Journey to Truth

Ep. 51 - Clifford Mahooty - Lost/Forgotten Knowledge - Human Origins - Star People - Zuni History

Originally aired on 2/6/20
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Clifford Mahooty:
Clifford is a member of the Zuni Pueblo Indian Tribe of New Mexico. His journey has lead him to come forward with his Zuni Tribal teachings including oral history, religion, rituals, kachinas, and spiritual practices and how they relate to UFOs, star people, and spiritual beings. Clifford compares ancient oral teachings to modern scientific theories, discoveries, and cosmic concepts based on his research and analysis, to Zuni sacred knowledge still in practice.
Mahooty is a retired civil/environmental engineer (BSCE-NMSU-1969) and worked in many projects with Shell Oil Company, US Federal Government in Environmental justice for Indian tribes, Tribal housing projects in the USPHS as a commissioned officer in water, waste water, and EPA enforcement in environmental compliance. Clifford is active in the Zuni orders of the Kachina, Galaxy Medicine Society, Sun Clan leadership, and is a wisdom keeper of the Zuni history.

1h 10m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hi, this is Tim Sanders, founder of the Omnia Radiation Balancer, and I'm honored to have been a guest on the Journey to Truth show. Now, with phone radiation, most people think that because they can't feel anything, nothing is happening. But the reality is that this radiation is causing a lot of stress and damage in your body, and your brain doesn't register that it's happening. The likelihood is that you'll only find out about it when this continuous stress shows up in the body as disease. And this is backed up by well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies showing that EMF causes serious diseases when they tested it on rats. The Omnia Radiation Balancer removes this stress. It's proven to balance the blood, it brings perfect crystalline structure to water, and our kinesiology muscle tests show that the body goes super strong when you stuck it on your phone. And it works with 5G. You just order enough patches to cover every radiating device in your home, and you're done. It lasts forever. But to be clear, let's not get complacent. We must all stop 5G together. So, big thanks and big love to Tyler and Erin. Click on the link below, and you can quickly and permanently bring balance back to your body. Thank you. [MUSIC] Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. As you'll notice, Erin and I are in separate locations tonight due to some icy weather. So we're kind of going back to our roots, student old school style here. Tonight, we have Native American elder Clifford Mehoudi. He's a Zuni, an elder from the Zuni Pueblo Indian tribe of New Mexico. And his mission is to bring forward, well, he's a wisdom keeper of Zuni history and spiritual teachings. And he's bringing forward that information to the masses because it's crucial right now. He brings a whole new perspective on our roots, where we came from and who we are. And if we don't truly know that stuff, we'll never know where we're truly going. So, super excited to get a history lesson from Clifford tonight. We're so happy to have you on Clifford. How's it going? It's going pretty good. Awesome. Awesome. So, yeah, if you want, I would absolutely love if you could just briefly tell people who you are and explain your mission as far as bringing this information forward at this time and why it's crucial at this time. Yes, my name is Clifford Mehoudi. I'm with a Zuni India tribe from New Mexico, United States of America. And I am, I am 76 years old. So I have throughout my whole life, this study quite a bit. My roots on India reservation, and went out into the world. And I am also a civil environment engineer. I have a bachelor's degree in engineering and I have worked in many organizations, private industry, corporate America, and many, many government programs. And also, I have served as a public health service officer in the US public health service. It's been a, it's been a, as a journey and I have no regrets about the, the profession that I chose. I just wish I had longer life to complete a lot of these things that I started. But the other thing too is that I've blown too many orders within the Zuni tribe belong to the medicine society, Katrina society, clan, and numerous organizations within our public cultural religious spiritual systems. Now I have been working on this type of information to let the people know out there that we as American Indians still exist in this country. I've been watching the, I've been watching the news on the radio right during the impeachment hearings and the messages that go out every day is that, you know, this country is never recognized as the country that belonged to the Aboriginal people of this land. And I am very, very disappointed that every time that they talk about it, they pet themselves on the back and how great they can image this country. Well, this country was not discovered he was here all this time, aside from that, because of this type of disinformation, not going exactly the roots of a lot of the native peoples are over here. I've taken a personal effort to convey to the general public the public at large to state to them or at least direct them in the way that they can look at the history and find out that the Americans, the Americas. Whether it be North, Meso America, South America, there were civilizations here that far exceeded some of the technology applications, that most of the world or whether it was parallel with other systems on the on the planet. But there are a lot of things that have been destroyed especially in the United States, where there's no way to trace the history back, and to even study them why, why they made such an effort to make these different types of structures, and incorporating the astrological systems, the, the electromagnetic forces of the earth, and all these other scientific principles that have existed for the, you know, thousands of years. My ancestors, and others, the Aboriginal people have used a lot of systems for their day to day activities where they'd be seasoned and work in agriculture, worshiping the stars and all that in the planetary systems. And also, a lot of people don't really understand it is the spirituality and the multi dimensional systems, which we barely need so, so hard right now because of our imbalance, not only a mankind but also nature in general. So I, I have been working on the well I sat back, I retired about over 10 years ago, as an, as an environmental engineer working for environmental justice with a federal government. And I worked at that time with 561 federally recognized tribes and other state recognized tribes in the environmental