Journey to Truth

EP 226 - Rebecca Rose: Recent Revelations - Family Connections - Bluebird Transport - No Man's Sky

Originally aired on 1/5/22
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Rebecca Rose is multi-dimensional galactic experiencer working as an energy intuitive, seer and channel.   
As a lifelong abductee, she was taken to work in dark government programs as a child, a path that was facilitated by family members working in deep state black ops.  After initial milab and trauma-based mind control, she was used in various projects including the Dulce hybridization lab, off-world weapons testing and battle, genetic harvest, time experiments and as a mind-to-mind interface gathering intel from various extra-terrestrial races.   She was first sent to the moon and later to Mars where she was developed into a cyborged, cloned and weaponized asset.  Her service continued in the outer reaches of the solar system on Planet X, where she was owned by the Draco.  
Rebecca's strong meditation practice and devotion to spiritual development are what supported the return of her memory and putting the pieces of her life back together.  After awakening to her deeper mission, intuitive abilities and psychic vision, Rebecca also realized she had a vast array of helpers from many different realms assisting her.   
Her light family includes a Nordic husband from Procyon and an indigenous mother and father from a past life.  Rebecca's integration, memory retrieval  and journey to wellness is ongoing.  Through her own life experience and current work with the light realms, she's been given the resources to assist others in recovering from their own anomalous trauma and milab experiences.    
Sirius Blue on YT:

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Hey guys, welcome back. Just a reminder, grab a ticket to our conference next May 22nd through the 25th, come hang out with us in Grafton, Illinois. Once again, Rebecca Rose spoke at our first Secret Space Conference, which was a success. We had a blast and we've had some overwhelming feedback, so we decided to do it again. It's not Secret Space themed this year, but it's going to be fun and we're really looking forward to it. Onsite lodging has sold out. There is camping onsite available. If you want to take advantage of that, but there are hotels and Airbnb's nearby, if you want to look into that, or you can get on the Telegram group and that link is available on the website and try and coordinate either find a ride or roommate with somebody there because people are looking for roommates and live stream tickets are going to be available again. They are only $99 this year. So take advantage of that if you can't make it, if you can't travel, unfortunately, with the COVID restrictions, a lot of people still can't travel into the U.S. We're hoping to get there. We're hoping they lift that before the conference, but we'll see what happens. We also have a new promo code for the Hopewell Farm CBD JTT New gets you 20% off all of their products until the end of the year. That link is below promo code JTT New and I'm the Irradiation Balancer. If you guys are looking for something to any sort of EMF protection, their patches and pendants they sell that protect against EMF. It balances the frequency coming in and actually turns it into something beneficial for your body. There's been a lot of great results from that. People seem to love it. You get 10% off all their products with promo code truth all caps. Tonight, we are joined by our friend Rebecca Rose. She's a returning guest. I don't know how many times you've been on our channel by now, but the third time maybe? Yeah. Yeah. So welcome back. Your presentation was fantastic. We just recently uploaded that. People seem to love it. It was very powerful. You've been kind of on doing a little interview circuit yourself and we're excited to have you back. You have some recent revelations, some new things coming forward. We're going to try and get into some brand new stuff today. We're really excited. So how are you doing? Yeah, I'm happy to see you guys again. It's good to be back on your show. So thanks for having me again. Yes. Happy to see you. You too. I see that you've been enjoying Alaska. Yeah. Yeah. I finally moved to the old location and I've always wanted to come back to the north. I used to live in the Yukon to the east of Alaska, north of Canada. So I love not for everybody. I mean, I'm in the interior and we're, I mean, every day is way below zero. So I love it. Yeah. Yeah, not for me, but that's. Yeah. Visiting. I would. I wouldn't want to. It's too cold for me. Not only below zero, but like no sunlight. That too. That would be right. Correct. Correct. Yeah. Some people are built for that though. You seem to be enjoying it. In one of your videos. Well, we have the Aurora up here. The Aurora Borealis. You have that though. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's so magical. So magical. Yeah. In one of your recent videos. In one of your recent videos, you said it reminds you of space in a way that. True enough. Because I'm like, why am I so drawn to these? What might most people would say, like, not for me, kind of environments like these forsaken lands. Like it's super extreme, super hot, super cold, super desolate, super remote. Whatever it is, I'm always drawn to that. And Alaska being so cold and remote and dark. At least for this part of the year. It does remind me of space. So I was a small revelation on my part. Yeah. The vocabulary to that. So you've been having some other revelations come forward. You've gotten a hold of your some old documents that belong to your father and you've been making some discoveries about him and some connections there. I don't know if you wanted to get into any of that or where you wanted to start. If you had anything. Yeah. Where do we, where do we go with that? You know, the documents, I just inherited them and I've looked through them and every time I look through stuff, just piles of stuff that I kind of have fresh eyes as my understanding of the programs themselves and also like my father, who was he? Who was that mystery man? That becomes a little more refined over time and more sophisticated and looking at like, you know, like, taking a fine coat to fine tooth comb to each and every little thing and like writing down everything that I recall about him and kind of putting clues together because most of your audience will know that he worked in top secret and he worked in the world of deep black, deep black budget projects with the Navy and with Lockheed and so on. A lot of that was in communications, which covers a broad swath of territory really, but it's, he remains in many ways kind of unknown. So I'm always looking for clues and I very much believe he was taken into, I don't think it was a 20 in back or a time in back like that. But when he was not, he was also abducted and there's tons of evidence like on his computer and through his sci-fi work and sci-fi book collection and everything of his interest in space. Like that's very clear. So kind of putting things together. Some of his technical notes that he left and just his interest, his music, his correspondence, his pension for deep secrecy, as far as his, the aliases he kept when he worked online and he always used a like a spread spectrum phone, which is a military technology, which allows your communications through that phone to be undetected