole idea around karma. Some folks here may be Hindi. You know the term, we talk with karma in your Dharma, which you have to kind of work through in this lifetime, in the next lifetime. How do you do that when a part of your soul, a fragment of your soul, is constantly being re-interjected back into the world, right? So you have this whole idea around, it's not really a natural frame of thought or frame of the soul to be with the way they're doing it. And surrogate essentially means that your parents are donating the DNA. There's a fragment of you or a soul being injected into the body that's not naturally in that family tree. And so when we actually did a QHT session, Will had me under, I could actually feel the trauma going on in my mom's stomach. And yeah, it was crazy. So the trauma with me started way, way early on. And I remember getting very, I even heard it on the recording. I got very emotional. And now in QHT, you can step out and be an observer. You don't have to feel anything. You can, you know, you don't have to feel any pain, nothing like that. But for a quick little bit, I did, I just felt it and I felt the emotions of it. It just was flooding in. I was like, Oh, whoa. And you know, he reminded me you don't have to feel it. You know how you just can be the observer. But it's interesting that the trauma started so early. And that was, that was kind of news to me. But as you know, with a lot of people who enter the programs, there's like these indicators. For instance, there's, you know, DNA or family lineage. Usually there's some type of competitive nature. It's the psychological disposition, right? You guys have heard me talk about this probably in my testimony where either they have this aggressive tendency or they tend to be like overachievers. I mean, my wife's got five degrees. I've got five, I mean, how can you get more overachieving than that, right? Let's make a wallpaper, right? The degrees. But the point is, is they like people like this because essentially, know these people will not back down from a fight. If you give them a challenge, they're going to meet it head on and crush it. And that is exactly the kind of people they want in the programs. That doesn't mean that you were always that way, like in this realm. For instance, you know, like I was telling you before, I was kind of that nerdy kid who I was picked on. And just to give you a little insight into my family growing up. So we were this, you know, religious family and we'd have this thing called family home evening on Monday nights, right? So we'd start off with a prayer or we have a song, right? Jesus loves me, this sign up, right? And then we'd have a prayer like, okay, let's make sure we have harmony in the home. Amen. Okay, let's teach Jody how to fight. Oh my gosh, really? My mom was like, no. So yeah, no, but my dad really did because he was like sick of people like picking on me. So it was like sixth grade. And I learned how to fight my dad's like, okay, make sure that she throws the first punch. I'm like, what? I'm like, no. I was like mortified. So literally the next day, like something happened, an incident happened. And I like had a fight. And the surge that came out of me, I don't know where it came from, but it's like a, we do know. It was like, it's like this quantum echo. It just like came. And it was like, have you guys seen the Christmas story with Ralphie? Ralphie, don't show your eye out, right? Where all the anger just like comes like it was crazy. It was like that. And she just like bludges everywhere. So, and the principal, me, missed straight a student, right? We go into the principal's office and he's trying not to laugh. He's like, girls, now what happened? And you know, we tell him and he's just like, oh, go back to class now. So it was the weirdest thing. But you know, little quantum echoes like that happen. And you're just like, whoa, the aggression. So it's not necessarily like you were that way, but it's in you somewhere. They knew how to evoke it. Exactly. They know how to evoke it. And so yeah, DNA, the aggression, right? Or the overachievement, whichever way you want to look at it. The third. With the Lucky Land sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved. We're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry. Sorry. We're here. We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. But in that case, I pronounce you lucky. Play for free at Lucky Land No purchase necessary. BGW Grabboid were prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. The thing that I would say in terms of the traits they look for is your family line. Do you have that psionic disposition that certain genetics have? There's a genome. We actually were chatting with a medical doctor and they've actually figured out there is a genome that allows people to have some of these, quote unquote, they call them experiences in the medical field. But it allows them to actually have these experiences. And it's also, in some cases, tied to the same genome as autism. And it's interesting how those two genes are actually sort of attached to the same genome. So it's, he was talking about this. We've actually pulled papers on this too, where we've actually found the actual, the actual medical papers that Harvard and some other folks have ran. They did the studies. They actually did what they call typing, which means they go through and they actually verify that gene from A to Z of all these different people have these experiences is the same, or at least it has the same sort of gene setup, which they did. And then they're like, okay, well, if that's all the same, then what does this imply, right? And it basically meant that that particular, they know what that genome now does, the combination, right? The combination of genes, right? So another interesting time was when I actually went to get a past life regression. This is before I even knew about the programs. And the facilitator was talking, you know, taking me through everything. And she said, okay, so what are you seeing now? And I'm like, well, it's modern, it's parish. She's like, oh, that's not a past life. That's like a parallel life. And I'm like, yeah, she's like, okay, so, you know, tell me about the attire, you know, what's going on. And I did. And I'm like, she goes, well, does the person have a name? I go, yeah, it's Victoria for victory. She's like, oh, that's interesting. And later, after I learned about the programs, I learned that this was one of my alters. So this is the reason I have three pictures of is because I couldn't actually find the like exact way that she looked. This is what she was wearing in my past life regression. This was her haircut. And this was the bag that she had, okay? So she was carrying this document, this like, out of shape bag, like, carrying documents. She was like in a hurry. I just remember, oh my gosh, she's in a hurry. She's trying to go to this building. And she's trying to deliver documents. So later, when Will and I get together, he like fills in the blanks for me because he remembers this too. He remembers a memory like this. And something else too, guys, just really quick. This is, these are the buildings that I went in to deliver documents. So if anybody has anything similar, this was actually the area in Paris. And what we're trying to get out here by showing you guys the pictures of where this stuff transpired is because it's very important when you're trying to reconstruct, rebuild memories, you're trying to pen certain pieces of information down. Tony, you talked about your program, how you rebuild like your timeline and rebuild certain situations, right? We do the same thing with QHHT and we also do it within ourselves in terms of us talking with each other because it's very important to like figure out, okay, when exactly and where exactly did this transpire? And what I tell people is I always tell them to start on the environment first. You look around, in that dream, look around you. What's going on around you? Because the environmental stuff sometimes usually isn't made up, but it might be a little messed up is what the term I used, right? In this case, Jody remembered that she was in La Defense, they put it in the business district. Now in the memory I had, it was the same area because I remember that middle building, that arch you see down there because I drew it. I drew that arch when we were talking about it and I was like, that's where I know this location occurred. And all of a sudden we're like, wait a minute, I remember that too. That's kind of weird. And then we start kind of filling in the details just from the environment first. And then that's when I tell her. She's like, well, why do you have those memories? I said, well, one of my alters, Victor, was in that location. Now I haven't talked much about Victor and we will be talking about him in a little bit, but this was one of the first times that we had a joint memory in terms of like actually in the programs, right? Our alters had been hired through a company called Kruger Mercenary Corps to actually do a certain job on planet. And Jody was the one who we would call her the runner in this case, actually running these documents, ferrying these documents for the job. Later, I also had a dream. And in that dream, I was being escorted by two men in suits, like MIB type suits. And they were escorting me to a woman who was at a desk. And she's handing me a file and she says, okay, will you take the job? And I'm like, I don't know, I look at the file. I'm like, okay, she's like, okay, great. You need to now go talk to this gentleman in the next office. And I said, okay, so I get up to go. And she was, no, no, no, sit down. She presses a button. And it's like the whole entire like desk and where I am just shifts over. And it's like, I'm over in his office. I'm like, what in the heck? I just remember in the dream going, this is high-tech stuff. But again, I was there. So it's just bizarre. Okay. So just trying to put all the pieces together. These are just some of the same in Victoria. Okay. So another part of the journey was I was doing a lot of research about Montauk and mind control. And I was like obsessed with this stuff. And I'm like, why am I so obsessed with this? This is just crazy to me. So I started researching Dr. Ross 80, who the CIA put him on a project, a sub project, MKUltra 119. And I was like, I really want to interview this guy for my show. We'll come to find out he had already passed. Spirit says he has a son. What? He has a son. Yes, he has a son. His son is named Dr. Jeffrey 80. A neuroscientist. A very well-known neuroscientist. And guess where Dr. Jeffrey 80 lived? A mile from my home. Yeah, like all these quantum echoes are crazy. So at the time, I had a job where I could just go into doctor's offices, and it wouldn't be like, you know, anything weird. It just, and I left my business card, because at the time I was promoting an electronic healthcare record to private practice doctors. So I went in his office, I left my card, and I just put a little note. I said, I'm really interested in your dad's research. Please call me. He actually called me, and he was very guarded. He's like, I need to know who you work for and what you want. Okay. So I call him back, and I go, so I really, I read about your dad's research on mind control, and he's like, that's top secret. No. I'm like, okay, it's real. It's real. It's like the step is real. So I'm like, okay, so well, I'd love to go out to lunch with you and talk about this. No, I'm busy. Well, if you change your mind, no. Okay, so I asked him about 10 times. No, no, no. The answer was no. He said, what I will tell you is I did work in my father's labs. I also worked on some covert submarine technology where the submarines couldn't be detected, and I worked on that, a postdoc at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and I was like, okay, he's like, that's all I can tell you. And I'm like, okay. Okay. Side note really quick, that phrase, bold, or Colorado, will become radically important in about, oh, I don't know, a couple of slides, because we're going to talk about some things with us in our childhood, and all of a sudden, that little place is going to make a whole lot of sense, because all of a sudden it will