issues, anything that has to do with EPA stuff, the regulations and, and laws that are on Indian tribes tribal lands. And also the pollution of activities that are happening throughout the planet so, so my mission is especially toward a younger generation, which in the United States, our education system is in the dump. And especially in America were there were forced upon not only religion, but lifestyles, and deviation from the spiritual connections, especially with the land, and also within their social structures. And this is very hard to accept, because I have studied quite a bit so the reason I came out started doing this thing is to at least have some type of a voice within this whole system of interpretation of many things that are are misled by others about the American India. And I have met a lot of Indian people even though they're not full blooded, they have, they maintain a very high respect, or what the American Indian was all about. And the reverse is true some of the food blooded American Indians are there, but they seem to be not concerned, perhaps because of the way this country has been for the last 500 years. So it is an effort. I did this because it is an important that people like myself come out and these come in some of the missing puzzles pieces of what this country is all about. And we're now at a culmination of people looking for answers, and the answers have been here all this time. If they did not destroy them, if they had respected the things that the original is of this country had in other places of the world, we would not be in such a bad shape as we are right now. So I'm looking at everything from the philosophical standpoint. I've had a chance to study both the extremes where this from the spirituality or the technological, and in between the people, and many things that make the galaxy, our galaxy as part of the whole system, and they're everything is interconnected. And right now we are in a situation where we're at what what the scientists call engineers call maximum entropy. We're going in all directions and we're not concentrating on what should be happening, and look what's happening in this country right now. We're in a division where we're at war among each other, and those people that are in power are the wrong ones that are in hating the organizations, which is against a lot of things that whatever we call God, whoever we call God is all about in spirituality. So this is one of the reasons that I'm doing this type of work. I don't expect anything from anybody. I don't owe anybody anything. I don't. They don't owe me anything. And what I do is that I talk at these conventions and other places, and I don't care what they say about me. But because it has to be done in a manner that we have to wake each other up and say, hey, look, let's, let's all look at what's happening and perhaps we'll all get together, and to look at a certain way of adjusting ourselves. And it has to come from internally within individual. No spaceship is going to come over here and save us. No aliens are going to come over and take us away to the promised land or to a big UFO in the sky. So we have to start within each other. So that's basically the thumbnail sketch of what I'm doing. That's beautiful. Man. Yeah, beautiful. Yeah, that's that's textbook on what everyone should be doing right now. We really should be doing it from the heart center and not expecting anything in return. I agree with that. Something I saw, or I heard you say in a in a prior interview, talking about the roots of this country that our Constitution was actually adopted from the Iroquois Confederacy. It's not even originally our idea and I thought that was fascinating because this is new information to me. Can you touch on that? Yes, I, in one of my journeys throughout life I was I was married to a Mohawk Indian chief from the St. Regis band and this is where I learned a lot from her at that time about the Iroquois Confederacy. How they, how they were set up the judicial the legislative and the, of course, the administrative part, the executive part. And so at one, I work with a lot of people with ancient aliens. If you look at some of the episodes, George's Succles did. He made a very thorough investigation about the Iroquois Confederacy and how, how the founding fathers took that and said that this is our Constitution. What they did was they took this took that Iroquois Confederacy way of government and adopted it into, and they call it the Constitution of the United States of America. So I think that that's one source that you can look at. But I have been told many, I mean either, that when I was out there working with these people, I could immediately see where the applications were. However, through, through the last 500 years that's been, that's been pouring apart because of the conqueror. The colonization destroyed a lot of those concepts as we all know. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Something else that just fascinates me is I've heard you speak about before is the kachinas, which you're essentially a representative of ETS of extraterrestrials, at least in your teachings, they were. And I know the ETS play a big part in why we're here. And I think that aspect of it is also very important. Yes, it is. I, because I belong to that order. There's a, there's a process that we go through as little kids, probably between the ages of maybe 10 to about 15 years old, we have to belong to the order. So, after the kachina and, and it's throughout the whole Pueblo system, Pueblo Indian system, not only that, but also in other groups, say like down in Peru and other places. The example is the Coquo Valley, whoever or whatever Coquo Valley was because he belongs to that group of the kachina and in the, the word in front of that is KO KO, which means Coco. When you go to Zuni, and you ask what their word means to tell you media, that's like the China, the China is pronounced in different ways throughout in Hopi and other Pueblos, some places they call God's, and other places they call God China. So, but it's the same one and then this is the direct representation of what the Pueblo people had to revert to. In order to represent the ETs at that time, to participate in our activities of the Pueblo people. The reason that happened was because ETs, when they used to come to the Pueblo people and participate in their, they were the merrymakers or they used to have been their purpose was to have been the rain and, and seeds, but they also did entertainment by song dance. Another activity is, and the reason the humans had had to take place of the Coquo which were the ETs was because of abduction. In the old days, thousands of years ago, or maybe nobody really knows, they had to replace the ceremony with