Fantasy Pants: A DnD Adventure Podcast

Radiant Citadel Ep 87: Stand Tall

1h 11m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
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Hey Pants people, thank you for tuning in to another episode. We would really appreciate it if you took a little time to leave us a review wherever you listen. It helps a bunch. Enjoy. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you so much, shit, hang on. Thank you so much, Adam Shatney, for bringing Darrow Twilight into our world, and this is one of three actual luminary spotlight applications that were filled out during mountain mania. I know if you're listening, probably wondering why I took so long. I had a few spotlights I wanted to get to, you know, filling out this arc and kind of all the suspects, you know, everyone got their own little mention in a spotlight. I had to drop that little news last time you heard that the missing king of coin and their family did not make it here because they were murdered. I had to drop it all in, but now that's all revealed. I can start getting into these wonderful, beautiful spotlights that were left for me and that were full of tongue twisters. Thank you so much for that. You did great with the names. I was impressed. It was good. That was good. I have to wonder if they knew what they were getting into when they filled those out. I want, yeah. It's like, let's torment this fool. No, no, no. I think it was probably like a funny coincidence like, oh, yeah, I'm going to give this guy all these funny names to say. But I feel like that sounds like a, you know, something that would happen to your D and D group. Oh, yeah. I'm trying to think all these back story names, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Yeah. Super relatable. Yeah. I mean, we're going to start doing this a little more often when I go out to like functions like mountain mania. I'll bring these lumina applications. We can start getting more spotlights in this show. Uh, such a really exciting because it fills out our world and it lets everyone, you know, that that sort of interested be a little, little piece of it, a little part of it. Maybe we'll get some this weekend at the Vermont Renaissance fair that we've already been to if you're listening to this. You're listening to this. Awesome. Do you have more applications printed up, David? No. You should print them up. Yeah. I'll remind you tomorrow. Thank you. Oh my gosh. That has to be tomorrow. Oh my gosh. We're leaving in two days. It's right there. Everybody missed last time. We missed last time. We're doing it this time. Yeah, two days, two weeks ago. We can half ago and I'm sure it was a blast. It was amazing. It was an absolute blast. It was a great time. Oh my gosh. It's so exciting. It's it was so exciting when we did that. Tell us some stories, David. What was your favorite part? I honestly, I would get into it, but we would get canceled. It was wild. It was crazy. Essex, Vermont gets. Let's just say the shirts were off. I thought you were gonna say the shoes were off, but guys, we have to talk about something. Something something pretty big and glaring and all over this table that table is buried under a box. We got a chest. Wait, wait. Stephen, shut up. Oh, John. Thank you. It's a man. It's hard for Stephen. Second week in a row. Yes. Yes. Yeah, this is North Dakota edition. We got mail from our friend, the captain. The captain. Oh, yeah. He sent a beast of a box. It arrived earlier this week and it's been sitting in the house and I hope it's not a puppy because it's been really hot and it was in my car for a couple of days as well. I hope it's on a calf. Yeah, exactly, right. I think yeah, birthing season is done. So yeah. Oh, my goodness. Oh, gosh. I know what's in it. I want to like sit here and just stare and wonder and guess, but I'm also just, you know, open this bag. We need to open it. But first we need to crack a beer. Oh, yeah. A beer to go with this package open. Do we have the Hoolie Forge Railroad Spike? We do. Hoolie Forge. Check them out on Etsy. If you can get some good sounds on this Oh, baby, oh, baby, Jeremy, why open this? Do you want to tell us what exactly we're drinking because it's kind of special. I mean, it might be special. We'll see. I found a dogfish had 120 minute IPA that I've had since 2016, you know, that's wild. It's almost 10 years old like, wow, that's that long ago. I think I think it was bottled in June of 2016. So who knows how this is going to go? Okay. Oh boy. I see blue and white paint. What the? It's. Look at it. Look at it. It's. Wait. Stephen, I'm pouring beer. Dude. It's two more dice towers. The captain said I should not alone receive the power of his craftsmanship. So we have two more dice towers to hand out. What the fuck? I, what? I don't even. It looks. Okay. I do have instructions to who gets which one so you can read off your dice tower and describe it. Okay. And then you guys, this is why his, his, his thinking was that we're going to go with the captain's thinking. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Absolutely. The one titled the SS Jesse Tilton goes to the totals, John Franklin and Blanche. Okay. Yes. That's this one. The storm shield I see on the front and the second title of the archangel goes to Jules the Rose. Wow. Ooh. They've steamed out of port just just recently. They've just got here, you know, it isn't like early this week. These things, I've been kind of watching the captain's journey, making them. We've been kind of hiding this little secret from you guys for a while and I'm so stoked that they are here right now. Yeah. So David, what's it look like? This. Yeah. This is incredible. It's, it's painted blue with, with white lettering. It's got pink felt on the bottom. Yes. Like you said, the title here is SS Jesse Tilton. I know that captain was a serviceman. I'm going to guess that this was someone that the captain knew who was killed in action. That's really powerful. It says, not today trooper on the back with a, you know, like doctor cross, I don't know what that's called. You know, like the medical sort of cross symbol. Yeah. Red cross. Maybe it was a red cross. There's some, some more, I'm guessing it's probably some sort of military insignia. There's a stethoscope sort of thing. It's beautiful. It's the storm shield on the front. Like a storm shield. This thing is awesome. It is a force. It is a force. Yeah. Yeah. Wild. We have some clutch rolls tonight. I'll weigh these things will come in handy. Jim, what's yours look like? Mine is also blue, which I love because blue is my favorite color. It's the SS. Blue color. SS St. Michael, the arc, the arc angel. That's awesome. Two flags crisscrossed below that on one side, we have a holy cross on one side. And on the front of it, it says the guns of heaven. The guns of heaven. Oh, my God. I love it. Ooh. And on the back. Ooh. Ooh. It looks, it appears to be a flaming sword. Nice. And it says strike. Dot, dot, dot. Hold. Are you going to strike? Are you going to hold? I don't know. Jules doesn't know how to hold. We'll find him. Oh, my gosh. Oh, God. You guys are packing. The tray is like pink felt with white polka dots. I love that. Oh, my God. And it looks like this has been tested. I can see some... Let's see a little marks. Some dice marks. Yeah, yeah. This guy even went through and made sure that these dice towers were going to roll. All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You were tiring. Sorry. The dice tower. That I stole from David. It could be all right. I don't know. We'll find a use for it. Sorry, dice tower. Ooh. There's... I got the... I got the mucky. To the captain. To the captain. Cheers. To the captain. And to Jesse Tilton. And to Jesse Tilton. Amazing. Amazing. Thank you so much. There's a letter. Whoo. Pulling us out now. Three