click. Another quantum echo about Colorado is when I said I served a mission for my church, I was called to the Denver, Colorado, south mission. Weird stuff goes on in Colorado, as we know, under the airports and tunnels and all that stuff. Okay. So what do we have next here? Yeah, the whole Montauk thing. So we both were in close to Montauk. Montauk following programs. Yeah. And one of the reasons this is also important is because we've also learned from things that have come up and recalls that we were also in an alternate timeline with, we knew about the scientists that came over for Montauk. So with the 30s, and World War II and all of that. So imagine this for a second, right? So I've never actually said this in public, so this should be interesting for you guys to wrap your head around for a minute. So William Nutter, me, was actually born as Johann Fritz in 1932 in Germany, right prior to a 4D, 3D split. Now, why is that date important? Because in '38, the Germans were experimenting with this time technology, as we all know. We know about the glocka, the ability to create certain amounts of time shift that they call parallel timelines and time jumping, right? Time dipping, depending on how you want to look at it. That technology that was given to them by the larians in the Draco created an actual another timeline that is now competing with our current timeline. They are currently fourth density. We are currently third density. Now, it's not to say that they're better than us. What it's saying is, is that in their society, ETs are in the open, their complete oppression of the world is completely in the open, and there's nothing covert. They put everything right in your face there, but they are fourth density because the ETs they work with are fourth density. That's the farthest they can go. How many people are in the law of one? Anyone? Okay, so quite a few people read the law of one great, so I don't have to explain that whole thing. But that's what we're really looking at here. If you read the law of one, you realize that at fourth density you're not probably going to move past fourth density for service to self, right? And that's what these ETs understand. If they can keep us trapped in third density, that means their food source is now trapped in third density. They have a permanent food source that just recycles itself. And what happened was the unintentional side effect of them giving us technology is that here we have this species that immediately jumps to fourth density in the 30s. And it's a parallel timeline competing with our timeline. In that timeline, the Axis powers one, in our timeline, the Allies won, right? Okay, that being said, so Peter and I were chatting, Peter and I were chatting with Jodi, and the three of us were chatting about this idea of who are we really? That phrase, that quote unquote phrase pops up, right? Okay, let me give you a little side note. James, you've had Peter on your show a few times. You know what happens when Peter asks a question like who are you really? You should really like drink a lot of coffee because it's going to be a long conversation. All damn, the whole odd damn statement comes out of my mouth when that starts happening because like, oh, here we go. But the idea is, is that in that particular conversation, what came out was, is Peter had pulled some records saying essentially, he goes, you're really on for us. That's really who you are. Will Nutter is actually a cover here. Because you're here to actually help bring certain elements that are not Nazi related to this timeline, meaning the technology, the disclosure, getting AT's acknowledged by the people in that timeline because we're trying to avert a timeline crash because we notice an event coming, it's called the singularity. These two timelines will fold back into each other. And that's what the ICC temporal agency is trying to manage is the fallout from those two things crashing into each other because there's a lot of unintended side effects that could occur. Now, listen to that for a second. You know, one day you wake up and all of a sudden there's Draco out in the public, there's Leerins out in the public, there's a Reticulins out in the public, and oh yeah, there's Nazis everywhere. Wrap your head around that for a moment because that is a potential side effect of this. Our job, everyone in here, is to do our work, do our due diligence, raise our vibrational energy, keep doing that every day, change our ascension path as a species. We're trying to find that quote-unquote 100th monkey. Let me hear what the 100th monkey effect is. Okay, so that particular statement comes from a study in Mozambique, right? And that study is very important because what they find is that once that 100th monkey effect happens, it creates this chain event, scientifically speaking. It's almost genetically embedded, almost energetically embedded in the species. That's what we're looking for. Every person in this room is looking for that 100th monkey effect. What is it going to happen? And for us, we want it to happen in a positive way, right? Can I get an amen to that? All right, I'm going to be preaching up here, but I'm just saying. Former preacher. Former minister, right? But it is true. We're looking for that 100th monkey effect that happens in a positive way for us as a species, right? So yeah, so good. And so why do I bring up Anthony's vendor? Yeah. So he was very instrumental in me waking up to the fact that I was associated with SSP back in 2018. I was still an anchor at NBC. And I was watching him on Kerry Cassidy's show Project Camelot. I also watched him on James Brink's show. And his interviews, I was like, oh my gosh, he has some of the exact same things happen to him when he was younger, that I did, you know, the bloody noses, like all this stuff. And I'm like, this is crazy. So I reached out to him. I'm like, okay, I had some of the same stuff happen. He's like, well, you could be in. I'm like, oh my gosh, no way. This is weird. I don't want to be called. You know, so. And I'm like, I would lose my job. Like, I don't know. This is weird. So he was very instrumental in just helping me understand a lot of things and answering my questions. And he was just, I can't say enough about him. I have recalls of being on missions with him as well. And Anthony and I serve together. He's also a Marine like me. And we also both serve together in Kruger. So yeah, in fact, I have a memory of Anthony in that alternate timeline. I think I've shared this on some of our videos, but I was basically undercover. I was serving drinks to Hitler, senior officers. They were in a big office room. What do you call that? Boardroom. And I was going, and I was trying to eavesdrop on what their plans were. And he was coming in, Anthony was coming in. He was probably around 17, maybe. He was in his teens. And he was in my impression was at the time. He was in the Nazi youth corps. And I was like, I don't even know if they even had that. But that's what I was being told in this recall. And he was also undercover trying to get information. So the location that he also remembered, by the way, I mean, you guys know World War II history. There's probably a few buffs in here, right? If you guys know of a place called Birchis Garden, which was the place that Hitler and his command staff would kind of hide out when they were trying to make big decisions, that was the location that Anthony pointed to. And he didn't even know what it was at the time, but he pointed to it saying, I believe this is the area where it was. I'm like, well, the only place in that area that I know of during World War II where Hitler would have been, would have been Birchis Garden. And that raised some eyebrows because he pointed directly at the aid to comps house, right? The place where Hitler and all those individuals went to, so. Yeah, very interesting. Max Spears was another person who was really, his interviews on Kerry Cassidy Show, interesting. So I'm going to play a sound bite. Hopefully it's, you're going to hear it. Let's see if the sound is up. Hopefully it is, or we can do it. Get the microphone close to it. I don't know. Do you guys hear that at all? No, there we go. Okay, I will tell you what it says. Basically, he's saying in this sound bite, they used Father Bush's DNA and that whole line in this particular project. And he talks about how he's associated with Bush and all the way to that line goes to Caesar and the Merovingian line and all of that. So when I heard this, I was like, oh my. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land, where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to, that's, and get lucky today at Lucky Land. No purchase necessary, VGW Group. Boy, we're prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply. Gosh, this is so interesting how they use different familial lineages and DNA. So as I'm doing my family history, so I have this dream slash vision two years ago where my great-grandma birth that comes to me and she says, you need to start doing your genealogy and you need to do especially your mom's side. It's the golden family line. I was like, what? So I start researching and like we're related to 34 out of the 47 presidents and you know like all of these people. Surprise, surprise. And that grandmother by the way, so that great grandmother, her daughter, my grandmother, is R.H. negative blood type. So it's just all these weird things. So 41st president, George Herbert Walker Bush, is my 11th cousin. And then like I said, relations to all these presidents. Yes, you do see Trump up there, you see Obama up there, you see a Reagan up there, you see all these, it's crazy. And by the way, for some of you who may be giggling a little bit, Jody and I are seventh cousins. Yeah. So we're both in the same family bloodline. Quantum Echo. In fact, when we were dating and we were talking about where our ancestry was from, my mom's like, are you like, are you sure you're not related? Because we act so much alike. It's like there are things that we do as like, so we both are like, yeah, let's go do that. We both have the same taste in foods, the same taste in like what we drink, everything is kind of weird. Or perfect, but sure we won't look at it. Yeah. So as far as royal relations, like the most recent that I just brought up is, you know, Lady Diana. So I'm related to the Spencer's, the Mount Bottons and them. So she's my 12th cousin one time removed. So it's just, it's very interesting to me how these lineages are in certain projects. I know that guy. Hey, you guys know him, right? I know that guy. I know that guy. So then I hear Johan Fritz's interview on James Rink show on Quantum Phil Cafe. And I'm just like, okay, I know this guy. He looks so familiar and I swear like, I don't just know him. I'm like, I know him. So I'm like, okay. Okay, by the way, that door, when he was talking about Monarch in one of his videos, I was walking, I take nightly walks as I listen to some of these interviews and spirit says, Oh, go take, go take this road, a road I had never taken before. So I go walk down this road and I see the Monarch cottage right as he was talking about Monarch. And I'm like, what is up with that? That is just so weird. And by the way, this, this building that we're talking about, when I moved to Cedar, you talk and you talk. Jody and I lived in the same apartment building. And that particular building, we later figure out was a Monarch safe house because they were bringing in VIPs in there in these black suburbs with special security groups, quote unquote, right? And that's where they would actually hide these people out for a while. So pretty bizarre. Yeah. And we met at N5D in Las Vegas, by the way. And so then there's a few people in here that were there, right? Exactly. And then we were married later, as you know, in Sedona, Arizona, a very special place to our heart. No, that's not a green screen behind us. It was just, it was just that beautiful. It was just that gorgeous. And the day before it was snowing. I asked him, I literally asked God for a miracle. And that's what he produced. So hey, I'm glad I'm glad God stole the throne. So as far as like the 3D history as well, I was, another quantum echo is I was raised in a small town called Weimar, California, the