Journey to Truth

EP 307 | Leah Ray | Exposing the Transgender Agenda - Entity Takeover

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Leah Ray Light:
Leah Ray is an Empath, Intuitive Wellness Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, Medical Esthetician and an Energy Healer, practicing various ancient energy techniques such as Healing Touch, Reiki, 13th Octave LaHoChi, Medical Intuition, Quantum Touch and accessing the Akashic Records. She has been actively practicing in the Field of Healing Arts for over 30 years.
After suffering from years of absorbing people's energies, pain, and sadness so deeply that being around people and crowds completely overwhelmed her to the point that basic life became unbearable at times, Leah knew that her quality of life had to change. By that point Leah's body had been experiencing chronic migraines, recurring pain throughout her body and anxiety. Through consistently searching and finding beautiful healers and mentors, Leah was finally able to experience relief and now wants to share that knowledge with others. She was able to shed those harmful layers through various healing practices to create a "pain free" life which has turned into a dream come true. Leah also found relief by using the tools that are the foundation of the Functional Medicine Model to heal herself. Once her relationship and energy with food was transformed, Leah finally understood the famous quote by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine by thy food.” By practicing self-care, she learned how to nurture and strengthen her mind, body and spirit in order to bring herself back to balance and ultimate health. After experiencing the shift from surviving to thriving, Leah is excited to share the tools that she has learned with her clients to help them take control of their health and ultimately transform their lives for the better.
As an Intuitive Medicine Wellness Coach, Leah will work with clients to set goals and make positive lifelong changes in order to help create the life of their dreams. She will provide education on how an individual can increase one’s energy and mental clarity by using nutrition that works for each individual on the cellular level. By discovering the relationship between food and energy, and how it relates to one’s body, the client can choose the best path that works specifically for their unique characteristics and individual goals. Leah will also help to explore possible barriers or limitations with each client as well as discover and integrate spiritual & mindfulness practices, relaxation,...

1h 39m
Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Okay, you can do this! I know, I know, Karvana makes it so convenient to sell your car. It's just hard to let go. My car and I have been through so much together. But look, you already have a great offer from Karvana. That was fast! Well, I know my lessons played in "Vin My Heart" and those questions were easy. You're almost there! Now to just accept the offer and schedule a pick up or drop off! How'd you do it? How were you so strong in letting go of your car? Well, I already made up my mind and Karvana is so easy! Yeah, yeah. True. And sold! Go to to sell your car the convenient way. That's no moon. It's a space station. Hey guys, welcome back to the show! And today, we are joined by Leah Ray. She joined us a month or two ago talking about the demonic takeover, the entertainment industry and her Akashic record sessions, and it was one of our best episodes. It was mind-blowing information and we're super excited to have her back for part two. And we're going to be getting into the gender agenda and the entity takeover of the transgender agenda. Right? And what's actually happening with that? And it's a lot deeper and far more disturbing than people realize. And in particular, we as work, her line of work allows her to be one-on-one with some of these people and experience what they're going through and see the types of entities that are attached to them and what's really going on here and kind of see the bigger picture and shed some light on that. And we're very excited to have you back, Leah. How are you doing tonight? Oh, good. Thank you, gentlemen, for having me again. I've been really blessed just because thank you for sharing my work on your platform because I've been able to meet amazing souls thanks to you both. So I have to say thank you. I'm honored and I'm grateful to be back. Yeah. Have you back? It's an honor, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I know you a lot of our audience have been booking sessions with you since the last episode. And that's been going really great. And the feedback's been amazing from both sides, from you and the people that I know who have had sessions with you. So anybody out there who's looking for an amazing Akashik record reading, you can go to and book a session repair there. I highly recommend it. I can't recommend it enough, actually. But let's get into why we're here today. So I guess you want to let our audience know. So you took on a new job to pay off some debt, whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. But with this new job, you entered into a whole new territory of what's happening on this planet and it's something that you really didn't expect. But obviously you're there for a reason. So do you want to let our audience know what that is and what that's been like for you? Yeah. So yeah, I just wanted, I thought I could jump into this energy. And it was familiar because I always worked in up skills, spa settings where a lot of treatments would happen and people, they were luxury treatments for the most part. So I said, let me dive in quickly and I'll dive out. But while I've been in this new position, experiencing one-on-one experiences versus like passing in the grocery store or random outside or in an event or like anything where I can kind of bump shoulders, but I don't have to like really talk to anyone and now I'm engaging in a level where I actually have to talk, I actually have to sell, which is interesting. And it's, it's, some of it's been heartbreaking, some of it's been fascinating because I'm, again, I feel like I'm back diving deep into this realm where I don't have to necessarily touch anyone like where I was in the spa world, I'd have to touch people. But this time I'm just like in close contact and I am really feeling and experiencing like a kind of like all these different senses that it's been overwhelming, but it's been fascinating at the same time. So I was trying to, you know, just, I wanted to share because, you know, Tyler, you reached out and I'm thankful that I can talk to you too about some of my the happenings that have experienced during the day. So because sometimes it's confusing on my end, I want to make sure for someone who is sensitive, I can kind of bounce ideas off of. So I thank you for allowing me that with you because I can't always talk about this with everyone. I have a few beautiful souls that I can. So I'm just grateful that I can talk to you about some of it. Of course. So of course, can we be specific about what you do? That would help people understand why you're seeing what you're seeing. And then this, you know, you don't have to filter yourself unless you want to. But I think the more details are better because it really paints a picture for us and whatever you're comfortable with sharing. Yeah. Well, so it's packages of like laser hair removal. So some people experience it. They purchase it because they have medical issues where, you know, it's really uncomfortable to either shave or wax or their medical issues. And then it's interesting because now there's a whole transgender movement that's been showing up. And so this is fairly new to me in terms of like one on one where I'm actually having to sell and being in a room and in closed room with people for more than an hour. So it's been interesting. I don't have to touch anyone like I did in the massage world or when I was doing facials, but it is enough where I can feel and sense again, where I didn't think I'd be back here. But I am. So it's all good. I mean, like in that realm of like having to be in a closed room, like with the door closed type. Right. So I remember you telling me specifically while you were training for this, they were showing you new anatomy models of the human anatomy because they're including these transgender anatomies, right? And that was really interesting to me. So I mean, that just shows you how far they're taking this. Oh, my gosh. It's like an errand. I don't know if he'd mentioned this to you, but it's really weird. Like they will show a body that doesn't have like a male or female anatomy. It's just kind of like neutral. And then I'm supposed to be, I guess, sharing this odd. It's like all color coordinated. And it's like kind of like a stick figure, but you can tell, you know, there's usually one that's female and there's one that's male. And then there's this kind of neutral one that you don't really, it feels like a, you know, like a kendall or something. It's really, it's, it's different. And so anyway, they're giving me this to show these people that are, I guess, gender fluid or non binary or whatever. Yes. Yeah. So there's a whole new language that we're trying to teach us during the sales pitch. And I started to get, well, I guess, yeah, I don't, you can remind me Tyler, I don't remember, but I think I was getting really angry or just annoyed, just upset that this is happening, basically. Right. So what, I mean, what exactly, what types of things were you seeing whenever you started, when you entered into this world, right? You know, when you, when these people started coming in, you have to start selling them these packages, what kind of things did you know this? Well, and that was the fascinating part because I wasn't expecting to have so many people show up that were transitioning or non binary, how do you say it non binary binary? Yeah, non binary. Thank you. So basically, I, because I have to be in front of the entranceway where people are had to greet people for the most part. And I'm usually on a computer. And so I'm tend to have my head looking into the computer looking kind of down, trying to do work. And then so I don't always, I don't look up all the time, because I can't tell who's coming through the door. But I'll get this, I was starting to get this overwhelming feeling of randomness. So sometimes, you know, it's happy people showing up and they're excited. Sometimes I'm getting people that are like super frustrated after being in traffic. And then with what I've noticed with the people that are transitioning, I get this feeling of some, most of them, I hate my body, I load myself just this horrible energy of sadness, despair, confusion, like some of them have walked in and a lot of them are hiding behind masks still. And it's this slunched, a lot of them are just slunched over and they're kind of closed in body wise. And that's when I look up because I feel this wave of emotion that shows up that it's like, I hate myself, I loathe myself and I just hurt my heart breaks for one. And then I look up and then I get confused because I can't tell at first what's going on, but who this is. And then I'm noticed and this is the sad part, a lot