representation of the Coquo or at least the ET. And they call themselves the Cachina. So that's the direct link to it. A lot of our own people do not know that because a lot of this information has been kept. Sort of locked up or kept undercover because of the invasion of the Smithsonian group back in the 1880s. And other groups that really, of course, they also knew about what they did to met some American brothers and sisters down there. So a lot of this information that being kept silent for a long time. I have been criticized by my own tribal members for talking about these things, but it doesn't make any difference because it's, it's there, and it's for the future generations. Because that's the reason that I have taken, you know, what I knew was going to happen when I started going out there and doing this is this is not just the only area that I have taken up on myself. I started out in the engineering profession when I was a young kid back in the 50s. And I also ostracized because I was taking math and science and so it's, it falls in the same area so it doesn't bother me. It hurts because if they could only help me, it will be a lot better world for the people. So that's basically what it is. Yeah, and Aaron and I and everybody coming forward with this type of information. We all are criticized on some level, due to ignorance, due to people's lack of understanding or their, other unwillingness to be open minded. And it is a real issue so I commend you for doing that. And, and that's a good advice to just not care because it doesn't make a difference what people think. Because in your heart, if you're acting from the heart, then, then you have nothing to worry about. So thank you, thank you for doing that because I've learned a lot just from listening to you speak before and your interviews and you bring a lot to the table. And if anything at the very least you get people thinking. Well, you know, one thing that I think is a misnomer or not true is that they think that I make a lot of money. When, when I get on something like this, a podcast or the invite me to a conference, that is not true. Even even if they took me to the world's biggest event, they don't even pay you enough for anything. Sometimes I do it for free. Of course, they pay from a transportation and a hotel. That's all I care about because the information is far more important than what we hold back or what we ask for in terms of why you gotta give me money to give you this information. It's not like that where we may be because I have a lot of people that have provided me a very thorough education and it's, it's sort of like when we talk about that with the group that I work with, it's service to others. That's what it is. Absolutely. Yes. So have you personally had any experiences with ETS as a child, or even, even currently. Well, I think the biggest one is, is I even presented this under the Phoenix move on you can probably pull a lot of their archives. I did this way last year in September, which would be September 2019, I believe. And it's, it's a tool and I have our presentation of my encounter with UFOs in Zuni, New Mexico, and it's a minute by minute description. And the title of that presentation is one month after Travis Walton. Travis Walton and our very good friends. And Travis was for some time and he's, he's has been a very inspiring person on my part and when I first met him maybe about 10, 15 years ago. I didn't really know who he was until I saw that movie way back in the 90s. Fire in the sky. Yes. And since that time I've had good connect with him, but that is probably one of the best. Features of the UFO contact, even, I guess you might call it east. And you can pull that up on the move on the Phoenix move on. So that's it's there. So that's what it basically is is that one month after Travis Walton, which was in December six. And, well, actually 15, six. So Travis was in November, a fifth of 19, 1970. 75, I believe. Yeah. Yeah. 75. So I did not know this, but it's about approximately 100 and one mile from where his encounter was to the place where maybe about 100 miles. On the Arizona New Mexico border. So if you can pull that up, you can see the whole story on that. It's on YouTube also. Yeah, definitely. So anyone is listening, go check that out because we don't have two and a half hours to go minute by minute now. No, I'm just talking about it's there. Yeah, that's amazing. You have had experience, though, which is probably part of the reason why you're compelled to talk about it. I because, you know, I know that's my reason for talking about this stuff because I've had personal experiences that I can resonate with and relate to. Therefore, it makes me comfortable coming forward. Well, here's another thing to all native people or native. Aboriginal people. What is what is here in Mexico or United States or all throughout the whole planet, whether it's in Australia or Japan or wherever. They have a all the Aboriginal tribes as a direct connection to what we call a star people. And, of course, people like the history channel in each and aliens, they do a very good job of doing that type of the course, they call it a theory, which it is, it is a theory. But there's a lot of evidence. We still practice that today. And it's a whole ritual. If you look at the dogans in Africa, they still go through the same thing. You look at the Indians down in Mexico, the very crews, people over there, that they, every ritual or every enactment talks about the star people come in, what they did, and then they leave in. There was a, and they're still here. The only, the only difference between the humans and them is that we only see a small spectrum, and we're only limited to a limited to dimension. If you look at the dimensions, and it goes on forever, and it's been scientifically proven, I've studied a lot of science on that. But every time it's when they look at a formula or a, an equation or whatever, and they explain it and then I said, hey, the Indians already knew about that. But we didn't have any formulas for that. We just knew about it, you know. That's, that's all part of the inner knowing that I think you get automatically when, when you are living from that heart center, and you're living and you're being authentic and you're not bombarded by all this external information that's pulling you away from the truth. So I think that goes hand in hand with it. Yeah, there's a, about three or four years ago. Well, actually three, I work with many, many different folks. Last year we decided that we're going to no longer keep some of that American Indian information. I sort of set back because now we're just going to start coming out with that regardless of what happens. It's part of the disclosure effort. And a lot of people have been