Journey to Truth

Daryl James' presentation at the Secret Space Conference on 5/4/22 in Grafton, IL

Daryl James' presentation at the Secret Space Conference on 5/4/22 in Grafton, IL
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Daryl James, US Navy:
Daryl's military career began in January of 1999 when he joined the Navy to serve in the naval mobile construction battalion 7 where he served in the middle east and as well as two years of service at the JMF Joint Maritime Force/ RAF Royal Airforce base at the Saint Mawgan Base in the UK. During this time, he escorted executives into the underground portion of the base; where he encountered grey extraterrestrials and exotic technology which could scan his bio signs. He also encountered Michael Aquino & children in cages. A quarrel with a reptilian resulted in a forced slavery punishment in the mines on the moon where he was recruited into the secret space program to work with Kruger, Solar Warden, and Dark Fleet.

1h 50m
Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Okay, you can do this. I know, I know, Karvana makes it so convenient to sell your car. It's just hard to let go. My car and I have been through so much together. But look, you already have a great offer from Karvana. That was fast. Well, I know my lessons played in my heart, and those questions were easy. You're almost there, now to just accept the offer and schedule a pick up or drop off. How'd you do it? How were you so strong in letting go of your car? Well, I already made up my mind, and Karvana is so easy. Yeah, true. And sold. Just go to to sell your car the convenient way. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here at the Secret Space Conference presented by Drained the Truth. My name is Darryl James, and I volunteered for the United States Navy Secret Space Program. This is my high school picture. One of my earliest memories was, I think I was about three or four years old, and I was sitting down on the couch with my dad, and we were watching Sesame Street. And telepathically, my father didn't call it that, but he said to me, "Do you think you'll be able to remember how to do this as you get older?" He said that your sister used to be able to do it, but she forgot. And I said, "Yeah, Dad, I'll remember." He died of a heart attack when I was 19 years old, about two years after this. And then that led me up to the Navy, and that's my boot camp graduation picture, in Great Lakes, Illinois, and that was about February of '99. I joined in January, but they took the picture in about February. That's me and Iraq. I served in Iraq in 2002. And then after Iraq, I volunteered for -- never -- I got into a new command in a RF St. Morgan Royal Air Force in Nuki, England. And let me see what the next slide is. That's a map of it overhead. And right there is the underground bay. You can see it's like a big hill mound of dirt, and that would be the entrance right there. So, later on in the story, I'll go into further. This is where I worked right here at the garage, it was on the other side of the base, and this is the Navy Exchange. I think I bought Dave Chappelle season two there. And that was the bar, right? I worked there, and the bar was right there. And there was a guy -- I just call him the goon, I can remember his name. And he was this big guy. She had a shaved head. I found out later on he was a Satanist. And he found out that during my 20-year-in-back, I killed him. And he found out about that because another guy was executed. He tried to sabotage or ship. And nobody really believed it, the people that did know, and nobody really believed it until that guy was executed. He was an off-world German, but he was a first-class petty officer. And that's what the military calls them, they call them off-world Germans. And he tried to -- I left the bar, and he tried to strangle me about right here. And he just came up right behind me, and I think he said something like, "If you're going to kill me, I'll kill you first." But the executive officer who knew that I was in danger had people, like English. And I think one of them might have been Kruger, which is like a corporation from another universe like a German corporation, but he was English, but he worked for Kruger. And he actually saved me. There were two English guys over here, and I got strangled right here. And they said, "Hey, drop him," and he said something like, "But he's going to kill me." And I heard cuffs go on him. I was like blacked out, but it wasn't knocked out. You know, when you get strangled like that, you can still hear, but you can't see or, you know, you're just on the ground kind of collapsed. And they carried him. They said, "Is he alive?" He said, "Yeah." And they carried me to my room. And I woke up and I really didn't remember it because I was drunk. I guess I'll go. This is another map of it. I'll go into the story of how it happened. I was there. Well, I arrived there, and the first class petty officer picked me up, and he said, "This is a weird base." And he really didn't go into detail about it, but he just said, "Yeah, this is a weird base, man." And I -- first, I -- oh, I had to guide seamans, civilian seamans workers, they were for the corporation's seamans, to fix a pump inside the base. And I was only there for like two or three days, and I only had a secret clearance. I didn't have a top secret clearance. And they're like, "Yeah, we need to escort the civilians to fix a pump." So I went over there, escorted them, and as I went in, there was a metal detector it looked like. The first guy, the civilian worker, he walked up to it, and he said, "I'm not going through that bloody thing," and he walked around it, and they all walked around it. So I thought, "Well, I don't want to go either, so I'll walk around." But then that one guy who saved me, he used it there a lot. He had to wear like a beret, and he had a rifle over shoulder, and he was behind a stainless steel table, and he said, "No, you go through." So I looked at it, and I said, "Well, it's a metal detector," and I went through. I think I remember kind of like a flash of like blue light when I walked through it, but I don't know. And in the base, there's white stripe, blue stripe, red stripe on the floor. And white stripe was a secret clearance, so it went to the fewest places. Blue stripe was top secret clearance, it went to more places, and the red was I don't know. And it went down everywhere, and it went down certain hallways that didn't have any light, and I don't know why. I figured maybe if you walked down here, there would be light, an automatic light would come on, but I didn't know. And then I went with -- then that happened, and then the next week I had -- they call it balls the floor in the military, which is like 0-100 AM to 4 AM. And I walked in, and I saw the guy, Michael Aquino, who's like a well-known Satanist. He's what he called temple set or something that he started, and I saw him on Oprah when I was a kid. That's the only reason I knew him. He curved up eyebrows like horns on his eyebrows, and he was in his uniform, he's a colonel, and I said, "Good evening, sir." And he went, "Oh, how you doing?" And asked me how I like England at night, I said, "Oh, it's okay." And I don't know. I didn't like him. I felt uncomfortable, and I just said, "I'm going to do another round, sir. I'll see you later." And I walked around the base, and that was that. And then I had another balls the floor watch the next Friday, which isn't very common, and went in, sat down, and there was a petty officer watch, he was a heavy-set guy with a blonde mustache, blonde hair, and we were just sitting there, and he pointed at the computer monitor, and he said, "What do you think about that?" And I said, "Would you get that off the internet?" It looked like your regular gray, and it was like a black and white picture. And he said, "Look." And when he said, "Look, I looked up," and on the wall, there was like a window that stopped about four inches of the ceiling, about four inches of floor, and there was a gray standing behind it. And I didn't know what to think. I never saw anything like that. It didn't make any sense. And I guess it was behind this glass, so you wouldn't freak out and do anything to it. And he said, "Do you mind if it comes in here?" And I said, "Does it mind if I look at it?" Because I didn't know if it was like an animal, I didn't know. I didn't think maybe if I stared at it too long, it would attack me, I didn't know. And so it didn't mind. It walked out, and it came through these sliding glass doors. And that same guard was behind them. And it had a silver pistol in his hand. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, oh no. There it is. No, no, I'm sorry. There it is. It looked like that. It was like a khaki brown, and it was just, had really long fingers. It looked like it could pick something up off the ground without bending its knees or its back or anything like that. And it had like a silver kind of pistol in his hand, and I just got back from my rack, so I said like, "Gun, gun, gun." And it was still walking towards me, and I stood up and I said, "Gun." And it said it's not a gun, but it said it like in my head, like telepathically, it's not a gun. And I, by the way, as I got older, I forgot, like I could do any of that, I forgot, I could communicate with people that way. And that guard, he had his rifle at the ready, which means he had it like down. He didn't have a point in on me, but he had it at the ready. So I realized that it wasn't for it, it was for me in case I freaked out. So I sat down, it walked up to me, and I thought maybe it was something like at a start track with those injectors, you know, they looked like pistols. I thought he was going to inject me with something, or maybe take a sample from me. I didn't know. I was like trying to figure this out. And next to it, there was like crappy government issued Dell computer, and it took it apart, like nothing. It didn't have to guide the screw in or anything like that, it didn't have to guide it in. It was just like a machine. It took it apart, slid it off, put it down, slid the top off, popped out two gigs of ram, put it on top of the table because it was short, had to reach out, grabbed two more, put them in, slid it back down, and it was able to like snap kind of like the screws in between his fingers, and it put it together almost just as quick as it took it apart. And walked away. Well it stood there for a second, let me look at it, and I looked this way, and it turned around, and I looked that way, and it turned around, and I looked at its hands, and it moved its hands back and forth, and let me just observe it. And I got kind of bored with it, and they walked away, they went back into the underground base. And the first class petty officer, he said, "What did you think about that?" And I said, "It's pretty weird." And he said, "Do you think you could work around something like that?" And I said, "Yeah, I guess, I didn't, yeah, sure." And I think it was like a test to gauge and see if I would run away, or attack it, or how I would interact with this thing. And he started looking through his computer, and he said, "You're smart." And I said, "Really?" He goes, "Really smart." And I said, "Like, how smart, you know, 140." I said, "140, you're 150 IQ," and he said, "More like 190, 195." And he showed me, on the monitor, there was like these lines, and they were color-coded, and they just went across, and they kind of went up and down a little bit. And another one, and another one, and there's this bunch. So there's two by themselves, and he goes, "You're the second smartest guy on base." And there's one right above me, and run right here, and there's a gap, and then there's the rest of the guys. And he said, "Why did you become a CB?" It was just a structure battalion, and I said, "I have a marijuana pair of familiar charges, so I can only do construction to be a cook." So I went in the construction instead, and I remember he started asking me things like, "Do you have any hobbies?" And I said, "Well, I used to play classical guitar, like when I was, you know, I stopped at around 19, and I was 25 now." And he said, "Well, that's good. I liked that." And he was talking like day, and I was like, "What is he talking about?" He said, "Do you have any tattoos?" And I said, "No." And he said, "Good. The Germans don't like tattoos." And I said, "Germans, what do you mean Germans?" And he said, "Well, there's Germans up there." And I said, "Where?" He's like, "There's Germans in the moon further." And you really didn't call it space. He was like, "It's just up there." And yeah, so that happened, and then I went back home, and I just was dealing with this, and I remember the guys came up with me the next day, and they said, "What did you think?" I said, "What?" I kind of said, "What?" I said, "Long, spindly fingers, big black eyes, kind of creepy looking." I said, "Oh, yeah." And