because it spreads the spectrum, so it blips around and it can't be traced very well. He was very familiar with the tour, the onion router network, which is famous for being part of like where people do things and access the dark web. But it's also not just for the dark web and illicit, who have illicit activities, but where you would want the most privacy. And I suspect that has a lot to do with what he was, he was in surveillance himself, he knew everything that was going on with that, and how everything is so porous. So we're trapped all everywhere all the time. And you've discovered some connections with No Man's Land and his notes. I'll let you explain that because No Man's Land is a video game that deals without our space and planetary travel and alien humanoids and uncharted territories. What was your discovery as far as what you found? Yeah, so it's actually No Man's Sky. No Man's Sky. No Man's Sky. Yeah, yeah. Well, there was a technical diagram he'd made of a shrunk and fractal helix. And this was on his desk and it was just piles of, you know, think of a mad scientist. This was where he lived. And at the bottom of it was this random note, it said No Man's Sky, so I just thought, well, what is that? Oh, I looked it up and it's from the gaming world. It's a virtual reality game which you go to space and explore universes, make bases, discover aliens and, you know, drive craft and all of that, you know, pilot craft. I think that was really fascinating. I've been looking at some of the like screenshots of the actual, you know, No Man's Sky. But they are really fascinating. It's like more, you know, of that world. And so when I look at stuff like that, it's like, well, was it just because he really dug sci-fi or had he been in space? I mean, right. But he's dealing in top secret programs and he has that note on his paper. To me, like the inspiration for video games like that comes from real things. And I'm sure he was involved in that there's no question, actually, if considering what you've been through. Yeah, 100%. That's what I think. It's just like I can't. I don't have a document in my hand that says, you know, when he was taking what he was doing. I know that once you have a clearance of that nature and top secret with the SCI designation, secret compartment and information, they own you and they own your family. And I know he was manipulated. He wasn't a free man. I'm sure that. So yeah. So there's lots of that kind of. Drubs and jobs, you know, trying to put piece things together. And I think I mentioned this before. Like I didn't know until like on his death bed that he was even working in these programs. I didn't know he had, you know, he was part of the classified world. I had no idea. Right. Well, that shows you how secretive it is. I mean, these people. Yeah, they operate in complete secrecy. I know somebody who works for Boeing and he works for an advanced warfare faction, which they basically. They basically predict scenarios 20 years in advance war scenarios, 20 years in advance and figure out what type of technology the bad guys will have done. And they try to come up with a technology that could compete with that 20 years in the future. And when I asked him questions. He can't answer anything. Like, and I've known this guy for, I've known this guy for years, almost my whole life. And I just found out through Congress, many conversation. That's what he does. Like they don't talk about this stuff. No way. No way. And, and farming has like done. Well, I think they've met these kind of people who they know are really buttoned up and then they build it out. Like, like, you know, like they take us into the programs and they build out whatever your attribute is. They look for people who are completely like. Right. They're never going to, they're going to die with a thousand secrets. Yes. It's never going to leave. And, and that's exactly who he is. Yeah. Reminds me of when Stephen Greer always talks about the people that find out about the secret stuff and then are outraged by it and want and demand. He's like, well, why do you think they didn't tell you about it? He's like, what would you have done? If you, if he's like, oh, I would have done this and that. And he's like, that's why they didn't involve you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Profile you from the get go and see if you're going to fit. You're going to be willing to do what they want you to do and be who they want you to be. 100%. And he mentioned, like having to take multiple polygraphs over the course of his career, you know, with battle thing. And he, he was so understated. Like there'd be some like talking thing happening. And he'd just say, sky is falling. Yeah. Like the house is on fire. It's just like there's no response. No big deal. Yeah. Fascinating. So I think it's just part of somehow, and I can't articulate this very well linearly or cognitively, but I understand it intuitively, that I, as I go deeper into history, somehow it helps me understand my story more and more fully. And it's a, it's a lot, some kind of karma too. So I'm doing something to completion and fruition. And almost like, and I've said this to my father, like he's, you know, he died a couple of years ago, but I kind of chat with him and the other realm and maybe more of that will open as far as him giving me more direct information about what we're talking about here. But I've said that I'm, you know, hey, dad, I'm not trying to, you know, like, because I speak about him all the time very publicly in the aftermath of his, of his passing. It's like, I don't mean you're wrong. I just know your story is connected to mine and my brothers and the truth has to be told. And I think he really understands that. And he wasn't ever able to do what I'm doing. So I'm like the opposite, like totally transparent. There's not a lot I'm not willing to go into. And I think it resolves something for both of us and my brothers as well. Yeah. And you're completing his work in a way because people like that, those secrets, that's a weight on their shoulders all the time. They're carrying a weight around all the time. And a lot of times, you know, these people are groomed from day one. They're blackmailed into positions. They end up in a place. They don't know how they got there, but they're in too deep. You know, they know they can't open their mouth. It's like, okay, well, I'm a slave to these people now. So I either keep participating or a die. Like that's kind of how they feel. Or their family could be harmed as well. And they're afraid of that. Probably even more than themselves getting killed. You know, so they, it's like they have them locked down. Yeah. It's like that's how these things work. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately, until, you know, it's all coming out now. Luckily, cause it's. It is. We're there. You know, that's. Yeah. Those are in a way. It's all happening. I did want to get your thoughts so that new bill that that's eight hundred and fifty eight billion dollar. Defense bill that Biden signed that's supposed to. Include whistleblower protection. Like that's interesting to me now. I don't know. I don't think they're talking about like SSP whistleblowers. I think they're talking about, you know, people more on the lines of maybe Bob Lazar. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm. I have to admit, I'm always like my first thing is always like I'm really kind of skeptical. Right. Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it, but let's leave the door open for. Yeah. Very skeptical. Yeah. Well, let's see though. I think we did this is all part of the change that's in progress. Right. I mean, this is happening. Yeah. Regardless of who's quote in power right now. Yeah. Like we know it's not red or blue, like this is all one entity, right? So it's the state cabal versus the rest of humanity. It's essentially right. But either what I'm trying to say is they're on both. It doesn't matter who signed that bill because it's actually ultimately, we know it's the drip drip soft disclosure, but it's ultimately a step forward. Like we got to go somewhere. Yeah. Right. It's like being forced is why they're doing this or they're trying to steer. They're trying to give a little bit to steer us towards their agenda, possibly, but just not going to work in my opinion, even though they're trying. No matter what happens to it. Like the fact that this is a thing, this is a headline. This is being proffered now. Right. It's really big. That's quite large. Right. Like, hey, heads up, everybody, the general public going, Oh, really? So are you, you know, it's interesting. I think the wording instead of unidentified aerial phenomena, it was like, what was it anomalous, anomalous phenomena? Unidentified. Yeah. Yeah. The language. Yeah. The language was a little weird. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting. They, they're constantly rebranding this. I mean, it's like they're trying to figure out a way how to do this without, you know, telling on themselves. Yeah. Yeah, which is hilarious because there's no way. Oh, right. Well, it's funny. Well, it's just real quick. So they, it's funny to me that, you know, they're, they're giving us a little bit, but trying to control the narrative still and steer us and do this limited hangout, but it's like, I'm like, there's no way that people are just going to be like, Oh, these things you've been lying about for decades. And now you're, now all of a sudden you're giving us truth and you expect us to just believe what you're saying and not look any further. You know, it's kind of like once the cat's out of the bag, once people wake up, like, Oh, now even the governments and all the official. Everything is admitting. UFOs are real and ETS are real and these technologies are real. To a certain extent, it's like, well, now the possibility for everything in the mainstream society is to them. It's like, well, now anything's possible. So why would we stop at what you're telling us? You know, it's kind of like, it's kind of like you're waking people up to a certain degree that like, it's like they can't, um, they can't put that cat back in the bag and they, they, I think there are hands being forced. That's why I really do. I think they want any of this stuff to be out there unless they absolutely had no choice to tell the public. That's a good point. Absolutely. Like they know they have to do it for whatever reason. And they're still trying to like steer it, you know, towards the. Like kicking and screaming to the bit around. Like the 11th hour. We're not doing this. No, we're not. They've been drug kicking and screaming to this point. Yeah. But they're, they're still trying to, you know, but it's funny because it's just going to backfire everything they do is just backfiring on them and waking more people up and speeding up the awakening. Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to get into something I heard you mentioned on a recent video of yours. You said, what does it mean to travel on a river with the blue bird? And the whole blue, that, that triggered something with me. And I went down this rabbit hole, but I want you to tell the story first and what it means to you. And then I'll, I'll share some of my findings. Okay. Yeah. It was a good rip. Like you really played off of that. I can't wait for you to do the reveal on this. So, so just in my last video, let me see how I can make this brief. I, I work with child parts, you know, to get information there. We could look at them as aspects of my subconscious that have, that have memory and information that I can't access consciously. And I work a lot with my nine year old, the one who was taken into the programs that were taken at Mars and then points beyond. Right. And we were chatting. And it's a really unique way the dialogue unfolds. I have to say it happens in client sessions as well. I work with people and we do this together. Anyway, she was saying something about the river. I want to tell you about the river. And I said, what is the river on the river outside? You know, I live on a river here. No, no, the river underground and long story short, she was talking about the tunnel system and she was also talking about the river being as a metaphor, a child's metaphor for state of consciousness. That is altered through hypnosis, through drugs, through trauma, through any kind of manipulation. And she said something about, it came out as we're going, we went to the river on the blue bird. So this all was hastened by the fact that a couple years ago, I could recall getting on a white half school bus of bluebird school bus, bluebird bus company with blue trim white with blue trim. And I'm sent somewhere and this was with a gifted program back in elementary school and I'm getting on his bus, but my memory doesn't go anywhere really beyond that. It's very, I feel like this yucky, awful feeling. And so that's what I had initially been asking her about to tell me about that memory. Can you tell us more? And that's when she said we went to the river on the bluebird. So through the tunnels into an altered state of consciousness. And the bluebird bus thing is taking us back into to me, it made me think of Project Bluebird, which was a seminal mind control program that was later to become MK Ultra back in this was 49, 1949, 1950. And if we look at the bluebird buses, which have been made for decades carrying kids around, they're still made bluebird still makes buses. So that's where you went down the rabbit hole. Right. And I'm going to share my screen actually because my findings were, this is a perfect example of like follow the money. Right. And just kind of give it gives you an idea of what we're dealing with here. And how these things are actually pulled off, because it's so easy for us to talk about this stuff but people can't grasp the fact that it's actually happening. Where is this, you know, there's a big issue, which Tony Rodriguez experienced when he spoke at that conference in California. They couldn't understand where the funding comes from for these programs. And that's when he had to explain to them like, first of all, they're using slave labor. And in second of all, like, you have to file the money. Everything isn't what it seems. Don't take everything in face value. So let me share my screen here. Right. They're not going to make it apparent that they're funneling a bunch of money. It's going to, you're going to have to do a little digging. Yeah, it's like you're not going to just be like, Oh, there's the money right there. Okay, so let me see a bluebird transportation so can you see that Rebecca. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Hopefully there's nothing else on my screen. Oh, well. So bluebird transportation so I just started digging right so it's founded in 1932 is family owned the original owner dies at a young age of a heart attack. So that's, you know, suspicious or not. It was taken over in the 90s by three major corporation Merrill Lynch Capital Partners, 18.8 billion dollar yearly revenue. Like that's a lot of money 18.8 billion. I don't think people understand the magnitude of that number, Henley's PLC is based in London. I'll get back to that. So it's a capitalist capital management. So it's a capital management company named Cerberus. Well, what is Cerberus Cerberus is the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell. So you already have this nefarious energy that's taken over the bluebird transportation system. And in 2016, Cerberus had a 932 million dollar revenue that year. Over 2000 employees, so 2000 employees, if you split 932 million dollars, you're talking about some rich people or that money's being funneled somewhere else. So I started doing some more digging. I found out that bluebird actually originated as a military supplier. They built bus and ambulance bodies for the armed forces. So it's interesting that the transportation system for our children actually started as a military supplier. And Henley, one of the companies that now has a share in the bluebird transportation, one of the shareholders. They're a London motor distributor and they were founded in 1917. And they're primarily focused on military efforts assembly of over 25,000 army vehicles, provided 250,000 tank and aircraft assemblies and parts handled over 80,000 tank repairs, etc, etc. So we have a clear military connection with the bluebird transportation that's supposed to be just a bus system that, you know, brings our kids to them from school. And then bluebird headquarters is in Jamaica, New York. So I started just, I wanted to see like the immediate surrounding businesses because I know how these things operate. You know, it's not just one entity. So I started looking at the immediate surrounding businesses in that area core communication. It's a network infrastructure system. And I'll share a photo of that just because this is their main website photo now this doesn't prove or disprove anything. Can you see that. Yeah, it's just showing it a worldwide infrastructure core communications LLC interesting logo here. It could be an eye though and that could be an eye exactly like an all seeing eye or black son, black son. Now these are the type of things you have to look for when you're, you know, during research and this doesn't prove or disprove anything it's just curious right. Let me pull that back up. Not that. This. Okay, so then starlight shopping ink is another one starlight shopping ink is located right next to the bluebird headquarters but there is no information available anywhere online about them. I couldn't find a website I couldn't find anything, but I could find that business was located in Jamaica New York in that same zip code. And this is going to lead me to starlight children's foundation that's been operating since the eighties, who has helped 21 million kids since 1982. Interesting name starlight. They've helped 21 million kids since 1982 working with over 800 children's hospitals. Primary focus is providing an escape for kids via new starlight virtual reality system. So, you know, this is connected or not I don't know it's still interesting and we know about these foundations and these charities and we're at where that money actually going right. So then we have Greenwood, Greenwood security services is another one located right next to a bluebird headquarters in Jamaica. And this one, I found particularly interesting. Let's see. So they're an offshore company. Our clients include corporations and services oil and gas chemical manufacturing electrical power energy software development computing technology pharmaceuticals and property management ranging in size from fortune 100 to startups. Areas of practice include Homeland Security compliance training facility security asset protection, workplace violence prevention and response business information and trade secret protection trade secret protection corporate security organization development and executive coaching Greenwood security services is a private corporation and there's no way affiliated with the United States government. It's interesting that they say that. So going back to my findings, these are just all either coincidences. I don't know. But like I said, it doesn't prove or disprove anything. It's just interesting to know. Right. Now magic school bus. Now let's talk about the magic school bus cartoon in the 1990s. Do you remember that show. I do. I do. Yeah. The magic school bus. The yellow school bus that literally takes kids out of space. You know, interesting enough in itself. I decided to watch the first episode which by the way is called the magic school bus gets lost in space. And immediately in what they introduced in the first episode is a pet lizard the classroom pet is a lizard. And they're told to follow the lizard when they get to space, which I think is interesting like when you get to space just follow the lizard. Okay. Now, I guess I don't know what they're trying to do whenever a kid sees a lizard in space now they're supposed to think it's friendly. They they they they start telling us about aliens on other planets. This is a kids program in the 90s telling you about aliens on other planets. The whole premise of the first episode. Miss Frizzle takes the children on a field trip to the planetarium, which is closed. Instead of going to the planetarium they actually go to space. They actually go out of space. So at the end of the episode, the magic school bus headquarters gets a phone call from a concerned person. And they start asking questions you're like, how if that's if that bus is actually in space. Why aren't the children floating. And the guy's answer is, would you believe me if I told you that we use anti gravity plates to in the bus like why would they share that on a children's show right. And he starts to explain them to any gravity plates. And then this person says, there's no way a spacecraft can make it to all nine planets in one day. And then his reply was, well, if we did it in real time, you would be a grown up by the time we got the Pluto in real time. So what are they implying there. No, it's just like they're kind of like, I don't know, priming these children for these programs, you know, planting that seed. And then the whole yellow school bus thing I think that's an MK ultra trigger. And we had Kamala Harris come out and gushing over to yellow school bus who doesn't love a yellow school bus. Can you raise your hand if you get over and over. She just kept repeating the yellow school bus and I feel like that's an MK ultra trigger. Also, so, I mean, there's a lot of connections here I just flew through. Yeah, I don't like. I don't know what do you what are your thoughts. I love that you dug around like that. Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I knew it was there was a lot in there when the whole blue, like on the to the river on the blue bird on the blue bird is really interesting. And then to have all this connection so I'm glad you watched my video so you could bring that forward. And yeah, absolutely I mean the magic school bus stuff is wild. Right. Do you also have a picture of, can you show people the picture you had the that that blue bird logo is still on the bus and it's like this isn't a thing in the past that the blue bird is still on school bus. I don't have one on hand. Yeah, it's okay, but look for it. Look for it out there. Search as you're in the world. Yeah, you're going to search for it. Yeah, but that you know it's interesting it's a blue bird logo but the bird is black to which I find interesting. Yeah. Yeah, it's black. It's blue on the logo but it's black on the buses. So, I mean, maybe not every bus I don't actually know. It's really, yeah, it's. Can you see that. Yes. Okay. Yeah, there it is. So, it's, it's, it's, there's an interesting tie there, you know, and in project blue bird the CIA program does it is MK ultra program like he said so there's a lot of dots to connect. Nothing's black and white and you know there's also a multi dimensional aspect to everything too. Like there's alternate alternate dimensions involved and you can't just you have to have get rid of your preconceived notions of like the 3D reality of what's possible. Yes, very true, very true. Exactly. You all right over there. I was thinking how true that is and how many I kind of flash back to the time when I, you know, my nine year old self was the first one who said we had gone to space and this was just like back in what 20, 2018 or something like I didn't know about this. And I said, what were we doing in space we she goes fighting aliens. We had to go what the fuck. Yeah, fighting aliens in space like I really didn't I wasn't. There's always a lot of things I've had to kind of catch up with. In my own kind of curve with a steep curve going down to my particular rabbit hole with my very degraded experiences throughout all this and how it links up to my family and so many other things. It's like a really good statement is a powerful statement. I mean everybody who's doing any kind of memory retrieval or is questioning their conventional narrative about their life. Can relate to that. Yeah, yeah, and you mentioned one of your sessions, and I know you've recently, you've gotten back into doing sessions again. I don't know if you're allowed to share anything or not, but like, are you starting to paint a picture of with the information that's coming through from your sessions I know one of your posts talked about the possible Russian space program that there's so many things I don't really divulge much of that I never give anybody's name ever, ever, ever, of course, but there's a first of all I would say the people come to see me, you know I'm a little probably don't have an objective view because the people who come to see me come and see shows and they know that I'm going to get what they're talking about like if they say they were abducted in their sleep and they went to space. I'm not going to be like, do you think you need to see a psychiatrist about this is this kind of some delusion you're having, you know, like I'm going to give him a space to talk about that so, but I see and one of my questions has been like how have the program since since I was taken back to these early 80s, 82 how things change over time like what's going on now, and I would say from my client sessions I observed that they have found more ways to abduct people that are, how would I say like, in a way less invasive or more insidious like more through the realm of sleep more through the realm of the astral and using like psychotronic technology other high tech AI. I've been with people who from the looks of what I received in the the caustic records, they're like training an army, for example, an Armageddon army to take us into a dark timeline and getting these like super soldier warrior types ready to fight for that timeline I don't think that's where we're going, but it's so disruptive to a person's reality. So I think it seems to me that maybe there is not as much physical abduction happening I could be wrong about that but it seems to be the ways and means have become subtler and more sophisticated advanced in a way I don't know what do you guys think of that. You know, this is funny because for one I'm writing a book nobody knows that yet so this is the first time anybody's heard that but I've been writing a book and I literally just wrote about exactly that. I was talking about how I personally think the physical abductions have lessened, but that's only because of the advancements in technology that allow them to abduct your consciousness and not only. Astrally, like they can do things actually via psychoanics and your consciousness in a clone body right yeah yeah, different body. And it's funny I just I agree with you 100% there it's it's incredible what they're capable of and that's what makes this stuff so unbelievable. Well I'm hard for people in the general populace to really get what we're like, you know it's a bit it's big enough to say like I was taken into space but then when you talk about introducing all this like I was taking into space but then when you talk about introducing all this like mind-blowing technology, you know you lose people right. Yeah, all that fantasy that's you just watched too much sci-fi blah blah blah blah. You need to know almost all sci-fi is comes from real stuff that's how it started in the first place. So it's actually reversed. They think it's all just coming from people getting stuff from sci-fi mostly but it's actually sci-fi comes from the real stuff and then. But it's a perfect cover. It's a perfect cover and that's what a lot of whistleblowers say they're like that's one of the reasons they put a lot of this stuff in sci-fi it's kind of like a plausible deniability. Like oh these people yeah these insiders are whistleblowers are just repeating stuff from Star Wars Star Trek blah blah blah blah blah. Right. I have been also feeling like I mean I've been understanding more and more through my own perspective and journey through my own material and experiences how we are fields of consciousness in bodies. And you know you think about that it's so imperative for us to, to be speak the masters of our own, our own field, our own awareness, our consciousness. The chain is our parent and it also allows us to protect it. So we're not as pliable to those powers or and their designs or objectives. Right. Exactly. Yeah and that's exactly honestly the biggest thing right now that anyone could be talking about is protecting yourself and like methods of protecting yourself from these types of attacks and some from these things. And the power of your mind and what you're actually capable of. You know it's you don't need to go buy a thousand crystals and grid your house that would help but you know we can do all this stuff on our own we're capable of it just believing in yourself and taking that power back. Taking away from bringing it back. We are the technology. We are the technology. We are the technology. Yes. We are the technology we can't we can't say that enough. Yeah, which is why why they push so hard to mind control us and manipulate psychologically so we never ever ever discover that we are the ones with all the power and creating our reality. And and never discover, you know we we've been given this ridiculous Truman show matrix version of reality that we're supposed to believe in and when they push that so hard to keep us in that box. And when you finally start thinking for yourself and looking outside of that box, which takes courage in and of itself, and can be traumatic for people in and of itself, you know, and very scary. But if you have the courage