of those that feel the deepest loathing, self loathing is apparently the male that's transitioning or trying to transition. And some of them haven't gone through surgery yet and some have. And I've only seen one that actually was very confident with themselves, which apparently it was a male that genetically mutilated himself. And again, I'm sorry if I'm being vulgar or like sharing too much, but just to give you, I guess, a picture of what I'm seeing. Oh gosh, and I just feel so strange, I guess, talking about it because I just, I'm still kind of feeling all the emotions that I have been in kind of, it's like this Petri dish of like emotions that show up. But it's like this person that mutilated himself is showing and very proudly showing with tight pants a camel toe. I mean, I hate it. So it's like, and it's just very different. It's very unique. I'm trying to be the observer. I don't, I just don't want because I'm such an empath. I don't want to absorb this energy, but that's what I've been, I've been absorbing it. So that's why I have to, I'm learning how to try not to because I don't want to take the sadness home. I don't want to take the confusion. I cry a lot of times I would leave crying because I just felt heartbroken that I and then the other day I think I called you or text you Tyler that I was angry because I felt these people are being used and they're being used and abused and harmed in a way that is, it's goes beyond it's so it's spiritually harmed. It's physically harmed. It's, there's so many things that are happening. Again, this is apparently people say, yes, this is their free will. You shouldn't be getting so emotional over it. But I haven't learned that yet. Well, what do you mean being used like for financial gain, these corporations are trying to just sell things to them and sell surgeries and and laser heavy people just to, you know, they just see it as a business. They don't care what's happening to the people, right? That's, I mean, that's how I, because I try to, I still try to reach out in a heart connection where I ask questions like, have you gone through surgery yet or how do you have a family, do you have anyone that supports you? And it's just sad because a lot of people feel, I feel there are a lot of them feel lost. I feel that they're confused there. When I get angry, I get angry that I feel doctors are taking advantage of these people, corporations, pharmaceuticals that are, they're going to now be forever dependent on who knows what and we don't know what the long term effect is because we haven't had 20 years of, I could be wrong, I haven't seen 20 years of research with all these hormonal blockers and who knows what. So I guess I get very angry that I don't know if these, I don't think these people are understanding the depth of where the journey they're about to go on or continue on. They're losing their family members because some of the families abandoned them. There's so many layers and I understand in some communities, yes, they embraced. I had a lot of gay friends in Florida where their families denounced them or threw them away. So then they embraced the gay community a lot more because it was like this deeper connection. So I just feel like, because I asked this one person the other day, like, do you have any friends that are going through this? Because I guess he was a drag performer and he said, no, only one other performer or something. It didn't seem like there was this strong community or, I don't know, it just didn't seem like he was supported in a way. It was almost like this fake false pretense, but again, that's when the entities, that's when I don't seeing a lot of entities. Yeah, so let's talk about the entities. So when these people walk through the door and you get that feeling, is there the feeling of an entity there and their souls like in the backseat, kind of like you explained with the people who are jabbed? Oh, yeah, I mean, multiple entities with a few of them. I felt one would just pass me and I felt there were three and I just, that's what I didn't want to look. I didn't, in a very sensitive, apparently other people I've spoken to who are sensitive, because I can smell them. And I was like, I like, that's why being in a room with the closed door is very difficult to me because I can smell them. Like, I can smell the entity, I can smell this. I don't know, whatever is in these, these energies that it's, it's harmful to me. And because um, like, I think I told you the other day that I wanted to throw up, I just, I can't, it's very difficult energetically, but also physically, um, it's just a complete, it's a whole experience that in the club world, I could, I could drink, you know, and that wouldn't help me in any way, shape or form. But the drinking, I thought, could take away smells in a weird way. But again, of course, that was, it didn't help me. It was more debilitating, but at the point, it was almost like a numb temporarily. So like, thankfully, I, like, um, uh, it's just, I feel, I just feel, I just feel heartbroken. I feel angry. I have so many mixed emotions, but like, the essential oils aren't doing it. Like, there's certain, I had used to have my, I have a high vibrating essential oils that I could spray to kind of protect me and stuff. And that's not doing the trick. Like, there's just, I, it's really different. It's very, and it's hard to talk to about this to anyone that doesn't get this. Like, it's a different world. So yeah. Yeah. So whenever these people are, whenever you're experiencing these entities on these people, is it only the people who are transitioning? I mean, is it like, is it like every, what I'm trying to say is every person that's transitioning, carrying entities, does that seem to be the main driving force behind their decision? Well, that's what I've been trying to check. Cause I want to, I would like to be kind of like a scientist about this stuff. Um, that's, that's what I've noticed that there's a main driving that's literally either taken over and kind of in charge or, um, it's like a, almost a battle. If they haven't transitioned yet, or had the gender mutil, is it mutil, mutil? Oh my God, I can't even say it. Cause it's so heartbreaking to me. They haven't mutilated their, um, private areas yet. Um, I, I think I've tried to grasp, I tried to see if who's running, who's in the driver's seat. And I only saw, yeah, I haven't seen one yet, that, where it's the soul is still in, in control. Cause I do see people who have been vaxxed and they have entities as well. But that's like normal for me. Like that's been a norm for the past few years. Um, and so, and I can smell them too in a way, but this is a whole different ball field playing field. Like this is a way coming through the door. It was almost like, maybe it's similar to, to when people were getting jabbed and they like literally left the, and you could sense them the next two, three days. Um, I could smell them too, but this is more of a hating of themselves that is more, it's just disturbing on a whole other level, I guess. Right. Yeah. I mean, this is a symptom of the spiritual war, the spiritual war, you know, like, and the, the crazy thing is, is the dark, false matrix that we live in is set up to, it's like pushing all of this stuff, right? So, it's, it's every institution. So it starts now, they're, they're getting, they want to get the kids as young as possible programs. Yeah. And so it starts in school, elementary school, and it's now in kids shows. It's now everywhere you look, there's, you know, these agendas getting pushed in your face. Um, where I live here, there's rainbow cross, every crosswalk is painted a rainbow. There's rainbow flags everywhere. There's BLM signs are, you know, well, it's like, these are all programs that are getting implanted into people by the system. And then they're carrying out the agendas for the people that are, you know, at the top of the pyramid here, pushing these things and they don't even realize it. And then there's these entities that are attaching to people through things like the jab, through things like, um, just playing on people's, uh, already wounds and traumas and programming that they get really young. And then instead of like healing, they're getting these programs and these entities attaching to them that are causing them to do, to want to do things like transition their gender, cut off their genitals, mutilate them to, you know, all these horrible things. And then like you said, they have this self loathing. Well, there you go. Like it's not, these aren't happy, healthy people that are doing these things for the most part. Maybe there's a very, very small, small minority that are maybe they're authentically. That's great. If this is coming from an authentic healthy place, more power to you. That's, that's fantastic. The problem is, and that I see is that the vast majority is not coming from a healthy place, but it's, it's not just like, you know, it's one thing that people, uh, are doing these things on their own, but it's, this is systematic. This is the matrix, like orchestrating pushing it. It's, it's all manipulated, orchestrated. Yeah. And it's entities, you know, that are attached to the people in the matrix. And then they're manipulating, you know, they're pushing these things and then people are getting these entity attachments. And at a certain point, it's like, their soul, like Tyler, like you said, is in the backseat and these entities are actually like running their body because they're so, um, they have so much pain, so much unhealed stuff, so much self-loathing. They're at such a low vibrational place that they, that the entities that vibrate at that lower level are like feeding off of all that energy. That's their food source and they're completely taken over the person. And it's just like this downward spiral until the person can finally get help and heal. Right. Well, and that's, it's more breaking to see. Like you said, it's, it's horrible. Yeah. And maybe that's why I get so, like I cry a lot now. I just cry a lot after work to release, but I think it was because I too, I had entities on maybe four where I had a sense of like a self-loathing and I had a sense of like, it was weird because I used to ask, are these my thoughts? Like I never thought I could go low in a vibration where these thoughts would just show up. Like, and I remember, um, I just felt like, I didn't like anything about me, like zero. Um, and I would just constantly self-criticize and, and it was when I had a, he made a huge entity on me that thankfully it was cleared, but it took me a lot, many years of hanging out with this thing. Um, and that's too, like in the nightclub world, only certain people were drawn to me. And, um, it was a weird, weird thing where once that thing was cleared, no longer are these people drawn to me. And, and, but it was, I'm sure it was there, and their entities too, and drawn to my, who knows the weird energies of the entities. But the point is, is it wasn't until I started doing ayahuasca and clearing this deep loathing, self-loathing that I actually was like, Oh my God, I'm a child of God. I came from the creator, like I'm part of the creator, the creator created me. I have the creators DNA inside of me. And I literally like looked at my hands