Journey to Truth

Ep. 50 - Jim Kiwala: Awakening Process - Understanding Synchronicities - Identifying Hidden Agendas

Originally aired on 1/30/20
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1h 19m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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[Music] Hi, this is Tim Sanders, founder of the Omnia Radiation Balancer, and I'm honored to have been a guest on the Journey to Truth show. Now, with phone radiation, most people think that because they can't feel anything, nothing is happening. But the reality is that this radiation is causing a lot of stress and damage in your body, and your brain doesn't register that it's happening. The likelihood is that you'll only find out about it when this continuous stress shows up in the body as disease. And this is backed up by well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies showing that EMF causes serious diseases when they tested it on rats. The Omnia Radiation Balancer removes this stress. It's proven to balance the blood, it brings perfect crystalline structure to water, and our kinesiology muscle tests show that the body goes super strong when you stuck it on your phone. And it works with 5G. You just order enough patches to cover every radiating device in your home, and you're done. It lasts forever. But to be clear, let's not get complacent. We must all stop 5G together. So, big thanks and big love to Tyler and Erin. Click on the link below, and you can quickly and permanently bring balance back to your body. Thank you. [MUSIC] Hey, you're listening to Journey to Truth podcast. Tonight is a special night for us. This is episode 50. We can hardly even believe that it's been this. We're at 50 already. It's crazy. And we thought we'd be cool to bring my father back, Jim Koala, who was our very first guest. And he was our first guest because we had no idea what we were doing. We were like, "Do you want to be our first guest?" And end up working out. And here we are. I don't know how many people listen to it. I don't recommend it. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing for me sometimes. I'm like, "Actually, it's highly recommended." Okay. There you go. Thank you. So, yeah, it's awesome to have you back. Almost, almost exactly a year. Yeah. I feel honored to be back. I mean, this is awesome. I think we're one week away from the year. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It's pretty cool. And so, one of the things I've been wanting to ask you since we knew we were going to have you back on was, at what point in your life did you realize that you failed as a father? No, the day you were born. No, I'm just kidding. Thanks for leaving me on the spot with them. You know the reason for this episode. The earring of grievances. No, obviously you played a huge role in my awakening and vice versa. Yeah, I don't know. It's just crazy we came this far and it's good to have you back. And I just want to thank you guys for the invite. I mean, it just, I really feel honored. And look how far you guys have come since day one. I mean, this probably would have never happened if we didn't meet Aaron in Leveling Health in Colorado at the mention of disclosure. I mean, he just walks up the way. You and I are getting ready to take a hike and Aaron walks up. You mind if I join you and here we aren't today. Yeah, that's exactly what happened. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We met for lunch and Aaron was eating his food. We were talking and I have to reenact it. He was giving me a take a bite and he goes, you want to do a podcast? And I was like, okay. And I just kept eating. Here we are. That was, well, that was, that was when I, because I wasn't even living in St. Louis at the time. Yeah, you were in Kansas. I was in Kansas visiting at when I went to dimensions of disclosure and met you guys. I wasn't even living in St. Louis. I was living in Kansas. And then a few months later, I was visiting back home and we went out to eat and got lunch. Yeah, that's what that happens. And then a month later is when we started after that. Yeah. I mean, just, just look how far you guys have come. I mean, just, I don't know if you've actually sat back and thought about the impact on how many lives that you guys have had. You might not even realize how many, how many lives you've impacted and reached out to and just done good things. I mean, it's a blessing that I hope it's, I mean, you know, we can tell to a certain degree how many people just buy views and comments and stuff. And that's, that alone blows my mind how many people like resonate so strongly with, with the podcast. But you know, it's, it's the guests. Like, that's, that's what I always tell them. Like, yeah, we, we, we've been blessed enough to know some amazing people and, and they've been great. I can verify that. Yeah, you do. Yeah. I'm on the show and share their, share their knowledge and wisdom with us in the world. So. Well, it's just kind of escalated from, like the beginning, we, it's kind of crazy because we had no expectations of it drawing this fast. It's, it's amazing that it did, but. Yeah. Yeah. So, I had to say too, though, that I think I might have mentioned this to you, Tyler. I call you your Tyler by all your friends, but I call you TJ. So I might switch back and forth. I went on TJ from now on. That stands for Tyler James, just in case everybody's wanted. Yeah. But you and I went to a meeting once and just just for an example of how much you impact people. And I watched a gentleman walk up to you with gifts for you and Aaron. And he said, I have no, I, no way of supporting you guys. Besides doing this. And he gave you guys both a gift and I'm just sitting there and all like, wow, you know, just, that's, that's when I realized that, you know, when you guys are. We're actually impacting lives and just the comments that people were coming up in the death, you know, the. Accolades and everything and, and, which, I mean, you know, he was asking if you guys had shirts or posters or anything. And I think you guys have something, you're getting ready to. Oh, we do. So we finally, so Stevens to follow you guys all know, Steven, we had him do some artwork for us, which you've seen, you may have seen, you may have seen. We shared it on Facebook a couple months back. We had it made into a poster, we're in the middle of having them delivered and we're going to be, they're going to be up for sale here shortly. And we'll go ahead and debut it. Look at that. Grab each corner there. Raise it up here. Oh, look at that. Yeah. Yeah. You guys look like superheroes. Yeah. That's awesome. There we go. We can pull it down. It's like a, it's like a comic book. Yeah. Oh, that's the, that's the comic that'll be coming up. Yeah. Maybe one day. Maybe one day. Anyway, so I guess just for people who don't know you because they don't, you can just want to jump into how you got involved in all this stuff. Yeah, yeah. Well, you know, first off, when you asked me to come back for your 50th and I, after listening, I'm super fan and I've listened to all 49 from beginning and, and I just wonder what I could bring to the table that these fabulous people have brought to the table and I just, you know, under some average Joe as far as I'm concerned and I started thinking about, well, maybe I could reach out to the people that are just beginning this, you know what I mean? Kind of like I did that can episode one. I was pretty much just understanding all of this back then and have actually come a long way since. And believe it or not, watching your episodes, I've actually learned a lot a little from this episode, a little from that episode and just made me do more research on my own and I've grown through watching your, your podcast, you know, so that was a big part of it too, you know. A second episode, go ahead, Aaron that's so great to hear. No, I just, yeah, it's just, it makes me feel so great when I hear people say that because that's why we're doing this, you know. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So, episode one, what were you saying? Okay, yeah, no, that's fine. I'll jump right in. No, but at back in episode one, I just, you know, since not a lot of people probably saw that one and we were just kind of starting things out there, just a brief, you know, description of what that was about so that I had. Got into this by noticing this number number 11 just constantly saw over and over and over again for years actually. And just told everybody I keep seeing 11 I see 11 11 11 11 11 11 and 11 and, and, and finally one of your friends Tyler told me that I should look into what it means and I had no idea at that time that I didn't mean you know just thought it was just sort of crazy thing going on That's when I realized that the numbers I was starting to see actually had meetings and, and then they started coincide with things that were happening to me in my daily life and things that were coming up. And from that, from, you know, I've grown since then since the episode one till now. And I've grown from seeing the numbers which I still see the numbers and they still have a big impact on me they still actually coincide with what I'm going through right now. I am now at a point where I'm getting the messages through my thoughts. Yeah starting to understand and, and just, you know, at first you think, I guess you want to call it go back to your gut feeling that's where it all started with me your gut feeling following your gut feeling and started realizing that your gut feeling is pretty much almost all the time And, yeah, and just from there started paying more attention to it and, and started doing a little more research into it and of course you and I Tyler has had so many conversations about this and you've helped me along the way. I mean, I feel like I've been there, I was there for you when you're younger as a dad, you grooming you and growth you're trying to lead by example and everything and now you're knowledge in this I'm actually learning from you at times, you know, and it's kind of cool how it's kind of on the other direction and it's really just so I do want to jump in for a second and let you know that it's creeping me out that you're calling me Tyler. Well, it's funny because I knew Tyler except when I was young and when I was in trouble, he was. But it was a day from him. I think it just happened to be on the show and knowing that people here calling it so. Yeah, that's okay know this one. So, so anyway so yeah paint started paying attention to my thoughts and I grew from there and I actually, you also showed me and introduced me to how to use a pendulum. And that's kind of where I almost verify that my thoughts are correct, you know, by, you know, the generally the gut feelings right and everything but sometimes, you know, with just learning this and going through this you're just like yeah right it's just not you don't really understand and believe that this is all really true this really happened in and kind of like a lot of people are listening to this for the first time hearing me say all this. Or, you know skeptics or whatever that don't understand it all and hopefully eventually with me talking about this though maybe pay more attention to their thoughts and different things numbers or synchronicities you know. And maybe it'll open their door for them to maybe realize that they have this inner power also everybody does actually you just need to recognize it I think, you know. Wake up to it. Yeah, and wake up to it yeah and again you know, most of your audience probably knows all knows us already but I'm hoping to reach out to the few that are just now, you know, getting into this and understanding it you know, then. It's never bad to have reminders either yeah yeah because we go we've come so far and some of the simplest things that we should be doing every day we quit doing because we think advanced you know and we've kind of forget about certain small practices just the fact that we are that powerful sometimes it gets all about the information. Yeah, and I have people just you know and I'll hear conversations about them talking about thinking about something is something happens but they don't put two and two together and I'm thinking, and sometimes I'll bring to their attention you need to pay attention to that because there's a reason why you just thought that and it did just happen because you know it's connected. And I don't know if some people really still believe that or recognize it but I'm still trying to plant the seed you know and it just, and just you know just like sitting next to my wife in the vehicle and I'm thinking I wonder what we're going to do for lunch today and she, within seconds asked me, I'm kind of hungry what do you want to do for lunch today you know just talk to just instant back and forth you know between each other and not really realizing it and it's that's what's that's what it's all about And it's a form of telepathy, in a sense it's just very basics of it right and meditation obvious I know you've got into meditation you probably never thought you'd be meditating I know Yeah, and but that actually helps activate that part of your brain. Yeah, yeah and I found when I do start getting messages that it helps if I do go into a good meditation first it gets more powerful that way You know and a lot of my family and friends this is the first they're hearing about this, you know, and they're going to be kind of sitting there maybe it's a mouse hanging open like what? Jimmy's gone crazy. Yeah. Yeah, no I haven't. I mean, it's like I said this I think this has always been in me my whole life. And because you know me from, you know when you were younger and just growing up through when you were a kid to be coaching you and at work just the way I handle people and treated people You know, and until I retired I didn't realize how much I impacted people until they started coming up and tell them, you know, and at the time that I still didn't I blew it off until just recently now that I know what I know about myself and what I'm capable of, I'm looking back and, you know, it was in me back then I just didn't understand it, you know. Yeah, that's a great way to put it. Yeah, it just just lays dormant all those years until something happens it's a catalyst that Bam, it just sparks. That's just what I want to tell everybody that's listening you know it's in you just you just need to expose it and look for it and pay attention to it and and the people that are going to grow or the people that are actually going to act on it So, yeah, don't doubt it. That's the best. Right. Right. Yeah. Go, well it's okay. So when so growing up I know you've told me before, if you're comfortable talking about this or not some experiences that you've had that you've later validated not recently that potentially were ET experiences Would you mind me talking about? Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, so I've always had these memories of when I was a child. I guess you thought they were dreams at the time. These nightmares actually, you know, just, but they were reoccurring of these same things happen me over and over again. And as an adult, I still remember them vividly. And, you know, you're going back to your gut feeling. I just knew they weren't dreams that really honestly felt in my heart and gut that these things actually happened. And we were at a meeting with Margie Kay, and I asked the question, you know, have I ever had any experiences in the past and she verified that I did. Well, recently, a friend of ours had a little psychic fair. And she had a medium there and she was having these little 15 minute segments with them. You could, it was her store opening, and she just had this second come in, this medium come in and I, she scheduled some time for me. She knew that I understood all this. And without me really even asking the questions. This medium tells me the same things about when I was a child that Margie Kay told me so for people that are skeptical about things like that when you start to hear when two separate two separate people are telling you the same thing that don't know each other or don't know me And that validates things you know that my book it does. Oh yeah. One, that's the same with any whistleblower testimony or anything about secrets based programs and all the stuff that's how that's why that's why we actually believe and feel like you know it's not just a gut feeling There's so many people bringing this information forward and they don't know each other and it all ties together. Mm hmm. That's just its corroboration validation. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, and then, you know, so the numbers, the numbers started telling me and kind of going backwards a little bit here but from the numbers. I started receiving numbers and seeing numbers that we're going to tell me I'm going into a significant spiritual change. And that's actually when I started noticing my thoughts were, you know, the numbers were the thing that led me there, but then I started noticing that's where the change came in and my thoughts were actually starting to recognize my thoughts. That's been, man, it's been almost, what do you think it's six months, year ago. Probably. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I'm just now, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Look, I just want to say you do not get in the way without telling us about those experiences. Well, let's come back to those so I don't lose track. You know how I am if I lose track. So, not only am I seeing the numbers now, again, but I'm also my thoughts are starting to tell me that I'm getting ready to go through a very significant change in the near future in my spiritual life. And they're actually, my guides are actually giving me information on the things they want me to do to prepare for this. And it's, it's weird stuff and you actually clarified it to you for me the other day. I'm like, they're, they're telling me I need to declutter, you know, it's just to kind of get rid of stuff and get, you know, get the garage cleaned out just do, do all this stuff like that. It's really weird. Why would they have me doing this stuff for the spiritual change, I'm supposed to be coming through it as big changes coming into my life soon. And, and what was your comment then on that. I said that that's because with all that stuff in your mind, you wouldn't have the space to learn whatever or whatever is coming in. And there's clutter, do all that stuff. This way, you have a clear mind, clear consciousness. And it makes a lot of sense because, because that stuff is on my mind, you know, just stuff I have to do. Actually, it's not just that stuff I have to do is always on my mind, you know, you know, so from there, how I've been told to grow is to see Jennifer do have Reiki sessions with Jennifer. And that is just every every session is just when I leave there, I feel like I'm on a different plane. And I just, I just see where things are going for me and I get more connected. And I don't know just cool stuff. Well, the reading, and you met Jennifer randomly in a parking lot on the way into a store. Right, so I was told the night before in my thoughts that I'm meeting somebody that's going to impact my life and somehow I'm going to impact their life. No idea, and I'm trying to figure out who this person is and just not getting any answers, you know, just kind of there so I just let it go. The next day I go welcome to do a store at the same time, this person walks into a store. And at the same time and just, I don't know how I don't remember how it all went down but just started talking with the store owner, the store owner new hers, the store and me, and it just bam. And right away, my gut feeling was this is the person they were telling me about last night, you know, yeah, so it was pretty cool and then just things have grown from there. All right, back to the experience. I know there's not many details you remember but it's kind of cool. Yeah, it's just it's just I remember beans, you know I remember beans and I remember not being at home anymore and I just remember being somewhere. And, yeah, it's just thought it said that part of his fog I just remember that I was with somebody besides my family, you know, and I just wasn't at home. And it was just that was just somewhere I didn't understand, you know, and it was repetitive. What about the group that they were feeding you. Oh, yeah. Oh, just some kind of green paste you know what it was just sort of weird it was just kind of a. But the thing is, someone else might have an experience like this and they might hear this much oh my God. Well, that reminds me of James Gilliland says when he was like five or something he was in the hospital. He was really sick I forget what he said he had but he said what he at first what he thought was a nurse showed up, but in like a different color than the other nurses were wearing and gave him some. He said the closest thing was like ice cream. He says kind of like the consistency of ice cream and gave him to him to eat. He ate it and then he got better. Interesting. And then and then she went away and he never saw again and he tried to describe the lady and no one knew who he was talking about. So, maybe it's a similar thing there with. Could be. So this was as he was a child also. Yeah, he said it was he was like five or something. So young young child yeah. Yeah. So when you're experiencing your child. Yeah, so yeah yeah like I would have to say in a grade school. Okay, like around the 79 year old age, some winter. Okay, nice. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's. So it was a paste. Well, that's like that's the way I described it it was just kind of a, you know, it wasn't a solid. Let me put it that way. Yeah, no definitely. Let's jump on. We, we both have anybody listen has heard me talk about board camp crystal mind we went there. Yeah, we went there and it's, it's almost like a new city. They have. Sasquatch everywhere. I mean the Sasquatch activities insane, the night watches or just like he said he UFOs. I mean craft. It's, it was profound. It was the most. How can I say real experience I've ever had, you know, sometimes you think you see something or you see something at a distance. This was like right in front of our faces. And you didn't really believe it was true. It was like, holy cow. Yeah. So I wanted you to kind of just touch on your experience there because it's awesome. I think everybody needs to go there. Yeah. Well, you have had a lot of experiences before that yourself. I stopped you and orb just flew right in front of you. Did it really. Yeah. That's cool. You have had other experiences before that, the different area places you have gone to and just, you know, just here at home and different things like that. And I just, I have never had the physical experience that we had there. That was my first time. So it was very eye opening for me. And of course the skepticism comes in, you know, and you're just like, is that really real that really happening, you know. So the first night we were there, you know, we, well, for one, the tour was awesome, the tour through the site and. But the thing that thought was cool, the first night were the craft that we saw flying over. Yeah. And the one powered up, which was really cool. You know, you just wondered if there's satellites or, you know, the skepticism kicks in, but when it starts to dim out and flow down and then get stupid bright and just take off, that's, that's not a satellite, you know. I mean, this thing, this is, I didn't even, I've never even seen a power up like this at James, it's a study. Yeah, it was just like, as soon as we questioned it, it just, boom, I mean, bright, yeah, and just, it was awesome. I'm getting chills right now even. Yeah, that was pretty cool stuff. Well, we have every intention to go back so you got to go with you guys. Yeah, and then, and then we got some returns ask watch calls, which I know that's like very funny big footage, but it was, it's just when you're there and you're hearing it is really cool. Yeah, when you tell the story everybody's like, oh yeah, right, but when you actually hear it yourself it's, the sound is actually unexplainable. You know, you could blow people are going to say it was an animal some type of, you know, I've been in wildlife a lot and I just, I understand animal calls and different things but this was just above and beyond that. Yeah, so now let's talk about night to because that was awesome. Night to all the fog and yeah. Yeah, all day long it was foggy and kind of misty and no sun and we were disappointed because we didn't, we're going to see craft that night like we didn't make before because of the cloud cover and it was just all day long even up to the time we were there. Yeah, but before that we had experience I want to explain those experiences. Okay, so I'll be quick about it so they had a clear beach ball and then he puts a glow stick inside of it and he has a sky watch field I guess you could say. And it's an old stage with a sound booth while on a sound booth, he wedges this beach ball up against like a rock and a four by four posts or something to where it can't move unless you actually physically pick it up or hit it, they will not fall. And he puts it out there because he said sometimes it's asked why I'd like to play with it. Well we're sitting there just waiting it's still light enough you could see the field. And we hear something coming from the right but it's light enough to we can't see it but we can hear it coming. And I don't know if sound like it's running or what next thing you know pop that ball gets hit and it goes flying off the thing. And we're like oh my gosh. Wow. I can't believe the ball just went flying. And that just fall and when flying. Yeah. So he went orville the guy's name he went back out there and set it back up wedged it up. No, no sooner than he got back. We heard I heard something coming from the left now must have been the same creature to ask for whatever. And came back and it hits it off again. And keep in mind it's not pitch black so we can see what's going on. There's nothing you'll see anything. No, we don't see it but you can hear it. And it hits the ball and it goes flying again. And right when that happened we looked up and the clouds start partying like like Moses. I mean in the circular just kind of round the big round area just opened up above our heads. Yeah. And we sort of seen craft. Yeah. We're looking up so we're our hair standard work. Oh my god. What's going on? Look at the sky the clouds and we're seeing craft. And