talking about this, the culture of the American Indian, I mean the American government. It's not going to happen. It has to be done by people like your, your groups that are in the on the shows. People like myself that have are not concerned about being sent to a prison. Because it's, it's, it's here. It's always been here. It's just that we've been lied to for so many years. And having been born and raised on an Indian reservation. You know, there are so many lines that were told us. And then when I started reading history, they actually excluded a lot of this information that our people have known for thousands and thousands of years. If you look at the Grand Canyon itself in Arizona, we did a, a, it's on YouTube. It's called expedition to see who were where the Buddhist and the Egyptians and the American Indians were here in one place. Yes, they were. And the king did expedition in 1980 I believe it was was a start of that. And so you can go to any Indian group out here in the Southwest. And they'll tell you exactly the same thing. And they wouldn't get a thing about the, when Lumeria sunk. And, and where those people, what happened to them? Where they want. And it's still practice to this day. The only problem is, you got to know the language. You got to know the language. There's many different layers in every Indian group or tribe is that you have to know the language and how to describe it. So this is a perfect segue into a question I want to ask you about, in earth, and the inner earth beings because, from my understanding, parts of the Grand Canyon are possible entryways into certain cavern systems let's say, and the ant people I know we're, we're talked about in this area. And I just, I just wanted to know your thoughts on, on inner earth itself. And was that ever come up in your teachings. Well, it's, again, it's part of our rituals. It's part of our ceremonies. The songs and the prayers and everything else are right there again, you have to listen to it. My own people criticize me. When I, when they say that, while he's just giving away secrets, I say, like, why would he be a secret when they say that in public. All you have to do is listen and what they talk about is how they originated the journeys that they took, who they met, how they came about where we're at. And they talk about that inner earth. Our, our people actually generated for this world now, in, in, from the inner earth. Now you go one step further in the Grand Canyon. There's a lot of Indian tribes, the Hopi, the Zuni. And they, and there's still some in there called have a two pie. And the Coconino people which are spread out here in southern New Mexico. I mean, Arizona and New Mexico. So it's, it has always been known that the last catastrophe and as we all know, or at least the scientists say that the world has flipped over on this axis 13 times. And the last one was destroyed by mankind and they had to go for refuge and this is where they want this into the inner world. That's where they were saved and you can go to any Pueblo in Arizona, what the Hopi or any other tribes within the southwest and they'll tell you the same story. The only problem is that nobody took them serious. Well, we were talking about the inner earth, and this is where the people and the secular people and other forms had guided them, or at least probably upgraded them, because there's an upgrade that happens to anyone after they came out of the ground, so to speak, and the proper term, I mean the common term they use is the CPAPU SIPA PU, which are right there at the confluence of the little Colorado and the big Colorado and the big canyon. That's where the Hopi emerged from in the Zuni is up in one of the upper higher level, which at one time was probably the same level as the river at one time. But so there's, there's many other places on the planet of other Aboriginal people. So the Yavapai nation, which is in near Sedona, their emergence place is the Montezuma well, and that well has never increased or decreased its flow for I don't know how many hundreds of years. So there's a lot of springs that are referred to that were directly connected to the inner earth. And we've always believed in the inner inner earth people. And they're part of that whole group of what the Zuni call the raw people, we're all being that they're non human. They also the, the, the knowledge that I give or comparison is that, when you talk about magic, you know, like, Chris Angel and Copperfield and all those, they're illusionist. Yeah, the, the, let's talk about the magi this morning about the star battle him and all that. And of course the word magic came from those people, but the, the term that I use were a ET can walk through a solid concrete wall, and appear in your bed room. And then if you're a footer your bed, that's what I, I couldn't find a definition in the dictionary English dictionary. So I refer to that's cosmic magic. It's a multi dimensional way of it falls into quantum mechanics physics, and other related mathematical activities in higher order science. And that falls into the same thing of the inner earth people, the inner people are also part of that group, not only the inner earth, but also of the star people what pain does call star people. So actually the American Indian population, have always got connection to the star people and where they come from, including Bigfoot. Can I ask you about big for it. Yes. So that, if you, if you look at all the information that the real good information that stuff that these guys do, you know, those, those guys like what a Bigfoot hunters or whatever, you know, that's just to make money. And, but the real thing is that I have had encounters with Bigfoot. You can never tell where they're at and you can even track them sometimes, because they'll disappear in front of you. You've seen that. I mean, there's volumes and volumes that information. So they go into a don't go back in and out of it, but they're also keepers of the planet to keeping control wherever there's a UFO. It is around. There's always Bigfoot, they're all connected, even the little people, all Indian tribes have history of little people, you know, they're about two or three feet high and Zuni they call him the if there is like an earthquake, or something that happens to the earthquake. Those are the first ones that will come out. And so there, but again, they're in a different dimension, which, which humans have no idea of what it really is, you know, there's, you can only prove it probably, or theorize it in the mathematical equation, but it's, it's pretty tough. Yeah, in order to actually comprehend it and wrap your head around it, I don't think we have that capability quite yet. I think we're on our way. And I think certain people, the veil is thinner for