Journey to Truth

Ep. 57 - Tarek Bibi - Spiritual Evolution - Transmuting Fear Into Love - Healing Mother Gaia

Originally aired on 3/19/20
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Tarek Bliss Bibi:
Tarek is a facilitator of inner transformation assisting spiritual individuals to transcend their emotional and psychological blocks to Live their Life Miraculously! You can check out his website at
Police state
Curfew hours
Quarantined human beings
Economies crashing
How do we transcend this?
How do we get back on top?
How do we move forward with gods plan
To restore the divine plan
Peace on earth
Is it a mirrage?
Or is this a call for an uprising
For us to be ever vigilant
Resiliant in our efforts
To co create our vision
Of what heaven on earth would be
Dont stop believing
Keep the faith alive
And all other positive song titles you can think of
Whats really important underneath it all
Lets get our priorities in check
Lets get together and give it our best shot
Its the final warning
Lets do this!
Are you in? - Tarek Bibi
Light Warrior Anthem (AUDIO)

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Hi, this is Tim Sanders, founder of the Omnia Radiation Balancer. And I'm honored to have been a guest on the Journey to Truth show. Now with phone radiation, most people think that because they can't feel anything, nothing is happening. But the reality is that this radiation is causing a lot of stress and damage in your body, and your brain doesn't register that it's happening. The likelihood is that you'll only find out about it when this continuous stress shows up in the body as disease. And this is backed up by well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies showing that EMF causes serious diseases when they tested it on rats. The Omnia Radiation Balancer removes this stress. It's proven to balance the blood, it brings perfect crystalline structure to water, and our kinesiology muscle tests show that the body goes super strong when you stuck it on your phone. And it works with 5G. You just order enough patches to cover every radiating device in your home and you're done. It lasts forever. But to be clear, let's not get complacent. We must all stop 5G together. So big thanks and big love to Tyler and Erin. Click on the link below and you can quickly and permanently bring balance back to your body. Thank you. (gentle music) - Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight we are joined by Tarak Bibi. Tarak is a healer, a mentor, and a rap artist. And he is bringing some valuable healing to the world right now. And we're going through this pandemic, this whole coronavirus thing. So we're gonna touch on that as well. Welcome to the show. - Thank you so much for having you guys. I'm really honored to be here and excited to share some inspiration, some motivation, some solutions from the soul to what's happening on our planet. And my mission is definitely to help everyone on this planet, just really align with what they're here to be and do what they're here to do. And I feel like if we all fit that, we definitely can create a better world. - Yeah, I agree with that 100%. So just explain kind of what you do and how you got started. I mean, you could even go into as far back as you want. I just kind of just to give us an idea of who you are. - Sure. So thank you, thank you guys again for this opportunity. And just all the listeners, it's just a big hello and namaste and blessings for being here. Appreciate your presence. You could be anywhere. There's so much information. So definitely wanna make this just, I wanna be considerate to the audience and let them know that this is something that's going to be a game changer is my intention. So yeah, born in Jordan. So my heritage is my father's Lebanese. His father was from Palestine. So his dad left Palestine right before the Brits took over and after World War II with all the things that were happening. And then they sent all the Jews to Palestine to be their new home. So my granddad dipped a year before that happened, moved to Lebanon. And then my dad moved away from Lebanon 'cause there's a war happening in Lebanon and then moved to Jordan. So we've been like bouncing around my mom's from Syria, which is originally from Lebanon. So at one point it was all kind of one country in the old days. And then I left Jordan at four and my dad was looking for more like a secure place to live. He didn't want us to go through what he went through with the wars and changing. So Dubai was still like an up-and-coming place for a lot of people in the '80s, I was born in '82, so '80s baby. And yeah, so we moved to Dubai. So I felt even further away from my roots. But again, looking back, at least there was no war, there was no problems politically and we had a really good life. My dad worked his ass off, started the business, my mom worked her ass off and people usually think, "Oh Dubai, you must be a millionaire." And it's like, no, it's a lot of people go there and start from the ground up. So that was my parents. And really good life, just as an empath or as an indigo child. And if you're not aware of these terms, just like look at some of the kids nowadays, they just, you look into their eyes, they seem like really old souls, they'll share things with their parents like, "What's wrong, dad? "What's wrong, mom?" Or they'll share things that, you know, the parents are like, "How the hell do you know "that information?" So it's just kids that just come in with more of an awareness of who they are or more of an awareness of where they've come from. And I remember very strongly, yeah. You guys heard of that, right? - Oh yeah, oh yeah. - So sometimes they even come in with memories from a past life or something like that. And it's really interesting. - Or like ET memories was their pet and they'll come in and be like, "Yeah, oh yeah, this is with a planet, "I'm from this, yeah, or dimension." - It'd be crazy, yeah. - It's amazing, it's beautiful, really. - And it's interesting. It's interesting when you research it, they say like we get our memories wiped out for our own sake. And I really question that sometimes in spiritual or new age information, they're like, "Yeah, for our own sake, "they wipe out our memories." And I just never resonated with that because how empowered would you be to know where you came from and the skills you had and to make sense of why you have traumas in this life based on what happened in the past? So in my mind, it kind of doesn't make sense that they wipe out the memories and it feels very men in blackish. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - But yeah, it definitely felt good, right? - Yeah, totally. And who knows what's happening to us when we're coming in here and God knows what's happening to us when we leave here and I definitely feel, I definitely know from my research when we leave here, there's definitely some manipulation that's bringing us back over and over and I'd love to discuss that later on. But for now, definitely as a kid, I remember praying. I remember praying to God, praying to a higher power and saying, "What's happening on this planet?" Like, this is dense as hell. Like, literally it felt like hell to me from my understanding of like, heaven, hell, higher dimensions in here. And it felt like hell energetically. So I must have had a recollection of a higher vibration for me to say this was hell 'cause all my peers were happy, blissfully happy in this existence and I'd look around in the class and I'm like, "Am I the only one freaking out here?" And pretty much, "I want to be the only one freaking out." Everyone else was pretty happy. And then, yeah, so feeling the density of this planet, feeling so far from where it could be or it should be. And the heavy people, the people who were really angry and aggressive, I literally thought they were demons and I would pray to God like to protect me from these people who were in my mind demons, but really it was just an innocent perspective of how far that was from what I was used to. And so from my limited understanding, I was like these people are demons. And I know as a kid, when our teachers are like, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Everyone's like, "Law your doctor." Like all these ambitious kids in my class. And I just thought to myself, like I definitely feel my role models or like my heroes or like Jesus and Muhammad. And like I want it to be like the prophets and just have this really good connection to God and help humanity and maybe perform miracles as well. Yeah. Yeah. And fast forward. So Dubai, just trauma with school. Like I remember day one that like you got to go to school and I was like, "No, Dad, I don't feel like..." Like I just felt that wasn't the right thing for me. And I knew intuitively instinctively that school wasn't gonna serve my path and my purpose. In fact, it was