pages full. Captain went all out in this as well. How about... Let's pause for a second. I want to read this thing right now. Before we dive into it. I want to read this thing. Yeah, I'd like to hear. It's a lot. So let's read it. Let's talk about it. When we get back from this break. Wink. Hey, guys. Wow. That was... Just know everybody. There's a lot to this letter. Very personal. Very amazing. Just know that these towers were sent with the hopes, dreams, and story of a battalion of rocky paratroopers of the fighting fourth brigade, first battalion, five away the parachute infantry regiment. And damn. What a story it was. Yeah, and know that our friend Captain is a really special badass. Yeah. Hell. Yeah. So bottom of our hearts, man. Thank you. You know, cheers from all the way over here in New Hampshire. Cheers. Five, two, G. Cheers. Oh. In the wake of some incredible tales of battle glory. Here we are in our own battle. Oh, brought it back around. What a back around. E. Thank you, Captain. You're bringing it around. Thank you for the transition. Yeah. Yeah. I know it's that your nice towers are bigger than mine. Mm-hmm. What's going on there? Yeah. It's not the size, David. Oh, Steve. Sometimes it's the size. Oh, yeah. We're not, yeah. I can't people know how they sound. Yeah. So I rolled mine early, but I rolled a D12 specifically because I just, I wanted to. Okay. I wanted to save it. Just know when you blow this D20 now, right now we're in a dangerous situation. As you're getting ready to roll that, we talk about it. John Franklin stands alone against, uh, uh, uh, uh, fuck. I forgot his name. Hang on. Hang on. Harlan. Boom. Against Harlan. Burn shadow and another Dwyer guard downstairs. He's been poking away doing some damage and this illusion he created of the pigman is sort of helping him keep ground. But every turn I'm rolling a D4 because there's still a chance that this guy's going to hit John as he's swinging wildly into this room, into the cell. And if I do hit John, I'm telling you right now, I'm going to use that button and I'm going to take that total down. One four on a D4, 25% chance to attacks per round. And right now he is alone. But you ever make it, you're on your way now. Blanche just finished a fight and used, uh, her full movement to reach the door of the, the room you're in. You are about to press downwards, but you have a journey to reach there. John is not close. Physically, yeah, he's right below the room you're in. He's 30 feet below where you stand, maybe less, maybe 20 feet below where you stand now. But that's not good enough because you need to get through this floor. You need to find a staircase, go down, cross through hallways and reach your pupil before he is no more. You were talking a whole lot while we were blessing our dice tower. It sounded really dire and impressive and everything. I dare you. But now I want to make dice tower noises real fast. You're stealing your towers. Oh, huh. What? My first role was a crit. You don't get that now. Well, I know. You know what's so, you know what's so funny was I was like, I was going to be like, "Hey David, I want to roll this, but I want to be able to use my first roll. Would you let me blah, blah, blah?" And I was like, "No, that's stupid. I'm not going to do it." Yeah. And then, look at that. Yeah. I got a big old... No, I heard David agree to it. I heard David agree to it. What universe? This universe. Okay, the second one was an oof. Yeah, okay. Now it all evens out. All evens out. Okay. Evens out. It's sense that you were worried about the high roll and it gave you a little roll to kind of... Exactly. Yeah. All right. Okay. I just love that the guns of heaven have just been blessed. Yeah. For real. So badass. Oh, it's pretty amazing. It's pretty amazing. Guys, it's time to get wild with this shit. Let's get some sirens. Hey, what? What? I'm cool. Here's some sirens. You're such a nerd. That's not what we talked about. No. It's a completely different tune. This is not the tune I... It's the one I... Damn it. David. I'm fading it out. Fuck this. It's the same track, no! Oh, I don't need this shit. It's the same track. Combat and silence now. Oh, no. Hang on. Let me find another one. I just the same one before hyper. That's fine. We're going for it. We're going for it. This is the end of that round. Tonight, we're going to see this combat come to its close. A combat that started off as two, but is now funneled down to one. You have finished off Devaluma. This insidious plot that meant two. Uh, spring two combats at once. Uh, essentially killing all these heirs off. Maybe killing everyone in the room was undone. The Dwehrgar that we're fighting, you don't know. You're not sure where they stand at this point in time. You're reopening the map real quick because I had them on the actual overall map. Okay. Uh, I've made some rolls for them. I actually only made one roll each. I believe I need to make one more, so I'm going to do that right now. I don't know what's going to happen these guys. I'm so sorry, Blanche. I can't leave. You have other people in this room that may be able to help. Start off the round. I'm making a death save for Devaluma. Okay. Chester's up. Alas, do you have any intentions for combat intentions for Chester and Jules, or do you want to... Well, I want to stabilize. Okay. Devaluma. And I think can Chester do that? Yes. There's also a potion left on the ground. Are you going to manacle her before? I will say, you do know from fighting our hollanda once he went unconscious. You brought him back almost immediately afterwards in this affected wear off. Oh, okay. So you would assume that that might happen again? I mean, you could be a safe and do the manacles if you want to go for that route. There's probably manacles on the down to wear guard. They're officers. I was hoping for a yes or no, but... I wouldn't... I guess we're going to have to manacle. Ideal in maybes. It sounds... It sounds... It should be fine, but... You have experience with this, and your experience tells you... Yes. That she should be... She should return it all. Yeah. Okay. Because I don't trust you. Is that what Tester is doing? Yes. He runs over one of the bodies of the Dwyergar, runs over to Devaluma. I think he's just like, "Sorry. Sorry." And goes to manacle Devaluma. The Dwyergar are still lying, unconscious, and dying. But... Devaluma is now manacle. That would be Tester's action, and then an object or action. So he can still do a bonus action if you have one? I mean, you just wanted to stabilize. Okay. So upstairs, everyone. You're moving in the direction there. Things are sort of calming down as Blanche whirls a corner and is running out of the rum. So let's hop down to where the real action is. Let's hop down to the basement, where these dice rolls are going to determine whether or not this total lives or dies. Because you're on your way, but he is still alone. He's been fighting alone for some time now. And all he needs to do is roll up four. One four. His zone Franklin is done. Total soup. Well, I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Shut up. I'm dramatic. Here we go. First attack to two on the die. Slides in. You up beside him. Again, just wriggling through his bars. I mean, you could feel... At least he can feel the bar shaking with every blow. Harlan in this form, this geo-shortaging hit by a version is so powerful. His feet are stomping down just behind Xenia, who's quietly lying in the corner. You know, she's still medical hand in the foot. Trying to stay as silent as she can, as still as she can. She realizes the danger of the situation now, and she does not want to get noticed. I think what we'll do is fully retreat into his shell as these blades swinging into the cell come like, you know, a foot away from his own face. He kind of drops down. Truly bracing