I really did. I kind of blocked it from my mind. Maybe it was just something too unbelievable to figure out or believe, and I remember when he was showing me this when it was happening, I gave myself a blood blister on the thigh. I was sitting down. I pinched myself as hard as I could, and he said, "Do you think you're dreaming?" And I said, "No. I want to have a mark or something in case you erase my mind, so maybe I'll remember this." And he said, "No," and I woke up the next day, and I had like a blood blister on my thigh, and yeah, so then I had another—no, then it was Monday, and the executive officer came to the garage, which that doesn't really happen, it's—you know, they'll might call you their office, so they don't come to you, and—you know, he walked me around. He'd start out the garage, and he started walking down, and he walked over here, and right about here, he asked, "Pedios or James, have you ever heard of Project Solar Warden?" And I said, "No, sir." And he said, "Well, have you ever heard of the United States Navy Secret Space Program?" And I said, "No, but I think we could figure that one out." And he said, "You see, we have this program, it's called the 20-year-in-back. We put you in the program, we do 20 years, we send you back in time 20 years, age-regressive 20 years, wipe your mind, and you wake up in bed like nothing happened." I was like, "Oh, okay." And I remember I said, I said, "I can believe in time travel, and I can believe, you know, going back in time, but there's something about age regression." I was like, "I find that hard to believe." And he said, "After what you saw, you find that hard to believe." And I said, "Well, too chaser, but yes." And he said, "Well, it's true. He didn't want any more time to try to convince me." And he talked about, is it Terence McGinnan? I said that right. This was, you know, only a couple of years ago. Hm? Terry McGinnan. Gary McGinnan. And yeah, this was in Scotland, so it was in the UK area. And he hacked in the NASA. This was probably like two years ago. And he got all this information about like off-world officers, social security numbers, pictures of cigar-shaped craft over the moon, stuff like that, and he said, "It's all real." Like all of it. And he's told that. He said, "All of it's real." And so we were walking down further, and I was thinking about it. And he said, "Peddie, Officer James, if you volunteer for this, I guarantee you'll become pilot of a four-kilometer-long starship." And I was like, "Well," and he told me it looked similar to like the Battlestar Galactica ships. Kind of like that. And I was like, "All right." And I thought about it, and we were walking down, and you know, we walked down here. We walked down. We went all the way, like the medical was like way over here. And the lieutenant, the head doctor, at medical, he was an off-world German. Later on, the EXO told me all this stuff is the executive officer. Gosh, the mass chief of the base, he was an off-world German, who was third in command. The S-3, who was fourth in command, he's like the legal officer. He was an off-world German. He actually told me he was on my ship that I was on in the dark fleet. And yeah, so, and we had, was it a senior chief that was skinny, had a mustache, he was an off-world German. And this first class petty officer that hated me, he was blonde. And I didn't know why he hated me, but he was an off-world German. And so I thought about it, and I said, "Well, when I walked through that machine, it not only told you your IQ and everything else, it told you, like you were telling me things like, you smoke but you don't have any clots, you don't have any blood clots, because I used to smoke a lot back then." And he said, "But that's because you drank, because I used to drink a lot back then." And so he could tell me all this stuff, and this was that heavy set first class. And something else that first class told me, I forgot to tell you, was there was a kid who always won the PRT test, which is physical rating this test, so it's like, no push-ups, sit-ups, he could run the fastest, and everybody knows that guy on base. And he said, "That's me," he said, and he was like 35, but this kid was like 18. He said, "I joined the Secret Space Program, and that's me," and he said, "Don't tell him." He said, "That's why I have the mustache. It's like a disguise. He was like that." And I said, "All right, anyway, he's going back to here." I got to a point where I said, "Well, you know, if I'm going to do this, I thought I'm going to do it for something." So I said, "There was a machine I walked through that told you everything, your clots and everything else." I said, "My dad died, it was called a Widowmaker where he had no warning, no, his high cholesterol and nothing. It just happened. He had no control in one of his heart arteries and it snapped off and he died." And I said, "If we had technology like that, it would have saved his life." And he started going in about, you know, "We can't do that because of population control and everything else." And I said, "Well, there has to be like a side that wants to bring this to the public." And I remember he said, "You mean like a traitor?" And I said, "No, sir." And I said, "There just has to be a side, like a fact there has to be something where people want us to brought out the light." And he said, "Well, there is." And I said, "Well, if you can get me into that side, I'll do it." And so we walked a little further down and he said, "And also, this whole time he was calling me Mr. James, which in the Navy is like officers, call each other Mr.." So he was already referring to me as like an officer almost. And we were walking back to where the officers were and he started walking away. I shook his hands, looted him, started walking away. And he turned around and he said, "One more thing, Mr. James, you're going to be escorted by a reptile." And he's big. And I was like, "Oh my gosh, what does that mean?" Like I really didn't know what he was talking about, you know. And I remember before this something I forgot to tell you guys was we were in the barracks playing Halo, the video game Halo. And I remember one of the guys said, "Hey, did you see that reptile today in the base and I had to work in the base?" And I was just waiting for the next game and he said, "Yeah, it was big." So I had him thinking like, "All right, this is like a monitor lizard or something. They must live in the underground or something, like four legged lizards." It must be big. And one of them said, "Yeah, he talked funny." And I said, "What?" Like I just turned around and I was like, "What?" And they said, "Oh, you're new here, right?" And he's like, "Yeah, there's reptiles that live underground and they're big." And I said, "There's like big monitor lizards that walk around talking." You're like, "No, they walk upright like us on two feet because I had no idea like it all. I didn't know any of this stuff." And I thought it was just because I was a new guy or something and they were messing with me. So I was like, "All right, whatever." And so I volunteered for it, and it was like another time we were playing Halo and the guys were talking. And I guess like I think they were kind of doing small things here and there to try to get me acclimatized. I think the command was telling them like, "Hey, kind of like let him know a little bit here and a little bit there." And one of the guys said, "Yeah, man, I joined the Secret Space Program and I was on the moon and we worked in mines and they put collars around our necks and we worked in groups and if somebody in the group didn't work right or work hard enough, they would shock us all." And he said they have like brothels there and you got to sleep with all these women and that was like your only motivation to work and all the stuff like this. And I was like, "Yeah, man, it was great," and then I said to them, "Well, I said like did you have any kids?" And he said, "Yeah." And I said, "Well, do you like knowing of them?" And he's like, "No, man." And I was like, "Well, does that make you sad?" He's like, "No, man, I don't care about that." He just had like one of those kind of attitudes. And I remember the guys, I thought they were still messing with me, but I remember there was this kid on the bed, he was sitting at the foot of the bed and I looked around and I was like, "Come on." And he'd like nod at his head like in confirmation and I said, "Well, the EXO himself came up to me and said I would be a pilot of a 4-kilometer long starship that he'd do that to you because I thought maybe the EXO kind of told everybody this and this lie to him and I was wondering and he said, "No, no, man." He's like, "You're going to be up there, man, they're going to take good care of you." He's like, "Nobody came up with me, I just volunteered." And he's like, "They're going to put you in this chair, right, when you come back." And all you have to do is just fight it, just fight it as much as you can, you'll remember. And I found out later the guys were talking about, "Yeah, he went back into the chair, this guy, you know, he couldn't take it, he couldn't take the memories and stuff like that so they had to put him back in the chair." So that happened and then there was another time, oh, and when this happened, I forgot, there was like a feedback kind of sound in the room and it said something like, you know, now here this, you are now in violations of sections 56, 58 of the uniform code of military justice. Something that stopped right now, you will be fined up to $100,000 in 10 years in prison and that'll be all and it went away. I looked around and I said, "Is there a speaker in here?" And they said, "No." He's like, "What's the technology they have? They don't need speakers." And I found out later, I don't know if you can see it, oh, it's over there, well anyways, by the underground base, there was, you know, like a dish but it had these rectangular blocks and I never saw anything like that, like on a big tower and this was 2003 and the next day, another guy came to me, everybody called him Orlando, because he like Star Wars, like Lando Khurizi and stuff like that and, but his name was Orlando and he said, "Yeah, did you hear that voice that you heard in that room?" And I said, "Yeah, it was the next day he told me this," and he said, "That's those towers and those blocks and those towers," and he said, "That's 5G towers." He said, "It's like experimental thing they're using here." He said, "They can make a microwave beam, they can put it into a room, they can see everything, they can hear anything and they can talk to you as well, they can talk out loud so they don't have to bug your room, they don't have to put any kind of microphone, they don't think of breaking your room, they can just do it with these 5G towers." And that was news to me and yeah, so that's what happened that day and then the moment the truth came and it was another ball before and I came in, I was wearing my Johnny Cash's which is like your working blues, which is like the man in black, he wore all black, black tie, black shirt, black pants and I came in and he had me sign about this many papers and he was flipping it for me, flipping it for me, initial here, sign here, sign here, he's doing that, do it again, do it again. And I said, I kind of had like cold feet and I was like, "I don't know about this." I was like, "I don't know." I tried to read it and he was like, "We'll be here all night," we should read this. So I was like, "I don't know about this," and he's like, "He said you're already back there, so just sign the papers." And when he said that, he was talking about me, I was already back, I was being age-regressed. And I realized, I got this cold chill, I realized I was in like a time loop, I was like, "Oh, whoa, I'm already back." And yeah, so that happened, I signed all the papers, he said, "Have a seat," I sat down and I was just kind of like daydreaming, he got on the phone, he goes, "All right, send them in." And I waited, yeah, I waited about ten minutes and he was in the water. And he said, "All right, go with him," and he's pointed it up and I looked up and that same big window, there was just this huge reptile, he was like unbelievably big, and he looked similar to this, he was like, but he was darker brown, really dark brown, his mouth went straight across and he had gold like alligator eyes, and he was wearing one of those blue skin-tight suits. And I said, "Jesus Christ," and I stood up and I was like, "What is that thing?" And he said, "The XO told you, there would be a reptile," and I was like, "Yeah, I didn't think it'd be that big," and it was probably about nine and a half feet tall and it kind of had the like, it kind of had the squat down in the room when it was in there. And I remember when I said that, well, I said, "He's not going to eat me, is he?" Like I said that, because it was just like my first reaction and he