them so they can see into these dimensions sometimes and these are the people that have the experiences. And as far as walking through walls and stuff, I think that's so everything is vibrating the specific frequency. So, so a being can match its vibration to what we would refer to as a solid. It that's no longer a solid to them and they can pass through it as if it's them. It's really it's complex, but it makes sense when you look at it from that perspective. Yeah, well, you know, this is, that's another thing, too, that's when they when we talk about multi dimensional stages. I think there's a lot of people that are on the wrong track, but they can stuff like Alaska and all these different plant drugs. I mean, you know, all you do is you're just confusing your, your mind. I think that because if you are, if you are, are part of that, you'll be shown. You don't need no drugs. You don't need no anything because it's already exist, just that we haven't. They have taken away those, they have taken away those keys, if you want to call him that or information systems. And they're locked up in the Vatican. They're locked up in Smithsonian and even area 51. Yeah. So, so these are these are these are the reasons why they're they're holding in power and that's what that's what they're afraid of losing is that you look what they did to Tesla with free energy. You know, we don't have to work. It's, it's right here. You know, so I think that's another reason. It's because it falls into the category of religion, which is, which is man made. And so it, it, it falls in that same category. Yeah. So there's no, actually, there's no punishment anywhere. You say you, you make your own destiny is what it amounts to, but they don't want to admit it. Yeah. This is what the inner people are all about. They're, they're with it. You know, this is really, it kind of puzzles me because when you're out here in the desert on any given night, you can walk up there. You can see UFOs. However close you want it or I'm ever going to do. I guess it's maybe it's called manifestation or some people just as have it and others don't. They can't, you know, I've taken people out there to the desert. I've said that, Hey, here they come and there'll be about five or six of them and they go, whoever the guy I'm with or, or maybe two or out of 10 or 12 people. They cannot actually see it. I don't know why. I mean, this is another reason that maybe they don't have an open heart or open mind or whatever it is, but they're here. There's others that are on the other side that they can actually talk to ETS and beak food and other different beings in front of you. I've seen it happen. And those are the ones that perform practices to cure a lot of human beings, because that is also their role. I'm smiling. I'm smiling right now because this is resonating deeply with me. I know exactly what you're talking about. I know people that are in communication. And the information they come forward with are that's channeled through them. Yeah, it just can't be taught in our education system. It's. And by what's interesting, it's when you hear that information, it's not like you're being taught it. It's like you're remembering it. You're already new. And it's just kind of being activated within you. And then that's how you really discern what's true and what's not at that point. You know, I talk a lot about reincarnation. And also about the human body is just like a uniform. The soul is the one, the spirit is the one that carries on. And a lot of times, you know, I've had that experience as many times in many different situations where I would know exactly what was behind their mouth. And I've never been there. So I would say that, and then I'd explain to my friends and say, oh, they just left on me. But we got there and say, well, you were here before. That's why, you know, it's never been there before. And that type of thing, you know, it's all humans have that. It's just that they were closed up. Even the day they were born. It starts with the vaccines. I mean, what they put in our bodies is not compatible with our bodies and therefore, right off the bat, we're already fighting something that's not natural and it just starts to cycle to snowball. Well, it's even introduced, even at the time of conception. You remember several years, maybe 20, 30 years ago, I think it was either a scientific American or one of those high scientific magazines I used to subscribe to subscribe to. They talked about if you play Mozart when you're pregnant with your child, the baby when it's more will be more passive than if others that did not nurture their big water in there. And I said, and I said, at that time, I threw that paper and I said, hey, he doesn't have known that for thousands of years. What's the big deal. And so it's, it's all, and also the other thing too is that the vaccines and, and I'll give you a good example. I'm not a medical doctor. I don't claim to be anything, but when the first thing that I have seen whether it's true or not, because I've never been in a room where baby is born, but the first thing that they do, the doctors don't deliver, they slap a kid. To make it cry or to a wicked up. No, I have never seen an Indian family do that. The reason also is that that baby is still connected with the umbilical cord and also the soft spot on your head. When the baby is born, it's been, it's still been downloaded. And that's why when, when you're an Indian kid and you have a little brother or sister that's a baby, you're told not to touch ahead of your little brother or your little sister. And so the grandmothers was, I would ask, of course I was always curious as to why I can't do that. He said, because he's still with the other world, and he's been in what the term now is downloading. These are basic things that a lot of people don't understand and, and so this Western medicine practices are just way about something else. All they have to do is come back and listen to some of the practitioners of the natural birth and also the other thing too that I explain about that there's a slipper tree outside my house right here. The grandmothers taught me you take the, the juniper tree leaves in the berries and they make a pot when the baby is born. And they give the mother that warm tea made from that. So I asked my grandmothers how come you, you give that to, to, you know, the, the mommy. Well, later on I found out that it clean cleans out your, your uterine tract after birth defects. And then the other thing to that I learned later on was that it also has a birth control element in there or compound in there. So all Indian kids were usually two or three years apart. In my generation, there was no back to back babies that were born. So there's a lot of truth to these old