Journey to Truth

Ep. 55 - Sean Cannon - Occult Symbolism - Vedic Philosophy & The Multidimensional Universe

Originally aired on 3/5/20
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Sean Cannon:
Sean has been studying the multidimensional universe according to the ancient Vedic texts of India for the past 11 years. His journey has given him a profound understanding of why the multiverse exists, that consciousness is actually not a physical manifestation, the nature of the Absolute truth, why souls reincarnate according to Vedic knowledge, and ultimately why the human form is the most highly desired form throughout the multiverse. He graduated with a BFA in fine art from the University of Arizona and although art allows him to express his creative side, he is passionate about sharing the confidential aspects of Vedic philosophy. 
For literature, maps, art, photos and basically everything you could ever want to fulfill your curiosity and get you started on your research of the ancient Vedic texts please email Sean Cannon at:

1h 30m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Thank you. - Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight we have on Sean Cannon. Sean has been studying the multi-dimensional universe according to the ancient Vedic text of India for the past 11 years now. And he has some incredible wisdom to bring forward and share with all of our listeners and anyone else who this might reach we're extremely excited to have you on Sean. How's it going? - Doing great. I'm really honored to be with you both. Thank you guys for the best. - Well, thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you, we appreciate that. And some interesting, an interesting fact about Sean, he lived actually two years at East Sadie Ranch with James Gillland. And he had some experiences with Sasquatch. So before we get into all this Vedic philosophy, I'd like to hear your experience on the ranch. - Absolutely. I was very lucky to live with James. It's an incredible ranch. And in 2017, he accepted me to live there. And first season was incredible, absolutely incredible. And then in 2018, they asked me to come back for season two. It's a really interesting process, how you really have to have an energetic fit to be at the ranch. And you know, there's many reasons for that. You have to be very prepared, should we say. And I'm kind of lying story short, the minute I got to the ranch, I could feel viscerally that I was being watched. And I would hear these schizophrenic, like cow noises, like, "Nooo!" Where is that? You know, and I was camping in my Subaru. I had a Subaru that I was camping in. And I felt like a kid that the energy was like, I wasn't afraid, but I could sense that something was connecting, okay. So this went on for three weeks. And there was a cow farm across the street from the ranch. And I thought it was just the cows, okay. So, cutting along story short, I was mimicking the noises back, like, "Nooo!" You know, like, "I don't know where you are. Are you in the trees? Where are you?" And so, one night, as I was camping in my Subaru, can you imagine falling asleep and watching UFO is flying over, are you visiting any better than that? Yeah, but around 3 a.m., my car started shaking. And there was one on either side, and I wear contacts. And, but then I was wearing glasses. And my heart, I have super ventricular tech accordion, so my heart speeds up. And the minute they shook the car, my heart was pounding. And I thought, "Oh my God, there's something very big outside this car that's shaking in the way it is." And the minute my heart started pounding, he stopped. And so, this went on for a couple of nights, and I said to James, you know, James, around 3 a.m., and I'm really in my deep sleep, my car is shaking. And can I just please sleep in a year? (laughs) So he's like, "Yeah, you know, no problem, no problem." And so, anyway, I moved into one of the years when the guests weren't there in the week, you know, when it's empty on the weekends. We can just stay there, and it was such a cool place. And so, anyway, one night, I heard this, what sounded like a T-Rex running around my yurt. And when those creatures run the ground shakes, and he got running around, and my heart started pounding, I thought, "Oh my God, this is it. I'm going to see the lucky." The lucky, by the way, is the name for the teenage Bigfoot. And so, when I was coming down the year letter, I was shaking, but I'm about to see Bigfoot. Because it was obvious he wanted to connect. I slipped on the ladder, and I fell on my ankle, and got a hairline fracture. And I could sense that he was outside the door, and I could sense that he knew something had happened. And I can't explain it. They're fourth dimensional. They're very empathic creatures. I really care for Bigfoot. I really love Bigfoot. Sasquatch is a different species, by the way, but Sasquatch actually prays on Bigfoot. But anyway, and it went on like this for a long time. And so one night, and I'll think I'm going 30 seconds over, when I was on my crutches, I was leaving Kazikio Hall, and going to the main house. You guys know where the apple orchards are? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. You won't believe it. And I have goosebumps on my arm right now, on my apple roll to my foot. And there were no lights. But as I was humbling on my crutches, an apple rolled from that pathway from Kazikio Hall into the kitchen, and someone rolled it. And it was like maybe midnight. No one was out. And I think maybe he understood that, you know, this innitwit broke his foot. (laughing) - That's incredible. - Wow, that's amazing. - That's incredible. I mean, two years, you were there, correct? Two years, and by the way, super, super fast. My friend Devon lived in Canada. He was camping across the road from me. I, we actually saw them. So really super fast under 30 seconds. They really liked Devon. And one night they came to his tent, three of them. He came to my car, banged on the car, like Sean, you know, like they're buying my tent. Oh my gosh, we went there. I didn't have my glasses on, but I just had my blanket. And sure enough, they were moving in the trees. And that was another phenomenal experience. I couldn't believe that I was being watched. I think that was unbelievable. - Wow, that's incredible. So this is like perfect timing, because I think the tickets for the conference are getting ready to go on sale in like a week or something. So, anyone who wants to go to East Eddie, now's the time to get out there and check it out. They're getting ready to open up for the season, so. - Yeah, I'm really lucky that they allowed me to go back to season two in 2018, and thank you, James. - Yeah, James is amazing. - James is amazing. - Yeah, he, yeah. - So, tell us about these 11 years you've spent studying the ancient Vedic texts of India, the Bhagavad Gita. Every time I hear that, I think of ancient aliens. - Absolutely, and Tyler, it's connected. It's all connected. It started with the goddess, Pamela Anderson, the actress. What happened was I had watched her videos on Compassion. I'm not gonna be preachy here. Putting a long story short, she inspired me to reconsider my diet, and I went to a vegetarian place here in Tucson, and I was eating the food there. Beautiful place, sanctuary, it's called Govinda's here in Tucson, and I felt really wonderful every time I went there, my atheist friend Matthew went with me, and there's a reason why I say atheist, but anyway, on the third week of eating there, he had to go to med school at the University of Arizona, and when we left to go into his jeep, we both reclined in the back of his jeep, and we very nervously, in sync, they are thumbs, like children, actually, and we were very overwhelmed with joy, and we were very blissed out, and as a young kid, I went to transways, and I did my ecstasy, so pure. And I'm not embarrassing that, but I know what it's like to be really blissed out, and so kind of long story short, I looked at Matthew, and I said, "Do you feel that?" And he was like, "Yes, Shawnee, I do." I was like, "Okay, okay, no problem." You know, the next day we'll go back, and I'm gonna ask that beautiful lady with the blonde hair, whatever her name is, I'm gonna ask her what they're putting in the food. We went back five o'clock, and I said, "Man, she's very busy, her name is Sandamani. "I've got this in my life, and there's no words "to equate the great 14 of knowing this devotee." Okay, so I said to her, I said, "Man, I don't mean "to be crass, but yesterday when we left, "I felt like I was stoned. "Could you please tell me what you're putting in the food?" And she had a sorry on what's called a sorry, an India that calls sorry, and I'll never forget, guys, how does she look at me? She wasn't looking at me, she was looking around me, and I didn't know what the heck she was looking at, but she put down the rice container or whatever it was, and she said, "Okay." And I could talk to this for a time, and she said, "You know, we have this deity called Krishna, "and in the Bhagavad Gita, a 5,000-year-old text, "this being called Krishna said, you know, "with Bhava, Prima, yoga, love. "If you offer something to Krishna with Bhava, love, "Krishna being seated in the heart, "he accepts the offering." And so essentially what you were blissed out with was prasadam, and in that moment, guys, the path of least resistance had occurred for me. You