gonna really affect my confidence and my purpose. And he was just like, "You gotta do this. Everyone does it." And that was, you know, that one decision of me saying, "Okay, I'll do it." And I remember crying 'cause I knew it was going against my free will. And that lasted till 12th grade. So I was like, (laughs) I wish I knew how long that decision was gonna affect me. And school is really hard. I probably would have been labeled ADD. I was super empathic. I'd pick up on everyone's emotions and I was kind of my head was in the clouds and, you know, just getting downloads. And then eventually I rebelled. And when rap music came onto the scene, it was like into Metallica, Guns N' Roses, Tupac, and I shaved my head and started getting into fights and started becoming the class clown. And just as a way of like, I just laugh a lot. I really felt like my higher self or my guides and angels were just like, "Hey, everyone's taking this way too seriously. It's all a freaking matrix simulation." And I would just laugh. And looking back now, I'm realizing that that laughter was there just to like break the simulation. Like everyone was taking it so seriously. And it was like so far into the simulation that it's like snap out of this guys. This is all a freaking dream. - I resonate with that. That's exactly how I was. I played soccer or played sports. It just reminds me we would be like a bad loss and the whole team would be bummed out. And I would be like cracking jokes on the bus afterwards. I'd just be like, "Why has people took your way too seriously?" And I've always had that mentality. So I definitely resonate with that. I just wanted to chime in. - Yeah, right? So Tyler, you're probably just, you got it on a deeper level that it's all just the game, especially when it actually is a game, right? - Yeah, it's literally a game. - So amazing. And a lot of people that I connect with, they were the class clowns. And it definitely serves the spiritual purpose to awaken and uplift. And especially in comedy, look at comedy, like comedians like Bill Higgs and George Carlin, like they were there to help break the simulation, right? Old David, Dave Chappelle, before he got cloned. Okay, we're going to into it. (all laughing) - We're going down the rabbit hole. - Let's go there. - Hey, we're all about that. - Let's go there. - Yeah, yeah, let's go there. All right, so fast forward. I'm just going to summarize this. Others, I'll talk forever. So a lot of trauma, like I got emotionally abused, physically abused. I was put down almost every single day. School was super tough. It was like a big brother's school. And I was just failing everything. I was getting the lowest grades. I felt the lowest of the class and my self-esteem, my confidence. And just constantly being told, I need to be like other people. They're trying to mold me into something that I definitely wasn't. They tried everything and I would just rebel. I'd be at the back of the school. I'd jump school and hang out with the bad kids. And they tried everything to get me to follow the systematic way of being. And I just knew in my heart that didn't resonate with me. But it was stressful looking back. And I just hope through my music, through my videos that I can impact. The next kids, it's part of me. It's like when I see kids go into school, I always feel like there's definitely a percentage of them who are like us, who it's not made for them. And I just feel like I wish I can do something about that to help them and let them know that they're OK. And I'm going to work on a whole rap album called "Unschooling." And it's going to be like a bunch of tracks. And it's like for science, it's going to be sacred science. And for geometry, it's going to be sacred geometry. And for all these topics, history, it's going to be our untold history. So it's going to be like the things I wish I was taught in school that I'm researching now. That's beautiful. Right? Yeah. So anyways, my story really moves fast. I feel like I woke up to what I was really here to be and do when I forgave those who had wrong me. So I reached out to them. And I was like, I forgive you for being so tough on me. And I'm letting go of this. And hearing their perspective of why they were the way they were really helped me see it from a perspective other than mine. So I was kind of stuck in victim and in anger and in blame for 20-something years. Just seeing it from one perspective, these people wrong me and I was in victim. And then through forgiveness, I took my power back. I saw it up in their perspective. Those relationships healed. We became closer because before that, I was like, I can't wait till these people die. I just don't care about them. And now we're super close. And then, yeah, I feel like the universe God's source started using me or started sharing with me books and information about spirituality, the power of the mind, manifestation, law of attraction, like even money management, there was a book about like abundance. And I just started reading a lot. I got into hypnotherapy, discovered the power of the subconscious mind and realized how we're so programmed through media and how we can unprogram ourselves through hypnosis, even though it has a negative stigma by the very people who are programming us. I go into every movie that includes hypnosis. And it's always shown in a scary way. Like, have you guys seen "Get Out"? - No, I have to, yeah. - I want to, I have to my list to watch. - It's creepy as fuck. And we see the lady with a coffee cup and she's like a hypnotist and she like uses hypnosis in a very dark, scary way. But every movie usually that has hypnosis in it, depicts it in a way where it basically leaves the audience in a place where they're like, don't trust these hypnotherapists, even though they're the very people who can deprogram. - I think that for the movie "Office Space" where he, you know, what the-- - Have you seen "Office Space"? - Of course. I just can't remember that what happens-- - It gets-- - Oh yeah, like, then the hypnotist dies right before they can snap him out of it. - And then you go-- - Exactly. - He stops giving you stuff. - You're right, you're right. - You're right, there's that. And then there's Tony Robbins at one point, he hypnotizes someone to like look at himself in a, like to see himself in a better looking way. But even that one, I actually thought about that, even though it's positive, the fact that the person died-- - Yeah. - Fucking hypnotic state for people who are prone to like fear. - Yeah, they always-- - They don't look kind of a negative. - Right? - Yeah. - It's just funny. - It freaked them out. - Yeah. - It's hilarious. - It's classic. - Oh my god. - So we immigrated to Canada on a 17, and yeah, it started my path. It started to crack my ex-wife at the time. She was half like native Canadian, half white Canadian. She believes in me and she's like, let's start a business. So I started the healing practice, even though I was like, "What do I know about starting a business?" And you know, like that's for smart people. Meanwhile, I was getting fired from all the crappy jobs you can imagine. But I at least started putting out an intention for an aligned practice, or what is my purpose in life? 'Cause I was starting to feel like, if I'm getting fired from a security job, like what is it that I'm here to do? Like I was hitting an all time low. And thanks to her and her belief in me and some government programs that help people start businesses, I started the practice and started helping people. And yeah, like the results were phenomenal from day one. And people with huge phobias were, people who would like have, who would black out during their public speaking would now have so much confidence and get everyone stand up and clap for them. You know, people who have like traumas were releasing the traumas and started diving into past life stuff. People, I accidentally got into past life progression without even knowing it. And then it just unlocked this whole universe of what our potential is. And I became like, I remember saying I would, my intention is to create the safest space for someone to go from where they are to where they want to be in the easiest, fastest way possible. And then I birthed the infinity healing, which is a healing modality that's being taught all over the world. And it's been converted to several languages and we've got infinity healers all over the world. So for that kid who like, no one believed in and was getting the lowest grades to becoming an entrepreneur and having a rap career and mentoring people to make as much money as they want and helping people heal all sorts of illnesses. We helped the lady clear two cancer spots within a month's time. It's very humbling. And again, I did fall for the trap of my ego saying, like, yeah, I did that. And then I had to learn the hard way that I'm