Weimar Republic in Germany. As we know, World War II history buffs that was, you know, in Thuringia, the state of Thuringia in Germany. And just before Hitler took office, there's the whole Weimar Republic. And that's important for two reasons, right? For those, again, your history buffs, Thuringia had metal in the metal works, right? How many people know what was produced in the metal works? Anybody? Well, every single voodoo of often, you hear people talk about the Daglaka, Hanabu, your Foo Fighters, the V2-V3s, all of them were produced in metal works. All the hardware was produced there. The upper end of Thuringia is Punamonda, which guess what? What was fired from there? Well, your Hanabu and Foo Fighters were tested there, and the V-series rockers were launched from there in England. So her family's coming right from this very same area, which is very interesting. There's military on both sides of my family. That's another kind of indicator for programs. My military history as far as genealogy goes all the way back to the Revolutionary War, the Civil War. We found out, as far as a quantum echo, that there's Brigadier General Rufus Putnam, who helped George Washington. He's able to come, yeah. And he actually was buried in the town I'm born in. He was born and raised, so in Ohio. So I go out there and I find out that this guy is related to me. I'm like, oh my gosh, this is so weird. So we did a little tour in Brigadier General Rufus Putnam's house that's still there standing. And then there is a very spiritual connection to Mount Shasta. That Grandma Bertha that came to me in a dream and told me to do genealogy, she lived at Mount Shasta. And she told my mom that there's this very spiritual and special basically the religious belief that she had. I guess more like spiritual belief she had. And it was the im belief of Saint Germain and all about inside of Mount Shasta and in her earth and Saint Germain's teachings about the higher frequencies of or getting earth rather to the higher frequencies so that mankind can ascend. And so that's what my mom was raised in hearing from her grandmother. So I've had visions of inner earth as well and Mount Shasta is of course, as many of you know, the first chakra of the earth and I just love going there. So I told you a little bit about my near death experience already. We'll kind of add to that in our further videos that I've already told you about. There's that Rufus Putnam guy. The Rufus Putnam guy and how that's a quantum echo, military on both sides of my family. And the Weimar, California and Weimar Germany. So we'll talk a little bit about the soul origins. So this is something very typical as well. So both Will and I come from the Elohim Councils, so the God Councils. And also this is something that I actually will channeled, something from the arcturn royalty. So do you guys understand what channeling is? I mean people have ever experienced a channeling episode with a seasoned practitioner, right? It's interesting when you have someone tap into energy that's non-terrestrial energy and they bring forth things that are important to you to start your healing process, right? Well in this particular case what had happened was this particular night and I don't even know why this even happened by the way. Maybe it's just a timing that was necessary for it to happen. But we were chatting about something and I started going right into a channeling session while we were just laying on the bed chatting about some stuff. And all of a sudden it was her mom in that lifetime. Now understand this is very important because I hadn't really talked about my ET star seed origins with anybody at this point. So you guys are kind of hearing this also kind of first news by the way. Because we're both, we both were from the Elohim Councils by our first physical incarnation was Arcturn. So what is happening was is that in this discussion basically her mother was this queen and she was a princess in that particular lifetime. And that lifetime I was a general. I actually served at the behest of the queen and there had been this massive war going on. And essentially the two sides came to this large stone table to kind of figure out okay what are next steps? Are we going to do reparations? Are we just going to call it truce? What are we going to do, right? Arcturns have these individuals that are high priests that have the ability to raise the dead. And people that are in these certain positions that are raised that way in certain households like my household there and Jodi's household there for being royal and me being military had that blessing I would call it the ability to raise individuals from the dead. And in that lifetime essentially we made the decision to go about the battlefield and start raising these individuals back from the dead. And when we're done we'll see what happens. It literally stopped the entire war. Because all these folks are coming back or essentially saying I've seen the other side I know what's up there and we can't continue acting this way. It shifted the entire consciousness of that species. And we took that as kind of the beginning of a golden age. I remember coming back to that table after that was done. And the part that I remember very clearly this princess who's not my wife was sitting to my left with her mother and there's a king who is the guy fighting them on the right hand side with his generals when the opposite side of the table to us. And my twin sister and I we essentially were some of the most feared I don't call them world lords of generals but we were in charge of our side of the battle. People feared us immensely. And this general said well in order to bridge this you have to marry my son. Your daughter has to marry my son. And in that lifetime she says nope I've already chosen my beloved. And of course I'm saying looking at the other generals I'm like okay who's that? Right. I look over and she's looking right at me. I'm like oh shit. And so yes was that more again that more recognition where our souls at that even in that lifetime chose to be together in that capacity right. And what the reason we're bringing this up is because we as humans have the ability to create this same level of shift here. How many of you believe that? That's a lot of hands going up in this room. So thank you. It's that choice that conscious choice that we as individuals have to make a shift like that we can create that shift we have to keep causing other people to also make that same choice shift with us. You know Christ said it and so did Buddha if you want to create a world where heaven or higher ascended place is here then start acting like it's here because by your very actions you're manifesting that into the now. You can create heaven on earth. Creating heaven on earth. It's interesting when we first met I kept seeing this like energy of blue around will and I kept seeing like every time our souls would almost be in the astral together it's like we would be surrounded in blue and then I now I know. It was like this arturian energy that kind of like blood over so it's interesting. I strongly recommend checking out Ashton Arada's work. She does some great pictures of our turns. Okay so as far as SSP goes so on in this realm here are some of the skills that I was trained in. I still have these skills some of them here that I have blood over like the clairs the different the different clairs in my work that I do now. I actually started studying with intuitive way which is a spin off of the Berkeley psychic institute. I started that in 2014 and started doing readings in the community and all of that and that was a beautiful time. So I actually do a lot of rose readings where that's looking at your auric field where that's vibrating at at that particular time are there any rips or tears in the auric field? I do chakra reading or are your chakras balanced. I look at your spiritual abilities because everybody has them so where are they vibrating at that day we go through all of those and then we I look at three past lives at that time too in that rose reading. So among those things we also do Reiki, we do QHT, SIA readings which is SSP information access. So there's quite a few services that we have the opportunity to do together. And just for the record some of you guys are probably looking at that right hand column and seeing some stuff you're maybe raising your eyebrows a little bit at. So I understand that when I was on the patent if you guys have heard the story about me being on the patent right the U.S.S. patent right. Well I got promoted to EXO on the patent it was a decision made by the old man to basically staff this new ship as a stealth ship the Franklin and at that point he said I want you to pick the 20 of the brightest people on your crew they're on your shift because he denied split shifts he was taking one shift I was taking the other shift the CEO and the EXO he said take 20 of your brightest and I want you to staff the Franklin and I said are you sure and he's like that's a direct order and I'm like I I well at that time Jodi was was the MIO aboard that ship and I actually chose her to become my EXO aboard the Franklin at that point so now you have two individuals staying for before you they're both executive level officers both in the SSP right and when I got retired quote unquote retired as a kind of a oxymoron I actually was watching a video when they were doing what's called the ringing in when you become a captain aboard while these ships they do what's called ringing in process they take you to this room at the LOC it's on the sixth level large amphitheater they bring all the captains in and they basically have this individual ring a bell and this person steps up behind him who's their EXO and they ring the bell as well saying they take on the responsibility of actually captaining that ship that's their job and it's like a metaphor right but it's also like this decision they make they have to do it publicly saying I take responsibility for this ship and anything that happens on it I am I am the last stop right I got to watch her do that before I was actually put under so I think a bleed over to that as far as a lot of responsibility me personally I think being the oldest child in my family is a lot of responsibility I have so I'm the oldest of four kids all right so programs and teams these are just a handful of some of the programs and teams and we're going to talk about some stuff we talk about the shared stuff now yeah yeah okay so some of you may have you may have heard me allude to earlier this idea that Jody and I've had a lot of shared experiences from the time that we were kids until we're adults now everyone understand this I have never again spoken about this in public yet so this is all new to you right so you can kind of pat yourself on the back a little bit the first thing we talked about was this caged experience right you got you made me you heard me make a statement cage 16 my number was zero three right when we do our sia sessions well the first things I will ask them to do is to give me the first four digits of someone 16 digit alphan America identifier that way I can actually track down the records and I know for a fact it's that person does that make sense to everyone okay so that's the first thing usually happens the second thing that usually happens is that also tells me the cage and their number within that cage which tells me they were probably they probably went through certain programs the same way we did now why do they use these cages well because part of the idea is they want to condition us if they make it so that you no longer feel pain you no longer fear death you no longer fear starving you no longer fear breathing you no longer fear any of this stuff that most physical bodies fear your ego fears you're you're now actually very useful then because you can't be killed technically Ryan Seacrest here when you have a busy schedule it's important to maximize your downtime one of the best ways to do that is by going to chumbakasino has all your favorite social casino games like spin slots bingo and solitaire that you can play for free for a chance to redeem some serious prizes so hop on to now and live the chumba life sponsored by chumbakasino no purchase