know, they say that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and as she was explaining it to me, this tarantula was crawling up my spine energetically, I was so blissed out, and I was very, my ego was like, "Oh my God, "this woman's gonna think I'm nuts." Like I was moving, I was like, "Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa." You know, and it went to my crown chakra, and it just felt calm. So I found God in food, that's my answer, that's how it started. I found this Vedic wisdom, this ancient yoga of the science of the soul through food, and it wasn't necessarily looking, but Pamela Anderson had started the dominal effect. God bless her, I hope, I think of her up, and because it wasn't for her videos, and I'll think out of necessarily found this great fortune. - That's interesting, man, everyone has such a unique tale on how they found their way. That's, this is definitely a first. So how, okay, so from there, you just were compelled to start to pick up the Bhagavad Gita and start reading it, or what happened after that? - I was really impressed with these devotees. Why I say this, devotees, every living thing is a devotee. Every living thing is an aspect of God. We're all devotees, but these people are conscious of Krishna, and so I was very impressed by their behavior, I was very impressed by their determination, and I could tell they had shock deep, they had purity, they had that essence that made me want to inquire deeper about, well, what the heck is this? You know, like, why am I feeling great? I'm out of Hindu, I've come to find out God in the Supreme form is not Hindu, Hindu just means river, Hindus, but anyway, I was very impressed by their behavior, and they're, oh my God, the intelligence of some of these devotees, what they knew, and that was, like you're saying, Tyler, it started with the Bhagavad Gita, Nikolai Tesla, Einstein, you know, Tolstoy, Hitler, Hitler was obsessed with the Vedas for a very good reason. All the great minds, I'm an intellect. What I am is I'm a deeply fascinated soul, I'm very fascinated about the world, and so I was able to be surrounded by such great Krishna or Bhakti Yogi Yogis, Bhakti Yogis that were liberally distributing this knowledge of the ancient science of the self. And by proxy to that, you know, I'm able to understand that we are not this body, that we are eternal, that we are full of bliss, we will never end and we never begin. The body will end, but you as the soul, the consciousness injected in the body that can never diminish. And so it's very nice to be in this world. You still suffer, I still have let downs, I still stub my toe, or no pain does arise, but through that I can remain, as the Vedas would say, equipoise. I can be still in the midst of joy or distress and be present without judging it, without identifying with it. What's really fascinating is Lord Buddha, everyone loves Lord Buddha. That's Krishna. You know, he was tricking my evod philosophers, my evod, my illusion thought that you are in that form of illusion, which is the absence of God, Brahman, Jyoti realization. When Buddha came, he was tricking them to being more compassionate without the Vedas, because, you know, they were killing animals left and right. And just defying it through Vedic ritual and Vedic so-called knowledge. So that's why the Buddha came to, okay guys, you really don't want the purity essence of the Vedas. So let's do away with them. Let's be compassionate without them. And so, you know, it's nice to be in this world and understand where living entities are coming from. And it's addictive guys, because just when you think you know something, there's another ocean to consider a pure knowledge. And if you're not an intellect like myself and I'm not full of false modesty, I'm not an intellect. I'm curious, deeply curious, if some of it's overwhelming for the mind, that's why in India they have mantras. Man-mind, trot, get out of your mind, sound, put you back into your heart. And apparently that's where we all know everything. This is our eternal self, is in the heart chakra. So, yeah, does that answer that? - Yeah, that was beautiful. - Yeah, that was beautiful. - I go on forever. - There's so many things to touch on, just based on what you said. And I know there's a multi-dimensional aspect to all of it. And that's interesting, you had the Bigfoot experience because Bigfoot is a multi-dimensional being as well. So I think you were given that experience to maybe help understand some of the stuff you've been researching and experiencing as well. - Yeah, go ahead. - And that's a curious point you're making. I'm not exceptional because I've had experiences. The secret is to having an open heart, having a child like curiosity about the world. And I think that's one of my greatest attributes is that I do have this very child like an equality of being open and contact Jodie Foster, Carl Sagan's brilliant book. That was the first point in my life of waking up going, "Oh my God." And I love Dr. Ellie early, that character. And that was the first movie where I was like, wait a minute, there's a lot more going on than this little piece of sand because there's a lot more going on, you know? Oh, yes. - Yeah, definitely. And speaking of, so how would you take the information you've come across and relate it to today, right now, what we're going through on Earth? Because there's a lot of lessons there and a lot of, I guess, symbolism that ties in directly to what we're experiencing. Even something interesting, you said like the Subaru car has the '80s consolation on their logo. I had no idea until you told me that. - Yeah. - It just ties in everywhere. - You know, thank you for that question, by the way. One of our biggest challenges guys is that we don't learn symbolism. Ignorant prevails, predominates, due to a lack of knowledge. And I'm not saying academia, like reading books, just curiosity. Well, what does that target logo really mean? It's Saturn, it's not bull's eye, but we can talk about Saturn later. And, you know, symbolism is actually how negative entities, I would say, manipulate our perception. And so, to answer your first question about this world, we first, I think, existentially the first systemic question that's pivotal is, why am I here and why do I suffer? And those two questions start the domino effect for other considerations of what is happening and why everything seems to be the way it is. - Yes, I mean, I think everyone would agree with that. That those are the two main questions of life. - Yeah. - So, and I don't mind if you do feel like touching on Saturn right now, because that symbolism is everywhere. And there's a lot of controversy. People wanna know, like, why did they use Saturn? What's so bad about it? What's so good about it? You know, what's going on there? - Yeah, okay, let's talk about Saturn 'cause it's highly relevant. So, in India, they call the God of Lord of the Rings. He's actually a dummy urge. The dummy God of Saturn is a fourth dimensional being. His wife is called Kali. Our time period right now is called Kali Yuga, which is a time period. And they call the God of Saturn and India Lord Shani Devi. And he is literally called Lord of the Rings. About 5,000 years ago, by the way, a bit of pretext, the supreme consciousness that you both are a part of is unlimited. We can't, our brains are not designed to comprehend the unlimited because the brain's limited. That's the paradox. So, mantra is, and you know, blah, blah, blah, yoga can verify that's metaphysical. Metaphysics beyond your senses, right? So, 5,000 years ago, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, which I find very interesting that wording the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is called Krishna, when he appears on Earth-like planets, Earth-like meaning yin-yang, dualistic, hot, cold, north-south, joy distress, and the 60 billion, apparently, Earth-like planets, just in the spiral arm of our galaxy. And Krishna's been on all of them. But again, a bit of pretext. Krishna can't go to the higher dimensions because billions and billions of demigods think they are gods. So, if Krishna showed up there, their illusions would be destroyed. He can't go to worlds lower than Earth, lower than Earth meaning intense suffering. We think we need to suffer here. They are actually dimensions below Earth, where souls suffer greatly. So, Earth is the perfect frequency of Hawaii and say, Iraq, duality, Aloha, and, you know, wrath. So, kind of long story short, when the Supreme Personality of Krishna, of Godhead appears, Krishna, when he appears on Earth-like planets, he causes an energetic disturbance, a multi-dimensional disturbance because the Supreme Bhagavan is present. All the demigods situated in their respective realms, very interesting wording, take what's called Darshana. Darshana means to see. They take a look at Krishna. One demigod came in his 20-mile wide mothership, Saturn, Rajshani. And he was known by the demigods to be the god of death. And mother Yoshoda, Krishna's mother, was like, nah, get this thing away from my kid. There's absolutely no way that I want this entity near my beloved Krishna. So, the demigods came to Mal. Can you imagine, like, the Senate and Star Wars? That's literally, there's a lot of truth going on with Star Wars, by the way. - We just started, Star Wars is based-- - I'll pop it. Yeah, go ahead. - Star Wars is based off of the