said, "He's much stronger than you and faster than you, if he wanted to eat you, he would have done it by now." And when I said that, he like sighed, like there's three second inhale and there's three second exhale. Like it was almost like, you know, not alone with these assholes, you know what I mean? Like it was like a nine to five to him. And I saw that and I was like, "Oh my God," I was like, "Can you read my thoughts?" Because the other one could read my thoughts, he was, "Yes, you read your thoughts." And I remember in my head I said, "Sorry about that." And so I walked it, I eventually got up and I walked in the room. And then there was a skinny first class and I found out later he was an off-world German. Or he was a skinny kid, I don't know what he was, he was in a British uniform, that's what it was. And so I walked in and that's when I saw the lines in the base. And this is what, this is a close up of it here. You know, this is the quarterback, which is like the lobby of the base. And this was a mag lift, kind of started right here. One of those trains would go really fast and there's tunnels all over the earth and they go extremely fast. And this was a 10,000 ton blast door that could withstand a near hit from a nuclear bomb. And it looked like this on the inside, Anne-Marie, my girlfriend, drew the swarming, so thanks. Yeah, this is a quarter deck, this is how you see it when you walked up. And here was the mag lift, it was just round like that and it was white and it looked almost kind of seamless, like real smooth and white and it had like a little porthole like that. And it was big and the tracks were wider than a regular train track and it had a 10,000 ton door and there was a siren that would go off like a light that would flash. And it had to have like a steel wheel at the bottom or otherwise it would have ripped it off the hinges, it was so heavy and it went like across like a railroad track like that. And we went in and it looked kind of like this, you know, it looked kind of like that. It had the pipe, the water, the sewage, all the conduit on the ceiling. But it had like, like I said, it had the white blue and red stripes. And we eventually got the like areas that were bigger and, you know, we kept on going and it got bigger and bigger. And I remember seeing like bicycles on the, on the, leaning against the wall and like golf carts. So maybe if somebody had to go somewhere far they could just jump on a bike and take off. And the kid, the English guy, I thought he was English, he kept on butt-stroking me in the back the whole time and he was just hitting me over and over again. And I remember, I thought like well maybe it's because I'm looking around and he kept on hitting me. And I remember I said like, I just got back from Iraq so I really wasn't, you know, that afraid of weapons and stuff as far as just somebody hitting me with it because they're just, you know, assing around. And I remember I said something like, you know, I'm not looking around so please stop hitting me. It was like polite. And he did it again. And so I turned around, I grabbed his weapon and I put my foot behind his legs. I just threw him forward until he hit the solid concrete and knocked the wind out of him. And I remember I held up his weapon just by like the barrel and I said, you know, if you hit me with this thing one more time, I'm going to shove it up your ass sideways. And I remember the reptile like behind us, it kind of talked, it seemed like it was deep, deeper than any man could be, it's voice. But then like the last syllable, it like had to push out. So it was like, leave us, like it kind of did that, like it kind of pushed out that last syllable. And he got up and kept on looking at me and I just stuck it out and grabbed it and he walked away. When I turned around it was just like, he was like here, you know, and he was like looking down at me, he was just flexing all his muscles and like letting me know how big he was. I remember I could see like his eyes peering over his chest muscles. And I didn't know what I was just looking up, I didn't know what to say. And I remember I said, I'm sorry about what I said before, you're much more civilized than him. It was just the first thing I thought of. And when they're mad, at least this kind, they don't bear their teeth and they don't furrow their brows, they don't have muscles just like a reptile. His eyes has got like real small, their eyes get real small when they're mad at you. When I said that, they just opened up normal and he turned around and he started walking and he said, follow me, I follow them. And we went down one of those, you know, immediately we went down one of those only red line areas where there was no light and where I thought a light would automatically turn on and nothing. So I guess I could see really well in the dark is what I thought to myself. And I was really close to them just trying to keep up so I wouldn't get lost in here. And we eventually got to an area where it was like one of the sealed doors they had like on ships and it had, you know, the wheel, a watertight door. And he walked up these, you know, it was like three steps, we walked up, went inside and there was like a chair and it looked like like a gas chamber chair, you know, had holes in it and like straps in the door and everything else. So like in my head, I'm like, oh God, this thing's trying to kill me. And I remember like during the dare program, God knows why, but like I remember elementary school, they showed us a gas chamber chair for some reason, they put it like in a trailer and they, you know, it was like to not get kids to use drugs and stop crying and stuff. And I remember it was just thinking like so many people died on this thing and it scared the hell out of me. And when I saw that chair, it was like that memory came back and I was like new and I just took off and it grabbed me and threw me in the chair and had me down. And I remember I tried to pull its thumb up and it had like these black nails that kind of, they were normal at first but then they rolled into each other almost and created almost like black needles. And I grabbed it's thumb and I pulled it, I was pulling it off and it, I think it had butted me or something or it just hit me and kind of blacked out, it hit me in the forehead. And I woke back up and that arm was in and my right leg was in. So I kind of got off the chair and it was really big like it was made for one of them. It was just really wide and really high up like meant for something really big. And I was trying to get the strap off and he was doing the other leg and I remember he like put his hand up against me and thrown me back in the chair and I could feel like his fingers here, like it feels palm here so that's how big like his hand was. And he made almost like that mating call that an alligator makes where it's just like you can't hear it but you could feel it in your chest and it rumbled and it got closer to me and it said don't make me hit you again. And when I did that I jammed it, my thumb right in his eye because this was like fight or flight like I was like trying to get out of the chair no matter what. And lean back and it just pushed against me, it just leaned forward until it collapsed my chest and like pushed against my heart and I blacked out. And I came back and I was completely put it, strapped in and I remember he said I'm sorry I have to do this to you and it hit something, I couldn't see you, it was on the wall where you first came in so I couldn't see what he was doing, he was pushing buttons I don't know what he was doing. And he walked out and he tightened the door and I remember I was hyperventilating because maybe if I pass out it won't be as painful so I was like kind of make myself hyperventilating to try to pass out. And it almost felt like an out of body experience kind of like weightlessness cold and then like you were just kind of like at peace. And later on the XO told me that that was a density chamber and it artificially pushes you up from third to fifth density. And I remember before I joined the program there was another time in the barracks where a guy left his door open it was one of the kind of situations where it was almost like he wanted me to hear him and like I said the guys on base they were doing things like to try to acclimatize me or whatever to this situation and he said you're going to be taken to a chair. And I was just listening I was like in a TV room but it was a room right across from it. And he's like you're going to be taken to a chair he would be strapped in it's called a density chamber. He said because most of the ETs we deal with are fifth and sixth density he said you'll be stronger, faster, your IQ will get bumped up 200 points and you'll become more of a collective like in a group of people. And yeah that's a really good image of it right there of what the base looked like. You can kind of see like the lamp that's where you know the lawnmate in the sky would mow it and you can see all the lines so you can see it going up it's almost like elevation lines. And so yeah and when I got out I remember I kind of fell down the floor I was really weak and I had like this kind of amnesia like I didn't know what was happening I didn't know my own name I didn't know where I was. And I saw this guy look like a Gestapo, he's wearing like a black leather uniform like black leather trench coat and he had like an undercut slick back with palm aid kind of thing blonde hair. And he was that first class that couldn't stand me that blonde head it's first class. And he looking at you is talking to it but not talking like gesturing like he was talking and the reptiles backwards started being it was kind of doing the same thing. And I slid down the chair and I remember one of the footrests like hit me in the back because it was really high up. I fell down to like on my feet and I kind of was swaying and I said something like can I go to bed now and I just fell down like on my hands and knees I was exhausted. I remember seeing like the boots come in front of my vision because I was looking down and he said I should have you executed for what you did in my man and he said do you hear me and then the reptiles said it doesn't matter it doesn't remember and I fell down. I remember being carried by it almost like a duffel bag under its arm and then I remember seeing like a bright light which I later found out was a looking glass it was like stepping through the looking glass and it was taking me to an area on the dark side of the moon. And yeah I remember being laid down on like a like a medical table that was or a bed like a medical bed that was really wide like it was meant for one of them too but it was kind of normal was just I had like railings on the sides and things like that and I could hear tearing and things like that and I didn't know what it was and somebody started putting like stickers on my chest it was like heart monitor stuff it was like a physical kind of thing I didn't know what was happening and I remember it said I was telling him I had to pee the whole time he was carrying me and I remember I woke I just passed out I was like I'm gonna pee on you and I was just fell asleep and then I remember he said he has to urinate so I heard like one long rip and it was a woman she put a catheter in me and I was like really out of it and it was kind of like I don't know you hear it's this bliss type of thing so I was like oh and I looked at her and I said you're really pretty and I was like and she was like laughing and stuff like that and then the other girl was like ooh sort of doing that and then I just passed out and then I woke up the next day and I was in a room by myself a white room and the same woman came in and she like put her back down on the table and she started doing stuff like she had a smart glass pad which is one of those pads and you guys heard about that it's like a computer based the smartphone is based off of it kind of thing and she was able to like you know there was images on it she put her finger into it and lifted it up and the image came out and it was like a 3D image of like just a humanoid she turned it around with her finger and she stuck her finger into the image and spread it apart you see the heart the brain things like that she was like giving me a physical and it was actually a woman on the base that I knew named April and so she volunteered for this program as well and I remember she was walking away and she was gonna leave for the day and leave me in this room by myself and I said wait a minute you know I was like you can't leave me in here I don't know anyone I said I don't know what to do her to say but I don't want you to leave me and she liked that so she took my hand it took me out of the room I remember there was like four lifts and behind me there was like kind of like trains and it was real hustle bustle like it was mostly men walking out I think they have like