necessary vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply only to get kills if the body stops it's also a very harsh reality by the way as a kid and we don't have the picture in the deck here but I have a picture that I was going to show that Jody and I were looking at it you could actually see that the PTSD the trauma in me when I was at a certain age it is Ryan Seacrest here people always say it's good to unwind but that's easier said than done the exception chumbakasino they actually make it easier done than said or at least the same chumbakasino is an online social casino with hundreds of casino style games like slots and blackjack play for fun play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes sign up now collect your free welcome bonus at sponsored by chumbakasino no purchase necessary vgw group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply so withdrawn very very evident and it's time I didn't recognize it I thought I was just me being a kid but when you look at it I was very traumatized in that picture. Now what we're going to talk about now is also some quantum echoes in terms of when they go through these caging processes they do it's called fracturing does everyone here know what the term fracturing mean anyone not know what the term fracturing mean it will explain real quick okay so we've got person Becker maybe doesn't understand fracturing us we'll go through it really quick essentially what they do is they try to create alternate egos inside the mind by using trauma to create amnesiac walls around that trauma and in that pocket with that amnesiac wall around it they actually will dump all the training all the memories everything inside that amnesiac wall that becomes the new altar the new alter ego and with certain keywords certain um activators they can call that alter up and have it do things and your conscious mind is not aware of it and there's been phases with this so whatever gen you are it may have started off with like cages and trauma and all of that and then it went to the red light green light type stuff yeah so it mk mk uh ultra mk pegasis that was the trauma-based and they switched over to three grt the three green one red tone which uh leave tone you've talked about this in your testimony at one point i've talked about it that was the switchover point right around two thousand where they started retraining some people giving them further upgrades and enhancements and all that sort of stuff right um but the idea is is that that three that three grt essentially doesn't use trauma it actually creates entrainment they actually borrowed that from another program to create a more widespread entrainment in programming throughout the programs right um okay so now we're going to talk about this idea of how she and i know each other in the programs right some examples of how this happened um the first one uh again i'm not talking i'm not talking a lot about victor so victor camcov was one of my alters yes he has a russian name uh and you had victoria go ahead and tell him the victoria's name victoria kira lovich you know the first time that we actually were discussing some stuff that kind of showed up was this job that she had been put on where um she had been sentenced to russia and her job was to actually infiltrate another organization called murkoff by the way every time we see poutins face we're like you know yeah it's okay pouty um so anyhow how many folks have heard uh peter the insider he's been on james's show a lot talk about uh murkoff the program called murkoff right so asha alexander murkoff he was this crazy russian scientist who basically tried to create um group think super soldiers called wall writer right and the idea is if you have a group of super soldiers they're all acting together and thought you can't beat them in battle so making making the scary scarier one of the in fact as far as wall writer in murkoff one of the things that they used to do with me is they would hook up electrodes to my mind and um because i had the ability of like seeing in the future and um i could like visually see so in detail they would actually make 3d maps of what i can i could see so yeah the term is called precognition for those of you uh may not know that um so anyhow she sent in to infiltrate this organization kruger is essentially told that because she'd been going to these clubs trying to find a way to infiltrate murkoff per ultra been killed now the interesting part is is that kruger actually believed that which i find unusual but they did they sent down victor to go retrieve the asset now that his his job was an enforcer and you guys may have heard me talk about that term essentially what enforcer does is is other people that kind of keep the rules they're the people that kind of enforce the rules in the system right they also become tend to become usually people in power within the programs as well because they know the structure of the programs and victor was one of these people he was part of this group called the hand within kruger and the hand essentially were these uh literally hand chosen people by gable kruger to do certain jobs they're they're the fingers of the hand as it were right uh they would literally go out and do very specific jobs that gable would have them go do in this case he sent victor down to retrieve this body he said i don't care if you destroy the body i don't care if you bring it back but do not leave it down there for them to use or find or do medical examinations on that was the reason why they wanted to destroy it or brought back victor goes down and um what is happening is is he ends up finding out that uh she's not quite really dead she's actually very alive and all of a sudden he sees her in a bar he comes back up to talk to gabriel they reload some video footage and essentially he sees her in this frame and says you need to bring this ass at home now and um and he saw the frame through through an ocular implant within victor yeah they do have those um now interestingly enough as victor goes to go find her they they tracked her to to france he goes to this romanov which interestingly enough she's got connections to the romanov family weirdly enough and or not weirdly enough um but when i mentioned that i said i remember him going to this romanov family villa in north of france and she was like well i've got connections to the romanovs i'm like what and then uh he tracked her all the way to the south of france and that's where he stepped into this murkoff safe house and in my memory it looked like a bunch of gun fu which i'll not if people understand what that term means i don't know how many people know gun fu means right you see people using guns and martial arts and all kinds of wacky stuff um he ends up taking out the um murkoff assets that were there and this lady elena kupadov who was the handler for this facility is sitting next to her altar on the couch and that's the reason why i knew her face because in that memory i remember very clearly fixing victor walk in the room and looking directly out here and saying gabryl sends his regards pack your shit let's go now understand what he just got said because when gabryl crueger says pack your shit let's go he's not asking you politely he's telling you and that's exactly what happened he just told the asset her altar to get up and move and what is happening is elena kupadov tries to shoot her in the back of a head and victor shoots her twice in the forehead shoots elena kupadov twice in the forehead and she's dead so he's filling me in on the part he remembers what i remember was the fact that i was somehow in trouble and i am being taken from france to back to where gabryl crueger is and when i was there i was getting interrogated and i was getting the living crap beat out of me so our our Norwegian friend mr ola van derson you guys may have seen some of his interviews he was doing the interrogating and beating he was doing the initial beating slash interrogating in that particular episode um and this is the weird thing by the way people have asked this question do you have your altars ever seen each other okay right imagine if you had two two copies of you each in separate cloned bodies walking past each other where they recognize each other right well in this instance it actually happened because victor was leaving the room going back for a debriefing yohan passed him and kind of looked at him kind of weird and walks in the room where the actual interrogations happening and eventually tells ola to back off he'll handle it he ends up handling the rest of the interrogation putting her in a regen tag to regen and um victor went back and actually spoke with gabryl crueger telling him what had happened and what was found which is interesting uh the next area that they had served together was uh in south america that was both in cartehania and embogata which is interesting i actually told anthony zender about this um recall first and then he was like well wait a second i remember that too because this is where i was this is what i was doing so it's interesting when you meet people who have had similar recalls or they can fill in the gaps for you it's like wow oh okay i didn't realize that was anthony was on the same team that we're getting ready to talk about so understand that there are governments that do hire crueger assets and other assets like monarch and other groups to do certain jobs for them right understand this is a business how many people understand that these are corporations trying to make money and make resources right they don't care who they use in this case you've got uh a government being russia that hired crueger assets to do certain jobs for them and what is happening is in this case is that we got flown via an aircraft to uh this location and essentially the job that was going on was that her team she had a fire team with her we call it fire team a four-man team and by the way it's four people not only four men but the point is is that it was her and anthony and two other individuals that get on this bus there's a political operative we had to kill on the bus my guy victor is actually up on a water tower with a sniper rifle and he's watching that team he's he's basically the the eyes on situation watching what they're doing and he's watching the the oa and essentially he tells her psychically you need to hurry this up because uh down the road there's government forces and they're going to shoot the the bus up regardless what happens everyone that bus will be dead and all i know is that i'm with my team and all of a sudden i just get this thought like you've got to get all of these women and children off the bus right now right now it's going to blow up yep and i'm like oh my gosh so i tell my my team lead like we got to get these people off now and he's like what no that's not part of the mission like what are you what are you talking about like no no no you have to believe me we have to it's like okay so he like calms to somebody else and we get off and right as we get off the bus blows up i didn't know there was this other person the political person on the bus i didn't know that victor was up so victor takes the shot taking a shot he took the shot kills the political operative and then fires what's called a hearth round does anyone here is anyone here ever worked with military hardware and military sniper weapons or anything like that so okay well there's a around type around they use the car hearth round and essentially what it does is is it actually will traverse through an object and then go off actually there's an explosive charge in it and i had used well victor had used one of these hearth rounds inside the gas tank of the bus and caused the bus to actually explode and when the bus went up it actually solved two problems it made it so the body was non-recoverable and made sure the guy was actually dead so okay um we're gonna fast forward here a little bit um because i know that some folks have got some questions to ask us um and i think the dinner is setting in yeah dinner is setting in order right we apologize um okay so yohan fritts did in fact serve with her altar julia rain that was in crueger mdf and knockwaffen um and interestingly enough the most memories i have of her altar there were