Mahabharata of India, which anyway, Darth Veda, Veda Knowledge, Darth Dark, Lucius Skywalker, Lucian, Lucifer, Christ, anyway. It's all tied in. But so, anyway, the demigods kicked him out and before Saturn, Satan, by the way, Satan, Saturn, Satan in Hebrew means one who arbitrates you on a court. All of our laws are Judaic. Judaism is Saturnism. The capitalists know this Islam is Saturn worship. The box in Mecca, not box, but the Black Cube of Saturn that they were circumambulate in rings, concentric rings, sound familiar, rings of Saturn, and the T-left that the rabbis have, it's the same thing. But anyway, so Lord Shiny is humiliated, the goddess Saturn. And by the way, he comes from Orion, his family, and Siri us, you know, Siri, the AI on your Apple phone. - Yeah. - Get this stuff up. In the book of Job, we'll dilute the bands of Orion and gain the influence of the Subaru or the Pilates. It's an ET thing going on here, folks. It's exo-political, okay. So Lord Shiny is humiliated and he caused such an energetic disturbance. He conjured a very confidential, we can talk more about this, the absolute nature of the Supreme. He conjured the most confidential aspect of Krishna or Mahavishnu called the Para Akman, which means the Supersoul. And this is God consciously located within every single atom and every single heart chakra. You know the quantum theory? When we look at atoms, they behave like this. When we don't, they're in the wrong world. It's spooky at a distance, Einstein said. That's Vishnu, 'cause he's dreaming this material causation into manifestation. God, it's delicious. So anyway, he conjures the Supersoul, Mahavishnu. And Mahavishnu appears to him and essentially says, what's going on with you? Like, why are you behaving like this? And he said, Lord, I just wanted to see you. I just wanted to be with you. It's almost like that George Harrison song. I really wanna see you in one, already. Yeah, there's a reason why George put that in there. So what we learned from this Veda, Veda means knowledge to know, not to believe to know that that becomes self-evident. That's what Veda means. We learned from this Veda that hurt people, hurt. Demons cause suffering to much their own energetic frequency of suffering. Wow. Makes sense, right? Yeah. So he's in, I mean, the plan of a shaking more or less, 'cause Saturn was just so, he was this close to seeing Krishna, this close. So Mahavishnu appears and he says, look, I'm very touched by this, but I won't change what you've done. You can't change what you've done, but there is something that I can do. When I leave in my Bhagavan form, Krishna, your wife, Kali, we'll reign, the Kali yoga, K-A-L-I, and Google, Kali and part of state building, because the aluminists projected her onto the empire, state building for a reason. Okay. And this age will be so monstrous. Consciousness will be at an all-time level. Materialism will prevail. No one will want to know me in truth, the Supreme person. So how about this? Instead of being the God of death, why don't you become the God of Karma? Wow. So what we learn about that, this is why Saturn is really important in people's birth charts. Lloyd Shinney, this demon, this ghastly beast, Yahweh, Jehovah, he's the demi-erge of the Old Testament. And by the way, this wrathful, vengeful God, like what he's essentially saying to the Israelite, the people, did I not tell you not to do this, not don't do that, I have a chance to make it right and you're screwing up. That's why he's angry, he has a nature. Very interesting stuff. And this is why I think it's so important that people understand, there is a Supreme person that we all come from, and trillions of demi-gods in the multidimensional multiverse that are trying to be him. And by the way, that's not so far out, 'cause I met humans, I think they're God. So as above so below, that to me, that doesn't contradict. So Lloyd Shinney-Davy is the, should we say the cabal? Oh, by the way, do you know about the South Pole of Saturn, how it makes an all-seeing eye? You should Google image it. And the North Pole of Saturn is a permanent star of David. It's a Google image that's-- - It's a hexagon. - Hexagon, yeah. - Yeah, but I guess when you connect that, it's-- - And Lloyd Shinney-Davy, so you know when you see Lady Gaga and Madonna doing this, yeah, yeah. That's the South Pole of Saturn. You should Google image it, it's fascinating. And that's the dollar, that's the eye on the dollar. - That's the all-seeing eye, is the whole Saturn, okay. - And what I've come to understand from my own journey, and I don't need to make any offenses to anyone, I don't like offending people, you know, it's not my thing. But I think there was a beautiful being that came from the Pleiades, just like the book of Job said. I think his name was Isla or Yeshua. Why does temples of him in India? Guess what he learned? Bhakti, the kingdom of God, Vishnu, is in the heart. As when the Catholic tradition, he's showing you the heart, yoga of the heart. This is why his life is missing from the Bible. I think Lucifer, I mean, first of all, Caesar concocted the Jesus Christ story, by the way. This is why when Jesus says, "Offer everything unto Caesar." He was a psychotic. Who did the Romans worship? Saturn. The whole corporation of Saturn, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, or Luciferism, and my personal opinion. I think Jesus Christ, the greatest story ever told. That's the cremation of concern. We tell the story and it's up to these idiots whether or not they believe it. And I don't need to make offenses there, but what I mean to say is, I think Lord Shiny Saturn sent his kid here to raise the vibration. And apparently, in some circles, Lucifer or Jesus is the higher octave of Saturn. So Saturn represents darkness and light. Welcome to the third dimension. That's why his wife Kali, Saturn's wife, Satan's wife Kali, keeps our planet in the bandwidth of the third dimension. So fascinating. I mean, this stuff, like those rings, there's an interesting book called The Ringmakers of Saturn. And you can actually get the PDF online and there's images of these Earth-sized plasma vehicles generating the wings with the rings. You know, the movie Lord of the Rings? I mean, they make movies about this entity. Every symbolism goes back to it mostly. Lord of the Rings has the all-seeing eye. It sure does. It is, it's like, yeah, that's like the big evil thing in Lord of the Rings. So how do, so the Illuminati, the Cavall, whatever you want to call them, we see this Saturn symbolism everywhere. Yeah. How do they benefit from putting that symbolism out everywhere to basically infiltrate our mind? How does that benefit them? Oh my God. So to answer that, our brain subconsciously moves 400 billion bits of data per second subconscious. Consciously, our brain moves 2,000 bits of conscious data per second. You tell me, Tyler, where do you think we are really in our head? We're right here. So subconsciously promoting the symbolism if it's Madonna's Super Bowl, where she's openly doing the Baphomet thing and the all-seeing eye of Satan and Lady Gaga doing her engage ultra stuff. What's the benefit? They're getting this conditioned for the complete totalitarianism of their religion. And they're getting this, and I think the young kids are very conditioned by it. They don't even blink, you know? And-- They don't understand it. And I wonder how many of the people who are-- OK, let's say Madonna is mind-controlled. I wonder if she or if a lot of these celebrities, we see-- I wonder if they actually understand the true meaning behind what they're actually promoting. Or do you think they have an understanding, like you have an understanding? Or do you think they're just blindly following the rules? Well, great question. Madonna's Ray of White album, which I thought was her opiates. I thought that was a brilliant album. Very avant-garde, very just brilliant. And she was in the Kapala, right? Jewish mysticism. Well, I mean, did you see her Instagram post last year? When you sell your soul, you're not allowed to ask for it back. I mean, come on. You can Google that. So I think Madonna's an intellectual. I think she's probably a priestess just like Hillary is. Hillary. I think she has gone the extra mile to understand the contract that she's signed. And if you notice in her 2003 period, American life or something like that, she had the rabbis on and trying to kind of foster this sense of healing and forgiving and you put out what you take in and you take in what you put out and very akin to a very analogous to the beta understanding of Buddhism, cause and effect, cause and effect. So I think Madonna gets it because her Super Bowl performance was not subtle and I cringed. I was like, wow, this is really coming mainstream. So they prey upon Tyler ignorance. And in the Bhagavad Gita, this text, this ancient text, which I wish everyone would order. Oh my God, what Christian says in here with your mind, ignorance in the Kali Yuga predominates. So subconsciously, the infiltrate that aspect of our situation and compromise it. That's why they don't want us awake, you know? Yeah, then we're a threat. Yeah, man, are you going to say something? Well, no, no, go ahead. I just, it's so crazy because it's not just like, oh, there's a building over here, but it's everywhere. It's in the commercials, it's on our phone. Our entire phone is loaded with apps of promoting