practices which they dumped when Western medicine came about, just like marijuana, marijuana is a good medicine. I would go on back. Absolutely. And from my understanding, a cannabis was gifted to the planet from the star people. Absolutely. And other planets also have similar, similar plants like this, that to help assist with, with, I guess humanity on their planet. Well, the way the people use that is to make the connection in a spiritual communication. Because it also there, they asked for a rain. That's the, that's the, the, the, the inside the faculty or a plant that they use to make direct connection. So we used to get about it. They said, Oh, what's that guy doing that's always he's, he's talking to the spirit people, but he's spoken on his marijuana cigarette, you know. Anyway, there's a lot of things that are so basic. That's why I'm, that's why I'm doing these things. Because there's so many things that are so common that plants that you can go out there. My grandmothers, my grandfathers and all my elders used to teach me. In the stomach, if you go out there to the river riverbed where it's out here in the desert, you just take a clay ball that was left over from a flood. You just put that and put, just swallow that five minutes later your stomach ache is gone. That type of remedies that are all over, but no, no, we're too dependent upon, you know, like the pharmaceutical people, because all we're doing is posing in our bodies with that. I mean, it's a scam, in my opinion, the whole system. That's so fascinating. Honestly, this is one of the most fascinating interviews. I love, I resonate so much with Native American culture and history. I don't know why since I was a child. And I'm absolutely fascinated with it. So to have you on telling us about all this stuff is just amazing to me. So thanks again. And in another, I wanted to, I want to ask you your opinion on giants, because from my understanding there were giants roaming the earth back in history as well. And we have evidence, but that's also being suppressed as far as skeletons and stuff. Do you have any information on that? Well, what are the things that, you know, I work with people like rattles and we were in others. Can you remember the crane and some of the guy that I helped them work with it. And of course, the Anthony and bunch of people, you know. One of the things that we know is there's a record of giants in all petroglyphs. If you go to the petroglyphs anywhere on the planet, you will see giants. Now giants are bigger. Next, maybe anywhere from one, maybe one to three times bigger than Bigfoot. They'll have Bigfoot right next to or within that same petroglyph area where Bigfoot is there, but on the other side would be the giants. One of the theories of the Chaco culture being destroyed or they just vacated. Nobody knows where they went. It's where the red haired giants, which are, which are, a lot of them are still buried in Nevada. And I know of a lot of people that have told me about, they won't lie to me because, you know, we're, we're all professional people and they have been doing that. They were born and raised there. They know where they were buried and, but they just leave them alone. And yes, there were giants and, you know, even in the, in the Bible and other histories, they talked about them. But then even, you know, even in the Biblical alliance talks about that. So yes, the American Indians have known about the giant people along with Bigfoot. And other different types of, I guess, bigger people, or they were half human or whatever they were. And that's, that's a good quick reference to this is the giants and we have stories about it. Legends and including, that's one of the things that they scare you with when you don't behave when you're a kid, you know, they call them ogres. The logo will get you and there's a lot of history from other Indian tribes. It's kind of disappeared that they talk about, you know, capturing or cornering the giants in caves and smoking them out. Are there any tales or stories that were told to you as a child that you could have always stuck with you that have always remained that you would mind sharing with us like an old, an old story that would be told to you as a child that has just been passed down. Is there anything like that that you still remember? Well, you know, one of the things that one story was about, let's see what was his zooning name was, but he was like a giant, but he lived outside the rest of the population. And this was probably, you know, maybe two, maybe three, four hundred years ago. That was the only one that's left, he was huge, according to the stories. But that I don't remember anything that directly related to any of the giant type people, maybe when I was a small guy, I didn't know that they were such them as giants, all they said was what he was a big person, you know. Well, it's pretty hard. That's interesting. Have you heard of, are you familiar with the Cahokia mounds here in North America? Central, it's East St. Louis, essentially, if it's in Illinois. Well, you know, I used to go to a serpent mountain for a number of years. Yeah, a lot of those, you know, there's a lot of theories on that, but back in the old days, or maybe thousands of years ago, they used to go back and forth. You know, there was a huge population of American Indians. I'm talking about millions. So they had what I understand about the, you know, those type of mounds were that they were created also not by them. Maybe they helped. Whoever the people were, but I don't really have any good information because that was not part of my studies. And then the remaining ones are pretty, pretty well shot, you know, like serpent mountain is still in good shape. And right close to that is the wood hinge. Wood hangers actually at Coqui mountain site. Yeah, I was there. Oh, yes. Yeah, that's about 25 minutes away from us. Yeah, I didn't have time. I didn't have time to read. See, this was in March. It was cold. So I read this. I just only had so many days that I had to spend there, you know, I was hoping that I would spend at least three or four days just going over there that site and finding out more information. But the guys that I had were pretty well up to date. I mean, you know, with their information. But I was out there at that site that took pictures of that from the highway. Nice. That's right off the road. Yeah. But there, there have been many, many places, especially out here in the southwest that were a lot of them were destroyed by early colonial ranchers. And they were a lot of them were the, the happy hunting groups called anthropologists and archaeologists, you know, they wanted it for their front yard. So they used to destroy a lot of that stuff. And I own tribe in my own lifetime. I have