actually out of knockwaffen which is kind of weird to say that but it is true um because i remember her when she was coming she came aboard i promoted her to a certain unit and then eventually jody got promoted to security and my went to the same route i did and um when i got promoted to xo i made sure that she got moved up to mio because i want to people around me on my shift that i trusted and basically what happens is when you're a command officer you choose certain officers who you know are capable and what we would call you know he the moment situations you want to make sure that if something happens you have a little oh shit moment that the people that are on your team are going to react the way you hope they react right and that's what was going on here is i chose certain people on my bridge crew who i knew on my shift would react a certain way and jody was one of those people um again we as mentioned earlier when we went over to the franklin i also chose her as my maxo at that point um now this is where uh this particular altar is the one that i've got the most questions about because it doesn't fit anything that i really know but it does she actually has memories of him and i didn't at the time which is very weird okay yeah this is one of the first recalls i actually had of will so i kept seeing him come off in like maybe of a plane or something but he was getting done with um a world war two mission and um he was in khakis maybe khakis yeah navy khakis and i'm thinking uh maybe okay interesting and i just remember he had like this really withdrawn look almost like ptsd type look like oh my gosh i've been through a lot can't even begin to explain to you what i've been through and i just remember and in that recall i was his wife and i didn't want to tell him that i i we had barely started talking right and so in this recall i'm like yeah and i saw you get off in khakis and in that recall we also had a son and i'm like oh how do i tell him this this is kind of weird so um yeah and he was basically undercover um doing something with the germans even though he was an an American coming home and an American uniform so john was a polyglot and essentially he was working for alliance they're using technology called mobius technology to essentially send him back or looking glass technology to send him back in time to a certain location his whole mission was to first off and foremost ferry information from germany back to the allies secondly his job was to copy that information and send it to alliance because they had not a lot of good information pardon me a lot of good information what the germans had and what they had during that time period they wanted confirmable evidence saying this is what in fact they were researching and doing and um the weird memory i had was because when i saw William tomkins he was the first guy that i saw where i was like i know that dude like i know know that dude and i for whatever reason when William tomkins talked about this guy meeting these spies in that tower you guys remember some of his testimony where he talks about this that's kind of what i felt was my role was as john sherman i was the guy that he might have been meeting it was relaying all this information to them um but all of it was this stuff that was basically being copied off of german files had a lot to do with the vunovoff and the technology the uh the ideas the germans are coming up with and also to pictures of the beings they were working with and that was the hardest for this command structure to get their head around you weren't dealing with just humans anymore you're now dealing with et's helping the germans so that kind of changed the game um the second group of missions that they did together meaning um this is julie lemming and john sherman um mi6 have requested some help from alliance in terms of dealing with this threat to the english crown because they thought that destabilized we create a lot of issues um this had to do directly who sort of shawhouse you know heard of some of the stuff that peters talked about with shawhouse yet so this group um essentially uh julie julie lemming and um john sherman were sent in to kind of deal with certain issues of this they took the assassins out the would be assassins out the problem is is that in doing that it kind of brought down the ire of heather and jane at shaw which if you guys have ever heard uh peter talk on james's show specifically you guys know uh what that's like that's like kicking over a hornet's nest so um but we had to deal with that and at one point i actually thought her ultra died in that lifetime because of some stuff they had tried to pull um and then of course the last thing that i made note of here was uh they did recover uh john and julie did recover a lot of mobius devices now alliance essentially gave them a secondary mandate they said while you're out doing your missions if you come across this time altering technology this area of effect altering technology we want you to capture it disable it and stash it so you can come get it later and that's what he had done john had basically set up this underground network of stash points all over the world and as he found this stuff essentially he would uh go through and basically stash this stuff there and then the alliance person i would come in and get it and remove it and they would destroy it and um to understand what this stuff does if you can imagine having a bubble or a certain uh geographical area in the world and inside that bubble everyone acts differently because the technology keeps putting into their subconscious these little tiny thoughts these little tiny feelings right you need to be agitated you need to be upset you need to be angry you need to be whatever that is that technology does that it does it in what's called an area of effect inside that bubble um areas that i remember having these bubbles was europe during war two russia syria and a lot of other countries as well um now eventually what had happened was they found out that this technology actually was not human originated it was actually et originated so we know that et's have been manipulating timelines around us for a while and this kind of this was the first physical tangible evidence we had that went back to alliance saying this is exactly what happened this group absolutely was doing this and here's how they did it we had that we had the actual hard evidence that the black and white if you want to call it that of how they did it right okay okay so we mentioned that we would get back to colorado so as far as colorado the um facilities that we were taken to underground as children um they were outside of boulder and we know that as the bracken ridge area and a lot of you probably know that as like the bracken ridge resort and ski area how many of you know that area okay so there's a lot of how many of you guys also understand department of energy has a facility there at bracken ridge that's a big deal because d o e in my opinion where can in hand a lot of times monarch and mk ultra facilities they're actually these programs will resell the actual dums the deep underground military bases to d o e so that they can reuse them later on so you have these scientists coming into this space where children have been essentially tortured and they're re reusing that space to run whatever experiments they're running our weapons tests and the thing is if you have a kid that all of a sudden become psychically active and you see this massive second burst happen where it affects you know whole area do we can come out and say you know what we had a weapons discharge sorry our bad and all the sudden people go okay because the media what are they going to do they're going to tell you that's exactly what happened the weapons discharge happened nothing this kid had this little tiny kid just had this massive psychic event right and that's exactly how this stuff happens they want to be able to cover that up as quickly as possible so for us that facility was monarch and murkoff yeah sadly with sasha murkoff yeah so crazy scientists and getting back this list too right so you've got again knockwaffin mars defense force um a lot of projects this hand group we talked about here on the right hand side right i'll be getting more into um the green dragons in in a video yeah i talked a little bit about it though but as a teen i did train with them and um that was very interesting so and for those people who are interested in monarch and what how monarch infiltrates hollywood there's two programs are listed on here project helios and project showgirl those specifically are used and how they handle movie tv and radio stars people who are musicians people who are producers people who are the stars you see on on the screen here on here on your audio recordings they're the that's how they handle them also project sapphire that's something that we channeled one night and we ended up um having it lead to something with the clinton's which is but but it's also the direct tie-in what happened right before jeffree Epstein that's true how many people know who jeffree Epstein is the the sick the sick mofo he was right i use that term lately that project project sapphire was a project that was a lead-in to um that whole thing how how you have a lot of people involved though aside in my six and a bunch of people who were involved with that also project dark star that was um a recall that i had and um we were basically being chased by a navigarial force and we were getting ready to um basically be blown up and then he says type in project dark star and we just went through this force field and we got away yeah so that was that all right so we have a lot more but you know we're getting tired i can tell so it's time for q and a how about that so and just as a side note if you guys have cell phones and you want to actually go to our website to see what we do you can use that qr code to the right actually point your camera at it and it'll actually take you straight to the website it'll give you a little yellow indicator usually around it to light up the web link you can go to facebook you can join us there uh you also join uh jodi's uh guided helping you navigate your divine journey and services with jodi and well so yeah thank you guys all so much all right so what thank you i'm going to step around so what questions do you guys now have for us we've got a little bit of time here we want to leave a little bit of time because we know we just did a massive brain dump on you guys right and also real quick i do want to acknowledge those people on the live stream thank you so much for joining us yes and i know even though you're not here you're here in spirit and energy and we thank you so much all right so what questions do you guys have for us any questions i want to put your hands up anyone okay go ahead so you're asking the questions how many alters can you have right okay how many people have heard of a guy by name is stuart swedlow anyone okay a lot of hands going up that's good if you haven't heard of him you need to go read his books um stuart is a in my opinion a very prolific writer and one of his books called 13 cubed talks specifically around this topic he he comes at it in the form of like trying to peel an onion if you want to call it that right because with this particular area you have to peel this back like an onion very slowly um to answer your question directly what he says is he goes there's 13 times 13 times 13 potential max alters at any one point which is two my math here 2196 or 1069 alters i can't remember the exact number because i'm trying to brain math i'm really tired but the point is is that uh there's over 2 000 alters that can be generated wait at the time of birth now what happens is is at h2 h4 h6 h8 up through h12 there's a chemical in your brain called gaba so you want to know what gaba is okay go and tell us what it is real quick okay it's called gamma embiteric acid right that actually creates the neuroplasticity inside the brain that neuroplasticity is how they create alters make sense so at those ages that gaba drastically plummets this is why little kids learn faster than we do by the way just in case you're wondering if you want to go get some of your learning skills back go take