for Riptide. Only Jean stands tall in this room. Only Jean. Second attack. It's a two on the die. Jean is just sort of keeping the pigman there. I think he's a small smile on his face as he's realizing he's doing it. He's really doing it all alone here. He's protecting everyone and fighting back. Truly wearing the visage of a hero so much greater than he ever thought he could be. It's really, I mean, it's so cool. It's so cool. I mean, this move you made, Steven, was so phenomenally cool. And honestly turned what should have been a hopeless situation into a pretty good one. Like, it was the exact right choice. I can't. It was the exact right choice. Yeah. You're a damn fine player. Almost worth something. Um, I would do get to call my buddy, though, to make a disadvantage attack with his reaction with Holland's turn. So, kill him, kill him, kill him! Screaming out. Yeah, that will not hit. Nice. So, Jean, Frankly, survives another round. Another round. I get one more attack with my turret. Well, yes. I break the concentration. You use your two buttons. I just need to break that concentration. And this thing goes so bad. Uh, back upstairs. Um, Margus is going to rush over to one of the Duergar and start performing first aid. There's actually one that's right beside them right now, so Margus leans down and starts, you know, taking care of that. Um, but I think, like, as they're taking this, they say stop and they look over, like, wait. And, like, just, like, somebody in the bed ends at this sort of battle range. Something's sort of hitting their features and they go wide. Did she say they're in danger downstairs? Um, but I think I'm already kind of in the midst of doing this. Margus is going to finish with a doing, but realizing with horror, Xenia might be in danger. Yep. Uh, Margus' whole role's very high. That Duergar is stabilized, which is good because they are sitting on one fail. Wow. Uh, having performed that action, Margus is now going to start running. Fuck! He got 30 feet. Blanche yells behind her. Stay out of my way! And she's already starting to prepare for her move. Okay. Okay. Um, really curious why you didn't want Margus to move. That'd be curious. That'd be curious. Uh, okay. That's going to be the Duergar. One of them is still down, making a roll. Okay. Duergar downstairs is stepping in to attack Jean. Damn it, I better hit. Nope. No, I don't hit. Can't break that candy show. This is, um, possible. This is unbelievable. Unpossible. Unbelievable. All the uns. I'm very upset. Unpossible. Very upset. I can't believe this turtle is still alive. Yeah, man. I threw the world at this stupid turtle. Amazing. Andy gave him a shield. I gave him a shield. I was so sure. So sure it didn't matter. Speaking of that damn turtle, it's his turn. Duergar steps in, slides out. Jean once again, ooh, parries up with a shield. Duergar steps to the side, and Jean is just holding his grab. What's he doing? Yeah, let me just remind myself where Jean's at. HP-wise. Yeah, he's about halfway down. And that's an action, right? Do you use lay on hands? Yeah, he uses an action. Ah, boy. Here's your action. I'm going to continue to be greedy. Going for a spear attack. You locked in. I can't wait until I crit next round. Oh, my gosh. Well, I know. That's the risk of taking. Oh, my gosh. I have this button. I want to use this button. I need to land in the tax. I can use this button. Ah, just a 12. 12 will not hit. Bummer, bummer. Harlan's getting wise. Almost like it is an instinct that's happened that realizes where this tax are coming from. And Harlan sort of like weaves this side of the spear, shoves out towards him. Again, like the illusion shows a pigman kind of kicking through the, like a big old sort of, like knee through the cell door. Harlan just parries it. I'm getting wise to you, pigman. I'm fucking you up. Holy shit. That's John's turn. That's John's turn. Jules, you're up. Jules will look over at Chester. Jules? You make sure everybody up here is safe. You're a hero now. Hell yeah. And Jules is immediately running after Marcus. Okay. Okay. 60 feet. Yes, you can get ahead of them. And kind of right behind Blanche, basically. Okay. Blanche is actually technically in the door. Oh my God. Everybody on the map. Hang on. We didn't realize Blanche moved out. Oh, I see that. Yes. In the last turn, you moved as far as you could go. Oh, that would be at the door. So you were at the door. Out of the room. So everyone's now lined up right outside the door. You're about to, like, your Blanche's end movement. You guys catch up to Blanche just as she's about to head out of here. Chester kind of nods towards you and turds back towards Diva Luma towards the still down Duergar. And now here's the big move. Here's Blanche. Yeah. I think this move depends a lot on how we want to interpret the room of flying. Because there's a weight limit and there's traveling speed and blah, blah, blah. We talked a little bit about this. And here's the thing. I looked a little into this a lot. This room of flying is a weird item because it has a set speed. But it's not like, you know, with the person there set walking speed is this. They're running speed is this. Room of flying doesn't have a walking speed. It's just set speed. You can't really necessarily dash as a broom because it's a mount but doesn't have actions. But Jeremy Crawford in a tweet did say that because it's kind of a very unique case, you should be able to dash an umbrella of flying. I like that a lot. But the way I interpret it is that if you dash an umbrella of flying, you're flying for speed. If you are dropping maneuverability, you are dropping basically any way. You're going to put yourself in some danger because you're moving through tight hallways. You're leaning into this. You are going to blast through this place if you want to go for it. I will tell you this right now because I did some research on this map. It is possible with the room of flying to reach John Franklin in two rounds. Without it, minimum will be three rounds to get there. Okay. So it might help you, but there will be danger associated. Blanche would know that getting on this broom and flying through the tight hallways of this man are downstairs into the cellar. I mean, that is going to be a scary flight. That's some Harry Potter shit right there. So what are we talking? What are the risks? Um, basically, I'm going to make you rolls. You might take damage. It might slow you down if you roll too low. Okay. DMP up because that's the most fun. All right. Yep. Blanche is going to do whatever she can to get to John as fast as she can. In that case, here's another problem. There are conundrum that you face. You're sitting at a doorway. You're kind of set into the eastern wing of this building, but not far from the missing remain entrance hall in the building center. There's a staircase farther along the eastern wing. There's a staircase way down the western wing. You know that downstairs in the cellar, it's a little more western-based where you'd accidentally find the tortles. So what's run through your mind in this instant, because you're a fucking genius, is trying to break down exactly which way is faster. Do you go right towards the western wing? Or do you go left towards the eastern wing? I want to tell you this. I want you to make investigation check. Because you have had a map in this house in your hands. You have looked at this map. And whatever you might have noticed, I'm sure Blanche has this sort of in her mind. Your intelligence is high enough. I think this can all come down to investigation check. And because it was a small map that you're looking through and getting a lot of details from, you may take advantage from your eyes. I was just going to ask you that. I can see your stupid Steven face getting ready to ask. Alright, here we go. Through the storm shield. Oh yeah. Yikes. First rolls a four. Let's see what the advantage is. Oh boy. Mmm, 15 on the die, 19. 