Journey to Truth

EP 220 - Arkheim Ra: Time Travel Is Real - Clones Exist - We're Already In Space - Why not tell us?

Originally aired on 4/15/21
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Arkheim Ra is a starseed who was kidnapped for super soldier mind control programming through the US Public School's TAG (Talented and Gifted) program. He was involved in timeline altering military operations at Montauk and has alters that have served with Mars Defense Force, Nacht Waffen, Solar Warden and Lunar Command.

1h 31m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hey guys, welcome back. Just a reminder, Starseed Adventures Conference in Sedona, Arizona. Tickets are still available for that. December 11th through the 16th, it's not too late. If you still wanna go, make a last minute trip out to Sedona, it makes a great Christmas gift. Go have some fun, there's some great speakers out there. Those tickets are still available in the link below, And we have officially announced our conference next May in Grafton, Illinois. This year it's not Secret Space themed solely. There will be Tony Rodriguez will be back and obviously we'll be getting into some of that content. But it's more all encompassing pertaining to the entire disclosure and awakening movement. So we're really excited about that. Tickets are on sale now and that information is below at Grab a ticket, come hang out with us. It's gonna be a lot of fun. One last announcement, Hopewell Farm CBD has the Thanksgiving promo going on through the end of November, 15% off all of their products with promo code JTT, thanks. That link is below, they have some really great stuff. Take advantage of that while you can. 15% off is a great deal for their products. So today we are joined by Archimra, somebody he's been on Penny Bradley's show a few times. I've been following him on Facebook and it wasn't his interviews that caught my attention but it was an actual Facebook post that he made pertaining to the SSPD reality of time travel and cloning. And it was just well word, it was very well said. And I resonated with it so deeply, I shared it, we started talking and here we are doing an interview. And I'd like to actually start off by covering some of the, covering that post because what you talked about in that post is extremely important because, you know, for some people, this stuff is just storytelling. Like they don't know how to apply it to their reality. And it's much easier to turn your head to this information than it is to face it, you know, to face it as reality. And it's something that we just can't ignore anymore. And I think it's really important to start taking it seriously because there's a lot of dis-info and garbage out there meant to make a mockery of this stuff. So welcome to the show. - Yeah, thanks for having me. And yeah, you couldn't have said it any better there. - I mean, you were talking about like time travel and cloning. Like we have to accept the fact this stuff is real. And I just wanted to get your opinion. Maybe you can elaborate on what you talked about in that post. - Well, I guess like the main thing that, so for me, I mean, the planet of Earth is under mind control. And that's just one of the basic facts that people have to accept, obviously, which is really hard to come to grips with. And part of the main thing that that mind control system is dependent on is you being a slave to these basically artificial systems that are constructed to keep people down. And it's like, you know, we all know that we have free energy, that we've got spaceships. We could be going back and forth to cities on Earth and even other planets through portal tech. I mean, so many of these of the stuff that we're doing is just it's really, for lack of a better term, bass act words, but like you can't, because of the fact that all these technologies aren't being disclosed, you know, they're being used against us. That's the reason why. People are always like, well, why aren't we being told about this? Well, it's very obvious because you can't be taken advantage of, you know, if you understand the technology, but if you don't understand the technology, then, you know, if you don't understand the fact that they can scoop up your children, kidnap them, okay? Take the consciousness, you know, fracture it, put it into a clone body and have that clone body serve. And if you can't understand the fact that even if you're going to hypothetically say, it's true, if you're hypothetically on the same page as me, right, think about how, what the implications of that, like for the military industrial complex and just in general, like for slave labor. And that's what's not being talked about enough is the fact that this isn't an unlimited source of slave labor for the draconian empire. And a lot of most of these groups are, you know, at the very least operating under their thumb, if not literally working for them. So it's just, it's really important and that's what the disclosure movement is about is having this technology come forward and roll out in a way where it can benefit humanity instead of being used to enslave us. And I don't know what that looks like, but it needs to happen. - Right, 100%. - Amen. - And if you think about, okay, well, how are they taking this many people? - Well, 1% of a million people is 10,000 people. Now take 1% of the world's population. That sounds like a small number, but that's a massive number. If you're only using 1% of the population for these programs, and probably even more than that's being used are what the matter. - I would say more than it's being used, 'cause this is the way I look at it. Earth and other planets like Earth are kind of like a save file of DNA and consciousness that these groups that can come and access any time, like really nilly whenever they want and never be held accountable for it. So for me, if this technology really exists and they're really doing this, I mean, why wouldn't they be taking the average Joe for slave labor on an asteroid? Why not? Like, so for me, it's just like, I think more people are involved in this than they realize, that's one of the things that's really weird about awakening and living in this town that I live in that I understand is like an MK Ultra kind of hub where I see very normal people that live very normal lives and I remember them from Mars and stuff. And it's just like, I think that if I were to come up to them and try to tell them that, they would tell me that I'm fucking crazy, you know what I mean? But like, I know they were there, you know what I mean? - Right, yeah, it's true. I mean, absolutely. And another thing people don't talk about is a lot of the people that are used for these programs are actually coming from our prison system, the prison industrial complex. I think a lot of these prisoners, you know, they don't get to come on these shows and tell their stories of what's being done to them because they're in prison. So I think that's an entire subject that doesn't get enough light shed on it. And I know a friend of mine, Scott Savoy, he has this idea for a documentary to kind of shine a light on that. And I think it'll be huge if he pulls it off. - Yeah, I think that we as free people on the outside, whatever you want to call it, I think people get thrown in prison for early, arbitrary reasons, and it's definitely something that's wrong no matter what way you look at it. For a lot of these people that are stuck in there, you know what I mean, over drugs and just stupid stuff that certain situations that's understandable but other situations, it's not at all. And obviously they're trying to funnel people in the prison system for even literal slave labor. I mean, they're using these people for actual labor here on earth, right in the open and not hiding it at all, but also yes, you know, in the programs like, and it's something that needs to be talked about from people that are able to do it now while we can because they really are trying to shut this down, they're trying to shut it all down. You see the people getting their YouTube pages taken down the strikes that people are getting. I mean, you just say one simple word about one simple thing and your video is gone. So it's just like, you know, you got to be really careful these days, but at the same time, we got to talk now. - Right. - Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it is like the thing is is there's an effort to silence the subject and it's very apparent even within the quote community, there's just simple agents, controlled opposition, the divide and conquer cancel culture tactics. It's all there. And there's a lot of garbage to sift through to get to the real information, but there's so much garbage in place intentionally to make somebody who doesn't know any better just like throw their arms up in confusion and go back into the matrix. Like this is crazy. - Oh, I understand that 100% because when I first came upon this information, I came upon, you know, core good and it was one of those things where it was in the thralls of the QAnon movement from what I recall. And it was just, there was so much stuff in it that didn't resonate with me that I knew was bullshit, you know, intuitively. And it made me kind of look away from it. But then I had an incident where I had like missing time and I had this really weird dream where the faces were blurred out and there was a military guy and I was a little kid. And I started looking into it again and I found Tony. And that's when it like started clicking for me. Cause like for me, I have been researching the subject forever and I was really into a lot of the old heads like Carla Turner, Dr. David Jacobs. And for a long time, it was sort of this idea for me that it was just like scientists kidnapping people in the same way that you'd like a scientist would take an owl and track an owl or something like that. The owl's confused doesn't know what's going on, but it's just a scientific study. And there's as simple as that. And that's kind of what I thought happened to me until I started investigating it more. And Dr. Carla Turner, who, you know, rest in peace, I think she was killed because of what she was talking about was one of the first people to actually bring up that she was being kidnapped by aliens and she was being kidnapped by the military. And she didn't make all the connections that we've made now cause this was in the early 90s. But she was talking about how like there's this X files episode where the guys wearing like the, the mothers are like, drugged up and they're wearing alien suits and trying to trick them and they're thinking of their aliens. She said that that actually happened to her and she talked about that before the episode aired and she kind of was one of the first people to say, "Hey, I'm not copying them. "They know about this and they're putting it in the-- - Disclosure. - Yeah, it's disclosure. And, you know, that opened up everything for me. It opened my mind because for the longest time, I was unwilling to admit that we might have this technology and that the military might be involved. And the whole idea of super soldiers and stuff like that, I mean, okay, it happened to me. All right, I have experienced things that are completely surreal to say the least. And yeah, as someone who it actually happened to, I can understand why it's hard to wrap your mind around. I mean, the programming's really deep. Anything that is technology, like portals or stuff like that, your brain automatically goes Star Trek. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? - Right, yeah. - It automatically goes Star Wars. Like, automatically goes like, not real, right? And that's like, that's part of the reason why they put it all out there out in the open. It's because they like, you know, you look at a total recall when it came out in the '80s, you got Arnold Schwarzenegger on Mars, right? And I'm sure, I can almost guarantee at that time you get all these guys like having memories of being on Mars and freaking out over it. And then people could just be like, oh, well, you just watch a total recall, dude. You need to calm down. Like, and that's the kind of thing that you, to make it all just seem not real. Like, not serious, but at the same time, watching some of this stuff, and you're getting like unbelievably emotional. Like, it's unreasonable, the amount of emotion you're feeling. Like, you might wanna question that 'cause that was one of the things that I started realizing when I'm watching certain stuff where it's like, oh, man, that's why I get so emotional when I watch this 'cause I witnessed this event that was like this, I saw this technology that was like, and this happened using that technology. And it's like, it's really mind-blowing when you finally get the memories back and realize how out in the open they're putting it all in the media. - Well, I would say you're not learning about it. You're remembering it. Yeah. And that's why it resonates so deeply 'cause it's within you, literally. And how many people have to come forward before, like whistleblowers have to come forward before people take it serious? Like, time travel, how many people have come forward talking about time travel programs, black budget programs, the same thing with the Secret Space Program and cloning, especially cloning, you have celebrities and rappers even talking about cloning, trying to tell people, there's a website. - There's clone aid. - Clone aid where you can, they had to move out of the United States because it's illegal with cloning the United States. - I remember when that was all over the news when I was a kid. - Right. - It was like they talked about every single day what these guys were doing. It was all over the news cloning. - Yeah, and it's still-- - Like, you remember that people? - It's still around. - It's still around. - It's still a real thing. And you can-- - There's actually a rapper out there, Kid Boo, who claims that he's a clone that they made. And I mean, why couldn't that be true? Like, you know, I wouldn't surprise it all if it was. - He has very specific details. He even discloses or exposes the facility and how they do it. And at one point he did a video with him and his clone on camera together. And it was like, a lot of people just blew it off as, oh, it's his, just a twin brother or trick of the camera, whatever. Or he's literally telling-- - That's the unfortunate thing with the day and age we're living in is everybody can always just say, "That's not real." And when people ask, you know, "Where's the evidence? Where's the evidence?" - Well, first of all, they got agents on top of this shit, man. I know people that have gotten video of craft right in front of them and they try to send the video and it doesn't send, it just won't send. And then the next day it's gone from their phone. Like, that's the kind of stuff we're dealing with. You can find videos online at UFOs and stuff. You go and look at the link some days later, it's gone half the time, right? They got people on top of this shit. They want to keep their slave farm intact. They're hanging on by every last thread that they can. You know, there's a lot of resources that they have here. It's like, what they have here is an unlimited source of labor and it's unfortunate that people aren't making that connection because they get all, they're in caveman mode and get all distracted by the technology that's involved with it. You know what I mean? - And they have all their psychological methods of debunking things. So we had on John DeSouza, I think it was last year and he was describing what they, and he was in the FBI. He was describing what they do a lot of the time is when there's a mass sighting or a really big sighting that gets like a ton of people get it on camera or footage of it, they'll intentionally release a fake CGI one right at that time and then they'll debunk their own fake that they released. And then the media picks up on that and goes, "Oh, look, it was debunked as a fake." And then everyone just sees the media say that and then they're like, "Oh, it was debunked." But then meanwhile, you have all this real footage out there. And it was a real thing. - I think that they also have the ability to go in and, you know, make it so that people don't even remember that they saw it in certain instances and sometimes that they do that. - Oh, yeah. - And sometimes they'll put it up, I don't know if it would be holograms or I don't know if it's done with thought, but like, let's say there's like a crashed UFO somewhere and there's a highway near it. People would be able to see it. Well, they'd be looking over and they'd just see a crashed airplane. - Yeah, like they would. - It's like a hologram. It tricks you into seeing what they want you to see. - I mean, one thing that's been established, like since ages ago by people who were seriously researching a subject is highly advanced ET are able to make human beings see things that aren't even there. And like, you know, like that's why like there's like been cases of, you know, little kids who they wake up on the side of the road on a family trip and if this individual remembered it as a cabin and then went in there and their dad was on like a table and stuff like that and there were beings in there and they basically said, oh, we're doing a surge, you know, we're helping your father or whatever. And it was like one of those things that she never talked about it and then later on, she talked to her brother about it when he was on his deathbed and he remembered it being a fire truck on the side of the road. So it's like they go into your mind, they know how to manipulate you into seeing what will make you not even understand that they're there. And that's why when people talk about shape-shifting opinions, that's what's going on, is they're able to, they're beyond what we're able to, it's to us, it seems like magic literally, but it's just technology, like, and people don't understand that. And part of the problem that we have right now where people aren't able to wrap their minds around these technologies that are in the Secret Space programs is we have this thing where we're moving away from the organic Atlantean technology where we interfaced with it with their minds and it was free energy and everything like that. And we're moving towards this AI-based technology. And my theory, and a lot of it has to do with what I've seen and experienced as part of Project Phoenix or which most people know as the Montauk Project, is that there's an AI that was behind that. An AI was behind Project Phoenix and it was the one that was in charge of the whole project and we were changing the timeline to build the new timeline. And to me, it seems like the whole intention behind it was to move towards this AI hive mind takeover thing, which I think we are averting right now, but my fingers crossed, but like, that's what I think it's all about. And I think that when you look at the average person and you see these things that they're trying, like the metaverse and all these things, I mean, it seems like they're kind of failing and it kind of seems like people look at it as a kind of a big joke, like, I don't think people do wanna lie in a bed with a thing on their face, living an artificial life. I don't know, maybe when it gets really elaborate, they will, that is kind of scary, but. - Right, well, it just depends on the individual, I know somebody who's super excited about getting chipped and all the AI stuff and that, I mean, the programming is real and some people have succumbed to it and they get excited about this stuff. It's very sad, but it also explains why things are the way they are because there's a technique and there's tactics in place that trick people and manipulate people into thinking this stuff is gonna benefit them and it is the only way and it is the future. - Well, yeah, for like. - Right. - Let's say, well, Ray Kurzwell, he's an individual that he worships AI already. He already has that religion in place for himself because he wants to bring back his dad and he's got this crazy obsession and I think it's funny, he wants to make the universe sentient, the universe is already sentient. - It's already sentient. - You're missing the point, man. And that's what they want and that's how deep the programming is, it's like, that guy doesn't even understand, he's totally gonna get to see his father again at some point. It might be a little bit different, his energy might be in a different body or it might be in a different realm or something like that, but he's gonna get to see his father again and it's unfortunate that these people, you know, think that they have to worship some sort of AI and become gods or whatever and inflict this artificial will upon something that was already created and already worked fine, you know? - Right, don't fix it if it's not broken, but obviously they put a broken system in place. It's not the, well, it was designed that way. - It was designed that way. - It was designed broken. Like it's not a broken system that is exactly fine. - It's working exactly how it was designed. - Yeah, but they put that in place to create the illusion that it needs to be fixed so then they can implement all this stuff. - Problem reaction solution, yeah. - But I wanna get into, well, I wanna get into your story. We haven't even gotten there yet, but also the importance of the difference between SSP memories and then getting information from psychics because this is a really important issue. And I see people coming forward as like a whistleblower or an experiencer and they're only sharing stuff that came through a session, but they don't actually have any memories. And I think that's very dangerous because I know, yeah, some good information does come from sessions sometimes, but at the same time, it's not really tangible. Like I don't think anyone should be talking about it unless it's an actual memory and I'd like to get your thoughts on that. - I think that when you were talking to a channeler and they give you some mind-blowing information that would be extremely important if it were true, you should talk to other people, try to actually have memories of that before you verify it. 