to do that, then you see you see all the strings you see all the fake sets, it's like you see it, you see behind the curtain you see the men. Doing things and manipulating things and then you're like, Oh, this is all just a fake reality that we're just told we're handed here you go here's reality don't. Don't question it. Right. And then you realize wait where the ones creating. They're just telling us they're just putting out what they want us to create and then we create it. Yeah, yeah, again, well said, well said. Right. Yeah. So, so the way the awakening is us waking up to that to like realizing. Oh, we've been manipulated. Right. Yeah. Yeah, 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. I appreciate this part of the conversation. And then we can create the reality we actually want to create, you know. And that like the planet would be an amazing place. I feel like if. If there wasn't all this manipulation going on, you know, for so long and suppression of our consciousness. So you mentioned. I agree, by the way, but you were talking about you had some. I guess possible new information, what you call Mars, mounted complications and politics and I'm curious to know. Yeah, right. So I'm continuing to get my own, you know, memories back. I think you guys know that I through different means, more information is always coming up. So I, I think we're at last like when I first interviewed with you guys two years ago, like, which seems like 10 years ago. I hadn't been talking about the Mantis on Mars. And I couldn't remember you and I talking about this Tyler, like, I couldn't understand why, why were we trying, like, why were we fighting the Mantis and then we had Mantis who were working for us and I could, like, politically, it's really. Fucking complicated with the indigenous races on Mars, it has been over time. That is not a simple equation whatsoever. And so. Recently, I've been working on some drawings that illustrate my experiences in space and so on. And I was drawing a big, a large drawing of a mantis elder them elders as I call them. And when I was in the program there. Boy, we had a lot of going on with this group. And I started to connect with the unified field of consciousness. This group, as I was doing the drawing, I had not anticipated this, so I was getting like psychic feedback. And this went out for some time because it was taking me a while to the drawing. And I had a memory field open up that was, you know, if you watch my videos, you know, it's been really hard for me to remember what I did on offense. What was I instigating as a super soldier? What kind of battle stuff was I actually doing? Like, as in the rest of the attack or the killer. That's really hard stuff to remember. And so I was taken into a really intense field of experience. It wasn't just information coming in. I was going into the experience of the mantis when we attacked them. And it was intense. I could hear all this screaming like frequency. We are team with the, what I call his Mars defense force. We bombed them, sent a gas into their underground labyrinth, as I call it, and then bombarded them with frequency. And I heard them say to me in this whole thing that was opening up with the drawing. Remember our strengths and you will also know our weaknesses because their masters of frequency, we could also co-op them using frequency. So in that moment of introduced trauma, we might control them. We interjected a lot of nefarious programming through frequency to get them to come work for us. It was just, it was just, it was kind of shocking because it was so elegantly designed. I mean, the whole, somewhat similar analogy to trauma is my control with earthlings, earth, human people, children, whatever, taking that to the opera arena to use on other races. How can we co-op them? What's the best strategy here? So a lot of the mandates who are working for us were under a kind of spell, let's say, a spell, a program. It's like co-opting a key coat so we could get all of them. We never did. They were too strong, wise and powerful for that, but we certainly did go after them in different ways and they're great survivors. Yeah. Yeah. And then it all goes back to frequency again. And it doesn't surprise me that that's being done other places besides earth, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. It would. That's just, you know, a normal day, you know, operating as usual for these people. But it's frequency and I've heard people explain that like raising your frequency is important because, you know, for the ascension purposes, yeah, but also direct energy weapons, psychotonic weapons don't work on you like they work better. They're more far more effective on a lower vibe person. And that's why they want you on and subscript our prescription subscription prescription medicine. That keeps your vibe substantially lower. And my control works way better works way better when you're. Yeah, if you're traumatized and dissociated, you are operable period. Right. Yeah. 100%. And that's another thing we need to remember too is like all these people coming forward in these truth areas and influencers in the community. A lot of them are whistleblowers, a lot of them, if not all of them participated in these programs, maybe not everybody remembers. I think a lot more people were involved that actually have their memories. But either way, we're talking about, we're looking at victims of MK ultra. Right. So, I mean, if that, if that happened to you as a child. You're probably still easily manipulated, unfortunately, in some aspects because they know your weaknesses. They know exactly how to target you. And I think that's kind of what we're seeing happening right now when we're looking at like the new heights of division in this community, right. It's become, it's becoming absolutely insane. But we have to remember like some of these people are literally like MK ultra assets. People are being activated. And if they were able to manipulate you as a child, they know your weaknesses. They know how to control you still. And unfortunately, people are still in that position. What are your thoughts? Yeah, thank you. No, I think it's true. And that's why, I mean, I've had to work really hard to get my own, like consciousness back. I meditate every morning. I meditate every night, like eating and drinking and sleeping. And that's part of my protocol and being heart centered, being super self aware is, is my like top notch priority so that I cannot be, you know, fucked with again. That's, that's over. So as it comes back to consciousness, how much am I working with my consciousness and also my heart, the energy feel the heart is such a huge protector when that chakras activated, you have direct line of connection back into the cosmos and the source point. Yep. That's a technology. And we, I think don't spend enough time talking about that in intelligent ways. The heart's not just gooey like lovey w emotions. It's a lot more going on there. And it's a gateway. It's a portal. It's higher, a higher consciousness. And in the Tibetan cosmology, we would say the mind and the heart are the same thing. Right. Really interesting. Exactly. Exactly. And that's why like that phrase like, I know it by heart. Think about that. Like, why do we say know it by heart instead of I know it by brain. Like, what does that tell you innately instinctively we understand the importance of our heart and the heart is actually