Lucifer, basically, yeah. And when you, and that's researchable. It's not me just saying that you can actually tie the symbols into the apps on your phone. And well, yeah. Well, actually what I want to say is, so, so yeah, it's like we talk about the Illuminati, the cabal, like they're basically a giant cult that runs the planet, right? They have their own, their own religion that they keep to themselves, but they promote it in symbolism and put it out there constantly. Like you said, to like, playing on our ignorance to like, rope us into that and keep us trapped in that system and keep the system going and feeding them. And then, ultimately, leading more and more and more to like, our further oppression and enslavement, and then more benefiting them, you know? And that's a whole rabbit hole that you can, now for a while. Put your helmet on. But it seems to be right now there's this, like, planetary cleanup. There's this, like, the energy's rising, the ascension, whatever you want to call it. It's like, they're freaking out because they're losing their control. And like, you know, it really does, I feel it. I see it. There's this, like, cleansing, purging happening right now on the planet. It's like, it's amazing. - I can't keep up with it. - Yeah, I can't keep up with it. And that's a really, Aaron, that's a really un, un, un-part observation. Because the ultimate, what is really happening is that they are divine alleles being played out in the multiverse. God is a performer. Lord Rama, who came here 1.3 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago, in Sathriyuga. That was a time period then. By the way, Nasa found the Sri, Sri Lanka bridge that's now buried in the water, that Hanuman. And God is a performer. Like we are, spirit animates matter. We animate this body through our sense of identifying with material energies, world performers. You're performing as Aaron. You're performing as Tyler. I'm performing as Sean. So this is just like the greatest allele, the greatest divine story that's been playing out. And light always wins. I know, no, that's a sadhana cliche, but the Supreme Consciousness, who I call Vishnu or Krishna, he always wins. So tying this back to the ascension, sorry, Aaron. No, no, go ahead. So are you ready for this? For all the grains of sand on, this is what the Vedas say. And it's important for folks to know that, for the sake of time, I'm not gonna quote the where it is in the book, but I'll give you the gist. For all the grains of sand on earth, that's how many stars are in one galaxy. Oh my God. And for all the grains of sand on earth, that's how many universes exist. Universes, wow. The Vedas say that Vishnu dreams them into fruition. He dreams them into manifestation. And we can elaborate why that is, but essentially every single star is sentient. There's a residing deity in every star. Our sun god is called Vivishvan. And Krishna first orates the Vedas to him. And then Vivishvan reverberates them outward. This is why meditation, when we go into meditation, and we particularly recite certain mantras, we are connecting to pure source. They don't want us meditating. They do not want us investigating yoga because they lose. But Vivishvan, our sun god, he's going through his own transfiguration. In the third dimension, the sun looks like fire. And whatever dimension the sun is really in, it's a solar disk. But in the third dimension, it looks elemental. It looks like fire. And Vivishvan is going through his own transfiguration. I don't know if you guys know, but a micronova is going to come. - Yeah, oh yeah. - Oh, it's solar flashes, what? - Yes. - A lot of people. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, and in India, they call it the sun bardica fire. - The sun bardica fire? - Yeah. - And in the Bible? - It's in like every ancient text. It's called a different thing. It's called a-- - Almost all of them are, if all of them. - Some bardica, it's a pyrocess. - Yeah. - It's like different terms, and they're all talking about the same thing that's, we're basically right at the brink of happening right now. - It's gonna be, I mean, you guys are jetties. I see what the work you're doing, and here you are really trying to awaken people up. For folks like you, my God, it's gonna be incredible. Because you're doing the work, you're preparing for the Alignment, your heads out of the sand. - Yeah. - You're being conscious, so what I think is going to happen, I think we can have a series of flashes, just like David, I mentioned David Wilcock in his, I love David, by the way. - Oh, both. - We're no one to. - Yeah. - I turned him on to kombucha, I mean, Corey. - I bought them. - Yeah, that's what Tyler told me. - That's amazing. - Yeah, I've actually got mine right here. - Good health. - Yeah. - Yeah, and so I feel like that's the real elephant in the room. I think the reptilian agenda on this planet, they're terraforming it to, I think that's why we have dumbs under the earth. I think that's why we have like thousands and thousands of dumbs under the earth. They're trying to avoid what's coming. - Yeah. - And consciously, they don't understand that actually, it's the reverse. You wanna be here for it. You can transcend. You can go into the higher dimensions and whatnot. I think we do kind of fantasize a little bit about the glitter and unicorns and everything. I don't think it's going to be like that for many people. We have to understand there's still a lot of work to do, even when you transcend that vibration. You have to acclimate, you have to adjust. Where the people with the soul, it's not just some analogous kind of like, you know, conceit, you know, it's gonna be really phenomenal for those who are doing the work now. And it's coming and sorry. - I would say the way I understand it is, you described it perfectly, but once that happens, we still have our physical body. And that body is still gonna bring us pain and suffering to an extent. And that's one of the things we're gonna have to adjust. So it's not gonna be grand in a sense that a lot of people were imagining it to be. - Well, I think it is just not maybe not, it's not like we don't have to worry about anything anymore whereas some people, you know, it's like we still have to take self responsibility and work on yourself, I think is the main thing. And what was it, David Wilcock mentioned this, I forget where the data comes from, but he said like life will be one, either 100 or 1,000 times more harmonious than it is now basically after. - And could you guys feel it a little bit? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know, feel about, you know, what's that saying? Alex Collier, I'm very attracted to him. And I think he speaks the truth because it feels right. - Absolutely. - Certainly right. But the enjoyment Ian's told him, "The love you withhold is the pain you receive." - You carry, sorry. - Yeah, yeah. - By the time of the lifetime, not the lifetime, oh my God. So this transformation, it's time to kind of like, as you both are beautifully saying, it's time to do our inventory and to really go in and stay in, not be conditioned by the external illusions, the Maya, as the Vedas call it. There's only one problem, when Arjuna, by the way, Arjuna was an iti. Here he is. He was a hybrid. He was a mom, his mom was a human, his dad was an iti and Krishna is the Krishna. But where was I going with this? Arjuna asks questions in here for our benefit. And Einstein said, "When you can't speak of something simply, it means you don't understand it." And so Arjuna essentially asks Krishna, "Well, what is the real source of our problems here?" And Krishna just comes out with it. "Living entities, not just humans and demigods, rattles, makes, aquatic life, living entities, identifying with that that they're not." In other words, lust. Not lust in a religious, non-anaughty way, but lusting after the objects of the senses. That's where all errors begin. And I thought, "Oh my God, that's so brilliantly true." We identify with this hologram that we think we are. You know, and you know, it's an interesting story about why we ended up in this multiverse and why begrudgingly this new had to create it, but you know. - No, I didn't realize you were done. - Yeah. (laughing) - So. - That's so true though. - Yeah. - When you think about it, like all our problems stem from attachment to this material, the material world, which is just an illusion essentially, that's what they call the Maya, you know. It's real on one level, but it's, but it's, there's the deeper reality is our essence, which is what we all are part of the same one, essence, consciousness. - And the conspiracy, Aaron, is that don't you think about that stuff? Hey, look at flat screen TV, you look at it. Hey, look over here, go on Amazon, buy something you don't need. - Yeah. - Oh, you hear it, go caffeinate yourself so you can't meditate. I mean, by the way, Starbuck, that crown that she's wearing. I mean, the queen wears the crown, the ring, 'cause it's the ring of Saturn. The star of a Starbuck is the star of Saturn used to be a star, but that's what, anyway. Yeah, go on. - I've heard that as well, yeah. - So there is sun. - Speaking of stars, the swastika. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - So that basically is derived from the, is it the big dipper, the little dipper that's just going, you know, completing its rotation. And then the north stars at the center, that correct? - Yeah, and what is really fascinating about this is that as you know, the swastika is the most ancient symbol in Hinduism. And by the way, Hinduism is not a religion. It's very important to, it's so complicated. It's like seeing the Large Hadron Collider is just a machine. No, it's not, it's actually very complicated. So Hinduism is not a religion, but the reason why I say that as a preface, there was this incredible devotee of Vishnu called Dhruva. And he's a devotee of Vishnu. And the Sanskrit Dhruva, Naskara, means a movable star. And this star, as you can see, if you Google image it, all stars seem to circumambulate against Dhruva to start the North Pole. And the reason for that is Vishnu wanted all the solar deities. 'Cause like we said earlier, every star is sentient. Dhruva was an incredible devotee of Vishnu. And so the Big Dipper, which looks like an L kind of, during the different seasons of our planet, it makes like an L here, an L here, and an L here, and an L there. And that's the swastika and the dot in the middle is the North Star, the Pole of the North Star. So it's kind of like, wow, you know? And it also means this sun crawling in the sky 'cause stars move around our galaxy, right? And it means, you know, make good fortune find you. And of course, Hitler inverted that. He was a Saturnalian, you know, he worshipped Saturn. - No, man, yeah, Hitler-- - He was a cabal puppet, essentially. - Yeah. - 'Cause a lot of people think he was the, what started the knot, like he was just a puppet. There was so much more above him, and that's what a lot of people don't understand. - Right, right. - But he was very much, but like he said, he was very much into all this stuff, and trying to use all this occult knowledge to his advantage and, you know, for power and everything else. - Well, he was, I was just gonna say, he was chosen specifically. - Yeah. - He was groomed before he even knew what he was-- - He was actually British. - Yeah. - He was actually British. Yeah, and he was a flannel figure there. - And yeah, yeah. - And he was groomed into, he was basically under mind control, and from what I understood, he eventually, his ego took over, and he took it further than what they wanted, what their agenda was. And he kind of took it out of hand, in the result we saw, we all saw. So-- - And the method for it means to help him out, either. - Yeah, and this was, this plan began in the 1800s. I mean, this was, it didn't just happen overnight, this was a well thought out plan. - Right. Yeah. - And then there's the whole German secret space program aspect. - And the name, the rocket Saturn. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Just random, it's just whimsicality. - But it's funny 'cause a lot of people, you know, everyone thinks Germany and the Nazis lost World War II, but really, really they did not, and they had all the secret space program, they had bases and Antarctica, they went on the moon and Mars. - The only thing they actually lost was Germany. - They lost like the surface bubble, the greedy war, which doesn't mean anything. - Right. - It's like a, it was just like a, show basically. - And then half of them came to the United States. - Yeah, and then the project paper, they all came and then went to NASA, went to our government agencies and everything else. - Well, I think-- - Buy stuff from Amazon folks, go to Starbucks, go to Disneyland, don't look here. - Yeah. - You know, like, you know. I mean, the occult is called the occult for a reason. Occult's a good thing. Well, it's not intrinsically evil. It just means hidden. Cult. - It just means it's not a bad thing. If you only buy Apple computers, if you only get your coffee from Starbucks, that's occult. You know, but the root derivative of cultivation, to cultivate, to propagate, it's a wonderful thing. - It can be a wonderful thing, you know. And yeah, it's just that the, like I talked about before, this cult, this, you can call them a dark cult, a negative cult, whatever you wanna call them because they have this belief system that is very power over others oriented and they wanna be the ones in power. And they want all for themselves and like screw everyone else. And they, you know, use of use, whatever they need to do to get what they want. - Yeah, well, that's an interesting thing you're talking about Aaron, because the Bhagavad Gita, 5,000 years ago, 600, 1,100 beings died in that war. And they had mantras that could mimic a nuclear bomb, by the way. I mean, fifth stuff is so out there. And these ETs, they were ETs, they wanted this planet. And they wanted a certain area actually of India, the Pandavas, that. And so it could also be short and there's so much nourishment and like richness in the story. But the point is Krishna tried to prevent this war. He went up to them. They didn't understand who they were talking to. And this is why Krishna performs. Demons are covered. They're covered by their own vanity, their own power, their own sense and illusion of power. So they're covered even more so. So they don't have the intelligence to understand who they were talking to. Intelligence. The Para Agman, the Supersoul, within you gives intelligence. Anyway, that's another topic. But so he has Krishna essentially sensed them. We don't have to do this. Do the right thing. Just essentially go home, whatever star you came from. And they were like, no, we want this war. And so that's why the Bhagavad Gita was sung. And I don't know if you can see it. As you can see, they're on a battlefield. There's two opposing sides. And Krishna sang the Bhagavad Gita because these demons wanted ownership of this planet. So like Jordan Maxwell says, and I got to meet on my last year. That was incredible a couple of times. The more we change, the more we stay the same. And this is why it's so crucial that we shift our focus to the Vedas. To understand what really is and what really isn't. Why are we wrathful? Why are we envious? Why do we have this sense of false propriety over everything? And I think the Vedas could say the planet. And it's a shame that our education is completely bogus. Oh, my God, what these kids are going through, my God. - Yeah, it's not even education. - It's indoctrination. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's all it is. - That's an entire episode in itself. It really is. There's so much. I mean, just even the fact of the student loan. So you graduate, then you have $100,000 on student loans. By the time you actually pay that off, when are you ever ahead? - That's the point. - Oh, exactly. - Yeah, that's the point. I'll tell you something. Our president, there's something very interesting going on with him. And I think it's cosmic related. - Agreed. - I don't ever agree. I think this man is entombed with something that we won't understand, but he is assigned a position of moving us before the supernova event, by the way, the micronova truth, rev-L, Asian, right? We're in the bit of rev-L. L is Saturn, rev-L, Asian. Truth has to come out before we can consciously move towards the next dimension. And we dodged, not a bullet. We dodged a nuclear bomb if the other person got it. But that wasn't our destiny. - No. - Sure, no. That changed in. - We definitely did. - 2012. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Right. - The timelines merged. - Mm-hmm. Which is interesting with the Mayan calendar and being, what it is, the 2012, 'cause it's not the end of the world as was kind of put out there. It was the end of an age. The age was-- - Exactly. - ICs. - Yeah. - Which was all that domination, control, hierarchy, everything else. - According to the ancient Vedantists, they are a damaged gods waiting in line to take birth on this planet right now. Not only have the avatars been here to supreme personality, the features of the infinite one, but we are the most highly sought after star system in our neighborhood. Not only for the spiritual technology, because the avatar has only gift this wisdom to the humans, by the way. Very interesting that my gods can't have it. You have to take human birth to have the absolute picture. - Very interesting, because God plays fair. You've both been demigods before. You're probably from a higher realm. It's why you're doing the nice work you're doing here. But a lot of demigods are lording it over the material creation. They want that star, and let's go terraforming that star. Look how billionaires behave here. Bezos is not happy with just 50 billion. He wants a trillion. - Yeah. - Well, as above so below. - Demigods are out there going, all right, we've got 10 stars under our belt. Let's go after that one. - Yeah. - So how's about so boring? - So greed, essentially, yeah. - Yeah, and so this star system is very special. The supreme person has been here many times in many different features that bewildered the demigods. And yeah, it's such an interesting time to be here. And to inaugurate this ascension process. So Bhagavan Krishna was here 5,000 years ago. And no one knows of this, you guys. No one's talking about this. But hopefully we may set a precedent on this podcast. A very confidential esoteric avatar of Krishna appeared 500 years ago. He was just here. When he appeared in India, guess what happened in Europe? The renaissance began because the supreme Bhagavan was back. See, this isn't Hinduism. This is everyoneism. That's not a word, but this is about every living thing. This isn't about