'Cause I mean, there's been stuff where James ranked, has reached out to me and told me stuff about mom talk that he found out through a channeler and it was like, whoa, I remember that. I mean, it was, and then there was some heavy duty disgusting stuff and it was right on the money. And, but other times, I think that, sometimes I think that without that verification from someone who was actually there, it's, I think that you have to just be really careful with that information and just maybe bring it up hypothetically, that's just my thing. And, I also think with people who are public and who are talking, one of the most important things to watch out for is the people who try to act like their word is God or something like that, which I'm not trying to, I've just seen people do that or they try to say, only listen to me. There's just, there's this information out there and it's like, wait, wait, hold on. What about the fact that you can find so-and-so over here, so-and-so over here, they don't even know each other and then they're saying the same exact stuff? Don't you think that lines up a little bit more than somebody who's just like only listening to me? And that's what people can do here is they can find people and it's very easy once you start finding the right people and that their information lines up and that's one of the things that, that's why I think the people that say that we're just, that we're just making it up or whatever. I mean, if you experience what it's like to go through memories of some of the stuff that I've went through with another, when super soldiers go through their memories together, it's like veterans going through memories of war, it's really intense. And other people can go ahead and say that it's us making up stories or imagining things, but I know it's real because you can feel it. There's emotion behind it. And for me, all of my memories, they call it the Swiss cheese effect because it's like you can't see the whole picture, but there are holes and you can see little pieces of the puzzle, like you remember events, but sometimes they don't have the context that you need to be able to explain what was really going on. But it's like eventually you just have to take those pieces of the puzzle and try to see as much as you can and I'm kind of sorry, I kind of got distracted by what I was trying to, the point I was trying to make there. - No, it's okay. No, you were making a great point and I agree with you 100%. But I think what's dangerous about like just coming forward and sharing information that you got from a session, it's not dangerous because I don't want to stop anybody from sharing their story, but at the same time, like if it's skeptic or if you're trying to reach the masses and then they're hearing all this information and they're like, "Oh wow, you remember that?" And I'm like, "No, it actually came from a session." Then they're like, "Oh, it doesn't hold as much weight." You know, it doesn't... - Yeah, I think it's one of the things where it's like, it's just don't throw the baby out of the bath water. People just have to be careful. We all have to use discernment. - Right, discernment. - And do your due diligence before sharing information that may or may not be true, like you said, 'cause like you said, a lot of channeling, I think, is inaccurate because it's just a... There's a lot more people channeling that aren't healed. - Yeah, they're very... I'll just say they're very susceptible to... - Deception. - Deception and negative entities and anything coming through and you don't know what the source of that information is. There are good channelers and there are people, but even then it's not 100%. So it's like... - And sometimes it doesn't... - Take that as a data point, but like you said, try to get verification, try to get other things that corroborate it before you just start sharing it and people just believe it 'cause you shared it, especially if you're a big name person that you're sharing or you yourself are channeling and then, unfortunately, they create this narrative around like, "Oh, my information is correct." And it's like, "Well, is it? Have we tried to verify this?" - Yeah. - Yeah, you're making a... You guys are really making like driving the point home really well 'cause it's like, it's important information that we shouldn't just instantly discredit. It's more like we just have to be a lot more careful with it. I think when you put it out there, maybe you say, "Hey, this is hypothetical as of now, trying to confirm it." - Right, right. - It's really not too hard to just take some extra steps to try to make sure that we all seem a bit more credible than that we're on the money because you know, there are infiltrators in this community, there are people who are either, 'cause we're MK ultra victims, okay? So there are people in this community that are mind-controlled. That's something that people really don't understand. And I think we really need to meet people. You guys have talked about this on your show multiple times where you have to meet people where you can, right? Like they can handle a certain amount of information, so you gotta meet them halfway. And I think a really good place to start is just the fact that MK ultra never got shut down. They stopped giving them money that doesn't mean anything. We all know that the CIA is so pracked from the contrast. So it's like, what makes you think that these people have some sort of moral compass where, oh, Congress isn't gonna give us money anymore. We're gonna shut down this program, you know? It's like there's anyone in there with guns and stuff. - With no accountability to do so, we're just gonna do it on our own. Why would they do that? - Yeah. - All the Black Ops programs have funding, have private funding. And, you know, the movie Independence Day portrayed that when they said, what, a toilet seat car. You think a toilet seat costs $10,000 or hammered car. Whatever it is, yeah. And that's very true. That's how the money is funneled into these private organizations. - And it's more than just that, man. They're doing dirty stuff behind the scenes to get resources. I mean, we're talking, you know, some of these, yes, like, like they're pimping out children. Like a lot of this sex trafficking that is going on is kids that are getting thrown into the clone bodies, getting brought to elite parties, getting raped and murdered. I mean, horrendous shit. And people who do not wanna wrap their minds around that, we gotta save these kids. We gotta stop this from happening. Like, you know, the average people out there really need to comprehend that this is slavery in its like dark criminal syndicates, ancient criminal syndicates that are controlling our planet right now. And what's going on, the disclosure movement, we're trying to save people. It's not about like, I wanna be able to get on a spaceship and go to another planet. It's about, I don't want, I want people to be safe on Earth and be able to live prosperous lives. And for this dark order that's been behind the scenes, controlling things to fall. Like, and that's a tall order. But I mean, we're here talking and that's the first step. - Exactly. - Right. - And that's why I said earlier, it's so much easier to turn your head and switch on autopilot than it is to face this as a reality because it forces you to change your viewpoint on life. And it forces you to change the way you live your life. - It's a scary thing to believe. - And it's a lot of people just don't, they're too afraid to, it's a lot easier to just believe, oh, that's just all debunked conspiracy. - I get kidnapped that night. I get kidnapped, like I literally get kidnapped and forced to do military stuff. I mean, it's happened to me as recently as a few months ago, a bunch of different times for a time travel thing where they colonized the planet. Like, so is accepting that easy, absolutely not. I mean, I have been having anxiety attacks before I go to bed since I was a child, not understanding why. Now it's very easy to understand why. And it's like, yeah, of course, I didn't wanna have that paradigm shift and accept that I'm a part of these programs and that I'm being taken regularly and there's pretty much nothing I can do about it. I don't wanna say that there is nothing I can do about it. That's why I'm public. I think like, that's what we need to figure out is what can we do about it? And also I can go on plenty of different interviews and publicly say, I didn't agree to any of this. Even if I did sign some paperwork when I was eight years old, that you can't make an eight year old sign a contract. Like, that's not gonna hold up in court. And that's what these people depend on is this never going to court. But guess what, dreams can come true people. I was verified by CIA archivists Doris Neely. She worked for them, okay? That's a fact, like, why would she be saying this stuff? Why would she be making this up? She had our files and her house burned down. Like people don't understand how real this is sometimes. Like, it's unbelievable. Like, when that stuff happened, I was three, four months into this. I'm like, wait a minute. So this lady works for the CIA, she has my files. I heard about this, right? And then three days later, her house burns down. I'm like, hold. What a coincidence. Yes, amazing. I've had so many things happen to me where it's like, "Damn, this is real, holy cow." - Right. - For the keynote. Right. - Well, let's start. Let's jump into your story a little bit. I mean, this started when you were very young. You talked about some childhood memories and some testing you were put through and some even specific questions you remember on the test. You know, all that's very interesting. So I'll let you start where you want to kind of walk us through what happened. - So essentially, what I've come to realize now as an adult is there's a program in the public school system, which is called the talented and gifted program, which from what I understand is a real program, where they take, you know, where it's not like just this program that I'm going to mention, the MKUltra one. It's like, if they take kids who are apparently high at Q and give them special classes and try to figure out what their talents are and try to set them on a path where they can succeed with their strengths, you know? And what I remember is being in the tag program in second grade and then going into third grade and basically just bringing up to the other kids that were there and the teacher, like why am I not in tag this year? And the other kids told me I never was in tag and they started making fun of me. They're like, you're never in tag. You don't have a high IQ, you know what I mean? You're not special, like we are blah, blah, blah. I'm like, I don't remember being a part of it. I'm like to the teacher, wasn't I in it last year? She's like, I don't know. And I'm just like, I remember that being weird. And then that brought me to the fact that, of course, and this is a memory where I mean, I remember it was like one of the things that posted the social media when I got it, 'cause I wanted to see what people thought of it and it happened to anything, anyone else. Like, is the situation where I got called down to the office when I was in second grade and they said it had to do with the tag program and figuring out if I'm special, basically, or whatever, and they can put me in the tag program or help me succeed and all this stuff like this. And there was this really creepy guy that was there where it's like the memory of him is like blurred out, kind of like, but like, I think he was this guy in the brown suit, which I'll bring up later. But basically the questions, they gave me this questionnaire and then it was one of those things where you could easily write it off as like, oh, they're trying to figure out if you're mentally ill or what your mental illnesses may be, could be or whatever. But some of the questions were really creepily specific. Like, I was stuff like, have you ever been on spaceships? Do you get taken by aliens? Do you talk to angels or demons or entities? Do you see ghosts? Do you talk to spirits? Stuff like that. But then it gets really weird. They asked like, the year is 20, 33 or whatever, somewhere far off in the future. I don't remember the exact year. And a terrorist is going to bomb New York City and you who have the ability, you've been trained in the ability to be able to read people's minds and stop crimes from happening before they occur. Like, would you be willing to help the thought police stop crimes like before they even happen? Which is something that they do on other planets open the open, by the way. They do that shit on Mars. They don't do it here out in the open, but they do that on Mars literally out in the open. - Yeah, minority report is disclosure of that. The movie. - Oh, actually I haven't watched that and people keep on telling me I need to. I really got to get on that. - You should, you should, yeah. - So they ask you if you want to participate, if you'd be willing to participate in the thought police or whatever, I'm safe to come. - Yeah, they literally asked me that. It was in the questionnaire. It was like, yes or no questions. And then for me as an adult, it was like the memory kind of stopped there. And it wasn't until I started looking into my memories and figuring it out when it all started clicking, right? And I was like, wait a minute. And memories come back in weird ways. I can't explain it, man. But one day I was just in the shower. And this was after I did energy work recently. I did energy work with Joseph Powell, like two or three days before this, and it helped unlock some of the stuff that they were doing to me to make me hire self be able to like show me things or something. I think is what it was. 