some gaba but the idea is is that that particular chemical as it plummets as kids get older that also limits the number of maxable use alters and then when they step into the programs that's also the way there's new studies out saying that that will actually help the neuroplasticity of the brain so for Alzheimer's and stuff like that yeah Parkinson's Alzheimer's any of those diseases but the idea is is by the time you're about age eight there's usually around 80 to 85 alters max that can be used that won't fold back into the subconscious and at that point out of that 80 or 85 alters usually you have around two to five strong so they call it strong have you guys has even here read Fritz Sprigmire's work how to create an alumni mind controlled slave I get another great book to go read although it is a bit lengthy and a bit dry it's kind of creating the bible when you're not drunk so so yeah so anyhow so he says in that book that usually two to five strongs are created initially and then after that it's all weeks with call a week alter right so the alters I just heard me talking about are my strongs right they're the guys who are capable of executing mission plans without fail and jody's alters you heard list on there are also strong it's why they're paired up that way they want two strongs in a command position in case one happens to need help right basically carrying the weight would be the term we would use in the program so we use that term a lot and when you talk about being paired up you know we've had some clients say does everybody have a divine counterpart or are they're all command pairs and not everybody is trained that way you know so do you want to mention that so um so when you look at the the idea of twinning divine counterparts and who actually goes through that that boils down to a mixture of things right first off is this person who is technically it could be considered a divine counterpart here on earth in this lifetime that's the first number one consideration we're talking programs that doesn't mean like you don't have a divine counterpart we're just talking about twinning and and programs yeah that's the first thing they look for is that person here in that particular lifetime yes or no if they are at that point that is when they say okay if that person's here we need to locate them and what they start looking for is they call temporal signatures meaning that the actual signature attached to your actual star seated soul when it stepped into this lifetime and created as jody mentioned so eloquently earlier the note that went out to the course of humanity the minute that note gets emanated they track it down because they want to know who that person is for you right that's only what makes sense you have to find this person that's why with jody and i they kind of went through this whole like weeding out of it at a weed certain people out who we knew weren't that person so and yes you're correct there are some people who don't have this and their missions in the programs they're deemed actually as single solitary actors you may have someone who's a black ops person someone who's an assassin someone gets used in a certain way that they don't want attachments to them in the programs in those cases they wouldn't win them they wouldn't make it wouldn't use a divine counterpart so any other questions go ahead there's a mic right here it's okay we don't like we appreciate your questions too and we do appreciate your questions so for these counter-altered parts do any of them function operate in parallel time like in parallel timelines you ask a question against all right ask it again your counter parts your altered parts yeah are any of them operating in parallel timelines yes so not necessarily previous lifetimes correct but parallel timelines as well so when you hear jody talking about victoria victoria is still technically in the programs she's still up there when you hear me talk about john sherman he's still in the programs up there but he does do a lot of stuff down here as well so yes the the answer to use this they are operating in this timeline but because they're in a cloned body and that part of us has been copied into that cloned body they can operate independently of us and that's how these programs use the use us is to create these individuals who can go do these missions my question is that we all are sovereign beings one creator sure then we have a higher self now you take take say take myself you split my soul i have a five alters does my higher self still able to influence my alters because part of my soul my sovereignty is now sovereign in the alters the answer that is yes alters look at your soul you as the over soul the same way we look at god as our over soul well so when they look at us they look at us as we're the layer in between them and god that knowledge gives hope yes to all of us yes yes good and i'm so glad that you touched upon hope because before coming to this conference i thought okay what is the energy that i want to relay and what is the energy that i hope we all can be in and that is of hope because even though we've been through a lot of these types of experiences along the way and a lot of them have been challenging we know that we can heal from these things and i hope you know that because we can is my gun press is working here last question was really good and i've actually got a couple my obviously i'm all about remembering because they erase your memories when they're when they're done with you with these so people that are remembering these and experiences and speaking out of them are kind of rare but as opposed to the numbers that are going into these programs my question to you guys is how long have you been remembering this and i i'll wait for your answer before my second question that tees off of that you had memories to this pretty early right is that correct i would say around two thousand okay so the catalyst for me my divorce like i said that catalyst moment everything started pouring it's like it cracked me open and and everything started pouring in and um the dreams i kept having military dreams even in my first it is ryan here and i have a question for you what do you do when you win like are you a fist pumper a woohoo a hand clap or a highfiver if you want to hone in on those winning moves check out chumba casino choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes there are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses so don't wait start having the most fun ever at chumba casino dot com sponsored by chumba casino no purchase necessary v qu group or prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply q h t i had all these off world experiences and i'm like what is this about that was two thousand three right um that was around 2010 2010 sorry so for those of you have heard my testimony when i had my first uh hypnotic session that was in 1995 right i had that session recorded it was written down and i did not look at any of that until 2012 so because i looked at that time period of my life when i went through that healing process i said i can't go back to that energy and i was actually very afraid of it to be blunt with you because i didn't know what i was going to dig up i didn't know what i said under under hypnosis the thing is i thought you know i'm gonna be starting to talk like a crazy man yes i got three arms and i'm woo you know uh but the fact is is what happened was is the lady who ran the hypnosis session the the number one thing she told me was this when she handed me this pack of stuff she said first off and foremost i'm giving this to you for your records you should read it at some point she goes i do not want it in my office because i do not want people from the government showing up asking me what i know about this she goes there's too much information in here that's too detailed and i can't talk my way around it secondly the thing that she said she goes pay very close attention to the notes i took when i asked the professor about the German spoken during your very first recall now in 2012 i had for whatever reason i had these moments where i was just like let's go back and look at it right let's go down memory lane oh that was a bad mistake because i crack open this hard drive i start pulling this stuff out and in there in one of the notes it says that that particular dialect of german died out in 1943 in germany when third army rolled through germany so yeah to your point though also um tony like i mentioned in my slide deck i feel like if you look at the different breadcrumbs and the quantum echoes end up the lead throughs like this just came to my mind right now i forgot to mention it but my piano teacher's husband was a german teacher in our community college and he would give me these german to english dictionaries because i loved languages and he's like yeah and i'll help you with that so it's just like these weird things that like along my life path you know second second question i've heard i've heard it many times the same kind of experiences from people that get similar dreams so there's a lot of people there's a lot more people that remember these things that don't want to speak about it yes yes my next question is the people that are speaking about it does exposure to this information from other testimonies like mine or randy's or anybody else's that are coming forward like is this affecting your memory process like do you feel that i mean do you watch the other videos because at a certain point i quit watching new information because it was affecting my own intake and how i was processing my own experiences so i'm wondering if you guys go through the same thing i'll let you answer that first quite frankly i don't have a lot of time so much a whole lot of other so i i haven't had that issue so far so um i we've just been so busy on the road that i haven't had a whole lot of time other than concentrating on our own stuff so here's how i'll answer that question directly um my testimony when i translated the stuff in ocr and scanned everything Connie gave me the bulk of that i already had in written form and i went through it i had cleaned it up i knew what was said in there so there's certain things that i couldn't finesse or work my way around because they're in black and white right um secondly i was i started having really really vivid dream recall around that time because in december 2012 i had an indie myself and when that happened that blew what i call the third memory cap in my system like anything that was at that point blank slated it was like nope it's all boring i have fun with that and here i am so as that started coming out and this stuff started resurfacing um i you have to understand when i was in the military i had a lot of issues with alcohol right so i was using alcohol to repress my ability to process emotions and dreams and all that stuff here i am now i'm sober and i have this crazy stuff going on side my head and i'm like what in the hell do i do with this right this is why i'm recommending to all of you if you have dreams write them down because you have no idea what that may in fact be whether it's a processing dream whether it is a an actual recall whether it's a memory or whatever so i think also something that we've learned from doing qhht is if the subconscious is not um or the person's not ready for the subconscious to release certain information it won't it will protect the person from whatever information right because the person may not be ready so oftentimes we'll say it if the person's ready at the appropriate time and place that information will be accessed so i feel like as we further evolve and we become ready certain information will just pour out sometimes like a fire hose sometimes drip drip drip but it all depends and i just think that once we are ready it will come through and understand this too guys the other side of this too is is that okay thank you Tony um understand this too right so the other side of this is that along with these memories and dreams people like jody and i when we start having these recalls we're also having the emotional backlash of all of that coming up with it on top of that so here we are we're literally reliving the memory in the moment and we're going what is this like i'm the