then we looked down and there's these orbs these blue lights and some of them are even orange. And they're just like moving around in front of us. And it was the craziest thing. And we're I don't know how many of them there were this a couple but they were. Yeah. And we're watching these orbs and all and there's craft and he's like oh my gosh I can't believe all this is happening. And then at that time we hear something land behind us and tumble across the stage we're on. And we run back and look and it was a crystal a crystal because this is a crystal mine a crystal was thrown from the field over our heads and land behind us on the stage. And he says that happens all the time because people will be using the bathroom and a crystal will just drop on the floor out of nowhere behind them. Or they'll or they'll get up. So they gift. It's like them gifting you a crystal. But once that crystal hit the stage, the clouds close back up everything all activity stopped. It was like that was like that was their value. That was their like parting gifts. Yeah. I mean I was on cloud nine for that whole rest of that night. The whole next day I just run it through my head it was just unreal and then after that we got the hike through the woods at nine ten o'clock at night. And he was just showing us all this spots where he said there's been activity it was just the coolest experience. You can go as a group or do a private session do the private session. It's way more intimate and probably have better luck. Better learn better seeing something. Well, he's had a few people come out there trying to make TV shows and a lot of investigators coming out and verifying things and pretty cool stuff. Yeah, expedition unknown Josh Gates went out there. National Geographic came out there. There's, I think, A&E was wanting to do some type of show on crystals. So they're getting approached a lot. And Josh Gates even mentioned, because they saw a UFO they saw a craft. And he literally he tells a story when we're there he he was so excited he started running a trip and fell and his camera got shut off or knock off. And he was so excited and he told Orville the guy who runs it he was, he's like, you don't understand he goes, we do this show all time you see my show he goes we don't find anything we don't see anything because this is crazy I can't believe we're actually seeing something and they did get it on camera. Yeah, cool stuff. Yeah, anyway, not about that place I just saw there was. Yeah. So what, what's the name of that place again. It's B O A R D board camp crystal mine in Arkansas. And like Northern Arkansas, right? No, no, it's not an hour away from hot springs below how springs, how spring that's now. Okay, is that Northern where is it like no state or where. And the thing about the other crystal mines in Arkansas compared to this one is this one has it's the only one that is no machine digging it's all hand digging you go out there. It's virgin soil, you have shovels and buckets and tools and you start digging the crystals. The other ones they take a machine scoop it out and they pick out the good stuff and you go through a pile. So it's it that and and he only like it's a Native American site so it's super spiritual and he like he only allows people to dig where they tell him that they can dig it's like really the land when the earth is ready to give up these crystals. So it's just an experience. Yeah. Yeah, that's beautiful. Yeah, definitely, definitely. Definitely one of those that place. So, the book, Shiji. Yeah. So, anybody who knows my dad knows that he's never read a book. Oh, yeah. So Peter Maxwell Slattery has a book, Shiji is channeled pliadian three books three books is a series now but it's channeled pliadian information. Pliadian for those who don't know. Is it is an extraterrestrial race that has been involved with earth and humanity since beginning of time. This is channeled information and I talked him into reading it. And I'll let you run. I'll let you go from there because yeah I mean I just couldn't put it down. I read it from beginning and actually read a few chapters over again just to kind of refreshing my memory on a few things and just were things I wanted to remember about it but I just, I don't know, just real fact that in the details on the book, it was just really has a lot to do with what I'm experiencing right now with what I'm going through in my, you know, spiritually in my life as far as the understanding my consciousness, you know, and really actually I learned a lot from it really did. It's, it's one of those books is like activating and like it's so resonating you're like oh my god was this book written for me. The thing about it is it all makes sense, you know, it's it's, you know, to the average Joe maybe not and probably think you know it's just a fiction book but it's so, it's just once you start reading it makes a lot of sense, you know, you have to have an open mind. Yeah, it's into a lot of the kinds of the mind control that we've been under and the control systems and everything really, which is. Yeah, yeah, I've been wanting to my control it's just and I don't want to go this direction just I want to mention it just so that kind of some of my family and friends can hopefully learn from this. But some of them just watch the mainstream media on it, you know, on a daily basis or just the watch it and believe everything that they listen to. And they don't understand that I don't care which, you know, so you're on the left or you're on the right, you know, whatever station you're listening to or channel you're listening to. They just want to put you against each other, they want to put us against each other they want to put men against women black against whites they just want to, they just want division they just, they strive for division and that's how they have their strength. If we're divided they're winning. And, you know, I was there one time, I, you know, I'm guilty of it, but I look back I look at it now and I just wish that everybody could be a more aware, even the local news we had a storm come through a week ago or so. So I never watched the local news and it turns it on and they're talking about this impeachment trial one sided, you know, and it's just like I know, I know of the other side I know about the other side but it's just crazy how they only let the public know about what they want them to hear. Yeah. Yeah, it's always an agenda that, and it's, you know, it's funny because when you're, before you have the mind to not just take everything they're saying it face value and Oh, that's the truth. When you actually look into things and do your own research. I mean, I, this is from personal experience you find out most of what they're telling you is not true is either completely not true. Or partially true and partially not true. Yeah, pretty much everything is in one of those two categories and it's nuts because it's like, you're like, why would the news, what's supposed to be telling me what's happening. Be blatantly lying to me. Well, the only reason for that is if they have an agenda that they're pushing that they're trying to steer you in a certain direction for a certain reason. And then you look into that and it starts becoming blatantly obvious what that and, and everything they say you're like, well, of course, because then you know what the agenda is. And you can stop, you know, you stop buying into it once you, once you get to that point because it's just like, this isn't real anymore it's just propaganda that gets sold to the masses. And any more, they're shooting themselves on the foot every day now, because they're based on lies they've lost all their integrity. They're losing credibility every day, more and more, yeah, more people are saying through it. Like you said, people are like, why would they do that? No, they would, there's cognitive dissonance. They're so emotionally attached to a certain belief or a certain information that they just can't understand. They're like, our country would never do that they would never do that that makes no sense. And but it makes perfect sense. You just, you just have to, I mean, it's the truth is stranger to fiction the stuff that's going on right now. The reason behind the division, and this agenda is far beyond what anybody would ever imagine. It is really disgusting. It gets into, I mean, child abuse, satanic ritual, very, very dark. People think of satanic rituals, you know, that's bullshit, religious, not even real. Well, they push atheism for a reason. So you don't believe that they're worshipping a Luciferian God. And it doesn't even matter if you believe it's real or not, because when you look into it, clearly they believe it's real. And clearly they are doing these things. So whether it's real or not isn't even a factor in that the fact that they believe it and they are doing these things. It's just, it's just how