religion. The supreme Bhagavan is in love with every living thing. It's all coming from him, her, her, him and her. But the point is he inaugurated. So the Kali Yuga is 430, 200,000 years long. That's when Kali reigns. Within that 432,000 years, there's a 10,000 golden age that you beautifully pointed out, Tyler. The Mayas were telling 100 years into that 10,000 year window. And Lord Chitanya, the golden avatar, Krishna came as Chitanya in China. Chit means life force giver. Lord Chitanya, he moved all around India. He was a beggar. God came as a beggar to perform this Leela of distributing sound vibration to every living thing, to awaken them up to their original position as the soul. And I wonder why this is not taught. I wonder why the mainstream won't put this on the BBC. I think in some cases they have, but Lord Chitanya, this confidential esoteric avatar of Krishna, he inaugurated, he began the ascension process with the British finance. He knows who the sun God is. He knows he's going through his own transfiguration of his self. And Krishna came to inaugurate it. And it's a heart-centric consciousness. You know, it's a horror, H-A-R-E, Krishna, horror that he is within your heart. And he moved all over India. Millions of people moved with him. The Hare Krishna is going the streets chanting like they do back and forth to mimic that beautiful. Those people are very special. I understand what they're doing, but to those people who don't understand they're like the crazy people. I hold space for that. I know some of the coming from, but the sound that those devotees are emitting goes into every living entity's ear and into their heart. And at some point that seeds sprouts like a lotus. It's like a lotus and the Ganges River comes out through the mud and it sprouts. So what they're doing is there, I mean, dogs, pigeons, sewer rats, any living thing that hears the sound vibration, they get great spiritual benefit. And that's happening all over the world. And not many people know about it. - Well, just the importance of sound. - So beautiful. - The importance of sound in general. - Yeah. - The potential that we don't understand. I mean, what you can do with sound as far as not even just using it as a technology but healing. I mean, my God, it never ends. It's like my hands and all that stuff. - Well, everything is frequency. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. I mean, look at cyanetics. Look at the study of if you put sand on a disc and you start looking at the patterns that come from that. Like energy, spirit, moves matter, it animates matter. So this is why we're so powerful beings. The soul is so powerful. Krishna says in the Gita, it's empowered just like God is. That's how powerful the soul is. - Something you touched on earlier, I wanted to go back to is as far as like the human form being like the humans being the most desirable form, I guess, or species, I guess you say, why is that? Why are we so sought after? Why, what makes us so special? - So, Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, I come for the human form. I appeal to the human family because they closely mirror the leelas of the spiritual abode, Romeo Juliet, Radha Krishna. Like when Radha Krishna appeared in the world, their leela was to find one another and Radha, Rani, Radha Rani, she represents the soul going back to the Supreme Bhagavan. So, as you remember, I was saying earlier that God's a performer, he's like a Shakespearean performer. He just loves performing because, you know, he's God. And so essentially the avatars, not the avatars, ETs, they understand dimensionally things that we can't because we're limited by the third dimension. They know when something very special happens in a certain star system. I don't understand it. Like, do you know that Playadians make music from stars? Wow, really pretty cool. So they understand something energetically. So my opinion is that there is why certain ETs have sliced and diced their DNA with ours. It wasn't necessarily just for us to mine gold. I think they wanted in. They wanted an energetic in to understand who are these avatars? What are they giving the humans? Why can't we have them? Can you imagine, guys, if we had a chicken coop and God said he was going to appear at our place, but he didn't come to see us. He went to go play with the chickens. We would be like, excuse me? Why is he playing with those filthy things? So most Democrats are very egoic. They're very vain. I mean, look at that. Look at the Orion and Sirius Egyptians. God, they were so vain. The ego was really high. The cider in is linked to Egypt, by the way. But anyway, so Tyler, to answer your question, I feel it's because Krishna gives all knowledge to the human multidimensionality. You remember those big maps I sent you at the multidimensional universe? - Yeah. - And by the way, if you're listeners with like them, if you could remind me towards the end, I'll give out my email and I'll send them to anyone at once then I'll give you my multidimensional Vedic tour of consciousness. It's just a joy to send out. It took me about 11 years to acquire, but it's just, I love sharing it. 'Cause everyone, like Krishna says, the human form of life is to understand what is material nature or what is spiritual substance. Yoga, yoga, that's why many people are doing yoga now, matter, spirit, through one lens, discernment, ego, material, eternality, joy, bliss, ananda, self. So, oh, I know the difference now. It's only given to the human family. So I hope I answered your great question Tyler, but I think the human form of life is the most auspicious, the most sought after form, 'cause you can leave the multiverse and go back home to your eternal state. Wow, you're not, we're not material beings. I know you guys know this, but for the public at large, we are not material. The illusion is we think we are. That's our hell. Yeah. That's where we suffer. It's thinking we're physical. Why do you think we fear death? Because we've forgotten who we are. Do you know how many times we've died? And do you know how many times we've taken birth apparently? The metaphor is for all the drops of water in a notion, the Pacific Ocean, how many lives you've had. You've been all the species of the multiverse. Krishna says they're innumerable. You can't count them all. Krishna explains evolution. He says, "Arjuna, the souls, the self is always constant. It never changes. What changes is vehicles, bodies that the soul gets injected to and souls desire differently. When a lot of snake wants to camouflage or be more stealthy, it has a desire. And my form is the Para Atman or Supersoul within that form. I change the intelligence of that species. This is why Darwin couldn't understand the connection to God. How could you see it? It's a paradox to conflicting ideas that are still true. How could his material brain see the divinity of Savishnu trying to make that living entity happy by changing it over time? What is Kali Yuga, Kali time? She controls time as the third dimension. And this ascension we're going through, it's going to just walk that out of, you know, it's going to be interesting. I'm going to respond to that. - And we can tap into a lot of those abilities. You're talking about the whole trap is that we think we're just material. But even just some of my own practices I've been doing, just believing that we're capable of so much more and the power of manifestation, just in your daily life, if you're conscious about that aspect of life. And you basically practice that every day. And you can manifest stuff, you can put yourself on a path and reach a level of happiness that just I never thought was achievable at one point in my life. So we have the power now to start making that change. - And that's a great point you're making. And the one thing I'd like for your readers to not readers, sorry listeners to stand as, it takes a bit of tapassia to have a self-realized consciousness tapassia and Sanskrit means sacrifice. What are monks doing? What are Buddhists? How are Christians doing? They're controlling their senses. They're getting a grip on their senses. It's your senses that befadalas, not the energy. It's what we do with the energy that befadalsas. So tapassia means sacrifice. You have to give something up in order to attain something. And 90% of people like, not for me. Now I want to go play. That's our nature, the soul wants to play. Christianists says the ultimate source of another source of suffering, of this material energy of mine is that souls are hankering for their eternal pleasure. They're looking for it in the wrong place. This multiverse that I created for you to assume yourself as a separate, which I begrudgingly did. I didn't want to let you go, but love is always unconditional. If you truly love someone, it's unconditional. All right, sweetheart, off you go. Into my Maya, into this etch a sketch of unending. May I tell you both a little bit about the three energies that not many people know? Are we all right for time? - Please, do you bring that? - Yeah, absolutely. - So, and I'm just getting sort of a one brain eye because this is a big deal and that you're allowing me to share this with your listeners. You guys are very special. So, I really love atheists. Why do I love atheists? If their conception of God is just based on the Bible and whatever that is and they don't have any knowledge of Vedas, amen, I'd get you. There is no God, how could there be? However, when you zoom out at the powers of 10 and you see the bigger picture, the supreme person, whoever you guys call God and whoever your listeners call God, the supreme consciousness that everything comes from has three distinct energies. Brahman, which is Krishna's ubiquitous, cosmic, manifest, creational fractal of a truly inverse, a multiverse. Mahavishnu, his form is Vishnu dreams it. Hector Allan Poe, the famous poet once said, is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream. In order to create separateness, you have to dream it 'cause it's not real and God's dreaming is Vishnu. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. So, you have Brahman. This is who the Buddhists are merging into. Buddha was giving an impartial realization called Brahman Jyoti, where if you're not attracted to a personal God, you can merge with that light, that nirvana, which just means empty. It's the light covering the eternal spiritual world. So Brahman is the creational fractal of unending desire and, oh, it's so incredible to, behind Brahman, you have what's called Para Atman. Atman is so, Para Super, Para Atman Super Soul. This is the supreme localized within every single atom as one being. I mean, this blows my head. And he's also within every single living entity. Snakes, birds, aquatic humans, demigods, as one sentient being. And that's either observing the quantum field. It's very esoteric because you can only meditate on it to understand it 'cause the paradox, again, is how can you bring and see it, it's material. You're the soul, eternally, not material. So, and then above the Para Atman, you have what's called Bhagavan. That is beyond the material nature. And it is said in the Vedas that if you were to squish all the trillions of universes into a piece of rice and you hold that piece of rice up to the night into the daytime sky, that piece of rice represents the total own type sucked, the complete material energy, but the whole sky in every which direction represents the eternal realm where there's no beginning to end. And that's what the soul is made of, sat, cheap, ananda, eternity, bliss, and knowledge. And that's what God's form is made of. So these three different layers cover reality. Universities are made of this, Brahman. And Krishna's localized within every atom within it as the witness, hidden. 'Cause he doesn't want to intrude upon Jiva's souls, he doesn't want to intrude on their separateness. And that goes to the point of in the eternal limbo, God is not controlling in that realm. There is no controlling, it's unending love. It's on, you're creating with God the leela of love. It's a nice place. But us three essentially picked our teeth after dinner one night with God. And we were like, why are you so special? Why is it about you? Why can't I be you? And our love is like, well, don't worry about that. Just love me. I love you, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What else is there? There's got to be something else beyond you. And God's is like, ah, no, don't go there. We went there. And that's why in his form is Vishnu, he dreams these multiverses. And every universe guys has an engineer called Brahma. Every universe means string theory. I swear to gosh, quantum physics, and the Vedas, one's math, one's Sanskrit. They're saying the same thing. Ekra, Ekra, I'm going to go, sorry. Noam Chomsky, who teaches at my university, is a linguist. He teaches here now. Very ironic. He says, the greatest career blender of mine is I cannot tell you where Sanskrit comes from. Guys, it's not from here. It was brought here. And meditators can perceive it through this atman or the self. And so it's trillions of universes are dreamed into existence. We left Krishna or Vishnu as Brahma. You both have engineered your own universe separate from source. That's how you leave God. This is why there's unlimited universes. And that's why as scientists have conferred, most of its empty. Well, not necessarily dimensionally speaking, we can't perceive the higher dimensions because this computer is made of 3D. We can't comprehend a Pleiadian. They're 5D apparently. Everywhere you look there's paradoxes. Everywhere you look there's paradoxes. But even Brahma, when you leave God from this virtual world and you assume the form as Brahma, you really think you are God. You localize every galaxy. You localize every living entity. But like Shiva, Shiva is a very powerful energy. By the way, they have Shiva outside the Large Hadron Collider. Did you know that? Yeah, yeah. And I'm being very conscientious about times I could go on forever, but I'd love to explain that. But so Shiva is a form of Vishnu because nothing in the material universe lasts. It's ephemeral. It begins, it ends. Sean took birth. He's getting close to the middle point. Well, no, I'm young, but the point is, at some point, I'll have to give it up. So my brain thinks, I'm nothing. I'm just this body I was born and I will end, uh-uh. The soul within me will move on to another form. That's reincarnation. You take with you your activities, your consciousness, and your desire, and that's the vehicle that you get put into based upon those three things. Some humans, my friends, will take animal bodies because of how they're behaving. Some animals will move up that evolutionary ladder, yeah, of consciousness. And this is why in the human form, we are animals. But we're also transcending potential beings. That's the paradox. That's why, again, I was saying, there's nothing but paradoxes here. We're not fully animals. We mate, we defend, we eat, we sleep, just like animals. But we have a software that the avatar is personally reawakened within us. And this is why God's are like, who the heck do those people think they are? Why won't he give it to us? - Back to, just to give you back on topic to Shiba. No, that's absolutely beautiful. Honestly, I could listen to you talk all night. - You're the only one. (laughs) - I could do. - Call me. (laughs) - No, babe, I'm just curious just your understanding of why Shiba is in front of-- - So, are you ready for this? - Yeah. - And I, I mean, listen to you guys, there's a reason why honest people, not cliche-vogue people that just say things to be cool, but the real understanding from India and Namaste, is because these meditators know that there's God in your heart. Namaste, may I serve you with kindness and love? God is watching me right now. They know that. So, my point is, so who is Shiny, Saturn? Guess who he meditates on. So, Shiba, there's three modes of material nature when Emerson read the Bhagavad Gita and he went to Walden. Thoreau went to Walden. They read the Bhagavad Gita, the one I sent you, Tyler, and they went, "Oh my God, God is everywhere." 'Cause they read the book. So, Saturn, he is in the mode of passion. He's raffle. He wants to be, you know, he's got his own personality. Brahma upholds passion. Vishnu upholds goodness. Three modes of material nature. I wish everyone would Google this and really go deep with this. So, Shiny, Lord, Shiny, his guru is Shiba. Shiba upholds the mode of ignorance. Shiba's not ignorance. He upholds that, that's why, you know, it looks stoned a little bit in his painting. He's like, "Hey, dude." Now, he ghosts and ghouls gravitate towards Shiba. He's very merciful as Shiba. Shiba is very, anyway. He's easily pleased and very easily angry. So, Shiba, you have to be, he's a personality. He's a personality. You remember the few lines at a setting that James talks about? You're not gonna believe it. Part of my relevance with James was to kind of, one of my roles at the ranch was to give people the Vedic tour of India. And I explained the multidimensionality and Vedas and mantras and, oh my God, thank you, James, for allowing me to do that. But have you ever heard James talk about Lord Nashranga, the half man, half lion? - I think I have actually. - Yeah, I'm sure I have, yeah. - Guess who he is, Krishna. That's his avatar, half man, half lion. And Lord Nashranga protects. He protects beloved devotees. Saturn, Satan, Lord of the Rings, he meditates. You can YouTube, Lord Nashranga and Lord Shani. There's actually a mantra that Lord Shani, come on, people, take advantage of this stuff. There's actually a mantra on YouTube that Lord Shani recites to Lord Nashranga. Please Lord Nashranga protect humans from my wrath. - Wow, I think that's like, you know, so Lord Nashranga, I think he's, this avatar is in the seventh dimension. I'm not entirely sure about that, but he's a half man, half lion avatar. And the reason why he is will blow your minds, why his form is half man, half lion. But, you know, Saturn is begging Lord Nashranga, protect these humans from my nature. Wow, do you know every time I see an Illuminati symbol or if I see Satanist, I know like how things are lining up, that even their head boss suffers. Even he wants to do it, but he has a nature that he can't overcome. And that he begs to Lord Nashranga, protect those humans from me. And he's, they all test him at God. And this is why I said earlier, my, one of my many intents for people is, please distinguish between billions of them at God's and many dimensions and the Supreme Bhagavan is a big difference. Krishna's beyond the most, sorry, I don't want to keep saying Krishna, but God is beyond the modes of nature. He's beyond the dualities and compulsive use of material energy, you know, he's beyond all that. - So