one dream i had and jody was actually there the first time it showed up uh we we hadn't been married very long i don't think when i had my this dream about my call the three clowns you guys heard me talk about this particular recall so i'm not afraid of clowns but in this particular recall the strain memory was i saw these three clowns and they're coming at me and i'm like okay first off why do i have this immense feeling of fear looking at three clowns who are basically they're stupid they're what am i afraid of them for um secondly why do i keep getting this weird like the smell stuff kept showing up in the dream like i could smell dreco and if you guys understand what dreco smell like there's no hiding that odor so and this point the first and it as this is happening by the way she's actually in the here and now laying next to me and i'm going through full body convulsions my whole body is shaking i am literally like having a seat here what is going on i literally was she thought was being electrocuted in bed high voltage electrocution in bed because in the cage we were being electrocuted and my body was fully reliving that entire amount of trauma all at that exact moment in time and the next night i had the exact same dream again now this time one of my altar stepped in he said do you want to see the truth of what actually happened to you because if you do there's no going back because you cannot unsee this i said i have to know the truth so yes i take yes and that was really hard because the next thing i saw was the street dreco one of them being a royal prince walking up at me now imagine being an eight-year-old kid a little tiny kid and you see a 13-foot tall white reptilian that should give you the idea of how scared i was as a kid this thing looked like everything that you could possibly imagine as lucifer except that it was white it is that the wings the the claws the teeth everything right so for me i see this and i'm like okay i and he's like you don't need to have the the fear about this he's but you need to understand how we were created you understand why you have the intense dislike for the reptilian dreco that you do because i did and i still do this day by the way you guys have heard my testimonies you know how i talk about them i don't like them because they manipulate us but in that memory as jody would tell you the second night the convulsions almost immediately stopped once yohan allowed me to see the truth and he also showed me what happened because i saw her there i also saw her sister there and some other people there my sister's in the program my middle sister right so there's all these folks i started naming right when i came out of the dream all this data i started naming i just fully described the whole area i could tell her exactly what was going on in-depth in detail so there there is kind of a price to be paid we if you want the recall but the thing is is like it's also about healing right that's the other says it i think that's kind of what you're getting at tony if i'm hearing you correctly there is this process where those of us who have absolutely been in have to heal through this process and that's why jody and i do what we do is that when we find people who come to these events and they are in fact experiences like us like you guys um our job is to figure out what modality what we can do to address the actual pain and start doing trauma care that's really what this is folks we're literally doing emotional physical psychic mental trauma care to people it's one thing to get your memories back to get your recall then what do you do with the information right okay it's great you write it down you share it with others you connect but then there's a point in time where you have to heal you have to integrate all of that yeah and that is some deep hard work but you can do it and we are also here for you yeah so as we said earlier that that's the reason why we do what we do in our business is that we when i stepped into this i originally did not want to step into the ssp world the way i did actually i didn't want to come out i'll be blunt with you and so you may have heard me say this originally i i was actually convinced by a guy who was running a ssp group on facebook uh he actually had me talk with this lady from spain then he had me talk to james and i was i even told james to think of our very first video i was like i don't know that i really want to do this because it's just really hard for me talking about this stuff in a way that if i'm not being authentic i said if i'm being authentic i said i'm gonna say some things that might offend some people it might hurt some people's feelings and that's why you guys if you've watched especially my testimonies and now jody's you see the reason why we come across the way we do because we sincerely feel the way we do because of what we've experienced we have a question right here thanks for your patience go ahead sorry so jody um specifically to you sorry you look good she's my beautiful wife so going going back to that meeting where you were kind of yanked in dc oh yeah and you're meeting with americans and then there's also russian businessmen there um and you spoke of right you spoke of one who was x x f s b um do you remember his name i chance i don't i'm sure if i connected with the d o d guy he could tell me or do you remember the company that he ran in russia by chance like was this like in the 90s like was he in the up of speed actually 2014 okay so he yeah it was 2013 going it was it was before the election in 2014 so it was 2013 yeah okay um but i could probably locate the green business that they were establishing here okay and all of that but um why do you want to pick up something i was just curious if i could identify the guy um like if he came from the yeltson era or if he came from the p- okay i see what you're saying to see what era yeah i could i could probably locate that for you okay cool yeah thank you yeah yeah we have one more question coming up hey james yeah hello um so i've known you probably about two or three years now yeah um so first thing i'd like to mention is i have been keeping a dream journal journal and uh about six pages a six months a page is um it's probably about twelve pages it disappeared from my journal so um i'm really not i kind of gave up on it because i have no idea i'm assuming another aspect of myself stole it or i'm not quite sure how that works but if they don't want you to know you're kind of out of luck but um my question to you is in some of the videos that we've done you mentioned that there's going to be a schism with dark fleet around i think 2024 if i'm not mistaken so in that particular timeline the alliance uh will third of dark fleet breaks off to create the alliance which wears different aspects i'm guessing solar war didn't so on join in but um you remembered a negative timeline where hillary clinton was president and then we had nuclear war and then knockwaffen uh came to help or the alliance came to help around 2022 so if we are on a positive timeline without the nuclear war and all that do you think we'll start seeing help around 2024 where super soldiers would be able to get assistance or do you think they're just going to keep ignoring us if we don't we'll just go away or something that is the big question right so and a good one and it's a great question actually this kind of leads into some other stuff that we were going to discuss but we didn't want to go way over on time so um to answer your question directly and that negative timeline what james is talking about is that what i remembered is yelhan in that timeline was that in 2016 there was a huge civil war in the u.s because the electoral college basically broke down during a vote now think about what we just had happened during our last election cycle right this should make everyone take pause for a minute because we're seeing quantum echoes of that now right secondly in that timeline when that schism happened here i mean within earth the us essentially imploded on itself it couldn't maintain its debt uh the chinese and the japanese came to collect their debt and you also had russians coming in with them to help kind of mop the mess up and it created this huge kind of battlefield in northern northern america now that went on until 2032 for 16 years you saw that happening here because there were certain pockets of resistance that just would not die out and they had just wait to make guns an ammo but the point is that they weren't willing to give up without a fight so that that's what happened in that timeline now in 2032 which is what you're talking about that is the date the time period where we started saying you know what we're just going to show up in orbit and start bringing down medical supplies and seeing how we can help people down here and what ended up happening was is at that exact moment that's where all of a sudden the ssp's were known to the people on the planet no other government could say you don't exist anymore there's no way to get around it because we're seeing a hundred ships in low orbit right above earth and guess what they're all ours right now to answer your second part of your question this is the more difficult question to ascertain because with looking glass in some of these technologies if we had access to that I could probably give you a direct answer but the problem is is that because of the singularity event where these two timelines are kind of collapsing back in on each other they don't know the exact date when this is going to happen and what ICC the temple temple agency ICCTA is essentially mandated is that they're basically trying to do what they call a controlled glide into these two things crashing into each other does that make sense from saying how many people have ever seen an airplane crash right so if you have essentially what you're trying to do is you're trying to slow the airplane down just enough that either it glides and kind of lands gently or at least doesn't try to kill everyone on the aircraft right that's kind of what they're trying to do with these two timelines is they're trying to gently glide them into each other and see how many people they can save right and the reason why I state that is because they don't know what the actual outcome is they know there's a strong propensity that if we here in this timeline are doing the right things and we're trying to change our trajectory we may have enough arc in our trajectory that this other fourth density timeline doesn't actually take effect or hurt us that's what we're trying to aim for the outcome wise and when jody talked about hope and you guys mentioned hope earlier thank you to whoever that was that's what we're actually hoping for is that in that end result the timeline outcome essentially says that we do not have a crash and burn effect there's not a wiping effect that might happen right I do believe that you will see SSPS as being shown more in the media and in the news because at some point I've been told multiple times they can't hide this stuff over and over and over again that's what the media is doing right now we see it how many people in here have watched the news and been like how are they putting this garbage on the screen because we know this is fake how many times it's not propaganda literally the US is the laughing stock of propaganda I feel like every day I turn the news on we literally have our Baghdad Bobs on TV who are saying oh there's no medicans up behind us and here's third army rolling right behind the guy you know how many people saw that video in Iraq right during desert storm one this is exactly the same thing we know what the truth is and we have our Baghdad Bobs telling us differently right I think also James to the part of your question where you asked are we going to get help I think also we're going to get help from our ET friends from different groups as well so I think that's going to be great the reason why I think Jodi's alluding to this is because something we have talked about in one of our videos where originally the Galactic Federation said there's a non-air fairness policy and what happened was essentially the negative ET groups ignored that policy the positive groups had been playing into it there's going to be an