19, okay. You know that heading to your right, which would bring you towards the western wing, is faster. Approximately 185 feet that reach. The left is about 210. If you go left from here, it will take you about three rounds, even with a broom to reach John. Gotcha. Go right, it'll take you two. You'll get there very quickly. Alright, she's going to go the shorter path. Are we talking about for like actions here, is this going to be just a move action, or is it going to be a complete full action? You're a dash into your full action. Okay. So you have a bonus action today, but you're using your action to dash and your movement today to move. So you are just getting on your broom and you are rocking, rocking it down the hallway. As you move out, real quick action. Give me a perception check. For fun. Perception for fun. Yeah. Natural one. Okay. Interesting. I'll tell you, I'll say this. You do know one thing. Even with natural one, with your passive. You pick up one thing with your passive. Okay. Which is that, to the left, towards the eastern wing direction, you're not going. You can hear from the staircase, sort of booming down from upstairs, Amos Nier's voice. Just shrieking. Assassin! Assassin! My son is dead! Assassin! Assassin! You hear footsteps are pounding. As two Dwehringer officers round the corner of the staircase and they're charging down eastern hall towards you. Just saying, oh, oh, stop right there. Stop right there. They don't know what's going on. And they see you making a move. With apprehended hash, she's in manacles, in the ballroom. They're running. You gotta make a move now. Oh, yeah. I mean, she's making a move. Yeah. You yell that as you're kind of turning? Yeah. Hell yeah. It's our speed. The game here. It's like, it's moment. So precious. Exactly. So you're going to fly away from them towards the West. Yes. Okay. That was a pretty low roll. I know. There's a lot of information for such a low roll. With that low roll, you look to the right, you're running. You see the path to the staircase and the West are going to seem totally clear. Totally clear. Okay. You're good. You're fine. Okay. You're locked in a hall like robbing. Everything is a blur. You blast through these sort of main entrance hall. Past like the main doors in this building are, and you rocket through this entrance hall into the Western sort of hallway. Closing on the staircase that lies just south of the kitchens. Suddenly you pick up what you didn't hear before. The sound of humming and some racking. So it sounds like plates and utensils sort of a word here. What's the word here? Clattering. Clattering. On a tray or some kind of cart. And suddenly you watch this. I love this so much. You watch an horror as Fyodor Popov rounds the corner into the hallway pushing a cart loaded with a big beautiful golden omelette. It stacks of perfect pancakes, plump sausages. Still sizzling bacon and so many chives because it's fancy. This gets and honeys, gravies and crispy potatoes, a veritable feast filling the hallway right before you. And the smiling filder's eyes fill with terror as he sees the last true dough rapidly logic towards him. Too late for him to react. I need a dex save with disadvantage. Ooh. Because you are dashing on this broom. You're going to take out this poor, poor chef's delicious mid-dinner. In Blade Song I get advantage on dexterity checks, not saving throws though. Ooh. No dice. Yeah. We play hard here. This is the advantage of this. I'm going to tell you right now. They know how low this is. If it's somewhat low, that number is mine. You're going to take some damage. Oh. If it's lower than that, you're going to take damage and you're going to get slowed down. It's 13. You're going to take some damage. You're not going to get slowed down. How much damage? Man, I really thought it was going to be rolling checks, not saving throws. I was about to give you a button. I was about to give you a button, but you just kept going ahead with it. Well, I kind of also thought the saving throw was just for like, "Oh, are you going to knock the delicious cake so?" There's likely a chance. It's David. When you're going down the stairs next time, but you blast down the hallway, you're heading towards the stairs. Feel the turns on the corner. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Screaming up as you come flying towards him. Pretty hot, pretty hot. Omelettes, breakfasts, everything, everywhere plates, everywhere blanche takes, seven points of damage. Whoa. As you just like get like your utensils, there's like nine, just like a skittering past you. Holy crap. I mean, you're watching. You just like smashing a bunch of plates. Yeah, I guess so. This thing was stacked high. It was beautiful. It was like an axe hit. I am so happy that I now know what you think the sound of a bunch of omelettes flying through the air is. Jamie, fix any editing, give me an egg. I did not, I did not think I needed to know that, but I'm very happy I do. Add some effects. Auto-tune me. Auto-tune. [laughs] Um, you go, "No!" As you're already gone, but you're not slowed down. As this rattles you, you're losing control for the number of seconds. With a 13, you maintain, hold in your direction. You zoom. You're nearly at the stairs next round. We're going to roll a check to see how that obstacle goes at this speed. That's Blanche's turn. That's Blanche's turn. Uh, Fjordor pop up is crying. Uh, next up. Top of the round. Deva Luma's going to make her death save. Wait a minute. Oh. Yeah, he used his action. And that's Chester. Uh, he's going to go for a stabilize. Okay. Let's be DC-15. Blanche did drop the potion. There's a potion. She did. Okay. Let's just try this. You know what? 'Cause there's still another guy that we- Tell you what, there's a turn I didn't do last time. I forgot. Depeiro's in that room, too. Depeiro can get the potion to somebody. Depeiro, kind of not sure what to do right now because there's crazy looks to Chester who's just been- Well, I was just going to say, have Chester instruct Depeiro to go to the other- All right. I have to do that. Yeah, you do. I forgot. I was like, "You look like you're the boy's Chester." Hey, go to the doorway I got. All right. Do it. That wasn't convincing. I'm still going to puberty. Why can't I do Chester? Um, hey, go to the doorway. Go, go, go, go, go. Depeiro. All right, yes. Small child, yes. Just runs, grabs the potion off the ground. Just is like, pointing to it, charges it to where Gar administers it. Which is good 'cause he was sitting on two fails. Wow. Whoa. And just is about to leave his world. Hey. No, no, no, no. This guy, this guy was like standing tall, really helping to tempt you. Depeiro's like, "The audience, stand. They'll be fine. They'll be fine. You've done well." Um, okay. Cool. Now it's just- I'm not as trust if I have- I got- I got- I got- I'm not as trust if I have a modifier for this. Uh, it's going to be intelligence. I don't believe he has any- Nope. Yep. Okay. Flat check. Easy 15. Um, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. What do I do? It's like knife wounds blood pouring out of the body. Uh, uh, uh, actually it's all psychological damage. How do you deal with shadow blade? I don't know, but he failed it. Trying to, um, okay. This is- I got this. I got this. Um, he just sat out of the body. Completely lost, but doing his chest or darndest. What'd you get out of curiosity? Eight. Eight, okay. Um, if it was a ten, I would have given you information on how, like, she's doing, but- Sure. Okay. Okay. Um, oh, baby. That's hard. This is it. This is the round. Hey, to drop this turtle. D-4, statistically speaking. I should have eaten four 18 times by now. Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah. So, we're way overdue. Way overdue. Here it is. But it's still not gonna happen. Here's the four. Gonna drop this turtle. Girl, that's a three. No! Can you use a button on this? I mean, you can use your button on whatever you want. No, I need it on the die roll. I need to get a crit. Need to get a crit. I'm getting ready for my crit. It's fucking happening. Right now. First one goes in. Smash. It doesn't. No, you do. He goes, like, over to the head again. That's fine. Come on. Come on. You're son of a bitch. You know what? Hang on a second. Hang on a second. Hang on a second. You have a plan. Oh, oh, that's... Hey, hey. I don't know if this is... You're using the storm shield? That's mine, though. Hold on. Magic fingers. Magic fingers. Magic fingers. There's a four. It's a four. It feels so cool. Oh, the four to pay was just broken. I... Ha ha ha. Asterisk. Oh, no, sir. Asterisk. Oh, no, sir. Asterisk. Why not? Now you're still going to hit his 19 DC. I'm using my button for advantage. And I'm negating that. What?! Damn you! Oh. I can only... I have been waiting for this just to leave David's buttons. You said this so long ago that you were going to save those for this. I can't believe you forgot about it because we just brought it up last week, too. No. Whoa. I'm still hitting that. I don't care if it's one die, two die, half a die. I'm critting. All right. You're done using the storm shield though. Give me yours, Jeremy. No. Give me a gun. Give me the guns that happened. Nope. No. Fine. It's all right. I got my four. The port of pain here will take care of me. Come on, Captain. You and I. Let's take this total down. It's not a crit, but it's most certainly a hit. Sixteen on the die. Okay. Oh, okay. Oh, Harlan, thank you so much for finally getting in there. Can I break this concentration once and for all? Not the most damage it could have been, but still 14 points of damage. Okay. So that's the save I have to make. Save is going to be 10. It's half the damage it takes. Oh, all right. Still, it's going to be 10. Yes. The floor. If you want a button. It's better than foot. I like that. Can't get feet off my mind. I've got a button. I think I should use it. I had four buttons in here. Oh, no, because it was the... I don't know how I got four buttons in here. What? I don't know how I got four buttons in here. I don't know either. I don't know either. But take my last one. Okay. All right. We had a weird button day. A lot of buttons happen that day. And then you decided to get them all. So I think that's why you had four buttons. Okay. Okay. Well, damn it. Because I didn't give you disadvantage on that attack roll because I hadn't brought it up yet. And I felt dirty not saying, "Hey, I had four buttons." Oh, shit. Oh. All right. Let's make this save. This is where honesty gets me. Okay. Good thing for the button because the first roll was a four, which is only a seven. Eleven. Oh my gosh. Eight on the die. This blade comes in and John's not ready for it. It blasts through a shield with the weight and power of this Duergar's form. This massive form, just like, knocks his shield back, slashes deep into him. And he like screams out. I'll do kind of behind him. He's like, "John, John, no." And the pigman sort of flickers again. But there's a stay almost like this fuzzy, barely there image. John's eyes are blurred. He's started holding his ground. Hey, wait a. Protect everyone. Damn it. You said it was 16 or 13 damage. 14. 14. Somewhere in between there. Yeah. Neither of those, actually. And now, oh, man, it's still up. My Duergar's got to step in. The other guy can step in and attack with this advantage. Kill him, kill him. And misses. So John kind of recovers. Perry's that blast or that sort of blow. Okay. All right. At this point, Marcus will keep running. Marcus will not be there for like three rounds. Okay. Because it must've got to find a way to like really speed up. Keep you able to blanch with a hundred feet of movement speed. It's going to be very, very hard to do. But Marcus is going to follow the direction you're going. Uh, just charging down the hallway. Uh, the Duergar that's coming out of the room are now like, you know, I think actually, this is where we're going to run it towards you. I think Marcus turns towards them. It sees you going. And it's just sort of like yelling. Downstairs. Downstairs. My daughter's in danger. They're in danger. And we're kind of like, no, hey, hold on. There's kind of like this sort of altercation. Um, kind of like getting a little messy. But I think Marcus turns to you, Jules. Nods. And you see they just charge towards the Duergar coming down the hallway. Fully ready to like apprehend. And based on the clenched fists, more than apprehend them and hold them off if needed. To give you guys a space to get to Zenia. That's the Duergar downstairs. Uh, the ones in the room are now fully stable. Um, they are not conscious. They're just sitting at zero HP and stabilized. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. One of them got a potion. One of them got a potion. No, no, no, no, no, no. He's up. He can run over to Dima. He stands up. Oh, what? Oh, thank you. My lord. Thank you, guy. Turns. Is he alright? See his body? Nods, is he okay? Then he gets up and starts charging towards Dima Luba, who's clearly down in her. Oh, is it alright? Can I? Can I? Yeah, do it. It's alright. She's gone. It's over. It's working. Let's see if we can roll. 19 on the die. Nice. Uh, with Chester's guidance. Dima Luma is stabilized. Wow. Still has zero HP. Wow. A stabilized. Chester just breaks a huge sweat. You know, just wipes his sweat off his brow and sits back. Like, whoa. Oh, man. Alright. Alright. Wait, say that one more time? Oh, basically the Duergar gets to- he was- he was keeled. He has a roll over. Chester told him to heal her. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. You need her all. He rolled. Um, but Chester was very happy because he was, like, confused. And then he didn't know what to do. Then this worker came in with actual medical training and, like, dealt with it. Okay. With that, the situation upstairs is basically resolved. Everyone is stabilized amazingly, given me this insidious plot. Only one died. And Asrinir has clearly already gone. That's going to be Jean Franklin. Oh, wait, no. That's made Duergar downstairs. I gotta let that guy go. Silly me. Silly goose. He steps in. He's got a tack, Jean. I'm breaking that illusion. No more buttons. No more buttons for you. And it's a five in the die. Keep going. He's Jean's turn. He goes in. Once again, a parry. Yo. What are you doing? Jean's going to- he's got 25 HP in his pool, his land hands pool, right? He does. Okay. He's going to put 20 into himself. Damn. Okay. Oh, it's going to be tough to take you down now. Okay. That's the point. That's the turn. He just puts his hand to himself in jewels. So he heals his wounds, standing tall, standing strong, upstairs to Piero on his turn. Imagine all he does is he just turns towards you, jewels. Assist the master defense. Save my son. Please. Jewels who's 60 feet away from him? You're in the room next to him. He's yelling. Okay. He knows he can't keep up. He knows he's got no point of place here. But he knows from which it blanches where Jean is in. Terrible danger. You can see like the pure, like sort of whore on his face. Okay. All right. So where is Margus in relation to jewels now? At this point, Margus is outside the map and- So jewels will pass them on the way. If you want to go to Duergar Road, that- Margus went the other direction that Blanche did not go. Okay. So you assume that Blanche went the faster way. They've already gone down that corridor. They've already gone down that corridor. They're currently stopping the other Duergar from like charging towards you. They're new to the situation. They're