Fantasy Pants: A DnD Adventure Podcast

Radiant Citadel Ep 91: The Lion and the Mouse

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

I want to thank you guys so, so much for helping us build this beast into what it is today. Not only are we sitting here almost two years into this podcast, almost a hundred episodes. We're getting there. We're also just, we're getting out there. We went to Mountain Mania recently, did a live show. We actually recently went to the Avant Branson's Fair. We have NerdOut Knights at Reckless, we're hosting, so we're getting out, we're meeting people, and we're really, really hoping to meet all of you. So if you want us to come out your way, go to these bigger expos and fairs and what not. Across the country, I'm not saying it's impossible. If we get bigger, if you get our names out there, we'll get out there, we'll meet you. We'll find out all of you. We'll personally give you each a hug. So please, share us on social medias, Instagram, Facebook, I'm bad at that part. Thank you so much guys, we love you. [Music] [Music] I am Sturjman, and I'm a message for you. Real and he doesn't sleep. It stirs beneath the light of day, and thrives in the blackness of night. It spares all worlds, all habitats, all hearts. And so the pursuit of justice can be seen as everlasting game of cat and mouse, with the lives of the innocent stand and stake, with the pests or ever remote supply. How, then, does a cat come with the impossibility of their quest? With the contradictory nature of the dream of peace, grasped only through firm violence. With a constant horrible thought, the cat too. We'll never hear the call of meaty criminality that drives their quarry, and must stand resolute in the suffering, else wants the flower of their altruistic ideals with her, and die. In my case, I release my pent of stress, and wisely seek for my convictions in a bottle of jelly wine. It takes a sweet justice with moral notes of righteous fury, mitten into the darkness of your glass. With an incredible variety of magical images, inlame with all types of unique characteristics, there is guaranteed to be a jelly wine for your taste. So remember, citizens, you drink. They'll mirror a grape, but heroes drink. You're all in jelly, you are. Grab a bottle right now. I hate it. Hey, David, try talking after that. Oh, God. Oh, you know what? Actually, I wasn't about my throat as I thought. Ooh, ooh, ooh, is that the hooly forge bottle opener there? That's the hooly forge bottle opener. Real spike bottle opener, coyote color. So quick story that you were both here for, but for our wonderful friends listening. Yeah. I asked Jeremy, I was like, "Hey, do you have any beer?" And he was like, "Not really." And he pulls out this bottle. He's like, "I've got this triple, this imported triple." [laughter] And I'm like, "No, no, no, no, it's Thursday night. Don't crack anything special, whatever." He's like, "It's not special. It's been in my fridge for years, blah, blah, blah." And it's like, if you were talking to somebody in a barbecue and you're like, "Ah, shit, I forgot the burgers." And so he was like, "Ah, no big deal. I've got, you know, dry aged wagyu steak or whatever." [laughter] I'll throw a porter out in that bag, boy. This is like, so what I'm into. And Jeremy's just like, "Eh, not my bag." Oh, my gosh, that's amazing. That's amazing. Thank you, Jeremy. That's why I offered it. Mm-hmm. Well, I don't know why we're giving Stephen a lovely beverage. Ah, friendship tastes great. Because we should be punishing him. You know why, Jeremy? You know why? Why? Stephen. Why? Because we need a new closure now. A new ending tagline for our little show. Oh. We'll call it there. It was pretty good. We'll call it there. I'm up until Stephen got a stinky dirty taint all over it. Just rubbed his taint all over our clothes. Thank goodness. Are you saying that? Yeah. I can say it a lot. Apparently you can too. I tell people it's PG-13. Yeah. How'd it feel, Stephen? Wait. Hope it was worth it. How'd it feel to be God? So you didn't like it? It's pretty good. It's pretty good. We're changing our closure. That was that. We're dumb with what we'll call it there. Yeah. Pants people. No. No. You'll find out. You'll find out. We'll find out together. It's going to be so stupid. It's going to be so dumb. It's going to be so dumb. No. You're so dumb. That's all, folks. But I'm bam, bam, bam. I don't want you to change it. No. Don't care. Your power trip ends here. Shut it down. Shut it all. Shutting it all down. Wow. And that began the downfall of fantasy pants. They're just, I can hear it. They can hear it. They're printing it in newspapers right now. They're just nothing without that ending tagline. It's a really weird turn. They just do it so well. And then all of a sudden just change the end. I guess they called it there. Stephen tainted them. Oh, take a button. Oh, button. Yeah. No. I was, oh my God. I thought he was going to give it to you. Oh. I thought he was going to give that to you. Okay. I almost did. I really almost did. That was really good. Okay. I'm going to kill this bitch. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh man. Yeah. I'll beat up a Biza. Biza. Yeah. We are in it guys. We are in the final battle of this arc. How do you feel about that? I was there. You solved the mystery. You caught the killer. You killed the killer. Yeah. And now you got to kill the killer. The killer brought to kill you. This is fancy pants. We like to be convoluted. The reason the killer is a killer. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Who killed the killer? They killed the inspire. The killer is killer. The killer is killer. Kill the killer. Kill the killer, by the way. Kill? Yeah, good show. Right? I'm lost. Jeremy, kill the killer. What? Have you seen kill the kill? I don't know what that is. No. You should watch it sometimes. Okay. That's not an opinion on anything. My opinions are usually pretty simple. It's like, yeah, that was good or not. Haven't seen it. Those are pretty much my two opinions. If you can call the latter an opinion. It is good though. Wait, what were we talking about? Killers. Killers. Speaking of killers. I want to fight. You're fighting one. Let's get into it. Let's get into it. Give me some siren escape. We open on Devaluma. Her mouth locked. And unbelieving. Oh. Her eyes still holding a spark of surprise. They lay glazed over in her near death state. A coffee table lays shattered beneath her. And a burnt orange rug of the Grandmaster's morning room serves as our background. Remember, she fell. From one floor down to the other, smashing this table, landing here. Blood runs from two fresh wounds delivered by mentor. In student and tandem spurred on by the rallying cry of the captain of the silent verse. A perfect team attack. And a fitting end. For the woman once known as Kala Mabarin. We stare down at this killer diva as like an ever growing caterpillar. The tendrils of thick fuzzy moss that cover her creep over across her face. Consuming flesh. Muscle. And bone. And behind this show, we can hear the sounds of sudden battle. The shouts of Duergar, officers drawing arms. The screams and cries of the royals in danger. The haunting moans, the specters. Those unfortunate heirs claimed by the diva's plot. That now serve the tenorless Beezer above. The killer is dead. But the flames of her ambitions have not yet been doused. In this house, all lives currently hang in the balance. It is to our five heroes. To push those scales. Blanche. Jewels. John. Chester. In the Harlan. You face a monster of legend. A Beezer of the jungle. A rage spirit. The very spirit of proud Eden. Who John Franklin had sought to avenge at the start of all of this. And this monster has just used a very strange magic on you. Targeting Harlan and Blanche, stoking and inflaming feelings of rage and pushing them to strike out in a nearby ally. Harlan made to strike John, but the total deftly blocked the blow. He's had some experience now battling this Duergar captain. But Blanche just turned her blade on Jewels. And ruled a save against the Beezer's magic. A role we did not see. Because Stephen rudely interrupted our whole show. And ruined our tagline. Stephen, I should preface this role by saying something. In some regards, the build up I made for this role does not matter. It's not holy. Yeah, okay, that's right. It was a false cliffhanger. We're frauds. We're frauds. And I'll explain why. I'll explain why. I'll explain why. Bring back, we'll call it there. It's not fully, hey, hey, it's dead. It's dead like you're going to be. Alright folks, and we'll call it there. This ability I used on you would make you use your reaction to attacking nearby ally when that's within range. But Harlan just made you use your reaction to strike the Beezer. I had forgotten your reaction was burned. And so therefore the actual striking of jewels, you want to hit jewels, but you're currently out of position as this effect runs over here. You're like, you've just struck out and you're not in position to strike again. You're currently, your weapon's already fully out and drawn. You're in the sort of second sort of step part of your stance. Out of actions. Yeah, you're out of actions. You cannot strike at jewels. But I think you should just make the save. Because one thing I forgot to add before is there is some damage tied to it. In fact, I'm going to roll that damage for Harlan. And if you fail, it's going to apply to you as well. I'll tell you right now, Harlan just took nine damage as this haze comes over you. You can feel it kind of like pushing into your mind and flaming these feelings of rage. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts Harlan. It's a nasty blow for the Duergo who was also looking pretty rough after that first fight. That blow, Jean, dealt to him. Hasn't fully healed. Yeah. Does it hurt you, Blanche? What did you roll? Still a wisdom save. The same save. It is a wisdom saving throw. Okay. So it was a 13 on the die. I have a plus three to wisdom. So it's a 16. Jeremy, do you think I should use my bardic right now? Ooh. Like 16, I mean, I feel like there's a great chance that the save is a 15. Or even lower. Right. Well, let me show you what my plan is. Sorry, Pansky, but you can't see this, but I'm showing Steven something on my screen. So do it without what you will. I would like to save the bardic for the actual fight with the Biza. Right. I do also still have three slots. Okay. Oh, so you're saying that you could just do it again. Do that again. Yeah. Give me the pick of minor destiny. Whoa. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So heads, maker's mark. I am going to use the bardic. Tails. I'm going to save it. Oh. Oh my goodness. I'm going to flip it on the floor because I have stuff everywhere in front of me. That's tails. No bardic. Okay. So we're going with a 16 final answer. This music sounds like the millionaire shell. 16, you say. With a 16. You're all right. Okay. Cool. All right. Push to that haze. Nice. You push it down. You don't want to strike jewels. And you don't. That pain fades. You do not take damage. Awesome. Not. Sweet. Bad. Oh, I didn't realize that the save was for, like, wanting to strike jewels. I thought it was just for the damage. It was both. Oh my goodness. I would have used my bardic because I knew that. Well, no. You couldn't have any reaction. You couldn't have struck jewels. I realized it was less cool of a cliffhanger, but it was still safe. It was still not. Okay. Right. All right. It's still cool. It's still cool. Is Blanche's relieved of all of that now? It goes away. Okay. In fact, even in Arlen. Sweet. Like, immediately just. Oh. Sorry. Okay. It was just a reaction. Okay. Yes. Anyone who's familiar with this, the visa stat block from the book might realize I knew it's totally different. In fact, using a sort of upgrade version of a stat block from a different module from an event that I really like. You want to find out more? Check out our unzipped. After this arc. Oh. Nice. Look at that. You're getting good at this. You're getting good at this. That's how you do it right there. That's how you hook them. Speaking of hooking them. It's so stupid. It's just a toy. Just do what you're doing. Just do it. Chester is currently that same creeping almost caterpillar like Moss, tenders of it, or writhing around him as well. He's going to take damage from it at the start of his turn. First thing is first. And that's before the save? It is before the save. That's five more damage to Chester. Oh, God. Chester. It's not good. But as he takes his damage, he has 10th HP from what's it, Aspen to the bear or what's it called? Bears endurance. Bears endurance. Yes. So he's got something he's both different. It's all right. I feel like a bear. I feel like a real bear. Oh, yeah. I got it, Jules. After that, he can make a save now. He has advantage because I'm giving you an advantage on this because normally Constitution checks aren't really that much of a thing. I don't know. No one said anything yet, except it's not out yet. So no one argues with me. We're keeping the rule. All right. All right. Cool. All right. Who's got advantage on this? It's Con, right? It's Con. Let us know. Email us a discordous or something. First roll was a two on the die. Oh, my gosh. Second roll was a three on the die. Get out. He can't do it. He's trying to bring himself to like cool the moss and he's just like the pain. It's like the pain of the moss. It like holds his arms back when he's trying to reach to pull it off of him and he realizes he can't. He can't do it. So what does he do instead? He knows his friends are in danger. So did he waste his action doing that? No. That was the same. If you make the same, you can use your action. Right. Yes, yes. Sorry. You got to make the save for us and then use it. The save is to see if he can push through the pain and like overcome the moss. Right. It doesn't let you get off. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Somebody else can use an action for free to pull it off of him. Okay. But he just can't do it himself right now. But that 10th HP may have saved him. I think he's just going to move a little closer to the door. Okay. I can't. I don't see him doing anything else. He can fire. He can. Yeah. If he can get into the line of sight. He moves up right next to Blanche here right in front of the door. He can peek out and get into the BZ. He's going to cast attacks onto the BZ. If you're in the spot where the door, you can see out of the door. I'm not going to say you can't. Okay. All right. We're going to cast attacks onto the BZ. Okay. Okay. That is a bonus action too. Oh shit. Do I roll? Yep. Let me double check. You place a curse on a creature that you can see within range until the spell ends. Dealing extra 1d6 necrotic damage. Also choosing ability. Oh, it just happens. It just happens. Yep. Hot? It's concentration. Dop. Okay. So, yeah. What do you choose? So you're going to get disadvantage on Con. Oh man. Okay. On Con saves. Okay. Yep. On top of that. Chester gets, I mean you have an action still. You can make an attack and get that plus 6 on it. The moss isn't stopping him. He can still see. It's like crawling onto his face. Okay. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. He can still rise. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. 