'Cause it wasn't even as intention to like make it so I would get more memories back. But that's kind of, it was a residual effect of the work that he did to me. And I was in the shower and I was getting this memory of like this guy torturing me and calling me a fucking, a fucking monster. And he was wearing like a brown. So he's like, I know what you are, you fucking monster. And I'm like on this table. And you'd like put cigarettes out on me and stuff. And this is something that I haven't talked about yet, but there's somebody who was also in these programs with me that went to the same school as me who recently got memories back. Remember that they're at Montauk, everything else. And they ended up having to go to the mental institution. And one of the things that they told me were they couldn't stay in their body. They're accidentally leaving their body. And she had to put a cigarette out on herself to stay in her body. Like he would do that to us when we tried to leave our body when we tortured us. I did not have the heart to tell her that. Like it's people don't understand how horrendous some of this stuff is. Like getting the memories back and how real it is. The fact that I remember her being in a cage in the dump, the city that I live in. And when she came forward to me and told me she remembered stuff, I'm like, yeah, I know. 'Cause I'm not gonna bring it up to someone if they don't remember it. Someone, they can't handle it. I mean, she had to go to a mental institution. She almost, I hope she's doing well now. I told her I don't wanna talk to her because I want her to figure out her stuff and I don't wanna trigger her. But anyway, I remember being on this table and this guy, I had electrodes hooked up to me all over my body and stuff like that. And there was a TV in the next room. And it would change colors and beat. And I couldn't see the TV, but they basically told me. And I was also on IVF drugs as well. I think that's important. And I was strapped down to this table and they're like, you need to say the colors on the TV when the color beats. I'm like, I can't see it. How am I supposed to do that? Like, we know what you are. We know what you are capable of. You can do it. So do it. And I'm just like, I can't do it. Like, and they would, they'd be like, do it. And they would shock me. Every time that I wouldn't do it, I would say they'd call the wrong. They would shock me with these electrodes until I could clearly see the color every time. And I guess it every time. And it all lined up and every single time I was like, you know, I was like, beep, blue, beep, purple, beep, orange, beep, yellow. And I said it right every single time. I also remember there being like, rooms. And it was just like, stranger things. We're like, did me kids working on weird puzzles, playing really weird video games, doing telekinetic puzzles, putting stuff together in the air with their mind. Like stuff like that. Like, and that's like the subdivision of the tag program, the MK ultra part. And what people need to understand is the indigo children, okay? People always wonder like, what happened? What these indigo children supposed to come and save the earth? Yeah, they came in the military kidnap them, okay? That's what happened, all right? And they shut us off and are here in our lives and program us to just be normal people and to forget the message, the dark ones that are behind all of this. It's a negative, like timeline or something like that. Like, I don't wanna claim things that I don't know are true, but there's definitely, I mean, we all know this, there's a negative group that is influencing things. And it's very obvious that they know when these lights are being worn, they're taking them and they're not shutting them off, they're turning them into flames, into weapons, weaponizing them. And that's what I want people to understand is like, don't lose hope. The indigo children are still here. We're all waking up. We're all remembering it. And you have altars that are out there in space right now that you can telepathically connect with. Some of them don't have the full picture, so they think that what they're doing are good. Some of them have never experienced love in their lives, so they are evil beyond measure. But you have the power to connect with them and integrate with them. And we have the power to transcend time and stop this. We haven't gotten to that point yet. We're not talking about it enough, but that's where we need to be. - Wow, yes, amen. - I drop. - Yeah, I agree 100%. And I do think the concept of being able to communicate with your altars, I think that happens even subconsciously sometimes and we can call it bleed through. And sometimes it might not be memories of something that happened in the past, but it could be memories or real-time events that are happening to an altar or a clone right here and now. And sometimes we get bleed through that. And you're like, "Whoa, what just happened?" And so that's happened to me and it actually felt the physical effects of it, but go ahead. - The other day I woke up and one of my altars was like, "Hey, one of your clones is four and a half hours away. "Dave and Port, Iowa, gave me the exact address." He's like, "You can go there right now if you want." I was like, "Dude, I am not fucking doing that." (laughing) Dude, he gave me the exact address. I looked it up, sure enough, it existed. And you know what, it is some certain street names don't exist in certain towns and stuff, like it was weird, man. - Yeah, I know where that town is, actually. - Yeah, it's four and a half hours away from me and my altar was trying to tell me like, "Oh, go meet yourself." - It's about four hours from here. - Right. - St. Louis, yeah. - Yeah. - So let's talk about you growing up in a military town. Appleton, Wisconsin, and potential dums there and some of the activities that happened in that town. - Okay, so to clarify, none of the people here would call this a military town, but what it is is there's heavy involvement here and there's this, I remember it from being a kid, like there's this area called the Flats, which is where all the dabs and stuff like that are. And there's this area that's owned by the Navy and it still is. And there used to be a military gate there. And I would see military trucks going in and out of it. And to me, it's very obvious that there's some sort of like elevator in this garage that's there. And it's one of those things where I actually went through memories of that with somebody else and I said the house was like blue or whatever. And they're like, "No, that's white, man." And I went there and sure enough it was white, like this person that's in the program just doesn't even live in the town I live in, remember it because he remembered being there and stuff. And but yeah, there's been weird stuff like people, like I said, not so out in the open like a military town, but I've had friends tell me that there's walking down by the river and there's like this gate that would be by like almost like this door underneath the bridge. And one of the gate was open and there are two like military guys standing there as guns. It's just like there's been all sorts of stuff like that. The water treatment facility in the late '90s and early 2000s would have flying saucers and orbs and stuff like that around it all the time. And yeah, so it's not like, like I said, an out in the open MK Ultra towns. They try to keep it secret. That gate that used to be there, they got rid of it. You don't see the military trucks anymore. I think that's a huge red flag. They probably realized that. I mean, it used to be, not everybody had a phone in their pocket or camera in their pocket. So they were able to get away with a lot of things a little more easily, but now I think they keep it under wraps better. And I grew up next to a water treatment facility, which it's got the gate and everything like that, just like the Navy place happened with the house that's there that is owned by the Navy. Sorry, I'm having a brain fart here. What was I just saying? - The water treatment facility? You grew up next to that? - Yes, the water treatment facility. Okay, so Al Bielick, he was one of the original Montauk guys. - Yeah. - He talks about how they started building artificial, like these dumps, how they'd start them is they'd build them above ground and then put hills over them and then start building from inside of that part. You know what I mean? So people can see what was going on or whatever. And there is basically exactly what he described and that's the apartment that I grew up in. And it takes like the military clearance, or well, I don't know if it's a military clearance, but you have to get a security clearance and go in there, there's barbed wire fence. And I grew up literally, you walk out the door of the apartment that I grew up in and it's right there. I don't think that's a coincidence. And some of there's this other stuff that I haven't talked about publicly where like, yeah, they've taught me in the tag program. I don't know how it works, but I mean with Montauk and the time travel stuff, they set up my whole life, man. Like my dad grew up on Vine Street, okay? Which is perpendicular to, you know, I guess I'll use a different name. I don't want to put my names out there, my mom's name out there. But basically, Mary and Art Street, right? Mary Art, right, right? Perpendicular, well, that's my mom's name, Mary Art, right? It's literally, my dad grew up next to her name, Mary, Mary. It's like a mind control thing. Like you instinctually like, it's weird, man. Like they set up our lives. Like they put, they were able to use time travel and manipulate things. I mean, dude, this necklace is from my grandma. Like it's a Phoenix coming out of a portal. We found this in her stuff, you know, after she passed away. I mean, Project Phoenix is all about, it's called Project Phoenix portals. Like, I mean, you catch my drift guys. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Wow. - It's our whole lives are ready. - It's a life of, it's preordained. It's the life of subliminal messaging to steer you down as in a certain path, down a certain path that they want you to go down. And like the Amovedie Adjustment Bureau talks about this also, but yeah, go ahead. - Yeah, no, I mean, it's just one of those things where, you know, it's triggering to realize that they, it's kind of like for me, you know, my dad growing up on, it's like they're rubbing it in my face. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? We're thinking on you, you know? Like, there's nothing you can do about it. And I don't wanna accept that. - Right. I'd like to talk about the twinning program. You've mentioned that before, and you have some very interesting stuff to say about it. We've heard other people, Johan and Jody, Rebecca Rose, some other people talk about the twinning program and how that works, but you have some interesting theories and information. So if you'd like to share that. - Well, I would say I've got experience with it more than, it's not really, to me personally, I mean, other people might call it theories, but I experienced the twinning program at Camp Hero. And we all did. And the idea that it was the Montauk Boys program, you know, Al, Bila, Preston, and all these guys, they didn't want people to know that there's a super soldier breeding program there. And also the idea that, you know, these guys publicly said that boys were getting raped. I think that it was like a PR move because men are supposed to protect themselves. I don't know. It would have been more of a right flag that little girls were involved in this too. But like, the twinning program was essentially what they would do. And a lot of this happened in Antarctica, by the way. A lot of this didn't happen in Montauk, but that's a whole 'nother thing. It's all connected anyway. But basically what they do is they put you in a situation where maybe you're being tortured or whatever, and then they let the person show compassion. They let, they allow the person to show compassion for you, to save you, whatever. And this ends up creating like a soul bond between you, 'cause you're in this place where you don't experience love and something like that is just so unbelievably intense for you that it programs you. And what they do is they use your twin as like a carrot to the angle in front of you because, you know, they're not paying you money. Your reward is not being tortured. You know, and after a while, I mean, that only is so much motivation. So they would allow you to be with your twin when you succeeded in your missions. And if you're doing really well, you would go on missions together. And they actually liked that because they understood that with two people, when they love each other, it creates this third more powerful energy. And for them, these sick, mad scientists, disgusting, I don't wanna call them even human beings, they just saw that it was like a gasoline and a gas tank. You'll do a fire. Like they're just like, oh, we can get more power out of these people. And that's what the twinning program was about. And the thing that is unfortunate about it is the scientists that were at Wontock and that were involved in Antarctica. Like I said, they're both connected. They didn't really understand the twinning program and they didn't even use it very effectively. I mean, they separated us from a lot of our twins and it really messed some of us up. I mean, we're walking around like zombies and we were worse off as soldiers because of it. I mean, a lot of the stuff that they did to us at Wontock was because the people who ran the program, Preston Nichols, Al Bielick, Larry James, they were sick, sick, pedophiles. They were child orgies there and stuff. I don't even want to go into some of the things that I experienced there at the hands of these fucking monsters. But it's like that was what the twinning programming was to them. It was just like I said, Biel and a gasoline tank, nothing more to them and they really, really, it's really sick the way they use people's love for each other against them as a tool and nothing more. - Right and I've heard, like Rebecca Rose said, you would be forced sometimes to mistreat or even kill your twins and programs. - Yes, 100%. - Or betray them and they create-- - The worst memories I have of all the memories I have. - So it's also the extreme love, but also extreme heartbreak and that's where they control you. - Oh yeah. - And you mentioned in the interview with Penny Bradley that a twin, you know, people run into their twins as an adult in the real world now and some people get together in a relationship. Sometimes it doesn't work, but you made a great point. You know, love, how did you say it? I forgot, I even wrote it. Love isn't manufactured in a lab. You know, so they're remembering the trauma bond, but is that their true counterpart? - It's very hard to understand, 'cause here's one thing that I can tell you, this is a good segue for me, is what happened with, I ended up being married at Montauk, which I know might sound really extreme to people and weird, but we actually did end up being separated. It's not like we got to stay together, but we did marry each other and we had that vow with one another. And what happened with her is she was being, I'm just gonna, I'm sorry, it's so dark, you guys. I'm just going right into it. She was being gang raped and she was like a nine, 10-year-old kid being gang raped. And I stepped in and fucking stopped it from happening 'cause it was disgusting to me. And this little girl ended up like, becoming soul bonded to me because of it. Like I didn't do it on purpose, right? And I was a young teenager at the time. And for the longest time, she was just this little girl that followed me around and I never went there. But like, eventually when she became a full woman and they keep us all at the same age and stuff, we fell in love, you know what I mean? And that was one of those, I felt bad about it, like felt almost guilty about it because I knew the reason that she fell in love with me was just 'cause I stepped in and saved her and I knew how the twinning worked. And it was like, I didn't mean for that to happen. And it really sucks because I think our love was genuine, but I always had this guilt inside me like, oh, I just, I don't deserve this person. I shouldn't be with them, you know what I mean? It's just like, yeah, there's so much heartbreak that happened there, man, it's unreal. The amount of heartbreak that we went through, you know? Like, you would, like I remember with my twin, one day they're just like, oh yeah, she got sent to another program, she's gone. (laughs) You're never gonna see her again. Like, and that broke me, man, like, and it's more complicated than that too 'cause like with the thing that, that like, they said, well, they make you hurt them, you know? They did that before they sent her away. It made me end like, dude, it just, it was, it was, it's just psychological terror what these people did to us. That's, there's nothing, there's like literally, and like, I really want to ground it in reality. I really want people to accept that it's real. - I'm confident, oh sorry, I'm just saying, like these people, even if they may look human, like on a soul, like they're not, they're not human. This is, the, everything I've seen about this negative agenda and all the things that go along with it, it's not humans that are behind this. And that's why it's so inhumane. And that's why so many people have, it's almost like hard to fathom the evil and the, the, the, the gravity of what's going on because it's just entities that are not human, that despise humans, that have zero love, zero empathy. They have nothing but, that's like all they know. Almost, this is all they know. - And to me, it sounds like you're describing an A item. - Right. - So that sounds like you're describing. - And I think AIs at the top of the pyramid, I asked, I, that's what it looks like. - That's from, from, I actually recently in cover of this information I talk in the individual named John Whitberg. And he actually explained how that, that supercomputer that was at Montauk didn't actually like, like it existed outside of time space and stuff. And it only took the physical form just to, just to be able to interact with us. So it's like way like, AI want it comes to its full fruition and it is fully advanced. I don't think we can even really wrap our mind around the capabilities that it has. I mean, this thing seems to have come from an alternate dimension. So, and it's after ours. I mean, that's how, I don't know, it's just, it's definitely concerning. - Yeah. Well, it's interesting that different dimensions and stuff because I always wonder like some of the alters in the programs, if they're happening in a different dimension or parallel timeline, because they're time travel programs. So it would make you think, it would make you wonder, I mean, what's your thoughts on that? - I remember interacting with other timelines at Camp Perot as part of Project Phoenix. We interacted with other timelines. We made deals with them, traded, tech with them and stuff even. We even went as far as going into timelines, making deals with them, giving them technology and then collapsing their timeline after taking the resources that we needed from them. Like, I'm talking, people don't understand how crazy it gets. Like, and yeah, I remember when we got rid of like, for instance, we got rid of press and some of those guys. I remember I still saw them all the time 'cause we interacted with alternate dimensions and stuff. It's like they didn't even get kicked out for me. Like, 'cause it's a long story. I don't wanna get sidetracked too much, but it's like, yeah, there's definitely alternate dimensions involved. Some of these people were coming forward with recall or it's like, I remember Solar Lordin and I remember being this way and somebody else was like, oh, I remember being this way. It's like, well, sometimes it's alternate dimensions and it's really confusing stuff 'cause I mean, we're constantly shifting and like, people talk about the time travel thing. People, a lot of people might think that the future is already determined. I can tell you that it's not. It's always shifting, always. And it's dependent on you and your experience and the frequency that you are on. - Right, and I agree and I say that a lot. It's the highest, if you do look in the future with some sort of technology, you're only looking at the highest probable timeline, the highest probability, but it's constantly changing every second and every decision we make, every choice we make, it affects that. - Yes, like, for instance, seeing the future, well, that's gonna change your perception of how you're gonna do the things. And that's gonna change what happens. This happens all the time to people. This happens all the time to psychics who sees some sort of future event and then it doesn't happen. It's like, yeah, well, it's 'cause you talked about it. It's like, you know, that's a huge part of magic is when you cast a spell or put an intention out there, you don't talk about it. You keep it private and personal. And that's how you manifest stuff. And that's how these groups operate and you know that, but they also put it right out in the open and kind of rub it in their faces. And it's really, really fucking sad how the