confused. They're going to try to apprehend everyone. You have a chance to move here. Okay. So jewels will turn right the way that Blanche went. But as he goes around the corner, he leans over his shoulder. Margus. Yeah. You let us handle this. You handle that. Cracks Knuckles. I'll handle them. What do you do? All right. Put those away. All right. Hell yeah. You just pound them all the way. It's going to take you, I think, three rounds going full speed to get down there. Blanche gets there in two. Yeah, inside. Okay. That's what it is. What it is. It's what it is. You already used Misty Step right. So you can't use it again? It's only one for that. Correct. Okay. And you could get a little extra speed with Misty Step. But, all right. I mean, you had to use it. You got away from diva luma in a bad situation. Yeah. You might have died if you didn't use it. Yep. Okay. With that, we have Blanche. All right. We're making movement. Uh, this time you're moving on the stairs. I just want acrobatics checked from here. You're going full speed here. Now you have the maneuver into the stairs. Swirling kind of down. Like, this is, this is a maneuver. Okay. But you have your advantage from Blanche. Exactly, yes. Okay. You're in the zone. You hear the sound of your, like, your blades, like, stowed, I imagine? Like, are you holding, like, you hear the sound of the singing blade surrounding you as you launch through, muffling the cries of poor field or pop off behind you. Yeah. I imagine that maybe she's, she's got the broom, she's straddling the broom and holding the broom in one hand and dragging her sword behind her in the other. Like, the tip is, like, almost dragging on the floor. Whoa. You're spinning down the stairs. What do you get? The highest roll was the 21. It was an over 20. You do not take damage. You do not get slowed down. You push down the stairs, sliding, like, over steps. Uh, you're maybe going upside down, but taking your head just kind of just above the actual steps, you pull, sort of, flip as you spin around the corner into the basement. And on the next turn, with just your movement, you can see the room ahead. You'll be there. Great. You have to use your action to get this far, but you are, like, zooming down the hallway, closing in. Uh, the door, I think, would be closed because they were guarding prisoners, so it would make no sense. The door is open, but you can see the closed door. You can hear, like, the sound of battle inside. Perhaps you hear John's voice just there. You have my whole grunt, and you realize he's still okay, he's still okay, he's still okay. Yeah, when she gets to the down the stairs, wait, yes, yes, yes. When she gets down the stairs, she's going to shout, "Stay alive!" Oh, yeah. At this point, I'm going to focus purely on those in this combat. Harlan, the other Duergar, Jules, on the way. I won't get to you when you get there. Blanche. So, let's cut this combat down. Uh, let's zoom in. Harlan's turn. Wait, hold on, hang on. Got to release the door first. I guess I get to drop that attack roll then, because I'd grow the out of order, and it's, you know, it rules the game, rules the game. Wouldn't matter, it's a three on the die. A second attack. Right now, it's coming. Second attack. Second attack's coming. Come on, come on. I've got to use your dice tower. Three on the die again. No, get out of here. Four, dude. I'm stealing your dice tower. Go away. Ah! He goes-- It's shielding me from you. Like, like, like, like, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, you know, he hit before, but just again, he's slamming, slamming, can't get in there, can't get in there. Um, maybe French, because he hears a voice coming. Mm-hmm. He wants to finish this, that Madden raid, wants to finish this fight. Uh, next up is the other guy who's going to get his reaction attack. Uh, first, already didn't roll, so this doesn't matter. Misses. Moving on to Jean Frankly. No, no. We're going to the Dwehrgargang's full attack. It's weird because I have 17 to go with a combat tracker and I'm going to use five of them. It's going to be a hit. Oof. It'll be a 20. That does hit up Corumshaw, right? Yep, 19 AC. Ten points of damage. Oh, my. It's pretty good. I rolled really good. Yeah, I guess so. Rolled really good. Warpix slides into Jean-- [grunts] Uh, he screams out again. I need a concentration check. Right. Oh, man. He cannot fail this. Cannot fail this. Cannot fail this. Do you want advantage? I'm out of buttons. I have buttons. Okay. I'll use it if you're giving-- Take a button. I'll allow it. I'll allow it. Have we done cross-boy buttons? I don't know if we have. Typically if you're like, we have the same combat, I do it. Okay. We've already have. Yeah. I'll allow it. Jean Frankly. It's for Jean Frankly. It's for the party. Uh, probably wouldn't have needed because that's the first one's a 12, so it's 15. Yeah, it's still good to have it. Second rolls of 19 on the die. You're good. You're good. Yeah. Twelve of a guy anyway. Yeah. Uh, he takes that hit. What are you-- stands against it. Awesome. Uh, okay. Licker still up. Jean is holding on for dear life. And that is Jean's turn. Hearing that Blanche is on the way, he's going to do it. He can't just revive. He's going to take the dodge action. Oh, okay. All right. Just, uh, smile across his face. His shoulders has sat like some of the-- not so much weight on the map because he realizes he's not alone anymore. His eyes blur in a way that you think he could cry in this moment, but he won't. He whole raises his shield and takes the dodge action. Oh, yeah. I love it. Did you get here? Done the hallway. Yes, sir! Um, okay. Jules is moving. Blanche, that's you. You take the rest of your movement. You don't need to roll checks because you're only using a movement. At this point, you're not dashing. You shoot. And I'm going to drop you right in the doorway to the room. That should be it. I think when I measure this out, that's about where you'd be if you were. All right. I keep waiting for you to change the map, but it's two maps on the same page. Yes. So down to one of the maps, you were in this room. Uh, funny, if you don't see the pigman, you just see Harlan is swatting at something that like-- Right. You don't know what he's attacking. Maybe you pick up and realize that Jean must have used the ring. All right. Because you gave it to him. So you're probably like, "Uh-huh." And she knew what was on it, I'm sure. As you burst in this room, right in front of you, you see a Duergar standing beside a massive Harlan. This Duergar returns to you and kind of like, surprise. Uh, you know, just one of the officers here. Yeah. Jean is standing. He's in Yoruba. He's on the ground in the corner. Very still. You probably can't tell alive or dead right now in the installation. And you see the redo in the back of the cell still safe. Okay. Lance is going to step up. So now she's in range of both. Oh. Harlan and the other Duergar. Okay. And she's going to swing at the Duergar, actually. Okay. Duergar, duergar, duergar. Duergar, duergar. Duergar, duergar. Duergar. 