light gray kind of uniforms on almost like jumpers and there was like women on different levels it was almost a condo it was like five levels they went like that it was like you're inside and you're in the courtyard of like a condo and they were like waving and some had babies and stuff like that and then we're waving at them and she took me up to one of these lifts and there was no railing or anything like that it was just a square and we walked on it and it took us up and it took it right to her room and I remember there was a woman standing on the railing with her baby and there's were on the you know the levels on the sidewalk and the levels that went up and there was no railings or anything like that and I said aren't you afraid that you know you're gonna fall off and she said no you can't fall off and she just stepped off and there was like this field so each level kind of had like this invisible field and she said yeah the kids play on it that's supposed to do and they could that's how far as they go it runs all the way to the end you can just run around on different levels so you can't fall off and then I she took me to the room and it was real Spartan it was just you know very necessities it was like one table one couch coffee table four bar four bar chairs a bar look like kitchen area and then like a bedroom and she took me by the hand and took me to the bedroom and which we started the kiss and she said wait a minute what's your name and I said I thought about it I said I don't know and she said come on think everybody remembers their name and I said I thought about it and I said Daryl and we had sex made love and I remember I was leaning up against like the headboard and she was laying on my chest and I kind of dosed off and I woke back up and I was back in England I had like these images of like I don't know blonde hair blue eyed people with like blue suits had images of being in a lot of pain and being carried and things like that I woke up and it was really strange because I was like I was with a woman I was like what's happening which is happening and it wasn't like it just I was drunk this it was this boom it was just like I didn't even sleep like it just closed my eyes and I opened back up and I remember I ran my fingers to my hair I was stressed out and I had like little burnt stubble over my hands I put it down my chest there and I had burnt stubble and I had clay on the tops of my feet and I was like what's happening I looked in the mirror and I was like really tone like in good shape and you know I was in pretty good shape it was in my 20s in the military but I was really toned and there was like a full link body mirror in the room and I walked out and I didn't know like what was happening I was really confused and there was this guy he kind of thought of himself as like you know top dog in the barracks or whatever and he was like waiting for me and he goes congratulations you made it back and I said what do you mean he said 20 years is a long time he's like a lot of people don't make it back I didn't know what was happening and so that's how it happened and that's how my life was this I just started the command so I had to deal with all these people you know in the command that knew I was in the program and stuff like that and I had no idea and on the base like I said there was like a bar on the base like I find it I guess not anyways it was there was a bar there and there were these guys and I walked in and as soon as I walked in this guy goes hey it's king of the jet and what's up man how you doing and I said what and he's like yeah man the keynote fucked you up man he hurt you bad he was like man I can't believe he did that to you he's like I was there he's like he's making me doing stuff to you make me snatch your toes and stuff like that I don't know why and I was like what and there was three other or three or four other guys at the bar and they said something like shut up you know so the tone stuff like that and they're all drunk and he said yeah but he could play guitar right and he's like yeah it was sound almost like two different instruments and I said I mean like harmony and melody he's like yeah is that what you call I was like yeah it's how you play classical guitar and I said I used to play he's like yeah you could play real well you like you so placid no but it was almost like you're talking about me like a third person like I didn't even exist like yeah man it was really weird and I kept going to this bar just because every now and again you get drunk and you kind of tell me things like there was a part of my life that I had no idea and I remember one time they were really high like really high giggling and stuff like that and I said what's wrong with you guys like what do you want and he goes we're on chrome and we're on chrome and I was like what do you mean he's like you're in a chrome man he's like you inject it and I said what are you talking about he's like he goes you get it from kids and I was like what it was just so weird it was alright what they're messed up I thought they were like high and coke or something I didn't know and yeah they told me about that and then I don't know it was just bizarre he would tell me just strange things and I remember one time we were watching TV and the bar and we were watching a Tom Cruise movie or something like that like mission of possible he's like yeah Tom Cruise he was at the base last week man I got to meet him you want the underground base he said yeah he got some adrenochrome from us he said he's the main distributor for the Scientologist now I was like what I remember guys on base we're talking about like yeah like Tom Cruise was here the other day and I said well why was he here he's like I don't know like nobody knew why he was there but the Satanists were in like the clique so they knew there was like caverns underground underneath the base itself the underground base and that's where like the reptiles and elongated skulls and graze and stuff they're there and that's where they kept the kids to get the drug and so that went on a while and I had a really hard time after that I went through about a month of depression horrible depression and I kind of got over it and I remember it was like a fourth of July party and we're we got like you know cooking hot dogs and hamburgers and it was like a fourth of July and the XO came up to me and he goes up hey Petty Officer James I like you introduce you to my daughter and I talked to her and I you know I tried to ask her out which turned me down and went away and he said hey mr. James do you play guitar I said or he said hey I said James do you play guitar I said no sir well I said I used to he's like well you should take that back up and you walked away and I got to the end where I was getting out of the military because I just don't want to be there I was getting into trouble I was drinking too much I didn't know I don't know what was happening to me and you do this thing where you go when you're in the military you get to talk to the master chief of the base the executive officer the planning officer it's like you could say whatever you want pretty much you call them an asshole but you can't threaten them or anything like that but it's just like this tradition they have before you got the military for good and I saw the master chief he was a fat guy and I walked into the exos office and he stood up and he looked really sad he stood up really slow and he looked sad and he just like jumped to the end of the desk it was like I remember I thought like did I just have a stroke like it was like I lost like three seconds of my life all of a sudden and then he did it again like jump right right in front of me I took a step back and he took a step forward slowly and he told me later on like during his conversation that I guess there's like hiccups in time that fit density beings can see and walk through so it's not like he went fast he just kind of like went through time for a second I guess or a few seconds and yeah he looked really sad and he said telepathically can you hear what I'm saying to you and my head I said yes but it's like this thing that they do where they want you to physically acknowledge and I said he said again can you hear what I'm saying to you and I nodded my head under my breath I said yes and he just told me everything he just started telling me all this stuff and he said something went wrong you know you're partially you're still partially in fit density so you know something went wrong the chair didn't put you down properly in the third density and you still have your memories he said but we're gonna have to take you back into the underground base and wipe your mind again and he said if you don't do this this will destroy you and he kept on saying that destroy this destroy you and I said like what do you mean I'm like I'm gonna blow up like I didn't know what he meant by destroy and he said most people who have memories of 20 year in back commit suicide within the first six months and so he did that and I remember he started saying like what do you remember and I said I remember I was with this like woman and somewhere and there were mines and he said that was the moon he said you were in the moon and I said well who's the woman he said April I said April who and I didn't you know it's military so I didn't know her last name so he said her last name I don't want to say it and I was like oh God I can't stand that woman you know she was like a gossip and I just didn't like her and he was like alright and I said I remember a woman sitting down with silver hair who was very tall and she had a baby on her lap a boy like a toddler and I remember kissing him on the head and I kissed her and he said that was mother he called her and he said you had a son with her and I said I have a son and he said you have dozens of sons and hundreds of daughters and I was like what and yeah and I mean that happened and he just started going on all the stuff and he said he was telling me all these things and I wanted some sort of timeline like I wanted to be able to figure this out I said I remember being in mines I was like what was that in the earth he goes no that was in the moon I was like I was on the moon he goes you're on Mars too and I said how long was I on Mars and then he said two years I said how long I was I on the moon and he said three months and I started like getting my memory back just by him saying this and he said I said but and then I was in solar warden like I remembered that conversation all of a sudden because all I remember was being picked up by the first class in the airport and going to McDonald's and like everything else is kind of where they kind of like went back and wiped that big conversation we had as well and yeah and so he told me that and then I said the rest time I was in solar warden he said no you were with them I said and when I was in in the very I forgot to say when I was in the bar one time and I was talking to that same Satanist the goon he told me like I said like like what is like what is like you know taijet and what is that and he said you ever watch like Billy Meyer anything like that and I said no I didn't have a computer at the time he's like well you could check them out and stuff like that I checked it out and then going back to the conversation ahead with the XO and I said like you know they're the Pleiadians aren't they because I knew the Billy Meyer thing and he said we call them Nordics the military and I said what they call themselves he said taijet and I remember I was like shuffling around his desk looking for a piece of paper and a pen on like his $10,000 mahogany desk that like all XOs and COs have and it's like what are you doing I said I'm looking for pen and paper and you grab me pen and paper and sort of writing it down as you know he asked the name of the he said you were on the USS Nimitz the name of the ship I wrote that down I remember I said like don't we have a ship in the U.S. called the USS Nimitz and he said yeah and I said isn't a bad luck to call you know two ships the same name and you just shrugged your shoulders like it didn't matter and he yeah and I remember he said the name he said you had a you know a lot of wives he said but the one you love the most was it's Paul Rue we called her and I wrote that down and I wrote a mother and I named and I wrote several names I wrote all these names and I kept on saying you have to go back you have to go back I said no I can't do it and I walked out making it shorter and I remember I was in my room and I remember he said something oh I'm so sorry he started talking about all this he started telling me about all these different things about the future he said he was from the year 2580 in a different timeline and he said that they had to go back and they had to fix the timelines because something went wrong he said that he started talking about you know this Q thing he started talking about