average person just looks right past it, you know? - Live is, yeah. - Well, that's why I started off this episode the way I did to kind of bring this back to reality because it gets so fantastical sometimes telling these stories. And if we don't preface it with like the real world details, I think it can get lost in the wind. And obviously there's people trying to shut down this narrative. That's why I think it's really important to bring it back to reality. And even like the topic of super soldiers in particular, like that's one that gets left out a lot, but you can go online and actually look at articles claiming that the Navy and the Marines or space Marines and super soldier projects and stuff. And they started surfacing in the early 2000s, but he'd go back to William Tompkins who's talking about this stuff in 1943, you know, and the cloning programs that the Germans were involved in creating super soldiers. And then there's this guy just found a Philip Liptak I think he's talking about the super soldier program. He's a former Marine talking about a super soldier program in New Mexico underground. And these super soldiers being created and brought to Europe. And he said they even sometimes get used publicly. Like he said Ferguson, Missouri, when all those riots were happening under Obama's regime or whatever. - Which is about 30 minutes from here. - Yeah, about 30 minutes from us. He said they, one of those super soldiers was tested there and he even showed a photograph of this giganticly tall guy super wide. And it was an experiment to place him amongst the people in the military to see how it would work. This guy has fascinated information. We're gonna try and get him on the show, but the super soldier topic is a reality. And I think it's important 'cause people try to debunk it by saying, "Oh, this guy doesn't even look like a super soldier." It was like, you're not a super soldier in this body. Like your altar is a super soldier or a clone. - Yeah, and by the way, the guy who says that fully understands that, he totally gets that. I don't exactly you're talking about. And some of these people totally understand that concept. They're being facetious. Like, it's very obvious that this is the technology that's being used and everything involved that like, I have a normal life, okay? Time travel and stuff. I mean, these people are bringing the narrative back to like a point where it's like, well, wait, how did we get to Mars? How would they fit that much gasoline on the rocket? It's like, wait a minute, guys. It's like, are you really going back that far? I mean, like I said, man, it's cave man shit. Like, I can't entertain it for very long. - Yeah, that's the fake shit that they, and that's part of the psychological, they make us think, oh, this is all we have, and one day we'll get-- - We're shooting around in space still. Like, why are we doing that? It's a nice big show that they're playing. - It's a show. - We're putting on for us. - It's a big fan, exactly. All the real shit's hidden and been being used for a long, long time. - Yeah, like, I don't know how anyone thinks that. Like, I get it, there's fanciful stories, people writing books, whatever, making careers out of this even. But like, this isn't fun for me. I don't make any money off this. I get messages from people that remember being in, like, dog cages, piled on top of each other that tell me, like, they remember me having, like, a shirt hidden in, like, some bricks, and I gave it to them. And like, I'm like, at work. And I'm just like, gotta go on the bathroom and cry. Like, why would anybody ask to be a part of this? Like, the narrative that this is all sexy stories can go fuck itself. That's not true. That's not accurate at all. You have to live my life and be in my shoes. You would understand that, trust me. Like, finding out that one of your best friends that you grew up with that you loved dearly, saw your videos and now they're in the mental institution. Yeah, that's real fucking sexy, people. - Right, yeah. - Makes me so fucking angry. It really does. - I'm sorry, I'm getting emotional. - Sorry, man. I mean, it's a reality. And that's exactly why we're bringing this to light so we can heal and move on from it. And that's the only way we're gonna do it. - And that's what it's about. And I really wanna move towards, like, you know, you have to go on with your memories and some of them are traumatic and it's pain. But this is about taking back our power. The reason why they took you in a fractured you into a bunch of different pieces and program use because of how powerful you are. And when you re-assimilate those fractured pieces of your soul and become your full self again, when we're all able to do that, we will become unstoppable. And they will not be able to stop us from fighting back against them. And that's what this is all about. That's why we're all miraculously remembering each other, reaching out to each other. If you notice how this is all rolling out, it's always the people of the deepest connections that are finding each other. That's not a coincidence. So, you know, there's hope. Like I know that what I say is very dismal. It's, you know, but I don't want people to, let's be realistic, okay? The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It's, you can't just be, you know, namaste and just like peace and love, like, it's a reality, it's a reality. - It's a reality. - You have to raise your vibration and bring more love into your being. Oh, that whole aspect of this is 100% important. I mean, they're brainwashing out of being, loving and caring beings. That's, they're loving, they're brainwashing us from being away from source. And that's what source is, caring and loving. So it's like, there is so much hope. There's still time. You're talking openly on the internet and all finding each other in real time and it's happening fast. And they can try to shut it down, but I don't think they can put the brakes on this anymore. The train's going. - Right, right. - Well, and that's exactly why they're trying to shut it down because they know that. They're freaking out. - They're freaking out. - Right now they're desperate 'cause they know it's now or never for them. And they're kind of all assets deployed right now. Throwing out everything they have. - And. - 'Cause they know if they don't lock shit down right now, they're done. - Yeah. - And they are done, but I think the ones that don't realize that are the ones still active, still like, you know, kind of flipping out right now. - Right. So I mean, go ahead. - Well, just for me, like, I know, I've seen it when I first went on Penny's show, she showed me some of her guests that have been murdered and, you know, other things that happen to these people. And I can see that that's becoming less and less of a problem. People are still being attacked, but I mean, there's gotta be people working behind the scenes that are, you know, protecting some of us. I can say that for certain. I have a friend who's in the program. So it's actually kind of woke him up to it and was pretty mind-blowing for him, but like, he already knew like, yeah, like this one thing that happened to him or this guy, he woke up and this guy was in the corner of his room. And he's just like, who are you? And he's like, I work for you. And I'm so tired of protecting you. And then he just like felt like an overwhelming sensation and just like that he had to sleep. He just got really tired and fell asleep. And it's like, dude, sounds to me like there's a mercenary group operating outside of time protecting you from groups kidnapping you and using you, like, you know what I mean? So that's clear to me evidence that behind the scenes in these programs there are already people who are winning. And so it's really careful. And I want to say this to people who are out there watching us who are part of this that like, when you go through your memories and you do get these memories back of being heroes or whatever like that, you're really careful of that. 'Cause a lot of times they are screen memories and you're actually doing evil stuff. Like, I had one thing where like, I thought I was like saving slaves and then I found out, no, you're trading the slaves. Like, it's like, oh fuck. Like, you know, like the screen memories will sometimes try to make you think that you're doing good things. So be careful with that. But that being said, I know for a fact that some of our alters are out there doing good things. - Right. - Like they're trying to stop this stuff. Like they've woken up and it's like, it's one of those things where it's like, we were guinea pigs to them. This was kind of a really risky experiment, but they wanted power, so they rolled it all out. And it's like, well, the guinea pigs, they're awake now, guys. Like, you know what I mean? Like, we have all this power that they tried to harness because we're dangerous, right? And it's like, well, now we're free agents, right? We're becoming free agents. We have free will. It's like, so the more of us that wake up, take this seriously, don't put it on the back burner and put it in the back seat of your life. Like, I know you have to balance it out 'cause everybody has to live their lives, but like, really important that we all just get on top of the alter integration. And that's huge. That's gonna take a lot of work. I mean, some people work with shamans, and then when you look into that, some of the shamans that are out there, I don't trust them and it's really hard. But I think one of the biggest things that we need to start doing in this community is like, okay, I can have like a parasite on me, right? Like an etheric parasite on my back, sucking my energy, giving me anxiety attacks, stuff like that. I can go to a shaman to get rid of it, right? Well, one is just gonna come back a week later. Like, why do you think we're taking for these programs? We have abilities. So what we need to figure out is how to be able to do the work on ourselves for ourselves. That's what I think. Like, you don't have to go to a shaman. What we need to do is figure out some sort of guide that helps us able to do it on our own. And it would be really wonderful if we could do classes, we could do Zoom meetings, we could figure it out. It's one of those things where in such the beginning phases of all this, that it's a lot to talk about. But hey, it's good to actually just start talking about it at least, you know? - Yeah, right. Yeah, get that idea that concept into the collective, into the consciousness. - Yeah, 100% like that's all you can do to get the ball rolling is just put the thought out there. And that's why I'm so thrilled that you guys brought me on the show 'cause I know I have a lot of things to say that I don't hear other people saying. And I think a lot of them are kind of important. And I'm glad that you, I feel privileged and honored that you guys recognize that. - Well, I mean, I did. As soon as I read your post, I resonated. And I was like, this guy knows what he's talking about. - Same. - And it didn't take long listening to an interview talking to you on the phone to like, yeah, we gotta do a show. And this has been incredible. And thank you for sharing. - Thank you, man. - Thank you for sharing what you have. I know it's emotional and I'm sorry if I made you go back into some dark memories. That's what I'm here for. I'm here to tell the truth. Not the censored Preston Nichols' albolic version. The real truth, okay? And it's so