just holding space and it's all happening through whatever word you use, whether it's God or a universe or a source. But my, the all I can take from that is that I'm really good at just being present with someone to allow them to heal themselves. So that was the humbling lesson that my ego had to take. After years of being like, you're not good at anything. Then I'm like, yes, I'm good at this. And I was taking credit for things that actually wasn't doing, but I was helping them do it. - Yeah, that's beautiful. I think so many people are gonna resonate with that story. Just that you're even back to the school. - I think a lot of our audience are here for a reason because they were those, they were that child also. So I love where you're going with all this and you even just touched on the ego, pushing that out of the way because that's something that we see a lot. That's one of the biggest struggles going through your awakening is getting past the ego. So thank you for all that. And then speaking of healing right now with this coronavirus, we probably need to heal more than ever or at least heal the planet more than ever. Is there any advice you could give us on what we can do to help us during this transition? - Yeah, even if you said that in gibberish, I totally got it, I can't wait to say. I really feel that it's one of those things where if like every single time you meet someone and they heard something in the news and even us when we hear things in the news, we can either go into a place of like, I feel like there's fear where it's like healthy fear where it's like, okay, how can I now strategize and plan my life so that I'm good for the longterm? So you can do it from a place of like healthy fear, let's call it, where you're using your left brain to strategize and plan ahead. And how can I think this through in a way where I'm doing the best that I can? I'm prepping, I'm planning and strategizing and I'm doing some research, healthy research to empower myself to make healthy decisions. But then there is unhealthy fear where literally we all become transmitters of, oh my God, did you hear this and that? Because the amount of us who are not affected directly by the coronavirus, the amount of fear we're actually transmitting right now, it doesn't need to be. So that's something that we can actually control. We can actually control how much fear we're transmitting into the planet right now. And if there is all this fear and panic, can we all just take a stand and say we wanna be the change that we wish would happen in the world? So if we all take, forget about the planet just for a second and bring it into me, you, one person, what can you transmit into this planet? How can you, like you guys are here taking time to hold space for the viewers, right? So that's something you're contributing. Like I can contribute a meditation, a healing to spread love throughout the planet. Like every single one of us can inject into the soup of energy, what we want. And the more we inject that love, that peace, that groundedness, that's solid, a lot of masculine energies could have been like solid grounding forces for the planet. So what can, the question is what can you do instinctively, intuitively to be the change, to contribute, to counter what's happening on the planet? And my big thing is like we all have gifts and talents, we all have passions, we all have, we all have some kind of inner superhero and it's like what is the power that superhero version of yourself has and how can you share it in a big way? And how can we turn this into an opportunity? How can we use this as a way to, like whatever happens in our life, we always have the power to outcomeize it for our own goods, all that trauma that I experienced as a kid, I found a way to outcomeize it. And now I'm using it as a force to take a stand for my clients, like I'm super there with them when they need it. And then also like the things with school and being a teenager who was just like lost in all of that, now I'm giving back to anyone who's under 25, who's like lost in their life, like I give back to them. So we all can use the negative traumas and turn them to our advantage. So how can we turn this experience now to our advantage? So that, for example, like let's say there's this vision of a lot of us now stepping into the things we've been wanting to do, maybe for the last five years, we've been getting downloads to start a podcast, to start a YouTube channel to create essential oils or whatever it is that your passion is, maybe now with this opportunity to stay home and have more time in your hands and kind of break out of the day-to-day hustle, we can use that as an opportunity to then get out what we're here to get out. And also a lot of people have been getting the call to like start communities like, and a lot of us still haven't done that including myself. So how can we start thinking community, supporting each other so that we come out of this stronger than ever? - Yeah, I agree with the community thing, especially. That's something I dream of too. I know there's a future where we're all working together. I don't even know half of my neighbors. It's not gonna be like that one day. We're gonna be a unified group and it's gonna be like probably it once was before our time. I really do believe that. So that's something that I'd-- - I can't tell you where I'm going. - Yeah, I recently did a past life regression guys with a lady here, I'm in New Zealand right now. And she did a past life regression for a group of like 30, 40 people at a music festival, like a conscious festival. And then she also flipped it at the end and did a future progression, I guess, like just let's tap into the future and see what happens. And she did a 100 year, 200 year, 300 year into the future while we were in a deep hypnotic state. And the things people started sharing were like, we did start getting into groups of, you know, tribal kind of communities. And we also saw, some people said they didn't see their physical bodies, they saw light bodies. Some people said they weren't living on the earth anymore, they were like underneath the earth. So it was really exciting to hear some of the, some of the things I've heard in research and then to actually hear people confirm the best of potential for our future. - That's amazing. - Yeah. - So I've done a past life regression and I gotta be honest, I don't even know that I had heard of a future regression. - I never thought about that, but that makes sense. If you can do a past, you should be able to do a future. - Yeah. - Well, the only thing is that it's like there's a trick, timelines, I would assume you might be able to set it. - Yeah. - Like. - It's a potential, right? It's a potential future because right now in this second is like literally infinite, like in the matrix where they show the screen and there's like infinite. Remember what he meets the timekeeper or whatever? - Yeah. - Yeah. - There's like literally infinite possibilities of how things could play out. In every second, we could choose to outline into a reality of our choice. So that's the only tricky part about future life. - But from my understanding, we're co, so we're co-creating our reality and we also have our individual realities within that. So it's like both. And then so as a collective, depending on how we're all, what we're doing and feeling and acting depends on like where, 'cause we could go into a apocalyptic, like terrible reality if the majority of us are vibrating on that level, but I feel like we're on a positive collective timeline. But there's probably like split ones within that too of where it's like, you could be like, - Really, really, really amazing or just like, really amazing or just good and then okay. - Yeah. And unfortunately, people think there's a bunch of awake and people who are like almost begging the rest of humanity to like join them. They're like, come on, join us. Like, take it back and we're John Lennon and Yoko Ono had like advertisements of like, what does it say? Like, yeah, like give peace a chance or whatever. Like they bought ad space to sell to the American public love and peace because they saw that war was being sold to the American public and that they had bought into war. And so they're like, let's use the same tactics that work to sell war and they were like, give peace a chance. So like, and so the same group of people are still trying to invite the rest of humanity to kind of like see things from a different perspective and to kind of join the movement. So I do believe in sovereignty and free will and it might have to be one of those things where it's like, hey, if you guys stay here, then that might be a reality for you and if you guys choose to evolve and then that there might be a different reality. - Yeah, and you do hear like if you follow, if you followed Dolores Cannon or