and I was like, Oh, these hands are giving to me my God. Like, I was so grateful and blessed. And that's, I think why I really mourn for these people because, um, I don't know, maybe this is their journey and maybe they will come out. But I think because they are physically harming themselves to such a deep level, I just, I'm sad for them because it took me most of my life to get out of that. And so, and I was programmed completely, like I had a self-deprecating self-destructive program that I had to clear out of my head. And, um, I remember, I'm like, this, this is a program a lot of girls get and a lot of guys too, but where I lived, a lot of girls were getting that energy of like, it just a weird, it was such a sickness. And, uh, when I heard off of me, that's when that's why now I feel so sad, I think, because I'm like, I was there once, or I was not maybe that low, but I was low, but they're going in a deep, deep, dark place that I don't know. I mean, hopefully they can return, but it's just, but imagine if when you were a little girl getting put on hormone blockers, because you were at a low place and you thought you wanted to be a boy for a couple months, and then the system is like, not only like willing to do that, they're actually like pushing that. They're actually like implanting those thoughts in the first place. And then the second you say anything, they're like, yes, let's do it. And then they're putting kids, like literally 13 and under on hormone blockers and having them mutilate their bodies. And then a couple of years later, they snap out of that faith, and then they've ruined their entire lives. Do you get that age, their entire lives ruined these doctors and these pharmaceuticals, they don't care. You are just giving them their second or third home in the Hamptons or wherever. And it's that's when I get into this mama bear energy of you're going to harm the innocent, the baby, the children of God, that's when I get back to the point where, yeah, I want to go in protest, and I want to say these things, or I want to tell the person across the table, you know, please, please, like, ask, you know, it's fine God or find their creator. And that's when I realize too, they don't God bless them. But I don't think they have their demeanor, their colors they choose, even the phone symbolism on their phone, they're already in there. I see it as they're just one part of Satan's crew, at this point, because they literally, they dress satanic. They have satanic symbols, like they're, it's just like the kids that are getting jabbed. They're already, they're following all only the stars that are given the devil symbols, and they're doing all this stuff. And they don't even know that they're taken. They don't even know their soul. And I think that's part of the reason that it saddens you, because you understand that this is an attack on the soul. This is far beyond just a gen genital mutilation, right? I mean, that's the byproduct of something much larger. But you mentioned to me at one point that you were actually coached to decide, make decisions for them, because they said, transsexual people can't make decisions on their own. This was something that they had understood through their study. Can you explain that? Well, yeah, because like, it's a sales job. And like, I have to perform at a certain level. And, and again, it's just like, again, heartbreaking, because being told, Oh, these people can't make their own decisions. You have to make it for them, because I stayed late one day, like my, I don't know, almost a half hour, because this person couldn't decide. And this person had lost, like the parents didn't agree with his decisions. And And the way they, the my superiors say, Oh, well, you have to be say, tell them, they're going to start today. And they're going to go through, and this is an expensive service. This is not a lot of them expect it to be free, which is another weird thing, because I guess they're getting free surgery. So they're getting free everything except this is a really, um, I think it's expensive. Uh, it's enough. If you want a full body, you can, it's enough. You could purchase a car. Like that's how expensive it is. So they're pressuring the salespeople to make the decision for these people. So these people are being attacked at all angles. They're getting attacked by the doctors to say, Oh, we'll give this to you for free. And oh, you know, you can give your hormones supplements for free. And oh, and then they want this service for free. So when they actually have to pay for it, that's when they actually have a hesitation. So I was instructed to make the decision for them. And I'm like, I am not going to, I mean, that's just, I am, that's when I get angry and get really sad about the same time, because I'm like, these poor people, that's when I got really pissed that day. I think Tyler, when I was like, they're getting it at all angles. And they are just being used and abused and mutilated all at the same time. And that's such a crazy thing that it's all being offered for free. And so that helps them make your decision. Like you said, if they had to pay for it, like if they're hesitant, then they think twice about it. But whenever it's like free, you're like, Oh, okay, well, let's just do this, you know, you can tell what the agenda is that the system really, just look at what they offer for free. Right. Yeah. Look at what they're pushing for free. Nothing. That means you are the product when something is offered free. That means they want you to use you for an agenda. So yeah, full stop. That's it. Do you see anyone who's ever, the regrets doing it has, have you come across that? Do people have a change of heart, change of mind to anything along those lines? Well, thankfully, because thank God I'm not doing the treatment. Thank God. Like I haven't come across that yet. I have come across people that are shy and it looked like they're scared and they're fearful and they're hiding behind a piece of cloth on their face. They're hiding who they are. Like they hide in even the room where I'm trying to sell this to them. And they're, I can't even see their, their face. Like in it, I mean, just because to me that's, this is all horrible. Because again, like I just think we're in a really fascinating time, but and people are still hiding behind a mask that is known not working. It's how it harms you more than does good. Yeah. And going back to what you said, like if you were to suggest something to them, like finding God or whatever the case is like they, they wouldn't hear you because there's something working through them. And I actually experienced this the other day with somebody who was telling me about some of their body pain and stuff. And I was trying to introduce them to the idea of energy healing, Reiki and, and, and, and simple things like acupuncture and just alternative methods, right? And I could tell they literally did not hear me. They really didn't hear me. And I was, and it's like they were, I was talking to them, but they just shut down whenever I, I introduced something outside of the main strip prescribed, you know, modality. So programming. Yeah, and it's just, it was wild. I was like, holy shit, they didn't hear me. Like the, I just, I just gave them like five different amazing things to try that I know could help them. And this one, haven't it. And so, it doesn't vibrate. It's like such a different frequency. Like it's like someone that sprouts, like live sprouts all day. They're vibing. They're like alive. They're eating live food, like they're high frequency. And you're just like, whoa, what is it? You know, versus someone that's eating, who knows, not even fat. My fast food isn't even food in, in my work process, everything. Yeah, just death. And so like, it's like, yeah, you probably, it, it tried us went right through their, it didn't even probably register at all in their brain. Right. So I'm, so I'm going to ask a question that everybody wants to know, why are you doing this? Why are you there? All right, do you, what do you think on a soul level, like you're supposed to be experiencing this? Because I feel like you are, and, and you know, there's something in this, we're, we're always where we're supposed to be, I believe. And have you gotten any insight as to why you ended up in this position? Well, good question. I mean, I've been asking myself that almost every day. No, but I had to, um, I had the blast. I had a beautiful opportunity to spend time with my dad before he passed. And it was the most amazing year and a half of my life because, uh, he just is an amazing soul. But I got to hang around his energy, like on a daily basis and like, and just because he loved watching birds and I got to, like we, we just did really lovely, simple things. Um, and I got, I was blessed to be able to kind of disappear from the whole world temporarily. Like I could read about stuff that was going on. I could mourn and get heartbroken and pray. And I was able to do a lot more Akashic readings because I had time because my dad wasn't, he needed to sleep a lot. And so I was able to dive deeper into the Akashic realm, which allowed me to kind of escape from this, um, whenever we're experiencing, you know, right now, and in a way where it just allowed me to stay in a higher frequency, um, which I'm so grateful for. And so, but part of me, I always felt like, gosh, why, why, what am I doing? Like, I need to, there's a spiritual war happening. Like, what can I do to help? You know, why am I so, I guess I was afraid to dive deep back into the, let's say, I call it the 3D world where I have to do sales and stuff. So, um, I want, I think I challenge myself, but two, I also, I wanted to, I'm the type of person that I need to feel things, experiencing things and do hands-on experiences before I learn something. So, I know I'm the type that I need to, I call it a spiritual 2x4, head over the head multiple times before I learn my lesson. But I'm the type where I need, I go hands-on first, um, and I dive in and then I research after because I want to see if anyone else experiences the stuff I, but I don't want this to be already in my head before I dive in because I'm afraid that, oh, that's just my subconscious. It was already planted there. So, when I dive in, I kind of try to go deep so I can feel it, see it, experience it and then get out. So, I really, I think one, I, I wanted to really, um, go back into this 3D realm and see what this is all about. But I also had to, because, um, I've been sad lately and trying to clear my stuff, I had to work with other healers because I, I wasn't able to guard myself the way I thought I could. So, I'm learning new ways of protecting myself. Um, I had, thank, thank you, Tyler, for helping chair, um, Laura Van Thine. Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, she's amazing. Oh gosh, like, that was so needed. You had a few, just in case people didn't hear me, that was Laura Van Thine and you had a few sessions with her? Yeah, I had two. I've had two so far and they were close together. Um, because too, like, I have a family member that, um, has entities and this has been my whole life, you know. So this is near and dear to me, meaning I'm not just, um, talking from a distance and not diving in. I'm actually, I need, in order to be speaking from my truth and my heart, I actually do feel I need to participate. Um, so I do feel I'm there to, um, learn and hopefully grow spiritually. I'm trying to learn new techniques to protect myself, but also to protect my clients who, um, with Laura, we were able to do so much beautiful work and it evolved. Some of my clients loved ones that had already passed. And so, um, I, it was a blessing because I don't technically remember a lot of the sessions, but when I was working with Laura, whoa, a lot of these clients, loved ones showed up in even spirits of animals. And so, um, I feel I'm diving deep because I need to learn and grow, but also I have to do my own work and I have to do my own family lineage work. Like I'm trying to work on my family lineage and, uh, it deals with, you know, some of the dark stuff that I'm seeing on client on these people that I'm meeting every day. And also, I'm working with a coworker that, um, she was not in a good place when I showed up because she wasn't being honored or valued and she wasn't being appreciated and, um, she's sensitive like me. I don't know how deep, but she's definitely sensitive in a way where, um, we share stuff that I didn't, I didn't think I could share with someone in that 3D realm. And so I feel we've been able to help uplift each other in a beautiful way because, um, she's now expanding and blossoming and such a great, um, it's a great time to see her shine and a unique way when she was really in a low place because the company is just a different company and it doesn't always honor people, you know, the way in the heart space, the way that I need to be honored. She needs to be honored in that space. And even our clients, the clients that show up adore her because she cares deeply with her heart. So, um, and that's different with sales. Not everybody works in that realm. And, um, so it's been a great learning experience, but I do feel, um, there for a reason and I'm still learning why. Um, you might, as an observer, know more than me because I get to tell you stuff that I have been experiencing. Well, I think you nailed it. I think that was a beautiful explanation and it makes perfect sense to me. And I think you kind of already figured it out and I would add to that the fact that you're here on our show sharing this information, shedding light on what's happening. Not everyone's in the thick of it like you are and not everyone understands the severity of the situation. We see the memes. We see the social media posts. We're just scrolling through, right? But we're just scrolling through. We're not in it. We're not living it. So when, when you're living it and now you're coming forward and sharing from the heart and letting our audience know and whoever else listens to this, what's going on out there, I think that's maybe that's part of the reason you're doing this as well. Just to, you know, help expose and shed light on this and just ultimately it's like the darkness, surfacing and everything's being purged. And, and I think it will have an amazing ripple effect just by you being here today. So I think that's another layer. Thank you. I really appreciate that because like I don't, I used to love to be hiding like in a hermit shell. I just used to love hiding from the world and going on my little nature walks and all that. But now I'm realizing gosh you, you two are really strong and brave to always share and to have a platform. So I'm like, okay, my little part, whatever little part I'm doing, I'm really grateful for. And so I thank you for just allowing me time to share because again, like I really, I have so many beautiful, I have a few beautiful souls I can share this stuff with and I'm so grateful for them. But it's one of those things I don't really, I can't talk about this to many people. So thank you, army. Yeah, of course. Yeah, you're so welcome. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Seriously, like it's an amazing thing what you're doing. So don't beat yourself up about it. And, you know, you'll figure it out every day, something's going to be revealed for all of us. And every, everything that we do every day, if we're, if we're aligning ourselves to learn and experience and grow, then that's exactly what's going to happen. And it's not always going to be fun. Not at most of the time, it's not fun. You know, otherwise, we're just like hiding, like you said, and we can, it's so easy to go separate yourself and live off grid or live in a cave somewhere and not deal with any of the stuff. But then what are you doing for the collective? What are you even doing for yourself at that point? I mean, there's only so much inner work you can do before you have to go out and experience this stuff wisdom is only gained through experience. And when you learn something, the collective learns it as well. And especially your your circle, the people that use around yourself with that, that energetic imprint, it affects them and imprints them as well. So, I mean, we can go on and on about that. But I definitely think there's a purpose for all of it. And that's going to become more and more apparent. Yeah, yeah, it's been interesting because I pray a lot to during the day. I don't, I don't know, it's a, I'm in the same neighborhood kind of where you are, Erin, but it's just, it's just different like this. You see, I, like you said, the the rainbow flags and everything I see now, I noticed so much that Montessori schools now are flagging or having all their flags. And I'm like, I thought Montessori was like, freedom from the matrix, but it's, you know, it's not everyone's being kind of in the matrix now. Yeah. I'm seeing rainbow flags on church, like every chair, almost every church around here has rainbow flags on them and like the police station, like everything. It's like on everything. It's like in your face, every everywhere. It's insane. And this is at that part, because like, I like a few months ago, I was like, I want the rainbow back. Like they stole the rainbow. But right. Exactly. It's like they corrupted that symbol. It's the chakra system, right? It's, it's so sacred, but it's light. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, so it represents that. And then it's now, it's like, Oh, it means your LGBTQ, and there's nothing again, nothing wrong with that if it's coming from an authentic place, but it's the agenda being pushed using those people and pushing people that aren't authentically that instead of healing, they're, they're grabbing onto that because they can, it's like an identity to a lot of people instead of like actually finding themselves and actually healing. It's like, Oh, here's this like, I can be cool and different. And like, even though it's not different, because it's like now it's so many kids are, it's like more kids are that than not now, literally, it's already at that point. Oh, yeah. That's the scary part. Like it's, it's a trend. And that's what my friend told me. Oh, it's called transgender. And I was like, Oh my gosh, genius. Like not transgender, it's transgender. Because like, kids are now declaring it 12 years old and they're all, you know, like younger. Yeah. Yeah. And it's sad because like, um, I know people that children, their children claimed when they were 12 that, oh, they're gay and, and like the whole school set it at 12. So I'm like, something happened. This is not normal. Like, I have gay friends that knew when they were young, they were gay and they honored it. Not everyone has that authenticness. And if you do, great, good. Enjoy it. But this is not, this is a trend. This is infiltration on their minds and their body and their soul. And this is a different. This is not the same. And that's when that's when I, I get very angry because I'm like, I know when it's authentic, I feel it. Cause like, if any of these girls that are saying they're gay at 12 actually meet a gay girl, they're going to be probably scared. Like they're not going to feel comfortable in that energy. Cause it's not a true authentic one. Well, it's easy just to say things and not like, it's easy to say on this or identify as this, but when you have to live it, like, are you really going to be able to do it? Ironically enough, when we scheduled this interview, I had no idea that this was Pride Month coming up. I just, I just didn't know that I really seen it everywhere. Cause it's Pride Month. Right. But, and then the timing of this interview, and, you know, I shared that meme with you today. And if you put Pride Month together, literally in the middle, it says demon and I'll share it. I'll share the image on the screen. Yeah. You know, um, Pride, D E and then month M O N when they're put together, it's right in the middle of Pride Month is demon. So it's, it's, they're always telling you without telling you. And it's just interesting that that is, that does seem to be the driving force behind the entire movement. Right. And again, like, if you're authentically gay or you're authentically whatever, fantastic. But the problem is, is like, it, I just see the agenda so clearly, I see the entity so clearly, like you were saying, I see the, like this, to, to be frank, satanic agenda being pushed using, using that, not saying the thing in and of itself is, if you are authentically that using that for this satanic agenda, being pushed every, everywhere in every aspect of society and every institution, shove down everyone's throats and then acting like they're also victims when it's like, it's now swung the other way. So how that doesn't even add up, but it's, it's, uh, it's almost pushing victim mentality and victimization as this like, eager, eager gore of like, they, people love being a victim, right? They're feeding off of that. And it's like being cool. It's like being a part of something. Yeah. Right. Right. But they're also feeding off the, the energy of, oh, I'm oppressed. I'm a victim. I'm so sorry. But like, all of society is now catering to that. So, but they still are caught up. And you know, it's just, it's insanity. It's like, but it's also, so to me, it's, you have the divine, the divine feminine and the divine masculine and it's an attack on both. So because they're like, we have to attack both at the same time. Well, what's the best way to do that? Well, look at everything they're doing. That's what they're doing through using all of this stuff and pushing it. They're trying to get people to change their genders or just no gender to erase all of that. They're trying to erase the divine masculine and feminine. Right. Divine, exactly. And, and eliminate the alpha male. And eliminate. How do you, how do you take over a civilization? I mean, you, you wipe out all the alpha males. You have no one left to stand up to the, to the system, right? And this is something as simple as going back to when I was in construction, working at a high school in a rich neighborhood. We noticed that the kids, the children, they all looked, I'm sorry to be sound rude. But, um, puny, I guess you could say. And one of the guys strongy. Yeah. And one of the guys made a comment one day. He's like, he's like, you know, I've been watching these kids leave every day at the end of the day. And he goes, I don't think one of them kids could swing a hammer if they had to. And