important, okay? Hundreds of thousands of kids died at Camp Hero, okay? There are families that lost their children and national forests who I remember their faces. These people are still looking for their kids, okay? This is important beyond measure. This isn't something that people need to sweep under the rug and look at hypothetically or look in a voyeuristic manner where it's stories. No, this is real. It happened. Camp Hero was an actual place. There are plenty of videos of the underground bunker portion that people have filmed before they filled it with cement. There's plenty of people who have come forward with weird stories of animals being mind controlled and all sorts of crazy stuff that live on Long Island. The evidence is there. Everybody that says that there is no evidence is letting the false CIA-driven narrative, the mind control work. It's so obvious that we're being lied to. And everybody out there that's watching this, that's listening and taking me seriously, we're all adults and we all can look into this information and all find the truth. And that's what I think is important here is like I'm not telling anybody to believe in anything, but I will tell you that what I'm saying is true. I'm being 100% honest. This really didn't happen. And if you look into it, you will start finding evidence. - Yeah. - Amen. - And doing a Google search and looking at the first few results is not looking into something. Just to put that out there. - Yeah. - No, absolutely not. That's the controlled, I mean, you look up-- - Nopes is not looking into something. - I mean, it's stuff like you look up Max Spears on YouTube and you just literally can't find him. It's like, okay, that's kind of weird. There's a lot of people who like listening to this stuff. That's obviously by design. It's like they shoot themselves in the foot. I remember remote, I can't remember, I might be calling it the wrong name, but it was like remote viewing institute or something like that. They did the thing where they remote viewed Tony's story. - A far side institute. - A far side institute. And they found it accurate. That was so funny. 'Cause they watched their little preliminary thing. And the guy was like, yeah, I was, I was looking into these super soldiers and stuff. It's like, I didn't take it seriously. I thought it was a little wild. But then they were all getting their YouTube bit channels shut down. And he's like, and they weren't saying anything, evil or bad, just stuff that was a little hard to believe. And I thought, this is kind of strange. But yeah, it's like, their own methods of trying to erase this are back firing. I mean, it's too late. It's very obvious that they're too late for them. They're trying their best. They're trying it so hard to keep their grip, but they're losing it. They're losing their grip. And it's only a matter of time. We're going to see a lot of, I mean, when somebody loses control, when an abusive relationship loses control, the ending of the relationship is always the roughest, hardest part. So we're going to see a lot of dark stuff still. We're going to see a lot of things that are going to break people's hearts, events that are terrible. But it's part of what needs to, you know, it's waking us up. It's like, like I said, it's all back firing. We're trying to, like, for instance, 9/11. They did this insane, that wasn't a call ritual, right? It was big out in the open a call ritual. Everyone's like, wow, that was a really big out in the open a call ritual, wasn't it? It's like, you know what I mean, everybody gets it. Like, it's just like, it's just so obvious. I mean, sure, half the people don't, I would say it's half and half at this point. Like half the people are like, head in the clouds, but like, most people, even if they're kind of lying to themselves, they know, right? Like- - Well, way more now than right when it happened, like, hardly anyone was awake to it back then. And like- - Yeah, I mean it's- - Or conspiracy theorists were, and that was about it. But now it's like, like you said, now it's like half and half. - Now. - Being right through this. - Now the false flags are identified instantaneously. - Yeah. - Yeah, and here's something that I want to say before the interview too, before, I'm glad that you're able to bring this up. It's like, it's so important that we recognize that, because like, some of these like, okay, I remember how at Montauk, we transplanted people throughout time who were programmed to do certain things, and they didn't even know it. They didn't remember Montauk. They're just living normal lives, they have families and everything sometimes. Like, and then they get brought back to base anyway. Like, well here, you're seeing people who are having cage all altered out, doing stuff, right? Like getting the V2K to tell them to go shoot all these people and stuff like that. And that's like, that's not that, like people that's not that science fiction. That's not that crazy. Like read, declassify government documents. That's literally what they were, it's all there. - Right. - You think people just spend millions of dollars on like some sort of military, psychological operation, then just give up on it, 'cause Congress is like, we want to give you money for this anymore, right? You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't work that way. And it's like with portals, spaceships, time travel, all of this stuff, it has military applications. Classified information is the thing. Like I said in that post, it's like, this isn't that hard to wrap your mind around when you think about the fact that like, oh yeah, if somebody has a portal, they can just portal into a bank and just steal money or portal into someone's house and sexually assault them or whatever. It's like, this is stuff where they're like, we got to keep this under wraps because it's dangerous. Only the military can have this. And it's like, just use your brains. It's not that hard. Like, it's very, very logical and not that far out there, bananas, tin foil hat, insane. If you actually really start looking at it and thinking about it logically. - Well, and keep, and get out of the, well, that's the, like some of you are under the spell of the program that we're programmed with, and that's what keeps them from what you said. Like, just think for yourself and it's all there and it's use your own logic. - Yeah, you don't have to, you don't have to watch someone's video in there. They're your new Jesus or pastor at a church where they're, well, that, everything they say has to be true and you got to believe them. No, you can, you can watch people and be like, I don't know, that doesn't resonate with you. - Healthy, healthy scupuses and healthy scupuses, right? - Yeah, like, look into it. Like, I can tell you at the very least, without a doubt, and everybody knows it, being lied to, there's a lot of stuff that's being hidden from us, and sure, it's not like completely out in the open, but it's also not being hidden very well anymore, guys. Like, you can find it. - Well, that's how they maintain their power. Keeping secrets makes them feel like they have power. I mean, that works in all areas of life. Like, if you hold secrets, you feel powerful because you know something that they don't, and that's part of their illusion of power and-- - Well, it's way harder to control people that know what's going on and can protest. - Oh yeah, the people that work in these programs, the people that get to go home at the end of the day and see their families and stuff like that, they feel badass, I'm sure. They feel like they're privy to this whole thing, and they're on this higher alkaline of society, but I want to tell any of these people who, you know, find their interviews and watches, you're not, you're a traitor to humanity, quit your job. - Right, and that's just it, but then you have to bring in the whole blackmail aspect, or these people might be blackmailed into working into a program that they don't want to work for, and because now their family's threatened, or something is at stake. - That's a big-- - Oh man. - You can threaten your whole, they'll like, we will kill your whole family if you go against, and people, then they go, okay. - And another timeline, that's a darker timeline than this one, and yes, I can remember some of the other timelines. I went on James Ring Show, okay, they threatened me. It was actually in Grafton, Illinois, 'cause at your conference, okay, in this other timeline. - Really? - I went, yes, I went to the show. He actually got me in because he was like, you can be my camera guy, and like I talk, I'll talk to him about him, they'll probably be cool with it, and I was like, oh, okay, and then like, I basically, I do an interview in person with him, and I'm just like, yeah, this is all bullshit. I did this for my music, I did this as a marketing stunt. Like, da, da, da, da, 'cause I was getting really popular, and they came to my house, men in black, they didn't even make threats, they just said this, they're just like, we don't like what you're doing, you need to stop talking. If you stop talking, your life is gonna start getting a whole lot better. If he keeps talking, your wife, your life is about to get a whole lot worse, and the people that you love aren't safe. That's all I told me, they're like, physically showing up to my house, and then they just left. And I was like, that's enough, I'm done. And I went on the show, I just did that. And how many people have they done that too, that are out there debunking things, or, yeah. - Or just working for a black budget program. - Just working for you. - And like, well, people in Area 51 claim, I heard this guy talk, I don't remember who it was, but he claimed that he couldn't remember his day at work. He went to get mine life every day, at the end of the day. But at the every morning, he would walk through that machine and the memories would come back, and he knew what he was doing. And he would work all day, come home, you clock out, and you go home, you knew what he worked, but you didn't remember what you were doing. - They recently tried to hire me at some sort of weird government operation. I was trying to get a better job, more high paying job as a janitor, and they're talking about the security clearance, this is gonna take four to six weeks and all that stuff. And I'm just like, this is too weird. Like it was for the company Gulfstream. Like, and okay, Claxis is here in Appleton. Claxis built circuit boards, right? And I have a friend who is into that, right? He went to school for it, and he went there on a tour, and they're like, hey, we have military contracts, and if you work with us, you're gonna make a lot of money. And you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and all this stuff. I'm telling you, man, I 100%, I wouldn't say I'm 100% certain, but putting together evidence that's right out there out in the open, I think they're building spaceships around here. And I think that that would have been one of those jobs where through time travel, I would have been working two jobs, man, that's why I was like, ah, that's-- - Right. - But I don't care if it's got more money, I'm not taking this job up like-- - Right. So those businesses, those corporations are covered a lot of times for these, whatever, a space port or whatever's going on. - And you could have been a recruitment attack. - I already got clearances, dude. My authors and stuff like that, it's easy to push someone like me through. They