that and he said it's like a quantum computer and a high ranking officers like on the positive side not just from the US but all around the world and they're all working together and it really he really didn't act like it had a lot to do with like ET's they were kind of helping Kruger was helping us he said but it was mostly them and that he told me things like Donald Trump's gonna be president and things like that and he said like but it's not really him he he he said he kind of like it's not Trump it's the military like we just have Trump is like a figurehead or something it's kind of like how he said it and he said told me that and he's just telling me all this wild stuff and I remember he told me about he told me that about the adrenochrome I remember I kept on saying I had this image in my head where I saw kids and cages and I remembered that and I didn't know what it was and I kept on saying like what are the what are the kids for what are the kids for what are the kids for his name was Robert he told me I said Robert what are the kids for what are the kids for and he was trying to change the subject over and over again eventually he broke down he told me and he said did you ever see that movie fear and loathing in Las Vegas and I said yeah and he said you remember the adrenochrome scene and I said yeah and he said well that's where they get it from they get it from underground bases and yeah so he told me that they electrified the cages until the kids are unconscious and I remember they were white and their eyes were big and dilated and matted they were naked and they looked like they were just lived in these cages their whole life and they were like sheet white and he said that they take the children who don't have high enough scores from the moon there's brothels up there and your only motivation to work is you know to have sex and they use the kids they send them through portals into these underground bases and that's where they get the adrenochrome from and that's like what it's for basically but as far as I could tell what the moon was for and he told me that and then he told me about he started talking about Tom Hanks was like the kingpin of it of adrenochrome sales and he said we caught him in Australia he was trying to get into the caves to get to the reptiles I guess he deals with him directly and he was going to get caught and he was trying to run but we got him and we executed him and he started telling me about people are going to think that JFK Jr. is still alive he told me that he said people think that Princess Diana Michael Jackson is still alive but they're not and I remember I said something like is it true what they say about Michael Jackson he said yeah and he said but it's not true but he said but it's not his fault it kind of like that I said what do you mean he said his father like basically pimped him out to the music industry like sexually like his entire life when he was in the Jackson 5 and everything like that and he told me that Barry White was actually trying to come forward because he found out about this and that's why Barry White died so mysteriously like in a hospital like not only like his lawyer and doctor was allowed to be there not even his own daughter and they said he told me that they were poisoning him slowly and like painfully and recording it to show others like if you ever try to come forward about you this this is what's going to happen to you and yeah he's telling me all this stuff and I hope I'm not missing anything but yeah and he told me all about the dreamy chrome he told me about Tom Hanks and that's all I can remember right now and he tried to get me back in the chair I said no no no and I kept on in I left and I was in my room and it was like the last weekend I remember they use that same 5G technology to kind of go into the room and I heard the XO oh I'm sorry something else he said he had to participate in torturing me five days ago because he time traveled so much so for me it was almost two years but for him it was only five days and he said that he saw the tape of Hilary Clinton and he said you know we're going to execute certain politicians and things like that and he's like we're going to execute the Clintons I said oh thank God I said they're murderers and he said he got right in my face and he said what do you mean by that what do you mean they're murderers and I said well every time somebody investigates them they always wind up falling out of a window or dying of an OD or something like that and he goes oh yeah well that's true and he goes but you don't understand he's like they're like Jeffrey Dahmer murderers he told me is how he put it and he said Hilary is worse than Bill but he knows what she's doing so he's just as guilty and he told me about you know cutting off the little girl's face and mocking her with it and they had it all on tape and all this stuff and yeah so he told me about that and I refused to go back he wanted me to go back and I refused to go back I remember as Paul Ruth told me that there and I had an image I remembered and I said they're going to try to get you to go back into the chair she said don't do it and I said don't go into chairs she goes well the first time you're not going to have a choice but the second time you are don't go back in and I remember her saying that to me and I said no I don't trust you I'm not going back and I left I went back to the room it was only my last Friday and that command and I heard the voice again from the 5g came on and he was kind of being like a bad cop with me he was like listen Darryl I'll forget about everything you know you go back in if you go back in if you head to the base right now underground base and you let me wipe your mind you know everything will be forgiven and blah blah blah and everything will be better and I said I sat up in bed and I said I said I remember what you did to me now talking about the torture I was just these memories were kind of coming back and I said you gutted me like you took a knife and he cut me from here to here and I could hear him he was I think he was crying a little bit and when I was talking to the office I remember I said what makes you so good that you can he told me about people commit suicide within six months I said you have all your memories what makes you so special I said don't you ever think about committing suicide and said it every night and I said how would you do it and he said 45 in the mouth and didn't hesitate and he kept on trying to and now I'm back in my room he's talking to me he's trying to get me to go back in trying to get me to go back in and I refused and he put the pillow over my head and he kept on doing it and so I sat up and I said like I was mad and I said may God let you die with blood in your mouth and he said he said Darryl please don't say that I said it again may God let you die with blood in your mouth and I shouldn't have said that and because I now I remember that you know I did know him he didn't care about me and then I put the pillow back over my head and I could hear him talking like please please it just faded away processed out and so here we go when I was that's pretty much how they dress dark flee I don't think the hats were the same but those leather coats and they had like right the black uniforms and stuff like that and as punishment for poking that reptile in the eye I was going to do 40 years in the minds of the moon and not have my mind wipe they do it as like a special punishment for people who really do bad things and most of them commit suicide when they come back and they beat him hard and they had me doing that and I remember I was with that woman April and I was kind of like dating her at the time she was a nurse I really didn't go the brothels that much and sometimes I think but I was just I mostly was with her and yeah I was in the minds for three months and then I remember that guy being there the yodol guy like yeah man I was on the moon and sleeping with women and he was there and he was working with me in the minds I remember there was one guy refused to work and we so we'd all get shocked because this guy refused to work and that guy that yodol guy he picked up a rock we were like on break and we were just sleeping like in the dirt on break and he picked up a rock and he smashed his head in with a rock and that's kind of like how it was there because I don't know we were all being tired of being shocked because of him and that happened and yeah so I did that and then I remember I was working the minds one time and it was the XO came and he was talking to a German and he pointed at me and the German came up with like this box and he kind of waved it like pilot in front of me and he talked to that first class petty officer they couldn't stand me and he was yelling at him in German and he called me over and I said yes sir and he said come with me and they processed me into like a dark fleet and I remember they brought me to an area where they strapped me to a table even my head and I remember a doctor he had like a mask on like a cat and there was like a one of the tall whites in the corner kind of the standing there and he said the doctor held this needle it looked like a turkey-based needle in front of me and he said this is going to be used to put the implant in your brain and I was like what I just cracked through my skull put an implant and then the chair flipped over and it felt like they gave me like a spinal tab I felt like a needle going into my spine and like cool fluid and I think that was like tech they were putting in me or something like that threw me in a room for a couple through like two days I think to let it all kind of get hold of me and then took me out I remember they like threw this white powder on me but it wasn't like delousing it was like first they shot me with a hose and then they threw powder on me and the German was like you know rub it in your hair rub it in your face rub it down your body your pits growing and rub it down your body and it was just like the soap that you didn't have to like wash off it like cleaned you and they handed me all these uniforms they gave me like a big duffel bag through it all in there and I was like in the dark fleet in the ship and so I was in the dark fleet for a while and they liked me a lot because I remember every time before I would go out they would say on Mars they would say you know when you get back they're going to kill they're going to eat you alive they're going to kill you it's going to be slow you might not want to you know come back who would always tell me that and I did mostly things like mantises we were looking for mantises I remember they were really good with like DNA and they wanted them for like you know what they knew about DNA the reptilians and so that was like my job on Mars and I remember when the first time I saw like the reptiles they called the one head one the master and they were kind of like hunched back and they looked almost like those sketchies from like that old dark crystal but they were kind of reptilian like they had long snows and they kind of like swayed and they had these long robes that drug behind them I guess it was like hiding their tail and I remember like the robes would shimmer and like you could see like hieroglyphics and look like scales but it was almost like a like a hologram or something it was kind of like hypnotizing the watch and I remember they were walking and it was like almost like an attention on deck like we were and then they came in the rep it was like three reptiles he was like the head one and he had like two stews and all the people next to me were like cowering shaking like looking away and I was looking at him but I wasn't looking eye contact with him but I was like why are these people shaking so much and it looked at me the reptile and I think it hit something on its belt or something and I felt like a shock and I think it was like an implant and it did it until I threw up and then a german and it walked away and a german came up started yelling at me in german and I knew he wanted he wanted me to clean the throw up up so I went to go somewhere to go get it and he shocked me again I fell down so I just took my shirt off and I like gathered up the vomit and I just held it in front of me like an attention and then he just walked away and off yeah I remember we had like cloaking suits like these black suits that would cloak and it wasn't like predator you were just like invisible invisible I remember it was like almost like a joke for the new guys a guy would cloak and right in front of you he would tap your shoulder and like you'd look like a look behind you and stuff like that like and nobody was there and then like he would be cloak and they would all start laughing at you it was like a new guy thing and I remember they called this they called they called us conscripts which is like short for conscriptions which is like volunteers and which you were really low