19 plus eight, whatever that is. That'll hit. Fast math and stuff. Dude, I can never tell whether you're old good or bad. You know what? Because every single one, you flip your hand up into the air like, "Hmm." Yeah, exactly. Looks mad. Every time it's a good roll. Let me get my D8 out and roll it thrice. Oh my gosh, that's right. Shadowblade's still active. Yep. Shadowblade for like seven or eight more rounds. Yeah. I think we'll finish the fight with that. Yeah. 14. There's a solid blow in this Duergar. He spins around to see. You immediately are already in there swiping into him. Duergar like Blade passes through him. Gah. This psychic damage strikes him. Truey kind of rocks back on his feet. He looks bad already. Awesome. Hell. Yeah. Blanche. Trudeau. Jules, at this point, you're hitting the staircase. Okay. Duke Tutu is too turnier. Like, you run past Fyodor, who's, "Well, does it happen? Why did Blanche do this? Do my omelets?" "What am I doing, Jules? What does it happen?" As Jules runs by, runs by, he picks up now more. He's got one. He's got one. He's got like one. His head, he's like, "Well, the one of my babies survived. It is good that you just hand grab it." No! This is for Grand Messer. I'm still getting paid for my performance. No. He just, oh. Moving down. It's delicious. Work of art. Must have taken a lot of time to make. A lot of time. A lot of effort. It's like tears. You just had like a second and a half look in your eye where I thought, "Oh my God, this is poison." It was for the Grand Messer, after all. Oh, gosh. I wish I thought of that two seconds ago. No, you're good. So you're pounding down the stairs right now trying to follow that Blanche. Takes you two more turns to reach where they are right now. But you're going to be there soon. Oh, okay. That's Harlan. Do I go for Blanche? Do I go for the Pigman? All right, I'm going to roll a D6. Evens are Blanche. Odds are John. If I get an odd, I'm going to roll a D4 and a four hits John and I'm going to roll a Dye to hit John with my actual attack. Goodness. Is the Pigman really a bigger threat than Blanche or? The Pigman? No, no, no. That's why I'm asking. What? Is Blanche really a contender in who's the bigger threat here? I mean, the Pigman, the things I just aren't having. No, you can argue with me. I'm going to die. It's your, it's your magical poison. It's an even. It's match. You can get whomped on. Blanche, get whomped. Good luck. First attack is going to miss. Eight in the die. But you have two attacks. The second attack looks like something hit. Maybe. That is a 22. Reaction shield. Oh! Okay. He goes to slash. That slammed out you with a sword. And you just shield up. Tape the blow. Misses. Okay. That's good shit. That's good shit. Okay. He's going to call his buddy to make an attack against you. Ooh. That's actually going to hit. Oh. Does it last for the turn? It does. And that's going to be a 22 again. Wow. Holy smokes. He goes. This guy goes to hit you too with his reaction and bounces off the shield. Hell yeah. Fucking. Blanche Trudeau. Amazing. Can't touch this. You cannot touch this. Okay. That Duergar is going to make his actual turn now. And he's just going to turn towards. You. Blanche. Because you're, you just hit him really hard. It's an actual one. Oh. Fuck. Give me something horses. I don't know. Yeah. That's a, a, a horse illusion. You know. Bats are kind of like horses. It suddenly turbo flies down from the ceiling. And just stretches his eyes and. And he's going just like. That's our kind of like horses. Bats are kind of like horses. They're animals, right? Yeah. They're feet. Do they? Yeah. Of course. Yeah. Because they grab ceilings with them. Anyway. This guy's sad. He's prone. I don't know. He's prone? He just prone. It's a bad touch. Oh, whoa. All right. Having fun. That's great. He goes. That's great for me. I don't give a shit. John Franklin's up. All right. Oh gosh. This is a hard one. I guess Sean Franklin. I really think it's, it's a little risky, but I think it's right for him to attack Harlan. He would want to fight with Blanche. I think so. You made it, sir. You made it. 15. Poutine will actually miss. It tries to go in, swiping Harlan's, even though distracted, kind of like moving around to hit you and the spear was wide, but John's still standing firm. Like, you made it, sir. It's taken down together. If only he was smaller, we could be flanking. It's true. Okay. Jules, you're within sight of the door. Next round, you'll be there. Okay. Blanche, you're up. All right. Hmm. Tough decision. The Duergar is down, but less of a threat. Okay. I guess I'm just going to eliminate that Duergar threat. Okay. 21. Yeah, that hits. Also, advantage is because prone. Right. I mean. The melee is hacked, so. Even higher. Okay. Yeah. You hit the Duergar. Okay. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. Okay. Okay. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. I'm going to hit it. Okay. We just pokes him in the belly with her sword and starts to focus on just poking. He slumps down the back Just scares off to the ceiling being out of range All right shit. It's time for Harlan time for Harlan Who do we hit the pigman just tried to hit me? He just took out my buddy. I'm gonna roll with you six again. All right This time is gonna be on John. You know what D4 has odds and evens as well. Okay, I'll roll up roll that now It's a four on the die. I get that job this time. Are you gonna try? He just spins around? I'm taking you out 17 on the die that's no oh on the die on the dies gonna. Yeah, okay. Yep. That's plus seven. Yeah, four sure nerd Look like an awesome role in the second died happened He's he's really low. So only going to be 12 points of damage. Oh Wow, he's still up. Holy smokes. I had him. I think it was a low First two to eight first roll was a seven second was a one. So wow Wow. Yeah with a plus four 12 points damage. It's again Yeah, yeah, that sucks, but that's huge. It's a very different perspectives, but he just slides and hits jot So stand tall all right for HP. I can make that easily could have yeah wait That was my first attack. Oh two attacks make that save now Because you might drop the illusion. I don't do all before anymore It's a nine the pig man Vanishes finally hits his mental limits. Oh And now Parlin sees him true. She's just like the scared little John standing there now Just now where the mighty pigman once stood and I get to make another attack on John Rich on the die. We don't check this. That's 20 plus seven is a 20 I'm taking a John Franklin To downtown downtown He's going down to this town I mean, yeah, eight plus four. Yeah, he's down eight plus four plus four. He's down This job the pigment drops John's eyes flicker to you for a second blanch and all this like courage and joy and hope vanished for just this brief instant Because he realizes he's got his eyes locked with yours and that sword comes down hard And john franklin just boom gets plowed down to the back of the of the cell blood streak in this open wound down his chest And he goes unconscious and is dying But harlin is turning towards you now And the thug does not get an attack. He gets dug his down just one v one or is it For since first make it make a roll for john Uh destiny Fail one fail. Fuck or was like oh, yeah one for one or Is it because just then Boom jules the rosh comes into the room right behind blanch they put you on that map jules Okay, mr. La Roche turned this thing around And he immediately cast blindness deafness Oh My gosh on blanch Consave okay. Oh, come on. Come on. You good one Um He's a tweeter. Hang on. Let me do what I thought is give a high con Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on Not a tweener enough with an 11, I guess No, I had a fella He is blind Harlan is blind Wow, okay, jules just step into the room. What do you say? What do you do as you like doing this thing? No Oh, holy shit You hear that scream of john as like this goes, you know Sometimes when you see blood streaking the wall streaking his sword And I know enough about this poison now Oh, oh Because I can't see anyone. Nope This makes you attack Why don't we attack anyone you see and I bought huh? So did I huh This is an inter huh Now at the end of your next turn you can make another save, but what are you gonna do for the whole turn? No, yeah Harlan spins around a blanch Raising the blade jules steps in the room those eyes looking unusual And then Your magic strikes his face His eyes sort of cover over by sunlight. So it's sort of like a black like smog almost and harlan just stands still As if frozen in stasis