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That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. That's what I'm thinking the catch is going to be. Still a little bit of haze bursts off this thing is getting weaker. All right. That's Harlan. A round of screens around the house. The spectres are making their move one round. Passes. John. John is going to rebuke evil and issue his nightly challenge. Oh shit. Oh shit. Okay. Okay. For listeners a quick reminder. John Franklin can forgo the frightened effect of rebuke evil to instead make all creatures that fail the saving throw vulnerable to his own spear attacks while vulnerable. These creatures have disadvantage against targets other than John Franklin. Hell yeah. Wait a minute. Okay. I think though. I think this guy hit me. I think we may have used this today during the Cayman battle. I know it's been a thousand years since the giant Cayman battle, but I believe this was used. He can't use it until he finishes a long rest. Not until a long rest. I think that is John Franklin. Your resources are burnt, gentlemen. This is the final fight. Okay. But you've been through the gauntlet on this day. Yeah. The Cayman was this day. Okay. Then Christ. I was so excited. Oh my God. Then. All right. Got really nothing else to do. I guess we'll call it there then. Shut up. It's good. You can't share any glory. That's your problem, David. You can't share the glory. All right. Sorry. I'm just going to make a spear attack. Oh, this is rough. That's just an 11. So. 11 will not. Wait. Flanking. Plus two. 13. I forgot. Oh. I forgot flanking for the past, like, three or four attacks. Oh, man. Yeah. Goes the strike. Oh, it's going to miss. And Blanche kind of works around still way to, like, give, gives on the opening. Battlefield control. These two together are all about it. Five on the D6. If it wasn't for us fighting a Biza, John would be doing, like, I mean, almost halfway decent. Yeah. Plus two, you said? Yes. D6 plus two. So seven. Okay. Then halved. Hey, you're still getting that damage. Getting there. It's not, you know, these consistent attacks. It's adding up. It's adding up. He'll say. Pick. Pick him away. Pick him away at this restless spirit. And it is now as restless spirits turn. Oh, what do I want to do? I have so many mean things. Man, I feel like Blanche hasn't gone yet since you went. Oh, let's see. Literally, because the Biza used the thing on Harlan. Was that a legendary action? Did we skip Blanche? No, it was legendary. Oh, fucking, of course, it was a legendary. That was a legendary action. I think I don't have legendary actions. I'm like, boss monster. I done both my boss monsters. I'm crazy. Okay. Here's what we're going to do. It's going to suck. But I want to use a little ability called howling a battle. Who to use it on though? Harlan's almost down. I feel so wasteful on him. How about our total prince? The one that just struck. Yes, I think that would be quite nice. I need Jean Franklin to make a wisdom saving throw as this creature just turns towards him. Clean the strange, like, language, strange demonic sort of. It sort of floods into his mind. That same red haze recovering his features, pushing into his ears, into his mind. He's frozen for the moment. And pain wrecks his features. Make that save. Before I make the save. No. Shut up. Before I make the save. Okay. Okay. No, it's not, it's not player-specific. It's character-specific. Never mind. I was going to ask about part of inspiration, but I'm an idiot. It's definitely character-specific. It's not like a button. It's a nine on the die. It's all he's got. Okay. It's all he's got. Poor little, poor little turtle. He's got, he's got no wisdom. He's got no wisdom in that dome. This got stuck. Stop! Stop! David. David. I will jump across this table. Both of them. That is going to be... Oh my gosh. Stop. 21 points. Oh my gosh. You're an asshole. And because John Franklin failed the save, he stunned until the end of his next turn. So he has no actions? No actions. You're a dick. John, just this sort of sting strikes and he's like, "Proud eaten. I wanted to help you. Why are you fighting us now? Why?" He spins around like, "Why did you want us? What were you wanting with us? Why?" Screams out. Eyes locked. Just in this visage of horrible pain. And he is frozen. But that's my turn. That's going to be Chester. Chester? Oh, yeah. He's going to do what he does. And that will hit with a 19. Oh, that will indeed hit. For again, minimum damage. One on the die. Plus three. Another little... I mean he's standing strong. He's standing strong. He's still doing his thing. Yeah. Yeah. All right then. Has Chester's move. Yeah, and he's going to duck around the other side of the door after he does that. Oh yeah. So he's not in line of sight. Okay. Chester's not in line of sight. It's perfectly fine. Yeah. You've got space there. You're in the back closet. You're moving around. All right. That's going to be Blanche. Does Blanche still get flanking even though Jean is stunned? Yes. Okay. Jean being in that spot, I think... Yeah. I don't think it's going to change that. Sure. As long as Jean is a targetable opponent, I think flanking will apply. Yeah. Well, the way I saw it is Blanche could step one space over to be in flanking with Harlan, if that was the... Yeah. So Blanche sees Jean go into this state, and she says, "Don't be afraid, Jean. This isn't a real predator, only an imitator with a lion's seek revenge on the mouse." I think not. Oh. Oh. 19 on the die. That will hit. You were getting some damage in. Yeah. ♪♪ 14. Oh. I started to count this as a nine, but then I realized I'm rolling a D8. That means it's a six, not a nine. Gotcha. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't wait a minute. Don't wait a minute. All right. I can't math today. I don't know. Eight was less than nine. All right then. Just barely. Anything else you want to do there, Blanche? Blanche, you poo? Uh, nothing. She has no bonus action to throw out there. Okay. You have just made your action. So I will use my full legendary action points to cast whispers of violence again. The same haze is going to flood out. I want to make some people attack some people. Oh, he makes some people attack me. I want that. I'm going to go for Blanche. I'm going to go for Harlan. And maybe, just maybe, I'll finish off Harlan with this too. Wisdom save? Wisdom saves me both. Still got my bardic. Wait. Ooh, I need it this time. Did you say wait? Oh, it doesn't matter. I just realize I can't. Blanche is next to anybody. So I can't really attack anybody. But I might as well have Harlan attack Jean. And you will. And just do damage to Blanche. It's fine. Still going for it. That's so... Before the bardic that's 11, I'm rolling my bardic die though. Okay. I think it was a... I don't remember what it was that passed last time. Oh, a 15 pass. Oh, 16? 16. Oh. Seven, so. Made it. Nice. You made it. Okay. This thing goes over. You don't take damage. Here's the question. Harlan. Harlan needs to make a save. This is my mind. Be strong of mine, Harlan. Harlan is 5 HP. Oh, God. No. I'm going to roll this in your box. It's close to me. I want this to be public. Let me move it here. Harlan is a plus one. Oh, no. So we need a 15 or higher? That's what you had to pass. Ten. Harlan fails. Okay. So. Blanche a save from damage. If I roll anything higher than two on this D8, Harlan Burn Shadow is going unconscious. Shit. You're right on the rim of the dice. I don't know if that's a good drive for him or us. Before I look at it, do I want to keep that or not? It's your call. It's, it's, it's, you know. Okay. It's been Danny. It's been Danny. It's been Danny. All right. Okay. Let's roll this again. In the tower. It's a one on the die. Danny. It's a one on the die. Danny. Danny. Danny. Danny. She rolled over there. She was like, "Oh, shit. That's a five." Amazing. Amazing. Okay. Harlan is at one HP. Oh my God. Yeah. I was wrong. It had to be a one. Oh. I was going to say. I was like, yeah. He's got one HP. It's a plus three. It had to be a one. That's crazy. Shit. Nice. Okay. What are the odds? Dude, barely standing. Harlan is still there. That's going to be Jules. I want to get to Harlan, but that's scary. You're so squishy, Jules. I know. I'm very squishy. Oh, shit. So let me guess. Yeah. This time, Jules would go to the door and cast vicious mockery onto Babiza. Okay. Okay. That is a wisdom save for you. Take this y'all hag. So offended. That is a 13. That is a fail. Snap. So you take 1d4 psychic damage. Oh, and that's getting through. So let's get that out of the way. That's bringing the psychic damage. Alakazam, baby. That's only two, but it's something. It's something. And you have disadvantage on your next attack roll. Ooh, that's the clincher right there. Yeah. Damn. Good. Okay. Yeah. Before the end of your next turn. You've seen what these attacks can do. That's really good. Got a bonus action for me? Oh, especially with Harlan at one HP. Right. That's big. That's big. And then I'm going to recast. Uh, you know what? No, no, no. I'm going to cast Bardic Inspiration onto Jean. Oh, okay. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. You just like see Jean. Just like, "Racked by pain, just staring out mouth open eyes. Just wide." Doesn't know what's happening. He's shaking. He's shaking. Um, this light from your loot again just strikes out towards him. Just kind of covers him. That golden mo goes around him. Your presence. You see a little bit of relief. Come to his features. A little bit of peace. Come to his mind. His friend is there. His friend is there with him in this pain. Friendship tastes so good. And that's going to be Harlan. What? Stop there? Smile. I thought it was a decent callback. What? What did we say that? You don't pay attention to anything, David. I don't listen to anything I say. [laughs] Dude was trying to kill you all, but first I had to kill me with Harlan. I hate this. I killed Harlan still. They just turned around like, "You're magic. Make me hurt people. You tried to make me a monster, but I'm no monster. Oh, I slay the monsters!" He goes into strike twice. Ooh. He's going to miss the first one. But hit on the second. Nice. For max damage. Excellent. That would be 12 points of damage. Half to six. Good. Fear some