on the table on the totem pole I mean and so yeah that happened and I remember one time when I put the suit on the first officer german he was like the second command he liked me and he said if the mantises run inside the caves he said don't follow me he said just cloak and wait and I said why he said there's spiders three meters in diameter that live in the caves and they can control them telepathically he said they're about as smart as dogs so they'll come out and they'll lose like they're you know they'll lose the target they'll lose their whatever they're hunting and they'll just go back into the cave they'll lose attention and they pick everything up like vibration and they live in the caves because they don't spin webs so they use the webs like use the caves as their webs and there's a lot of sandstorms so and there's like big like iguanas and monor lizards and stuff like that they're on Mars desert shrubs and they'll run in there whenever that like sandstorms happen and the spiders will get them and so yeah anytime anytime one of them would go in there I would just cloak and wait and I remember they would run out the spiders and they had like those two front like like feelers like a spider does and they would slam on the ground and wait and they would they would turn around real quick and they slam on the ground and wait and it was almost like they're trying to bluff me in the running so they could pick up like my vibrations and then where I was and after a while they lost the tension they went back in and then I became almost like a sergeant or a chief where kind of thing where I was breaking in like new Germans from the academy and I remember there was this young guy that the German who ran into a cave and I tell him to stop and two spiders came out and he got them both shot them both but the third one came out and I got them and they have almost like I think they look like a dung beetle kind of pinchers where they just hold you and then they hit their put their fangs in you and they like snapped them almost like right in half snapped them in half and I remember it like freaked me out and I kind of took a step back I never saw it happen before and it knew exactly where I was and it ran right after me and so I just lit it up I just opened fire shot shot shot and I remember I blew one leg off and I just kept on hobbling and going and it was it sounded like a wounded rabbit like a screaming kind of over and over again and then eventually I just killed it and it died but yeah I remember I asked the guy like what was it like and he said you know I didn't feel anything it was like as soon as I felt a pinch as soon as the venom went in I didn't feel anything and yeah so there were spiders and mantises and this there was like a type of like almost like an Amish kind of colony of reptiles where they they kind of abandoned like technology and they just use very primitive kind of ET tech they didn't use any kind of anything advanced and yeah so I did that for a long time and I got really good and then I remember one time when I was new I put my hand on the on a desk I was trained to be a pilot at first once they found out I had service in the Middle East they looked at my record and they were like oh you were in the Middle East and they put me like the infantry basically after that first I was going to be pilot and then they went once they found out I had like experience in the Middle East they put me an infantry and put my hand on the table and said to me a pilot and my left nails were long because I was practicing classical guitar because I was they gave me a guitar when I showed up in the room like all the stuff was there in the room they knew you know all the hobbies I like and what I like to do and things like that and he said you need to cut your nails like the first officer saw it I said well I play classical guitar and I really like it and you know don't do this to me please sir and stuff like that he asked me how long I think I could play in front of an audience and I said well I've been playing for like a month so maybe you know three more months and he's like well you have one and he's like you better start studying every day and so I got pretty good and there was a bar I remember in the ship and I had like a horseshoe bar and the women they were like mostly nurses German women sat at the bar and the German men they was like four or five tables with four CTs round tables and they sat and they would pull the tables up closer to me and they would listen me play guitar and I got really good to the point where the master the the head reptile actually called me into his quarters and another thing that happened I remember when I was new that first officer took me to a back area of the ship the after the ship and you could always tell when you get close to where the reptiles live because it got like darker kind of more humid warmer it smelled like uh I don't know like old feces and uh we went with this area and we walked to a room and there was a naked man standing on like uh sitting on a table and the first officer take him grabbing and I went to grab and he wouldn't move I grabbed went to grab his arm and he had like long bangs and I was just trying to be like human with him I was like trying to brush his hair away to make eye contact and say hey man you know come with me and when I pushed his hair away it was me like it was an exact clone of me with like longer hair I was naked and uh as soon as it did that it like it almost like it trusted me it doesn't go bond I remember that mother told me about when you first meet a clone it were it's almost like your long lost twins or something like that and uh I grabbed him by his arm and I pulled him in and I went to the room across from the room where I went across the hallway to another room and there was a reptiles there and I remember I looked up and there was like this clear like vaulted ceiling and I could it was the first time I really saw a space with like my naked eye really I was still kind of new then and I remember it was just like nebula clouds like pinks and blues and yellows and greens and reds and it was really beautiful it wasn't just like black with white dots and uh there was a long table and the master was sitting at the head of the table and like his lackeys were sitting on their side and uh he said give me that and he grabbed the clone and he grabbed it by the back of the neck and he said look at him and it looked at me and it just snapped one of his arms off it bit it right off and uh I tried to fight and the German grabbed me from behind like put me in a headlock and they're genetically augmented in the womb so they're much stronger than us and uh I couldn't do anything you know I don't know it was like yelling and stuff like that and trying to hit him with his other arm and uh I remember it like watched me it was almost like it was like feeding off what I was experiencing like the fear and the pain and stuff it was just glaring at me and like you could tell it enjoyed it and I remember like lifted its head up and I let it slide down I crunch some more and it lifted its head up did it again until it swallowed it and then the guy was kind of woozy now the clone and he said he kind of slapped him in the face like hit him he said wake up he said look at him and it looked at me and he just like leaned in and just ripped its throat out and he just like blood just poured down his chest and he just went limp his eyes rolled up in the back of his head and without even like really trying grab it threw it right over his head and slammed on the table behind him and the other reptiles just started tearing it apart and he made me watch that for a while and then uh said take him away and I went back to my room and remember I remember I sat down in my bed and I put like my hands in my head and I said you know I think I was better off in the minds and uh so I got really good at my job I was getting pretty much everything they wanted stuff like that I remember there was this one time this is interesting I don't think I ever said it before but there was this one time where we're chasing a mantis through a canyon and there's two guys behind me we're chasing him and uh he stopped and turned around he was pretty far from us and I was I stopped too so I was like what you know this has got to be a trap just stopped and I looked around me and there were just caves everywhere like we were in a canyon with caves and just I don't even know hundreds maybe thousands of like these spiders just started running out and it lifted its hands up and uh they were like these beetles that were about the size of like footballs and I heard that they actually genetically engineered these things it's like they're kind of weapons it's like it's like uh DNA manipulation kind of stuff and they could control them totally and they kind of swirled like a homing pigeon and then just came down at me at us all and like we cloped but we were running so they knew where we were we just ran or ran or ran I remember we jumped down like a sheer cliff and it was high really high and I remember you talk everything as AI everything has like a soul of consciousness the the reptiles use that um your weapon you need a soul to interact with AI properly because it's kind of like the soul's part of God and if God is all knowing then the soul's all knowing kind of thing so something that advanced you need like a soul and it doesn't have to be human just the soul and so I remember I was running towards this cliff and I told the suit I said you know when I hit the ground I'm gonna like shatter my legs when it you know these things can handle probably I guess 10 stories before they even they kind of a noise when you hit the ground and I was much higher than that I said I'm gonna shatter my legs when I hit the ground I said get me back no matter what and instead of affirmative I just said that and I jumped and I hit the ground my legs just blasted out and it got me back to the ship though I told it beforehand give me back and so yeah I don't think I ever said that told that one before but after that I went to uh I got really good and I went to the reptile in his own personal like little dining area where he took me before and he said hey uh he said you've been doing really good and he was like talking about he was congratulating me which they never really did before and he said when you get back I'll tell him to be leaning on you you know so they won't hurt you as bad and they took me away and then the Germans were there and there was this German they ever saw before really high ranking and he said you know they're lying he's lying to you whenever they take you back they're gonna tear you apart and he said we would like you to join the dark fleet he's full time basically he said uh you're only living relatives are your mother and sister you have no wife or children he told me that and so I said okay and it was better than that so I agreed and uh I said on one condition I said uh I want German citizenship whatever you call it I want it you know and he said what are you and oh no this is how I put it I said uh permission to speak freely sir and he said go ahead and I said uh are there horses on your world and he said I own two horses and I said it's really nice horses are beautiful I like them and uh he said I said uh I want what you have sir and he said you want to be an officer I said well if I earn it then yes but no I want to be a German I said I want to be able to own property I want to have a German wife and I want to have German children with her I told him I didn't want to be a leaf blowing in the wind my entire life I wanted roots and uh so he went back to whatever his higher ups talked about it and they agreed and uh I didn't see many swastikas but I saw lots of black sons they wore black sons a lot it's like they're insignia okay I'm sorry it's a long story this is the way they dressed it was like the 40s men wore suits and fedors women were dressed in pillbox hats I met this woman there at a beach bar I'm sorry I went on so long okay um I remember I swam and you know for some reason my memory kind of works like that I remember having swimming trunks like this and with a snap on the front like a cinch belt I remember in the house the structures were similar to that and I had a dinner at the German's house and uh he invited me over to have dinner with this new woman I met I think her name was Helen I don't remember I was like dating or something it was like we're almost like engaged it's very old-fashioned I think it was only there for about a week but it was this it was very like old-fashioned and uh I said uh you know I remember in the kitchen they in the house they had one of those vinyl like red doors that you opened up and he had two sons and they sat like in a separate you know kids table in the kitchen so it was like very old-fashioned like that and uh yeah I asked her to marry me and she said yes and then I wound to