corrupt the media is itself because just for an example, if I were to tell you you shouldn't do that because if you do, you're going to look like a dirt bag. Well, the media just plays, you're going to look like a dirt bag. Yeah. They give the public the wrong interpretation of what was actually said. And that's nuts, you know. That's, it's the definition of propaganda. Just look up the definition of propaganda and then, and then watch any mainstream media and then do your research on what they're talking about and you'll find out. They are propaganda. It's not news. It's supposed to be news. It's not news. It's, it's pushing an agenda. It's bullshit. It's, it's, I mean, yeah, well, it's, it's appealing to people's emotions. Yeah. What happens is, people get programmed by usually the news in the media to believe certain things and they use emotional manipulation to kind of like get people all riled up about certain things and issues and whatever and supporting certain people, you know, present. Right. Right. Whatever politicians. And then they, once you know they know they got the two camps left in the right that each have their emotional triggers and then they just like play those constantly play those constantly and then they get people on both sides riled up. But when you look into it, the truth is usually like in the middle here or a mix of the two and those lives and truth on both sides and you got to find what's real but you can only do that when you step back. That's from the emotion, the emotional triggers and look into things. So, one thing real quick and the reason is because people are still asking why right now. The reason they do this is because unity consciousness. They don't want us to unite. They don't want us to realize we are all one. Yeah, this is one consciousness that we and our minds are our potential we're, we have so much more potential than we were we've ever been taught. And we can ever realize like the telepathy and all that stuff. Like the force and Star Wars, that is achievable in my opinion. I mean, you can tap into these abilities. You just, they don't want you to know that as soon as you realize you are more powerful than all the bullshit they're trying to tell you, then they can't control you anymore and that's what they don't want. And the funny thing is you start realizing the more you come into your own and what Tyler just said and start waking up, I would call that waking up. It's TJ, TJ, TJ now. And, you know, the more you, it was just for simplicity, just the more you grow spiritually. And all the stuff they're trying to push and sell you doesn't matters less and less to you the more you grow yourself. And then, and then just stops working all together, because then you watch news and you just, you see right through it and it doesn't, it doesn't trigger you like it used to and it doesn't even turn it on. It's not just like mainstream everything that gets tries to get sold, they try to sell to us every day and as it just everything I let materialistic stuff you just like you're like, why would I care about that when you know you, you know it's real now. Yeah, well I mean I've had the nicest people, you know some my friends that they actually block on Facebook because they're anger and hatred towards the president is just sickening they wanted they wish him harm they wish he died they wish he could hurt. And I'm like, I don't need this I just block him I just you know just I don't need it to block him and I've seen it. And I just want to say you know just to my friends family and anybody out there actually everybody, all your listeners just he conscious of what you'll hear and kind of listen to it with a grain of salt and do your own research, that's it. That's all I really want to talk about politics and yes. Yeah, yeah and really examine your your emotions and your beliefs and yeah really look at look at them and question. Are these coming from a genuine place. Autonomously or is this something I'm just being triggered that like the place that I've adopted from somewhere outside of me someone asked me the other day, they said I was, I was trying to show them something like, what's your source. I said, I said, the only source that you need is your heart I said, look at this information what does it feel like to you, do you does it resonate with you or not your gut. Like that's my source, honestly, also, also, if your source is purely some mainstream media CNN, you know, go down the list. Yeah, or yeah some mainstream outlet, or some very clearly biased. And I'll turn it about it. And that's it. Yeah. I've got to point if I want to catch up on the news I try to pay attention to what the person actually says themselves. You know, like getting on and listening to the actual speech or the rally or the, you know, the meeting or whatever was actually said, that's where I get my information I make my own decision on what I want to believe. You know, it's not first hand knowledge. Yeah, and then to see what the twist they put on it both sides, kind of don't do it, you know, it's just, you know, so not yourself do your own research that's it. All right. Yes. What else, what else you got for us. I'm out ahead. Yeah. Well, I mean, just one of the one of the things that sickens me is the toxins that are put in our bodies without a lot of people understanding and knowing about it that the order to use the toothpaste you use the water you drink, you know, you have made me Tyler, TJ, aware of that. A lot of it. And of course I started doing my own research, you know, and looking into it and started seeing how harmful a lot of stuff was. And just started to making the changes myself. I started to try to detox. My dad is unfortunately going through a bad time right now with Alzheimer's. And, and he, I went to his doctor with him once. And the doctor was looking at me the whole time he was talking, which I think there was a purpose for that he was explaining me what I need to do so I don't end up like that in the future. And this guy, this doctor was from India, but you would have never known he was a medical doctor. He was pretty much telling me holistic stuff of what he does when their country does. You know, they don't use medicines. They use herbs and natural things to cure sickness as an illnesses and not to use the aluminum deodorants and the fluoride toothpaste and he was just going through all this himself and I'm sitting there just staring at him. I've been told this, I'm hearing it from you now. Are you, are you a real doctor here. And, but it was just, you know, he was telling me what to eat, you know, the walnuts, the berries, the, you know, just, just tell me, you know, the direction I should go with my diet so that I don't end up like my dad is what my dad is going through right now. And with that, you know, I'm seeing him deteriorate slowly and I see him on a part time basis because we're, I live 45 minutes from him. And the rest of my family, and I just have to reach out to my brother and sister and thank them, you know, they're, they're living it every day. And I just feel bad for them and seeing, you know, and my mom and knowing what they're seeing every day of their life watching my dad deteriorate, you know, I, I see him, I try to see him once a week. Sometimes it's not once a week, it's a little more than every two weeks, but then trying to seem as much as possible and kudos to them for, for living it, you know, so, yeah, absolutely, it's not easy. Yeah, yeah, you know, I've dealt with it and yeah so definitely diet is a big diet, you can, and cutting out aluminum in general. There's a reason there's aluminum and vaccines, they know this leads to Alzheimer's disease. There's a reason there's aluminum, and there's a huge deodorant is a big one. And then, you know, obviously the fluoride calcifies your pineal gland and that keeps you from ever being able to see that orb that I saw flying in front of you. Yeah, because there is more to it. We can see more than we realize, but when that's calcified, you can only see where they want you to see. So, cutting out fluoride the fluoride and toothpaste. And the water, it's in our water. Yeah, and reverse osmosis is how you get that out of there. It's a filtering system. It's funny when you look at, and you know, it seems like the, our country, the US has gotten the worst of the like poisons put in our water, our food, the most probably even chemtrails and everything. And when you look at like cancer rates and disease rates that have just just gone up and up and up over the years and skyrocketed. And we're like the worst basically and all of that. Yeah. And then you look at the correlation of that and like, oh, they started putting fluoride in the water here and they started doing GMOs here and putting all this crap in our food here. And over the years it's gotten worse and worse and worse and all that and the chemicals and everything. And