blow strikes through the sand. Watch the first one. He rips into it. I'm so stupid. I should be in flanking with Harlan. Not with Jon. Like Jon's damage is D6 plus two. Harlan gets two attacks and is damaged over higher. Oh, and then calls out. Slow the monsters with me. Allies. Slow the monster. And you feel that urge to strike again. All right. I can choose the three allies. And I'll let you choose which three. Get to attack. Jewels are still not in range, so I guess. Yep. And actually, Jon can't. So only two. Only Chester. And Blanche. Can actually strike this thing. Oh, right, Jon. No actions for Jon. All right. So let me roll for Blanche. That's a 21. Nice. How many rounds? Am I like, should I be worried about losing Shadowblade anytime soon? It's one minute. No. No, you're good. We're on this is round three. Sixteen psychic damage with Shadowblade. A lot of damage. Oh, yeah. This thing is looking for a weaker and weaker by the second Chester. What you got for me? For the third time. Fourteen. It's amazing. It's. More than more than a. For the third time. Can't have one on the die. Plus three. So weird. I'm calling it time loop. This is so weird. Fucking stupid. I hate this. That's incredible. That's incredible. I'm calling it now. No one's rolled a crit yet this episode. I'm calling it. Crit what? You got a US crit? Someone's crit. Specify a tag roll. I'll crit. I'll crit. Sure. You might be David. I just feel it. I can feel like someone's going to crit before the end of this episode on an attack roll. Wait a moment. Jump. Downstairs from the room beside you where Fyodor. From the closet nearby. Where Amos and Larissa stand against. Hence Azra. Screams. Another round passes. John does not make a move. But as his turn ends. Feeling that sort of comfort from Julesie. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Ah. Snaps. Out of it. I'm here, sir. I'm here. And that's how he proud he done again. Made my legendary before and now I get to make my attack. John did you hear what I said earlier about the predator thing? I thought it was kind of cool. I just want to make sure that you had it. You guessed it was cool. It was really cool. It helped me. What are we doing? Fyodor. Oh man. Let's see if I recharge howling babble first. Did you just say howling babble? That's the thing I did to John. That's nasty. But it takes a recharge but it did not come back. Which means I'm going to go for an attack. Disadvantage. Yeah. There it is. There it is. He remembered. Yeah. I'm going to attack Blanche. Bring it on. John's proud. I don't know about my reaction though. But Blanche is doing the most damage. Oh this is just taking you. No. I don't have my reaction for shield. Oh that's right. Good. Good. Perfect. I don't have a 21 AC but. Oh. I need two crits. With this advantage that is going to be an 11 to hit. That is not enough. This thing strikes out but like dual sort of words. Kind of weaken it strikes it comes out towards you and your blade song. You just cut through a parry. This spiritual hand that reaches out to grasp you. You just blast it away and leave it open to strike. Proud. I can't get in. And that is my turn that's going to be Chester. Take that pretender. Oh shit. All right. He's going to keep doing it. Hopefully with better numbers this time. 16. Okay. It's different. It's different. It's different. It still hits. Well this is the one that you need to roll back. Fuck me. Are you kidding me? You're joking. I'm not. That's four. Another one on the side. Just three. This is amazing. Oh man. Okay. All right. Hey, dude. Is he consistent? Yeah. I'm going to continue to mention too that he's basically running the corner to make his attack and then going back around the corner so he stays out of sight. Back against the wall. He's around fire. Comes back. I love it. Maybe that's why he's only rolling for us every time. He's just doing it fast. Yeah. Getting like the sort of side shots. Yeah. Hell yeah. Okay. That's Blanche. Okey-doke. Blanche is going to rinse and repeat. I feel like we've got to be even close to this thing. It's been a lot of hits. It's like a 23. What? Damage. Oh my gosh. No, no, that wasn't damage. That wasn't damage. I don't say it like you're still hitting every turn on this thing. And you're doing full damage with psychic, with a shadow blade. Damn. Damn. Wizards. Only 13 to hit this time. Damage, I mean. Looking quite bad. Oh my goodness. Nice. We're so close. You're so close. I want to make a move. I have to make a move here. This thing is beefy. I have to make a move on somebody. I mean, it has been taken only half damage a lot of the time, too. Well, not with the psychic. Oh, right. And Blanche has been able to go, like, I think twice every round because of Harlan. Oh my god. Damn. Okay, you're right. You're right. You're absolutely right. Legendary action. I'm attacking Harlan. He's got to go. He's got to go. We've got to keep Harlan up. You're right. You're actually more right. Legendary action. Whispers of violence. I'm targeting Harlan. Stop. And targeting Jules. Standing beside Chester. Let's make you attack your buddy. That he shoots out to Jules to Harlan