certain other people that talk about like a earth split or like a timeline split, maybe that's because there are so many people that are that are vibrating at that lower level that just will not get out of that. And then the rest of us that go towards the positive and especially like star seeds, like I believe you are. And we both are like, I feel like we came here at this time to help with what's happening and to help the planet. And so we're naturally drawn to that I feel like and we're helping with it as well. - Yeah, obviously so. - Yeah, like you said about the school, like when 12th grade came around and everybody was going to college, I knew, I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew I wasn't signing up for any more school. I was like, I'm not doing this. So I knew I had another purpose, you know. - But on the school, yeah. - Done. - Yeah, and that takes bravery. So people like ourselves, like it takes courage to say, I don't know what I want because most people, at least saying you don't know what you want is a step forward from, yeah, I know I want to be an engineer because that's all my parents told me I want. You know what I mean? - Mm-hmm. - At least being in the unknown, even though it's scary, at least it allows you to be in a place of then you discover, right? Like I always recommend for folks when you, when you finish school to like take a few years, do some soul searching, like you can't learn things from traveling that you, like you can't find the experiences that you get from traveling. You can't get them in a book. You can't get them in a course. You can't get them at Harvard University. Like there's something about traveling that just gives you a wealth of wisdom that you can't buy. - Yeah. - Cause I'm already running around. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Go go like to another culture. And like, I know Kanye West says like when he was a kid, his mom sent him to like China or something. And like to be one of the very few, you know, black kids coming up in America to go into a whole different culture must have expanded his awareness into, you know, created some kind of positive change. But if we just stay in our cities, in our countries, and I don't think we grow, I don't think we evolve. - Well, it's interesting because I really do know people who've never left, have never gone on vacation. And maybe some people can't afford it, whatever. And I feel, I feel for those people because, but at the same time, some of them have gotten so comfortable. I think they're almost scared to go. - Oh yeah. - At a certain point in their life, they don't want to leave. And you know, that's the whole part. - It's comfort zone. - Yeah, the comfort zone. - Stepping outside of your comfort zone is, is a very scary thing. And you've been in that comfort zone for so long. And that's all you know. - Yeah. - Bro, I study movies. Like I'm obsessed with movies. I spend a lot of time by myself and my like play time with my inner child or just as movies. And I like see them with all three eyes, right? So yeah. - Yeah. - So a lot of times you'll see an American bad ass character. Like one example would be like triple X. Right? - Yeah. - That's been diesel. And in the movies subliminally, as soon as he leaves to go to another country, so on one of the franchises he goes to Brazil. And I went to Brazil. I went to like Brazil. And I even went to like the ghetto of Brazil where everyone's like, do not go there. Nothing. Some kids stole my, my, my flip-flops, but like that was it. (laughing) But like they show you that as bad as American character going to another country and within seconds, within seconds all sorts of chaos happens and someone's got a gun. Like if you go anywhere else, it's just like chaos and you're gonna get robbed or killed. - You're in trouble. You're in trouble. - You're in trouble. Especially for an American. - Yeah. - Yeah. If it happens to these olds, then we're gonna happen too. So it's very subliminal. And I can see how there's this programming to like, just stay here, we'll protect you, we're your safe here. But really the truth is, you know, it's, it's again, that comfort. So like we've got to be careful in terms of what we're letting in through media because it's so subtle and it's so subliminal. And after 10 years, 20 years, God knows what's been, been subliminally programmed. But it's definitely programming about wealthy people, every single rich person, wealthy people, wealthy person in media is like conniving as evil, as greedy, think all the way back to like Scrooge McDuck and then burns and think all these people. And meanwhile, poor people are super happy. And, you know, so it's very subliminal. Stay poor, happy or rich and you're isolated and you're like this evil. - Which is funny because at the same time they put out like the materialist propaganda of, you need stuff to be happy, you need money to be happy. At the same time, they demonize having money and rich people. It's very like schizophrenic and like confusing. - Yeah, and so it like, so it makes you like in this perpetual cycle or needing more, more, more to be happy, but like being afraid of like and also being like, oh no, I don't want to be one of those people and yeah, it's just this. - Yeah, there's lots of social conditioning. - Either so. - That's the big term because they make things that shouldn't be normal, normal, all the above. You know that, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, and it's good to know what the options are. It's good to know like podcasts like yours. It's good to know about like Gaia TV. I think that's how you pronounce it where it's like thought provoking, spiritual, like things that are going to help you awaken. There's a whole like Netflix version for conscious people and there's a whole bunch of even some for conspiracy people. I forgot the British guy's name, but he like literally goes around. - David Eich. - David Eich, but he's speech, he's connected to David Eich. I think his name and his guy has a whole like TV. It's like all that is done. - Oh wait, Volta, yeah. - Robert Steele. - Is it British? - Oh, I don't know. - Simon Parks, I don't know who else is. - Oh, he was connected to that. Yeah, anyways, there's all these options online to like subscribe to things that are actually gonna make a difference. And then there's YouTube, it's free. Like go and find a Facebook group or a YouTube channel that like showcases things that actually will help you awaken and transform. - Yeah, absolutely. - I know you're talking about those far as watching a movie with all three eyes open because after you go through an awakening, you see through everything. You say, oh, I see what they're doing there. - Have some. - Or like once you did pop out, it jumps out. - And once you look into like occult symbolism and stuff, you start seeing the symbolism everywhere. And just, in my gosh, it's free. - And it's everywhere, not free. - Everywhere, it's nuts. - Yeah, it's everywhere. And do you guys know the Scariest Movie Ever channel on YouTube? Scariest Movie Ever? - I've heard of it. Yeah, I've really liked them. I really liked him. And he just did a video for coronavirus. And he was like, this is how I know it's an inside job because he did the symbolism on 33, like 33 degree Freemasons. And then he literally showed these news posts all over the world. And literally, there was the number 33 connected to coronavirus worldwide. - Really? - And then he was basically inferring, this is the powers that think they'd be saying, we're orchestrating this propaganda with the 33 symbols. When someone sees it, they're like, the people in the know, they'll be like, okay. It's, the 33 is the hint that it's not true. I think that's how it is. Like if you're an insider in these, so you could decide. - Oh yeah, they're always putting out their symbols and they're always telling us what's happening. And usually they do that through like movies and shows and things that you're supposed to believe are fiction, but they're literally telling you exactly what they're doing. So they're like, we're telling you. - And that's how they try to get. They skirt universal like karmic laws that way because they're like free. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. 'Cause they're literally, they are in a way. They're telling us and it's up to us whether we're here, whether we can see that or not, you know? - Well, they do. - They found the loophole. - Yeah, Georgia, Georgia Guidestones. They're literally telling you right there. - But they were finally vandalized. Somebody like, they're paying them, knock them over. - Well, they've been, they've been getting vandalized over the years, but not to that extent. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, that was like-- - So does that nullify the karmic thing for them if we destroy the Guidestones? (laughing) - I don't know, but-- - It can hurt. - Yeah. - People are starting, a lot of people are starting to become aware of this. There was always a group of people, you'd have conspiracy theorists, but this is spreading. - People are waking up though. - No, this is-- - And they're freaking out. - Yeah. - So I wonder-- - Well, I was just gonna say, this event, this coronavirus event right now, is forcing people to start questioning things because these aren't standard operating procedures anymore. This is a change. - I've talked to so many people, right? They're like, is it just me or are they like, is the hype about this, like nowhere near what we're seeing happen in front of us? Like, there's-- - Yeah. - People are like, I'm seeing people question it. They're like, this doesn't add up, something-- - Right again. - I've literally talked to like, complete like normy type people. They're like, I think something else is going on here. - Yeah. - There's some kind of conspiracy. I'm like, yes, yes, okay. - Yeah. - Let's hope for humanity, thank God. Yeah, I was hearing you on the other day and we went to an ecstatic dance. Yeah, yesterday, just to like, you know, we're all feeling the intensities and I was gonna high-five this lady and she's like, we probably shouldn't do that. And I was like, really here to-- (laughing) - Okay, so I really feel like any opportunity you have, like fear, like love above all, if you can just keep reaffirming love above all, no matter what happens, like keep the love, keep leading with love because love cannot be manipulated by fear. - Yeah. - And you have that choice you wanna be and they can only control us through our heads. Like, and I don't know if you guys seen the original George Orwell 1984 movie, like the really old one? - I know about it, I haven't seen it yet. - Yeah. What I loved about it is at the end, they kind of mind controlled them to like, because they were the ones who were like challenging the status quo, they were like the rebels. And then they kind of did some agriculture and mind control stuff to them. But then after that, the main character, the male and the female, when they got together, even though they brainwashed them to forget who each other were, on a heart to heart level, they still knew, hey, I think I know you. Like, so that just left me with an inspiration that no matter what happens with the programming, our heart, if we choose to be in our hearts, it can override whatever happens to us through the media control. And, you know, I was hoping like 9/11 was gonna be the major wake-up call to like, you know, forever after that, we will no longer buy into the media or even watch mainstream media. But unfortunately, like that ship did, I'm sure like a huge percentage like started questioning more, but. - Oh yeah. - Like I remember when, yeah, it was, but it's still not enough. Like even within so-called conscious communities, I'm like, yeah, we're still getting manipulated. - Yeah. - And it's interesting, the heart thing, he said, you know, you just know the heart overrides it. And I think that's what's happening with a lot of us who maybe were friends in past life or we are like doing astral work together and we don't know it. But you know when you meet those certain people, there's that connection, but you don't know each other, you don't remember, but you feel that connection, that's, you just described it perfectly. So on some other level, in some way, like we're connected to that person and by living through that heart center, you might discover, you know, how you know that person. - Yeah, and I wonder sometimes Tyler, do we need to reconnect with all those like familiar souls that usually the thing that comes out of our mouth is, do I know you from somewhere? It's a move line, it's like a path of life. Yeah. And like do we need to set an intention to really connect with those soul family and kind of like build together, whether it's like what we're doing virtually or physically together, or are we meant to just like, maybe like we've just been spread throughout this planet. Like I know I, like there was a reason I grew into a family in the Middle East with, you know, all the stuff that's happening to Syria and like I've got a heritage in Iraq and Palestine. Like these are all countries that are going through hell, right? So to have like a seed, a star seed planted in like these different parts of the planet that then it takes one, right? It takes one to affect the collective. And if it's spread out into all these different areas then I feel that's strategically like if it's spiritual warfare, that's a great tactic to just spread these sources into all cultures. - Exactly. - And I firmly believe in that because we always like we go to these conferences, you know, and people come from all over the world. And when you go back home, you feel isolated like no one's around, but you have to remember you are the light, you are anchoring the light in that area and it's your job. If you're aware, it has to be your job to spread that light. - Yeah. - And you're right, it's by design. You know, if we all just ended up in one community and we were all happy, we would never leave. - We'll be in a bubble, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I feel like it's also literally an energetic grid to on that level where like location wise, we need to be most of it, like you said, to like affect the energy grid of the whole planet. And that way, 'cause if we were all just in like one or two or a few just areas on the planet, I don't feel like we'd be, it wouldn't be powerful enough to like affect that. So. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I agree. - I agree. - I'm really feeling like, like all the people who do like energy grid work or meditation or healing or visualization, like imagine every single one of us started putting out more than ever. Like it's also a wake up call for us who might be kind of taking it easy with our, what we're doing to make a difference. So I see it as a beautiful invitation to like up the ante in terms of our contribution. 'Cause it's like a wake up call for us, right? Like we always take our sweet time when we think we have a lot of time on our hands. And then when things kick in that show us the severity of what's happening, at least myself, I'm taking it as like every time I do a video or every time I do a post, how can I make sure it's even more impactful and focusing on the biggest picture instead of, 'cause it's easy as an entrepreneur and as a star seed, like I'll fall into them. Okay, this is gonna help generate more sales and then this is gonna help impact the planet in a very real way. And it's like a dance of both. And I respect both. But I'm taking this as a reminder like what's the bigger picture here? How can we use all the tools we have to make a bigger difference and maybe like putting the sales thing aside? Or like why not be someone who figures out a win-win situation like it's good for you, it's good for your business and it's good for the planet. Like I think about all the people who are natural parts, like how easy would it be to come up with a tincture or a concoction, which is like the best of all herbs that just makes you super immune. You know what I mean? Like if I was a herbologist, I would start pushing not like crazy. I'd be like, you know, this got shit's on gay, it's got CBD, it's got like everything in one and you'll just never get sick. And I actually believe certain people are doing that, it's just not caught on. I mean, I know, I personally know somebody who makes up all kinds of stuff. And it's just like, if you really research this stuff, Mother Earth provides everything we need already. And so it's there, we're just never taught how to utilize it, we're not taught how to harvest it, we're not taught if it's poison, if it's not whatever. - And most of the things we are taught are actually negatively affecting us and holding us down rather than how cool, real. But I think if you learn that and you tap into that and really harness your ability to make something like that, I think it's entirely possible. You know, we don't need anybody else to come up with these cures, it's just the problem is we're just uninformed. - Also our own innate power like that's not taught to us and that's the biggest thing. That's the biggest thing is like your own power of you can literally heal yourself and you can like affect your own health by how you're feeling and vibrating at. And that's the most important thing, for sure. - So true, if we tap into our own personal power. - Oh yeah. - There was this one guy knew who would literally help, I think he had like all sorts of diseases and he would walk around his house and he would pray a lot. He was religious, so he'd pray to God. And then he would get the guidance to pull out these natural weeds that