a brain. So when you memorize things, you memorize them by heart, you know it by heart. And you talked about being self aware. And that's true because if you're not self aware, then what are you like, like you're just mindlessly participating in this matrix, you know, and science is backing up everything we just said. What is it? I think it's the electric field of the heart is a hundred times stronger than the brain and the magnetic field is 5000 times stronger than that of the brain. And it amplifies, it amplifies psychic ability. You know, when I know that has had a direct influence on my own psychic ability, opening and staying strong is that heart, heart connection. Let me see it with my heart. Like you said, Tyler, I know it from here. Not, it's not up here. Yeah, you're knowing it's here. Right. Yeah, the mind is supposed to be a servant of the heart. Well, society hasn't reversed where everyone stuck in their mind and not in their heart. So we got to get back. Yeah, and I would say too, I would put in a plug for embodiment and for me like getting back in my body and not just in some trauma field somewhere, you know, association. Being in like having awareness of the sensations in my body, like I went for a lot of my life, not knowing like am I hungry, am I tired, am I cold, do I need to pee like what do I, what does my body even need or what are the sense like the body is such a fine tuned instrument. But it's always sending a subtle signals, like a lot of, you know, intuitive people out in your audience know sometimes you get a sensation at the tingling of pulsation a something that goes through your left arm or your right toe or whatever. Those are signals. They're coming from everywhere. Learn to read them. So being in my for me, keep it in first person here. It's been really important to be somatically aware that also helps clear your chakras and ground you to this earth. Which is another huge support if you're looking to regain your own mastery to be master of your self your experience and so that you cannot be put under a spell or operable. Yes, yes, following those consciousness traps, which is exactly what they are. I also you you also mentioned some new information about your twin, I believe. Well, and information about I don't know if I have new information about Dean, I have, I think my what I might have said is I'm. I have been in. I'm aware that I need to go deeper into the goodness of my experience that has to do with my presence on a ship now that's always been part of this lifetime I just have turned away from it. And I was here and on that ship is a mate from proceon. And I had memories come back in which I recognize, realize, recall, and I have been programmed very dramatically torture I would say, to never relate to those that I call the light aligns, which is a galactic that's how they introduce themselves to me. Don't ever relate with your mission. Don't relate with the people there. Don't remember that you know it. Anything about that. And certainly never talk about it. So I couldn't, I wasn't parsing out my own feelings every time I would kind of mention this because if you've heard me mention it's always really fast and I'm in and out, out the door with it. I don't go into detail about it. I recognize it's more than just feeling self conscious because it's some thing that's going on now and it's so full of light and da da da but I had intense feelings of shame and humiliation coming up around it. And like what's that about. This is so beautiful why you, why is that all coming up and it's a programming is especially because they use you guys know this they use sexual abuse above anything else to program and torture us. It's interesting. So in any case I'm more able to embrace that reality. And they were, I called them my galactic guardians as well because when I was a kid, how did I survive all this they were helping me. They kept part of what I would say is part of my soul part of my own most natural essence with them on the ship, while I was being taken into the dark ops. There's a lot of the hospices of my experience up there that I even volunteered for this earth experience to go into all these programs. So it's a it's, I'm doing my due diligence and coming back around and spending a lot of time kind of parsing out all the information here there's a lot more to come a lot that I know that I've cut back and so on and so forth but it's something that I'm trying to navigate now. Yeah. Yeah, you mentioned the light alliance can you elaborate on that a little further. Yeah, it's it's my own shorthand it's just my own name for them as family kind of takes it out of this realm of like this official group with a big group into something I can work with that feels cozy and safe. Yeah. Yeah. But they're a positive group 100% so so they are we are completely off offhand we're not we're not hands on with humanity but more observing things that happen. And, and part of a larger consortium and that ship is it's a very light it's a Syrian craft that is, I would say as a living light ship polymorphic it can change shape and it's not a worship by any means at all. And we're making sure that we stay on track of the mission of basically observation and being very neutral with the things that have happened we were especially interested. Because we were how do I say it and who first person interested in the galactic slave trade which is a lot of what I was experiencing or rubbing animals with when I was in the programs and relaying that information back to them. So, and it's changed over time but but our non intervention policy it's been pretty. It's entirely not a non intervening but we're never going to a planet and like giving them arms for something. Yeah. Yeah. So, I think of them more as family and not with this like big huge agenda. My function on the ship is arresting and applaud a lot of times as an Andromeda. It's making sure we stay on track with those objectives and never letting our emotions or are like we're going to go in and save the day somewhere kind of come into play we have like what could be called as prime directives and we have to follow. Does that make sense. Yeah. So, maybe non intervention isn't the right word because obviously we have an investment in bringing things to light throughout this area of the galaxy. But there's limits to what we feel we should do so to speak. I've seen a few orbs. I don't know if you've seen them to fly past you. They're in this episode. So, whatever that means they're there with a light alliance is with you right. I know what you mean, I know what you mean and it's interesting. I think it's good to get information from these groups because to know that they're out there that there are groups out there that actually have humanity's best interest in mind. They're not trying to kill us. You know, and obviously you said you were like bumping heads with the galactic slave trade. So this would mean that it's separate from that. Right. And that's a good thing. Yeah. So one of the things we were interested in. It's always hard to find human language for this like when I'm sitting here in an earth body. Let's talk about consciousness and bodies. I'm a field of consciousness. So I'm incarnated as Rebecca, but I have an aspect that's on that ship. One of our things when I back it will take it back in a linear way into time. It's like we were interested in what was going on with the slave trade back in