I don't know what's more impressive. Your vast knowledge on all this are the fact that it started with a piece of food. (laughing) - Can I tell you something? I appreciate your keen visceral intuition with that really fast, you guys. I'm not used to talking like this, absolutely. And I just left talking to you both. One night in Flagstaff, I went to NAU, I thought myself to be an astronomer. That's why I contacted the movie, really played a big life. And, you know, I go to NAU in college algebra and I got to be my barely a B minus in physics. But my teacher, physics too was like Sean and sweetheart. You know, I'm gonna have to give you a W, like he didn't pass and I don't think this is for you. So I made it in English. No, it's just completely deconstructed, just completely, you know, at a loss. Anyway, one night at the old theater, they played contact. And one night, I was very if I clamped. You know, Carl had to come to leukemia during the making of that movie at the end where it said for Carl, the shooting star went over. And I went back to my dorm and something told me just to pray, what the heck is praying. And I essentially looked at the clouds and I said, like, Lord, I don't know if you're there. I don't know if I matter to you. I don't know what I am. But if you're there, sir, I remember saying, sir, could you just give me a sign that, you know, you'll help support my journey? And can you just give me a sign right now? And I remember this kind of like, all right, sweetheart, look up, you know, paying attention, look up. And when I did, a shooting star had went right over my head the same star from contact. And what had happened was, you know, like a xylophone, that instrument? I didn't have time to respond. It just looked out. So it wasn't a placebo. And my spine became a xylophone. And that sensation was the tarantula that was this time slowly growing up my spine when Mother Sendamani explained to me about Poseidon. It came back. And that's when I understood a whole word, you know. And can you imagine what it's like to be someone like me who gets the privilege of witnessing other so beautiful souls in this world? My God, there's so many great souls in this world. I wish young kids realized some of them are really powerful, but they'll waken up in nature's way. But can you imagine what it's like to be me moving about this world? I mean, I'm talking to you great souls, like, and I kind of have this insight that could prevent the Maya of our own suffering. You know, and I don't feel qualified. And I don't like false modesty. I think it's goofy, I mean, but I don't feel qualified. And yet the paradox again is I've got to experience this. And it's kind of like every day I wake up. It's like, you know, it's my prayer is, they're a sweet one. I call Krishna a sweetheart, 'cause he is. Or God, you guide me to those souls. I don't know what I'm doing. You know, I don't know my left hand from my right hand sometimes 'cause I'm a double Gemini. So that means double airhead. I am an airhead, but I own it with great affection. But, you know, I say to the, you know, the Para Atman, this is what the Para Atman looks like within the heart of him. The dish new has the super soul. I say, you know, Lord, just guide me. You know what you're doing. I'm trying to know what I'm doing. And so that enthusiasm every day feels like a new birth. 'Cause every day I've learned something. But that doesn't negate the fact I don't suffer. You bet I do. There's a lot of stuff that comes out when you're approaching the Supreme. 'Cause he's, as Lord Shani did, he has Saturn is consolidating our karma. He's doing work for us. You know, I honor Shani, Saturn day, Saturn day. You know, I honor Shani, thank you, Lord Shani, from 1,000 feet away. But all glories to you, thank you for your service. Thank you for helping me consolidate my karma. I'm not on this good side, but I know he can hear it. And I don't understand how we can. And we don't have to understand those things. You know, it's just, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It's a straight line, mind, heart. That's the ultimate straight line we've got to really focus on. This is where we are. This is what we think we are. And this is where our suffering is, and this is where our freedom is, our sovereignty. Krishna was giving Arjuna his sovereignty back. Arjuna forgot who he was. And for our benefit, Krishna related to him, who he is, eternally. This is not religion. This is not Hindu. This is knowledge of, it's so curious, Krishna says, before we get to marriage and that, let's really talk about you. This is all about you. How can you know me if you don't know who you are? Wow. And by the way, you guys, please everyone Google, what's it called? The, oh my gosh, this form. This is really relevant to you, Apology, because, oh, the universal form. Isn't that ironic? I just opened up to it. (laughing) All right, Adman, right? But please Google the universal form of Krishna. I forget the documentary that David released before about Majestic, but he opened the one with the universal form of Krishna. I got to give him one of these, contact in the desert, Krishna is so kind. But this universal form that Krishna reveals to Arjuna ricochets throughout all the places of time and space and emails. And the Democrats were like, what the heck is that? So it's on Earth like planets, they get a wake up call. You know, and this stuff is so confidential, guys. It's confidential because it's in the material energy. It's our conditioning to exploit. It's our conditioning to lord it all the material creation. It's our condition to think our senses rule. This is why God is so compassionate. He knows our situation. Krishna says, I want you to be an ecstatic bliss. Orgasms are fine. If you're not lusty with it, if you understand actually spiritual orgasms, I don't mean to be crass there, but there's orgasms in the spiritual world. It's just not self-motivated. It's motivated to God. The difference between the spiritual and material energy is spiritual world. If Krishna guides the source of pleasure and you're with the source of pleasure, guess what? It's incomprehensible pleasure. And the material energy we suffer because we're trying to reclaim that eternal pleasure. And we ever, we die, we take birth. We have that beautiful person, that beautiful person goes. We lose it, it's infinite suffering. Whereas the Buddha acknowledged that, but was just trying to be very vague and nondescript. Shiva, Buddha is actually Shiva, but that's another podcast. But I'm going to jump in just because we're getting, we're running short on time. So I want to start wrapping up. This has been incredible. - This has been amazing. - I hope so, thank you so much. - Like I said, your knowledge on this is vast. I mean, it's beyond me, how you retain everything you have. And it's beautiful. And thank you for what you're doing. And I want you to, I want to give you a chance to let everyone know again, your email address and everything so that you can send them any information that you feel compelled to. - By the way, guys, thank you for not looking sleepy or falling asleep, that motivates me. And I can do that. There's some people I talk to and I'm an empath. So I can hear my brain going, you're not looking, they're falling asleep. So it's Sean Vedic Visuals, so that's S-E-A-N-V-E-D-I-C, Visuals, V-I-S-U-A-L-S, I Gmail. And if you email me, I'll send you everything, everything that I didn't go over. And there's just a lot in there. It took about 11 years to compile and it would just be my utter privilege to share. And the idea is, if it resonates with anyone, and by the way, in the introduction email, I share my teacher by shishikapabu. By shishikap, it means one who seeks atomic truth, subatomic truth, even though he doesn't deal with the quantum, he deals with Krishna. But he seems to be shishikapabu at He's my teacher, I adore him. Became a devotee at 16. He gave his entire life to the study of Veda. So - Yeah, well, like I said, thanks again for doing it. - You guys are incredible. I see you're right. - You use the term the other day when we talk on the phone, you said Aaron and I receive a lot of cosmic credit for what we're doing. And I love the way you put that, but I want to say the same goes for you. Definitely for sharing this information, so much of this is crucial, all of it is crucial. I learned a lot, you bring a lot to the table. You bring a new perspective to it and different ways to look at things that we aren't taught, so. - I was really glad I didn't stutter 'cause I get really nervous and my brain was like, oh no, you didn't stutter, so that's a really good thing. That guy tells me a lot about your energy and how, you know, anyway, but thank you so much. - Thank you for having me. - Yeah, thank you. - Thank you. - So with that, I guess we're gonna say good night. Thanks everyone. - Thank you. - Thank you for doing this again. Can't say anything. - Absolutely. If ever you want me back, I'll be waiting. - Absolutely. - I'm sure it is. - Even if it's two years from now, even if it's two years from now. - We'll still be going to your show. - Oh yeah. - Awesome. - Yeah. - We have no plans and stuff. - Our glory is to your service. - Thank you. - Thank you. - All right, good night everybody. - Good night. - Thank you. - And we will see you next week. - Take care. - Good night. 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