were growing around his house. And they turned out to be like, if you actually look again, look, really look, there's a whole world of like an encyclopedia of natural wild herbs that grow around your very home or the next time you walk in nature, just try to see, okay, that one has a purple flower, that one has a yellow flower, like there's millions of them. And they're actually like way beyond super foods. Like super foods are here. And then these wild herbs that grow free on our earth, like they tap into the natural water and they grow naturally and they're beyond organic. And like some of them are, - Many of them were told are like worthless weeds, like dandelions are actually like that. - Dandelions. - They're just worthless weeds to get rid of. - Yeah, like it's actually like a super food. - Yeah. - It's complete opposite and that's. - Exactly. - It's crazy, man. Yeah, you're right, you're absolutely right. - Yeah, so not only did he cure his disease by eating what was growing around him, but back to what you were saying about Mother Earth provides all that we need, which is a line in one of my rap songs. She intelligently provides what you need. So literally when you look around where you're living right now, Mother Earth actually sprouted, like this is my theory, she sprouted the very solutions for what your body's needing. Like she knows you live where you live and she has sprouted in your backyard what you need. And I remember having a backyard and the landlord would like hire someone to cut all the grass. And then for one month they didn't and all these beautiful weeds were growing and then bees would come 'cause I'll do yoga there every morning. And it just brought such a beautiful life for us to the backyard. I was like, it's a whole world. Like it's a mini forest, like a ferry forest or something, like it just brought all this life for us to the backyard. Whereas before when all the grass was cut, yeah, look nice, but there was no life for us. And then all these things would start growing and I'd like to start chewing on the dandelion and I really believe in that theory that if you explore the wild herbs that are growing around your home, they're intelligently by design because Mother Earth's intelligences will never understand how intelligent she is and she has a connection with you. She knows who you are on some level. And yeah, so I really feel the more we can spend time and nature, the more we can reconnect to her. She does provide all that we need even if it's just lying down in the grass, like barefoot or jumping in an ocean if you can or jumping in the lake. Like she can definitely cure like just watching the sunset, like simple things like that. It's amazing how they can impact us. And if we all just maintain that and receive that, it's there for us. I know days when I just don't go outside, I just feel very anxious and I get into depression and anxiety and my mental health kicks in. But sometimes I just have to force myself to go for a walk and then I'm like, oh yeah, it's not a scary place outside. Like, you know, it's beautiful and I'll start seeing all these little miracles. Simple things like that. - Little miracles. Yeah, like that term. I've heard that Mother Earth provide within a 50 mile radius of every person is everything you need to thrive. - Wow. - Yeah. - And you just-- - It's pretty big radius too. - And you just just, well, I mean, I don't know who knows the validity of that, but you just described it. Like, I never put the intelligence like Mother Earth being intelligent and placing that stuff there because she knows you, which I firmly, I believe that because we don't even know what's going on under the ground, the mycelium network and all the roots connected, the trees talk to each other, plants talk to each other. You cut down one tree, the rest cry. I mean, it's just crazy. Like, the movie Avatar is like a documentary that is exactly how our planet works. And, you know, we're just-- - Plants alive. - Yeah. - That's the main thing here is everything on it is alive and has consciousness. And, you know, you can either work with that and you can see that or you can, you know, we're programmed to believe it's all just this mechanical, like, thing that there's no life to any, like, nature is just something to be exploited basically and used for our own once or whatever, but no, it's a living being literally and we have our relationship with it. - Yeah. - Yeah, like you said. - Yeah, and a lot of my friends are like, fairy kind of people, like you look into their eyes and they're like, you're a pixie, you're a fairy, like you're a mermaid. And it's like, and like I look into our eyes and I feel like we've come from like outer space, right? Like everyone's come from somewhere other outwardly, like out of this world, coming into this world and with our like, right? Like even in the background, like you guys, I feel like I'm connecting with my planetary brothers like just from how this whole setup is, like that thing and the mic looks like something from like the spaceship and you know what I mean? So like, yeah, like my fairy friends, literally like a lot of them are, they create tinctures from herbs and it's like, it's as if they've lived in that world, like they were fully in that world and they knew the magic of it and they're like, hey humans, this is what's gonna cure you so that you can stop killing my home, which is the trees or like we might have come from another planet where we're like, hey humans, we've seen, we fucked up on the last planet and we're here to make sure you guys don't fuck this one out because we learned from our mistakes or it's like mermaids, a lot of my mermaid friends would be like, you know, like God forbid, like if they see you with a strong, they see you with a positive straw, like you can tell like these are their homes and it's on a deeper like soul level. I know it sounds kind of woo, but like I actually literally see this like again with the wizards I would like an awakened person's eye, like I see the archetypes of our planet. It's like one of those Star Wars episodes or like Lord of the Rings where it's like different tribes coming from within other realms to help humanity in this time. And each one comes with something that they really care about, right? Like sort of people are watching and they're like, I really care about, you know, the new children or I really care about, you know, the waters and the pollution of the waters or like, everyone has a deeper soul cause. And it's like, what are we doing? What are we doing to make that better, right? Like if we did have 12 months left, what, how would that change things? - Absolutely. - Not from a place of pressure, but from a place of like, all right, challenge accepted. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So you started breaking up there for a second. So if, do we lose it or? - You're right. - Yeah, I was just frozen. - Okay. - It was a deep thought. So the internet was like (mumbles) - Yeah. - Go ahead. - Yeah. - So I was gonna say, oh, like you were talking about the fairies and the mermaids. So like mythology, myth and legend, I took a class in high school, myth and legend and I thought nothing of it. - Wow, truth. - Yeah, I thought nothing of it. It was just boring, whatever. But what you're talking about is like, we look at mythology as folklore, but it's really, it's really history. It's history and people laugh at that sometimes, but we don't, we don't know the true potential, multi-dimensional things. You know, we could, they could be existing right next to us. We just can't see into that next dimension or whatever the case might be. And that's how we need to start. And like you said, if you're able to tap in, I know many people who can like see people's like, animal guides behind them. They're they're spirit animals. Like I see a bear behind you or I see something, a dolphin or whatever it is. - Yeah, actually, 'cause someone told me that last week. (laughs) - So there. - Nice. - No, I go, that's funny though. Unfortunately, I'm not, I've tried, I've tried that, tried to interface with animals. I've tried to do that, but no luck. - So maybe it works when you don't try 'cause right now you weren't trying and you saw it. - Yeah, why would I come up with a bear, yeah. - There you go. - Yeah. Oh, I hope, is your internet breaking up over there too? Or is this just our, our end? - It's, and mine's not freezing. What about you guys? But then it goes, I'm not right now, it's back to my mom. - Yeah. - It's just going in and out. - It's freezing and then coming back. - It started off okay, but it seems like it's getting, we need to cast it, it's the internet here, it is the internet here for some reason. - Yeah, well, they don't, they don't like what we're talking about. - Yeah, maybe that too, yeah. - Yeah. - You're like, no, we're trying to destroy a plan, not heal it. - Yeah. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yep. - So. - But yeah, I just wanted to on the topic of all of that, like here in New Zealand, out of all the places, they could have shot Lord of the Rings, they decided to shoot in New Zealand. And then when I did some research on the Maori people who came here from like Polynesia. And when they first came here, they actually in their written history, talked about mystical, fair-skinned, like small trickster beings that they interacted with. So that to me, like, and they have supernatural powers. So I was like, oh my God, they actually wrote that they interacted with fairies when they first came to New Zealand. And then they found these diggings through rocks. And when you look at the size of these paths, they're the size of like a small human, have to go through it. So that's the hobbits of Lord of the Rings. So, and then they also in this documentary, which isn't mainstream. They also showed like giant skulls. So you've got giants, you've got fairies, and you've got like hobbits all in, and there's one documentary in New Zealand. So I definitely feel, and like you go to Ireland or Scotland and they have signs you would like, please don't disturb the fairies. And it's not a joke, like they're actually serious. They're like, leave the fairies now. (laughing) - No, really, don't disturb the fairies. (laughing) - Yeah, I personally know someone who found this like exoskeleton of what looks to be a fairy. And it's incredible. - I think you showed me the picture. - Yeah, yeah, it looks. - And they found it wherever. - That's real, yeah. - And it's just like, you can't describe it as anything else, because your mind already tells you fairy. - I've also seen other people showing pictures that they took that clearly it looks like a little fairy. And you could say it's photoshopped or whatever, but like the people that are showing, I know them and they're like, hey, I took this picture and check it out. And you can tell it's like this little glowing fairy being. - Yeah. - Like wherever in their backyard or wherever they were. - Yeah, so being. - Yeah. - Yeah, and so sometimes in my morning intentions, I'll just be like, please God, source universe, connect me with all the beings that are from my highest good. Because I feel like if we all kind of set that intention and there are all these energies and beings that are full. And it's important that you say, for your highest good. And then just give them permission to help each and every one of us, because they honor your free will and they will impede on your free will unless you give them the thumbs up. So definitely take advantage of, I remember once I did something that's similar to DMT in a festival and I just said, hey, any ancestors in this land, this was in Australia, I give you permission to connect with me. And I literally saw like two kind of like elder women and they had their hand on my belly and on my heart and they were like kneeling in and they were just there to support. And I was like, wow, I asked for help a second ago. And literally a second, like less than a second, they're already placing their hands on me and like really helping me feel safe and from it. And it just helped, it really helped me realize how much support we have if we ask for that support. So it's like almost like let's keep bringing, you know, asking for the support to come in, like from outside, but also let's let it out from inside as well. But like let's kind of like milk all the support that we can at this time. - Yeah, I love that. I love that. I wish we had better connection right now. It's starting to get pretty choppy. - Okay. - Which is very unfortunate 'cause I love this conversation. We're touching on a lot of beautiful things. Everything you've said so far like can be an entire episode itself. - Oh yeah. - Giants, everything. I definitely know we know giants existed. - Yeah, medical limits in the Bible. - There's no question, you know. - They found skeletons and-- - It's part of theirs. - Yeah. - It's part of cover up. - Oh yeah. - So just close things up here. So with this whole coronavirus and the pandemic, can we just hold some space for everybody and the entire planet and just really try and set our intention to combat the fear that's like you said, it's happening. I really like to take a moment to do that before we wrap it up. - Yeah. - So before I do that, I love that idea. Am I sounding okay right now? - You are now, yes. - Oh, you're great. - Okay, so a great idea. Let's conclude with that. So I just invite everyone to close their eyes whether you're watching it, like whether you're here with us now or later, it doesn't matter 'cause time's an illusion. And by you doing this, you're joining hands with our tribe here and making an impact. So let's just set the intention at SourceGod universe or if there's any other word you use, feel free to substitute it. I'll just be saying those three words. We invite that energy to connect with us from the top of our heads, down into our throats, our hearts, our power, our belly, our lower back, down to our thighs or knees, our feet, connecting and grounding to the earth, if it's best, and allow us to now allow every cell in our body to shine like the sun radiating in all directions, bringing our whole entire being back into its divine blueprint. Transmuting anything that found its way into our field, into our mind, into all our bodies, physical, spiritual, energetic, that is not of the divine blueprint. Transmute it, replace it with all that is for our eyes good. So we're the best versions of ourselves. Upgraded, activated, aligned, grounded in harmony, in balance, thriving on all levels. And let this energy now fill into every cell in our body, shining like the sun. This is pure potentiality. This is infinite love. This is prana, life force energy, and let it fill our whole entire physical body, our auric field, our energy body, our spiritual body, our light body. Let it spread into the room that we're in. Let it spread into the city we're in. Let it spread into the country we're in. Again, just see that energy transmuting any and all less than love energy, sending it down into the ground, closing any and all portals that are best for the highest good to be closed, sending all lost energies, entities, black magic, any weird stuff. If it's best for the highest good, just send it down to the earth or send it up into the higher dimensions. Just restore the energy, restore the love, like have all the light beings just to anchor in. Like you mentioned earlier, the energy grid, just really anchoring into the sacred spots that are around us, the spent reconnecting to mother earth and grounding in the energy and bring anchoring in more of that higher dimensional vibration, more of that love anchoring it into our planet. And allow all the beings that are for our highest good, giving permission to do all that they know to do that is for our highest good in accordance with our higher self. Every day, we're just, if you'd like that, just agree by saying yes, we're giving permission to all these loving beings that have our highest interest in mind. We're giving them the thumbs up permission to do all that. They know to do that is for our highest good in accordance with our higher selves by checking in with our higher selves. That's best for us, that's best for our homes, that's best for our cities, that's best for our families, our lineage, that's best for our future. And let this energy spread into our planet. Every part of our planet in every city, country, all dimensions, all spaced on dimensions now and forever, just really anchoring in the divine plan. Again, that dimensional reality, that parallel reality that is us in our dream reality anchored in heaven on earth with our soul tribe, on our mission, being what we're here to be, doing what we're here to do, infinite signs and synchronicities and intuitive nudges, powerfully reconnecting us with our soul family, soul tribe, soul mates, and just reminding us of who we are, remembering who we are here to be and what we're here to do. And letting this energy spread into the rest of the planet, the rest of the universe, any and all support we can get from our higher dimensional beings that are far higher good, we're open to ground that in and anchor that in. Show us how we can make the biggest difference in the funnest way possible, in the most profitable way possible, and in the way that is the most fulfilling way possible, and let those ripples go in all directions infinitely throughout infinity, now and forever. And anything else we can include into this prayer, into this intention, into this invocation, include into it more than what we know to ask for, so that this or something greater will happen, help us manifest all our hearts, desires so that we may