the dark fleet and uh he said we have a uh we have a um I'm sorry oh he said we have to go to some sort of station he said the people were fighting are there and they might attack the master but they're not going to but just in case be right I said yes sir we went out to this area and it was like the space station that had like clear walls a clear ceiling it was like a big rectangle and when you look behind you there was like levels and there was this like trade ETs like to trade a lot stuff like that and it was also like a way for uh to talk speech tree agreements and things like that in between like warring factions and stuff it was almost like a united nations or something like that and uh I walked out man and a woman came out and the master walked up to him and the woman walked up to him she said something like uh they're talking about like the package or something like that you know the package belongs to us you know it belongs to us and you give it back and he's like well we spent so much time and resources in the packages the package belongs to us the man came forward and he had like a smart glass pad he showed him something and he said you know you're in violation you know you know rightfully belongs to us if you don't give him back it'll be considered an act of war so he read it he put through his hands up and took off and the woman came up to me and said you're coming with us now and uh it looks similar to that they had like their eyes were like a fifth larger than us blonde um I remember like the co-pile especially I knew this one guy he was like the navigator he looked like the guy on the right but it was like their uniforms were more like this and I met the guy on the left of this picture when they're communicating with you they have that look on their face it's really intent look it's like the look of communication they were like the murkaba is like their uh their uh sigil as they call it I remember um I came there and um there was a man and a woman and I lived with them and she was like the head science and I was uh training to be pilot and uh there was the um navigator and uh we're eating and they said something like she said something like we knew you were there and this was the woman Swarua was talking about we knew you were there the whole time with the uh reptiles and I said why did you why did you do that why did you leave me there and she said we wanted you to learn from them and I got really mad and I got up and I grabbed my guitar and I started playing and what I always did when I was really upset and I remember I looked up and they were both sitting in front of me and they're going just like that like really wide-eyed and they're out in miles open they said how did you do that and I was like ETs they really don't have the creativity that like we have and it was just like mind-blowing to them and I said like I don't have everyone to talk to you again and blah blah blah and I was mad and I forgave them eventually and the craft I went into looked something like that like the Billy Meyer like a beam ship kind of thing like brought like polished metal uh in this uh in this UN kind of area that I talk about we saw trains we worked a lot with our trains as far as like what we're accomplishing here right now they're like night density beings I believe um I saw you know things like that like basically like what you see like in the Egyptian pyramids I saw like a canine humanoid I saw feline humanoids they were just everywhere it was just different ETs and I remember I kept on telling myself you have to remember this you have to remember this because I thought there was only like reptiles and grays and that was about it and I never saw any of this other stuff that's kind of that's what the starship looked like like the battle for galactic ships similar it was a darker haze gray than that which is like a you know like a gray color and I I this is from uh Elena the naan and uh she like let me use it from her book and uh I was on era but I used to travel a lot to tomorrow and uh there's stars called uh fidgeta so they called themselves that so they can point in the star chart but it's like once uh beings get the ability to go to space they can just point in the star chart and say that's where I'm from I'm from that sun from that star um I went to their home world and uh I saw all kinds of just it looked like Norway or Colorado Rocky Mountains it was very mountainous rivers lakes all that stuff but they also have like tropical looking plants like big leaf kind of banana looking plants um oh something happened oh um yeah so um I eventually had a child with this woman I had I think two children the son and a daughter and I saw they go through this thing this is important I should talk about where the woman it goes through like a bonding process with their baby whenever it's their first born and uh you can't get near it it's like for 10 months and uh she'll attack you basically if you try to take the baby from her but the men they also like rut every six months for like two weeks like they kind of go like the male equivalent like go into heat so it's almost like it's not part of their culture it's like part of their DNA that they have more than one wife you know it's not like a cultural thing it's just part of like their makeup who they are and uh yeah and I went back to their eventually I got to go back to their homeworld I started growing my hair out like theirs I had long hair I started wearing their uniforms um I started teaching them things like sport I taught them like baseball and I remember I smoked fish they loved fish and they ate fish and I remember they didn't have smoked fish so I went through the smart glass pad and found out like non-toxic woods and woodchipped and I was smoking fish and they really liked it during the games I used to wrap smoked fish and like a banana leaf so they could eat it and then instead of having trash they could just throw the leaf down and uh yeah that happened and I was playing sports with them and every now and again I would see uh Robert the exo you kind of check in on me every now and again and I remember uh we had like a our first like football game I found them football and there's only warrior cast like all the men play baseball but like only the big guys there's like a warrior cast too I forgot to say that which is like they're really big like genetically altered like men and they're like seven feet tall and they're bigger than the others the regular men are about six three and I say like the women are like five eight um and uh yeah it was after the game and uh the exo watched the game and the co was there the commanding officer from the same command and uh that British guy that I met before in the underground base and uh Robert said uh Daryl it's time to go I said where were we going he said it's time to go home and uh before and I mean before this I got this I got involved in this the queen went up to me and told me that the king was tired of being king and he was old and uh she wanted me to be the king and I said yes and I had one queen and the king gets 200 princesses about and I remember I asked the queen I wasn't bed one time and I asked her I said why do I have to sleep with so many women and she said uh to ensure the survival of your lineage is how she put it and uh I forgot the women it's different uh the way they have sex is different than us it's um they do it like us until they get to about 40 years old and they they reach like this spiritual maturity and uh one of the blush what the the the man lays down and the woman is on top and then I remember like she would stretch her head up to the sky for about 10 seconds and then she like looked down and like locked eyes with me and when she locked eyes with me our consciousness changed and I was in her body and I remember I started thinking things like what's happening how long is this going to last I'm gonna stay like this and I started panic as soon as I panicked I just came back like I blinked my eyes and I came back and I thought well it's not that bad so you know like I came back it's not that bad and she did it again she looked up for about 10 seconds and she like really wide-eyed looked down at me and then this time it became almost like an out of body experience and we went out of the ship and it was almost like a omnipresence oneness I guess you would say with like the universe it was like this thing where I couldn't tell if I was if it was hours or days and then I just like woke up it was like I opened my eyes and she like hopped off of me and then I like leaned up on my elbows and I looked around and I said I said that I finished and she said yeah you finished it was just like I didn't know it because it's like so much more it was like so much more than just like that physical kind of thing it was like a spiritual kind of experience and uh yeah and I remember yeah he said so we're back we just got them playing the football game and he said uh Daryl it's time to go and I said where were we going he said go home and I was like I don't want to go home and uh he said you got to go back and so I went back and I uh I remember I was singing Woody Guthrie so long and it's been good to know you because and I remember uh Robert asked me why did I do that and I said because I wanted to cry so I didn't want to cry and front of them so I sang and uh yeah I went back in the ship they put me in the chair I remember getting my head shaved and uh that was another thing my hair was like it was a cut but like like somebody just put like a guard on it and just shaved my head and when I woke up when after all this happened I didn't know what was wrong with my hair and uh I had to stubble because I was growing a beard too at the time and uh yeah so that happened and I went back into the density chamber chair I remember I asked Robert why did I do this I said why didn't I know I probably have like a family that I have to leave why would I do this and he said uh your father had a heart attack when you were young and you wanted to try to bring technology that would help others because you have no memory of they like kind of wipe your mind you know your ABCs and 123s but you really don't remember your your history and uh I guess that gave me some kind of comfort and they put me in a density chamber chair they brought me back down to third at least they thought and uh I woke up I was and I was being drug I didn't know what's happened I was naked and that that's why the tops of my feet had clay on them when I woke up in the morning because I was being drug on the ground and I was in like these caves and uh the woman on the right said he's heavy let's take a break she dropped my arm and a man was holding me and it was the goon and this woman I call the goth I don't remember the names and uh I looked over and this little girl scared scurried up in this cage and slammed in front of the cage and she was white and the woman like hit the cage just like the fuck back and she like went back and um yeah and then I saw um I came to I didn't know what was happening oh and and past those cages I saw this one big cell cage like big prison cell cage and uh it was like a zoo cage and it had like something like the the bottom of the spider the top half of like a man and uh it had like fangs like a spider and had eyes that kind of went up its head it had like a tough of hair and then at its elbows it had like hair and like two prongs and they were saying like let's feed in the max you know I like no we got to wait to see what Akina wants to do to him and that's named the spider was max and Robert told me that reptiles and grays like to do that I guess on the underground bases because it's almost like he called it building ships in a bottle it's like a hobby for them they just kind of mess around with human DNA like that and uh yeah I remember like Akina was a or this reptile came in front of me and he looked like a snake with like a head and uh like a snake head coming out of a humanoid body at a red cloak like a red hood and he said don't you remember me uh Daryl don't you remember me and I was like what and then I saw Akina all of a sudden but it was almost like they took like two images and kind of lured them together and I saw like a reptile kind of scary to the back and I don't know if that's exactly what the whole uh what you call it is a shape shifting body shape shifting thing but that's how I experienced it it seemed like a trick and uh and somebody on those one of the guys on the base told me that there's like a technology where they have where they can pull a consciousness out and then replace it with a different consciousness and I guess that's what happened to Akina the original Akina if you know what I mean and this reptile put its consciousness in there and kind of moved them around like a meat puppet almost but it was really this reptile underground and uh it tortured me for a long time burn me and that's why I had the burn stubble on my