event at some point where they say you know what we're no longer going to acknowledge the non-air fairness policy because if if these groups try to do this to earth then we're going to step in and we're going to have to stop this and that's another again hunth monkey effect right when is it that the palladians and the leerins and the high deans and all these groups that have sort of a little bit of animosity toward the Draco finally say enough is enough right and we may see that happen to answer your question directly I also think we can affect the timelines the agregory and all of that through the frequency that we keep so as Dan Winter says you know clean astral hygiene and keeping our frequency high we can affect all of that and something also too that Peter told you on your own show right he said in April I think it's April 12th 2020 the agregory which is like the collective astral intelligence of our species right here on earth for the first time ever switched from being negative to positive right and he said he said that was an interesting event because the minute that switched over he said all of a sudden these these negative entropic ET groups that we've been having problems with all of a sudden couldn't continue doing the same crap they're doing and of course when Peter says crap I was kind of giggled because he says it like a little two-year-old crap you know so there you go back in time and try to reset the timeline with a different different experiment on it how to modify things correct yeah and this is Mobius Tech too yeah so yes sir you guys okay with two questions from the live stream yeah good okay first one is what percentage of people have alters and are blank slated and and what percentage of people who don't know so here's my answer to that question if you look at the number of people like Jody and I who and Tony and others who talk about our experiences I mean we can count the number of people who are actively talking about this probably on two hands and two feet and there are millions of people in the programs a very very small percentage going directly to Tony's point earlier right very small percentage and the reason why that's important is because of exactly what you mentioned Tyler when you talked about this idea of blank slating right the technology actually works the way it's supposed to the problem is on some of us like Jody and I and Tony and James and some others and it doesn't work quite as well and we start getting these little glimmers of what we used to see and as we start writing this stuff down all the sudden we start seeing patterns and patterns become themes and themes become memories that makes sense to everyone go ahead is how do you know that you are not an altar and that you are the original being um I actually answered this question we talked about this actually when Jody and I first met in 5d a while back um Misha Johnson asked this question there's a real easy way if you look at your thumbprint right if you're an altar you're in a cloned sleeve what they call it if you guys watch altered carbon the tv show anyone okay so that for those of you raising your hands that that sleeve has a uh in the thumb print area in the programs they put a copy of the 16 digit uh your actual 16 digit serial number in your thumbprint so if you were to take a thumbprint and magnify it and you see 16 digits there you're a clone I think I think I just red-pilled half the room go me secondly secondly I'll say this as well I'll say I'll say this as well also by the way most people in this room are probably not clones for one very simple reason because for the people that are clones usually their 1.0 body is being used somewhere else in the programs for very particular reason orts in storage so usually these altars they know they have what's called this re-homing effect and they typically will try to seek that that higher conscious that the gentleman back here talked about earlier they'll try to seek that higher consciousness out so they do look for that for that higher consciousness so so that would be a normal microscope or where they have to be like a specific high-powered microscope okay so when you look at your normal thumbprint right most people have that curly Q effect into the thumbprint you'd have to really zoom in on that to see the ridges in that thumbprint now for most people you're not going to get a high enough magnification going to Walmart buying a microscope but you need a very specific range of microscope to look at the ridges and see what's actually there and the thing is those numbers are actually burned into place so it's very clear that when they're there that's how we actually track asset tags that and the fact there's an implant usually in the medulla so thank you you're welcome any more questions we're talking about yeah five more minutes i was wondering if you can see what the altars are doing i've heard some people can see what their altars are doing that's part of our sia sessions yeah so um yes so the question she asked was is can people see what their altars are doing and what their doing up there or are they still around have they been used you know dot dot dot the answer to that is yes so there are people who have the ability to pull down those records i do jody does peter has there's a lot of us that do it now because we're trying to get as much of this information flooded into groups like this as possible because if someone has been using the program they aren't asset you need to know how you've been used it's that plan sample it informs the way that you heal as well it does it does change your healing path because we've noticed that there are a lot of times quantum echoes showing up from these altars that show up in our lifetimes that's essentially our subconscious saying this part of you is not healed and understand all of these quote-unquote superhero altars right would be i've heard someone use that phrase the only reason why that altar exists is because you do that means there's a part of you that's also a superhero understand that for a minute that means that a part of you has the ability to do all of these things that people talk about with these altars so when you have that ability to do that that means that these altars are actually a part of you you are them so you need to understand how you were used in those programs it's very clear uh you good question kind of digress a little bit here i've been having some spontaneous past life recalls and some things that definitely like coalesce with those later to confirm that those the events did in fact happen sure i did a past life reading a few years ago and i was really needling the extraterrestrials in my past life to kind of let me have some information as to certain things and they kept telling me no you're not ready no you're not ready you know i was just like come on guys let me know you know and they wouldn't i was like all right so i just sat with it for a while well my friend and i afterwards she did this with me um we were talking about it in the kitchen and i felt like a memory was coming back and then instantly it was gone and i feel like that wasn't me and she suddenly gasps she goes oh i was like what she's like there's a being behind you it looked like a mantid being she drew it for me and he was looking at the back of my head and i feel like he stopped that memory from coming back to me and i was wondering have you guys experienced that before and i've had a couple other things too that happened but um are there interferences from beings whether they be benevolent malevolent they've all let you answer the first part i'll take a second thank you no thank you for your question absolutely um i think there's interference absolutely but i will say that we've had questions from clients before where they've asked you know how can we stop this interference and we definitely feel like there's ways that you can protect yourself from that but you can also ready yourself for like i've said before ready yourself for that incoming information you know and i feel like you are you know i feel like you're like i will say this though in the conscious awake state we're like we're ready we're ready bring it on right um in QHHT sessions your subconscious may be like you know what she's not ready yeah she's not right well we'll put me under one time and my awake state i'm like yes i'm so ready to clear this i'm done with this like i'm ready give me all the information well my subconscious was like we'll negotiate with her you know so like there was some resistance at some layer so you know we just we don't exactly know where maybe there's pockets of resistance so that may be the case for you and i don't know but we we can definitely overcome any any resistance and any interference that there is and understand this too right when jody says that hurt and understand when we put somebody under we're not actually answering the question the person doing the hypnosis is not answering the question all they're doing is facilitating asking the list of questions the person wanted asked right in this case jody had a certain list of questions that she wanted to have answered i put her under and like her her her subconscious is actually very demonstrative we use a term demonstrative mean it's like yes you know has that kind of a change in voice when it was talking and it's like oh okay um and then when i asked this question i said well can you give jody this piece of information and her subconscious was like we're gonna have to negotiate with on that and i'm just like i'd never heard a subconscious actually say that i'm like why are you so milk toast right now come on and what happens is is that sometimes i think the subconscious jody hit it down the head earlier actually you said it exactly the way i would say it right now is that the subconscious is always trying to protect the conscious mind ego because it recognizes the ego sometimes can't handle the stress of knowing the truth so what it's trying to do is it's trying to create a way to egress information from the subconscious into the conscious mind slowly slowly prep the mind so it understands what it's getting ready to unfold i think you're being prepped i think you're being prepped too yeah that's awesome yeah you're welcome what time we have been it's two hours yeah two hours okay we're at two hours we'll just one quick question sure uh listening to your previously recorded podcasts and all that for sure shows sometime it could be the the audit uh the audio quality or something but you were mentioning something in reference to the dray cows and then you said subin zubin thubin how to spell it t h u b a answer homework thubin oh i miss i miss took it from for the zubin so it's thubin thubin is the homeworld just the alpha draconans alpha draconians right the the draco white draco that's where the queen typically resides that's their homeworld it's it's actually in the the um the draco constellation and specifically thubin is in and of itself uh an interesting place because the the phrase the draco use is that's from where all their power emanates and it's on a psychic level and a physical level secondly when they say thubin which is what we're trying to say here in this world they speak with a mixture of um you have the the verbal imprint the audio that we would typically say things in right but there's also a psychic imprint that you're getting blasted with their pictures i think james actually had the pictures on his site at one point where these nazis were essentially forced into the ground the first time they met the draco because the draco were trying to talk to them and not realizing they're swamping them with all this psychic information and maybe they did realize that i don't know but they did that on purpose they were trying to force them into submission because that's the way they that's the way they work so good okay so that's thub and it's in the draco constellation yep i miss took it for zubin which is in the believer constellation yep thank you you're welcome okay i think that's it right good job it is ryan seacrest here everybody needs some variety in life that's what i love about chumba casino they know how to keep things fresh and exciting all their 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