gone back to a lot of these ancient sites which we left them alone as kids. They're totally gone destroyed. So, so when we had, there's one that I know of which I've never gotten up there is a stone inch on top of a mountain. And the term for that is where they were on. Where were when, where they were on the top of the mountain. And that, that reference, I studied it back to where that's where the East East came and right before it's ceremony. That's where they landed. And it's on top of a mountain. And the way that they explained to me is that it's like a mini stone inch. Wow. Wow. Are you familiar with any like ancient stargates, I guess, is what we've, what they refer to. Yes, Los Alamos is the biggest one writer writer in Arizona is what they call this between the start date. And I've been criticized because they're all over the world. I mean, you know, this is, yeah, I've never, I've never been to either of either of them's places but all I do is know about it. It's not about the information that are recited in chants, songs, rituals. And they know exactly and it's all part of the sources. It's all reference to the star system, basically Orion. Play these and others. They're all, they're all connected to the star systems, the installations. And it just fascinates me is just that everything was just common knowledge back then and we're fighting so hard, you know, getting an arguments with people about it existed or it didn't exist and everything. And like you said, it's always been here and it's just amazing to hear somebody come forward like you, and just like say like it is, and just like, get rid eliminate any questions like no, this is what happened. You know, this is, that's one thing that I haven't written any book, I've been asked for that book, but I don't have time. I'm retired and I'm lazy. That's funny. I thought it was funny when we were having technical difficulties and I asked you, didn't they teach you how to use the internet and the Hopi teachings and you said, I went fishing that day. That's amazing. So I know, I know that Native Americans had a connection with animals, and as far as eating meat and eating food, it was always a sacrifice and you would transition the soul. Can you touch on that a little bit. Well, again, we're talking, remember I said that we have a lot of respect for raw people, raw people or raw things, everything that is not human, whether it be an insect, an animal, or an ET or whatever, they are, they are all referred to as raw people. If you're a little red ant that walks around in your front yard, he's also a raw people. The big buck that you want to go over there and shoot with your 30 out of six is also a raw people. Yes, we have rituals like, like they were provided by the spirit in, if you want to be like an Indian, the great spirit provided us, you know. So we take everything that's part of our survival, they only take what is needed. And then after we kill that certain animal, we have to give blessings to it because we're, we're giving, they gave us their meat and their food for us to survive. We bless them as if they were high order people also, you know, we treat them like we call them like in the priesthood or whatever. So we prepare them also to go to the afterlife because it's just a reincarnation is a regeneration, rejuvenation of the life forms to keep us in balance. But now we're not so this, this is what all Indian tribes or all Aboriginal have rituals for that. And this to give us life. Yeah, and from my understanding is, you know, things that we've lost sight of really, we've lost sight of that whole practice in our modern times here. But I understand that the way I understand it is that these animals came here, knowing that they were going to be, they were going to be a sacrifice. They knew they were going to be at the food for you, for you guys. So this was part of the deal, essentially, and you guys honored it and they honored it. Yes, well, you know this this whole system was set up long time ago, but whoever, or whatever that says to whoever put the system in there because we're, the humans were, they were, they were updated many, many times. So this was one of the things that had to be informed about and, and that's where the protocols come in. How, how do you go about doing it since what ritual do you go through to do to take this animal. If you look at the, the stories of the buffalo they used everything from that, that animal, the fur, the skin, the bones, everything, just same way with what we used to do when we go out and kill the deer. And everything was used, it was not wasted so be we had a lot of respect for, for the animals that we got our food from. Yes, I think that's something that we've lost sight of and it's, it's that information in particular needs to be shared because people diet is a huge thing right now we're like you said we're eating poison for the most part every day. And if, if people can go back to those practices, it can really benefit us, and they can, you know, there's a reason, you know, you can go outside and see your phone and someone else can't. Because you have that respect, and you're existing in that oneness when, when everyone around you might be programmed otherwise and it might not even be their fault. It's just something that we need to start being aware of. Well, this is, this is where the awakening comes in. I address a lot of groups of people, whether in the conference or whatever, and I ask the question and say, what are you guys afraid of? I mean, you know, they have been, like we were talking about, since the day you were born, you're pounding into things that are, that are not true. And you're, you're told you're actually a prisoner when you come to this planet, whether it's that it's either your parents background, either the school system, the government, whatever, you know, you're a prisoner. They don't have any kids have fun anymore. You know, when they go up and they roll around in the dirt, they pick them up and they put them in a sterile situation. How can they resist other viruses when, when they're so, when they're not treated like this is the same way with anything else. I mean, people are not taught to think for themselves. We have to force it into them. And this is one of the, so the whole rebellion I took when I was a little kid. The government forced us to make, make us do things and I told them not only know what I don't know. And so this is why I was called a radical when I was a little kid. I didn't believe in any of the stuff they tried to make me a Catholic. They tried to make me a Mormon. They tried to make me a Protestant. And I absolutely refused. I told him, I said, we have our own God. It could us to you for standing up and having the insight to know better because, you