feel fulfilled on all levels, and give us infinite intuitive nudges that get more and more intense to the point that we can't help but acknowledge them, followed through under guidance by taking fast, inspired action if needed, and guide us to have an upgrade and an activation for that heart, intelligence, that far exceeds any other intelligence to really have it as a default when best, but then also to work with the mind as well, so have a beautiful marriage, the divine masculine, the divine feminine, the mind, the body, the soul, to work with the divine flow and not go against it, to surrender to that divine will, to reassure the mind, the ego, the inner child, all past versions of ourselves, that it's safe, that anytime it gets triggered or fear keeps in, to have our heart reconnect to it, to have God's source, universe connect to it and reassure it and let it know everything's gonna be okay so that we can then give space for the fear to express itself and then lovingly respond to it and reassure it and have it trust us so that love can lead, our hearts can lead so that we're in our full power and we're moving forward with conviction, taking inspired action and anchoring in this divine energy. Thank you, thank you, thank you, amen, so it is. - Amen, wow, that was incredible. My eyes were closed, were you reading something? - I was just, you know, I know, I was kidding, that's, I mean, after one needed that, that would be really cool to just take that segment and let's make it its own little meditative, yeah. And unbelievably, it's getting choppy again, unbelievably it was perfectly-- - For that whole thing. - The whole thing. - And now it's, yeah, not a coincidence. - Yeah, that was, that was on it. Yeah, so thank you, this has been really awesome. This has been really awesome. - Thanks, brothers, I appreciate you. - A lot of beautiful things. We didn't get to go so much into the music but we are gonna close out with one of your songs. I think it was Light Warrior Anthem, our friend Darius sent that to us, so we will play that at the end of this video for all the listeners who wanna stick around and hear it. - Beautiful. - Yeah. - And, I've got a full album. I've got like five albums, the one you're referring to is off of my Ascension 777 album. So, you get a free album and then you've got an abundance mp3 and I feel like those are two of my gifts. In the last 10 years, people are like, can we hear your music and can you help us with our financial abundance? So two gifts for you guys right there, just for checking out. - Awesome, beautiful. - Awesome, thank you so much. - Yeah, definitely, not even blowing smoke up your ass, I really did, it really did enjoy the song. I really do like those. I've never, I've personally never been into rap that much but it's different when you feel the energy behind it. - I like conscious rap. - Yes. - That's something. - Exactly, I feel like-- - It's a little too that. - Certainly enjoyed it, yeah. - It was awesome, yeah. - Thanks man, I literally wrote it because I was like, where's our anthem, right? Like where's the anthem for the people who don't fit in, who feel a little different, who feel they're not from here, like where's our anthem song, right? So I literally wrote it like for you guys, for me, for us so that we can have an anthem song that actually represents us and that has a healing specifically for what we're needing to be the light warriors that we're here to be. - Awesome. - So thank you for being back. Beautiful. - Definitely, that was beautiful. And thank you for-- - Thank you. - Everybody go check out his music. Don't forget, we have T-shirts for sale on, six different designs. We never promote 'em, we made 'em, we never promote 'em. - We promote 'em at first. - At first, but definitely-- - Link it in the description. - Definitely check those out, link in the description, check out the Omnia Balancer patch, put it on your phone, stop all that 5G crap. - It really works. - Just the normal EMS. - They're normal, so. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It does a lot more, I'm just trying to keep it brief. - Yeah, yeah. - Anyway, thank you again for coming on. This was awesome and we will see everyone next week. Good night. - Peace, guys. ♪ Awakened my child ♪ ♪ Awakened goddess ♪ ♪ Awakened all the gods ♪ ♪ Awakened crystal children ♪ ♪ You came letting nobody stand in your way ♪ ♪ Awakened my child ♪ ♪ You just gotta get back up ♪ ♪ Rise up, people who are you ♪ ♪ You just gotta get back up ♪ ♪ The time is coming ♪ ♪ The world needs you ♪ ♪ The world needs you ♪ ♪ Awakened your child ♪ ♪ That's where you can either wake or try ♪ ♪ One ♪ ♪ They tried, they believed me, ADHD ♪ ♪ 'Cause my being's out into higher frequencies ♪ ♪ They think I'm demented, I pause and reflect ♪ ♪ And cause I'm connected to higher dimensions ♪ ♪ Sometimes I feel like ♪ ♪ What is the purpose? ♪ ♪ Sometimes I feel like I'm less than and worthless ♪ ♪ Sometimes I feel like I'm lost in this circus ♪ ♪ My brain's wired different and I got unique circuits ♪ ♪ This one's dedicated to all those being labeled as different ♪ ♪ Who don't fit into the system ♪ ♪ Who are misfits, who question their traditions ♪ ♪ Who are gifted and highly ambitious ♪ ♪ We challenge authority, we can't be controlled ♪ ♪ Where we're growing minority, we won't do what we're told ♪ ♪ We get angry and depressed, our feelings we won't suppress ♪ ♪ The world is in a mess, so we're here to be our best ♪ ♪ You can, you can ♪ ♪ You can help imagine anyone stopping you ♪ ♪ No, you can't ♪ ♪ You just gotta give back up ♪ ♪ Can't do what you're gonna do ♪ ♪ You gotta give back up ♪ ♪ Can't back up, you gotta give back up ♪ ♪ You gotta give back up ♪ ♪ You gotta give back up ♪ ♪ Never give up, you gotta give back up ♪ ♪ Let go of all that stuff ♪ ♪ Can't be moving on soon ♪ ♪ It's been a way of getting less serious ♪ ♪ You, you, you ♪ ♪ 'Cause everything you see is your divine inherent see ♪ ♪ Potentially we co-create an infinity serenity ♪ ♪ Within the century, co-exists you live separately ♪ ♪ I'm losing my religion, I'm losing my identity ♪ ♪ Activate or infinite, DNA genetically ♪ ♪ Release in core traumas in our cellular memory ♪ ♪ Changing our bodies in our molecular chemistry ♪ ♪ Communicate from the heart using psychic ♪ ♪ To left with thee we're authentic ♪ ♪ Humble and in our integrity ♪ ♪ Signs in the times and you are definitely meant to be ♪ ♪ I'll go for the people ♪ ♪ Don't care about the presidency ♪ ♪ I live in the now ♪ ♪ I just care about the presidency ♪ ♪ I live through Atlantis ♪ ♪ I'll see to get ruined ♪ ♪ Father forgive them for they ♪ ♪ I know what they're doing ♪ ♪ Where they're playing in our human ♪ ♪ You are the movement ♪ ♪ So let's get together ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are the solution ♪ ♪ You might be feeling alone ♪ ♪ No much feelings, no one understands you ♪ ♪ You might feel like you're just going out there ♪ ♪ Like you can't back ♪ ♪ I don't want you to know ♪ ♪ There are many of us all along ♪ ♪ There's a place ♪ ♪ I'm not changed at all ♪ ♪ We are connected ♪ ♪ And we are power suck up ♪ ♪ You just gotta get back ♪ ♪ And we have a mission to get back up ♪ ♪ You keep hanging and burning me ♪ ♪ Yet I keep coming back ♪ ♪ Partlessly or psychologically, emotionally hurting me ♪ ♪ Everything was a blur to me ♪ ♪ Felt like love deserted me ♪ ♪ But it occurred to me ♪ ♪ The only way to stop me is to murder me ♪ ♪ But even if you did, I would live eternally ♪ ♪ And even as a kid, I will feel you cursing me ♪ ♪ You pick on me 'cause you're picking me ♪ ♪ And I can see that you're every scheme ♪ ♪ Things what it seems in this dream ♪ ♪ While love is embracing me, demons chasing me ♪ ♪ Angels are saying to me I've been waiting so patiently ♪ ♪ Brain so hastily hearts been aching and pain to me ♪ ♪ We rising up steadily, waiting so readily ♪ ♪ With our spiritual weaponry, no room for jealousy ♪ ♪ We're moving with empathy, specially presently ♪ ♪ When it comes to our legacy and planet's every destiny ♪ ♪ So if you'd like victory, then come send next to me ♪ ♪ You keep every spirit you've been through ♪ ♪ It's been the one we've already tried ♪ ♪ To help you be the person you're here to be ♪ ♪ You destiny, activate your infinite ♪ ♪ Be active, spread those tomorrow ♪ ♪ Remove some of the all directions and impact ♪ ♪ Or that you can imagine ♪ ♪ This is your time to shine ♪ ♪ And nobody's standing your way ♪ ♪ You've just got to give back up, yeah ♪ ♪ You've got to give back up, yeah ♪ to be in this moment, to create the change, to need energy, to help awaken the all beings, no great heaven or earth, from now until infinity, for now until infinity, for now until infinity, for now until infinity, for now until infinity, for now until infinity, infinity, I see you, and I believe in you, and I believe in you. Thank you. You You