I was like, I laughed as I thought it was funny, but then I started observing it too. And then I realized that, that that school didn't teach a shop class. And, you know, so there's, it's all systematic, right? And so they, they're not being encouraged. The alpha male template has been taken away. It's been pulled out from under them. And they're forced to do other things. So it's just another interesting take on it. Oh, yeah. And I mean, I go to sporting events and, uh, for the young kids and they're, it's not, I remember like, we, well, my, I mean, I'm older, but my generation, the kids that were alpha, they would be in the gym every day. They would have defined muscles. And I, they do look scrawny now. They looked, they look very feminine. And I know the hormones and all the food and all the vaccine, you know, yeah. Life of state, water and Monsanto. I mean, I know that can disturb the endocrine system. Um, but this is on a whole level. This is planned. And it's even destroying the sacred feminine because when you, I watched a great view of a beautiful athlete, female athlete that had to fight for a trans to not be in her, um, I think she was a swimmer to not be allowed to, to compete. And I was like, right. One, but we're all the crazy and crazy and same feminist saying, what's going on? What about all the alpha men saying this is don't ever let anyone near my daughter. That's a, uh, of Tran or whatever, a man, because you're genetically a man. Don't go in the, in the, uh, changing rooms with females. Like this is when I get into like this weird, I get very angry, but I also go into this whole, I, I, it's an alpha female energy of like, don't you dare mess with also the sacred female because it's like you, you're, it's a mockery. You actually think you can make fun of us or try to compete with us when we're, we're divinely separated for a reason. I understand that there have been, um, very small percentage of people that are born, um, with, you know, both male female anatomy or they have, um, they don't, born into the wrong body type of thing. Yeah. Right. Right. Or they're, they're bodies are expressing in a different way that, and there's hormonal energy that's not balanced. So that can cause them to feel different or they express themselves and they don't feel male or female. I understand there's a very small percentage, but this is a joke. This is actually, yeah, it's a joke to the human race right now. It's a joke to all of us. I feel we're just, it's a mockery and it's, they're, they're making fun of us really though they're making females and the men, like they're true authentic females and men. Right. Well, you can see, I mean, 20 years ago, just 20 years ago, I mean, the percentage of people that were gay or trans or any of this stuff, any of this stuff was like, you know, 50 times less at least. And now, and, and just the last 15 to 20 years, it's gone that much higher. That alone tells me it's not natural because something natural doesn't do that, doesn't do that high of a jump. And then also just like naturally the human race, you know, you're going to see consistently, it's not like, you know, you can go back a thousand years, 2000 years, 5,000 years in time, you're still going to have a small percentage of homosexual and whatever and, and the rest, heterosexual. Right. And in the last, you're telling me in the last 20 years, it's just normal that it's jumped like times a hundred, like out of no, and kids 12 and under or even like, you're telling me that's just natural and normal and there's nothing pushing that naturally. No, come on. It's obvious. We, we also, you got to get into monarch mind control and what is monarch mind control that it's, it affects you genetically at a DNA level. So your offspring also experienced the same effects that you experienced, right? So right, some of these people that are being born that small percentage might be also part of the agenda. Like it's, it's literally like monarch mind control. So yeah, absolutely. So, and I want to be clear about the alpha male thing, like I'm not, we're not saying that, you know, you have to have big muscles to be an alpha male. Like that's not true at all. Like you can be like the ego aspect of it and yeah, yeah, but I mean, obviously that's just one way of looking at it. That's one perspective, but the alpha, it's an energy, right? It's a, it's a frequency that we carry and there can be an alpha female as well. I mean, it's, it's all energetic. It doesn't mean that you have to have big muscles and you have to be tall and, you know, masculine. It just means healthy, a healthy version and like what a man should be, what a woman should be, and at the healthiest version of that, right? The most, you know, it's like the most self realized or close to that version of a man and a woman. It doesn't mean, like you said, like you could, big muscles are not necessarily or whatever. It's like, are you healthy? Are you mature? Are you a protector? Are you knowing? And it's knowing yourself too. Knowing yourself, right? Which is of your highest priority, right? From your heart. It's that. Yeah. And that goes from male or female and that's alpha male and alpha female in my opinion. Right. And, and again, like you said earlier, and like we're not, we're not trying to talk down on anybody who has made a decision or has, you know, chosen, has transitioned or whatever. It reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Yeah. Right. That's the wrong with that. Right. That's what we should name this show. But we're not gay. Right. There's anything wrong with that. But that's the one thing like in Florida in Miami, I, that was the one thing years ago when I worked in that club, we had drag queens that would transition or, or in the process of transitioning. And they were, they really honored themselves as they transitioned. They were proud of it. They were owning it in a different way. There was an energy of like, this is who I am. This is I feel comfortable in expressing myself in this way. And that was just an energy you felt. You're like, yeah, great. Enjoy. Like nobody from at least in the world I lived in, we all just honored them. We honored them because they were expressing themselves in the closest way that they could feel in their own, in their highest form. And it was beautiful. I thought it was beautiful because everyone just accepted it and they just were happy and nobody, it was not a weird thing. If that makes sense. I know it sounds maybe out there, but it wasn't weird. This is not authentic. This is not honoring. I accept that one person that had a fake camel toe instructed. I mean, I'm sorry to be so graphic. It was just shocking to me. That was this person was the only person that walked in the place and left happy and showing themselves off to the world. That person felt authentic, honest to God. And that out of all the people of experience, that was the only one that I was a little, I'm gonna say because I just was grossed out because I'm a female and I had to go through the whole image of how that happened. Like, how do you construct? I went into too much detail in my brain because that's just how my brain works. Because I've seen I wanted to know what a child, how these doctors can actually mutilate a six year old and try to transform a six. Like, I had, I have to go deep into it to understand that I'm like, Oh gosh, these people are harmed themselves. So then they're going to continue the harm like it's like the groomers. A lot of them are were traumatized at a young age and harmed. And it's trauma deep on such a deep level. So then they continue to create the trauma because they haven't healed themselves. Yes. They are now doing it to the five, six, seven year old, right? So it's that process. So you know how the healing works. So I anyway, my brain had to go into this whole thing. But yeah, created this, but hurt people hurt people hurt people. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. And until someone breaks that cycle, it just they pass it down. Like you said, that's how it works until someone takes responsibility for their own healing. Yeah, your seek self or gets heals and breaks that cycle until someone does that, it just gets passed down generation to generation. And actually, so cycle, like the brain of a cycle path is actually damaged. And this is tons of scientific proof of this. And that happens usually through their childhood trauma. So when a child gets trauma traumatized to a certain degree, it starts damaging their brain. And it literally is turning them into a cycle, a future cycle path and and sociopath and extreme narcissists and all that stuff. And then you, you know, and then and then somehow those are the people that run the world. Those are the people that, right? Well, naturally, they're going to be drawn into along with the the bloodline families, you know, and then and on top of that, those people are drawn to those types of positions. Anyway, and the system seeks out those people actually and you and like literally they'll like, and this is actually also the insiders talk about this or like they literally will screen, be like, oh, or cycle pass to put in certain positions. And they will only accept someone who is a psychopath, or a sociopath. Yeah, like your CIA screening process, they want to see if you're a sociopath, a tendency. Yeah, that's like, that's real. And that's member Mason Fury, we just had on. Yeah. He got literally kicked out of the, I forget which intelligence agency he was in, it's like DoD or something. Yeah. Because he was like good person and he had empathy, basically, and like wouldn't go along with her shenanigans. They're like, nope, don't want you get out of here, you know, like we only want these types of people, right? They're going to play along. So I want to shift gears just a little bit, Leah. This is going back to, you mentioned earlier, doing ayahuasca. And I think we talked about it last time, but you had your head done multiple trips with a shaman, right? And then you realize something actually nefarious was happening. And this is, I only want to bring this up because I think it's incredibly crucial that everyone understands that this is going on and this is possible. And I'll let you explain what you experienced. Yeah. So I didn't fully honor my gifts growing up because I ran from them because I didn't know how to deal with them. I didn't know how to tell people I see all different colors around you or I just didn't know how to say I see a spirit around you. So anyway, I ran from it most of my life and self sabotaged and, you know, drank way too much and did all that. So I had, so I got to that self-loathing place and, ironically, my mom was suffering from migraines. And she said, I really, I really think ayahuasca can help me. And I said, because I get very protective. And I said, well, let me research and let me do it first to make sure it's safe for you. And I'll get to find someone. So I kind of asked some of my really close friends who we could talk about all this stuff. And they were like, they were open. And so one said, I have this great female shaman. And I've worked with her many times and he had done other trips with different shamans in Florida, so Florida, probably everywhere. There are just these