know, a lot of people don't question where we're taught not to question authority. So, you know, people just kind of go with the flow, I guess you could say, and what seems to be what they push as normal. Well, why, you know, that's so why you're going to be like, why waste your time in going sitting in the classroom, why waste your time in going to try to be something. You might as well just be like anybody else. And because once you go to state, first of all, they don't teach you anything nowadays. And if more people would stand up and say, this is not right. And stand up for what they believe. This will be a better planet. This will be a better communication. And this is where a lot of people think that I'm just a, oh, you're just not making any sense. I said, no, I mean, that's what education is all about. See a lot of people in this, in this nation is or the planet for, for that matter, are not educated. Education comes from within you and from your heart. It doesn't come from sitting in the classroom or sitting in church or getting on the Internet. Or we used to be national and core and now it's the Internet. So you don't learn it, you got to go out there and learn how to survive out there. This is where a lot of us that have been through this journey or not afraid to sit, sit back and be slapped around because it's a better world out there being your own person. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, with that. Yeah, yeah. Amen to that. Amen to that. Yeah. You are quite literally filled with wisdom. Yeah. And this has been amazing. Thank you so much for coming on and doing this interview. I know we had some difficulties getting together. And thank you for putting up with everything. Yes. Is there anything that you want to tell us before we wrap up? Are you speaking on any conferences this year coming up? Do you have any plans for 2020? Well, I've got one that is coming up in the first week and in April. It's called a Human Origins Conference. It's in Albuquerque, New Mexico. And I think it's a four day thing and they have people like myself, Redo's and Travis Walton. And the people that talk to the aliens on San Diego Mountain, Sue Walker and Tom, a lot of white otter. You know, a lot of people, you start paying attention to a lot of the aliens that have been here forever. And that's, they call it the pond tea. They call them south. I think it's four or five. Well, I told them like many years ago, I said, Oh, there's aliens up on the mountain, the natives have known about it for thousands of years. Within about a year, they had contact with those. Well, that should be a good session. Yeah, and that's an April in Albuquerque. That's amazing. Yes. I love and it doesn't sound like there's a huge ticket. Like a lot of people, which I like, you know, the smaller groups are more intimate, I think. So it definitely sounds exciting. Well, you know, on this mediums, even though I got a lot of them, even though I'm not invited speaker, but I go that I've seen in the corner somewhere. People come around because I'm a messenger. That's beautiful. Yeah, man, I can listen to you tonight, all night. I literally could. Aaron, you need to say something because you've been quiet over there. Yeah. I never felt like there was a good place to really butt in. Sure, but both. I mean, Clifford, mainly you're, you know, it's so much good information. You know, I mean, just, you know, the only thing I want to say is I love. Thank you so much, first of all, for coming on the show and sharing all this amazing information with us and sharing your wisdom. Because, you know, it's, it's like the natives and the, and the these original people that were you guys have been on the planet for a long time, you know, and you have your stories and your information passed down through generations to your own people that talk about the true history of the planet and these and the star people like you say, like, which we want to call aliens. So it's like, to me, that's, if you want to talk about proof, you know, that's the proof right there that we're not alone in the universe. And, you know, you have all these cultures around the planet that have been around for a long, long time talking about beings coming here, you know, that like either your ancestors and they came down. And that's where you guys came from, you know, and, and along with everything else, you have all the knowledge and wisdom to go along with it that has been preserved to certain degree, you know, through the ages and it's not, it hasn't been until really recently in terms of terms that we have all this so called like, you know, we think we're like in the enlightened ones now like with the modern mainstream information and it's not at all like you said it's like the real stuff has been around a long, long time. So thank you so much for sharing this information and getting out there and helping wake people up to all this stuff because it's very important. So, so thank you. Yeah, you're very welcome. Yeah, absolutely. So we're going to go ahead and wrap it up with that. It's a great point Aaron as far as you know there's your proof right there. Yeah. I'm going to argue what proof is and what is evidence but it all comes from within like he said, and, and on the right path, you'll discover that on your own. No one needs to tell you anything because you'll just know. So, and oh yeah also we have T shirts available now. We'll put the link below a t we have two designs available that Aaron created that they're awesome. So if you feel compelled to buy a t-shirt please do. The omnia patch that you put on your phone to block the radiation it works it literally stopped my chronic headaches that I didn't know how to cure. But I had headaches every day I would turn into migraines. I had to resort to Western medicine as you would say, just to, just to, you know, help. And it, when I put this patch on all my devices my headaches run away. It really works and I highly recommend, I highly recommend putting this, putting these on your devices because we're being poisoned otherwise even if it's not food it's, it's from the radiation and God knows. So, I just wanted to put that in there. And make sure you consider subscribing if you enjoyed this or you enjoy what we're doing if you want to show your support. We have posters on the way. And man, everything else it's a big year. Thank you so much for coming on Clifford this has been absolutely incredible. I can't wait to get this out and everybody needs to hear this. Everybody who hasn't heard of you. I'm excited for them to get a glimpse of what you're all about so with that I guess we'll end it good night everybody. And thanks for listening. Good night. Good night. Good night. [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]