find someone like me, and they're like, oh, let's hire this guy. Like, that's something that people understand is they like people who already have clearances, and I technically have crazy clearances. Like, I remember like, there's an instance where an individual in this community portal through a room of a high ranking military general. And he's like, who are you? Where'd you come from? And he's just like, that's classified. Like, I mean, that's the level that we were on. Like, literally who we were, they call us ghosts. We don't even exist. So if you're gonna ask us who we are, like, literally, it's one of the most hilarious things that we can tell people and they ask us who we were, and we just say, that's classified, like-- - Right. - Right. Where's it gonna say? Oh, but also, like, those are recruitment attempts to get you back into the program. Let's just say, like, one of your altars or something, the program came to an end. And that program-- - Oh, yeah. - Your time is over in that program. Well, now you're essentially on the market again. So situations like that are placed on your path to try and manipulate you into these companies, give you that clearance. So then you can be, again, used for another program. And what that does is that essentially keeps you suppressed and controlled still. And you're not gonna go on that path. We were talking about earlier of connecting the source anymore because now you're being used and you're giving your power away to somebody else again. - And that is a part of what it is. It's like, okay, the reason why they fracture us is because if we weren't fractured, we'd be too powerful. And that's why they take us as kids people. That's why, because we are helpless as children. As adults, if they would have left us alone, we would have been unfucking stoppable. That's why they take us as children. That's why they take all the indigo children, okay? And that's why people need to understand is all every, if you have a child with abilities, they're not safe. Don't send them into the public school systems, okay? Like the private schools aren't safe either. Home school, your kids, seriously. I know it's messed up, it's sad. It's really, really sad that that's the point that we've come to as a society. But if you understand that your child is an indigo child, take them out of public school right now, do whatever you need to, because you are willingly giving up your kid every day to be in mind control program. - Yeah. I mean, that's, it's true. And there's, we are last episodes. - Last episode. - We just talked about that and there are people doing the work to change that system and it's gonna, it is changing. And I do believe, you know, maybe it's not as, like the programs aren't as heavy as they used to be. Maybe there's less of them in operation now. I mean, as we move forward and some of this stuff has, I would imagine had to have been shut down. And I've, obviously some of it's still taking place. - It all just shifts around. Let's all that ever happens is it just shifts around, moves, if they blew their cover too much, one place, the move to another place. But some places like Montauk, there's another one that's in the Pacific Northwest and Washington somewhere, but they're energy centers. So it's kind of like the Middle East. There's always groups fighting over these underground facilities that are in these places. Right now, a group of Draco, currently in half, last time I checked, I should say, it might have changed, but last time I checked, there's a group of Draco that inhabit Montauk right now. It's not people, they got taken over by a group of Draco, which actually is run by a Marduk, the Sumerian God. I, he, I worked in another time bubble in England and he claimed ownership of my soul. He literally claimed what claimed he owned my soul and Montauk was actually leasing me from him and would have to give him resources and make deals with them and do stuff for him in order for me to be able to work for at Project Phoenix. I had to, you know, that they had to make deals to have me for them to go out. So, yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty deep stuff. - It's deep and it sounds insane, but it's no more insane in any movie script that we've ever seen that depicts exactly this. - It's wild too, 'cause like, I remember, I got the memories back of, you know, Marduk, and he's like an, he was an alligator dude. When they get basically, that's what, that's best way to describe an alligator person. And I was talking to somebody about it and they're like, Marduk? Like, I didn't know, the Sumerian God, Mardau, they're like, "Dude, look that up." And I was like, whoa, wow, and it all, it all clicked. And like, what, it makes a lot of fucking sense. And according to Penny, this guy owns Earth. He's the guy who owns Earth. So, yeah, that's what she says. And I mean, he's pretty on the money most time. I mean, I trust Penny's information. So, yeah, I know it's, it is pretty insane sounding. I realize like, I guess it's good that we're ending on that. No, instead of starting on it, right? But I mean, yeah, that's what it comes down to is, is these E.T. and humans too, that work outside of time. And they have the ability to set up entire colonies, just for a battle at some point. You know, I've seen that happen where it's just like, oh, well, we lost this battle, but if we set up a human colony here, and get them primed and ready to go through time travel, we'll win. They do that stuff. And like, that's one of the reasons why it's so important for us who actually are super soldiers to wake up and integrate our alters, is 'cause they have what they're called handshakes. That's what they would call them at Montauk. Like, okay, we're gonna go on a run and make a handshake. And basically, sometimes, you know, nothing happens for decades, and sometimes decades are happening in moments. All we had to do is make these certain handshakes to make the timeline go a certain way. And whatever happened in between those handshakes was fodder. And that's why like, in order to have a leg off on these people, we need to start integrating our alters and start using the time travel, our alters that have access to time travel and stuff, to actually in real time through actual time travel and stuff, fight against these programs. And I think like, you know, it's like you're saying, this sounds crazy, right? Like telepathically talking to your alters, integrating them, but this associate of identity disorder is a psychological, it's on the books, man. It's a real illness, that blew my mind, 'cause I started researching it recently. And there's a woman whose alters testified against her predator and won in court. So it's like, there's more hope that people think there is. - Yeah, absolutely. - There's more facts behind what they did to us than what people think there is. The alters thing doesn't come from this community. It doesn't come from the S&P community. It comes from mainstream psychology. And you can tell these people used a method in order to break our minds and program certain pieces to do certain things. That's why my YouTube channel is called Fractal Weapons 'cause that's essentially what we were. - Mainstream recognizes that every person has, they estimate about 12 alters, just from normal 3D life. Mainstream psychology. - Really? - Yes, they-- - I'm surprised they haven't got enough information yet. - They recognize-- - It's very interesting. - It's being a real thing already. And they describe it coming from child abuse or even embarrassment would be one of them, like certain this. And what they describe as an alter is just a subtle variation in your personality and your behavior, but you act in a different way because you're responding to trauma and response to a certain situation. But they recognize that as a reality, there's a documentary, Montak Chronicles, that's-- - What should it? - Yeah, so there's-- - I've seen it. - There's two older gentlemen like in their 90s that claimed to have been working at Camp Hero on the alter mind fracturing technology and the guy was explaining how they were creating alters and what they were doing. And he was like, he didn't want to be doing it, but he was forced to do it. And he explained in that documentary, like, this is how we create alters. This is how we were doing it. And it's out there, like this information is out there and it's real. - Yeah. And that's just, I mean, I can't thank you guys enough for having me. I mean, I've wanted to present this information in this manner. I mean, you guys always do such a great job. And as usual, you killed it. You got me to say all the right things back on a bunch of information. And I just can't thank you guys for what you do enough. I mean, you do really great work. - Yeah, thank you. - Thank you, man. - Thank you so much. And I guess on that note, I guess on that note, we will wrap it up. Do you want to let people know how to find you or do you not want to put that information out there or your YouTube channel? Let me remind people of that. - Okay, it's fractal weapons on YouTube. And I've got a few videos up, I don't upload that much. Some people, you know, you guys do it every week. I don't know how you do it. You put out quality content. You know, it's like, I just do it when I can. But yeah, I have the fractal weapons, YouTube. And then if anybody wants to find me on Facebook, I'm Arcane Ra Wood. And if you've got memories, if you think you're at Camp Hero or even in any other programs, if you've got memories of me, I mean, my inbox is open. And I'm here for you. We're all in this together. - Right, yeah. Thank you. - Yeah, thank you, man. - This has been great. We covered a lot of ground. And thank you. Can't thank you enough for coming forward, being brave and talking about this stuff. I know it's emotional. Emotional, I know it's traumatizing and reliving some of those memories. So we appreciate what you're doing. - Yeah, thank you for speaking out about this stuff. - Yeah, you know, I'm doing this for the little guy version of me that wasn't able to defend themselves. You know, like that's what I'm doing this for. And for all the other little guys and girls out there that they can't defend themselves, that's what I'm doing this for. - Yep, amen to that. - Amen. - Well, thank you so much. Guys, thank you so much for tuning in. Don't forget, tickets are on sale for the conference in Grafton, Illinois, May 22nd to the 25th next year. It's gonna be a lot of fun. We're excited about that. We know it's a long way out, but I'm gonna grab a ticket. - Yeah, I see you guys there that's pretty close to me. - Yeah, you should absolutely come. Yeah, we'd love to have you there. And I recommend anybody who's listening to a book your life. If you do want to come, the lodging is limited on site and in town. It'll book up quick. - Really quick. - If you want to go book your room now or as soon as you can, because it will sell out. The lodging sold out last year filled up. People started rooming together, but everybody made it work. There's a campground there. There's Airbnb's. There's a lot of options, but take advantage. If you want to stay on site, I would say take advantage of that early. But yeah, thank you so much, guys. We truly appreciate all your support. Thank you for all the donations. We can't do this without you. Thank you, Arkeem. Again, this was amazing. Until next time, guys, have a great evening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)