weird groups where you could do like 100 people at a time of a session and outside. And it was more of a, I felt it was more of an entertainment amusement type thing. And so I was trying to heal energetically, but I was also, I was trying to make sure it was safe for my mom. So I went to this person and it ended up being at this woman's home who is a shaman. And it was a male that also gave us the medicine. And so they both kind of protected the space, but he did most of the work, but she was there. And so from the minute I started my journey, I was like, whoa, this is like, I just, I went to many dark places. And of course I died at that million times, multiple times over and over. But I could see there was something weird with this woman. And I had seen too, just in my own journey, like lots of slavery energy. And I was trapped in her slavery system and all that. And so I was like, I don't know, like my friend trust, I trusted my friend that suggested this, but I was kind of just skeptical. But anyway, I said, well, it's safe for my mom. So I brought my mom and I brought my other friends. And my other friend was sensitive like me. And he saw straight through her, but he was like, she doesn't, she's just using this to make money. And I said, do you really think so? Because I said, I'm really grateful she opened her home and all that. So I was always on the edge of like, let me try to find the best in someone. Long story short, with the session with your friends, Laura, this energy showed up again. And she had told me something that made me really broke my heart. And it basically said I harmed a lot, millions of souls and all this stuff. And I was like, Oh gosh. So, and she said, you have to keep coming back to cleanse. And so I was like, well, I'm trying to clear my ancestry. I'm trying to clear my family lineage. I'm trying to clear my karma. I don't want to come back to this earth again. Let me do as much work. So that's why I don't super deep, but kept getting this dark energy. And she kept placing me next to people that had done really like they were they were murderers. And because I could see people's journey next to me or throughout the whole group, because there was about sometimes there was only a few of us like five or six, and we're tied in her backyard. And then sometimes they were about 20. But I didn't want to see people's journey. But unfortunately, because I was so sensitive, I could, and I didn't know how to block it. So ironically, she would always put me next to like one of the darkest souls of the group. Well, let's say not darkest souls, the soul that had done a lot of darkness in this lifetime, let's say, because we all have dark and light, right? And so I was this the shaman lady, right? Yeah. Yeah. And she would specifically that would try to go towards the, let's say, people that were like healers and like trying to do good in this life. And she would put me right next to the one that murdered three people. And so I would take this stuff home. And anyway, my I told my friend that was sensitive what she had said to me. And he's like, yeah, you wouldn't be doing this work if you if you did what she said. And I was just heartbroken. And ironically, I found out from this girl that is a doctor in this life who is a healer. She said this shaman lady said the same thing to this woman. And it made her keep coming back. So I was like, this really sad, heartbroken energy of, Oh God, I did so much wrong in previous lifetimes. I have to heal. So we would keep coming back. And my friend that was helping me learn past life regression and stuff. And it tuned me with like raking and all this other stuff, she called me out of the blue and I hadn't spoke to her in about 10 years. And she said, Leah, don't, I don't like what you're doing. And this is not, you're not doing these aren't good people. They're, it's like, they're, they know you're sensitive and they're allowing you to take all the energy home with you. And that's not right. And when I worked with Laura, this showed up again. And ironically, she said, whoa, she's like, that was a spiritual harm that they were doing to people. They were spiritually harming them because they were using them and trying to take advantage. And so that's when I just realized too, because I just intuitively said, I don't want to do this anymore. And my friend, thankfully, would just have the male shaman do private sessions with just me and my friend and my mom. And so it was a private setting. So I didn't have to go to this woman's home. But ironically, that showed up in a healing session I did recently with Laura. And it was just sad because it was a manipulation. It was it was just sad because people pray on kind-hearted people that are, I mean, I'm trying to do work here and I'm trying to do the best I can. I know I am not perfect. And I know we all have dark and light, including myself, but it was to heartbreak. It was just heartbreaking that it took me years to clear like that energy that I collected at these places. And I still have to clear it because I just cleared it the other day. So well, I think it's for one that's an incredible story, actually, because you learned so much, like all the darkness, excuse me, and all the darkness that I've experienced, like it can seem horrible. But when I look back on it, I'm like, man, it taught me this, this, and this. And I wouldn't be nearly where I am today if I didn't go through that. And now I understand this at such a greater level. But let me summarize what's happening here. So you were seeing a shaman who was making sure that their clients were returning home with dark with attachments so they can and they can ensure return client, basically. And they would tell you they basically knew they were sending you home with something dark, and then they were telling you that they knew how the they had the secret ingredient to help you get rid of it to then so then they bring you back, right? Yes, yes, yes. And they would insult you to the point of, like to me, it was almost like, it was like literally comparing me to Hitler, which again, we all have Christ and we all have Hitler, right, if we're all part of the collective consciousness, but it was of that extent where it was like heartbroken to the because it was evolved a lot of animals. And I was just like, I couldn't, my brain, I, in this lifetime, I really enjoy animals like energy more than humans a lot of time, because they're gentler energy for me, like to feel. And anyway, I'm not saying like humans are bad, it's just sometimes it's heavy for me to experience a human that's not doing a lot of spiritual work, or just not white, or like, it's just depends on the person, depending on the person, right? Like if someone has 10 entities and they're not trying to do anything or whatever, it's like, I really want to throw up, like it's just how it works for me. Right. Well, I think it's important to understand for our audience, anyone listening to this, that these types of things can happen. So whenever you're just randomly booking a session with somebody, just, you know, proceed with caution, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. And especially when these energy, these healers reach out to you. And they initiate the healing and tell you that you need a healing. And that's, that's definitely a red flag. Right flag. Yeah, my book, try to vet them if you haven't really, you only want to do somebody you trust and you already know, to a certain degree, and that you can feel their energy. And but if you haven't then try to vet them and feel into their energy before, because it's really dangerous to just some random person just because they offer you a session just, oh, yeah, sure. It's like, like, unfortunately, I don't think that's that uncommon of a thing that you went through with that. I think there's a lot of people with entity attachments themselves that are, are just just plain don't know what they're doing, or, you know, all kinds of shenanigans going on out there with, with stuff that you really got to be careful about. I mean, even, I mean, for me, it goes down to I can't, I just can't even go get a massage or anything or energy work from a random person, because I have to, like, I'll go in and I'll clear the room and then clear the person and I'll clear all the energy that they picked up the pack, because they don't click a lot. Sometimes people don't clear their energy of the, right, right, or and if they have no clue what they're doing, like, for me, I'm like, I just cleared a hundred of your clients because you're not, it's just a different, it's just heavy for me. And it's so that's why I'm like, I don't, I'm exhausted before I even, exhausted. I leave more, I accept more tired and, or, I'm like, I just really wanted to relax and, like, try to sleep or try to meditate. But again, I clean up after you instead and now I'm exhausted. Oh, and that's the thing. Like, I even, I worked with people that, like, literally they, and they said they were energy workers and they wouldn't clear, it was just some of them wouldn't even wash their hands after it. Yeah, like, and even miss-a-hing with people. I, that's when I realized, oh God, people are just, oh, and anyways, um, it just is on a whole other level. Just, I would say use your intuition and just, because I, I used to be one of those when I was younger, because I was searching, I would go to psychics, I would go to mediums, I would go to clairvoyance, I would do anything and everything just to learn. And that's when I also learned, whoa, you can't mess, I don't like to mess with people that don't protect themselves in love and light, or they don't protect, you don't go in the highest realms. Like, I, that's when you can, I mean, just to, I saw it, like, people would participate in channeling anyone. Like, they could channel anyone and anything. And it's like, whoa, that's, that's when we, I've seen people morph when they try to channel. And I'm like, whoa, you didn't even put a protection around you. Like, you're just morphing into who knows what. I don't even know, I don't even want to know. Right. And there's lots of trickster entities that play off people's egos and, you know, people think, a lot of times genuinely believe they're channeling something good or something specific. And it's not, it's a trickster entity that's playing them. And the thing about that, Aaron, is that an empath can feel immediately if that person's channeling something positive or negative, whether or not it's coming across as a being of the light, right? Right. We can feel like something's off there. And it's, and it's very sad when you see other people falling for it, because it happens a lot, especially in this community with a lot of big names. And we just have to keep our mouth shut because there's a lesson in it for everybody. And, and, you know, so has anybody ever come to you? You know how the shaman was telling you that you've done all these horrible things in the past life? And, you know, you had to heal this and keep coming back. Has anybody come to you and book the session with you with a similar experience? Like, oh, so and so told me that I've, you know, done all these horrible things. And I'm just beating myself up about it. Can you look in my records and see if this is