again. He's failed this, like, every time. Let's see. He failed this time. Let's see. He failed this time. What do you got? What do you got hit? I forgot to have Harlan talk. Jean last time, didn't I? Is he under the thing? He was before. He didn't attack Jean. I hit him with it. He didn't attack Jean. Damn. Let's roll it. He's got a 19 AC. I feel pretty good about it. I don't know what to happen. You want to miss? You want to miss? There you go. Perfect. Advantage because you're stunned. You're stunned. You're stunned. You're still missed. Get down. Yeah. We're good. Off the shell. Okay. Now we can sleep. We can sleep tonight. We can sleep. We can sleep. Look in Jules sleep. After striking at Chester. Roll your die Jules. Take my last button. Okay. Okay. I'll take it. I'll take it. I have a negative one wisdom. That's right. 18. There you go. First one was the time the die. Second was the 19. Oh, you kneaded the button. I kneaded the button. This hits you. It hits you. It hits you. And you feel this rage moving inside you as you look towards Chester. And something amazing happens. That same sort of misty, like, fey magic that you shared once before. In that moment. Just outside the pale moonlight. When you were splitting up then. As you had this heartfelt moment, I think you hear almost the sounds of your loot. It's not playing, but you feel it. You hear it in your heart. In your mind. Chester hears it too. You lock eyes. You can't hear it, Chester. You could never hurt Chester. And the pain of this thing washes off of you. You are untouched. You can't fuck with Jules and Chester. Oh, you can't fuck with Jules and Chester. No one's going to come between you. You can't fuck with Jules and Chester. You can't fuck with Jules and Chester. No one's going to come between Chester. Like, can you fuck with Harlan Burn Shadow? Jules. Stop it. Harlan fails. God. Damn it. Here's the interesting thing. No, it's not interesting. Take the damage and end makes an interaction attack. I take the damage first, I'm assuming. Which means he goes down before the reaction attack. No. So Harlan will not be hitting Jean. I can't try. He just goes down. Which means I'm not going to be helping you out this time. Thank goodness. And that's going to be Jules. With Harlan down. One of your most stalwart allies has fallen, Jules. You've got to step up. If you want to finish this thing off, the house is screaming around you. People might be dying in this thing. This thing is pulling the strings. What are you going to do about it? It's either I attack where I'm at or I go to Harlan. It's, I hate this so much. Yeah, honestly. Jean can protect you. Yeah. Well, that's what I was thinking. I'm at least next to Jean. Yeah. Stay five feet away from Jean. Yep. And you'll be cool. Okay. Jules will go to Harlan. Okay. And he will kneel down. Not on my watch, brother. And he will cast level three. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Shit. That's three D eight plus four. Oh, man. Okay. Holy hell. You rolled that. Incredible. I rolled two eights. Nice. And the six. Oh. Excellent. For twenty six. That's fantastic. That's fantastic. Wow. Wowza's. That is incredible. Hey, David. What? Look at this. Look at this. You see this? You see it on my hand? That's a beautiful middle finger. Hey. And then eyes snap open. You see immediately as blurry, sort, tearful eyes take you in. You. After everything I did. You. Oh, don't deserve this. But I will make good on it. I will. I do agree. A third level spell slot was quite a lot, but you have proven to be quite useful. So. Holy shit. And then Jules will recast. His Bardic inspiration onto Blanche. Oh, yeah. That is the final one. I got to find another D eight to remind me. And then how long was that distance I traveled? Like 10 feet? 15 feet to get to Harlan? It was. Oh, it would have been 10 feet. You're actually sharing a space with John Franklin to reach him though, so it would be about 20 feet worth. Because you have to double when you're moving through that space. Okay. Yeah, I'll stay around at them. Okay. If I can. Should we move back to the door? No. With John Franklin. Uh. Yes. You wouldn't stand on his face, but you can move around the back of the Beezer would buy Harlan's side. I want to be within five feet of John Franklin. So I'm going to go on this side. Okay. So you step outside the door. Uh, you move up your sort of side behind John, you know, reach down, save Harlan, you step back, move, you know, behind John again. Uh, stay within five feet. You're all together, all together now battling this thing. And Harlan is back, baby. Oh, yeah. It was worth the third level spell slot. He's going to stand up. He's going to make some attacks. I still didn't move. Why didn't I move? Flashback. No. No. No. I'm not going to really flashback, but I'm just so stupid for not moving. Doesn't matter. He hit twice. Okay. I guess that's why I wasn't. Yeah. Not the most Angela II swift strikes his brakes. Like, all right. Together now. Let's save them. Let's save them all. I will tell you right now. Every time the specters make their turn, something bad is happening behind the scenes. The specters go after Harlan. He's calling out to anyone with a reaction to make an attack. So you're saying we got to end this now? I'm saying you might end this now and you damn well better. Okay. So is it going to be the same three? Is it going to be Jean Blanche and Chester? Jules is in range. You choose. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. If you have damaging, Chester still has the better shot. Okay. I'll roll for Blanche and Jean. I'll roll for Blanche first. Don't forget those bardics. They can still give you damage too, remember? Oh, that's right. Oh, dude. You just gave it to us. Don't sleep on it. It's cool. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to do that then. That's right. It's a hit for Blanche. I rolled a 10 on the die plus seven is 17. I'm going to use Blanche's bardic here. Constantly against that. It does like electric damage to the whatever the face value is or something like that. Thunder. Thunder damage. You're going to correct me for that one. Eight on the D8! Nice. Jules. Nice. A 10 to save. I'm guessing that's not going to do it. Huh? A 10 to save against your spells ADZ. Fuck no. Okay. All right. I'm taking the full eight. All right. Let me roll three more of these for Shadowblade for Blanche. Five. Nine. Oh. Go ahead. I want everyone to roll their damage. Everyone get in there. Oh wait. Okay. Hold on. I got to roll a chance to hold on. John's got to roll his to hit first. Okay. But it sounds like we're there. Do your thing. This is cool as shit. Everyone's doing a thing. Uh, John doesn't hit. I'm sorry. Super John. He sucks. All right. Wait. Hold on. Three, five, and two. No. Not quite. Okay. Uh, Chester's last shot. So hopefully do something. Chester's been great. He's hit a lot. Just not. Yeah. That's the 26. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Max. Finally. Six on the die plus three. Nice. He finally holds in. He steps up this time and he feels it. He fires out towards this thing. I shot headshot. Blast through at the moment this thing rips through this bees open sort of screaming mouth. Blanche steps out. Swipe. Swipe. Swipe with the blade in Jules Magic. Pile. Just rub it right through you. Down your arms is golden mote. Entering into the shadow of the shadow blade. Gold in black. Intermingle in this display of light. As this thing strikes out the bees. What does it look like when you finish this thing? There's thing off. Whoo. Blanche's arm comes down with her sword fully extended and from head to toe slices right through it and the smoke, the iridescent sort of mist of this wraith just splits in half down the middle. And the foot foot hole dissipates, drops to the floor, and spreads out and vanishes. I gotta say, nobody crit. I was wrong. Chester almost crit. He got an 18 on the guy. And you do one more thing for me now. This thing vanishes. You see Harlan just breathing hard. Everyone in this room breathing hard. Hurt. Scared. Weapons out. But standing still. Silence in the house. The moans. Of these specters. The heirs. That were killed. That were taken so early. Vanish with this thing. Twitter fate. They go to. You don't know. Perhaps freed from their eternal bondage to this monster. You don't know. There's one more thing you don't know. Who lived. Who survived the onslaught. I need someone to rule a D6 for me. Stop. Here's the formula. Is so, so before we do this. Yeah. Is there any. Does it have any bearing on the outcome? Because Blanche has to run to day Piero. Like Brumah flying. It will not have a bearing. What has happened is already happened. The combat was occurring. While you were fighting this. 1 D6. Minus. This is what? 1 D6 minus 6 minus x x equaling the round of combat. The rounds of combat the specters got to make a move. It would have been three rounds. It was only two. The specters appeared in the first round. I don't count that. In the second and third round. They did attack. They struck. Things happened. The third round. Harlan. In you guys. In tandem. Fierce this thing off before the specters made their move. 6 minus 2. 1 D6 minus 4. That's how many people have died. Who wants to roll this dice? Oh, it has to be yours. Yes. Fuck. I don't. And you have to roll it in the port of pain. Oh, you. 6 son of a bitch. Yes. Asshole. Get over here. Who's doing it? Danny will do it. No, Danny's proven herself unloyal to me. Wait, are you a victim of Danny yet? Oh, my gosh. I don't know how this is going to work. I don't understand. I just feel like she's going to swallow it or something. All right. Put it on her paw. This is the best. Wait. Why is her video of this? Danny. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Danny rolled a 6. Danny, you little asshole. I have a D20 table. I'm going to roll 2D20s. No. And they are going to correlate to two people who are dead. Do not. Do not do this to me. And we'll end the episode like that. No, you can't stand up. Oh, that's... Hold on. Wait. You can't really... We're done now. Go home. I have the power here. Wait. You can't really- We're done now! Go home! I have the power here. Wait, it's over! It's over! No, no, no, no, wait. What? [MUSIC]