the. What we would call now is the 70s and 80s. Right. And so I come in and come down to earth and get abducted in the program so we can learn more through direct experience. Yeah. And I've said that on previous interviews also I'm a firm believer that some of the people who are disclosing this now or blowing the whistle on us now. Came to earth knowing they were going to be abducted into the program so they can ultimately. Yes. Blow whistle on it. Right. Completely. Yeah. I feel like that's something that doesn't get talked about enough. Yeah. And that is what I'm 100% that person to. And that's what opened this for me to allow me to really heal like I get the bigger picture. I needed all of this to happen. That can be hard from a conventional point of view to stomach or to process that like I came in and I'm glad all that happened. I mean, on the 3D level as a kid, that was awful. But in a bigger picture of the soul's journey over lifetimes and parallel experiences, it makes a lot of sense to me. I wouldn't be here talking to you if I hadn't gone through all that because I wouldn't know. I mean, I just wouldn't have had the experiences. Right. And so we have, you know, the split consciousness part of you is, you know, in a parallel dimension somewhere life, whatever, you know, carrying out these missions, then you have your physical body here. But then we also have our higher galactic self, which I believe is what you like what you might tap into when you're doing light language, or during your sessions. You know, we're tapping into another higher aspect of our self that's completely separate from that. Would you agree? Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean, like I go back in my own experience or my own awareness into like the original sourcing that seems to come from the Andromeda galaxy. And from that, we could trace it back to source. Where do we begin? We're always connected to that, that creative impulse of the universe where we began. Yeah. So we're tapping it. I mean, I feel like I tap into a lot of different aspects of my consciousness, a lot of different, maybe avatars we could say. Yes, around the light language, tapping into a higher octave of my own experience, not my 3D self per se, that's something that is not necessarily separate from me, but again, a higher octave of my own being. Right. And I've experienced a session with you. I recently had a session with you and it was incredible and I love your method of how you incorporate a light language and then you translate it in real time. And you end up speaking in poetry, which I think is, I don't know if you mean to do that or not. It just happens. It like happens. Yeah, it happens. But it's beautiful because it's like, it's kind of cryptic, but it's not tells the story, but there's so much to unpack. It's like in itself. And I really appreciate that. I got a lot of it. And whoever's listening, if you are looking for help, you know, uncovering anything, Rebecca is your girl, so he can help you. Yeah. Yeah, thank you. I sometimes feel like I overlook what I've been gifted from gifted with, like that I can use all this now. It's definitely coming from a higher aspect. It's not like a little Rebecca sitting down there with, you know, all my little thingies. I mean, all my, all my numerosives, like we humans have, it takes me into another level and that's what light language does. It takes me, it keeps me at a high vibration throughout the entire length of the session, and allows me to downstep a lot of higher information. It's interesting how it comes through. And I understand a basic information set from it. Not a verbatim translation, but I got the info. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then how has, I know the answer to this, but people might need to hear it. How is doing these sessions actually helped you heal. Because I know there's a trade off there. Yeah. Oh, wow. I just feel like I'm so blessed to be doing what I came here to do on so many levels. I do not doubt my purpose here at all. And I know that I'm helping people and it comes from a place of heart. And I'm just glad that I'm. That this is unlocked, you know, over the years that I'm able to function at this level. Yeah, and it gives me. What does it, it gives me a perspective about my own journey. I think it does, again, it elevates my frequency every time in a session, like when I do a few sessions in a row, I kind of have to. You know, pull myself back down here in a way, not like I'm on grounded and floating away, but like my energy is really high. There's something really transformative for me about it and also really humbling to that people trust me with their deepest, most intimate information with reason. I mean, I do respect that I'm very honored to do what I do as well. And that there's, there's so much validation that we are so much more than we think. Like, this isn't something real special that I'm doing. Like, we all have access to our own unique abilities that can come on board. Like, if I can pull this through out of everything I've been through. That's, that's a testimony to something beautiful in the spirit. Right. Right. Well said. Exactly. Amen to that. And can you let people know how they can find you in book a session that they want to. Yeah, Rebecca Rose is my website. I am probably two months back and booked out about two months in advance right now. So, yeah. That's great. That's amazing. Good for you. Congratulations. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah, thank you. Still waiting on you to write that book too. Well, it's, and I was saying I've got to go on sabbatical to get my drawings and paintings done and then to start the first book, which is in pieces and parts, but I, it's really difficult to do with the everything else happening. So, sure. Right. Right. Right. But the idea is there. It's happening. I know it is. A hundred percent because the writing is so natural too. Like, my writing comes from that higher place that I don't entirely understand. Yeah, we're always, we're always tapping into that. Yeah, like channeling. Right. Right. In a way. No way. Yeah. I think it is a form of it. Yeah, definitely. And sometimes you're writing and you don't, you don't know what you're going to write. And the next thing you know, you've written a whole thing in that flow state. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for coming on, joining us once again, sharing all your beautiful information. We really appreciate it. And yeah, guys, Rebecca That's your website. No, it's really, no, that'll take you to my old art website. Rebecca Rose Rebecca Rose bar. Sorry. Yeah. I get confused with all that stuff too much to remember. Yeah. Yeah. Love the link in the description. The links below that your book a session with her. Yeah. And also, I'm trying to grow my telegram channel so I can get off Facebook, which is shadow band banning me. And it's also just a really compromised platform. So. Oh, yeah. Definitely. Follow me over on telegram. You can. All right. Yeah. Yeah, I'll put that link below. Also, I do follow you on telegram. I like it for certain things, but it's, yeah, it's very. Yeah. Yeah. What isn't nowadays, actually. Well, thank you for joining us. This was, this was a lot of fun. So. Thank you so much. Okay. Yeah. Thank you guys for tuning in. And until next time. Have a great evening. We love you all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.