true? Does that ever occur? Yeah, I mean, that's happened a few times where because I, in my, I protect the frequency in a prayer before we even began and that prayer only allows us in the love and like frequency. So like for me, that's the highest vibrational messages that come through. Oh gosh, their guides have to do a lot of cleanup because I call them they like guides, their loved ones like the Akashik realm. They have to clean up a lot of those lower frequencies or those words. I see them to me energetically. Sometimes they show up as energetic weeds that I, I feel weed plants are some of the most beautiful healing plants because weeds are amazing, right? Dandelion and all that. But these are, this is a different type of weed. This is a little. Yeah, and intertwines and it can get. So we have to clear those though. And sometimes they can show up as dark. I know it sounds so weird, but with dark little parasite energies that we have to, I have to, we have to clear like it's a team effort. I'm calling in all the guides. I'm calling in arching drills and we're clearing because these little, I guess they're just to me sometimes, they just look like dark low frequency energies. They can hide in different areas. Some, some energy like they can hide in the spine, which is fascinating. So we have to like, because I try to do a whole body scan and see if that what we need to do with the body to try to get it high vibes. So a lot of times with those people that have had those energies or hexes or curses, we have to go deep into their energy and the different layers of their aura to find where these energies are hiding and we have to clear them because they can be an intricate little area is that it's like a thought that just shows up and it's not theirs, but some of them planted it there or, and then I mean, that's also, you know, children can have that from, you know, people what they were raised with, but it's also people like energy workers too or that TV, low volume and movies can also have implants of low frequency. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. So I guess more specifically, I should ask, has somebody come to you with, they said, hey, I had a session with somebody and they told me that I was this and this in the past life or in a parallel life. And then the records showed that that wasn't true. Yeah. Yeah, I showed up. So that's a tricky one because I have to always ask how to share information because I, again, I'm not, I'm just sharing what's being shown. So usually people's guides will try to replace the energy with sometimes it's like, oh, yeah, like you were Cleopatra, you know, in a past life and I'll just sometimes say, oh, I'm sorry, they're not showing that, you know, but they are showing this. So like, a lot of ego energy can show up like, well, I was, you know, King Tut or something. So it's just interesting because like that stuff, I always ask and then I'm like, well, actually, I'm not being shown that but they're showing this. So like, I just say, I just say, I'm not seeing it. Like, if it's something that might harm their ego that they can't psychologically handle, but if it's something like, that's very harmful to them that oh gosh, they just showed out was a psychopath and a pre like my my the latest life I just lived and I harmed 50 people and they're buried somewhere and and oh gosh, like stuff like that. It's like, uh, I'm not seeing that. Like, let's see where that person where they came from with that. Like, I'll be honest, if I see it or not, I'll just say, I'm sorry, or I'll say, uh, actually, you know, they'll usually people's records will kind of share with me what I'm allowed and they do it in a delicate way where it's not going to psychologically cause them to have a meltdown in a way or let's say a because I see it too as like a dimensional shift or paradigm shift. The only people that I've had really, really, really hard sessions with are people who are suicidal. They are delicate and they are angry, some of them and they want to be combative to what their guides say. And that's when a few times I've actually had to be like a straight shooter and say, um, whatever I'm being told to say because again, like it's kind of showing up for me. So I'm just kind of reading what's being said or kind of just saying, well, they're showing this, this, this, that's what they're showing. Um, take what you want, but they've had a few times when people were really, they went, I don't know if it was a being reprimanded, but they were being almost told like, you're not, you're not respecting your life. So why are you here? Like basically, like, you're on the fence. You want to play with this and you're not respecting your life. Okay. And they kind of lashed out at them in a way where I was like in shock. Cause that's when I am like, whoa, I've only, I've only listened to one session before that I recorded because I don't, it's not mine to listen to. But one was suicidal and I said, whoa, and I questioned never reading again after this person because they were angry and they were bitter and they were, um, angry that they were alive and their guides kind of gave them, Oh, okay. You want to, you think it's going to be fine. Just, you know, leaving right now and doing something to harm yourself. Oh, okay. And then they kind of just, I don't know. To me, it felt like a little bit of tough. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes people, they need that. Holy shimole. I didn't know because I know, I don't normally talk like that. I'm normally like, whoa, and their guides reamed them and that I literally, that I close the records and then I listened to it the next morning because I wanted to make sure, whoa, did, am I allowed to continue? Because I wanted to make sure I was allowed to keep reading for people because it was that harmful for me because I normally don't give a lashing. Yeah. And I listened and I said, Oh, gosh, okay. It wasn't as bad as I thought because I thought, Oh my God, is this person going to off themselves? Like, I was that scared. Oh, wow. It was a gift from a friend that this person was gifted, the recession by a friend who was worried. And the friend reached, I reached out to the friend and I said, is your friend okay? I hung up the, I stopped the session because one, the person was very, was a taker in terms of was insatiable energy. Couldn't get enough. And they, they just kept asking for more and more and more. So it ended up being like 45 minutes longer than it should have. And I, I was trying to be careful. And I just said, the session's done. And I hung up. And I never done that before. And what's that? That's a way to do it. Yeah. And because they're like, you're not taking, you don't want to listen anymore. So you're not listening. And so this is done. And I was like, whoa. And then the next day, this person, the friend that gifted this person, the session reached out and said, my friend is so grateful. That was the best session she's ever had. And meanwhile, I was worried all night that she was going to offer self. And I was worried that I could ever read again. Because I, I couldn't, I just didn't, I just, that's not why I do this work, you know. Right. Right. Yeah. Right. Again, though, that's another lesson for you. It's something in this type of work for both parties, all we always, I think. Yeah. And it's interesting. He said, like, people having past lives of Cleopatra, King Tut, like that happens a lot. People think they're millions of people think they're all the same. Yeah. Well, I'm reading a book right now about, it's an amazing book about one of the truest contact, extraterrestrial contact stories I've ever read. And we're going to be interviewing the author soon. But this man is interacting with this race of ETs. And she describes to him that they collectively all have the same memories. So that it's, it's how they, it's, it's like part of their blueprint. It's how they, the knowledge is passed down. So it's not forgotten. So it's not lost. And that memory only shows up when and if you need it in a certain life experience. So sometimes you'll, you'll be somewhere and you'll have, oh my god, I've been here before, or you think that you've had a past life as Cleopatra or King Tut, but no, the collective is actually implanted with that memory. And you're just tapping into it in that moment, because there's something in that that you need to learn from that experience. It's not even your memory. So I think that happens with humans too. I don't think it's just a CT, but they explain it more in depth in the book. But I was like, oh my god, that's what happens here. And people mistake that far. Oh, I was that person in a past life, when in fact, it's actually that actually Dolores Cannon, what came through her information was that a lot of star seeds, a lot of souls that it's their first time incarnating on earth since it's such a dense vibration. And they're not, they, you know, if they just came in straight, it would be too hard. So what they do is they get the, they get an imprint and of like past life, different past lives are different. You know, people like that, they get an imprint of that. And that helps with their incarnation on earth. And then it seems like they had that past life, but it's actually just an imprint. Right. It just kind of goes along with what you just said. It exactly helps ease them into the earth energies. But in this case, with the E.T. race, it was, it was something that was more for not losing the knowledge. That's how they like, that's how the true knowledge is stored. And it's collectively available, kind of like the Akashic records, right? But but if you're not, if you're not certain, you, if you're not sure, you could mistake it for your own memory is, you know, well, that makes sense. Cause, um, in the Akashic realm from what I've seen, again, this is just bits and pieces from whatever I remember. But like some people in certain areas of like the earth, they can energetically pick up on like what was there before. So like, like as an empath, let's say if I walk through the woods, I could maybe feel, I don't know, like the founding fathers running through, you know, New England and saying the record codes are here or something. But like, there's an imprint in the land. So that's what I found out to you, because someone was trying to ask about finding information like below a house that was like, they were asking about like, um, kind of like secret buried treasures and like it showed up in their records that they could actually meditate over the land. And actually, it was just fascinating because it was an imprint on the land and they were sensitive to pick it up. And so I'm realizing, Oh gosh, you know, the land holds so much sacred wisdom. If we have that frequency, we can collect it and pick it up. But it's like, I guess it's just maybe if you're allowed to vibrate at that same frequency to and get the information, because I do feel the shaman, like let's say the medicine people of like the ancient tribes or even current tribes that are still kind of off grid, they can still collectively ask, am I allowed to cook this plant for four days and then add this berry to it for it to be medicine, like, or how can I heal this person's sickness, they'll get the information from the plants, they can talk to the plants. Right. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. There's so much that we just don't understand it. And we can all haphazardly jump into this type of stuff. And it's exciting. And we all do it. We're all young and naive at some point. We all fall for something, we take the bait somewhere along the line, and then we fall hard sometimes. And then we have to get up, pick ourselves back up, but there's a lesson in it. And a lot of times, like you said, sometimes we choose that experience from a higher perspective, you know, maybe our higher self chooses that experience for our soul's evolution, right? We just, we don't always know, but there's always a reason for it. So don't beat yourself up, even if you do experience something negative. So I think this has been a beautiful conversation today. And thank you for coming and being brave and sharing everything that you've shared with us, because I know it's a lot of it's not easy to share. So is there any last words you'd like to leave us with before we wrap this up? Well, no, because I mean, part of me was like, Oh gosh, you know, am I going to share too much or share stuff? And I realized, you know, maybe these souls have to go down this path and experience like the depth of what they're experiencing. And, you know, I guess to me, I just, all I can do is kind of pray for them or pray and just see where this is going to take us as a collective. From what I've heard and what my friends that do like hypnotherapy and have experiences with people that have thought they were from Atlantis and all that, they, you know, supposedly we've been here before. Supposedly we're, we've already done this before. So I, I don't know, I guess all I can do is just say maybe, um, keep, keep your frequency high so that you can, the frequency does help. I have noticed the ripple effect where people can just keep themselves in a high space and then it will ripple effect. And I guess what my friend has told me, because I, part of me wants to go and give these people hugs and tell them they, they are um, valuable and they are, they can be loved. They, they, they, if they can find love within them, they maybe they can love themselves. So they don't have to go down that path. But again, like, I have to be the observer and I have to honor people with their, um, their free will, even though I do feel it's been kind of tapped and stolen by entities. Uh, I just guess I can say like, let's just keep our frequency high because that will ripple effect. I, I do feel when you try to keep your frequency the highest it can be, it might have a nice kind, gentle effect on someone that might need a little extra support or may need to say, gosh, you know, you're okay. Just as you are, you are given this body as a gift from God and from the Creator. And I hope you can find it to be sacred because that's the one thing I did because I was, I battle with this all every day because I want to know, like, am I thinking, am I too harsh? Am I not honoring people? Am I not doing my work? But then I realized, you know, we're given this as who we are. I do feel as our karmic lessons. We're given, you know, our unique eyes, our unique lips, our unique fingerprints, you know, from God to go through our journey to learn our life lessons. And so that's why I find, okay, I have to honor who I am in order to learn my lessons and be authentically me. And if these people are not learning their own life lessons or not honoring what was given to them by God, like, what's, what consequences are those going to be for them down the road? You know, like, that's, those are the questions I ask because I don't know. I mean, this is their journey. I just, I just wanted to, um, I don't know, I just find if you can kind of send love, maybe, maybe that will help. I don't know. I just, I just feel bad because I don't feel a lot of them are loving themselves and loving what God gave them. Because that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And I think finding love and sending love is a beautiful, beautiful advice. And showing these people love and whatever interactions you naturally have, because a lot of times these people, they just don't, they just haven't received much love in their life. And they've been, they have all this trauma and, and they're very unhealed. So it's like, we got to remember love is the most powerful force in the universe, right? It's so much more powerful than any of the stars. So, so like, if you can show them love in whatever way, that doesn't mean like you want to hang around these types of people all the time or any of that stuff, you know, but in the, in like your job, for example, you're, you're a lot of times working with these types of people. And it's like, just show them love in whatever way you can and send them love and energy as well and pray and accept and acceptance, you know, may help them feel accepted because I think sometimes that's just what people want, you know, more than love, not more than love, but like they want to feel accepted and they don't feel accepted. So they feel like they have to lash out and make this bold decision, make a bold move and do something that they might regret that they probably will regret much later down the road or maybe sooner than we realize. So if you can acceptance in the umbrella of love, that's a manifestation of love in our opinion and get them to question these certain thoughts and certain programs and like the most non-confrontational ways a lot of times because people get very defensive, obviously, but like, that's why I like these love. I think you're right, because then they claim it more, you know, like they dig deeper into it when they don't even, it's like, do you even know what you're doing? Like do you really know what you're doing? Because like you do then okay, but if you don't and you're going to dig deep just because you want to rebel or feel like claim something because you don't know what is going on or you don't know who you are yet or give yourself time. And that was the thing Tyler, I guess I wondered too because the other day when I was, I was feeling bad one day with one person that I was just sad for him because he was the one that couldn't decide. And then I was like, am I feeling sad? Is his entity making me fall for this stuff? Because like my heart was broken because I just thought, you know, no matter what, it looks like he felt lost. I just didn't feel like he owned it. Like he didn't, like there's a difference, but I guess like I was like, oh no, Tyler, like am I, am I falling? Is the entity trying to make me feel bad for the entity? Because like, that was another question. Well, and that's the real, that's a, that's something that you should consider because I think that, you know, it's the typical narcissist empath relationship and what does the narcissist do? They prey on your ability to see the good in everyone. So they know that you're going to care and you're always going to want to help. And then, but you're, it's never going to be reciprocated, right? So it's just going to be constantly like loose harvesting, you're going to be, you're going to be feeding off of you whenever you're giving all your love and energy. That's a fuel source. And that, and I'm not saying that that's happening with every client, right? But it is something to consider. And at some point, we all have to draw the line because we've all had those people in our lives. And you can only do so much before it's like, okay, I just can't help you anymore, you know, but in your case, in your case, it's a little different. It's not like these people are just coming in the door and out the door. So you're feeling like their souls bless you. Thank you. You're, you're feeling, you're feeling the pain of their soul. You're feeling like sad for them. And I think it's different than having a narcissist in your life permanently that you have to break bonds with anyway. So it is just something to consider. Yeah. Yeah. But this has been incredible. Thank you so much for sharing everything you've shared with us today. And can you please let our audience know where they can find you and how they can book a session? Yes. Yes. Thank you so much. So I just have people book time slots. And then we just discuss what's needed because like the Akashic realm is amazing. And there's so much that can be found there. But I always like to touch base with what people need because I can also tap into the energy fields. And sometimes we need to realign chakras. Sometimes we need to clear stuff that's no longer serving people. So there's a lot that can be done during the session. So that's why I just haven't done by time slots. And they can find me at Leah Raylight, And that's where I have my website. And they can just kind of land there and see what works for them. Great. Well, that link will be in the description. And again, thank you for joining us. Thank you for everyone who tuned in tonight. We love you all. We can't do this without you. And just a quick reminder, if you did miss the conference, the replay is available at or on our website And the replay is only $88. It includes the entire conference. And the link is live for six months, maybe even permanently. If you just want to bootleg it, we don't care. Just enjoy it. So, and also, if you're interested in joining our Patreon, it's only $5 a month. And where we do our exclusive webinars. And we just released a Illuminati in the music industry webinar publicly, which is now on our Rumble. If you haven't checked that out, go check it out. It was definitely an interesting deep dive. We got into some really wild stuff. And it goes a lot deeper than most people realize. So, and if you want to sign up for our new monthly newsletter, you can join our email list on our website. And yeah, I think that's it. Aaron, anything else? No. Oh, yeah, your book. My book. My book, might as well plug your book one last time. Yeah. Yeah. So, thank you all, by the way, for everyone who's bought my book. It means the world to me. And I truly appreciate it. And for everyone who's left a beautiful review. For those of you who, if you have read it and you haven't left a review, I would really appreciate it if you could leave a review on Amazon. It just really helps out a lot. And but for those of you who haven't, my book's available on Amazon. It's called Waking to the Infinite Universe. I released it a little over a month ago. And it's the first book I've ever released. And yeah, I, it's really good. Go buy it. I'm proud of it. Thank you. And I'm truly blown away by all the love and support I've received from it. So thank you all so much. And yeah. And with that, we'll go ahead and wrap it up. Good night, everybody. We love you all. And until next time, have a great evening. What happens when water is exposed to EMF or wireless radiation? Here's something you may not know. Water is conscious and it responds vibrationally to whatever it is exposed to. At Omnia, we've done an experiment where we froze and photographed three samples of water. Water which was not exposed to EMF radiation, the baseline looked like this. Water which was exposed to an EMF field, a 5G radiation field in fact, looked like this. 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