the disease rates and the cancer rates goes right along with it. Yeah. And again, I wasn't aware of all this till recently you don't tell TJ you introduced me to all this and maybe aware of all this. And I just, again, to all my family's and friends and your listeners, you know, if this is you're hearing about the stuff for the first time pay attention to it, you know, do your own research on it. That's the main thing. Well, and honestly, go ahead. Don't look at government sites, you're going to get misinformation. You think I'll be on that. Well, Google in general Google has been infiltrated let's say by the deep state. And, and there's there's whistle blowers to come forward Zach for he's I recommend looking up Zach for he's watching his testimony. And it'll shatter your paradigm. What they are doing at Google in it within the internet to control people and steering narratives and deleting information. They are deleting words when you like cure cancer or holistic or plant health, whatever. Those sites, they're removing the sites. You came and searched the words. There's an alternative site called duck duck go. Apparently they just got bought out by Google. So apparently we're all far. Well, I think there's a few alternatives I've heard about this one called Ecosia that is there's some kind of environmental connection that so I'm going to look more into that one. So that's not any better really because Microsoft of course Google will buy them out. Yeah, but but it's funny because Google, you know, when you look at the history of Google, it looks like it was clearly like they set it up to be the big search engine that everyone uses. So they can get everyone using that one platform, yeah, and then start doing the censoring and, you know, manipulating the algorithms and you know they got it to where. And then you can prove this yourself you type in any topic that's like a conspiracy topic. You know, that gets labeled fringe or conspiracy and it's like the whole first page on almost all of them will be like oh it's debunking it. It's a hoax. It's fake. It's crazy crashing it. Yeah, just all of that is like the whole first base so they're so they're burying. Pretty much all of the good information on all these topics way down in the results and they're putting up front, the stuff to get you to think it's all, you know, it's a mind, mind manipulation. And then they link all the false flag crimes and events to conspiracy theories are like, Oh, some conspiracy theories burned down this house. Some cute conspiracy theories. Yeah, and they try to make a giant frame us as being crazy because we're exposing everything they've ever worked for it's all changing. It's, it's here, you know, we know about whatever. Well, they see the writing on the wall and they see the, they see everything coming down the pipe. So, you know, what the way what we're seeing now a lot is these kind of like last ditch efforts to out of desperation on their part to kind of like, hopefully work Hail Mary, so to speak, you know, but it's nothing's going to work, you know, but we're, but it's going to cause them crazy and it's like, like this coronavirus that's going around right now. And unfortunately, yes to be the current natural virus. Yeah. I don't care what anybody says it's literally so somebody sent me this the other day, why saws website like all the wipes to spray. It said it lists what it disinfects and human coronavirus is on the list. It's like bacteria, it's literally no, it's no more harmful than a cold, like it's just like simple germs that have been just totally, it's all pop again that there's been a But there is a virus going around but I don't think it's what they're telling us it's it's something else because, well also, apparently China, like the numbers they're reporting or way way lower than what it appears. It actually is because they're having a step like makeshift hospitals, apparently. And I found out that I was doing some research they claimed they built a hospital in a week's time if you look at the day it's impossible you cannot build a hospital in a week. I don't care, it's, and they're showing videos are like dead bodies laying in the streets there are not even real videos or photographs. That's a good idea. Yeah. I mean, that's a good point. They're probably manipulating the perception on that it is rather than You're minding. Yeah. If you look at all the viruses, you know, the secret virus. I can't think of all them. There's been every other year. There's a new virus that we're supposed to be afraid of. So we get the vaccine. So we keep, you know, injecting ourselves with poisons because otherwise we're going to die. It's just a bullshit joke. Yeah. Yeah. What else you got. We didn't talk about some of the experiences of the animals, you know, you remember that time we were on that are sitting on your deck and a bird who's straight at me. I've never seen anything like this in my last minute. It was crazy. We were sitting on a deck and you didn't see I was watching this bird fly. And it started flying straight for my dad's face. And I was like, oh, I was getting ready to jump out of the way is this, you know, big bird. I guess a crow raving or something. And then the last second it turned and flew right past his head. And I had anything in French. I was just like, if that's not an animal, what are your guides trying to get your attention about? Yeah, well, you mean if you do that if you do research into Native Americans, that's, but they didn't have electronics back in the day they couldn't see numbers on a, you know, the screen and clocks and license plates, you know, they did have the gut feeling the intuitiveness they had. But they also got messages through nature through animals. And, you know, if you, if you do your research, it's all in their history. It's all in their writing that's all in their talking. It's just everywhere back, you know, just, it's just undeniable. And, you know, with that, I've always had those experiences again, I've had a lot of experiences in the past and until I know what I know now, I'm looking back at all these experiences ahead and they were trying to tell me something I wasn't paying attention to the time, you know, didn't realize. But, you know, several things, you know, the buzzards usually fly, you know, they're hundreds of feet in the air just circling. Well, I had one come down at my windshield, probably five or six feet off my windshield, open its wings up and turn away. And my wife is sitting next to me. I'm like, did you see that? Do you believe that? And she's like, yeah, she just looks forward again, like, are you crazy? Well, you know, did you just realize what just happened there? That doesn't happen normally, you know, that I had a hawk do that, coming across the field and watching it come across the field. And it actually made me swerve. It just did the same thing. It came across my hood, opened up the wings and turned away. You know, it's purposely trying to get my attention. You know, when that happens, I do the research on the meaning and nine times out of ten, almost actually ten times out of ten. It has something to do with what I'm going through, thinking, or it's happening in my life. You know, it's just amazing how those synchronicities just with nature, it all comes together, you know. Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely. I remember at the mention of the disclosure Clifford Mahoudi talking, and he said part of the training as a child, just teaching him how to harvest and he would have to go out, and he would be like, they were supposed to be harvesting, you know, plant or whatever plants. And they would tell him, "Okay, now talk to this rabbit." And he's like, "What are you talking about?" And he finally understood later in life that we really have a relationship with animals. And just by talking to them, you know, there's a communication going on there. It's a telepathically, and people do that, and people have, there's research out there that, you know, birds telepathically communicate. That's the reason they all fly, and they all move at the exact same time. That's how else would they do that? It's like the drone shows that you see, they're all programmed on the same program. You hit play and boom, it's the program. It's like they're all organic program to the same field. Yeah, and then they just operate as like a whole, and that's how they're going. Yeah, so, and that's another, that's one of the big reasons I stopped eating meat. For one, I realized it was just keeping me at a low vibration, but for two, I realized that it's just, there'd be every animal is beautiful. I mean, they really are, and there's so much, because I've done that, and because I've changed that mindset, I was able to sit down in a park and had a deer approach me and start licking my toe. Now you tell me, if you, when's that ever happened? I've never heard of anything like that. I've never heard of anything like that. You show me a picture of it. I was taking pictures of it doing it. Yeah. That's amazing. I think it can feel the respect that you have. Oh, yeah. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So with this being your 50th episode, I'm going to ask, make, make sure your audience is aware of you guys, one of your talents. These guys are both guitar players, awesome guitar players. Oh, man. Yeah. And just, I know TJ, you're still working on stuff. You know, Aaron, are you, are you playing anymore? Are you working with anything or? Once in a while, just jamming around on my own, but I'm not working, I'm not working on anything project or anything. I, the last band I was in, I quit a little over a year ago. And that's a long story. But, yeah. Yeah. But like that band, it was a lot of fun. Well, I said we did stuff, but it kind of went downhill at the end and there was some drama that happened. Well, you know, there's a reason why you got out of it. You know, and then here's the thing, you know, it's a thick thing with you TJ, you know, and you're kind of doing your own thing. You're just writing your own music right now and, and I'm anxious to hear it someday. You know, maybe you guys should have a music show. Yeah. So the reason I, so I'm in the middle of working on an instrumental project right now, progressive metal style. And it's all, I would say it's channeled music. It's all stuff to his came to me post awakening. It's a different style than I used to write. It's kind of incorporated in, but, and I feel, I had no anticipation on doing anything with it. And I just, I just was like, yeah, I'm just, it's just a hobby. And I kept getting the synchronicity. I get something that stuck with me and said, don't die with your music inside you. And I was like, I'm going to take that as a sign that I needed, you know, at least record it and put it out in an album. And see, that's awesome. And you always hear me say music is life. I think music is life. I mean, everybody out there has their favorite band or favorite type of music, but there is a music for every mood you're in. You know what I mean? If you pay attention to it, whatever mood you're in, you're listening to that type of music and, and that's where I find my relaxed relaxation is when there's music in the background or just just, I don't have to be listening to it. It just has to be there. It seems like just things flow, things, you know, just everything, whether you're working, which they try to take that away from your work, but, but they don't realize how that does what that does for morale and, and, you know, your work ethic and everything. Oh, I understand. Oh yeah. And there's a book out there. So a lot of this music, a lot of these musicians have stories of abductions or experiences. And they'll, they'll like say they woke up and the song was already in their head. There's a book called Alien Rock, and it talks about rock stars and musicians over time, and how they've all had experiences and they all claim to have gotten influenced from their experiences at some point or another in their career. And so these messages are coming through. And, and this has also been done negatively as well. Well, I mean, TJ, you understand, you know this because you have the album. And, but I mean, expect from my era is Billy Thorpe, Children of the Sun album. Yeah, you know, just a few, if you read about that and do the research on that that is just, it's just awesome. It's pretty cool. It's a total experience or story. I mean, that can be nothing else. Right. Because in '79, I think, he had a lot of trouble getting any labeled even signing because it was really taboo at the time. Yeah. And there, but it's even musically, it's a good album. I've listened to it quite a few times now. Yeah. And it has actually a lot to do with what's going on currently, as far as this Ascension and this event that we hear about. It's, it's like directly tied into that, which is a whole other story, but it's these messages are embedded within music. You're right. Yeah. Well, you know, and the thing about it is, is music seems back in my early days is totally different than today's music like, you know, Hendrix Santana, you know, just Van Eddie Van Halen just their, their music was pure and you start listening today to today's music and it's just kind of like. Holy crap. It's just not there. It's just not there. I don't know. I can't explain it. I don't know why, but it's just not there. It's lacking any soul. It's, it's cabal music. A lot of this music is meant to keep us in a certain frequency. So we never do question all this. I will say mainstream mainstream because the thing about today is it's so much easier for more and more people to make music, create a band, record, put an album, whatever out of your basement. So there's actually, from my experience, there's actually probably more great music than there's ever been just because of that reason. Yes. Because so many people have access to be able to make and record. But what's being called the mainstream. Yeah. Yeah. And that makes total sense. But, um, it's kind of like you just have to search and find the good stuff. You know, it's a lot harder than just being out there. The big bands and artists. I mean, you just look at music over history and ancient times. I mean, back drums and just the instantly, you know, they find ancient instruments, ancient flutes and different whistles and, and just music's been around forever. It has to have some kind of significance with what we're going through. I mean, the bowls, you know, just singing. There's so much. Yeah. There's so much out there. And it just resonates, I think, the right music does. Yeah. Well, well, sound is frequency and a technology. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, ultimately, like, ultimately sound and light are what make up everything down to it. You know, those are like the fundamentals. Yeah, the fundamentals and sound is frequency. And we always talk about frequency and vibration. That's really the same thing we're talking about here. So that's why people listen to the different frequency tones and stuff. It's you fundamentally like it. It can like raise your vibration and open you up and. Yeah, it would be interesting to have a guest that was educated on all this, you know, that's a good thing. I mean, it's just, it's just an avenue. I have a love for us. So, yeah. I'm sure other people do too. I firmly, I firmly believe a lot of the ancient sites. The stones to make the megalithic stones are acoustically, acoustically. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's actually evidence and science that supports this. You're not going to hear him talk about it on the history channel. They still don't know how the pyramids were built, you know, on the history channel. But there is clear science and evidence that shows that we can levitate objects with sound, and you could do it in your living room with the right speaker in the right tone. And the ancient achieve this. And there is so much evidence to stone circles in Africa are literally so when you look at them from above they just look insignificant and just a mess. But they realize that the shape that they built is actually like when you put sand on the speaker in the speaker vibrates and it makes a pattern. So, that's the shape that they built right on that spot. So, yeah, the, yeah, so the earth is resonating in this area. They figured out what that pattern looks like and they built their structure in that shape. And this is proven science if you want to, you know, go mainstream with it. And it's just, it's just amazing. It's amazing what you can do a sound. And I'm in. Oh man, I can go. Yeah, that's why, like, you hear about semantics is when they play a frequency and it changes, and it makes like a geometrical pattern. I've seen that before. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, and it's creating literal like sacred geometry patterns. Yeah, exactly. It's like, it's more proof you need. What's the, I can't, what's that castle, the coral castle, yeah, there's like, I witnessed testimony where two kids are riding their bike at night or something at home from school. I'm really going to butcher this but, and they, they came out of corner and saw the guy who he was building this stuff overnight. Yeah. Yeah. And there's like, and there are depictions, Egyptian and Egyptian hieroglyphs and just art, whatever I'm trying to say. Yeah. There are depictions of them holding these cone shaped objects. And in Africa, all around those sites I was just talking about, they found hundreds, if not thousands of these cone shaped. They realized that each one resonates a different frequency. So they were able to do something that we just can't quite wrap our heads up. Oh, there's, oh yeah, they had, I mean, there's so many, um, ancient technologies that were around that. You know, it's funny because the narrative we get sold by the mainstream is that we're the most advanced. So, you know, civilizations ever been, which is blatantly untrue when you look into, into things and clearly, clearly the evidence shows there, there have been much way more advanced civilizations in the past. Yeah. Then we're at. And the, and the problem is, the problem is that people can't wrap their head around is like, because we think of technology as like objects and science and like gadgets like it's different. Yeah. There's, it's an organic understanding of consciousness and energy. It like works with the universe rather than like against it essentially is what a lot of our technology today it's like very, it's like primitive in that way because it's not using that. That's why we don't find any tools or any gadgets or anything because they didn't need it because they were, you know, we're powerful beings. And according to certain whistleblowers, humans are actually some of the most powerful and we just don't understand it yet they're like knocking on the door like hello, you guys are capable of so much more turn your TV off. That's why the suppression is so intense. And, and so much of it because they know how powerful we are and they're afraid of us. That's the thing they fear us. And, you know, they know as soon as we wake up, it's game over and, you know, they're gone because we are so much more, we're incredibly powerful beings we just have forgotten. Yeah. Once we, you know, we're waking up to that now though and they, you know, it already is getting over so it's going to be very exciting. The coming days, for sure. Big year out of us, a lot of disclosures come into my opinion. Don't be surprised if we start seeing a lot of a lot of this free energy technology rolling out the space force. They would have never, they would have never even created space force without the technology to back it. This stuff has been in development been in use for years and they're going to roll it out. The patterns, the patterns are literally readily available for everyone to look at the science or operable patterns you can go out there. They're saying operable in the patents, which is not a common thing for patents. They don't usually say operable in the patent, but they're clearly trying to make a statement saying this stuff works. And they're doing it because we're going to see the triangle TR 3B, in my opinion, that's probably going to be one of the first ones we see roll out. And this looks like this, and the science is out there. So when it comes out, they're just putting, getting all their ducks in a row. They're preparing the masses. The cool thing about that is there's a radio station, one of the DJs during the day, as he signs off, thanks all the branches of the military. Just recently, he started adding the space force. He goes, let's not forget about our guys in the space force. Yeah, you know, so he started acknowledging them along with the other military branches. Yeah, cool. Yeah, what's funny is I went to the website, I was curious to see the careers you can get into space force and what their options were. And all I did was go, but you have to put your name and email on the website. Well, like the next day they emailed me. And hey, well, what, and then they called me, and then they called me again, like they want, and he's just a local recruiter, like one meter, like recruit me for the space force. Yeah. Yeah. You enjoyed? No, I've gotten strong guidance. For some reason I'm envisioning the movie strikes with you. I don't know. You're doing real hard. I mean, I'd be like, do you guys have like it? You guys have a computer resume? Yeah. I bring my back with me. Yeah. No, but I've gotten strong clear messages to not go that path. Is it signing as it seems? I think my mission lies here. Yeah, I think I think I see that I see you needed here doing. Yeah, we both you and I both have different missions, you know, I feel the same way. You know, like I belong here and that. Yeah, I mean, as cool as it would be, like, I don't know what's going to happen in this lifetime, but I, I've been getting this unreal vivid urge. If that even makes sense. And this, this experience, I keep seeing myself walking on the moon in this lifetime, like in this 3D reality. At some point, I don't know what that means. I think you've already been there. Most likely, yeah. Well, a lot of my experiences, which people don't know about, have been me on craft going to the moon in particular. I just don't remember all of the details. Some of them come, I come back with actual physical trauma, I guess you could say. Really? Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Especially GeForce, which makes me think it's like an older type of craft. But I have GeForce pains, which I don't, I shouldn't even know what that was. No reason for you to have. Yeah. It's, yeah, anyway. So how long we've been going? Is there anything else you want to touch on before we start wrapping up? As far as just touching on, no. If I just want to, you know, in closing for me. To everyone out there that is. Just starting to understand all this, the only advice I could give is pay attention. Pay attention to reoccurring numbers. These little things that you might just blow off on a daily basis and reoccurring numbers, the seeing the same animal. It's over and over and over again or bird over and over again or having these experiences with the animal or bird that is just not normal. Pay attention to it. Your thoughts, pay attention to your thoughts, your gut feeling, go with your gut feeling, pay attention to that stuff. I got to a point that I get complacent sometimes where I'll see these repeating numbers in the call. That's cool. That's cool. You know, I'm seeing those numbers again, but there's not going to be in the head trying to say, no. Do the research on this. We're trying to tell you something. You know, you get, I think you've been there too. You could complacent with seeing the numbers so much. You just kind of don't pay attention to them anymore. Oh, yeah. And that's where they knock you upside the head sometimes and really make you pay attention again. You know, and they're out there for a reason, but in your daily life. Now that you hear this, hopefully you'll start noticing this stuff more and pay attention to do your research. Look up the meanings and you'll start seeing how it affects what your scene is actually affecting or happening in your daily life. And it's just like, you know, circumstances and people that you meet and things that happen, like pay attention to everything because nothing is coincident. Exactly. Cross for a reason. I found that out. So true weather and whether even though it might seem like it's something bad, you're supposed to be learning a lesson from that situation. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. If something bad does happen to you, don't look at it as something bad half just happened to me. Look at why and understand what you learned, what you learned. Yeah, exactly what you learned from what just happened. Don't be. And you know, everything. Yeah. And just everything happens for a reason. There's a purpose part and for growth. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, I with that, we're going to wrap it up. And actually, I want to take this opportunity so I was digging through my boxes in the basement the other day. I came across an award. This certificate is a TJ koala for perfect attendance during the 1998 soccer season coach Jim koala. I want to take this moment and thank you for that. Yeah, you're welcome. And that was actually before participation trophies too. Yeah, 21 year or 22 years. The ironic, the ironic thing about this is, is that you were a coach. So I didn't have, I had no choice, but this award. Perfect. That's good. That's good. Good memories back then. No, I mean, you kids were awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, thanks for that. No, yeah. You might get another one this Christmas. Perfect attendance award. Thanks for listening, everybody. We are on multiple platforms. If you don't want to watch us on YouTube, you can find us on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud. Oh, my God. We're pretty much everywhere now. The list goes on. Follow us for updates on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. If you just want to keep up because we were always posting stuff even when we're not posting podcast. Like and subscribe if you feel compelled to. And we hope you enjoyed this 50 episodes. Wow. It's been awesome. It's, yeah. Hopefully I'll be back for the hundredth, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. There you go. I plan on it, guys. All right. Good night, everybody. Thanks for listening. Good night, everyone. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]