chest um things like that and uh I remember I came to and I said uh I remember now because he said why would you do that why would you poke him in the eye why would you poke him in the eye and I couldn't I was like what are you talking about I just thought I woke up I'm like the snake monster was torturing me and there are people like black cloaks in the room because I had no like memories you go through like a temporary amnesia and uh I said uh I remember now and it was just like boom like clarity I just came to me and I looked at uh the man and I said I killed you and I looked at the woman and I said I killed you too I didn't get a chance to say it but we went when I was with the Titans we went into this underground base the same one because they do this kind of thing it's like uh time travel cat and mouse that's kind of like how et's do uh warfare so we went to this base we got the kids out and we came back and uh yeah I and I wound up shooting this man and woman the Satanist while they were there and uh I said uh I told him I said uh I remember now I said I shot you and I looked at him and I said and I shot you too and there was a big reptile I poked in the eye standing in the back and I said I don't know if I shot you you know there were so many of you and I looked at a keynote and I said uh I didn't shoot you I've never seen one like you before and uh he told me it was like a native and having an earth he was worshipped in ancient Egypt at one time it was like a god he was very old thousands of years old um but he seemed to have like this weird I don't know he he kind of thought himself as more like a keynote than he did this reptile he had like a personality I don't know maybe being in this extra body I don't know he seemed to think he was more like a keynote than this reptile and uh so I said that and I remember um I told him how I did it I said I rolled out a concussion grenade and I knock you both down because I wanted to know I just didn't want to kill him I wanted to know and I uh kicked the guy over and he was laughing and I said uh I said uh this and I pointed the kids I said you would do this to my children wouldn't you and he said I would and I pointed the bad ones behind me and I said and you'd do it to theirs as well wouldn't you and he said I would so I shot him and then the woman she tried to get up but she was too fat she fell down and I told her that I said you tried to get up but you were too fat you fell down and I shot you and then she just like you know like you shot me because you're a tight jet and you're supposed to be good you you come up with a shoot people she was pleading and begging and like asking me not to do it but she didn't realize that like this had already happened as far as I was concerned and I said to where I said uh I kept on telling her like you know what are you talking about like of course you got shot for this and uh she said you're talking you're supposed to be good and I said did you think we're all gum drops and lollipops is what I told her and I said if you hurt our children we're going to come for you and uh she said yeah but I didn't want to do this I didn't want to do this and I thought about it and I said when you became a Satanist did you think you'd be helping little old ladies cross the street or going to base sales or did you want power and I said this drinking the blood of my children make you feel powerful and then she said kill him kill him fucking kill him but I was tied to a rack and so I couldn't stop him and the goon grabbed her anyways because they made me the king one of the reasons was it wasn't just because they wanted my DNA because less than two percent of the earth's population are genetically compatible enough with them to have children it was also because it was like another kind of ET warfare where they were they knew that if I was the king it would be an act of war and I remember I looked at a kino and I said I'm the king of the tagettins and you have committed an act of war I remember the big reptile in the back when ET's a lot of times when something like gets their attention their eyes get really wide and they cocked their head and he did that and so basically that saved my life they messed me up but that's how I got out of it and I mean I'll just go with how my life was after that for a while I mean it was just hard it was very hard and I remember I had that piece of paper when I was in Norfolk with all the names and stuff like that the Post didn't know I would read it over and over again and I realized it got to a point where it was driving me crazy and if I kept on reading this I probably wouldn't kill myself so I rolled it up and I threw it out and I remembered I forgot some of the names and yeah and that happened and I would like to try to get into one more thing there's this time for a while there I was drinking a lot and I was kind of like suicidal and I would walk into bad neighborhoods and stuff like that and there was these two women there and they waved me in so I went in I was like all right and then I was really drunk and I don't know they were kind of acting weird and I said well do you mind if I lay down on you know I said you lay down on the floor all right I was so drunk I didn't care and I heard like this voice say like like I even scared kind of sounded like that I didn't know like what it was and I was about like kind of halfway out of it halfway out of it and then we said it's all right it's all right and I felt something like wet on my face and then I heard this voice of my heads and it went into my eye and I heard this voice in my head say pull it out and I grabbed it I tried to pull it but it was already around like my retinal nerve and I said I'm gonna pull my eye out he said well then pull your eye out and I clinched my eye as hard as I could and I yanked it and I pulled it out and the women where the women said like like hold them down hold them down and they were on top of me and I just like pushed them off and I stood up and I had this thing like slapping around in my hand I just threw it down the hall it was like wet and cold and I yelled and I was like I thought I didn't know what was happening and they just stood back and I saw this little thing on the on like the table it was like a foot high and it looked like a puppet and I got real close to it and it looked like one of these which they call like grill or Robert called them drones and I guess when you get drone you're a drone as well but then also like those working grays they were called drones and I guess it pushes out this verboscis or whatever out of its head and it's like it's consciousness and it can go into your eye and wrap around and inject this fluid into your brain and it kills you but then it takes like your body it takes your consciousness and they say it takes like weeks to recover from this but at Donald Marshall talks about it I don't know if you ever heard of him but yeah I threw it out and I ran out and I was screaming because I saw this and I said lizard or yeah I said lizards because I remember the things I used to call them lizards is like an insult I would say lizards are reptiles in general and the two women's like kind of like a shared consciousness said he knows he knows like one after another and I was like oh and I just ran out and I ran out and I ran out the street and these people were out in the streets I was yelling and I said what is that? I said I don't know if there's like a reptile they have like eye stalks like a crab and I was trying to explain it and I remember Don Marshall said that there's polka dots on the mailbox is the people who have been droned so they can tell each other apart and I saw polka dots on their mailbox and I remember when I was in the ship with Tijetans the navigator told me he was the guy I told you it looks similar to the guy on the left he was in the ship with me and he kind of like stopped and he said and he was like you know he was like saying like pulling out pull out things like that so what it was was you know I was in two different timelines and when this happened to me down here he was like synced up to me telepathically enough to where he could realize like I was in danger and I was being threatened of dying and he was the reason why like I just pulled it out he was he's the one who woke me up and he's the one that got me to pull it out and I think like some I think uh the XO Robert said uh like a keynote kind of put some he put some sort of like I don't know call on me he said but that's the last time he's gonna do it like this was almost like a setup like they kind of higher density beings can manipulate lower densities I remember that so they can kind of make things happen they can manipulate our density like a fourth and a fifth density can manipulate ours and I remember that but yeah that's something I hadn't brought up before and yeah that was what it looked like and it was brown like a rust color and had pincers and stuff like that like that but yeah and I saw that and uh when another thing Robert told me and this will be the conclusion is uh he told me that when you get your eagles which is captain in the navy and colonel and all the other branches and it's based off the Roman eagle and you know admiral in general of course and he said all the CEOs of Fortune 500s he said they all know about the secret space program and they all know about the children in the underground bases like you're told this once you reach like a certain level of power and uh that's my mission I guess it's I know I signed a lot of things and I know you know I wasn't supposed to talk about this but I didn't sign up to be part of some kind of system that was doing this to kids and I didn't sign up to get tortured for two days by people who I thought were my own people like US Army British Army or yeah British military and that's why I'm here and that's why I'm telling my story because this has to stop can you hear me yes um how do we stop it sorry how do we stop it what I'm the here for is stopping it's just the awareness that people have that this is happening and this has to stop I was told by Robert that they're working on it that these you know positive guys in the military not just the United States but all around the world they're working on it to clear these bases and to stop this he told me that you know for me myself the individual this is what I'm doing but what I was told is you know how they're getting these politicians and musicians and movie stars to turn on the other the other people that are involved in this they'll lock them in a like a cell and I guess the first week isn't that bad you only need it once a week you're in a chrome then the second week you get uh like you age if you've been doing it 10 years you age like 20 years just about really quick and then the third week you die it's very painful but what I'm saying is that's what the military is trying to do to stop this as them but it's us I mean just be aware of it I think just the awareness of this that's what I'm trying to push out there that this was real and this has happened and I saw this with my own eyes I mean but we hear all this it's absolutely terrible um you know to hear it all and not be able to know what to do I mean I want to know yeah you know spiritually we'll have hope and I mean like I once a consciousness the hundred monkey once a consciousness becomes aware of something the population will become aware of something and it's just not this what what's becoming with the children in adrenochrome it's just all of it all of it he told me things like all the gold pretty much in the world and the catacombs and the Vatican and when uh what was it the library of Alexandria when Caesar burned it down he actually took all the tablets and all the scrolls and all the knowledge he told me that where the uh relatives of the Atlanteans that you know it's all real and basically what I'm trying to say to you is have hope like we're gonna as far as what he told me and I don't have a time exactly he told me that you know things are going to be so much better he said he told me med beds are going to be coming out he told me they're going to stop this with you adrenochrome with the kids he told me he just all the things and I can't do it an hour and a half but I gave you as much as I could I appreciate it so much thank you thank you thank you very much one question Swaroo there's a channel that's been going for several years and I've gotten a lot of great information from cosmic agency I don't know if you're aware of her a lot of information comes through supposedly the internet directly to Goshia which I have a lot of respect for from Swaroo the Tajens so if you have anything there's some connection there I'm just really interested in that lots of people send me letters they show me pictures of her she was redhead this other woman I knew Swaroo she was blonde and blue-eyed and that's all I could really tell you I don't know anything else thank you