The SeedPod for Beginners by Starting With Jesus

Week26B Lions

Daniel is put to the test. What will he do? Will praying send him to the lion’s den or save him? Listen to how sweet it was for Daniel to trust in Jesus. Nature lesson on lions. Mem. vs. Dan. 6:22. Child helpers: Issac, Heidi, Patience, Benjamin, Audrey, and Ezekiel.

Recorded and produced by: Ashley B. Larson

Don’t forget to check out the coloring pages that go along with each lesson!

If you have enjoyed this program and would like to know more, go to our website:

The Bible and nature story material used in today’s devotional podcast has been used with permission from My Bible First. If you would like your own copy, please visit their website-or call 1-877-242-5317.

If you would like to purchase your own Memory Verse CD or Songbook, go to Ouachita Hills Store (

Songs from: Little Voices Praise Him, SDA Hymnal, Sabbath Songs For Tiny Tots, New Sabbath Songs For Tiny Tots, Memory Verse Verse Songs for Cradle Roll, Children's Songs For Jesus, and Scripture Songs and Little Lessons

All Bible verses are from the NKJV.
Singers for this Quarter: Tory, Caleb, and Enoch Hall, Hudson Reeves, Michael and Amy Nelson
Editing assist: Dillon Austin and Josh Larson
Music Recording and Editing: Rachel Nelson and Kristy Hall
Coloring Pages: Rachel Lamming, Lily Canada, and Evie Rodriguez
Theme Music: Lindsey Mills-
God: who gives talents for us to use for Him

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Welcome to the seed pod for beginners. I'm Miss Ashley and I'm so glad you are here with me today as we sing and learn about God through nature and the Bible. Heavenly Father, please bless all the boys and girls who've joined us today. Help us to learn so much more about you and come close to Jesus, we pray in Jesus name, amen. We're gonna start our songs off today with a song called Bubbles. You can make the sign for Bubbles by opening and enclosing your hands up in the air before you like little Bubbles popping. Bubbles, Bubbles, I like to play with Bubbles. Open and close your fingers quickly. ♪ Bubbles, Bubbles, I like to play with Bubbles ♪ ♪ Jesus must write pretty things ♪ ♪ Because he made a bubble ♪ ♪ Bubbles, Bubbles, I like to play with Bubbles ♪ ♪ Jesus must write pretty things ♪ ♪ Because he made a bubble ♪ - Our next song is called Whisper a Prayer. Every time we say prayer in this song, put your hands together like prayer in hands. Whisper a prayer in the morning. Whisper a prayer at noon. Whisper a prayer in the evening to keep your hearts in tune. And then in the next verse, you can point up every time we say God, point up to heaven. ♪ Whisper a prayer in the morning ♪ ♪ Whisper a prayer at noon ♪ ♪ Whisper a prayer in the evening ♪ ♪ So keep your hearts in tune ♪ ♪ God and your prayer in the morning ♪ ♪ God and your prayer in the evening ♪ ♪ God and your prayer in the evening ♪ ♪ So keep your hearts in tune ♪ (gentle piano music) - It's time to review our Bible story from this week. I want you to help me out by saying the answers out loud after I ask the questions. Can you do that? Question one, what did Daniel do when he was told no one was allowed to pray to God? - He prayed. - He prayed anyways. He wasn't gonna stop talking to his love, God. And neither should we. Question number two, Daniel was thrown into a dangerous lion's den. Why did the lions not hurt him? - Because Jesus was there. - He said angels to close the lion's mouth. - An angel shut the lion's mouth. Question number three, should we obey people when they tell us to disobey God? Or should we always obey God? - They should always obey God. - That's right. We should always obey God, no matter what. (gentle piano music) Our lesson today is lions. Isaiah 11, verse six. - The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb. - The apple should hide down the young goat. - The cat and the young lion in the found one together. - I need a child, so I need them. - Lions are the second, biggest kind of cat in the whole world. If you have a kitty cat at home, it's a whole lot bigger. In the cat family, only tigers are bigger than lions. A daddy lion weighs about 400 pounds. That's the size of two full grown men. Mommy lions or lionesses are almost as big. A lion can roar very loudly. Whoa, so loud that the roar can be heard five miles away. Five miles would be a really big, big walk. You can tell a daddy lion because he has a big mane. That's the hair that surrounds his face. The lionesses like it when the daddy's mane is dark. The darker the mane, the better they like him. Lions can run very fast, up to 50 miles an hour. Fast as fast as cars may go on very busy roads. The lions can't run fast for very long. After a short time, they need to stop and rest. Resting is something the lions are really good at. They love to sleep. Lions may sleep as many as 20 hours a day. Did you know there's only 24 hours a day? That means the lions only awake for about four hours, but sleeps for 20. Lions also like to hunt food. Because they're better at it, the lionesses do most of the hunting that makes me think of in your home. Often times it's the mommies who do most of the cooking. Sometimes the daddy's do it too, and we're thankful when they do a good job, but the mommies do a lot of it. Lions like to live with other lions in large groups called prides. A pride usually has some daddy lions and a lot of female lions, the lionesses, and they're cubs. They like to be with other lions. Do you like to be with other people? I do. Why wouldn't a lion make a good pet? - They just wanna ride. - Because they're really dangerous. Things will be different in heaven. In heaven, you'll be able to play with a lion. Won't that be wonderful? Someday when Jesus comes back and you're in heaven, what would you like to do with a lion? - Play with it, and they ride on it. - Ride on them. - Ride on them, and what else? - Pit them. - I'd like to pet one, maybe snuggle up with one, and if it's big enough, maybe even ride it. I'm so glad that in heaven, they won't be dangerous anymore. It's memory first time. Our memory first this week is Daniel 622. My God sent his angel, and shut the lion's mouth. Now let's learn it in a scripture song. ♪ My God has sent his angel and his ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ My God has sent his angel and his ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ Daniel 622 ♪ ♪ My God has sent his angel and his ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ My God has sent his angel and his ♪ ♪ Shut the lion's mouth ♪ ♪ Daniel 622 ♪ - I'm so glad you joined me today. You can keep listening to this podcast and the other one for this week. And then we're gonna have a new one out, starting on Sunday. Parents, I'd love to hear from you. You can let us know how many kids in your home are listening, how old are they? And send your answers in to seed pod at Let's have prayer. Dear Jesus, we wanna thank you for making the lions and we thank you that you protect us from them. Thank you that in heaven, we don't have to ever be afraid because all the lions will be kind and good just like you wanted them to be. Stay in our hearts in Jesus' name. Amen. Join us for our closing song, "Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus." ♪ Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus ♪ ♪ Just to take him at his work ♪ ♪ Just to rest upon his promise ♪ ♪ Just to know the state, the Lord ♪ ♪ Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him ♪ ♪ How I prove him or an or ♪ ♪ Jesus, Jesus, pray ♪ ♪ Just Jesus, oh, for grace ♪ ♪ To trust him more ♪ (gentle music) - The Bible study material used in today's devotional podcast was used with permission from My Bible First. If you'd like your own copy, go to To download today's coloring picture and for more programs like these, check out the description box below and visit our website, (gentle music)