And now i'm gonna make a save on my turn but my turn it's end of my turn correct That was jules's turn. Oh, no, I jumped up to harlan's turn. That was harlan's turn. Oh harlan. What's that thing? Sorry, I thought harlan was just performing None of those john. Yeah, nevermind. Oh wait because blanch was together. Nevermind. Yeah. Yeah, right Uh blanch you're up. Okay, blanch is gonna resort to military barking orders Um lado get john Yes, uh Jules, I'll take have harlan if you can if you can help out do i got friend Advantage because he's blind. Oh nice don't need it, but See if we crit Nope Um, but it was like a 17 I think on the die. Okay, we're 16. Sorry. It was a 16 do do do Just a 12 12 will not hit Uh, no, no, sorry. It was a 16 on the die plus eight. My brain is fried. Yes. Well, well, 12 will do damage What was the 12 damage will not give in turn 12 damage will not hit Where the fuck am I Harlan's turn to make a mess a he just you strike But he still seems confused like as eyes or his face like looking around at nothing and into the void he can He's it's like his brain doesn't know what to do. What's how to react because something that's Pushing it towards a goal has no goal to push towards Unless he can break free 16 on the die. Yeah, that'll do it. So he starts to kind of clear Who have five eights? You let's find you stick around you started the way of the law you Um, okay. I don't want to do this harlan will save you and that's just the three of you at this point. Uh john needs to make I Rip my pants Through the storm shield I realized like because I was like it was terrified through all the one Yeah, that was permadeath and it was like hit me. I was like, I was watching you with just utter stark horror. Yeah, you correct? Yes Holy shit. Oh, bye. Yeah, you know, you don't do you say like you'll get him up. Uh, would you turn to john? John, john, please. Please. Sean. You have to stand now. Okay. I know what had no time But you have to stand it's a stand because I know you're that guy. I know That honor that heroism. It's in you. It's always been in you john stand now And you watch john's eyes snap open So cool Despite the pain. It's quite the blood. So cool shell john takes a spear slant it down Used to poised himself up and moves back towards the fight I do I stand Behind me I will protect Everyone Make an attack with john frank wherever you want to with john franklin. This is cool. Yeah. I mean, I Yeah, he's just got to attack. We just got to end this got to end this It's just a 12. Why do I keep rolling horrible with john He's I mean, he's blurry. He's there. He's up. He's up. And that's what matters um Holy Shit My heart stopped for a second. Okay. Uh, wow. Wow Lidue stands back and that's gonna be jules You're down to the wire on this harlan looks I will say harlan looks pretty bad. He looks quite bad right now Hey harlan Your outfits tacky as fuck And jules cast vicious mockery All right. All right, he's insane. It's gold filigree to armor. How dare you black Not cool enough but an eight in the die. No He's very proud of his armor. How dare you so you get 1d4 psychic damage and disadvantage on your next attack That's pretty good. Okay, okay Uh That oh, sorry. Whoops. It's whoops. Hold on. It's 2d4. Oh, this feels like 1d4 is really and that's five Five is not bad. He's looking rough. He's looking rough. Um Holy shit nasty blanch. Okay, here we go Dirty 20 Two eights in a row. Oh my god And a four for 20 damage 20 damage Harlan actually is still up, but barely. Oh my goodness barely standing you strike up He's making his attacks. It's his turn. He's raging. He's going at you blanch disadvantage on this attack. Just imagine the first attack He misses fully nice second attack. This is last chance last chance It's a one on the die. Oh my turbo flies up into his face Everyone together Holy shit with turbo on his face john by his side blanch in front jewels behind everyone working together to stop this threat It might just come down to john friendland montelio shan. What are you doing? Come on real good unnatural one Fuck he was almost cool. I can't roll anything was john tonight I mean standing up is cool. He's got his his on his spear. I think he goes to hit and he's like barely able to stab But he's just standing sort of firm. Uh, his his attacks have no power behind them. He's like shaking Um, but he's there. He looks to you blanch. He looks to you jewels Jewels you're up Who dressed you your grandmother? And he's gonna cuz it's just mockery again If this fucking kills this big badass This drops my badass My heart style It's a five on the die No You can't Six I had seven i'm still oh my goodness There was a good blowing Disadvantage again more grandma was a lovely woman She had style dammit Roaring roaring smidge again before I can even make that town smidge blanch is up blanch. Can you finish this fight and this? Finish this oh no, I don't think so. Um, that's just a 13. That won't hit Oh my god Harlan's up with HP he's up did advantage versus tackle. Let's do this thing Doing the doubt of this advantage. He Misses blanch the first attack second attack is coming. I know I want John to have it so bad. It's a four on the die He misses Come on shot take advantage. I don't care. I want them to win this 16 on the dive. Don't take it. He gets it. Yes. Yes I'm moving this so hurry up. Oh my god plant his foot one HP. You don't need to you don't need to Yeah, I don't have my damage eye on me describe it. He plants his feet And he finally Right underneath harlan's armpit goes through his armpit out his neck And pulls it back through wow on my honor. I will strike Slides in perfectly like just like yeah harlan goes lip weapon still raising the air strike down at you blanch John slowly Pulls the spear back Breathing heavily. I think you just watch as he collapses At the exact same time that this great body of this giant dweirgar Falls as well blanch immediately jumps to the first fallen dweirgar to try and stabilize think that He just rolled it right over the dive way out of the box come on God It's an 11 does not stabilize Okay So we're kind of like we'll stay on this step just until we get this stabilized right John has five points. You've got one point in each person to bring them back. Yeah, exactly So that'd be John next. Yeah, john will run over to the first dweirgar and put a point in them. Okay Dweirgar to where eyes open Whoa What the hell What happened? What did I do? What the fuck did I do? He's like weeping uh tools Ah, so uh Harlan is down just harlan and he looks bad. I can fuck him up Do we do we do we have manacles or anything? Uh harlan would They use some miracles on zenia, but they probably have an extra pair. I'm gonna put him on Okay, uh wait Actually, he shrinks. Yeah. Yeah, so he's a good guy, but he does Shrinked out if you know what I'm just gonna fucking stabilize him. Yeah, I think we're okay I'll go ahead and do that He's back. He's back to harlan size bite-sized harlan Uh, but not with the two. Oh, oh my gosh. Okay. All right lance will try Roll on some dialy you're rolling some die 17 It's harlan stabilizes zero hp You're glad you have medical training you run over slide down and you're just kind of We had trouble with the first dweirgar you go to harlan and you saw that wound clear It took them out. Maybe you don't even know how to deal with psychic damage But you know how to deal with physical damage sure you've taken your fair share of wounds you go to bandage it and with that this plot comes to an end two battles two victories zenia Is it over? Oh my god. Oh my gods. My gods It's over. It's all right child. Your tartar's coming Yeah There's just open weeping echoing through this room Uh sorrowful sound but in this place it is quite joyous I mean and we'll call it there [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]